Glass & Glazing-1997

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‘CURTAIN WALL A 8 GAGA AAMA 1997 GLASS AND GLAZING AAMA Aluminum Curtain Wall Series PUT LIBRARY FF [od ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS |. GLASS MANUFACTURING PROCESSES . i. GLASS PRODUCTS . : bea U1, GLAZING SECTION . vote testeeeeveseesescseecseee® IV. GLASS FRAMING CONSIDERATIONS o . ea eeeneeeeeee 6 \. GUIDELINES for he GLAZING CONTRACTOR cicteieeenentvesvenees 6 VI SPECIAL GLASS WALL SYSTEMS been beseeT VI GLASS and WIND LOADS . . foes 7 Vil. GLASS ane HEAT TRANSFER . . wat IK GLASS and ACOUSTICS. ses esessvsevesee coitenteeesteeevesene® X. SAFETY GLAZING REQUIREMENTS. ccttietetieeeerteesensveniens ° XI, GLASS STANDARDS. beens bio 8 XiL REFERENGE DOCUMENTS voce ettesusesveenenss vecceeee® Xl, REFERENCE SOUROES. ......scseeseseesess cece eeee 18 XM GLOSSARY. ceeecvessesneees Ccereeceieteeerseee sees 1 INE; eo, = $ %, 3 mY 3 S e > Cenre® Copyrighe 9970 “his pebeaon was developed by repenenaive members Anwrian Accel Mantacey Assan CEABMA advise, snformstion std paished ws npc 1827 Walden Ofte Squre, Schaumburg 60193 Service AAMA lcs al abi for te we, application Phone: 7008 S66t.. Pax, SAAD S794 for adaptation of matenals published nein, E-MAIL: WEBMASTER@AAMENET.ORG This section is a guide to the use of glass In architectural ape: cations and presents information regarding glass types and avail- abiily ag well as the structural, acoustical and thermal perfor ‘mance of glass. This guid is intended to better acquaint those in the construction industry with glass manufacturing processes, glass types ard strengths, wind load resistanea, breakage behav” for, and otner mechanical and structural issues, L GLASS MANUFACTURING PROCESSES Architsctural fat glass may be produced via three diferent ‘processes: Float, plate, and sheet ‘A. Float Glass — In this process, molten glass flows continuous |y trom a furnace onto a large bed of molten tin (the bath). The ‘molten glass fosts on the tin, spreading in a controlled manrier to ‘a width from 90° to 160" (2236 mm to 4064 mm), depending on {he size and giass thickness being produced. The glass is coolad sufficiently at the end of the bath 30 that it can be raised onto ilers without marting the surface or producing waves (cistortion) the glass. As leaves the bath, the ribbon af glass carriod on ilers through an annealing lef which provides controlled coo! ‘Attar several hundred feat of travel Urough the lehr, it ‘emerges 3s a continuous riboon of annealed glass which is fab- ricatad (scored and snapped) to size and packaged for shipment Float glass accounts for virtually all of architectural fat glass pro- ducad in the United States, B. Plate Glass ~ Plato glass manufacturing consists of grincing ‘and polishing rough glass plates continuously formed by drawing Semi-molten glass through textured, water-cooled, metal rales, Thia is commonly coferred to as polishad plate glass. The piato glass manulacturing process is obeclete in tne United States and has bean replaced by the float glass process. C. Sheet Glass — Sheet glass is produced by continuously draw- ing malten glass from a tank through an annealing el. It may bo drawn either verily or horizontally aver rollers. The sheat glass process was used prior tothe float glass process and is virtually onexistant inthe United States. N, GLASS PRODUGTS A wide varity of architectural glass products are available in the Marketplace. Those products presented in this guide include annealad, heabstrengihened, tempered, insulating glass units, spandrel'giass, laminated, coated, heat absorbing, satety, acoustical, lire rated, and patterned. In addition to these products, a number of specialty glass products are available to mest par. ticular applications, Questions regarding spectic products should be directed to the glass manufacturer, A. Anneated Glass ~ Float glass as received from a manufactur- ing process is annealed and can be fabricated to size. Annealed glass includes glasaos which are tinted or pyrolyioaly coated before final annealing. Specifications for annealed glass are cow ered by ASTM C 1035, ‘Standard Specification for Fiat Glass” B. Heat Treated Glass — When annealed glassas ara healed to Just below the softening point and then rapidly cooled by blowing ait ‘simultaneously on boiri surfaces, the cooling process locks the outer surfaces of the glass in a state of high compression and the ‘contra portan, or caro, in tension. Varying the rate and amount ot Cooling will produce heat-strengthened or tampared glass. The rate of cocling is faster when producing tempered Gass versus heat-strengthened glass. Spesicetions for Hoa! veatod glass are ‘covered by ASTM C1048, “Standard Speotication for Heat Treated Flat Glass” Glass can not be fabricated to size afler heal treating. 4. Hont-Strengthened Glass The strength develooed is atleast twice that of annesled glass. Heat strengthened glass does not ‘meet the strength or breakage pattern ortera for safety glazing materials when glazed monoithicaly. Heatstrencthened glass breakage patterns are similar to those of annealed glass and is ‘ot susceptible to spontaneous breakage when thermally treatod propery Its often used in areas requiring incrsased strength due te thermal sess, wind load requirements, andor glass retention ina fame. 2. Tempered Glasa~ The strength developed is at least four tes. stronger than annealed glass and thus more resistant to thermally induged stresses and cyclic wind loading. Tempered glass is sus- ccapttie to spontaneous breakage from sal inclusions I broken, luly tempered glass shatters into small particles that potentially ‘cause less harm than shards of broken annealed olass. CC. Insulating Glass Units ~ Insulating glass units consist 0 two ‘oF mare Ita of glass, any of which may be clear, tinted, coated, heat treated, and/or minted, that enclose a sealed air space. it |g industry practico to number the glass surfaces beginning with ‘he outside eurtace as the fst surface, The lites are separated by ‘a spacer and sealed around the entire glass perimeter. The spac- fr should contain a moisture absorbent material called desiccant, which dries the air contained within the sealed alrspa0o, ‘Two (or more) cifferent ites of glass also present four (or more) surfaoes for coating applications. Coating location allows opt ‘mization af aeathetic andor thermal performance characteristics for various geographic locations and exposure conditions, Other thermal performanee enhancements may be gained by injection of various inert gasses, such as argon, nto the space(s) between the ites of glass, ‘Sealed Insulating glass units are tested and rated according to [ASTME 773, "Tast Mothod for Seal Duabilty of Sealed insulating Glass Unt" and E774, "Specitication for Sealed Insulating Gass Units” D. Spandrel Glasa ~ Spandrel glass is uilized to cover the "eetween floors” and nonvision areas in buldings while aesthet- cally harmonizing with the vision area glass. Its normally coated with a ceramic fit, opaciir, or applied fms with derk-colored sold backing permanently fused to ane of the surtages. Spandrel glass ‘ean be glazed monolithicaly