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F/M, M/M

Bones (TV)

Seeley Booth/Temperance Brennan, Seeley Booth/Temperance Brennan/Lance Sweets, Temperance
Brennan/Lance Sweets, Lance Sweets/Daisy Wick, Seeley Booth/Lance Sweets

Seeley Booth, Lance Sweets, Temperance Brennan

Additional Tags:
Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Threesome - F/M/M, Facials, Face Slapping
Published: 2018-09-07 Completed: 2018-12-05 Words: 6849 Chapters: 2/2 Comments: 15 Kudos:
143 Bookmarks: 17 Hits: 2458

Classic Triangulation
Sweets finally gathers himself enough to say, “No, no. This is classic triangulation. You
can’t bring yourself to admit your feelings for Booth so you’re using me as a go-between. A
surrogate. That wasn’t you kissing me. That was you kissing me for Booth’s gaze.”

Chapter 1
They’re at Founding Fathers when Temperance leans over and just plants one on Sweets’ lush, beer-wet
mouth. They’ve had some drinks, sure, but it’s just her, Lance, and Booth and nothing had really precipitated
this move. It takes about 15 seconds for Lance to respond, closing his eyes and kissing her back
enthusiastically. His hands remain at his sides though even as hers raise to rake through his hair. When he
opens one eye, Booth is frozen, staring at them like he’s just seen a ghost. Sweets pulls away first, and turns
immediately to Booth, babbling. “I didn’t start that,” he says. “You saw that she did that, right?”

Temperance laughs. “I was merely showing you that although Booth and I have kissed, it means about as
much as that one did. Kissing is not a binding contract in this current climate.”

Booth takes a long swig of his beer. Sweets finally gathers himself enough to say, “No, no. This is classic
triangulation. You can’t bring yourself to admit your feelings for Booth so you’re using me as a go-between.
A surrogate. That wasn’t you kissing me. That was you kissing me for Booth’s gaze.”

Temperance seems to consider that. “I would happily kiss Booth right now,” she says.

Booth puts one hand up in innocence. “I want nothing to do with this drunken mess,” he replies.

“I’m not drunk,” Temperance says. “I’ve had two less drinks than you, and four less than Sweets.”

Sweets smirks. “I may be drunk,” he says. Booth snorts a laugh.

“I have an idea,” Temperance says, putting on her scientist face. “What if the triangulation will help us get to
the place you perceive us as needing to be?”

Sweet frowns, “I don’t follow.”

“What if Booth and I need you in order to face our desire for each other?” She says, sounding way too casual
for the topic at hand.

“Now hold on,” Booth starts to say but Sweets cuts him off.

“Because alone the intimacy would be too much,” he considers. “But with a buffer, you might be able to cross
a certain uncrossable line.”

“Exactly,” Temperance says.

Sweets tilts his head, “And you claim to hate psychology.”

Temperance rolls her eyes. “So you agree? Let’s all leave together.”

Booth interjects. “What is going on here?”

Sweets finally turns to acknowledge him. “Dr. Brennan is suggesting we have what is commonly known as a
menage a trois.”

Booth’s eyes go wide. “Absolutely not.”

Temperance looks at him like he’s the one being outlandish. “But don’t you wish to engage in sexual
intercourse with me?”

“Sure,” Booth says. “But not with Sweets there.”

“Why not?” She replies, deadpan. “He already knows us intimately. And homosexuality is not indicated by
behavior in group settings but rather by desire. Do you desire Sweets?”

Booth makes a face, “No offense, man, but no.” Sweets nods, “None taken.”
“But you desire me?”

“Jesus, Bones,” Booth sighs. “Yes.”

She turns to Sweets. “Do you desire me?”

Sweets smiles, “I think you’re one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.”

“Wonderful,” Temperance says. “You are too young to be a suitable life partner but I find your lips and height

“What is happening?” Booth says, trying to gain some sort of control of the situation.

“We’re leaving to have intercourse,” Temperance says, gathering her coat. “And you’re invited to join us.”

The taxi home is quiet and uneventful, except for Temperance’s leg curling around Booth’s ankle and her hand
resting on Lance’s thigh. Booth and Sweets don’t look at each other, each choosing a window to gaze out of.

As they get closer to her place, Temperance suddenly whispers, “You know, bonobo monkeys engage in
threesomes all the time. It brings the tribe closer and promotes unity and happiness.”

The driver looks back at them in the rearview mirror, raising an eyebrow.

“Just drop us here, thank you,” Booth says and when he stops, he hands him some cash.

“We’re a block from my apartment,” Temperance argues outside the cab, but Sweets clasps a hand on Booth’s
shoulder in gratitude.

In the bedroom, Booth takes a seat in an armchair near the bed. He waves them off, saying he’s not
particularly comfortable participating yet and then cuts off a classically Bones explanation of the history of
voyeurism. Lance takes off his button-down shirt, pants, shoes and socks and lies back on the bed. He
notably leaves his undershirt on. Temperance stares at him, standing at the foot.

