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A review of fundamental properties and applications of

polymer–graphene hybrid materials†
Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c3sm00092c

Alison Y. W. Shama and Shannon M. Notley*b

Published on 05 March 2013 on | doi:10.1039/C3SM00092C

Graphene research is at the interface of many distinct disciplines of science and physics with the potential
to address the great current global challenges. Effective means for producing industrial scale quantities of
this exciting material are under development. Aqueous based methods are highly attractive due to low
Received 10th January 2013
Accepted 21st February 2013
costs and limited environmental impact. Expanding the use of graphene into new applications is
dependent upon the ability to make this unique material compatible with a range of other chemistries,
DOI: 10.1039/c3sm00092c
structures and technologies. Modification of the surface properties of graphene with polymers provides a facile method for achieving this goal.

Introduction mechanical properties which vary signicantly from the bulk

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graphite form.3,4 These distinctive properties have driven

The properties, production and use of graphene has been an research into the incorporation of graphene in new
avid area of research during the past decade. Potential appli- technologies.5
cations of this research are in elds as diverse as electronics, A signicant obstacle to uptake has been the difficulty in
energy, water, materials and health.1,2 Graphene is a 2 dimen- achieving commercial quantities of relatively unmodied gra-
sional form of carbon atoms linked together through sp2 phene. Pristine graphene retains the structural integrity and
hybridisation in a hexagonal lattice. The interest in this mate- hence highly valued properties such as electron mobility which
rial is chiey due to the unique physical, electrical, thermal and are predominantly found in the single layered material.6 Flat
surfaces may be modied through epitaxial growth however
complex geometries are not possible using this technique.7
Dept of Applied Mathematics, Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian Furthermore, many potential applications rely on using gra-
National University, Canberra 0200, ACT, Australia phene in particulate form. Such applications include water
Faculty of Life and Social Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn
purication and composite reinforcement.8 With an estimated
3122, VIC, Australia. E-mail:; Tel: +61 3 92148635
potential demand for graphene in excess of 570 t by 2017,9
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI:
10.1039/c3sm00092c simple, economic and environmentally friendly methods for the

Alison is a PhD student at the Shannon is an Australian

Australian National University Research Council Future Fellow
in Canberra. Her project at Swinburne University of
involves the production and use Technology. His main research
of graphene in water applica- interest is in understanding the
tions. She is creating novel 3D fundamental interactions per-
geometries of graphene through taining to the stabilisation of
hierarchical self-assembly of particulate suspensions in the
aqueous particulate suspensions presence of polymers. Shannon
of graphene in the presence of has recently extended this area
polymers and surfactants. to involve the production of
novel 2D hybrid materials
incorporating graphene and
other van der Waals bonded solids such as MoS2 and WS2 for
applications in water purication, photocatalysis, plasmonics and
the production of anti-microbial surfaces. He has also worked in
areas such as biopolymers and surfactant self-assembly.

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large scale production of pristine graphene are necessary. In AFM and TEM evidence indicated up to 50% of the resulting
addition, the creation of hybrid materials which incorporate exfoliated akes were monolayer.
graphene and so matter such as functional polymers and Similarly, Hernandez and colleagues prepared dispersions of
polyelectrolytes can potentially increase this utility. Therefore graphite powder in a number of organic solvents. N-Methyl-
techniques which produce graphene and functional derivatives pyrrolidone (NMP), N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA), g-butyr-
are highly attractive. This review article discusses solution olactone (GBL) and 1,3-dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone (DMEU)
processing of graphene as a potential means for large scale followed by sonication and mild centrifugation. These organic
production. The ability to modify and enhance properties using solvents were selected primarily because of their use in
surfactants and polymers to create novel materials and appli- dispersing carbon nanotubes in previous studies. As the three
cations is further discussed. dimensional structure of nanotubes are a derivative of graphene
sheets, it was reasoned that similar interactions occurred
Exfoliation techniques between the solvent and nanotube sidewall, and between the
solvent and graphene. It was shown that the exfoliation of
Published on 05 March 2013 on | doi:10.1039/C3SM00092C

