Application of Singular Perturbations Theory To Power System Modeling and Stability Analysis

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J.H. Chow, J.R. Winkelman M.A. Pal, P.W. Sauer

Electric Utility Systems Engineering Department Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
General Electric Company University of Illinois
Schenectady, New York 12345 Urbana, Illinois 61801

x f(x,z,), x(t0) =xo
This paper reviews some recent results in
applying singular perturbations theory to obtain
simplified power system models for analysis and Z = g(x,Z,c), Z(t) -Z
control design. The topics include synchronous
machine modeling, decomposition and aggregation of
large power networks, aggregation of higher order where x is the n-dimensional slow variables, and
dynamic models, and transient stability analysis c > 0 is the singular perturbation parameter
using direct methods. The objective is to multiplying the time derivative of the
introduce power system engineers to singular n-dimensional fast variables z. Not all models of
perturbations as a tool for enhancing the power systems with time scales are given as in
understanding of time-scale dynamics and (1.1). Thus, the first task of time-scale modeling
analytically deriving reduced models in power is to identify c, which could be due to ratios of
systems. small and large time constants, strayed and linkage
inductances, or weak and strong connections, and
1. Introduction to formulate -physical transformations to obtain the
slow and fast variables. Once the two-time-scale
Power system dynamic analysis encompasses a system is in the form (1.1), an n-dimensional slow
wide time span of responses, ranging from subsystem can be obtained from (1.1) by setting
lightning phenomenon in microseconds to automatic C = 0, while an m-dimensional fast subsystem can
generation control over periods of minutes [1]. be obtained to model the fast transients of z from
Within the time span of stability analysis, there its 'quasi-steady' state. An application of this
are time scales arising from the various speeds of reduced order modeling to a synchronous machine
responses of different devices such as synchronous model will be illustrated in the next secti;on.
machines and excitation systems [2], as well as Interested readers can refer to [10,11] for a
from the interconnections of large power systems survey of singular perturbations techniques.
(3]. Including all aspects of time scales in a
stability analysis for a large system not only The organization of the remainder of the paper
results in an enormous computational burden, but is as follows. In Section 2, singular
also complicates the interpretati'on of the outcome. perturbations techniques are systematically
applied to obtain reduced order models of
There are two main approaches of using time synchronous machines. In Section 3, the time
scales to reducing computational burden and scale properties arising from interconnections of
extract relevant information in a stability machines are exploited to produce models for
analysis. The first is a class of simulation studying system-wide and local dynamics. Section
techniques in which a variable step size is used 4 examines reduced models including machi ne fluxes
in conjunction with an implicit integration and excitation systems. Section 5 extends the
routine [4,5] - the fast transients from a results in Section 3 to transient stabil:ity
disturbance are simulated with a small step size, analysis of large power systems. Because of
while the subsequent slower transients are space, we provide only a brief discussion of these
simulated with a larger step size. The second results. Interested readers are referred to some
approach includes model reduction techniques of the cited references.
which, until recently, are largely based on
empirical means (6-9]. The objective of this 2. Systematic Reduced Order Modeling of Machines
paper is to review recent results from singular
perturbations as a means to obtain reduced models Time scale modeling can be performed at both
on both empirical and analytical bases the system and device level. Since system level
(17,21 ,28,33,36]. modeling normally requires simple device models,
the starting point for system analysis is usually
Singular perturbations are most conveniently the selection of an appropriate reduced order
performed on two-time-scale systems in the device model. In this section, the theory of
'explicit' form singular perturbations is used to systematically
produce reduced order models of machines. While
the synchronous machine has been widely studied, it
is rich in time scale properties yet to be fully

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exploited. The following illustration will focus zero. Hence the model (2.3)-(2.8) is in the
on three significant points. First, singular explicit singular perturbation form (1.1). For
perturbations can be used to justify traditional machines where Ra is also small, the resulting
heuristic yet ingenious reduced order models. quasi-steady-state relation from (2.7) and (2.8)
Second, the mathematical basis will provide insight with £l = 0 and Ra = 0 is
into the limitations of traditional models. Third,
the systematic approach will show how new reduced
order models can be obtained once the time scale kd= 13 v cos 6, xq = -l3 v sin a . (2.8)
property is revealed.
The analysis begins with the equations for a Substituting (2.8) into (2.2)-(2.5), we obtain the
synchronous machine tied directly to an infinite traditional two-axis model
bus written in the 'dq coordinates (12-16]. Note
that the concept of an infinite bus already assumes
some form of time scale analysis resulting in an (Tj/f2lH/oQ)e; = -e' + ( - xd/xd) 3 v cos 6
ideal voltage source. Using standard per unit
motor notation and the scaled variables + (xj/xd)efdI (2.9)

tm = 1w,O/2H t , 01 = '2Hpa/Wo - 1) , (2-1) 6 =w t ' (2.10)

the equations for a machine with one damper
winding are ,t = T3 - (l/x' - l/x pv sin(26)/2

