2023-6-23-Minutes of Monthly Coordination Meeting - 06 (PIU, PIC & KRJV) Draft

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No. Subject Agenda By Action Taken
1.0. Health Safety & Environment
1.1 HSE The following HSE concerns were discussed: PIU Done/Informed
1. Ferrying of Boulder Trucks inside PTDP: KRJV
- PIU informed that a penalty will be definitely imposed if the Boulder trucks are still
seen ferrying via project
- KRJV agreed to stop such activity and plan accordingly
2. Surface Water Sampling:
- Since the project activity is at a considerable distance from the surface water, it
significantly decreases the likelihood of water contamination. Hence, KRJV proposed
to minimize the frequency for surface water monitoring
- As a result, KRJV proposed to conduct the surface water sampling once during the
project period
3. Ecology Survey:
- Since the activities are minimal, KRJV proposed to conduct the ecology survey once
during the project period
4. Security at PTDP:
- PIU instructed KRJV that the security guard at PTDP needs to be more vigilant and
stricter. It was observed that the security guard do not check the vehicles
entering/exiting the project site.
- The visitor log book to be well maintained and do not allow anyone inside the project
area except PTDP vehicles, personnel & official guests
- PIU instructed that access to the project site is restricted to authorized personnel only.
If the public wish to enter, the security team should notify them to obtain permission
from the project authority
- KRJV will remind the security guards regarding this matter
5. Random Noise Monitoring:
- KRJV propose to do away with random noise monitoring as the use of heavy noise
generating machineries are very minimal at the project site
- PIU and PIC accepted the proposal. However, KRJV is advised to carry out this
activity as and when required by the project in future.
6. Trainings and Awareness Programme:
- KRJV to conduct HSE Trainings and Awareness Programme on timely manner
7. Compliance of CEMP:
- KRJV is advised to implement & comply with CEMP at site at all times

Monthly Coordination Meeting – 06
23rd June 2023

8. Waste Management:
- KRJV is reminded to take proper care of the construction wastes at site and camps
The following HSE concerns were discussed:
1. Non-PTDP Materials:
- KRJV will plan to remove the rejected materials including the materials that are not for
2. Financial Implications & Work Compensation:
- PIU has no objection with KRJV’s proposals to minimize the frequency of SWS & ES
as long as the Financial Implications are compensated accordingly with other works.
- KRJV to propose to PIU regarding the work compensation with assistance from
- Meanwhile, PIU will discuss with ADB on the change in scope since PTDP is category
A project
3. Entry Gate for PTDP PIU
- KRJV will submit the plan for a new entry gate from Outfall 2A to PTDP for PIU/PIC Under Process
review & approval
- KRJV will close the current entry gate since there are a lot of disturbances and poor
road condition
4. Housekeeping
- PIC reminded KRJV regarding the maintenance of the following:
a. Curing tank water to be replaced
b. Debris in precast area to be cleared
c. Stagnated water near the laboratory area, camp & offices to be cleared
5. Incident at site
- 9 Nos. tree guards were lost from site recently (Part 1)
- KRJV is reminded to be vigilant and take proper care of the materials & resources at
2.0. Treatment Plants
- PIU reminded KRJV to maximize the available area as per the current design.
KRJV Informed
However, KRJV to also keep future provisions for expansions as well
2.1 GAD for WTP - KRJV will incorporate PIC Experts comments on GAD for WTP and submit the revised
26th June
layout by 26th June 2023. The detailed drawing will be submitted after the PIU/PIC KRJV Under Process
review & approval
2.2 Solid Waste - PIC informed KRJV that they already delayed the submission of Basic Conceptual KRJV Done /
Treatment Yard Design for Solid Waste Treatment Yard that was supposed to be submitted on 06 th Informed
March 2023 (Calculated from the 25 days’ work duration from the PIU decision for the
Monthly Coordination Meeting – 06
23rd June 2023

location on 28th January 2023 in the Monthly Coordination Meeting – 2)

- PIU reminded KRJV to maximize the available area as per the current design.
However, KRJV to also keep future provisions for expansion as well
- KRJV is awaiting approval for the process design & layout from PIC PIU
- KRJV requests authorization letter from PIU/PIC for non-bio degradable and Under Process
degradable waste in order to proceed further with Thromde PIC

