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A dissertation submitted to the University of Greenwich

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of

Master of Science
Management of Business Information Technology A Communication Management Prototype for Farmers

Name: Amarnath Gopinath

Student ID: 001248595-0

Supervisor: Lazaros Fillippidis

Submission Date: 16th August, 2023
Word count:
COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595 A Communication Management Prototype for Farmers

Computing & Mathematical Sciences, University of Greenwich, 30 Park Row, Greenwich,


(Submitted 16th August 2023)


This project report presents the design and development of A Communication
Management Prototype specifically tailored for Farmers, Agri-Experts, and buyers. It has the
potential to solve communication problems faced by agricultural communities and provide
farmers with up-to-date knowledge and updates on advancements in agriculture science and
technology. The Integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT) components
with the web-based communication management platform create sharing strategies and
infrastructure to increase productivity, promote sustainable farming practices, communicate
influential agriculture knowledge, and allow collaboration among farmers, Agri-experts, and
Buyers in the agriculture sector. The use of ICT tools in communication platform reduces
dependence on traditional communication and farming practices. is a web-based
social application dedicated only to the agriculture sector.
The Literature review performed for this project shows the importance of the latest technology
in agriculture, communication challenges, approaches in communication management and how
it can be adapted by efficient communication infrastructure for optimizing agriculture
operations. This project report includes design and implementation of a web-based
communication management prototype using waterfall methodology, Figma to design User
Interface (UI) and Angular, Spring and My SQL to develop the prototype.

Keywords: Communication, Agriculture, Management, Technology, Farmers, Information

Communication Technology (ICT), platform, prototype, Agri-Experts, Buyers, Location, Price-
Trends, weather, blogs, news, contact, profile, groups, search, add post, events, product.

COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595


On the very outset of this project report on “ A Communication Management

Prototype for Farmers,” I would like to extend my heartfelt & sincere obligation towards all the
persons who have helped us in this endeavor. Without their active guidance, help, co-operation
& encouragement, I would not have made headway on the project.
I am grateful to my university and department “University of Greenwich and the School of
Computing and Mathematical Sciences” for providing me with the knowledge with which I can
do my best.
I would like to thank my beloved supervisor Mr. Lazaros Filippidis, Senior Lecturer in
Evacuation Modelling, School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences. I am indebted to him
for his guidance and constant supervision, for providing necessary information about the project
and his support in completing it.
Lastly, I want to thank both Prof. Lazaros Filippidis and prof. Christine Du Toit for agreeing to
have the project demonstration on the18th of August 2023.

COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem Statement ....................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Research Questionnaire ............................................................................................... 2

1.4 Scope and Objectives................................................................................................... 2

1.5 Introduction to Information communication Technology (ICT) ................................. 3

1.6 Thesis Structure ........................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2: Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Need of Communication Management Portal for Farmers............................................... 4

2.2 Challenges in Implementing Communication platforms in Agricultural sector ............... 5

2.3 Existing Communication Technologies in Agricultural sector and their Benefits ........... 6

2.3.1 Internet of Things (IoT) applications in Agriculture ................................................. 7

2.3.2 Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics in Agriculture ......................................... 7

2.3.3 Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Agriculture ............ 8

2.4 Existing Communication Management Approaches in Agriculture ................................. 9

2.5 Gaps in Existing Communication Systems .................................................................... 12

2.6 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 3 Methodology ............................................................................................................ 14

3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 14

3.2 Prototype Development Process ..................................................................................... 14

Chapter 4 System Analysis and Requirements. ....................................................................... 15

4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 15

4.2 Existing System .............................................................................................................. 15

4.3 Proposed System............................................................................................................. 15

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4.4 Hardware Requirements ................................................................................................. 15

4.5 Software Requirements................................................................................................... 15

4.6 Functional Requirements ................................................................................................ 16

4.7 Non-Functional Requirements ........................................................................................ 16

4.8 Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional Issues ............................................................... 17

4.9 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 17

Chapter 5 System Design ......................................................................................................... 18

5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 18

5.2 System Architecture ....................................................................................................... 18

5.2.1 Three-tier Architecture............................................................................................. 19

5.2.2 UML Class Diagram ................................................................................................ 21

5.2.3 Data Flow diagrams ................................................................................................. 23

5.2.3 Activity Diagram ..................................................................................................... 29

5.2.4 UML State-chart Diagram ....................................................................................... 31

5.3 Database Design ............................................................................................................. 37

5.3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) ........................................................................ 37

5.3.2 Created tables with details in backend. .................................................................... 39

5.4 Prototype Design ............................................................................................................ 41

5.4.1 Low-Fidelity prototype Design ................................................................................ 42

5.4.2 Mid-High Fidelity prototype Design ....................................................................... 45

5.4.3 Usability evaluation report ....................................................................................... 53

Chapter 6: System Development using Angular, My SQL and Spring ................................... 55

6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 55

6.3 Functionality Overview .................................................................................................. 56

6.3.1 Farmers Functionalities ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

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6.3.2 Agriculture-experts Functionalities......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.3.3Buyer Functionalities ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 7: Testing .................................................................................................................... 58

7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 58

7.1.1 Test cases for Communication management prototype. .......................................... 58

Chapter 8: Discussion ............................................................................................................... 59

8.1 Findings and Analysis .................................................................................................... 59

8.2 Strategic Impact .............................................................................................................. 59

8.2.1 Positive Impact on strategy .................................................................................... 59

8.2.2 Negative Impact on Strategy .................................................................................. 59

8.3 SWOT analysis of before and after implementing Communication System for farmers.
.............................................................................................................................................. 60

8.4 Practical Implications ..................................................................................................... 62

Chapter 9: Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 63

9.1 Summary of Findings ..................................................................................................... 63

9.2 Recommendations for Future Enhancements ................................................................. 63

9.3 Personal Evaluation ........................................................................................................ 63

Chapter 10: References ............................................................................................................ 64

Appendices ........................................................................................................................... 67

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List of Figures

Figure 1: Components of ICT .................................................................................................... 6

Figure 2: The concept of “Smart Agriculture” ......................................................................... 11
Figure 3: Different digital technology implemented in agriculture ......................................... 12
Figure 4: Conceptual framework of using ICT in agriculture .................................................. 15
Figure 5: System for agriculture information dissemination.................................................... 19
Figure 6: Workflow of AgriIDS ............................................................................................... 20
Figure 7: Architecture Diagram for Krishi portal .................................................................... 21
Figure 8: Block diagram of proposed web system ................................................................... 22
Figure 9: Stages in Waterfall model (Anon, n.d.) .................................................................. 25
Figure 10: System Architecture Diagram ................................................................................. 33
Figure 11: Three Tier Architecture. ......................................................................................... 35
Figure 12: UML class diagram ................................................................................................. 38
Figure 13: Context data flow diagram...................................................................................... 40
Figure 14: Data flow Diagram (Admin) ................................................................................... 41
Figure 15: Data flow diagram of Farmers ................................................................................ 42
Figure 16: Data flow diagram of Registered Agricultural Experts .......................................... 44
Figure 17: Data flow diagram of Registered Buyers ................................................................ 45
Figure 18: Data flow diagram of Guest user ........................................................................... 46
Figure 19: Activity diagram ..................................................................................................... 48
Figure 20: State chart diagram of Farmer ................................................................................ 49
Figure 21: State chart diagram of Agri-experts ........................................................................ 52
Figure 22: State chart diagram of Buyer .................................................................................. 53
Figure 23: State chart diagram of admin. ................................................................................. 55
Figure 24: ER diagram ............................................................................................................. 58
Figure 25: Low-fidelity design of Sign-up, Login and Home page. ...................................... 62
Figure 26: Low-fidelity design of Add post, Blog and list of news pages. .............................. 62
Figure 27: Low- Fidelity Design of User profile, details crop grown and buyers profile screens
.................................................................................................................................................. 63
Figure 28:low-Fidelity Design of list of events, create events, market price trend and event
details. ...................................................................................................................................... 63
COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595

Figure 29: low-Fidelity Design of list and create of groups and community........................... 64
Figure 30: Style Guide used in designing Mid-high-fidelity prototype. .................................. 65
Figure 31: Mid-high-fidelity design of landing page. .............................................................. 65
Figure 32: Mid-high-fidelity design of Signup and login page ................................................ 66
Figure 33: Mid-high-fidelity design Home page of farmers .................................................... 66
Figure 34: Mid-high-fidelity design of add post model screens. ............................................. 67
Figure 35: Mid-high-fidelity design of Grid of Agri-experts’ profiles, profile page, blogs details
posted by Agri-Expert and profile details of Agri-experts. ...................................................... 68
Figure 36: Mid-high-fidelity design of Grid of buyers, home page of buyer profile and pop-up
screen for buyers information................................................................................................... 69
Figure 37: Mid-high-fidelity design of price trends of crops. .................................................. 69
Figure 38: Mid-high-fidelity design of grid of events and event details. ................................. 70
Figure 39: Mid-high-fidelity design of list of groups and community and group community
details page. .............................................................................................................................. 70
Figure 40: Mid-high-fidelity design of Saved and contact us page. ........................................ 71
Figure 41: Mid-high-fidelity design of Farmer profile, blog details, edit personal info and
update crop information. .......................................................................................................... 71
Figure 42: wireframe prototype connections of farmer UI. ..................................................... 72
Figure 43: wireframe prototype connections of Agri-experts UI. ............................................ 73
Figure 44: Angular + spring boot CRUD full stack architecture. ............................................ 75

COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595

List of tables
Table 1: Usability Report ......................................................................................................... 55
Table 2: Test cases ................................................................................................................... 59
Table 3: Personal Evaluation.................................................................................................... 64

COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Overview
Since the agriculture sector must be considered a significant factor, in strengthening the development of a country's Social, Cultural, and Economic conditions (Pandey, 2017) thus it is important to facilitate all the stakeholders in agriculture communities that include Farmers, Agriculture-experts, and buyers by providing them
access to trending information and technology tools to enhance their agriculture practices. Habitual activities performed in agriculture for better yield involved only workforce and infrastructure as fundamental requirements. But with evolving and increasing food demands globally it is important to adopt IT (Information Technology)
for seamless growth in productivity and empowering farmers in the agriculture sector. (Mittal, 2001)
Considering that from the past several years Science and Technology have been contributing significantly to increasing crop productivity, optimizing the usage of resources, and reducing the impact on natural habitats while farming, by providing many innovative technologies like IOT-driven systems, sensors, cloud computing,
big data analytics, etc. can bring evolution in sustainable agriculture, and traditional farming practices to reduce global food security challenges. (Agriculture technology); (‘The digitization of agricultural industry – a systematic literature review on agriculture 4.0,’ 2022)
Therefore, to engage more actors in the process we need a constructive and effective plan for modern communication infrastructure that plays a key role in between the stakeholders in adapting modern technology methods and staying updated with industry needs. As mentioned currently technological advancement in the agriculture
sector is experiencing massive progressive developments but due to traditional communication systems and lack of access to appropriate Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure like centralized platforms or space for communication, limited information to gather resources, and language barrier, these often
fail in fulfilling the specific needs of farmers, resulting in inefficiencies, reducing productivity, creating a gap between stakeholders and missed opportunities for growth and development in the agriculture industry.(Singh, Kumar, and Singh, 2015)

By considering the above challenges this project aims to develop a Communication Management Prototype focused to increase agricultural knowledge, collaboration opportunities, and communication strategies to improve information exchange among Agricultural experts, Buyers, and within agricultural communities. Where,
when a farmer shares his success stories, usage of modern technologies, and innovative ideas in farming through blogs and photos this inspires many other farmers to follow and adopt the same in their farming activities. It also, allows farmers to contact agriculture experts for help and support in their farming practices, contact the
potential buyers of their crop and see the profile details with respect to the user, daily price trends of their crop, weather updates of their location, farmers can join for discussions on a specific topic through events, groups, and communities managed by agriculture-experts and gather trending agriculture and technology news. Thus,
from this communication management prototype agricultural communities can be strengthened by educating them effectively and ensure they can adapt to the latest technologies available on the market that will impact their quality and productivity in farming. This prototype helps to reduce the communication gap between farmers,
Agri-experts, and buyers to improve decision-making methods, coordination, and information sharing within the agricultural sector and improves farmers' social community culture.
Therefore, the purpose is to bring transformation in traditional agriculture practices is the major aspect of the proposed prototype this can be achieved by subsequent amounts of planning and research on available Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools and provide a framework to deliver a digital infrastructure in the
agriculture sector for quality outcomes.
To make sure that the proposed communication prototype succeeds in its objective and purpose for all the stakeholders in agriculture communities it is important to perform discussion on business and strategic impact after using Information communication technology (ICT) in the agriculture sector and information system design
process when farmers and other actors interact with the communication management prototype.

1.2 Problem Statement

The Problem, which is identified, and practical solutions are proposed through this project is-

COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595

The agriculture sector is facing communication challenges, market competitiveness due to the global demand for food and lack of productivity. (Salampasis and Theodoridis, 2013) Among many factors like climate change, natural disasters etc. Insufficient Information and Technology infrastructure is also a key factor this includes
lack of dedicated communication platform for agricultural communities and centralized platform to integrate different communication tools. Which creates obstacles in spreading vital information, collaboration among farmers, Agri-experts and buyers and adapting modern technologies for sustainable farming practices. It is difficult
for farmers to collect and share accurate agricultural information promptly and contact Agri-experts and buyers.
Therefore, a solution prototype proposed, by implementing a communication management platform dedicated to farmers, Agri-experts, and buyers by using ICT components like software, hardware, internet access data and communication technologies, the challenges mentioned are acknowledged to improve collaboration in
agricultural communities, allows farmers to adopt modern technologies like IoT (Internet of Things), precession farming, sensors etc. Having access to information like weather updates, price trends, Agri-news, farmers look for potential crop buyers. Additionally, Agri-experts are contacted to increase productivity and make
informed decisions to improve farming.
I believe this by analyzing the key elements in technologies, that can impact strengthening farming and increasing opportunities to contribute to the growth and sustainability of agricultural communities.

1.3 Research Questionnaire

RQ1: How the A communication management prototype for farmers will improve the existing information sharing problem and provide access to agricultural information and market price trends?
RQ2: What ICT components and technologies can be integrated in the prototype to improve information sharing, communication and collaborations among Agricultural communities?
RQ3: What are the challenges in implementing communication management platforms in the agriculture sector?
RQ4: How will communication management platform facilitate farmers to use modern technologies and farming techniques, and what are the benefits of using modern technologies in agriculture operations?
RQ5: What is the role of ICT in Agriculture sector?
RQ6: What are the positive and negative effects of implementing the communication management platform.

1.4 Scope and Objectives

 The main objective is to build a communication platform for Farmers. The Communication Management platform will help farmers connect with Agriculture-experts and buyers and create an Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure in agriculture sector.
 To determine requirements and feasible solutions required by farmers and other stakeholders, such as farmers finding buyers for their crops, needing Agri-experts to improve productivity, and modern technologies that will optimize farming operations.
 Ensuring the use of various ICT components in a web-based communication management system to collect information, share knowledge and communicate among farming communities.
 Farmers must know the importance and benefits of modern technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), cloud computing etc.
 Ensuring to follow the user-centered design principles while designing a prototype and by delivering farmers friendly design, easy accessibility of platform, satisfy all the relevant choices and preferences of farmers and other actors in agriculture community.
 Assess the performance of features provided in the prototype and their impact on agricultural communities after implementation of prototype.
 To make sure the proposed system should be more economical and must use convenient technology while deploying in real-time. And ensure the system is reached to all stakeholders in the agriculture sector.

COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595

By carrying out all these objectives the proposed project Communication management prototype for farmers must allow farmers to build effective communication, have knowledge of trending technologies which should influence them to use in Agricultural practices.

1.5 Introduction to Information communication Technology (ICT)

Information Communication Technology (ICT) is a broader version of Information Technology (IT). ICT is defined as a “Diverse set of technological tools and resources used to disseminate, Store, create, Share, or exchange information. These technological tools and resources include computers, the internet (websites, blogs, and
emails), live broadcasting technologies (radio, television, and webcasting), recorded broadcasting technologies (podcasting, audio, and video players, and storage devices) and telephony (fixed or mobile, satellite, vision/videoconferencing, etc.).”
(Information and communication technologies (ICT) - UNESCO)
Components of an ICT system are stated in figure 1. ICT is a combination of both internet enabled spheres including all the mobile computing tools powered by wireless networks. Currently ICT is also being used in trending technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning and many others.

Figure 1: Components of ICT

(What is ICT (Information and communications technology)?)
Since Information Communications technology (ICT) have no geographical boundaries and electronic devices transmits and processes the information Therefore, it is a key element in today’s interconnected world which facilitates people to stay updated and allows to communicate through different digital modes. Also, in the
development of economic and social conditions of the world the benefits of ICT infrastructure should be considered in all the beneficial sectors. Considering that the data collected by these information communication systems should be used to tackle arising global challenges and provide realistic solutions to issues by analyzing
the collected data. Also, ICT influences massive change in communities to adapt modern technologies and each person will have their own digital space. This new period is called the digital age.
(Information and communication technologies (ICT) | aims); (What is ICT (Information and communications technology)?)

In the proposed communication management prototype ICT components such as hardware, software, internet, data, and communication technologies are used to improve information-sharing problems, collaboration among agricultural communities and access to market price trends and agriculture technology information.

COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595

1.6 Thesis Structure

The rest of the report is structured as follows. Chapter 2 explains the literature review on the need, challenges in implementing communication portals for farmers, Existing communication technologies in the agriculture sector and their benefits and approaches and gaps in existing communication management platforms. Chapter
3 includes the methodology and prototype development process of Chapter 4 explains system analysis and requirements before designing the system. Chapter 5 explains the system design which includes system architecture, UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagram, data flow diagram, activity diagram, UML
state diagram, database design, and user-interface prototype design. Chapter 6 includes details of the development of the prototype using angular, spring boot, and My SQL and screenshots of functionalities and code are illustrated. Chapter 7 includes test cases and the results of the developed prototype. Chapter 8 is a discussion
of findings and analysis, strategic impact, SWOT analysis, practical implications, and recommendations for future research. Chapter 9 is about conclusions, recommendations for future research and personal evaluation along with references are presented at the end.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

In This section Literature review provides detailed observations of all the subjects related to this project and allows to outline the required information and identify the different approaches used to solve problems stated in this project. Further from different research papers, the pros and cons of their approaches are analyzed before
using concepts and methods in developing this project. (McCombes, 2022)

2.1 Need of Communication Management Portal for Farmers

Physical person-to-person communication and word-of-mouth communication have been examples of traditional forms of communication methods for farmers for many years. Therefore, in the new digital age, this creates an obstacle for farmers in accessing the latest developments happening in science and technologies that are
impacting the agriculture sector. Moreover, these obstacles will also affect the country’s social and economic development and actors involved in the agricultural sector.
Digital devices like mobile computers are widely available to everyone in the market. Through these farmers can find solutions to their problems and sell their products easily by virtually connecting to relevant stakeholders compared to traditional methods. But at present, farmers do not have dedicated social communication
platforms where they can gather information and ease their farming operations. By introducing a dedicated social communication platform, it acts as a central hub where farmers can share and access agricultural information, connect with relevant Agri-experts and buyers, work with other farmers and facilitate their routine farming

In existing agricultural practices by introducing a communication management portal in farmers' routine, they can have access to precise information which keeps farmers informed and influence them to take strategic decisions about farming practices, market price trends and crop management these improved information gathering
methods allows farmers to optimize their farming practices resulting in developments of agriculture sector.

As we know communication portal of farmers facilitates effective information sharing and collaboration opportunities among farmers, these methods include where farmers can access information through blogs shared by all actors in the platform, joining groups and communities and online discussions board allows farmers to
connect. This interactive culture develops problem-solving skills and improves geographical knowledge. These are significant factors leading to innovative ideas and sustainable agriculture practices.
(Kumar and Sharma, 2020)
COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595

By following all these techniques offered by communication platforms for farmers boosts the development of sustainable farming practices by enabling farmers to access essential knowledge about conservative practices, innovative ideas and eco-friendly approaches in agriculture activities influencing farmers to take sensible
decisions. This leads to less environmental pollution and appropriate use of natural resources in agriculture.
(Lokeswari, 2016)
The key takeaways from the above literature review that helps to build the tailored functionalities for farmers in the proposed communication prototype should facilitate improvements in information accessing and sharing, collaboration opportunities, easy farming operations and promote sustainable farming practices this can be
achieved by efficient ICT information system that allows farmers and other relevant actors to engage frequently in the digital platform by providing appropriate information to agriculture communities.

