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UST Faculty of Civil Law | A.Y. 2022 – 2023 | Golden Nuggets

The Supreme Court said that in times of peace, treason

does not exist because in times of peace, treason remains
However, the moment war erupts, the moment emergency
CHAPTER ONE: arises, treason is immediately put into effect as an act of
CRIMES AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY self-defense, an act of self-preservation on the part of the
Second element: The offender is either a Filipino
Article 114. Treason. — Any person who, owing citizen or a foreigner who is residing in the Philippines.
allegiance to the United States or the Government of the
Philippine Islands, not even a foreigner, levies war against Q: Who may be the offender in the crime of treason?
them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid or
comfort within the Philippine Islands or elsewhere, shall be A: The second element provides for the offender – the
punished by reclusion perpetua to death and shall pay a offender in the crime of treason can either be a Filipino
fine not to exceed Four million pesos (P4,000,000). citizen or a foreigner residing in the Philippines.

No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the A Filipino citizen, because he owes permanent allegiance
testimony of two witnesses at least to the same overt act to the Philippine government.
or on confession of the accused in open court.
A foreigner residing in the Philippines, because, while he
Likewise, an alien, residing in the Philippines, who commits is here in the Philippines, he also owes temporary
acts of treason as defined in paragraph 1 of this article shall allegiance to the Philippine government. Therefore, he too
be punished by reclusion temporal to death and shall pay can commit the crime of treason the moment he sides with
a fine not to exceed Four million pesos (P4,000,000). (As the enemy in times of war in which the Philippines is
amended by R.A. No. 10951, August 29, 2017) involved.

Treason is committed by any Filipino citizen or a foreigner Last element: The said offender either levies war
residing in the Philippines who, in times of war in which the against the Philippine government or adheres to the
Philippines is involved, either levies war against the enemies by giving them aid or comfort.
Philippine Government or adheres to the enemies by
giving them aid or comfort. The last element of treason provides for the modes of
committing treason. There are two ways of committing
Elements of Treason treason, that is, either – by levying war against the
Philippine government or adhering to the enemies, giving
1. There is a war in which the Philippines is involved; them aid or comfort.

First mode: Levying war against the Philippine government

2. The offender is either –
a. A Filipino citizen or Levying war against the Philippine government requires
b. A foreigner who is residing in the the concurrence of two elements –
Philippines; and
1. It is necessary that there must be an actual
3. The said offender either – assembly of men; and
a. Levies war against the Philippine
Government; or 2. It is for the purpose of executing or effecting a
b. Adheres to the enemies by giving them aid treasonable design by force.
or comfort.
Otherwise stated, the said traitors connived and conspired
First element: There is a war in which the Philippines with the enemy troops to hand over the Philippine
in involved government.

Based on the first element, it is necessary that there is a Second mode: Adhering to the enemies, giving them aid or
war in which the Philippines is involved. Treason is a comfort
wartime offense.
The second mode of committing treason is by adhering to
LAUREL v. MISA the enemies, giving them aid or comfort.
G.R. No. L-409 | 30 January 1947

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The offender is said to have adhered to the enemies when the enemy troops, burned houses, killed Filipinos and
he intellectually and emotionally favors the enemies. It is injured families.
an internal state of the mind and cannot be seen.
Because of that, when he was arrested, he was
Q: How should it be established? charged with the crime of treason; he was charged
with different counts of murder; he was charged with
A: It can be established by the offender’s act of giving aid different counts of arson; and he was charged with
or comfort to the enemy. Performing acts which show that different counts of physical injuries. Are the charges
he gives aid or comfort to the enemy, like giving the correct?
enemies supplies, giving them arms, giving them means of
transportation, or giving them classified information which A: The charges are wrong. If these common crimes were
will weaken the defense of the Philippines and will committed by the offender as a way of committing treason,
strengthen the defense of the enemies. in furtherance of committing treason, they are simply
absorbed. They are considered as atrocities of war which
All of these are modes of showing that he intellectually and are merely absorbed by the crime of treason. Hence, there
emotionally favors the enemy against the Philippine is only one charge, and it is violation of Art. 114 of the RPC,
government. or treason.

These are the two ways of committing treason. ARTICLE 115. CONSPIRACY AND PROPOSAL TO
Article 115. Conspiracy and Proposal to Commit
If there are two ways of committing treason, there are also Treason; Penalty. — The conspiracy or proposal to
two ways of proving treason: commit the crime of treason shall be punished
respectively, by prision mayor and a fine not exceeding
1. First, by the testimony of two (2) witnesses at least Two million pesos (P2,000,000), and prision correccional
to the same overt act; and and a fine not exceeding One million pesos (P1,000,000).
(As amended by R.A. No. 10951, August 29, 2017)
2. Second, by open court confession of guilt.
By the testimony of two (2) witnesses at least to the same
overt act Article 116. Misprision of Treason. — Every person
owing allegiance to (the United States) the Government of
In the first way of proving treason, the two witnesses must the Philippine Islands, without being a foreigner, and
corroborate each other as to the act performed by the said having knowledge of any conspiracy against them, who
offender. They must testify in open court as to that conceals or does not disclose and make known the same,
particular act done by the offender which shows that he as soon as possible to the governor or fiscal of the
favors the enemy as against the Philippine government. province, or the mayor or fiscal of the city in which he
resides, as the case may be, shall be punished as an
Therefore, the law requires direct evidence. Treason accessory to the crime of treason.
cannot be proven by mere circumstantial evidence, no
matter how many. The law requires there must be direct Q: There is a war in which the Philippines is involved.
evidence because the law requires that there must be at A, B, C, D and E decided to conspire with the enemy
least two witnesses who must corroborate each other as to troops to hand over the Philippine government out of
the said treasonable act done by the offender. money. They needed money, and so they became
traitors to the Philippine government.
By open court confession of guilt
On the date set for the commission of the crime of
The admission of guilt, the confession of guilt must be done treason, A, B, C, D and E dropped by the house of W,
in open court. Therefore, extrajudicial confession of guilt – their common friend and they told W:
like confession of guilt made before police officers; or
confession of guilt made before media – will not bring “W, you are a good man, please be informed that all of
about a confession of guilt. us (A, B, C, D and E), your friends, have decided to
conspire with the enemy. We needed money for our
The law requires that the confession of guilt must be done family. Here is the money that had been given to us in
in open court during the trial of the case. Extrajudicial order to do these treasonable acts. We are handing
confession will not suffice. you this money. Whatever happens to us, please use
this money for our respective families.”
Q: There is a war in which the Philippines is involved.
X sided with the enemy. In doing so, X, together with

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And so, A, B, C, D and E left the money to their friend authority therefor, for the purpose of obtaining
W. Thereafter, A, B, C, D and E went to the enemy any information, plans, photographs, or other
troops. W remained silent. He did not inform the data of a confidential nature, relative to the
authorities of the said conspiracy to commit treason defense of the Philippines.
done by A, B, C, D and E which has come to his
knowledge. What is the criminal liability of W? Under the first mode of committing espionage, the offender
can be any person. He can be a public officer or employee,
A: W is liable for misprision of treason under Art. 116. or a private individual.

Misprision of treason is committed by any Filipino citizen He becomes liable the moment he enters these prohibited
who, in times of war in which the Philippines is involved, places, warship, fort, or naval or military establishment or
failed to disclose or to divulge to the local authorities a reservation, and his intention is to obtain these classified
conspiracy to commit treason that will come to his information relative to the defense of the Philippines.
Q: How would you know that was his intent?
While treason under Art. 114 can be committed both by a
Filipino citizen and a foreigner, misprision of treason can A: The fact that he entered this place, without asking
be committed only by a Filipino citizen – one who owes permission, without asking authority, it means, that was his
permanent allegiance to the Philippine government. It intention. Therefore, he has the burden of proving
cannot be committed by a foreigner, even if the said otherwise. The burden is on him because the law
foreigner is in the Philippines. presumes that the fact that he entered these prohibited
places without authority, his intention is to gather these
Misprision of treason can be committed only by a Filipino classified information relative to the defense of the
citizen. In times of war in which the Philippines is involve, Philippines.
only Filipinos are mandated, are obligated by law to divulge
to the local authorities as soon as possible, a conspiracy 2. By disclosing to a representative of a foreign
to commit treason that will come to their knowledge. It is nation the contents of the articles, data or
an obligation that they have to do, failure to do so, will other information referred to in paragraph No.
make them liable of misprision of treason wherein the 1 of art. 117, which he had in his possession by
penalty is that of an accessory in the crime of treason. reason of the public office that he holds.
Therefore, two degrees lower – it will be prision mayor
because the penalty for treason is reclusion perpetua to The second mode of committing espionage may be
death. committed only by a public officer. But not any public officer
can commit the crime. Only a public officer who, by reason
ARTICLE 117. ESPIONAGE of the duties of his office, has in his possession these
classified information and data relative to the defense of
Article 117. Espionage. – The penalty of prision the Philippines.
correccional shall be inflicted upon any person who:
He becomes liable the moment he discloses, he reveals,
1. Without authority therefor, enters a warship, fort, or these classified information to a representative of a foreign
naval or military establishment or reservation to obtain any nation. He becomes liable for espionage.
information, plans, photographs, or other data of a
confidential nature relative to the defense of the Philippine Q: The Ms. Universe pageant was held in the
Archipelago; or Philippines. During the said Ms. Universe pageant, one
of the judges was the Philippine DND Secretary.
2. Being in possession, by reason of the public office he Looking at the stage, the DND Secretary has a special
holds, of the articles, data, or information referred to in the liking to Ms. China. He was so attracted to Ms. China.
preceding paragraph, discloses their contents to a After the pageant, the winners were declared. There
representative of a foreign nation. was post-pageant party. The DND Secretary attended
because he wants to meet Ms. China personally. They
The penalty next higher in degree shall be imposed if the were introduced. They danced, ate, talked. The party
offender be a public officer or employee. was not yet over but the DND Secretary and Ms. China
decided to leave the said party. They checked-in in a
Espionage is a crime which may be committed both in hotel. Inside the room, they ate and drink hard liquor.
times of war and in times of peace.
While they were drinking, they were conversing. Ms.
TWO WAYS OF COMMITTING ESPIONAGE China was asking the DND Secretary, “What will you
do? Our country is more powerful than your country.
1. By entering any warship, fort, or naval or What will you do if our soldiers will take over the
military establishment or reservation, without Spratly Island? I’m sure you will be asking help, but

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you will never win against my country.” Because of Article 118. Inciting to war or giving motives for reprisals.
that, the DND Secretary bragged to Ms. China, “No! - The penalty of reclusion temporal shall be imposed upon
These are our plans.” The DND Secretary narrated one any public officer or employee, and that of prision mayor
by one, in details, the plans of the Philippine upon any private individual, who, by unlawful or
Government on how to protect the Spratly Islands in unauthorized acts provokes or gives occasion for a war
case there will be an invasion coming from China. He involving or liable to involve the Philippine Islands or
divulged everything because he was already drunk. exposes Filipino citizens to reprisals on their persons or
Thereafter, they had sexual intercourse and fell asleep. property.

The following morning, the DND Secretary reached out Elements of Inciting to War
for Ms. China on the other side of the bed, but the latter
was not there. He looked for Ms. China and found her 1. That the offender performs unlawful or
in the garden of the hotel talking over the phone. He unauthorized acts by the Philippine government.
was so afraid. The DND Secretary grabbed the phone,
threw it on the ground, and stepped on it. Then he 2. That the said act provokes or gives occasion for a
pulled her hair, asking the latter “Whom are you war involving or liable to involve the Philippines or
talking to? You are talking to your Defense Secretary, exposes Filipino citizens to reprisals on their
right? You are divulging what I told you last night, persons and property while they are in a foreign
right?” When Ms. China denied it, he slapped her a country.
number of times, thereafter, pulling her hair. He
dragged her back inside the hotel. There, he was 3. He is not legally authorized to do so.
forcing Ms. China to admit that she talked to the
Chinese Defense Secretary. But Ms. China denied. This is committed when the offender performs unlawful or
According to her, she was only talking to her mother. unauthorized acts, and said acts provoke or give occasion
She was telling her mother her good experience in the for a war involving, or liable to involve the Philippines, or
Philippines. The DND Secretary would not believe. He expose Filipino citizens to reprisals on their persons and
punched and slapped her. Thereafter, he left her property.
wounded inside the hotel.
In case of inciting to war or giving motives for reprisals, the
Is the DND Secretary liable for Espionage? offender performs acts which are not authorized by the
Philippine government. Because of the acts committed by
A: The DND Secretary is not liable for Espionage. the offender, the Philippine government was forced to
Under the second mode of committing espionage – by enter into war. Or, because of the acts done by the
disclosing to a representative of a foreign nation the offender, the other foreign country became hostile to
contents of the articles, data or other information relevant Filipino citizens. They have exposed Filipino citizens to
to the defense of the Philippines which he had in his reprisals on their persons and property.
possession, the representative being referred to here of a
foreign country refers to a political representative. Ms. Q: There was a protest in front of the Chinese
China was not here in the Philippines for political purposes. Embassy. Some members of non-governmental
She was here to represent China in the said Ms. Universe organizations were supporting the Filipino fisherman
Pageant. Therefore, the said DND Secretary is not liable who were driven away by the Chinese soldiers. They
for espionage. were protesting the acts done by China.

Q: What crime may be filed against the DND In their protest, they burned real flags of China. This
Secretary? angered the Chinese government—they became
hostile upon Filipino citizens living in China. Without
A: The DND Secretary can be charged by Ms. China any reasons at all, they would raid the houses of
with violation of RA 9262. By just one sexual act, unlike Filipino citizens. They would hurt Filipino citizens in
dating relationship which is continues, in case of sexual their houses. Because they were hostile, there were
relationship under RA 9262, even one sexual intercourse reprisals.
for one night, there is already a relationship. And if the said
man inflicted physical injuries on the said woman on whom What case may be filed against these protesters?
he has or had a sexual or dating relationship, it will bring
about violation of RA 9262. The proper charge to be filed A: They can be charged with Inciting to War and Giving
against the DND Secretary is RA 9262 or Violence Against Motives for Reprisals under Art. 118.
Women and their Children Act.
As the name/title of the crime states, war has not yet
ARTICLE 118. INCITING TO WAR OR GIVING happened, but because of acts done by the offender, war
MOTIVES FOR REPRISALS may happen. The Philippines may enter into war.

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The statement from the AFP General that the Philippines
should stay neutral is a personal opinion. It cannot be
Article 119. Violation of neutrality. - The penalty of prision considered as a regulation coming from competent
correccional shall be inflicted upon anyone who, on the authority. It is not a regulation issued by the Office of the
occasion of a war in which the Government is not involved, President or Malacañang. It is a personal opinion coming
violates any regulation issued by competent authority for from the AFP General.
the purpose of enforcing neutrality.
Therefore, since it cannot be considered a regulation that
Elements of Neutrality enforces neutrality, even if Pedro continuously sided with
Ukraine, he cannot be held liable for violation of neutrality.
1. There is a war but the Philippines is not involved
2. The competent authority issued a regulation for
the purpose of enforcing neutrality among Filipino Article 120. Correspondence with hostile country. - Any
citizens; person who in time of war, shall have correspondence with
an enemy country or territory occupied by enemy troops
3. The offender violates such regulation imposed and shall be punished:
sided with one of the warring countries.
1. By prision correccional, if the correspondence has been
Violation of neutrality is committed when there is a war but prohibited by the Government;
the Philippines is not a party to the said war, and there is a
regulation issued by competent authority that enforces 2. By prision mayor, if such correspondence be carried on
neutrality, but the said offender violated the regulation and in ciphers or conventional signs; and
sided with one of the warring countries.
3. By reclusion temporal, if notice or information be given
For one to be held liable for violation of neutrality, it is thereby which might be useful to the enemy. If the offender
necessary that there is a regulation issued by competent intended to aid the enemy by giving such notice or
authority enforcing neutrality – that we should stay neutral information, he shall suffer the penalty of reclusion
in the war between two countries. If there is no regulation temporal to death.
issued by competent authority, violation of neutrality will
not arise. Elements of Correspondence with Hostile Country

Note: 1. That it is in time of war in which the Philippines is

There must be a regulation that enforces neutrality involved.
which has been violated by the said offender.
2. That the offender makes correspondence with an
Q: The AFP General was interviewed by CNN enemy country or any territory occupied by enemy
Philippines. After the interview, there were other media troops.
people outside the offices of CNN and they were trying
to have an ambush interview with the AFP General, 3. That the correspondence is either —
one of the questions raised was— “Sir, sir, what can
you say about the war between Ukraine and Russia? a. Prohibited by the Philippine Government; or
What should be the stand of the Philippines in this war b. Carried out in ciphers or conventional signs; or
between Ukraine and Russia?” The AFP General said, c. Containing notice or information which might
“Insofar as the war between Ukraine and Russia is be useful to the enemy.
concerned, the Philippines should stay neutral. We
should not side with any of the warring countries.” Correspondence with hostile country is committed when
there is a war and the Philippines is a party to the said war.
Pedro is a supporter of Ukraine. In his Facebook The offender makes correspondence with an enemy
account and other social media accounts, he would country or any territory occupied by enemy troops. The
post support for Ukraine. He is so against Russia. He said correspondence is either prohibited by the
would be out there supporting, stating his favoring of government, carried out in ciphers or conventional signs
Ukraine. This continued despite the statement coming or, containing notice or information which may be useful to
from the AFP General. the enemy.

Is Pedro liable for violation of neutrality? In case of correspondence with hostile country, we are a
party to the said war. If there is a prohibition coming from
A: NO. Pedro is NOT LIABLE for violation of neutrality. the Philippine government to make correspondence with

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the enemy country, any kind of correspondence will make The law says the offender owes allegiance to the
the offender already liable. Philippines therefore it can be committed by a Filipino
citizen or a foreigner. The law does not require that he
This is even if it is an innocent correspondence because owes permanent allegiance to the Government.
there is a prohibition coming from the Philippine
government to make any correspondence. CRIMES AGAINST LAW OF NATIONS

Note: 1. Piracy;
If there is no prohibition, no regulation coming from the 2. Qualified Piracy;
Philippine government that prohibits the making of a 3. Mutiny; and
correspondence, the making of the correspondence 4. Qualified Mutiny
will only make the offender liable if the correspondence
is: ART. 122 PIRACY

1. Carried out in ciphers or conventional signs; or Article 122. Piracy in general and mutiny on the high seas.
2. Containing notice or information which might - The penalty of reclusion temporal shall be inflicted upon
be useful to the enemy. any person who, on the high seas, shall attack or seize a
vessel or, not being a member of its complement nor a
Only then will the offender become liable for passenger, shall seize the whole or part of the cargo of
correspondence with hostile country. said vessel, its equipment, or personal belongings of its
complement or passengers.
The same penalty shall be inflicted in case of mutiny on the
Article 121. Flight to enemy country. - The penalty of high seas or in Philippine waters.
arresto mayor shall be inflicted upon any person who,
owing allegiance to the Government, attempts to flee or go Elements of Simple Piracy
to an enemy country when prohibited by competent
authority. 1. That a vessel is on the high seas or in Philippine
Elements of Flight to Enemy’s Country
2. That the offenders are not members of its
1. That there is a war in which the Philippines is complement or passengers of the vessel;
3. That the offenders either (a) attack or seize that
2. That the offender must be owing allegiance to the vessel; or (b) seize the whole or part of the cargo of
Philippine Government. said vessel, its equipment or personal belongings of
its complement or passengers.
3. That the offender attempts to flee or go to enemy's
country. Q: Where is the vessel?

4. That going or fleeing to the enemy country is A: The vessel is either in the high seas or Philippine
prohibited by a competent authority. waters.

Based on the elements, it is necessary that there is a Piracy under Article 122 can now be committed even if the
regulation coming from the Philippine government saying vessel is in Philippine waters because of the amendment
that no one should go to the enemy territory. brought about by RA 7659. Originally, Art. 122 will only
apply if the vessel is in high seas because PD 532 will
If there is a regulation, a mere attempt to go, a mere apply if the vessel is on Philippine waters but because of
attempt to flee, to the enemy territory will already make the the amendment brought upon by RA 7659, piracy under
offender criminally liable. Art 122 will now apply even if the vessel is either on
Philippine waters or on the high seas.
But if there is no such regulation that prohibits going or
fleeing to the enemy country, going to the enemy country The second element, who may be the offender? The
will not make the offender criminally liable. offender in piracy under Art. 122 must come from the
outside. They must not be members of the complement,
Note: they must not be passengers of the vessel, they must be
It is the violation of a regulation issued by competent third persons, strangers to the vessel
authority that will make the offender criminally liable.
The third element, what are the modes of committing
piracy? The offenders may either attack or seize the vessel

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or seize in whole or in part, the cargo, the equipment, or 3. Whenever the crime is accompanied by murder,
the persons belongings inside the said vessel. homicide, physical injuries or rape.

Based on the manner of committing piracy, it is akin to QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES

robbery. There is an act of taking in case of robbery, the
thing taken is the persons property belonging to another, 1. Whenever the offenders have seized a vessel by
in case of piracy the thing taken can either be the vessel boarding or firing upon the same;
itself or the things the cargo inside the said vessel. Hence,
piracy requires intent to gain on the part of the said 2. Whenever the pirates have abandoned their
offenders or pirates. victims without means of saving themselves; or

ART. 122 MUTINY 3. Whenever the crime is accompanied by murder,

homicide, physical injuries, or rape.
Elements of Mutiny under Art. 122
These are the circumstances that will qualify piracy and will
1. That the vessel is on the high seas or on Philippine make the crime qualified piracy under Art. 123.
The first qualifying circumstance, whenever the
2. That the offenders are members of the offenders have seized a vessel by boarding or firing upon
complement or passengers of the vessel; the same, so for piracy to be qualified under the first
qualified circumstance, it is necessary that the vessel itself
3. That the offenders raise a commotion or must be seized by the offenders. Even if they boarded,
disturbance on board the ship against the lawful even if they fired, if they did not seize the vessel itself, then
command of a superior authority. they do not qualify the circumstances.

In case of mutiny, just like in case of piracy, the vessel can Under the second qualifying circumstance, after
be either on the high seas or Philippine waters. committing the acts of piracy, they left the victims, they left
the passengers, the members of the group, without means
Who are the offenders? The offenders this time must come of surviving, without means of saving their lives, therefore,
from the inside. from simple piracy, now becomes qualified piracy, they
abandoned the victims without means of saving
In mutiny, the offenders would either be the members of themselves.
the crew or the passengers of the vessel. They must be
coming from the inside because of the manner committing The last circumstance, whenever the act of piracy is
mutiny, that is by creating a disturbance, by creating a accompanied by murder, homicide, physical injuries, or
commotion. Why? Because they wanted to go against the rape. Whenever in committing the act of piracy, the
lawful command of a superior authority and in case of a offender would commit other common crimes such as
vessel, the superior authority is the captain of the said murder, homicide, physical injuries or rape, it will not
vessel. They wanted to go against the lawful order of the constitute a separate and distinct charge because in this
captain and so a commotion or disturbance was done case, these common crimes are not considered crimes by
inside the said vessel. themselves. They are merely qualifying circumstances that
will make the crime qualified piracy, hence it will not give
Based on the manner of committing mutiny, it is akin to rise to a separate and distinct charge, neither will it give
sedition, it is a protest against lawful authority done outside rise to a complex crime because the murder, homicide,
lawful means. physical injuries, and rape are merely qualifying
circumstances, they are not crimes by themselves. The
ART. 123 QUALIFIED PIRACY crime will only be qualified piracy even if there was a killing,
even if there was a rape, even if there was an infliction of
Article 123. Qualified piracy. - The penalty of reclusion physical injuries at the time of the commission of piracy
temporal to death shall be imposed upon those who
commit any of the crimes referred to in the preceding What about the circumstances that will qualify mutiny?
article, under any of the following circumstances: However under the first paragraph of Article 123, the law
provides that the circumstances therein would apply to the
1. Whenever they have seized a vessel by boarding or crimes in the preceding article and since in the preceding
firing upon the same; article we have both piracy and mutiny then the
circumstances, the qualifying circumstances under Art.
2. Whenever the pirates have abandoned their victims 123 will apply even to mutiny.
without means of saving themselves; or
According to legal luminaries, the circumstances that will
qualify mutiny would be the second and third qualifying

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circumstances. Whenever the mutineers will abandon their A: The four men are liable of Qualified Piracy under
victims without means of saving themselves and whenever Article 123, RPC because the act of piracy is now
the crime is accompanied by murder, homicide, physical accompanied by the infliction of physical injuries. Under
injuries, or rape. These circumstances will qualify mutiny. Article 123, physical injuries is used in its generic sense,
the law did not state what kind of physical injuries will
Q: The vessel was sailing towards Cebu, suddenly qualify piracy. Therefore, whether it is serious physical
here comes two motorboats, the first one and the injuries, less serious physical injuries, or slight physical
second one. On board the motorboat, we have two injuries for as long as any physical injuries would
men on the first and two men on the second aside from accompany the act of piracy, it now becomes qualified
the one driving. These two men fired shots and then piracy.
thereafter, they boarded the vessel, they went directly
to the captain of the said vessel and ordered him to In this case, the four men would be charged with Qualified
stop at gunpoint, of course, he was afraid and stopped Piracy because of the presence of the 3rd Qualifying
the vessel. Thereafter, the said four armed men told Circumstance – the act of piracy was accompanied by
the people therein to place all their valuables, their infliction of physical injuries on one of the passengers.
cash, their jewelry to give it to them. After giving
everything to them, the said four men left, the two on Q: The vessel was sailing towards Cebu. In 20 minutes,
board the first boat, the two on board the second boat. it would already reach the shores of Cebu. When the
What crime is committed by these men? vessel was already nearing Cebu, five members of the
complement, five members of the crew, and five
A: They are liable of piracy under Art. 122. All the passengers of the vessel connived and conspired to
elements are present. take part of the cargo of the said vessel the moment
the vessel reach the shores of Cebu. When the vessel
First, the vessel is on Philippine waters, it is sailing towards reached the seashores of Cebu, these 5 members of
Cebu. Second, the offenders are not members of the the crew and five passengers, at knifepoint, took part
complement. of the cargo of the said vessel and they were bringing
the cargo outside. But the police arrived, and they
Second, the offender are not members of the complement were arrested by the police. They were charged with
or passengers of the vessel. The offenders came from the violation of Article 122 or Piracy. Are they liable under
outside. Article 122?

Third, the offenders seized, in part, the personal A: NO. The first element is present, the vessel is on
belongings inside the said vessel. Philippine waters, particularly Cebu. The third element is
present, they took, in part, the cargo of the said vessel.
Therefore, all the elements of Simple Piracy under Article However, the second element of Article 122 is absent. The
122 are present. second element requires that the offenders must NOT be
members of the complement or passengers of the vessel.
Even if the four men fired and boarded the vessel, since
they did not seize the vessel itself, what they did is only to In the problem given, the offenders are members of the
take part of the personal belongings such as cash and complement and passengers of the vessel conniving and
valuables of the passengers and members of the crew, it conspiring with one another. Therefore, since, the second
is only Simple Piracy and NOT Qualified Piracy. element of Article 122 does not apply, they cannot be
charged with violation of Article 122 for Piracy.
Q: What if in the same problem with exactly the same
facts, one of the men by the name of A saw that Pedro, Q: If not Piracy under Article 122, what is the proper
one of the passengers, immediately placed his hand charge?
inside the pocket of his jacket and tried to hide
valuable wedding ring on his finger which was the only A: The proper charge is Piracy under PD 532 or the
memory left by his deceased wife. Pedro did not want Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway Robbery Law. Under PD
to give the said ring. But too late, A already saw it. A 532, piracy is any attack or seizure of the vessel, or the
ordered Pedro to hand to him the said ring but Pedro taking in whole or in part of the cargo, equipment, or
refused. Thus, A immediately hit the head of Pedro personal belongings inside the said vessel, regardless of
with the back of his armalite. Pedro fell to the ground the value therefore, committed by any person, including
and the other men B, C, and D succeeded in hitting him members of the complement and passengers of the
with the back of their armalites on the different parts vessel, while the vessel is on Philippine waters.
of Pedro’s body. Thereafter, while Pedro was down,
wounded, and bleeding A forcibly took the wedding In case of Piracy under PD 532, the offenders can be
ring from his finger. Thereafter, they left. What crime anyone, he can be an outside, insider, passenger, or a
was committed by the four men? member of the complement. Provided that the vessel is on
Philippine waters.

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seize or usurp the control thereof while it is within the said
In this case, the vessel was on Philippine waters (Cebu) territory.
and the offenders were members of the complement and
passengers of the vessel. Therefore, the crime committed Section 2. Any person violating any provision of the
is violation of PD 532. foregoing section shall be punished by an imprisonment of
not less than twelve years but not more than twenty years,
P.D. NO. 532 or by a fine of not less than twenty thousand pesos but not
ANTI-PIRACY AND ANTI-HIGHWAY ROBBERY LAW more than forty thousand pesos.
OF 1974
The penalty of imprisonment of fifteen years to death, or a
fine of not less than twenty-five thousand pesos but not
Section 2. (d) Piracy. Any attack upon or seizure of any more than fifty thousand pesos shall be imposed upon any
vessel, or the taking away of the whole or part thereof or person committing such violation under any of the following
its cargo, equipment, or the personal belongings of its circumstances:
complement or passengers, irrespective of the value
thereof, by means of violence against or intimidation of 1. Whenever he has fired upon the pilot, member
persons or force upon things, committed by any person, of the crew or passenger of the aircraft;
including a passenger or member of the complement of
said vessel, in Philippine waters, shall be considered as 2. Whenever he has exploded or attempted to
piracy. The offenders shall be considered as pirates and explode any bomb or explosive to destroy the aircraft; or
punished as hereinafter provided.
3. Whenever the crime is accompanied by murder,
Section 4. Aiding pirates or highway robbers/brigands or homicide, serious physical injuries or rape.
abetting piracy or highway robbery/brigandage. Any
person who knowingly and in any manner aids or protects Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, natural or
pirates or highway robbers/brigands, such as giving them juridical, to ship, load or carry in any passenger aircraft
information about the movement of police or other peace operating as a public utility within the Philippines, and
officers of the government, or acquires or receives property explosive, flammable, corrosive or poisonous substance or
taken by such pirates or brigands or in any manner derives material.
any benefit therefrom; or any person who directly or
indirectly abets the commission of piracy or highway Section 4. The shipping, loading, or carrying of any
robbery or brigandage, shall be considered as an substance or material mentioned in the preceding section
accomplice of the principal offenders and be punished in in any cargo aircraft operating as a public utility within the
accordance with the Rules prescribed by the Revised Philippines shall be in accordance with regulations issued
Penal Code. by the Civil Aeronautics Administration.

It shall be presumed that any person who does any of the ACTS PUNISHED
acts provided in this Section has performed knowingly
unless the contrary is proven. I. By compelling a pilot of an aircraft of Philippine
registry to change its course or destination, or by
The Supreme Court said, despite the amendment done by seizing or usurping the control thereof, while it is in
R.A. No. 7659 on Article 122, making piracy under Article flight.
122 applicable even if the vessel is in Philippine waters,
PD 532 or the Anti-Piracy Law of 1974 remains to be a Under the first act, for the crime to arise, it is necessary
good law. PD 532 applies when the offenders or when the that the said aircraft is inflight, that is if the aircraft is of
pirates are members of the crew or passengers of the Philippine registry.
An aircraft is said to be inflight the moment all its cabin
R.A. NO. 6235 doors have been closed following embarkation until any of
ANTI-HIJACKING LAW its doors have been opened for purposes of
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to compel a II. By compelling the pilot of an aircraft of foreign
change in the course or destination of an aircraft of registry to land in Philippine territory or by seizing
Philippine registry, or to seize or usurp the control thereof, or usurping the control thereof, while it is within
while it is in flight. An aircraft is in flight from the moment Philippine territory.
all its external doors are closed following embarkation until
any of such doors is opened for disembarkation. Under the second act, if the aircraft is of foreign registry,
there is no requisite that it be in flight. It suffices that it is
It shall likewise be unlawful for any person to compel an within Philippine territory.
aircraft of foreign registry to land in Philippine territory or to

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been opened for purposes of disembarkation. In this case,
III. By carrying or loading on board a passenger the said aircraft is an aircraft of Philippine registry, it is at
aircraft operating as a public utility within the NAIA Terminal 3 and the passengers were still boarding,
Philippines, explosive, flammable, corrosive or therefore all cabin doors were still open. Hence, the aircraft
poisonous substance or material. is not yet in flight. Therefore, R.A. 6235 will not yet apply.

IV. By carrying or loading on board a cargo aircraft Q: In the same problem, Cebu Pacific flight landed at
operating as a public utility within the Philippines NAIA Terminal 3. After assembling the knife, all
explosive, flammable, corrosive or poisonous passengers have already boarded and all the cabin
substance or material in any manner NOT in doors are already closed, even the cargo doors were
accordance with the rules and regulations of the already closed. The aircraft is already prepared to fly.
Civil Aeronautics Administration. Suddenly, the captain of the said aircraft said, “This is
your captain speaking, were are already ready to fly
Under the third and fourth act, if these explosives, but we are sorry to inform you that we are number 4 in
flammable, corrosive, and poisonous substances are line, so we have to wait for 30-40 minutes. Meanwhile,
carried and boarded on a passenger aircraft, immediately, sit back and relax”. The passengers unfastened their
the crime arises. seatbelts. X took that opportunity, so he stood up, and
with the said long knife on the side of his jacket, he
But, if these explosives, flammable, corrosive, and went inside the restroom. The moment he came out,
poisonous substances are boarded on a cargo aircraft, the he went to the cabin and ordered the pilot to
crime will not immediately arise. It is a cargo aircraft; immediately fly the plane, not to Davao, but to Cebu.
therefore, its function is to bring these cargoes from one The pilot refused. Since there were two pilots, they
place to another even if they are flammable, explosive, or both tried to struggle against X, but X was just too
corrosive. The crime will only arise if in carrying or boarding strong for the both of them. X stabbed both of them. Is
these explosive, flammable, poisonous, and corrosive X liable under R.A. 6235?
substances, they failed to comply with the rules and
regulations of the Civil Aeronautic Act. A: YES, X is liable under R.A. 6235. The Cebu Pacific
aircraft is already in flight even if it is not yet in the air
These are the four acts punished as inimical to civil because all the cabin doors are already closed, and all the
aviation under R.A. 6235 otherwise known as the Anti- passengers have already boarded. Since all the cabin
Hijacking Law. doors are already closed, the law deems that the aircraft is
already in flight. Therefore, the act committed by X, forcing
Q: A Cebu Pacific plane coming from Davao landed in the said pilot to change the destination/course of the
NAIA Terminal 3, it is a turnaround aircraft, so the aircraft, it is already considered as a violation of R.A. 6235.
passengers disembarked, and another set of
passengers boarded the aircraft bound to Davao. The Q: In the same problem, the aircraft is Cathay Pacific,
first who boarded the aircraft was X. X immediately registered in Hong Kong, it came to the Philippines.
found his seat. While he was on his seat and while The aircraft is at NAIA Terminal 3. It is a turnaround
passengers were boarding, he was trying to assemble aircraft, so the passengers disembarked, and another
something. When he assembled it, it happened to be a set of passengers boarded the aircraft bound to
long knife, which he placed inside his jacket. As Davao. While the new set of passengers were
passengers were boarding, he stood up and pretended boarding, X was able to assemble his knife. Thereafter,
to go to the bathroom. However, he went to the cabin he went to the captain of the said aircraft, and he
of the aircraft, and he ordered the pilot to immediately ordered him to order the closure of all cabin doors, and
close all cabin doors and to fly the said aircraft to to direct the flight not to Hong Kong, but to mainland
Cebu, not to Davao. The said pilot did not agree, there China. When the pilot refused, X stabbed him. Is X
was struggle between the both of them. In the course liable under R.A. 6235?
thereof, X stabbed the said pilot and killed him.
Commotion ensued. X was thereafter arrested, and the A: YES, X is liable under R.A. 6235 even if the aircraft is
pilot was brought to the nearest hospital, but he was not yet in flight. Since Cathay Pacific is an aircraft of foreign
dead on arrival. Is X liable under R.A. 6235? registry, and not of Philippine registry, there is no requisite
that it be in flight before an act inimical to civil aviation may
A: NO, X is not liable under R.A. 6235. Under the law, it be committed. For as long as the aircraft of foreign registry
is a requirement that if the aircraft is a passenger aircraft is within Philippine territory at the time X usurped the said
and if it is of Philippine registry, it is necessary that at the aircraft, it is already considered as an act inimical to civil
time it was usurped and at the time the pilot was aviation under R.A. 6235.
commanded to change its course/ destination, the aircraft
is already in flight. An aircraft is considered to be in flight
the moment all its external doors had been closed,
following embarkation until any of its external doors had

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3. That the said arrest or detention is without legal
CRIMES AGAINST THE FUNDAMENTAL First element. The offender, if it is arbitrary detention, is a
LAWS OF THE STATE public officer who is vested by authority to effect arrest and
detain a person. What did he do? He detained another.
BAR Q: Three kinds of Arbitrary Detention: Why is he liable? Because the said arrest or detention is
without legal grounds.
1. Arbitrary Detention by detaining a person without
legal grounds under Article 124. Second element. The Supreme Court said, there is
detention when a person is placed in confinement, when
2. Arbitrary Detention by failing to deliver the there is deprivation of his liberty. It is not necessary that he
detained person to the proper judicial authorities was placed behind a prison cell, that he is placed behind
within 12, 18, or 36 hours under Article 125. prison cell or behind bars, for as long as there is
deprivation of his personal liberty – there is already
3. Arbitrary Detention by delaying the release of detention.
prisoners despite the judicial or executive order to
do so under Article 126. Third element. Arrest and detention are said to be without
legal grounds when:
In case this question is asked, short answer only. Do not 1. The person was arrested without any warrant of
explain, it is an objective question. If you are asked to arrest issued by the court;
enumerate, just enumerate and do not explain. You 2. When the said person was arrested and detained
have to know how to answer what is being asked; what without any of the circumstances for a valid
is the question; what is the bar examiner asking; if he is warrantless arrest; or
asking for definition, enumeration, you are not required 3. When a person is NOT suffering from violent
to explain. insanity or any disease that would require his
compulsory confinement.

ARTICLE 124 - ARBITRARY DETENTION BY These are said to be NOT VALID grounds, illegal grounds

Article 124. Arbitrary detention. - Any public officer or ARTICLE 125. DELAY IN THE DELIVERY OF
employee who, without legal grounds, detains a person, DETAINED PERSONS TO THE PROPER JUDICIAL
shall suffer; AUTHORITIES

1. The penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to Article 125. Delay in the delivery of detained persons to
prision correccional in its minimum period, if the detention the proper judicial authorities. - The penalties provided in
has not exceeded three days; the next preceding article shall be imposed upon the public
officer or employee who shall detain any person for some
2. The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and legal ground and shall fail to deliver such person to the
maximum periods, if the detention has continued more proper judicial authorities within the period of; twelve (12)
than three but not more than fifteen days; hours, for crimes or offenses punishable by light penalties,
or their equivalent; eighteen (18) hours, for crimes or
3. The penalty of prision mayor, if the detention has offenses punishable by correctional penalties, or their
continued for more than fifteen days but not more than six equivalent and thirty-six (36) hours, for crimes, or offenses
months; and punishable by afflictive or capital penalties, or their
equivalent. In every case, the person detained shall be
4. That of reclusion temporal, if the detention shall have informed of the cause of his detention and shall be allowed
exceeded six months. upon his request, to communicate and confer at any time
with his attorney or counsel.
The commission of a crime, or violent insanity or any other
ailment requiring the compulsory confinement of the Elements of Arbitrary Detention under Article 125
patient in a hospital, shall be considered legal grounds for
the detention of any person. 1. That the offender is a public officer or employee;
2. That he arrests and detains another;
Elements of Arbitrary Detention under Article 124 3. That the said arrest and detention is based on
legal grounds; and
1. That the offender is a public officer or employee; 4. That he failed to deliver the said person detained
2. That he arrests or detains another; and to the proper judicial authorities

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a. Within 12 hours for crimes punishable by delivered to the nearest police station or jail and shall be
light penalties or their equivalent proceeded against in accordance with section 7 of Rule
b. Within 18 hours for crimes punishable by 112.
corrective penalties or their equivalent;
and Fourth element. This is the time the crime will arise. If the
c. Within 36 hours for crimes punishable by peace officer failed to deliver him to the proper judicial
death or afflictive penalties or their authority because police officers are mandated to
equivalent. immediately file the case against the person arrested
within 12, 18, or 36 hours depending on the penalty
If you will look at the elements, same offenders – a public prescribed.
officer who is vested by authority to effect arrest and detain
a person. Deliver does NOT mean physical or actual delivery. It
does not mean that the peace officer must bring the person
In the case of arbitrary detention under Article 124, at the arrested to the court/to the judge. This refers to legal
outset, the crime is committed because at the outset, the delivery or constructive delivery. This refers to the filing
arrest and detention is without legal grounds. of the case against the said person arrested before the
proper judicial authorities (i.e., courts, judges).
In Article 125, at the outset, the arrest and detention is legal
because based on the third and last elements of Article a. Within 12 hours for crimes punishable with
125, the arrest and detention is based on some legal light penalties or their equivalent
grounds. In this case, at the outset, the arrest and b. Within 18 hours for crimes punishable with
detention was valid and legal. corrective penalties or their equivalent;
The said offender only commits the crime if they failed to c. Within 36 hours for crimes punishable by
deliver the person arrested to the proper judicial authorities death or afflictive penalties or their
within the period prescribed. equivalent.

The legal ground being referred to in Article 125 does not ARTICLE 126. DELAYING RELEASE
apply when the said arrest and detention is based on a
warrant of arrest issued by the court. If a person is arrested The last kind of arbitrary detention is under Article 126
based on a warrant of arrest issued by the court, there is Arbitrary Detention by Failing to Release a Prisoner
no need for the arresting authority to deliver him to the despite Official or Executive Order to do so.
proper judicial authority because the warrant of arrest
came from the proper judicial authority. Article 126. Delaying release. - The penalties provided for
in Article 124 shall be imposed upon any public officer or
The circumstances for a valid arrest under Article 125 employee who delays for the period of time specified
are the circumstances for a valid warrantless arrest therein the performance of any judicial or executive order
under the Rules of Court. for the release of a prisoner or detention prisoner, or
unduly delays the service of the notice of such order to said
Section 5. Arrest without warrant; when lawful. — A peace prisoner or the proceedings upon any petition for the
officer or a private person may, without a warrant, arrest a liberation of such person.
Elements of Delaying Release
(a) When, in his presence, the person to be arrested has
committed, is actually committing, or is attempting to 1. The offender is a public officer or employee;
commit an offense; 2. There is an order, either a judicial order or an
executive order for the release of a prisoner;
(b) When an offense has just been committed, and he has 3. The said offender unduly delays either
probable cause to believe based on personal knowledge a. the release of the said prisoner;
of facts or circumstances that the person to be arrested b. the service of notice of such order to the
has committed it; and prisoner; or
c. any proceedings upon a petition for the
(c) When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has release of such person.
escaped from a penal establishment or place where he is
serving final judgment or is temporarily confined while his Second element. When you say judicial order, an example
case is pending, or has escaped while being transferred of that is when the judge after trial on the merits acquitted
from one confinement to another. the accused. Based on the evidence, the prosecution failed
to prove that the accused is guilty beyond reasonable
In cases falling under paragraph (a) and (b) above, the doubt. Hence, the accused is hereby acquitted of the
person arrested without a warrant shall be forthwith

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charge against him. With the said acquittal order, will come signal no. 4. The order came not only from the court,
a release order. but from the Supreme Court itself that courts would be
closed. On Wednesday, PAGASA lowered the signal
If the BJMP warden failed to release him despite the no. to 3, and there was office again. The first thing that
release order coming from the court then, he becomes the arresting officer of X did was to bring the latter to
liable under Article 126. However, if he has a valid reason the fiscal’s office for inquest purposes. After the
for not releasing the said prisoner (e.g., the said prisoner inquest, X was charged against the Information for
is facing another case), then, since he has a valid reason, violation of R.A. 10591 before the proper court. Upon
he has all the power not to release the said prisoner. the filing of the case, the counsel of X immediately filed
a countercharge before the Office of the Public
Q: X was charged with two crimes: 1) illegal sale of Prosecutor against the said arresting police officers
dangerous drugs, non-bailable; and 2) illegal for violation of Article 125 for failing to deliver the
possession of dangerous drugs. He was caught in the detained person to the proper judicial officers within
act of selling. He was arrested and brought to the PNP 36 hours. In their counter-affidavit, the said police
station. When he was frisked, inside his socks, the officer moved for the dismissal of the case on two
police officers found the police officers found the grounds: 1) Article 215 does not apply to violations of
sachets. And so, there were two charges: 1) illegal Special Penal Laws (SPL) like R.A. 10591; and 2) in
sale; and 2) illegal possession. The cases were raffled case Article 125 applies to violations of SPL, they
to different courts. The fiscal failed to move for its complied as they were able to deliver X to the proper
consolidation. The illegal sale was raffled to RTC authorities within 36 hours. Hence, they moved for
Branch 12, while the illegal possession was raffled to dismissal. If you were the assigned public prosecutor,
RTC Branch 6. Both cases proceeded. Meanwhile, X how would you rule?
was behind bars because among the charges filed
against him was illegal sale, and such is a non-bailable A: If you were the assigned public prosecutor, you
offense since the penalty is life imprisonment to death. have to DISMISS the case.

In the case for illegal possession heard by RTC Branch The first argument raised by the respondent police
6, two months lapsed, the public prosecutor failed to officers has no merit. Article 125 applies even to
present any witness for five hearings, even if there was violations of SPL. Under said article, 12 hours for crimes
a subpoena, no one would attend. Consequently, the punishable by light penalties or their equivalent; 18 hours
judge dismissed the case. There was a provisional for crimes punishable by correctional penalties or their
dismissal of the case, and with that comes an order of equivalent; or 36 hours for crimes punishable by capital
release. punishment or afflictive penalties or their equivalent. The
phrase “or their equivalent” means their equivalent period
The BJMP warden received the order of release of time in case of violations of SPL.
coming from the judge of RTC Branch 6. He read it.
However, he just placed it inside his pocket, and he did However, the second argument raised by the
not release X. Is the BJMP warden liable under Article respondent police officers has merit. During the period
126 for arbitrary detention? of time — Saturday night, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday
— when the courts were closed and the Office of the Public
A: The BJMP warden is NOT liable. Although there is a Prosecutor was closed, the 12, 18, and 36 hours did not
judicial order coming from the RTC Branch 6 that X be run. The said prescriptive periods would not run during
released, the said BJMP warden has a valid ground, a those time that the courts were closed to receive the
legal ground, for not releasing X. complaint, the Information, against the respondent, the
accused. Since the said courts were open only on
At that time, X was still being detained for illegal sale of Wednesday, the said arresting officers filed the complaint
dangerous drugs, a non-bailable offense, being heard within the proper period of time because that time did not
under the RTC Branch 12. Therefore, since he is a reason run during Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.
for not complying with the said judicial order, he cannot be Therefore, the case should be dismissed.
held liable under Article 126.
Q: X was arrested and was found in possession of a 412 SCRA 512 | 01 October 2003
low caliber pistol. He was brought to the PNP station
and was investigated. A complaint was prepared but it In the case of Astorga v. People, when you say “detention”,
was a Saturday evening, and so he was placed behind it is necessary that the offended party must be detained,
bars. The following day, Sunday, they still could not incarcerated. However, the Supreme Court said, in lieu of
file a case even if they wanted to since the courts are actual restraint on the person of the said offended
closed, the fiscal’s office is closed. On Monday, it was party, on the liberty of the said party, arbitrary detention
closed because it was a special non-working holiday. would only apply if there is fear on the part of the said
On Tuesday, the signal no. 3 storm on Monday became

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offended party; if there was fear imposed by the accused
on the part of the said offended party. The offender in the violation of domicile is a public officer
or employee acting under color of authority.
In this case, SC said there was none. The DENR officers
said that they could go around the public place; they were A public officer or employee is said to be acting under color
unafraid. Since they lack fear, it cannot be said that the act of authority if he has been vested with the authority to
is arbitrary detention. Hence, in the second resolution, the implement a search warrant, but when he entered in the
Supreme Court, after convicting Mayor Astorga, acquitted said dwelling, he is not armed with a judicial order or
him. search warrant. Therefore, he was acting under color of
Different modes of violation of domicile:
Article 127. Expulsion. - The penalty of prision
correccional shall be imposed upon any public officer or I. By entering any dwelling against the will of the
employee who, not being thereunto authorized by law, owner thereof; or
shall expel any person from the Philippine Islands or shall
compel such person to change his residence. There must a prohibition, an opposition from entering. It
can either be an implied or expressed opposition from
Elements of Expulsion entering.

1. Offender is a public officer or employee; Implied opposition – the door is closed, although it is not
2. The public officer or employee acts either: locked. It can be said that the owner is saying that “No one
a. By expelling a person from the can enter my house”
Philippines; or
b. By compelling a person to change his Expressed prohibition – when the owner is inside the
residence house and the officer knocks upon the door and upon
3. Offender is not authorized to do so by law. seeing the officer, the owner closes the door. If there are
sayings – “Do not enter”, “No entry”.
II. By searching papers or other effects found
Article 128. Violation of domicile. - The penalty of prision therein without the previous consent of the
correccional in its minimum period shall be imposed upon owner; or
any public officer or employee who, not being authorized
by judicial order, shall enter any dwelling against the will of III. By refusing to leave the premises, after having
the owner thereof, search papers or other effects found surreptitiously entered the dwelling.
therein without the previous consent of such owner, or
having surreptitiously entered said dwelling, and being Surreptitious entering means entering the dwelling secretly
required to leave the premises, shall refuse to do so. or candidly. Therefore, it is important that he must refuse
to leave after being discovered and asked to leave in order
If the offense be committed in the night-time, or if any to amount to violation of domicile.
papers or effects not constituting evidence of a crime be
not returned immediately after the search made by the QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES
offender, the penalty shall be prision correccional in its
medium and maximum periods. 1. Nighttime; or
2. If any papers or effects seized were not immediately
Elements of Violation of Domicile returned to the owner.

1. Offender is a public officer or employee; GEROCHE v. PEOPLE

2. He was not authorized by a judicial order to enter the G.R. No. 179080 | November 26, 2014
dwelling and/or make a search therein for papers or
other effects; and FACTS: Petitioners Edigardo Geroche, Roberto Garde
3. He either: and Generoso Marfil alias "Tapol" were charged with the
a. Enters the dwelling of another against the crime of Violation of Domicile under Article 128 of the
will of the latter; or Revised Penal Code (RPC). One evening in the province
b. Searching for papers or other effects of Cotabato, the three accused, being a Barangay Captain
found therein without the consent of the and the rest being CAFGUs, hence, persons in authority,
owner; or without proper judicial order, entered the house of Roberto
c. After having surreptitiously entered the Mallo by forcibly breaking the door of said house against
dwelling, being discovered and asked to the will of the occupants thereof, search the effects of the
leave, he refuses to leave. house without the previous consent of the owner and then

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mauled one of the occupants Bariliano Limbag inflicting and they pushed him and proceeded in conducting the
injuries to the latter. search, upon opening a room, they entered and
immediately saw the stolen bicycle, so they called the
ISSUE: WON the petitioners are guilty of the crime of owner and the owner identified it to be as the stolen
Violation of Domicile. bicycle, so the police officers seized the said bicycle
and arrested both the husband and wife, X and Y. They
RULING: YES. The entry was done against the will of the were both charged with the crime of theft. Can the said
offended party. The search was without asking for his bicycle be used as evidence against him? He filed a
consent. The entry was done surreptitiously and they counter-charge against the police officers for violation
refused to leave when asked. Since the said act was of domicile. Are the police officers liable?
committed at night time and the airgun seized which is not
used in the commission of a crime was not immediately A: YES. First element of violation of domicile, they are
returned, the penalty is qualified. public officers, second element they are not armed with a
search warrant, third element – is the entry done against
Q: A police officer was conducting a surveillance in the will of the owner? NO, they were allowed to enter, it
the person of X. X was just new in the place. The police was the X who permitted them to enter and sit. But the
officers took notice that upon his transfer, selling of second act was violated, although they were permitted to
drugs and drug addiction became rampant in the enter police officers were not allowed to conduct a search,
place. So, the police officers got a tip. In the house of when X protested against the search, STILL the police
X, many people were coming in and out. The police officers proceeded in conducting the search, therefore they
officers started conducted surveillance. PO1 W was committed the second act, they searched papers or other
assigned to conduct the surveillance. He dressed in effects found therein WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE
civilian attire. One time, he saw the gate was left OWNER, so there is VIOLATION OF DOMICILE.
opened. He entered. But, the door was closed.
Although the door was closed, he tried to open and he Q: Is the bicycle seized and confiscated allegedly
was successful. He went to the sala, there was silence belonging to the owner admissible as evidence in the
but he could hear voices upstairs. Suddenly, the crime of theft filed against X and Y?
owner came down and shouted “Who are you?”. To
prevent any commotion, W immediately left. Is he A: The bicycle found inside his house CANNOT BE USED
liable for violation of domicile? as evidence against X because it is a product of an illegal
search conducted by the police officers.
A: YES. He is liable for Violation of Domicile under the first
act – by entering any dwelling against the will of the owner ARTICLE 129. SEARCH WARRANTS MALICIOUSLY
He is a public officer. He is not authorized by judicial order
to enter the dwelling of X. He entered the dwelling of X Article 129. Search warrants maliciously obtained and
against the will of the latter. There was an implied abuse in the service of those legally obtained. - In addition
prohibition to enter because the door was closed even if to the liability attaching to the offender for the commission
the gate was opened. When he entered the dwelling of X of any other offense, the penalty of arresto mayor in its
without any search warrant, he becomes liable for violation maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum
of domicile under Article 128. period and a fine not exceeding P1,000 pesos shall be
imposed upon any public officer or employee who shall
Note: procure a search warrant without just cause, or, having
It must be entering against the will of the owner. Entering legally procured the same, shall exceed his authority or
against the will of the owner is not the same as entering use unnecessary severity in executing the same.
without the consent of the owner.
Q: What if X and Y, husband and wife, were watching
I. By procuring a search warrant without just
the television, and there were knocks at the door, so
he opened the door and there were police officers, out
of respect they told him to enter his house and to sit, It is without just cause when it is maliciously procured. It is
but the police officers said they are there to search his maliciously procured when any of the requisites for the
house, so X was shocked, the police officers said that
issuance of a search warrant is absent.
they got a report about a missing bicycle at about 5pm,
and the person who took the bicycle went inside X’s Requisites of a Valid Search Warrant
house and so X asked if they have a search warrant,
but the police officers said they failed to get a search
1. It is required that it is for one specific offense;
warrant, so X said then without such they cannot
2. There must be probable cause;
conduct a search, but the police officers did not listen

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3. The said probable cause was determined by the ARTICLE 130. SEARCHING DOMICILE WITHOUT
issuing judge personally through searching WITNESSES
questions and answers in writing, under oath or
affirmation as the testimony given by applicant of Article 130. Searching domicile without witnesses. - The
the said search warrant or any witnesses he may penalty of arresto mayor in its medium and maximum
produce; periods shall be imposed upon a public officer or employee
4. The applicant of the search warrant and his who, in cases where a search is proper, shall search the
witnesses must testify only as to facts personally domicile, papers or other belongings of any person, in the
known to them; and absence of the latter, any member of his family, or in their
5. The said search warrant must specifically state the default, without the presence of two witnesses residing in
place to be searched and the thing to be seized. the same locality.