Aside from solution phase exfoliation using sonication dis- graphite using NMP resulted in a wide variation in ake thick-
cussed in this review, the reduction of graphene oxide produced nesses, with approximately 28% of akes appearing as monolayer
using the modied Hummers method has been extensively graphene and an overall graphene concentration of 1 wt%.
used to create single layer graphene materials.10–12 The use of Since these initial reports, a variety of other solvents have
reduced graphene oxide has signicant drawbacks such as a been used to demonstrate the successful exfoliation of gra-
reduction in electron mobility and a non-at geometry, phene in the liquid phase. Hamilton et al.18 demonstrated the
although the latter is actually a benet in reinforcing applica- use of ortho-dichlorobenzene (ODCB) in exfoliating graphene
tions.13 The increase in charge is also useful in compatibilising from a range of graphitic materials. Exfoliation of microcrys-
with polymers and polyelectrolytes in aqueous systems. talline synthetic graphite, expanded graphite and HOPG yielded
Exfoliation of graphene from graphite in the liquid phase graphitic concentrations of 0.03 mg mL 1, 0.02 mg mL 1 and
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without signicant modication can be achieved using both 0.02 mg mL 1 in ODCB respectively. However, it was demon-
aqueous and non-aqueous systems. Non-aqueous systems strated that the use of other aromatic solvents including
employ either organic solvents or ionic liquids, while aqueous benzene, toluene, xylenes, chlorobenzene and pyridine were
systems use surfactants or dispersed polymers to enable exfo- unsuccessful in exfoliating graphite.
liation of graphene layers. Liquid phase exfoliation can lead to In addition to organic solvents, ionic liquids have also had
relatively unmodied or “pristine” graphene in reasonable limited use in the exfoliation of graphene.19,20 Concentrations of
quantities for research purposes and the process is scalable. 0.95 mg L 1 were achieved by Wang et al. when using 1-butyl-3-
Typically, the cohesive energy of liquid phase is matched to the methyl-imidazolium bis(triuoro-methane-sulfonyl)imide.
cohesive energy of graphite which promotes the separation of Predominantly the particles were less than 5 sheets in thickness
graphitic and graphene sheets under shear.14 Practically, this and up to 1 mm in lateral size. The relatively high cost of this and
can be achieved through careful choice of the exfoliating liquid. other ionic liquids will likely preclude this method for scaling to
A vapour–liquid interfacial tension of approximately 41 mJ m 2 industrial quantities.
minimises the required energy input to attain effective separa-
tion of sheets beyond the range of the strong van der Waals
forces.14,15 Shearing is most oen imparted by sonicating a Aqueous systems
suspension of graphite in liquid using a probe or bath. Organic
solvents as well as ionic liquids with the appropriate surface Exfoliation using surfactant solutions
tension have been used to disperse graphene. Furthermore, Aqueous solution based processing has signicant advantages
aqueous solution processing has been demonstrated through over the use of organic solvents and ionic liquids. These include
lowering of the interfacial tension of water with appropriate much lower costs associated with using water as the liquid
surfactants and polymers. These are described further in the medium as well as fewer potential safety and environmental
following sections. issues. In order to achieve the optimum interfacial tension
range for efficient exfoliation, surfactants are added.21–25 As
Non-aqueous systems demonstrated by Fig. 1, practically any surfactant promotes
exfoliation (and summarised in the ESI†).
Exfoliation using solvents The surfactant furthermore adsorbs onto the particulate
Exfoliation of defect-free graphene in the liquid phase was rst surface creating an extra repulsive barrier which inhibits re-
demonstrated concurrently using non-aqueous conditions by aggregation of the sheets. This, however, limits the efficiency of
Blake et al.16 and Hernandez et al.17 The method reported by production using this method as adsorption depletes the
Blake and co-workers was developed as an alternative to the surfactant from solution and hence raises the interfacial
reduction of graphene oxide and was intended for use in thin, tension beyond the range where exfoliation of graphite into
transparent conducting lms. It involved exfoliating graphene graphene occurs. Hence strategies which overcome this self-
in the liquid phase via sonication of natural graphite crystals in limiting process have been investigated including continuous
dimethylformamide (DMF) and subsequent centrifugation. addition of surfactant as schematically shown in Fig. 2.