2.2 Challenges in Implementing Communication platforms in Agricultural sector

As mentioned in the above literature review, a communication platform is required for farmers to tackle all the mentioned issues. Thus, the major concern now is how to implement and adapt ICT tools in agriculture in farming communities. This section answers research question 4.
Farmers from rural areas and backward agricultural communities have limited access to modern technologies and have limited availability of good internet, computers and smartphones these issues obstacle them in adapting new information and communication systems. In the end, some interventions by local governments or
potential organizations must take appropriate measures. (Insufficient access to technology for agricultural upgrading | The Encyclopedia of World Problems)
Since there are farmers with less literacy rate and only native language speakers in agriculture communities thus while designing the information communication systems language and literature barriers should be considered to ensure a user-friendly interface and multi-language support in communication platforms this allows
inclusivity in all social communities.
For farmers with less digital knowledge, once the platform is released real-world workshops and training events should be organized and e-learning must be thought locally, by this every farmer can learn about the functionalities available in the platform and help in improving digital literacy. (NRN, 2018)
Many Agricultural communities in rural areas fear or wait for others while adapting new technologies due to doubt in consistency, reliability and data security with digital information systems this should be resolved through filling confidence in farmers by demonstrating other success stories and benefits from digital communication
platforms. (Resistance to changing agricultural methods | the encyclopedia of world problems) (Yokamo, 2020)
Once the Communication platform is deployed in real time it is important to ensure the durability of the platform’s sustainability, support, and maintenance managed effectively to farmers and relevant stakeholders. Regular patch updates, technical problems and server maintenance must be effectively communicated to all users to
maintain long-term relationships. (serrat,2017)

The platform must be designed to run in multiple operating systems with effective compatibility and must ease the operation in data transferring and integration of IoT devices with standard frameworks, data formats and open application programming interfaces (APIs) which allows smooth inter-operability between two information
systems. (Regane, Yemata and Tilahun, 2021)

COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595

2.3 Existing Communication Technologies in Agricultural sector and their Benefits

Figure 2: The concept of “Smart Agriculture”

(‘The digitization of agricultural industry – a systematic literature review on agriculture 4.0,’ 2022)
In the past few years science and information technology are massively revolutionizing in agriculture sector leading to smart agriculture initiatives by modern technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing (CC), Big Data and Analytics (BDA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine learning (ML), Wireless sensor and
networks (WSN), cyber-physical system (CPS), digital twin (DT), additive manufacturing (AM), system integration (SI) and augmented reality (AI) integrations of these technologies in agriculture is termed as smart farming.

Figure 3: Different digital technology implemented in agriculture

(‘The digitization of agricultural industry – a systematic literature review on agriculture 4.0’, 2022)
The graph shown in Figure 3, shows the types of technologies used in different farming methods like soil-based greenhouse, hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics and open air and number of research studies made on each technology with respect to farming method.

COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595

These Modern technologies has potential to revolutionize agriculture sector. By developing a dedicated communication platform farmers can gather the information and benefits of these technologies and the consumption of these technologies will be increased in agricultural communities through Agri-news, updates and suggestions
provided by Agri-experts through communication portal. Thus, narrows the gap between technology and farmers.
Some key technologies which significantly contribute to the agricultural sector and their applications are discussed in further literature review. This section addresses issues stated in research question RQ 4
2.3.1 Internet of Things (IoT) applications in Agriculture
The unique capabilities of networks physical objects that are embedded with sensors and connected to software and other technologies for computational purposes over the internet for performing remote sensing and monitoring are termed IoT.
In sustainable farming practices, precise use of natural resources is important by IoT-powered smart irrigation information systems keeping track of weather conditions, soil moisture level and water requirements of plant in real time spontaneously. The information is gathered from all the entities by integrated sensors in objects
and then analyzed for precise irrigation scheduling and optimizes water use in farming.
(‘The digitization of agricultural industry – a systematic literature review on agriculture 4.0’, 2022)
In variational different weather conditions IoT integrated devices keep track of real-time entities like temperature, air quality, moisture level, health status of plants, ph. level of soil and many more to optimize process in farming practices. The data gathered from these sensors are analyzed to be used in precession farming. This
livestock monitoring management and precession agriculture techniques increase crop yield and improve natural resource management.
For large scale agricultural operations crop monitoring and pest control are made using IoT powered devices like drones, sensors, cameras to remotely collect data by specifying characteristics of plants, crop requirements, pest level, and soil requirements insights provided from these data is used to analyze health of crops, detect
crop diseases, and decide when to use pesticides. By these farmers can be prepared early for issues and reduce crop losses.
In bringing final crops to market effectively IoT powered applications are used in supply chain management and harvesting in agriculture. Blockchain technology, RFID tags and sensors used in IoT devices allow farmers to keep track of crops from farm to end destination.
(‘The digitization of agricultural industry – a systematic literature review on agriculture 4.0’, 2022)
2.3.2 Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics in Agriculture
Cloud Computing and Big data analytics are the trending technologies contributing now to agriculture. This section explains the literature review on these technologies' applications and their potential impact on the agricultural sector.
“Cloud computing is defined as a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.”
(“The NIST (National Institute of Standard and Technologies) Definition of Cloud Computing | NIST”) (“Assessment Flashcards | Quizlet”) According to National Institute of Standard and Technologies (NIST)
(Mell and Grance, 2011).
The information systems powered by cloud computing allow to collect, store, and compute substantial amounts of agricultural data generated through various sources. The main advantages of cloud storage are that they provide easy access, reliability and scalability to data and allow actors in the agriculture sector for enhanced
research and developments.
(Alwadan, 2018)
After introducing technologies like IoT and cloud computing in agriculture enormous numbers of data is being generated from these information systems. These various forms of structured data and unstructured data collected are termed big data. With these vast and complex datasets Big Data analytics computes and provides
essential statistics report to agriculture sector. Then further by using modern technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining and Machine Learning (ML) uses sophisticated algorithms to predict outcomes like crop yield forecasting, weather forecasting, plant disease detection and natural resource optimization are made
through simulation systems leading to effective use of big data analytics in agricultural sector.
(Sivarajah et al., 2017)
Precession farming practices and smart farming management in agriculture uses the cloud computing and big data analytics technology to build a data-driven information system model information about weather, plants, soil, farmers, and other related entities are collected through various sources, these data are further integrated
in data-driven model to obtain efficient output which optimizes farming operations.
(‘The digitization of agricultural industry – a systematic literature review on agriculture 4.0’, 2022)
Supply chain management, pest control, disease identification and use of automated vehicles are the other uses cases of cloud computing and big data analytics. Cloud based analytics system allows real time monitoring of inventory, supply chain and demand of food also alerts farmers to take right action towards disease and pest
in crops to reduce crop loss.
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(Big data and agriculture: a complete guide)

2.3.3 Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Agriculture
Introduction to ICT is discussed in chapter 1 section 1.5. Figure 4 explains the conceptual framework of impact of ICT in agriculture and how farmer’s standard of living is improved.

Figure 4: Conceptual framework of using ICT in agriculture

(Lokeswari, 2016)

ICT’s and Agriculture

Information communication technology (ICT) must be an active element in enhancing the productivity of agriculture sector for a developing country. Digital smart agriculture is a new culture that must be integrated in current farming practices. For a country's agriculture and rural development, an adequate planned information
and communication infrastructure is required. By using ICT tools, it allows to visualize, design, develop and adapt to digitalize farming practices in rural areas benefitting on agriculture sector, farmers and other relevant actors can have access to information and idea about these developments to utilize them effectively.
Information communication technology is the most familiar and convenient technology easily available to everyone. But for instance, as mentioned in the research paper (Singh, Kumar, and Singh, 2015) in the country India with all the well-educated, trained, and organized labor's still around 60% of farmers in the country cannot
be reached through ICT, not supported by any external agencies or organizations. The remaining 40% of farmers have limited access to information regarding agricultural developments. Radio and television are the main information transmission sources.
(Singh, Kumar, and Singh, 2015)
ICT’s and farmers’ Advisory services
In old traditional farming practices widely available communication channels were newspapers, printed guidebooks and through physical farmers meet. Since in Information communication technology (ICT), the most familiar and convenient way to get agriculture-related advisory service is through mobile, telephone, television,
and radio-based programs, only telephone services are available. Therefore, these ICT components need enhanced framework in improving their usage digitally through internet. Advisory services provided through internet are web-based learning and video conferencing.
All the services provided by various modes of digital ICT component need one central hub to accommodate their features and extend to more farmers and other related actors in the agriculture sector.
ICT for soil Quality Assessment
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Soil quality assessment is a significant step for farmers which must be made before cultivating. ICT involves various modern systems and technologies like Remote sensing, Geographic information systems (GIS), sensors, decision support systems (DSS)and mobile applications combines to analyze and understand characteristics
of soil based on their region and optimize resource utilization.
(Singh, Kumar, and Singh, 2015)
ICT for Market Information
Farmers can access market information of any region through ICT components which allows them to make decisions and stay competitive in the market. In the market, the organizations or institutions made by communities use ICT tools to implement the information system that connects business links worldwide, benefiting more
farmers with advanced technology.
(Singh, Kumar, and Singh, 2015); (Rohila, Yadav and Ghanghas, 2017)
From the study “Role of Information and Communication Technology in Agriculture Development: A Study of Nabarangpur District” (Pandey, 2017) The data analysis and Interpretation made in this paper by analyzing several factors for Nabarangpur district among Kumuli and Ganjapura villages, the insights of several factors
from the graph are explained below:
 Media Habits of farmers: Farmers use diverse types of media. In both villages average electronic media is used by 21%, Folk media 7%, folk& electronic media both 51%, electronic & print media 5.6%, folk, electronic and print 3.15%, internet & electronic 4.4%, only print 0.65% and all types of media used 6.25%. There
from this stat internet is used by more than 10% of farmers and considerable number of farmers depend on folk and electronic media. (Pandey, 2017)
 Content Access through Media: From both the villages an average of 41.55% access info from entertainment channels, 3.15% from news channels, 37.75% from both news and entertainment channels, 0.65% from entertainment and other channels, 1.9% from Agri-based and news channels and 15.1% from all types of
channels. Therefore, 17% of farmers get information from each media.
 Source of climate and weather information: From both villages an average of 55.5% farmers collect weather information from observation and friends who has access to ICT tools, 5% through newspaper, radio, or TV, 1.25% from ICT applications, 27.55% through mixed resources and 11.25% from both ICT’s and media.
Thus, only an average of 12.5% of farmers use ICTs (Information Communication Technology) to collect weather information.
 Source of information about Government policies and programs: An average from both the villages 20% farmers collects information from friends, only 0.65% from media, 5.65% from local Agri-experts and officers, and 2.55% from ICTs applications.
 New Practices and Innovative Methods: An average from both the villages 7.5% farmers learn these from their own experience, 22% are influenced friends, 2.5% from local agriculture officers, 3.15% from ICTs applications.
 Usage of Mobile: 77.7% have normal phones and only 22.3% of farmers have smartphones.
 Purpose of usage of Mobile: 36% of farmers use mobile for communication purpose, 23.29% use for both entertainment and communication purposes, 15% use to communication and to collect required information and 28.85% of farmers use mobile for all these purposes in both the villages
By analyzing the above factors usage of media for collecting information is high among farmers 99% of farmers collect information from various sources in this 11% farmers use internet and ICTs and 17% use these media to collect only agricultural information.
(Pandey, 2017)

