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Received: 14 October 2016 Accepted: 17 November 2017

DOI: 10.1002/oa.2638


The same or different? Experimenting with the influence of

peat environment on use‐wear traces on antler tools
J. Orłowska

Institute of Archaeology, Nicolaus Copernicus

University, Toruń, Poland Abstract
Correspondence Postdeposition issues are one of the most important factors that must be considered during study
J. Orłowska, Institute of Archaeology, of all archaeological osseous artefacts, especially if our analysis involves technological or
Nicolaus Copernicus University, Szosa use‐wear traces. In order to better understand the possible changes on the worked, polished
Bydgoska 44/48 87‐100 Toruń, Poland.
surfaces of antler tools resulting from the latter being deposited in peat environment, an
experiment was conducted, in which experimentally made antler tools were deposited inside a
Funding information
container with humid peat for a period of 3 months. The results of the study provide numerous
Narodowe Centrum Nauki, Grant/Award
Number: 2016/20/T/HS3/00469; National interesting observations and information on the state of preservation of various kinds of wear
Science Centre, Grant/Award Number: 2016/ traces and emphasise the need for further in‐depth research in this regard.


antler tools, experimental archaeology, peat bog, postdeposition, use‐wear

1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N working surface of the implement used to perform the processing.

Experimental benchmarks are, therefore, an inherent part of the use‐
Organic finds in the form of various products made of osseous raw wear analysis, as they provide data for identification and verification
materials that are one of the most valuable and unique manifestations of the observations made for historical artefacts (e.g., Christensen,
of prehistoric material culture. The meaning of secondary factors that 1999; Korobkova, 1999). However, the analysis of experimental mate-
can significantly affect the state of preservation of these materials rials mainly applies to replicas made nowadays, which are not affected
and their possible impact on the observed technological and use‐wear by potential changes resulting from the impact of postdepositional
traces is commonly emphasised in the literature on this type of arte- factors. Still, little is known about the connection between changes
facts (e.g., Alvarez, Mansur, & Pal, 2014; Évora, 2015; Vercoutère, in bone structure resulting from the use of given artefacts, and the pro-
Patou‐Mathis, & Giacobini, 2007). Owing to long‐term research on cessing of various types of organic materials, including the impact of
taphonomic issues and their role in bone degradation, damage of plant acids—polishes, arising as a result of chemical erosion (Le Moine,
this sort has been relatively well characterised in reference books 1994, 320), and the changes in geochemistry of bone formed during its
(e.g., Fisher, 1995). This includes both changes caused by various post- diagenesis in the sediment (Krajcarz, 2017; Nielsen‐Marsh & Hedges,
depositional factors, for example, the type of sediment and the acidity/ 2000; Pate & Hutton, 1988; Smith, Nielsen‐Marsh, Jans, & Collins,
alkalinity of the soil in which the artefacts were deposited (Gordon & 2007; Trueman, 1999), and possible mutual interaction of these two
Buikstra, 1981; Griffitts, 2001; High, Milner, Panter, & Penkman, factors.
2015; Nicholson, 1996), as well as changes related to the so‐called One of the most favourable conditions for preservation of osseous
trampling (induced by both humans and wild animals; e.g., Olsen & products is a peat environment. This is due to the fact, that items
Shipman, 1988) and other changes caused by plants and animals (e.g., deposited in peat are isolated in the surrounding humid environ-
Jin & Shipman, 2010; Olsen, 1989). Despite the relatively extensive ment without oxygen (Hogan, Jones, Simpson, & Maltby, 2006). Peat
research, the knowledge about the impact of this sort of phenomena consists of partly decomposed plant debris found in some
remains incomplete, that is, in the context of the effect of the deposi- heaps occurring in long‐term or permanent conditions of swampy
tional environment on use‐wear traces present on worked surfaces of reservoirs of water. For this reason, their properties depend largely
prehistoric artefacts made of bone or antler. on the geomorphology of peatlands, botanical composition of the
One of the key assumptions of the use‐wear methodology is that peat‐forming plant heaps related to water and thermal heat, in which
processing of any raw material will leave characteristic traces on the the remains are decomposing (Ilnicki, 2002, pp. 30–31). pH (usually