If any of these requisites is wanting, then the said search Committed by conducting a search in the absence of the
warrant is illegally procured. It is procured without just owner of the house, or any member of his family, or two
cause. A search conducted by virtue of a search warrant witnesses residing in the same locality.
illegally procured without just cause is akin to a search
without a search warrant. Elements of Searching Domicile without Witnesses

II. By exceeding his authority under the search 1. Offender is a public officer or employee;
warrant 2. He is armed with a search warrant legally
The public officer is said to have exceeded his 3. He searches the domicile, papers, or other
authority in the search warrant when despite the belongings of any person; and
discrepancy or the variance between the facts alleged in 4. The owner or any member of his family or two
the search warrant and the actual facts on the place to be witnesses residing in the same locality are not
searched, the peace officer still proceeded with the search. present.

The Supreme Court said that a search warrant is always Hierarchy of witness
specifically worded because the officers serving the search
warrant are not allowed to exercise discretion. They must 1. Owner
follow what is stated in the search warrant – the things to 2. Any member of his family
be seized, the place to be searched, the time of the search. 3. Two witnesses residing in the same locality
There must be no deviation.
Q: The search warrant states, “People of the
Note: Philippines v. Cong. Arnie Teves for violation of RA
A search warrant is valid only for a period of 10 days 10591 Illegal Possession of Loose Firearms. The
from the date of its issuance appearing on the search undersigned here, by order, mandates peace officers
warrant. to seize and confiscate in the house of Cong. Teves
located in etc. etc. the following arms and
A search warrant may only be conducted at daytime. It ammunitions.”
may only be implemented at daytime.
The police officers went to his house, but Teves was
XPN: When there is a specific order in the search warrant not there. They raided the houses armed with a search
stating that it can be conducted at any time of the day or warrant issued by the court. They took pistols,
night. Absence of such order in the said search warrant, a firearms, high-powered firearms, high caliber pistols.
search warrant can only be implemented at daytime. When they opened the cabinet, they saw P70M cash.
They took all the arm alites, all the firearms, all the
III. By using excessive severity in executing a pistols, and they also took the P70M cash. These
search warrant legally procured police officers inventoried the firearms seized.
However, they could not arrest Teves because he was
The public officer is said to have employed excessive not there.
severity in the implementation of the search warrant when
in the conduct of search, they deliberately caused damage In case Teves arrives, files a complaint for violation of
on the property, they deliberately caused harm or injury to domicile under Art. 129, can the police officers be held
any person in the conduct of the said search. liable?

XPN: Under the Rules of Court, the police officers are A: YES, they are liable for Art. 129 violation of domicile
allowed to break door or window if at the time they will under the second act. The police officers exceeded their
conduct the search, they are not allowed entry. authority when they took the cash. They have no authority
to take the cash even if it is a product of the crime because

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it was not part of the search warrant. The search warrant
against Cong. Teves is for violation of RA 10591 Illegal If according to the helper, X only arrives late at night, STILL
Possession of Loose Firearms, and cash is not a part of they should not have proceeded with the search, instead
ammunitions and firearms. they should go back to the courts and file a motion to
AMEND the said search warrant, then the Court will now
Q: A search warrant is issued, “People of the amend it and state that the search can already be
Philippines v. X for illegal possession of dangerous conducted anytime of the day or night. But without that,
drugs. The police officers are hereby commanded to they cannot serve the search warrant at night.
search the house of X, and to seize and confiscate
dangerous drugs (shabu) as well as drug The police officers are also liable of violation of domicile
paraphernalia and other things involving dangerous under Article 130.
Article 130 provides for a hierarchy of witnesses who must
The police officers went to the place of X around 5:00 be present in the conduct of the search. The law says it
in the afternoon. They know that X sells drugs secretly must be witnessed by the owner of the house, it is only in
using his motorcycle. When they looked at the yard, the absence of the owner of the house that it must be
the motorcycle was not there. So, they knew that X was witnessed by any member of his family. It is only in the
not yet in the house. In order to be sure, they inquired absence of the owner of the house or any member of his
from the helper, “Is X already in?” The helper said, family that there must be 2 witnesses residing from the
“Sir, wala pa po eh.” They asked what time does he same locality.
arrive home and the helper responded that X arrives
around 7:00 PM. So, the officers waited. In the problem, the owner of the house was there, but he
was not allowed to witness the said search. Therefore, the
Past 8:00 PM, a motorcycle arrived. They moment X said search was conducted in violation of Art. 130 and any
parks his motorcycle inside his residence, the police evidence confiscated will be inadmissible against the
officers immediately told X, “You are under arrest. owner of the house for being fruits of poisonous tree under
There is a search warrant.” He was immediately placed the exclusionary rule in Political Law or Remedial Law.
in handcuffs and thereafter, they brought him inside
While he was inside the house, he was told to sit down.
The police officer asked, “You read this search Article 131. Prohibition, interruption and dissolution of
warrant? Where is your room? We are going to peaceful meetings. - The penalty of prision correccional in
conduct a search in your house.” So, X brought the its minimum period shall be imposed upon any public
police officer to his room. Aside from the helper, he officer or employee who, without legal ground, shall
lives alone in the said house. prohibit or interrupt the holding of a peaceful meeting, or
shall dissolve the same.
After the police officer had been shown of the house,
they brought back X to the door and was told to sit. X The same penalty shall be imposed upon a public officer
was being guarded by another police officer. He was or employee who shall hinder any person from joining any
further told to stay there as they will conduct a search lawful association or from attending any of its meetings.
on his house. The search was witnessed by the The same penalty shall be imposed upon any public officer
barangay chairman. They found a bag which contains or employee who shall prohibit or hinder any person from
10-12 plastic sachets of shabu. The same was addressing, either alone or together with others, any
inventoried and X was arrested. They filed a case petition to the authorities for the correction of abuses or
against X for violation of RA 9165. redress of grievances.

The counsel of X, his brother, filed a countercharge Elements of Prohibition, Interruption, and Dissolution
against the police officers for violation of domicile of Peaceful Meetings
under Arts. 129 and 130.
1. The offender is a public officer or employee;
A: The police officers are liable of violation of domicile
under Art. 129 because they exceeded the authority in the 2. The offender committed any of the following acts:
search warrant, if there is no express statement in the
search warrant that it can be conducted at ANY TIME OF a. By prohibiting or by interrupting,
THE DAY OR NIGHT, then it can only be served at DAY dissolving, without legal ground, the
TIME. In this case, they served it at past 8:00 in the holding of a peaceful meeting, or by
evening. Therefore, they EXCEEDED THE AUTHORITY in dissolving the same.
the search warrant, they violated the second act under Art.

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b. By hindering any person from joining any not constitute a separate and distinct charge. Rather, it is
lawful association or from attending any of considered as an aggravating or qualifying circumstance
its meetings. which would mean an imposition of a higher penalty.

c. By prohibiting or hindering any person ARTICLE 133. OFFENDING THE RELIGIOUS

from addressing, either alone or together FEELINGS
with others, any petition to the authorities
for the correction of abuses or redress of Article 133. Offending the religious feelings. - The penalty
grievances. of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision
correccional in its minimum period shall be imposed upon
For the crime to arise, it is necessary that the meeting that anyone who, in a place devoted to religious worship or
was prevented, interrupted or dissolved must be a during the celebration of any religious ceremony shall
peaceful meeting and it must be for any lawful perform acts notoriously offensive to the feelings of the
purpose. If the meeting is not a peaceful meeting or if the faithful.
meeting is not for lawful purpose, a public officer or
employee has all the rights to prevent, interrupt or dissolve Elements of Offending the Religious Feelings
the said meeting.
1. Committed by a public officer or employee or a
Permits private individual.
2. That the acts must be notoriously offensive to the
This is in the exercise of the freedom of speech, freedom feelings of the faithful.
of expression and freedom of assembly. However, these 3 3. The said offender performs acts:
freedoms are not absolute. The Supreme Court has a. in a place devoted to religious worship, or
enjoined the power of the State to regulate these meetings b. during the celebration of any religious
through permits. ceremony.

Before any of these peaceful meetings for a lawful purpose First element. The first element provides for the offender.
may be held in a public place, there must be a permit The offender may be a public officer or employee or a
coming from the local authority of the place. The permit is private individual. This is the only crime under Title Two
only to regulate the said meeting and not to prohibit it. where the offender can be a private individual. From Article
Regulate as to the time, place and to the date, so that the 124 to Article 132 under Title Two, the offender can ONLY
public would not be in inconvenience. be a public officer or employee. The only exception is
Article 133, offending the religious feelings wherein the
ARTICLE 132. INTERRUPTION OF RELIGIOUS offender can either be a public officer or employee or a
WORSHIP. private individual. The reason is, whoever may be the
offender, a public officer or employee or a private
Article 132. Interruption of religious worship. - The penalty individual, there will be the same offense made on the
of prision correccional in its minimum period shall be feelings of the faithful.
imposed upon any public officer or employee who shall
prevent or disturb the ceremonies or manifestations of any Second element. Acts notoriously offensive to the
religion. feelings of the faithful are those acts directed against their
If the crime shall have been committed with violence or dogma, ritual, faith of the religion, or mocks, ridicule, or
threats, the penalty shall be prision correccional in its scoffs of the said dogma, ritual, faith or he attempts to
medium and maximum periods. damage the object of veneration of a certain religion. The
law says “notoriously offensive.” According to Reyes, it
Elements of Interruption of Religious Worship means that it is offensive to all kinds of religion. If the same
thing would be done to any religion, they will also be
1. This is committed by an offender who is again a offended.
public officer or employee.
2. There is a religious ceremony or manifestations of CELDRAN v. PEOPLE
any religion that is about to take place or are going G.R. No. 220127 | 21 March 2018
3. That the offender prevents or disturbs the said FACTS: During the celebration of the second anniversary
religious worship or religious ceremony. of the May They Be One Campaign and the launching of
the Hand Written Bible which coincided with the feast of St.
QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCE Jerome, dignitaries of the catholic church and those of
different religion gathered in Manila Cathedral.
If the offender makes use of violence or threats in
committing the crime, such use of violence or threats would

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While Brother Tirona was reading a passage from the
Bible, Celdran, in black suit and a hat, went to the center
of the aisle and in front of the altar suddenly brought out
and raised a placard with the word “DAMASO.” Commotion
ensued when Celdran started shouting while inside the
church disrupting the celebration.

HELD: Offending the Religious Feelings under Art. 133

First, the issue of whether the act complained of is

offensive to the religious feelings of the Catholics, is a
question of fact which must be judged only according to the
feelings of the Catholics and not those of other faithful
ones, for it is possible that certain acts may offend the
feelings of those who profess a certain religion, while not
otherwise offensive to the feelings of those professing
another faith.

Second, the acts of Celdran were meant to mock, insult,

and ridicule those clergy whose beliefs and principles were
opposed to his own.

Celdran filed a motion for reconsideration arguing that Art.

133 must be declared unconstitutional on the ground of
overbreadth or vagueness. It was argued that the terms
“notoriously offensive” and “religious feelings” are vague.

SC: First, Art. 133 cannot be subjected to facial invalidation

because it does not encroach on the freedom of
expression as it does not regulate speech. There is nothing
in the provision which imposes criminal liability on anyone
who wishes to express dissent on another religious group.
Second, the terms “notoriously offensive” and “religious
feelings” are not vague as these are words commonly
used. Also, jurisprudence provides for examples of acts
which are considered notoriously offensive to the religious
feelings. Moreover, the act of Celdran in purposely
dressing in Jose Rizal costume while raising a placard and
disrupting the celebration attended by the dignitaries of the
catholic church, among others, evinces his intent to cause
dishonor or offend the church.

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They commit a swift attack accompanied by violence,
intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth, directed against the
duly constituted authorities of the Republic of the
CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC ORDER Philippines, or any military camp or installation,
communications network, public utilities or other facilities
CHAPTER ONE: which are needed for the exercise and continued
REBELLION, SEDITION AND DISLOYALTY possession of powers, carried out singly or simultaneously
anywhere in the Philippines for the purpose of seizing or
ARTICLE 134. REBELLION OR INSURRECTION diminishing state power.

Article 134. Rebellion or insurrection; How committed. - Elements of Coup d’etat (Art. 134-A)
The crime of rebellion or insurrection is committed by rising
publicly and taking arms against the Government for the 1. That the offender is a person or persons belonging
purpose of removing from the allegiance to said to the military or police or holding any public office
Government or its laws, the territory of the Philippine or employment;
Islands or any part thereof, of any body of land, naval or
other armed forces, depriving the Chief Executive or the 2. That it is committed by means of a swift attack
Legislature, wholly or partially, of any of their powers or accompanied by violence, intimidation, threat,
prerogatives. (As amended by R.A. 6968) strategy or stealth;
3. That the attack is directed against:
Elements of Rebellion (Art. 134)
a. duly constituted authorities of the Republic
1. That there be – of the Philippines,
a. Public uprising and
b. Taking up of arms; b. or any military camp or installation,
c. communication networks,
2. The purpose of the public uprising or movement is
to attain any of the following – d. public utilities, or

a. To remove from the allegiance to the e. other facilities needed for the exercise and
Philippine Government or its laws – continued possession of power;
i. The territory of the Philippines or 4. That the purpose of the attack is to seize or
any part thereof; or
diminish state power.
ii. Any body of land, naval or other
armed forces; or Distinctions between Rebellion (Art. 134) and Coup
d’etat (Art. 134-A)
b. To deprive the Chief Executive or
Congress wholly or partially, of any of their
powers or prerogatives.
ARTICLE 134-A. COUP D’ETAT The gravamen of rebellion The gravamen or the
is an armed public essence is a swift attack
uprising. directed against the duly
Article 134-A. Coup d'etat; How committed. - The crime of
constituted authorities of
coup d'etat is a swift attack accompanied by violence,
The public uprising is the Philippines.
intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth, directed against
always coupled with taking
duly constituted authorities of the Republic of the
up of arms against the
Philippines, or any military camp or installation,
communications network, public utilities or other facilities
Presence of civilian support
needed for the exercise and continued possession of
power, singly or simultaneously carried out anywhere in Rebellion is a crime of the Coup d’etat is only
masses. committed by members of
the Philippines by any person or persons, belonging to the
the military, the police or
military or police or holding any public office of employment
with or without civilian support or participation for the It involves a multitude of any public officer or
purpose of seizing or diminishing state power. (As people. It involves the employee, with or without
public, the civilians. civilian support.
amended by R.A. 6968)
Support of the public or
Coup d’etat is committed when the offenders are members
civilians are not necessary
of the military or police, or those holding any public office
in case of coup d’etat.
or employment, with or without civilian support.

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The purpose is to The purpose is to diminish There must be evidence presented in court that the
overthrow the government state powers. commission of these common crimes are indeed
and to replace it with the necessary to promote the ideals of the said rebels.
government of the rebels.
Means of commission Otherwise, the commission of these common crimes will
Since the purpose of Coup d’etat may be constitute a separate and distinct charge and will not be
rebellion is to overthrow committed not only by absorbed by rebellion or by coup d’etat.
the government, it is means of force and
always carried out by violence, but also by OCAMPO v. ABANDO
means of force and means of intimidation, G.R. No. 176830 | 11 February 2014
violence. threat, strategy or stealth.
FACTS: A mass grave was discovered by some members
THEORY OF ABSORPTION of the Philippine Army in Leyte. When they saw the mass
grave, it contained skeletal remains of individuals. The
AFP believed that these individuals were said to be victims
by the CPP/NPA/NDFP to purge their ranks of suspected
There is a theory of absorption in rebellion or coup d’etat,
military informers – they killed these alleged to be
also otherwise known as the political offense doctrine.
informers in favor of the government.
Under the political offense doctrine, "common crimes,
Because of this, fifteen (15) counts of murder were filed
perpetrated in furtherance of a political offense, are
against fifty-four (54) members of the CPP/NPA/NDFP,
divested of their character as "common" offenses and
which included Saturnino Ocampo, et al.
assume the political complexion of the main crime of which
they are mere ingredients, and, consequently, cannot be
At that time, Ocampo and other members of the
punished separately from the principal offense, or
CPP/NPA/NDFP were already facing a case of rebellion
complexed with the same, to justify the imposition of a
before the RTC of Makati. And so, when they learned that
graver penalty."
there was this case of 15 counts of murder filed against
them, they moved that under the political offense doctrine,
Any ordinary act assumes a different nature by being
these alleged common crimes of murder should already be
absorbed in the crime of rebellion. Thus, when a killing is
absorbed by the crime of rebellion that they are currently
committed in furtherance of rebellion, the killing is not
facing at the RTC of Makati.
homicide or murder. Rather, the killing assumes the
political complexion of rebellion as its mere ingredient and
Therefore, they moved that these murder charges filed
must be prosecuted and punished as rebellion alone.
against them be dismissed because it should already be
(Ocampo v. Abando, G.R. No. 176830, 11 Feb. 2014)
absorbed by the so-called political offense doctrine.
The so-called theory of absorption in crimes of rebellion or
Should these 15 counts of murder be dismissed as
in crimes of coup d’etat provides that if common crimes are
they are simply absorbed by the crime of rebellion
committed incident to or in furtherance of the crime of
being faced by Ocampo, et al.?
rebellion or coup d’etat, these common crimes will simply
be absorbed by the said crime of rebellion or coup d’etat.
HELD: NO. The Supreme Court, in the said case, said that
under the political offense doctrine, common crimes,
Common crimes like murder, homicide, physical injuries,
perpetrated in furtherance of the political offense of
burning of houses or arson – if these are committed in
rebellion or the political offense of coup d’etat are divested
furtherance of, incident to, or in connection with the act of
of their character as "common" crimes and they assume
rebellion or in connection with the act of coup d’etat, they
the political complexion of the main crime which is rebellion
will not constitute a separate and distinct charge.
or coup d’etat.
They will simply be absorbed by the crime of rebellion or
These common crimes cannot be punished separately
coup d’etat under the so-called theory of absorption in
from the principal offense, neither can they be complexed.
rebellion and coup d’etat.
According to the Supreme Court, the moment these killings
Necessity for evidence that common crimes were
are committed in furtherance of rebellion, then the killing
committed in furtherance of rebellion or coup d’etat
will not be homicide or murder – they will simply be
absorbed by the crime of rebellion under the political
Before the theory of absorption in rebellion and coup d’etat
offense doctrine because they are merely ingredients in
however, may lie and absorb these common crimes, it is
the commission of the crime of rebellion.
necessary that there must be evidence showing in what
way the commission of these common crimes has fostered
However, the Supreme Court said that in this case, these
or has promoted the ideals of the rebels.
15 counts of murder cannot be dismissed. They cannot

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simply be absorbed by the crime of rebellion being faced
by Ocampo, et al. When police officer X was already nearing the PNP
station, Y ran at police officer X and repeatedly
The reason is that the crime of rebellion within the stabbed him at the back. He did not stop until police
jurisdiction of the RTC of Makati has not yet even started. officer X was dead. At the time of the stabbing, police
Therefore, no evidence had yet been presented in court to officer X was able to give a loud cry for help. And so,
show in what manner the commission of these fifteen acts other police officers coming from the police station
of killing has promoted the ideals of these rebels. came out and they saw Y stabbing police officer X.
Upon seeing the police, Y immediately ran. The police
Therefore, the Supreme Court said it cannot yet be officers chased him and Y, the said member of the
absorbed. CPP-NPA, was arrested. He was charged with the
crime of murder.
SC: The political offense doctrine is not a ground to
dismiss the charge against petitioners prior to a In his counter-affidavit, Y alleged that if ever he is to
determination by the trial court that the murders were be charged in court, it should not be for the heinous
committed in furtherance of rebellion. crime of murder, rather it should be for the political
offense of rebellion.
[W]hen the political offense doctrine is asserted as a
defense in the trial court, it becomes crucial for the court to According to him: First, he is a member of the NPA.
determine whether the act of killing was done in
furtherance of a political end, and for the political motive of Second, since rebellion is a continuing crime, the fact
the act to be conclusively demonstrated. that the NPA already started a rebellion once, it
The burden of demonstrating political motivation must be
discharged by the defense, since motive is a state of mind Third, he committed the act of killing police officer X in
which only the accused knows. The proof showing political order to promote the ideals of the NPA.
motivation is adduced during trial where the accused is
assured an opportunity to present evidence supporting his How should the public prosecutor resolve the case?
defense. (Ocampo v. Abando, supra.)
A: The public prosecutor should indict Y, the alleged
Prof: In the said case, Justice Leonen concurred that member of the NPA, for the crime of murder and not for
these 15 counts of murder cannot be absorbed but he has the political offense of rebellion. There was yet no showing
a separate concurring opinion. in what manner the said act of killing has ideals of the NPA.

Although he concurred, his reasoning is different. The Supreme Court said mere self-serving statements
According to Justice Leonen, these mass killings are coming from the accused that he is a member of the NPA,
considered as genocide – a crime against international or mere self-serving statements coming from the accused
humanitarian law. According to him, crimes against in his counter-affidavit that he did the act of killing to
international humanitarian law such as genocide can never promote the ideals of the NPA will not suffice.
be absorbed by the crime of rebellion.
There must be additional evidence to show if indeed he is
You cannot kill a mass number of people, you cannot a member of the NPA and if indeed the said act of killing
commit genocide and it will only be absorbed by the was done to promote the ideals of the rebels. Absent this
political offense of rebellion. So, he (J. Leonen) concurred, further evidence, the crime to be charged should be the
however, he has a different reasoning. crime of murder and not the political offense of rebellion.

Q: PO1 X was assigned in a particular town in Quezon, Q: Rebellion and murder both have the same penalty.
which is penetrated by NPAs. PO1 X is on his way to Why would one insist for rebellion instead of murder?
the PNP station. His tour of duty was 7 o’clock of that
morning until 7 o’clock of the next day. He was walking A: This is because if it is a political crime, it is easy to get
towards the PNP station and was already in his out by just applying for amnesty. If it is a political crime, the
uniform. moment there is an amnesty proclamation, they can
immediately apply – it is usually done during Christmas or
While he was walking, he did not notice that in a store any other occasion. They can immediately get out.
which was already open, there was Y, an alleged
member of the NPA, who was drinking a cup of coffee This is unlike if they are convicted of a heinous crime or
alone. The moment PO1 X passed by, Y immediately are being charged of a heinous crime. They cannot avail of
saw PO1 X, who was in his uniform. And so, Y placed the so-called amnesty which is for political offenses.
his cup of coffee down and secretly and slowly
followed PO1 X.

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This is why even if they have just the same penalty, many Q: How is sedition different from rebellion?
would insist that it should be rebellion instead of the crime
of murder. But evidence must first be presented. REBELLION SEDITION
Public uprising
ARTICLE 139. SEDITION Both involve public uprising.
The public uprising must The act of public uprising
Article 139. Sedition; How committed. - The crime of necessarily be coupled by need not be coupled with
sedition is committed by persons who rise publicly and taking up of arms. taking up of arms. It
tumultuously in order to attain by force, intimidation, or by suffices that it is done
other means outside of legal methods, any of the following outside lawful methods or
objects: outside lawful means.
1. To prevent the promulgation or execution of any law or The purpose of rebellion is The purpose can either be
the holding of any popular election; always political in nature – political or social in nature.
2. To prevent the National Government, or any provincial to overthrow the They do not want to put up
or municipal government or any public officer thereof from government. They (the their own government in
freely exercising its or his functions, or prevent the rebels) want to put up a case of sedition but they
execution of any administrative order; government of their own, a wanted to go against a law
3. To inflict any act of hate or revenge upon the person or government of the rebels. to be promulgated; they
property of any public officer or employee; wanted to go against a
4. To commit, for any political or social end, any act of hate public officer or employee.
or revenge against private persons or any social class; and
5. To despoil, for any political or social end, any person, CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT REBELLION, COUP
municipality or province, or the National Government (or D’ETAT AND SEDITION
the Government of the United States), of all its property or
any part thereof. There is such a crime as –

Elements of Sedition (Art. 139) 1. Conspiracy to commit rebellion; (Art. 136)

2. Conspiracy to commit coup d’etat; (Art. 136) and
1. That the offenders rise – 3. Conspiracy to commit sedition. (Art. 141)
a. Publicly and
2. That they employed force, intimidation or any other There is such a crime as –
means outside of legal methods.
3. That they said public uprising is done in order to 1. Proposal to commit rebellion; (Art. 136)
obtain the following purposes – 2. Proposal to commit coup d’etat; (Art. 136) and

a. To prevent the promulgation or execution There is no crime of proposal to commit sedition.

of any law or the holding of any popular Proposal to commit sedition is not a punishable act under
election; the Revised Penal Code.
b. To prevent the National Government, or INCITING TO REBELLION, SEDITION
any provincial or municipal government or
any public officer thereof from freely There is such a crime as –
exercising its or his functions, or prevent
the execution of any administrative order; 1. Inciting to rebellion; (Art. 138) and
c. To inflict any act of hate or revenge upon 2. Inciting to sedition. (Art. 142)
the person or property of any public officer
or employee; There is no such crime as inciting to coup d’etat.
Inciting to coup d’etat is not a punishable act under the
d. To commit, for any political or social end, RPC.
any act of hate or revenge against private
persons or any social class; and ARTICLE 138. INCITING TO REBELLION OR
e. To despoil, for any political or social end,
any person, municipality or province, or
the National Government, of all its Article 138. Inciting to rebellion or insurrection. - The
property or any part thereof. penalty of prision mayor in its minimum period shall be
imposed upon any person who, without taking arms or
being in open hostility against the Government, shall incite
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others to the execution of any of the acts specified in article (Sedition) because he is already a participant in the
134 of this Code, by means of speeches, proclamations, ongoing rebellion or sedition.
writings, emblems, banners or other representations
tending to the same end. (Reinstated by E.O. No. 187) Therefore, in case of inciting to rebellion or inciting to
sedition, the offender is not yet a participant in the said
Elements of Inciting to Rebellion (Art. 138) rebellion or sedition.

1. The offender is not in open hostility or does not Inciting to rebellion is different from proposal to
take up arms against the Government; commit rebellion

2. He incites others in order to publicly uprise for any In case of inciting to rebellion, the act of inducing others to
of the purposes of rebellion to overthrow the publicly uprise for any of the purposes of rebellion is done
government. PUBLICLY (i.e., via speeches, proclamations, writings,
emblems, banners or other representations tending to the
3. The inciting is done by means of speeches, same end).
proclamations, writings, emblems, banners or
other representations tending to the same end. Whereas, in case of proposal to commit rebellion, the act
of inciting or inducing people to commit rebellion is done

Article 142. Inciting to sedition. - The penalty of prision Q: There is an ongoing rebellion. Thousands of people
correccional in its maximum period and a fine not were participating in this public uprising in Metro
exceeding 2,000 pesos shall be imposed upon any person Manila, Cebu, and Davao. There was this public
who, without taking any direct part in the crime of sedition, uprising all over the country. In Metro Manila,
should incite others to the accomplishment of any of the thousands of people participated.
acts which constitute sedition, by means of speeches,
proclamations, writings, emblems, cartoons, banners, or Five truckloads of police officers arrived and police
other representations tending to the same end, or upon officers alighted. Upon coming down from the said
any person or persons who shall utter seditious words or truck, they immediately arrested as many participants
speeches, write, publish, or circulate scurrilous libels as they could in the said ongoing public uprising. They
against the (Government of the United States or the placed handcuffs on each one of them and arrested
Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines) or each one of them.
any of the duly constituted authorities thereof, or which
tend to disturb or obstruct any lawful officer in executing Among those arrested was X. He was placed with
the functions of his office, or which tend to instigate others handcuffs, informed of his constitutional rights and
to cabal and meet together for unlawful purposes, or which was frisked. When X was frisked, the police officer
suggest or incite rebellious conspiracies or riots, or which found a caliber .45 pistol tucked in his waist. It was
lead or tend to stir up the people against the lawful unlicensed, and there was no registration. Because of
authorities or to disturb the peace of the community, the that, aside from the crime of rebellion, X was also
safety and order of the Government, or who shall charged with violation of R.A. No. 10591 (Illegal
knowingly conceal such evil practices. (Reinstated by E.O. Possession of Loose Firearms).
No. 187)
Are the charges correct?
Elements of Inciting to Sedition (Art. 142)
A: The charges are wrong.
1. The offender is not a participant in a sedition;
Q: What is the proper charge?
2. He incites others to publicly uprise for any of the
purposes of sedition; A: The proper charge is only rebellion.

3. The inciting is done by means of speeches, Under Sec. 29, 2nd par. of R.A. No. 10591, the law provides
proclamations, writings, emblems, cartoons, that if the use of a loose firearm is in furtherance of, or
banners, or other representations tending to the incident to, or in connection with the crime of rebellion or
same end. insurrection, or attempted coup d’ etat, they are simply
absorbed by the crime of rebellion or insurrection, or
Whether it is inciting to rebellion or inciting to sedition, the attempted coup d’ etat.
offender must not yet be a participant in a rebellion or in a
sedition. He must not be a participant, because if he is In this case, X was a participant in the said rebellion when
already participating in a rebellion or sedition, then the he was found in possession of the said unlicensed
proper charge is violation of Art. 134 (Rebellion) or Art. 139 firearms. Since rebellion is a crime committed by taking up

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of arms, then it is incident to, in furtherance of, or in CHAPTER TWO: CRIMES AGAINST POPULAR
connection with the crime of rebellion. REPRESENTATION

Therefore, it is simply absorbed. The only case to be filed ARTICLE 143. ACTS TENDING TO PREVENT THE
against X would be rebellion. There is no separate and MEETING OF CONGRESS
distinct charge of violation of R.A. No. 10591 because his
use of a loose firearm shall simply be absorbed by the Article 143. Act tending to prevent the meeting of the
crime of rebellion. Assembly and similar bodies. - The penalty of prision
correccional or a fine ranging from 200 to 2,000 pesos, or
Q: There was a seditious rally ongoing. The protesters both, shall be imposed upon any person who, by force or
applied for a permit, but the City of Manila denied their fraud, prevents the meeting of the National Assembly
application for permit. They were protesting the (Congress of the Philippines) or of any of its committees or
promulgation of a new law. Hundreds of them were subcommittees, constitutional commissions or committees
participating. It was carried out in violence. They were or divisions thereof, or of any provincial board or city or
encouraging people to participate and those who will municipal council or board. (Reinstated by E.O. No. 187).
not, they will box. It was carried out with violence, fear
and intimidation. It was a seditious rally. Elements of Acts Tending to Prevent the Meeting of
the Assembly or Similar Bodies
A truck of police officers arrived and thereafter the
police officers tried to arrest as many participants as 1. There is a meeting of Congress or any of its
they could. One of the participants arrested was X. He committees or subcommittees, constitutional
was handcuffed and recited of his constitutional commissions or committees or divisions thereof, or
rights. Thereafter, he was frisked or bodily searched. of any provincial board or city or municipal council
When he was frisked, the police officers found a or board; and
caliber .45 pistol tucked in his waist. It was unlicensed
and unregistered. 2. The offender by means of force or fraud,
prevented the said meeting.
And so, he was charged with two crimes – violation of
Art. 139, RPC (Sedition) and violation of R.A. No. 10591 The offender can be any person.
(Illegal Possession of Loose Firearms).
Are the charges correct?
Article 144. Disturbance of proceedings. - The penalty
A: The charges are correct. Under Section 29, par. 3 of of arresto mayor or a fine from 200 to 1,000 pesos shall be
RA 10591, the law provides that, if the use of loose imposed upon any person who disturbs the meetings of the
firearms is not in furtherance of, not incident to the National Assembly (Congress of the Philippines) or of any
commission of a crime, then it shall constitute a separate of its committees or subcommittees, constitutional
and independent charge. commissions or committees or divisions thereof, or of any
provincial board or city or municipal council or board, or in
Sedition is committed without use of firearms. There is no the presence of any such bodies should behave in such
requisite in the elements that it be coupled with taking up manner as to interrupt its proceedings or to impair the
of arms. Therefore, the fact that X was found in possession respect due it. (Reinstated by E.O. No. 187)
of unlicensed firearm shall constitute a separate and
distinct charge. It is not absorbed because under Section Elements of Disturbance of Proceedings
29, par 2. of RA 10591, the law provides that, only two
crimes can absorb the use of unlicensed firearm, that is, 1. There is a meeting of Congress or of any of its
rebellion or insurrection and attempted coup d’état. committees or subcommittees, constitutional
Sedition has been removed. Although under the old law on commissions or committees or divisions thereof, or
firearms, PD 1866 as amended by RA 8294, sedition of any provincial board or city or municipal council
absorbs illegal use of firearms, under this new law, RA or board; and
10591, sedition has already been erased, deleted, as
among the crimes that will absorb illegal possession of 2. The offender either:
loose firearms.
a. disturbs any of such proceedings; or
Therefore, since X, aside from participating in the said b. behaves while in the presence of any such
seditious rally, was found in possession of an unlicensed bodies in such manner as to interrupt its
pistol, he shall be charged separate and distinct for proceedings or to impair the respect due
violation of RA 10591. it.

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Q: During the height of the pandemic, Congress, Article 145. Violation of parliamentary immunity. - The
particularly the Senate, still work although they no penalty of prision mayor shall be imposed upon any person
longer went to the Senate Hall. They conduct their who shall use force, intimidation, threats, or fraud to
committee hearings online. prevent any member of the National Assembly (Congress
of the Philippines) from attending the meetings of the
During a hearing, it was the Committee on Assembly (Congress) or of any of its committees or
Appropriations, it was the budget of a department of subcommittees, constitutional commissions or committees
an office attached to the President. When the said or divisions thereof, from expressing his opinions or
budget was being discussed, aside from the members casting his vote; and the penalty of prision correccional
of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, there was shall be imposed upon any public officer or employee who
also the head of office of the said office attached shall, while the Assembly (Congress) is in regular or
(Communications Office) to the office of the President. special session, arrest or search any member thereof,
They were discussing the budget. except in case such member has committed a crime
punishable under this Code by a penalty higher than
The Senate Committee Chair noticed that the head of prision mayor.
office, W, was standing up, sitting, and roaming
around until he received a note. The note came from TWO ACTS PUNISHED:
the Sergeant at Arms stating that, “Sir, it seems that
on top of the table of Chairman W is a bottle of wine I. Any person who, by means of force,
and a glass, and it seems that he has been drinking intimidation, threats, or fraud or any other
that’s why he is behaving that way.” So, the Senate means, prevents any member of Congress
Committee Chair inquired from Chairman W, “Are you from attending its meeting, from expressing
drunk? Is that a bottle of wine on top of your table?” his opinions, or casting his vote.
Then, Chairman W denied it. However, the way he
answered showed that he was drunk. Because of that, The offender can be any person.
the Senate Committee Chairman on Appropriations
dismissed the meeting. They said, “We will cite you in II. Any public officer or employee who shall, while
contempt!” the Congress is in regular or special session,
arrest or search any member thereof who has
Aside from citing him in contempt, can he be charged committed a crime punishable by a penalty not
criminally? Can he be charged of any crime? higher than prision mayor.

A: He can be charged for violation of Article 144 This can only be committed by public officer or employee.
Disturbance of Proceedings. Disturbance of The said public officer or employee arrests a member of
Proceedings is committed when there is a meeting of the Congress while the Congress is in regular or special
Congress or any of its committees or subcommittees, session when such member has committed a crime which
constitutional commissions or committees or divisions carries a penalty not higher than prision mayor.
thereof, or of any provincial board or city or municipal
council or board, and the offender disturbed the said So, if a crime committed by the said member of Congress
proceedings by behaving in such a manner as to interrupt is higher than prision mayor, anytime he can be arrested
the said proceedings or to impair the respect due it. or searched without the arresting or searching officers
violating Article 145.
In this case, this man, he was the head of office and what
is being taken up during the said committee hearing was If the crime charged against the said member of the
the budget of his office, yet he was there, behaving in such Congress carries a penalty not higher than prision mayor,
a manner as to disturb the said proceedings. Because of any peace officer arresting or searching him will become
that, the Committee Chair dismissed the said committee liable for Violation of Parliamentary Immunity. According to
hearing for that day. the Supreme Court, it will be a disturbance of the functions
of the members of the Congress who had been voted by
Note: the Filipino people. So, if the crime allegedly committed
This is almost a dead provision. I do not know of anyone does not carry a penalty higher than prision mayor, they
having been charged although there were many cannot be arrested or searched while in the performance
disturbances in the Congress. They will only cite him in of their functions.
contempt. But theoretically, for purposes of the bar
exam, he can be charged criminally for violation of Article Q: Based on the evidence, Congressman X was
144 Disturbance of Proceedings. engaged in manufacture of dangerous drugs. The
police conducted a surveillance on the house of
ARTICLE 145. VIOLATION OF PARLIAMENTARY Congressman X. Indeed, that house was being used
IMMUNITY for manufacture of dangerous drugs and said
Congressman is engaged in drug trafficking, drug

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peddling, and drug pushing. They have sufficient police officers from arresting Congressman X. The
evidence for that. Speaker of the House said, “You cannot do this! He is
inside the halls of Congress. Get out!” However, the
These police officers applied for a search warrant. The police officers, plenty of them, prevailed. They served
RTC Judge granted the search warrant. Congress was the warrant of arrest to Congressman X and thereafter,
in session. The police officers raided the said house of brought him to the police station for investigation and
Congressman X armed with a search warrant issued placed him behind bars until he posted bail.
by the RTC Judge.
Are the police officers liable for Violation of
Are they liable for Violation of Parliamentary Parliamentary Immunity?
A: YES. The penalty for homicide is reclusion temporal. If
A: NO. The crime for manufacture of dangerous drugs it is attempted, the maximum penalty is prision
carries a penalty higher than prision mayor, it is life correccional. It is not higher than prision mayor. Therefore,
imprisonment to death. Therefore, anytime, if there is a the moment they served the warrant of arrest when
search warrant, his house can be searched without the Congress was in its regular or special session, they
police officers committing Violation of Parliamentary committed a violation of Article 145.
Q: Senator X had a fight with his wife. In the course of ASSOCIATIONS
the fight, Senator X stabbed his wife. He brought the
wife to the hospital but a day thereafter, the wife died. ARTICLE 146. ILLEGAL ASSEMBLY
A case of Parricide was filed against Senator X. The
fiscal found probable cause and a case was filed Article 146. Illegal assemblies. - The penalty of prision
before the court. The RTC Judge found probable cause correccional in its maximum period to prision mayor in its
and issued the warrant of arrest. Armed with a warrant medium period shall be imposed upon the organizers or
of arrest, the police officers went to the Halls of the leaders of any meeting attended by armed persons for the
Senate and served the warrant of arrest to Senator X. purpose of committing any of the crimes punishable under
He was handcuffed and brought to the PNP Station for this Code, or of any meeting in which the audience is
investigation. Thereafter, the filing of the charges incited to the commission of the crime of treason, rebellion
against him. Are the arresting peace officers liable for or insurrection, sedition or assault upon a person in
Violation of Parliamentary Immunity? authority or his agents. Persons merely present at such
meeting shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor, unless
A: NO. Although at the time of the arrest, Congress was in they are armed, in which case the penalty shall be prision
its regular session and he was arrested inside the Halls of correccional.
the Senate, the peace officers are not liable for Violation of
Parliamentary Immunity because Parricide carries a If any person present at the meeting carries an unlicensed
penalty higher than prision mayor. The penalty for firearm, it shall be presumed that the purpose of said
Parricide is reclusion perpetua to death. Therefore, meeting, insofar as he is concerned, is to commit acts
anytime, the said senator may be arrested without the punishable under this Code, and he shall be considered a
peace officers committing violation of Article 145. leader or organizer of the meeting within the purview of the
preceding paragraph.
Q: Congressman X, while he was doing his duty,
giving aid to his people, was suddenly hit by a man, As used in this article, the word "meeting" shall be
one of his constituents. The constituent said, “You understood to include a gathering or group, whether in a
failed in your promise. I voted for you, but you failed in fixed place or moving. (Reinstated by E.O. No. 187).
your promise! You said that you were going to build a
school in this area through your CDF. But none!” Then TWO KINDS OF ILLEGAL ASSEMBLY:
he started calling Congressman X names like liars,
cheaters, etc. The congressman was very mad. So, the I. Any meeting attended by armed persons for
congressman pulled out his pistol and fired a shot at the purpose of committing any of the crimes
the said man. The latter was hit near the chest. He was punishable under the RPC.
brought to the hospital. The doctor said that it was a
shallow wound, a non-fatal wound. Elements of the First Mode

Congressman X was charged with a crime of 1. There is meeting, a gathering or group of persons,
attempted homicide. A warrant of arrest was issued by whether in fixed place or moving;
the court. The police officers served the warrant of
arrest to Congressman X while he was in the halls of 2. The meeting was attended by armed persons; and
Congress. The Speaker of the House prevented the

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3. The purpose of the meeting is to commit any of the
crimes punishable under the Revised Penal Code. Q: Ten (10) people met in a secluded restaurant. They
were inside a private room. They have this secret
The law requires that this meeting be attended by armed meeting. These ten people were members of fraternity.
persons. When the law requires that the meeting be In the said meeting, they were discussing the ways
attended by armed persons, the law does not mean that all and means to kill W, the head of their opposing
those in attendance be armed. It suffices that any of them fraternity. They said that W has to be killed. The ten
be armed. And when you say arms, the law does not people were all discussing this.
necessarily mean pistol, firearms, or guns. It includes any
weapon, anything that can cause injury or violence on When their orders arrived, the waiter serving the said
another person. It could be icepick, lead pipes, knives, orders heard the said discussion. The ten people
bolos. They are within the meaning of arms. didn’t know that this person knew W. The moment the
said waiter left the room, the waiter informed the
The purpose of the said meeting is to commit a felony, a manager what he heard that these ten men belonging
violation of the Revised Penal Code. to a fraternity is agreeing, deciding, conspiring,
conniving to kill W.
II. Any meeting in which the audience, whether
armed or not, is incited to commit treason, W is a frequent customer of the said restaurant. So, the
rebellion or insurrection, sedition, or assault management of the said restaurant immediately gave
upon a person in authority or agents of person the nearest police station a call. The police officers
in authority. arrived after the ten men have come to an agreement
that they are going to kill W – the crime of murder
Elements of the Second Mode punished under the RPC. On their way out, the police
officers were there waiting at the door. They were all
1. There is meeting, a gathering or group of persons, arrested. They were charged with Illegal Assembly.
whether in fixed place or moving; and
Are they liable for Illegal Assembly?
2. The meeting was attended by an audience,
whether the said audience is armed or not; and A: NO. They are not liable for Illegal Assembly.

3. The audience were incited to commit treason, There is a meeting, gathering, or group of persons in a
rebellion or insurrection, sedition, or direct assault. fixed place – in the said restaurant. What is the purpose?
To commit murder, a crime against the RPC. However, the
Under the second mode, there is no requisite that those in second element is absent. Based on the facts of the
attendance or the audience be armed. What is required is problem, none of them is armed. Therefore, Illegal
that the audience in attendance be incited to commit Assembly of the first act will not lie.
treason, rebellion or insurrection, sedition, or direct
assault. There is no requisite that any of them be armed. Illegal Assembly of the second act also will not lie. The
crime that they are about to commit is not treason, rebellion
ARTICLE 147. ILLEGAL ASSOCIATIONS or insurrection, sedition, nor direct assault.

Article 147. Illegal associations. - The penalty of prision Therefore, Illegal Assembly, whether of the first act or the
correccional in its minimum and medium periods and a fine second act, will not lie.
not exceeding 1,000 pesos shall be imposed upon the
founders, directors, and presidents of associations totally Q: What crime, if any, did they commit?
or partially organized for the purpose of committing any of
the crimes punishable under this Code or for some A: They did not commit any crime. Their act of
purpose contrary to public morals. Mere members of said conspiring to commit murder W is a mere preparatory act.
associations shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor. It is not yet an overt act. There is no such crime as
(Reinstated by E.O. No. 187). conspiracy to commit murder because it is not a crime by
itself. Therefore, they did not commit any crime.
Q: What if, in the same problem, when the police
I. Associations totally or partially organized for arrived and each of them were arrested, the police
the purpose of committing any of the crimes noticed that three of the men were armed. Inside the
punishable under the Revised Penal Code. bag that they were holding, on their shoulder, they
found that there was this thing on them – caliber .38
II. Associations totally or partially organized for revolver. All of these were confiscated. They were
the purpose of committing crimes against charged with Illegal Assembly.
public morals.

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Can they be held liable with Illegal Assembly? overthrow the government!” They were incited to commit
rebellion. Hence, it is Illegal Assembly.
A: YES. There is a meeting, gathering, or group of persons
in a fixed place – in the said restaurant. It was attended by Insofar as General W is concerned, he may be charged
armed persons – three of them were armed. Their purpose with Inciting to Commit Rebellion. By means of speech,
was to commit the crime of murder, which is punishable by means of proclamation, he incited the people to publicly
under the RPC. uprise in order to overthrow the present government in
order to commit the purpose of rebellion. Therefore, he
Therefore, all ten men may be charged with the crime of may be charged with Inciting to Rebellion.
Illegal Assembly.

BAR Q: A, B, and C gathered about fifty (50) people in CHAPTER FOUR: ASSAULT UPON, AND
Payatas. Their purpose was to incite these people to RESISTANCE AND DISOBEDIENCE TO, PERSONS IN
rebel against the government. These people were AUTHORITY AND THEIR AGENTS
invited; they did not know yet the purpose, but they
were invited. When they arrived, they were arranging ARTICLE 148. DIRECT ASSAULT
the chairs. The police officers, who got a tip about the
meeting, suddenly arrived. They were all arrested, Article 148. Direct assaults. - Any person or persons who,
together with A, B and C. without a public uprising, shall employ force or intimidation
for the attainment of any of the purpose enumerated in
Are they liable for Illegal Assembly? defining the crimes of rebellion and sedition, or shall attack,
employ force, or seriously intimidate or resist any person
A: NO. They are not liable for Illegal Assembly. in authority or any of his agents, while engaged in the
performance of official duties, or on occasion of such
The first element is immediately absent. There was yet no performance, shall suffer the penalty of prision
meeting, gathering. They were still arranging the chairs in correccional in its medium and maximum periods and a
the said place. You cannot call it a meeting or gathering fine not exceeding P1,000 pesos, when the assault is
already. It has not yet started. committed with a weapon or when the offender is a public
officer or employee, or when the offender lays hands upon
Therefore, the first element is immediately absent. a person in authority. If none of these circumstances be
present, the penalty of prision correccional in its minimum
Q: What if they are already seated? A, B, and C went period and a fine not exceeding P500 pesos shall be
on stage and they, with the use of a microphone, imposed.
introduced General W. General W threw his speech,
incited the people. He narrated all of the negative TWO KINDS OF DIRECT ASSAULT
things about the government. He told the people, “Are
you waiting for more bad things? Let us uprise! Let us I. Without public uprising, by employing FORCE
rebel against this government! Let us put down the or INTIMIDATION for the attainment of any of
government and try a new government led by the the purposes of rebellion and sedition.
military!” All of the people raised their arms, and with
closed fists, said “Yes! Let us publicly uprise! Let us Note:
throw down this government! Let us try a government Purposes of Rebellion:
led by the military!”
1) To remove from the allegiance to the
The police arrived. They were all arrested. What crime Government or its laws:
or crimes may be filed against A, B, C, the fifty people,
and General W? (a) the territory of the Philippines or any part
thereof; or
A: A, B, C and the fifty people can be charged with Illegal
Assembly under the second act. (b) any body of land, naval, or other armed forces;
Since it is Illegal Assembly under the second act, there is
no need to show evidence that any one of them is armed. 2) To deprive the Chief Executive or Congress,
From the mere fact that these fifty people were incited to wholly or partially, of any of their powers or
commit rebellion, the crime of Illegal Assembly is already prerogatives.
Purposes of Sedition:
Were they incited? Yes. They raised their hands in closed
fists, saying “Yes! It is time to rebel, publicly uprise and 1) To PREVENT the promulgation or execution of
any law or the holding of any popular election;

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2. The assault is against a person in authority or an
2) To PREVENT the National Government, or agent of a person in authority;
any provincial or municipal government or any
public officer thereof from freely exercising its 3. At the time of assault, the person in authority or his
or his functions, or PREVENT the execution of agent is engaged in the performance of his official
any administrative order; functions or the assault was on the occasion of
such performance of official functions;
3) To INFLICT any act of hate or revenge upon
the person or property of any public officer or 4. The offender knows him to be a person in authority
employee; or an agent of a person in authority; and

4) To COMMIT, for any political or social end, any 5. There is no public uprising.
act of hate or revenge against private persons
or any social class; First element

5) To DESPOIL, for any political or social end, If the person assaulted or attacked is a person in
any person, municipality, province, or the authority, the force employed and the attacked done need
National Government of all its property or any not be serious in nature for the crime to arise. This is
part thereof. because under Art. 148, the mere act of laying of hands on
a person in authority already gives rise to qualified direct
Elements of the First Form of Direct Assault assault.

1. The offender employs force or intimidation; If the victim is a mere agent of a person in authority, for
direct assault to arise, it is necessary that the force
2. The aim of the offender is to attain any of the employed and the attack done be serious in nature.
purposes of the crime of rebellion or any of the Otherwise, it will only be violation of Art. 151 of the Revised
objects of the crime of sedition; and Penal Code – Resistance and Serious Disobedience.

3. There is no public uprising. Second element

II. Without public uprising, by ATTACKING, by The victim or offended party is a person in authority or his
person in authority or any of his agents, while For purposes of direct assault and indirect assault, the
in the performance of official duties, or on the following are deemed to be persons in authority under
occasion of such performance. Art. 152, first and third paragraph of the Revised Penal
Whether it is direct assault of the first kind or the second
kind, notice that there must be no public uprising. 1. Any person directly vested with jurisdiction,
Therefore, in crimes of rebellion and sedition wherein whether as an individual, or as a member of some
public uprising is an essential element, there can be no court, government-owned or controlled
direct assault because direct assault requires that there be corporation, board or commission;
no public uprising.
2. A barangay chairman or barangay captain;
If the purpose of the offender is to overthrow the
government, or to prevent the promulgation of a law by 3. Teachers, professors, persons charged with
employing force or violence, but there is no public uprising, supervision of public or duly recognized private
the crime committed is direct assault under the first kind. schools, colleges and universities; and

The more popular kind of direct assault is direct assault of 4. Lawyers in the actual performance of their
the second act. professional duties or on the occasion of such
Elements of the Second Form of Direct Assault
Q: How about an agent of persons in authority?
1. The offender
a) Makes an attack; A: It is any person who, by direct provision of the law or by
b) Employs force; election or by appointment by competent authority, is
c) Makes a serious intimidation; or charged with the maintenance of public order and the
d) Makes a serious resistance; protection and security of life and property, such as:

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1. Barrio captain;
2. Barrio councilman; Fifth Element
3. Barrio policeman; or
4. Barangay leader. There must be no public uprising.

