Opportunities and Obstacles1

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A Qualitative Research

Presented to

Jinky J. Agbon

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the subject


Abenas, Clark Ivan P.

Campaan, JhonRay M.
Ganding, Annabelle T.
Gawan, Jerald I.
Mariano, Ritchie B.
Mimbala, Tyranor T.
Rasul, Sarah A.



Work Immersion is now a required subject in order to better align the nation’s

development goals with the fundamental education being provided. (Dep. Order No. 30 series

of 2017) Work Immersion refers to the part of Senior High School Curriculum consisting of

80 hours of hands-on experience or work simulation which the Grade 11 and 12 students will

undergo to expose them to the actual workplace setting and to enrich the competencies

provided by the school under the supervision of the School Head and the designated

personnel of the partner. According to the Department of Labor and Employment, this

curriculum, when completely accomplishing its purpose, would create graduates who are job-

ready and equipped with industry-based skills. (Dep. Ed Order No. 40, series of 2015).

In the Philippines, youth unemployment continues to play a role in hampering

meaningful economic development. In July 2020, the number unemployed Filipinos aged 15–

24 was estimated at 4.6 million. This was 2.1 million higher than in July 2019, largely due to

the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education and employment sectors, and

adverse effects on students’ transitions to enter the work force.( Alysha Putri 2021)

According to the positive learning outcomes, work immersion helps students learn and

develop the following skills: teamwork, communication, punctuality, productivity, resilience,

initiative, proactivity, judgment, dependability, attitude, and professionalism. Additionally,

the students saw their experiences as a chance to put themselves to the test and use what they

had learned in a situation outside of the classroom where they could not only put their prior

training to use but also get a taste of the social interactions that take place at work. Their

interactions with organizations that offered science-based job immersion helped students

develop a variety of abilities and morals that would be useful when they left high school and

entered the workforce.( Dharel P. Acut 2021)

This study aims to better equip senior high school students for college, work or

business; develop life and career skills; and have attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.

It also allows them to have a smooth transition from school to work after they gain valuable

experience. The Work Immersion initiative shows how local, state, and federal governments

and businesses can work closely together to develop curricula and learning resources that will

help seniors in high school compete in high-growth, high-value, and high-employment

sectors. It is critical to respond to industry expectations and better prepare young people for

the workforce, as evidenced by DepEd's intention to pay close attention to changing labor

markets and offer pertinent training and work experience programs. By boosting the number

of young people with higher levels of ability who enter the workforce and fostering growth

within and outside of the economic sector, the Program thus offers helpful lessons on how to

contribute to reducing youth unemployment. ( Alysha Putri 2021)

In addition, work immersion helps Senior High students determine whether the

professional path they have chosen in school is one they want to pursue. They can refine their

profession choice by having the opportunity to put their knowledge and skills to the test in the

real world. According to this point of view, the researchers are driven to learn about the

obstacles and opportunities faced by senior high school students during their immersion

program. ( Capulong, S.R. 2018).

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this qualitative research study is to determine the opportunities and

obstacles of work immersion to the Grade12 HUMMS Law Enforcers Students in accordance

to their own experiences.

Research Question

This research is entitled Opportunities and Obstacles: The Experiences of the Grade

12 HUMSS Law Enforcers Group.

Specifically, it will answer the question:

What are the opportunities and obstacles of the work immersion to the grade 12

HUMSS law enforcers group?

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to discover the experiences of G-12 Law Enforcers Group in their

Work Immersion. The study will be conducted among G-12 HUMSS Law Enforcers Group in

the Senior High School Department of Irineo L. Santiago National High School this School

year 2022-2023. The research method is Phenomenology because it is about the investigation

of a phenomenon which is the real life situation of Senior High School G-12 HUMSS Law

Enforcer Students. The result of the study will be used as a basis of knowing the

opportunities and obstacles of Work Immersion among Law Enforcers Students.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be significant in presenting the opportunities and obstacles

of Work Immersion to the Law Enforcer students in accordance to their experiences.

School Administrators. The findings of the study will help them improve academic

performances of the students will help them improve academic performance of the students

through ensuring that teachers have the necessary resources and support to provide quality

education. The findings can be further used for better student support through counseling

support, special needs education and other services that will help ensure all students have the

support they need to succeed.

Teachers. Since the teachers greatly influence the development of their students, then they
may find this study useful through improving teaching methods and strategies. Teacher who

have experienced real-life work immersions can share their practical knowledge with their

students, making their lessons more engaging and relevant. The findings of this study can

also present how Work Immersion give professional development to the teachers that allows

them to enhance their field of expertise.

