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CH-2 (Understanding Windows 10)

Name: ________________________ Sec..________ Date. _______________

Q1. Choose the correct word from the help box and fill in the blanks.

Operating system Aero shake Personalize

a) Microsoft Windows is an _____________________________.

f) To customize the desktop, right-click on the blank area and select the _______________

g) __________________ feature minimizes all the open windows except the one you want to
focus on.

Q2. Answer the following in one word.

a) The feature that allows you to access your computer by showing your face, finger prints or
iris. _______________________________

b) This feature of windows takes you directly to the desktop. ____________________________

c) This feature of Windows 10 provies a bundle of updated apps. _________________________

d) This icon allows you to access the shared files or drives on different computers ina Network
environment. _________________________________

e) This feature allows you to drag and drop a window to a corner of the screen to make space for
other applications. ____________________________________

f) Founder of Microsoft __________________________________

Q3. Define the following

a) Start Button


b) Taskbar ____________________________________________________________________


c) Icons ______________________________________________________________________

d) Peek Button ________________________________________________________________


Q4. State True and False.

b) Windows 16 is the latest version of Windows. ________

d) You cannot resize a live tile. ________

f) The Peek button is located at the right end of the taskbar. ________

Q5. Write any four features of Windows 10 that have made it popular.





Q6. Explain Aero Shake feature in Windows 10.





Q7. List the names of versions of Windows.



Q8. List the names commonly used icons in Windows.



Q9. List the names universal apps in Windows



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