Any person who comes to the aid of persons in authority COMPLEX CRIME OF DIRECT ASSAULT
shall be deemed an agent of a person in authority. (Art.
152, par. 2) Whenever direct assault is committed and a felony
resulted, (e.g. the person in authority or agent died, or
Third Element suffered injury, or sustained fatal wounds but survived
because of immediate medical intervention), always
At the time of assault, the person in authority or his agent complex direct assault with the resulting felony.
is either:
1. engaged in the performance of his official
functions; or 1. Direct Assault with Murder;
2. Direct Assault with Homicide;
2. the assault was on the occasion of such 3. Direct Assault with Frustrated Murder;
performance of official functions. 4. Direct Assault with Attempted Homicide;
5. Direct Assault with Serious Physical Injuries;
If at the time of the assault, the person in authority is 6. Direct Assault with Less Serious Physical Injuries.
actually performing his official functions, immediately,
direct assault arises. There is no need to know the motive However, if the resulting felony is only a light felony, like
or the reason. slight physical injuries, do not complex it with direct
assault. There are two reasons:
The mere fact that the person in authority or the agent, a. Under Art. 48, light felonies cannot be complexed.
at the time of the assault, was engaged in the b. In case of direct assault, there will always be the
performance of his official functions immediately gives most minor of injuries. Hence, such will simply be
rise to direct assault. There is defiance or disrespect of absorbed.
lawful authority because he was in the performance of
his official functions. If the resulting felony by reason of the assault on the
person in authority or the agent is only a light injury, like
However, if at the time of the assault, the person in slight physical injuries, it will simply be absorbed by the
authority or his agent is not engaged in the performance of said crime of direct assault.
his official functions, you have to know the motive or the
reason behind the assault: QUALIFIED DIRECT ASSAULT

1. If the motive or the reason behind the assault was The following circumstances will qualify direct assault:
the person in authority or the agent’s past
performance of official functions, direct assault 1. If the assault is done by use of a weapon;
arises. 2. If the assault is committed by a public officer or
2. If the motive or the reason behind the assault has 3. If the offender lays hands upon a person in
nothing to do with the person in authority or the authority.
agent’s past performance of official functions,
direct assault is not committed. The first two qualifying circumstances – if the assault is
done by use of a weapon or the assault is committed by a
The law used the phrase “on occasion of such public officer or employee – will apply regardless of
performance of official duties.” The Supreme Court said whether the victim is a person in authority or a mere agent
that such phrase means that the assault was because of of a person in authority.
or by reason of past performance of his official functions.
The last qualifying circumstance – laying of hands – will
Fourth Element only lie if the victim is a person in authority. Laying of hands
will not qualify direct assault if the victim is a mere agent of
The offender knows him to be a person in authority or an a person in authority.
agent. The essence of the law is defiance of lawful
authority. Therefore, he ought to know that the one he is ARTICLE 149. INDIRECT ASSAULT
assaulting or attacking is a person in authority or an agent

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Article 149. Indirect assaults. - The penalty of prision The secretary went inside the office of the mayor.
correccional in its minimum and medium periods and a fine “Mayor, may gusto kumausap sainyo. Ayaw umalis.
not exceeding P500 pesos shall be imposed upon any May sakit daw yung anak sa hospital. Hihingi ng
person who shall make use of force or intimidation upon tulong.” The mayor told the secretary, “Okay. After five
any person coming to the aid of the authorities or their minutes, let him in.”
agents on occasion of the commission of any of the crimes
defined in the next preceding article. After five minutes, the secretary bought X inside the
office of the mayor. The secretary said, “Mayor, ito po
Elements of Indirect Assault si X. Hihingi raw po ng tulong.” They both shook
hands. The mayor smiled at X, and told him, “Upo ka
1. A person in authority or an agent of a person in muna. Isa na lang itong document, sisign-an ko lang
authority is a victim of direct assault; tapos usap tayo.” The moment X was seated, the
mayor bowed his head to sign the document.
2. Someone came to his aid; and Suddenly, X stood up, he pulled a long knife and
stabbed the mayor repeatedly on the neck and chest.
3. The offender employed force or intimidation upon
such person coming to the aid of the person in The secretary gave a loud cry. There was a
authority or agent of person in authority. commotion. X was arrested, and the mayor was
immediately brought to the nearest hospital. Medical
The crime committed by the offender on the person who intervention was done upon the mayor, and he luckily
came to the aid is indirect assault. survived despite fatal wounds on the neck and chest.

Based on the first element, Art. 149 was not amended by What crime is committed by X?
Congress, but Congress amended Art. 152. Under Art.
152, 2nd par., any person who comes to the aid of a person A: The mayor is a person of authority, and at the time of
in authority who is a victim of direct assault is deemed to the assault, the said person of authority, the mayor is in the
be an agent of a person in authority. Therefore, a person performance of his function. In fact, he was inside his office
coming to the aid of a person in authority who is under doing his job, signing certain documents. Therefore,
direct assault is deemed to be an agent of a person in regardless of X intent, it is immediately direct assault.
authority. When he, too, is assaulted, the crime committed Since X made use of a weapon, it is qualified direct assault,
is not Art. 149 indirect assault, but direct assault under Art. and since the mayor sustained fatal wounds but survived,
148. This is because he is deemed to be an agent of a it will be frustrated murder. It is frustrated murder
person in authority. because obviously there was treachery in the commission
of the crime. Hence, the crime committed by X is
Therefore, Art. 149 will only apply if the victim of the direct qualified direct assault with frustrated murder.
assault is an agent of a person in authority and someone
came to his aid and the offender employed force or Q: What if in the same problem, the mayor was in the
intimidation on that person who gave the aid. office signing his documents, then suddenly the
mayor received a call, it came from his brother, the
Q: The mayor was inside his office. X arrived. X told mayor’s wife was brought to the hospital, was about to
the secretary, “Where is the mayor? I need to talk to give birth, and the said mayor was so happy. The said
the mayor.” The secretary told X, “Busy, maraming mayor decided to leave office and to go to the hospital.
sina-signan na document.” X said he will wait. X sat on
the bench. The secretary said, “Why? What do you The mayor told the driver to be in speed, he wanted to
want from the mayor? I might be able to help you.” X see immediately the act of delivery. He wanted to be
said, “My son is sick. I need the help of the mayor. I there with his wife in the act of delivery. The said driver
voted for him. He has to help me. I voted for him.” The was driving fast. Suddenly, when they turned right at
secretary said, “Okay, have a seat first.” the intersection going to the street at the said hospital,
suddenly there was this motorcycle in front, and
The secretary went back to his table, opened the because of the motorcycle that suddenly appeared in
drawer, and took 2,000 pesos from the drawer. He went front of the van of the said mayor, the driver had no
back to X who was seated on the bench. The secretary recourse but to stop. The moment they were in full
said, “Here, X. This may be of good help to your son. stop, there was another motorcycle on the mayor’s
You can now leave. Bring this. It might be helpful to side. On the said motorcycle, a man immediately
your son in the hospital.” But X said, “No, I do not need repeatedly fired at the van. When the mayor fell on his
the 2,000 pesos. I voted for the mayor. He has to help seat full of blood, the said man opened the door and
me. My son is in the hospital. I do not need the 2,000 still repeatedly fire at the head of the mayor and
pesos. I need to talk to him. I will not leave without shooting the mayor’s head. The driver was left unhurt.
talking to the mayor.” The two men sped away but later they were arrested.
These two men were A and B.

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clarificatory hearing. When the fiscal arrived, he was
During the investigation, when they were being seated and thereafter, began asking questions on the
investigated, these two men informed the police said child victim. When the said fiscal began asking
investigators that they were the brothers of C. C was questions on the said child victim, the said respondent
an employee of the city hall who was charged by the W immediately and suddenly boxed the face of the
mayor himself of violation of R.A. 1319, and thereafter fiscal, the said fiscal fell. When the said fiscal fell, the
dismissed, because of that, their brother committed said companion the said child victim tried to stop
suicide. And so now, as an act of revenge, according respondent W from further attacking the said fiscal
to A and B, they killed the mayor. Based on these, what and so respondent W pulled out an icepick and
crime should be filed against A and B? stabbed the said companion of the complainant, Y.

A: A and B should be charged as co-conspirators for Thereafter, the security guards of the hall of justice
the crime of qualified direct assault with murder. At the arrived and respondent W was arrested. Both the
time of the assault, the mayor, a person in authority is not public prosecutor and the person who came to his aid,
engaged in the performance of his official function, he was the companion of the private complainant were
on his way out, therefore, you have to know the motive of brought to the hospital. The public prosecutor
the perpetrators, and what is the motive of the sustained serious physical injuries, on the other hand,
perpetrators? An act of revenge because of the dismissal the said person who came to his aid, by the name of Y,
of their brother, an act done by the mayor as a performance sustained a fatal wound but he survived because of
of his past duty as a mayor. immediate medical intervention. He was hit on the said
icepick on the abdomen. It was a fatal wound, but he
Therefore, since the act done by A and B were in survived. What crime/s may be filed against
connection with the mayor’s past performance of his official respondent W insofar as this incident is concerned?
function, the assault was said to be on occasion of such
performance of official function. Hence, the crime A: The fiscal under Art. 152 (3) is deemed to be a person
committed is direct assault. Weapon was used, and in authority. At the time he was assaulted, he was engaged
therefore it will be qualified direct assault. The mayor died, in the performance of his official function and therefore the
obviously it was planned, there was treachery. So, it is crime committed is direct assault. Hands were laid on him,
qualified direct assault with murder. therefore, it is qualified direct assault. He sustained
physical injuries, therefore, it is qualifed direct assault
Q: What if in the same problem, upon investigation of with serious physical injuries. That is the crime
A and B, A and B told the investigators that they killed committed by W insofar as the fiscal is concerned.
this mayor because they had been looking for this
mayor. According to them, this mayor came from What about Y, the person who came to the aid of the public
Pampanga. At that time, he was just an ordinary prosecutor concerned? When Y came to the aid of the
citizen. This mayor was just their neighbor. Although public prosecutor, a person in authority engaged in the
an ordinary citizen, he was already one of the richest performance of his functions, and who was a victim of
in their province. According to A and B, when their direct assault, Y is deemed to be an agent of a person in
mother was sick, they asked help from him, being one authority under Art. 152 (2), therefore, when W attacked Y,
of the richest men in the place but he denied to give he was attacking an agent of person in authority, W is liable
help, and their mother died. They learned in news that for direct assault under Art. 148. W sustained fatal wounds
he is the mayor, and so they looked for him, and that but survived, therefore it is direct assault with frustrated
is the reason why they killed. homicide. W made use of a weapon, an icepick, so it is
qualified direct assault with frustrated homicide.
The reason given by A and B was a personal one, it has
nothing to do with the mayor’s past performance of his The crimes committed by W insofar as the public
official function. Therefore, the crime committed by A and prosecutor is concerned is qualified direct assault with
B would be plain murder. It is not qualified direct assault serious physical injuries. Insofar as Y, the person who
with murder, but only murder because the act of killing was came to the aid of the public prosecutor concerned, the
not done on occasion of such performance of his official crime committed is qualified direct assault with frustrated
function because it was not done because of by reason of homicide.
the mayor’s past performance of his official duty. The crime
committed is murder. Q: What if the victim was not a public prosecutor, but
a police officer. It was the police officer who was called
Q: A case of rape was filed before the office of the in order to maintain peace and order in the said
prosecutor, it was assigned to public prosecutor X. preliminary investigation. He was there to maintain
Fiscal X called for a clarificatory hearing during the peace and order when suddenly attacked by
preliminary investigation, and so both parties arrived, respondent W. He was boxed and boxed, and then
that is the respondent W, and the child victim. It was a thereafter, Y the companion of the complainant came
case of rape, and they appeared during the said to the aid of the said police officer, and Y prevented W

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from further attacking the police. So, he stabbed Y with complete uniform. Since they were in their complete
a use of an icepick on the abdomen. uniform, Pitulan knew that they were police officers in the
exercise of their official duties.
W was arrested. Police officer as well as the person They were in their complete police officer uniform.
who came to his aid Y were brought to the hospital. Therefore, when Pitulan shot him, he was shooting an
The police officer sustained serious physical injuries. agent of a person in authority. Hence, Supreme Court said,
Y, the person who came to his aid sustained a fatal it is direct assault.
wound on the abdomen but survived because of
immediate medical intervention. What crime/s should However, the Supreme Court said it is not murder. It is only
be filed against W? homicide. It is only direct assault with homicide, not
murder. Supreme Court said, the fact that Pitulan would
A: Insofar as the police officer is concerned, the police not want to stop the van, the fact that Pitulan would not
officer is an agent of authority. At the time of the assault, want to get out despite the order coming from police officer
he was engaged in the performance of his official function, Monteroso, Supreme Court said Monteroso already
therefore, it is direct assault. Although W laid hands on forewarned of the violent behavior of Pitulan to evade
him, since he was a mere agent of a person in authority, it arrest. Since he was already forewarned, it cannot be said
will not qualify direct assault, but because he sustained that there is treachery at the time of the act, therefore, it is
serious physical injuries, it is direct assault with serious homicide and not murder.
physical injuries.
Insofar as Y, the person who came to the aid of the police G.R. No. 227041 | 3 March 2021
officer concerned. When Y came to aid of the police, Y
remained to be a private person. He is not deemed to be FACTS: It was already late at night. There were persons
an agent of a person in authority because the person he having drinking spree, and these persons were loud. They
aided is already an agent of person in authority. Therefore, were singing and talking loudly. The people in the area
insofar as Y in concerned, the crime committed by W is were complaining – they could not sleep because of these
indirect assault. All the elements are present. The police people. One of the neighbors therein was Barangay Tanod
officer is an agent of person in authority, he is a victim of Carlos. The people told him, “Barangay Tanod pagsabihan
direct assault, Y came to his aid, and W employed force, mo naman ‘yan oh, ang ingay ingay nila, hindi kami
an intimidation, and even stabbed Y. Therefore, indirect makatulog dito sa ating barangay pagsabihan mo naman
assault is committed, but he sustained fatal wound and he gabing gabi na.”
survived. Therefore, it will be indirect assault with
frustrated homicide. That will be the crime committed by Because of that, Barangay Tanod Carlos came out of his
W Insofar as Y, the person who came to the aid of the house, went to these men, and told them, “Pare, tumigil na
police officer. tayo diyan, magsiuwi na tayo. Maraming di makatulog
naiingayan sa inyo. Magsiuwi na tayo.” However, instead
PEOPLE v. PITULAN of obeying the said Barangay Tanod, the said men boxed
G.R. No. 226486 | 22 January 2020 him on his jaw, and hit him with a piece of wood.
Thereafter, police officers arrived, and the said men were
FACTS: In this case, police officers received a call, there arrested.
were these persons who were onboard a van, and they
were acting suspiciously, And so, the police officer went to The Barangay Tanod filed a case of direct assault against
the said place and they found the said van, and the police one of these men. The accused charged in court was Dela
officers told them to alight from the said van. However, the Peña because he was the one who boxed him and hit with
driver of the said van, Pitulan did not want to get out. Here a piece of wood. The Barangay Tanod filed a case of direct
comes police officer Monteroso, and the rest police officers assault under Art. 148, direct assault upon an agent of a
came to him, and told him to get out. Instead of getting out, person in authority.
Pitualn shot police officer Monteroso.
The defense raised by Dela Peña was, “No, he was a
SC: In this case of People v. Pitulan, the Supreme Court barangay, tanod, he cannot be considered as an agent of
said the said accused is liable for direct assault with a person in authority at the time of that particular moment
homicide. The charge was direct assault with murder. because it was already nighttime. Gabing gabing na, hindi
Supreme Court said, it is direct assault with homicide. na siya duty, off duty na po siya.” That was the defense
raised by the said accused.
In this case, the said accused Pitulan was the driver of the
van, and he was the one who shot and killed the said police Is the said accused liable of direct assault?
officer Monteroso. Supreme Court said that when the said
shooting happened, Monteroso and his team were HELD: The Supreme Court said, yes. The said accused
responding to this report of a suspicious group of men is liable of direct assault. In this case of Dela Peña v.
onboard, and at that particular moment, they were in their People, the Supreme Court said, the said victim (barangay

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tanod) is an agent of a person in authority pursuant to the 2. The offender disobeys such agent of a person in
Local Government Code under Sec. 388. A barangay authority;
tanod is an agent of a person in authority. The said
barangay tanod was boxed on his jaw, he was hit with a 3. Such disobedience is not in serious nature.
piece of wood, and the accused knew him to be a barangay
tanod. Hence, there was direct assault. RESISTANCE AND
Supreme Court said there is no merit on the argument DISOBEDIENCE
raised by the accused that he was already a private person
The person giving the The person giving the
at the time of the assault because it was already midnight,
lawful order can either be lawful order is merely an
it was past the hours of his duty. Supreme Court said that
a person in authority or an agent of a person in
a barangay tanod, just like a police officer has the duty to
maintain peace and order in his community on a daily authority.
basis, regardless of the time of day. Therefore, it is the duty
of a police officer or a barangay tanod to maintain peace The said The said disobedience is
and order in the community, in the vicinity, in the locality on resistance/disobedience not serious in nature.
a daily basis, regardless of the time of day even if it is to the lawful order is
already midnight. Hence, the assault on him is an assault serious in nature although
on an agent of a person in authority. not amounting to violations
of Art. 148, 149, and150.

Article 151. Resistance and disobedience to a person in PEOPLE v. MALLARI

authority or the agents of such person. - The penalty of G.R. No. 224679 | 12 February 2020
arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos shall be
imposed upon any person who not being included in the FACTS: There was a commotion in a billiard hall and the
provisions of the preceding articles shall resist or seriously police officers responded. The police officers tried to arrest
disobey any person in authority, or the agents of such the women who were involved in the said commotion.
person, while engaged in the performance of official duties. There was this one woman by the name of Mallari and the
said woman refused to be brought to the PNP station. She
When the disobedience to an agent of a person in authority grabbed the shirt of one of the police officers, Police Officer
is not of a serious nature, the penalty of arresto menor or Navarro, slapped him in the face and thereafter kicked his
a fine ranging from 10 to P100 pesos shall be imposed legs a number of times. Because of this, Police Officer
upon the offender. Navarro filed a case against Mallari for Direct Assault
against an agent of person of authority. Mallari was
convicted up to the Court of Appeals.
Under Art. 151, there are two acts punished: (1) resistance
and serious disobedience, and (2) simple disobedience.
RULING: When the case reached the Supreme Court, the
Supreme Court said that Mallari is NOT liable for Direct
Elements of Resistance and Serious Disobedience
Assault against an agent of person of authority under
Article 148. Rather, Mallari is liable under Article 151
1. A person in authority or his agent is engaged in the
Resistance and Serious Disobedience. The Supreme
performance of his official function, or gives a local
Court said that when the person being arrested by the
police resists or uses force that is not dangerous, grave, or
severe, the crime is not Direct Assault under Article 148.
2. Offender seriously disobeys or resisted the said
The proper charge is Resistance and Disobedience of an
agent of person in authority under Article 151. To be
considered as Direct Assault, the laying of hands or the
3. That such resistance or disobedience will not
use of physical force on an agent of person in authority
amount to:
must be serious in nature.
1. Direct assault;
2. Indirect assault; or
In this case, the said accused grabbed the shirt of the said
3. Disobedience to summons issued by Congress
police officer, slapped his face, and kicked his legs several
times. These acts and resistance were not serious in
Elements of Simple Disobedience
nature to be considered as Direct Assault. Hence, the
Supreme Court downgraded the conviction only to violation
1. A person in authority or his agent is engaged in the
of Article 151 Resistance and Serious Disobedience.
performance of official duty or gives a lawful
G.R. No. 202692 | 12 November 2014

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FACTS: Sydeco was driving his car with his employees. Art. 150. Disobedience to summons issued by the National
He is a bar owner. At wee hours of the morning, they Assembly, its committees, or subcommittees, by the
passed by Roxas Boulevard where there was a Constitutional Commissions, its committees,
checkpoint. According to the police officers, they took subcommittees, or divisions. - The penalty of arresto
notice of this van because it was swerving from one lane mayor or a fine ranging from two hundred to one thousand
to another. So, they told the van to make a stop. When the pesos, or both such fine and imprisonment shall be
van came to a halt, the police officers used their flashlights imposed upon any person who, having been duly
and inspected the van. Thereafter, the police officer told summoned to attend as a witness before the National
the accused to get out of his van because he shall be Assembly, (Congress), its special or standing committees
searched. They also told the companions of the accused and subcommittees, the Constitutional Commissions and
to get out of the van because they would be searched, and its committees, subcommittees, or divisions, or before any
the van should be searched too. But the accused refused commission or committee chairman or member authorized
saying, “Plain view lang po, Sir. Bawal po ang personal to summon witnesses, refuses, without legal excuse, to
search. Plain view lang.” The police officers got mad at him obey such summons, or being present before any such
and brought him out and thereafter a case was filed against legislative or constitutional body or official, refuses to be
him for resistance and serious disobedience under Article sworn or placed under affirmation or to answer any legal
151. Accused was convicted up to the Court of Appeals. inquiry or to produce any books, papers, documents, or
records in his possession, when required by them to do so
RULING: Supreme Court acquitted the accused Sydeco in the exercise of their functions. The same penalty shall
ruling that all the elements of Article 151 are absent. be imposed upon any person who shall restrain another
from attending as a witness, or who shall induce
First element, the person in authority or his agent is disobedience to a summon or refusal to be sworn by any
engaged in the performance of his function or gives a such body or official.
lawful order to the offender. The Supreme Court said that
the order given by the police officers to the accused and to ACTS PUNISHED
his companions to get out of the said van because they will
be searched, and the van will be searched is not a lawful I. By refusing, without any legal excuse, to obey
order. The Supreme Court said that an accused or a summons issued by the Congress or any of its
person can only be searched, and his vehicle can only be committees, Constitutional Commissions, or
searched if he is caught in flagrante delicto committing a subcommittees.
crime. Here, the act of the accused in swerving from one
lane to another cannot be considered as a criminal act. It Under the first act, the crime will arise if the refusal is
is not a violation of the LTO Rules and Regulations unless without any legal excuse. If the said offender or the person
and until there is a sign board which says no swerving. It to whom a summons was issued is in the hospital, he
being early hours of the morning (3 am), it will not cause suffered a heart attack, or he suffered high blood pressure
traffic. Therefore, the order given by the police officers is because of receipt of said summons, and suddenly he was
not a lawful order. The first element is absent. brought to the hospital and it was the doctor that prevented
him from going to the said hearing otherwise it will
Second element, the offender resists or seriously disobeys aggravate his condition, then he has a valid and legal
such person in authority or his agent, is also absent. The excuse not to appear to the said hearing and not to obey
said statement by Sydeco, his refusal to get out and to be the summons. It will not bring about criminal liability
subjected to a body search and his van to a search, and because there is a legal and valid justifiable excuse.
his insistence to a plain view search is a mere act within
his rights. The Supreme Court said he has a right to protest II. By refusing to be sworn or to be placed under
on the said search because he was not caught in flagrante affirmation while being before such legislative or
delicto committing a crime. He has a right to invoke his right constitutional body or official.
to privacy. The said act done not being a lawful order,
Sydeco has the right to refuse it. His insistence on a plain Under the second act, the said accused received the
view search is not considered a refusal nor a violation. summons and appeared during the committee hearing.
However, he refused to be sworn in and to be placed under
Last element, that such resistance or disobedience will not affirmation. He refused to state that tell the truth and
amount to direct assault, indirect assault, or disobedience nothing but the truth. Thus, he becomes liable for
to summons issued by Congress, is also absent. disobedience to summons.
Therefore, all the elements being absent, the Supreme
Court held that the said accused should be acquitted of the III. By refusing to answer any legal inquiry or to
crime charged. produce any books, papers, or documents in his
possession, when required by such legislative
ARTICLE 150. DISOBEDIENCE TO SUMMONS or Constitutional body to do so.

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Under the third act, the said accused received the The disturbance or interruption shall be deemed to be
summons, he appeared during the committee hearing, and tumultuous if caused by more than three persons who are
he allowed himself to be sworn in. However, when the armed or provided with means of violence.
members of the Senate and the House or Representative
began asking questions, he refused to answer the legal The penalty of arresto mayor shall be imposed upon any
inquiry. Or, if there were books or documents in his person who in any meeting, association, or public place,
possession, he refused to bring them. In that case, he shall make any outcry tending to incite rebellion or sedition
becomes liable for violation of Article 150. or in such place shall display placards or emblems which
provoke a disturbance of the public order.
However, if the reason for not answering the questions
raised by a Senator or Congressman or not bringing the The penalty of arresto menor and a fine not to exceed P200
books is that it will incriminate him in the commission of the pesos shall be imposed upon these persons who in
crime. Then, he has the right to do so. violation of the provisions contained in the last clause of
Article 85, shall bury with pomp the body of a person who
IV. By restraining another to attend as a witness in has been legally executed.
such legislative or constitutional body.
Under the fourth act, it is not the accused who received the
summons, it is another person. But he restrained that other I. By causing any serious disturbances in a public
person from attending the said legislative or committee place, office, or establishment.
hearing, from attending and giving his testimony as a
witness. Under the first act, by causing any serious disturbances in
a public place, office or establishment, there must be
V. By inducing disobedience to a summons or deliberate intent on the part of the offender to cause a
refusal to be sworn by such legislative or serious disturbance when he went to the said public place.
constitutional body. He went to the said public place, deliberately to cause
serious disturbance. Therefore, it was planned. He
These are the acts punished as disobedience to summons. planned to cause serious disturbance in going to the said
public place.
Congress has the power to issue summons because under
the Constitution, the Congress has the power to II. By interrupting or disturbing performances,
investigate. Since they have the power to investigate in aid functions or peaceful gatherings or peaceful
of legislation, therefore they have the power to issue meetings. Provided, the act does not amount to
summons to those persons who could shed light on the violation of Articles 131 (prohibition,
said investigation. If he disobeys the summons, based on interruption, and dissolution of peaceful
any of the acts enumerated under Article 150, the offender meetings) and 132 (interrupting of religious
becomes liable for Disobedience to Summons. worship).

CHAPTER FIVE: PUBLIC DISORDERS Under the second act, you have to distinguish it from
violations of Articles 131 and 132. Article 131 is the
ARTICLE 153. TUMULTS AND OTHER prohibition, interruption, and dissolution of peaceful
DISTURBANCES meetings and Article 132 interruption of religious worship.

Art. 153. Tumults and other disturbance of public In order to bring about violation of Article 153, the
orders; Tumultuous disturbance or interruption liable interruption or disturbance of public performances,
to cause disturbance. - The penalty of arresto mayor in functions, and peaceful gatherings must not amount to
its medium period to prision correccional in its minimum violations of Articles 131 and 132.
period and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos shall be
imposed upon any person who shall cause any serious III. By making any outcry tending to incite rebellion
disturbance in a public place, office, or establishment, or or sedition in any meeting, association, or public
shall interrupt or disturb public performances, functions or place.
gatherings, or peaceful meetings, if the act is not included
in the provisions of Articles 131 and 132. IV. By displaying placards or emblems which
provoke a disturbance of public order in such
The penalty next higher in degree shall be imposed upon meeting, association, or public place.
persons causing any disturbance or interruption of a
tumultuous character. Under the third and fourth act, when you say making an
outcry tending to incite rebellion or sedition in any meeting,
association, or public place, when you say outcry, it is an
act of shouting perversive, provocative words in order to

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stir the audience and the people to obtain by means of said peaceful gathering or the said public gathering
force and violence any of the objects, purposes, or designs function. or religious worship is
of rebellion or sedition. The outcry, the displaying of concerned.
placards and emblems must be brought about by some
unconscious outburst of emotions. Therefore, when the Purpose
said offender went there, it was not his intention to make The purpose of the The purpose of the
the outcry or display these placards, the said outcry or offender is to cause a offender is to prevent a
display of placards was brought about by some disturbance of public person from freely
unconscious outburst of emotions not intentionally done. It order. To disturb the exercising his freedom of
was only brought about by the circumstances that took peaceful gathering. speech, freedom of
place in the gathering or meeting. expression, freedom of
gathering, freedom of
Thus, it must not be intentionally calculated to incite people association, or freedom to
to rebel or to commit sedition because otherwise, the crime express his religious
would be inciting to rebellion or inciting to sedition. worship.

V. By burying with pomp, the body of a person who ARTICLE 154. UNLAWFUL USE OF MEANS OF

Under the fifth act, by burying with pomp the body of a Art. 154. Unlawful use of means of publication and
person who has been legally executed. A person is said to unlawful utterances. - The penalty of arresto mayor and
be legally executed when he committed a heinous crime a fine ranging from P200 to P1,000 pesos shall be imposed
and he was sentenced with death penalty, a capital upon:
punishment and the State executed the death penalty. If
this person is buried with such extravagance as if he is a 1. Any person who by means of printing, lithography, or
hero, those participating in the said extravagant act of any other means of publication shall publish or cause to be
burying can be liable under Article 153. If they will bury this published as news any false news which may endanger
convict executed with pomp, with extravagance as if he the public order, or cause damage to the interest or credit
was a hero, it will arise public emotion. People will of the State;
sympathize. People will believe that the State committed a
mistake in executing him. In that case, they can be held 2. Any person who by the same means, or by words,
liable for Disturbance of Public Order. utterances or speeches shall encourage disobedience to
the law or to the constituted authorities or praise, justify, or
These are the acts punished as disturbance to public extol any act punished by law;
order. If these acts are committed, by more than 3 persons
who are armed or provided by means of violence, it is 3. Any person who shall maliciously publish or cause to be
considered as tumultuous in nature. published any official resolution or document without
proper authority, or before they have been published
Therefore, there must be at least four persons who are officially; or
armed or provided with means of violence for it to be
considered as tumultuous. 4. Any person who shall print, publish, or distribute or
cause to be printed, published, or distributed books,
Distinctions between Article 153 and Articles 131 and pamphlets, periodicals, or leaflets which do not bear the
132 real printer's name, or which are classified as anonymous.

ARTICLE 153 ARTICLES 131 & 132 There is no particular law that punishes fake news. In fact,
As to the Person of the Offender we do not have a particular definition of what fake news is.
The offender can be any Since it is under Title II: There was a bill in Congress, but it was not enacted into
person. He can be a public Crimes Against the law. There is no concrete or particular definition of what
officer or employee, or he Fundamental Law of the fake news is. There is no law, in particular, expressly
can be a private person. State, it is committed only punishing the spreading of fake news. However, the
by a public officer or offender can be held liable under Article 154. If it is done
employee. Here, the via internet, it would be in relation to the Anti-Cybercrime
offender is always a public Law.
officer or employee.
If the offender is a public officer ACTS PUNISHED
The said public officer The public officer offender
offender who is making the who is making the I. By publishing or causing to be published by
interruption or disturbance disturbance or interruption means of printing lithography or any other
must be a participant in the is an outsider insofar as means of publication, as news any false news

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which may endanger the public order, or cause
damage to the interest or credit of the State. III. By maliciously publishing or causing to be
published any official resolution or document
Under the first act, what has been published is a false news without proper authority, or before they have
which must endanger public order or may cause damage been published officially.
to public interest.
Take note of the word maliciously. The act of publishing,
The offender, the author, and the publisher knew that it is causing to be published any official resolution or document
false. Nevertheless, despite such knowledge that it is false, without proper authority or before they have been
he still published the same. If the false news would published officially must be done with malice (deliberate
endanger public order or cause damage to the interest or intent). Otherwise, Article 154 is not violated.
credit of the State, the offender can be held liable under
Article 152. IV. By printing, publishing, or distributing books,
pamphlets, periodicals, or leaflets which do not
If it is done via internet, it is in relation to R.A. 10175 or the bear the real printer’s name, or which are
Anti-Cybercrime Law (Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012). classified as anonymous.

R.A. No. 10175, Section 6. All crimes defined and Every publication, printing must contain the real printer’s
penalized by the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and name or it cannot be classified as anonymous. Otherwise,
special laws, if committed by, through and with the use of the offender becomes liable for unlawful use of means of
information and communications technologies shall be publication.
covered by the relevant provisions of this Act: Provided,
That the penalty to be imposed shall be one (1) degree These acts are considered as unlawful use of means of
higher than that provided for by the Revised Penal Code, publication punished Article 154.
as amended, and special laws, as the case may be.
II. By encouraging disobedience to the law or to the
constituted authorities or by praising, justifying, Article 155. Alarms and scandals. - The penalty of arresto
or extolling any act punished by law. menor or a fine not exceeding P200 pesos shall be
imposed upon:
Under the second act, anyone who encourages
disobedience to the law or an act which is punished by law 1. Any person who within any town or public place, shall
can be held liable under Art. 154. discharge any firearm, rocket, firecracker, or other
explosives calculated to cause alarm or danger;
Q: There was a new law enacted by Congress and
there were members of a Non-Governmental 2. Any person who shall instigate or take an active part in
Organization who were against the implementation of any charivari or other disorderly meeting offensive to
this new law. The members of the NGO prepared another or prejudicial to public tranquility;
leaflets and distributed it to the people encouraging
the people not to comply with the law or obey the law. 3. Any person who, while wandering about at night or while
When they were distributing it to the public, they were engaged in any other nocturnal amusements, shall disturb
arrested. Are they liable for Inciting to Sedition or are the public peace; or
they liable for Unlawful Use of Means of Publication
under the Second Act of Article 154? 4. Any person who, while intoxicated or otherwise, shall
cause any disturbance or scandal in public places,
A: They are liable for violation of Article 154, Second provided that the circumstances of the case shall not make
Act. They encouraged disobedience to this new law about the provisions of Article 153 applicable.
to be implemented or promulgated. It is already a law. It
has already been enacted by Congress and signed by the ACTS PUNISHED:
President. Since it is a law, we are obliged to obey the said
law. If you have any grievance against the said law, go I. Discharging any firearm, rocket, firecracker, or
through the proper means. But you have to obey the law. other explosives within any town or public
Hence, the offender can be liable for violation of Article place calculated to cause (which produces)
154, second act. alarm or danger.
Why not inciting to sedition? Because these offenders, in The purpose is to cause alarm and danger. In case of
preparing the leaflets, encouraging the public to disobey discharging of firearms, take into consideration the intent
the law is not encouraging them to publicly uprise, they of the offender. If the intent of the offender in the act of
were only encouraging them to disobey the law, not to discharging the firearm is to kill a person, although the
publicly uprise. Therefore, it cannot be inciting to sedition.

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person is not hit, the crime committed is already attempted
homicide/murder. In the fourth act punished in alarms and scandals, the
offender, in going to the said public place has to intention
But if the act of discharging the firearm or pointing the gun to cause disturbance or scandal. However, because of the
is done without intent to kill, the discharge of firearm will turn of events, he caused scandal or disturbance, whether
not kill the person because the offender knew that it is intoxicated or not. He becomes liable for alarms and
outside the shooting range (malayo siyang maabot pero scandals.
dinischarge parin nya firearm), the crime commited is
Illegal Discharge of Firearms under Article 254. ARTICLE 156. DELIVERING PRISONERS FROM JAIL

If the act of discharging of firearm is intended to cause Article 156. Delivery of prisoners from jails. - The penalty
alarm and danger in a public place, the crime committed is of arresto mayor in its maximum period of prision
alarms and scandals. If the firearm is not discharged but correccional in its minimum period shall be imposed upon
merely poked or merely pointed at the temple, at the head, any person who shall remove from any jail or penal
at the chest, the crime committed can either be grave establishment any person confined therein or shall help the
threats or other crimes. So, in discharging of firearms, if escape of such person, by means of violence, intimidation,
pointed and fired, the crime committed can either be an or bribery. If other means are used, the penalty of arresto
attempted felony, illegal discharge of firearm, or alarms mayor shall be imposed.
and scandals.
If the escape of the prisoner shall take place outside of said
If it was only pointed or poked, depending on the establishments by taking the guards by surprise, the same
accompanying word (e.g. papatayin kita or any other term), penalties shall be imposed in their minimum period.
but he did not do it, it will be grave threats. But if he merely
poked it without saying any words, it is only other light Elements of Delivering Prisoners from Jail
threats. So, it depends on the intent of the offender,
whether the firearm is discharged or merely poked or 1. That there is a person confined in a jail or penal
pointed at another person. establishment;
2. That the offender removes therefrom such persons
II. Instigating or taking an active part in any or assisted in the escape of such person.
charivari or other disorderly meeting offensive
to another or prejudicial to public tranquility. Prisoners being referred to under Article 156 can be any
prisoner. He can be a prisoner convicted by final judgment
When you say charivari, it is a disorderly act. The or a detention prisoner, provided he is in jail.
offender, instead of using a certain music, they used other
instrument to produce noise – a mock serenade, a mocking The offender under Article 156 can by any person. He can
use of instruments that caused alarm and danger, be a public officer/employee, he can be a private person,
annoying or disturbing public peace or order. he can be an inmate, he can be a stranger.

III. Disturbing the public peace while wandering Note:

about at night or while engaged in any other Article 156 may be committed by any person except the
nocturnal amusement. custodian of the said prisoner. If it is the custodian, it is
infidelity in the custody of prisoners under Article 223 or
In your place, there would be sometimes birthday parties Article 224 of Title VII because there is a violation of the
wherein there will be karaoke and sometimes, you are trust and confidence reposed on him as the custodian of
already about to sleep but you can still hear the voices of the said prisoner.
those singing. There are some municipalities who have
ordinances that prevent these. But there are certain
municipalities that do not have these ordinances, and if you
happen to live in that municipality, then these men can be
1. If violence or intimidation has been used in the
charged with alarms and scandals.
commission of the crime;
2. Bribery is used in delivering persons from jail.
IV. Causing any disturbance pr scandal in public
place whether intoxicated or not, provided CHAPTER SIX: EVASION OF SERVICE OF SENTENCE
Article 153 is not applicable.

Where lies the difference? In case of tumults and Three Kinds of Evasion from Service of Sentence
disturbance of public order under Article 153, the intent of
the offender in going to the said public place is to cause 1. Evasion of Service of Sentence under Art. 157
serious disturbance – causing any serious disturbance in 2. Evasion of service of sentence on the occasion of
a public place, office, or establishment (first act punished disorder, conflagrations, earthquakes, or other
under Article 153). calamities

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3. Evasion of service of sentence by violation of the 4. The act of escaping is done through connivance
conditional pardon with other convicts or employees of the penal
Q: X is a prisoner convicted by final judgment. He is
Article 157. Evasion of service of sentence. - The penalty serving his final judgment, he is in the penal
of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods institution. He has a friend by the name of Y. Y is his
shall be imposed upon any convict who shall evade service childhood friend and best friend. They treat each other
of his sentence by escaping during the term of his as brothers. Y often visits X. In one of his visits, Y was
imprisonment by reason of final judgment. able to bring inside two knives because X have long
been requesting Y to help him get out. Finally, Y was
However, if such evasion or escape shall have taken place able to smuggle inside two sharp knives. Together
by means of unlawful entry, by breaking doors, windows, with the food, the guard was not able to see it. The two
gates, walls, roofs, or floors, or by using picklocks, false friends were now eating. Y told X that he has two
keys, deceit, violence or intimidation, or through knives. Thereafter, he gave one to X. While they were
connivance with other convicts or employees of the penal eating, they were planning what they will do.
institution, the penalty shall be prision correccional in its Thereafter, they saw the custodian of X by the name of
maximum period. Z. X himself told Z, “Sir lunch na! Sipag mo naman,
kain ka! Madaming dalang pagkain kaibigan ko. Kain
Elements of Evasion of Service of Sentence ka Sir”. Z said, “Sige gutom na nga ako!”. So, the
custodian went with them in their table and ate
1. The offender is a convict by final judgment; together with them.
2. That he is serving his sentence which consists in
a deprivation of liberty; and While the custodian was eating together with X and Y,
3. That he evades the service of his sentence by X looked at Y, and together, with the signal of Y, placed
the knives in the neck of Z and told Z to give them the
escaping during the term of his sentence.
key or else, they will stab him. Since knives were
pointed at Z, he cannot do anything, so he gave the key
First Element. Whatever be the kind of evasion (either 157, to X. X was able to leave together with Y. What crime/s
158, or 159), evasion can only be committed by a prisoner are committed by X, Y, and Z?
convicted by final judgment. It cannot be committed by
a mere detention prisoner because a mere detention A: X, a prisoner convicted by final judgment, is liable for
prisoner is still facing the trial, it just so happened that he evasion of service of sentence under Article 157,
cannot post the bail fixed by the Court or the crime he qualified by intimidation. The penalty shall be qualified
committed is not bailable, but he is not yet convicted, he is because he intimidated the custodian by means of the said
not yet serving his sentence, he is only placed behind bars knives, pointed at the neck of the custodian.
in order to prevent his escape. Therefore, he has yet no
sentence to evade. Y, the friend, is liable for delivering prisoners from jail.
All the elements are present. X is a prisoner, he is there in
Second element. Those who are imprisoned are deprived the penal institution and Y assisted in X’s removal from the
of their liberty. If the penalty imposed is destierro, the said institution. The penalty is also qualified by intimidation.
offender may still commit evasion of service of sentence
under Art. 157 because destierro also involves deprivation Z, the custodian, his liability is under Article 224,
of liberty although partial in nature because a person infidelity in the custody of prisoner by evasion through
sentenced with destierro is prohibited from entering the negligence. He is a public officer, he is the one entrusted
place designated in the judgment of the Court. If he enters with the custody of X, a prisoner convicted by final
this place which he is prohibited from entering, he commits judgment, and X was able to escape by reason of his
evasion under Article 157. negligence. The negligence punished by law must amount
to a deliberate non-performance of his official duty. The
QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCE duty of a custodian is to guard the prisoner, not to dine or
eat together with the said prisoner. When he accepted the
1. The act of escaping is done by means of unlawful offer of X to eat together with them, there is negligence on
entry; his part, there is a violation of his duty to guard the said
prisoner. Therefore, Z will be liable for infidelity in the
2. The act of escaping is done by breaking doors,
custody of prisoners under Article 224 by evasion through
windows, gates, walls, roofs, or floors; negligence.
3. The act of escaping is done by using picklocks,
Q: X is a prisoner convicted by final judgment. X told
false keys, disguise, deceit, violence or
his friend Y, who often visits him, that he wanted to go
intimidation; or
out for Christmas Day. Y, who has a good paying job,
promised X that he will be able to spend Christmas Day
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outside the penal institution. On that same day, before A: NO. Because under Article 210 Direct Bribery, the law
leaving, Y talked to the custodian of X, and Y told the prohibits the complexity of crimes. Under Art. 210, the
custodian that his friend, intends to leave the said penalty for direct bribery shall be in addition to any other
penal institution and that if he will allow him to leave, liability arising from the crime agreed upon. Therefore, you
Y will give him Php 100,000. The custodian was in need cannot complex it even if the direct bribery was a
of money, it is Christmas time, he needed much necessary means to commit infidelity in the custody of
money. So, the custodian said yes to the offer made prisoners, Art. 210 Direct Bribery prohibits complexing of
by Y. The custodian told Y to give him the money today crimes. Therefore, there will be 2 crimes committed by the
and X will be able to leave tonight. Y left and thereafter, said custodian: infidelity and direct bribery.
he came back hours later and he gave the Php 100,000
to the said custodian. That night, X was able to have a ARTICLE 158. EVASION OF SERVICE OF SENTENCE
successful escape and he went to the house of his IN TIMES OF CALAMITIES AND DISORDER
friend. What crime/s are committed by X, Y, and the
custodian? Article 158. Evasion of service of sentence on the
occasion of disorder, conflagrations, earthquakes, or other
A: X, a prisoner convicted by final judgment, is liable calamities. - A convict who shall evade the service of his
for evasion of service of sentence under Article 157. X sentence, by leaving the penal institution where he shall
is a prisoner convicted by final judgment and he evades have been confined, on the occasion of disorder resulting
the service of his sentence by escaping during the term of from a conflagration, earthquake, explosion, or similar
his sentence. catastrophe, or during a mutiny in which he has not
participated, shall suffer an increase of one-fifth of the time
Y, the friend, is liable for delivering prisoners from jail still remaining to be served under the original sentence,
under Article 156. Since the act of assisting in the removal which in no case shall exceed six months, if he shall fail to
of X from jail is done by him by making and giving this bribe give himself up to the authorities within forty-eight hours
money to the custodian, he is also liable for corruption of following the issuance of a proclamation by the Chief
public official under Article 212. So, Y committed to crimes Executive announcing the passing away of such calamity.
which are delivering prisoners from jail under Article 156
and corruption of public officials under Article 212. Convicts who, under the circumstances mentioned in the
preceding paragraph, shall give themselves up to the
The custodian is liable for infidelity in the custody of authorities within the above mentioned period of 48 hours,
prisoner under Article 223 by conniving or consenting shall be entitled to the deduction provided in Article 98.
the escape of a prisoner. The custodian has been
entrusted the custody of this prisoner. The prisoner Elements of Evasion of Service in times of Calamities
escaped because he connives, consents with the escape and Disorders
of the said prisoner. Therefore, the said custodian is liable
for infidelity in the custody of the prisoner by conniving and 1. The offender is a prisoner convicted by final
consenting with the escape of said prisoner. judgment;
2. He is serving his sentence in a penal institution;
How did he connive? He received the bribe, he received 3. There is a calamity or disorder arising from
the P100,000. Therefore, in addition to infidelity in the explosion, earthquake, catastrophe, or a mutiny in
custody of prisoner under Art. 223, by conniving or which he has not participated.
consenting to the escape of the prisoner, the custodian is 4. He escapes in times of these calamities and
also liable for direct bribery under Art. 210. A public officer disorders and thereafter, he failed to give himself
who received a bribe in connection with the performance up to the proper authorities within 48 hours
of his official function – he received the bribe in order to following the declaration of the Chief Executive
allow X to leave the penal institution. X, the very prisoner that the calamity has already lapsed.
he has been entrusted to see.
First element. Same offender, he must be convicted by
Therefore, in this case, he will be liable for 2 crimes: 1) final judgment. However, there is an additional
infidelity in the custody of prisoner under Art. 223 by requirement.
conniving and consenting in the escape of the prisoner;
and 2) direct bribery under Art. 210. Second element. Under Art. 158, the second element
requires that he must be serving his sentence in a penal
Q: Aren’t you going to complex it? Isn’t it if the said institution. He must be behind bars, not merely a sentence
custodian connived and consented because of the which merely deprives him of his liberty.
bribe money, P100,000 that he received, an offense is
a necessary means to commit the other? Therefore, Third element. There must be a calamity, disorder,
should they be complexed? earthquake or any other catastrophe, or there is a mutiny
in which he did not participate.

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Fourth element. Upon his escape, is he liable under Art.
158? NO. He is not liable. He is allowed to escape because Q: What if in the same problem, X after hearing the
there is a calamity. Prisoners are accountability of the press conference of the President ordering them to
State. In times of calamities, in times of catastrophe, the return within 48 hours, X immediately returned. What
state can no longer protect them. Therefore, prisoners may is the effect?
leave. Upon escaping or leaving, they are not liable.
A: There will be a one-one fifth deduction based on the
When will the crime arise? Based on the fourth element, if remainder of his sentence. This is also in Book 1, Arti. 90,
they fail to return to the proper authorities within 48 hours as amended by RA 10592 or special allowance for loyalty.
following the declaration by the Chief Executive that the
calamity had already lapsed. If after the calamity had Q: What if in the same problem, despite the
lapsed, the President declared that the calamity had earthquake, X did not leave, and he survived. What is
already lapsed and ordered all the prisoners to return effect to his criminal liability?
within 48 hours, failure to do so will make the offender
liable under Article 158. That is the time the crime will arise. A: There will be two-fifths (2/5) deduction based on the
term of his sentence. He who stayed put has a greater
Q: X is a prisoner serving his sentence at the Bilibid. credit or special allowance for loyalty than he who left and
There was this very strong earthquake, magnitude 7. then returned.
Everything was falling, the building was shaking, there
was a loud siren at the National Penitentiary. They There was an old case in the book of Reyes. It was a CA
were trained in a seminar that the moment they heard decision, not an SC decision.
that kind of siren, they are allowed to leave, there is
danger. All gates were opened, prisoners were allowed CASE: The prisoner detained at the Bilibid left during a riot,
to leave. and he failed to return. Is he liable under Art. 157? This did
not reach the Supreme Court, meaning the accused is
X left and went to the house of a friend. Two days amenable to the decision of the CA.
thereafter, the President, in a press conference in
Malacañang, televised and heard over the radio. He The CA said a riot is not a mutiny, a catastrophe, nor a
was stating, “The earthquake had already lapsed, I got calamity. Therefore, Art. 157 will apply. The moment he left
confirmation and no more aftershocks. All you the institution, he immediately becomes liable for evasion
prisoners of the national penitentiary who left, you are of service of sentence and no amount of return within 48
given 48 hours to return. If you fail to return, there will hours will bring about an allowance for loyalty because
be a manhunt against you, so return within 48 hours. according to the Court of Appeals, a riot is not a mutiny.

X heard it but did not return. He likes the life outside. When you say a riot, it is a commotion, a fight among
Afraid that he will be discovered in the place of his inmates (gang v. gang). But, when you say a mutiny, it is
friend, he went from one place to another. He went into an act of disturbance, commotion, a protest of the prison
hiding. There was a warrant of arrest issued against guards or officers against their lawful authority, the director
him. The police officers were looking for him. of prison. Therefore, a mutiny is not a riot.

After several months, the police authorities finally Hence when the escape is done during a riot, the moment
found X and thereafter, X was brought back to jail. the prisoner escapes, he immediately becomes liable for
the liabilities under Art. 157 Evasion of Service of Sentence
What is the effect of X’s act of not returning within 48 and no amount of return within 48 hours will give him the
48 hours following the declaration by the Chief benefit of a special allowance for loyalty.
Executive that the calamity had already lapsed?
A: He will be charged with Evasion of Service of SERVICE OF SENTENCE
Sentence under Art. 158 of the RPC. In case of
conviction, he will be penalized with a penalty equivalent Article 159. Other cases of evasion of service of sentence.
to one-fifth (1/5) of the term of his sentence. - The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum period
shall be imposed upon the convict who, having been
Other effect, if you will remember the Indeterminate granted conditional pardon by the Chief Executive, shall
Sentence Law, among those disqualified to be given an violate any of the conditions of such pardon. However, if
indeterminate sentence is a prisoner who has escaped or the penalty remitted by the granting of such pardon be
evaded the service of sentence. Therefore, X is not entitled higher than six years, the convict shall then suffer the
to an indeterminate sentence. The penalty to be imposed unexpired portion of his original sentence.
on him was the straight penalty equivalent to 1/5 of the
term of the service of sentence, but in no case to be more
than six (6) years.

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This is the third kind of evasion of service of sentence –
evasion of service of sentence by violation of the
conditional pardon.

Elements of Evasion of Service of Sentence by

Violation of Conditions of Conditional Pardon:

1. The offender is a prisoner convicted by final

2. He has been granted conditional pardon by the
President or Chief Executive; and
3. He violates the terms of his conditional pardon.

As we have discussed in Book 1, Art. 94, conditional

pardon is only a mode for partially extinguishing criminal
liability because, unlike an absolute pardon, a conditional
pardon is subject to strict terms and conditions. The said
offender granted conditional pardon must comply with the
terms and conditions attached to the conditional pardon. If
he violates, he becomes liable for violation of evasion of
service of sentence under Art. 159.

BAR Q: Is evasion of service of sentence under Art.

159 Evasion of Service of Sentence by Violation of
Conditional Pardon a substantive felony or not?

A: It depends. There are two situations being referred to

under Art. 159.

1. If the penalty remitted by grant of pardon does not

exceed or is more than six (6) years, for having
violated the said conditions of the said pardon, a
new penalty shall be imposed on him.
2. If the penalty remitted by grant of pardon exceeds
or is more than six (6) years, even if he violates
the conditions, no new penalty shall be imposed
on him. He shall only serve the remainder of his
sentence. In this case, Art. 159 is NOT A
SUBSTANTIVE offense because no new penalty
is imposed on the part of the said offender.


Article 160. Commission of another crime during service

of penalty imposed for another offense; Penalty. - Besides
the provisions of Rule 5 of Article 62, any person who shall
commit a felony after having been convicted by final
judgment, before beginning to serve such sentence, or
while serving the same, shall be punished by the maximum
period of the penalty prescribed by law for the new felony.

Any convict of the class referred to in this article, who is not

a habitual criminal, shall be pardoned at the age of seventy
years if he shall have already served out his original
sentence, or when he shall complete it after reaching the
said age, unless by reason of his conduct or other
circumstances he shall not be worthy of such clemency.

A special aggravating circumstance. See discussion under

Aggravating Circumstances.

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allegedly signed by the president was a fake one. The
signature of the president was falsified, counterfeited.
INTEREST What crime/s are committed by X and Y?