Parents. Results of this study will enhance the better understanding of career choices of the

parents for their children. This understanding can help parents provide valuable guidance and

support to their children in making informed career choices.

Students. They will surely benefit from this research work, as they will be able to experience

a real-world experience. These experiences can help them gain practical knowledge and skills

that are difficult to obtain in the classroom.

Philippine National Police. The findings of the study will help them realize that they could

have a better recruitment and retention. The findings can be further used as their basis in

attracting and retaining more qualified officers, by knowing their experiences and developed

skills, the PNP

can create a more attractive work environment and improve officer morale.
Definition of Terms

Law Enforcers. The term encompasses police, courts, and corrections. These three

components may operate independently of each other or collectively through the use of

second sharing and mutual cooperation. Operationally, this is the subject of the study.

Grade 12 HUMSS. They are the Grade 12 Senior High School students who are under the

strand of Humanities and Social Sciences. Operationally, they are the main subject who will

be interviewed in this study.

Opportunities. A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. Operationally,

these are the good experiences of the participants.

Obstacles. A hindrance, obstruction, impediment, or barrier that which opposes or stands in

the way. Operationally, these are the challenges experienced by the participants.


This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the researcher considered

in strengthening the claim and importance of the present study.


Law enforcement agencies respond to, detect, and prevent crime. Within this

perspective, it is recognized that police officers play a significant role in adapting and

responding to unexpected or unknown situations, as well as recognized situations such as

theft or domestic dispute. Accordingly, “sensemaking” ( Weick, 1995; Dervin

1983,1992,1996) and situational awareness are viewed as working concepts that enable us to

investigate and improve the interaction between police information technology.

Information is used strategically in three areas: to make a sense of change in its environment,

to create new knowledge for innovation and to make decisions about courses of action. These

seemingly distinct process are in fact complementary pieces of a large process, and the

information behaviours analyzed in each approach interweave into a richer explanation of

information use in law enforcement agencies.

Through “sensemaking,” people in an organization give meaning to the events and actions of

the organization. Through knowledge creation, the insights of individuals are converted into

knowledge that can be used to design new products or improve performance. Finally, in

decision making, understanding and knowledge are focused on the selection of and

commitment to an appropriate course of action.( F. Schiliro (2017),

According to Nicole Richards (2021), Law enforcement officers (LEOs) experiences strssful

and traumatic events more often than the general population. Through these events negatively

impact mental health and well being, LEOs experiences barriers to seeking psychological

theraphy and support to address these emotional burdens. This scoping review asks the

question “what are the factors preventing law enforcement officers from seeking mental

health services?. Eligibility criteria included literature focusing on Canadian and United

States LEO access and willingness to participate in mental health interventions. Using

PubMed, PsycNet, and Scopus, we found 17 publications on this topic. We charted the data

using components of grounded theory and uncovered components of the social cognitive

theory’s role in accessing services. Overall, LEOs mental health services utilization barriers

include negative perceptions and low menatal health knowledge, concerns of confidentiality

and job consequences, and lack of social support. Interventions can be developed at the

environmental, behavioral, and individual levels to adress these complex factors preventing

LEOs seeking mental health services.

In Accordance with Anna Koteneva (2020), The article presents the result of a study

of psychological resources of law enforcement personnel and their relationship with

biopsychological age indicators. The sample involved 121 people , 77 males and 44 females.

The average age of specialists was 31 years, the average length of service-9 years. Research

methods of bio-psycho-social aspects developed by AV Makhnach, KA Abulkhanova and TN

Berizina were used. Methods of mathematical statistics such as T- Criterion for independent

samples and correlation analysis were used for data processing. The results of the study

shows that men differ women according to a number of indicators: they have lower indicators

of all componets of resilience , an accelerated rate of biological aging, but psychologically

they feel younger than womwn. The biological age of law enforcement personnel reduces

self efficacy, perseverance , internal locus of control, constructive coping strategies and
family support. Spiritually slows down the rate of biological aging. Psychological age and

psychological age maturity also increase as resources such as self-efficacy, internal locus of

control, and resillience.

Grade 12 HUMSS

According to Dindie Grace Magana (2020), interacting with other people to help develop

themselves by determining the benefits of choosing the Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS) Strand to develop the self-esteem of the students through different activities that

HUMSS offers. The researchers used the descriptive method to describe the characteristics

of the population or phenomenon that is being studied to provide information with the use of

a survey questionnaire provided by the researchers for the respondents to easily express their

thoughts and ideas about a certain topic or study. This study was conducted at Bestlink

College of the Philippines. The data gathered from the questionnaire served as the primary

data , and the information gathered from the literature and studies was the secondary data.