“You can take your shirt off,” she says. “I’ve seen the—“

Sweets shakes his head. “Can we not?” Temperance nods. She reaches down and peels her own shirt over her
head. From where Sweets is, he thinks Booth looks positively mesmerized. She flicks open the button on her
pants as Booth says, “Looney Tunes underwear, Sweets, really?” Sweets smirks, “That’s what you’re looking at
right now?”

Booth shakes his head. “Nah,” he replies. Temperance shimmies out of her pants. She’s wearing a black bra
and light purple bottoms. Booth’s eyes are glued to her ass.

“I want to…,” Booth starts, before realizing his mouth is dry. Lance watches him swallow. “I want to just put it
out there that I get jealous. I don’t know how I’ll feel about any of this.”

Temperance nods. “If it helps, I am more attracted to you physically.”

Lance groans. “That doesn’t help, no.” Booth laughs.

Temperance crawls on the bed, over Sweets’ body and he can feel the heat of her. “I would still very much like
to fuck you,” she says and Sweets thinks he can deal with that.
She leans down to kiss him, hard, dropping her body onto his. His hands go immediately around her back,
touching her smooth skin anywhere he can. He moans into her mouth, sliding one leg between hers and she
grinds down onto him. He pushes up, matching her. She rubs her cunt against his leg and he can feel her
getting wet through her underwear. They make out for a while, him occasionally rolling on top of her, only for
her to assert dominance and flip him. It’s sort of, fun. Light. She’s strong and she’s a focused kisser. Sweets is
getting way too hard for this to keep going when Booth clears his throat. They look over at him and he’s
started touching himself through his pants.

“Do you find this visually appealing?” Temperance genuinely asks, but it comes out sultry and seductive.
Booth groans. “I do,” he admits. He looks a little pained to do so.

Temperance smiles, looking back at Sweets. “I’d like to sit on your face,” she says. A thrill runs through
Sweets’ whole body. He nods, “Yeah, yes. Yes.” She stands at the edge of the bed, pulling her underwear
down her legs and reaching behind her to unhook her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Her breasts are much
larger than Sweets’ would have guessed, which is an awesome surprise. Before getting back on the bed, she
turns around and leans over, kissing Booth on the mouth. He groans loudly and Sweets watches them make
out like they both need the other’s breath to live.

Booth tentatively grabs with both hands at her breasts, smoothing his thumbs over the nipples. Temperance
breathes out hard. “Yeah,” she says into his mouth. “Your hands are very big.” Booth nips at her bottom lip,
“Thanks,” he responds, his voice strained.

She breaks the kiss and turns away from him, back to the bed. She crawls toward Sweets, placing her knees
on either side of his chest. Sweets slides his hands up to her ass, grabbing handfuls of it and kneading. She
seems to appreciate this. He moves them to tighten around her waist. She looks incredible. So in control and
intense. Sweets wants her to consume him. He’d gladly let her do whatever she wanted to his body.

She scoots up, her knees now on either side of his head, but she doesn’t drop down immediately. He looks up
and he can see she’s wet. Taking the hint, he grabs her thighs roughly and brings her down to his mouth. She
shivers and sighs. “Good,” she says. “Like that.”

Sweets is hooked. She tastes like her soap and some sort of lavender lotion scent fills his nostrils. She must
use it on her legs. He’s intoxicated. He’s done this before, of course, but very rarely with the woman on top
and he finds it a little hard to breathe but then she’s grinding against his face and he uses his strong suit, his
lips, to touch every part of her folds. His tongue finds her clit and she drops down further onto his face,
hissing. When Lance opens his eyes, Booth is standing next to Temperance and within seconds, is leaning
down to kiss her as she rides his mouth. To his own surprise, Sweets gets harder seeing it. They’re so clearly
aching for it that the lust transfers to him. It can’t help but overflow. He feels like a sex toy for the two of
them, but he can’t really bring himself to care. Booth grabs her breasts again, repeating the same motions
and she moves faster on Sweets’ mouth. “Oh fuck,” she says, and then he can feel her coming, contracting
around his tongue and he doesn’t let up, just keeps licking her and letting her move how she wants as she
shudders above him and into Booth’s mouth. She heaves a breath and swings her legs off Sweets’ face,
flopping back on the bed. Sweets brings a hand up to his face to wipe it on his fingers and then slides the
same wet hand into his boxers, stroking himself.

“Oh, that’s good,” Temperance says, watching him. “Are you going to climax?”

Sweets shakes his head, slipping his underwear down his long legs. He’s obviously not seen what Booth is
packing, but he feels fairly confident about his own cock. Booth isn’t looking at it anyway, but Temperance is.
“That should fit nicely,” she says. Lance considers it a compliment.

She turns to Booth then. “Does it bother you if I fuck him?” She says. Booth looks honestly conflicted.