Int J Osteoarchaeol. 2017;1–11. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

between 2.5 and 6.5) plays an exceptionally important role in the texture, and brightness. Striations were classified according to their
chemical processes that take place in a peat environment (Ilnicki, distribution (relative to the tool axis), arrangement, length, width,
2002, p. 432). Artefacts obtained from peat sites are characterised depth, number, form, and internal features.
by the so‐called “peat” patina, which takes the form of a distinctive
change in the color of artefacts deposited in peat from light brown 2.1 | Experimental material
to even black. This pertains to both stone and organic products. The
In the study so‐called heavy bevel‐ended tools (sensu, David, 2005;
patina is due to the effect of tannic acids that occur in several plant
Jensen, 2001; Riedel, Pohlmeyer, & Rautenfeld, 2004, 68–69) made
species, including sphagnum mosses (Sphagnum sp.; Painter, 1991a,
of antler were employed. Antler used for producing the tools was split
with a modern saw and finished according to prehistoric methods
To better understand the possible changes on the surface of
(grinding against an abrasive rock). The raw material originated from
osseous artefacts, primarily in relation to wear traces, as a results of
adult farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus).
deposition in peat environments, an experiment was conducted in
The replicas were used in the processing of three types of
which specially prepared replicas of antler tools (used to work in
materials: wood, soil, and hide. Each experiment lasted 60 min.
different materials) were deposited for a 3‐month period inside a con-
General data about performed activities and worked materials are
tainer with humid peat. A detailed description of the experimental
given in Table 1.
works before deposition phase including the characteristics and
During the experiments involving testing the influence of peat
classification of the observed wear traces will be presented in an inde-
environment on use‐wear traces, fragments of mentioned above
pendent publication (Orłowska & Osipowicz, 2017). Therefore, this
experimental tools were put into a container with a humid peat (degree
article provides a closer look only at the essential information
of humidity 85,03% ± 0,45%), sealed hermetically and stored at room
concerning the characteristics of the observed wear traces, which
temperature in shade. The peat employed in the experiment was acidic
constitute the end result of the experiments. The time duration of
high moor peat (salinity 0.5 g/dm3; ash values below 20%) of dark
the deposition experiment was not long, especially when compared
brown color, highly humified and decomposed. Its pH (in H₂O) was cal-
to fossil materials, which have spent hundreds or thousands of years
culated at 4,72 ± 0,08. The peat pH was determined potentiometrically
in sediment. However, the results of the study provided numerous
with the use of a glass electrode. The measurement was performed by
interesting observations and information on the state of preservation
means of a pH/conductivity meter CPC‐501.
of various kinds of wear traces.
The total time of deposition in peat was 3 months. The tools were
then removed from the container and thoroughly cleaned by rinsing
with warm water. They were dried at room temperature.

Microscopic observation and photographic documentation of 3 | CHARACTERISTICS OF WEAR TRACES

