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BA 2 • Facility layout – Affects process flow, costs, and

Chapter 5: Goods and Service Design customer perception and satisfaction

Designing Goods & Services 2. Servicescape – Physical evidence that a customer
Steps 1 and 2: Strategic Mission/Vision, Market Analysis uses to form an impression
and Competitive Priorities – Provides the behavioral setting where service
Steps 3: Customer Benefit Package Design and encounters take place
Configuration – Principal dimensions
Based on: - Ambient conditions, spatial layout and functionality,
• A solid understanding of customer needs and target and signs, symbols, and artifacts
markets – Types
• The value that customers place on time, place, • Lean servicescape environments
information, entertainment, exchange, and form • Elaborate servicescape environments
Step 4: Detailed Goods, Services, and Process Design
Prototype testing 3. Service process and job design – Process of
• Process by which a model is constructed to test a developing an efficient sequence of activities to satisfy
product’s performance under actual operating internal and external customer requirements
conditions, as well as consumer reactions to the 4. Technology and information support systems –
prototypes. Ensure speed, accuracy, customization, and flexibility in
• Tests consumer reactions to prototypes designing services
Step 5: Market Introduction/Deployment
• Step 6: Marketplace Evaluation  Service-Encounter Design
– Evaluate how well the goods and services are selling Focuses on the interaction, directly or indirectly,
and customers’ reactions to them. between the service provider(s) and the customer
Customer-Focused Design • Customer contact behavior and skills
Guides the design, creation, and marketing of goods and • Service provider selection, development, and
services by integrating the voice of the customer into all empowerment
decisions • Recognition and reward
– Voice of the customer: Customer requirements as Service recovery and guarantees
expressed in customers’ own words
1. Customer Contact Behavior & Skills
Quality Function Deployment (QFD): – An approach to
guide the design, creation, and marketing of goods and A. Customer Contact
services by integrating the voice of the customer into all • Physical or virtual presence of customers in
decisions – Applied to a specific manufactured good or the service delivery system
service, or to the entire customer benefit package (CBP) Types
• High-contact systems
Reliability: • Low-contact systems
– the probability that a manufactured good, piece of B. Customer Contact Requirements
equipment, or system performs its intended function Measurable performance levels that define the quality
for a stated period of time under specified operating of customer contact with representatives of an
conditions. organization
• Include: – Response time – Service management skills
Design for Manufacturability (DFM) such as cross-selling other services – Behavioral
Process of designing a product for efficient production requirements
at the highest level of quality
– Product simplification: Process of trying to simplify 2. Service-Provider Selection, Development, and
designs to reduce complexity and costs that helps in Empowerment
improving: • Focus on meeting and exceeding customer
• Productivity expectations
• Quality 3. Recognition and Reward
• Flexibility • Help motivate and retain excellent service providers –
• Customer satisfaction Key motivational factors
• Recognition
Design for Environment (DfE) • Advancement
Explicit consideration of environmental concerns during • Achievement
the design of goods, services, and processes – Includes: • Nature of the work
• Designing for recycling • Good compensation system
• Disassembly 4. Service Guarantees and Recovery Service
Service-Delivery System Design Elements Guarantees
1. Facility location • Promise to reward and compensate a customer if a
– Affects a customer’s travel time service upset occurs during the service experience
– Important competitive priority in a service business
– Service upset: Problem that a customer faces with the
service delivery system
• Referred to by terms such as service failure, error,
defect, mistake, and crisis
– Explicit service guarantee
• Given in writing • Included in service provider
publications and advertisements

– Implicit guarantee
• Not given in writing • Implied in everything a service
provider does
Service Recovery
• Process of correcting a service upset and satisfying
Framework for Goods and Service Design in
Steps 1 and 2: Strategic Mission, Market Analysis, and
Competitive Priorities
Chapter 8:
Facility Layout
Specific arrangement of physical facilities
Layout Patterns in Configuring Facilities
 Product layout
 Cellular layout
 Process layout
 Fixed-position layout
Cellular Layout

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