ARTICLE 161. FORGING THE SIGNATURE OR STAMP A: Y is liable under Art. 161 Forging the Signature, the
OF THE PRESIDENT OR THE GREAT SEAL Seal or Stamp of the President. Article 161 punishes the
person who forges the signature, the stamp, and the great
Article 161. Counterfeiting the great seal of the seal of the President.
Government of the Philippine Islands, forging the signature
or stamp of the Chief Executive. - The penalty of reclusion Article 162 punishes the person who makes use of the said
temporal shall be imposed upon any person who shall document containing the said forgery. X knew that it was
forge the Great Seal of the Government of the Philippine forged by his friend. Nevertheless, he used it in his
Islands or the signature or stamp of the Chief Executive. application. Therefore, he will be liable under Article 162.


1. Forging the Great Seal of the Government of the
Philippines. Article 163. Making and importing and uttering false coins.
2. Forging the signature of the President. - Any person who makes, imports, or utters, false coins, in
3. Forging the stamp of the President. connivance with counterfeiters, or importers, shall suffer:

ARTICLE 162. USING FORGED SIGNATURE OR 1. Prision mayor in its minimum and medium periods and
COUNTERFEIT SEAL OR STAMP a fine not to exceed P10,000 pesos, if the counterfeited
coin be silver coin of the Philippines or coin of the Central
Article 162. Using forged signature or counterfeit seal or Bank of the Philippines of ten centavo denomination or
stamp. - The penalty of prision mayor shall be imposed above.
upon any person who shall knowingly make use of the
counterfeit seal or forged signature or stamp mentioned in 2. Prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods
the preceding article. and a fine of not to exceed P2,000 pesos, if the
counterfeited coins be any of the minor coinage of the
Elements of Using Forged Signature or Counterfeit Philippines or of the Central Bank of the Philippines below
Seal or Stamp ten-centavo denomination.

1. That the Great Seal of the Republic was 3. Prision correccional in its minimum period and a fine not
counterfeited or the signature or stamp of the Chief to exceed P1,000 pesos, if the counterfeited coin be
Executive was forged by another person; currency of a foreign country. (As amended by R.A. No.
2. That the offender knew of the counterfeiting or 4202, approved June 19, 1965).
forgery; and
3. That he used the counterfeit seal or forged ACTS PUNISHED
signature or stamp.
I. Counterfeiting of Coins. There is counterfeiting
Q: X is applying for a job in the government. He needed of coins when the offender copies or imitates the
a recommendation coming from a politician so that he peculiar design of a genuine or authentic coin in
will be accepted. His friend, Y knew how to counterfeit order to produce a spurious one.
signatures. He is very good in counterfeiting
signatures. They were able to secure a copy of a II. Importing False coins. There is importing false
document of Malacañang, so they knew the signature coins when the offender brings into Philippine
of Pres. Bongbong Marcos. So, Y copied and imitated ports any false or counterfeited coins.
the signature of Pres. Bongbong Marcos and then he
wrote a letter of recommendation coming from the III. Uttering of False Coins. There is uttering of false
president himself in the fake or falsified letterhead of coins when the offender circulates, passes, gives
Malacañang. away from one person to another these false or
counterfeited coins.
X believed that since his friend is very good, it will not
be detected so he attached it to his curriculum vitae as In case of counterfeiting of coins, the coins which can be
well as his application letter. However, it was the subject of counterfeiting may be any coins for as long
discovered by the particular agency that the said letter as it is genuine and authentic. It could be coins of present
of recommendation coming from Malacañang circulation. It could be old or vintage coins (e.g., coins from
the time of Former President Marcos, Sr. and coins from

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the time of Rizal). It could be foreign coins, any coins. For sukli lang yan sa akin sa palengke. Wait here, I’m going
as long as it is genuine and authentic, it can be the subject inside the house, and I will give you the P40.”
of counterfeiting because it can be imitated. What is being
punished is the imitation/copying of the peculiar design in X went inside her house to get the P40 but when she
order to produce a spurious. came back, the tricycle driver is no longer there. She
stood there looking for the tricycle driver. Suddenly,
ARTICLE 164. MUTILATION OF COINS the tricycle arrived. Onboard the tricycle were two
police officers and told X, “You are under arrest. There
Article 164. Mutilation of coins; Importation and utterance is a complaint against you – you paid him fake,
of mutilated coins. - The penalty of prision correccional in counterfeited, falsified P10 coins.” So, the said woman
its minimum period and a fine not to exceed P2,000 pesos was arrested.
shall be imposed upon any person who shall mutilate coins
of the legal currency of the United States or of the Is the said woman liable for possession of
Philippine Islands or import or utter mutilated current coins, counterfeited coins under Art. 165?
or in connivance with mutilators or importers.
A: The woman is not liable. Although she was found in
In mutilation of coins under Art. 164, the coins which may possession of the counterfeited coins, and that by her acts,
be the subject of mutilation must be genuine coins which there was on her part intent to utter the same, to circulate
are in present circulation. If the coin is old or vintage, or the same, she lacks knowledge that the coins were
of foreign currency, even if it is mutilated, the public will not counterfeited or imitated. The second element is wanting
be damaged because it is not in circulation, it is not being as she had no knowledge that the coins were counterfeited
used. Therefore, the public will not be deceived. because they were just given to her as change for the
things she bought at the public market. Absent
Coins are mutilated when the offender scraps off, knowledge that the coins were counterfeited or
scratches off parts of the metal contents of the coin thereby imitated; she cannot then be held criminally liable for
diminishing the intrinsic value of the said coin. Therefore, possession of counterfeited or mutilated coins. The
any person coming across the said coin will be deceived second element requires that she has knowledge of the
as to the intrinsic value of the said coin. fact that the coins are counterfeited and imitated, and
despite knowledge, she has the intent to utter the same.
The coins which may be The coins which must be When it comes to the signature of the President, the stamp,
subject of counterfeiting the subject of mutilation the seal, it is forgery. When it comes to coins, it is
may be any coin for as must be in present counterfeiting. When it comes to checks, instruments
long as it is genuine and circulation. If it is not, the payable to bearer, payable to order, also forgery. When it
authentic. crime will not arise. comes to documents, it is falsification.

Four Kinds of Documents which may be the Subject of
Article 165. Selling of false or mutilated coin, without Falsification
connivance. - The person who knowingly, although without
the connivance mentioned in the preceding articles, shall 1. Public Document – one prepared and executed
possess false or mutilated coin with intent to utter the by a competent public official or a notary public
same, or shall actually utter such coin, shall suffer a with all the solemnities required by law;
penalty lower by one degree than that prescribed in said
articles. 2. Official Document – a document issued by a
public official in the exercise of his official function;
Q: Mother X went to the market with P2,000. Based on 3. Commercial Document – a document defined
the budget, it is enough to buy the needs of the family. and regulated by the Code of Commerce or any
After buying all the needs in the list, she is now a few
other commercial mercantile law; and
coins left – the change. She flagged down a tricycle
and told the tricycle her address to bring her home. 4. Private Document – a document, deed, or
The tricycle stopped at the gate of her house. When instrument, executed by private persons without
the tricycle stopped in the gate of the house, X alighted the intervention of a competent public official or
and took coins from her pocket. The fare is P40 so she
notary public, by which document any agreement
gave the driver four (4) P10 coins. When the tricycle
driver received the said four (4) P10 coins, the tricycle or disposition is proved, evidenced, or set forth.
driver said, “Nay, peke ‘to. Bakit ka nagbabayad ng It is important to know the kind of document that is falsified:
peke, ‘nay?” X replied, “Ha hindi ko alam na peke yan,

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1. If the document falsified is a public, official 6. Making any alteration or intercalation in a genuine
document, there is no need to prove the document which changes its meaning;
element of damage, prejudice, injury, or intent
to cause damage on the part of the offended party 7. Issuing in an authenticated form a document purporting
or any third person, because it is presumed by law to be a copy of an original document when no such original
to be genuine and authentic, and evidence of the exists, or including in such a copy a statement contrary to,
or different from, that of the genuine original; or
facts stated therein. Therefore, any falsification of
the said document is a violation of the truth being 8. Intercalating any instrument or note relative to the
proclaimed by the said document. issuance thereof in a protocol, registry, or official book.
2. If the document falsified is a private document,
The same penalty shall be imposed upon any
for the crime to arise, it is necessary that there is
ecclesiastical minister who shall commit any of the
intent to cause damage or there was damage offenses enumerated in the preceding paragraphs of this
or prejudice caused to the offended party or to a article, with respect to any record or document of such
third person. Without damage, there is no crime of character that its falsification may affect the civil status of
falsification of private document because it is a persons.
crime against public interest. No damage, no
conviction. Under this provision, the law punishes the falsification by a
public officer, employee, notary public, or even by an
All official documents are public documents, but not ecclesiastical minister.
all public documents are considered official
documents. Before a public document may be considered Elements of Falsification by Public Officer, Employee,
as an official document, it must be issued by a public Notary Public, or Ecclesiastic Minister
official in the exercise of his official functions.
1. The offender is a public officer, employee, or
A private document may become a public document. A notary public;
private document may become an official document. If the
said private document is submitted to a public office, it is 2. The said offender has taken advantage of his
now part of public documents and becomes part of public official position/function;
records. If it is issued by the custodian or any person in
charge of the said document in the exercise of his official 3. The said offender falsifies a document by
function, it is now considered an official document. committing any of the following modes stated
EMPLOYEE, NOTARY PUBLIC, OR ECCLESIASTICAL a. By counterfeiting or imitating any
MINISTER handwriting, signature, or rubric;

Article 171. Falsification by public officer, employee or b. By causing it to appear that persons
notary or ecclesiastic minister. - The penalty of prision have participated in any act or
mayor and a fine not to exceed P5,000 pesos shall be proceeding when they did not in fact
imposed upon any public officer, employee, or notary who, so participate;
taking advantage of his official position, shall falsify a
document by committing any of the following acts: c. By attributing to persons who have
participated in an act or proceeding
1. Counterfeiting or imitating any handwriting, signature or statement other than those in fact
rubric; made by them;

2. Causing it to appear that persons have participated in d. By making untruthful statements in a

any act or proceeding when they did not in fact so narration of facts;
e. By altering true dates;
3. Attributing to persons who have participated in an act or f. By making any alteration or
proceeding statements other than those in fact made by
intercalation in a genuine document
which changes its meaning;
4. Making untruthful statements in a narration of facts; g. By issuing in an authenticated form a
document purporting to be a copy of
5. Altering true dates;
an original document when no such
original exists or by including in such

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a copy a statement contrary to or its medium and maximum periods and a fine of not more
different from that of the genuine than P5,000 pesos shall be imposed upon:
original; and
1. Any private individual who shall commit any of the
h. By intercalating any instrument or falsifications enumerated in the next preceding article in
note relative to the issuance thereof in any public or official document or letter of exchange or any
any protocol, registry, or official book. other kind of commercial document; and

4. If the offender is an ecclesiastical minister, the 2. Any person who, to the damage of a third party, or with
document falsified may affect the civil status of the intent to cause such damage, shall in any private
persons. document commit any of the acts of falsification
enumerated in the next preceding article.

Q: Who is the offender? Any person who shall knowingly introduce in evidence in
any judicial proceeding or to the damage of another or
A: The offender is the public officer, employee, or notary who, with the intent to cause such damage, shall use any
public. of the false documents embraced in the next preceding
article, or in any of the foregoing subdivisions of this article,
Q: What if the offender is an ecclesiastical minister? shall be punished by the penalty next lower in degree.

A: Based on the last element of Article 171, if the offender THREE PUNISHABLE ACTS
is an ecclesiastical minister, for said provision to be
violated, it is necessary that the document he falsified I. Falsification of a public, official, or
must affect the civil status of the offended party. commercial document by a private
If the document falsified will not affect the civil status
of the offended party, the crime is under Article 172, 1. The offender is a private person or a
not Article 170. public officer acting in his private
For Article 171 to lie against a public officer or employee,
it is necessary that in the act of falsifying the document, the 2. The offender commits any act of
public officer, employee, or notary public must have taken falsification under Article 171; and
advantage of his public position, his public office.
3. The said acts of falsification were
The offender is said to have taken advantage of his committed in a public, official, or
public position or public office when: commercial document.

1. He has the duty to make or prepare or otherwise II. Falsification of a private document by any
intervene in the preparation of the document; or person;

2. He has the official custody of the document which 1. The offender is any person;
he falsifies.
2. The offender commits any of the acts
Although Article 171 is silent as to the kind of of falsification under Article 171
document falsified, it necessarily follows that the except paragraph 7. Therefore, said
document falsified is a public, official document since paragraph will not apply if the
the offender is a public officer, employee, or notary document is a private document; and
3. The document falsified is a private
The eight (8) acts of falsification are mentioned under document and there was intent to
Article 171. They also apply in Article 172. Article 171 cause damage, or damage was
requires that the offender takes advantage of his caused to a private person or to a third
official position; otherwise, the liability is under the first person.
act of Article 172.
NB: In falsification of a private document,
ARTICLE 172. FALSIFICATION BY PRIVATE it is necessary that there must be damage

Article 172. Falsification by private individual and use of III. The use of falsified document.
falsified documents. - The penalty of prision correccional in

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1. If the said falsified document is used the signature of her superior to make it appear that her
in a judicial proceeding, there is no superior verified her DTR. She also made untruthful
need to prove damage or intent to statement of facts as she made it appear in her DTR that
cause damage. she reported for work in September, October, and
November, when she did not. Consequently, she was
2. If the said document is used in any charged with falsification. Torres then was charged with six
other official transaction outside counts of falsification of public documents.
judicial proceedings, it is necessary to
prove damage or intent to cause HELD: The Supreme Court affirmed the conviction of
damage for the crime to arise. Torres, stating that the Court of Appeals did not err in
affirming the conviction of Torres for six counts of
Q: X falsified a deed of absolute sale. It was notarized falsification of public documents. Evidence showed and it
by the notary public. A case of falsification of public was established by the prosecution that Torres, an
document was filed against X. X said he cannot be held intelligence agent of NBI, took advantage of her official
liable of falsification because the sale did not proceed, position in falsifying her DTR by 1) counterfeiting or
therefore, there was no damage. Is X’s defense imitating the signature of her supervising officer to make it
meritorious? appear that the latter verified; 2) making untruthful
statements in a narration of facts because she caused it to
A: The defense of X has no merit. In falsification of public appear that she regularly reported for work in the months
or official document like a deed of absolute sale, the of September to November, when she actually stopped
presence of intent to cause damage and intent to injure a working in those months; and 3) altering true dates.
third person is not necessary. What is being punished is
the violation of the public fate and the destruction of the Here, it was ruled that Torres was liable for six counts of
truth being solemnly proclaimed by the said public or falsification of public documents.
official document.
Q: X was charged with the falsification of a public 642 SCRA 485 | 09 February 2011
document. He falsified a deed of absolute sale. The
private complainant, during the hearing of the case, FACTS: Galeos is an employee of the municipal hall. Any
presented only a machine copy of the said deed of public officer of the government, whether local or national,
absolute sale allegedly containing his signature must file his Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net
falsified by X. When asked to produce the original Worth, otherwise known as SALN. In the SALN, there is
copy, the private complaint said he couldn’t produce that question: Are you related to anyone in the government
it, but what he has is the falsified copy of the deed of service within the fourth degree of consanguinity? In this
absolute sale where X allegedly falsified, case, Galeos stated that there is none. However, it was
counterfeited, copied, imitated, the signature of said later discovered that Galeos is a relative of the town mayor.
private complainant. Can X be convicted of As such, he was charged with falsification of public
falsification of public document by the mere document under paragraph 4 of Article 171, by making
presentation of the photocopy of the deed of absolute untruthful statements in a narration of facts.
HELD: The Supreme Court convicted Galeos of
A: No. In the case of Lamsen v. People, the Supreme falsification of public document, ruling that, since Galeos
Court said that there are other handwriting elements which answered ‘no’ in the question raised in the SALN whether
could not be determined in a mere photocopy. There are or not he has a relative in the government service within
handwriting details which could not be visibly detected by the fourth degree of consanguinity, he made an untruthful
the naked eye in a mere photocopy. It further said that the statement in a narration of facts because the truth is that
handwriting movement, the line quality, the emphasis, he was related to Mayor Ong at the same he was the
cannot be determined in a mere photocopy. Therefore, it is municipal mayor, and he was a relative within the fourth
necessary to present the original copy of the said deed of degree of consanguinity of Galeos since they are first
absolute sale. Without presentation of the said deed of cousins.
absolute sale, the original copy which contains the alleged
counterfeited signature, it would be an acquittal. The mere Another issue raised in this case is regarding the answer
representation of a photocopy would not give rise to a of Galeos in his 1994 SALN in the question: Are you related
conviction. to anyone in the government service within the fourth
degree of consanguinity? Galeos left the answer box
TORRES v. PEOPLE empty or blank; he did not answer it. The Supreme Court
G.R. No. 241164 | 14 August 2019 held that he was also liable for falsification. Insofar as his
1994 SALN is concerned, he left in blank the boxes to the
FACTS: Torres was an intelligence agent of the NBI. She same question which is deemed as falsification. It was
falsified her daily time records (DTR). She counterfeited further ruled that one is guilty of falsification in the

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accomplishment of his information, of his personal data USURPATION OF USURPATION OF
sheet, if he withholds material facts which would have PUBLIC AUTHORITY OFFICIAL FUNCTIONS
affected the approval of his appointment or promotion in Essence
the government. Had he put a check therein, he would not There is usurpation of There is usurpation of
have been admitted to government service. By leaving it public authority when a official functions when a
blank, he tried to withhold a valuable information which led person knowingly and person performs an act
to his admission. Therefore, he is guilty of falsification falsely represents himself pertaining to a person in
because of his nondisclosure of such relationship to the to be an agent, officer or authority or a public
Mayor within the fourth degree of consanguinity. representative of any officer, either of the
department or agency of Philippine Government or
the Philippine Government of a foreign government
CHAPTER TWO: or of a foreign under false pretense of
OTHER FALSITIES government. official position without
being lawfully entitled to
The mere act of false The offender must perform
Article 177. Usurpation of authority or official functions. - representation will give an act. The said act
Any person who shall knowingly and falsely represent rise to the felony. pertains either to a person
himself to be an officer, agent or representative of any in authority or to a public
department or agency of the Philippine Government or of officer either of the
any foreign government, or who, under pretense of official Philippine Government or
position, shall perform any act pertaining to any person in of a foreign government.
authority or public officer of the Philippine Government or
any foreign government, or any agency thereof, without It will become a crime if he
being lawfully entitled to do so, shall suffer the penalty of did so under false
prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods. pretense of official position
and without being lawfully

Under Art. 177, there are two acts, or two kinds of RUZOL v. SANDIGANBAYAN
usurpation – G.R. Nos. 186739-960 | 17 April 2013

1. Usurpation of Public Authority; and FACTS: Mayor Ruzol issued 221 permits providing for the
2. Usurpation of Official Functions. transport of logs within his jurisdiction. The DENR learned
about this. And so, the officers of the DENR filed against
There is usurpation of public authority when a person Mayor Ruzol a violation of Art. 177. The DENR said that
knowingly and falsely represents himself to be an agent, such act of issuing permit is exclusive within the power of
officer or representative of any department or agency of the DENR – it cannot be performed by the mayor.
the Philippine Government or of a foreign government.
And so, they said that when Mayor Ruzol issued these 221
The mere act of false representation will give rise to the permits, according to the officers of the DENR, he
felony. becomes liable for violation of Art. 177. Mayor Ruzol was
convicted by the Sandiganbayan.
On the other hand, there is usurpation of official
functions when a person performs an act pertaining to a When the case reached the Supreme Court, Mayor Ruzol’s
person in authority or a public officer, either of the defense was that he acted in good faith. According to
Philippine Government or of a foreign government under Mayor Ruzol, he issued the said permits in order to
false pretense of official position without being lawfully prevent, to regulate the transport of logs within his
entitled to do so. jurisdiction, to prevent illegal logging within his jurisdiction
and to monitor illegal logging within his jurisdiction.
In usurpation of official function, the offender must perform According to him, he acted in good faith.
an act. The said act pertains either to a person in authority
or to a public officer either of the Philippine Government or HELD: The Supreme Court said it is settled in
of a foreign government. It will become a crime if he did so jurisprudence that in case of usurpation under Art. 177,
under false pretense of official position and without being good faith is a defense.
lawfully entitled to do so.
Since Mayor Ruzol acted in good faith, he has no criminal
mind – his intention was to monitor, regulate and ensure

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that there will be no illegal logging in his jurisdiction. The is the vice mayor who should sit as acting mayor the
Supreme Court said, without criminal mind, without mens moment the mayor is out, when he (Councilor X) received
rea, his actus reus will not work alone. There must be both this communication, still he did not vacate his position. In
mens rea and actus reus, because – according to the that case, he already acted in bad faith.
Supreme Court – it is a felony.
Therefore, the Supreme Court held Hilvano liable for
PEOPLE v. HILVANO violation of Art. 177.
G.R. No. L-8583 | 31 July 1956
Q: X and Y went to the mayor and they wanted to have
Q: The mayor went on leave. He has to go to the US for this civil wedding ceremony. They said that they could
a month. Because of that, he appointed the first not afford a church wedding, they don’t have the
councilor, the number one councilor in the area, to be money, so it will merely be a civil wedding ceremony.
the acting mayor. Thereafter, he flew to the US. The mayor asked from X and Y if they have already
complied with all the requirements for a valid wedding
Councilor X is now acting and performing his job as ceremony. X and Y said yes, and they showed all the
an acting mayor. The next day, however, here comes documents.
the vice mayor. The vice mayor said, “First city
councilor, I am already here. You should already The mayor looked at the documents and gave them to
vacate your post as acting mayor because under the his executive assistant. The executive assistant told
law, the moment the mayor is out, the vice mayor the mayor, “Mayor, kumpleto naman.” The moment the
automatically becomes the acting mayor. You can executive assistant told the mayor that everything is in
already vacate your post.” order, all the documents have been complied with, the
mayor set the wedding on the last day of the month,
Councilor X said, “No, that’s not true. The mayor April 30.
designated me. The mayor, before leaving, designated
me to be the acting mayor. Therefore, I should sit as Because of that, these two persons X and Y went to
the acting mayor until he arrives.” the mayor’s office on April 30. It happens to be a
Friday. The moment they reached the mayor’s office,
Since the first councilor did not want to leave his the executive assistant told X and Y, “I’m sorry, but the
position, what vice mayor asked opinions from the mayor is out. The mayor is attending a League of
Provincial Fiscal and from the Executive Secretary of Conference of Mayors. It is happening now in Baguio.
the President. Both of them sent messages to It is very far from here. He will be back by Sunday. I will
Councilor X that he should vacate his position advise that you come back Monday.”
because under the law, under the Administrative Code,
under the Local Government Code, it is the vice mayor But, the bride to be, X, became hysterical. “No, that
who automatically becomes the acting mayor the cannot be, everything is already set! The people are
moment the mayor is out or on leave. already at the reception area at the restaurant – we
cannot postpone it! The wedding ceremony shall be
Despite receipt of this memorandum, clarification now, no other day!” When the executive assistant saw
coming from the Provincial Fiscal and the Executive X was already becoming hysterical, he told X and Y,
Secretary, still, Councilor X did not vacate his position. “That’s not a problem. I can celebrate and solemnize
Because of that, the vice mayor filed a case of violation your marriage. It has been delegated to me by the
of Art. 177 against the said councilor acting as mayor. mayor. Come inside.”

Councilor X said he acted in good faith because he Thereafter, the executive assistant celebrated,
was designated by the mayor as the acting mayor. Is solemnized, officiated the wedding ceremony of X and
he liable as charged? Y. They were told to affix their signature on the
certificate of marriage. They affixed their signature
A: YES. The Supreme Court said he is liable under Art. above the printed name of the spouses. The witnesses
177. who served as ninong and ninang also affixed their
In the old case of People v. Hilvano (31 July 1956, En
Banc), the Supreme Court said at first, the said councilor But the executive assistant told X and Y, “I cannot yet
can claim good faith because he was designated by the give you a copy of your Certificate of Marriage. You
mayor to be the acting mayor. have to come back Monday. Because it is the mayor
who has to sign as the solemnizing officer. Kindly
However, the moment communications came from the come back Monday.” Because of that X and Y left.
Provincial Fiscal and the Executive Secretary of the
President saying that under the law, under the Here comes Monday, they went back to the office. The
Administrative Code, under the Local Government Code, it executive assistant immediately handed to them a

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copy of their Certificate of Marriage. In the said exceed 500 pesos shall be imposed upon any person who
Certificate of Marriage, above the printed name of the shall publicly use a fictitious name for the purpose of
mayor as the solemnizing officer, there was the concealing a crime, evading the execution of a judgment
signature of the mayor. or causing damage.

What crime or crimes is/are committed by the Any person who conceals his true name and other
executive assistant and by the mayor? personal circumstances shall be punished by arresto
menor or a fine not to exceed 200 pesos.
A: The executive assistant is liable under Art. 177,
usurpation of official function.
He performs an act pertaining to a person in authority – the NAME
mayor – under false pretense of official function although
he is not entitled to do so. The power to solemnize, Under Art. 178, the law also punishes two acts –
celebrate the marriage by the mayor cannot be delegated
to a mere executive assistant. Therefore, he did so under 1. Using a fictitious name; and
false pretense of official position and without being lawfully 2. Concealing true name.
entitled to do so. Therefore, he is liable under Art. 177.
Elements of Using a Fictitious Name
He is also liable under Art. 171, falsification of public
document, that is, the Certificate of Marriage. 1. The offender uses a name other than his real
Q: Why falsification?
2. The offender uses the said name publicly;
A: He is a public officer, he took advantage of his official
position, he falsified the Certificate of Marriage. 3. The purpose of the offender is either –

Q: Which act of falsification under Art. 171 has been a. To conceal a crime;
violated? b. To evade the execution of a judgment; or
c. To cause damage to the public interest.
A: He violated the second act. He caused it to appear
that it was the mayor who solemnized the marriage but in Elements of Concealing True Name
truth and in fact, he was the one who solemnized the said
marriage. Therefore, he is liable for falsification. 1. The offender conceals his real name and other
personal circumstances;
Q: What about the mayor?
2. The purpose of the offender is to conceal his real
A: The mayor is liable under Art. 171. He is a public identity.
officer; he took advantage of his public position in falsifying
the said Certificate of Marriage.
Q: Which act of falsification?
(Not part of 2023 Bar syllabus)
A: The fourth act – making untruthful statements in a
narration of facts. Sec. 1. Except as a pseudonym solely for literary, cinema,
television, radio or other entertainment purposes and in
When the mayor affixed his signature on the bottom as the athletic events where the use of pseudonym is a normally
solemnizing officer above his printed name, he was in accepted practice, no person shall use any name different
effect saying that he was the one who solemnized, who from the one with which he was registered at birth in the
officiated the civil wedding ceremony between X and Y, office of the local civil registry, or with which he was
when in truth and in fact, he was not present during the baptized for the first time, or, in case of an alien, with which
said occasion. Therefore, he committed violation of Art. he was registered in the bureau of immigration upon entry;
171 under the fourth act – making untruthful statements in or such substitute name as may have been authorized by
a narration of facts. a competent court: Provided, That persons, whose births
have not been registered in any local civil registry and who
ART. 178. USING FICTITIOUS NAME AND have not been baptized, have one year from the approval
CONCEALING TRUE NAME of this act within which to register their names in the civil
registry of their residence. The name shall comprise the
Article 178. Using fictitious name and concealing true patronymic name and one or two surnames.
name. - The penalty of arresto mayor and a fine not to

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Under the Anti-Alias Law, no person can use any name identify who he really is. There was no concealment of his
other than his real name by which it is registered at birth in real identity.
the office of the local civil registry, or with which he was
baptized for the first time, or, in case of an alien, with which Atty. X is not liable under CA 142, as amended. For “Y”
he was registered in the bureau of immigration upon entry to be considered as an alias of Atty. X, it is necessary that
in the Philippines. used the name “Y” habitually and publicly. Although in
this case, he used the name “Y” publicly during an
If he uses an alias, if uses another name, then he can be investigation, there was no evidence showing that he used
held liable under CA 142. A pseudonym or an alias can it habitually. He used the said name “Y” only in one
only be used by persons involve in literary, cinema, circumstance, only on one occasion without any showing
television, radio or other entertainment purposes and in that he used it in any other circumstances. Therefore, “Y”
athletic events where the use of pseudonym is a normally cannot be considered as alias of Atty. X.
accepted practice or when the use of another name is
allowed by competent authority. FALSE TESTIMONY

OLD BAR Q: In a raid conducted in a sauna bath parlor, 1. False Testimony in Criminal Cases
among those arrested was Atty. X. After a days’ work,
he decided to drop by the said sauna bath to have a a. False Testimony Against the Defendant
good massage. While he was having his massage, the (Art. 180)
police armed with a search warrant raided the place.
The police officers were able to secure a search b. False Testimony Favorable to the
warrant because based on their surveillance, the Defendant (Art. 181)
establishment is actually a prostitution den. Everyone
was arrested including Atty. X who was just in the 2. False Testimony in Civil Cases
ground floor receiving a massage.
When he was investigated at the police station, he was DEFENDANT
asked of his name. He was so embarrassed to divulge
his real name because it will reveal that he is a lawyer. Elements of False Testimony Against a Defendant
And so, he did not divulge his real name. He said that
he is Y. And when asked of his profession, he did not 1. There is a criminal proceeding;
state the truth that he is a lawyer. However, he stated
truthfully his address, civil status, that he is married, 2. The offender testified falsely under oath against the
the name of his wife, the name of his children. defendant;
Everything except his name and his profession
because he was too embarrassed. 3. The offender knew that his testimony is false; and

Is Atty. X liable under Article 178 for using a fictitious 4. The defendant against whom the false testimony is
name? Is Atty. X liable under Article 178 for concealing given is either acquitted or convicted in a final
true name? Is Atty. X liable under CA 142, as judgment.
A: Atty. X is not liable for using a fictitious name. DEFENDANT
Although he used the name “Y”, although it can be said to
be done publicly because it was during an investigation Elements of False Testimony Favorable to a Defendant
conducted at the police station, his purpose was only to,
because of embarrassment, he did not want to divulge his 1. There is a criminal proceeding;
name. He did not do so to conceal a crime, to evade
execution of a judgment, or to cause damage to public 2. The offender testified falsely under oath in favor of
interest. None of these purposes. Therefore, he cannot be the defendant; and
held liable for using a fictitious name.
3. The offender knew that his testimony is false.
Atty. X is not liable for concealing true name. He is not
liable for concealing true name because, although he did If you will look at the elements of Arts. 180 and 181, the
not disclose his real name and profession, he truthfully difference lies in the fact that in case of false testimony
stated his other personal circumstances such as, his against the defendant, there is 4th element whereas in case
address, his civil status, the name of his wife, the name of of false testimony favorable to a defendant, the 4th element
his children. Therefore, he can easily be identified by just is not necessary.
going to his place of residence. The police can easily

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FALSE TESTIMONY FALSE TESTIMONY filed a case of False Testimony against the Defendant
AGAINST THE FAVORABLE TO A under Article 180. Will the case prosper?
A: The case will not prosper. The first element is present,
Before the false witness
there is a criminal proceeding. The offender W testified
can be prosecuted in falsely under oath against X. The offender W knew his
court, it is necessary that Right after the giving of the testimony is false. He was paid. He was rehearsed. He
there is a final termination false testimony favorable memorized his testimony. The first three elements are
of the case of the said to the said defendant, the present but the fourth element is absent. The case was still
defendant. The defendant said false witness can under review by the Court of Appeals. There was yet no
final termination of the said case. The said defendant X has
is either acquitted or already be prosecuted in
not yet been acquitted or convicted by final judgment.
convicted by final court. No need to wait for Therefore, the filing of the case of violation of Article 180
judgment. Without that, the final termination of the against W is still premature.
the filing of a case against case.
the false witness is still Q: X was charged in court, W, a paid and rehearsed
premature. witness, stated falsities against him. Thereafter, after
The penalty to be imposed trial on the merits, the judge did not believe him
because of so many inconsistencies on his testimony
on the false witness
as witness who allegedly saw the killing. The judge did
depends on the final not believe him. The judge said: “For reasonable
The law prescribes a
sentence imposed on the doubt, X is hereby acquitted of the crime charged.”
particular penalty.
defendant against whom
the false testimony was Although X won, although he was acquitted of the
given. crime charged and was very happy for the acquittal, he
was still mad at W. He filed a case of violation of Art.
180 – False Testimony Against a Defendant against W.
Whether it is a false testimony against the defendant or Will the case prosper?
false testimony favorable to a defendant, it is not
required that in making the decision, the judge must A: YES. The case will prosper because upon acquittal of
consider the false testimony. There is no such X, there was already a final termination of the said case.
requisite that the false testimony be considered by the
Generally, an acquittal cannot be the subject of a right to
Q: X is being charged with the crime of homicide. The Q: X was charged with homicide. After the
fiscal presented all its witnesses, but the fiscal said, presentation of the prosecution’s evidence, it is time
“Mahina ang ating ebidensya, walang nakakita. Medyo for the defense to present the evidence. The defense
mahina ‘yung circumstantial evidence.” When the presented first the accused X. The defense counsel
parents of the victim learned this, they told the fiscal, moved that there must be a witness to corroborate X’s
“Meron pong nakikita. Kilala ko po yan pero medyo testimony. X talked to his friend, W. W testified in favor
natatakot eh. Kakausapin ko po.” of X. Despite W’s testimony in favor of X, the judge still
convicted X and found X guilty of homicide because of
The next day, the parents of the victim went to the the evidence of the prosecution, finding his guilt
office of the public prosecutor and presented W. So, beyond reasonable doubt.
the fiscal began asking questions to determine truth
on the statement of the mother that indeed, W saw the X filed his appeal before the CA. While the case was
act of killing. Since this witness was a paid rehearsed pending appeal, the private complainant, the heirs of
witness by the parents of the victim since he the victim, were so mad at W for testifying falsely in
memorized everything, the fiscal was convinced that favor of X. They filed a case against W for violation of
he was present at the scene. Art. 181 – False testimony favorable to the defendant.
On the next day of hearing, the fiscal asked the court Will the case prosper?
that he be given a chance to present his last witness.
So, the fiscal presented W. Under oath, W started A: YES. The case will prosper.
lying, testifying against the defendant X. After trial on
the merits, the judge convicted X. Anytime after W has given his false testimony favorable to
X, he can already be prosecuted for violation of Art. 181
X appealed to the Court Appeals. When the case of X because in case of Art. 181, the last element (under Art.
was pending appeal, X, very mad at W, immediately

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180) is absent. The penalty is specifically provided for by made before a competent officer duly authorized to receive
law. It does not depend on the final sentence to be imposed and administer oath.
on the said defendant.
Third element. The third element requires that the offender
ARTICLE 183. PERJURY made in the said statement or affidavit a deliberate
assertion of falsity.
Article 183. False testimony in other cases and perjury
in solemn affirmation. - The penalty of arresto mayor in It must be deliberately done. There must be malice on the
its maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum part of the offender. Therefore, good faith is a defense in
period shall be imposed upon any person, who knowingly case of perjury.
makes untruthful statements and not being included in the
provisions of the next preceding articles, shall testify under Q: The offender stated the falsities in the sworn
oath, or make an affidavit, upon any material matter before statement or affidavit because he was being coerced.
a competent person authorized to administer an oath in If he will not to state those statements, he will be
cases in which the law so requires. placed behind bars. There was coercion on the part of
a third person. The offender could not do anything so
Any person who, in case of a solemn affirmation made in he stated the said falsities. Can he be held liable?
lieu of an oath, shall commit any of the falsehoods
mentioned in this and the three preceding articles of this A: NO. He cannot be held liable. It is a defense that he has
section, shall suffer the respective penalties provided no criminal intent to perjure himself. There was good faith
therein. on his part.

Elements of Perjury Fourth element. The fourth element requires that the said
statement/affidavit must be required by law because it is a
1. The offender made a statement under oath or crime against public interest.
executed an affidavit upon a material matter;
2. The said statement under oath or affidavit was made On Art. 183’s recent amendment
before a competent officer duly authorized to receive
and administer oath; Art. 183 has been recently amended. However, the
amendment has nothing to do with the substance of the
3. That in the said statement or affidavit, the offender crime. The amendment is only to increase the
made a willful and deliberate assertion of falsehood; imposable penalty to prision mayor.

4. The said statement or affidavit containing falsity is From a less grave felony, perjury is now punished by
required by law. prision mayor. The purpose of Congress is to increase
the imposable penalty on persons who deliberately
First element. How is perjury committed? perjure themselves.

There are two ways of committing perjury based on the first Thus, the amendment is only on the penalty and not on
element: the substance of the crime.

a. Making a statement under oath; and Q: A case of estafa was filed before the office of the
public prosecutor. The public prosecutor read both the
It must not be in a judicial proceeding. If the false complaint and counter-affidavit. He needed further
statement is made in a judicial proceeding, the evidence, so he set the case for preliminary
crime committed is false testimony. For it to be investigation for clarificatory hearing. Both parties
perjury, the said false statement under oath must were required to attend the clarificatory hearing. The
be made in a quasi-judicial, administrative or private complainant, together with his witnesses, and
legislative proceeding. the respondent, together with his witnesses, attended
the said clarificatory hearing.
b. Executing an affidavit upon a material matter.
The public prosecutor, under oath, began asking the
Second element. Whether it is a statement or affidavit, it witness for the private complainant, and the witness
must be subscribed and sworn to before a competent began stating falsities. It was discovered that the
officer duly authorized to receive and administer oath. statements were falsities.
Otherwise, perjury will not be committed. The essence of
perjury is the violation of the solemnity of the oath. Hence, What crime is committed by the witness? Is he liable
it is necessary that the said statement or affidavit must be for False Testimony or Perjury?

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A: The liability is perjury. It is not false testimony.
Amendment on Art. 184
The said statement under oath was not made in a judicial
proceeding, but in a quasi-judicial proceeding. Art. 184 is also included in the amendment. Note, it is only
as to the increase in penalty, not with respect to the
Q: X stated falsities in a counter-affidavit on a material substance of the crime.
matter. What is the crime committed?
Q: How is Art. 184 different from subornation of
A: The crime committed is perjury because is an affidavit perjury?
is required to be under oath.
A: Subornation of perjury is the crime committed by the
Q: X stated falsities on a document not required to be procurer of a false witness. It is the crime of a person who
under oath. What crime is committed? procures a false witness to testify in court. In case of
subornation of perjury, in order for the suborner or the
A: It depends on what the fiscal will file. person who procured the false witness to become
criminally liable, it is necessary that the false witness must
In one of the cases assigned to you, the fiscal said that the first be convicted of perjury.
making of a false statement in a document is considered
as falsification of public document. Whereas, in another This is not true in case of Art. 184. Under Art. 184, the mere
case, the SC said that it is perjury. fact that the offender offers a false witness, even if the false
witness has not yet testified in court or perjured himself,
The moment the false statement under oath is made in a will make him criminally liable. There is no requisite that
document, it can either be: the false witness must first be convicted of perjury.

1. Falsification of public document; OR From previous notes:

2. Perjury. There is no such crime as subornation of perjury under
the present RPC because we already have Art. 184.
This depends on the case filed by the public prosecutor
against the offender. [Articles 185 to 187 were not discussed during lecture. The
notes added here were culled from previous notes.]

Article 184. Offering false testimony in evidence. - Any Section One

person who shall knowingly offer in evidence a false Machinations, monopolies and combinations
witness or testimony in any judicial or official proceeding,
shall be punished as guilty of false testimony and shall ARTICLE 185. MACHINATIONS
suffer the respective penalties provided in this section. IN PUBLIC AUCTIONS

This is committed by any person who shall offer in Article 185. Machinations in public auctions. - Any person
evidence a false witness or a false testimony. who shall solicit any gift or promise as a consideration for
refraining from taking part in any public auction, and any
Elements of Offering False Testimony in Evidence person who shall attempt to cause bidders to stay away
from an auction by threats, gifts, promises, or any other
1. The offender offered in evidence a false witness or artifice, with intent to cause the reduction of the price of the
false testimony. thing auctioned, shall suffer the penalty of prision
correccional in its minimum period and a fine ranging from
2. The offender knew the witness or the testimony 10 to 50 per centum of the value of the thing auctioned.
was false.
3. The offer was made in a judicial or official

Note: • By soliciting any gift or promise as a consideration

The mere act of offering the false testimony or false for refraining from taking part in any public auction.
witness will already give rise to the crime. There is no
requisite that the false testimony or false witness be • The mere act of soliciting any gift or promise, so
considered. The mere act of the offender of offering the that he will refrain from taking part of the public
false testimony or false witness will make him criminally auction, will already give rise to the crime. It is not
liable. necessary that he actually received the gift, it is not

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necessary that he actually will not participate in the
said auction. 1. Any person who shall enter into any contract or
agreement or shall take part in any conspiracy or
Elements combination in the form of a trust or otherwise, in restraint
of trade or commerce or to prevent by artificial means free
1. There be a public auction. competition in the market;

2. The accused solicited any gift or a promise from 2. Any person who shall monopolize any merchandise or
any of the bidders. object of trade or commerce, or shall combine with any
other person or persons to monopolize and merchandise
3. That such gift or promise was the consideration for or object in order to alter the price thereof by spreading
his refraining from taking part in that public false rumors or making use of any other article to restrain
auction. free competition in the market;

4. The accused had the intent to cause the reduction 3. Any person who, being a manufacturer, producer, or
of the price of the thing auctioned. processor of any merchandise or object of commerce or an
importer of any merchandise or object of commerce from
II. ATTEMPTING TO CAUSE BIDDERS TO STAY any foreign country, either as principal or agent, wholesaler
AWAY or retailer, shall combine, conspire or agree in any manner
with any person likewise engaged in the manufacture,
• By attempting to cause bidders to stay away from production, processing, assembling or importation of such
an auction by threats, gifts, promises or any other merchandise or object of commerce or with any other
artifice persons not so similarly engaged for the purpose of making
transactions prejudicial to lawful commerce, or of
• The mere attempt to cause bidders not to increasing the market price in any part of the Philippines,
participate in the said public auction by threats, of any such merchandise or object of commerce
gifts or promise will already give rise to the crime. manufactured, produced, processed, assembled in or
It is not necessary that the bidders would not imported into the Philippines, or of any article in the
actually participate. manufacture of which such manufactured, produced, or
imported merchandise or object of commerce is used.
If the offense mentioned in this article affects any food
1. There be a public auction substance, motor fuel or lubricants, or other articles of
2. The accused attempted to cause the bidders to prime necessity, the penalty shall be that of prision mayor
stay away from that public auction. in its maximum and medium periods it being sufficient for
3. It was done by threats, gifts, promises or any other the imposition thereof that the initial steps have been taken
artifice. toward carrying out the purposes of the combination.
4. The accused had the intent to cause the reduction
of the price of the thing auctioned. Any property possessed under any contract or by any
combination mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, and
In both instances, the intent of the offender is to cause the being the subject thereof, shall be forfeited to the
reduction of the price of the thing which is the subject Government of the Philippines.
of the auction. When you say public auction, it is vested Whenever any of the offenses described above is
with public interest. The intent is to get the best price for committed by a corporation or association, the president
the thing subject of the auction. If there are no bidders, you and each one of its agents or representatives in the
cannot the best price, only one bid, then the said property Philippines in case of a foreign corporation or association,
will be given to you. So, the public will be deceived. They who shall have knowingly permitted or failed to prevent the
will not be able to get the best price for the thing which is commission of such offense, shall be held liable as
the subject of the auction. If the intent of the offender in principals thereof.
making the said bidders not to participate is to cause the
reduction of the price, then he can be held liable under ACTS PUNISHED:
article 185.
I. Combination to prevent free competition in the
This is committed by any person who shall enter into any
Article 186. Monopolies and combinations in restraint contract or agreement or taking part in any combination
of trade. - The penalty of prision correccional in its whether in the form of trust or otherwise, in restraint of
minimum period or a fine ranging from 200 to 6,000 pesos, trade or commerce or to prevent by artificial means free
or both, shall be imposed upon: competition in the market.

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Section Two
II. Monopoly to restrain free competition in the Frauds in commerce and industry
This is committed by monopolizing any merchandise or OF FALSELY MARKED ARTICLES
object of trade or commerce or by combining with any other
person or persons in order to alter the prices thereof by Article 187. Importation and disposition of falsely marked
spreading false rumors or making use of any other artifice articles or merchandise made of gold, silver, or other
to restrain free competition in the market. precious metals or their alloys. - The penalty of prision
correccional or a fine ranging from 200 to 1,000 pesos, or
III. Manufacturer, producer or processor or both, shall be imposed on any person who shall knowingly
importer combining, conspiring or agreeing import or sell or dispose of any article or merchandise
with any person to make transactions made of gold, silver, or other precious metals, or their
prejudicial to lawful commerce to increase the alloys, with stamps, brands, or marks which fail to indicate
market price of merchandise. the actual fineness or quality of said metals or alloys.

The first two acts under Article 186 can be committed by Any stamp, brand, label, or mark shall be deemed to fail to
any person and not necessarily by manufacturers, indicate the actual fineness of the article on which it is
producer or processors. engraved, printed, stamped, labeled or attached, when the
rest of the article shows that the quality or fineness thereof
The third act however can be committed only by is less by more than one-half karat, if made of gold, and
manufacturers, processors, producers and importers who less by more than four one-thousandth, if made of silver,
combined with any other person or persons in order to than what is shown by said stamp, brand, label or mark.
commit a transaction prejudicial to lawful commerce or to But in case of watch cases and flatware made of gold, the
increase the market price of any merchandise or object of actual fineness of such gold shall not be less by more than
commerce. three one-thousandth than the fineness indicated by said
stamp, brand, label, or mark.
Whether it be the first, second or third act, the mere
conspiracy in order to restrain or to prevent free This is committed by any person who shall import, sell, or
competition will already give rise to the crime. It is not dispose any article or merchandise made of gold, silver,
necessary that there be actual restraint in trade or other precious materials, or their alloys.
Elements of Importation and Disposition of Falsely
Q: What if Petron, Caltex and Shell connived, Marked Articles
combined and agreed with one another to hoard fuel.
They know that the fuel prices will increase by March 1. The offender imports, sells or disposes any article
and so they decided to hoard it. Can they be held liable or merchandise made of gold, silver, other
under Article 186? precious materials, or their alloys; and

A: Juridical corporations cannot be the subject of criminal 2. That the stamps, brands or marks of those articles
action. First, it cannot be said that juridical persons can act or merchandise fail to indicate the actual fitness or
with intent. Second, you cannot imprison a juridical person quality of said metals or alloys.
in case of conviction. So if the offender is a juridical entity,
who shall be held liable? 3. The offender knows that the stamps, brands or
marks fail to indicate the actual fitness or quality of
The president, the directors or any of the members of the the metals or alloys.
said corporation, association or partnership, who
knowingly permitted and allowed this combination or This is considered a criminal act because the offender,
monopoly in restraint of trade or commerce. Note that they despite knowing that the articles or merchandise that he
must have knowingly permitted the same otherwise, they imported are misbranded, he still imports the same, sells
cannot be held criminally liable. the same or disposes the same

If the objects, which are the subject of this monopoly or Mere importation is a punishable act, therefore it is not
combination in restraint of trade or commerce are prime necessary for the offender to become liable under Article
commodities such as food, motor fuel, lubricants, it is not 187 that he must have sold the misbranded articles or that
even necessary that there be conspiracy. A mere he must have disposed the article because mere
proposal, a mere intial step to hoard, to prevent free importation will already give rise to the crime.
competition in the market will already give rise to the

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[Articles 188-189 are repealed by the Intellectual Property

Code of the Philippines.]

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acts as a "financier" of any of the illegal activities
prescribed in this Section.
CRIMES RELATIVE TO OPIUM AND OTHER The penalty of twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty
PROHIBITED DRUGS (20) years of imprisonment and a fine ranging from One
hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred
Articles were repealed by thousand pesos (P500,000.00) shall be imposed upon any
person, who acts as a "protector/coddler" of any violator of
the provisions under this Section.
2002 (R.A. No. 9165)
Q: There was a checkpoint. There was a motorcycle.
Upon seeing the checkpoint, the motorcycle decided
to turn around. X, the driver did not want to pass.
Section 5. Sale, Trading, Administration, Dispensation, Nevertheless, he could not reach his destination
Delivery, Distribution and Transportation of Dangerous without passing the checkpoint. He went through the
Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential checkpoint.
Chemicals. - The penalty of life imprisonment to death and
a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos
Since he was so afraid and nervous in passing the
(P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00) shall
checkpoint, the motorcycle slid, and X fell together
be imposed upon any person, who, unless authorized by
with the motorcycle. The police officers manning the
law, shall sell, trade, administer, dispense, deliver, give checkpoint came up to X, wanting to help him. As they
away to another, distribute dispatch in transit or transport were lifting X, they found on this side, tapped on the
any dangerous drug, including any and all species of waist of X a loose firearm. They asked X for the license,
opium poppy regardless of the quantity and purity involved, for the registration. X said it is not registered. The
or shall act as a broker in any of such transactions. police officers confiscated the said pistol, and
thereafter placed handcuffs on X and informed him of
The penalty of imprisonment ranging from twelve (12)
his constitutional rights. Since X was caught in
years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years and a fine
flagrante delicto violating the law, he was subjected to
ranging from One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00)
a valid search, ang his motorcycle was subjected to a
to Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) shall be
motorcycle search. When they opened the container at
imposed upon any person, who, unless authorized by law,
the back of the motorcycle, they saw this box which is
shall sell, trade, administer, dispense, deliver, give away to
the size of a color green double mint. They opened it,
another, distribute, dispatch in transit or transport any
they looked at the double mint. When they opened it, it
controlled precursor and essential chemical, or shall act as was not double mint. It contains six elongated plastic
a broker in such transactions. sachets of shabu. And so, the said shabu was
confiscated. Positive for methamphetamine
If the sale, trading, administration, dispensation, delivery, hydrochloride, what crime/s is/are committed by X?
distribution or transportation of any dangerous drug and/or
controlled precursor and essential chemical transpires A: X is liable under section 5 of R.A. 9165, that is illegal
within one hundred (100) meters from the school, the
transportation of dangerous drugs. Supreme Court
maximum penalty shall be imposed in every case.
said, to transfer dangerous drugs is to carry or convey from
one place to another. It is immaterial whether the said
For drug pushers who use minors or mentally dangerous drugs reached its destination or not. The
incapacitated individuals as runners, couriers and essence of transportation of dangerous drugs is the
messengers, or in any other capacity directly connected to movement of the said dangerous drugs from one place to
the dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and
another. In this case, even if it did not reach its place of
essential chemical trade, the maximum penalty shall be
destination, he is still liable under Sec. 5 R.A. 9165, illegal
imposed in every case. transportation of dangerous drugs.
If the victim of the offense is a minor or a mentally Q: X was about to go to Malaysia. He was the carrier,
incapacitated individual, or should a dangerous drug he had dangerous drugs of shabu inside his luggage
and/or a controlled precursor and essential chemical
And so, he went to NAIA and thereafter it was
involved in any offense herein provided be the proximate
discovered. The said drugs inside his trolley bags
cause of death of a victim thereof, the maximum penalty
were discovered. When it was opened, the drugs were
provided for under this Section shall be imposed. neatly packed inside the said luggage, and it was
discovered that he is bound to go to Malaysia to hand
The maximum penalty provided for under this Section shall
be imposed upon any person who organizes, manages or
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over these dangerous drugs shabu to the said person In every prosecution for dangerous drugs, the
in Malaysia. What crime is committed by X? corpus delicti is the drugs itself. In this case, four
plastic sachets of shabu, and the price, P1000.
A: The Supreme Court said X is liable for attempted
transportation of dangerous drugs, that is Sec. 5 of R.A. 3. The said corpus delicti must be handed by the said
9165 in relation to Sec. 26 of R.A. 9165. There is the seller to the said poseur.
attempt to transfer, to convey, to move the dangerous
drugs from the Philippines to a foreign country (Malaysia). In this case, the seller gave four plastic sachets of
It is attempted according to the Supreme Court in relation shabu to police officer X.
to Sec. 26 of R.A. 9165. A mere attempt to transfer
dangerous drugs, a mere attempt to commit any of the acts All the elements of illegal sale of dangerous drugs are
under Sec. 5 of R.A. 9165 is punished under Sec. 26 of present, therefore the said accused, W, shall be liable for
R.A. 9165. And now, Supreme Court said, the penalty for illegal sale of dangerous drugs.
an attempt is the same as the penalty as if it is in the
consummated stage. So, if the penalty is life imprisonment Supreme Court said, in illegal sale of dangerous drugs, the
to death, the same penalty even if it is in the attempted sale is already consummated the moment there is this
stage as if it is also consummated. Nag-iba lang yung exchange of dangerous drugs and money. Since it is
designation, attempted, pero pareho pa rin ng penalty. sale, it is necessary that money, the price must be
established because it is illegal sale of dangerous drugs.
Q: The police officers based on their surveillance knew
that W is engaged in drug pushing. And so, they Section 11. Possession of Dangerous Drugs. - The
planned this buy bust operation. The police officers penalty of life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging
assigned PO1 X, a neophyte who is new in the area. from Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten
“Hindi pa nakikita ng mukha mo ang mga tao, ikaw ang million pesos (P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon any
magiging poseur buyer”. Because of that, P01 X was person, who, unless authorized by law, shall possess any
designated as the poseur buyer in the said buy bust dangerous drug in the following quantities, regardless of
operation. Police officer X was given the marked the degree of purity thereof:
money. The marked money was two P500 bills, P1000.
Thereafter, they told him to give him the signal by (1) 10 grams or more of opium;
removing his hat the moment the said transaction was (2) 10 grams or more of morphine;
already committed. (3) 10 grams or more of heroin;
(4) 10 grams or more of cocaine or cocaine hydrochloride;
On the day of the said buy bust operation, the police (5) 50 grams or more of methamphetamine hydrochloride
officers together with Police officer X, the designated or "shabu";
poseur buyer went to the place, it was only police (6) 10 grams or more of marijuana resin or marijuana resin
officer X, the poseur buyer who went to the house of oil;
W, and thereafter he told W he was going to buy shabu (7) 500 grams or more of marijuana; and
worth P1000. W took from his pocket four plastic (8) 10 grams or more of other dangerous drugs such as,
sachets of shabu. He handed it to police officer X, and but not limited to, methylenedioxymethamphetamine
police officer X gave the money and then thereafter (MDA) or "ecstasy", paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA),
police officer X removed his hat to signal that the trimethoxyamphetamine (TMA), lysergic acid diethylamine
transaction is complete. The police officers came (LSD), gamma hydroxyamphetamine (GHB), and those
rushing, W was arrested. W was charged with illegal similarly designed or newly introduced drugs and their
sale of dangerous drugs. Is W liable as charged? derivatives, without having any therapeutic value or if the
quantity possessed is far beyond therapeutic
A: Yes, W is liable as charged. requirements, as determined and promulgated by the
Board in accordance to Section 93, Article XI of this Act.
Elements of Illegal Sale of Dangerous Drugs
Otherwise, if the quantity involved is less than the
1. The buyer and the seller are clearly identified. foregoing quantities, the penalties shall be graduated as
Who is the buyer? Police officer X, he was
designated as the poseur buyer. Who is the seller? (1) Life imprisonment and a fine ranging from Four hundred
W, the drug peddler. thousand pesos (P400,000.00) to Five hundred thousand
pesos (P500,000.00), if the quantity of methamphetamine
2. The corpus delicti and the price must be hydrochloride or "shabu" is ten (10) grams or more but less
established. than fifty (50) grams;

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(2) Imprisonment of twenty (20) years and one (1) day to elements lies on the prosecution and the state. However,
life imprisonment and a fine ranging from Four hundred insofar as the second element is concerned, the
thousand pesos (P400,000.00) to Five hundred thousand prosecution and the state need not prove it because the
pesos (P500,000.00), if the quantities of dangerous drugs law presumes it.
are five (5) grams or more but less than ten (10) grams of
opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine or cocaine The second element, the offender is not authorized by law
hydrochloride, marijuana resin or marijuana resin oil, to possess the dangerous drugs. The second element is
methamphetamine hydrochloride or "shabu", or other presumed by law because according to the Supreme
dangerous drugs such as, but not limited to, MDMA or Court, dangerous drugs are per se contraband. Since
"ecstasy", PMA, TMA, LSD, GHB, and those similarly dangerous drugs are per se contraband, no person is
designed or newly introduced drugs and their derivatives, allowed by law to possess it. Therefore, the second
without having any therapeutic value or if the quantity element is presumed by law. Any person found in
possessed is far beyond therapeutic requirements; or three possession of dangerous drugs is not authorized by law to
hundred (300) grams or more but less than five (hundred) possess the same. The burden is on the defense to prove
500) grams of marijuana; and that the said accused is authorized to possess the same.
May this be for medical purposes, that is the only cure, etc.
(3) Imprisonment of twelve (12) years and one (1) day to but the law presumes it, the burden is on the accused to
twenty (20) years and a fine ranging from Three hundred prove otherwise.
thousand pesos (P300,000.00) to Four hundred thousand
pesos (P400,000.00), if the quantities of dangerous drugs Q: People vs. X for illegal possession of dangerous
are less than five (5) grams of opium, morphine, heroin, drugs. It was stated therein, illegal possession of
cocaine or cocaine hydrochloride, marijuana resin or dangerous drugs that the assigned police officers are
marijuana resin oil, methamphetamine hydrochloride or hereby ordered to search the house of X located in this
"shabu", or other dangerous drugs such as, but not limited a particular place, and to seize and confiscate an
to, MDMA or "ecstasy", PMA, TMA, LSD, GHB, and those undetermined quantity of methamphetamine
similarly designed or newly introduced drugs and their hydrochloride, otherwise known as shabu, and
derivatives, without having any therapeutic value or if the paraphernalia used in packing shabu, and to bring it to
quantity possessed is far beyond therapeutic the court.
requirements; or less than three hundred (300) grams of
marijuana. The police officers went to the said place, and they
served the search warrant to X, they were able to
Under Sec. 11 of R.A. 9165, the law punishes illegal confiscate shabu, dangerous drugs, paraphernalia,
possession of dangerous drugs. inventorying the same, photographs the same, and
thereafter, positive for methamphetamine
Elements of Illegal Possession of Dangerous Drugs hydrochloride, X was charged for illegal possession.

