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Strategy  for  Reinforcing  Damaged  Civil  and  Engineering  Structures  Using  Fiber  
Reinforced  Polymers  

Mahdi  Kiani   David  Gribble  
Citadel  Technologies  a  Clock  Spring  Company   Citadel  Technologies  a  Clock  Spring  Company  
6430  S.  39th  West  Avenue   6430  S.  39th  West  Avenue    
Tulsa,  OK,  74132   Tulsa,  OK,  74132  
Tim  Mally     Roger  Walker  
Citadel  Technologies  a  Clock  Spring  Company   Citadel  Technologies  a  Clock  Spring  Company  
6430  S.  39  West  Avenue     6430  S.  39th  West  Avenue    
Tulsa,  OK,  74132   Tulsa,  OK,  74132  
Performance  and  reliability  of  civil  and  engineering  structures  are  in  danger  of  catastrophic  degradation  
due  to  various  environmental  and  operational  factors,  which  may  result  in  potential  defects  and  failures.  
Structural  rehabilitation  can  be  achieved  through  multiple  technologies  and  techniques,  however,  each  
of   the   traditional   methods   are   accompanied   by   inherit   difficulties,   risks   and   costs.   An   up   and   coming  
method  for  restoring  structural  strength  and  preventing  future  degradation  is  through  the  application  of  
Fiber   Reinforced   Polymers   (FRP),   which   enhance   and   secure   the   structural   integrity   of   defected  
structures.   These   repairs   can   typically  be   installed   on-­line,   with   no   shutdown  and   no  hot   work,   which  
leads   to   an   overall   low   cost   of   repair   ownership   when   compared   to   conventional   methods,   and   very  
safe   and   simple   installation   procedures   with   minimal   impact   on   facility   operations.   New   design  
techniques,  proprietary  design  and  research,  and  cutting-­edge  engineering  has  allowed  FRP  to  garner  
a   great   amount   of   attention   because   of   its   simplicity   and   flexibility   in   installation,   as   well   as   high  
efficiency   and   reliability.   FRP   repair   systems   have   been   widely   studied   and   successfully   utilized   in  
reinforcing   and   strengthening   different   structures,   including   both   metallic   and   concrete   structures  
throughout  a  range  of  industries  and  fields.  However,  designing  a  technically  effective  and  economically  
efficient   composite   repair   system   requires   innovative   yet   reliable   engineering   support,   while   following  
the  relevant  codes  and  standards,  and  proper  due  diligence  with  respect  to  best  engineering  practices.  
A  strategic  engineering  approach  is  used  to  encompass  design,  testing  and  validation  of  all  of  the  FRP  
repair  system's  participating  elements  through  accurate  formulas,  software,  tools  and  equipment.  Each  
FRP   repair   system   must   be   developed   and   engineered   based   on   the   unique   operational   and  
environmental  conditions  of  the  application.  This  paper  will  discuss  a  comprehensive  evaluation  of  how  
a  specific  carbon  fiber  and  epoxy  composite  repair  system  can  be  effectively  engineered  to  structurally  
reinforce   defected   concrete   and   steel   structures.   Engineering   testing   of   the   CFRP   system   will   be  
presented,   as   well   as   a   finite   element   analysis   of   how   this   system   can   effectively   reinforce   against  
various   loading   scenarios   on   defected   structures.   Three   case   studies   of   reinforcement   of   degraded  
concrete  and  steel  structures  will  be  presented,  along  with  the  engineering  analysis  that  supported  the  
amount  of  reinforcement  for  each  specific  situation.  
Key   words:   Civil/structural   repairs,   Carbon   fiber   reinforced   polymers,   Composite   repair,   Nonmetallic  
repair,  Finite  element  analysis    