The results showed that HUMSS is beneficial in developing ones self-esteem based on a

survey questionnaire in terms of academic performance with 3.96% where the students are

encouraged to participate in class. Extracurricular activities had 3.95% which helped the

students to develop their confidence by joining any sports and any club at school.

Interpersonal skills had 3.66%, where the students can confidently express appropriate

emotions to others. Developing student’s self-esteem will help them to gain more knowledge,

improve their research skills, and teach them how to communicative with other people

without uncertainty. The study found that academic performance, extracurricular activities,

and interpersonal skills were significantly affected to develop the self-esteem of students.

The matter of learner’s attitude is acknowledged as one of the most important factors

that impact on learning language. Hence, this study aimed to determine the attitude of
students towards speaking English as it employed descriptive-correlational method to

describe their profile and their attitude. It also ascertained the relationship between the

student’s attitude towards speaking English and their profile variables and the difference of

their attitude when grouped by strand and by sex. The data was collected from Grade 12

Senior High School Academic Tasks students with the use of the English Speaking Attitude

Questionnaire (ESAQ). Results shows that both HUMSS and ABM strand students have

positive attitudes towards speaking English and that speaking in English is important to them

in general. Interestingly , however , these students admitted that they do not speak English

well, are worried about making mistakes when they speak English and are afraid of being

laughed at when they make mistakes in speaking. The students also believe that they need to

learn speaking in English because they might need it in their future job and that practicing

will make them better speakers of English. The study found no significant difference in the

attitude of the students towards speaking English when grouped according to strand or sex.

The implication of these results redounds to the emphasis on the importance of classroom

motivation to improve student’s attitude towards speaking English.( Donita- Jane B. (2020) ).

In Accordance with Ruth Ann Narciso (2020), Choosing College courses may not be

easy for a graduating student because of different factors affecting it. Choosing the right

career for a better future should not be a ruse because it is bound to the challenges you are

going to face. It includes the risk you are going to take. When you choose a course, be sure

that you want it and not beacause you are forced to take it because that will be the start of

your journey to success. Researchers used a descriptive research design that helped to

elaborate the factors affecting choosing college courses. The researchers administered survey

questionnaire to determine the factors that affect choosing college courses. The statistical

treatments used in this study are frequency distribution, percentage, and weighted mean.

According to the research conducted, the respondents asserted that first, personal reference
can affect choosing a course in college, with a weighted mean of 4.05. Second, the

respondents asserted that the Senior High School Strand can affect their choice of course in

college, with weighted mean of 4.04. Lastly, the students perceived that financial

sustainability can affect choosing college courses, with a weighted mean of 3.99. In choosing

their course in college in college, students must know their capability, that is, if they are fit

for a specific course.Students must know their strengths and weaknesses to survive in

college. It has a huge effect because if the students are not suitable for the course they have

taken, they cannot finish what they started. Personal reference was also a huge factor

affecting choosing a course in college because students must choose what course they truly

want, and they need to be sure about it.


According to J. Bustamante (2020), The “Enhanced basic Education Act of 2013” offer

subject that are new to the education curriculum. One of the subject of Senior High School is

the implementation of Work Immersion which is a per-requisite for graduation strengthened

by the Dep-Ed Order No. 30, s. 2017 in order to achieve greater congruence between basic

Education and the Nation’s development target. Through Work Immersion, the pioneer SHS

students are expected to be exposed with Work-Related Environment related to their failed of

specialization to enhance their competence. This phenomenological study finds out the lived

experiences of the first batch of SHS students on the first Implementation of Work

Immersion. The study look into the challenges faced by the students based on their actual

experiences as well as their feedback after the work immersion. The methodology involves

survey questionnaires and interview to gather data among 43 Grade 12 Students under

General Academic Strand (GAS) in a public school. Evidently, students perceived Work

Immersion as worthwhile, meaningful yet challenging experience which provided them

realistic perspective on what to expect after graduation. It gave them opportunities to

participate in employment simulation and apply the competencies obtained in the classroom

in authentic Work Immersion.

