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Week Day

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1 Day 5

1 Day 6

Weekly Assessment - 1
2 Day 1
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2 Day 4
2 Day 5
2 Day 6
Weekly Assessment - 2
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3 Day 3
3 Day 4
3 Day 5
3 Day 6
Milestone Assessment - 1

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4 Day5
Weekly Assessment - 3
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5 Day 5
Weekly Assessment - 4
6 Day 1
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6 Day 3
6 Day 4
6 Day 5
Milestone Assessment - 2
7 Day 1
7 Day 2
7 Day 3
7 Day 4
7 Day 5
Milestone Assessment - 3
TOP UP Program
Day 1
Day 2
Week 1 Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

Java OOPS, Constructor, Encapsulation,Inheritnace, polymorphism. with use of Interface.

Folder structure. (Client, service model
Collections with Primitives and Custom object. ArrayList, Set and Map usage.
Exception in Java. Try catch , throw and throws. Use of Custom exception.
Exception Continue. Java 8(Stream and Lambda intro), use Stream over Collections
Select queries , joins , DDL, DML , Constraint .What is Maven. How to create a Maven project. Maven lifecycle.
What is jar file.
Maven Application using JDBC layered architecture.
JDBC continue , What is webservices, what client and server technology, JSON, HTTP methods.
Basic Spring framework Concepts(Auto wiring).
Springboot Hello world program.
Weekly Assessment - 1
Springboot with CRUD by use of Collections. (ArrayList). Implement Exception handling.
Spring boot JPA introduction.
Springboot REST CRUD operation by using Spring data JPA (Single entity)
Understanding of GIT, GIT commands, Commit code into GITHUB. Junit
HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap. Introduction to Javascript.
Weekly Assessment - 2
Javascript - event handling , validations , Javascript debugging
Typescript , Angular - installations, components
Angular -Data binding , Forms
Angular - Routing , Services , HttpClient
Case Study : One CRUD operation by using Angular in front end and backend Springboot with Mysql
Recap + Milestone 1
Milestone Assessment - 1
Introduction to GCP, Overview of GCP services, GCP account creation,
Understanding project structure, organization and folder
Cloud Shell, Activate Cloud Shell, gcloud commands

Identity & Access Management, Basic Roles, Custom Roles, Predefined Roles.
Understanding permissions and policies. Principle of least privileges.
Service Accounts. Use and assignment of service accounts to resources and in programming.

Network & Security - VPC Networks, Serverless VPC, Firewall, Peering, Launch VPC Security Groups, Data Encryption
Compute - Compute Engine, VM types, IP, SSH
GKE - Deployments, Object Replica set, Persistant volume, Introduction to clusters, workloads, architecture details,
services, Ingress
Weekly Assessment - 3
GKE - Deployments, Object Replica set, Persistant volume, Introduction to clusters, workloads, architecture details,
services, Ingress
Cloud Run, Cloud task, API gateway
App Engine, Cloud Function, Pub/Sub
App Engine, Cloud Function, Pub/Sub
Google Cloud Storage - Storage classes and their associated costs, Buckets, Permissions/ACL, gsutil commands
Weekly Assessment - 4
Introduction to database offerings, Data Transfer, Cloud SQL, Firestore, BigQuery
Introduction to database offerings, Data Transfer, Cloud SQL, Firestore, BigQuery
Terraform Advanced

Milestone Assessment - 2

Final Project - CRUD Case Study

Milestone Assessment - 3
TOP UP Program

GCP Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Preparation

Estimated Date of
Remarks Content Type

PPT 10-Jul-23
PPT 12-Jul-23
PPT 14-Jul-23
PPT 17-Jul-23

PPT 19-Jul-23

PPT 21-Jul-23

PPT 21-Jul-23
PPT 24-Jul-23
PPT 26-Jul-23
PPT 28-Jul-23
PPT 31-Jul-23
PPT 2-Aug-23
PPT 4-Aug-23
PPT 7-Aug-23
PPT 9-Aug-23
PPT 11-Aug-23
PPT 14-Aug-23
PPT 16-Aug-23
PPT 18-Aug-23

PPT 21-Aug-23

PPT 23-Aug-23

PPT 25-Aug-23
PPT 28-Aug-23
PPT 28-Aug-23
PPT 30-Aug-23
PPT 1-Sep-23
PPT 4-Sep-23
PPT 6-Sep-23
PPT 8-Sep-23
PPT 11-Sep-23
PPT 13-Sep-23
raform basic concepts are covered as part of
PPTLBJ 15-Sep-23



Exam tips, tricks,

Mock Tests will be

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