Reliability,  performance  and  security  of  civil  infrastructures  can  be  affected  due  to  many  environmental  
and  operational  factors  as  well  as  construction  mistakes  and  negligence.  Therefore,  post  construction  
procedures  and  considerations  have  very  important  and  vital  role  in  preventing  catastrophic  failures  and  
assuring   public   safety.   According   to   civil   and   mechanical   engineering   standards   different   structural  
rehabilitation   technologies   have   been   tested,   approved   and   standardized   which   can   be   applied   in  
strengthening  and  securing  many  engineering  structures  and  civil  infrastructures.  However,  each  of  the  
common   technologies   and   methods   is   accompanied   by   related   difficulties,   risks   and   costs.   Applying  
Fiber   Reinforced   Polymers   (FRP)   composite   materials   for   enhancing   and   securing   the   structural  
integrity   of   defected   structures   has   attracted   great   attention   because   of   its   simplicity,   safety   and  
flexibility  in  installation  as  well  as  high  efficiency  and  reliability.  FRP  repair  systems  have  been  widely  
studied  and  successfully  utilized  in  reinforcing  and  strengthening  different  structures  including  metallic  
and  concrete  structures.  Nonmetallic  composite  repair  systems  can  easily  be  installed  on-­line,  with  no  
shutdown  and  no  hot  work,  which  leads  to  an  overall  low  cost  of  repair  ownership  when  compared  to  
conventional  methods,  and  very  safe  and  simple  installation  procedures  with  minimal  impact  on  facility  
operations  [1-­6].    
Moreover,  FRP  bars  have  been  accepted  and  employed  as  an  efficient  method  in  reinforcing  concrete  
structures.   This   reinforcing   technique   has   some   advantages   over   the   traditional   technologies,   for  
example  FRP  bars  do  not  cause  corrosion  and  can  be  easily  applied  [7].  
However,   designing   a   technically   effective   and   economically   efficient   composite   repair   system   for   a  
defected   structure   requires   specific   engineering   considerations   and   following   proper   standard  
procedures.   Usually   the   feasibility   of   reinforcing   the   structure   using   carbon   fiber   reinforced   plastic  
(CFRP)   materials   or   glass   fiber   reinforced   plastic   (GFRP)   materials   is   studied   and   investigated   by  
following  standard  engineering  codes  and  guidelines  provided  by  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers  
(ASCE   7-­10:   Minimum   Design   Loads   for   Buildings   and   Other   Structures),   American   Society   of  
Mechanical   Engineers   (ASME   PCC-­2   (Post   Construction   Committee)   Article   4.1:   Repair   of   Pressure  
Equipment  and  Piping),  International  Standard  Organization  (ISO  24817:  Petroleum,  petrochemical  and  
natural  gas  industries-­Composite  repairs  for  pipework-­Qualification  and  design,  installation,  testing  and  
inspection),  and  the  formulas  and  procedures  developed  by  Gas  Technology  Institute  (GTI)  [8-­10].  
These   requirements  need  an   engineering   strategy   to   encompass  designing,  testing  and   validating   all  
the   FRP   repair   system's   participating   elements   through   accurate   formulas,   software,   tools   and  
equipment.   Moreover,   each   FRP   repair   system   must   be   developed   and   engineered   based   on   the  
operational   and   environmental   condition   of   the   defected   structure,   including   temperature,   pressure,  
environmental   condition,   loads,   defects   and   so   on.   Therefore,   comprehensive   evaluation   of   the  
defected  structure  is  necessary  as  the  first  step  in  this  engineering  strategy  [1-­6].    
In  addition  to  the  routine  engineering  analysis  performed  based  on  the  engineering  standard  codes  and  
procedures,   as   well   as   performing   hundreds   of   different   experimental   tests,   and   using   previous   case  
studies,  and  projects,  utilizing  computer  aided  engineering  (CAE)  and  numerical  methods  for  modeling  
and   simulating   different   repair   designs   and   evaluating   their   performance   is   a   promising   and   effective  
strategy.   Therefore,   high   level   computational   practices   including   numerical   analysis   through   Finite  
Element   Methods   (FEM)   and   analytical   longevity   approximation   through   different   stress   and   strain-­
based  fatigue  life  estimation  approaches  have  been  performed  in  designing  and  validating  nonmetallic  
repair  systems  [1-­6].  
There  are  too  many  defected  civil  infrastructures  and  engineering  structures,  which  may  be  repaired  by  
nonmetallic   composite   materials.   Currently,  there   are  no   analytical   formulas   to   adequately   design  the  
composite   repair   systems   for   lots   of   these   cases.   Moreover,   in   the   relevant   standard   codes,   no  
guideline   has   been   proposed  dealing   with   repairing   various   types   of  defects.   Finite   Element  Analysis  
(FEA)   techniques   have  been  employed  for   investigating   the   structural   integrity  and   failure   analysis   in  
civil   infrastructures   and   engineering   structures   strengthened   with   nonmetallic   composite   materials  
systems.   In   addition,   FEA   can   be   used   for   vibration   analysis   and   designing   FRP   repairs   to   prevent  
fatigue  failures  caused  by  vibration  and  cyclic  loads.  It  is  an  economical  way  to  evaluate  a  situation  for  