2.4 Existing Communication Management Approaches in Agriculture

The various existing approaches are presented by analyzing different research papers as mentioned below.
· A framework of information technology agriculture information dissemination system (AgriIDS) to improve crop productivity.
In this existing approach a structure is framed as multi-stakeholder platform for using an Information technology system in spreading information of agriculture to farmers. By figure 5 there are three actors: Farmer, coordinator and agriculture experts interacting through internet and agriculture experts have access to agricultural
information system to facilitate farmers.

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Figure 5: System for agriculture information dissemination

Figure 6: Workflow of AgriIDS

Figure 6 explains the flow of operations of farmers, agriculture-experts, and coordinator. By this the collaborative culture among agriculture communities increases and developers and technology providers can efficiently contribute to optimizing agriculture practices.
(Reddy and Ankaiah)
· Krishi Portal: Web Based Farmer help Assistance
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In this existing approach follows participatory communication among farmers and improves their engagement in problem solving, self-learning and allows them to make independent decisions. It is a web-based platform to gather information of crops, market trends, weather, and government updates. Farmers can also connect with
buyers to sell their end-products. This paper also highlights the importance of user-friendly interface, present content based on their area with reliable information source.

Figure 7: Architecture Diagram for Krishi portal

Figure 7 explains the actions of the farmer and the various functions provided by the portal for effective farming practices in agricultural communities.
“Spry Farm: A Portal for Connecting Farmers and End Users”
In this proposed web platform from paper (R Sneha Iyer et al., 2021) as shown in figure 8 the main interaction is between farmer and consumer focused on crops information. Max-prior algorithm is used to match the requirement of the customer where the list of the products get sorted in descending order and checks the available
of products with farmer to match the maximum requirement of consumer is not checks with next farmer with same product, if the conditions do not match with all the farmers, then shows out of stock message.
This approach eliminates the intermediary in marketing operations and allows farmer to take independent decisions through user-friendly and reliable portal to increase their profit
(R Sneha Iyer et al., 2021)

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Figure 8: Block diagram of proposed web system

All the communication approaches mentioned in the above literature review plays a significant role in one or the other way in agriculture sector using these also increases empowerment of agriculture communities but these information system lag in using effective user interface and user experience design.

2.5 Gaps in Existing Communication Systems

Using Information communication Technology (ICT) There are several applications on the internet which manage and provide solutions for agricultural communities. Some Agri-software's and their purpose are listed below.
 Farmbrite (
This software platform facilitates the farmers to manage their routine operations related to tracking crop protection, profits, expenses, animal records and many more and simplifies farming operations. It is a paid application
 Agworld (

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This platform is a paid application that includes multiple number of actors and allows them to gather information of their required crops and provides services over 5 countries. Allows farmers, consumers and farmers to manage their workflows and record records of their daily activities.
 Cropin Grow (
This is a farm management platform Which uses Software-as-a-service (SaaS) model to ensure efficient and sustainable farming in agriculture. This software includes multiple technologies with sophisticated algorithms with IoT devices and drones to optimize farming operations and helps farmers to trace, predict
and digitalize their operations.
 AgriXP (
This platform is like Agworld but further it calculates and analyses to predict future, actual profit, expenditure, and production costs and allows transfer of data to third-party applications.
 DTN Agriculture Intelligence Data (
This is an information system that provides essential news about the weather and agriculture sector and helps farmers in their operations.
(List of top agriculture software 2023, no date)
There are several software's available on internet the above five listed addresses and solves specific problems of farmers as they are intended to do but they lack in direct communication and gaining inclusivity among farmers, Agri-experts and buyers, language may be an obstacle as they are not multi language platforms, fails to
provide infrastructure for information sharing and collaborations, does not supports with third-party applications and do not have space to bring socialize culture in agricultural communities which limits in seamless data exchange.

2.6 Summary
The Literature review made above on several topics related to information communication system in agriculture sector helps in understanding current modern technologies impact on agriculture and how ICT tools plays a key role in connecting farmers and technology. By Reviewing the current approaches in communication
management systems key areas needs to be considered in improving existing information systems to reach more farmers conveniently by framing various techniques to overcome the challenges in implementing communication platforms among farmers to promote sustainable farming practices and to keep farmers updated
through agriculture information.

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Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Introduction
This chapter outlines the Methodology used for implementing the communication management prototype and explains the adaptation and stages of an appropriate model.

3.2 Prototype Development Process

In implementing, a Communication Management prototype for farmers' Waterfall model methodology is used. It is a linear sequential approach to the software development lifecycle (SDLC) where each stage needs to be analyzed and completed before proceeding to the next stage in the model and it is most widely used
in developing products and software engineering purposes. (Anon, n.d.)

Figure 9: Stages in Waterfall model (Anon, n.d.)

In the first stage of the waterfall model requirements are collected, and it is well defined and documented as there will be no changes made during the design and development stages. The requirements are collected through research and literature review and other sources. System analysis is done with respect to requirements, proper
design is done through schematic or appropriate algorithms. In the Coding and implementation stage based on requirement and design, small-coded components make the system's actual codebase and ensure the intended functionality.
In the testing phase, by considering various test cases of the system, and using various approaches, these functionalities are validated, and results are evaluated and documented for future developments. In further stages of the model, the developed system is deployed in real time, and maintenance is done for consistent service.
(Anon, n.d.)

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Chapter 4 System Analysis and Requirements.

4.1 Introduction
System Analysis must be made because it involves significant research on the system and its components to identify objectives. This mind-mapping technique helps improve system efficiency and ensures all components synchronize effectively to achieve their intended purpose.
Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is an initial step in the software development process. It provides information about the system’s purpose, scope, and an overview. The research papers collect information on the needs of stakeholders according to their needs. The SRS also includes details of the product aspect, product
function and specific characteristics of users involved in the system. Furthermore, the overall functional and performance requirements and design constraints are specified. SRS is a medium to convert client imaging (input), into an organized document (output used in the demand phase) SRS documents are organized to facilitate
system design and validation.
(Systems analysis and requirements analysis information technology essay,)

4.2 Existing System

Several Agricultural Software like Agrivi, Farmbrite, Cropin, Agworld, AgriXP and many more are helpful in improving agricultural practices, but these systems are focused on single technology applications. For example, Farmbrite is an application that focuses on just Farm-management operations of farmers like tracking
expenses, crop production, sales and many more. and Cropin is another agriculture software that uses IoT (Internet of Things) technology for smart agriculture. All these applications lack connecting farmers and other relevant stakeholders socially in their platforms. Hence, the engagement of the users and the software's existence
are widely unknown to many end-users.
 The existing system is built on a single technology dedicated to farming operations only.
 The existing system does not match familiar concepts and user interfaces of the systems or software most frequently used by farmers in the real world, which are difficult to adapt and engage more users.
 It has failed to bring social culture among farming communities, hence farmers adapting modern technologies is less visible.
 The Existing system does not provide ICT tools to communicate or share information among stakeholders and does not address gaps between modern technologies and farmers.

4.3 Proposed System

The goal of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in communication management prototypes for farmers is to build a social, collaborative, and developing environment in agricultural communities and influence them in accessing modern agriculture technologies which leads to sustainable farming practices in agriculture.
Since Nelson’s second Heuristics states that it “Match Between the system and the Real World” (Experience, no date) Therefore, the proposed communication management prototype is designed to match the familiar concepts used by users in other existing social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn.
In this Communication management prototype, there are three main actors: Farmers, Agriculture-Experts and Buyers. All three actors must register with the platform and after successfully signing into the system, users land on the homepage can navigate across to access the information, services and contact with relevant stakeholders
through user-friendly and trending interface design and interactions with users enabling users to spend more time in the communication platform.

4.4 Hardware Requirements

 RAM: 1GB+
 Processor: i3+
 Processor Speed: 2ghz+
 Hard Disk: 50GB+

4.5 Software Requirements

 Integrated Development environment software (IDE) for front-end: Visual studio
 Front end: Angular

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 Integrated Development environment software (IDE) for back-end: IntelliJ

 Back end: Spring
 Database: SQL
 Local Host: XAMPP
 Operating System: Windows 7 and above

4.6 Functional Requirements The communication management prototype for farmers involves farmers, Agri-experts and buyers as major stakeholders' functionalities based on their requirements are listed below.
 User Registration and Authentication:
-The communication prototype platform must let farmers and other relevant stakeholders create their profile with unique username and secure password credentials.
-After signing up users must be authenticated by entering their credentials to access the functionalities and features offered by the communication platform.
 User profile management:
-Regarding the user, they should be able to enter and modify their personal information, location, farming practices and area of interest.
 Sharing and Accessing Information:
-Farmers, Agri-experts, and buyers must share information through blogs and photos.
-Information must be classified based on users' consumption.
-Based on the requirement Users must be able to search the required information
-Users must be able to see the weather status of the updated location.
-Admin must be able to update the required information regularly for all stakeholders
-Regarding actors in platform, they must be able to contact each other's profile individually.
-Users must be able to access their saved content on the communication platform.
 Groups, Community and Events:
-The communication prototype must let users join discussion groups and communities based on their area of interest and location and share the details of groups and communities through other social media.
-Users must be able to see events and their details based on the users' location. Users must be able to share event details through other social media.
 Market Price trends:
-The prototype should inform the Farmers about current market trends of various products.
 Direct Contact with Buyers:
-The prototype must eliminate the farmers' dependence on middle agents and should be able to contact prospective buyers based on their location and products.
-Buyers should connect with farmers based on their required products and location.

