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Agricultural Extension

Research Directory

(2014 E.C)

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research

1. Introduction
The Agricultural Extension and Communication (AEC) is one of the research directorates under the Ethiopian
Institute of Agriculture Research (EIAR). The directorate is in charge of dissemination and technology
transfer activities generated by crop, livestock, and natural resource management and mechanization
research programs. New technology transfer accompanied by training of the different technology end users.
To this end, AEC follows different extension research approaches that include front-line demonstration on
farmers’ fields, scaling up/out of improved technologies and practices through cluster approaches, gender
and youth empowerment and information dissemination through different communication media and
generate empirical evidences about interventions for policy plan and practices.

Accordingly, for 2014 E.C production season 35 new and 64 ongoing research activities have been planned
on 28 different commodities to be implemented across 17 agricultural research centres. By specific
intervention purpose there are 3 sub programs. These are:-

 47 activities under pre-Extension technology demonstrations sub program ;

 48 activities under Cluster based large scale production demonstrations sub program

 4 activities under extension research sub program

This research directory presents summary status of each research activity across the implementing centres
ongoing and new research activities as indicated in table 1 Below.

Table 1: Summary of Activities planned for 2014 EC Budget year.

SN Title of activity Commo Component Status Duration (starting Impleme Responsibl Expected
dity (Sub of an and ending nting e deliverables
program) activity budget year) EC Centers Researcher
Starting Ending s

1.Ambo Agricultural Research Center

1 Demonstration and Wheat Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Ambo Soruma G, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of advanced Production g 2012 2015 Yenenesh D beneficiary,
wheat technologies using large Demonstrati & Alem J. data/Information
scale demonstration ons
2 Demonstration and Teff Large Scale ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Ambo Soruma G, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 Yenenesh D beneficiary,
advanced teff technologies Demonstrati & Alem J. data/Information
using large scale generated
3 Demonstration and Barely Large Scale ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Ambo Soruma G, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 Yenenesh D beneficiary,
advanced food and malt Demonstrati & Alem J. data/Information
barely technologies using generated
large scale demonstration
4 Demonstrations and wheat Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Ambo Soruma G, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 Yenenesh D beneficiary,
advanced bread wheat Demonstrati & Alem J. data/Information
technologies using large generated
scale demonstration
5 Demonstration & Maize Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Ambo Soruma G, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2014 Yenenesh D beneficiary,
advanced maize technologies Demonstrati & Alem J. data/Information
using LSD generated
6 Demonstration and Poultry Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Ambo Soruma G, 238 Trained, 319
promotion of dual purpose Extension g 2012 2015 Yenenesh D direct beneficiary,
poultry breeds for women Technology & Alem J. data/information
households in Ethiopia generated
2. Assosa Agricultural Research Center
7 Demonstration and Banana Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Assosa Hawa M & 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 Fikadu B beneficiary,
advanced banana Demonstrati data/Information
technologies using large generated
scale demonstration
8 Demonstration and Soybean Large Scale New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Assosa Hawa M & 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production 2013 2015 Fikadu B beneficiary,
improved soybean Demonstrati data/Information
technologies through large generated
scale demonstration
9 Pre-extension demonstration Sorghum Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Assosa Hawa M & 238 Trained, 319
of improved sorghum Extension 2013 2014 Fikadu B direct beneficiary,
[Sorghum bicolor (L) Technology

