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In a distant time ago not long after nor before our time a man would themselves in a corridor, a

seemingly endless one, having many doors from all sides with numbers place on each one of them.
As this fellow ventures through these halls, they would find two doors enshrouded in white clean slate
of paint chiseled down to every detail on its panel, it would have a plaque above these twin doors, in
closer inspection the plaque would call out these are the doors to the library.
In slight interest the fella would grab one of the door’s knobs and turn it slowly, pushing the door open,
taking a step in.

Once they do their eyes are greeted to an endless wall of shelves filled in with books 0of all sorts of
shapes and sizes in all types of genres, in a few more steps this person walked in glow of astonishment
in their eyes as they would plod around in the room, as the chap kept on his merry stroll, he would hear
a voice would call out to them.
“Hello, you don’t seem to be from here are you new here?”
As they turn to see who it is, what stand there would be a light toned middle aged man in white, there
hair greying down, their eyes concealed by a pair of round sunglasses.
A long pause came as the two stood on opposite sides of the library staring at each other down, the
silence soon breaks as the middle-aged man sighs.

“I am taking that silence as a yes, well I am assuming you'll also tell me what your business is here?”
wrinkled man keeping eye contact towards the young fellow, finally the young fella answered back to
the man in white.
“J-just came to look for some books to read.”
He answered back stuttering, pulling a random book from the shelves.

The wrinkled man looks in suspicion raising a brow, but glances at the book and that suspicion soon
went away as he would come closer to the young man.
“Oh, is that so, then if you wouldn't mind, can you kindly read that book you're holding for me?”
The man in white asked in a kind manner, the young fellow looked confused and asked why.
“H-huh, but can’t you read it by yourself?”

“Yes, but I would be more entertaining if someone else would read it instead of me, apologies if I am
being too demanding to, a bad habit it is...”
The middle-aged man said in a soft sincere manner scratching the back of his head.
“Though if you don’t want to, I guess it is fine.”

“No, it’s alright I can read this book for you, but can you pay me afterwards?”
He requested, thinking that he is quite a very wealthy man just by the clothes he has on him.

The middle-aged man smiles and chuckles heartily hearing his response to his request.
“Fine then, if you wish for me to indulge you further then fine.”
He replied having a grin stuck on their face, as suddenly a chair appears from thin air in the library
place Infront of seat the Old Man’s seat as he gestures me to sit there.

I was hesitant at first though obliged to the kind gestured as I slowly place my bottom on the chair’s
cushions, it was rather comfortable. The old man continue to have that sweet smile looking at me and
said. “Well, shall you start now, I’ll bring up some tea in case you needed any.”
Whish I replied with a small nod and opened the christened white book.
Though through my surprise the book is all blank as I began to flip through the many pages, seeing all of
them all blank, as suddenly I felt my head in a spinning daze my hands rub their temples closing my eyes
in slight pain.

As they soon opened there eyes they would find myself in a endless maze of cooridors.

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