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Hamming Graphs and Permutation Codes

Conference Paper · August 2017

DOI: 10.1109/MCSI.2017.35

5 990

2 authors:

Janos Barta Roberto Montemanni

University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia


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2017 Fourth International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and in Industry

Hamming Graphs and Permutation Codes

János Barta Roberto Montemanni
Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Galleria 2, 6928 Manno, Switzerland
{janos.barta, roberto.montemanni}

Abstract—A permutation code can be represented as a graph, theory ([9], [11], [13], [6]), branch and bound methods ([1],
in which the nodes correspond to the permutation codewords [18] [19], [2]) as well as heuristic algorithms ([23], [16], [3]).
and the weights on the edges are the Hamming distances A large part of the MPCP solvers developed in recent years is
between the codewords. Graphs belonging to this class are
called permutation Hamming graphs. This paper explores the based on maximum clique algorithms. In fact any MPCP can
Maximum Permutation Code Problem (MPCP), a well-known be reformulated as an equivalent graph theoretical problem:
optimization problem in coding theory, by means of a graph let’s assign to each permutation a vertex of a graph and join
theoretical approach. Permutation Hamming graphs turn out to a pair of codewords by an edge whenever their Hamming
satisfy strong regularity properties, such as vertex transitivity and distance is greater than or equal d. The graph obtained is a
r-partiteness. In addition, exact formulas for the degree of the
vertices and for the number of the edges are presented. Further- so-called Hamming graph, more precisely a permutation Ham-
more, a remarkable similarity between permutation Hamming ming graph. It is straightforward that the MPCP is equivalent
graphs and Turán graphs is enlightened. The new link with Turán to the optimization problem of finding the largest possible
graphs might help to improve current results on the MPCP. complete subgraph of the corresponding Hamming graph, ie
Index Terms—graph theory; combinatorics; coding theory; solving the maximum clique problem on it. So far maximum
Hamming graphs; Turán graphs
clique problems on Hamming graphs have been solved by
means of classical or adapted maximum clique algorithms
(see [5], [21], [23], [20]) without fully exploiting the peculiar
In recent years permutation codes have been extensively regularity properties of Hamming graphs. Moreover, as pointed
investigated, mainly because of potential applications to power out in [3], optimal permutation codes and so the equivalent
line communication (see [7], [14] and [22]) and not least maximum cliques tend also to be highly regular. Therefore it
also because of the mathematical interest and difficulty of the might be useful to gain a deeper knowledge on the properties
related combinatorial optimization problems. As one of the of permutation Hamming graphs. In this paper we investigate
main problems in power line communication is represented by the graph theoretical characteristics of permutation Hamming
interference due to narrow band noise of electrical equipment graphs, in order to better understand, how a maximum clique
or magnetic fields and white Gaussian noise, suitable error- algorithm specially designed for permutation Hamming graphs
correcting coding algorithms are required. One well-known should look like.
modulation technique for dealing with interference is M-ary
frequency shift keying, a protocol for signal transmission in II. P ERMUTATIONS AND H AMMING GRAPHS
which a finite number of frequencies is used to modulate
The MPCP can be expressed formally as follows. Let Ωn be
the signal. As shown in [6], permutation codes arise as a
the set of all possible permutations of the n-tuple of integers
suitable mathematical framework for M-ary frequency shift
x0 = [0, 1, ..., n − 1]. An element of Ωn is a codeword of
keying. Apart from power line communication permutation
length n and a subset of Ωn is a permutation code. The
codes have also been studied for the design of multilevel flash
Hamming distance dH (x, y) between codewords x and y is the
memories and for coding problems with block ciphers (see
number of components that differ in the two codewords. Given
for instance [8] and [17]). It is well-known that the error-
a codeword length n and a Hamming distance d, the MPCP is
correcting ability of permutation codes is directly related to
the problem of finding a largest code C ⊆ Ωn , such that for
the minimum Hamming distance between the codewords (see
any pair of codewords x, y ∈ C it holds dH (x, y) ≥ d. We
[6] and [15]): the more is the minimum Hamming distance
will refer to this problem as an (n, d)-problem. The Hamming
between the codewords, the more transmission errors can
graphs corresponding to a given (n, d)-problem can now be
be detected and corrected. This is the reason why we are
introduced in a more formal way.
interested in the maximum permutation code problem (MPCP),
that is how many permutations of length n can be included in Definition 1. Let H(n, d) be the graph defined on the vertex
a code in such a way that the Hamming distance between any set VH = Ωn with the set of edges EH , in which two nodes
pair of codewords is greater than or equal to a given value d. are adjacent iff their Hamming distance is at least d. We refer
The MPCP has been tackled with very different mathematical to the graph H(n, d) as the permutation Hamming graph of
approaches such as linear programming ([4], [24]), group size n and distance d.