“If you’d like to be closer while we do it, I don’t mind,” Sweets chimes in. He’s not homophobic or anything.
And he’s kissed men before in social situations like Truth or Dare or once in an acting class he took in college.
And he can’t deny Booth is handsome. He’d just be lying to himself if he tried to.
Booth finally looks at him. “Thanks,” he says. “I’ll consider it.”

He turns back to Temperance, kissing her again. “Let me, uh. Let me get a little undressed first.”

“Oh,” she says. He moves back and unbuttons his shirt, pulling his own undershirt over his head. He’s built.
Way more than Lance is, which makes sense. He lets his pants fall to the floor and steps out of them,
hesitating before sitting gently on the bed beside them. Temperance leans her body over Sweets and grabs a
condom from a side drawer, handing it to him.

“Is there anything in particular you like?” She asks. Sweets considers telling her but then feels a little
vulnerable with Booth so close.

“I’ll…I’ll let you know,” he concedes and she nods, looking intrigued. Like a scientist, he thinks and almost

He rips the condom open and slides it on, stroking himself. When he sneaks a peek at Booth, his hand has
finally migrated to under his silk black boxers. He’s hard.

Temperance straddles him again. He latches his hands onto her hips and like before, brings her down onto
him, a little rough. She seems to like that. She reacts to him filling her with a sigh and a groan. Scooting back
and forth on his lap to get comfortable.

“Oh, yes,” she moans and Lance has never heard anything better. She moves on him and after a moment,
seems to find the spot because she starts panting. Lance thrusts up with confidence, getting more and more
dominant. That’s when she looks down at him and taps his cheek.

He knows instantly what she’s asking and suddenly, his blood is on fire. How could she have known? How
could she possibly have known? He thrusts into her harder than before and closes his eyes, nodding. “Are you
sure?” She asks.

Booth’s voice comes from beside them, “What’s up?”

Lance nods again. “Please,” he says. He still has his shirt on. Temperance taps his cheek again. “Let me
know,” she says and he swallows a gulp of air, clenching his jaw and closing his eyes.

She rear back and slaps him. Booth is up on his knees beside them immediately.

“Hey,” he says sternly. “What the hell?” Lance’s cheeks are hot, and not just the one she hit. He can’t open his

“Again,” he says. And she hits him again on the same cheek. His body goes into a cold sweat.

“Bones, stop,” Booth says. “He’s been through child abuse—“

Temperance turns to Booth. “That’s precisely why he—“

“No,” Booth says. “This can’t be right.”

Lance opens his eyes, bringing himself to look at Booth, pleading with him to understand. “She’s right,” he
says to Booth’s stunned face.

Booth shakes his head. “It’s not okay,” he says. Lance, suddenly brave, reaches out a hand and touches
Booth’s. Booth almost pulls away but then doesn’t. Instead, he squeezes Lance’s hand. “It’s really okay,”
Lance says. “It’s something I need.”

After a moment, Booth sighs and lets go of Lance’s hand. “Okay,” he says. “Okay.”
Lance turns back to Temperance and nods. “Hit me,” he says. She brings her hand back and slaps him on the
other cheek. He thrusts up into her. She’s looking at him like an experiment.

“Again,” he says. She continues to ride him, slapping him on the face every few thrusts. She’s breathing hard,
clearly not getting nothing from this. She’s running wet all down his thighs and every time she hits him, his
entire body goes aflame. His mind whites out and he takes back what was taken from him. It’s impossibly

“Yeah, baby,” he lets slip. “Oh god, Temperance. You’re so fucking hot. You’re going to make me come.”
Temperance moves faster at that. Lance has never sweat so much in his life. She reaches down and pulls his
hair hard, bringing his face up to kiss her. She scratches red marks into his neck. She seems to have no
problem causing him pain. He loves it.

“Come, Lance,” she says and he’s lost it. He makes a high pitched noise into her mouth and shudders all over,
pumping in to her. She rubs his back for a moment before reaching down to play with her own clit as he
catches his breath.

“Do you mind if I keep—“ she says and he cuts her off to say yes, please. She rides him for a little while
longer, rubbing herself, eyes closed — in her own world — until she comes again. He watches her like she’s
the only thing in the universe but out of the corner of his eye he sees Booth convulse a little and he knows
seeing that just made him finish too.

Eventually, she rolls off him and down onto the bed. She turns to Booth and gestures for him to come over.
Lance scoots to the side and Booth slowly gets into bed with them. She turns away from Sweets, throwing an
arm over Booth and nuzzling her head into his neck. He sighs, hand on her bare waist. It’s not sex, but it’s
intimacy. Sweets wonders for a moment if he should leave, but then she reaches behind and pulls him in to
spoon her.

“One second,” Sweets says. He sits up and takes off his shirt.

Chapter 2: It Happens Again

It doesn’t happen again until Sweets is living with them. He’s on his best behavior around
Brennan because in the back of his mind, he can’t help thinking that Booth’s seen them fuck
and that maybe with his commitment to machismo, it would be best to let him take the alpha
role in his own home. So Sweets acts like nothing’s ever happened between them and they
both seem to follow his lead.

