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Yellow flag- belief that pain and activity are harmful. Pain IS NORMAL. If pt.

is in bed he will do more

harm to himself, no danger in activity.


If not myofascial pain- don’t needle. If no improvement after 2nd treatment- don’t continue.

The stronger the better with needle insertion

Post needling massage- helps the patient, they want contact.

Gastrocnemius- passes the knee (2 joints)

Unlike soleus- doesn’t pass the knee

Newer PPTs – to ask

Calf stretch at night- doesifelxion with pillow

Physical exam gastrocnemius + sloleus ( missing in old ppt) – exercises for plantar fasciitis

Rectus Femoris passes 2 joints (compared to 1 of rest of quads)- therefore 2 movements (hip felx and
knee extention)


Vastus medialis might have twitch with no pain

Go over antagonist muscles- biceps/triceps..

2nd day

-TrPs on the ppts are X’s and the red dots are referred pain

-hasmsting standing up Sx is not clinically relevant- remove from card

-piriformis- catching oneself fall – ‫ – כמעט נפילה ועוצר תצמו‬activation of TrP

- piriformis physical exam passive hup internal rotation- ‫ ב‬30 ‫השריר השמאלי מקוצר ומוגבל‬PPT

- piriformis dry needling is on lateral and medial side NOT IN CENTER – SCIATIC NERVE (can see on

- pes anserinus bursitis (common cause of knee pain)

- gluteus minimus + med – physical find the trochanter hands towards ASIS, knuckle=minimus

Hand out= includes medius

Multifidi- patients point to an area they have a “tumor”

-NEVER NEEDLE DIRECTLY DOWNWARDS (perpendicular to the skin)

-in post operation in the area -> send to a professional

ALL Muscles- enter perpendicular to skin and then change angle accordingly.

This way the skin is penetrated properly

Multifi + Erector Spinae -> aim towards lamina of the spine

Multifidi dry needling – place fingers on spinal process and move laterally- then needle lateral to

Erector Spinae dry needling- ask the patient on prone position to raise back- erector spinae will be
seen (large, can place 4 fingers). Needle at 45 degrees caudally and 45 degrees medially

Top talent physiotherapist tip-

1. Find a taut band by lightly stroking the skin. If you try hard its actually harder to find.
2. Touch the patient, it makes them feel comfortable and safe.

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