orn insulating glass units, depering 108 desired aosthetics and thermal insulating properties reqviced, Glass in spancral areas is normally hest-svengthened to resist thermal stresses by high heal absorption of solar radiation cue to the applied coatings. Heet-strengthened glass is normaly preferred ‘over tempered glass in spancrel apptications. In the ever of broak- ‘age, haat-atrengthened glass is mare likely to be retained in the ‘opening since its breakage pattern is simar to annealed glass. Fiver reinforced tape or opacied fms assist in retention of larger ‘lass oleces if the spandret glass breaks, Normal thickness. of Spandrel glass is 1/4" (mur), other thicknasees may be available, Many aesthetic effects are available t0 match of harmonize with vision area glass including reflective coatings. Caution: When used in @ ory glazed system, monolithic speyyniy panel suppliers ard sealant andor gasket suppiters sh consu ted far material compatioiities. ON . \ wr 1 E. Laminated Glass ~ This type of glass (similar to automobile ‘windshield glass) Is made by sandwiching an interlayar of clear or tinted materia, typically polyviny! butyral (PVB), between two or ‘more lites of annealed, reflective, heat-strengthened, a fully temn~ pored glass. The intrlayer ranges in thickness from 0.15°to 090" (4mm to 2mm) or more, dependent upon desired usage. When laminated glaes fractures, the particles of glass tend to adore to ‘the Interiayer and maintain the building envelope. Generally, lam: inated glass is considered to be approximately 75% to 90% as strong as annealed glass of the same overall thickness. is strength is dapendert on aspect ratio and temperature. The ASTM E 1800 task group Is developing design standards fr Jam inated glass strength. Specially laminated glass products such as burglar and bullet resistant glass are also avaliable, F. Heat-Absorbing Glass - Tinted glass, usually referred to as heat-sbsarbing, is formulated to absoro much mora solar radia: tion than clear float glass. This glass significantly reduces neat gaain, glare, and light transmitanes according to dolor and thick- Tress. Tinted glass is available in various colore (bronze, gray, (green, Dlue, et) and in thicknesses ranging rom 3/32" to 1/2" (2 ‘mm {0 12mm). With emerging technology new products are boing developed that can provide Improved spectral and/or ther ‘mal pertormance. G, Coated Giass ~ Gisss spactral performance, thermal perfor mance andior eesthetios can be improved or changed through ‘he use of metal or meialic oxide coatings applied to the glass, “Thee are two methods used to manufacture coated glass: Pyrolyti ‘and Magnetic Sputiered Vacuum Baposiion (MSVD). Pyralytic coatings are appied on a foat gaass production line ether by the ‘hermical vapor depostion (CVD) process (nthe oat bath of the ‘chemical spray process nees the hot en of the anrieaing leh. The Byroytc process forms @ coating which fuses into the ass surtace, Annealed glass with a pyrolytic coating can be heat veated andr bent without affecing the coating, as lang as the sepostion tem perature isnot surpassed. Addonaly, pyrolvte costed glasses may be provided withthe coating on fst or eecond surfece when used monoithicaly, and on any surtace when used in insulating glass ‘nis. This flcily is @ result ct excellent coating curity. Magnetic Sputtered Vaouurn Deposition (MSV). or sputtering, deposits 2 metal or metallic oxide coating on the surtace of glass Ina vacuum chamber. The sputtering pracess is accomplishad by jonizing gas moloculas wih an electrioal charge. These ions strike a metallic target, removing aioms of metal which deposit ‘onto the glass surface, Most MSVD coatings are not post tem- erable: e., the coated glass cannat be haat treated or bart, but the coating can be applied to a heat treated or bent substrate Daylight (visible ight) reflectance can range from 6% to 48%, and visible light transmittance ranges from 734 to 7894; reflectance and transmittance depends on coating and pass substrate types. Environmental performance characterises require that MSVD ‘coatings not bs installed with the coating on the fist surface The pyrolytic process is often referred to as hard-coat, while MSVD Is referred to 28 sputtering, or sof-coat. Hard coatings are more durable because the oxide coating is fused onto the glass surface as the glass i cooled in the annealing leh. Foflecive coatings control solar radiation by reflecting heat. Low- emissivity coatings reflect solar heat and ultraviolet rays, and reduce the amount of radiant energy that can escape @ building or home, 4. Reflective Glass - These are clear or tinted glass substrates with an extremely thin layar of mata or metalic oxide. The coatings are thin by design; etnerwfse they could not wanemit visible Rht Reflective coatings reflect radiant solar anergy. These coatings reduce haat gain but alow visibe light tranemission tothe intelor. ‘The major bones of reflective glass include: 1) assthetis appeal (many colors are available; contact glass manufacturer for detalls) ‘which provide the architect more flexibity in exterior design, 2) tcneray savings by reflecting and absorbing raiant solar hoat (reflective glass reduces interior solar heat gain), and 8) occupant comfort Is improved when heat gairvioss differentials between funny ahd shaded elevations are substantially reduced, 2. Low-Emissivity Glass (Low-E) ~ A clear metalic axe coating is depasted on tha glass either through the pyroiytc process or the MSVD proooss. This transparent coating reflects long-wave infrared energy, reduces ultaviolet ransmitance, reduces summer heat ‘gain, winter heat loss. and condensation. Typically, these costings ‘low greater visible light transmittance than reactive coatings. H. Safety Clase ~ Safety glazing materials are designed to reduce the poselblity of bodly Injury from glass shards upon breakage. They meet the requirements of ANSI 287.1, Glazing Materials Used in Buildings, Safety Pertormanca Specifications ‘and Test Matiods," [current ealtlon) andlor the Consumer Product Selety Commission's sefety standard, CPSC 16 CFR 1201 Safety Standara for Architectural Glazing Material” Sefery glass: 2 are identiled by a permanent identiliction mark at the facto- 'y- Twa glass types are classified as safety glazing materials: Fuly tempered glass and laminated glass. Somme acryic materiale may also classify as safety glazing materials, but are nol addressed in this publoation |. Acoustica! Glass — The reduction of sound by any barrier is ‘elated to density, area, limpness and alrinftration. As later explained undar the heading ‘Glass and Acoustics’ Section 1X, various types of glass end alr space combinations have excellent sound transmission reduction properties. J. Fire Ratec Glass — Severa) glazing products now have tre rl- ings: Wire glass, special processed float glass, optical qualty clear ceramic, distorted quality ciear caramio, and mult-ite clear tempered glass wih a polymer ge! between the two ites of glass. ‘These products are tegied and certified as components of a oom- plete system including the framing mombors and (gaskets/sealants. The use of fre rated glass