SN Title of activity Commo Component Status Duration (starting Impleme Responsibl Expected
dity (Sub of an and ending nting e deliverables
program) activity budget year) EC Centers Researcher
Starting Ending s
Moench] varieties for the demonstrati data/information
humid lowland of kurmuk ons generated
and Menge districts of
Beneshangul Gumuz regional
state, Ethiopia
10 Strengthening seed producer seed Large Scale New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Assosa Hawa M & 211 trained, 283
farmer and youth groups to Production 2013 2015 Fikadu B beneficiary,
enhance adoption of Demonstrati data/Information
improved varieties generated
3. Bako National Maize Research Center
11 Participatory varieties Maize Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Bako Samson 211 trained, 283
selection of newly released Production g 2012 2015 Terefe beneficiary,
maize varieties under Demonstrati data/Information
advanced variety in districts generated
of West Shewa and East
Wollega zones of Oromia
12 Formation of innovation Maize Extension Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Bako Samson Survey report
platform (IP) involving all Study g 2012 2015 Terefe
actors in the maize value
chain in potential districts of
West Shewa and East
Wollega Zones of Oromia
13 Large scale demonstration of Maize Large Scale New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Bako Samson 211 trained, 283
improved maize variety at Production 2012 2015 Terefe beneficiary,
selected districts of Oromia, Demonstrati data/Information
Amhara and Sidama region generated
14 ATVET based demonstration ATVET Large Scale New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Bako Samson 211 trained, 283
of EIAR technologies for Production 2012 2015 Terefe beneficiary,
extension workers Demonstrati data/Information
4. Chiro Research and Training Center
15 Demonstration & Maize Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Chiro Asegid W 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2014 beneficiary,
advanced maize technologies Demonstrati data/Information
using LSD generated
16 Promotion of double Mungbea Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Chiro Asegid 211 trained, 283
cropping (mung bean- n- Production g 2012 2015 beneficiary,
sorghum) using large scale
Sorghum Demonstrati data/Information
demonstration generated
17 Demonstration and Sorghum Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Chiro Asegid 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2014 beneficiary,
advanced lowland sorghum Demonstrati data/Information
technology using large scale generated
18 Demonstration and Sorghum Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Chiro Asegid 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2014 beneficiary,

SN Title of activity Commo Component Status Duration (starting Impleme Responsibl Expected
dity (Sub of an and ending nting e deliverables
program) activity budget year) EC Centers Researcher
Starting Ending s
highland sorghum Demonstrati data/Information
technology using large scale ons generated
19 Demonstration and Commen Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Chiro Asegid 238 Trained, 319
evaluation of advanced Bean Extension g 2012 2015 direct beneficiary,
common bean and cowpea Technology data/information
technologies generated
5. Debremarkos Agricultural Research Center
20 Large scale demonstration of Wheat Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrema Anduamlak 211 trained, 283
bread wheat with lime Production g 2012 2015 rkos A& beneficiary,
technology in East Gojam Demonstrati Abebaw A data/Information
zone, Amhara region generated
21 large scale demonstration of Lime Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrema Anduamlak 211 trained, 283
malt barely variety with lime Tech. Production g 2012 2015 rkos A& beneficiary,
technology in Sinan district of Demonstrati Abebaw A data/Information
East Gojjam zone generated
22 Pre-extension demonstration Maize Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrema Anduamlak 238 Trained, 319
and evaluation of newly Extension g 2012 2015 rkos A& direct beneficiary,
released highland maize Technology Abebaw A data/information
varieties in East Gojjam zone generated
23 Demonstration and Poultry Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrema Anduamlak 238 Trained, 319
promotion of dual purpose Extension g 2012 2015 rkos A& direct beneficiary,
poultry breeds for women Technology Abebaw A data/information
households in Ethiopia generated
24 Participatory evaluation and Forage Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrema Anduamlak 238 Trained, 319
demonstration of improved Extension 2013 2015 rkos A& direct beneficiary,
forage technologies in East Technology Abebaw A data/information
Gojjam zone generated
25 Pre-extension demonstration Teff Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrema Anduamlak 238 Trained, 319
of improved teff varieties in Extension 2013 2015 rkos A& direct beneficiary,
the selected areas of East Technology Abebaw A data/information
Gojjam zone, Amhara region generated
26 Pre-extension demonstration Barley Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrema Anduamlak 238 Trained, 319
of improved food barley Extension 2013 2015 rkos A& direct beneficiary,
varieties in selected districts Technology Abebaw A data/information
of East Gojjam zone, Amhara generated
27 Pre-extension demonstration Faba Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrema Anduamlak 238 Trained, 319
of improved faba bean Bean Extension 2013 2015 rkos A& direct beneficiary,
varieties in the selected Technology Abebaw A data/information
districts of East Gojjam zone, generated
Amhara region

