Research Proposal Dolalas N Tabudlong 1

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A Study Presented


Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements


Research Project

International Academe of EnScieMa

Senior High School

First Semester

School year 2023 - 2024

Submitted by:

Dolalas, Jhaeia Gem

Tabudlong, Alessandra Rose

September 2023

Learning is defined as permanent changes in behavior induced by life.

This is a process where a persons’ knowledge is created through the

transformation of experience (Ilçin, Savcı &, 2018). Individual have their own

unique learning methods. Some prefers learning with the help of other people or

with group and some prefers to be alone. These methods are known as learning

styles (John, Shahzadi &, 2016).

Learning styles refers to an individual’s preferred way of processing new

information for efficient learning. A unique way developed by students when

learning new and difficult knowledge. Learning style is about how students learn

rather than what they learn. Learning style is useful to help students and

educators understand how to improve the way they learn and teach, respectively.

Understanding learning styles, makes easier to create, modify and develop more

efficient curriculum and educational programs. It also encourages students’

participation in programs and motivate them to gain professional knowledge

(Ilçin, Savcı &, 2018).

A students’ learning style preferences are influential in learning and

academic performance and may explain how students learn. Learning styles are

identified as predictors of academic performance and guides for curriculum

design (Ilçin, Savcı &, 2018).

The aim of this study is to determine the relationship of students’ learning

styles and academic performance.

Description of the Problem

Learning styles refers to an individual’s preferred way of processing new

information for structured learning. The learning style are influential in learning

and academic performance.

This research is made with the intention of getting the relationship of

students’ learning style and academic performance. The learning styles are

namely collaborative and independent learning style and its relationship with the

academic performance of students. This topic is chosen by the researchers due

to the students learning styles that students used and its relation to their

academic performance.

The researchers will gather the data through a questionnaire. It shows the

students’ learning styles. The data will come from the answers of students in the

questionnaire. The data will also contain the learning styles of students and its

relation to the academic performance.

From this, the researchers hope to raise awareness about the learning

styles and its relation to the academic performance of students. Students will

benefit from the research as they will be able to be aware and help them know

which among the learning style is effective and preferable for studying and

learning. Teachers will benefit as they will be aware of the students’ learning

styles. Lastly, the school will also benefit from this study as they will be aware of

the students’ learning style.


I.) Identifying the Respondents

In the conduct of this study, the research will involve 86 students from the

junior high school department of the International Academe of EnScieMa for the

school year 2023-2024. There are 42 boys and 44 girls in the population, which

consists of 17 grade 7 pupils, 22 grade 8 students, 18 grade 9 students, and 29

grade 10 students.

II.) Creation of the Letters

A letter of consent will be drafted by the researchers for the authorities and

participants in their approval concerning of the conduct of the study.

Furthermore, in order to obtain permission for the grades of the junior high school

students to be included in data analysis, the researchers will also write a letter to

the school administration.

III.) Constructing the Instruments

The researchers will make use of a questionnaire and a table as the instruments

for this study. The questionnaire is taken from (Lewis, 2014), that uses the

GRLSS which stands for the Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Styles Scale

that is developed to measure learning preferences of students. It consists of 60

items and is a five-point Likert-style scale with five choices. The choices are

strongly disagree, moderately disagree, undecided, moderately agree, and

strongly agree. The learning styles that form the subscale are the Independent,

Avoidant, Collaborative, Dependent, Competitive, and Participant learning styles.

The questionnaire will undergo a pilot test before the actual data gathering.
Calculations for the Cronbach’s alpha will be applied to ensure the reliability and

internal consistency of statements.

The researchers will make use of the table to show the first quarter grades

of the junior high school students. Two columns will be presented in the table.

The first column contains the names of the junior high school students and

second column will reveal their average grades. The names of the students in

each class will be listed after the label of its respective grade level, which are

segregated and separated by rows.

IV.) Procedure of Gathering Data

The researchers will request approval to carry out the study from the class

advisers and the school administration in a letter. The researchers will personally

deliver to the respondents to request their approval to serve as the respondents

after acquiring their informed consents. The researchers will also describe in the

letter the study's nature and motive. The researchers will arrange a date with the

participants for when the questionnaire will be handed out to the after receiving

their approval.

The researchers will receive the filled-out questionnaires from the

respondents after writing down their responses. To ensure that all the needed

information is gathered, the researchers will thoroughly check the questionnaires

if the respondents have completely answered all the questions. Moreover, with

the approval of the letter, the researchers will access the grades of the junior high

school students from the 1st Quarterly Exam from the Registrar.
The researchers will tabulate and then analyze the data that they have

gathered and obtained.