does not In itself ualfy the entire assembly or Installation as fire rated, ‘There are size limitations for givan fre ratings, types of glass, and framing systems. Fire ratings vary from 20'minutes throughs S hours. Size limitations may apply from building code restrictions, 8 weil 26 maximum size. Consul local coves, National Fire Protection Assodiatio™ publica tions, and manufacturer's data to determine fre ratings and max imum width and height dimensions for specific types of glass, K. Patterned Glass ~This glass has e textured or pamterned sur face, and is eften referred to as obsoure or decorative glass, The surface can be formed by the continous pour process, the uss ‘fa metal calla with protruding patterns, or ober surface altering. procasses available, Pattorned glasses are normally avallable 11 nominal thicknesses ranging from 1/8" (3 mm) through 7/32" (8 ‘min, with other thickness available at tha option of the manufac: turer. The pattern difuses dotall ot objects viewed through the glass. These glasses are normally used in applications where Sbscure, ight tranemiting panels are required, and are not nor mally used in exterior applications, ‘Tho-glass manufaoturer should be consulted for recommenda: tions regerding the use of giazing materials to determine avail- abiliy and proper type to meet requirements as specified. The FGMA Glazing Manual is a goad source of information on gener- al glazing guidelines. SWEETs publications are a good reference: for specific manufacturers’ products. I, GLAZING SECTION Proper glazing is a compromise between idealized criteria for proper support of the glass and the practical considerations of ‘esnomics, olarances and the provision of a good weather seal To minimize potential glass breakage, the giass surround should ‘at impose any bending or high concenvated compressive oacis ‘on the glass, The gazing system chosen should thermally isolate the glass from other parts of the wall. Glass should essentially float within the glazing cavity Ideally, the glass surround should ‘be dosigned to perm ‘roubleras installation, minimizing the ‘ikelinood of glass damage, Glazing systems tall into wo broad categories: Conventional and Structural Sealant, Bulldings can utlize entirely one or the other type ef system, although buidings utlizing beth are quite com ‘mon. Both categories ot glazing sysioms Gocur in a wade varioty (of designs. The key feature that discriminates between Structural ‘and Conventional systams Is the methed by which the glass is physically ratained to the wall. In Conventional systems, the glass 'g Fetained by mechanical engagement along the perimeter. In Structural systems, the perimeter engagement is eliminated cn ‘one or mare edges of the glass and is replaced with a carefully designed bead of Structural Silicone Sealant thal secures that ‘dae of tho glass to an interior framing member. ‘A thitd, but very specialized category, Structural Gasket Glazing, uses specially dasigned rubber gaskets to secure the glass to the ‘surround, These sekiom used systems require close design ‘cooperation between the surround and gasket designer. As previously mentioned , the design of a glazing system takes Into account the pertormance requirements, tolerances and eco, homies on any project tis ertically important to recognize at he ‘outset, that water management within the window system (Le, weeps, etc.) and proper sealing of the required internal metal [olnery’ are paramount to the success of ary glazed condition ‘These topics will not be covered in this document but should receive utmost consideration on avery project. A. Conventfonal Glazing Conventional Glazing Systems may be designed to glazs trem ‘ther the exterior or the interior, or Doth, It's also not uncommon for spandre! areas to be inially inice-glazed, and yet have pro- visions for re-glazing from tne exterior. Because conventional Glazing requires provisions to mechanically retain the giass in Boin drectone on all four sides, proviions must be mado to hava removable section, called a "bead" or “stop” on one oF more sides which then faciitates the glazinglre-glazing procacs. These Glazing stops may bs althar meananiaslly attached tothe ‘aming System with bolts ar screws, or they may utll2a “snap-in” oF “hook feature which is held in plaoe because of ts geomet ‘eal intaciaca with the framing system, only one of the four sides has a remevabls stop, two opposing fixed glazing pockets result, and the opening must be "lush-" or “pocket glazed. Such a glazing technique requires at least one cof those opposing fixed glazing pocksts to be more than twice as ‘deep aa would otherwise be required for designed giass cover- ‘age. This is to allow the olass to be inserted far enough into the ‘deeper pooket so as to clear the fixed glass stop of the opposite ‘side of the framing system. The actual glass. pocket deoth roquited in the deeper pocket must account for glass size, glass bites, glass tolerances, framing tolerances, setting blooks and Installation clearance. ‘The surfaces of the glazing stops whieh face the glass shouls preferably ben the same plane, be, the face darance should be ‘equal on all edgos. in sorne window and wall destans, ino face laarance atthe head ana ail may Be aferant than atthe jabs, Tesuting in an off-set at each corner. Unless proper precautions are akon, such of-sets may produce sigiant localized bend- ing streases near te less corners. As a minmum precautionary step, faco-spacers or rollin gasket thicknassas should compon Sate forthe ctferences in face clearance. For major instlatons, itis always advisable fo determine the steps tobe taken In coop tration ‘with the giaes and curtain wall producers, botore the design Is tinalize. ‘Convertional Giezing Systems can be characterized by throo dis~ tinct types of glazing systems; Wet, Dry, and WeyDry.The use and postion of qunneble sealant and mastic tapes (Wet components) and/or rubber gaskets and foam tapes (Dry components) deter- rine which type of system is being designed. The components Tocated in the primary seal postion determine the systam type, 1.WET Glazing In WET Glazing, 2 gunnable sealant or mastic tape Is positioned 2 the primary Seal at both the interior and exterior tte, In Dota 11, a mastic tape is positioned at the exterior and a recessed spac- ef shim with @ gunnable sealant cap bead Is positioned at the interior. Gunnable sealant cap beads are considered to be one of the most effective means to prevent water and air inflation. Howaver, they aro typically tho most labor intensiva component and are susceptible to workmanship error. Additionally, @ cap Dead detalied at the exterior vil Ikely require glazing fiom the exterior Tapes gonorally require the use of a gunnable sealant to ensure a cortinuous seal atthe corners, Gumable Seatants [~ WET GLAZING | Mastic Tape Spacer Detail 1 2. DRY Glazing Dry Glazing, sometimes called gasket glazing or compression glazing, 1s & erm Used to describe various means of sealing monalithie and insulating glass in the supporting framing aystem ‘with eynthetic rubber and other elastomeric gasket materials. The lwiath of the glazing channel and the olass