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AGENDA 2063.
Its still true that the society with a vision will always
realize its potential, but also not forget that success if
faught ad its never received on a silver plate, our struggle
to achieve our vision 2040 has got many strategies ,but
we all know that inorder for you to eat the whole cow
you don’t have to swallow it once, but you can eat it
piece by piece until its all done, what I mean is that we
shall realize our vision by breaking our goals in to smaller
parts and each period that the committee that is
responsible for this great vision meets, they should be
able to give an accountability on how far they have gone
in achieving those goals, and my suggestion is that let us
have no forest of declarations and agendas without
implementing what is still pending.
I have Love for my country and if I am indeed a Ugandan,
then its because Uganda is born in me. Our president has
always done his best and I believe his Godly reward iis
waiting. He has love for this country. But people
themselves have lost the love for their country. In order
for us to achieve our goals , we have got to eradicate that
spirit. I have the view that most people are neglecting
educaton and abusing the government because of lack of
jobs. This is because they didn’t listen to Mwalimu Julius
Nyerere who once said that education is not to acquire
jobs, but its to make you and innovator and an inventor
and it should change you inside out such that to behave
in a manner that impacts the socitiety positively.
Last week I had my field work, I sampled 100 people. I
was asking them if they know the vision of Uganda, sadly
it was only five people who managed to tell me the right
answer, others even don’t know if the vision exixts, the
awareness is still low and let us try to burn candles at
both ends to ensure that the vision is taught in secondary
schools, primary schools and indeed in all higher
institutions of learning. Perhaps am willing to volunteer
going to near by schools to teach the vision of Uganda
and indeed the programs of the country, the love I have
for this country is beyond me asking for your support, am
soon starting to move from school to school, if God exixts
he may hear the cry of our country, I exist to love my
country and my continent Africa, I love it and indeed its
born in me and let us spread the information and goapel
of love for our country and indeed for our conitinent to
our generations and generations yet to be born.
Swahili culture as a language must be adopted and learnt
by everyone and am glad that the government in on
point of make this more effective, we need Swahili
because we can only relate with rest of African countries
in field of business if we know Swahili, Kenya and
Tanzania for example need us to be knowing Swahili. If
possible let teaching of this language start soon in
primary schools, let us target the young generation
because they are the young suckers that will grow when
the young bananas grows.
And lastly, I will not stop speaking about ethnicity,
political and our religious differences, let us relate as one
believeing that we all have one objective and goals to
achieve, let us embrace the differences we have because
those are just cultural mosaic that if we perceice them
positively them we shall create a sweet environment and
God will be seing us from heave and He will say, What
good children I have!. Let us not use our differences to
cause conflicts and confusions in the society.
For God and my country.
Yours faithfully



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