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Chemistry work sheet from grade 11 unit three
For grade12
Chemical bonding, Octet rule, types of chemical bonding(ionic, covalent,
metallic bonding), lattice energy, factors affecting formation of ionic bonding,
properties of ionic cpds, covalent bonding , Lewis structure, resonance
structure, why covalent cpds or molecules violate the octet rule? polar and
non-polar covalent cpds, properties of covalent cpds, molecular geometry,
metallic bonding, properties of metals, Chemical bonding theories, Valence
bond theory (VBT),hybridization, Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT), bonding and
anti-bonding molecular orbital’s, bond order, types of crystals.


1. NaCl is an (a)
A. Covalent Compound B. Ionic Compound
C. Hybrid Compound D. Magnetic Compound
2. A chemical bond formed by sharing of electrons is
A. a covalent bond B. electrostatic bond
C. ionic bond D. polyatomic bond
3. Inert gases do not react with any other element because
A. the temperature is not high enough
B. their nucleus is very small.
C. Their outermost electron level is filled with 8 electrons.
D. The pressure is not high enough
4. Two or more atoms combine to form
A. a molecule B. an ion C. cation D. anion
5. The name of the compound with the formula KCl is
A. Chlorate Potassium B. Chloride Potassium
C. Potassium Chloride D. Potassium Chlorate
6. How many electrons are required in the outermost shell of an element for
it to be stable? A. 8 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6
7. Ionic compounds conduct electricity in
A. Crystalline State B. Fused state or solution state
C. Amorphous State D. Powdered State.
8. An atom which gains an electron forms
A. a cation B. a covalent bond
C. an anion D. a hydrogen bond
9. High solubility of alcohol in water is due to the formation of
A. covalent bonds B. ionic bonds
C. paramagnetic bonds D. hydrogen bonds.
10. The aim of bonding is to attain
A. Higher potential energy B. lower stability
C. Higher charge. D. The nearest noble gas structure.

11. Atoms take part in bond formation to
A. Neutralize their charge
B. Increase their energy
C. Attain a stable electronic configuration
D. Increase their charge density.
12. The energy which must be transferred to any atom to dislodge an electron
is called?
A. Free energy B. Ionization Energy
C. Quantum mechanical energy D. Dissociation Energy
13. Potassium ion K+ has the same electronic configuration as that of which
noble gases mentioned below?
A. Krypton B. Xenon C. Argon D. Radon
14. Ten covalent bonds in the Lewis structure of Propane will account for how
many valence electrons?
A. 10 B. 20 C. 14 D. 12
15. What is the hybridization state of oxygen in water?
A. sp B. sp2 C. sp3 D.sp3d
16. The electronegativity difference between the covalently bonded atoms is
A. Less than 0 B. 0 -0.3 C. 0.3-1.7 D. Over 1.7
17. What is the hybridization of Carbon atom in CF4?
A. sp2 B. sp C. sp3d D. sp3
18. Which one has zero dipole moment?
A. C6H6 B. NH3 C. H2S D. NO
19. Which one has both sigma and pi bonds?
A. H2S B. NO2 C. HClO D. NaCN
20. What is the hybridization of Sulphur in H2S?
A. sp B. sp2 C. sp3 D. sp3d
21. Valence Bond Theory was developed in the year
A. 1916 B. 1927 C. 1930 D. 1932
22. According to VBT, the formation of a stable bond requires
A. The electrons should have opposite spins
B. The two atoms should be close to each other
C. The greater overlapping of the electron clouds
D. All of the mentioned
23. The s-orbital does not show preference to any direction because
A. It is the smallest orbital B. It is present in every atom
C. It is spherically symmetric D. It is the first orbital
24. The p-orbital is in the shape of a
A. Sphere B. Dumbbell
C. Pear-shaped lobe D. None of the mentioned
25. According to VBT, the direction of bond which is formed due to overlapping
will be;
A. In the same direction in which orbitals are concentrated
B. In the opposite direction in which orbitals are concentrated
C. Perpendicular to the direction in which orbitals are concentrated
D. None of the mentioned
26. Which orbital would form stronger bond if both of them have identical
A. The one which is less directionally concentrated
B. The one which is more directionally concentrated
C. Both will be equally strong
D. It differs from atom to atom
27. Which of the following is not true about ionic compounds?
Ionic compounds;
A. are aggregates of ions
B. are hard and brittle
C. do have high melting point and boiling point
D. Can conduct heat and electricity in solid state
28. A compound is formed by combination of X and Y as follow; X has one
valence electron and Y has five valence electrons. What is the empirical
formula of the compounds?
A. XY B. X3Y C.X5Y XY5
29. Which of the following compounds would be expected to have the highest
melting point?
A. BaF2 B.BaCl2 C.BaBr2 D. BaI2
30. Which of the following ionic compound has the lowest lattice energy?
A. LiF B. CsF C. NaF D. KF
31. Which of the following describes the unit that make up compounds with
covalent bonds?
A. Ions B. Molecules C. Bases D. Salt
32. Which set contains only covalently bonded molecules?
A. BCl3, SiCl4, PCl3 B. NH4Br, N2H4, HBr
C. I2, H2S, NaI D. Al, H2O, Na2SO4
33. The types of compounds that is most likely to contain a covalent bond is
A. Solid metals B. Compounds of non-metals
C. Compounds of metals D. Compounds of transition metals
34. How many δ and pi bonds are there in the following molecule
A. 8δ and pi B. 8δ and 2pi
C. 10δ and 2pi D. 11δ and pi
35. The total number of electrons participating in the bond formation of CO32-
is A.16 B. 10 C. 8 D. 24
36. What is the total numbers of valence electrons in BrO3-?
A.20 B.26 C.32 D. 36
37. Which of the following molecule has 2δ and 2pi bond?
A. N2 B.C2H4 C.N2F2 D. HCN
38. Which of the following molecule violate octet rule?
A. NO B.CO2 C.PF3 D.C2H2
39. Which of the following compounds does not follow octet rule?
A.CS2 B.PBr3 C.NH3 D.BrF5

