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Chapter 8

The Gang Gets Drunk

Derek pulled over on the side of Interstate 90. It
wasnt something youd normally do, but there hadnt been any other cars for hours. He turned into one of those authorized-vehicle-only roads, parked and turned the lights off. I need to stretch my legs, he said. Yeah, agreed Delilah. Sounds good, said Jason. Veronica was asleep and Albert was playing with himself. Derek climbed out of the van and took a couple of steps. Jason got out and joined him. Its a nice night considering. Jason said reaching into his bag of junk food and stuff. Yeah. Its not bad. I wish we didnt have to drive any more. Dont get me wrong, I like driving more than most people but I He was interrupted by Jason, who was grinning and poking him gently but repeatedly with an open bottle.


It was vodka! You want some? Jason asked. Derek took the bottle and took a long haul off of it. It wasnt don perinyon, but it was just what the apathetic doctor ordered. He handed the bottle back to Jason. Thanks. I grabbed a couple of these back at the store. I thought it might come in handy. Jason took another drink Veronica and Delilah walked up behind them sleepily. Where are we? Veronica asked. We passed Syracuse about an hour ago, said Derek. Jason held the bottle out to Delilah. No thanks, she said laughing a little. We could mix it with those juice boxes, Veronica said excitedly. Veronica went and grabbed the juicy boxes and cut the tops off two. She looked over at the van, and remembering Albert she made a third. She dumped half of the juice out and replaced it with vodka! She stirred them with her finger and handed one to Delilah. Delilah sipped it casually. Its not bad. Its strong. But I like it. Veronica drank some of hers and brought the other to the back of the van and knocked on the rear door. Albert opened it. Why did we stop? he asked. Were taking a pit stop. Here. She held out the juice box. 59

What is it? he asked. Vodka and juice. No thank you, he said snobbishly. Its pretty good, she taunted him. Annoyed he took the box and took the drink. Veronica thought about punching the ungrateful dink right in the throat. Jason had sat down in the grass by a tree, occasionally sipping straight from the bottle. Derek had popped the hood of the van and was fiddling around in there. Delilah and Veronica went over to join Jason. Its nice to be out of that frigging van, Veronica said, and then looked over her shoulder to see if Derek had heard. He hadnt. I know. Its cool and all, and were lucky to have Derek and his van but my god, I wish it had some frigging seats. Delilah giggled. The juice boxer was already hitting her head. Jason laughed at Delilahs silliness and Veronica laughed too. They talked about drinking and booze and alcohol for a while. Jason kept telling short funny stories about him and his buddies drinking lots of cheap booze and alcohol and jet skiing right off of the dock and stuff like that. Albert got out of the van eventually. Maybe his palm pilot battery had died. Or he got lonely playing solitaire for the past five hours. Big Al, Jason called out to him as he cautiously ventured over. He sat next to Delilah carefully. Jason held the bottle out for Albert to chug. Albert reluctantly took it and took a wuss of a drink. 60

Derek came back around the van and got into one of the tool boxes in the back and was looking for something. Were camping out, Delilah called over to him. And getting drunk, added Veronica, have a seat. Derek came over and joined the gang. It wouldnt be a bad idea to let the van rest a little while. So were goanna hang out and get messed up? Jason asked excited. Sure. Strip poker! said Jason as if it was the obvious next step. * * *

Delilah had apparently spent some time in a youth outdoor activity group learning how to camp and stuff, like the boy scouts, but for girls. So she knew how to build a fire. As the others were settling in, she got up to fetch the wood and kindling and what not from the woods. Derek went with her just in case. Albert didn't seem to care what Derek and Delilah did. He was reading or something. They walked for maybe five minutes, not straight from their camp, but in a plodding, zigzag path. Delilah was looking for something in particular. "I've never actually done this before," Derek said, "I mean built a fire. I've gone camping before but someone else always did the fire. "Oh, it's easy. I'll show you." Delilah liked that Derek was with her, she wasn't scared but it can be a little creepy in the woods at night and she wasn't sure that she didn't like him. After a brief stretch, she stopped and started picking up small twigs and stuff. 61

These are good because theyre always above the surface of the ground, they can dry easily. Even after a heavy rain, theyre so thin and just enough off the damp ground that they can dry in a day. She got plenty of this junk and put it into Dereks arms. Then she led him onward. "Anything will do for the fuel really, but hardwoods are the best," she explained bending over right in front of Derek to pick up a fallen log. "Once you get some nice hot coals, you can put this heavier stuff on." You can? he asked just to make conversation. Yeah, she said back excited by his disbelief. She was really teaching this guy something!


Derek and Delilah walked slowly back to camp, enjoying eachothers company and the trees and the little plants on the ground and everything. The leaves were almost off the trees now and they were rustling under their feet. It was pretty nice. It made them want to eat Thanksgiving. And watch football games They took their time and made it back to camp a little while later. Veronica and Jason were punching eachother in the arm and laughing. It was good to see them enjoying themselves. Albert was watching them and laughing a little too. Everything seemed alright. Delilah set about making the fire and even though it had been a few years, she totally still knew what to do. She threw a couple of dry leaves in a pile and then a few small twigs and then went ahead and built that little teepee youve heard about with medium-sized pieces. Then she took a few bigger chunks and put them on the structure and then took a few of the biggest ones and just laid them next to everything. This, she explained, was to dry them out a little for later. Derek had his lighter, which was convenient for everyone, and Delilah used it to set her fire-pile on fire. It smoked, and then a little bit of the leaves caught flame and then a stick or too. She bent down, and on her hands and knees blew little billows of air at the baby fire. Rhythmically and awesomely. With each blow, she rocked a little bit forward and then back. It was both sexy and effective, the fire caught and Delilah stood up. She brushed her hands and put them to her sides and watched. A minute later, the whole thing was burning cheerfully along and the gang was all impressed and they applauded a little


They laughed a while and talked and laughed more about the different kinds of races in the world and stuff like that. And then the talking became sparser and they quieted down and allowed themselves to just hang out and enjoy the open air. The stars were out in the sky and they were like pretty little diamonds up in the sky. They glittered like diamonds on a piece of black ribbon-felt. Delilah shivered gently and cozied just a little closer to Derek.


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