SN Title of activity Commo Component Status Duration (starting Impleme Responsibl Expected
dity (Sub of an and ending nting e deliverables
program) activity budget year) EC Centers Researcher
Starting Ending s
28 Assessment of pesticide Knowled Extension New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrema Anduamlak Survey report
management practices, ge Study 2013 2015 rkos A&
challenges and prospects of Abebaw A
smallholder households in
Amhara region, Ethiopia

6. Debreziet Agricultural Research Center

29 Demonstration and Teff Large Scale ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrezeit Tiruayinet, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 Mohamme beneficiary,
advanced teff technologies Demonstrati d, Abune & data/Information
using large scale Wubshet generated
30 Demonstration of chickpea Chickpea Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrezeit Tiruayinet, 211 trained, 283
technologies in potential Production g 2012 2015 Mohamme beneficiary,
areas of Ethiopia using large Demonstrati d, Abune & data/Information
scale demonstration Wubshet generated
31 Demonstration and Avocado Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrezeit Tiruayinet, 238 Trained, 319
promotion of commercial Extension g 2012 2015 Mohamme direct beneficiary,
avocado production villages Technology d, Abune & data/information
for agro industries and export Wubshet generated
32 Demonstration and Wheat Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrezeit Tiruayinet, 238 Trained, 319
evaluation of durum wheat Extension g 2012 2015 Mohamme direct beneficiary,
varieties in potential growing Technology d, Abune & data/information
areas of Ethiopia Wubshet generated
33 Demonstration and Teff Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Debrezeit Tiruayinet, 238 Trained, 319
evaluation of improved new Extension g 2012 2015 Mohamme direct beneficiary,
teff varieties in Ethiopia Technology d, Abune & data/information
Wubshet generated

7. Fogera National Rice Research and Training Center

33 Demonstration and Rice Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Fogera Misganew 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 A, Tesfahun, beneficiary,
improved rice technologies Demonstrati Endayen & data/Information
using large scale Adane generated
demonstration approaches
35 Demonstration and Barley Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Fogera Misganew 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 A, Tesfahun, beneficiary,
improved malt barley Demonstrati Endayen & data/Information
technology using large scale Adane generated
demonstration approaches
36 Demonstration and Finger Large Scale New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Fogera Misganew 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Milet Production 2013 2015 A, Tesfahun, beneficiary,
improved finger millet Demonstrati Endayen & data/Information
technologies using large Adane generated

SN Title of activity Commo Component Status Duration (starting Impleme Responsibl Expected
dity (Sub of an and ending nting e deliverables
program) activity budget year) EC Centers Researcher
Starting Ending s
scale demonstration
37 Demonstration and Chickpea Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Fogera Misganew 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 A, Tesfahun, beneficiary,
improved chickpea Demonstrati Endayen & data/Information
technologies using large Adane generated
scale demonstration
38 Demonstration and Faba Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Fogera Misganew 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Bean Production g 2012 2015 A, Tesfahun, beneficiary,
improved faba bean variety Demonstrati Endayen & data/Information
and Gall disease Adane generated
management technologies
39 Pre-extension demonstration Rice Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Fogera Misganew 238 Trained, 319
of effective seed treatment Extension g 2012 2015 A, Tesfahun, direct beneficiary,
methods against rice Sheath Technology Endayen & data/information
Rot disease Adane generated
40 Pre-extension demonstration Rice Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Fogera Misganew 238 Trained, 319
of newly released rice variety Extension 2013 2015 A, Tesfahun, direct beneficiary,
in lowland rice ecosystem Technology Endayen & data/information
Adane generated
41 Pre-extension demonstration Shallot Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Fogera Misganew 238 Trained, 319
of true seed shallot varieties Extension 2013 2015 A, Tesfahun, direct beneficiary,
Technology Endayen & data/information
Adane generated