(T1j/K/so)e4 = -e1; + (1 - xd/xd) Xd + ved cos 6/(/3 xI)

+ (/xd )efd, (2.2)
- yelC' sin 61(13 Xd) (2.11 )

a = t (2.3)
(T,/MH/wo)eN = -ej + (1 - x'/x,) 3 v sin a
t =
TM + ( lx -
Further reductions can be performed on the
+ )ded/(3xC) + )qe'/(3x
qq x1j) (2.4) two-axis model. For the condition

(T4/2H/0)ed = -ej-(l - q q (2.5)

Tj > > 12H/so > > T , (2.13)
the field flux linkage e iis recognized as
(1 //2Hwo))d - - (Ra/xd)kd + (Ra/xd)e' being very slow
flux linkage ed
relative to the damper winding
which is fast relative to the
electromechanical pair 6, wt. The fourth
order two-axis model can be reduced to two
+ (1 + /2HMO) q different third order models by- using this
property. The first third order model would
recognize eq as very slow such that it can be
+ 13 v sin 6 (2.6) replaced by its initial condition, e' , in the
remaining three equations. The other t¶ird order
model would retain e4 as a slow variable, but would
(1/,/2HK)Xq = - (R /x)Xq)
q d recognize that c2 = T4//2H/wo is a small parameter
and ed is fast. The quasi-steady-state of
the damper winding flux linkage obtained from
- (1 + ot//2t"O)'-d (2.12) by setting c2= 0 is

+ 13 v cos & (2.1)

2. edj-=(lo - tes
Ifboh v3 v sin a
x,/x ) liiigcssqr sd (2.14)

where the dot denotes time derivative with respect If both of these limiting cases are used, the
to tr. following second order model is obtained:

Recognizing that el =1/fl2Hio is a very small

parameter, the very fast stator transients 'ida
A = Wt (2.15)
xq can be eliminated by setting el to

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t = Tm -
(/Xq -
l/xN)v2 sin (26)/2

- v e4o sin 1(13 x,) (2.16)

b1 n2 m3 in4
While these models have all appeared
previously in one form or another, singular Figure 3.1
perturbations allow them to be systematically
derived. In addition, the sall parameters which b i2
facilitated the reductions can also be used to
systemtical ly improve each of the reduced
models. This improvement is accomplished by
solving for the slow component of the fast
variable as a power series expansion of c using Ml M2 in3 in4

the slow manifold techniques [17,18]. The zero-th Figure 3.2

order term in this expansion is the quasi-steady-
state like (2.8) and (2.14).
To illustrate, we note that the model (2.15),
(2.16) is the same model that would have been
obtained if no damper winding were, included.
Substituting the power series for ed obtained
from (2.10) - (2.12), and neglecting (C2)2 m1+rM2 M3+m'4
and higher order terms, yield the improved reduced Figure 3.3
Let us use the 4-machine system in Figure 3.1
to illustrate the process. For simplicity, we
6 (2.17) shall consider the linearized model of Figure 3.1,
in which denotes the inertia, and bij

denotes the synchronizing torque or connection

strength. The swing equation is modeled as
wt TM - (1/xq - ]Sx1)v2 sin(26)/2
- v e o sin 61(13 xY) where 6 is the rotor angle, N = diag (ml,
m2, i3, m4) is the inertia matrix and the
connection matrix is
- T'/,12H/O (1 - x/x
q 0 )(v2 cos2 6/xq)wt
b12 -( b1 2+b23) b23
where e has been retained as T'/2H/s. It is of
the saS form as the model givin byiKmbark (14] b23 -(b23e+b34) b34
where the additional damper winding torque is
derived from induction motor theory. The
advantage of singular perturbations is that the
model can be improved further by the inclusion of (3.2)
higher order '2 terms. In addition, since the
model has been obtained through a systematic The -
denotes d2/dt2 where T i s the time
algorithm, its limitations can be considered. variable. The zero eigenvalue of K is the
These limitations and further information on the well-known drift or reference mode of the system.
use of manifold concepts for reduced order
modeling can be found in (17,18]. Suppose that b23 = tb23 where is small c

denotes a weak connection and consider the four-

3. CoherencvY Decomsition and Aggregation machine system as an interconnection of the two
isolated subsystems in Figure 3.2 as b23 varies
In contrast to the synchronous machine model from 0 to cb23. Once the two subsystems are inter-
(2.2)-(2.7), an interconnected poer system model connected, one of the two drift modes disappears to
is not in the form (1.1). In this section, we form a mode of 0(vi) (order of Ic) signifying the
shall restrict the discussion to electromechanical oscillations between machines 1 and 2 as a group
models only. Higher order models will be against machines 3 and 4. Thus, the four-machine
considered in the next section. Detailed system possesses two slow modes (including the
treatments of the results in this section can be drift mode) corresponding to the slow time scale
found in (19-22]. t = v' z and two fast modes corresponding to the
fast time scale T. In the slow time-scale,

