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Pediatric Commons

1. Acute Gastroenteritis = Rotavirus

2. Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)= S. aureus
3. Neonatal Sepsis = group B Streptococcus, E. coli, and Listeria monocytogenes
Pericarditis = viral (coxsackie B, adenovirus, influenza, echovirus)
4. Otitis Media / sinusitis most in = first 2 years (rhinovirus, RSV most often)/ Strep
5. Otitis externa = Pseudomonas aeruginosa (most common cause), S. aureus (second
most common cause).
6. Osteomyelitis: °( S. aureus most common overall, in all) ° (Pseudomonas—puncture
wound) °( More Salmonella in sickle cell (S. aureus still most common)
7. Septic arthritis: °( Almost all S. aureus) °( Most in young children; hematogenous; LE
> UE and other parts of body)
8. Most common STD in developed countries = Chlamydia
9. Bronchiolitis = RSV
10. Croup = Parinfluenza Virus Type 1
11. Epiglottitis = Hemophilus influenza
12. Viral encephalitis = HSV
13. Viral ,meningitis = Enteroviruses
14. Bacterial Meningitis newborns = GBS/E. coli
15. Bacterial Meningitis > 2 months = S.Pneumonia
16. Bacterial Meningitis young adults = S.Pneumonia/ Neisseria meningitides
a. Viral Pneumonia
i. RSV . infants
ii. . Parainfluenza . kids
iii. Influenza virus . adults
iv. ( Nonviral causes more common in children older than 5 years of age° Most—M.
pneumoniae, and C. pneumoniae (not trachomatis)° S.pneumoniae most common with
focal infiltrate in children of all ages
18. Erythema infectious = Paravirus B19
19. Measles = Paramyxovirus
20. Rubella = Rubella virus
21. Roseola = HHV-6
22. Chicken box = VZD
23. Hand Foot And Mouth disease = Coxsackie A virus
24. Acute renal failure in young children = Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) (Most
from E. coli)
25. Abduminal mass = Neonate- Hydronephrosis / <1year Neuroblastoma / > 1year
Willms tumor
26. MC brain tumor = Benign Astrocytoma( infratentorial) / Medullablastoma
27. MCC of cerebral Palsy = Intrapartum asphyxia
28. Most common Skull fractures Injuries During Deliveries = linear Skull fracture
29. MCC of Death in Tetanus = Respiratory arrest
30. MC complication in Infectious mononucleosis(EBV kissing diz) = Splenic
31. MC helminthes = Ascariasis ( MC symptoms cough , Hemoptysis)
32. MCC of Craniotabes = prematurity
33. Most common pattern of human malformation = Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)
34. Second most common pattern of human malformation = Trisomy 18 (Edwards
35. Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY) most common findings manifested at = puberty
36. Most common type Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome =type 1
37. most common teratogen to which fetus can be exposed = Alcohol
38. most common Failure-to-thrive (FTT) is = nutritional neglect
39. most common PHYSICAL ABUSE = Bruises
40. Immersion burns most common in = infants
41. Croup most common in = winter
42. Most common laryngeal airway anomaly and is the most frequent cause of stridor in
infants and children = Laryngomalacia
43. Second most common cause of stridor = Congenital Subglottic Stenosis
44. Third most common cause of stridor = Vocal Cord Paralysis
45. most common site of foreign body aspiration in children age <1 year = Larynx (In
children age >1 year, think trachea or right mainstem bronchus.
