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1 GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION – Height, Weight, Body Mass Index
(BMI) Pulse, Blood Pressure, General systemic examination (Cardiovascular
system, Respiratory system, CNS, Locomotor system, Genitourinary
examination, Breast and Gynaecological examination for females)
2 Complete Ophthalmic Examination (visual fields, distance and near visual
acuity with and without correction (N5 typeface), colour vision on Ishihara
chart, ocular muscle balance) - (Check CA-34 Ophthalmological-Eye exam
column) Tests of colour vision, near vision, accomodation amplitude
3 Complete Ear Nose & Throat (ENT) Examination including Pure Tone
Audiogram, Tuning fork tests, Otoscopic examination, DNS evaluation. -
(Check CA34 ENT exam column) Forced Whisper Voice and Conversational
Voice hearing tests
4 Haemogram (Complete Blood Count - CBC)
5 Urine routine & microscopic examination
6 Blood Group with Rh Type
7 Electrocardiogram (ECG) - standard 12 lead with long lead II recording
8 X-ray / Radiograph of Chest - PA view
9 Fasting Blood Sugar Level
10 Lipid Profile
11 Thyroid Function Test (T3, T4 & TSH)
12 Liver Function Test - Serum Bilirubin - Total, Direct and Indirect, SGOT, SGPT,
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase, Serum Proteins (Total)
13 Kidney Function Test - Serum Creatinine, Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Serum
Uric Acid
14 Ultrasonography of Abdomen & Pelvis
1) Lipid Profile, Echo Cardiogram and Stress test will be conducted after the advice of
examining physician and company doctor if required based on findings in above
mentioned test reports.
2) Any other test (Audiometry, Tympanometry, USG, Perimetry, Lantern test, Any other
blood tests etc etc) may be advised in case of abnormal test reports, any abnormal
finding during general physical examination after consultation with examining doctor
and company doctor.

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