which   precise   equations   have   not   yet   been   developed,   without   having   to   perform   experimental   tests.  
FEA  is  a  promising  method  for  designing  a  composite  repair  for  repairing  different  defects.  Moreover,  
FEA  can  be  leveraged  to  validate  the  analytical  and  empirical  design  equations  and  procedures  as  well  
as  the  experimental  tests  [1-­5].    
The  paper  discusses  and  describes  an  innovative  strategy  for  repairing  different  civil  and  engineering  
structures  supported  by  presenting  case  studies.      
All  required  repair  steps  to  provide  a  composite  repair  for  the  rehabilitation  of  concrete  and  metallic  civil  
structures  have  been  presented  in  the  following  sections.  This  will  include  the  required  material  testing,  
design  procedure,  and  any  associated  standards  involved  in  the  reinforcement  of  concrete  and  metallic  
civil  structures.    
Design  and  Installation  Procedure  
This   procedure   gives   guidance   on   the   proper   detailing,   design   and   installation   of   external   fiber  
reinforced  polymer  (FRP)  systems  on  concrete  and  metallic  civil  structures  in  order  to  provide  enough  
tensile  and  shear  capacity  due  to  lack  of  internal  reinforcement,  higher  resistance  against  active  loads,  
repair   damaged   structure,   and   prevent   further   damage.   Steps   related   to   the   surface   preparation   and  
proper   installation   of   the   FRP   system   are   vital   in   achieving   the   levels   of   strength   predicted   by   the  
design  procedures  according  to  ACI  440.2  R-­08,  ACI  318-­11  and  ASME  PCC2.  
       Structural  Assessment  
A  structural  assessment  is  the  first  step  to  understand  the  cause  of  the  problem.  The  field  investigation  
and  structural  assessment  determine  the  following  parameters:  
•  Existing  dimensions  of  the  structural  members  
•  Location,  size,  and  cause  of  cracks  and  spalls  
•  Misplacement  of  internal  reinforcement  
•  Presence  of  active  corrosion  
•  Quantity  and  location  of  existing  reinforcing  steel  
•  Soundness  of  the  concrete  or  metallic  structure,  especially  the  concrete  cover,  in  all  areas  where  the  
repair  system  is  to  be  bonded  
       Material  Properties    
The   used   repair   system   is   a   carbon   fiber/epoxy   composite   system   that   provides   high   bonding   to  
concrete   and   metallic   substrates   and   reinforcement   of   structures   deteriorated   by   internal   corrosion,  
chemical   attack,   environment   damage,   excessive   loading   or   poor   design.   The   CFRP   coupons   were  
tested  under  direct  tensile  loading  and  did  not  exhibit  any  plastic  behavior  (yielding)  before  rupture.  The  
tensile   behavior  of   FRP   materials   consisting   of   one   type   of   fiber   material   is   characterized   by  a   linear  
elastic  stress-­strain  relationship  until  failure,  which  is  sudden  and  brittle.    
Material   properties   of   the   damaged   structure   shall   be   obtained   from   the   available   drawings,  
specifications,   and   other   documents   for   existing   construction.   If   such   documents   do   not   provide  
sufficient   information   to   characterize   the   material   properties   of   used   concrete   and   steel   rebar,   this  
information   shall   be   obtained   from   the   historical   data   accordance   with   the   ACI   562-­13.   The   tensile  
strength   of   the   concrete   on   surfaces   where   the   FRP   system   will   be   installed   is   determined   by  
conducting  a  pull-­off  adhesion  test  in  accordance  with  ACI  503R.  The  tensile  strength  should  be  at  least  
200  psi  (1.4  MPa)  as  determined  by  using  a  pull  off  type  adhesion  test  per  ICRI  03739.  
       Adhesion  of  CFRP  to  Concrete  
The  objective  of  this  test  is  to  determine  the  failure  behavior  of  carbon  fiber  bonded  to  a  concrete  block  
with  a  two-­part  epoxy.  It  will  be  determined  if  the  bond  between  the  epoxy  and  the  carbon,  the  epoxy  
and  concrete  substrate,  or  the  concrete  substrate  itself  is  weakest.  The  goal  of  this  test  is  to  prove  that  
the  bond  strength  between  the  epoxy  and  carbon  and  the  substrate  is  stronger  than  the  substrate  itself.  
The  sample  preparation  procedure  is  listed  below:  
1.  Carbon  fabric  samples  were  cut  to  approximately  1.25-­inch  by  2-­inch  minimum  dimensions.  
2.  Surface  of  20-­mm  adhesion  dollies  were  roughened  with  120  grit  sandpaper  and  then  cleaned  with  
denatured  alcohol.  
3.  The  concrete  surface  was  cleaned  with  denatured  alcohol.  
4.  Approximately  50  grams  of  epoxy  was  mixed.  
5.  A  thin  layer  of  epoxy  was  applied  onto  the  concrete  block  and  the  carbon  piece  was  laid  into  it.  
6.   A   thin   layer   of   epoxy   was   applied   to   the   20mm   dolly   and   then   was   affixed   to   the   top   side   of   the  
7.  The  excess  epoxy  was  cleaned  off  as  best  as  possible  (Figure  1)  
8.  The  epoxy  was  allowed  to  cure  (minimum  of  24  hours).    
9.  The  cutter  provided  with  the  automatic  adhesion  tester  (PosiTest  AT-­A)  (Figure  2)  was  employed  to  
isolate  the  dolly  from  the  excess  carbon  and  epoxy  (as  per  equipment  instructions).  
10.  The  pull  test  was  run  with  the  adhesion  tester  according  to  the  instrument’s  instructions.  