1. That the offender is found in possession of any There was a motion to quash the said warrant. Motion
article or item, which identified to be dangerous to quash the said warrant and that the said shabu
drugs; confiscated be inadmissible in evidence because
according to the counsel of X, the said search warrant
2. He is not authorized by law to possess the same; failed to comply with the requisites for the valid
issuance of a search warrant because it failed to
3. He freely and consciously possesses the said specifically state the things to be seized because what
dangerous drugs. was stated in the search warrant is undetermined
quantity of methamphetamine hydrochloride, and
Under the first element, he was found in possession. When paraphernalia used in the packing of shabu. Therefore,
you say possession, it is not only actual or physical it failed to expressly state the things to be seized,
possession, it also includes constructive possession. The undetermined quantity. Should the search warrant be
moment the dangerous drugs is in the place under the quashed? Are the drugs seized admissible in
control and custody of the said offender, it is indeed evidence?
constructive possession.
A: YES, it is admissible in evidence. The wordings in the
Under the third element, he freely and consciously search warrant “undetermined quantity of
possesses the said dangerous drugs. There is on his part, methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu, and drug
animus possidendi. There is intent to possess. He knows paraphernalia used in repacking shabu”, Supreme Court
it is drugs, nevertheless he possesses it. There is intent to said it complies with the requisite of particularity as to the
possess. things to be seized. An undetermined quantity of
methamphetamine hydrochloride already provides a
The first and third element must be proven by the state. meaningful restriction on the things that can be seized by
The first and third element, the burden to prove these two

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the police officers. Therefore, it already prevented
exploratory searches. After trial on the merits, the judge convicted A and B
for Illegal Possession of Dangerous Drugs. What
Based on this, the only thing they can seize is shabu, not penalty should the court impose on A and B?
money, marijuana, nor ecstasy – only shabu because of
the statement “undetermined quantity of A: The Supreme Court said, in the case of Plan and
methamphetamine hydrochloride”. Except, if they see the Enolva v. People (G.R. No. 247589, 24 August 2020) that
other dangerous drugs inadvertently, in that case, they the penalty to be imposed is life imprisonment, the
are bound to seize it. But, if in the conduct of the search maximum penalty prescribed. The crime committed is
they were able to see other drugs, they cannot seize those. Section 11 in relation to Section 13 of RA No. 9165. Under
They can only seize what has been specifically stated in Section 13, if a person is found in possession of dangerous
the search warrant. drugs in a party, in a social gathering, in a meeting, or in
the proximate company of at least two or more persons,
Here, it was specifically stated that they can only take, the maximum penalty prescribed by law should be the one
seize, and confiscate methamphetamine hydrochloride in imposed. The maximum penalty is life imprisonment.
an indeterminate portion or quantity. The judge will not put Therefore, regardless of the quantity and purity of the
100 packs, how will the judge know that it is really 100 dangerous drugs, even if it is 0.001 (‘kahit ga-tinga pa
packs when in fact he is not in the vicinity? So, it must be yan”), if you are found in the possession of the same in the
undetermined quantity. The Supreme Court said that it company of at least two or more persons, the penalty
already provides a meaningful restriction of the things to should be life imprisonment.
be seized and taken by the police officers and it already
prevents exploratory searches. The Supreme Court said, Q: X was found in possession of shabu which amounts
YES, it is a valid search, and the accused is convicted. to 9.38 grams. Under Section 11, with that amount of
dangerous drugs, in that quantity, the penalty is 20
SECTION 13. POSSESSION DURING PARTIES, years and 1 day to life imprisonment. Therefore, after
SOCIAL GATHERINGS, OR MEETINGS trial on the merits, the judge imposed upon him the
maximum penalty of life imprisonment. Is the judge
Section 13. Possession of Dangerous Drugs During correct?
Parties, Social Gatherings or Meetings. – Any person
found possessing any dangerous drug during a party, or at A: The Supreme Court in the case of People v. Lim said,
a social gathering or meeting, or in the proximate company no, the judge is wrong. The Supreme Court said, the
of at least two (2) persons, shall suffer the maximum maximum penalty of life imprisonment may only be
penalties provided for in Section 11 of this Act, regardless imposed if the offender found in possession of the
of the quantity and purity of such dangerous drugs. dangerous drugs is in a party, in a social gathering, in a
meeting, or in the company of at least two or more persons.
Q: The police officers received a call from their reliable In this case, he was found alone, not in a party, not in a
informant, “Sir may naglalaro po dito ng cara y cruz meeting, not in the company of at least two or more
dito sa Kalye Pagasa. Dito po sa dulo. Bilis bilisan niyo persons. Therefore, the penalty to be imposed upon him
lang, Sir.” The police officers, upon receiving the cannot be life imprisonment. In this case, the Supreme
information, immediately went to the said place. They Court imposed upon him an indeterminate sentence of 20
found 5 men, A, B, C, D, and E. They were all playing years and 1 day to 30 years.
cara y cruz. The police officers arrested these men
who were violating PD No. 1603 as amended or Illegal SECTION 15. ILLEGAL USE
Gambling. Since they were caught inflagrante delicto
committing a crime, they were placed in handcuffs, Section 15. Use of Dangerous Drugs. – A person
informed or their constitutional rights, and thereafter apprehended or arrested, who is found to be positive for
each of them were frisked and bodily searched. use of any dangerous drug, after a confirmatory test, shall
be imposed a penalty of a minimum of six (6) months
When A was searched, inside the pocket of his pants, rehabilitation in a government center for the first offense,
the police officers found a plastic sachet of shabu. subject to the provisions of Article VIII of this Act. If
When B was searched, inside the pocket of his pants, apprehended using any dangerous drug for the second
the police officers also found a small plastic sachet of time, he/she shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment
shabu. When C, D and E were searched, the police ranging from six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve (12)
officers did not find any. So only A and B were found years and a fine ranging from Fifty thousand pesos
with plastic sachets of shabu. When it was brought to (P50,000.00) to Two hundred thousand pesos
the PNP Crime Laboratory for testing, it contains 0.001 (P200,000.00): Provided, That this Section shall not be
mg of shabu. Thereafter, aside from violation of Illegal applicable where the person tested is also found to have in
Gambling, A and B were also charged with violation of his/her possession such quantity of any dangerous drug
Section 11 of RA No. 9165 or Illegal Possession of provided for under Section 11 of this Act, in which case the
Dangerous Drugs. provisions stated therein shall apply.

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of dangerous drugs shall be penalized. The phrase is a
Q: X is a professor at the UST Faculty of Civil Law. person apprehended or arrested found positive for use
Among the policy of the University is that they will of dangerous drugs. Therefore, the Supreme Court said,
randomly pick professors who shall be subjected to the word person immediately follows apprehended or
drug testing. For that month, Professor X was among arrested. Hence, only those apprehended or arrested
those random professors that will be subjected to drug and thereafter subjected to drug testing and found
testing. So, he saw his name in the bulletin boarding positive can be charged with violation of Section 15.
among those who will be subjected to random drug
testing. Professor X went to the UST Hospital and after In this case, Professor X was not apprehended or arrested.
drug testing, he was found positive for use of CPA X was not apprehended or arrested. They were just
dangerous drugs in the confirmatory test. subjected to drug testing because of the policy for
mandatory random suspicion less drug testing. Therefore,
Can the UST Faculty of Civil Law file a case for Illegal they cannot be charged with violation of Section 15, R.A.
Use of Dangerous Drugs against Professor X who was No. 9165.
found positive for the use of dangerous drugs after the
confirmatory test? Q: The police officers got a report that X was extorting
money from someone. So, they planned his
Q: X just passed the CPA Licensure Examination. He entrapment procedure in the said restaurant and on
applied to one of the biggest accountancy firms in the date of the exchange of money. The moment X
Makati. He applied at Sycip and was immediately accepted the said money, NBI agents immediately
accepted because he topped the CPA Board Exam. It arrived, and he was arrested. The NBI agents noticed
is a policy in the said company that any employee can that X seems to be under the influence of drugs, so,
be randomly picked for drug testing and although he before bringing him to the police station for
was just a neophyte in the said company, during the investigation, he was first brough to the PNP Crime
said picking, his name was picked so he was one of Lab for drug testing, he was ordered to subject his
those to be subjected to the mandatory drug testing. urine for drug test, but he refused, and he was asking
He was tested and was found positive for the use of for his counsel. However, the police officers prevailed
dangerous drugs. Can he be charged for Illegal Use of upon him and he subjected his urine for drug test.
Dangerous Drugs under Section 15 of RA No. 9165?
After confirmatory test, X was found positive for use
A: The first problem about the UST Professor and the of dangerous drugs. So, he was charged with violation
second problem about the accountant, even if they were of Section 15 of R.A. 9165 – Illegal Use of Dangerous
found positive for the use of dangerous drugs, they cannot Drugs. X was convicted. Is X liable for Illegal Use of
be prosecuted for Illegal Use of Dangerous Drugs Dangerous Drugs?
under Section 15 of RA No. 9165. In the case of SJS
Society v. Dangerous Drugs Board, the Supreme Court A: The Supreme Court said NO.
upheld the constitutionality of Section 36 (d) and (e)
wherein these so called “mandatory random suspicion less Elements of Illegal Use of Dangerous Drugs,
drug testing” conducted by school institutions and private as enunciated in in the case of Dela Cruz v. People
companies among their students or among their
employees and/or officers. The Supreme Court held that 1. That the offender has been apprehended or
these are constitutional. arrested for the commission of a crime;
2. The said offender is subjected to a drug test;
Why? According to the Supreme Court, the moment these 3. After a confirmatory test, he was found positive for
students enrolled in this university, moment the employees use of dangerous drugs.
applied for work in this private company, they waived their
right to privacy. They knew that it is the policy of the said First element. The word “crime” does not refer to any crime
company to conduct mandatory random suspicion less punished by any law, the word crime refers to crimes
drug testing, nevertheless, they still entered and enrolled punished under R.A. 9165. Applying this in the case, X
in the said campus or company. Therefore, in doing so, (Dela Cruz) was apprehended for robbery extortion, he
they waived their right to privacy. Hence, the Supreme was not apprehended for any crime punishable under R.A.
Court said, it is constitutional. 9165. He was apprehended for robbery extortion in an
entrapment procedure. Therefore, the police officer has no
However, although it is constitutional, the Supreme Court right to forcibly subject him to a drug test because he was
held in People v. Solano that those found positive for use not caught committing any violation of R.A. 9165. Such act
of Dangerous Drugs based on mandatory random of the police of subjecting X to a drug test amounted to a
suspicion less drug testing cannot be prosecuted for violation of X’s right to privacy. Therefore, the Supreme
violation of Section 15. Why? If you will look at Section Court made it clear that in the first element of Illegal Use of
15 Use of Dangerous Drugs, the first paragraph states that Dangerous Drugs, the word “crime” refers to crimes
a person apprehended or arrested found positive for use

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punished under R.A. 9165 and not to any other crime representative from the media and the DOJ, civil society
punished by any other law. groups and any elected public official. The Board shall
draw up the guidelines on the manner of proper disposition
SECTION 21. PROCEDURE IN THE SEIZURE AND and destruction of such item/s which shall be borne by the
CONFISCATION OF DANGEROUS DRUGS offender: Provided, That those item/s of lawful commerce,
as determined by the Board, shall be donated, used or
Section 21. Custody and Disposition of Confiscated, recycled for legitimate purposes: Provided, further, That a
Seized, and/or Surrendered Dangerous Drugs, Plant representative sample, duly weighed and recorded is
Sources of Dangerous Drugs, Controlled Precursors and retained;
Essential Chemicals, Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or
Laboratory Equipment. – The PDEA shall take charge and (5) The Board shall then issue a sworn certification as to
have custody of all dangerous drugs, plant sources of the fact of destruction or burning of the subject item/s
dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and essential which, together with the representative sample/s in the
chemicals, as well as instruments/paraphernalia and/or custody of the PDEA, shall be submitted to the court
laboratory equipment so confiscated, seized and/or having jurisdiction over the case. In all instances, the
surrendered, for proper disposition in the following manner: representative sample/s shall be kept to a minimum
quantity as determined by the Board;
(1) The apprehending team having initial custody and
control of the drugs shall, immediately after seizure and (6) The alleged offender or his/her representative or
confiscation, physically inventory and photograph the counsel shall be allowed to personally observe all of the
same in the presence of the accused or the person/s from above proceedings and his/her presence shall not
whom such items were confiscated and/or seized, or constitute an admission of guilt. In case the said offender
his/her representative or counsel, a representative from or accused refuses or fails to appoint a representative after
the media and the Department of Justice (DOJ), and any due notice in writing to the accused or his/her counsel
elected public official who shall be required to sign the within seventy-two (72) hours before the actual burning or
copies of the inventory and be given a copy thereof; destruction of the evidence in question, the Secretary of
Justice shall appoint a member of the public attorney's
(2) Within twenty-four (24) hours upon confiscation/seizure office to represent the former;
of dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous drugs,
controlled precursors and essential chemicals, as well as (7) After the promulgation and judgment in the criminal
instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory equipment, case wherein the representative sample/s was presented
the same shall be submitted to the PDEA Forensic as evidence in court, the trial prosecutor shall inform the
Laboratory for a qualitative and quantitative examination; Board of the final termination of the case and, in turn, shall
request the court for leave to turn over the said
(3) A certification of the forensic laboratory examination representative sample/s to the PDEA for proper disposition
results, which shall be done under oath by the forensic and destruction within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt
laboratory examiner, shall be issued within twenty-four (24) of the same; and
hours after the receipt of the subject item/s: Provided, That
when the volume of the dangerous drugs, plant sources of (8) Transitory Provision: a) Within twenty-four (24) hours
dangerous drugs, and controlled precursors and essential from the effectivity of this Act, dangerous drugs defined
chemicals does not allow the completion of testing within herein which are presently in possession of law
the time frame, a partial laboratory examination report shall enforcement agencies shall, with leave of court, be burned
be provisionally issued stating therein the quantities of or destroyed, in the presence of representatives of the
dangerous drugs still to be examined by the forensic Court, DOJ, Department of Health (DOH) and the
laboratory: Provided, however, That a final certification accused/and or his/her counsel, and, b) Pending the
shall be issued on the completed forensic laboratory organization of the PDEA, the custody, disposition, and
examination on the same within the next twenty-four (24) burning or destruction of seized/surrendered dangerous
hours; drugs provided under this Section shall be implemented by
the DOH
(4) After the filing of the criminal case, the Court shall,
within seventy-two (72) hours, conduct an ocular The apprehending team having initial custody of the
inspection of the confiscated, seized and/or surrendered dangerous drugs seized or confiscated shall physically
dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous drugs, and inventory the same and photograph the same in the
controlled precursors and essential chemicals, including presence of the person from whom the dangerous drug
the instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory was taken or confiscated, or his representative or his
equipment, and through the PDEA shall within twenty-four counsel or any representative from the DOJ, or from the
(24) hours thereafter proceed with the destruction or media, and any elected public official. The inventory,
burning of the same, in the presence of the accused or the marking, and photograph must be done in the presence of
person/s from whom such items were confiscated and/or these persons.
seized, or his/her representative or counsel, a

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Under RA 10640, the following must be present during the happen. The said marking and taking of photographs was
inventory and photographing: not made in the scene of the crime. Therefore, Section 21
as amended has not been complied with.
1) Person from whom the dangerous drugs were taken
(accused) or his counsel or representative; Based on the evidence presented, when the arresting
2) Duly elected public official; and police officers were asked as to why they did not mark it in
3) A representative from the National Prosecution the said area, the police officers said that it is because the
Service (DOJ) OR a representative from the said area was a Muslim area. They were afraid that is why
media. they brought the confiscated items to the Barangay Hall.
The Supreme Court said that hatred against Muslim
community Islamophobia is not a justifiable ground for not
Note: complying with Section 21 of R.A. 9165. It must be done
Section 21 has been amended by R.A. 10640. Based immediately right at the scene of the crime, at the scene
on the amendment brought about by R.A. 10640, confiscation unless there a valid or justifiable reason.
instead of the conjunctive word “and” between
“representative from the National Prosecution Service” There are instances before wherein the Supreme Court
and “representative from the media”, we now have the sustained or affirmed the conviction of many accused
disjunctive word “or” in between them. So, either of the convicted of violation of R.A. 9165 even if Section 21 was
two. It is no longer required that both representative not strictly complied with. Because then, according to the
from the National Prosecution Service (DOJ) and a Supreme Court, as long as there is a (1) justifiable ground
representative from the media must be present. Any of for substantial compliance; and (2) the apprehending
those two suffices. officers were able to preserve the integrity and evidentiary
value of the dangerous drugs, that will suffice (that is
The Supreme Court has been so strict in the presence of before kasi ngayon, magkulang lang ng isang witness,
these people. In many cases, only the accused and the acquittal na). But recently, just an absence of media, of a
Barangay Captain are present – acquitted; only the barangay official, just the marking being done in the police
accused and a media representative is present – acquitted. station or in another place, it will always be an acquittal.
According to the Supreme Court, Section 21 must be Recently, the Supreme Court would strictly require that
STRICTLY complied with. Section 21 be complied with.

Under Section 21 or R.A. 9165 as amended by R.A. 10640, CHAIN OF CUSTODY RULE
the marking of the pieces of evidence – the marking of the
dangerous drugs, the making of inventory, and the taking The Chain of Custody Rule is the duly recognized marking
of photographs must be done immediately. The word
of the dangerous drugs from the time of its seizure to the
“immediately” means right there at the scene of the
time it is brought to the crime lab for testing, to the time it
confiscation, right there at the scene of the crime, right
is given to the custodian for safekeeping to the time it is
there at the scene of the seizure.
presented to the court as evidence, to the time it is given
to the PDEA for destruction.
G.R. No. 243941 | 11 March 2020 The purpose is to ensure that there is no change,
alteration, or contamination of the dangerous drugs. That
FACTS: The police officer received a call that there were the dangerous drug seized and confiscated from the
2 Muslim women engaged in selling dangerous drugs. accused would be the very same dangerous drug tested at
They planned a buy-bust operation. It was a success. The the forensic crime lab and would be the very same
Muslim women were arrested for illegal sale. The plastic
dangerous drug presented in court as evidence against the
sachets were confiscated. The confiscated items were
said accused. Therefore, any person having temporary
placed in a bag. Thereafter, the police officers, after seizing
custody of the dangerous drugs must place their signature
the dangerous drugs, went to the Barangay Hall. There,
and the time wherein they were in custody of the said
the inventory and photographing were made in the
dangerous drugs on the plastic sachet.
presence of the accused, the Barangay Captain, and a
representative from the media, everything was complied
with. So, the Muslim women were convicted by the RTC
and such conviction was affirmed by the CA.
Section 23. Plea-Bargaining Provision. – Any person
charged under any provision of this Act regardless of the
SC: It should be an acquittal. The amendment brought
imposable penalty shall not be allowed to avail of the
about by R.A. 10640 requires that the marking, the taking
provision on plea-bargaining.
of photographs, the making of the inventory must be done
immediately at the crime scene.
Q: X was charged with Illegal Sale of Dangerous
Here, the said drugs were placed in a bag and then brought Drugs. During arraignment. X pleaded not guilty.
to the Barangay Hall. In between that area, things may During pre-trial, the counsel of X, Atty. Y, prayed to the

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Court that they be allowed to enter into a valid plea- drug trafficking or pushing under this Act, regardless of the
bargaining agreement, that accused X will plead guilty penalty imposed by the Court, cannot avail of the privilege
to the lesser crime of Illegal Possession of Drug granted by the Probation Law or Presidential Decree No.
Paraphernalia, your honor. The judge granted the said 968, as amended.
wish. Is the judge correct?
Q: X was charged with illegal sale of dangerous drugs.
A: YES. Sec. 23 of RA 9165 which prohibits the act of During arraignment, he pleaded not guilty. During pre-
entering into a valid plea-bargaining agreement has been trial, his counsel moved and prayed that X be allowed
declared by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional in the to enter into a valid plea-bargaining agreement. He
case of Estipona v. Judge Lobrigo. wanted to plead guilty to illegal possession of drug
paraphernalia under Sec. 12. With the consent of the
In the case of Estipona v. Judge Lobrigo, the Supreme public prosecutor, the judge granted it. So, X was
Court said that Sec. 23 which prohibits plea-bargaining rearraigned – illegal possession of drug paraphernalia,
agreement – pleading to a lesser crime – in case of violation of Sec. 12. He pleaded guilty to Sec. 12 and
violation of RA 9165 is unconstitutional because it the judge imposed the maximum penalty – 4 years
encroaches upon the power of the Supreme Court to imprisonment. Since the penalty imposed by the court
provides rules and regulation for the judiciary. on X was maximum of 4 years, his counsel said, “Your
honor, we are going to immediately file an application
Under the Constitution, the Supreme Court has the power for probation.” The counsel filed for the same which
to provide rules and regulations for the judiciary. Since the trial court denied. “You have been charged with
these rules and regulations embodied in the Rules of Court illegal sale of dangerous drugs and under Sec. 24, in
allows plea bargaining agreement, that applies even to case of persons convicted of drug pushing or drug
violation of RA 9165. Therefore, Sec. 23 of RA 9165 is trafficking, probation is not allowed. You only pleaded
unconstitutional. guilty to a lesser crime of illegal possession of drug
Q: X was charged with Illegal Sale of Dangerous
Drugs. During arraignment, he pleaded not guilty. Is the judge correct?
During his pre-trial, his counsel said “Your honor, we
move and pray that we be allowed to enter in a valid A: NO. In the case of Pascua v. People, the Supreme
plea-bargaining agreement. The accused in this case Court said that whether it is under Sec. 24 of RA 9165 or
would like to plead guilty to the lesser crime of illegal under the probation law as amended, what is material is
possession of drug paraphernalia under Sec. 12.” not the crime charged, but the crime for which the accused
has been convicted. That should be the basis of the
The fiscal objected. He said, “We will allow him to privilege to apply for probation.
plead guilty only to illegal possession of dangerous
drugs, your honor.” The judge, despite the objection In this case, although X was charged with illegal sale of
raised by the public prosecutor, granted him of the dangerous drugs, based on a valid plea-bargaining
same. The fiscal said, “Your honor, I register my agreement, he was only convicted of illegal possession of
continuing objection.” drug paraphernalia. Since the penalty prescribed by law
and the penalty imposed by the court is a maximum of four
X was rearraigned and after said re-arraignment for (4) years, it is within the probationable penalty of six (6)
illegal possession of drug paraphernalia, he was years. Therefore, he should be given the privilege to apply
convicted only of violation of Sec. 12. The fiscal was for probation. He should be given at least the privilege to
determined and raised the case to the Supreme Court. apply, because whether to grant it or not will still depend
Is the judge correct? on the trial court, not on the Supreme Court.

A: NO. Supreme Court said that in every plea-bargaining SECTION 26. ATTEMPT OR CONSPIRACY
agreement, there must be the consent of the private
complainant and the state. The representative of the Section 26. Attempt or Conspiracy. – Any attempt or
state (the offended party in victimless crimes like violation conspiracy to commit the following unlawful acts shall be
of RA 9165) is the public prosecutor. Without the consent penalized by the same penalty prescribed for the
given by the public prosecutor to the said plea-bargaining commission of the same as provided under this Act:
agreement, the said plea-bargaining agreement is null and
void. So, the case is remanded for trial. (a) Importation of any dangerous drug and/or controlled
precursor and essential chemical;
PROBATION LAW (b) Sale, trading, administration, dispensation, delivery,
distribution and transportation of any dangerous drug
Section 24. Non-Applicability of the Probation Law for and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical;
Drug Traffickers and Pushers. – Any person convicted for

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(c) Maintenance of a den, dive or resort where any Note:
dangerous drug is used in any form; Even if it is only attempted illegal sale, the penalty is just
the same as illegal sale of dangerous drug
(d) Manufacture of any dangerous drug and/or controlled
precursor and essential chemical; and In these acts enumerated under Section 26, there is
conspiracy, there is attempted. But again, the penalty is
(e) Cultivation or culture of plants which are sources of just the same as in the consummated stage.
dangerous drugs.
Q: The Chief PNP of Taguig received a report that in
this particular barangay, particularly in a store, there Section 29. Criminal Liability for Planting of Evidence. –
are always drug deals. The Chief PNP of Taguig told Any person who is found guilty of "planting" any dangerous
Police Officer X and Y, “You go to the said place. You drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical,
disguise yourselves in order to catch this drug regardless of quantity and purity, shall suffer the penalty of
pusher.” So, Police Officers X and Y took off their death.
police uniform and dressed in civilian clothes. After
dressing up, they went to the place pretending to be Q: The Police Officers knew that X is involved in drugs.
civilians. They seated on the bench in front of the They have so many reports. There were many times
store. that X is under the influence of drugs, he would be
running around in their community. But every time
After a few minutes, a man and a woman approached they tried to arrest him; they could not find any drugs
Police Officer X and Y. The said man (W) and his wife in his possession. Someone would easily tip him off
told Officer Y, “Gusto nyong umiskor?” Police Officer and so, no drugs was ever found in his possession.
X and Y responded, “Oo, meron ka ba?” W said, “Oo
naman, meron ako. Dos (P200) ang isa.” Police Officer One time, two (2) police officers, Police Officers Y and
Y said, “Patingin naman.” W and his wife opened their Z saw X seated on the bench. They went and seated
palms. In the palm of their hands, there were plastic next to him. Thereafter, Police Officer Y surreptitiously
sachets of shabu. Police Officers X and Y immediately inserted a small plastic sachet of shabu at the back
arrested W. The wife was able to run. Thereafter, they pocket of the pants of X. However, someone saw it.
immediately told him, “You are under arrest. We are
police officers.” What crime is committed by the said police officer?

What crime/crimes is committed by W? A: The police officer is liable under Sec. 29 for planting
of evidence. If what has been planted is dangerous drugs
A: W is NOT LIABLE for illegal sale of dangerous to an innocent person to inflict upon him violation of R.A.
drugs. He is liable only for attempted illegal sale of 9165, it is expressly punished under Sec. 29 of said law;
dangerous drugs under Sec. 26 of RA 9165. that is, planting of evidence. If what has been planted is
any other act, any other thing, to inflict upon him the
Q: Why attempted? What element of illegal sale is commission of the crime outside perjury, it is Article 363
absent? of the Revised Penal Code for incriminating innocent
First element – that the buyer and seller must be clearly
identified. Who is the buyer? Police Officer X and Y. Who Q: X was caught in the act of selling dangerous drugs.
is the buyer/=? W. In a buy-bust operation, X was caught in the act of
selling dangerous drugs. He was brought to the PNP
Second element – that the corpus delicti and the price must station. During investigation, it was discovered that X
be established. The corpus delicti is the drugs and the is a minor; he is only 17 years old. His birth certificate
price is the P200 each sachet. showed that he was only a minor at the time he was
arrested for sale of illegal dangerous drugs in the buy-
The first and second element is present. But the third bust operation. Upon investigation also, it was
element is absent. revealed, shown, and established that X acted with
discernment. He knew the protocol of the government
Third element – the said corpus delicti must be handed by against illegal drugs. He often watched the television,
the seller to the poseur buyer. In this case, even before W heard over the radio, how people were arrested, killed,
was able to give Police Officers X and Y the said plastic for dangerous drugs. He obviously knew that it is
sachets of shabu, Police Officers X and Y already told W, illegal, and that it is a criminal act. Nevertheless, he
“We are police officers, and you are under arrest.” divulged to the police that he acted with discernment
Therefore, for want of the third element, there was only an for easy money as he is the breadwinner of his family.
attempted illegal sale of dangerous drugs under Sec. 26. So, he acted with discernment. Because of that, he

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was prosecuted for violation of Sec. 5 of R.A. 9165 for
illegal sale of dangerous drugs.

After trial on the merits, he was convicted for illegal

sale of dangerous drugs. The penalty imposed on him
is the maximum penalty of life imprisonment. His
counsel from the Public Attorney’s Office filed a
motion for reconsideration stating that the judge
committed an error when it imposed the maximum
penalty of life imprisonment considering that the said
accused was a minor at the time of the commission of
the crime. As such, the court should have considered
the privilege mitigating circumstance of minority in his
favor to lower the imposable penalty to one degree.

The said motion was denied by the judge. The judge

said that what X violated is a violation of special penal
laws, R.A. 9165; therefore, mitigating circumstances
under Article 13 of the Revised Penal Code does not
apply. Is the judge correct, or is it the counsel that is

A: The counsel is correct. Under Sec. 98 of R.A. 9165, it

is expressly provided that the provisions of the Revised
Penal Code shall not apply to violations of R.A. 9165. The
Supreme Court said that the law used the word “shall”;
therefore, it is mandatory. However, there is a qualification
— except when the offender is a minor offender, when
the offender is a juvenile offender.

In this case, X is a juvenile offender. He was only 17 years

old at the time of the commission of the crime. If the
offender is a juvenile offender and the crime he committed
carries the penalty of life imprisonment to death, it shall be
considered reclusion perpetua to death. Now that it has the
same nomenclature as the Revised Penal Code, the judge
can already consider the provisions of the RPC on
mitigating circumstances.

The crime allegedly committed by X is illegal sale of

dangerous drugs which is punished by life imprisonment;
therefore, it shall be considered as reclusion perpetua to
death because he was a minor at the time of the
commission of the crime. Since it already has the same
nomenclature, the judge shall already consider the
privilege mitigating circumstance of minority, thus
lowering the penalty by one degree. It should then be
reclusion temporal, and not reclusion perpetua or life

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morals. The fact that it was done in a public place even
without others knowing it, they are already liable for grave
Q: X was 15 years old, while Y was 25 years old. They
CHAPTER TWO: are in a relationship. They engaged in sexual
OFFENSES AGAINST DECENCY AND GOOD intercourse at Luneta Park in celebration of their
CUSTOMS anniversary. They were arrested. Should they be
charged for grave scandal?
A: NO. Here, X, a 15-year-old, is not liable for any crime;
Article 200. Grave scandal. — The penalties of arresto however, Y is liable not for grave scandal, but for
mayor and public censure shall be imposed upon any statutory rape because he had carnal knowledge with X
person who shall offend against decency or good customs who is under 16 years old. Based on Art. 266-A (d), as
by any highly scandalous conduct not expressly falling amended, there is statutory rape when the victim is under
within any other article of this Code. 16 years old. In this case, since X was only 15 years old,
and Y was 25 years old, the act of sexual intercourse of the
Elements of Grave Scandal latter with X, regardless of consent, constitutes statutory
rape. Therefore, the proper charge is statutory rape
1. The offender performs an act or acts; against only Y.

2. The said act or acts are highly scandalous as Q: X was caught masturbating at the MRT. People were
offending against morals, decency, or good looking at him. Nevertheless, he continued. Can he be
customs; charged with grave scandal? Going by the elements:
First, he performed an act; second, the said act is
3. The act or acts complained of being committed in highly scandalous; and third, it was done in a public
a public place or within the public knowledge or place. How about the fourth element? Does it
view; and constitute any other violation of the Revised Penal
4. The highly scandalous conduct is not expressly
falling within any other article of this Code. A: NO. However, it constitutes a violation of a special
penal law, the Safe Spaces Act. As such, he can still be
Based on the first and second element, the offender must charged with grave scandal because Art. 200 expressly
be performing a highly scandalous act offensive to provides that the act must not fall under any other provision
morals, decency, or good customs. It must be of this Revised Penal Code. So, although it constitutes a
performed either in a public place or private place. violation of a special penal law, under the Safe Spaces Act,
one of the acts punished there is the act of masturbating in
If he performs the act in a public place, grave scandal public; although it constitutes a crime, it falls under another
immediately arises; however, if the highly scandalous act law—a special penal law—not under the Code. Therefore,
is done in a private place, for the crime to arise, it must aside from violation of the Safe Spaces Act, he can
be within public knowledge or view, therefore, someone also be charged for grave scandal as all the elements
must have witnessed the performance of said act. are present.
Like an impossible crime, grave scandal is a crime of last Note:
resort. It is expressly provided under the law that you can
There is no more vagrancy. We only have prostitution
only file a case of grave scandal if the said highly
which is committed by women who, for money or profit,
scandalous act would not constitute any other
habitually indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious
violation of the Revised Penal Code. If the said highly
scandalous act would violate another provision of the
Code, that is the proper charge, and not the crime of grave

Q: Husband and wife having sexual intercourse in a

public place at Luneta Park. Are they liable for grave

A: YES. They have the right to perform the said sexual

intercourse as they are married. Walang pumipigil sa
kanila. It only becomes grave scandal because they
performed it in a public place. Therefore, the said sexual
intercourse becomes highly scandalous and offensive to

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that a judgment is unjust. He knows the judgment that he
is rendering is unjust. Nevertheless, he issues the same.
CRIMES COMMITTED BY PUBLIC OFFICERS A judgment is said to be unjust when it is contrary to law or
it is not supported by the evidence presented in court.
PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS The judge knows the judgment is unjust. Nevertheless, he
renders the same.
Judicial immunity from suit
Article 203. Who are public officers. - For the purpose of
applying the provisions of this and the preceding titles of Judges enjoy judicial immunity from suit. So, for them to be
this book, any person who, by direct provision of the law, liable for knowingly rendering an unjust judgment, it is
popular election or appointment by competent authority, necessary that in rendering the said unjust judgment, he
shall take part in the performance of public functions in the acted in bad faith.
Government of the Philippine Islands, of shall perform in
said Government or in any of its branches public duties as Even if the judgment is, to the eyes of another, unjust, if
an employee, agent or subordinate official, of any rank or the judge renders the same by reason of some erroneous
class, shall be deemed to be a public officer. interpretation of the law, mere error on the part of the judge
acting in good faith, he cannot be charged with knowingly
CHAPTER TWO: rendering an unjust judgment.
All the felonies under Title Seven (Arts. 204 to 245) can NEGLIGENCE
either be a malfeasance, misfeasance or a nonfeasance.
Article 205. Judgment rendered through negligence. - Any
There is malfeasance when a public officer performs in his judge who, by reason of inexcusable negligence or
official function an act prohibited by law. ignorance shall render a manifestly unjust judgment in any
case submitted to him for decision shall be punished
There is misfeasance when a public officer performs an by arresto mayor and temporary special disqualification.
official act in a manner not in accordance with what the law
provides. Elements of Judgment Rendered Through Negligence

There is nonfeasance when a public officer knowingly and 1. The offender is a judge;
willfully refrains, refuses or omits to do an act which the law
or his office requires him to do. 2. That he renders a judgment in a case submitted to
him for decision;
3. That the judgment is manifestly unjust;
ARTICLE 204. KNOWINGLY RENDERING UNJUST 4. That it is due to his inexcusable negligence or
Article 204. Knowingly rendering unjust judgment. - Any ARTICLE 206. UNJUST INTERLOCUTORY ORDER
judge who shall knowingly render an unjust judgment in
any case submitted to him for decision, shall be punished Article 206. Unjust interlocutory order. - Any judge who
by prision mayor and perpetual absolute disqualification. shall knowingly render an unjust interlocutory order or
decree shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in its
Elements of Knowingly Rendering Unjust Judgment minimum period and suspension; but if he shall have acted
by reason of inexcusable negligence or ignorance and the
1. The offender is a judge; interlocutory order or decree be manifestly unjust, the
penalty shall be suspension.
2. That he renders a judgment in a case submitted to
him for decision;
Elements of Unjust Interlocutory Order
3. That the judgment is unjust;
1. The offender is a judge;
4. The judge knows that his judgment is unjust.
2. That he performs any of the following acts:
This is committed by a judge who, in a case submitted for a. knowingly renders unjust interlocutory
decision, renders an unjust judgment despite knowledge order or decree; or

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b. renders a manifestly unjust interlocutory deliberate intent to favor the violator of the law.
order or decree through inexcusable They did the same in order to favor or to side with
negligence or ignorance. the said offender.

ARTICLE 207. MALICIOUS DELAY IN THE 2. By maliciously tolerating the commission of

Prof: Knowing that a crime is about to be
Article 207. Malicious delay in the administration of committed, he tolerates the same, and he did so
justice. - The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum with malice and deliberate intent to favor the
period shall be imposed upon any judge guilty of malicious violator of the law. They did the same in order to
delay in the administration of justice. favor or to side with the said offender.
Elements of Malicious Delay in the Administration of Elements of Dereliction of Duty in the Prosecution of
Justice Offenses

1. The offender is a judge; 1. That the offender is a public officer or officer of the
law who has a duty to cause the prosecution of, or
2. There is a proceeding in his court; to prosecute offenses.
3. He delays the administration of justice; 2. That there is a dereliction of the duties of his office;
4. The delay is malicious, that is, delay is caused by that is knowing the commission of the crime, he
the judge with deliberate intent to inflict damage on does not cause the prosecution of the criminal or
either party in the case. knowing that a crime is about to be committed, he
tolerates its commission.
NEGLIGENCE AND TOLERANCE 3. That the offender acts with malice and deliberate
intent to favor the violator of the law.
Article 208. Prosecution of offenses; negligence and
tolerance. - The penalty of prision correccional in its
minimum period and suspension shall be imposed upon
any public officer, or officer of the law, who, in dereliction
of the duties of his office, shall maliciously refrain from Article 209. Betrayal of trust by an attorney or solicitor. -
instituting prosecution for the punishment of violators of the Revelation of secrets. - In addition to the proper
law, or shall tolerate the commission of offenses. administrative action, the penalty of prision correccional in
its minimum period, or a fine ranging from 200 to 1,000
pesos, or both, shall be imposed upon any attorney-at-law
or solicitor ( procurador judicial) who, by any malicious
breach of professional duty or of inexcusable negligence
or ignorance, shall prejudice his client, or reveal any of the
Offender in Art. 208
secrets of the latter learned by him in his professional
This is committed by a public officer who is in charge with
the prosecution of offenses or who has to cause the
The same penalty shall be imposed upon an attorney-at-
prosecution of offenses.
law or solicitor (procurador judicial) who, having
undertaken the defense of a client or having received
The public prosecutors of the DOJ; the special prosecutors
confidential information from said client in a case, shall
of the Office of the Ombudsman – they have the duty to
undertake the defense of the opposing party in the same
case, without the consent of his first client.
Persons in authority, agents of persons in authority – they
have the right, the power to cause the prosecution of ACTS PUNISHED
1. By causing damage to his client, either by –
Acts punishable under Art. 208 a. Malicious breach of professional duty; or
1. By maliciously refraining from instituting
prosecution against violators of the law; b. Inexcusable negligence; or
Prof: Knowing that a crime has been committed, 2. By revealing any of the secrets of his client learned
they did not cause the arrest or prosecution of by him in his professional capacity; or
these offenses, and he did so with malice and

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3. By undertaking the defense of the opposing party Obviously, he will win the said case because he knows the
in the very same case, after undertaking the loopholes of the said case that he filed in favor of the said
defense of the first party or having obtained first party.
confidential information from said party – except
when there is consent on the part of the first party. EXAMPLE: X filed an estafa case against Y through his
counsel Atty. Z. Atty. Z was the one who prepared the
This is the criminal liability of the said attorney. Aside from complaint for estafa.
criminal liability under Art. 209, he may also be charged
administratively for violation of the Code of Professional Now that the case is before the court, Atty. Z is the counsel
Responsibility of Lawyers, either before the Supreme of X in the said estafa case. However, for failure of X to pay
Court or before the IBP. Atty. Z’s appearance fee of P20,000 every hearing, Atty. Z
said he will be withdrawing as counsel. He withdrew as
For committing any of the three acts enumerated under Art. counsel with the consent of X.
209, the said attorney or the said lawyer can be charged
both criminally (under Art. 209) and administratively. These Later, his services were engaged by the defendant Y.
are cumulative remedies – one does not exclude the other. Since he needed money, and Y said he will be paying all
appearance fees, he took the engagement. Atty. Z is now
First act: By causing damage to his client, either by the counsel of the defendant against whom he filed a case
malicious breach of professional duty or by when he was the counsel of the private complainant X.
inexcusable negligence There was an obvious conflict of interest.
EXAMPLE: A counsel, after his client was convicted, was Prof: Do not do that. Even if the first client consented, still,
told to file a motion for reconsideration. He promised to file do not do that. There are many clients out there. Never
the same. In fact, he received additional money or fees just take the services of the opposing party against whom you
for making the MR. But, despite the lapse of 15 days from filed a case. That is so unfair to your first client. It is not
the promulgation of judgment, he failed to file. His only only against the Code of Professional Responsibility, it is
reason was that it slipped his mind, he forgot about it. also against ethics, morality. Nakakahiya kay God ‘pag
ginawa mo ‘yun.
He can be held liable under Art. 209. Because of his
malicious breach of professional duty – it was his duty to Even if it happens if the first client gives his consent, still
file the MR, he gave the assurance to his client but he failed do not do it. There are other clients.
to do so, he caused damage to his client – the conviction
or the decision became final and executory. ARTICLE 210. DIRECT BRIBERY
Second act: By revealing any of the secrets of his Article 210. Direct bribery. - Any public officer who shall
client learned by him in his professional capacity agree to perform an act constituting a crime, in connection
with the performance of this official duties, in consideration
The second act under Art. 209 becomes a criminal act of any offer, promise, gift or present received by such
because it is a violation of the lawyer-client privileged officer, personally or through the mediation of another,
communication. Anything divulged by a client to his shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor in its medium and
counsel pertaining to the case – the counsel shall not maximum periods and a fine of not less than the value of
disclose it, tell it or reveal it to any other person. That is the gift and] not less than three times the value of the gift
sacred between the both of them. That is privileged in addition to the penalty corresponding to the crime
between the both of them. agreed upon, if the same shall have been committed.
For violation, he can be held liable criminally and also If the gift was accepted by the officer in consideration of
administratively. the execution of an act which does not constitute a crime,
and the officer executed said act, he shall suffer the same
Third act: By undertaking the defense of the opposing penalty provided in the preceding paragraph; and if said
party in the very same case, after the undertaking the act shall not have been accomplished, the officer shall
defense of the first party or having obtained suffer the penalties of prision correccional, in its medium
confidential information from said party – except when period and a fine of not less than twice the value of such
there is consent on the part of the first party gift.
The third act is considered criminal in nature and also a If the object for which the gift was received or promised
violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility was to make the public officer refrain from doing something
because there is a conflict of interest. After the said which it was his official duty to do, he shall suffer the
attorney has undertaken the defense of the first client, he penalties of prision correccional in its maximum period and
becomes the lawyer of the second party. a fine of not less than the value of the gift and not less than
three times the value of such gift.

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Under the first act, if the thing the public officer is being
In addition to the penalties provided in the preceding tasked to do is to commit an act constituting a crime, mere
paragraphs, the culprit shall suffer the penalty of special agreement will suffice. Mere acceptance of the offer will
temporary disqualification. suffice.

The provisions contained in the preceding paragraphs It is not necessary that he actually received the money,
shall be made applicable to assessors, arbitrators, bribe or consideration. Mere acceptance of the offer, or
appraisal and claim commissioners, experts or any other mere agreement will already suffice. It is not necessary
persons performing public duties. (As amended by Batas that he actually performs the said criminal act.
Pambansa Blg. 871, approved May 29, 1985)
The same principle holds on the third act. Under the third
Elements of Direct Bribery act, if the act the public officer is being tasked to do is to
refrain from doing his official duty because of the
1. The offender is a public officer; consideration given, mere agreement will suffice. Mere
acceptance of the offer so as not to perform the official duty
2. The offender commits any of the following acts – will suffice.
a. By agreeing to perform, or by performing,
It is not necessary that he actually received the money,
in consideration of an offer, promise, gift
bribe or consideration. It is not necessary that he actually
or present, an act constituting a crime in
refrains from doing his official duty. Mere agreement will
connection with the performance of his
official duties; or
b. By accepting any gift or present in Second act: By accepting any gift or present in
consideration for the execution of an act consideration for the execution of an act which does
which does not constitute a crime in not constitute a crime in connection with the
connection with the performance of his performance of his official duties
official duties; or
The first and the third act have the same principle, but not
c. By agreeing to refrain or by refraining from the second act. Under the second act, for direct bribery to
doing an act which it is his official duty to arise, it is necessary that there must be actual acceptance
do, in consideration of an offer, promise, of the gift or present, or of the consideration.
gift or present.
The reason is, under the second act, a public officer is not
“in connection with the performance of his official being tasked to do a criminal act. He is tasked to perform
duties” his duty. It is his duty to do it, but he would not do it without
the bribe. This is why it is necessary that there must be
Direct bribery is the crime committed by a public officer actual acceptance of the said gift or present.
who receives the bribe in connection with the performance
of his official duties. Always, the bribe, the money, the Prohibition against complexing crimes with direct
consideration, the present or the gift must be received by
the public officer in connection with the performance of his
official duties. If under the first act and under the third act the public officer
actually performs the criminal act, or actually refrains from
If there is no relation between the bribe or the doing his duty, aside from direct bribery, it will constitute
consideration and the performance of his official duties, it another crime. You do not complex it. It will constitute a
is another crime, but it is not the crime of direct bribery. It
separate and distinct charge.
is necessary that the crime was given in connection with
the performance of his official duty. This is because under Art. 210, the penalty for direct
bribery shall be in addition to any liability attaching to the
Either he is the one who received it, or another person in said public officer for the crime agreed upon.
his favor.
First act: By agreeing to perform, or by performing, in
consideration of an offer, promise, gift or present, an
Article 211. Indirect bribery. - The penalties of prision
act constituting a crime in connection with the
correccional in its medium and maximum periods, and
performance of his official duties
public censure shall be imposed upon any public officer
who shall accept gifts offered to him by reason of his office.
Third act: By agreeing to refrain or by refraining from
(As amended by Batas Pambansa Blg. 871, approved May
doing an act which it is his official duty to do, in
29, 1985).
consideration of an offer, promise, gift or present.

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Elements of Indirect Bribery prosecute must be held for a crime which is punished by
reclusion perpetua and/or death. It is specific compared to
1. The offender is a public officer; direct bribery.

2. That he accepts gifts; Q: X was at Manila Hotel. When he was about to leave
Manila Hotel, he chanced upon Judge W sitting on a
3. That the gifts are offered to him by reason of his sofa at the lobby of the hotel. X has a pending civil
office. case in the sala of Judge W, which is already
Indirect bribery is committed when the offender is a public submitted for decision. X knew he will lose the case
officer and he accepts a gift or present by reason of the because all pieces of evidence were against him.
public office or by reason of the public position that he
holds. X took the strength and courage to talk to the judge.
He went to Judge W seated on the sofa and introduced
In case of indirect bribery, a public officer is not being himself as X. He told the judge that he had a case
asked to do an act. The said gift or present was given to pending at his sala. The judge said “Yes, yes, I
him only because of the position that he holds, because of remember you. I often see you in court. What can I do
the office that he occupies. for you?”

If he received the said gift or present, he becomes liable So, X sat in favor of the judge and offered the judge P2
for indirect bribery. If he does not receive the said gift or million in exchange for a favorable decision. Judge W
present, then he is not liable of any crime. told X, “Here is my address. Go to my house tonight,
bring the P2 million in cold cash. The decision will be
There is no attempted or frustrated stages, because here, in your favor.” Thereafter, X left.
a public officer is not being tasked to do an act.
Is Judge W liable of direct bribery at that particular

A: YES. Judge W already committed the crime of direct

Article 211-A. Qualified bribery. - If any public officer is
bribery under Art. 210, first par. of the RPC.
entrusted with law enforcement and he refrains from
arresting or prosecuting an offender who has committed a
By merely accepting the offer of X, Judge W, a public
crime punishable by reclusion perpetua and/or death in
officer, agrees to perform an act constituting a crime in
consideration of any offer, promise, gift or present, he shall
connection with the performance of his official duties. Mere
suffer the penalty for the offense which was not
agreement will suffice. It is not necessary that he actually
received the P2 million. It is not necessary that he actually
rendered the said favorable decision in favor of X. Mere
If it is the public officer who asks or demands such gift or
acceptance of the said offer in consideration of the P2
present, he shall suffer the penalty of death. (As added by
million will already give rise to the crime.
Sec. 4, RA No. 7659).
Under the first act of direct bribery, mere agreement or
Elements of Qualified Bribery mere acceptance of an offer will already consummate the
1. The offender is a public officer in charge of law
enforcement; Q: X is charged with Qualified Rape before the Office
2. The said public officer does not arrest or prosecute of the Public Prosecutor. After preliminary
investigation, after clarificatory hearing, the case was
an offender who has committed a crime punished
already submitted by the public prosecutor for
by reclusion perpetua and/or death; resolution. The public prosecutor told the private
3. The reason is because of the gift, present or complainant and the respondent X, “Come back two
weeks thereafter. The resolution will already be
consideration given.
released by then.”
Art. 211-A obviously is not included in the original RPC. It
was a mere insertion, it was merely inserted by R.A. No. However, within a week’s time, X already went back to
7659, or The Heinous Crime Law. This is why, under Art. the fiscal’s office and asked from the secretary of the
211-A, if it is the public officer who solicited the bribe, the fiscal handling the case, “Is the resolution already
penalty prescribed will be death penalty. out?” The secretary said, “Wala pa po. Wala pa pong
ibinibigay sa akin. Wala pa pong resolution.” X told the
Art. 211-A is specific. It is necessary that the said public secretary, “Is the fiscal in? Can I talk to him in
officer must be one entrusted with law enforcement. private?” The secretary said, “May hearing po sa
Second, the offender that he does not want to arrest or umaga, sa hapon po available.”