4.7 Non-Functional Requirements

The non-functional requirements evaluate the performance of the project using different criteria and facilitate fulfilling required functionalities in prototype.

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 Usability:
-The designed prototype should have an easy-to-use design and interface through familiar navigation options to ensure ease of use for all actors in the platform.
-The designed prototype should be compatible with different devices such as desktops, laptops, iPad, and smartphones.
 Performance
-The designed prototype must be interactive and responsive in real time without major delays and unplanned system downtime.
-The displaying and retrieval of information to users by the system should be seamless.
 Scalability
-The designed prototype must handle the growing number of users and their data without affecting the system's performance.
-The systems' data storage requirements must be able to be scalable and modified based on them.
 Security
-User authentication and information shared must be coded using security protocols.
 Reliability and availability
-System users must be convinced that the accessing information and communication activity made in the platform is reliable with verified source.
-Regular data backups and recovery techniques must be followed to minimize the risk of loss of data in case of system failure or external disaster.
(Anon, n.d.)

4.8 Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional Issues

As a postgraduate student, it is significant to consider legal, social, ethical, and professional issues when developing this project.
Legal Issues: As it is my responsibility, I ensure that while designing and developing the project data protection and privacy, intellectual property, legal liability, and compliance with regulations are tackled successfully. For example, the images used in the mid-high-fidelity prototype and project were taken from third party
applications and proper attributions are made in designed respectively, all the information obtained from research papers and articles are referenced appropriately.
Social Issues: While designing the communication prototype for farmers all the potential actors in agricultural communities were actively involved from diverse backgrounds with limited digital literacy can have advantages from proposed communication prototype.
Local authorities and government must take initiatives to increase internet connectivity in remote areas to benefit more users.
The communication prototype is designed to see the progressiveness, development, and adaptation of new modern technologies socially in agricultural communities and promote sustainable agriculture practices.
Ethical Issues: As no active people were involved in the project development process all the required data for research and development of the project were obtained from previous research papers, articles and verified sources and is properly referenced in the report. Users have control over data collected by the system and have
safe storage access.
Professional Issues:
While developing this prototype access to the required expertise and skills are gained through online tutorials, and help guides available in the library were used. For further development in the prototype, active communication between stakeholders and professional collaborations is required.
(Bhandari, 2022); (Schroeder, Meyer and Ziewitz, 2009)

4.9 Summary
By Analyzing existing and proposed system it benefits to examine and understand the issues in current system and identifies the required changes to be made in proposed system and facilitates to get optimized results by researching and developing on various alternate solutions for the problems to get improved outcomes.
Outlining all requirements specifications in the early stage prevents errors in further development stages and helps developers to stick to the technologies provided in requirements.

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Chapter 5 System Design

In this chapter, for developing Communication management prototype for farmers and to provide proper information communication technology (ICT) framework for agricultural sector developments. Methodology of prototypes' development process, System architecture, UML structural and behavioral, database design
and prototypes using designing tool are created respectively based on earlier system analysis and requirements.

5.1 Introduction
The main aim of the design phase is to develop an organized solution report for the problems. This stage provides the intended solution for problems and addresses the requirement for implementing the project. The quality of the software relays on system design and further impacts the test phase.
(Anon, 2021)

5.2 System Architecture

The system architecture is a conceptual model that describes the system’s framework, nature and overall view. Figure 10 illustrates how ICT (Information Communication Technology) powered application platform is connected to various components to provide communication management services for farmers, Agri-
experts and buyers. This system architecture consists of three layers including the presentation, application, and data layer. Database, internet, admin, platform users, ICT platform and output are these layers' components.
 Database: Stores all the data of the communication platform.
 Internet: Connects the web platform and database to fetch and write data among them.
 Admin: Manages the information that needs to be presented on the communication platform.
 Platform users: Farmers, Agri-experts and buyers as users can create accounts or sign in with the communication platform by entering the required credentials and can access different functionalities offered by the platform with respect to the user.
 ICT platform: Provides a digital infrastructure for agriculture communities by offering features like blog sharing, latest technology updates and discussions, market price trends and search options that allow to contact Agri-experts and buyers for increased collaboration opportunities.
 Output: Through dedicated social communication platforms in agriculture, communities increase digital media use and can gain knowledge of the latest technologies in agriculture like drones, IoT-driven systems and precision farming.

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Figure 10: System Architecture Diagram

5.2.1 Three-tier Architecture

As a developer, while using web application frameworks, angular and spring frameworks can follow different kinds of architectures like event-driven and serverless while designing the project based on requirements. These offers in including data access code in the user interface (UI) and using data source control to create a
connection between the data access layer and the data source which allows for allowing for an n-tier approach containing multiple layers and using data transfer objects (DTOs) for exchange of data between the multiple layers. (What is three-tier architecture | ibm)
Layer: In software, the layer represents different logical divisions. These divisions divide the application into more abstract units and help in collaborating with units simultaneously. For example, in a web application presentation layer needs to fetch and write data from database while performing this operation multiple layers are
used to retrieve and input the data instead of directly integrating database calls in presentation layer. (Rubin, 2021); (What is three-tier architecture | ibm, no date)
Three tier Architecture includes of three layers:

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 Presentation layer
This is an important layer because the user primarily connects and interacts with the application through this layer and starts input for logical operations such as CRUD (create, read, update or delete) functions. (Rubin, 2021)
 Business logic layer
This layer holds all the business logic operations of the application, processes the data and triggers the message in breach of systems rules. Also, this layer helps developers implement applications that run on different user interfaces and reduces code duplication. (Rubin, 2021)
 Data access layer
This layer interacts with external database sources and passes dbConnection class to return required data to the caller through the business layer based on received parameters from it. (Canarys, 2013)

Figure 11: Three Tier Architecture.

Tier: In software, the layer represents different functional physical divisions and can be reusable. (What is three-tier architecture | ibm, no date)
Presentation tier: Angular web application framework is used in a presentation layer that lets users interact and experience throughout the communication platform by accessing and entering data by contacting the backend through APIs. (Rubin, 2021)
 Business tier: Spring Framework is used in this layer. It will compute the data and validate the input conditions received from the presentation layer before fetching data from the data access layer to ensure valid output.
 Data Tier: MySQL is chosen as the database layer. All data from the web application is stored here and communicates with the business layer to calculate and manage the required data as output and ensure data is stored safely.

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5.2.2 UML Class Diagram

The object Modelling process involves various diagrams to represent the behaviors, structure and performance of real-world problems. Based on the system's requirements, several class diagrams represent it. A class chart diagram serves as a framework for implementing the desired system. The class diagram can define a different
real-world entity with their attributes and relationships among them and describes their action. (Ibm documentation, 2021)
Following are the functions of UML class diagram:
 It defines the structure of more than one class, and the class includes class names, attributes, and methods.
 Shows relationships between the classes. Inheritance, Association, aggregation, and composition are the different types of relationships.
 Data types are specified for each class attribute.
 Characteristics of the class are shown by methods or functions
 The availability of method or an attribute is shown by visibility. By the signs ‘-’ as private,’+’ as public and ’#’ as protected.
(Uml class diagram tutorial); (Ibm documentation, 2021)

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Figure 12: UML class diagram

Figure 12 shows the UML class diagram for the proposed communication management prototype for farmers. The classes in the system are Persons, Farmers, Agri-experts, buyers, Admin, groups and community, events, price-trends, agriculture info database, user profile, blogs, weather updates, Agri-news, latest tech
news and saved. As shown in class diagrams, relationships between them show the action and interactions made within the communication prototype.
 PERSONS is a base class with common attributes representing all entities with ‘name’, ’email’, ’phone number’ and ‘password’.
 PERSONS and USER-PROFILE have composition relationships between them.
 PERSONS can update their USER PROFILE and FARMER can update crop grown details.
 BUYERS can view crop-grown details by visiting FARMER profile.
 FARMERS and BUYERS are sub-class from PERSONS. These subclasses inherit attributes and operations from the base class ‘PERSONS’.
 ADMIN and AGRI-EXPERT are also subclasses of PERSON that inherits attributes and operations of base class with one additional operation to access to AGRI INFO DATABASE.
 FARMERS, BUYERS and AGRI-EXPERTS can view, share and SAVE the BLOGS, can view and share LATEST TECH NEWS, AGRI-NEWS and see WEATHER UPDATE.
 AGRI-EXPERTS can view EVENT details and join GROUPS AND COMMUNITY.
 ADMIN updates information in system and manages PERSONS

5.2.3 Data Flow diagrams

Both Data flow diagram (DFD) and use case diagram achieve same results they visually represent operation flows and functional requirements of the system. (Holland, 2018)
It gives details of data movements into any internal and external system or process. DFDs are not the same as flowcharts, they do not provide the details of the timing or sequence of processes. Predefined symbols circles, rectangles, and arrows are used to show the flow of data input and output between each item and their storage
Symbols used based on the guidelines of DFDs are:
 Actors/External entity: These are the active objects that produce and consume data with the system from outside being outlined. They are the start and end points of producing and consuming data with the system. This could be any external real entity. (What is a data flow diagram)
 Process: It is represented as any object that computes or manages the consumed data based on the call terms from the business layer and produces the desired output.
 Data Store: This does not engage in any activity; all the system data is stored here for further requests and retrieval of data between the external entity and the system.
 Data Flow: It is illustrated with arrows of the path connecting external entities, process and data flow.
(What is a data flow diagram)
Context Level DFD: It is a zero-level DFD used to deliver further level 1 DFD. It provides a holistic view of processes or the system. It shows the high-level links, including their actions between processes and real entities.
(What is a data flow diagram)
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Figure 13: Context data flow diagram

Figure 13 is the context-level data flow diagram of Communication Management Prototype for farmers. Where Farmers, Agri-Experts, and Buyers or external actors receive and use services from the communication prototype process, Admin manages the prototype, and visitors or guests have basic accessibility to the
Communication prototype.
Level 1 (high-level diagram): This diagram is derived from a context-level diagram with detailed information on processes, data flows and real-world objects. The main methods are defined with respect to the actors interacting with the system.