Figure  1:    Pull  off  adhesion  strength  sample.  

Figure  2:    Automatic  adhesion  tester.  
The  nonmetallic  composite  repair  wet  layup  systems  are  installed  by  trained  installers  on  the  job  site,  a  
simple  four-­step  procedure  is:  
1.  Sandblast,  water  blast,  wire  brush,  or  sandpaper  the  substrate  surface  to  make  it  clean  and  smooth.  
2.  Apply  the  epoxy  primer  to  the  concrete  surface.  
3.  Apply  the  epoxy  wet  out  to  impregnate  the  fabric  before  the  placement.  
4.  Place  the  fabric  on  the  substrate  per  the  design  method.    
Repair   systems  and   all  associated   work   should  be   inspected  as   required   by   the   ACI   440.3R-­08,  ACI  
562-­13,   and   IBC   codes.   In   the   absence   of   such   requirements,   the   inspection   should   be   conducted  
under   the   supervision   of   a   design   professional   or   a   qualified   inspector.   Inspectors   should   be  
knowledgeable  of  nonmetallic  repair  systems  and  be  trained  in  the  installation  of  repair  systems.    
High  Level  Computational  Design  Engineering    
For   special   and   complicated   cases   three   high   levels   of   computational   design   engineering   methods  
(Elastic  linear  and  nonlinear  FEM,  Nonlinear  elastoplastic  FEM,  and  Low  cycle  and  high  cycle  fatigue  
life   estimation)   can   be   utilized   in   designing   and   validating   nonmetallic   composite   repair   systems.  
Employing   FEA   software   (ABAQUS   2016)   and   using   thousands   of   test   data   points   for   creation   of  
different   FEA   models   new   repair   systems   have   been   designed   and   validated.   Using   CAE   (Computer  
Aided  Engineering,  SolidWorks  2016)  and  FEA,  developing  and  designing  innovative  and  economical  
composite  repair  systems  for  different  structurers  have  been  accomplished.  Linear  and  nonlinear  FEA  
projects,  as  well  as,  fatigue  life  estimation  and  design  projects  have  been  performed  based  on  elastic  
and  elastoplastic  simulations  and  high  cycle  and  low  cycle  fatigue  life  estimation  approaches.    Taking  
into   consideration   the   plastic   behavior   of   metals,   an   accurate   stress-­strain   state   of   the   defected  
structures  can  be  modeled,  and  the  structural  reinforcement  impact  of  the  composite  repair  system  be  