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receiving any gift, present, share, percentage or benefit,
Because of that, X told the secretary he will come back for himself or for another person, in connection with any
in the afternoon. Here comes the afternoon. X came contract or transaction between the government and any
back to the office in the afternoon and after coming other party wherein the public officer in his official capacity
back to the said office, he had a talk with the said has to intervene under the law.
public prosecutor. In talking to the public prosecutor,
X offered the said public prosecutor P2 million in The preliminary investigation issued by the public
exchange for a finding of no probable cause and for prosecutor cannot be considered a contract. It cannot be
the dismissal of the case. considered as a transaction because the term ‘transaction’
must be construed as analogous to the term which it
The fiscal did not immediately give an answer because precedes, which is ‘contract’. Therefore, the charges are
the fiscal knew that the evidence of qualified rape wrong.
against X was overwhelming. There is a sworn
statement of the private complainant, there is a Q: What is the proper charge to be filed against the
medico-legal certificate coming from the PNP medico- said public prosecutor who received P3 million to
legal saying that indeed there were hymenal bring about a dismissal of the case despite the fact
lacerations on the said girl’s genital; and from the that it has probable cause?
girl’s testimony herself.
A: The said public prosecutor should be charged with
And so, the fiscal said, “Mahirap ‘to kasi ‘yung direct bribery under Art. 210.
ebidensiya nagpopoint sa ‘yo.” The fiscal told this to
X, but X told the fiscal, “Dadagdagan ko, fiscal. Gawin He is a public officer and he received bribe in connection
kong P3 million in exchange for the dismissal of the with the performance of his official duty.
case.” And so the fiscal told X, “Okay, you come back
tomorrow. Bring me the P3 million, cold cash, and let What is that official duty? To prosecute this offender. It is
us see.” his duty to file the case against him. Evidence was
overwhelming insofar as probable cause is concerned.
The following day, X came back. When X came back,
he gave a small bag to the public prosecutor. When the Therefore, he is liable for direct bribery under Art. 210, third
public prosecutor opened it, it was cold cash of P3 act – he refrained from doing an act which it is his official
million. The prosecutor said, “Come back after a duty to do in consideration of an offer, promise, gift or
week’s time and get the resolution.” present.

After a week’s time, X came back and the resolution – Since he actually refrains from doing the said duty, he is
case dismissed, no probable cause. also liable for Art. 208, dereliction of duty in the prosecution
of offenses.
Because of this, the public prosecutor was charged of
the following cases: The public prosecutor was All the elements of dereliction of duty in the prosecution of
charged with violation of Sec. 3(b) of R.A. No. 3019; offenses are present –
with the crime of Qualified Bribery under Art. 211-A.
1. He is a public officer in charge to prosecute
Are the charges correct? offenders;

A: The charges are wrong. Qualified bribery will not lie 2. He does not cause the prosecution of X because
against the said public prosecutor because the first of the P3 million that he received.
element is immediately absent.
Therefore, he is liable of two crimes – he can be charged
The first element of qualified bribery under Art. 211-A – the with direct bribery under Art. 210, third act; and also
offender is a public officer in charge of law enforcement. violation of Art. 208, dereliction of duty in the prosecution
The Supreme Court said a public prosecutor is not in of offenses.
charge with the enforcement of the law. This refers to
police officers who have the duty to enforce the law. R.A. NO. 3019 – ANTI-GRAFT AND CORRUPT
Therefore, the first element is absent. Qualified bribery PRACTICES ACT
under Art. 211-A will not lie against the said fiscal.

Q: How about the charge of violation of Sec. 3(b) of SECTION 3

R.A. No. 3019? Will the case prosper?
(a) Persuading, inducing or influencing another public
A: NO, it will not prosper. Under Sec. 3(b) of R.A. No. officer to perform an act constituting a violation of rules and
3019, the law punishes the act of directly or indirectly regulations duly promulgated by competent authority or an
offense in connection with the official duties of the latter, or

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allowing himself to be persuaded, induced, or influenced to G.R. No. 142369 | 13 April 2007
commit such violation or offense.
FACTS: Merencillo, the BIR officer, was charged with two
(b) Directly or indirectly requesting or receiving any gift, crimes. He was charged with violation of Section 3(b) of
present, share, percentage, or benefit, for himself or for RA 3019 and the crime of direct bribery. He asked P
any other person, in connection with any contract or 20,000.00 in exchange for the issuance of the Certificate
transaction between the Government and any other part, Authorizing Registration (CAR). In course of the
wherein the public officer in his official capacity has to entrapment operation, Merencillo was caught in the act of
intervene under the law. receiving the said P 20,000.00.

(c) Directly or indirectly requesting or receiving any gift, Merencillo’s Defense: He cannot be charged with both
present or other pecuniary or material benefit, for himself crimes. He will be placed in double jeopardy. Is this
or for another, from any person for whom the public officer, argument meritorious?
in any manner or capacity, has secured or obtained, or will
secure or obtain, any Government permit or license, in RULING: NO. Merencillo’s argument that charging him
consideration for the help given or to be given, without with the crimes of violation of Section 3(b) of RA 3019 and
prejudice to Section thirteen of this Act. direct bribery will place him in double jeopardy has no
G.R. Nos. 236308-09 | 17 February 2020 First, Supreme Court said, Section 3 of RA 3019 is clear in
its beginning statement:
Q: Can a private person be held liable under R.A. No.
3019? “In addition to acts or omissions of public officers already
penalized by existing law, the following shall constitute
A: YES. The Supreme Court said it is settled in corrupt practices of any public officer and are hereby
jurisprudence that private persons, when acting in declared to be unlawful.”
conspiracy with public officers may be indicted and may be
found guilty for violation of Sec. 3 of R.A. No. 3019. Therefore, violations of Section 3 of RA 3019 will always
be in addition to any acts or omissions that a public officer
The Supreme Court said this is in consonance with the is already being penalized by existing law. Hence,
avowed policy of R.A. No. 3019 to repress certain acts of Supreme Court said and note, double jeopardy will not
public officers and private persons that constitute graft and arise if a person is charged simultaneously or successively
corrupt practices. So, it is settled in the case of Canlas v. of violation of Section 3 of RA 3019 and the RPC.
People that a private person can be held liable under R.A.
No. 3019. Second, the two have different elements. Therefore,
double jeopardy will not arise.
FACTS: Two informations were filed against accused
Efren Canlas. According to the informations, former Makati Whereas in case of Section 3(b) of RA 3019, a mere
Mayor Jejomar Binay Jr. conspired with petitioner Canlas request or demand of any gift, present, share, percentage,
in giving unwarranted benefits, advantage and preference or benefit is enough to constitute a violation of the law. In
to Hilmarc’s and causing undue injury to the Government case of direct bribery, acceptance of a promise or offer or
by awarding Hilmarc’s the contract of the Phase IV receipt of any gift or present is required to constitute direct
construction of the Makati City Hall Parking Building bribery.
through simulated public bidding.
Third, they differ in the ambit or scope.
Canlas filed a motion to quash, alleging that he is a private
individual and as such, RA 3019 does not apply to him. He The scope of Section 3(b) of RA 3019 is specific. It is
argues that he can only be held liable under Sec. 4(b) of limited only to contracts or transactions involving monetary
RA 3019 and he did not induce or cause any public officer considerations where the public officer has the authority to
to commit a violation of Sec. 3(e). intervene under the law. Whereas in case of direct bribery,
it has a wider, bigger, and more general in scope. It
RULING: Private persons, when acting in conspiracy with includes performance of an act constituting a crime,
public officers, may be indicted and, if found guilty, held execution of an unjust act which does not constitute, and
liable for the pertinent offenses under Section 3 of RA agreeing to refrain or by refraining from doing an act which
3019, in consonance with the avowed policy of the anti- it is his official duty to do.
graft law to repress certain acts of public officers and
private persons alike constituting graft or corrupt practices With this, the Supreme Court held Merencillo liable for the
act or which may lead thereto. two crimes.


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(d) Accepting or having any member of his family accept and in the said investigation, the NBI found truth. Because
employment in a private enterprise which has pending of that, the NBI filed before the Office of the Ombudsman
official business with him during the pendency thereof or a case of violation of Section 3(e) of RA 3019 against
within one year after its termination. Governor Ambil. The Ombudsman after conducting
investigation found truth, and so the Ombudsman filed a
Members of the family of the said public officer cannot case for violation of Section 3(e) of RA 3019 against
accept an employment in a private enterprise which has Governor Ambil. But not only against him, also against the
pending official business in the office being held by said Provincial Jail Warden Apelado. They were charged as co-
public officer. principals for violation of Section 3(e) of RA 3019.

In one case, while the husband, Edwin Villanueva, was the Arguments raised by Governor Ambil:
Provincial Director of TESDA in the province of Aklan, his
wife accepted an employment in a nonstock nonprofit He cannot be held liable for violation of Section 3(e) of RA
TESDA accredited educational association. Supreme 3019. According to him, although the first element is
Court said, that is a clear violation of Section 3(d) of RA present, the second and the third element are absent.
3019. Section 3(d) of RA 3019 is clear and straightforward. According to him, he transferred the said mayor from the
A public officer or any member of its family cannot accept provincial jail to his house because there was a threat on
employment in a private enterprise with whom such public the life of the said mayor. Therefore, he, as the provincial
officer has a pending official business during his jailer, has the power to transfer him from the jail to his
incumbency or within 1 year from his termination. house in order to protect and save him. Likewise, the third
Therefore, the Supreme Court said, he is liable for violation element is absent according to the governor because the
of Section 3(d) of RA 3019. (Edwin Villanueva and Nida third element punishes the act of giving a private party
Villanueva v. People, G.R. No. 237864, July 08, 2020) unwarranted benefit. The governor argued that Mayor
Adalim is not a private party but a public officer. Therefore,
(e) Causing any undue injury to any party, including the the second and third element of Section 3(e) of RA 3019
Government, or giving any private party any unwarranted being absent and therefore he cannot be held liable.
benefits, advantage or preference in the discharge of his
official administrative or judicial functions through manifest Are all the elements present? Is the argument of the
partiality, evident bad faith or gross inexcusable governor correct?
RULING: The Supreme Court said all the elements are
Elements of Section 3(e) of RA 3019 present and therefore the arguments raised by the said
governor are incorrect.
1. That a public officer is performing official,
administrative, or judicial functions; According to the Supreme Court, the first element is given.
2. That he acted with manifest partiality, evident bad Being the governor, he was a public officer and he was
faith, or gross inexcusable negligence; and acting in his official and administrative functions.
3. He caused undue injury to any party including the
government, or he gave a private party unwarranted The second element is also present. The Supreme Court
benefits, advantage, or preference. said the said governor, when he transferred Mayor Adalim
from the jail to his house, acted with manifest partiality in
There are three (3) modes of committing violation of favor of the said mayor as against the other prisoners in
Section 3(e) of RA 3019. the said provincial jail.

1. By manifest partiality; Not only that, the Supreme Court also said he acted with
2. By evident bad faith; evident bad faith. This is because a prisoner can only be
3. By gross inexcusable negligence. transferred from one institution to another if there is an
order coming from the court. Here, there is no order
AMBIL Jr. v. SANDIGANBAYAN coming from the court. Therefore, he acted with evident
G.R. No. 175457 | 06 July 2011 bad faith.

FACTS: Governor Ambil transferred Mayor Adalim, who The third element, according to the Supreme Court, is also
was charged with the crime of murder. As we all know, present. The argument raised by him that the said mayor
murder is a nonbailable offense if the evidence of guilt is is not a private party is erroneous. The Supreme Court said
strong. Mayor Adalim was then at the provincial jail. the governor misinterpreted the meaning of the words
However, the IBP heard that Governor Ambil transferred “private party.”
Mayor Adalim from the provincial jail to his house. So, the
IBP wrote a letter to the NBI to conduct an investigation The Supreme Court said a private party is different from a
about these rumors that the said governor transferred the private person. A private person is one which is not a public
mayor to his house. The NBI conducted an investigation

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officer or employee. But, a private party is either a private
person or a public officer acting in his private capacity. In RA 3019, it is stated “on or before 15th of April” but there
is another law which provides also for the filing of SALN
Mayor Adalim is within the meaning of a private party and that is RA6713 which is the code of ethical standards
because although a public officer, he acted in his private for public officers.
capacity. Therefore, all the elements are present.
Under RA 6713, and this is what is being followed, it must
Arguments of Provincial Jail Warden Apelado: be on or before the 30th day of April.

First, Apelado raised the justifying circumstance that he Prof: RA 3019 requires all public officers to file their
was merely acting in obedience with an order issued by a statements of assets, liabilities and net worth (SALN).
superior authority, the last justifying circumstance under Failure to file will be a violation of RA3019 and RA6713.
Art. 11.
But, if the public officer files but states falsities in the SALN,
RULING: The Supreme Court said this will not lie, because the crime can either be perjury or the crime of falsification
the order must be lawful. In this case, the order of the of public document.
superior authority, Gov. Ambil, is not a lawful order and
Apelado should have known that it was not lawful because Remember the case of Galeos v. People, where he stated
there was no order coming from the court. Only a court can falsities in his SALN, he answered falsities in his SALN.
transfer prisoners via a court order. The Supreme Court convicted Galeos of Falsification of
Public Document.
Second, Apelado argued that he is only of Salary Grade 22
and therefore, the Sandiganbayan has no jurisdiction over So, what RA 3019 prohibits is non-filing. But if the public
him. officer files but there are falsities made in the SALN, then
the case can either be Falsification of Public Document or
RULING: The Supreme Court said no. Although the Court the crime of Perjury under Article 183.
has held that only public officers of Salary Grade 27 or
above are within the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan, in COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION
this case, Apelado is being charged as a co-principal, as a
co-accused of the governor, who is way beyond Salary The Sandiganbayan has original jurisdiction on violations
Grade 27. Since he is a co-principal and a co-accused of of RA 3019 if the public officer charged is of Salary Grade
the governor who is within the jurisdiction of the 27 or above. Below that, the Ombudsman must file the
Sandiganbayan, then Apelado, too, is within the jurisdiction case before the proper trial court.
of the Sandiganbayan even if he is only of Salary Grade
SC: The jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan over petitioner Violations of RA 3019 prescribes in twenty (20) years from
Ambil, Jr. is beyond question. The same is true as regards the time of the commission or from the time of discovery of
petitioner Apelado, Sr. As to him, a Certification from the the said crime. However, the right of the government to
Provincial Government Department Head of the HRMO recover ill-gotten wealth cannot be barred by prescription,
shows that his position as Provincial Warden is classified by laches, or by estoppel.
as Salary Grade 22.
Nonetheless, it is only when none of the accused are
occupying positions corresponding to salary grade '27' or
higher shall exclusive jurisdiction be vested in the lower Section 13. Suspension and loss of benefits. Any public
courts. Here, petitioner Apelado, Sr. was charged as a co- officer against whom any criminal prosecution under a
principal with Governor Ambil, Jr., over whose position the valid information under this Act or under the provisions of
Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction. Accordingly, he was the Revised Penal Code on bribery is pending in court,
correctly tried jointly with said public officer in the proper shall be suspended from office. Should he be convicted by
court which had exclusive original jurisdiction over them — final judgment, he shall lose all retirement or gratuity
the Sandiganbayan. benefits under any law, but if he is acquitted, he shall be
entitled to reinstatement and to the salaries and benefits
which he failed to receive during suspension, unless in the
meantime administrative proceedings have been filed
LIABILITIES & RA 6713 against him.
Public officers can file their SALN within 30 days from
The law provides that public officers who are charged shall
assumption into office. And then it must be filed on or
be placed under preventive suspension. Supreme Court
before the 30th day of April of the next years and within 30
said, Section 13 is mandatory. The Sandiganbayan has the
days after separation from the service.

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ministerial duty to place a public officer charged of violation 13 of RA 3019 which provides for its mandatory application
of RA 3019 under preventive suspension. because the law used the word “shall”.

As early as the case of Bayot v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. ARTICLE 212. CORRUPTION OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS
61776 to 61861 March 23, 1984, the Supreme Court has
ruled that Section 13 of RA 3019 is constitutional because Article 212. Corruption of public officials. - The same
placing him under preventive suspension is not considered penalties imposed upon the officer corrupted, except those
a felony. It is merely a preventive measure. A preventive of disqualification and suspension, shall be imposed upon
measure in order to prevent the public officer charged in any person who shall have made the offers or promises or
court for violation of RA 3019 from tampering the evidence, given the gifts or presents as described in the preceding
from influencing the witnesses, or from committing further articles.
crimes. Since it is a mere preventive measure, and not a
penalty imposed, then Supreme Court said, Section 13 is If direct bribery or indirect bribery is the crime committed
constitutional. by the public officer receiving the bribe, the crime
committed by the giver of the bribe is Corruption of Public
And it is mandatory but it is not automatic. It is not Officials under Article 212.
automatic because after the filing of the information by the
Ombudsman to the Sandiganbayan, it does not Corruption of Public Officials is committed by any person
automatically mean that the Sandiganbayan will who shall make an offer or promise or give any gift or
immediately place the concerned public officer under present to a public officer under circumstances in which the
preventive suspension. The Sandiganbayan must still look public officer will become liable for direct bribery or indirect
at the information. Is the information sufficient in form and bribery.
substance to bring about a conviction? Is there probable
cause? If there is, it is now mandatory on the part of the Elements of Corruption of Public Officials
Sandiganbayan to place the said public officer under
preventive suspension. 1. The offender makes or offers promises or gifts or
presents to a public officer; and
Prof: Bata pa siguro kayo. The hotel in Quezon City was
burned. Many guests died because they couldn’t find the 2. That the offers or promises are made or the gifts or
exit. Because of that, the heads of the City Engineers the gifts or presents given to a public officer, under
Office of Quezon City were charged with violation of circumstances that will make the public officer liable
Section 3(e) of RA 3019. They were also charged for direct bribery or indirect bribery.
administratively for gross neglect of duty. Both cases were
filed to the office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman has Q: X was driving his car. He was stopped by an MMDA
the jurisdiction on the administrative case. In so far as the Officer allegedly by violating the traffic rules and
criminal case, after finding probable cause, the regulations. When his driver’s license was asked by
Ombudsman filed the case before the Sandiganbayan. the MMDA Officer, instead of giving his driver’s
license, he gave him secretly P500.00. But the MMDA
In so far as the administrative case is concerned, the Office Officer said, “No, I do not receive bribes.” Then X
of the Ombudsman placed the said City Engineer under pulled out again his wallet and this time, took P1000.00
preventive suspension for a period of 6 months. and gave it to the said officer. But the MMDA Officer
Thereafter, after about 2 years, when the case for violation said, “No! I told you; I do not receive bribes! Hand me
of Section 3(e) of RA 3019 was filed before the your license, I will give you the ticket.” The MMDA
Sandiganbayan, the Sandiganbayan upon a finding of refused to be corrupted. Is X liable for Attempted
probable cause, also placed the same City Engineer under Corruption of Public Officials? Is there such a crime?
preventive suspension.
A: YES. Under Article 212, in case of Corruption of Public
The officer’s counsel said, that cannot be, he has already Officials, the penalty is the same as that imposed upon the
undergone preventive suspension in the administrative public officer corrupted. Therefore, there is such a crime as
case, therefore, it is wrong for the Sandiganbayan to place Attempted Corruption of Public Officials. As held in the
him again under preventive suspension because both case of Pozar v. People, GR L-62439, October 23 ,1984,
cases arise from the same facts and circumstances. the opening phrase in Article 212, “the same penalties
imposed upon the public officer corrupted”. This simply
Is the argument of the counsel, correct? means that the penalty will be the same as the penalty for
direct bribery or indirect bribery. So, there is such a crime
A: NO. Supreme Court said, the Sandiganbayan has the as Attempted Corruption of Public Officials
duty to place him under preventive suspension. It is not
“either or”. Even if he has already undergone preventive ARTICLE 213. FRAUDS AGAINST THE PUBLIC
suspension in the administrative case, still he has to be TREASURY AND SIMILAR OFFENSES
placed under preventive suspension by reason of Section

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Article 213. Frauds against the public treasury and similar a. Demanding, directly or indirectly, the
offenses. - The penalty of prision correccional in its payment of sums different from or larger
medium period to prision mayor in its minimum period, or than those authorized by law;
a fine ranging from 200 to 10,000 pesos, or both, shall be b. Failing voluntarily to issue a receipt, as
imposed upon any public officer who: provided by law, for any sum of money
collected by him officially; or
1. In his official capacity, in dealing with any person with c. Collecting or receiving, directly or
regard to furnishing supplies, the making of contracts, or indirectly, by way of payment or otherwise,
the adjustment or settlement of accounts relating to public things or objects of a nature different from
property or funds, shall enter into an agreement with any that provided by law.
interested party or speculator or make use of any other
scheme, to defraud the Government; Q: Who is the offender in Illegal Exaction?

2. Being entrusted with the collection of taxes, licenses, A: The offender in Illegal Exaction is the public officer who
fees and other imposts, shall be guilty or any of the is in charge with the collection of taxes, licenses, fees, and
following acts or omissions: other imposts. He must be a Collecting Public Officer. And
he violates the rules on collection.
(a) Demanding, directly, or indirectly, the payment of sums
different from or larger than those authorized by law. Under the first act, a mere demand of any amount different
from that which is authorized by law whether it is higher or
(b) Failing voluntarily to issue a receipt, as provided by law, lower will already give rise to a crime. The law does not
for any sum of money collected by him officially. require that payment be made.

(c) Collecting or receiving, directly or indirectly, by way of Under the second act, for every sum of money you paid to
payment or otherwise things or objects of a nature different the government, you have the right to get the official
from that provided by law. receipt. If the said public officer deliberately fails to issue
the said official receipt for the sum of money collected from
When the culprit is an officer or employee of the Bureau of you, then he becomes liable for Illegal Exaction under the
Internal Revenue or the Bureau of Customs, the provisions second act.
of the Administrative Code shall be applied.
Under the third act, if the law requires that payment must
TWO (2) ACTS PUNISHED: be made in cash, do not accept any payment other than
that in cash. Otherwise, the said public officer will be liable
1. Fraud against public treasury (par.1); and for Illegal Exaction.
2. Illegal exaction (par. 2)
Q: X went to the City Hall. He is an owner of a small
Elements of Fraud against Public Treasury sari-sari store. The said small sari-sari store is
licensed, and so he is now renewing his license. Since
1. That the offender is a public officer; he knew that there will be an inspection, and he was
2. That he should have taken advantage of his office, afraid to be penalized, he went to the City Treasurer’s
that is he intervened in the transaction of his official Office to ask how much he has to pay for the renewal
capacity; of the license of his small sari-sari store.
3. That he entered into an agreement with any
interested party or speculator or made use of any Y, the city cashier, said, “You have to pay 1,000
other scheme with regard to: pesos.” X said, “Wala pa akong benta. Wala pa akong
a. furnishing supplies; pangbayad. Magi-inspection na bukas.” because he
b. the making of contracts; knew Y. Y told X, “Bigyan mo na lang ako ng limang
c. the adjustment or settlement of accounts kahong sigarilyo. Pwede na yun.”
relating to public property or funds.
4. That the accused had intent to defraud the X came back. He came with 5 packs of cigarettes to Y,
Government. the collecting officer. Is he liable?

Elements of Illegal Exaction A: YES. Y, the collecting officer, is liable for Illegal
1. That the offender is a public officer entrusted with
the collection of taxes, licenses, fees and other He cannot receive 5 packs of cigarettes. Said 5 packs of
imposts; and cigarettes will not go to the government. Therefore, the act
2. He is guilty of any of the following acts or omissions: of the collecting officer in receiving an amount which is not
authorized by law will make him liable for Illegal Exaction.

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Q: X is a cashier at the City Treasurer’s Office. Here Two, of this Code, the penalty of temporary special
comes a person paying for the renewal of his business disqualification in its maximum period to perpetual special
license. He inquired from X, “How much do I have to disqualification shall be imposed upon any public officer
pay?” X said, “A new ordinance has just taken effect who, taking advantage of his official position, shall commit
since yesterday. For the renewal of your business any of the frauds or deceits enumerated in said provisions.
license, you have to pay 5,000 pesos.”
Elements of Other Frauds
The person believed. Said person gave 5,000 pesos to
X. X took the money and when the person was asking 1. That the offender is a public officer.
from X if he could have his official receipt (OR), X said, 2. That he takes advantage of his official functions.
“Oh. I have no more official receipt here. Anyway, just 3. That he commits any of the frauds or deceit
come back here tomorrow. I will give you your enumerated in Articles 315 to 318.
certificate of renewal of business permit. That will
suffice because it means you have paid.” Because of If a public officer commits any of the frauds or deceits
that, the person left. constituting estafa or swindling under Art. 315-318, and he
does so by taking advantage of his official position, his
X placed the entire 5,000 pesos inside the cash vault criminal liability is Other Frauds under Art. 214. It is not
assigned to him. The amount to be collected should estafa or swindling because in the case of a public officer,
only be 3,000, but he demanded 5,000 and placed the there is an additional penalty.
entire money inside the cash vault and thereafter, he
continued doing his duty for that day. When it was time If you look at Article 214, the law says that the penalty is
to go home, X realized that he has an excess collection the same penalty as the first offense under Art. 315-318.
in the amount of 2,000 pesos. He opened the cash But additional to that, he is punished with temporary
vault, took the 2,000 pesos (four 500 peso bills), and disqualification to perpetual disqualification for having
he placed it inside his wallet and went home. He used taken advantage of his official position. Therefore, if it is a
it to buy groceries to be given to his family. public officer who commits estafa or swindling, the crime is
under Art. 214 and there is an additional penalty.
What crime or crimes is/are committed by cashier X?
Q: The military in Mindanao needs blankets. The head
A: First, he is liable for Illegal Exaction under Art. 213, of military asked the supply officer in Manila how
second paragraph. much a blanket costs. They will be buying 1000
blankets. Supply officer canvassed and found that a
He is a collecting public officer. He demanded an amount blanket cost 500. He connived and conspired with the
larger than that authorized by law. The amount authorized supplier of the blankets and told him to price apiece of
by law is 3,000 pesos, yet he demanded, and even 600 pesos. So it was what was delivered to Mindanao.
received 5,000 pesos. He also deliberately failed to issue Therefore, the government issued a check in the
the official receipt for the sum of money that he has amount of 600K wherein it should only be 500K. What
collected. crime has been committed by the supply officer?

Therefore, he is liable for illegal exaction. A: The supply officer is liable for Article 213 first paragraph
(Fraud Against the Public Treasury) because there is no
Second, Cashier X is also liable for Malversation of allocation of the budget yet. Therefore, when the treasury
Funds and Property under Art. 217. paid for more than what has been paid, the treasury is
defrauded. Hence, the crim committed is Article 213 (1).
The moment Cashier X placed the entire 5,000 pesos
inside the cash vault, the entire 5,000 pesos became part Q: What if the GAA had already been approved by the
of public funds. When he opened it again and took 2,000 Congress and signed by the President, there was
pesos by four 500 peso bills, he was in effect taking part of already a budget for the entire calendar year. In this
public funds. budget, the military was given a portion for the
blankets. So there was 1000 blankets with 500K budget
Therefore, he becomes liable for malversation of public allocated. Upon the enactment of the same, the head
funds and property. of the military asked the supply officer to canvass.
Upon canvassing, he found that there were blankets
[Articles 214-216 were not discussed during lecture. The that cost 500 pesos each. But the supply officer
following are culled from previous notes.] connived with the supplier of the blankets and told him
that instead of delivering blankets with premium
ARTICLE 214. OTHER FRAUDS quality costing 500 pesos, he should deliver only
inferior quality blankets costing 300 pesos each,
Article 214. Other frauds. - In addition to the penalties anyway, the people in Mindanao would not know. So
prescribed in the provisions of Chapter Six, Title Ten, Book

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the poor quality blankets were delivered. What crime 1. Public officer who, directly or indirectly, became
is committed? interested in any contract or business in which it
was his official duty to intervene;
A: The crime committed is not fraud against public treasury
but Other Frauds under Article 214. This is because there 2. Experts, arbitrators and accountants who, in like
is an allocation in the GAA and as such, the treasury can manner, took part in any contract or transaction
no longer be defrauded because such amount has long connected with the estate or property in the
been allocated or earmarked for the purchase of the appraisal, distribution, or adjudication of which
blankets. The fraud is in the implementation of the budget they had acted; and
therefore it amounted to Estafa. Other frauds is committed
by any public officer, who, by taking advantage of his 3. Guardians and executors with respect to the
official position would commit any of the acts of Estafa property belonging to their wards or the estate.
under Articles 315 – 318.

Article 215. Prohibited transactions. - The penalty of Article 217. Malversation of public funds or property;
prision correccional in its maximum period or a fine ranging Presumption of malversation. - Any public officer who, by
from 200 to 1,000 pesos, or both, shall be imposed upon reason of the duties of his office, is accountable for public
any appointive public officer who, during his incumbency, funds or property, shall appropriate the same or shall take
shall directly or indirectly become interested in any or misappropriate or shall consent, through abandonment
transaction of exchange or speculation within the territory or negligence, shall permit any other person to take such
subject to his jurisdiction. public funds, or property, wholly or partially, or shall
otherwise be guilty of the misappropriation or malversation
Elements of Prohibited Transactions of such funds or property, shall suffer:

1. That the offender is an appointive public officer; 1. The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and
maximum periods, if the amount involved in the
2. That he becomes interested directly or indirectly in misappropriation or malversation does not exceed two
any transaction of exchange or speculation; hundred pesos.

3. That the transaction takes place within the territory 2. The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum and medium
subject to his jurisdiction; and periods, if the amount involved is more than two hundred
pesos but does not exceed six thousand pesos.
4. That he becomes interested in the transaction
during his incumbency. 3. The penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period to
reclusion temporal in its minimum period, if the amount
ARTICLE 216. POSSESSION OF PROHIBITED involved is more than six thousand pesos but is less than
INTEREST BY A PUBLIC OFFICER twelve thousand pesos.

Article 216. Possession of prohibited interest by a public 4. The penalty of reclusion temporal, in its medium and
officer. - The penalty of arresto mayor in its medium period maximum periods, if the amount involved is more than
to prision correccional in its minimum period, or a fine twelve thousand pesos but is less than twenty-two
ranging from 200 to 1,000 pesos, or both, shall be imposed thousand pesos. If the amount exceeds the latter, the
upon a public officer who directly or indirectly, shall penalty shall be reclusion temporal in its maximum period
become interested in any contract or business in which it to reclusion perpetua.
is his official duty to intervene.
In all cases, persons guilty of malversation shall also suffer
This provisions is applicable to experts, arbitrators and the penalty of perpetual special disqualification and a fine
private accountants who, in like manner, shall take part in equal to the amount of the funds malversed or equal to the
any contract or transaction connected with the estate or total value of the property embezzled.
property in appraisal, distribution or adjudication of which
they shall have acted, and to the guardians and executors The failure of a public officer to have duly forthcoming any
with respect to the property belonging to their wards or public funds or property with which he is chargeable, upon
estate. demand by any duly authorized officer, shall be prima facie
evidence that he has put such missing funds or property to
Persons liable personal use. (As amended by RA 1060).

Elements of Malversation of Public Funds or Property

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1. Offender be a public officer; demand letters were issued against Valenzuela ordering
him to liquidate his cash advances. Venezuela sent an
2. He had custody or control of funds by reason of explanation letter acknowledging his accountability for the
the duties of his office; cash advances amounting to Php 943,200.00, while
denying the remainder of the cash advances.
3. Those funds and property were public funds and
property for which he was accountable; and An information was filed accusing Villanueva of the crime
of Malversation of Public Funds. During the trial, it was
4. He appropriated, took, misappropriated or found that the receipts submitted by Venezuela purportedly
consented, or through his abandonment or evidencing his payment of the unliquidated cash advances
negligence, he permitted another person to take did not really reflect the payments claimed, as they were
them. issued to different persons, in different amounts and for
different amounts.
Q: Based on the first, second and third elements, what
kind of public officer is the offender in the crime of The Sandiganbayan convicted Venezuela. It
Malversation under Art. 217? acknowledged that Venezuela made a partial refund of his
liabilities, thereby reducing his unliquidated cash advances
A: He must be an accountable public officer. to Php. 2,572,808.00. It considered such refund as a
mitigating circumstance akin to voluntary surrender.
Q: Who is an accountable public officer?
ISSUE: Is Venezuela guilty of malversation of public
A: An accountable public officer is a public officer, who, by funds?
reason of the duties of his office, has received public funds
and property that he has the obligation to account for later RULING: YES. Verily, in the crime of malversation of
to the State. public funds, all that is necessary for conviction is proof
that the accountable officer had received the public funds
Q: Based on the last element, we have two ways of and that he failed to account for the said funds upon
committing Malversation of Public Funds or Property. demand without offering a justifiable explanation for the
What are these? shortage.

A: Malversation of public funds and property can be A municipal mayor, being the chief executive of his
committed through the offender’s: respective municipality, is deemed an accountable
officer, and is thus responsible for all the government
1. Positive act – when he himself appropriated, took, funds within his jurisdiction. Undoubtedly, as the
misappropriated the said public funds and municipal mayor, Venezuela had control of the subject
property. This is malversation through dolo or funds, and was accountable therefor.
deliberate intent.
Finally, anent the last element for the crime of malversation
2. Passive act – when because of the public officer’s of public funds, Venezuela failed to return the amount of
negligence or abandonment, he permitted another Php2,572,808.00, upon demand. His failure or inability
person to misappropriate the said public funds and to return the shortage upon demand created a prima
property in his custody. This is malversation facie evidence that the funds were put to his personal use,
through culpa or negligence. which Venezuela failed to overturn.

Q: Is demand an element under Art. 217? The payment, indemnification, or reimbursement of, or
compromise on the amounts or funds malversed or
A: NO. Demand is not an element. Under Art. 217, if misappropriated, after the commission of the crime, does
demand is made to an accountable public officer of funds not extinguish the accused's criminal liability or
and property and the same is not forthcoming, the law relieve the accused from the penalty prescribed by the
creates a prima facie presumption that the public officer law. At best, such acts of reimbursement may only affect
has malversed the public funds and property. the offender's civil liability, and may be credited in his favor
as a mitigating circumstance analogous to voluntary
VENEZUELA v. PEOPLE surrender.
G.R. No. 205693 | 14 February 2018 Reyes, Jr J.
Venezuela claims that he was incorrectly charged for
FACTS: Valenzuela was the mayor of Pozorrubio, Malversation of Public Funds under Article 217. He points
Pangasinan. A team of auditors conducted an investigation out that he had ceased to hold office as municipal mayor
on the account of Costes, then municipal treasurer. It was on June 30, 1998, when the COA auditors sent the
discovered that a shortage of hp 2,872,808.00 on the joint demand letter ordering him to liquidate his cash advances.
accounts of Costes and Venezuela. Consequently, three Thus, the offense that must be charged against him should

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fall under Article 218 of the RPC or Failure of At about 3:00 in the afternoon, auditors from the
Accountable Officer to Render Accounts, which Provincial Auditor’s Office arrived. A surprise audit
punishes an officer (incumbent or retired) who fails to was conducted and Cashier X was informed that she
render an account of his funds. Suffice it to say, demand was short of Php. 20,000. She was asked where the
is not necessary in malversation. Demand merely raises a funds were. Cashier X was shocked. Because of that,
prima facie presumption that the missing funds have been she could not give a justifiable reason or explanation
put to personal use. The demand itself, however, is not an why she was short of Php. 20,000. Because of that, for
element of, and is not indispensable to constitute her failure to give any valid explanation, she was
malversation. Malversation is committed from the very charged with Malversation of Public Funds or Property
moment the accountable officer misappropriates public under Art. 217.
funds and fails to satisfactorily explain his inability to
produce the public funds he received. The Information alleged that she appropriated,
misappropriated and took Php. 20,000 from her
Thus, even assuming for the sake of argument that collection. It was discovered during an audit
Venezuela received the demand after his term of office, conducted by the officers of the Provincial Auditors
this does not in any way affect his criminal liability. The fact Office.
remains that he misappropriated the funds under his
control and custody while he was the municipal During the trial on the merits of the case, based on the
mayor. To claim that the demand should have been evidence presented, the truth was established that it
received during the incumbency of the public officer, is to was Cashier Y who took the Php. 20,000 when X left to
add an element that is not required in any of the laws or go downstairs. It was clear and convincing evidence
jurisprudence. presented by the defense counsel and therefore the
judge convicted Cashier X not of Malversation through
CASE DISCUSSION: VENEZUELA V. PEOPLE dolo or deliberate intent but Malversation through
culpa or negligence.
In the case of Mayor Venezuela v. People, the Supreme
Court said that demand merely raises a prima facie Is the judge correct?
presumption that the missing cash have been put to
personal use by the public officer. Mayor Venezuela’s A: YES. As ruled by the Court in the case of Torres v.
failure or inability to return the shortage upon demand People, the dolo (deliberate intent) or culpa (negligence)
created a prima facie presumption that the funds were are merely the modalities in the commission of the crime
used by him for his personal purposes. of malversation. But whether malversation is committed
through dolo or culpa, the same act of malversation is
Therefore, the purpose of demand is to create a prima punished by law and they have the same penalties
facie presumption, but the Supreme Court said that prescribed under the law.
demand is not in itself nor indispensable to constitute
malversation because malversation is consummated from Therefore, even if the crime charged is malversation
the very moment the accountable public officer through dolo or deliberate intent, if the evidence presented
appropriates the public funds and fails to satisfactorily only establishes malversation through culpa or negligence,
explain his inability to produce the public funds that he has the judge can very well convict him of malversation through
received. culpa or negligence.

Q: X is a cashier. She was doing her duties and making TORRES v. PEOPLE
collections. She received a phone call that her G.R. No. 175074 | 31 August 2011 Peralta, J.
husband was downstairs. The husband said, “I’m here
on the ground floor. I have something to give you. FACTS: Petitioner Jesus Torres was the principal of Viga
Come down for a moment.” Rural Development High School (VRDHS). On April 26,
1994, he directed Edmundo Lazado, the school’s collection
Cashier X told Cashier Y to man her place. Thereafter, and disbursing officer, to prepare the checks representing
Cashier X went downstairs and met her husband. the teachers’ and employees’ salaries, salary differentials,
When Cashier X left, Cashier Y saw that Cashier X left additional compensation allowance (ACA) and personal
the key in the cash vault’s key hole. When Y saw it, Y emergency relief allowance (PERA) for the months of
went to X’s seat, opened the vault, took Php. 20,000 January to March, 1994. Lazado prepared three (3) checks
and went back to her seat. in the total amount of ₱196,654.54, all dated April 26,
1994, and Amador Borre, Head Teacher III, signed the
When Cashier X came back, she continued doing her three (3) checks.
duties, unaware that Php. 20,000 had already been
taken. Upon the instruction of the [petitioner], Lazado endorsed
the checks and handed them to the accused. It was the
custom in the school for Lazado to endorse the checks

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representing the teachers’ salaries and for the accused to The accused is not deprived of the nature and cause of the
encash them at PNB, Virac Branch and deliver the cash to accusation against him because the dolo or the culpa are
Lazado for distribution to the teachers. The following day, merely modalities in the commission of the crime.
April 27, 1994, the accused encashed the three (3) checks
at PNB, Virac Branch but he never returned to the school Q: X was charged with the crime of malversation under
to deliver the money to Lazado. Art. 217. During the hearing of the case, when X
testified, he was able to show and establish in open
The petitioner admitted that he encashed the subject court that the said funds that were missing during
checks at PNB, Virac Branch in the morning of April 27, audit has been entrusted to him for his administration.
1994 but instead of going back to the school, he proceeded According to him, it is for the construction of three
to the airport and availed of the flight to Manila to seek libraries in the public school. Since it was pandemic,
medical attention for his chest pain. Two (2) days after, classes are online, there was no need to establish the
around 4:30 o’clock in the morning of April 29, 1994, while libraries so he used it first in order to provide for the
he and his nephew were on the road waiting for a ride, basic needs of his constituents whose houses were
three (3) armed men held them up and took his bag gutted by a fire. According to him, it was important to
containing his personal effects and the proceeds of the use this for the benefit of his constituents instead of
subject checks. He reported the incident to the police building libraries which at the moment could not be
authorities, but he failed to recover the money. useful since classes are online.

ISSUE: Is petitioner guilty of malversation of public funds? Having proven that in court, the judge convicted X of
technical malversation although the Information
RULING: YES. Petitioner posits that he could not be alleges malversation under Art. 217.
convicted under the allegations in the Information without
violating his constitutional right to be informed of the Is the judge correct?
accusations against him. He maintains that the Information
clearly charged him with intentional malversation and not A: NO. The judge is wrong.
malversation through negligence, which was the actual
nature of malversation for which he was convicted by the Since the Information charged X in court of Malversation
trial court. This lacks merit. under Art. 217, it is incorrect for him to convict the accused
public of technical malversation under Art. 220 because
Malversation may be committed either through a positive malversation under Art. 217 is different, separate and
act of misappropriation of public funds or property, or distinct from technical malversation under Art. 220. One is
passively through negligence. To sustain a charge of not necessarily included in the other. One is not merely a
malversation, there must either be criminal intent or modality of the other. They are two different and distinct
criminal negligence, and while the prevailing facts of a felonies and one does not absorb the other.
case may not show that deceit attended the commission of
the offense, it will not preclude the reception of evidence to Malversation under Art. 217 v. Technical Malversation
prove the existence of negligence because both are under Art. 220
equally punishable under Article 217 of the Revised Penal
Code. Malversation under Art. Technical Malversation
217 under Art. 220
More in point, the felony involves breach of public trust, The offender is in charge The public officer has
and whether it is committed through deceit or negligence, of the public funds and public funds and property
the law makes it punishable and prescribes a uniform property for safekeeping; in his possession for his
penalty therefor. Even when the Information charges willful to be the custodian of the administration.
malversation, conviction for malversation through same.
negligence may still be adjudged if the evidence ultimately He has the obligation to The public officer has the
proves the mode of commission of the offense. account later the public duty to apply it to that
funds and property in his particular use for which it
CASE DISCUSSION: TORRES V. PEOPLE custody. has been appropriated by
law or ordinance.
The Supreme Court in this case ruled that malversation The public officer The public officer applied
through culpa or negligence is necessarily included in appropriated, took or the public funds and
malversation through dolo or deliberate intent. The misappropriated the property to another public
accused cannot argue that he has been denied of the public funds for his own use other than that to
nature and cause of the accusation against him even if the personal use. which it has been
crime charged is malversation through dolo or deliberate appropriated by law or
intent. He can be convicted of malversation through culpa ordinance.
or negligence if that is what the evidence has established. Malum in se. Malum prohibitum.

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Note: 2. He must be an accountable public officer for public
If the charge is Art. 217, even if evidence shows that funds or property;
the act constitutes technical malversation, the judge
has to acquit the accused of Art. 217. A separate case 3. He is required by law or regulation to render
for technical malversation under Art. 220 should be accounts to the Commission on Audit, or to a
filed. provincial Auditor; and

A judge cannot conviction an accused of technical 4. He fails to do so for a period of two months after
malversation charged under an Information that alleges such accounts should be rendered.
malversation under Art. 217.
Torres v. People (Question from the block) OFFICER TO RENDER ACCOUNTS BEFORE
Q: The designation of the offense in the Information is
to allow the accused to prepare for his defense. Is it Article 219. Failure of a responsible public officer to render
not unfair that when the information charges accounts before leaving the country. - Any public officer
intentional malversation, he will not be able to prepare who unlawfully leaves or attempts to leave the Philippine
for negligent malversation? Islands without securing a certificate from the Insular
Auditor showing that his accounts have been finally settled,
As the Supreme Court said, malversation through shall be punished by arresto mayor, or a fine ranging from
negligence is necessarily included in malversation through 200 to 1,000 pesos or both.
dolo or deliberate intent. So, when the accused is
preparing his defense that he did not do it intentionally, it Elements of Failure of Responsible Public Officer to
somehow necessarily follows that since there was no Render Accounts Before Leaving the Country
intent, there is also no negligence. Even in cases of
homicide, for example the charge was murder by means of 1. Offender is a public officer;
a motor vehicle, but during the presentation of evidence
there is only negligence. Thus, the charge will be only 2. He must be an accountable officer for public funds
reckless imprudence. In this case, since reckless or property;
imprudence is necessarily included in the crime of murder,
you cannot say that the offender has been deprived of his 3. He must have unlawfully left (or be on point of
right to be informed of the nature of the accusation against leaving) the Philippines without securing from the
him. If he denied that it was intentional, it also follows that Commission on Audit a certificate showing that his
he denies that it was negligently committed. accounts have finally been settled.

TIP: If you are on the defense, use everything to defend ARTICLE 220. TECHNICAL MALVERSATION
Article 220. Illegal use of public funds or property. - Any
[Articles 218-219 were not discussed during lecture. The public officer who shall apply any public fund or property
following are culled from previous notes.] under his administration to any public use other than for
which such fund or property were appropriated by law or
ARTICLE 218. FAILURE OF ACCOUNTABLE OFFICER ordinance shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in
TO RENDER SEPARATE ACCOUNTS its minimum period or a fine ranging from one-half to the
total of the sum misapplied, if by reason of such
Article 218. Failure of accountable officer to render misapplication, any damages or embarrassment shall
accounts. - Any public officer, whether in the service or have resulted to the public service. In either case, the
separated therefrom by resignation or any other cause, offender shall also suffer the penalty of temporary special
who is required by law or regulation to render account to disqualification.
the Insular Auditor, or to a provincial auditor and who fails
to do so for a period of two months after such accounts If no damage or embarrassment to the public service has
should be rendered, shall be punished by prision resulted, the penalty shall be a fine from 5 to 50 per cent
correccional in its minimum period, or by a fine ranging of the sum misapplied.
from 200 to 6,000 pesos, or both.
Elements of Technical Malversation
Elements of Failure of Accountable Officer to Render
Accounts 1. Offender is a public officer;

1. Offender is a public officer, whether in the service 2. There is public fund or property under his
or separated therefrom; administration;

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3. Such public fund or property has been SFP beneficiaries for the second quarter of 2001
appropriated by law or ordinance; and does not mean that the remaining food items in its
storeroom constituted unneeded savings. The
4. He applies the same to a public use other than that Local Government Code provides that an
for which such fund or property has been ordinance has to be enacted to validly apply funds,
appropriated by law or ordinance. already appropriated for a determined public
purpose, to some other purpose.
G.R. No. 192330 | 14 November 2012 ABAD, J.: 2. NO. Good faith is not a defense in technical
malversation. Criminal intent is not an element of
FACTS: The Municipal Social Welfare and Development technical malversation. The law punishes the act
Office (MSWDO) of Leyte operated a Core Shelter of diverting public property earmarked by law or
Assistance Program (CSAP) that provided construction ordinance for a particular public purpose to
materials to indigent calamity victims with which to rebuild another public purpose. The offense is mala
their homes. The beneficiaries provided the labor needed prohibita, meaning that the prohibited act is not
for construction. When construction for calamity victims in inherently immoral but becomes a criminal offense
Sitio Luy-a, Barangay Tinugtogan, was 70% done, the because positive law forbids its commission based
beneficiaries stopped reporting for work for the reason that on considerations of public policy, order, and
they had to find food for their families. This worried Lolita convenience. It is the commission of an act as
Garcia (Garcia), the CSAP Officer-in-Charge, for such defined by the law, and not the character or effect
construction stoppage could result in the loss of thereof, that determines whether or not the
construction materials particularly the cement. Thus, she provision has been violated. Hence, malice or
sought the help of Cristina Polinio (Polinio), an officer of criminal intent is completely irrelevant.
the MSWDO in charge of the municipality’s Supplemental
Feeding Program (SFP) that rationed food to malnourished CASE DISCUSSION: YSIDORO V. PEOPLE
children. Polinio told Garcia that the SFP still had sacks of
rice and boxes of sardines in its storeroom. And since she The Supreme Court said in this case that criminal intent is
had already distributed food to the mother volunteers, what not an element of technical malversation. What the law
remained could be given to the CSAP beneficiaries. punishes is the act of diverting public funds or property
earmarked by law or ordinance for a particular public
Garcia and Polinio went to petitioner Arnold James M. purpose to another public purpose.
Ysidoro, the Leyte Municipal Mayor, to seek his approval,
which the mayor gave. Subsequently, the mayor was The offense is mala prohibita. The prohibited act is not
charged for technical malversation. In his defense, Ysidoro inherently evil or wrong; it becomes criminal because
claims that the diversion of the subject goods to a project positive law forbids its commission based on public policy
also meant for the poor of the municipality was valid since and order.
they came from the savings of the SFP and the Calamity
Fund. Ysidoro also claims good faith, believing that the Mayor Ysidoro said that he acted in good faith. The
municipality’s poor CSAP beneficiaries were also in urgent Supreme Court said that good faith is not a defense.
need of food. Criminal intent not being an element of technical
malversation, lack of criminal intent is not a defense. Dura
ISSUES: Lex Sed Lex. The law is harsh, but it is the law. Mayor
Ysidoro’s act, no matter how noble or miniscule the amount
1. Are the goods he approved for diversion in the diverted, still constituted the crime of technical
nature of savings that could be used to augment malversation. However, the Supreme Court recognized
the other authorized expenditures of the that Mayor Ysidoro’s offense was not grave. It imposed
municipality? upon Mayor Ysidoro only a penalty of fine and no
imprisonment because the offense is not grave warranting
2. Is good faith a valid defense for technical a mere fine as penalty.
HELD: G.R. No. 150129 | 6 April 2005

1. NO. The subject goods could not be regarded as FACTS: Convicted by the Sandiganbayan of the crime of
savings. The SFP is a continuing program that ran technical malversation, appellant Norma A. Abdulla is now
throughout the year. Consequently, no one could before this Court on petition for review under Rule 45.
say in mid-June 2001 that SFP had already
finished its project, leaving funds or goods that it Along with Nenita Aguil and Mahmud Darkis, appellant was
no longer needed. The fact that Polinio had charged under an Information which alleged that she and
already distributed the food items needed by the Nenita Aguil, being then the President and cashier

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respectively of the Sulu State College, conspiring and The third element of the crime of technical
confederating with Mahmud Darkis, Administrative Officer malversation which requires that the public fund
V of the said school, applied for the payment of wages of used should have been appropriated by law, is
casuals the amount of P40,000 which amount was therefore absent. The authorization given by the
appropriated for the payment of the salary differentials of Department of Budget and Management for the
secondary school teachers of the said school. use of the forty thousand pesos (P40,000.00)
allotment for payment of salary differentials of 34
Appellant’s co-accused, Nenita Aguil and Mahmud Darkis, secondary school teachers is not an ordinance or
were both acquitted. Only appellant was found guilty and law contemplated in Article 220 of the Revised
sentenced by the Sandiganbayan in its decision. Upon Penal Code. Appellant herein, who used the
motion for reconsideration, the Sandiganbayan amended remainder of the P40,000 released by the DBM for
appellant’s sentence by deleting the temporary special salary differentials, for the payment of the terminal
disqualification imposed upon her. Still dissatisfied, leave benefits of other school teachers of the Sulu
appellant, now before this Court, persistently pleas State College, cannot be held guilty of technical
innocence of the crime charged. malversation in the absence, as here, of any
provision in RA 6688 specifically appropriating
ISSUES: said amount for payment of salary differentials
only. In fine, the third and fourth elements of the
1. Whether or not there was unlawful intent on the crime defined in Article 220 of the Revised Penal
appellant’s part. Code are lacking in this case. Acquittal is thus in
2. Whether or not the essential elements of the crime
of technical malversation is present. CASE DISCUSSION: ABDULLA V. PEOPLE

HELD: The Supreme Court said that in order for technical

malversation to lie against a public officer, it is necessary
1. NO. The presumption of criminal intent will not that there must be a law or ordinance appropriating the
automatically apply to all charges of technical funds allegedly technically malversed.
malversation because disbursement of public
funds for public use is per se not an unlawful act. In the absence of a law or ordinance appropriating the finds
Here, appellant cannot be said to have committed allegedly technically malversed, the use of the funds for
an unlawful act when she paid the obligation of the another public purpose will not bring about a conviction for
Sulu State College to its employees in the form of violation of Art. 220—technical malversation.
terminal leave benefits such employees were
entitled to under existing civil service laws. Note:
If you are given a problem during the bar, what you
There is no dispute that the money was spent for need to look first is whether or not a law or ordinance
a public purpose – payment of the wages of appropriating the public funds or property exists for a
laborers working on various projects in the particular public use or purpose.
municipality. It is pertinent to note the high priority
which laborers’ wages enjoy as claims against the If there is none, the funds can be transferred just like in
employers’ funds and resources. Settled is the rule the case of Abdulla v. People. The funds in the case
that conviction should rest on the strength of were transferred because there was no law or
evidence of the prosecution and not on the ordinance. The 40,000 pesos was just released by the
weakness of the defense. Absent this required DBM as salary differentials. It came from a lump sum
quantum of evidence would mean exoneration for appropriation of the GAA. It is not for a particular public
accused-appellant. The Sandiganbayan’s purpose. Therefore, even if it is used for a different
improper reliance on Sec. 5(b) of Rule 131 does purpose, the Supreme Court said that Abudlla is no
not save the day for the prosecution’s deficiency in liable as there is no law or ordinance that appropriates
proving the existence of criminal intent nor could it the said amount for a particular public purpose.
ever tilt the scale from the constitutional
presumption of innocence to that of guilt. In the Q: Can Malversation be committed by private
absence of criminal intent, this Court has no basis persons?
to affirm appellant’s conviction.
A: YES. Malversation can be committed by private
2. NO. The Court notes that there is no particular persons.
appropriation for salary differentials of secondary
school teachers of the Sulu State College in RA Q: Can Malversation be committed against private
6688. funds?

