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Personal Details

Name : Basir Alam

Date of Birth: 10/05/1988

Nationality : Indian

Iqama : 2344537085

Technical Training & Work Discipline

• Relevant experience in Carpentry, Steel Fixture. Worked as mixing helper.

• Received training and has extensive experience for coating and wrapping of
Clock Spring composite materials for various pipeline problems including
Composite Coating for Thrust boring pipelines and reinforcement of
pipelines with loss of thickness to regain pipeline integrity.

Work Experience

• Aug 2017 – ( ON RENT)Till 2021. Coating Applicator, Safari Oil & Gas
Co. Khobar.

1. KM 70 Hafuf Riyadh Highway ARO Project (Al-Robaya/Saudi Aramco)

2. NGCP Haradh ARO Wrapping project (CPP/SA)
3. Non-Metallic Composite Wrapping for Micro-tunneling in HDD Work of
Pipelines being thrust bored in Saudi Aramco Rastanura Re-Rout project.
4. ARO Non-Metallic Composite Coating of Saudi Aramco Kharasaniyah
5. Onshore Maintain Potential Program OMPP NA-2 ARO Non-Metallic
Composite wrapping of Micro-tunneling in HDD Work.
6. Non-Metallic Composite Wrapping of Fresh Water Riser-Sadaf.
7. Non-Metallic Composite Wrapping of NG Line-Sadaf.
8. 30” CGC Line repair and rehabilitation.

Languages Known


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