Table   1   presents   the   pull   off   test   results   as   adhesion   strength   of   carbon   fiber   reinforced   plastic   to  
concrete  blocks.  Figure  3  shows  the  specimen  after  the  pull  test.  In  all  cases,  the  concrete  failed  before  
the   dolly   or   carbon   adhesion   to   the   substrate.   These   tests   showed   that   the   concrete   substrate   had  
lower  tensile  strength  than  the  bond  strength  of  the  epoxy  to  the  carbon  and  the  epoxy  to  the  concrete  
Table  1:  Pull  off  test  results  
Cure  time   Dolly  size   Adhesion  Strength  
Sample   Failure  Mode  
(hr)   (mm)   (psi)  

1   336   20   1161   Concrete  

2   336   20   829   Concrete  
3   24   20   1102   Concrete  

Average   232   20   1031   Concrete  

Figure  3:  Pull  off  test  sample  after  testing.  
As   an   example   demonstrating   FEA   application   for   designing   and   validating   nonmetallic   composite  
materials   in   strengthening   and   reinforcing   the   civil   structures   figures   4   and   5   have   been   presented.  
Figure  4  shows  an  unreinforced  masonry  wall  subjected  to  a  shear  load  of  140  kN.  Development  of  the  
high  stress  domain  in  the  middle  section  of  the  wall  due  to  the  applied  shear  load  can  be  observed,  the  
damages  initiate  and  propagate  from  this  high  stress  section  and  eventually  lead  to  wall  collapse.  On  
the  other  hand,  the  reinforced  wall,  Figure  5,  has  much  higher  load  capacity  since  there  is  no  such  high  
stress  domain  due  to  the  shear  load  of  230  kN.  In  this  case  the  high  stresses  occur  on  the  wall  corners  
where   the   shear   load   has   been   applied.   This   masonry   wall   has   been   reinforced   using   4   plies   of   the  
nonmetallic   composite   material   known   as   fabric   reinforced   cementitious   matrix   (FRCM).   Although  
masonry   and   concrete   structures   have   high   resistance   against   compression   loads,   they   are   prone   to  
severe   damages   due   to   other   load   modes.   This   FEA   study   proved   the   effectiveness   of   applying  
nonmetallic  composite  repair  systems  in  reinforcing  and  strengthening  such  civil  structures  subjected  to  
critical  loads  like  shear.    

Figure  4:  Unreinforced  masonry  wall  under  the  shear  load  of  140  kN.  
Figure  5:  Reinforced  masonry  wall  under  the  shear  load  of  230  kN.  
To   support   the   presented   and   discussed   engineering   strategy   for   reinforcing   the   civil   structures   by  
applying  nonmetallic  composite  materials  three  case  studies  of  reinforcement  of  degraded  concrete  and  
steel  structures  will  be  presented.  