macrowear and microwear traces were carried out using low (<100×) O N R E P LI C A S
and high magnifications (typically from 100× to 500×). Each method
has its advantages and disadvantages, which are widely described in Numerous variables were recorded after the experiment (Figure 1),
the literature (Aimar, Cilli, Giacobini, & Malerba, 1998; Christensen, whose characteristics may constitute a significant source for a better
1999; d'Errico, 1993; d'Errico & Giacobini, 1985; Le Moine, 1997; understanding of the impact of peat environment on products made
Semenov, 1964; Sidéra & Legrand, 2006). Most recent studies, there- of osseous raw materials. More detailed data about all observed
fore, combine both low‐ and high‐power microscopy (Buc, 2011; changes before and after deposition are given in Table 2.
Évora, 2015; Van Gijn, 2014). The observed use‐wear traces were
analysed under three different microscopes: a stereomicroscope‐com-
3.1 | Replicas prior to being deposited in peat
puter set Zeiss™ SteREO Discovery V8, a metallographic microscope‐
computer set Zeiss‐Axiotech, and a scanning electron microscope 3.1.1 | Wood‐processing tools
SEM/FIB Quanta 3D FEG. All samples were observed with the same The observed striations are multidirectional, intersecting, and
light conditions (contrast and bright). scattered all over the working edge. Their occurrence is connected
In order to fully comprehend the differences and similarities with the areas covered by micropolish. They are smooth and straight.
between the tools used in the experiment before and after placing The micropolish that formed on the tools used for processing wood is
them in the peat, the wear traces observed on their working surfaces very clear at the macroscopic level (Figures 2a and 3a). Use‐wear
were characterised in detail at both stages of the experimental traces damaged the primary surface of the antler in a highly invasive
program (before and after deposition). The criteria considered for manner that covers both high and most of the low points of antlers
use‐wear descriptions were based on a findings existing in the litera- microtopography. The microrelief is regular with flat high points. Its
ture (i.e., Buc, 2011; Legrand, 2007; Legrand & Sidera, 2007; Semenov, texture is smooth. It is also quite dull, even metallic (Figures 2c,e
1964; Sidéra, 1993), which was adapted to the needs and require- and 3c,e).
ments of my analysis. The description of use‐wear traces considered The varying intensity and character of the observed polish can be
macrotraces, micropolish, and striations. Analysis of micropolish undoubtedly attributed to varying hardness and humidity of the raw
involved the description of its distribution, invasiveness, microrelief, material. Here, another important factor is the destructive effect of

TABLE 1 Experimental database

Number Activity Working material Hafting Kind and state of the material Working angle Movement Use time (min)

1 Chopping Wood Wooden handle Hard, young broadleaf High Back and forth 60
2 Chopping Wood Wooden handle Soft, maturity coniferous High Back and forth 60
3 Digging Soil Wooden handle Loose sand High Back and forth 60
4 Digging Soil Wooden handle Clay High Back and forth 60
5 Scraping Hide None Fresh deer hide Low Back and forth 60
6 Scraping Hide None Dry deer hide Low Back and forth 60

FIGURE 1 The tools used in the experiment, before and after contact with peat. This figure is available in colour online at
journal/oa [Colour figure can be viewed at]

polyuronic acids present in juvenile wood in higher concentration 3.1.2 | Tools for working the soil
(Krzysik, 1975). In the course of the analysis at high magnifications The characteristics of traces observed on the tools used for digging
(metallographic microscope and SEM), a relatively clear osteons were soil depend to a considerable extent on soil granularity and com-
observed on the tools used in the above described manner, which pactness. Striations are oriented close and parallel to each other.
are osseous plates situated cylindrically around Haversian canals. They are straight and mostly coarse. The micropolish observed
Microbends and microcracks are also observed. Detailed SEM photo- on tools used for digging in clay and sand takes the form of a
graphs can be found in the Supporting Information (Figure S1). polish/abrasion and covers almost the entire working surface that

TABLE 2 Characterization of the use‐wear traces observed on the experimental samples examined for this study
Main characteristics of observed use‐wear traces
Before contact with peat After contact with peat
Worked material and activity Micropolish Striations Micropolish Striations