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Figure 14: Data flow Diagram (Admin)

From figure 14 there are multiple processes in the system.
 Login Module: In this Admin of the Web communication platform enter the required credentials such as user ID and password to manage and maintain the web application. If the credentials are authenticated, the admin can proceed with further processes provided by the system, displaying the message invalid login and
redirecting the user to the login page.
 Admin can update the data on market price trends of agricultural products and the latest news and trend technologies that can be accessed by farmers, buyers and Agri-experts.
 Admin will create new events, groups and communities for users of communication platforms.
 Admin manages and updates the Agri-info database frequently.
 Administrators can view all the registered users with the communication platform.
 Data generated by these processes are stored in the database and retrieved based on function call conditions.
 After the operation, the admin logs out of the system.

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Figure 15: Data flow diagram of Farmers

Figure 15 here external entity FARMER will perform multiple operations with the functionalities provided by the web application system, the communication platform.
 Login Module: Here, registered farmers can log in with the application by entering valid credentials after authentication, users can access the services offered by the system's multiple processes.
 After successful login, the system offers multiple processes for farmers to interact.
 Profile Updating: Farmers can view and update their profile information such as name, location, crop name, experience and personal biological information.
 Updates Crop Grown details: Here farmers can update the crop name, price and availability of stock.
 Information sharing: Blogs and photos can be posted, and content shared by Agri experts and buyers can be saved by farmers.
 Search Module: Through the search bar farmers can search for Agri-experts and buyers by entering username.
 Find Agri-experts: Farmers can view the list of Agri-experts through the navigation bar and view their profile with their required area of expertise and can contact them through e-mail.
 Find Buyers: Through the same navigation bar farmers can view the list of buyers based on their location and products. Additionally, they can view buyers' profile details and contact them through email.
 Price Trends: Market price trends of different products and locations updated regularly by admin can be accessed by farmers.
 Events: Farmers can view the upcoming events and event details such as event name, location, date and see all others attending.
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 Groups and community: Farmers can view details of group and community such as name, description, discussion topic and location before joining.
 Weather Module: This module fetches Farmers' locations automatically and provides weather information like weather type, temperature and date in real time.
 View Saved Blogs: Here blogs saved by farmers can be accessed for later use.
 Agriculture and Latest Technology news: Here Farmers can view this information with details such as title, content, source and published date. This information is updated by the administrator.
 View Basic Information: Like home page, about us and call us page.
 After successful operation Farmer logs out of the system.

Figure 16: Data flow diagram of Registered Agricultural Experts

From Figure 16 here, the external entity registered AGRI-EXPERTS will perform multiple operations with the features provided by the web application system that is the communication platform.
Here Agri-experts also have similar process interactions with the web system such as Login Module, profile updating, information sharing, price trends, events, groups and community, weather module, saved blogs, agriculture and latest technology news, and can view some basic information same as farmers but here Agri-experts
contacts the farmers and have no interactions with buyers.
Additional functions are:

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 Access to the Agri Information Database: Agri-experts have access to this database, including soil data, location, plant properties, crop data, farmer details and research data updated regularly by admin.
 Create Groups and Community: Agri-experts can create groups for other users on the communication platform by entering required details such as group name, description, key theme and location.
 Create Events/workshops: Agri-experts can create events and workshops for other users on the communication platform by entering required details like event or workshop name, organizer name, description, date and location.

Figure 17: Data flow diagram of Registered Buyers

Figure 17 here external entity is registered BUYERS will perform multiple operations with the functionalities provided by the web application system, the communication platform.
Buyers also have similar process interactions with the web system such as Login Module, profile updating, information sharing, price trends, events, groups and community, saved blogs, agriculture and latest technology news, and can view some basic information same as farmers but here Buyers contact the farmers based on their
required crops by viewing crop grown details in farmers profile and have no interactions with Agri-Experts.

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Figure 18: Data flow diagram of Guest user

From Figure 18 here Guest is the external entity can perform two operations.
 View: Here visitors can view the landing page of the communication platform and the basic information of services offered.
 Registration module: Guests or visitors of the communication platform can register with the system by entering required details such as name, email id, phone number and setting password.
 Then guests become registered users and can access all the services offered by the communication platform.
5.2.3 Activity Diagram
An activity diagram is a type of Unified Modeling Language’s (UML) behavioral diagram that represents different changing characteristics of the system. It is an enhanced model of flow charts. (What is activity diagram?).
Benefits of activity diagram:
 Illustrates the work and techniques of a system in diagrammatic.
 Different functions or processes within the system are explained.
 Functions or processes can be analyzed for further enhancement of the system.
 Processes, external entity and relationship used in data flow chart are expanded.

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Figure 19: Activity diagram

Figure 19 illustrates the activity diagram for the whole system communication management prototype for farmers. By combining all the modules of the data flow diagrams mentioned above, the diagram shows the functions performed by various users such as visitors/new users, farmers, Agri-experts, buyers and admin.
From this, the steps in recording and registering with the system by providing all required credentials and all users with access to services and interacting with the communication platform are shown in a single chart.
5.2.4 UML State-chart Diagram
It is also a part of the Unified Modeling Language’s (UML) behavioral diagram. Activity diagrams describe an overview of different activities in the system whereas state chart diagrams describe the activities with additional signs and how they are opera within the system. Also, possible changes in an object's state and event-
causing trigger in the change of state is shown by a state chart diagram. (Uml - statechart diagrams)

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Figure 20: State chart diagram of Farmer

Figure 20 is a state chart diagram where the farmer object's state with the communication platform is analyzed. The initial state is the static state where the process starts to begin with users. Farmers begin interacting with the system. If they have already registered with the system, they can move the login page through the landing
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 Login State: Here, registered farmers log in to the communication platform by entering valid credentials authenticated by the system.
 Home page state: After successfully logging in with the system, farmers land on the home page with many state options allowing farmers to access services and share information with the system. These states are listed below.
 Search State: Here farmer first selects the required object such as farmer, buyer, Agri-experts and products and then searches for respective person name and product name within the object if matched they can view details and contact person with respect to users and product price trends through search bar itself.
 Blog state: Here farmers can view blogs after clicking on specific blog details, shown with complete descriptions, title, author and posted date.
Farmers can save the blog for future access.
Farmers can share the blog through other social platforms.
 Add post state: By clicking this farmer, add or drag the photo in the pop-up window and type the description or blog to upload info.
 Weather updates state: Here farmers can view their current location’s weather information through the weather widget.
 Farmer User Profile State: Farmers by clicking on view profile, blogs and photos posted by them are shown. Also, after clicking edit their profile they can update profile details like profile pic, name, location, experience, and personal bio and update crop-grown details like name, availability and price of the crop.
 Agri-Experts state: In this state, farmers can see a list of agriculture experts near their location and after clicking view profile farmers can view blogs, and photos posted by Agri-experts, by clicking view profile details information like phone number, email, area of expertise, location, experience and personal bio in
Farmers can contact/message Agric-experts though e-mail,
 Buyer state: Through this state, farmers can see a grid of buyers based on the name of products and location after selecting, can view their profile details and contact buyers with their requirement via email.
 Market Price trend: Current market price trend of different products is shown to farmers in this state.
 Events state: Here farmers can view all the upcoming events and after selecting they view details of the event by clicking on “Attend” If interested in the event this state changes to the attending state.
 Groups and communities: By clicking on this state, farmers can view a list of groups and communities based on location. Click on the view details button to see event details and connect with other users by clicking the join group now button.
 Agriculture news and the latest technology information state: This state offers multiple cards, selecting one redirects to another page with detailed information about that news.
 There is no specific endpoint for this state. Farmers can leave at any point of the process based on their needs and operations.

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Figure 21: State chart diagram of Agri-experts

 Figure 21 is a state chart diagram where the state of the Agri-expert object with the communication platform is analyzed here, also like the farmer state where the initial state is the static state where the process starts with users.
 When Agri-Experts start interaction with the system if they have already registered with the system, they can navigate login page through the landing page and most of the state accessed by Agri-experts is the same as farmers except Agri-experts will contact farmers, creates groups and events, have access to Agri-info

database and have no connection with buyers. All the states and actions are shown in the above chart.

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Figure 22: State chart diagram of Buyer

Figure 22 is a state chart diagram where the state of the Buyer object with the communication platform is analyzed here, also like farmers and Agri-expert state where the initial state is static, where the process starts with users.
 After the registered buyer’s successful login, they have similar states to interact same as Agri-experts from the communication platform but can see crop-grown details in farmers' profiles and except they do not have access to the Agri-info database and cannot connect with Agri-experts. All buyers' states and actions are
shown in the above chart.

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Figure 23: State chart diagram of admin.

Figure 23 is a state chart diagram of where the admin has stated to interact to manage the communication platform.
All the states such as User profile management, market price trends, Agri-news and info, Groups and community, events and the latest tech info are updated and managed by admin regularly.

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5.3 Database Design

For Communication Management prototype for farmers an efficient robust database is required because this system offers a wide range of services and a centralized Hub for farmers, Agri-experts and buyers to connect. So large amounts of data need to be managed and stored securely. The importance of a database with
respect to this communication platform is as follows:
 Data storage and Management: The communication prototype for farmers requires a centralized database to compute and store the information about activities and services accessed by Farmers, Agri-Experts and Buyers.
 Swift Data Access and Retrieval: By using a database, all actors in the communication platform can quickly enter and retrieve the desired information from this relevant user can decide on their crops.
 Data security, accuracy and consistency can be ensured by using a database and helps the communication platform in strengthening security measures like encryptions of data, authentication of user and preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data of the communication platform.
 Scalability: The Increase in users of the communication platform database will be designed to handle large amounts of data and will ensure to expand effortlessly as the requirement from the communication platform increases.
 Analytics and Report: By using the database, the communication platform can generate insightful reports of farmers' activities and other instances like crops, price trends, events, and blogs and can be used for further enhancements of the communication platform.
(‘Need for dbms’, 2016)
5.3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
As mentioned above, the database is a vital component of software applications. With the help of Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) high quality database for efficient management and maintenance. ER diagram is a structural representation of database design created using various shapes and connectors to explain detailed
information about entities with their attributes, data types used in them and relationships among the entities.
Primary key (PK) does not allow for duplicate entries of data in the table and foreign key (FK) refers to a primary key from another object table created to represent relationship among the objects.
(What is entity relationship diagram (Erd)?)
Entities and attributes of ER diagram are as follows:
 Users: Email id (PK), username (PK), phone number (PK), user type, password, location, experience, personal bio, area of expertise, company name, profile image location, cover image location.