Concrete  Column  Repair  

This   case   study   provides   composite   repair   for   the   rehabilitation   of   3   vertical   feet   on   30”   diameter  
concrete  columns,  Figure  6.  Columns  did  not  have  internal  reinforcement  on  the  certain  height  due  to  
misplacement  of  steel  rebars.  The  purpose  was  to  provide  enough  tensile  and  shear  capacity  equal  to  
the   amount   of   steel   already   been   misplaced.   FRP   repair   system   was   designed   and   installed   on  
concrete   columns   in   order   to   provide   enough   tensile   and   shear   capacity   due   to   lack   of   internal  
reinforcement,   higher   resistance   against   active   loads   on   the   column,   repair   concrete   spalling,   and  
prevent  further  rebar  corrosion.    
The  load-­carrying  capacity  of  the  existing  structure  was  calculated  based  on  the  information  provided  in  
the  engineering  assessment  form  and  analytical  methods.  Repaired  members  as  designed  according  to  
the   ACI   440.2R-­08   and   ACI   318-­11   based   on   the   perfect   bonding   between   FRP   repair   system   and  
concrete   to   have   adequate   stiffness   to   limit   deflections,   cracking,   or   any   deformations   that   adversely  
affect   strength   or   serviceability   of   a   structure.   According   to   this   case   study   installing   5   plies   of   FRP  
repair   system   was   proper   to   provide   enough   tensile   and   shear   capacity   equal   to   lack   of   steel  
reinforcement  and  after  repairing  whole  section  will  be  consistent  in  terms  of  load  capacity.  
For  installation,  the  loose,  spalling  concrete  was  removed  from  the  column  and  cleaned  as  thoroughly  
as   possible   with   brushes   and   denatured   alcohol.   All   loose   rusted   and   corroded   steel   re-­bars   were  
removed  by  hand  and  disposed  by  the  contractor  in  order  to  keep  the  integrity  of  the  structure.  In  this  
case,  the  remaining  rebar  was  coated  with  structural  coating  to  protect  the  rebar  from  future  corrosion.  
Once   all   spalling   was   addressed,   then   the   surface   was   roughened,   either   with   a   wire   brush,   40   grit  
sandpaper,  or  a  water  blaster.  This  ensured  the  proper  adhesion  already  discussed.  

Figure  6:  Damaged  concrete  column.  
Corroded  Concrete  Water  Line  
A  12’  diameter  pipe  was  severely  corroded  and  pitted  on  the  portion  of  pipe  that  was  exposed  to  the  
elements.  Water  ingress  caused  big  chunks  of  concrete  to  release  from  the  rebar  and  spall.    Tis  case  
study   was   performed   to   design   an   engineered   composite   repair   solution.   The   engineering   team  
designed   a   repair   according   to   ASME   PCC-­2   Article   4.1   Standard   for   High-­Risk   Nonmetallic   and  
Bonded  repairs.    The  calculations  called  for  a  2-­layer  repair  to  be  applied  over  all  defect  areas  using  the  
carbon  fiber  composite  repair  system.    This  repair  would  be  needed  to  rehabilitate  the  pipe  as  well  as  
protect  against  future  corrosion.  Prior  to  installation,  water  blasting  of  the  concrete  was  used  to  prep  the  
surface  and  clean  the  pipe.    Several  trained  and  certified  installers  applied  the  carbon  fiber  composite  
system  over  the  2-­meter  length.  Several  leaks  were  stopped  during  the  installation  process,  Figure  7.    
The  pipe  was  rehabilitated  with  2  layers  of  the  carbon  fiber  composite  repair  system.    The  pipe  was  fully  
restored  to  its  original  strength,  and  future  corrosion  of  the  rebar  and  spalling  was  prevented.    

Figure  7:  Repairing  corroded  water  line.  
Corroded  Piping  System    
A   nonmetallic   composite   repair   system   was   designed   for   a   defected   piping   system   attached   to   a  
processing  tower,  Figure,  8.  The  piping  system  was  severely  corroded  due  to  internal  corrosion  caused  
by   naphtha   chemical.   The   feasibility   of   reinforcing   the   structure   using   carbon   fiber   reinforced   plastic  
(CFRP)  materials  was  studied  by  following  standard  engineering  codes  as  well  as  implementing  Finite  
Element  Analysis.  Thus,  structural integrity analysis was performed on the defected structure. According  
to  the  implemented  FEA  study  it  was  concluded  that  all  the  structural  joints  (elbows  and  tees,  Figure  9)  
must  be  reinforced  by  8  CFRP  plies  to  ensure  the  structural  integrity  in  the  piping  system.  The  whole  
section  must  be  reinforced  by  4  CFRP  plies  to  reduce  the  stress  concentrations  caused  by  geometrical  
variations   over   the   CFRP   repair   thickness.   Moreover,   since   the   structure   was   subjected   to   the  
vibrations  caused  by  water-­hammer  effect,  seismic  loads,  wind  load  and  thermal  fluctuation,  the  fatigue  
failure  was  probable,  thus  to  compensate  such  failures  considering  a  safety  factor  of  25%  by  adding  2  
more  plies  to  the  whole  structure  was  recommended.  Moreover,  all  the  joints  between  the  supports  and  
structure  must  be  reinforced  and  modified  according  to  the  CFRP  repair  installation  requirements.    