thicknoss are ficed dimensions with known tolerances. Varous gaskot profiles and urometers are utlizad to provide @ compression force of 4 to 10 tbvin (pounds per linear Inch} (4.6 to 11.5 ka/om) to resist pane- tration of alr anc water between the channeVgaskat anc gas- evglass intertaoes, an There are two basic design variations when dry glazing, Pressure bar systems have a continuous bar, usually separated from the ‘mutions and rails by 2 thermal isolator, which Is fastened with Sores: Details (2) 8b A torque wranch is used wih some & ems to compensate for standard material tolerances and to pro~ vide uniform gasket pressure. Snap covers conceal the atiach ment screws and weep holes in the prassure bar. Difterent colors ‘and finishes may be specified for exterior and intaror surfaces. ‘Other dry glazing systems have combinations of fixed glazing ‘ohannele and apple glazing stops; Details (8) a, b.A low durom- ‘eter closed cell foam or medium’ durometer profile gasket is Installed first, followed by alass, the siop, and then a dense ‘wedge (rll in} gasket that provides the compression, The gaskets must be designed ta compensate for dimensional tolerances of materials ae aa to provide the dasired glazing pressure. Thermal isolation and finish options are also available with these systems, Compression gaskets should mast ASTM © 508, “Standard Spectication, for Cellular Elastomeric Pre-formed Gaskets and Sealing Materia” and ASTM C 884, "Standard Specification for Denso Elastamerle Compression Seal Gaskets, Setting Blocks, ‘and Spacers’ These specications contain performance options to be considered, Gaskets supolled on reels must be cut accurately by the installer with 2 small additional length specified by the manufacturer ‘added to the required lengtn to prevent subsaquent gaps at cor hers caused by gasket shrinkage. Pre-cut gaskets or gasket frames with pre-moided comers are avaliable, Theit use may Tedisco jobsite instalation labor and workmanship errors, Gasket and curtain wall manufacturers should be consulted on custo ‘designs that differ from existing tested products. Gasket installa: tion instructions shoul be requested from the mienutacturer, CAUTION: When used in a diy glazed system, monotithc span: ‘rel pane! suppilers and eeatert and’er gasket suppliers should all be consulted for material compatibles. 8, WETIDRY Glazing WET/DRY Glazing systems combine the components of Wat and Dry systems in an attempt to take advantage of the best features fof both the watertight integrity of Wet alazing and ease of instal lation of Dry glazing. & wet sealant (gunnable or tape type) is Ingtaied on one sido of te Ite (usually the exterior) and a rubber extrusion is installed on the other side ofthe ite. Inthe example shown in Detal 4, a mastic tape is installed on the exterior log of the pocket. Serrasions Inthe face of the exterior leg ‘engage and maintain the position of the epacer shim in the tape. ‘Tape corners are treated with a gunnable Sealant, Setting blooks, glaze and interiar stop are installed, fellowed by a wedge gaskel Deege Gasket CClostd Call or Profiled Gesket pho Ree Bar VERTICAL MULLION - Figure 24 Close Catt Roache Dense Gasee, HORIZONTAL RAUL - Figure 28 Tenlied Sop (Closed Cell Gasket Seip Cover VERTICAL MULLION ~ Figure 34 HORIZONTAL RAIL ~ Figure 38 WET/DRY GLAZING ‘Shimmea Tape| Wedge Gasket Detail 4 ‘Weg bes and pal sala appoton patient “nds prtomance are ome or Gar to the inferior to complete the system, Additional information on this tople may be found in AAMA 850, “Fenestration Sealanis Guide Manual In window applications with interior stops and without adequate watar heed, the use of gunnable sealants as heel beads, toe beads, and air seals may be required fo improve resistance to water and air infitration. Compatolity of theso sealants with insulating glass, laminated glass, other saalants, and all other materials wth which they may come into contact is essential B, Structural Sealant Glazing Structural Sealant glazing systems have become very popular ‘due to the aesthetic resulls of being able to glaze without metal focrusions creating a break between adjacent ites of glass. ‘Structural Sealant glazing requites very specific design consider- ‘ations for the structural sealant baad. The dimensicns of the bead are primarily governed by te size of the lites and the design loads for the wall ‘A systom design used euccesstully on ona project may not be aporoprae forte net projet duet an neease in ez, oF design fo All suppliers on a Structural Sealant glazing projact need to be ‘aware of the Intended and use of thelr products. Each manufac: turer will take speotal stops, whether in design or testing, to pro- vide forthe specific requirements for their products. Project speoitiations, along with codes at all levis, need to be resaarchad to ensure that all requirements for Structural Sealant ‘lazing are met. Information on the design of Structural Sealant blazing system Is available in AAMA Curtain Wall #13, “Structural Sealant Glazing Systems” and ASTM C 1249, “Guide for Sacondary Seal for Sealed Ineuiating Glass Units for Structural Sealant Glazing Applications (One important consideration used in designing a glazing system is whether tne system will be glazed from the interior or the exta> rior of the structure. Many glazing systems can be installed either ‘way, but the specific selection and positioning of components may Change aivan the specific requirements of each project. Structural Sealant glazing systems rely solely on Structural Silgona Sealant beads to structurally secure alte of glass to the framing along one or more sides. Systems are designed wit all ‘or any combination of edges being structurally adhered. Ta mast ‘eomaron systems have two opposite edges (head and sil) Gon- Ventionally glazed end the remaining opposite edges (jambs) structurally gazed. ‘Wpical Structural Sealant glazing systems include a “tonsiie” or Structural” bead postioned between the metal framing and the interior surface of he glass and a ‘weather seal or ‘weatner-beed” positioned between the glass edge and metal framing or glass Gage to adiacent glass edge. The dimensions of the “sructural” bead are ortoal and are dependent on the glass dimensions and design wind loads for each project. Design of a successful sruc- {ura sealant glazing system requires close collaboration batwaen ‘lass, metal, and seelant suppliers. Local and national codes may Fequite specif restrictions regarding the allowance andor Instala~ tion of Structural Sesiant glazing systems. Detall Sa deplete @ comreon Structural Sealant glazing system in which the structural” bead ia installed rom the interior aide of the ‘lass, while in Detail 5p the “structural” bead is Installed from the fxterior side of the glass. Its important to note that "sucturalr Beads installed aa ehawn in Detail 8b are very dificult ro install properly. (Bedding of the glass into the structural sitcone sealant {snot recommended.) Speci care Is required io ensure that ‘complete filing ofthe allotted sealant space and full contact of the Sealant on the surfaces by tooling is accomplisned. Additional informatian on this topie