It doesn’t happen again until Sweets is living with them. He’s on his best behavior around Brennan because in
the back of his mind, he can’t help thinking that Booth’s seen them fuck and that maybe with his commitment
to machismo, it would be best to let him take the alpha role in his own home. So Sweets acts like nothing’s
ever happened between them and they both seem to follow his lead.

Then, one night after Christine’s gone to bed, Brennan joins Booth on the couch, lying over his body with her
head on his chest as he and Sweets watch “Enter the Dragon.” Sweets is on the opposite couch, and he keeps
his eyes on the TV but can see a bit when Booth’s hand begins rubbing up and down Brennan’s back. She
looks up at him and pecks him on the lips. It’s intimate but tender. Nothing you wouldn’t do in front of your

But after a minute or so, they kiss again and Brennan moans a little into Booth’s mouth and Lance can’t help
but look over at them. They’re making out. Fully making out in front of him. This can’t be an accident. Bruce
Lee isn’t THAT hot.
“You could have just asked me,” Sweets says. The couple breaks apart slowly, clearly savoring each other
even after being together as long as they have. As soon as they do though, Brennan leans over Booth even
more and swats him on the shoulder.

“I told you,” she says. “I told you we could have just propositioned him.”

“Ow!” Booth replies, rubbing his arm. “Okay, I’m sorry.”

Lance can’t help the insane grin that breaks out on his face. “Should I come over there?” He asks and he
knows he sounds giddy and childish and way too eager but neither Brennan nor Booth seems to mind. Booth
pauses the TV and tosses the remote to the floor.

Sweets thinks he can safely say that he and Booth have grown much closer since the first time they did this,
but he’s not sure if they’re at a place where Booth would actually be comfortable touching Sweets. They didn’t
do much of it last time because it was more about Brennan and Booth and Brennan and Sweets that it was
about the two men, but Sweets does find himself craving more and more closeness with Booth. He wants
more intimacy, more vulnerability between them. He always feels good about anything that bonds them.

Booth waves him over as he sits up with Brennan in his lap. Sweets stands, walking a few feet and plopping
himself down next to them, closer to Bones. She puts a hand in his hair and almost falls down to kiss him. He
opens his mouth for her immediately and she does the same. Her taste is familiar and so welcome. He
touches her cheek and it’s incredibly soft. God, he thinks, she’s perfect. More perfect than he even
remembers. Her hair, her smell, her skin. A perverse feeling of luck runs through him. How did he get to be
here? With either of them? A thrill ignites in his blood.

He hears Booth kissing all over Brennan’s back, rubbing his hands from her waist to her breasts. She’s not
wearing a bra under her tank top and Booth easily lifts it off her, tossing it behind the couch. Sweets scoots
himself closer, almost nuzzling into her now bare breasts — also exquisite. Larger than the women he’s used
to, even more so now that she has Christine. It’s a perverted thought to have, but he lets himself have it as
he leans down and licks a flat tongue against each of her nipples. She sighs, going a little boneless against
Booth. Both men are pressed against Brennan’s front and back. Sweets can smell Booth’s musky scent now.
It’s really good this close up. Strong. Male. Sweets has to admit he might be going through something
sexuality-wise. It doesn’t come as a huge shock. He and Daisy had played around with gender roles. She’d
fingered him, fucked him open on her small digits while he squirmed and shuddered. He’d worn her lacy
underwear. He’d even let her put lipstick on him once, a ruby red that made his already large lips obscene.
He’d wondered then about leaving a mark on another man’s cock with the color, but it’d been fleeting. He’d
mostly peppered Daisy’s small chest with kiss marks, as she squealed in delight. Those are not the types of
memories he should be having right now though.

On a whim, he moves his other hand down and rubs it up Booth’s thigh. Booth doesn’t move it away so Lance
doesn’t press his luck and just leaves it there. Brennan turns so her legs are wrapped around Lance’s waist
and her ass is in Booth’s lap. She throws her arms around Lance’s neck playing with the ends of his hair. They
don’t even stop kissing as she moves. He’s groaning deeply into her mouth. He’s already so hard in his
sweatpants. He knows she can feel it. He takes his hand off Booth’s thigh and tugs Brennan’s body closer with
both hands. He presses his cock up, rubbing it against her sleep shorts as she leans back against Booth’s
strong chest.

Brennan finally pulls back so they can breathe and says, “Do you want to have sex with me, Sweets?”

Lance blinks and chuckles softly. “Um, yeah,” he says. “I think you can feel that I do.”

Booth reaches around and hits him on the knee. “Be nice,” he warns.

“I think we established in our previous sexual encounter that Dr. Sweets does not desire nice,” Brennan says.
Booth rolls his eyes. Lance leans forward and nips hard at Brennan’s neck.

“I can do nice,” he says.