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Fig. 3 Left: a TEM image of a monolayer graphene flake, exfoliated using SDBS.
Right: a high-resolution TEM image of a surfactant exfoliated monolayer gra-
phene flake. Inset: fast Fourier transform (equivalent to an electron diffraction
pattern) of the image. (Adapted with permission from M. Lotya et al., J. Am. Chem.
Published on 05 March 2013 on | doi:10.1039/C3SM00092C

Soc., 2009, 131, 3611–3620. Copyright 2013 American Chemical Society.)

Properties and features of solution based exfoliated graphene

Fig. 1 Concentration of graphene in aqueous dispersions, using a range of
different surfactants to facilitate exfoliation. The graphene concentration was The solution based exfoliation method yields graphene with
estimated using UV-vis absorption measurements for two initial surfactant unique properties and features compared with common wet
concentrations (0.5% and 1.0% w/v). (Adapted with permission from L. Guardia
chemical techniques, which typically result in graphene oxide
et al., Carbon, 2011, 49, 1653–1662, Copyright 2011 Elsevier.)
or reduced graphene oxide. The chemical oxidisation of gra-
phene involves breaking the p–p bonds existing between adja-
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cent, planar carbon atoms. This not only facilitates exfoliation

of the layers but causes defects in the lattice, converting the sp2
hybridised carbon atoms to sp3 and disrupting the p conjuga-
tion. Although subsequent reduction of the graphene sheets to
form reduced graphene oxide (r-GO) is possible by the use of
reducing agent such as hydrazine, the step is typically incom-
plete and seldom restores the graphene sheets to their pristine
state. Conversely, the graphene lattice is preserved during
liquid phase exfoliation due to the physisorption of stabilisa-
tion species.
The effect of processing on graphene quality is evident when
Fig. 2 Schematic representation of the production of highly concentrated considering the electrical conductivity of graphene thin lms.
suspensions of graphene through surfactant assisted exfoliation with continuous
The conductivity of lms prepared using aqueous and non-
addition of polymeric surfactant. (Reproduced with permission from S. M. Notley,
Highly concentrated aqueous suspensions of graphene through ultrasonic exfo-
aqueous exfoliation methods can reach values as high as 1500 S
liation with continuous surfactant addition, Langmuir, 2012, 28, 14110–14113. m 1 (20 nm thick) and 13 000 S m 1 (8 mm thick) respec-
Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society.) tively.27,28 This is signicantly different from mechanically
exfoliated monolayer graphene, which is expected to exhibit an
electrical conductivity of 300 000 S m 1.29 However, defects
Following initial studies into graphene exfoliation in introduced into the lattice during the oxidation and reduction
solvents by Blake et al.16 and Hernandez et al.,17 Lotya et al.26 of graphene deteriorate the electrical conductivity of the lms
reported the rst sonication-based exfoliation of graphite in an further from the ideal. As a result, reduced graphene oxide lms
aqueous system using the cationic surfactant, sodium dodecyl exhibit a lower electrical conductivity of approximately 7000 S
benzene sulfonate (SDBS). Although the graphene concentra- m 1, while graphene oxide lms are generally considered non-
tion was maximized for concentrations of SDBS approaching conductive.
the CMC, the concentration typically remained low aer Liquid phase exfoliated graphene can also be distinguished
centrifugation, reaching only a maximum of 0.05 mg mL 1. from other graphitic materials using Raman scattering. Raman
TEM measurements, as shown in Fig. 3, indicated 45% of scattering is a non-destructive technique that reveals the scat-
exfoliated graphitic material was less than 5 layers thick, with tering behaviour of phonons with both the electronic and
only 3% being monolayer graphene, far less than that achiev- crystallographic structure of graphene. Although most graphitic
able using solvent exfoliation. Thermogravimetric analysis and materials scatter phonons in the region 800–2000 cm 1, Raman
HRTEM measurements also indicated the presence of residual scattering is particularly effective in distinguishing ordered and
surfactant. This was cited as the main reason for the relatively disordered carbonaceous materials based on the intensity,
low DC conductivity (35 S m 1) of lms made by vacuum wavelength and breadth of three prominent peaks: the D, G and
depositing the obtained graphene. 2D peak (although the position of the peaks are also dependent