8. Holeta Agricultural Research center

42 Demonstration and Teff Large Scale ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Holeta Chernet A, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 Ayalew, beneficiary,
advanced teff technologies Demonstrati Hana & data/Information
ons Endale
using large scale generated
43 Demonstration and Barely Large Scale ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Holeta Chernet A, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 Ayalew, beneficiary,
advanced food and malt Demonstrati Hana & data/Information
ons Endale
barely technologies using generated
large scale demonstration
44 Demonstration and Wheat Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Holeta Chernet A, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of advanced Production g 2012 2015 Ayalew, beneficiary,
wheat technologies using large Demonstrati Hana & data/Information
scale demonstration ons Endale
45 Demonstration and Field Pea Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Holeta Chernet A, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 Ayalew, beneficiary,
advanced faba bean and field

SN Title of activity Commo Component Status Duration (starting Impleme Responsibl Expected
dity (Sub of an and ending nting e deliverables
program) activity budget year) EC Centers Researcher
Starting Ending s
pea technologies using large Demonstrati Hana & data/Information
scale demonstration ons Endale generated
46 Training and awareness Pesticide Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Holeta Chernet A, 238 Trained, 319
creation on safe use of agro- Extension g 2012 2014 Ayalew, direct beneficiary,
chemicals and their Technology Hana & data/information
demonstrati Endale
application methods for generated
youth group/service
providers in selected districts
of Oromia
47 Seed production in selected seed Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Holeta Chernet A, 211 trained, 283
rural primary schools of West, Production g 2012 2014 Ayalew, beneficiary,
North and South West Shewa Demonstrati Hana & data/Information
ons Endale
zone of Oromia region generated
48 Pre-extension of Field Pea Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Holeta Chernet A, 238 Trained, 319
demonstration of released Extension 2013 2015 Ayalew, direct beneficiary,
field pea varieties in targeted Technology Hana & data/information
demonstrati Endale
districts of West Shewa zone generated
of Oromia
49 Pre-extension demonstration Teff Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Holeta Chernet A, 238 Trained, 319
of improved teff technologies Extension 2013 2015 Ayalew, direct beneficiary,
in potential growing areas of Technology Hana & data/information
demonstrati Endale
Western Shewa zones of generated
Oromia region
50 Analysis of the gender Gender Extension New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Holeta Chernet A, Survey report
disparity in agricultural 2013 2015 Ayalew,
extension service delivery: Hana &
case of Welmera and Dendi
woreda, West Shewa zone,
Oromia regional State
51 Perception of farmers Perceptio Extension New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Holeta Chernet A, Survey report
towards lime technology in n Study 2013 2015 Ayalew,
acid prone areas of West Hana &
Shewa zone of Oromia: The
case of large scale
demonstration of food barely
and bread wheat
52 Demonstration and Poultry Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- HQ Hana Y, 100Trained, 30
promotion of dual purpose Extension g 2012 2015 Amira & direct beneficiary,
poultry breeds for women Technology Baye data/information
households in Ethiopia generated

SN Title of activity Commo Component Status Duration (starting Impleme Responsibl Expected
dity (Sub of an and ending nting e deliverables
program) activity budget year) EC Centers Researcher
Starting Ending s
9. Jima Agrcultural Research center