- KRJV informed PIU/PIC that KRJV design expert site visit will be confirmed officially
on 1st June 2023 and will also submit the agenda for the virtual meeting to fast track
the design process
- PIU/PIC informed KRJV to process capacity of 3MLD STP likely to be increased to
- PIU informed that the service connection details for primary and secondary sewer will
PIC Done
be provided by this week
- PIU informed that the design of Ommchu bazam has been reviewed by Phuntsholing
Thromde and Dept. of Cultures and formally agreed
2.3 Design & Build - PIU informed the approval letter will be forwarded to PIC by this week.
- KRJV to revise the structural drawing for Omchu Bazaam as per the comments and
also submit the revised 3D picture
- PIU, PIC & KRJV to discuss regarding the proposal of 3MLD – 9MLD STP by PIC/PIU
and resolve this matter by first week of July 2023
- PIU, PIC & KRJV decided to go with 6MLD primary unit and 3MLD secondary unit of PIU
STP as per the meeting PIC Under Process
- KRJV is required to submit the cost for Primary & Secondary separately. However, KRJV
KRJV to proceed with the design of 3MLD capacity STP.
- KRJV informed Omchu Bazam Revised drawing will be submitted by next week.
- KRJV informed that they will discuss with the design experts during their site visit
regarding the size of the 11m pumping station which seems too big especially while
installing & dismantling
3MLD Location for - PIU informed that they received the location for 3MLD Sewer Pumping Station from PIU
2.4 Sewer Pumping the Design Consultant. PIC Under Process
Station - PIU will send an official letter to PIC regarding this matter KRJV
- KRJV informed that they incorporated the comments from PIC Experts and revised the
Pumping Station.
- KRJV is awaiting PIU/PIC’s review & approval

Monthly Coordination Meeting – 06
23rd June 2023

- KRJV to submit the rate analysis of the borewell drilling method next week:
1. 300mm dia drilling hole surrounded by filter media
2. 200mm dia drilling hole with MS casing pipe (Odex Method)
- All the rate analysis should be provided along with the clear sketch in detail for
PIU/PIC review & approval
- KRJV to submit the rate analysis
2.5 WTP & STP - KRJV is confident that the 300mm dia drilling method will not be possible. Therefore, Under Process
KRJV will officially send a letter on value engineering
- KRJV will also conduct trial bore as soon as possible. However, PIC informed that the
results will depend on water table of the season (Winter & Monsoon)
- PIU do not have objection with KRJV’s design which is based on the higher value
- PIC & KRJV Design Experts to discuss virtually in the next meeting regarding the
revised preliminary design or WTP & STP including the results for resampling
3.0. Financial
Mobilization and - KRJV submitted a letter requesting for the 2nd mobilization advance.
3.1 PIU Done
Secured Advance - PIU will follow up with the Accounts Dept.
- KRJV expects response from the RICBL by 29th June 2023
29th June
3.2 Insurances - PIU instructed KRJV to justify the calculation for the premium from RICBL KRJV Under Process
- KRJV to resolve this matter immediately
- KRJV seek the status of IPC 3
- PIU informed that there are 2 comments in particular:
1. Excavation in Primary Sewer Line
2. Insurance
- PIU informed that there are 2 items for excavation in PSL (Deep Trench & Normal
Excavation). However, KRJV carried out normal excavation but claimed for deep
trench excavation without approval from PIC PIU 04th July
3.3 Status of IPC 3 Under Process
- The work methodology from KRJV for the excavation plan will suffice KRJV 2022
- Also, KRJV still did not justify the insurance premium from RICBL. Hence, IPC 3 has
not been certified yet
- PIC & KRJV officially sent letters regarding certification of KRJV’s IPC 3 & 4
- PIU, PIC & KRJV to conclude and base the minimum amount as per the baseline
- PIU will discuss with ADB during the upcoming ADB site mission on 04 th July 2022
4.0. Electrical
4.1 Alignment for - KRJV submitted all the documents on alignment of Primary Cable Trench to PIU/PIC PIU Under Process
Primary Cable for review & approval PIC
Monthly Coordination Meeting – 06
23rd June 2023

- KRJV to follow the approved BBS drawing issued vide letter No.
PIC/CW02A/DTL/2023/0362 dated 2nd June 2023 between outfall 5 and outfall 6 and
the remaining stretch to follow the BBS approved drawing vide letter No.
PIC/CW02A/TL/2023 /420 dated 22/6/2023.
- The earthing test was carried out, where 2 electrodes of 1.2m each were used and the
result showed between 114-117 Ohms.
- PIU has no objection with the cost implications for the mock ups as long as it is
- Since it is very difficult to achieve the desired result and to avoid the further delay at
the same time, PIU, PIC & KRJV discussed and agreed to carry out 2 types of earthing PIU
4.2 Earthing Chambers for Street Light Pole; PIC Under Process
1. 40 mm dia. of 1.5 m length of GI pipe to be used for an individual light pole and KRJV
the earthing pit should be filled with the sweet soil (without stone) armored wire
(Individual & connecting to the feeder pillar)
2. Cable's armor sheath must be connected at every pole and should be grounded
at the Feeder Pillar
- PIC to issue the earthing drawing to the Contractor
- PIU informed KRJV that PIU is closely coordinating with Bhutan Telecom Limited and
the cable size and routing will be made available by 30 th June 2023
Electrical and - KRJV informed that there is an error in the BoQ. The quantity is huge in the BoQ than PIU
30th June
4.3 Telecommunication what is required at site. PIC Under Process
Network works - PIU, PIC & KRJV will discuss and clarify regarding this matter in the next Technical KRJV
- PIU will inform KRJV regarding the future & current provision for the RMU transformer
- PIU/PIC accepted the sample for lamp with few modifications in which PIU/PIC issued
the drawing to KRJV as well. KRJV informed that they would provide the shop drawing
26th June
Lantern Shape for from manufacturer instead of Lamp sample. It will be submitted on 26 th June 2023
2023 &
4.4 Promenade Light - KRJV is cautioned by PIU to check the quality for the lamp especially the LED, as it KRJV Under Process
30th June
Pole must sustain for minimum 2 years (DNP)
- PIU instructed KRJV to start the fabrication work for lamp post
- KRJV to submit the rate analysis for light pole by 30th June 2023
5.0. Material
5.1 Material - PIU, PIC & KRJV conducted the factory visit for RCC Spun Pipe, POT bearing and PIU Done
Submission HDPE Pipes PIC