“I don’t want nice either,” Brennan replies. Sweets flushes. He pulls back and straightens Brennan’s legs
sliding her shorts down her body. She’s now completely naked and he and Booth are both fully dressed. He
uses his hands to spread her knees apart and scoots down the couch until his head is between her legs. When
he glances up, Brennan is looking down at him but so is Booth. His hands have come around front to play with
her nipples and so Sweets keeps eye contact and he drags his tongue slowly up and down Brennan’s cunt.
Brennan moans, throwing her head back against Booth’s shoulder. They’ve both got her. They’d never let her

Sweets looks back down at her pussy, spreading the folds with his thumbs and licking her up and down again.
He wants to take his time, torture her. He wants to show her he can make her feel so good — and perversely
he wants Booth to watch him make her feel good. He wants Booth to be proud of him. It’s a little weird.

He swirls his tongue inside her and she’s getting so, so wet and she’s gasping and groaning against Booth’s
neck. She sounds and tastes delicious. He moves his tongue in and out of her, sucking with his lips, pressing
his nose to her clit. He goes in with his entire face, his hands digging into her thighs, holding them tight. He
could do this all day and never get tired of it. She’s rocking against his face and he slides his hands around to
take a full grip on her ass, inviting her to thrust more. She does, dropping a hand hard into his hair,
scratching with her nails.

She’s whispering to Booth and he’s whispering back and so Sweets stops for a moment, his mouth shining
with her juices and says, “I want to hear what you’re saying.”

Brennan speaks first, “I’m telling him how good you’re being for me. How much I like what you’re doing to
me.” Sweets feels from his position back between her legs that Booth has started thrusting against her body,
driving her pussy further into Sweets’ mouth. The knowledge makes him grind himself against the couch.
Booth is fucking her cunt onto him. It’s fantastic.

Booth finally talks too, though he seems a little shy about it. “I like seeing it,” he says, slowly. Lance looks up,
not stopping what he’s doing to Brennan who is panting now, and meets Booth’s eyes. “The way she moves
against you is making me hard.”

“His mouth is very talented,” Brennan sighs, reaching down to finger her clit. She moves languidly, but Sweets
speeds up.

“I want us to make her come over and over again,” Booth grunts. Sweets likes his acknowledgment that
they’re in this together. That this is something they’re doing as a team. “I want her to come five times before
either of us do.”

Sweets hums his approval. He slides two fingers easily into her wetness and fucks into her slowly. Brennan
gasps. Booth is still relentless on her nipples. He’s still thrusting against her back. The three of them move
symbiotically to make Brennan lose it. It feels like it always does with the three of them. He feels like he’s

“Oh, god,” Brennan says. “Oh, that’s good, just like that.”

Booth nuzzles against her neck and says hot in her ear, “You gonna come for us, Temperance?”

And that seems to do it for her, as she comes with a whine, clenching hard around Lance’s fingers. He doesn’t
stop even for a second. Brennan doesn’t pull him off.

“You’re so beautiful,” Booth says. Then, he does something Sweets wasn’t expecting. He reaches around her
body and puts his own hand in Sweets hair, replacing hers. His grip is tight. Tighter than hers was. Hard.

“Don’t stop, Sweets,” he commands and it goes right to Lance’s leaking dick. “Sometimes she can just ride it
into the next one. It’s incredible. It’s the hottest thing.”
Lance hums as Booth moves his head around in the ways he knows the other man knows Brennan likes.
Brennan is taking big heaving breaths. Lance sticks out and flattens his tongue, letting Booth move him like a
sex toy over Brennan’s clit. She shudders.

“It’s so much,” she says. “God, it’s so, so much.”

“Too much?” Booth asks but she shakes her head and licks her lips.

“No, no,” she says. “Keep going.”

Booth lowers Lance down to her opening and he flicks his tongue inside and out, slowly fucking her with it.
Her next orgasm is more of a wave, sliding through her body to her rolling hips and out of her. She gushes in
his mouth.

“There you go, baby,” Booth says, rubbing his hands all down her shoulders. Sweets isn’t sure which one of
them he’s talking to.

Eventually she pulls him off, bringing his wet lips up to hers and slamming them together.

“I’m going to fuck Booth now,” she says, breaking the kiss and swinging around to face her partner. She pulls
his white undershirt over his head and throws it toward the TV and he lifts his ass so she can pull his boxers
down. Sweets removes his own shirt because why not? He’s sitting up behind them, watching. His hand
reaches down to lazily palm his dick.

Booth is really hard. His cock, which Sweets hadn’t gotten a good look at before, is big and perfectly straight.
It looks exactly like the kind of cock Booth would have. Booth scoots down and then Brennan is over him,
lifting her hips and sliding smoothly down onto his dick. Practiced. They know exactly what the other one
wants. To Sweets, it’s beautiful. Different from him and Daisy and their escalating escapades. Booth and
Brennan are loving, but also so, so into each other. For a moment, he feels like an interloping voyeur which he
knows is exactly what he is.