46. Most common life-limiting recessive trait among whites = CYSTIC FIBROSIS (CF)
47. most common cause of exocrine pancreatic deficiency in children= CF
48. most common cause of anaphylaxis seen in emergency rooms = Food allergic
49. Most common reasons Anaphylaxis = In hospital—latex, antibiotics, IVIg
(intravenous immunoglobulin), radiocontrast agents (Out of hospital—food (most
common is peanuts)
50. Subacute and Chronic Atopic Dermatitis Most Commonly Affects the = Flexural
Surfaces of Joints
51. Most common Selective IgA deficiency = B-cell defect
52. Chemical conjunctivitis most common in = first 24 hours of life
53. Most common primary malignant intraocular tumor = Retinoblastoma
54. Most common area of Epistaxis = anterior septum (Kiesselbach plexus) Digital
trauma (nose picking; most common)
55. Polyps Most common cause is = cystic fibrosis
56. Most common congenital heart lesion = VSD common are membranous
57. Most common cyanotic lesion = TOF
58. Most common cyanotic lesion presenting in the immediate newborn period = TOGA
(More common in infant of diabetic mother)
59. most common form of acquired heart disease worldwide = Acute Rheumatic Fever
60. Secondary HTN most common in = infants and younger children
61. most common congenital disorder associated with malabsorption is cystic fibrosis
62. Most common anomaly causing incomplete bowel obstruction with malabsorption is
= malrotation
63. Most common cause of intestinal obstruction in neonate = Hirschprung Disease
64. most common cause of lower gastrointestinal bleeding in infancy = Anal fissure
65. most common cause of OBSTRUCTIVE UROPATHY is = hydronephrosis (due to
ureteropelvic junction obstruction or multicystic kidney disease)
66. Most common chronic glomerular disease worldwide = IgA Nephropathy (Berger
67. Most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults = Membranous Glomerulopathy
68. Most common cause of chronic glomerulonephritis in older children and young adults
= Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
69. Most common hereditary human kidney disease = POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY
DISEASE Autosomal-Dominant Type (Adults)
70. most common form of persistent proteinuria in school-aged children and adolescents
= Orthostatic type
71. most common nephrotic syndrome seen in children is =Steroid-sensitive minimal
change disease
72. Minimal Change Disease Most common = between 2 and 6 years of age
73. Most common disorder of sexual differentiation in boys (more in preterm) =
Undescended Testes
74. Most common cause of testicular pain over 12 years old = Testicular Torsion
75. Most common cause of testicular pain 2–11 years of age = Torsion of Appendix
76. Most common surgically treatable cause of subfertility in men = Varicocele
77. Most common Congenital hypothyroidism is = thyroid dysgenesis (hypoplasia,
aplasia, ectopia); no goiter
78. most common cause of Acquired hypothyroidism is = Hashimoto; thryroiditis
79. Most common cause of rickets = Vitamin D Deficiency
80. most common Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) = 21-Hydroxylase deficiency
81. Most common cause of Cushing Syndrome = Exogenesis
82. Most common cause of insulin resistance is childhood obesity = Type 2 DM
83. Most common adolescent hip disorder = Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE)
84. Most common genetic cause of osteoporosis = OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA
85. Most common Congenital Pancytopenia = Fanconi anemia (spontaneous
chromosomal breaks)
86. most common acquired cause of bleeding disorders in children is = thrombocytopenia
87. Most common hereditary bleeding disorder = von Willebrand Disease (vWD)
88. most common presenting sign of Hodgkin Lymphoma = Painless, firm cervical or
supraclavicular nodes ()
89. Second most frequent malignancy in children; mortality 45% = Brain tumer
90. Most common Brain tumer = Infratentorial Tumors (Classic site—cerebellum)
91. Second most common malignant abdominal tumor = Wilms Tumor
92. Most common site of Pheochromocytoma = adrenal medulla
93. most common seizure usually present within 12–24 hours after birth= Hypoxic
ischemic encephalopathy
94. Most common Complication of bacterial meningitis is = hearing loss
95. most common presentation of viral meningitis is = cerebellar ataxia and acute
96. Most common cause of lymphadenitis lasting >3 weeks = Bartonella (Cat-Scratch
97. Most common presentation of Cryptococcus neoformans = Pneumonia
98. Most common complication of Measles is = otitis media
99. mumps Most common in = winter/spring
100. most common complication of mumps = Meningoencephalomyelitis
101. Most common symptom of Ascariasis is = pulmonary disease—cough and blood-
stained sputum
102. most common symptoms of Enterobiasis = itching and restless sleep and no
103. Most frequent congenital gastrointestinal anomaly = Meckel Diverticulum
104. Minimal Change Disease = Infection is the major complication (Most frequent is
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (S. pneumoniae most common)
105. Most frequent tumor of the optic nerve = Optic nerve glioma
106. Most TORCH infections are acquired in = first or second trimester. Most infants
have IUGR
107. Congenital Syphilis = Treponema in scrapings (most accurate test) from any lesion
or fluid, serologic tests
a. Most helpful specific test is IgM-FTA-ABS
b. Treatment—penicillin
108. Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome) Most do not survive in = first year
109. Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome = Pancreatic beta cell hyperplasia—excess islets
→ hypoglycemia; hypoglycemia may be refractory; glucose control most important initial
110. Most commercial formulas are = cow-milk–based with modifications to approximate
breast milk
111. Osteosarcoma most common in = Midshaft of long bones
112. Ewings Sarcoma most common in = Metapheses of long bones
113. Most common type of cerebral Palsy = Pyramidal or spastic type
114. MCC of congenital diaphragmatic hernia = Buchdalick ( posterior )
115. MCC of bowel obstruction in first 2 years = Intussusception
116. Most common GI emergency in neonates = NEC ( Comp.Short bowel synd. And
117. Most specific sepsis screen test = neutropenia ( sensitive – I:T)
118. Most sensitive measure of volume state = HR
119. varicella infection = Most people over 18 years of age even without a reliable history
of varicella infection, will still be immune
120. Bronchiolitis almost all children infected by age= <2 years, most severe at age 1–2
months in winter months.