Chopping Hard, young wood Distribution: spread Distribution: spread Distribution: spread Distribution: spread
Invasiveness: high and Arrangement: crossed Invasiveness: high and Arrangement: crossed
low points Length: diverse low points Length: diverse
Microrelief: regular, flat Width: diverse Microrelief: irregular, flat Width: diverse
high points Deepness: diverse high points Deepness: diverse
Texture: smooth Number: dense Texture: rough Number: dense
Brightness: dull, metallic Arrangement: crossed Brightness: bright Form: straight
Other: microbends and Form: straight Other: larger and denser Internal features: coarse
microcracks, exposed Internal features: smooth microbends and microcracks,
osteons exposed osteons, improved
polish contrast
Soft, maturity wood Distribution: spread Distribution: spread Distribution: spread Distribution: spread
Invasiveness: high and Arrangement: crossed Invasiveness: high and Arrangement: crossed
low points Length: diverse low points Length: diverse
Microrelief: regular, flat Width: narrow Microrelief: regular, flat Width: narrow
high points Deepness: diverse high points Deepness: diverse
Texture: smooth Number: single Texture: rough Number: single
Brightness: dull Arrangement: crossed Brightness: bright Arrangement: crossed
Other: microbends and Form: straight Other: larger and denser Form: straight
microcracks, exposed Internal features: smooth microbends and microcracks, Internal features: coarse
osteons exposed osteons, improved Other: less legible
polish contrast
Digging Clay Distribution: spread, streaks Distribution: dense, spread Distribution: spread, streaks Distribution: dense, spread
Invasiveness: high points Arrangement: parallel Invasiveness: high points Arrangement: parallel
Microrelief: irregular, Length: diverse Microrelief: irregular, rounded Length: diverse
rounded high points Width: diverse high points Width: diverse
Texture: rough Deepness: diverse Texture: rough Deepness: diverse
Brightness: bright Number: dense Brightness: bright Number: single
Other: microbends and Arrangement: parallel Other: larger and denser Arrangement: parallel
microcracks Form: straight microbends and microcracks, Form: straight
Internal features: coarse improved polish contrast Internal features: coarse
Loose sand Distribution: spread, streaks Distribution: dense, spread Distribution: spread, streaks Distribution: dense, spread
Invasiveness: high points Arrangement: parallel Invasiveness: high points Arrangement: parallel
Microrelief: irregular, Length: diverse Microrelief: irregular, rounded Length: diverse
rounded high points Width: narrow high points Width: narrow
Texture: rough Deepness: diverse Texture: rough Deepness: diverse
Brightness: bright Number: dense Brightness: bright Number: single
Other: microbends and Arrangement: parallel Other: larger and denser Arrangement: parallel
microcracks Form: straight microbends and microcracks, Form: straight
Internal features: coarse improved polish contrast Internal features: coarse
Scraping Fresh deer hide Distribution: spread Distribution: spread Distribution: spread Distribution: spread
Invasiveness: high and Arrangement: diverse Invasiveness: high and Arrangement: diverse
low points Length: diverse low points Length: diverse
Microrelief: regular, both Width: narrow Microrelief: regular, both flat Width: narrow
flat and round high points Deepness: shallow and round high points Deepness: shallow
Texture: rough Number: single Texture: rough Number: single
Brightness: dull Arrangement: crossed Brightness: bright Arrangement: crossed
Other: exposed osteons Form: straight Other: exposed osteons, Form: straight
Internal features: smooth improved polish contrast Internal features: coarse
Dry deer hide Distribution: spread, streaks Distribution: dense, spread Distribution: spread, streaks Distribution: dense, spread
Invasiveness: high points Arrangement: parallel Invasiveness: high points Arrangement: parallel
Microrelief: irregular, flat Length: diverse Microrelief: irregular, flat Length: diverse
high points Width: narrow high points Width: narrow
Texture: rough Deepness: diverse Texture: rough Deepness: diverse
Brightness: dull Number: dense Brightness: bright Number: dense
Other: microbends and Arrangement: parallel Other: microbends and Arrangement: parallel
microcracks Form: straight microcracks, improved Form: straight
Internal features: coarse polish contrast, exposed Internal features: coarse

comes in contact with the processed material (Figures 4a and 5a). It 3.1.3 | Hide‐processing tools
is visible mainly on high points of the antler microtopography. Tool, which was used to scraping the fresh hide, is characterised by a
Microrelief of analysed replicas is irregular, with rounded high spread micropolish, which covers the entire worked surface (Figure 6
points. Observed polish takes the form of bright linear streaks of a). In this case, both high and low points of tools microtopography
rough texture (Figures 4c,e and 5c,e). Microbends and microcracks are affected by use. Microrelief is regular with both flat and rough high
are also visible. points. Brightness of observed micropolish is pretty dull (Figure 6c,e).