Booth grips her hips and Brennan rides him, her head thrown back, hair wild. Booth pumps up into her.
Sweets can see he’s rubbing her clit with his thumb too. Lance stands and steps out of his sweatpants so he’s
naked. He reaches down and strokes himself a few times, with no urgency. Just enjoying the show.

Shockingly it’s Booth who beckons him over. Lance gets on his knees on the floor next to Booth’s face.

“Temperance,” he gasps out and she looks down at him. They lock eyes and some sort of message seems to
be conveyed. Brennan rolls her hips. “Yeah, yes,” she says. “Do it.”

Sweets knows what’s about to happen before it does. Booth slides a hand behind his head, tugs at his hair
hard and brings their lips together. It’s almost gentle. He feels small and taken care of. And a really disturbing
urge to call Booth “daddy” bubbles up but he thinks that’s gotta be something to analyze another day. Or
something he keeps to himself forever. Probably the latter.

He kisses back, nipping at Booth’s bottom lip. Booth licks at him, kissing so slowly. Brennan reaches down,
replacing Booth’s hand on her clit with her own and makes that same breathy whine and Sweets knows she’s
coming again around Booth’s cock. Booth huffs a few breaths into Sweets’ mouth and his grip in Sweets’ hair
is so painful but he knows Booth knows he’s not against pain with his pleasure. Sweets is however surprised
that Booth is suddenly okay providing that pain. Baby steps.

Booth pulls back a little as Brennan slows down, sighing contentedly. “Was that okay?” He asks Lance. Lance
nods. “Yes. Yeah,” he says. “I’m really fucking hard.”

Brennan crawls off Booth’s erection and gets off the couch, lying on the floor with her legs open. She sits up
and crooks her finger at Sweets and Sweets’ vision whites out a little. Booth releases Sweets hair and says,
“Don’t keep the lady waiting.”
Sweets makes his way over to her, his dick flopping in the air. He settles over her body and she lies back,
running a hand through the hair on his forehead. “Fuck me,” she says, looking into his eyes. Sweets is
drowning. “As hard as you can.”

Oh, fuck, Lance thinks. He reaches behind and grabs a fistful of her hair and tightens his hand hard. She
whimpers. Her jaw sticks out in defiance. He angles his hips and slides inside her. She’s wet and warm and he
remembers this is where Booth just was and oh, man that is so, so hot. He uses the other hand to grab her
knee and spread her legs wider on his first hard thrust. He drops her knee and crowds down onto her on one
elbow. His hips start a punishing rhythm. She’s almost sliding up the carpet and he knows this is gonna be
hell on her back tomorrow.

“Like that?” He says into her cheek. “Is that how you want it?” He fucks her so hard, he’s slamming their hip
bones together. Her breasts bounce against his chest. “You’re so fucking hot, Temperance. You take my cock
so well.” He decides if they’re already doing this, he may as well get filthy with the dirty talk. Go all out. Push
beyond his usual comfort zone, although he can get pretty explicit with it anyway. He’s been told by his
former partners that he’s got a very inventive mind in the bedroom. Brennan’s breathing speeds up. She
seems to like it. And who wouldn’t? He hasn’t met an intellectual who didn’t appreciate well-articulated words
during sex.

She rakes her nails down his back. He’s aware that the type of sex they have seems to be rougher than what
she does with Booth. He wonders if that bothers the other man, especially because he’s watching it. Then
again, maybe that’s part of what Booth likes about. That Sweets’ style is different. That he’s giving her
something else.

He grips the side of her neck and pounds her. She moans so loud he’s sure the neighbors can hear. It’s so
sexy how vocal she is. How uninhibited. Why wouldn’t she be? The logical side of her probably says that if
they’re already having sex, there’s no sense in being shy about it.

“Tell me again,” she groans.

Lance leans down, speaking into her ear but not whispering so Booth can hear. “You take my cock so well. It
feels so fucking good to be inside you. Oh God, I want… I want to feel you come around me just like you came
around my fingers.”

He knows they’ve scooted up the carpet and are maybe about to hit Christine’s toy box when he feels Booth
behind him, encircling him with his arms.

“Rub her clit,” he says into Sweets’ ear and so he does and Brennan immediately comes again around him
with a shout, her whole body shaking and shuddering and twitching. Sweets pulls out of her for fear he’ll
come just from watching that and grips himself at the base of his cock to stave it off. Booth replaces him,
leaning down over his sweaty and fucked, blissed out woman, kissing her soundly on the mouth.

“That’s four,” he says, ghosting his breath over her face. Cocky shit.

Sweets runs a hand through his own sweaty hair. His face must he bright red. He helps Brennan sit up.
“What’s her record?” He asks. “Four,” Booth says. “I want to break it tonight.”

Brennan sighs, “I haven’t done four since before Christine,” she says.

Booth kisses her again. “And now that Sweets is here, I think we can tag team you to five.”

Sweets laughs, pushing himself up to sit on the couch, man-spreading a little because his cock feels so
impossibly full. “Happy to help,” he says. Booth is also maintaining a pretty straining erection.