53 Demonstration of banana Pineappl Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Jimma Borensa M, 238 Trained, 319
e Extension g 2012 2015 Mekides & direct beneficiary,
and pineapple technologies
Technology Worku, data/information
in South West Ethiopia demonstrati
54 Pre extension demonstration Coffee Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Jimma Borensa M, 238 Trained, 319
of improved coffee varieties Extension g 2012 2015 Mekides & direct beneficiary,
in Dawuro zone & Konta Technology Worku, data/information
special woreda generated
55 Demonstration and Coffee Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Jimma Borensa M, 238 Trained, 319
evaluation of intercropping of Extension g 2012 2015 Mekides & direct beneficiary,
coffee with banana in Dawuro Technology Worku, data/information
zone and Konta special generated
56 Demonstration of improved Weed Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Jimma Borensa M, 238 Trained, 319
weed management practices Extension g 2012 2015 Mekides & direct beneficiary,
in South West and West of Technology Worku, data/information
Ethiopia generated
57 Assessment and validation of Coffee Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Jimma Borensa M, 238 Trained, 319
special training demands in Extension g 2012 2015 Mekides & direct beneficiary,
major coffee growing areas Technology Worku, data/information
of Ethiopia generated
58 Pre-extension demonstration Coffee Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Jimma Borensa M, 238 Trained, 319
of newly released hybrid Extension 2013 2015 Mekides & direct beneficiary,
coffee (Coffee Arabica) Technology Worku, data/information
technologies in South West generated
59 Cluster-based large-scale wheat Large Scale New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Jimma Borensa M, 211 trained, 283
bread wheat technology Production 2013 2015 Mekides & beneficiary,
demonstration in Jimma zone Demonstrati Worku, data/Information

10. Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center

60 Demonstration of lime Wheat Large Scale New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Kulumsa Sintayehu A 211 trained, 283
application on improved Production 2013 2015 & Martha, beneficiary,
bread wheat varieties with its Demonstrati data/Information
associated technologies in generated
selected districts of Arsi zone
using large scale
61 Demonstration of lime Barley Large Scale New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Kulumsa Sintayehu A 211 trained, 283
application on improved Production 2013 2015 & Martha, beneficiary,
malt barley varieties with its
SN Title of activity Commo Component Status Duration (starting Impleme Responsibl Expected
dity (Sub of an and ending nting e deliverables
program) activity budget year) EC Centers Researcher
Starting Ending s
associated technologies in Demonstrati data/Information
selected districts of Arsi zone ons generated
using large scale
62 Demonstration and Field Pea Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Kulumsa Sintayehu A 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 & Martha, beneficiary,
advanced faba bean and field Demonstrati data/Information
pea technologies using large generated
scale demonstration
63 Demonstrations and Wheat Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Kulumsa Sintayehu A 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 & Martha, beneficiary,
advanced bread wheat Demonstrati data/Information
technologies using large generated
scale demonstration
64 Demonstration and Barley Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Kulumsa Sintayehu A 211 trained, 283
commercialization of malt Production g 2012 2015 & Martha, beneficiary,
barley technologies in Demonstrati data/Information
selected districts of Arsi & generated
West Arsi zones
65 Empowering women on Potato Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Kulumsa Sintayehu A 211 trained, 283
improved potato production Production g 2012 2015 & Martha, beneficiary,
technologies Demonstrati data/Information
66 Demonstration of bread Wheat Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Kulumsa Sintayehu A 238 Trained, 319
wheat variety ETBW 9578 Extension 2013 2015 & Martha, direct beneficiary,
(Dursa) & its associated Technology data/information
technologies generated
67 Demonstration of bread Wheat Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Kulumsa Sintayehu A 238 Trained, 319
wheat variety (ETBW9554 Extension 2013 2015 & Martha, direct beneficiary,
(Boru) & its associated Technology data/information
technologies generated
68 Demonstration of malt barley Barley Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Kulumsa Sintayehu A 238 Trained, 319
varieties (HB1963, HB1964 & Extension 2013 2015 & Martha, direct beneficiary,
Iftu ) & their associated Technology data/information
technologies generated
69 Demonstration of fababean Faba Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Kulumsa Sintayehu A 238 Trained, 319
variety(NUMAN) & its Bean Extension 2013 2015 & Martha, direct beneficiary,
associated technologies Technology data/information
70 Large scale demonstration of Sorghum Large Scale New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Melkasa Fitsum M, 211 trained, 283
sorghum technologies in East Production 2013 2015 Gadisa & beneficiary,
Shewa zone Demonstrati Tigist data/Information