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dependent on the liquid phase process employed in delami-

nating the individual layers from the bulk graphite. In the case
of surfactant stabilized graphene, TEM and AFM measurements
show the resulting lamellar material typically have a lateral size
of between 100–750 nm.26,33–35 However, these akes can be
smaller than 30 nm (ref. 36) and as large as 1 mm (ref. 37)
depending somewhat on the raw graphite material, in addition
to being irregularly shaped. Reduced graphene oxide and gra-
phene oxide akes have similar variation in shape but are
typically larger in size, with akes having a typical area of
between 100 and 300 mm2.38
The size of graphene-based particles has a direct inuence
on their properties. For example, different sizes of graphene
Published on 05 March 2013 on | doi:10.1039/C3SM00092C

oxide particles have shown to exhibit different levels of cyto-

toxicity.39 As a result, the inability to separate graphene mate-
rials based on size is a clear disadvantage of the technique.
Recently however, size selection of graphene oxide dispersions
has been demonstrated by varying the sonication regime
applied during the exfoliation process40 and through size
Fig. 4 Raman spectra of (a) pristine natural graphite powder, (b) graphene
exclusion chromatography.41
dispersion stabilized by the non-ionic surfactant P-123, and (c) chemically reduced The presence of ionisable edge groups or defect points can
graphene oxide. (Adapted with permission from L. Guardia et al., Carbon, 2011, lead to the development of surface charge in solvents such as
49, 1653–1662, Copyright 2011 Elsevier.) water. Graphene oxide is negatively charged across a broad pH
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region, with the zeta potential becoming more negative as the

pH increases, from approximately 20 mV at pH 2 to 45 mV at
on the excitation wavelength).30 Typical Raman spectra for pH 11.11 This behaviour is attributed to the presence of
graphite and exfoliated graphene are shown in Fig. 4. carboxylic acid and phenolic hydroxyl groups on the particle
The G peak at 1570 cm 1 appears as a consequence of the in- surface. In the case where surfactants facilitate exfoliation of
plane sp2 carbon structure, and is evident in Raman spectra for graphene, studies have shown the surfactant is adsorbed to the
all graphitic materials. For r-GO, the peak is broader than that graphene surface, with zeta potential plateauing with
observed for graphene.31 The D peak at 1360 cm 1, however increasing surfactant concentration.36 When either an anionic26
results from the out-of-plane breathing mode of the sp2 carbon or cationic surfactant36 is used to facilitate exfoliation, the zeta
atoms and indicates the proportion of sp3 carbon atoms in a potential reects the overall anionic or cationic charge of the
sample. The peak occurs when defects in the graphene mono- graphene particles imparted by the surfactant, in addition to
layers are present, and when the sp3 edges of small akes are the charge imparted by the negatively charged edge groups. In
included in the measurement.30 In the case of liquid phase the case of the anionic surfactant SDBS, the zeta potential
exfoliated graphene, the intensity of this peak is signicantly decreases from 30 mV at pH 2, to 70 mV at pH 12, while
greater than that of graphite powder, as well as mechanically CTAB, a cationic surfactant exhibits a decrease in zeta potential
exfoliated graphene. This is due primarily to the lateral size of from 5 mV at pH 4 to 30 mV at pH 10 which suggests that even
the graphene akes, which are smaller than the area of the laser aer extensive dialysis, specically bound surfactant monomer
used to perform the measurements. As a result, the sp3 carbons molecules are still present.
that form the edges of the akes typically contribute to the
measured D peak. The structure of r-GO and graphene oxide Stabilisation and dispersion
increases the peak absorbance31 due to the presence of oxygen
containing functional groups on the graphene surface. The One of the challenges in graphene utilization, particularly
peak at approximately 2700 cm 1, is correctly known as the 2D where solvents with dielectric constant such as water are
peak and given the intensity, wavelength and shape of the peak, prevalent, is the stabilisation of the suspended sheets against
provides an indication of the number of stacked graphene re-aggregation. Effective stabilisation is possible through elec-
layers. In the case of mechanical or liquid phase exfoliated trostatic means when using graphene which is heavily oxidised
graphene, the 2D peak is a single, symmetric peak centered on as described above. Applications involving aqueous solutions
2640 cm 1 (ref. 32) with an excitation wavelength of 633 nm. with even moderate salt concentrations can lead to rapid
Increasing the number of stacked graphene layers increases the coagulation in accordance with the well-known DLVO (Derja-
breadth of the peaks and shis the peak to between 2600 and guin–Landau–Verwey–Overbeek) theory.42–44 Indeed, to prevent
2750 cm 1. unwanted occulation, stabilisation cannot be simply achieved
Regardless of the type of process used to exfoliate graphitic through charge associated with edges of the particles across a
materials in the liquid phase, the resulting akes also demon- range of solution conditions. An effective kinetic barrier can
strate a broad variation in lateral size. The ake size is highly only be attained through basal plane defects leading to a