978-1-5386-2820-1/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE 154

DOI 10.1109/MCSI.2017.35
Definition 2. Let G(n, d) be the subgraph of the Hamming IV. P ROPERTIES OF PERMUTATION H AMMING GRAPHS
graph H(n, d) defined on the same vertex set VG = Ωn with
A basic issue about the structure of a graph is the degree of
the set of edges EG ⊆ EH , in which two nodes are adjacent
its vertices and the total number of edges. One of the results
iff their Hamming distance is exactly equal to d. We refer to
presented in this paper are exact formulas for the degree of the
this graph as the d-level permutation Hamming graph of size
nodes and for the number of edges of permutation Hamming
graphs G(n, d) and H(n, d). We renounce to a rigorous proof
It is easy to see that the Hamming graph H(n, d) can be with all mathematical details, because it would require a more
obtained by overlapping the t-level Hamming graphs G(n, t), technical and longer article. Instead we provide a trace of the
∀ d ≤ t ≤ n. sequence of the principal ideas.

III. N OTATION AND BASIC GRAPH THEORETICAL A. The d-neighbourhood of a permutation codeword
CONCEPTS Definition 4. Let x be a codeword in Ωn . We define the d-
neighbourhood of x as the set Udn (x) = {x ∈ Ωn |dH (x, x ) =
In order to analyze the properties of Hamming graphs some d}, that is the set of all codewords at distance d from x.
basic graph theoretical notation has to be introduced. Let
G(V, E) be a graph with the set of vertices (or nodes) V The core of the reasoning is solving the following combi-
and the set of edges E. Where a distinction is needed, we natorial problem: how many permutation codewords of length
adopt the notation VG and EG , respectively. For any vertex d are exactly at Hamming distance d from a given codeword
x ∈ V the degree deg(x) represents the number of edges x ∈ Ωd ? In other terms, we are interested in the cardinality
incident to the node x. An important indicator of a graph of the set Udd (x). This problem has been solved by means
G is its maximum degree Δ(G) = maxx∈V deg(x). Two of a combinatorial approach based on the inclusion-exclusion
vertices x, y ∈ V are called adjacent (denoted by x ∼ y) principle (see also [13]) and it leads to the following result.
iff an edge of the graph G connects them, otherwise they are Proposition 1. Let x be a codeword in Ωd . The number of
called independent. A complete graph on r vertices Kr , is a codewords in the d-neighbourhood of x is equal to
graph in which all vertices are pairwise adjacent, ie x ∼ y,
∀x, y ∈ VK . Usually, a complete subgraph of a graph G is 
called a clique and the clique number ω(G) of a graph G is |Udd (x)| = d! · . (2)
the size (number of nodes) of the largest clique in G. The k=0