 Blogs: Blog id (PK), phone number (FK), email id (FK), image location, blog content, content type, posted date.
 Saved Content: Blog id (FK), user phone number (FK), user email id (FK).
 Crop Grown: Crop id (PK), crop name (PK), crop image location.
 Crop Details: Crop id (FK), user phone number (FK), crop availability, crop price per kg.
 Groups and Community: groups & community id (PK), group or community name, group description, location, created date, users phone number (FK), username (FK), group image location.
 Groups and community members: groups and community id (FK), user phone number (FK).
 Events: event id (PK), event name, event description, event location, event date, user phone number (FK), user name (FK), event created user (FK), event image location.
 Attending members of event: even id (FK), user phone no (FK).
 Agri and tech news: Agri and tech news id (PK), news image location, title, news content, published date, news source.
 Agri-info database: Location (PK), soil data, plant property, crop data, market information, farmer data, weather data.
 Admin: admin id (PK), user name, password.

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Figure 24: ER diagram

From figure 24 ER diagram, AGRI-INFO DATABASE, AGRI & TECH NEWS and ADMIN is a stand-alone table because these tables do not have any dependency attributes from other tables and the admin will update and manage these tables from the front end by logging in to the system.
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Relationships and cardinality ratio that exists between tables are as follows:

 USERS and BLOGS: User POSTS blogs in communication platforms. One blog must have one user and users can post many blogs.
 BLOGS and SAVED CONTENT: posted BLOGS can be saved one time optionally and SAVED CONTENT can store one or many posted Blogs.
 USERS and CROP DETAILS: It has one to many relationship. One USER will enter multiple crop details
 CROP DETAILS and CROP GROWN: crop details STORES multiple crop id and cops grown must have at least one crop id and name.
 USERS and GROUPS AND COMMUNITY: Optional one or many users will JOIN to groups and community and groups and community should have many users.
 GROUPS AND COMMUNITY and GROUPS AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS: It has many to many optional relationship between them. Groups and community will have many numbers of users and groups and community members must have an optional one or many groups.
 USERS and GROUPS AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS: Groups and community members table will STORE multiple user details who have joined the group. It has many to many optional relationship between them.
 USERS and EVENTS: Optional one or many users will ATTEND to events and events should have many users.
 EVENTS and ATTENDING MEMBERS OF EVENTS: It has many to many optional relationship between them. events will have many numbers of users and attending members of events must have an optional one or many events.
 USERS and ATTENDING MEMBERS OF EVENTS: Attending members of event table will STORE multiple user details who are attending the event. It has many to many optional relationship between them.

5.3.2 Created tables with details in backend.

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5.4 Prototype Design

A prototype is a trail run or a draft model of a product where designers and developers can visually present actual solutions from paper to digital medium and provide the intentions of functionalities and overall system design to users before using recourses to develop full scale system. (Affairs, 2014); (What is Prototyping? 2023)
Benefits of prototyping:
 Prototype presents fundamental information gathered in the idea stage and overviews factors like cost, risk, time, resources and benefits related to prototype implementation impact.
 The required changes can be made and adapted in the initial phase and avoid errors, false assumptions from the ideate stage and overuse of resources through mismanagement.
 By presenting a prototype to users, feedback can be collected to improve specific functions or elements, increasing users' engagement with the system.
 Developers can have a blueprint and an idea of required output in the developing process.
(admin, 2022); (What is Prototyping?, 2023)
Figma: It is a potential tool used to design user interfaces, web pages, application prototype of web and mobile applications and allows sharing and testing these designs.
Benefits of Figma:
 Flexibility: Figma platform responds seamlessly when interacting with its functions in one centralized stage and it can be accessed by different platforms.
 Multiplayer: It allows many people to work on a single project at the same time and can make real-time collaboration between users
 Always available: As it is completely operated by cloud and is available through browser, desktop and mobile apps.
 Advanced features like component system, wireframing, smart selection, quick navigate, layout grid, and many more.
(Danielyan, 2021)
Figma is used to design Low and mid-high-fidelity wire frame prototypes for A communication prototype for farmers.

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5.4.1 Low-Fidelity prototype Design

In this type of prototype, the main focus is on the required functionality of the system and the layout and structure of the desired pages of mobile or web applications is designed.
Characteristics of low fidelity prototype:
 Visual Representation: Using basic shapes, place holders and lorem ipsum texts, the screen's design is produced.
 Limited Detail: Does not use many colors and graphics only limited contents are added to present intended functions.
 Interactivity: In this interaction can be explained manually by a designer and can change immediately before further development of the prototype.
Low-Fidelity prototype designed for Communication management platform are as follows:

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Figure 25: Low-fidelity design of Sign-up, Login and Home page.

Figure 26: Low-fidelity design of Add post, Blog and list of news pages.

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Figure 27: Low- Fidelity Design of User profile, details crop grown and buyers profile screens

Figure 28:low-Fidelity Design of list of events, create events, market price trend and event details.

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Figure 29: low-Fidelity Design of list and create of groups and community.
Based on these designs the mid-high-fidelity prototype is designed with more graphical representation.

5.4.2 Mid-High Fidelity prototype Design

This type of prototype lies between mid and high-fidelity prototypes. It illustrates all the key characteristics and detailed design of the final product but has some options and flexibility to make changes.
Characteristics of Mid-high-fidelity prototype:
 Enhanced visual Appearance: This includes fundamental branding styles, colour pallet, logos, buttons, and typography that are designed for the final user Interface (UI).
 Layout and structure: Well-organized and labelled design framework gives a clear idea for users to navigate the systems interface.
 Interactive Elements: The items used in designs such as buttons, forms, checklist, dropdown menus and many more will have basic operations to present the user actions.
 Content Representation with Graphics: The contents like the intended content of the final UI are used here to improve user understanding of the interface.
 User Testing: This kind of prototype helps designers and developers in testing phase and gather user feedback to identify the issues and for future enhancements.
(Babich, no date)

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Figure 30: Style Guide used in designing Mid-high-fidelity prototype.

Mid-High-Fidelity prototype designed for Communication management platform are as follows:

Figure 31: Mid-high-fidelity design of landing page.

Visitor will view this page and can sign-up with the platform through this.
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Figure 32: Mid-high-fidelity design of Signup and login page

While signing up with the platform, users must select their role through the drop-down menu, which includes farmers, buyers and Agri-Experts.

Figure 33: Mid-high-fidelity design home page of farmers

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Through this page, Farmers can view weather updates, view, save and share blogs and photos, widgets of Agri and tech news are provided, a navigation bar is provided to perform other specific operations and can search for specific users through search bar.

Figure 34: Mid-high-fidelity design of add post model screens.

After clicking the add post button through the navigation bar, these two screens appear one after and have a drop-down menu to select the content type as blog or photo before uploading post.

Figure 35: Mid-high-fidelity design of Grid of Agri-experts’ profiles, profile page, blogs details posted by Agri-Expert and profile details of Agri-experts.
After clicking on Agri-experts through the navigation bar, farmers can view the grid of Agri-experts’ profiles and view details to contact and gather information about Agri-experts.
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Figure 36: Mid-high-fidelity design of Grid of buyers, home page of buyer profile and pop-up screen for buyer’s information
After clicking on Buyers through the navigation bar, farmers can view the grid of buyers’ profiles and view details to contact and gather information about Buyers.

Figure 37: Mid-high-fidelity design of price trends of crops.

After clicking on price trends through the navigation bar, farmers can view the grid of price trends information and details through the widgets.

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Figure 38: Mid-high-fidelity design of grid of events and event details.

After clicking on events through the navigation bar, farmers can view the grid of event details and particular event details on clicking view event button and attend event button will redirect to the events website.

Figure 39: Mid-high-fidelity design of list of groups and community and group community details page.
After clicking on groups and community through the navigation bar, farmers can view the grid of event details and particular event details on clicking view details button and join now button to join groups.

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Figure 40: Mid-high-fidelity design of Saved and contact us page.

On clicking saved us button users can view the saved blogs and post and unsave button to remove the content. And contact us page allows web-site owners to connect with users.

Figure 41: Mid-high-fidelity design of Farmer profile, blog details, edit personal info and update crop information.
On clicking view profile details of the user profile home page is displayed and farmers can see their posted photos and blogs and edit their personal info and update crop details through edit profile details and crop grown button.

Similarly, all the User interface screens are designed for Agri-experts, Buyers and Admin with respect to their interactions as mentioned in section 5.2.3 Activity diagram.

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Figure 42: wireframe prototype connections of farmer UI.

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Figure 43: wireframe prototype connections of Agri-experts UI.

Similarly Wire frames connections are made for Buyers and Admins user interfaces.

5.4.3 Usability evaluation report

Using Nielsen’s 10 general principles of user interaction design as the criteria and severity rating is used to scale the usability issues of designed mid-high prototype.
The 0-4 severity rating used to evaluate are as follows:
 0: I do not agree that this is a usability problem at all
 1: Cosmetic problem only: need to be fixed unless extra time is available on project.
 2: Minor Usability problem: Fixing this should be given low priority.
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 3: Major usability problem: Important to fix, so should be given high priority.

 4: Usability catastrophe: imperative to fix this before the product can be released.
(Nielsen, 1994); (Experience) Principle Name Severity Evidence
1 Visibility of System Status 0 When users switch between the options
in navigation bar the color of the button
is changed and buttons response quick
enough to redirect to required target.
2 Match Between System and Real 0 The layout and design are similar to
world existing web applications and follows
real-world conventions for users to
interact without any ambiguity.
3 User control and freedom 2 In some screens of Agri-expert and
buyers tab users cannot return back to the
previous state where as they should start
operation from home page once again.
4 Consistency and standards 0 Throughout all the screens appropriate
icons, buttons, layout and other UI
components are used.
5 Error Prevention 3 There is no undo options provided when
the post is uploaded, and cannot exit the
groups and community once joined.
6 Recognition rather than recall 0 User friendly structure, menu and labels
allows all the element and options visible
for users to interact with the system
without any indistinctness.
7 Flexibility and efficiency of use 1 No such features are implemented yet.
8 Aesthetic and minimalist design 0 All the information presented by the
system is required by the users and

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content is logically ordered based on the

users’ action.
9 Help Users recognize, diagnose, 1 Not In all the cases exception messages
and recover from errors are popped up when the invalid action is
10 Help and documentation 2 Currently problems can be solved only
through contact us page.
Table 1: Usability Report

Chapter 6: System Development using Angular, My SQL and Spring

6.1 Introduction
In this chapter, a detailed description of the development of web based “ A communication management prototype for farmers” application is illustrated.