SN Title of activity Commo Component Status Duration (starting Impleme Responsibl Expected
dity (Sub of an and ending nting e deliverables
program) activity budget year) EC Centers Researcher
Starting Ending s
71 Large scale demonstration of Sorghum Large Scale New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Melkasa Fitsum M, 211 trained, 283
double cropping in sorghum Production 2013 2015 Gadisa & beneficiary,
dominated farming system Demonstrati Tigist data/Information
with associate management generated
11. Melkasa Agricultural Research Center
72 Demonstration and Commen Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Melkasa Fitsum M, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Bean Production g 2012 2015 Gadisa & beneficiary,
advanced common bean and Demonstrati Tigist data/Information
cowpea technologies using generated
large scale demonstration
73 Demonstration and Forage Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Melkasa Fitsum M, 238 Trained, 319
evaluation of improved Extension 2013 2015 Gadisa & direct beneficiary,
forage crops in East Shewa Technology Tigist data/information
zone of Oromia regional state generated
74 Demonstration and Sorghum Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Melkasa Fitsum M, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 Gadisa & beneficiary,
advanced sorghum Demonstrati Tigist data/Information
technologies using large generated
scale demonstration
75 Demonstration and Sorghum Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Melkasa Fitsum M, 238 Trained, 319
evaluation of improved Extension g 2012 2015 Gadisa & direct beneficiary,
lowland sorghum varieties Technology Tigist data/information
with associate management generated
76 Demonstration and Onion Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Melkasa Fitsum M, 238 Trained, 319
evaluation of improved onion Extension g 2012 2015 Gadisa & direct beneficiary,
varieties with their associated Technology Tigist data/information
management practices generated
77 Enhancing the availability of Avocado Large Scale New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Melkasa Fitsum M, 211 trained, 283
grafted mango and avocado Production 2012 2015 Gadisa & beneficiary,
seedling Demonstrati Tigist data/Information

12. Pawe Agricultural Research Center

78 Pre-extension demonstration Soybean Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Pawe Takel A & 238 Trained, 319
of newly released soybean Extension 2013 2015 Yaregal direct beneficiary,
varieties in Metekel & Awi Technology data/information
zones generated

SN Title of activity Commo Component Status Duration (starting Impleme Responsibl Expected
dity (Sub of an and ending nting e deliverables
program) activity budget year) EC Centers Researcher
Starting Ending s
79 Pre-extension demonstration Rice Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Pawe Takel A & 238 Trained, 319
of newly released rice Extension 2013 2015 Yaregal direct beneficiary,
varieties in Metekel & Awi Technology data/information
zones generated
80 Demonstration and Rice Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Pawe Takel A & 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2014 Yaregal beneficiary,
advanced rice technologies Demonstrati data/Information
by LSD approaches in generated
Metekel & Awi zones
81 Demonstration and Soybean Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Pawe Takel A & 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 Yaregal beneficiary,
advanced soybean Demonstrati data/Information
technologies using large generated
scale demonstration
82 Demonstration and Wheat Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Pawe Takel A & 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 Yaregal beneficiary,
advanced bread wheat Demonstrati data/Information
technology by LSD generated
approaches in Awi zone
83 Demonstration and Wheat Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Pawe Takel A & 211 trained, 283
commercialization of advanced Production g 2012 2015 Yaregal beneficiary,
wheat technologies using large Demonstrati data/Information
scale demonstration ons
84 Demonstration of improved Papaye Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Pawe Takel A & 238 Trained, 319
papaya varieties in Metekel & Extension g 2012 2014 Yaregal direct beneficiary,
Awi zones Technology data/information
85 13. Sebeta National Aquatic and Fishery Research center

Demonstration of integrated Fish- Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Sebeta Yared M. 238 Trained, 319
fish-vegetable/herb Vegetabl Extension g 2012 2015 direct beneficiary,
production system at NFALRC
e Technology data/information
14. Tepi Agricultural Research center