FIGURE 2 The experimental tools used to

chopping young, hard wood (Acacia Mill.).
Micrographs of use‐wear traces visible with
small (a, b; >100×) and high (c–f)
magnifications (<100×) before and after
contact with peat. This figure is available in
colour online at
journal/oa [Colour figure can be viewed at]

FIGURE 3 The experimental tools used to

chopping maturity, soft wood (Betula L.).
Micrographs of use‐wear traces visible with
small (a, b; >100×) and high (c–f)
magnifications (<100×) before and after
contact with peat. This figure is available in
colour online at
journal/oa [Colour figure can be viewed at]

FIGURE 4 The experimental tools used to

digging in loose sand. Micrographs of use‐
wear traces visible with small (a, b; >100×) and
high (c–f) magnifications (<100×) before and
after contact with peat. This figure is available
in colour online at
journal/oa [Colour figure can be viewed at]

FIGURE 5 The experimental tools used to

digging in clay. Micrographs of use‐wear
traces visible with small (a, b; >100×) and high
(c–f) magnifications (<100×) before and after
contact with peat. This figure is available in
colour online at
journal/oa [Colour figure can be viewed at]

FIGURE 6 The experimental tools used to

scraping fresh deer hide. Micrographs of use‐
wear traces visible with small (a, b; >100×) and
high (c–f) magnifications (<100×) before and
after contact with peat. This figure is available
in colour online at
journal/oa [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Striations are scattered across the whole surface of the working edge. Walker & Peacock, 2008). Importantly, it seems that polished surfaces
They are mostly straight and smooth. As in the case of tools used for characterised by intensely abraded microrelief of the antler changed
processing wood, clear osteons were noticed on blades of the tool color to a lesser degree than the surfaces without polish or those
used for the above described function. polished to a considerably lower degree.
Damage of different characteristics than in the case of fresh raw
material is observed on tool used for processing dry hide. The said dif-
3.2.1 | Wood‐processing tools
ferences became clear already at the macroscopic level (Figure 7a). The
On implements used for processing wood that had contact with peat,
polish observed on this tool is invasive and spreads in linear streaks.
the use traces were somewhat domed. The change in the color of ant-
Unlike polish observed on the tool used for scraping fresh hide, only
ler into brown as a result of its deposition occurred in this particular
high points of the tool's microtopography are altered. Microrelief is
case by increasing contrast between the polished surface and the
irregular with flat high points. But, this variable is not so clear due to
nonpolished areas (Figures 2b and 3b). The invasiveness of the
a considerable impact of abrasive factors that damage the texture of
observed micropolish is very good readable, even better than before
polish. Brightness of polish is pretty dull (Figure 7c,e). Observations
deposition. What interesting, the microrelief looks much more irregu-
made with SEM revealed a lot of microbends and microcracks, which
lar. High points are still quite flat, but their texture is considerably
were not clearly visible under metallographic microscope. Osteons
rough. The polish become bright (Figures 2d,e and 3d,e). When one
are poorly visible (because of the abrasive factors). Detailed SEM pho-
takes a closer look at striations, one sees that their internal features
tographs can be found in the Supporting Information (Figure S2).
changed and become coarser.
The changes detected at higher magnification (both metallo-
3.2 | Replicas after peat deposition graphic and SEM) involved numerous microscopic cracks around
osteons and a significant erosion of the entire surface, which affected
As was mentioned in Section 1, artefacts originating from peat sites are
the clarity of the wear traces.
characterised by a brown, dark color, so‐called “peat patina.” A similar
effect was observed on the experimental tools despite the seemingly
short time of deposition. All samples changed their color to light brown 3.2.2 | Tools working in soil
or dark brown. On some specimens, poorly tinted areas in the form of In this group of tools, the abovementioned polish/abrasion is
small spots were noticed. The varying intensity of color and its uneven characterised by bright linear streaks. The tools that had contact with
distribution on individual replicas remain as yet unexplained, though peat displayed no change to the polish (Figures 4b,d,f and 5b,d,f).
similar changes have been reported in taphonomic literature (Turner‐ The antler surface had a non‐uniform microtopography of rough