Figure  8:  Corroded  piping  system.  

Figure  9:  Stress  concentration  on  the  elbow  and  tee  joints.  

An  innovative  engineering  strategy  for  strengthening  and  reinforcing  defected  concrete  and  metallic  civil  
structures  using  nonmetallic  composite  materials  was  presented  and  described.  This  strategy  is  based  
on   following   standard   civil   and   mechanical   engineering   codes,   experimental   testing   and   numerical  
analysis   through   finite   element   methods.   The   feasibility   and   performance   of   nonmetallic   composite  
materials   for   rehabilitation   of   defected   civil   structures   were   studied   and   proved   experimentally   and  
numerically.   Three   case   studies   of   reinforcement   of   degraded   concrete   and   steel   structures   were  
presented  and  discussed.  

1.   T.   Mally,   M.   Kiani,   R.   Walker,   E.   Locke,   “Investigation   and   Case   Study   of   Composite   Repair  
Performance   at   Low   Temperatures   on   Buried   Pipelines”,   Corrosion   2018,   Conference   and   Expo,  
NACE  International,  2012,  Phoenix,  Arizona,  United  States.  
2.   M.  Kiani,  T.  Mally,  R.  Walker,  E.  Locke  “Finite  Element  Analysis,  Full-­Scale  Testing  and  Case  Study  
of   Composite   Reinforcement   of   Defected  Girth  Weld   Joints   on  Vintage  Pipelines”,   Proceedings  of  
the   13th   Pipeline   Technology   Conference   2018/   Pipe   and   Sewer   Conference   2018,   PTC2018,  
2018,  Berlin,  Germany.  
3.   M.   Kiani,   D.   Gribble,   T.   Mally,   R.   Walker,   E.   Locke   “Finite   Element   Analysis   and   Non-­Metallic  
Composite   Repairs,   an   Examination   of   Advanced   Modeling   Techniques   for   Safe   Designs   on  
Complex  Geometries”,  Proceedings  of  the  Materials  Performance  and  Welding  Technologies  2017  
Conference  and  Exhibition,  MPWT2017,  2017,  Dammam,  Saudi  Arabia.  
4.   M.  Kiani,  T.  Mally,  R.  Walker,  E.  Locke  “Computational  investigation  of  composite  repair  materials  
preventive   effects   on   wrinkle   bends   fatigue   failure”,   Proceedings   of   the   ASME   2017   Pressure  
Vessels  and  Piping  Conference  PVP2017,  2017,  Waikoloa,  Hawaii,  United  States.  
5.   T.   Mally,   M.   Kiani,   R.   Walker,   C.   Alexander,   C.   Sheets,   “Finite   element   analysis   and   full   scale  
testing   of   composite   repairs   on   wrinkle   bends   in   pipeline”,   Proceedings   of   the   12th   Pipeline  
Technology  Conference  PTC2017,  2017,  Berlin,  Germany.    
6.   T.   Mally,   M.   W.   Keller,   M.   Kiani,   R.   Walker,   C.   W.   Burnworth   “Finite   element   analysis   and   test  
verification  of  composite  repair  length  on  corrosion  defects”,  Proceedings  of  the  11th  International  
Pipeline  Conference  IPC2016,  2016,  Calgary,  Alberta,  Canada.  
7.   ACI   440.   1R-­06:   “Guide   for   the   Design   and   Construction   of   Structural   Concrete   Reinforced   with  
FRP”,  2006.  
8.   ASME  PCC-­2,  “Repair  of  Pressure  Equipment  and  Piping,”  2015.  
9.   ISO   24817,   “Petroleum,   Petrochemical   and   Natural   Gas   Industries   –   Composite   Repairs   for  
Pipework  –  Qualification  and  Design,  Installation,  Testing  and  Inspection,”  2015.  
10.  ASCE  7-­10:  Minimum  Design  Loads  for  Buildings  and  Other  Structures,  2015.  

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