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A: YES. Malversation can be committed against private in connivance with any members of his family, relatives, or
funds. If the said private funds have been seized, attached, affinity by consanguinity, business associates,
or deposited by public authorities, they are no longer subordinates, therefore other persons who are in
considered as private funds as they are already under the connivance with him, can also be charge with a crime of
custody of the law. (in custodia legis) plunder, not only public officers.

Any act of taking the same will amount to malversation of Section 2. Definition of the Crime of Plunder; Penalties. —
public funds and property. Any public officer who, by himself or in connivance with
members of his family, relatives by affinity or
Q: X was caught in possession of a caliber .45 pistol. consanguinity, business associates, subordinates or other
No license, so it was confiscated. He was brought to persons, amasses, accumulates or acquires ill-gotten
the PNP station and the gun was given to the wealth through a combination or series of overt or criminal
custodian. A case of violation of R.A. 10591 was acts as described in Section 1(d) hereof in the aggregate
charged against X. During the hearing of the case, the amount or total value of at least Fifty million pesos
public prosecutor moved that a subpoena duces (P50,000,000.00) shall be guilty of the crime of plunder and
tecum and ad testificandum be issued against the shall be punished by reclusion perpetua to death. Any
custodian. The public prosecutor wanted the court to person who participated with the said public officer in the
see the gun, the unlicensed pistol. commission of an offense contributing to the crime of
plunder shall likewise be punished for such offense. In the
The subpoena was issued by the court for the PNP imposition of penalties, the degree of participation and the
custodian to bring the gun before the court. He did not attendance of mitigating and extenuating circumstances,
mind the subpoena. He received it, but he did not as provided by the Revised Penal Code, shall be
appear in court. For the second time, he did not appear considered by the court. The court shall declare any and
in court again. The judge was mad so he issued a show all ill-gotten wealth and their interests and other incomes
cause order against the PNP custodian. Hence, he and assets including the properties and shares of stocks
became afraid and appeared in court. derived from the deposit or investment thereof forfeited in
favor of the State. (As amended by RA 7659, approved
There, he narrated to the court that the gun is gone Dec. 13, 1993.)
because according to him he sold the gun. He was
charged with Malversation. He said, “No, it cannot be Under Sec. 2, the penalty for plunder is reclusion perpetua
malversation, as it is private property. It belongs to to death. The threshold amount is P50,000,000.00.
accused X. He is not yet convicted and therefore it Anything lower than P50M, that crime is any other crime,
cannot be considered public property.” but not the crime of plunder. The penalty is reclusion
perpetua to death, and under sec. 2, in imposing the
Is his contention meritorious? penalty of reclusion perpetua to death, the court, the
justices, may consider mitigating and extenuating
A: NO. It is already public property because it has been circumstances, and also the degree of participation of the
seized and attached by public authorities. Therefore, it is said offender. They can consider the mitigating
in custody of the law, and when he sold the same, he circumstance under art. 13. They can also consider the
committed the crime of malversation of public funds and degree of participation whether he is a principal, a mere
property because he has the duty to account it later to the accomplice, or an accessory in the crime of plunder.
State or government.
Related to malversation is plunder. G.R. NO. 220598 | 19 July 2016

Plunder is committed by any public officer who by himself In the case of GMA vs. People, the Supreme Court said,
are in connivance with members of his family, relatives, or the law on plunder requires that in the information filed in
affinity by consanguinity, business associates, court, it is required that a particular public officer must be
subordinates, or any other persons, amasses, identified as the main plunderer. A particular public officer
accumulates, acquires ill-gotten wealth through a must be identified as the one who amass, or accumulated
combination or series of overt acts in the aggregate the ill-gotten wealth. If plunder is charged against several
amount or total value of at least P50,000,000.00. persons in conspiracy with one another, there must be a
state, an allegation in the information as to who is the main
Q: Can plunder be committed by private persons? plunderer. His co-conspirators may be members of his
family, relatives, or affinity by consanguinity, business
A: YES, in the case of Napoles vs. Sandiganbayan. associates, subordinates, or any other person.
Plunder can be committed even by private persons if the
said private person is in connivance with the public officer In the case, the Supreme Court granted the demurrer to
by the mere statement of Sec. 2 R.A. 7080. Plunder is evidence filed by the counsel of former president. The
committed by any public officer who by who by himself are Supreme Court said, absent a statement in the information,

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absent an allegation in the information as to who is the the penalties of arresto mayor in its maximum period to
main plunderer, who is that particular public officer who prision correccional in its minimum period and temporary
amassed the said ill-gotten wealth, then there is no special disqualification.
conspiracy in this case. Supreme Court said, considering
that there are 10 persons who were accused of amassing, Under Art. 224, infidelity in the custody of prisoners by
acquiring ill-gotten wealth, the 366 million shall be divided evasion through negligence.
into 1/10. It amounts only to 36 million, way below the
threshold amount of 50M. Elements of Evasion through Negligence

Just like in case of violation of R.A. 3019, for public officers 1. Offender is a public officer;
of salary grade 27 or above, the Sandiganbayan has
jurisdiction. Just like also R.A. 3019, plunder prescribes in 2. He is charged with the conveyance or custody of
20 years from the time the last act constituting plunder has a prisoner, either detention prisoner or prisoner by
been committed. final judgment;

INFIDELITY IN THE CUSTODY OF PRISONERS 3. Such prisoner escapes through his negligence.

Under Art. 223, 224, and 225, we have infidelity in the ARTICLE 225. ESCAPE OF PRISONER UNDER THE

ARTICLE 223. CONNIVING WITH OR CONSENTING Article 225. Escape of prisoner under the custody of a
TO EVASION person not a public officer. - Any private person to whom
the conveyance or custody or a prisoner or person under
Article 223. Conniving with or consenting to evasion. - Any arrest shall have been confided, who shall commit any of
public officer who shall consent to the escape of a prisoner the offenses mentioned in the two preceding articles, shall
in his custody or charge, shall be punished: suffer the penalty next lower in degree than that prescribed
for the public officer.
1. By prision correccional in its medium and maximum
periods and temporary special disqualification in its Under Art. 225, infidelity in the custody of prisoners by one
maximum period to perpetual special disqualification, if the who is not a public officer.
fugitive shall have been sentenced by final judgment to any
penalty. Elements

2. By prision correccional in its minimum period and 1. Offender is a private individual;

temporary special disqualification, in case the fugitive shall
not have been finally convicted but only held as a detention 2. Conveyance (or charge) of custody of prisoner or
prisoner for any crime or violation of law or municipal person under arrest is confided to him;
3. Prisoner or person under arrest escapes
Under Art. 223, infidelity in the custody of prisoners by
conniving or consenting with the escape of prisoners. 4. Offender consents to the escape of the prisoner or
person under arrest or that the escape takes place
Elements of Conniving with or Consenting to Evasion through his negligence.

1. Offender is a public officer; Whether it is under Art. 223, 224, or 225, the offender in
infidelity in the custody of prisoner must be the said person
2. He has in his custody or charge a prisoner, either who has been entrusted with the custody of the prisoner.
detention prisoner or prisoner by final judgment; He must be entrusted either by law, or by appointment of
competent authority to be the custodian of the said
3. Such prisoner escaped from his custody; prisoner because the essence of the crime is violation of
the trust and confidence reposed on him as the custodian
4. That he was in connivance with the prisoner in the of the said prisoner. If he is not the custodian, he is not
latter’s escape, or is with his consent. entrusted with the custody of the said prisoner, and he
connives and consents with the escape of the prisoner, we
ARTICLE 224. EVASION THROUGH NEGLIGENCE studied that, it is under Art. 156, delivering prisoners from
Article 224. Evasion through negligence. - If the evasion
of the prisoner shall have taken place through the Q: X is a detention prisoner. He is charged with the
negligence of the officer charged with the conveyance or crime of murder, non-bailable, that’s why he is in a
custody of the escaping prisoner, said officer shall suffer provincial jail. His case is scheduled in the calendar of

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RTC. Two security guards (BJMP prison guards) or conceal documents or papers officially entrusted to him,
assigned to him, placed handcuffs on X. They were shall suffer:
waiting for the arrival of the BJMP vehicle that will
bring them to the hall of justice, which is more than 30 1. The penalty of prision mayor and a fine not exceeding
minutes away from the said place. It is already 8:20, 1,000 pesos, whenever serious damage shall have been
the BJMP has not yet arrived, and so the two BJMP caused thereby to a third party or to the public interest.
guards, guard Y and Z, decided to bring X outside with
handcuffs, they flagged down a jeepney, and 2. The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and
thereafter, onboard the said jeepney, they brought him medium period and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos,
to the said hall of justice. In the hall of justice, they whenever the damage to a third party or to the public
arrived late. They informed the court what happened, interest shall not have been serious.
and so the court heard the case. After the hearing the
case, here comes the wife of X. The wife of X told the In either case, the additional penalty of temporary special
two jail guards, “Can I talk to you, sir?”, and the jail disqualification in its maximum period to perpetual
guards said “Yes. Why?”. The wife told the two jail disqualification shall be imposed.
guards, Y and Z, “I was able to save P50,000. 25K for
you, sir Y, and 25K for you Z. These are all your if you Under Art 226, infidelity in the custody of documents by
will allow my husband X to go home with me today.” removal, concealment, or destruction of the said
Both BJMP guards looked at each other, and then documents
thereafter, by looking at each other, they took the said
cash, and then thereafter they told the woman “leave Elements of Removal, Concealment, or Destruction of
now immediately.” Then, X left together with the said Documents
wife. What crime/s is/are committed by the said BJMP
guards? 1. Offender is a public officer;
2. He removes, destroys, or conceals documents or
A: BJMP guards Y and Z are liable for infidelity in the papers;
custody of prisoners. They were the ones appointed to 3. Said documents or papers should have been
be the custodian of the said prisoner X to bring him to the entrusted to such public officer by reason of his
court and back to the detention cell. However, in office;
connivance, they allowed him to leave. They are liable for 4. Damage, whether serious or not, to a third party or
violation of Art. 223, infidelity in the custody of prisoner by to the public interest should have been caused.
conniving, consenting with the escape of the prisoner
because of the bribed money that they received. ARTICLE 227. OFFICER BREAKING SEAL

Any other crime committed? Article 227. Officer breaking seal. - Any public officer
charged with the custody of papers or property sealed by
They are also liable for direct bribery under Art. 210. They proper authority, who shall break the seals or permit them
received the said money in connection with the to be broken, shall suffer the penalties of prision
performance of their official duties. It is their official duty to correccional in its minimum and medium periods,
guard X. After the hall of justice, they have to bring X back temporary special disqualification and a fine not exceeding
to the BJMP jail, however, they failed to do so because of 2,000 pesos.
the bribed money they have received. Therefore, they are
liable for infidelity, and also direct bribery. Which act of In case of Art. 227, infidelity in the custody of the
direct bribery? The first act. They received the said bribery documents by breaking the seal.
in order to allow the escape of prisoner. You cannot
complex it because direct bribery prohibits complexity of Elements of Breaking Seal
1. Offender is a public officer ;
INFIDELITY IN THE CUSTODY OF DOCUMENTS 2. He is charged with the custody of papers or
Art 223, 224, and 225 infidelity in the custody of prisoners. 3. These papers or property are sealed by proper
Under Art. 226, 227, and 228, infidelity in the custody of authority; and
documents. 4. He breaks the seals or permits them to be broken.
Article 228. Opening of closed documents. - Any public
Article 226. Removal, concealment or destruction of officer not included in the provisions of the next preceding
documents. - Any public officer who shall remove, destroy article who, without proper authority, shall open or shall
permit to be opened any closed papers, documents or

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objects entrusted to his custody, shall suffer the penalties Under Art 231, the punishes an open disobedience. Open
or arresto mayor, temporary special disqualification and a disobedience is committed when:
fine of not exceeding 2,000 pesos.
Elements of Open Disobedience
In Art. 228, infidelity in the custody of the documents by
opening closed documents. 1. Offender is a judicial or executive officer;

Elements of Opening of Closed Documents 2. There is judgment, decision, or order of a superior

1. Offender is a public officer ;
2. Any closed papers, documents, or objects are 3. Such judgment, decision or order was made within
entrusted to his custody; the scope of the jurisdiction of the superior
3. He opens or permits to be opened said closed authority and issued with all the legal formalities;
papers, documents or objects; and and
4. He does not have proper authority.
4. Offender without any legal justification openly
Under Art. 226, removal, concealment, or destruction of refuses to execute the said judgment, decision or
documents. When you say removal of documents, it order which he is duty bound to obey.
presupposes appropriation of the said official document.
The said removal of the said document must be for an illicit In order for open disobedience to arise, it is necessary that
purpose, an illegal purpose. the refusal must be clear, manifest, it must be intentional,
not a mere omission arising from oversight or mislook.
Concealment, when you say concealment, it means that
the said document in custody of the said public officer are ARTICLE 233. REFUSAL OF ASSISTANCE
not forwarded to their destination. It is not necessary that
they are secreted in a place where they could not be found. Article 233. Refusal of assistance. - The penalties of
What is necessary is that they did not reach their place of arresto mayor in its medium period to prision correccional
destination. They were concealed. in its minimum period, perpetual special disqualification
and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos, shall be imposed
When you say destruction, it is equivalent to rendering the upon a public officer who, upon demand from competent
said document useless, or the obliteration of the said authority, shall fail to lend his cooperation towards the
document. Complete destruction of the said document is administration of justice or other public service, if such
not necessary for the crime to arise. failure shall result in serious damage to the public interest,
or to a third party; otherwise, arresto mayor in its medium
Of the three crimes (Art 226, 227, 228), it is only under art. and maximum periods and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos
226 wherein damage or intent to cause damage is an shall be imposed.
element. The third element of Art. 226 requires that there
must be damage, or intent to cause damage to a third In Art. 233, we have refusal of assistance. Refusal of
person, or to public interest. Without damage, there is no assistance is committed by a public officer who fails to lend
crime of infidelity under art. 226. The damage to third his cooperation towards the administration of justice, and
person, or to public interest must be actual. There must be such failure was made upon demand of a competent
an actual damage but not necessarily pecuniary, or authority. Damage is not an element in the refusal of
material damage. Mere alarm to the public because of the assistance. Damage to public interest merely aggravates
concealment, destruction, or removal of the said document the imposition of penalties but damage is NOT an element
is sufficient. for the crime to arise. Damage, serious damage is only
considered as an aggravating circumstance so as to
OTHER OFFENSES OR IRREGULARITIES BY PUBLIC increase the imposable penalty.
Article 235. Maltreatment of prisoners. - The penalty of
Article 231. Open disobedience. - Any judicial or executive arresto mayor in its medium period to prision correccional
officer who shall openly refuse to execute the judgment, in its minimum period, in addition to his liability for the
decision or order of any superior authority made within the physical injuries or damage caused, shall be imposed upon
scope of the jurisdiction of the latter and issued with all the any public officer or employee who shall overdo himself in
legal formalities, shall suffer the penalties of arresto mayor the correction or handling of a prisoner or detention
in its medium period to prision correccional in its minimum prisoner under his charge, by the imposition of punishment
period, temporary special disqualification in its maximum not authorized by the regulations, or by inflicting such
period and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos. punishment in a cruel and humiliating manner.

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Under Art. 235, the law punishes maltreatment of of this, the police officers got mad at him and so he
prisoners. was booked. His mugshots were taken, his
fingerprints were taken, and thereafter he was placed
Elements of Maltreatment of Prisoners behind bars. He was struggling he said, “There was no
complaint against me sir!” But still, he was placed
1. Offender is any public officer; behind bars.

2. He has in his custody a prisoner (whether a Police officers Y and Z were thinking based on records
detention or prisoner convicted by final judgment); no one has complained against X. They have no right
and to place him behind bars and so what they did, they
took him out of the prison cell, they brought him to the
3. He maltreats the said prisoner: investigation room and there he was being forced to
admit to the commission of snatching and robbery in
a. By overdoing himself in the correction or the area so that they would have reason to place him
handling of the said; behind bars but he wouldn’t admit and because of that
b. By imposing the penalty not required by the police officers Y and Z began mauling him. He was
law; mauled by these police officers. Punched everywhere,
c. By inflicting penalties in a cruel; and different parts of the body until he vomited blood
d. By maltreating such prisoner in order to because of the punches on the chest. Upon seeing that
extort a confession, or to obtain any he vomited blood, the police officers became afraid
information. that he might die in their custody and so he was
immediately brought to the nearest hospital. The
For one to be considered as a prisoner for purposes of Art. doctor said he sustained serious physical injuries.
235, it is necessary that he must be booked. What does it
mean? After arrest, his mug shots were already taken, What crime/s should be filed against the said police
front view, right view, left view, and his fingerprints were officers Y and Z?
already taken. It means he has already been booked as a
prisoner of the said station. It is already considered as an A: Police officers Y and Z should be charged with
accountability of the state, he is already a prisoner and maltreatment of prisoners. They shall also be charged
article 235 will already lie if he has been maltreated by the with serious physical injuries. They shall also be
public officer who has custody of him. charged with violation of RA No. 9745, the Anti-Torture
Act. These crimes shall be filed against the said erring
Q: X was walking. While X was walking, police officers police officers with custody of prisoners.
Y and Z onboard their police cars so X, they know X,
he was said to engage in snatching, robbery in the said All the elements of maltreatment are present:
place, in the slightly dark place. People always
complain of him, however, none of them formally filed 1. Said offender is a public officer;
a complaint against him since there is no evidence. 2. They have in their custody the prisoner. (He has
However, the police officer knew it was X who was been booked, photographed, etc.);
doing all this kind of snatching, robbery, theft in this 3. He inflicted upon him punishments which are not
place. required by law.

One time while the police officers were patrolling the The law does not require the use of force, the use
area, they chanced upon X sitting on the bench and of mauling in order to obtain a confession or obtain
they thought, “Hmm, mambibiktima na naman yan.” any information.
So, the police officers Y and Z went there and then
thereafter they saw X stood up from the bench and X Therefore, they are liable for maltreatment of prisoners.
was already walking upon seeing the police officers, Because of the said act of maltreating X, X sustained
he was leaving the place. The police officer’s car serious physical injuries therefore, in addition to
followed X. Thereafter, the car of the police officer maltreatment of prisoners, the said police officers shall
stopped and police officer Y and Z immediately went also be charged with the crime of serious physical injuries
at the back of X and they placed handcuffs on him and under Article 263.
placed him inside the car. Thereafter, they brought him
to the police station. He was investigated. Isn’t it that the serious physical injuries was just a
manifestation of the said act of maltreatment therefore the
During the investigation, he was being investigated for serious physical injuries should be absorbed in
robbery, theft, and he did not know anything about that maltreatment? Serious physical injuries cannot be
“Wala akong alam diyan sir!” The police officers were absorbed in maltreatment because under article 235, the
mad because he would not admit. He said, “Meron law expressly provides the penalty for maltreatment shall
bang nag-complain? Eh sir wala naman ah!” Because be in addition to the physical injuries or damage caused

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therefore if by reason of the said maltreatment of prisoners said person shall be subjected to torture. That is the so-
then the said prisoners maltreated suffered injuries, called Applicability of Refouler.
suffered damage, the liability for that would be in addition
to the said public officer’s liability for article 235. ARTICLE 236. ANTICIPATION OF DUTIES OF A
Likewise, the police officers shall be charged under RA No.
9745, the Anti-Torture Act. Could not this maltreatment and Article 236. Anticipation of duties of a public office. - Any
serious physical injuries simply be absorbed by torture? person who shall assume the performance of the duties
No, because under Section 15 of RA 9745, the Anti-Torture and powers of any public officer or employment without
Act, the law expressly provides that torture as a crime shall first being sworn in or having given the bond required by
not absorb and shall not be absorbed by any other crime law, shall be suspended from such office or employment
or felony committed as a consequence or some means in until he shall have complied with the respective formalities
the conduct or commission thereof. Torture shall be treated and shall be fined from 200 to 500 pesos.
as a separate and independent criminal act whose penalty
shall be imposable without prejudice to any other criminal ARTICLE 237. PROLONGING PERFORMANCE OF
liability arising from any domestic or international laws. DUTIES AND POWERS

Torture as a crime, shall always be separate and Article 237. Prolonging performance of duties and powers.
distinct. It cannot absorb article 235. It cannot absorb - Any public officer shall continue to exercise the duties and
article 263, physical injuries. So, the police officers shall be powers of his office, employment or commission, beyond
prosecuted of these three crimes: 1) maltreatment of the period provided by law, regulation or special provisions
prisoners; 2) serious physical injuries; and 3) violation of applicable to the case, shall suffer the penalties of prision
R.A. 9745. correccional in its minimum period, special temporary
disqualification in its minimum period and a fine not
ANTI-TORTURE ACT exceeding 500 pesos.

Q: What if in the same problem, the police officers ARTICLE 238. ABANDONMENT OF OFFICE OR
were convicted of violation of R.A. 9745. So, they were POSITION
now serving their final sentence. They learned from
their counsel that the president has issued a special Article 238. Abandonment of office or position. - Any
amnesty proclamation for all political offenders. They public officer who, before the acceptance of his
told their counsel “Apply mo kami Atty. Apply mo resignation, shall abandon his office to the detriment of the
kami”. The attorney indeed applied in favor of police public service shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor.
officers Y and Z in the said amnesty application.
Should the said amnesty proclamation be granted? If such office shall have been abandoned in order to evade
the discharge of the duties of preventing, prosecuting or
A: NO. It is expressly prohibited under Section 16. Under punishing any of the crime falling within Title One, and
section 16, any person who has committed violation of R.A. Chapter One of Title Three of Book Two of this Code, the
9745, cannot be given the benefit of a special amnesty offender shall be punished by prision correccional in its
program or any other acts which will lessen their criminal minimum and medium periods, and by arresto mayor if the
liability. purpose of such abandonment is to evade the duty of
preventing, prosecuting or punishing any other crime.
Section 17. Applicability of Refouler. - No person shall be
expelled, returned or extradited to another State where Elements of Abandonment of Office
there are substantial grounds to believe that such person
shall be in danger of being subjected to torture. For the 1. Offender is a public officer;
purposes of determining whether such grounds exist, the
Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and 2. The said offender tendered his resignation from
the Secretary of the DOJ, in coordination with the his position;
Chairperson of the CHR, shall take into account all relevant
considerations including, where applicable and not limited 3. His resignation has not yet been accepted by his
to, the existence in the requesting State of a consistent superior;
pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human
rights. 4. The public officer already abandons his office to
the detriment of public service.
Under Section 17 of RA 9745, we have the so-called
Applicability of Refouler - No person shall be expelled, It is necessary for the crime to arise, in abandoning his
returned or extradited to a foreign country where there are position, he resigned but it was not yet accepted, and it
substantial grounds/reasonable grounds to believe that the resulted into the detriment of public service. The crime of
abandonment of public office is qualified if the office is

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abandoned in order to evade the discharge of the public 1. That the offender is a judge;
officer’s duty of preventing, prosecuting, or punishing any
of the crimes under Title 1 and Chapter 1 of Title 3 of the 2. That the offender:
RPC (Crimes Against Public Order).
a. Assumes the power exclusively vested to
Q: How would you distinguish dereliction of duty in the executive authorities of the Government; or
prosecution of offenses under Article 208 from
Abandonment of Office under Article 238? b. Obstructs executive authorities from the lawful
performance of their functions.
A: In case of Abandonment of Office under Article 238, the
public officer abandons the office in order to evade the NOTE: It can only be committed by a Judge.
discharge of his duty to prosecute any crime. Whereas, in
case of Article 208, the public officer does not abandon his ARTICLE 241. USURPATION OF JUDICIAL
office. He merely fails to prosecute a violator of the law. FUNCTIONS

From Articles 239 to Article 241 – Usurpation of Article 241. Usurpation of judicial functions. - The penalty
Legislative, Executive, or Judicial Powers. of arresto mayor in its medium period to prision
correccional in its minimum period and shall be imposed
[Articles 239-244 were not discussed. The following are upon any officer of the executive branch of the
culled from the previous notes.] Government who shall assume judicial powers or shall
obstruct the execution of any order or decision rendered by
ARTICLE 239. USURPATION OF LEGISLATIVE any judge within its jurisdiction.
Elements of Usurpation of Judicial Functions
Article 239. Usurpation of legislative powers. - The
penalties of prision correccional in its minimum period, 1. That the offender is holding office under the
temporary special disqualification and a fine not exceeding Executive Branch of the Government;
1,000 pesos, shall be imposed upon any public officer who
shall encroach upon the powers of the legislative branch of 2. That the offender:
the Government, either by making general rules or
regulations beyond the scope of his authority, or by a. Assumes the power exclusively vested in
attempting to repeal a law or suspending the execution the Judiciary; or
thereof. b. Obstructs the execution of any order or
decision given by a judge within his
Elements of Usurpation of Legislative Officers jurisdiction.

1. That the offender is an executive or judicial officer; NOTE: It can only be committed by a public officer of the
Executive Branch of the Government. Therefore, if the
2. That the offender: person who assumes judicial power does not belong to the
Executive Branch, but belongs to the legislative branch,
a. Makes general rules and regulations the crime is not Usurpation of Judicial Function but
beyond the scope of his authority; USURPATION OF PUBLIC FUNCTION AND OFFICIAL
b. Attempts to repeal a law; or AUTHORITY under Article 177. Articles 239, 240, and 241
c. Suspend the execution thereof. are specific as to the offenders.

NOTE: It can only be committed by an executive or judicial EXAMPLE: If the one who encroached upon the powers of
officer. the Judge does not belong to the executive branch, but he
is legislator, it cannot be considered as usurpation of
ARTICLE 240. USURPATION OF EXECUTIVE judicial functions, rather it will be Usurpation of Public
FUNCTIONS Function and Official Authority Under Article 177.

Article 240. Usurpation of executive functions. - Any judge ARTICLE 242. DISOBEYING REQUEST FOR
who shall assume any power pertaining to the executive DISQUALIFICATION
authorities, or shall obstruct the latter in the lawful exercise
of their powers, shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in Article 242. Disobeying request for disqualification. - Any
its medium period to prision correccional in its minimum public officer who, before the question of jurisdiction is
period. decided, shall continue any proceeding after having been
lawfully required to refrain from so doing, shall be punished
Elements of Usurpation of Executive Functions by arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos.

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Elements of Disobeying Request for Disqualification pending before such officer for decision, or with respect to
which he is required to submit a report to or consult with a
1. That the offender is a public officer; superior officer;
2. That a proceeding is pending before such public
officer; 2. Any warden or other public officer directly charged with
3. That there has been a question regarding the the care and custody of prisoners or persons under arrest
jurisdiction brought before the proper authority; who shall solicit or make immoral or indecent advances to
4. There is a question brought before the proper a woman under his custody.
authority regarding his jurisdiction, which is yet to
be decided. If the person solicited be the wife, daughter, sister of
relative within the same degree by affinity of any person in
ARTICLE 243. ORDERS OR REQUESTS BY the custody of such warden or officer, the penalties shall
EXECUTIVE OFFICERS TO ANY JUDICIAL be prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods
AUTHORITY and temporary special disqualification.

Article 243. Orders or requests by executive officers to This is committed by any public officer who solicits or
any judicial authority. - Any executive officer who shall makes immoral or indecent advances to any woman who
address any order or suggestion to any judicial authority is interested in any matter pending before him, with which
with respect to any case or business coming within the he has to make a decision, with which he has to consult a
exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of justice shall suffer the superior authority.
penalty of arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 500
pesos. Likewise, it is committed by any warden against any
woman who is under his custody.
Elements of Orders or Requests by Executive Officers
to any Judicial Authority Likewise it is committed by any warden against the wife,
sister, or daughter of a male prisoner under his custody.
1. That the offender is an executive officer;
2. That the offender addresses any order or ESSENCE OF THE CRIME
suggestion to any judicial authority;
3. That the order or suggestion relates to any case or The essence of the crime is the making immoral and
business within the exclusive jurisdiction of the indecent solicitation by the public officer against the victim
courts of justice. or offended party. Here, the offended party is always a
Article 244. Unlawful appointments. - Any public officer
who shall knowingly nominate or appoint to any public a. Public officer solicits or makes any indecent or
office any person lacking the legal qualifications therefor, immoral advances to a woman who is interested in
shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor and a fine not matters pending before him for his decision or
exceeding 1,000 pesos. where the public officer is required to submit a
report or to consult with a superior officer;
Elements of Unlawful Appointment
b. Warden or other public officer directly charged with
1. Offender is a public officer; the care and custody of prisoners or persons
2. He nominates or appoints a person to a public under arrest, and he solicits or makes any
office; indecent or immoral advances to a woman;
3. Such person lacks the legal qualification thereof;
4. Offender knows that his nominee or employee c. Warden or other public officer directly charged with
lacks the qualifications at the time he made the the care and custody of prisoners or persons
nomination or appointment. under arrest, and the said officer makes any
indecent or immoral advances to the wife,
ARTICLE 245. ABUSES AGAINST CHASTITY daughter, sister or any relative falling within the
same degree of affinity of the male prisoner.
Article 245. Abuses against chastity; Penalties. - The
penalties of prision correccional in its medium and For the crime to arise, it is not necessary that the said
maximum periods and temporary special disqualification woman has accepted or acted on the said solicitation.
shall be imposed:
Elements of Abuses against Chastity
1. Upon any public officer who shall solicit or make immoral
or indecent advances to a woman interested in matters 1. That the offender is a public officer;

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2. That he solicits or makes any indecent or immoral

advances to a woman;

3. That the offended party is a woman who is:

a. Interested in matters pending before the

public officer for his decision or where the
public officer is required to submit a report
or to consult with a superior officer; or

b. Under the custody of the offender, who is

a warden or other public officer directly
charged with the care and custody of
prisoners or persons under arrest; or

c. The wife, daughter, sister or any relative

falling within the same degree of affinity of
the person under the custody and charge
of the offender (mother is not included

Q: X has a pending case before the fiscal’s office.

Upon seeing X, the fiscal already has a crush on X.
After the resolution of the case, the case is now
terminated and is already with the court. The fiscal
upon seeing X told X, “Kamusta na? Want to have
lunch with me just for today?” Is the public prosecutor
liable for abuses against chastity?

A: NO. It will not be considered as abuses against chastity.

It cannot be considered as an immoral solicitation; it is just
a mere invitation. The said woman, X, may decline or
agree with the said invitation but it is not considered as
immoral or indecent solicitation.

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2. In consideration of a price, reward, or promise.

3. By means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion,
ARTICLE 246. PARRICIDE shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault
upon a street car or locomotive, fall of an airship, by means
Article 246. Parricide. - Any person who shall kill his of motor vehicles, or with the use of any other means
father, mother, or child, whether legitimate or illegitimate, involving great waste and ruin.
or any of his ascendants, or descendants, or his spouse,
shall be guilty of parricide and shall be punished by the 4. On occasion of any of the calamities enumerated in the
penalty of reclusion perpetua to death. preceding paragraph, or of an earthquake, eruption of a
volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic or other public
Elements of Parricide calamity.

1. That a person is killed; 5. With evident premeditation.

2. That the deceased is killed by the accused; 6. With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly augmenting
the suffering of the victim, or outraging or scoffing at his
3. That the deceased is the father, mother, or child, person or corpse.
whether legitimate or illegitimate, legitimate other
descendant, legitimate other ascendant, or Elements of Murder
legitimate spouse of the accused.
1. A person kills another;
Parricide is committed when the offender kills his:
2. The said act of killing is attended by any of the
1. Father; following qualifying circumstances.
2. Mother;
3. Child, whether legitimate or illegitimate; a. When the act of killing is done with treachery,
4. Legitimate other ascendants; taking advantage of superior strength, with the
5. Legitimate other descendants; or aid of armed men, employing means to
6. The legitimate spouse. weaken the defense, or employing means or
persons to insure or afford impunity;
NOTE: The offended party is specified.
b. When the act of killing is done in consideration
RELATIONSHIP of price, reward, or promise;

It is evident that parricide is a crime based on relationship. c. When the act of killing is done by means of
The said relationship must be: fire, inundation, poison, explosion, shipwreck,
stranding of a vessel, derailment, or assault
1. The said relationship must be legitimate (except in upon a railroad, fall of an airship, by means of
the case of a parent and a child - it can be motor vehicles, or by any other means
legitimate or illegitimate); involving great waste and ruin.

2. The relationship must be in the direct line; d. When the act of killing is done on occasion of
any calamities enumerated in paragraph c
3. The said relationship must be by blood (except in above, or on occasion of an earthquake,
case of legitimate spouses). eruption of a volcano, destructive cyclone,
epidemic, or any other public calamities.
e. When the act of killing is done with evident
Article 248. Murder. - Any person who, not falling within premeditation; or
the provisions of Article 246 shall kill another, shall be
guilty of murder and shall be punished by reclusion f. When the act of killing is done with cruelty, by
temporal in its maximum period to death, if committed with deliberately and inhumanly augmenting the
any of the following attendant circumstances: suffering of the victim or by outraging or
scoffing at his person or corpse.
1. With treachery, taking advantage of superior strength,
with the aid of armed men, or employing means to weaken In murder, the act of killing must be attended by any one,
the defense or of means or persons to insure or afford only one of the qualifying circumstances enumerated. If the
impunity. person kills another and the said killing does not amount to

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parricide or infanticide, and the said act of killing is not 3. That he has not promoted or facilitated the
attended by any of the circumstances that are mentioned prostitution of his wife or daughter, or that he or
for the crime of murder, it is under Article 249 Homicide. she has not consented to the infidelity of the other
a. A brother killing his brother in the course of a fight
is Homicide. Although they are legitimate brothers, Q: X arrived home, it was unannounced. He was not
although they are related by blood, their feeling well at that time. When he arrived home, it was
relationship is NOT in the direct line. It will be the only 4 pm. He came home early this time. Usually, he
crime if Homicide and NOT Murder. comes home at around 8 pm. When he arrived home,
he realized that the house was very silent. He believed
b. A stepson killing his stepfather in the course of a that his wife was not there and that she went outside.
fight is Homicide. It is not parricide because their Since he has his own keys, he opened the door of the
relationship is not legitimate, it is a stepfather- house wanting to take a rest and have a good sleep.
stepson relationship. He opened the master’s bedroom. Upon opening, he
was shocked as he saw on the matrimonial bed his
c. Husband killing the wife, vice versa, the crime own wife in actual sexual intercourse with another
committed is Parricide. Even if they are not blood man. When he looked at the man, it was his best friend,
related, as long as they are legitimate spouses and his compadre. Jealous and angry at what he
they are legally married spouses, the crime witnessed, X took the fan knife he always carried with
committed is Parricide when one kills another. him and stabbed both of them. Both of them died.
Thereafter, he surrendered to the authorities admitting
ART 247. DEATH OR PHYSICAL INJURIES INFLICTED the killing but saying that he killed them in the actual
UNDER EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES act of sexual intercourse. He even surrendered the
knife that he used. After investigation, the police
Article 247. Death or physical injuries inflicted under officers filed cases of Parricide and Murder against X
exceptional circumstances. - Any legally married person before the office of the public prosecutor. If you were
who having surprised his spouse in the act of committing the investigating public prosecutor, would you indict
sexual intercourse with another person, shall kill any of X as charged by the police?
them or both of them in the act or immediately thereafter,
or shall inflict upon them any serious physical injury, shall A: YES. The public prosecutor must indict X of Parricide
suffer the penalty of destierro. for killing his own wife and for Homicide for killing his best
friend. It is NOT murder because the killing happened at
If he shall inflict upon them physical injuries of any other the spur of the moment. None of the qualifying
kind, he shall be exempt from punishment. circumstances for murder under Article 248 attended the
killing of the best friend. Therefore, the proper charges
These rules shall be applicable, under the same would be Parricide and Homicide.
circumstances, to parents with respect to their daughters
under eighteen years of age, and their seducer, while the Q: If you were the defense counsel engaged by X, what
daughters are living with their parents. would be your line of defense?

Any person who shall promote or facilitate the prostitution A: Your line of defense would be that the said act of killing
of his wife or daughter, or shall otherwise have consented took place under exceptional circumstances under Article
to the infidelity of the other spouse shall not be entitled to 247.
the benefits of this article.
Q: If you were the judge, based on the facts, how would
Elements of Death or Physical Injuries Inflicted under you rule?
Exceptional Circumstances
A: You have to convict X of the crime of Parricide for killing
1. That a legally married person or a parent surprises his wife and of the crime of Homicide for killing his best
his spouse or his daughter, the latter under 18 friend. However, since Article 247 applies, the penalty
years of age and living with him, in the act of should only be destierro.
committing sexual intercourse with another
person; In so far as Article 247, in the present case, both stages of
Article 247 are present.
2. That the said legally married spouse he or she kills
any or both of them or inflicts upon any or both of First, a legally married spouse surprises the other spouse
them any serious physical injury in the act or in the actual act of sexual intercourse with another man,
immediately thereafter; with another person.

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In this case, the spouse X caught his wife in the act of planned the act of killing. He knew that his wife was having
actual sexual intercourse with another person, his own an affair. He planned the killing. Therefore, Article 247 will
best friend. not lie in favor of X. He should be convicted of Parricide for
killing his wife and of Murder for killing the Paramour.
Second, that he killed or inflicted serious physical injuries Obviously, since the killing was planned there is the
upon any or both of them while in the actual act of sexual qualifying circumstance of treachery in the commission of
intercourse of immediately thereafter. the offense.

In this case, X killed both of them during the actual act of In the case of People v. Abarca, when Abarca fired a shot
sexual intercourse. at the paramour of his wife, a stray bullet hit a couple.
Therefore, will it give rise to frustrated homicide on these
Therefore, although the judge has to convict the accused two persons?
of the crimes as charged, the penalty would be only that
provided for another Article 247 Destierro because the said The Supreme Court said no. Article 4, Par. 1 or the
provision applies. proximate cause doctrine will not apply because in case of
Article 4, Par. 1 it is necessary that the offender is
PEOPLE v. ABARCA performing a felonious act. When Abarca fired at the lover
G.R. No. 1234 | 12 February 1950 of his wife, he was not performing an unlawful or felonious
act. Therefore, the act of wounding the said couple will not
In this case, the Supreme Court held that Article 247 is bring about a case for frustrated homicide. He is not said
NOT a felony or a crime. It is an ABSOLUTORY cause. It to have performed a felonious act; therefore, it is lawful.
is a matter of defense on the part of the accused to prove However, in doing the said lawful act there was negligence
that the moment he committed the act of killing, the on his part. Therefore, in so far as the spouses are
moment he did the act of inflicting serious physical injuries, concerned, he would be liable for Reckless Imprudence
upon any or both of his wife/husband or the lover of either, resulting in Physical Injuries.
Article 247 applies. Thus, the penalty would only be
In the case of People v. Abarca, the Supreme Court even
stated that the said destierro cannot be considered as a Article 251. Death caused in a tumultuous affray. - When,
penalty. It is an act of protection given by the State to the while several persons, not composing groups organized for
said offender from any retaliation coming from the relatives the common purpose of assaulting and attacking each
or members of the family. You do not file a case for other reciprocally, quarrel and assault each other in a
violation of Article 247 because it is a matter of defense, if confused and tumultuous manner, and in the course of the
proven, it will absolve the accused of the proper penalty affray someone is killed, and it cannot be ascertained who
prescribed by law for the crime, Reclusion Perpetua to actually killed the deceased, but the person or persons
Death, Reclusion Temporal, rather it would only be who inflicted serious physical injuries can be identified,
Destierro. such person or persons shall be punished by prision
Q: X heard rumors that his wife was having an affair.
He hired a secret investigator, and the investigator If it cannot be determined who inflicted the serious physical
followed the wife of X. X now knew, he saw pictures injuries on the deceased, the penalty of prision
and video evidence that his wife was having an affair. correccional in its medium and maximum periods shall be
Usually, in this particular room in this motel, they imposed upon all those who shall have used violence upon
would check in. On the day that they would usually go the person of the victim.
in the motel, X went to the said room in the motel and
hid behind the cabinet. The moment his wife and the In case of death in a tumultuous affray, there are several
paramour entered the said place, when they were in persons who do NOT belong to a group designed to attack
the actual act of sexual intercourse, X went out from one another reciprocally. However, these several persons
hiding in the cabinet and repeatedly stabbed his wife attacked one another reciprocally in a chaotic and
and her paramour, killing both of them. Prosecuted for tumultuous manner and in the course therefore, someone
the crime of Parricide and the crime of Murder, X raised was killed. It cannot be ascertained who killed the said
Article 247 as a defense. Will Article 247 lie in his deceased. However, the persons who inflicted serious
favor? physical injuries or used any form of violence on the said
deceased can be identified.
A: NO. Article 247 will NOT lie in his favor. That a legally
married spouse “surprises” the other spouse in the actual Elements of Death Caused in a Tumultuous Affray
act of sexual intercourse. In this case, the husband was not
surprised to find the wife and the paramour in actual sexual 1. There be several persons;
intercourse. In fact, X went to the motel ahead of time and

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2. They did not compose groups organized for the
common purpose of assaulting and attacking each 4. All those who appear to have used violence upon
other reciprocally; the person of the offended party are known.

3. These several persons quarreled and assaulted one Even if the act of killing or the act of inflicting serious or
another in a confused and tumultuous manner; less serious physical injuries happened during a
tumultuous affray but the actual perpetrator of the crime or
4. That someone was killed in the course of the affray; offender can be identified by a witness, then Articles 251
and 252 will NOT apply. Therefore, the crime will be
5. It cannot be ascertained who actually killed the Homicide, Murder, or Physical Injuries under Article 253 to
deceased; 256.

6. The person or persons who inflicted serious physical In case of death in a tumultuous affray, the victim who died
injuries or who used violence can be identified. or the deceased can be any person. He can be a
participant in the tumultuous affray, or he can be a total
On the other hand, in case of physical injuries inflicted in a
Article 252. Physical injuries inflicted in a tumultuous tumultuous affray, the law specifies a participant or some
affray. - When in a tumultuous affray as referred to in the participants thereof. Therefore, it is necessary that the
preceding article, only serious physical injuries are inflicted person who was inflicted with serious or less serious
upon the participants thereof and the person responsible physical injuries must be a participant or the participants in
thereof cannot be identified, all those who appear to have the said tumultuous affray.
used violence upon the person of the offended party shall
suffer the penalty next lower in degree than that provided In both instances, the actual perpetrator of the crime
for the physical injuries so inflicted. cannot be ascertained.

When the physical injuries inflicted are of a less serious Q: X was sleeping. Thereafter, he was awakened
nature and the person responsible therefor cannot be because of the noise outside. X opened the window of
identified, all those who appear to have used any violence his house and there was a fight, a tumultuous affray.
upon the person of the offended party shall be punished Several men were hitting one another and there were
by arresto mayor from five to fifteen days. no particular offender or particular assailant, they
were just hitting one another and people nearby
In the case of Article 252, physical injuries inflicted in a clapping their hands, some were laughing, some were
tumultuous affray, there is a tumultuous affray and a smiling. X was not contended of looking at the
participant or some of the participants therein suffered window, so he went out and went near the said affray.
serious or less serious physical injuries. It cannot be X was busy watching the affray when after a few
ascertained who inflicted the serious or less serious seconds, he fell down on the ground. There was an
physical injuries upon these participants. However, the icepick on his chest. X immediately cried for help, and
persons who used any form of violence against them can he was brought by the people around to the nearest
be identified. Based on the elements, death in a hospital. However, the next day, X perished. During the
tumultuous affray and physical injuries inflicted in a investigation conducted by the police, none of the
tumultuous affray will only lie if the said act of killing or if people therein saw who stabbed X on the chin. No one
the said act of inflicting serious or less serious physical watching the fight could identify who stabbed X on the
injuries happened during a tumultuous affray AND it cannot chest. They said that it was a confused fight, and they
be ascertained who is the culprit or perpetrator of the said cannot see which one is attacking one, they were just
act of killing or inflicting serious or less serious physical busy looking when suddenly X fell on the ground with
injuries. an icepick on the chest. But no one could identify who
stabbed him on the chest. However, two witnesses
Elements of Physical Injuries Inflicted in Tumultuous said that while they were watching, they saw a
Affray participant in the said tumultuous affray by the name
of Y, punched him on the neck. Who shall be charged
1. There is a tumultuous affray; for the death of X and what should be the proper
nomenclature of the crime?
2. A participant or some participants thereof suffer
serious physical injuries or physical injuries of a A: It was Y who shall be charged for the death of X and the
less serious nature only; proper charge is not murder. The proper charge is death
in a tumultuous affray. X died in the course of the said
3. The person responsible thereof cannot be affray. No one could ascertain or determine who killed him,
identified; who stabbed him on the chest. Neither could anyone tell

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who inflicted in him serious physical injuries. However, two However, if the suicide is not consummated, the penalty
witnesses saw Y inflicted any form of violence on him. of arresto mayor in its medium and maximum periods,
Therefore, Y should be the one liable for death in a shall be imposed.
tumultuous affray.
Two ways of committing the crime:
Q: What if the same problem, X was awakened and
then thereafter, he saw this tumultuous affray, a 1.) By assisting another to commit suicide whether the
chaotic one. He was there watching, and he went very suicide is consummated or not; or
near. However, he was not satisfied by merely
watching, he wanted to join the affray, he wants to be 2.) By lending assistance to another to commit suicide
part of it. So, he entered it and he began attacking one to the extent of doing the killing himself.
another, attacking each other - any person, no
particular target. So, he too was being attacked left Q: X is sick with a terminal disease and he is only
and right until he suddenly shouted, “ayoko na, ayoko breathing through a machine. He doesn’t want this
na!”. He went out and he was bleeding on his eye, kind of life, only breathing and being taken care of
head, and ears. It seems that it was his right face which everybody, and most of all, so much expenses for his
was so injured by the different punches coming from family, he didn’t want to be a burden to his family. So,
different persons. Thereafter, he went to the doctor one time, when her husband arrived, he told the
and the doctor said that he needs to stay in the husband, “I am already 80 years old, I have lived a full
hospital for 2 weeks as he sustained injuries which good life, raise good children, so it’s time for me to go.
would heal within the period of two weeks. He I am having a hard time, I am in pain, and I am only
sustained less serious physical injuries. X, because he breathing through this machine. Please remove this
wanted to file a case, tried to recall who have been tube that gives life to me.” The husband refused and
punching him but he could not remember because it said that, “As long as I’m here, I will take care of you”.
was really a confused fight, he did not see and recall But the wife said that she has been a burden to
who was the one punching him left and right on the everyone for months. She kept on begging the
face, eye, ears, and neck. However, what he husband. The wife was crying in pain. The husband
remembers is the moment he entered the said fight, then removed the tube that gives life to the wife and
one of the persons therein, by the name of Y, hit him the wife died. What crime is committed by the said
on the leg. After that, he began joining. Who shall be husband?
charged for the less serious physical injuries
sustained by X? A: The husband is liable for giving assistance to commit
suicide. The crime committed is not parricide. Giving
A: It is Y who shall be charged for the less serious assistance to suicide is not parricide because the intent to
physical injuries sustained by X. Since it cannot be take her own life came from the said woman, came from
ascertained who inflicted upon him the less serious the said deceased, she only induced, requested, and
physical injuries, then, the one who caused any form of asked the help of the husband so that she will already die.
violence on him, which is Y in this case, shall be liable. The Under Article 253, there are two ways of giving assistance
charge would be Physical Injuries Inflicted in a Tumultuous to suicide. In this case, the husband is liable in the second
Affray under Article 252. act. He lends assistance to killing of the said wife in the act
of committing suicide by doing the killing himself. For that,
Note: the penalty is higher, the penalty for giving assistance to
This will only apply if the actual perpetrator of the crime suicide under the second act is reclusion temporal, when it
cannot be identified and if the said act of killing and is the offender who did the act of killing.
infliction of serious or less serious physical injuries took
place in a tumultuous affray. In case of a death in a ARTICLE 254. ILLEGAL DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS
tumultuous affray, the deceased can be anyone. In case
of Physical Injuries Inflicted in a Tumultuous Affray, the Article 254. Discharge of firearms. - Any person who shall
said victim injured must be a participant in the said affray shoot at another with any firearm shall suffer the penalty of
. prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods,
ARTICLE 253. GIVING ASSISTANCE TO SUICIDE unless the facts of the case are such that the act can be
held to constitute frustrated or attempted parricide, murder,
Article 253. Giving assistance to suicide. - Any person homicide or any other crime for which a higher penalty is
who shall assist another to commit suicide shall suffer the prescribed by any of the articles of this Code.
penalty of prision mayor; if such person leads his
assistance to another to the extent of doing the killing Elements of Illegal Discharge of Firearms
himself, he shall suffer the penalty of reclusion temporal.
1. That the offender discharges a firearm against or
at another person;

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2. That the offender has no intention to kill that Ways of committing intentional abortion
1. By inflicting violence upon the person of a
Under Article 254, the offender aimed a firearm at another, pregnant woman;
discharges it, absent an intent to kill. His intention was only
to intimidate, to threaten the said person. There is no intent 2. By acting, without violence and without consent of
to kill the said person. the pregnant woman, by administering abortive
drugs or beverage on the said pregnant woman.
3. By acting, without violence and with consent of the
Article 255. Infanticide. - The penalty provided for pregnant woman, by administering abortive drugs
parricide in Article 246 and for murder in Article 248 shall or beverage on the said pregnant woman.
be imposed upon any person who shall kill any child less
than three days of age. In case of intentional abortion, the intent of the offender is
to expel the fetus from the womb of the said woman. The
If the crime penalized in this article be committed by the act can be done either with or without violence.
mother of the child for the purpose of concealing her
dishonor, she shall suffer the penalty of prision Elements of Intentional Abortion
correccional in its medium and maximum periods, and if
said crime be committed for the same purpose by the 1. There is a pregnant woman;
maternal grandparents or either of them, the penalty shall
be prision mayor. 2. Violence is exerted, or drugs or beverages be
administered, or that the accused otherwise acts
Infanticide is committed when the person killed is a child upon such pregnant woman.
less than three (3) days old or less than 72 hours. In 3. As a result of the use of violence or drugs or
case of infanticide, it is the age of the victim that is
beverages upon her, or any other act of the
controlling. The victim must be less than three (3) days old
or 72 hours. accused, the fetus dies, either in the womb of after
having been expelled therefrom.
The offender can be any person. He can be a relative, a 4. The abortion is intended.
parent, a stranger to the said child. Whoever he is, the
moment the victim is less than three (3) days old or 72 ARTICLE 257. UNINTENTIONAL ABORTION
hours, the crime committed is infanticide.
Article 257. Unintentional abortion. - The penalty of
If it is the woman herself who kills her child less than prision correccional in its minimum and medium period
three (3) days old or 72 hours because she wanted to shall be imposed upon any person who shall cause an
conceal her dishonor, such concealment of dishonor is a abortion by violence, but unintentionally.
privileged mitigating circumstance which will lower the
imposable penalty. Unintentional abortion can only be committed by inflicting
violence, physical force upon a woman which resulted to
TWO KINDS OF ABORTION the said unintentional abortion of the fetus inside her
1. Intentional Abortion (Article 256, 258, and 259)

2. Unintentional Abortion (Article 257) Elements of Unintentional Abortion

1. There is a pregnant woman;

2. violence is used upon such pregnant women
Article 256. Intentional abortion. - Any person who shall without intending an abortion;
intentionally cause an abortion shall suffer: 3. the violence is intentionally exerted; and
1. The penalty of reclusion temporal, if he shall use any 4. as a result of the violence, the fetus dies, either in
violence upon the person of the pregnant woman. the womb or after having been expelled therefrom.

