Unit 1 - PU4

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Bài 1: Điền may hoặc might vào những chỗ trống dưới đây sao cho thích hợp

1. _____ I have a cup of tea?

2. She asked if she ____ have some more cheese. May -> might (quá khứ của May)

3. He _____ have came yesterday.

4. You _____ finish your homework.

5. I thought that I _____ be late. Think-thought-thought: nghĩ

6. You might have gone with them.

7. You _____ chat in class. May not/might not

8. I love you, mom. You ____ be the best mom in the world.

Bài 2: Write these sentences in a diffirent way using might.

1. Perhaps Helen is in her office. She might be in her office

2. Perhaps Helen is busy. .........................

3. Perhaps she is working. .........................

4. Perhaps she wants to be alone. .........................

5. Perhaps she was ill yesterday. .........................

6. Perhaps she went home early. .........................

7. Perhaps she had to go home early. .........................

8. Perhaps she was working yesterday. .........................

In sentences 9-11 use might not:

9. Perhaps she doesn't want to see me. .........................

10. Perhaps she isn't working today. .........................

11. Perhaps she wasn't feeling well yesterday. .........................

Bài 2: Complete the sentences using might + the following:

bite break need rain slip wake

1. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It might rain later.

2. Don't make too much noise. You .... the baby.

3. Be careful of that dog. It .... you

4. I don't think we should throw that letter away. We .... it later.

5. Be careful. The footpath is very icy. You .........

6. Don't let the children play in this room. They ...

1. I went shopping yesterday but I couldn’t find ………. that I liked.

A. nothing
B. anything
C. everywhere
2. Thomas ate ………. in his lunch bag except for the carrot.

A. everything
B. anything
C. somebody
3. Excuse me, waiter. There’s ………. in my soup. I think it’s a fly.

A. something
B. anywhere
C. everywhere
4. I didn’t go ………. on my holiday. I was so bored! Boring

A. nowhere
B. somewhere
C. anywhere
5. My friend thinks intelligent aliens may exist ………. in the universe.

A. anyone
B. somewherething
C. nowhere
6. ………. answered the phone when I called an hour ago.

A. No one
B. Anyone
C. Nowhere
7. I put my glasses ………. in my office but I can’t remember exactly where.

A. somewhere
B. everywhere
C. anywhere
8. ………. ate my cookie! Who? Who ate my cookie?

A. Anything
B. Somebody
C. Anybody
9. I can’t meet you tomorrow because I have ………. important to do.

A. somewhere
B. something
C. nothing
10. ………. is more important(quan trọng) than having friends and family who love you.

A. Everyone
B. Somewhere
C. Nothing
11. ………. in our class passed the grammar test!

A. Everything
B. Everyone
C. Something
12. Did you guys do ………. interesting on the weekend?

A. anything
B. anywhere
C. somewhere
13. ………. can lift this box! It’s too heavy to lift.

A. No one
B. Something
C. Anybody
14. Almost ………. in the world knows about the Olympic games.

A. somewhere
B. everywhere
C. everyone
15. Some scientists believe there is alien life ………. in our solar system.

A. something
B. somewhere
C. anything
16. There are still plenty of empty seats. We can sit ………. we like.

A. anything
B. anyone
C. anywhere
Bài 2: Gạch chân đại từ bất định phù hợp để hoàn thành mỗi câu dưới đây.

1. I would like (anything/something) to eat.

2. He knows (something/nothing) about it.

3. She hasn’t got (something/anything) to do.

4. They sold (everything/anything) in the sales.

5. The boy didn’t say (nothing/anything).

6. Is there (something/anything) amusing on TV?

7. Our cat must be (somewhere/anywhere).

8. There was a flood (anywhere/somewhere) in China.

9. I would like to buy (anything/something) for my dad.

10. My doctor did (everything/somebody) to save her.

11. You know (anybody/somebody) who can paint it.

12. Do you know (anyone/someone) who lives there?

13. She heard (something/anything) that scared her.

14. I don’t remember (something/anything) boring.

Bài 3: Chọn một trong những đại từ bất định sau để điền vào ô trống trong câu

some, any, somewhere, anywhere, someone, anyone, something, anything

1. Would you like___________ more tea? – Yes, please. – But I haven’t got

2. _____________ closed the door and locked us out.

3. If you have _____________ questions, please ask me.

4. The map must be _____________ around here. I need it.

5. I don’t drink _____________ alcohol at all.

6. I have got _____________ in my eye. Could you take it out?

7. I would like ______________ sandwiches with egg, but we don’t have _____________
bread left.

8. I put my purse here but _____________ must have taken it. I can’t find it ____________.

9. I think _____________ rang the doorbell. I checked it but there wasn’t _____________

10. If you can’t tell me _____________ new then don’t call me.

11. We usually go to the bar around the corner but today we went _____________ else.

12. There are more and more thunderstorms in our area. I’m sure it has _____________ to do
with global warming.

13. Can I have _____________ sweets please? – Of course you can.

14. My teacher asked me _____________ but I didn’t give him _____________ answer. I was
looking _____________ else.

15. I need _____________ milk. - Have you got _____________ ?

16. We have been looking for _____________ to live in but Vienna is simply too expensive.

17. The children played _____________ nice games at the birthday party.
18. Have you seen my keys _____________ ? – I have put them down _____________ .

19. Please tell me if you find _____________ on the Internet. I have done a lot of research,
but I haven’t found _____________ yet.

20. Can I have _____________ to drink?

21. We always stay at home. We never go _____________ .

22. _____________ must have scared him. I have never seen him like this before.

23. _____________ of my CDs are broken because I left them _____________ on the floor.

24. Has _______________ seen my bag?

25. Hannah shouldn’t smoke _____________ cigarettes. She’s got _____________ problems
with her health.

26. Luis isn’t _____________ smarter than Jane.

27. Have you got _____________ brothers and sisters?

28. Don’t you know _____________ good restaurants around here?

29. There wasn’t _____________ at home, so we went.

30. I don’t know our exact location, but it must be _____________ near Berlin.

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