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decrease in the intrinsically interesting properties of graphene.

Furthermore reduction of the oxidised graphene to regenerate
the bond conjugation diminishes the stability of the
Thus, strategies, as outlined in the preceding sections, where
an increase in the particle charge is observed due to the
reversible or irreversible adsorption of so matter such as ionic
surfactants can be exploited. Dilution or dialysis results in the
desorption of surfactant from the particle surface. Whilst this
may be advantageous as the presence of a monomeric surfac-
tant may reduce the utility of the exfoliated graphene sheets, it Fig. 5 Composite film of poly(vinyl alcohol) and graphene oxide together with
also leads to a signicant reduction in the stability of the XRD patterns of component materials. (Reproduced with permission from Xu
suspension. Hence, modifying the particle surface through et al., Carbon, 47, 3538–3543, Copyright 2009 Elsevier.)
Published on 05 March 2013 on | doi:10.1039/C3SM00092C

either covalent graing or alternatively, physisorbed macro-

molecules can stabilise these suspensions.
Polyelectrolytes have been routinely exploited in order to the surface of the graphene. This application has been
achieve improved suspension stability45–52 and in particular for demonstrated by the production of high-power density gra-
aqueous graphene suspensions.36,53,54 Whilst this may increase phene electrodes for electrochemical capacitors, from aqueous
the repulsive barrier to aggregation, high ionic strength can still based graphene dispersions using scaleable spray coating
result in aggregation. An alternative is to introduce an osmotic techniques.58 Using an aqueous method of graphene exfoliation
repulsive barrier through steric stabilisation of particles.55–57 reported by Lotya et al.37 a graphene suspension was prepared
This can involve the use of non-ionic polymers such as those of and subsequently spray coated onto glass surfaces coated with
tri-block type PEO-PPO-PEO.14,22 These polymers which are ITO. The resulting electrode materials showed unusually high
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amphiphilic may also be used in the production of graphene scan rates during cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge–
using the surfactant assisted exfoliation technique. Therefore, discharge experiments, outperforming graphene oxide elec-
relatively unmodied stable graphene particulate suspensions trodes. Simple ltration has also been used as a method for the
can be conveniently prepared in a one-step procedure. development of composite lms as shown in Fig. 5 for poly(vinyl
alcohol) and graphene.59
Potential uses of polymer stabilised Layer by layer (LBL) processing is another technique that can
exfoliated graphene be used to create thin lms that incorporate both graphene and
polymers, enhancing the range of properties and functionality
Graphene–polymer thin lm coatings achievable for graphene thin lms. These lms are formed by
A number of studies demonstrate the direct use of liquid phase sequentially adsorbing two oppositely charged species to a
exfoliated graphene dispersions to create thin lms and spray substrate surface to form a single bi-layer held together through
coatings. These lms and coatings have potential in optoelec- electrostatic and steric interactions.60–64 The process is then
tronic device applications as either optically transparent con- repeated to build a multilayer, layer by layer. Since each layer
ducting lms or electrode materials.58 With its high optical has a self-limiting thickness, another main advantage of this
transmittance and low conductivity, graphene provides an method is the ability to control the thickness of the lm to a
attractive alternative to existing transparent conducting lms greater extent compared to spray coating.65,66
materials, the most widely used being indium tin oxide (ITO). The simplicity of the LBL process enables dispersed
These coatings are oen expensive, chemically unstable and graphitic materials such as reduced graphene oxide and
typically require further processing. Blake et al.16 demonstrated surfactant exfoliated graphene to be used in a range of LBL
the performance of transparent conducting lms of graphene processes, from the simple to the complex. For instance, Li et al.
exfoliated with DMF on glass surfaces, as a possible alternative used the LBL technique to layer r-GO with a cationic poly-
to ITO. The resultant lm was equivalent to 4–5 layers of gra- electrolyte–poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) using
phene had approximately 90% optical transmittance and simple dip coating.11 The layer by layer approach has also been
possessed a sheet resistance of 5 kU at room temperature. Given used with r-GO graed with PAA and PAM.67 Following free-
these properties, the lms were seen as acceptable for some radical polymerisation of the PAA and PAM to the r-GO sheets,
existing applications that used conventional transparent the assembled sheets were further functionalised with oppo-
conductors. Similar proof-of-concept studies were performed by sitely charged polyelectrolytes, and the LBL technique used to
spray coating graphene exfoliated using NMP.17 In both cases create graphene-based thin lms. More recently, a method of
however, evidence of residual solvent was present on the creating LBL lms using defect-free graphene has been devel-
surfaces following annealing, suggesting that the cleaning oped.35 In this process, PEI was adsorbed to surfactant stabi-
procedure requires improvement. lized graphene to form cationic graphene, with alternating
When deposited as a thin lm, graphene also shows poten- layers of the charged graphene and PAA being then adsorbed to
tial as electrode material. This is due primarily to its large the silica substrates. The resulting deposited mass increases
specic surface area, which facilitates electron transport along with pH, whilst lm growth becomes linear.