40. Which of the following group of elements will be the most polar?
A. S-F B. S-Cl C. S-Br D. S-I
41. For HCl, HF, HBr, HI, which of the following is arranged in order of
increasing polarity?
A. HCl, HF HBr, HI B. HI, HBr, HCl, HF
C. HF, HCl, HBr, HI D. HF, HBr, HCl, HI
42. Which of the following molecule has trigonal pyramidal shape?
A. NF3 & BF3 B. BF3 & ClF3
C.NF3& ClF3 D. NF3 & NH3
43. Molecular geometry of H3O +

A. Linear B. Bent
C. Planar D. Trigonal pyramidal
44 The existence of I2, as a solid, Cl2 as a gas, and Br2 as a liquid at room
temperature is explained by;
A. Ionic bonding B. Hydrogen bonding
C. Hybridization D. London force
45. Metals are malleable and ductile, this is due to;
A. The presence of free electron
B. The presence of delocalized electron
C. The ability of cation and anion to slip over one another
D. Its conductivity
46. Which of the following is not true about metallic bonding?
A. It gives rise to excellent conduction of heat and electricity
B. Electrons are free to move throughout the structure
C. The strength of metallic bonding increases down the group
D. The strength of metallic bonding affects boiling point of the metal
47. A type of hybridization in C2H2 is
A. sp B.sp2 C. sp3 D. sp3d
48. What is the hybridization of (S) in SF4?
A. sp B.sp2 C. sp3d2 D. sp3d
49 Identify the types of hybridization in (CH3 & CN) each carbon atom from the
following acetonitrile (CH3CN) respectively;
50. According to valence bond theory (VBT), which orbitals overlap to form a
bonding in Br2? (35Br)
A. 3s B. 3p C. 4p D.4s & 4p
51. The hybridization of central atom in XeF4 is
A. sp3d2 B. sp3d C. sp D.sp2
52. What is the hybridization of oxygen in CH3OCH3?
A. sp3 B. sp3d C. sp D.sp2
53. The highest occupied molecular orbital for CN- is?
A.δ2s B. δ2Px C. pi2py D. pi2pz
54. According to MOT which of the following is paramagnetic?
A. F2 B.H2 C.NO+ D. NO
55. What is the bond order of O2 ? +

A. 2 B. 2.5 C.1.5 D. 3

56. Which of the following is covalent crystal?
A. Dry ice B. Fe(s) C. NaCl(s) D. Diamond
57. The correct electronic scheme arrangement for SF4 is
A. AX4E2 B.AX4 C. AX3E2 D. AX4E
58. Which of the following molecules does not involve AX3E electron
A. NH3 B. PH3 C. BH3 D. all
59. Which of the following diatomic molecule has paramagnetic electron
A. 8O2 B.6C2 C.9F2 D.7N2
60. Which of the following molecule is non-polar?
A. H2O B. NH3 C. PH3 D. BH3
61. The bond-order of 3Li2 in molecular orbital theory is?
A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. A&B
62. The shape of a CH4 molecule is
A. Planar B. Tetrahedral C. Pyramidal D. Spherical
63. What is the hybridization of sulfur atom in SF4?
A. sp2 B. sp3 C. sp3d D. sp3d2
64. What is the hybridization of xenon atom in XeF4?
A. sp2 B. sp3 C. sp3d D. sp3d2
65. What is the molecular geometry for ammonia NH3?
A. saw horse B. trigonal planar
C. tetrahedral D. pyramidal
66. Which of the following molecules does not have a net dipole moment?
A. H2O B. NH3
C.BF3 D.BrF5
67. What is the hybridization of the oxygen atom in water?
A. sp B. sp2 C. sp3 D. It is not hybridized
68. When a double bond is formed between two atoms, one of the bonds is a
sigma bond and the other is a pi bond. The pi bond is created by the
overlap of...
A. sp2 hybrid orbitals B. sp3 hybrid orbitals
C. p orbitals D.s orbitals

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