Demonstration and Spices Pre- ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Tepi Teka 238 Trained, 319
Evaluation of market oriented Extension g 2012 2014 direct beneficiary,
improved spices and Technology data/information
Management Practices generated
15. Werer Agricultural Research Center

Demonstration and Soybean Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Werer Adem K. & 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 Tesfaye T beneficiary,

SN Title of activity Commo Component Status Duration (starting Impleme Responsibl Expected
dity (Sub of an and ending nting e deliverables
program) activity budget year) EC Centers Researcher
Starting Ending s
advanced soybean Demonstrati data/Information
technologies using large ons generated
scale demonstration
88 Demonstration and Cotton Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Werer Adem K. & 238 Trained, 319
evaluation of advanced Extension g 2012 2015 Tesfaye T direct beneficiary,
cotton varieties for small and Technology data/information
large scale cotton producers generated
16. Wolkite Agricultural Research Center

Pre-extension demonstration Common Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Wolkite Tesfahun F. 238 Trained, 319
of common bean technology Bean Extension 2013 2015 direct beneficiary,
in selected woredas of Technology data/information
Gurage zone generated
90 Pre-extension demonstration Wheat Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Wolkite Tesfahun F. 238 Trained, 319
of bread wheat technology in Extension 2013 2015 direct beneficiary,
selected woredas of Gurage Technology data/information
zone generated
91 Pre-extension demonstration Teff Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Wolkite Tesfahun F. 238 Trained, 319
of teff technology in selected Extension 2013 2015 direct beneficiary,
woredas of Gurage zone Technology data/information
92 Pre-extension demonstration Maize Pre- New 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Wolkite Tesfahun F. 238 Trained, 319
of improved maize Extension 2013 2015 direct beneficiary,
technology in selected Technology data/information
woredas of Gurage zone generated
17 Wondogenet Agricultural Research center

Demonstration and Banana Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Wondog Temesgen, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of Production g 2012 2015 enet Yuel & beneficiary,
advanced banana Demonstrati Obsitu data/Information
technologies using large generated
scale demonstration
94 Demonstration and Wheat Large Scale Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Wondog Temesgen, 211 trained, 283
commercialization of advanced Production g 2012 2015 enet Yuel & beneficiary,
wheat technologies using large Demonstrati Obsitu data/Information
scale demonstration ons
95 Demonstration and Avocado Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Wondog Temesgen, 238 Trained, 319
promotion of commercial Extension g 2012 2015 enet Yuel & direct beneficiary,
avocado production villages Technology Obsitu data/information
for agro industries and export generated

10 | P a g e
SN Title of activity Commo Component Status Duration (starting Impleme Responsibl Expected
dity (Sub of an and ending nting e deliverables
program) activity budget year) EC Centers Researcher
Starting Ending s
96 Demonstration and Pineappl Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Wondog Temesgen, 238 Trained, 319
commercialization of e Extension g 2012 2014 enet Yuel & direct beneficiary,
advanced pineapple Technology Obsitu data/information
technologies generated
97 Demonstration and Forage Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Wondog Temesgen, 238 Trained, 319
evaluation of released forage Extension g 2012 2015 enet Yuel & direct beneficiary,
crop varieties in selected Technology Obsitu data/information
districts of Oromia region, generated
98 Demonstration and Coffee Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Wondog Temesgen, 238 Trained, 319
evaluation of advanced Extension g 2012 2015 enet Yuel & direct beneficiary,
coffee technologies in Technology Obsitu data/information
selected districts of Sidama & generated
Southern regions, Ethiopia
99 Demonstration of available Herbal- Pre- Ongoin 1-Jul- 30-Jun- Wondog Temesgen, 238 Trained, 319
herbal and medicinal plant Medicinal Extension g 2012 2015 enet Yuel & direct beneficiary,
technologies for urban
Plant Technology Obsitu data/information
producers (urban agriculture) generated

11 | P a g e

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