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Điền for, since, yet, already, just, ever, never vào chỗ trống thích hợp.

1. Wait a moment please! I have not finished the last exercise…….

2. I have………..seen this movie twice
3. We have not seen each other………..Saturday
4. Jack and Pauline have been married……….three years
5. Haven’t you done your Christmas shopping……….?
6. Stephen has worked here……….last May
7. Put your money away. I have………..paid the bill pay paid paid
8. I have lived in the same house……….I was born
9. I have not cooked supper……….because I thought you were going to be late
10. Do not say anything to Mary. I have not told anyone…………
11. Have you……….. been in America?
12. Do you hear the noise? The train has……….arrived.
13. No. Your cousin hasn’t come to the party………..
14. Can you open the door? Oh, it is…………open.
15. Your daughter has…………returned home. You don’t have to worry anymore.
16. Haven’t you finished your food………….? No, I am still eating mom.
17. I am a very lucky person. I have………..had nightmares.
18. Are you going to meet me at the shop? Yes, I am……….there.
19. I have………….realized how beautiful you are. Realize: nhận ra
20. Would you like to have dinner with us? No thanks, I have……….had dinner.
21. Have you……….seen such a big ant?

Chủ ngữ+Have/has+ V3/ed+ since/for+ thời gian

Since: cột mốc cụ thể: March, June, 2009, christmas
For: một khoảng thời gian: 20 minutes, 3 months, 6 years

Bài 2: Fill the gaps with either SINCE or FOR

1. Nobody has come to see us ______ we moved here.

2. She has been a teacher ______ 2000.
3. Nobody has done this ______ then.
4. Liz has gone out with her boyfriend ______ last night.
5. He has studied ______ a long time. He can pass the test.
6. It has been very rainy ______ early morning.
7. Mr and Mrs Brown have been married ______ 10 years.
8. They have fixed many cars ______ this morning.
9. I have driven ______ 7 hours.
10. Things have changed ______ the financial crisis in 2020 due to Covid-19.

Choose the correct answer.

1. It's 1:00 p.m. I'm hungry. I haven't eaten lunch _____.

a. already
b. still
c. yet
d. anymore
2. It's 1:00 p.m. I'm not hungry. I've _____ eaten lunch.
a. already
b. still
c. yet
d. anymore
3. It started raining an hour ago. We can't go for a walk because it's _____

a. already
b. still
c. yet
d. anymore
4. Look! The rain has stopped. It isn't raining _____. Let's go for a walk.

a. already
b. still
c. yet
d. anymore
5. I've read it three times, but I _____ don't understand it.

a. already
b. still
c. yet
d. anymore
6. I used to eat in the cafeteria, but I don't eat there _____.

a. already
b. still
c. yet
d. anymore
7. Has Rob found a new job _____?

a. already
b. still
c. yet
d. anymore
8. I don't live there _____. I moved to another apartment last month.

a. already
b. still
c. yet
d. anymore
9. I have _____ made the birthday cake for Sam.

a. already
b. still
c. yet
d. anymore
10. I haven't met many new people _____.

a. already
b. still
c. yet
d. anymore
Choose the word below to fill in the blank.

for since ever already recently just yet still

1. Have you finished doing your homework _____________?

2. I have known Martha about __________ two months.

3. You’ve missed _________ Nazan! She was here a few minutes ago.

4. Mum: You must make your bed before you go out Martin. - Martin: I’ve
_________ made it.I made it in the morning.

5. Has you father _______ eaten raw fish?

6. I am ____________ having lunch.I will call you later.

7. We haven't learnt passive voice _____________.

8. I have seen __________ your brother.You may catch him if you run.

9. She hasn't eaten anything _____________ ten hours.

10. We have known each other ________ a long time.

11.Has your father _____________ tried para-gliding?

12.This is the first time I have ______________ tried Mexican food.

13. I have __________ had breakfast. Thanks anyway.

14. I have ______________ been there many times.Lets go somewhere different.

Bài 4: Chia động từ trong ngoặc

1. How long you (wait) for me?

2. This is the second time I (watch) this comedy with my boyfriend.
3. I (not hear) from you for ages.
4. My boyfriend is the most galant man I (know).
5. I (wait) for him since 2 p.m.
6. He (not eat) this kind of food before.
7. She is the most warm-hearted woman I (meet).
8. You (finish) the test yet?
9. I (know) him for ages because we were neighbours when I was a child.
10. She (teach) me English for 3 years.

Bài 1: Chia những động từ trong câu dưới đây ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1. Bo _____ (drive) Rose to work today.

2. They _____ (work) all day and night.
3. We _____ (see) the new bridge.
4. He ____ (have) breakfast this morning.
5. Ann and Don ____ (wash) the car.
6. Kathy ____ (want) to go to Queensland for a long time.
7. Mel ____ (give) up smoking.
8. I ____ (forget) that man’s name.
9. They ____ (lose) their keys.
10. Jack ____ (be) to England.
11. They ____ (leave) London this month.
12. He ____ (bring) a lot of English papers.
13. She ____ (tell) me about it.
14. I ____ (get) a long letter from father this week.
15. She ____ (come), she will speak to you in a minute.
16. I ____ (be) to Radio City.
17. I think the director ____ (leave) the town.
18. I ___ (paint) my office.
19. We ____ (know) her since she arrived in our city.
20. I ____ (forget) your name.

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