English Worldwide

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English worldwide

a quarter
each other
foreign language
main language
1. English is the first language of four hundred and fifty
million people.
2. There are three hundred and seventy-five million speakers
of English as a second language.
3. There are three hundred and fifty different languages in
4. For thirty-six million Americans Spanish is their first
5. Three quarters of a billion people learn English as a foreign
6. Seventy per cent of the world’s scientists can read texts in
7. About eighty-five per cent of emails are in English.
2.75 – two point seventy-five
1,000-a thousand
4 ¼ - four and a quarter
75% - seventy-five per cent
6,000-six thousand
1 ¾ - one and three quarters
1,000,000 – a million
1 ½ - one and a half
½ a half, 1/3 a third, ¼ a quarter

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