In the Philippines, youth unemployment continues to hinder meaningful economic

development due to Job-skills mismatch, lack of knowledge and skills training, and work

experiences. To address the problem, Department of Education’s (Dep-Ed) K-12 Program

added two (2) years of Senior High School which is an advantage for students to develop

relevant as early as High School. One of the goals of the K-12 basic Education Program is to

develop the competencies, Work ethic, and Values relevant to pursuing further Education

and/or Joining the world of Work among learners. This study involved Twenty-five (25)

Grade 12 HUMSS Strand Students who were Immersed in a science and technology-based

industries. The work immersion listed for eighty (80) hours where students performed

different tasks assigned to them by the work immersion partner institution supervisors. The

students’ performance appraisal and evaluation were evaluated by their perspective

supervisors. Result showed that most of the student were evaluated outstanding and that there

performance exceeds the required standard. The positive learning gains suggest that work

immersion enables the student to acquire and develop the skills of teamwork, communication,

attendance and punctuality, productivity and resilience initiative and proactivity, judgement

and decision making dependability and reliability, attitude, and professionalism. Moreover,

the students perceived their experiences as an avenue to test themselves and apply what they

have learned in a non-school scenario where they not only able to apply their previous

training but are also able to experience the social interactions in a work environment. Their

experiences in science-based work immersion partner institutions developed many skills and

values that would help them as they move from high school to real life.

In accordance with Joel N. Dela Cruz (2020), learners with real workplace experience in the

actual work setup that build new skills, immersed in business workplace and increase
employability that help discover themselves and jumpstart their professional growth by

assessing their workplace skills and competencies. The data were collected from the thirty-

two(32) Industry Immersion Supervisors who handles and overseeing Work Immersion

Program of learners for eighty(80) hours during the Second Semester of School Year 2018-

2019 chosen purposively by the researchers. The results of the study revealed that learners

have high self-perceived work potency which make them feel confident in executing courses

of action in managing work assignments. Likewise, learners were competent in the work

assignment and learned the most in the aspects of communication and dealing with other

people beyond differences. Learners who were exposed on job assignment relating to their

strand performs and exhibits efficiency in completing the tasks and present lessons that will

last a lifetime and virtues that can be used for the better life.


In Accordance with Irene Macalintal (2020) Obstacles in terms of timeliness,

interpersonal relationships, efficiency, productivity, and safety, the researchers wanted to

evaluate how well-prepared the Grade 12 students were for work immersion. In this study,

the descriptive research methodology was applied. 48 students from Calamba City Senior

High School who graduated in the academic years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 participated in

an online survey under the STEM strand. In terms timeliness, interpersonal relationship, and

safety precautions, the findings indicated that students were ready for work immersion. The

responses indicated that they were not as efficient and productively prepared as the first three

indicators listed. Issues with work schedules, unapproachable coworkers, attitudes of bosses

towards students, and monotonous tasks.

For senior high school students only, work immersion is a component of the K-12

curriculum; it is a practical job experience that will expose pupils to a real work environment.
The students’ involvement in operations will serve as a training ground for them to put the

abilities they have gained in school into practice and improve them. The students will be able

to develop as a professionals as a result of this experience. In order to understand the

difficulties faced by chosen General Academic Strand students participating in work

immersion at Bestlink College of the Philippines. According to Jason Macatuggal/Micaela

Cancino In terms of the kind of work, responsibilities, and behavior, researchers performed

this study. The study’s research design was quantitative descriptive method research. In this

study, purposive sampling was used to.

The COVID-19 pandemic’s onset has had an effect on almost every element of life.

One system that has been impacted by COVID-19 limits is education. To maintain learning

continuity in this difficult situation, several teaching and learning strategies were

implemented at various levels of the education sector. The Department of Education (DepEd)

established guidelines for work immersion during the epidemic, which are pertinent to the

department’s message that “learning must continue”.Under the K-12 Basic Education

Program, work immersion is regarded as a Senior High School component. In June 2020,

DepEd released guidelines for work immersion that offered a variety of delivery methods,

including home-based, community-based, school-based, and a combination of school-

industry partnerships. This qualitative study centered on the difficulties. ( Maria Christina

Mapalo (2022))


This chapter presents the research design, sampling, and participants of the study, local

of the study, research instrument, data gathering procedure and general procedure that will be

employed by the researcher in working the study.

Research Design

This study employed qualitative research methodologies and qualitative

phenomenological design which is to find out the Lived Experiences of the Grade 12

HUMSS Law Enforcers Group in their Work Immersion. According to Steven Tenny (2022)

and Janelle Brannan (2022), Qualitative research is a type of research that explore and

provide deeper insight into real-world problem.Instead of collecting numeral data point of

intervene are introduce instrument just like in Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research

help generate Hypothesis as well as further investigate and understand quantitative data.