may be found in Curtain Wall #9. STRUCTURAL SEALANT GLAZING ase et severe | [Spacer Sct} Jere isin aq ‘Weatherseal Joint al ala - ‘aio ‘re pee peter Sree = Sse ana L a ©. Structural Gasket Giazing Systems Structural Gasket glazing systems, known as ‘Lockstrip or "Zipper" gasket glazing, yay be considered a special type of dry 5 | STRUCTURAL GASKET Glazing lazing It is unique, however, in that It relies solely on the gasket fo secure the Iie to the framing system. In Detall 6a, the glass Ig set Into the gasket before the rubber rocking strip ig inetaied, Once the locking strip is inetalad (Detall 185) the glass Is secured in plaoe, Factory Glazing systems allow fabrioators the advantages of installing glase and glazing in thelr own shops under controled ‘conaltions, Factory glazing of some systems, Le., structural ‘sealant syatem, may be required by onde. Factory Glazing may be acoamplshed while the frame ts in the hhovisomtal or verti) position. When the glass 's structurally ‘glazed, the units should not be moved untl the sealants have suf Fiiently cured, When the units are glazed in the horizontal post- fon, the glass shovld be set firmly against the setting blocks to ‘minimize shifting of the te when the frame [s rotated to the vart- tal position, After the sealant is cured, the frame may be rotated fo its final vertical postion, and should remain vertical unt installad on the building Most curtain wall frames are not completely rigid prior to being 'stened to their buliding anchors, When they aro factory glaze, id Supplementary treme stiffaners are sometimes utlized to prevent glass and sealant damage during normat handling. These Gan be made removable onee the glazed unit is in place en the tbullding, Some factory glazed designs require that the glazing be blocked on all four sides to hold the glazing in place while Sealanis cure and to provide greater stiffness and resistance to shifling and racking during transportation and erection. IV, GLASS FRAMING CONSIDERATIONS ‘White typical building construction documents often illustrate ‘openings 10 recelve glass framing systems as true, plum and ‘Square, the realities of construction tolerances must be consid- fered during manufacturing and assombly. Tolerances must be Dult into the dasign of the products and the installation toch riques must compensate for openings that are not true plumb and square. Glass manufacturers often recommend minimum and maximum allowable glass edgo bite ané glazing pressures. For various types of glass, notably multhite insulating glass units thick lar Rusted glace, cuch at bullet resistant, ae wol-as some of the NeW higher performing thermal units, the dimensional tolerances may be greater than that for other, more standard types of glass, ‘The framing manufacturers and the Installers of glazing systems ust elgw for these glass tolerances to ensure that there is ade- Quaie bile and edge pressure on the glass to maintain a seal Against ait and water ifitrtion. Excessive bite on te glass may produce significant thermal stressas at the edges of heat absorb~ Ing ang heat roflecting glasses, Exoessive glazing pressures may ‘Cause seal falures of increase glass stress love. ‘Another conosm forthe framing manufacturer and installer ls that ‘enough edge clearance for the glass be allowed for proper instal Teton of the clazing, as well as providing a means for restricting the srovement of he glass after installation. Unprotected or restricted adge clearances may result in glass damage from glass fo metal contact caused by normal building movements. In ys tems using looe strip (sttuctural) gaskets, clese freming toler lanoas are neaded to ensure thatthe glass and frame are proper iy g'ipped and to maximize the roll out resistance of the gasket, fee the abilty of the gasket to retain the glass in the opening Under wind loads. With the popularity of structural soalant glazing, and the fect tnat ths glass may be structurally adhered to the framing systern with the use of sileone on ane, two, or more ofits eages, the toler. tances bulk into a system play & artical role jn the periormanos of {he system, Since stioone manufacturers specty minimum widths land depihs of a structural slicone join, its extremely important ‘hat the raming syotems allow forthe glass to be Installed in such ‘way that these minimums are maintained on all aspects of the inetalation. Individual framing members must be inspected fo be sure that they are not excessively racked, twisted or bowed. It is also important that the framing joinery not allow for excessive oftsats Of the glazing pockets at traming intersections, comers, mrs, fie. Framing member dallaction should be limited to ensure maximum deflacton of L/175 of the unsupported (clear) epan fengtn. This Imtatian should protect the glass edges from contact vats the framing member. Iregularities Such as these may cause glass breakage during glazing or may contribute to subsequent breakage when their effect is combined with edge thermal sttess- fe, wind butteting or building movement. V. GUIDELINES for the GLAZING CONTRACTOR Gonoral glazing procedures and guidelines may become part of an architectural specication. The following guidelines would ‘poly for mast glazing systems. Sinco some glazing system designs require more specrfic recommendations, the glass, oas- fet, and sealant manufacturers should be consulted in these ‘cases. Compatibility o all glazing components should be estad- ished witn the respective Suppliers prior to installation. {A All glass systems deac-loaded at the sii should be set on two identical settng blocks located at te. quarter points. Setting blocks meeting ASTM © 864 with an 85 = 5, “Shore A" curome- ter are recommended. The fangth of each setting block should be 6:1"(3 mm) for each square foot of glass area, but never less than 4° (100 mm) in length, Setting blocks should normally be located at quarter points equidistant trom the conter of the glass. As a mans of reducing Seflection of the glass supporting member, mast class mariulsc- turers wil allow the blocks to be located at eighth points. Setting 6 In this system, the glass is suspended by hangers which clamp the top glass’ edges. To provide the lateral support normally offered by metal mulions, similar suspended glass stilfanars, pro- Jecting as fins perpendicular to the vision glass surface, aro blocks should never be positioned such thatthe jamb edge of the black is lass than 6” (160 mm) from the giass edge. Setting biocks snould nat reagict water flow to weep holes, or in any way intor= ‘ere with operation of the weep system. in these instances, the ‘glass manufacturer should be consuited to ensure the accept: Abily of the proposed design. Further information can be ‘obtained from the FGMA Glazing Manuel, B. Generally, glass should be centered in the opaning both verti cally ang horizontal, and should maintain consietent edge bites. ‘Special considerations may be necessary due to splice joint loca tions requiring increased edge bites to accommodate movement. ©. To prevent iateral walking’ of large glass lites, adge blocking may be appropriate. Edge biocks (anti-walk blocks) should be & ‘minimum