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Stabilised graphene particles in water purication The interaction of bacteria with graphene–polymer
applications composite surfaces has been investigated. As discussed previ-
ously, graphene has some residual negative charge through
Liquid phase exfoliated graphene also shows promise as an
edge or basal plane defects which conveniently allows the
alternative to conventional carbonaceous materials such as
adsorption of polycations onto the particle surface. Polymers
activated carbon, which are used to remove contaminants in
which contain quaternary ammonium groups display strong
water treatment processes. These materials typically remove
cytotoxicity, particularly toward bacteria. Poly-L-lysine func-
pollutants from water via physisorption. As a result, factors
such as surface area and surface interactions affect adsorption tionalised graphene oxide was used to create anti-microbial
capacity.68 Hence, graphene dispersed in the liquid phase is an surfaces whilst promoting the proliferation of adipose derived
human stem cells.72 This cationic polyelectrolyte was well-
ideal adsorbent, as it has a similar composition to conventional
known to have anti-bacterial activity and in combination with
carbonaceous materials currently used for water remediation. It
the graphene surface demonstrated bactericidal action against
also inherently presents a high specic surface area for
the Gram-negative strain E. coli. The overall at conformation or
adsorption, in addition to providing differing interactions at the
Published on 05 March 2013 on | doi:10.1039/C3SM00092C

lamella structure of the modied graphene particles promoted

edges and surfaces of the sheets which may further enable
the attachment of eukaryotic cells. This demonstrates that with
adsorption of different species.
In the case of graphene, the chemical and structural nature design foresight, polymer functionalised graphene derivatives
of the adsorbing species also affects adsorption capacity. For have great potential in biomedical applications.
Other anti-microbial polymers have also been used to
instance, the removal of heavy metal ions by graphene relies on
enhance the ability of graphene-based particles and surfaces to
the interaction between oxygen containing functional groups
produce a cytotoxic response. These include lactoferrin and
and ions to achieve adsorption. As a result, pristine graphene
chitosan adsorbed to graphene which resulted in a signicant
has a lower adsorption capacity compared to modied graphene
loss of E. coli cell viability.73 Composite lms of graphene and
in the removal of heavy metal ions.69 Unmodied graphene
polyvinyl-N-carbazole showed cytotoxicity against both Gram-
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however, exhibits a higher adsorption capacity for organic