V.) Data Treatment

The researchers will use the computation of the weighted mean. The

weighted mean will be calculated through multiplying each data point in a set of

value defined by some attribute of whatever contributed to the data point and its

quantitative output. Then, the sum of all products will be added, and division will

be performed. The formula is as follows:

WM =

Σ = summation
f = frequency
x = the value of the responses

The researchers will also apply Pearson r. This will be done because the

linear relationship between the two continuous variables, which are students

learning styles and academic performance, will be evaluated. The following is the


∑ ( x i−x ) ( y i− y )
√ ∑ ( x −x ) Σ ( y − y )

r = Correlation Coefficient
x i = Values of the x-variable in a sample
x = Mean of the values of the x-variable
y i = Values of the y-variable in a sample
y = Mean of the values of the y-variable
Bethel-Eke, O. A. (2017). Learning Styles and Academic Performance of Junior
Secondary School Student in Rivers state: Implications for Counselling .
Retrieved from ResearchGate.

Cecilia et al. (2019). The Influence of Learning Styles on Academic Performance

among Science Education Undergraduates at the University of Calabar.
Retrieved from ResearchGate.

Gokalp, M. (2019). The Effect of Students’ Learning Styles to Their Academic

Success. Retrieved from Scirp.

İlçin et al. (2018). The relationship between learning styles and academic
performance in TURKISH physiotherapy students. Retrieved from BMC
Medical Education.


ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE. Retrieved from ResearchGate.

Khanal, L., Giri, J. & Shah, S. (2019). Influence of learning-style preferences in

academic performance in the subject of human anatomy: an institution-
based study among preclinical medical students. Retrieved from

Li et al. (2014). An exploratory study of the relationship between learning styles

and academic performance among students in different nursing programs.
Retrieved from ResearchGate.


Retrieved from OmniaScience.

Maya, J., Luesia, J. & Padilla, J. (2021). The Relationship between Learning
Styles and Academic Performance: Consistency among Multiple
Assessment Methods in Psychology and Education Students. Retrieved
from ResearchGate.

Rollins, M. (2015). Learning Style Diagnostics: The Grasha-Riechmann Student

Learning Styles Scale. Retrieved from eLearning Industry .
Appendix A

Letter of Permission from the School

September 23,2023


School Director
International Academe of EnScieMa



We are students of the International Academe of EnScieMa doing research in our

Research Project subject. Our research paper is entitled “Student Learning
Styles and Academic Performance”.

On this matter, we would like to request your approval for us to conduct this
quantitative research. This would involve students in the junior high school
department. We assure you that answers of the respondents during the interview
will be held of utmost confidentiality.

We are looking forward to your positive response regarding this concern.

May God bless you more!

Respectfully yours,



Noted by:


Research Project Teacher
International Academe of EnScieMa

Appendix B

Letter of Permission to the Registrar

September 23, 2023


School Registrar
International Academe of EnScieMa


Good day!

We are students of the Grade 12 - Humility class doing research for our
Research Project subject. Our research paper entitled “Student Learning Styles
and Academic Performance”.

On this matter, we would like to request your approval for us to get the grades of
the junior high school students on the 1 st Quarter. This would involve students in
the junior high school department. We assure you that answers of the
respondents on the questionnaires will be held with utmost confidentiality.

We are looking forward to your positive response regarding this concern.

May God bless you more!

Respectfully yours,



Noted by:


Research Project Teacher
International Academe of EnScieMa
Appendix C

Letter of Permission for the Class Adviser

September 23, 2023

To the Class Adviser,

Good day!

We are students of the Grade 12- Humility class doing research for our Research
Project subject. Our research paper entitled “Student Learning Styles and
Academic Performance”.

On this matter, we would like to request your approval for us to conduct this
quantitative research. This would involve your students in the junior high school
department. We assure you that answers of the respondents on the
questionnaires will be held with utmost confidentiality.

We are looking forward to your positive response regarding this concern.

May God bless you more!

Respectfully yours,



Noted by:


Research Project Teacher
International Academe of EnScieMa
Appendix D

Letter of Permission from the Respondents

September 23, 2023

To the Respondent,


We are students of the International Academe of EnScieMa doing research in our

Research Project subject. Our research paper is entitled “Student Learning
Styles and Academic Performance”.

On this matter, we would like to request you to be one of our participants for this
quantitative research. If you grant us this opportunity, we would like to hand out
each copy of questionnaire. Moreover,

We assure you that your responses will be held with utmost confidentiality.