of 3" (75 mm) in length and located near the bottom and top of the vertical giszing channela. (NOTE: In golsmic zones, i ‘may be necessary to consider alternate locations for edge black ing.) When edge blocks are not self retainad or bonded adhe- sively in piace 10 prevent dislocation, other means should be used to prevent glass walking and broakage. Edge blocks should be of a “Shore A" durometer specified by the glass manufacturer. A nominal clearance of 1/8" (3 rim) should be fraintained between the olook and the edge of the glass. D. Insulating glass units and heat treated glass (lempered and heat-sirenathened) cannot bo cut after fabrication. Glass thicker than 3/8" (10 mm), both clear and tinted, require greater expertise whan cutting, and therefore, it may be appropriate to order these ‘pre-cut o the proper siza. Na further modification should ba made 4o these glass types after fabrication. E. A moisture barrier seel should be provided between the face of the glass and te glazing stops. The glass should be allowed 1o ‘float in the opening by maintaining the recommended edge land face clearances of the glass suppller. Consult the supolers Iterature for the appropriate cloarances. Ita toe bead or hes! bead js required to provide a proper weath- ‘9 seal, the sealant should be one specifically recommended by the ssalant supplier and glass manufacturer for tne spactic appi- cation. In any ease, the heel or toe bead should not interere with the operation of the weep system. For lockstrip glazing systems, recommendations can be obtained ‘om the gaskst manufacture. F. For laminated glass, insulating glass units, and other epeciaty glass types, use a compatibie sealant, tape, or gasket, Asis the case with any sealant, tape, or gasket, the compatiity of these products shoud be verted bythe materalsuppier and glass ‘manufacturer. VI SPECIAL GLASS WALL SYSTEMS Because of the desire of some architects to “openvup” the glass areas and eliminate conventional metal mulions, ‘all-glass’ systems have nesn devised. These might be categorized ito four groups: A. Suspended Glazing adhered to the glass near the glass joints. The dead weight of the lass is tially Supported by the angers, with the sil (conven- Honally glazed without setting blocks) providing resistance only agatast inward/oulward glass movernent B. Butt Joint Glazing In this system the glass Is conventionally glazed at the head and sill but with no suppor forthe abutting vertical edges. Joints are ‘Usually egaled witha silicone caalant. Thicker giass is required for ‘given opening size and wind load than would be required i it ‘were supported on al four sides. Butt joint glazing is not recom mended for insulating glass units, unless the installation is ‘approved by the insulating glass unit manufacturer, ©. Claas Mullion System In this system the glase fs sypported atthe all n the normal fash jon, but finsike glass stiffeners are used as mullions, in place of metal, much as In the suspended glazing system. Provisions for bulging frame movement must be made at the head. The funda- ‘ental dffarenoa is that in the glass mullion system there are no hangers used, and the dead weight of the glass and stiffeners is totaly supported at the bottom edge. D. Structural Giezing In this system, olass and a structural sealant are used to provide ‘a relatively flush outdoor wall surface. Silicone sealant Is Used to ladhore the glass to the aluminum back-up muflions on the roont-side, See Section Il, , in this document, for acldtional Information Vil. SLASS and WIND LOADS. “Tne periormancs of glass under wind loads dapands primarily upon 1) the glass thickness and dimension, 2) glass type, le, ennealed, tempered, ete, and 2) the support system. The deflection of framing ystoms & Imited 1o & maximum of L/T75 at the dasign wind load and span forthe framing support to be considered rigs. A. Glass Supported at Four Edges ‘Tho resistanoe of glass to unitorm loading changes with aspect ratio. Coneult the glass manufacturer for ellowable loading on ‘ass o° reference the current veraion af ASTM E 1300. 8.Glass Supported at Two Opposite Edges (Butt-Joint Glazing) For this eupport condition, the span dimension between supports {usually the glase height), ig the cetioal factor. The other dimen- sion of the glass dogs not influence its resistance to uniform load- Ing when support ls at two oppasite edges. Vill. GLASS and HEAT TRANSFER, AA structure's exposure to direct solar heat, and the visien glass ‘area's capability to reduca solar energy ‘transmittance must be Clearly evaluated in minimizing cooling requlrements and operat- Ing costs required to compensate for sala’ induced heal Wanefer through its facado. The moet important factor to cansidar in evaluating a vision glans product's capablity to reduca solar induced heal transfer into a builsing interior ists shading coefficient. The shading coaficiont 7 is tho ratio of direct anc aitused solar heat gain {to the interior) fof any glass unit (or glass and shading combination) compared 10 that of monolthic 1/8" (2 mn) clear, unshaded glass. Soiar haat {ain is the summation of the transmitted solar enerpy component ‘and the absorbed and re-raaiated component of the sun's energy fentering a building through glass. The portion of absorbed solar energy that is conducted and convected into the building Is Included in a vision glass product's chading coefficient. Manalithic 11/8" (8 rm) clear glass has a shading cosfficant equal to 1.00. {All monoiltie ited, heat absorbing, costed reflective, Insulating (glass producte, and’ manalithiccleer glass in hicknesees greater {than 7/2" (mm) have shading coaffcienis iass than 1.00. Alot ‘these products, or glass and shading combinations, have lower shading coefficients and transter lass solar energy to the interior ‘of the bulding as compared to 1/8" {9 rom) clear monolithic, Unshaded lass. NOTE: a) A clear vision gless area's shading coettiolent may be improved significantly by uillzing inariar er exterior shading devices 5) Tinted, heat absorbing products transter ings solar energy than lear o1ass. The overall relative oifect of shading devices fowards th jants are reduced. ©) Reflective, coated glass products generally transmit suistar- tially less Soler energy than clear glass and eignifcanty lass solar energy than tinted glass. Utiizing shading devices with thease (products do not yield substantially ower shading costiciems. @) Soma high ight transmiting, reflective coatings applied to ‘olear giass have higher intial shading coefficients, an Inferior shading devices may ofter significant lower shading eoetiienis. The performance and aesthetic values of vision glass praducts rust be analyzed thoroughly to ensure the selection of the most ‘appropriate materal in aonioving project goals 0% GLASS and ACOUSTICS Reductions of sound transmission through a building's shell is measured in decibels and js referred te as Sound Transmission Loss (STL). Tne STL across a barler Is typically measured, in accordance with ASTM E 60, "Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne-Sound Transmission Loss of Building Paritions” at sitoen discrete frequency