“I wish to try something I’ve never done before,” Brennan says. “Booth, can you please go sit on the couch
next to Sweets?”
Booth furrows his brow at her but gets up and plops down on the sofa. He nudges Lance with his shoulder. It’s
friendly. Guys being guys. Lance sort of appreciates it.

Brennan crawls over, still on her knees on the floor. “Lean back,” she commands and they both do. Booth
catches Sweets’ eye, now looking slightly panicked.

“Oh my god,” Sweets says as he realizes what’s happening. “Are you going to…”

But it’s drowned out by his own breathy moan of “Fuck,” when she leans down and takes Booth into her
mouth. She reaches over with her other hand and strokes Sweets.

He’s got to be dreaming. This is beyond his wildest fantasies. Even he couldn’t have come up with this and
he’d imagined a lot of sex between the three of them. She blows Booth for a while, lazily stroking Sweets with
as much rhythm as she can maintain. Booth is getting really worked up and Sweets thinks it looks gorgeous.
Tentatively, he reaches out and laces his fingers through Booths on the couch between them. Booth hesitates
and then holds his hand back, squeezing their palms together. Brennan releases Booth’s cock and turns,
swallowing Lance down now. Lance throws his head back and moans, his chest rising and falling fast. Now,
he’s the one who’s going to bother the neighbors. Her mouth is warm from just having been on Booth’s cock.
He uses his free hand in her hair, guiding her to where he likes it. His hips thrust a little on their own accord.
When he looks over, he can see she’s jacking Booth off.

Lance thinks he might come, but just as he’s about to warn her, she slips off him and back onto Booth. She
moves back and forth for a while between the men, humming and dragging trails of saliva and pre-come
between their dicks. Booth keeps holding his hand, every so often squeezing when Brennan does something
particular good. He can feel their pulses rushing in their veins. He feels really, truly close to this man he’s
always wanted to open up to him. It feels like a triumph.

“She feels good,” he ventures. He’s never dirty talked to a man before. Booth nods. “You look really good with
her mouth on you.” Booth doesn’t reply but his chest heaves and he doesn’t let go of Sweets’ hand. “You
fucked her so good,” he says again. He always did talk too much but Booth isn’t stopping him.

Instead he says, under his breath but without looking at Lance, “Yeah?”

It spurs him on. “I loved watching her come around you,” he whines as Brennan moves back to sucking his
cock. “Oh fuck, oh I’m gonna come,” he groans but Brennan moves back just in time.

“You both promised me another orgasm before you come,” she says. Sweets hates her matter-of-fact nature.
“Doing this to you both made me quite worked up.”

It’s Booth who recovers first. “How do you want us?” He asks, his voice low. She stands and lays on the
couch, her back against one of the arms. She spreads her legs. “Booth,” she says simply. And in an instant,
he’s leaning over with his mouth on her. Sweets watches from above them as Booth gets to work and it’s clear
from how immediately Bones is thrashing and humming that he knows exactly which spots make her crazy.
Her fingers thread through his hair and he slides three big digits inside her and doesn’t stop until she’s
practically screaming her orgasm around him. Sweets can only watch dumbfounded behind them as Brennan,
with shut eyes, shudders in aftershocks and goes limp on the couch. He wonders if she might immediately fall
asleep. He knows the female anatomy is different than the male but if he’d just come five times in a couple
hours, he’d never wake up. Instead, as if on autopilot, Lance crawls off the couch on pure instinct and gets on
his knees.

He has no idea what comes over him when he says, “Come on my face.” Booth pauses, staring at him.

“What?” He asks.

Sweets feels he’s already asked so he may as well go for broke. “Jerk off onto my face,” he says again, going
for more confidence. “Please.”
“Jesus Christ,” Booth hisses. He looks a mix between appalled and turned on. “I can’t… it seems so…”

Brennan opens her eyes long enough to say, “It was very vulnerable of Sweets to ask you for this and I
commend him, however if you aren’t comfortable I will happily continue performing fellatio on one or both of

Booth stands on shaky legs, towering over Sweets on his knees. “You really… do you really want this?”

Brennan interjects again, “Humiliation kink doesn’t really have anything to do with sexual preference…” she
starts but Sweets cuts her off.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he says. His cheeks are bright red and he’s sure he’s shaking but he
can’t back out now.

Booth considers for a moment and then nods. “Okay,” he says. “I can do that.” He starts to stroke himself and
they situate themselves so Brennan can watch. Booth is pretty hard already and Sweets does such a
pornographic move he might otherwise be embarrassed by — opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue.

“Jesus Christ,” Booth repeats.

“He wants it,” Brennan says. “He wants to feel close to you. Owned by you.”