FIGURE 7 The experimental tools used to

scraping dry deer hide. Micrographs of use‐
wear traces visible with small (a, b; >100×) and
high (c–f) magnifications (<100×) before and
after contact with peat. This figure is available
in colour online at
journal/oa [Colour figure can be viewed at]

texture and irregular, rounded high points. Observation made using including the employment of more and more new analytical methods
SEM revealed numerous microcracks dispersed on the entire surface. that could improve understanding of the processes that took place
In the case of observed striations, they did not change much with during the lifetime of the artefact and after its deposition. We must
respect to the original state. be aware of the multitude of factors that may affect our current per-
ception of artefacts that may be several thousand years old. Despite
3.2.3 | Hide‐processing tools the small‐scale nature of this investigation, the results presented here
show that the environment in which sedimentation occurs (in this case,
Similar to wood‐processing tools, implements used for working fresh
peat) can affect the morphology of use wear traces on bone artefacts.
hide developed an invasive micropolish (Figure 6b). It appears that
Bone deposition in humid, highly acidic environments can result in
after deposition in peat, the microrelief of the antler surface, which is
changes in the organic matter that comprises these bones, for example,
still regular and characterised by both flat and rough high points,
loss of minerals manifested in shrinking, cracking, and surface erosion
became more clearly visible (Figure 6d,f). Importantly, the polish
(Nicholson, 1996; Turner‐Walker & Peacock, 2008). An interesting
become very bright. The main observed change in striations is that
conclusion was made by Pineda et al. (2014), who conducted an exper-
they become coarser. Osteons are very clear and domed.
iment testing the impact of strong acidic environments on the state of
As for the tools used for scraping dry hide, an effect similar to that
preservation of intentional incisions and linear marks resulting of tram-
observed on tools used for working the soil was noticed, that is, the
pling. Low pH level noticeably changed the morphology of both types
morphology of polish remains basically unchanged. These characteris-
of marks mainly causing blurring, the consequence of which was diffi-
tics could be observed already at the macroscopic level (Figure 7b). The
culty distinguishing them from each other as well as from prior marks.
described polish/abrasion is bright and clearly visible (Figure 7d,f).
Due to its acidic nature, the peat used in the experiment (pH 4.7) had a
Many microbends and microcracks were visible on tools used to pro-
similar effect also on the presented experimental material, which was
cess both fresh and dry hide. Linear traces have not changed much.
well shown by means of SEM imaging of worked surfaces. The erosion
Osteons viewed at higher magnifications are domed, and their contrast
of antler surfaces manifested mostly as roughened texture in polished
and visibility increase after contact with peat.
areas. The most notable changes and damage of the original working
surfaces of tools in the form of numerous microbends and microcracks
4 | DISCUSSION were observed on the tool used for processing wood. This can be
related to the polish resulting not only from friction but also from
Research on processing and use of artefacts made of bone and antler chemical erosion (Le Moine, 1994). Therefore, it seems that in this
requires continuous verification and expansion of research apparatus, case, a certain type of chemical reaction might have taken place