bands between 25 and 4,000 Hertz (Hz) inclusive. The effectiveness of a barrier type in reducing sound transmission is dependent upon the barriers mass, sifinese, and damping characterstice and for @ given bar- Fler type, the electiveness will be relative to the frequency being analyzed. For example, the STof a one inch (25 mm) insulating Unit Composed of two 1/4" (6 mm) ites separated by 2 1/2" (12 fm) alr Space surpasses that of 1/4" (6 mm) monolithic glass at high frequencies. At certain low frequencies, however, the 1/4" (6 ‘min) monolithic glass out-pertorms the insulating glass unit. The performance of the same insulating unit will exceed that of 1/2" (12mm) monoithie glass at oertain midce frequencies, but not at the low or high frequencies. Inthe early 1970's, ASTM first published E 413, “Classification for Rating Sound Insulation” This documentation provided a single number rating for sound attenuating bartiess. Manipulation of STL data in accordance with the procedures of & 41 resulted in the ‘Sound Tansmission Class (STO) of the barrier. Alfhough oriainaliv developed for interior wal partons, this system was often adopt fd for rang products and materials used across a bulding enve- lope. Due to he frequencies and amplitudes that are addressed in the procedure, Its Inappropriate for exterior applications, In 1990, ASTM developed E 1332, "Standard Classification for Determination of Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Clase,’ for deter~ mining the Quidoor-Indoor Transmission (OIC) rating of a bart ‘er This procacure expands the measured irequency spectrum to £80-4,000 Hz Inclusive and is dasigned to be representative of road, rail and airplane tratfic. Due to its relative infancy, the OIC _aystom ip. not yet the recognized standard for acoustical rating ‘building envalape components. In mest cases, STC remains the typical reference. AAMA has, however, attempted to break this ‘erroneous trend with the recent development of a new standard, ‘AANA 180}, “Voluntary Specification for the Acoustioal Rating of Rosidortial,Commercial, Heavy Commercial and Arctitectural ‘Windows, Door and Glazed Wall Sections” was adopted in 1995 for the acoustical rating of residential, commercial, heavy com- rmorcial and architectural windows, doors, and glazed wall sec- tions, This procedure uses the STL data of ASTM E 90 and the OTC number of ASTM E 132, for acoustically rating a product lithe frequency of a particular noise souros is known, an evalua: tion of that raguency band and the associated STL of a product vill gansrally be more usetut than its STC of OITC rating. (e.g, if eduction of automobile, bus oF Wuck noises Is of primary con- ‘corn, glass acoustical performance in frequencies up to 1,000 Hz {low Yroquency) would be most Imperant and generally those from 1,000 to 4,000 Hz would be less significant. Acoustical per: _) formance of glass for the entire 80 to 4,000 Hz range shbuld be ‘considered for a building located in the fight path of ja planas. Acoustical performances of glass for buldings located off to the ‘side of a runway near an altpart should be evaluates primarily in the 500 to 2,000 Kz range.) STC rating specication for exterior lass do frequently appear in architectural specifications. Compared to windows single glazed with 1/4" (6 mm) float, glass area's STL may be increased by: 1 lncreasing the lass thickness, 2. Doubie glazed with varying glass thicknesses and air spaces. (Porimoters of air spaces may be specially insulated to improve the STL of a window.) 8. Glazed windows with laminated glass (monolithic, insulating, or ‘double glazed with varying airspace thicknesses). The interior ite of insulating or douibie glazed units may be nor-laminated, but Using laminated in both lites wil generally yiels higher STL, STC’, and OFTC's, : Laminates normally used range from .030 to .060 inches (0.8 to 2mm) in thickness and are availabe in polyvinyl butyral or utr violet cured resin interlayers. Duo to ite limpness and damping effect, laminated architectura glass has the potential to incraass STL more than non-laminated glass at most sound frequencles. Some of the items to be considered in selecting appropriate imalerials (0 achiove a desid STL or OFT rating are tne stucy {ures intended use, interlor masking of noises, the frequency oh“ ‘ccurtenes and inten of inrusive nolees and Sound feaucion provided by she Dulin wall. “The window area is a component of the wall and must be evalu- 8 sted in conjunction with other componant materials to determine the STL of the total wal, Improved STU’s of a good acoustical ‘lass can be partially offset or negated if passage ways for sound transmission are not adequately sealed. should be made ater ‘The final choice of glass and glazing dotal cconsirtation wih a quaitied acoustician. X, SAFETY GLAZING REQUIREMENTS (On July 6, 1977, the Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSO) 16 CFA'1201 standard became efiective. The standard prescribes the safety requirements for: 1) storm doors or comb ation doors, 2) ingress and egress doors, 3) bathtub doors and tenclosures, 4) shower dears and encosures, and 6} siding glass doors (patio type). Storm windows, prime operating windows and Txed ies of glass as used in curtain wall constructon, do not fall Under the rauirements of CPSC 16 CFR 1201, unloss they are locates within a spectied distance trom a door of walking surtace. CPSC 16 CFR 1201 has preempted all state safety glazing laws ‘and the glazing sections of all building codes except for those produets which ara exempt from the standard such as glazed panels, leaded glass, curved panels in revolving doors, and lou- Vers in Jalousie coors, Bullsing codes may require that safsty glazing mevt the raquire- ments of ANSI 297.1 where the product and its use are nat com bad by CPSC 16 GFR 1201. XL, GLASS STANDARDS ‘The folowing are the universally accepted currant standards from the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) applying to the various types of architectural glass: A_ASTM © 1038, "Standard Specification for Flat Glas Teplaces the Federal Spectioation (FS)DD-G-451D, “Federal ‘Speottcation Glass, Float or Plata, Sheet Figured” This spect. Cation covers quality requirements for cut sizes of alt types of ‘monolithic glass, including wire and heal-abssorbing glasses, Always refer to Current version 8. ASTM © 1049, “Standard Specification for Heai-Treated Flat Glassas-Kind HS, Kind FT Coated and Uncoated Giass,"replaces Federal Specification (FS) DD-G-14038, "Federal Specification Glass, Plate (Floal), Sheet, Figured and Spandel” This specifica: tion covers requirements for heat-strengtnened and fully tem- ppered coated and uncoated fat glass products used in windows, doors, and spandel applications. Inciuded are dimensional toler: ‘ancss for allowable bow (warp), durabilly of ceramic colored (pandrel) glasses and steength’ requirements. Always refer 10 current version ©. ASTM © 1172, "Specification for Laminated Architectural Flat jase" covers requirements ‘or laminated glass usage. Always ‘fer to currant version. D. ASTM & 1900, “Practice for Determining tha Minimum Thickness and Type of Glass