121. Umbilical Hernia most close by = 5 years
122. Aortic Stenosis Most are = bicuspid aortic valve—usually asymptomatic in children
123. Valvular disease most important complication (mitral, aortic, tricuspid) in = Acute
Rheumatic Fever
124. Most important early issue in Cleft Lip and Palate is = feeding (special nipple
125. Chronic Diarrhea and Malabsorption =
a. Fat
i. Most useful screening test is stool for fat (Sudan red stain)
ii. Confirm with 72-hour stool for fecal fat (gold standard for steatorrhea)
iii. Steatorrhea is most prominent with pancreatic insufficiency; all require a sweat
iv. Serum trypsinogen is also a good screen (reflects residual pancreatic function)
126. Jejunal or Ileal Atresia Most present on = the first day of life.
127. Most frequent congenital gastrointestinal anomaly = Meckel Diverticulum
128. Most important primary treatment in IgA Nephropathy (Berger disease) = is blood
pressure control.
129. Precocious Puberty= (Girls—sexual development <8 years old Boys—sexual
development <9 years old) Most common etiologies: - Sporadic and familial in girls
/Hamartomas in boys
130. The most serious sequelae of Kawasaki disease are = cardiac-related.( important test
is 2D echocardiogram; repeat at 2–3 weeks and, if normal, at 6–8 weeks. Also get ECG,
follow platelets.)
131. Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) Most resolve within = 6 months
132. Best initial diagnostic test for Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) = chest
radiograph (Best initial treatment oxygen, Most effective treatment—intubation and
exogenous surfactant administration)
133. best test For Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) / Meconium aspiration is =
Chest x-ray for
134. best test for Diaphragmatic hernia is = Postnatal x-ray (Best initial treatment—
immediate intubation in delivery room for known or suspected CDH, followed by
surgical correction when stable (usually days).
135. Best diagnosis for Herpes Simplex=: PCR, any body fluid (Best treatment: IV
acyclovir ASAP)
136. best tool to determine patterns of growth = Growth chart is the.
137. best growth curve indicator for acute malnutrition = Weight/height <5th percentile is
the single
138. best clinical indicator for measure of under- and overweight = BMI
139. best test for CF = Sweat test
140. Best initial test for Diagnosis Orbital cellulitis = CT scan with contrast of orbits and
surrounding area
141. best test for diagnosing all cardiac congenital defects is =.Echocardiography is the
142. best test for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) = Esophageal pH monitoring
a. H2-receptor antagonist (ranitidine, cimetidine, famotidine)—first-line with overall best
safety profile
b. Proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole)—most potent for
severe reflux and esophagitis
143. best test Pyloric Stenosis is = ultrasound
144. Testes should be descended by 4 months of age or will remain undescended; surgery
best performed at = 6 months
145. best test for Cushing Syndrome is = Dexamethasone-suppression test single
a. Best screen: ANA
b. Best test: anti-dsDNA (more specific for lupus; reflects disease activity)
c. AntiSmith = Specific
147. best test for Sickle Cell Anemia = Hb electrophoresis
148. Best test Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is = bone marrow aspirate → lymphoblasts
149. best initial test for all BRAIN TUMORS = Head CT scan (MRI best imaging test
150. Best initial test for Wilms Tumor is =ultrasound –(Abdominal CT scan confirmatory
151. Most tumors can be localized by = CT scan (best initial test) and MRI
152. Best screen for Wilson Disease = serum ceruloplasmin (decreased)
153. best test For viral meningitis = PCR of CSF is the
154. Best initial diagnostic test for RDS= chest radiograph
155. first-line therapy for Allergic Rhinitis = Antihistamines
156. first-line therapy for otitis media = amoxicillin (high dose) (Alternate first-line drug
or history of penicillin allergy = azithromycin
157. first-line therapy for Sinusitis = amoxicillin (Alternative—cefuroxime axetil,
cefpodoxime, azithromycin)
158. Most useful screening test for Chronic Diarrhea and Malabsorption is = stool for fat
(Sudan red stain)
159. Initial presentation Neuroblastoma often as = metastasis
160. Primary initial pulmonary hallmark for RSD is = hypoxemia (Most accurate
diagnostic test—L/S ratio (part of complete lung profile; lecithinto- sphingomyelin ratio)
161. Hallmark in Toxoplasmosis =hydrocephalus with generalized calcifications and
162. Hallmark in Rubella =the classic findings of cataracts, deafness, and heart defects
163. Hallmark in CMV = microcephaly with periventricular calcifications; petechiae with
164. Hallmark in Herpes =skin vesicles, keratoconjunctivitis, acute meningoencephalitis
165. Hallmark in Syphilis =osteochondritis and periostitis; skin rash involving palms and
soles and is desquamating; snuffles (mucopurulent rhinitis)
166. Most food allergies are = egg, milk, peanuts, nuts, fish, soy, wheat, but any food
may cause a food allergy.