molecules, especially those compounds containing benzene, positive and Gram-negative bacteria.74,75
with adsorption of the molecules arising from p–p interactions Whilst cytotoxicity has been the goal of many studies, others
involving graphene and so matter functionalization have tar-
occurring at the graphene surface. Consequently, the pristine
geted the opposite effect, that is, biocompatibility and cell
graphene produced using liquid phase exfoliation is likely to be
proliferation. Sun et al. have used graphene stabilised through
more suited for the removal of organic molecules.
covalently attached polyethylene glycol in order to produce a
The performance of pristine liquid phase exfoliated gra-
material with superior biocompatibility. Indeed, these particles
phene as an adsorbent for water contaminants has not been
demonstrated selective recognition of lymphoma cells.76 PEG
studied, although the use of other exfoliated graphitic materials
as absorbents has been reported. For instance, graphene modied graphene was also recently studied by Liu et al. in
derived from worm-like graphite has been investigated for use order to probe lowering of toxicity allowing the loading of non-
water soluble drugs on the particle surface.77,78
as an absorbent for uoride.70 This type of graphitic material
was prepared by rst synthesising expanded graphite from
natural graphite, using concentrated sulphuric acid and Graphene–polymer hydrogels and organogels
hydrogen peroxide, then removing the intercalation
Hydrogels are so materials incorporating interconnected
compounds via thermal decomposition. The resulting worm-
polymer chains with a signicant amount of water retained in
like graphite was then exfoliated in NMP using ultrasonication
and centrifugation, similar to other liquid phase methods the network structure. This is most oen due to the presence
which exfoliate pristine graphene. From this, graphene was and self-assembly of small gelling molecules which may cova-
shown to exhibit adsorption capacity of 35.59 mg g 1 at pH 7.0, lently or physically cross-link the macromolecules. Many
higher than that of a variety of adsorbents including activated hydrogel systems have been described in the literature
carbon (23.30 mg g 1). including those involving polyvinyl alcohol, poly-N-iso-
propylacrylamide and block co-polymer surfactants such as
PEO-PPO-PEO. Hydrogels have many potential uses in
Biocompatibility and cytotoxicity of graphene modied with biomedical and tissue engineering applications, as an absorp-
polymers tion or release medium as well as sensor technology. Hybrid
Polymer stabilised graphene as well as surfaces prepared using materials involving both organic polymers and inorganic
such particles have been explored for potential use in biomed- particles such as clays have been studied with the aim to
ical and anti-microbial applications. In the absence of polymers, improve the mechanical properties of the hydrogel.
there is still no consensus on the biocompatibility or cytotoxicity Recent studies have also focussed on incorporating gra-
of graphene, graphene oxide or reduced graphene oxide with phene into hydrogels to create multifunctional materials.79–82
conicting studies revealing inconsistent results. However, Gelation using graphene is attractive due to the high surface
biocompatibility or alternatively anti-microbial activity of gra- area to volume ratio of the particles as well as the ability to
phene can be imparted through using polymer modication engineer three dimensional materials with vastly improved
with materials which have these inherent properties.71 mechanical properties. Xu et al. demonstrated the ability to

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Whilst current known applications demonstrate the utility of

graphene in many technologies, undoubtedly further possibil-
ities will arise. Polymer stabilised graphene opens up the
potential for further combining with other materials, such as
inorganics and metal particles for making important contri-
butions to addressing the need for alternative energy
Fig. 6 Self-healing nature of graphene-based hydrogel, left schematic diagram approaches. Research is beginning to focus on graphene in the
of graphene–DNA hydrogel and right, demonstration of self-healing properties. plasmonic eld, in photovoltaics and photocatalysis.86
(Adapted with permission from Y. Xu et al., Three-dimensional self-assembly of
graphene oxide and DNA into multifunctional hydrogels, ACS Nano, 2010, 4,
7358–7362. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.) Acknowledgements
SN acknowledges nancial support from the Australian
self-assemble graphene oxide and DNA into a hydrogel with Research Council under the Future Fellowship Scheme.
Published on 05 March 2013 on | doi:10.1039/C3SM00092C

high mechanical strength, stability and absorption capacity.83

This hydrogel was also self-healing using a mild heat treatment References
as shown in Fig. 6. The biocompatible nature of hybrid hydrogel
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