counterpart of the clique number is the independence number As an example |U44 (x)| = 4!(1 − 1 + 12 − 16 + 24 1
) = 9
α(G), that is the maximum number of pairwise independent and in fact for any codeword in Ω4 there are 9 codewords
nodes in G. There is a simple link between the clique number at Hamming distance 4: for instance the 4-neighbourhood of
and the independence number: ω(G) = α(Ḡ), where Ḡ is the x = [0123] is the set U44 (x) = {[1032], [1230], [1302], [2031],
complement of G. The complement Ḡ is the graph on the [2301], [2310], [3012], [3201], [3210]}. Considering that equa-
same vertices of G, where two nodes are adjacent iff they tion (2) holds for any codeword x ∈ Ωd , the notation
are independent in G. As it will be discussed in the next Udd (x) can be simplified to Udd and in general Udn (x) to Udn .
section, vertex transitivity is a crucial property of permutation Again a combinatorial argument leads from equation (2) to a
Hamming graphs. In order to define vertex transitivity we first generalized formula for an arbitrary codeword length n.
need to talk about automorphisms. An automorphism of a
graph G(V, E) is a bijection ϕ : V → V such that for any pair Proposition 2. Let x be a codeword in Ωn . The number of
of nodes x, y ∈ V it holds x ∼ y ⇔ ϕ(x) ∼ ϕ(y). In other codewords in the d-neighbourhood of x is equal to
terms a graph automorphism is a permutation of the vertices
n!  (−1)k
that preserves the adjacency. The set of automorphisms of a |Udn (x)| = . (3)
graph G forms a group and it is usually denoted by Aut(G). (n − d)! k!

Definition 3. A graph G(V, E) is vertex transitive iff for any As an example |U34 | = 4!(1 − 1 + 12 − 16 ) = 8 and
pair of nodes x, y ∈ V there exists an automorphism ϕ ∈ in fact for x = [0123] the 3-neighbourhood is U34 (x) =
Aut(G) such that ϕ(x) = y. {[0231], [0312], [2130], [3102], [1320], [3021], [1203], [2013]}.
In simple words, vertex transitive means that the graph looks Note that formula (3) is extremely interesting from a
the same, in terms of connected edges, from the point of view mathematical point of view. Indeed, it allows to express |Udn |
of any node, just like a regular polyhedron. The following in a recursive form.
theorem establishes a fundamental relationship between α(G) Property 1.
and ω(G) for vertex transitive graphs (see also [12] and [10]). n
|Udn | = · |Udn−1 | , ∀ n > d (4)
Theorem 1. Let G(V, E) be a vertex transitive graph. Then (n − d)
From Property 1 it follows immediately
α(G) · ω(G) ≤ |V |. (1)

Property 2. Theorem 1 can now be applied to permutation Hamming
  graphs. The result is a basic relation between the independence
|Udn (x)| = |Udd (x)| , ∀ n ≥ d. (5) number and the clique number of G(n, d) and H(n, d).
B. Degree and number of edges Corollary 1. The Hamming graphs G(n, d) and H(n, d)
satisfy the following inequalities:
Since the degree of the nodes of the d-level Hamming
graph G(n, d) is nothing else than the cardinality of the d- α(G(n, d)) · ω(G(n, d)) ≤ n! (10)
neighbourhood Udn , by Proposition 2 it follows
α(H(n, d)) · ω(H(n, d)) ≤ n! . (11)
Δ(G(n, d)) = deg(x) = , ∀x ∈ VG . As an example in the case n = 4 and d = 3,
(n − d)! k! α(H(n, d))ω(H(n, d)) = 2 · 12 = 24 ≤ 24 = n!.
(6) The inequalities (10) and (11) can be seen as a starting point
Since the number of the edges of G(n, d) is equal to the sum for the development of bounds of the clique number.
of the degrees of the nodes divided by 2
n! n!  (−1)kd
In this section we discover another important feature of
|EG(n,d) | = · . (7)
2 (n − d)! k! permutation Hamming graphs, namely that they are regular
r-partite graphs, very similar to the well-known Turán graphs.
As already mentioned, the Hamming graph H(n, d) can
be generated by overlapping the t-level Hamming graphs A. Partition of Hamming graphs
G(n, t), ∀t ≥ d. Therefore the degree of the nodes and The basic idea is quite simple: we partition the vertex set
the number of edges of the Hamming graph H(n, d) can be Ωn in independent subsets (classes) of the same size.
deduced by summing up the formulas (6) and (7):
  Definition 5. Let CI be the class of all codewords in Ωn