167. most common presenting sign for Hodgkin = Painless, firm cervical or
supraclavicular nodes Lymphoma
168. most obvious manifestation in Cerebral Palsy is = impaired ability of voluntary
muscles (rigidity and spasticity).
169. In Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA) Treatment is supportive; there is no cure most die
in first = 2 years of life
170. MCC of limp = Trauma
171. MC joint in septic Arthritis = Hip (Adults = knee)
172. Red Current jelly = intussusception
173. Drug of choice for lead poisioning in children = Sucomir ( in adults Penicillamine )
174. Drug of choice for impetigo = penicillin
175. Adrenal Medullary Tumor . Children = Neuroblastoma (Pheochromocytoma: adults)
176. Cardiac 1ry Tumor . Child = . Rhabdomyoma . associated w/ Tuberous sclerosis
177. Cause of Death in premature = NRDS = hyaline membrane disease
178. Cause of Death in SLE pts. = . Lupus Nephropathy Type IV (Diffuse Proliferative) =
Renal Disease
179. Non Hodgkin.s Lymphoma =. Follicular small clear cell
180. Pt. with Hodgkin.s =. Young Male (except Nodular Sclerosis type . Female) ( Reed
Strenberg cells)
181. Pt. with Minimal Change Disease = Young Child
182. Site of Diverticula = Sigmoid Colon
183. Thyroid CA=. Papillary CA
184. Tumor of Infancy =. Benign vascular tumor = port wine stain = Hemangioma
185. Type of Hodgkin.s =. Mixed Cellularity (versus: lymphocytic predominance,
lymphocytic depletion, nodular sclerosis)
186. Type of Non-Hodgkin.s = Follicular, small cleaved
187. Type of Soft Tissue Tumor of Childhood = Rhabdomyosarcoma
188. Bug in Otitis Media & Sinusitis in Kids =. Strep. Pneumoniae
189. Complication of COPD =. Pulmonary infections
190. Enzyme deficiency = 21 hydroxylase - 95% of CAH
191. Hypertension children = Renal disease; cystic disease, Wilm's tumor
192. Hypopituitarism = kids Craniopharyngioma
193. MC muscle dystrophy in children = Becker.s Muscular Dystrophy (Similar to
Duchenne, but less severe
194. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy = Deficiency of dystrophin protein → MD X-linked
195. Erb-Duchenne Palsy = Trauma to superior trunk of brachial plexus Waiter.s Tip
196. Lesch-Nyhan = HGPRT deficiency/ Gout, retardation, self-mutilation
197. Ehler.s-Danlos = Defective collagen
198. Felty.s Syndrome = Rheumatoid arthritis, neutropenia, splenomegaly
199. Goodpasture.s = Autoimmune: ab.s to glomerular & alveolar basement membranes.
Seen in men in their 20.s
200. Guillain-Barre = Polyneuritis following viral infection/ autoimmune (ascending
muscle weakness & paralysis; usually self-limiting)
201. Hashitoxicosis = Initial hyperthyroidism in Hashimoto.s Thyroiditis that precedes
202. Buerger.s Disease = Acute inflammation of medium and small arteries of extremities
→ painful ischemia → gangrene Seen almost exclusively in young and middle-aged men
who smoke.
203. Berger.s Disease = IgA nephropathy causing hematuria in kids, usually following
204. Henoch-Schonlein purpura = Hypersensivity vasculitis = allergic purpura. Lesions
have the same age.
1. Hemmorhagic urticaria (with fever, arthralgias, GI & renal involvement)
2. 83. Associated with upper respiratory infections
205. Kawasaki most Affect = Medium size vessels ( especially coronaries )
206. Hirschprung.s Disease = Aganglionic megacolon
207. Rotor Syndrome = Congenital hyperbilirubinemia (conjugated) (Similar to Dubin-
Johnson, but no discoloration of the liver)
208. Horner.s Syndrome = Ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis (lesion of cervical sympathetic
nerves often 2 to a Pancoast tumor)
209. Reye.s Syndrome =. Microvesicular fatty liver change & encephalopathy 2 to aspirin
ingestion in children following viral illness, especially VZV
210. Pancoast Tumor = Bronchogenic tumor with superior sulcus involvement →
Horner.s Syndrome
211. Raynaud.s = Disease: recurrent vasospasm in extremities = seen in young, healthy
i. = Phenomenon: 2 to underlying disease (SLE or scleroderma)

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