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machines 1 and 2 are coherent and so are machines 4. Aqtreqation of H1gher Order Models
3 and 4. This property can be seen f rom the
columns of the slow eigensubspace matrix of K, In the previous section, when developing
which to O(c) is reduced order models of large interconnected
systems, models were assumed to be electro-
o] mechanical only. In this section we summarize
some recent results which relax the constant
O 1 voltage behind transient reactance assumptions of
O II (3.3) the electromechanical model by including
synchronous machine and simple voltage regulator
o lJ dynamics. Detailed development of these results
can be found in [28,29].

The coherency property offers a clue to
slow and fast variables. For the slow sobtwn To illustrate the concepts involved, let us
the simple four-mchine system in Figure 3.1.
variables, the center of angles of the cciherent Let us assume that each of the machines is modeled
groups of machines is used: with a field flux circuit plus a mechanical
= (m161 + m262)/ma1 m¶a + 12 system. The development for this model structure
X1 '
is given in (28]. Further, let us assume that
(3.4) the power system is unloaded. A linearized model
X2 = (m363 + m464)/ma2 mJa2 =m3 + v which represents dynamic behavior of this system is
For the fast variables, the differences of angles
within the coherent group with respect to a T E = (-I + XK) E + Efd (4.1a)
reference machine are used:
M S = K S, (
z = 62 - 61 ' = 64 - 63 (3.5)
here E = tEl, E2, E3, E4]T is the internal machine
Under this transformation, (3.1) is put in the voltage; Efd = [Efdl, Efd2, Efd3, Ifd4]T, is
form of (1.1) with c, the small parameter the field voltage; T = diag(T0ol, Tdo2, Tdo3, Tdo4)
denoting weak connections, as - the singular is the open circuit field time constant; X=
perturbations parameter, and t = {c T as the slow dlag(xdl-xdl, xd2-xd2, xd3-xd3, xd4-xd4) where xd
is the synchronous reactance and xd is transient
time variable.
reactance of the machine; and M and K are as
Carrying out the reduced modeling procedure, defined in Section 3. With the system unloaded
we can model the fast dynamics with two separate the field flux subsystem is decoupled from the
subsystems, as in Figure 3.2. This decomposition electromechanical subsystem. System loading can
implies that for a disturbance in one subsystem, be handled as a regular perturbation of this
the fast dynamics in the other subsystem need not unloaded case.
be considered. The slow subsystem is now the Since the field open-circuit time constants
interconnection of two coherent groups as if the
connections within the coherent groups are Tdoi are all approximately equal, the
infinitely strong (Figure 3.3). This rigid following approximation is made
aggregate allows the study of the slow system-wide
oscillations induced by b23 which is a strong T -1 = kI,
n k > O. (4.2)
coupling in the slow time scale. Using (4.2)-we can rewrite (4.1a) as
The analysis is not restricted to linear
models and weak connections only. The application n
+-T1 XK)E
E= (-kI n + T XK(c)) E + T -1 Efd
to nonlinear electromechanical models is shown in
[22], while the extension to include sparse rather (4.33
than weak connections is given in (23]. = (-kI
+ A(e)) E + El
A prerequisite to applying the time scale Since K(c) is a network matrix, the time scale
decomposition and aggregation technique to large decoupling transformation theory obtained from the
power system is the identification of the coherent concepts of aggregation and coherency can be used
groups of machines. A grouping algorithm based on
the slow eigensubspace is given in [19], and a [19-23].
slow characteristic polynomial based subspace Applying the decoupling transformation to
method is proposed in [24]. The Lanczos algorithm (4.3) results in a system in the form
in (25) exploits sparsity in power systems and is
suitable for large systems. Methods not using
eigensubspace include the sorting algorithm in
(26] whith neglects small connections and searches [Ea] kir + .All
for connectivity, and the RMS measure in (27]
which examines the effect of disturbances in ckI 22 +