Qualitative Research gather participant experiences, perception, and behavior. It answer the

how and why instead of how many or how much. It could be structured as a stand-alone

study, purely relying on qualitative data or it could be part of mixed-methods research that

combines qualitative and quantitative data. This review introduces the reader to some basic

concepts, definitions, terminology, and application of qualitative research

Research Sampling

Non-probability purposive sampling technique was used to obtain the desire number of

participants to gather description of their Lived Experiences. In this study, the researcher

chose five (5) Grade 12 Humss Students in Irineo L. Santiago National High School of Metro

Dadiangas as the participants of the study.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at Irineo L. Santiago National High School of Metro

Dadiangas since as findings and recommendation for the study is to know the Lived

Experiences of Grade 12 HUMSS Students in their Experiences in Work Immersion: The

Opportunities and Obstacles.

Participants of the Study

In this study, there will be five (5) Grade 12 HUMSS Students who will undergo a

phenomenological study. They will be asked for their Lived Experiences in their Work


Research Instrument

The instrument of this study was a semi-structured interview guide and open ended
question. It utilized as a significant instrument in gathering description on the Lived

Experiences of Grade 12 HUMSS Students in their Work Immersion.

The researchers will follow the procedure in coming up with an interview guide. The

interview will utilize the grand tour question from Statement of the Problem. After which,

there were related question asked in relevance to the Lived Experiences of the Grade 12

HUMSS Students in their Work Immersion.

The researchers will conduct the interview with the participants to validate the

interview result.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will conduct a preliminary survey to determine what are the

Opportunities and Obstacles encountered by Grade 12 HUMSS students in their Work


First, the researchers will prepare a signed letter which permission to conduct the study on the

local of the research. The letter will be signed by the research that will be noted by the

adviser and will be approved by the school principal, informed consent will be signed by the


Second, the researchers will formulate an interview guide or question. In order to

obtain the desired outcome of the study, it has to have a specific questions to avoid
complication and some follow-up question during the interview duration. Prior to interview

proper, the interview will be conducted using an audio-recorder. The research will inform the

participants that they will be using an audio-recorder to record the duration of the interview.

All the data collected through a semi-structured will be transcribed and handed confidentially.

After which, data analysis will be done.

General Procedure

This study will follow a general procedure to come up the desired outcome of the


A. Preliminary Survey

The researchers will conduct a preliminary survey to determine the number of Grade

12 HUMSS Students.

B. Preparing a letter of Permission to Conduct in the Locale of the Research

The researchers will prepare a signed letter with permission to conduct the study in

the locale of Irineo L. Santiago National High School of Metro Dadiangas. The letter will be

signed by the researchers that was noted by the research teacher and will be approved by the

school principaal. Doing this procedure will give respect to the administration of the school

where the study was conducted. This will be done to meet the formalities in conducting the
research study. After obtaining the permission from the school principal informed consent

will be signed by the participants.

C. Revision and Termination of Interview Guide

This study has a specific question to avoid complication during the interview duration.

The interview guide must utilize the grand tour question from the statement of the problem.

D. Revision and Terminations of Interview Guide

Revision and Termination of the interview guide will bw done to have more

appropriate and relevant interview questionnaire during the interview duration. This will help

the research to create a more appropriate interview guide to be more specific and easy to

relate the desired answer for the statement of the problem. After many revision and

termination, the researchers will come up to a final interview guide.

E. Gathering of Participants

The five (5) participants of Grade 12 HUMSS Students as the respondents of this

study will be coming from Irineo L. Santiago National High School of Metro Dadiangas will

be gathered to be the sampling of the study. The researchers will be going to ask about their

Lived Experiences in Work Immersion and to be followed up by some related questions from

the former question. The researcher will look for the needed information about thee Lived

Experiences of the Grade 12 HUMSS Students.

F. Data Gathering and Collection

After conduction an interview, all the important from the smallest information will be

gathered and collected, because it will be used in interpreting the data clearly. The data

gathering must be organized and appropriately arrange so that there will be no complication

in interpreting the transcribing data.

G. Transcription of Data

After gathering all the data through a semi-structured interview guide, transcription

will be done. The researchers must have to transcribe the answers prior to be major question

ask in the study. Transcription of data is handed with confidentiality using code names of the


G. Data Analysis

The data will be analyzed considering the trends and factors that the participants gave

and aligned to the program of the study. The teacher is going to analyze which is the

participant’s most common responses on the problem of the study, so they will be able to

conclude the problem of the study. Transcribed data will give a greater contribution because it

will also consider the ideas of the researcher but by being objective.

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