Booth shudders but says, “Please don’t pull a Sweets when I’m about to…”

Sweets stares up at him and he reaches down to touch himself as he waits, like the good boy he is, he thinks,
to be degraded. He wants it so, so badly. The anticipation is magnificent. But quickly, Brennan’s come off the
couch and is touching him herself, replacing his hand with her fast, hard strokes. Sweets’ vision goes foggy.
He’s covered in sweat.

“Oh, shit, oh, fuck,” he says and then he’s coming into Brennan’s hand, spilling onto the carpet, twitching and
shaking. He hears Booth take a deep breath and Sweets looks back up at him and opens his mouth impossibly
wide and then Booth is muttering, “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” and shooting strands of come all over Lance’s face. He
closes his eyes just in time, but he can feel each one hit his forehead, eyes, nose, chin, and blessedly his

He feels, for the first time in a long time, unburdened. Like he’s floating. Brennan leans over and kisses
Booth’s come off Lance’s thick lips, sucking them. They share in him together, until their kisses slow down and
Lance collapses back on the floor. Booth plops down too and Brennan crawls over and nuzzles into his neck.
He holds her tight.

When Lance sits up after a minute, they’re both looking at him.

“Come over here,” Brennan says and Sweets does. He lies down with his head in Booth’s lap and Brennan
snuggles into his side.

“I should wash my face,” Sweets says.

Booth chuckles softly. “Why?” He jokes. Brennan doesn’t get it.

“Because he is covered in your ejaculate,” she states. “Do you not see that?” Sweets and Booth share a
conspiratorial look.

He loves them, Sweets realizes. He’s in love with them. This is going to be a problem.

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mattiebluebird (ScarlettBond), bxdlvnds, graywithana, m474, Sawyers_Shenanigans, Veela, wingedwords
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Random_Gay_Writer, Hollypaint21, Ianthebadwolf, buscokart, KotoDT, originalgay1895, HidingInFantasy,
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Guest on Chapter 1 Sun 09 Sep 2018 03:04PM EDT

I have been waiting so long for something like this.. Please tell me this is going to continue!!

Reply Thread

nerdie on Chapter 1 Thu 27 Sep 2018 06:48AM EDT

I really enjoyed this!

Reply Thread

Avi on Chapter 1 Sun 14 Oct 2018 05:57PM EDT

This is something I didn’t know I needed and now I need so much more. Thank you so much for this! You
write Brennan and her bluntness really well!

Reply Thread

hellotheremandy on Chapter 1 Tue 14 May 2019 09:39PM EDT

ahhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHH! I literally am shocked by the lack of bones/booth/sweets fix considering the

sort of relationship they have between each other and this literally has me SHOOK

Reply Thread

Julious on Chapter 2 Thu 13 Dec 2018 03:18PM EST

I hope you keep writing this story, it's very different to what people tend to write here.. It wouldn't hurt to
get booth an sweets a bit more intimate.. ؈

Reply Thread

guardianoffun on Chapter 2 Sun 06 Jan 2019 08:03PM EST

holy crap that was brilliant. im at a loss for words but man that was... good content my dude. i'd love to hear
more, u got a wicked way with words!

Reply Thread

Olivia Jordan on Chapter 2 Mon 21 Jan 2019 11:34PM EST

Hi, I was wondering if you're going to be doing anything else related to this? Either a continuation of this or
even a whole different piece. This is a ship I really love but it's hard to find fics for them, and yours is
especially good. I'd actually love yo see this played out more in a fluff fic with these chapters as specific smut with
plot, if that makes sense

Reply Thread

Olivia Jordan on Chapter 2 Tue 22 Jan 2019 04:41PM EST

I'd also like to say that the daddy thing is ridiculously hot. And that I also didn't get the I should wash my
face, why thingy?????? Could you explain?? It's probably me just being dumb

Reply Thread Parent Thread

Motherof4dragons on Chapter 2 Sat 16 Feb 2019 11:53PM EST

Oh my god, thank you

Reply Thread

Erika on Chapter 2 Sat 23 Feb 2019 10:58AM EST

Love this so much. It would be amazing if you remote a sequel!

Reply Thread

black_dahlia2402 on Chapter 2 Wed 27 Mar 2019 10:25PM EDT

I really didn't think I'd like it going in, but I'm so desperate for Bones content that I thought I would give it a
try. I'm really glad I did. This was crazy hot and excellently composed! I loved it. Thank you very much.
Maybe more on the horizon...if you are inspired.

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hellotheremandy on Chapter 2 Tue 14 May 2019 09:49PM EDT

I want them to be cute and in love and wow!

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Rainia_Nytewolf1 on Chapter 2 Tue 20 Aug 2019 07:48PM EDT

That was ridiculously hot. Well done ؉

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Random_Gay_Writer on Chapter 2 Wed 13 Nov 2019 12:42PM EST

Cute and hot. Really fantastically done. Thank you so much for sharing.

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Motherof4dragons on Chapter 2 Thu 05 Dec 2019 08:52PM EST

I don't understand why this isn't the highest kudo'd story in this fandom, I really don't. I shouldn't admit how
many times I've read this lol

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