steady-state. Edj L A21 -ki n-r + A2,2 + cA 22[

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where the power transfer coefficients ki are all
FEda zero except for k12, k23 and k34. As in iection 3,
(4.4) we assume k12 = k12, k23 = ck23 and k34 = k34 where
E' kij = 0(1), such that area 1 consists of machines 1
vfddj and 2 and area 2, machines 3 and 4. The injections
where r is the number of areas. The effect of the have been set to zero in (5.1) for simplicity
matrix -kIr in (4.4) is to shift the 0(c)
resulting in a = 0, 6 = 0 as the stable equilibrium
eigenvalues further in the left-half plane by the
point. The transient energy function V is [30]
amount k. Similarly, the effect of the matrix V = VKE + VPE (5.2)
-kIn.r in (4.4) is to shift the 0(1) eigenvalues
further in the left-half plane by the amount k. where the kinetic energy is
The basic two time scales are still present.
Also, the weak coupling between the two subsystems
is vKE = (1/2) z
1=1 mia1 (5.3)
If sufficiently small compared to k,
then each of the slow eigenvalues can be and the potential energy is
approximated by -k. In contrast to the slow
elgenvalues of the electromechanical system, which
go to zero as goes to zero, each of the slow vPE = V + V1 + V2
eigenvalues of (4.4) goes to -k as goes to
V0 = -ck23 cos(6 3 - 62) + ck23
This simple example illustrates the importance
of the connection matrix K. This analysis is not
limited to the flux linkage dynamics only. The
V1 = -k12 CoS(62 - ) + k12 *
application to systems which include complete (5.4)
excitation system models is contained in [29], and Y2 = -k34 cos(64 - 63) + k34 .
it also depends on the matrix K.
Using the center of angle variables (3.4) as
The modeling philosophy which would be used to the slow variables and the difference variables
study a large system is to model those generators (3.5) as the fast variables, we obtain the
within the study area with fully detailed models. following subsystems, via the averaging method in
Those generators in external areas would have [34], and their energies as:
their flux dynamics, voltage controls, and
inertial dynamics aggregated. With such a model, Slow subsystem
global voltage dynamics can be accounted for.
5. Transient Stability Analysis mal x' ck23 sin(x2 x1) % 11 +
It is well-known that in direct or energy
methods of transient stability analysis, using the ma2x2 =k23 sin(xI - x2) ' ma2 =113 + M4,
smallest unstable equilibrium energy yields
conservative results £30]. Consequently, more
recent approaches propose to find either the mode V slow -- VKE
slow + VPEslow
of instabilities [31] or a more accurate energy
threshold depending on the system trajectories
[32]. For large power systems, the decomposition-
aggregation procedure discussed in Section 3 vKlOW = (1/2)(m a1X + mNI2X2)I
allows the construction of reduced models such
that these approaches can be readily applied. PE ck23
This section describes the crucial step of how to Vslow = -ck23 cos(x2 - x1) + '

decompose the transient energy function conformal (5.5)

to the reduced models.
Fast subsystem of area 1
We will use the two-area, four-machine system
in Figure 3.1 to illustrate the procedure. A more (1U"2/"al )Zl = -k1 2 sinn z
detailed treatment can be found in (33].
Neglecting transfer conductances, the electro-
mechanical model is given by v fast,l
f - VKE VPEfast,l
fast,lP +
4 vKE =(l )(jm ajli
m1 j1 ,jti k sin(6
nj - 6i), i = 1,2,3,4,
fast1, /2)( m2/m )z2
vfEst,l -k12 = cos z1 + k12 '

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where zl is the difference of the rotor angles 6. Concludina Remarks
of machines 1 and 2. Expressions similar to (5.6)
are obtained for the fast subsystem of area 2. The results described in this paper illustrate
the role of singular perturbations as an
Let 6i be approximations of 6i reconstructed analytical tool in power system modeling at both
from the subsystem variables x and z. Through the device and system level. They also illustrate
straightforward algebraic manipulations, we can how additional insights into powr system dynamics
show that can be obtained in the process. Research is
continuing on improved reduced order models of
machines and excitation systems, more accurate
aggregate models of groups of machines, and the
slow + Vfast,l + VKEt
Vfast, 2 = (1/2) 1=t m ai use of reduced models for transient stability
analysis. Most of the work is still at the
(5.7) exploratory stage of shaping the general
concepts. Much additional work is needed to
develop procedures and computer programs ready for
identify V%stl1 as approximations w2
which approximates VKE. With 11 = -of*1 VI. e use by the power industry.
Similarly, vfst 2 approximates V2. The difference Acknowl edament
between Vo and ow is approximately
This work is supported in part by the
Vfast-slow = ek23( cos(x2 xi Department of Energy under contract DE-ACOl-
84CE76249 and in part by the Power Affiliates
Program of the University of Illinois.
m4z2/a2 - zi /mal )
- CoS(X2 -
xi)) . (5.8)
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