between plant acids (which initially eroded the surface of the said tool which then ought to be deposited temporarily in different formations
as a result of processing) and acids found in peat. However, at the time, and then reexamined.
due to the lack of a more in‐depth analysis, this hypothesis remains a
On all tools used in the study, a change in the color of antler from
light to dark brown was noticed, which could be associated among
The results of the research have provided many interesting insights
others with different kinds of enzymes present in plants and many
and information on the state of preservation of the various types of
chemical catalysations that take place in the soil when plant material use‐wear traces, including
degrades (Dupras & Schultz, 2014; Krajcarz, 2017; Painter, 1991a,
1991b). In most cases, as a result of the said darkening properties, peat
1. On all tools used in the study, a change in the color of antler from
environment intensified the contrast and emphasised a polished area light to dark brown was noticed. Importantly, it seems that
against the nonpolished, making it more visible. What worth noticing,
polished surfaces characterised by intensely abraded microrelief
as it was mention before, antler surface that was polished or intensely
of the antler changed color to a lesser degree than the surfaces
abraded changed color to a lesser degree than the surfaces without
without polish or those polished to a lesser degree;
polish or those polished, abraded to a considerably lower degree. This
2. On most tools exposed to peat, the antler microtopography was
could be connected with a reduced porosity of antler surface. The less
observed to become dome‐shaped (clear osteons including osse-
porous the surface, the less likely it will be to absorb tannins and other
ous plates), which from a histological point of view must be asso-
discoloring agents present in the soil.
ciated probably with acids contained in the peat primarily
On most tools exposed to peat, the microtopography on the antler
responsible for such changes (Le Moine, 1994);
surface was also observed to become dome‐shaped (clear osteons
including osseous plates), which from a histological point of view must 3. Due to the use of acidic peat, the erosion of antler surfaces man-
be probably associated with acids contained in the peat primarily ifested mostly as roughened texture in polished areas and in
responsible for such changes (Le Moine, 1994). In all cases, the general changing the internal features of observed striations that become
morphology of observed striations was similar before and after deposi- coarse. The most notable changes and damage of the original
tion in peat. The main difference was noticed in its internal feature working surfaces of tools in the form of numerous microbends
which in all cases became coarse. and microcracks were observed on the tool used for processing
The findings presented here pertain largely to the analysis of wood.
postdepositional changes observed as a result of macroscopic and
microscopic analyses. Nevertheless, the results of my experiments Due to the specificity related to the varying chemical composition,
and observations seem to suggest a significant correlation between humidity, and acidity of various peats, the observations made in the
the processed raw material (plant, hide, etc.) and the sediment (in this course of this study are of a preliminary nature and ought to be asso-
case, peat), in which a given tool was deposited. Here, this pertains to ciated (at least, for the time being) only with conditions and the type of
changes caused by chemical reactions that took place in the osseous sediment in which the presented experimental materials were depos-
raw material, resulting in this case from both the antler being exposed ited. Nevertheless, the observations made in the study seem highly sig-
to the processed material and its subsequent exposure to the nificant and make a contribution to the in‐depth research on the effect
sediment. As stated above, the chemical composition of the surround- of various postdepositional factors on artefacts made of osseous raw
ing sediment has a significant impact on the chemical composition of materials, including the state of preservation of use‐wear traces.
deposited bones. A major role is played here by variables such as pH, Undoubtedly, the study requires further investigation with a con-
humidity, porosity, atmospheric conditions, or the time of deposition siderably wider range of various sediments, duration of deposition,
(Nielsen‐Marsh & Hedges, 2000; Pate & Hutton, 1988; Smith et al., and its conditions taken into account. In the future, these results may
2007; Trueman, 1999). Due to such a wide range of organic deposits constitute a significant source for comparative analysis with the
in which bone artefacts are discovered, the variety of their impacts on archaeological materials, but above all may become a source for a bet-
the state of preservation of bone material seems to be very evident, ter understanding of the connection between the type of deposition
even when only taking into account the impact of pH on the bone and our actual reception of analysed artefacts, and interpretation of
structure. The time duration of my experiment was not long functional traces visible on their surfaces. This is of particular impor-
but was still of sufficient duration to produce visible, macroscopic tance for the understanding of prehistoric societies, where the use‐
signs of multidirectional alterations in antler structure. In view of wear analysis is considered as an important element of research into
the results of presented here, it appears that the acidity and their way of life in changing environmental and cultural conditions.
chemical composition of peat was most important. But to verify this,
an in‐depth analysis of the chemical composition of antler with the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
use of, for instance, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers Here, the article author wish to give utmost thanks to Magdalena and
(np. MacFadden, Labs‐Hochstein, Hulbert, & Baskin, 2007), appears Maciej Krajcarz from the Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish
to be the next step vital in further research. Analyses of this sort Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, for all comments on the earlier
should be conducted with experimental tools both before and after draft of this manuscript and Przemysław Kosobucki from Faculty of
processing various raw materials by means of these implements, Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, for

performing pH and moisture analysis of peat used in the experiment. Hogan, D. V., Jones, A. M., Simpson, P., & Maltby, E. (2006). Reburial of
Separate thanks goes to dr Grzegorz Osipowicz (Nicolaus Copernicus organic archaeological remains; protocol for the identification of
suitable sites. In Unpublished report, wetland ecosystems research group.
University in Toruń) for constructive criticism and all valuable com- Royal Holloway Institute for: Environmental Research, London.
ments concerning aspects of presented work. I would also like to Ilnicki, P. (2002). Torfowiska i torf. AR: Poznań.
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