n!  (−1)k
having the first (n − d + 1) entries equal to the components
Δ(H(n, d)) = deg(x) = (8) of the (n − d + 1)-tuple I = (i1 , i2 , . . . , in−d+1 ) of distinct
(n − t)! k!
t=d k=0
indices ik ∈ {0, . . . , n − 1}.
n!  (−1)k
t As an example in the case n = 4 and d = 3 the index vector
|EH(n,d) | = . (9) I1 = (0, 1) induces the class CI1 = {[0123], [0132]}, whereas
2 (n − t)! k!
t=d k=0 I2 = (1, 3) induces CI2 = {[1302], [1320]}. It is easy to verify
Tables I and II report the exact number of edges of the that the classes CI are independent subsets of the vertex set
Hamming graphs G(n, d), respectively H(n, d), for n ≤ 8, Ωn . In fact, according to the definition, there are at most (d−1)
calculated by means of the formulas (7) and (9). Formulas differing components in the codewords belonging to the same
(6) and (8) tell us that the degree of the vertices of G(n, d) class, which means that they are pairwise independent. Note
and H(n, d) is a constant of each graph. Therefore we that the classes CI have all the same size |CI | = (d − 1)!,
can conclude that permutation Hamming graphs G(n, d) and because the number of free components is equal to (d − 1).
H(n, d) are regular graphs. Moreover, the classes CI form a disjoint partition of Ωn , since
each codeword belongs to exactly one of them. Summarizing,
C. Vertex transitivity we can conclude that both graphs G(n, d) and H(n, d) are r-
Vertex transitivity reinforces considerably the regularity of partite graphs, where r = (d−1)!
is the number of the classes
a graph based on the constant degree of its vertices. In the and (d − 1)! is their size. The graph H(4, 3), for instance, is
following lemma we prove that permutation Hamming graphs an r-partite graph with 12 classes, containing 2 vertices each.
are vertex transitive.
Lemma 1. The permutation Hamming graph H(n, d) and the
What is the maximum number of edges for a graph with n
d-level permutation Hamming graph G(n, d) are both vertex
nodes, such that it does not contain a Kr+1 , that is a complete
subgraph of order r + 1? The Hungarian mathematician Pál
Proof. For any pair of nodes u, v ∈ Ωn there exists exactly Turán gave the answer to this problem in 1941 with a re-
one permutation π, such that π(u) = v. The permutation π is markable theorem, known under the name of Turán’s theorem.
an automorphism of the graphs H(n, d), respectively G(n, d), Basically Turán’s theorem states that there is a particular
because it is a bijection from Ωn to itself and it preserves type of graphs, the so called Turán graphs, satisfying the
the Hamming distances. In other terms dH (π(x), π(y)) = maximality requirement of the problem. A Turán graph Tr (n)
dH (x, y), ∀x, y ∈ Ωn , which means that π(x) ∼ π(y) ⇔ x ∼ is a complete r-partite graph on n vertices, where the size
y. Since such an automorphism exists for any pair of nodes of the classes is as equal as possible (see [10]). Since in our
u, v ∈ Ωn , it follows that the graphs G(n, d) and H(n, d) are particular case the number of vertices is n! and r = (d−1)! n!

vertex transitive. always divides n!, we can focus on regular Turán graphs


n\d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 1
3 9 6
4 72 96 108
5 600 1200 2700 2640
6 5400 14400 48600 95040 95400
7 52920 176400 793800 2328480 4674600 4672080
8 564480 2257920 12700800 49674240 149587200 299013120 299033280


n\d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 1
3 15 6
4 276 204 108
5 7140 6540 5340 2640
6 258840 253440 239040 190440 95400
7 12698280 12645360 12468960 11675160 9346680 4672080
8 812831040 812266560 810008640 797307840 747633600 598046400 299033280

Tr (n!), where all the classes have the same size. It is not properties. Especially the affinity between permutation Ham-
difficult to calculate that the number of edges of Tr (n!) is ming graphs and Turán graphs might open a promising way
n! towards new bounds, or maybe even exact formulas for the
|ETr (n!) | = (n! − (d − 1)!). (12) clique number of Hamming graphs.
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