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Chapter 11

Delilah and Derek

sat in the back of the van, using the spare tire as a suck-pillow. She was exhausted. Derek was outside and she could hear him tinkering away under the hood. She felt safe. The van was working still, and they were getting away. She knew that Derek was in charge and knew what he was doing. She was glad that she had him, with his automotive talents and his sexy white t-shirt with that little spot of grease. Who knows where theyd be if Albert had taken charge. Dead-meat for sure, she imagined 80


The others had gone to find stuff at the couple of deserted stores they had found. Another grocery store and a sports equipment place and maybe one other, I cant remember. It was getting cold and they could use some warmer clothes and a blanket or two The silence outside was eerie. It wasnt a city but it was big enough, and to be there on that street in what looked like it might have been a bustling downtown at one point, and to hear nothing, was sad. She couldnt help imagining the chaos that so many people had endured. She remembered her own escape well enough. But what about the others, the victims of these greed-powered robots. She imagined all sorts of horrible things happening. And what about the children?!


She imagined buildings on fire, and Robots shooting people in the face with their laser eyes right in the face. And she saw severed heads rolling around on the ground, in the grass, like not very good soccer balls. She saw terror and agony and even more stuff on fire and the robots laughing all the time. She thought of her dear Indianapolis, with its people and buildings. And all her friends and people she knew and loved, and disliked, and the mayor who she hated and the mayoral candidate that she liked and had been caught doing something stupid just before the vote The sliding door opened up with a creek and a thud. Derek stood there looking at her.


You alright? He asked. She nodded, barely. He climbed in and pulled the door shut. I know its hard. We dont usually have to deal with things like this. Theyre probably dead, Delilah said sadly. Derek looked at her trying to show a bunch of compassion. Theyre all dead, she continued, Everyone I worked with, and the milkman, the paperboy, the evening TV news people. Everyone. My friends. My parents Derek put his hand on her shoulder. After a moment, he spoke. I never knew my parents. They died before I was born. I dont know if its any consultation, but I know a little about what youre feeling. Delilah looked at the handsome stupid boy. What a dumbass, she thought. What a sexy, awesome dumbass. She lost herself in his eye region, and taking her cue, he leaned in and kissed her softly on the forehead. She purred and he kissed her again, this time on the mouth, softly. Then, his head still within range of hers, she grabbed it and pulled his mouth hard against hers, their lips meeting with a sloshing smack. They kissed deeply, tongues playing tonsil hockey, Delilah at a distinct disadvantage, having had hers removed when she was a kid, because of recurring infections. But she fought through Dereks powerplay, and pushed herself on top of him, grappling for his arms as she went. She straightened them out and then ripped his t-shirt over his head. Awesome. He did the same with her sweeter-shirt thing.


She was so adorable and awesome to look at. So strange that this beautiful woman was all of a sudden in her bra now and about to maybe have sex with him. She pulled down his pants, but so in yearn were they, that the pants only made it down a little bit, and there was no time for boxers either, she reached in through the penis flap and just took his thing out. Then she spread her legs, pulled her panties to one side and jumped on. It was awesome. It was like fireworks were going off inside their bodies, and I think they may have been even better than last years!

The van rocked gently back and forth as the two lovebirds made romantic sex inside. 84

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