We are looking forward to your positive response regarding this matter.

May God bless you more!

Respectfully yours,



Noted by:


Research Project Teacher
International Academe of EnScieMa
Appendix E

Questionnaire on Student Learning Styles

Name (optional): _____________________________ Gender: _______

The following questionnaire has been designed to help you clarify your attitudes
and feelings toward the subjects you have learned in school. There are no right
or wrong answers to each question. However, as you answer each question,
form your answers with regard to your general attitudes and feelings towards all
of your subjects.

Respond to the items listed below by using the following rating scale. Follow the
instructions of the person administering this questionnaire and put check a check
on the column that best fits your answer.

Use a rating of 1 if you strongly disagree with the statement.

Use a rating of 2 if you moderately disagree with the statement.
Use a rating of 3 if you are undecided.
Use a rating of 4 if you moderately agree with the statement.
Use a rating of 5 if you strongly agree with the statement.

1 2 3 4 5
1. I am confident of my ability to learn important
2. I often daydream during class *
3. Working with other students on class projects is
something I enjoy
4. Facts presented in textbooks and lectures are
usually correct*
5. To do well, it is necessary to compete with
other students for the teacher’s attention.
6. I am eager to learn about the content areas
covered in class.
7. My ideas about the lesson are often as good as
those in the textbook.
8.Classroom discussions are boring.
9. I enjoy discussing my ideas about the lesson
with other students
10. Teachers are the best judges of what is
important for me to learn in a subject.
11. It is necessary to compete with other students
to get a grade.
12. Class sessions typically are worthwhile
13. I study what is important to me and not always
what the teacher says is important.
14. Very seldom do I become excited about the
material covered in a subject.
15. I enjoy hearing what other students think
about issues raised in class.
16. Teachers should state exactly what they
expect from students.
17.During class discussions, I must compete with
other students to get my ideas across.
18.I get more out of going to class than staying at
19. Most of what I know, I learned on my own.
20. I generally feel like I have to attend the class
rather than like I want to attend.
21. Students can learn more by sharing their
ideas with each other.
22. I try to do assignments exactly the way my
teacher say, they should be completed.
23. Students have to become aggressive to do
well in school.
24. Everyone has a responsibility to get as much
out of a subject as possible.
25. I can determine for myself the important
contents and issues in a subject.
26. Paying attention during class sessions is
difficult for me to do.
27. I like to study for test with other students.
28. Teacher who let students do whatever they
want are not doing their jobs.
29. I like to get the answers to the problems or
questions before anybody else can.
30. Classroom activities are generally interesting.
31. I like to develop my own ideas about the
32. The ideas of other students help me to
understand the lesson.
33.I have given up trying to learn anything, from
going to class.
34. Students needs to be closely supervised by
teachers in all subjects.
35. To get ahead in class, it is necessary to step
on the toes of other students.
36. I try to participate as much as I can in all
aspects of the subject.
37. I have my own ideas about how class should
be run.
38.In most of my subjects, I study hard enough to
get by.
39. An important part of taking lesson is learning
to get along with other people.
40. My notes contain almost everything the
teacher said in class.
41. Students hurt their chances for a good grade
when they share their notes and ideas.
42. Subject assignments are completed whether
or not I think they are interesting.
43. If I like a topic, I usually find out more about it
on my own.
44. I typically cram for exams.
45. Learning should be a cooperative effort
between students and teachers.
46. I prefer class sessions that are highly
47. To stand out my classes, I try to do better
assignments than other students
48. I complete subject assignments soon after
they are given.
49. I prefer to work on class related projects by
50. I would like teachers to ignore me in class.
51. I let other students borrow my notes when
they ask for them.
52. Teacher should tell students exactly what
material is going to be covered on a test.
53. I like to know how well other students are
doing on exams and assignments.
54. I complete required assignments as well as
those that are optional.
55. When I do not understand something, I try to
figure it out for myself before seeking help.
56. During class, I tend to talk or joke around with
people sitting next to me.
57. Participating in small group activities in class
is something I enjoy.
58. I find modules or notes on the board very
59. I ask other students in class what grades they
received on tests and assignments.
60. In my classes, I often sit towards the front of
the room.
Appendix F

Instrument for the Academic Performance of Junior High School Students

Names of Grade 7 Students 1st Quarter Grades

Names of Grade 8 Students 1st Quarter Grades
Names of Grade 9 Students 1st Quarter Grades
Names of Grade 10 Students 1st Quarter Grades

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