Required to Resist a Spectied Load," covers requirements for glass thickness datermination to _~esiat a apectiod load for gwven applications, Always rater to cure rent version, E_ American National Standard institute's (ANSI) 287.1, covers the safely requirements for tuly tempered, laminated arid wired ‘lass as wal as rild plastics, It is directed primarily toward assure ing that safety glazing have fa-safe characteristics when broken bby human impact, and haa bean referenced in virally all codes, laws and ordinances requiring the use of safety glazing materials in bulldlaga. However, ab previously indicated, this standard has been superseded in most architectural applications by CPSC 18 ‘CFR 1201. Always refer to current varsion, Xi, 3EFERENCE DOCUMENTS “The following ica listing of related publications which are refer- ‘ence documents {coneui organization for current revisions) AMERICAN ARCHITECTURAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIA TION (AMA) AAMA 850-01, Fenestration Sealants Guide Manual AAMA 1801-95, Voluntary Specification of the Acoustical Rating ‘of Residential, Commercial, Heavy Commercial, and Architectural Windows and Doors and Glazed Wall Sections ‘AMA CW 19-1985, Structural Sealant Glazing Systems AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI) ANS! 297.1-1984, Glazing Materials Used in Buildings, Safety Performance Spaciications and Test Methods AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) ASTM C 509-94, Specification for Celular Elastomeric Praformed ‘Gasket and Sealing Material ASTM © 846.94, Practice for Application aot Collulosic Fiber Insulating Board for Well Sheathing ASTM C 1036-31, Specitoation for Flat Glass ASTM 1048-92, Spectication ator Heat treated Flat Gless-Kind HS, Kina FT Coated Insulation ASTI C 1172-91, Spectication for Laminated Architectural Flat Glass ASTM C 1249-98, Guide for Secondary Seal for Sealed Insviating Glass Units for Structural Sealant Glazing Applications ASTM E 90-90, Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Aoarne-Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions ASTM E 413-87 (1994), Classification for Rating Sound Insuation ASTM E 773-88, Test Method for Seal Durabilty of Sealed Insuiating Glass Units ASTM E 774-92, Specification for Sealed insulating Glass Units ASTM E 1300-94, Practica for Determining the Minimum Thickness end Type of Glass Required to Resist a Spscifiad Load ASTM E 1892-90, Classification for Determination of Outdoor- Indoor Tansmiggion Class CONSUMER PRODUCTS SAFETY COMMISSION (CPSC) PSC 16 CFR 120, Sately Standard for Archisctural Glazing laterals GLASS ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA (GANA) (Formery Flat Glass Marketing Association (FGMA} FGMA GLAZING MANUAL FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS (FS) FS-D0-G-14038-1873, “Federal Specifcation Glasa, Plate (Float), Sheet, Figured and Spandrel* - Discontinued and replaced by ASTM C 1048. FS-DD-G-451D-1977, "Federal Speoifcation Glass, Float or Plate, Sheet Figured — Discontinued and replaced by ASTM 1038) Xill REFERENCE SOURCES: ‘American National Standards Institute (ANS!) 14 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 PH: 212/642-4800... Fax: 212/898-0023, ‘American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 400 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428 PH: 610/882-9500 ... Fax: 610/a30.9555, Glass Association of North America (GANA) 3810 S.W. Harrison Street Topeka, KS 65611 PH: 919/266-7010. Fax: 919/266-0272 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 4 Banierymarch Perk ‘Quincy, MA 02269 PH: 617/770-3000 ... Fax: 617/987-7057 ‘McGraw Hill Company, Sweets Group 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 PH: 800/442-2088... Fax 212.512.2048 XIV GLOSSARY ACRYLIC ~ A group of thermoplastic resins formed by polymer. izing the esters of acrylic acid ACTIVATOR ~ A material which, when added to the base com: pound of a multicomponent system, will nfiate or acoalerata te ‘uring mechaniam, ADHESION ~The property of a coating or sealant to bond to the surface to which ft is appliod. ADHESIVE FAILURE — Loss of bond of a costing or sealant from the surface to whieh k was applied, ADHESIONIN PEEL TEST ~ A quanthative measure of bond strengin, whereby the material ls pulled away from the mating surface at @ 90 degree angie or a 180 degree angle to the plane {0 which tts adhered. Values are generaly expresead in pounds per Inch width and a5 to whether falure made was adhesive or cohesive, ALT LIBRARY % AIR POCKETS ~ Bubbles of air entrapped within @ sealant, or between two asjacent beads of esalant appiled successively in a joint ANNEALING LEHR — An orline, controlled heatingicosling apparatus located after the tin bath and before the cooting con- veyor of a float glass production line. Its purpose is to televe induced stress trom the flat glass product to allow normal cold ‘end processing ANTLWALK BLOCKS ~ Elastomeric blocks that limit glass from ‘moving lateral in the glazing rabbet which may result from ther- ‘mal, seismic, wind load effecte, building movement, and other ‘oroes that may apply. APPLICATION LIFE ~The petiod of time during which a sealant, ator being moced with a catalyst or axposad to the atmosphara, romaine suite for application; so retered to as work il, or pot He ASPECT RATIO — The quotlant of the long side of a glazing ite ‘over the short side of that Ite. BACKER ROD — A polyethylene or polyurathane foam materia Installed under compression and used to contro) sealant joint depth, provide @ surface for sealant tooling, serve as a bond breaker to prevent three-sided adhesion, ard provide an hour- lass contaur of the finished bead. BED or BEDDING — The bead of compound applied between two materials, normally tne glass or panel and the Stop or fame. BITE — The dimension by which the framing system overlans the, eage of the gazing Inf BLEEDING — A migration of a tquld to the surface of a cornpo- ent or Intovonto an adjacent materia BOND BREAKER — A material used to prevent adhesion of the ‘saalant to a aurface to which adhesion is not desired. BUBBLING ~- Open or closed pockets in a sealant caused by release, production, of expansion of gasses. AUILDING ENVELOPE — Term used to describe the outer skin of a building that provides rasistanca to water and air infiltration, BUTTERING — Application of compound or sealant to the surlace ‘of a membar before placing it into positon BUTYL — A non-hardening compound formed by the copolymer- ization of isobutylene with isoprene. CAP BEAD ~ A beveled seal applied ta the top ofthe glazing rab- bot to shed water away from the glazed infil, CATALYST ~ A materia! which speeds the cure of a compound. CAULK —The application ofa sealant to join, crack, oF crave, CAVITY WALL — A type of building wall construction consisting of ‘an outer wall Secured to an inner wall separated by an air space. CHEMICALLY CURING SEALANT ~ A base sealant that relies... upon added chemicals to initiate the curing process. COHESIVE FAILURE — Internal spliting of a compound resutting fom over-stressing ot the compound, 10

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