Figure 44: Angular + spring boot CRUD full stack architecture.

(‘Angular + spring boot + mysql crud example’,)

The advantage of using spring and angular framework delivers a dynamic frontend and adaptable backend framework.
Frontend architecture (Angular):
From the figure: In Angular approach each UI element is divided into reusable components, these components are combined as module to provide a related functionality. Templates are used to present UI structure using Html and CSS, to synchronize data between components and view template data binding mechanisms are
Angular services are used to compute and retrieve data from the backend.
Built in HTTP client in angular allows to call RESTful APIs from backend.
Backend Architecture (Spring):
Spring boot will reduce the time and effort of developers in backend development by providing simple frameworks to implement large-scale applications. The spring rest controller layer manages the incoming HTTP requests, computes them and works alongside service layers. Spring data JPA (java persistence API) manages
interactions with the database.
MySQL is used as a relational database management system.

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6.3 Functionality Overview

All the functionalities used to interact with developed web application are illustrated with screenshots of user screens and code.

Figure 45: Registration Page

Figure 46: Type script code of Sign-up page

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Figure 47: Service file to connect with backend

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Chapter 7: Testing
The purpose of the testing process in software is to assess and validate the working purpose of intended software applications or products. This stage assists in discovering bugs, reducing cost in the development e and increasing system performances.
(What is software testing and how does it work? | ibm, no date)

7.1 Introduction
After successfully developing A communication Management prototype for farmers it is important to frame a table of test cases for the developed prototype to verify the status of the developed functionalities. For Farmers Communication Management Prototype test case tables are formed in three tables which in
functionalities of farmers, Agri-experts, Buyers and Admin.

7.1.1 Test cases for Communication management prototype.

Test case Test case Pre-condition Expected Actual output Status of
no. output execution
TC1 Sign-up Visitor must visit The system Same as expected Pass
landing page to register Should accept
by entering required the data in
credentials and select valid format
user type in Sign-up
TC2 Login Authenticate the email User should Same as expected Pass
id and password. successfully
land on home
TC3 Admin Admin Id and password Admin login Same as expected Pass
Login must be authenticated should be
TC4 Add Blog Same as expected Pass
TC5 Add Photo Same as expected Pass
TC6 View Agri- Same as expected Pass
TC7 View Same as expected Pass
TC8 View Same as expected Pass
TC9 Save Blogs Same as expected Pass
TC10 See Price Same as expected Pass
TC11 Join Group Same as expected Pass

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TC12 View Same as expected Pass

TC13 View Agri Same as expected Pass
TC14 View Tech Same as expected Pass
TC15 Profile and Same as expected Pass
crop details
Table 2: Test cases

Chapter 8: Discussion
8.1 Findings and Analysis
In this chapter, findings from design and implementation of A communication management prototype for farmers is presented and analyzed. This project aims to solve the communication challenges faced by farmers and strengthen the agricultural community through improved access to information, modern
technology adoption and market price trends.

8.2 Strategic Impact

By introducing a new communication infrastructure using ICT components in agriculture sector the strategic impact on various factors of the sector is discussed as follows:
8.2.1 Positive Impact on strategy
 Operational Impact: Increased information flow in agricultural communities contributes to the adoption of sustainable farming practices and real-time access to agricultural information. It allows farmers to engage in collaborative learning through events, discussion groups and contact now features. Direct communication
between farmers and buyers eliminates third-party agents and by integrating market price trend information, farmers can decide on selling their crops and avoiding post-harvest losses.
 Economic Impact: The total income of farmers will be increased, and adopting modern technologies benefits farmers in optimized resource allocation, strategic crop planning and increase productivity. Direct contact with buyers allows farmers to acquire a large amount of profit, with an increase in profits, farmers can
invest in expanding their farming operations.
 Legal Impact: Farmers can now have access to verified and valid information about farming operations, market price trends, and more and obtain contacts of Agri-experts and buyers through a communication platform that minimizes the risk of depending on information collected from word of mouth.
8.2.2 Negative Impact on Strategy
 Structural Impact: Introducing a new communication platform in the agriculture sector will create a technical gap between stakeholders, as there will be some users with limited access to ICT components due to a lack of basic infrastructure.
Farmers, by adopting new technologies, need to find new labor with all prerequisites to operate and maintain the products.
 Cultural Impact: By using new technologies in farming operations the traditional system will be less focused and actors involved in this will be at risk of losing jobs as new tools and technologies will replace their work and responsibilities more efficiently. For example, a Middle agent between a farmer and a buyer may
lose a job due to direct communication between farmers and buyers.

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8.3 SWOT analysis of before and after implementing Communication System for farmers.
 Before Implementing.
Strengths: Weakness:
 Experiences of farmers  Agricultural communities are
contribute to a potential exchange not connected by digital mode.
of knowledge and traditional  Lack of optimizing resource
farming practices. utilization.
 The previous success results  Sharing information only
from following traditional through analog media.
methods.  Limited access to the latest
 Holds valuable insights about farming methods and market
their locality. trends.
 Large amount of human  Mutual collaborations are
resources possible only in the local area.
 Using traditional farming  Inadequate communication
equipment plan.
 Lack of precise information
and data on agricultural
 Marketing is restricted only to
the local area.
Opportunities: Threats:
 Using communication  Long established farmers will
platforms to gather more resist using digital technologies.
Information about agriculture  Facing loss after harvesting
technology crop
 To meet the need for food in  Access of information through
increasing global populations non-verified sources.
 Gain Support from Agri-expert  Spreading wrong information
to increase productivity. in agricultural communities.

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 Use of modern technologies in

farming operations.
 Increasing profit by crossing
geographical barriers for
 Using Benefits of Information
Communication technology

 After Implementing.
Strengths: Weakness:
 Increase in adoption of modern  Fear of losing the jobs of
technologies in farming middle agents and existing farmers
operations. with traditional equipment.
 Use of ICT components to its  Farmers with lack of digital
potential. literacy are excluded.
 Advice from Agri-expert will  Initial investment in new
Increase productivity technologies depends on the
 Direct communication with prediction of profit.
farmers and buyers increases
 Collaboration among
agricultural communities is not
restricted to one area.
 Collect Agriculture news and
latest tech news from verified

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 Increase in optimizing resource


Opportunities: Threats:
 Satisfied  Long established farmers will
resist using digital technologies.
 Much reduced loss after
 Cloning of identity in
communication platform.
 Decrease in spreading wrong
information in agricultural

8.4 Practical Implications

 Initial problems in engaging more users in the communication platform: To engage large-scale users in the agriculture sector, a digital communication platform has been implemented. However, continuous efforts, marketing and investments are necessary to expand the communication platform from the trial phase and
gain the maximum number of users in the real world.
 Difficulty in customization of content based on location: As the agriculture sector holds and generates vast amounts of data, the data needs to be computed and sorted, and must be customized quickly for local use. Additionally, in case of inadequate data, research and surveys must be conducted through computerized ICT
 Reaching end users in Remote areas: Intended functional requirements are not delivered to remote users due to lack of involving them in research studies and internet infrastructure.
 Lack of Co-ordination: The agriculture institutions and technical developers must have collaborative relationships to implement efficient ICT systems.
 Practical Demonstration is needed along with Information: Due to inadequate technical knowledge in rural areas, workshops, events and local coordinator are required to influence farmers to use the new platform.
 The subscription-based model is challenging to implement: Lack of infrastructure, digital skills, un-familiar with digital benefits, preference for traditional practices and other factors in Farmers make it difficult to implement subscription models.
 (Rohila, Yadav and Ghanghas, 2017)

COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595

Chapter 9: Conclusion
In conclusion, the integration of Information Communication technology (ICT) components in the agriculture sector has the potential to transform conventional agriculture practices. This project “ A communication Management prototype for farmers” is a web-based application which aims to reduce the communication
gap, facilitate information sharing and promote collaboration among farmers, Agri-experts and buyers. The key findings, future enhancements and personal evaluations are included in this chapter.

9.1 Summary of Findings

By using ICT components, a communication prototype is designed to enable farmers to access and share information through blogs, news, groups, and events. Through a dynamic platform, farmers can collect market price trends for their crops and maximize market connections by connecting with buyers, adopting the latest
technologies and obtaining assistance from Agri experts for their farming operations. The communication platform’s overall design allows new users to adopt quickly by the user-friendly user interface and through provided functionalities improves exchange of knowledge and collaborative skills between stakeholders by considering
social, legal and ethical regulations of implementing a communication platform in Agriculture sector.

9.2 Recommendations for Future Enhancements

Future enhancements are recommended to further maximize the impact and improve the consistency of the communication platform. In Future work, by using ICT tools this project can be enhanced by implementing a mobile application, using real-time data, SMS verification and an Email Module can be used to authenticate users
at the time of registration, providing customized content based on user's requirements and location, real-time texting and virtual meet among stakeholders, video sharing feature, providing multi-language user interfaces, by integrating AI chat-bot for real-time assistance, image-based detection of crop disease using machine learning
approaches and finally, a centralized space can be created to integrate third-party technology platforms into one easily accessible application for users.

9.3 Personal Evaluation

The weight is scaled from 0-10

Criteria Weight Key Takeaways

Project Contribution and 9 Effectively researched
Engagement problem and possible
approaches are presented.
Technical Skills gained 10 Figma, Angular, Spring,
MySQL,, integration
of API’s, in-depth UI/UX
Problem Solving Skills 8 Identified Normalization
issues while designing data
base and coding section need
to improved.

COMP-1252-M03-2022-2023 MSc Project Student ID: 001248595

Communication skills 8 Constant communication with

supervisor and recording dairy
has improved my
communication skills.
Time Management 6 Have to improve in
prioritizing the work
Adaptability 7 Changes were made
accordingly when
requirements were changed.
Decision Making 10 Efficient research,
requirement and system
designs were made before
developing system.
Level of innovation 10 The proposed system is
unique and engages lots of
Table 3: Personal Evaluation.

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