Monthly Coordination Meeting – 06
23rd June 2023

- KRJV informed that they will do away with value addition to the rejected Hume pipe
04th July
and use spigot & socket type joint for all the storm water drainage works KRJV Under Process
- Meanwhile, the rejected materials to be removed from site before 04th July 2023
6.0. Technical
- KRJV to submit the rate analysis for 750mm diameter RCC pipe for Tree Pit
6.1 Tree Pit (750mm) KRJV Under Process
- The proposal for 600 is not feasible
- KRJV will submit the structural design drawing for Omchu Bazam next week PIU
6.2 Omchu Bazam - KRJV to invite the Design Experts at site to discuss regarding the architectural & PIC Under Process
structural part for Omchu Bazam KRJV
6.3 Amphitheatre - KRJV will resubmit the drawing for Amphitheatre as per PIC comments KRJV Under Process
- PIU will finalize the flooring details for street type 1a & 2
6.4 Flooring Details - PIU informed KRJV to plan the drainage system accordingly and complete Street Type KRJV Under Process
1, 2c & 5a
Integrated Layout PIU
6.5 & Cross Section - PIU, PIC & KRJV to discuss regarding this matter in the next Technical Meeting PIC Under Process
Drawing KRJV
- KRJV informed that once the design drawing is approved by PIC, only then the order PIU
will be placed to manufacture the POT bearing.
6.6 POT Bearing PIC Under Process
- PIU & PIC to discuss regarding this matter
- KRJV is awaiting PIC’s response on the parameters KRJV

- KRJV submitted the integrated master plan for Street Type 1A for PIU/PIC review and
6.7 Master plan PIU/PIC Under Process
- PIU informed that all the documents will be approved by August 2023 and the August
6.8 Documents for KRJV Under Process
execution of work will follow 2023
Design & Build
7.0. Miscellaneous
7.1 Upcoming ADB - PIU informed that the ADB Site Mission is scheduled for 04 th July 2023 PIU
Site Mission 04th July
- PIU reminded KRJV to invite Mr. Sita Ram (Project Coordinator) for the upcoming PIC Informed
ADB Site Mission KRJV
- KRJV to also prepare the following prior to the next ADB Site Mission for onward KRJV 04th July Under Process
discussion between PIU, PIC & KRJV: 2023
1. Finalize 3-month work program in detail
2. Procurement Plan for Materials (Procured & Balance Materials)
3. Procurement Plan for Equipment & Workers

Monthly Coordination Meeting – 06
23rd June 2023

4. Detailed quantity and amount required for secured advance as per the contract
BOQ to proceed further
- KRJV is required to submit the CV for the following personnel:
1. Mechanical Engineer
KRJV’s Named
7.2 2. Architect / Urban Planner KRJV Under Process
Key Personnel
3. Replacement of Water Supply & Sewerage Expert
- KRJV informed that they will submit next week
- PIU, PIC & KRJV office has been facing frequent power fluctuations which is hindering
7.3 Power Generator the daily activities and chances of damaging the office equipment are high KRJV Under Process
- KRJV to provide the power generator at the earliest possible for office use.
Temporary Flood - KRJV submitted the Temporary Flood Protection/Monsoon drainage Works.
7.4 KRJV Informed
Protection Works - It will be enforced immediately at site
- PIU informed KRJV to recruit a professional videographer/photographer to compile the
detailed work procedure (especially underground) & tests periodically
- The videography record will also be a documentary support for all underground works
in times of external audits of the project
Compilation of
- KRJV agreed to engage a professional photographer/firm who can visit site once in a
7.5 Videography & KRJV Informed
month/bi-monthly to take the progress videos
- KRJV informed that the work progress videos will be submitted on quarterly basis to
- KRJV will incorporate the comments from PIC for the previous photographs and
resubmit next week
- PIU plans to install CCTV camera at 3 locations from Omchhu till outfall 2A as
unauthorized visitors are more frequent in the project area PIU
7.6 CCTV in PTDP - Since KRJV has most of their establishment above outfall 2a, CCTV beyond outfall 2A Informed
will be managed by KRJV, if required. The project area needs to be secured from all KRJV
illegal activities.
Meeting with the - KRJV requests to conduct coordination meeting between the Design Experts (PIC &
7.7 PIC Informed
Design Experts & KRJV) and Site Team in order to discuss in detail and fast track the work progress
Site Team

Monthly Coordination Meeting – 06
23rd June 2023

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