2. The penalty of prision mayor if, without using violence,

he shall act without the consent of the woman. INTENTIONAL ABORTION v. UNINTENTIONAL
3. The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and
maximum periods, if the woman shall have consented. INTENTIONAL UNINTENTIONAL

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The intent of the offender is 2. the abortion is intended;
against the woman, he has
no intent to kill the fetus, the 3. the abortion is caused by –
intention is against the
a. the pregnant woman herself;
woman who happens to be
The intent of the offender
pregnant, and because of b. any other person with her consent;
is against the fetus.
the physical force and
violence inflicted on the said c. any of your parents, with her consent for
woman, the fetus was the purpose of conceiving her dishonor.
expelled unintentionally.
intentional abortion ABORTIVES
If despite the physical
(Articles 256, 258, and
violence or force inflicted by
259), it is necessary that Article 259. Abortion practiced by a physician or midwife
the offender against the
the fetus died in order to and dispensing of abortives. - The penalties provided in
pregnant woman, the fetus
bring about a Article 256 shall be imposed in its maximum period,
did not die, there is no crime
consummated respectively, upon any physician or midwife who, taking
against the fetus. There is
intentional abortion. If advantage of their scientific knowledge or skill, shall cause
no such crime as attempted
the fetus did not die an abortion or assist in causing the same.
or frustrated unintentional
despite the fact that the
abortion, because in an
offender already Any pharmacist who, without the proper prescription from
unintentional abortion, the
performed all the acts of a physician, shall dispense any abortive shall suffer arresto
offender has no intent
execution, the crime mayor and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos.
against the fetus. The intent
committed is frustrated
of the offender is only
intentional abortion Dispensing of abortives is committed by a pharmacist who
against the woman who
because to bring about shall dispense an abortive without a prescription from a
happens to be pregnant.
intentional abortion, the physician. The mere act of dispensing the said abortives
fetus must die. without prescription from a physician will hold the said
pharmacist criminally liable.
Modifying circumstances
Modifying circumstances is
are considered by the Elements of Art. 259
immaterial unless the law
Court in imposing the
provides otherwise.
penalty. 1. There is a pregnant woman who suffered an
WOMAN HERSELF OR HER PARENTS 2. The abortion is intended;

3. Offender, who must be a physician or midwife,

Article 258. Abortion practiced by the woman herself of by
her parents. - The penalty of prision correccional in its causes or assists in causing, the abortion;
medium and maximum periods shall be imposed upon a 4. Said physician or midwife takes advantage of his
woman who shall practice abortion upon herself or shall
or her scientific knowledge or skill.
consent that any other person should do so.
As to Pharmacists, the Elements are:
Any woman who shall commit this offense to conceal her
dishonor, shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in 1.) The offender is a pharmacist;
its minimum and medium periods.
2.) There is no proper prescription from a physician;
If this crime be committed by the parents of the pregnant
woman or either of them, and they act with the consent of 3.) The offender dispenses any abortive.
said woman for the purpose of concealing her dishonor,
Q: X lived in a far-flung barrio. It is a small community,
the offenders shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional
the people know each other. One time, X went out and
in its medium and maximum periods.
her neighbors and friends told her, “Uy, buntis ka?
Napansin naming lumalaki tyan mo araw araw”. X kept
Elements of Abortion Practiced by the Woman Herself on saying no because she does not have a boyfriend.
or her Parents
X’s mother, who was inside the house, heard the
friends of X teasing her that she is pregnant. For the
1. There is a pregnant woman who has suffered an longest time, the mother did not notice that the tummy
abortion; of her daughter is getting bigger, until she heard the
neighbors saying that her daughter’s tummy is getting

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bigger. The moment the inside the house, the mother to the offended party less than 72 hours) that is
stared at the tummy of her daughter and she indeed (father, mother, child – controlling.
realized that her daughter’s tummy is big, so she whether legitimate or
asked her daughter if she is pregnant, to which X said illegitimate, legitimate
no. Days passed and the mother said that, “No, you are other ascendants,
pregnant. Your tummy is changing. We go to legitimate other
Poblacion tomorrow. You have to have a check up to descendants, or the
determine what is inside your tummy. If you are not legitimate spouse)
pregnant, why is it becoming bigger by day?”. Concealment of
Concealment of dishonor is
dishonor is not a
The next day, they travelled for three (3) hours to go to a mitigating or extenuating
mitigating or extenuating
Poblacion. They went to the Health Center and after circumstance.
examination by the physician, it was confirmed that X
is pregnant. X became hysterical, she denied it to her The offender must be The offender can be any
mother and to everyone. She even said that if ever she related. person.
is pregnant, it came from the evil spirit, but definitely In case or conspiracy Conspiracy will lie even with
not from a man because she has no man. So, they went with someone who is not strangers because it is the
home. a relative, conspiracy will age of the victim or child that
not lie. is controlling.
She tried many times to get rid of the baby but the
mother was always there telling her not to do anything Q: In the same problem, when it was confirmed in town
to harm the baby and the mother prevailed. After nine that X was having a baby, she became hysterical, she
months, she delivered the baby. After delivering the cried aloud. When they came home, she became
said baby, she immediately covered the mouth of the depressed, always tense, afraid of things to come. She
said baby, but the mother arrived and told her not to is always afraid. She will be always crying at night.
do that. X was so afraid that people might know, the Because of that, because of her way of living from the
cries of the baby could be heard, so she covered the time she learned that she is pregnant, less than 7
mouth of the baby, but the mother prevented her from months, the baby wanted to get out. The mother
doing so. That very same night, she attempted to kill helped in the delivery of the said baby. The baby got
the baby many times which she failed to do so because out and has an intrauterine life of less than 7 months.
the mother. However, until early morning, the mother Right after seeing the baby, X was so mad, and hearing
said, “Do not do any harm to the baby. I will just go to the baby’s cries, the moment the mother went outside,
the kitchen to boil some water”. The moment the X immediately covered the mouth of the baby and the
mother arrived, the baby is already dead, X suffocated said baby died. What crime is committed by X?
her very own baby by means of a pillow.
A: X is liable for intentional abortion.
What crime is committed by X?
Q: In the same problem, because X was living a
A: X is liable for infanticide. X killed her baby less than depressed and tensed life, the baby got out less than
three (3) days old, less than 72 hours. Therefore, the crime seven (7) months. The baby has an intrauterine life of
committed is infanticide. less than seven (7) months. Right after seeing the
baby, X wanted to immediately kill the baby but the
Q: What if for many times, she tried to kill her very own mother prevailed upon. She couldn’t sleep. The
baby but failed to do so because the mother prevailed. following morning, the baby was still there. X was
Until at the third day, the mother went to the market in waiting for her mother to get out. Finally, in the
order to buy food and milk for the baby. When the afternoon, after 24 hours, the mother got out, so X had
mother arrived, the baby is wrapped in a blanket, the opportunity to kill the baby, to which she did. What
already dead. X killed the baby. The baby is three (3) crime is committed by X?
days old. What crime is committed by X?
A: X is liable for infanticide.
A: X is liable for parricide. Since the baby is already three
(3) days old, no longer less than three (3) days old, the ABORTION v. INFACTICIDE
crime committed is already parricide.
The victim is already a
PARRICIDE INFANTICIDE The victim is still a fetus. person.
Relationship is
It is the age of the victim
controlling; the said
(less than three (3) days old,
offender must be related

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The umbilical cord is not The doctor said, “I am sorry, you lost your baby.” She
yet cut, the said fetus still The umbilical cord is already was hospitalized for a period of 30 days. She was
draws life from the said cut off and the baby is alive. depressed, crying and crying because of her loss.
If the baby has an What crime/s are committed by Y?
If the baby has an
intrauterine life of less
intrauterine life of less than A: Insofar as X is concerned, the crime committed by Y
than seven (7) months
seven (7) months and the is serious physical injuries. Insofar as the fetus is
and the baby is killed
baby is killed after 24 hours, concerned, the crime is unintentional abortion. Since the
within 24 hours, it is
it is infanticide. crimes were both products of Y’s act of inflicting violence
on the said woman, you complex it under Art. 48. So, the
Q: X was watering her plants outside the gate. There’s crime committed is serious physical injuries with
a fence and the house. Outside the fence, it is full of unintentional abortion because the single act performed
imported plants. While she was busy watering the by the offender resulted to two less grave felonies.
plants near the fence (outside), here comes their
neighbor Y. Y confronted X by saying, “I just got from Q: Y confronted X, the pregnant woman. He did not
the store. I got information that you have been telling know that the woman was pregnant. When X denied
everyone that my daughter had an abortion after her spreading the rumor, the neighbor Y lost control of
boyfriend left her. Who are you to tell that? Who told himself and he punched X a number of times. She fell
you that? That is not true!”. Y was shouting at X. X on the ground and started to bleed because of the
answered by saying, “No! I do not leave my house, I’m impact. That time, X was already nine (9) months
always inside my house. What you heard was pregnant and with a big tummy. Y punched him in the
impossible.” Y replied, “You have been sending tummy causing her to lose balance and fall to the
everyone text messages about my daughter. Why are ground.
you doing this to my daughter? She’s still a minor,
she’s only sixteen”. Y was very mad. When X The moment Y saw that X was bleeding, Y immediately
answered again and kept on denying, Y failed to left the place.
control himself. Y slapped X and thereafter, punched
her twice in the chest and in the tummy. X fell and Meanwhile, X was crawling wanting to go inside the
started to plead. She was 4 months pregnant, and Y house. She was calling and calling the name of her
did not know of the same. Upon seeing X bleeding, Y husband. She was able to reach the gate of the house
became so afraid and then, left. and tried to stand up. When she was able to stand up,
Y came, armed with a bolo. Y hacked X two times, on
X cried for help, calling his husband. Her husband the chest and on the tummy. Thereafter, Y left.
came out and brought her to the hospital. The doctor
told X that she was very lucky, and that the fetus is The husband arrived and brought X to the hospital.
unhurt despite her bleeding. X was very happy that the However, both the wife and the baby are dead. What
baby was unhurt despite the bleeding and the crime/s did Y commit?
punching she received.
A: Insofar as the woman is concerned, Y is liable for
What crime is committed by Y? murder qualified by treachery and abuse of superior
strength. Insofar as the baby is concerned, the crime
A: Y is liable for physical injuries against the pregnant committed is intentional abortion.
woman, X. Y did not know that the said woman was
pregnant. He inflicted violence on her because she kept on Insofar as the woman is concerned, Y is liable for murder.
denying that she was the one who spread the rumor. The It was obvious that X was pregnant. When Y saw that X is
intent of Y was only on X. He did not have any intention on bleeding, Y left. He returned with a bolo; he planned the
the fetus as he did not know that X was pregnant. killing. At that particular moment, X was bleeding and in
pain, crying for help/ Y took advantage of his bolo and
Since the fetus did not die, there is no crime committed by superiority in strength, and hacked X on the chest and on
Y against the fetus. The crime she committed is only the tummy. Therefore, it is murder.
against the woman on whom violence is inflicted.
Therefore, the crime is physical injuries. Insofar as the baby is concerned, the crime committed is
intentional abortion. He knows that the woman is pregnant.
Q: What if in the same problem, after X was punched Yet, he hacked the tummy of X. Obviously, there was intent
by Y on the thighs, on the chest, and on the tummy, to kill the fetus inside the womb by inflicting violence on the
she had a bad fall. She fell on a big rock. She started said womb. Therefore, the crime committed is the complex
to bleed and thereafter, she was brought to the crime of murder with intentional abortion.
hospital by her husband.

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Q: The husband and the wife were having a fight over either totally or partially, or some essential organ of
financial matter. The said husband lost control of reproduction.
himself because the wife kept answering back. The
husband stabbed the wife, who was pregnant at that Any other intentional mutilation shall be punished by
time. Since the husband stabbed the wife on the prision mayor in its medium and maximum periods.
tummy, she fell. Shocked with what he did, he brought
the wife to the hospital. But the wife and the fetus died. Q: Despite the fact that X and Y are married for 10
years, the husband would still often look at women,
The husband is now being prosecuted for the complex and the wife would always be jealous. The wife has
crime of parricide with intentional abortion. Is he liable been hearing rumors that her husband would always
as charged? be on dates with different women. One time, the wife
saw it herself. After her grocery, she went to a
A: NO, it is parricide with unintentional abortion. restaurant and there she saw her very own husband
Supreme Court said it is parricide because the act of embracing another woman. This wife has been
stabbing the wife, although the husband said that he has suffering; however, she could not afford to separate
no intention to kill as it was during a heated argument, is a with her husband because she just loves the husband
felonious act therefore, he is liable for the resulting felony so much and she wants a family that is complete for
– death of the wife. Thus, parricide. her children.

Insofar as the fetus is concerned, Supreme Court said that It is now their tenth-year anniversary. The wife called
absent any further evidence that he has the intention to kill the husband to come home. She told him that she will
the baby inside the womb of his very own wife, it would be be preparing his favorite dishes, and the husband
unintentional abortion. The act of stabbing happened in a arrived as requested. The husband ate all the food
spur of the moment, in the heated argument. The sad prepared by the wife. There was also hard liquor on top
stabbing was inflicted on the wife. There was no intention of the table. The wife kept on pouring hard drinks on
to kill also the said fetus. The fetus died unintentionally. the husband and the husband kept on drinking. The
Therefore, it is parricide with unintentional abortion. wife was not drinking at all.

Note: When the husband was so drunk, that his head was
The penalty is the same, the only difference is the already down on the table, he could no longer lift up
nomenclature of the crime. It matters in the bar, but his head, the said wife tried to bring the husband to
insofar as the penalty, it does not matter because the bed. While the husband was lying, the wife took the
penalty will be for parricide, the penalty for the most knife that she prepared. She opened the pants of his
serious crime in its maximum period. husband and she cut the penis of her husband.

ARTICLE 259. ABORTION PRACTICED BY A What crime is committed by the wife?

ABORTIVES A: The wife is liable for mutilation.

Article 259. Abortion practiced by a physician or midwife Under Art. 262, there are two ways of committing
and dispensing of abortives. - The penalties provided in mutilation:
Article 256 shall be imposed in its maximum period,
respectively, upon any physician or midwife who, taking I. By intentionally mutilating another, partially or
advantage of their scientific knowledge or skill, shall cause totally, of any organ necessary for reproduction.
an abortion or assist in causing the same.
It is the ovary insofar as the woman is concerned.
Any pharmacist who shall dispense abortive without a It is the penis insofar as the man is concerned.
prescription coming from a physician is liable under this
provision. II. By intentionally mutilating another, totally or
partially, of any other parts of the body.
It is not required that the abortive be used. The mere act of
dispensing abortive without a prescription coming from a Mutilation is a crime which requires deliberate intent to cut
physician will already make the said pharmacist criminally off or to severe a part of the body of a person. There must
liable under Art. 259. be the deliberate intent to mutilate a part of the body of a
person. Absent deliberate intent to mutilate a part of the
ARTICLE 262. MUTILATION body of another person, it could be any other crime, but it
is not mutilation.
Article 262. Mutilation. - The penalty of reclusion temporal
to reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon any person
who shall intentionally mutilate another by depriving him,

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In the present case, the said wife is liable for mutilation Article 263. Serious physical injuries. - Any person who
because what she cut off is the penis, an organ which is shall wound, beat, or assault another, shall be guilty of the
necessary for reproduction on the part of her husband. crime of serious physical injuries and shall suffer:

Q: While X and Y were fighting, X pulled out his bolo. 1. The penalty of prision mayor, if in consequence of the
He raised it up and said, “This is your end. I am going physical injuries inflicted, the injured person shall become
to kill you” He came rushing for Y. y raised his hand in insane, imbecile, impotent, or blind;
defense. The bolo landed on the hand, and because of
the sharpness, the said hand was cut and severed 2. The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and
from the body of Y. maximum periods, if in consequence of the physical
injuries inflicted, the person injured shall have lost the use
What crime is committed by X? Is he liable of of speech or the power to hear or to smell, or shall have
mutilation? lost an eye, a hand, a foot, an arm, or a leg or shall have
lost the use of any such member, or shall have become
A: NO. There was no deliberate intent on the part of X to incapacitated for the work in which he was therefor
cut off the right hand of Y, his intent was to kill Y. He drew habitually engaged;
his bolo walking towards Y saying, “This is your end. I am
going to kill you.” The intention was to kill Y. Therefore, the 3. The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and
crime committed is attempted homicide because the medium periods, if in consequence of the physical injuries
wound inflicted was not fatal. inflicted, the person injured shall have become deformed,
or shall have lost any other part of his body, or shall have
DUEL lost the use thereof, or shall have been ill or incapacitated
for the performance of the work in which he as habitually
Article 260. Responsibility of participants in a duel. - The engaged for a period of more than ninety days;
penalty of reclusion temporal shall be imposed upon any
person who shall kill his adversary in a duel. 4. The penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to
prision correccional in its minimum period, if the physical
If he shall inflict upon the latter physical injuries only, he injuries inflicted shall have caused the illness or incapacity
shall suffer the penalty provided therefor, according to their for labor of the injured person for more than thirty days.
If the offense shall have been committed against any of the
In any other case, the combatants shall suffer the penalty persons enumerated in Article 246, or with attendance of
of arresto mayor, although no physical injuries have been any of the circumstances mentioned in Article 248, the
inflicted. case covered by subdivision number 1 of this Article shall
be punished by reclusion temporal in its medium and
The seconds shall in all events be punished as maximum periods; the case covered by subdivision
accomplices. number 2 by prision correccional in its maximum period to
prision mayor in its minimum period; the case covered by
Article 261. Challenging to a duel. - The penalty of prision subdivision number 3 by prision correccional in its medium
correccional in its minimum period shall be imposed upon and maximum periods; and the case covered by
any person who shall challenge another, or incite another subdivision number 4 by prision correccional in its
to give or accept a challenge to a duel, or shall scoff at or minimum and medium periods.
decry another publicly for having refused to accept a
challenge to fight a duel. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not be
applicable to a parent who shall inflict physical injuries
PHYSICAL INJURIES upon his child by excessive chastisement.

There are three kinds of Physical Injuries: How committed

1. Serios physical injuries 1. By wounding;

2. Less serious physical injuries 2. By beating;
3. Slight physical injuries 3. By assaulting; or
4. By administering injurious substance.
Physical injuries is a formal crime. There is no such thing
as attempted or frustrated physical injuries. Physical ACTS PUNISHED
injuries is a crime which is punished based on result or
consequences. I. When the injured person becomes insane,
imbecile, impotent or blind in consequence of the
ARTICLE 263. SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURIES physical injuries inflicted.

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II. When the injured person: 1. When the offended party is related to the offender
as the relatives mentioned in the crime of
a. Loses the use of speech or the power to hear parricide.
or to smell, or loses an eye, a hand, a foot, an 2. When the act of inflicting serious physical injuries
arm, or a leg, or is attended by any of the qualifying circumstances
b. Loses the use of any such member, or under Art. 248 Murder.
c. Becomes incapacitated for the work in which
he was theretofore habitually engaged, in ARTICLE 264. ADMINISTERING INJURIOUS
consequence of the physical injuries inflicted. SUBSTANCES OR BEVERAGES.

III. When the person injured: Article 264. Administering injurious substances or
beverages. - The penalties established by the next
a. Becomes deformed, or preceding article shall be applicable in the respective case
b. Loses any member of his body, or to any person who, without intent to kill, shall inflict upon
c. Loses the use thereof, or another any serious, physical injury, by knowingly
d. Becomes ill or incapacitated for the administering to him any injurious substance or beverages
performance of the work in which he was or by taking advantage of his weakness of mind or
habitually engaged for more than 90 days, in credulity.
consequence of the physical injuries inflicted.
IV. When the injured person becomes ill or
incapacitated for labor for more than 30 days (but Article 265. Less serious physical injuries. - Any person
not more than 90 days), as a result of physical who shall inflict upon another physical injuries not
injuries inflicted. described in the preceding articles, but which shall
incapacitate the offended party for labor for ten days or
The moment it is already more than 30 days, it is more, or shall require medical assistance for the same
already serious physical injuries. period, shall be guilty of less serious physical injuries and
shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor.
The distinction between 30 days and 90 days is only as Whenever less serious physical injuries shall have been
to penalty but the moment by reason of injuries inflicted with the manifest intent to kill or offend the injured
sustained by the offended party, he becomes ill or person, or under circumstances adding ignominy to the
incapacitated form the work in which he is habitually offense in addition to the penalty of arresto mayor, a fine
engaged for more than 30 days, it is already serious not exceeding 500 pesos shall be imposed.
physical injuries.
Any less serious physical injuries inflicted upon the
Deformity offender's parents, ascendants, guardians, curators,
teachers, or persons of rank, or persons in authority, shall
The moment by reason of the physical injuries inflicted to be punished by prision correccional in its minimum and
the victim, he became deformed or suffered deformity, you medium periods, provided that, in the case of persons in
do not determine the healing period. The healing period authority, the deed does not constitute the crime of assault
becomes immaterial, what matters is that it causes upon such person.
deformity on the victim. Regardless of the healing period,
the moment the said physical injuries inflicted causes Elements of Less Serios Physical Injuries
deformity to the victim, it is immediately serious physical
injuries. 1. Offended party is incapacitated for labor for 10
days or more (but not more than 30 days), or
The offended party is said to have suffered deformity needs medical attendance for the same period of
when: time.
2. The physical injuries must not be those described
1. the said injury is located on a visible or in the preceding articles.
conspicuous part of the body;
2. it would not heal through the natural healing Qualifying Circumstances
process; and
3. it causes physical disfigurement on the 1. When there is manifest intent to insult or offend the
appearance of the said offended party. injured person.
2. When there are circumstances adding ignominy to
Circumstances which will Qualify Serious Physical the offense.
Injuries 3. When the victim is the offender’s parents,
ascendants, guardians, curators, or teachers.

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4. When the victim is a person of rank or persons in
authority, provided the crime is not direct assault. The moment A, B, and C appeared, they hit X with a
lead pipe, particularly centering on his right leg. After
ARTICLE 266. SLIGHT PHYSICAL INJURIES OR seeing that he was already in so much pain, that the
MALTREATMENT right leg was already so injured, A, B, and C left.

Article 266. Slight physical injuries and maltreatment. - X was brought to the hospital and true enough, he lost
The crime of slight physical injuries shall be punished: his right leg. What crime/s is/are committed by a, B,
and C?
1. By arresto menor when the offender has inflicted
physical injuries which shall incapacitate the offended A: A, B, and C are liable as conspirators for qualified
party for labor from one to nine days, or shall require serious physical injuries.
medical attendance during the same period.
It is serious physical injuries because X lost a leg.
2. By arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 20 pesos and
censure when the offender has caused physical injuries Circumstances which will Qualify Serious Physical
which do not prevent the offended party from engaging in Injuries
his habitual work nor require medical assistance.
1. When the offended party is related to the offender
3. By arresto menor in its minimum period or a fine not as the relatives mentioned in the crime of
exceeding 50 pesos when the offender shall ill-treat parricide.
another by deed without causing any injury. 2. When the act of inflicting serious physical injuries
is attended by any of the qualifying circumstances
ACTS PUNISHED under Art. 248 Murder.

I. Physical injuries which incapacitated the offended In this case, A, B, and C’s act of inflicting serious physical
party for labor from 1 to 9 days, or required medical injuries on X was attended by treachery, one of the
attendance for the same period. qualifying circumstances in murder. Therefore, it is
qualified serious physical injuries.
II. Physical injuries which did not prevent the
offended party from engaging in his habitual work Q: The son and the father were having an argument
or which did not require medical attendance. over business matters. Since the time the father left
the management of the business to his son, the
III. Ill treatment of another by deed by inflicting pain business incurred losses. Now they are lacking in
without causing any injury on the part of the funds that the business is about to close, it prompted
offended party. an argument between the father and the son. The
father kept on blaming the son; the son answered back
Q: X was walking. Unknown to him, Y was following at his father. The father lost control of himself and
him surreptitiously. When X turned on the right corner slapped the son. The son retaliated. He is stronger
of the street, Y immediately hit the back of the head of than his father. He repeatedly punched his father on
X with a dos por dos. Because of the impact, X fell on the face, the chest, the neck. The father was then down
the ground. He saw Y rushing and getting out of the and in serious pain. The said son only stepped when
place. X went to the doctor and had a medical his mother and sister arrived. He then left and his
examination. His head did not sustain any injury at all, father was brought to the hospital. The doctor said
both internally and externally. would be needing medical intervention for a period of
two weeks or 14 days. What crime is committed by the
What crime is committed by Y? son?

A: Y is liable for slight physical injuries of the third act. A: The son is liable for qualified less serious physical
He inflicted pain on the part of the offended party without injuries. It is less serious physical injuries because by
causing any injury or any wound. Therefore, it is a form of reason of the injuries inflicted by the son on the father, the
slight physical injury – ill treatment of another by deed by latter would be left needing medical intervention for a
inflicting pain without causing any injury under Art. 266. period between 10 to 30 days. In this case, it is two weeks
or 14 days. Therefore, it is less serious physical injuries. It
Q: X was walking. While he was walking, suddenly, A, is qualified because of their relationship as father and son.
B, and C appeared. A, B, and C were all armed with lead
pipes. They planned the act of injuring X. Their QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES
intention was to injure him and not to kill him. They
wanted to injure him and if possible, to cripple him, 1. When there is a manifest intent to insult or offend
and for him to lose one of his limbs. the injured person;

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2. When the act of inflicting injuries was coupled by was filed by Y against X. During the hearing of the
any acts of ignominy; case, it was time for Y, as private complainant, to
testify. On cross examination, the counsel asked Y,
3. When the injured person is the offender’s parents, “Can you smile?” Y then smiled. “O, may ngipin ka na
ascendants, guardians, curators, or teachers; or ah. You already have your teeth back, and you look so
handsome.” Y said, “I had implants, your Honor.”
4. When the injured person is a person of rank or a “That’s permanent now.” Y agreed. He was further
person in authority, provided it will not result in told, “You look more handsome now with the implant.”
direct assault. After trial on the merits, the judge convicted X of
serious physical injuries. X appealed until the case
Q: The wife had long learned that her husband has a went to the Supreme Court. Is X liable for serious
mistress. She wanted to talk to the said mistress to physical injuries?
beg. She looked at the phone of her husband and it
was then that she realized that her husband’s mistress A: In the case of Ruego v. People, the Supreme Court
is her own best friend; it was only then that she ruled in the negative. The said court ruled that the said
discovered that her best friend who was always with case should not have reached the Supreme Court since it
her is the mistress of her husband. She then called her is only a case of serious physical injuries. However, the
best friend, the mistress, to meet and it was there that said case gave the court the opportunity to revisit a long-
she told her she already knows the relationship time obsolete doctrine that the moment that it is the two
between her and her husband. For the sake of front teeth that have been lost, it is immediately
friendship, for the sake of family, the wife begged her serious physical injuries. According to the Supreme
best friend, the mistress, to please leave her husband. Court, in determining whether or not the loss of a tooth is
However, the mistress cried and told her that even if serious physical injuries, there must be a fact or
she wanted to, she cannot, because she already loves determination during the trial that the loss of the said
the husband more than her life. She then turned down tooth resulted in a visible deformity.
the request of the wife. They were both sad. The
mistress stood up and said to the wife that she is sorry In this case, during the trial, it was proven by facts that
such a thing happened to them. there was no visible deformity on the part of Y as he
already has implants. Therefore, the Supreme Court ruled
She was already walking out of the restaurant, when that it is not serious physical injuries; rather, it is only
suddenly, the wife tapped the back of the said slight physical injuries. Even if it visible, and later he had
mistress. The moment the said mistress turned her implants and so deformity has been cured and it is no
back, the wife sprayed a toxic substance. She was longer visible, then it could no longer be considered as
carrying along a bottle of toxic substance. She deformity that would give rise to serious physical injuries.
sprayed it all over the mistress’ face, neck, and even
consumed the bottle. The said mistress suffered boils ARTICLE 266-A. RAPE
and burns. She now looks ugly. The doctor said it
would heal within a period of 30 days. However, the
Article 266-A. Rape; When and How Committed. - Rape
doctor said that, for all her scars to be gone, she would
is committed:
be needing an expensive plastic surgery which the
said mistress cannot afford. 1) By a person who shall have carnal knowledge of another
person under any of the following circumstances:
What crime is committed by the wife?
a) Through force, threat, or intimidation;
A: The wife is liable for serious physical injuries.
Although the healing period is only 30 days which amounts
b) When the offended party is deprived of reason or
to less serious physical injuries, the fact that the said injury
otherwise unconscious;
caused deformity on the part of the said mistress on her
face, her neck, which resulted in physical ugliness,
c) By means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of
physical disfigurement of the face of the mistress, you authority; and
do not consider the healing period; rather, what you
consider is the fact of deformity. Therefore, the crime d) When the offended party is under sixteen (16) years of
committed is serious physical injuries.
age or is demented, even though none of the
circumstances mentioned above be
Q: X and Y were fighting. In the course of the said fight, present: Provided, That there shall be no criminal liability
X boxed Y on the mouth. It was a very strong punch on on the part of a person having carnal knowledge of another
the mouth. The two front teeth of Y flew. Y then lost his
person sixteen (16) years of age when the age difference
two front teeth the moment X punched him right in the
between the parties is not more than three (3) years, and
middle of his mouth. He was bleeding. Consequently,
the sexual act in question is proven to be consensual, non-
a case of serious physical injuries first brought to the
abusive, and non-exploitative: Provided, further, That if the
barangay. There was no settlement, and so the case

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victim is under thirteen (13) years of age, this exception
shall not apply. 5) When the victim is a child below seven (7) years old;

As used in this Act, non-abusive shall mean the absence 6) When the offender knows that he is afflicted with the
of undue influence, intimidation, fraudulent machinations, Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune
coercion, threat, physical, sexual, psychological, or mental Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any other sexually
injury or maltreatment, either with intention or through transmissible disease and the virus or disease is
neglect, during the conduct of sexual activities with the transmitted to the victim;
child victim. On the other hand, non-exploitative shall mean
there is no actual or attempted act or acts of unfairly taking 7) When committed by any member of the Armed Forces
advantage of the child's position of vulnerability, differential of the Philippines or para-military units thereof or the
power, or trust during the conduct of sexual activities. Philippine National Police or any law enforcement agency
or penal institution, when the offender took advantage of
2) By any person who, under any of the circumstances his position to facilitate the commission of the crime;
mentioned in paragraph 1 hereof, shall commit an act of
sexual assault by inserting his penis into another person's 8) When by reason or on the occasion of the rape, the
mouth or anal orifice, or any instrument or object, into the victim has suffered permanent physical mutilation or
genital or anal orifice of another person. disability;

Article 266-B. Penalty. - Rape under paragraph 1 of the 9) When the offender knew of the pregnancy of the
next preceding article shall be punished by reclusion offended party at the time of the commission of the crime;
perpetua. and

Whenever the rape is committed with the use of a deadly 10) When the offender knew of the mental disability,
weapon or by two or more persons, the penalty shall be emotional disorder and/or physical handicap of the
reclusion perpetua to death. offended party at the time of the commission of the crime.

When by reason or on the occasion of the rape, the victim Rape under paragraph 2 of the next preceding article shall
has become insane, the penalty shall become reclusion be punished by prision mayor.
perpetua to death.
Whenever the rape is committed with the use of a deadly
When the rape is attempted and a homicide is committed weapon or by two or more persons, the penalty shall be
by reason or on the occasion thereof, the penalty shall be prision mayor to reclusion temporal.
reclusion perpetua to death.
When by reason or on the occasion of the rape, the victim
When by reason or on the occasion ofthe rape, homicide has become insane, the penalty shall be reclusion
is committed, the penalty shall be death. temporal.

The death penalty shall also be imposed if the crime of When the rape is attempted and a homicide is committed
rape is committed with any of the following by reason or on the occasion thereof, the penalty shall be
aggravating/qualifying circumstances: reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua.

1) When the victim is under eighteen (18) years of age and When by reason or on the occasion ofthe rape, homicide
the offender is a parent, ascendant, step-parent, guardian, is committed, the penalty shall be reclusion perpetua.
relative by consanguinity or affinity within the third civil
degree, or the common-law spouse of the parent of the Reclusion temporal shall be imposed if the rape is
victim; committed with any of the ten aggravating/ qualifying
circumstances mentioned in this article.
2) When the victim is under the custody of the police or
military authorities or any law enforcement or penal Article 266-C. Effect of Pardon. - The subsequent valid
institution; marriage between the offended party shall extinguish the
criminal action or the penalty imposed.
3) When the rape is committed in full view of the spouse,
parent, any of the children or other relatives within the third In case it is the legal husband who is the offender, the
civil degree of consanguinity; subsequent forgiveness by the wife as the offended party
shall extinguish the criminal action or the penalty:
4) When the victim is a religious engaged in legitimate Provided, That the crime shall not be extinguished or the
religious vocation or calling and is personally known to be penalty shall not be abated if the marriage is void ab initio.
such by the offender before or at the time of the
commission of the crime;

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Article 266-D. Presumptions. - Any physical overt act a. By inserting his penis into another
manifesting resistance against the act of rape in any person’s mouth or anal orifice; or
degree from the offended party, or where the offended
party is so situated as to render her/him incapable of giving b. By inserting any instrument or object
valid consent, may be accepted as evidence in the into another person’s genital or anal
prosecution of the acts punished under Article 266-A." orifice.

Rape has been amended by R.A. 8353 and further by R.A. 3. The said act of sexual assault is attended by any
11648. of the following circumstances:

THREE KINDS OF RAPE a. By using force, threat, or intimidation;

b. When the offended party is deprived

1. Rape by Carnal Knowledge; of reason, or otherwise, unconscious;
2. Rape by Sexual Assault; and c. By means of fraudulent machination
3. Marital Rape or grave abuse of authority; or

RAPE BY CARNAL KNOWLEDGE d. When the offended party is under 12

years of age or is demented, even if
Elements of Rape by Carnal Knowledge none of the circumstances previously
mentioned is present.
1. The offender is a man and the offended party is a
In case of rape by sexual assault, the offender can be any
2. The offender had carnal knowledge of the said person, and the victim can be any person — a man to a
woman against her will; and woman; a man to another man; a woman to a man; or a
woman to another woman.
3. The said act of carnal knowledge is attended by
any of the following circumstances: As early as the case of People v. Bon, kakalabas pa lang
ng R.A. 8353, as amended, the Supreme Court said, if it
a. By using force, threat, or intimidation; is a finger that is inserted in the genital or anal orifice
of the offended party, attended by any of the above-
b. When the offended party is deprived mentioned circumstances, it is rape by sexual assault. A
of reason, or otherwise, unconscious; finger is within the meaning of an “instrument or object”
insofar as rape by sexual assault is concerned.
c. By means of fraudulent machination
or grave abuse of authority; or
d. When the offended party is under 16
years of age or is demented, even if Marital rape occurs when a man (husband) has carnal
none of the circumstances previously knowledge with a woman (wife) by use of force and
mentioned is present. violence.

In the case of People v. Jumawan, the Supreme Court said

In case of rape by carnal knowledge, the law specifies that the moment the husband penetrates the wife
who the offender is and who the offended party is. The against the latter’s will by employing force and
offender is always a man, and the victim is always a violence on the said wife, marital rape is committed.
woman because it requires carnal knowledge or sexual As early as in that case, the Supreme Court said that a
intercourse, and the said carnal knowledge is against the case of rape by carnal knowledge is a violation of the
will of the said woman, attended by any of the above- dignity of a woman.
mentioned circumstances.
Since rape is a violation of the human dignity, it can exist
RAPE BY SEXUAL ASSAULT even in case of marital relationship, the moment the
husband penetrates the wife by means of force and
Elements of Rape by Sexual Assault violence; it is thus a violation of the human dignity of the
said wife.
1. The offender is any person, and the offended party
is also any person; As studied in Book 1, rape admits only two stages: 1)
attempted rape; or 2) consummated rape. There is no
2. The offender commits any of the following acts of frustrated rape because the slightest penile penetration
sexual assault upon the victim: consummates the crime of rape. Slightest penile

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penetration occurs the moment the penis has touched regardless of whether such penile penetration is
the lips or labia of the pudendum of a woman’s genital. thereafter fully achieved, consummates the crime of
However, this is no longer the case. rape. It is therefore necessary that the penis penetrates
the cleft of the labia majora, however minimum. It must
PEOPLE v. AGAO reach the cleft of the labia majora for it to be considered as
G.R. No. 248048 | 4 October 2022 consummated rape.

FACTS: In the en banc case of People v. Efren Agao which It was further discussed that the mere grazing of the
was decided in October 2022, the victim (AAA), a 10-year- fleshy portion, not the vulval cleft of the labia majora, will
old child, was raped by her stepfather, Efren Agao. The also constitute only attempted rape and not
latter was then charged with two counts of statutory rape consummated rape.
in relation to R.A. 7610.
Based on the new en banc decision of the Supreme Court
The trial court convicted Agao as charged. According to in People v. Agao, the doctrine laid down is that rape is
said court, relationship as a qualifying circumstance is not consummated only when the erect penis touches the vulval
appreciated because the information alleged that Agao is cleft of the labia majora of a woman’s vagina. Only then will
AAA’s stepfather; however, the prosecution failed to prove rape be consummated.
that the mother of AAA and Agao was legally married.
Therefore, what is present is only a common-law If what the penis touches is not within that area – it did not
relationship. reach the vulval cleft of the labia majora – then it is only
rape in its attempted stage.
The Court of Appeals affirmed the ruling of the trial court
with regard to the conviction of Agao. Prof’s opinion: There were so many dissenting opinions
on this case. If I were a justice, I would also dissent. Ang
HELD: The Supreme Court affirmed the trial court’s daya. Ang hirap na ngayon i-prove ng rape. Biruin mo,
conviction of Agao; however, it modified its decision nasa burden na ng victim kung saan umabot ang penis.
to one count of statutory rape, and the second is Kailangan ma-reach niya yung vulval cleft. Paano niya
simple rape. (victim) malalaman kung ano ang naabot ng penis? Even
the Chief Justice dissented; many dissented. The best
The said court said that evidence submitted sufficiently dissent is that of Justice Leonen as he said that we
established that Agao’s erect penis touched the labia of the retroacted with respect to the definition. Sinabi na nga
victim’s vagina; therefore, it falls within the operative natin that rape is a crime against human dignity; it is a
definition of consummated rape. violation of the human dignity of a woman. Now it is hard
to convict rape as the victim has the burden to prove what
CASE DISCUSSION: PEOPLE v. AGAO part of her vagina was reached by the penis; if it reached
the vulval cleft, the pudendal cleft, if not, it is merely
This is a very long decision penned by Justice Caguioa. In attempted rape. Read Justice Leonen’s dissent as I agree
this case, the Supreme Court clarifies the parameters 100% with his dissent. Although the decision is en banc, I
that will distinguish consummated rape from would not say it is canonical because there are many
attempted rape based on the definition of what constitutes dissenters. Later on, it may be overturned; the dissenting
the slightest touch, the slightest penile penetration, that opinion now may become the majority decision. This is
consummates the crime of rape by sexual intercourse not a good decision. This is not a pro-woman decision.
through penile penetration. For me, this is a negative decision.

In the decision, the anatomy of the vagina was discussed: STATUTORY RAPE
the vulva, the pudendum, the mons pubis, the labia majora,
and the labia minora. Thereafter, the Supreme Court said, Q: X is a mental retardate. In the entire neighborhood,
as guided by the anatomical description of a female’s all the neighbors knew that X was suffering from
genitalia, it now reiterates and clarifies that rape of a mental retardation. She is already 20 years old but she
female victim by a male person through penile has only the mental capacity of a nine-year-old girl.
penetration reaches the consummated stage as soon She is the only child of her parents. Her parents own a
as the penis penetrates the cleft of the labia majora, store.
also known as the vulval or pudendal cleft, or the
fleshy outer lip of the vulva, in even at the slightest One time, X was playing with dolls. She also had many
degree. Now it is necessary that the penis reaches the candies and chocolates. Her mother was beside the
cleft of the labia majora even in the slightest degree. store, looking after her and manning the store. When
the mother left for a while, Y, one of the people in the
The Supreme Court also said that, simply put, the mere neighborhood – one of the neighbors – approached X
introduction, however slight, into the cleft of the labia and told her “I see that you love dolls and candies. You
majora by a penis that is capable of penetration, see, if you come with me, I have a room in my house

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full of candies and dolls. You can have them. You can A: In the case of People v. Baay (G.R. No. 220143, 7 June
choose any doll and any candy that you want and they 2017), the Supreme Court said the conviction must be for
will be yours.” simple rape. The basis is the chronological age of the
victim. In this case, X was 20 years old. The Court said it
X was so delighted and he went along with Y inside the cannot be statutory rape because the gravamen of
latter’s house. Inside the house of Y, Y showed the statutory rape is the carnal knowledge of a woman under
dolls and candies to X, and he told X to choose from 12 years of age. Here, the said woman is already 20 years
the dolls and candies. X chose from the dolls and of age. Therefore, the court convicted the accused of
candies. simple rape based on the victim’s chronological age.

However, Y said, “Before you can bring them home, I However, in People v. Deniega (G.R. No. 212201, 28 June
have to do something to you.” Y undressed X, and then 2017, Peralta, J.), the Supreme Court said no, the
thereafter had carnal knowledge of X. True to his conviction must be for statutory rape. The basis is the
promise, Y gave to X all the dolls and candies that she mental age of the victim. The Court said it is settled that
had chosen. Thereafter, X went back to the store. sexual intercourse with a woman who is suffering from
mental retardation with a mental age below 12 years
At that time, the mother was worried. She told X, old constitutes statutory rape because a person’s
“Where have you been? I was looking for you. I just capacity to decide whether to give consent or to
left for a while, and when I came back, you were express resistance is determined by her mental age.
already gone. Where did you go? Why do you have so So, the Supreme Court said it should be statutory rape
many candies and dolls?” When X stood up, the based on the mental age.
mother saw blood stains on the dress of her daughter.
The mother inquired, and it was then that the daughter In this case, although X is 20 years old, she has the mental
X narrated to her mother what Y did to her. age of a 9-year-old child.

Because of this, they went to the DSWD and to the In the case of People v. Rabelas (G.R. No. 253603, 14
women’s desk section of the PNP, and a case of June 2021), the Supreme Court finally said that it should
qualified rape was filed against Y. The prosecutor be statutory rape. The basis, according to the Supreme
indicted Y for the crime of qualified rape. Court, is the mental age of the victim, not the chronological
age of the victim.
The information alleges that – ‘The undersigned public
prosecutor hereby accuses the abovenamed accused The moment the victim is suffering from mental retardation
for the crime of qualified rape for having carnal and has only the mental capacity of a child under 12 years
knowledge of X, a 20-year-old girl with the mental of age – the Supreme Court said that sexual intercourse
capacity of a 9-year-old child. Hence, the sexual with a woman who is a mental retardate with a mental age
intercourse is against her will.’ It was signed by the below 12 years old constitutes statutory rape because
public prosecutor. decision-making is a function of the mind. Hence, it should
be statutory rape.
Based on the facts, if you were the judge, would you
convict Y as charged of qualified rape? Elements of Statutory Rape

A: If you were the judge, you should not convict Y of In cases of statutory rape, there are only two elements that
qualified rape. Under Art. 266-B of the RPC, what will need be proven –
qualify rape is the fact that the offender knows of the said
victim’s mental incapacity, mental disability at the time of 1. First, the fact of carnal knowledge; and
the commission of the crime and such fact of knowledge is
alleged in the information and proven during trial. 2. Second, that the victim is under sixteen (16) years
In this case, the mere fact that Y is a neighbor, the law
does not presume that he already knows that X is suffering The victim, based on law, must be under 12 years of age.
from mental retardation. It must be alleged in the However, Art. 266-A(1)(d) of the RPC has been amended
information and it must be proven during trial. Mere by R.A. No. 11648. Based on the amendment brought
neighbors will not suffice for the law to presume that he about by R.A. No. 11648, statutory rape is now committed
knows that X is suffering from mental retardation at the when the offender has carnal knowledge of a minor under
time of the commission of the act of rape. 16 years old, regardless of consent.

So, as the judge, you cannot convict Y of qualified rape. Therefore, now, the elements of statutory rape are now: (1)
the fact of carnal knowledge, and (2) that the victim is
Q: Of what crime would you convict Y? under 16 years old. Regardless of consent, if these two
elements are proven, it is statutory rape.

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Exception to statutory rape
A: NO, the cases will not prosper. It falls under the
R.A. No. 11648, however, provides an exception to exception brought about by R.A. No. 11643 on Art. 266-
statutory rape. Statutory rape is committed when the A(1)(d) – when the difference in age between the parties
offender has carnal knowledge of a minor under 16 years is not more than three (3) years and the sexual act is
of age, regardless of consent. proven to be consensual, non-abusive, and non-
exploitative, there is no crime of statutory rape.
XPN: When the difference in age between the parties is
not more than three (3) years and the sexual act is proven In this case, based on the only statement of the girl, she
to be consensual, non-abusive, and non-exploitative. voluntarily gave herself to her boyfriend. Therefore, the
sexual intercourse was consensual. It is not abusive. It is
XPN to XPN: When the victim is under 13 years old. non-exploitative. Therefore, the said boyfriend cannot be
charged and cannot be held liable for statutory rape.
Q: X is 15 years old. She has a boyfriend, Y, who is 21
years old. They love each other, but the mother is Women’s honor doctrine
against the girl, and so they cohabited. The mother of
X was looking for X, her only daughter. She learned In case of rape, there is the so-called women’s honor
that her only daughter was cohabiting with the doctrine.
boyfriend Y. She tried to look everywhere and she
could not find her daughter – until she got a report that The women’s honor doctrine in the crime of rape
X and Y were renting an apartment in a particular recognizes the well-known fact that women, especially
place. Filipino women, would not admit that they have been raped
or would not admit that they have been abused, unless the
Two weeks thereafter, the mother went to the said abuse had actually happened because it is their natural
place and found her daughter cohabiting with the instinct to protect their honor.
boyfriend Y. She forcibly took her daughter. At the
police station, the girl narrated that she voluntarily If there is the women’s honor doctrine insofar as the
went with her boyfriend because she loves her offended party/woman is concerned, insofar as the man is
boyfriend and that they cohabited for a period of two concerned, there is also the sweetheart defense theory.
weeks and that during those two weeks, every night,
they would have sexual intercourse. The girl said she Sweetheart defense theory
voluntarily gave herself to the man that she loves.
In rape, the sweetheart defense theory must be proven by
Is the boyfriend Y liable for any crime?’ compelling evidence in order to lie in favor of the accused.

A: YES, the boyfriend Y is liable for statutory rape. 1. First, it must be proven that the accused and the
victim were indeed lovers.
Here, the girl is under 16 years old – she is only 15 years
old. The moment the offender has carnal knowledge of a 2. Second, that the victim consented to the alleged
minor under 16 years old, regardless of her consent, even sexual relations.
if she gave consent, it is already statutory rape. In this
case, the said boyfriend will be liable for 14 counts of Only then will the sweetheart defense be considered in
statutory rape because one sexual intercourse equals one favor of the accused. In many instances, however, the
count of rape. Supreme Court had denied the sweetheart defense theory
in favor of the accused. Because, the Supreme Court said,
Q: In the same problem, X is 15 years old and the love is not a license for lust. The mere fact that the girl
boyfriend Y is 18 years old. They loved each other, but and the man are lovers, the mere fact that they are
the mother of X did not like the man. They cohabited sweethearts, does not automatically mean that the sexual
for two weeks until the mother discovered where they relation is done with the consent of the girl.
were cohabiting and the mother forcibly took her
daughter X. The mother brought X to the police and at Every act of sexual intercourse equals one count of rape
the police station, the 15-year-old girl narrated to the
police that they cohabited for two weeks (14 days), and In the case of People v. Lucena (G.R. No. 190632, 26 Feb.
during those two weeks of cohabitation, she 2014), the Supreme Court said every act of sexual
voluntarily gave herself to her boyfriend Y. They had intercourse equals one count of rape.
sexual intercourse with her consent.
Because of that, the police officers filed 14 counts of
statutory rape against the boyfriend Y. Would the said Under Art. 266-B, there are special complex crimes that
cases prosper? arise in the crime of rape –

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1. When by reason or on occasion of rape, homicide special complex crime of rape with homicide which is
is committed, there is the special complex crime of punished by death penalty under Art. 266-B.
rape with homicide.
In the cases of People v. Laog and People v. Villaflores
2. When rape is attempted, and a homicide is (G.R. No. 184926, 11 April 2012), the Supreme Court
committed by reason or on occasion thereof, there explained the law’s use of the phrase “by reason or on the
is the special complex crime with attempted rape occasion of rape, homicide is committed”.
with homicide.
The Supreme Court said “by reason of rape, homicide
These are the two special complex crimes in rape. It is the is committed” means the criminal intent of the offender
law that combines the crimes and the law prescribes a is to rape the victim, but, by reason of the said rape, he
particular penalty for the combined crimes. has to kill the very victim of the rape.

The special complex crime of rape with homicide is But the law also uses the phrase “on occasion of rape,
punished by death. homicide is committed.” The phrase “on occasion of
rape, homicide is committed” means that the intent of
Whereas, the special complex crime of attempted rape the offender is to rape the victim, however, on the
with homicide is punished by reclusion perpetua to occasion, or on his act of raping the victim, he has to
death. kill someone. That someone may be another person. It is
immaterial whether that someone is the victim or any
PEOPLE v. LAOG other person – for as long as the said killing took place on
G.R. No. 178321 | 5 October 2011 the occasion of the said rape, there is the special complex
crime of rape with homicide.
Q: X and Y learned that there is a newly opened
restaurant in the población. And so, X and Y dressed Q: In an old case, Makati then was just a simple
themselves up and wanted to apply as waitresses, municipality, not as grand as today. A woman, X, just
helpers, or servers in the said restaurant-canteen. got out of the office at almost midnight after working
They were walking down the rice fields, wanting to go overtime. She was walking, hoping to get a ride at the
to the población. bus station. She passed by this area wherein a
construction is ongoing. She saw three men having a
Suddenly, a man, their long-distant uncle, appeared in drinking spree. She did not mind them nor look at
front of the both of them. This man immediately boxed them. She just hurriedly passed by, looking to go to
the two girls. After boxing them, both of them felt the bus station to take a ride.
weak. The man then dragged them behind a tree in the
grassy portion of the rice field. There, the man As she was walking, the three men suddenly encircled
undressed X, pinned down X, undressed himself, and her. The three men, A, B and C took off their shirts,
went on top of X. raised it in the air and thereafter all of them jumped on
the said woman. They pinned down the woman, with
At that particular moment, Y, the other girl, began each of them forcibly taking off her clothing. Although
shouting, crying, and asking for help. The man stood naked, the woman saw an opportunity to escape and
up, took his lead pipe, and repeatedly hit the head of Y she ran away.
until Y died. The moment Y fell lifeless, the man went
back to X, hit X with a lead pipe, then had carnal However, one of the three men, A, ran after her and
knowledge of her. After the carnal knowledge, he also repeatedly stabbed her until she died. What crime is
repeatedly hit X with the lead pipe. Thereafter, he left. committed by the three men A, B, and C?

While Y died, X survived. X was able to go to the A: In this case, the Supreme Court held the three men
authorities. Because of this, the said man was charged liable for the special complex crime of attempted rape
with two crimes: 1) murder for the killing of Y; and 2) with homicide.
rape for the carnal knowledge done against X with
violence and intimidation. The Supreme Court said the obvious intent of the three
men was to rape the said woman, and by reason thereof,
Are the charges correct? they had to kill her because she tried to escape. The Court
said the said men will be liable as conspirators for the
A: NO. In the case of People v. Laog, the Supreme Court special complex crime of attempted rape with
said he should be convicted of the special complex crime homicide.
of rape with homicide. The Supreme Court said the
obvious intent of the accused is to rape X. On the The death penalty shall also be imposed if the crime of
occasion of the said rape, he has to kill Y because the latter rape is committed with any of the following
kept on shouting and asking for help. Since the said act of aggravating/qualifying circumstances:
killing took place on the occasion of the rape, there is the
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During the testimony of X, the accused, when asked
1) When the victim is under eighteen (18) years of age and how she was related to the girl, he testified that the girl
the offender is a parent, ascendant, step-parent, guardian, is his daughter. When asked if there was a wedding
relative by consanguinity or affinity within the third civil ceremony between the girl’s mother and the accused,
degree, or the common-law spouse of the parent of the the accused said yes. Should the said accused be
victim; convicted of qualified rape?

Under Art. 266-B, the law provides that qualified rape is A: In the case of People v. Cial, the Supreme Court
committed and death penalty shall be imposed when the downgraded the crime only to simple rape, not
victim is under eighteen (18) years of age and the offender qualified rape. The Supreme Court said a conviction for
is – qualified rape requires the twin qualifying circumstances of
minority and relationship which must be alleged in the
a. A parent; information and proven during trial beyond reasonable
b. Ascendant; doubt.
c. Step-parent;
d. Guardian; In this case, minority was alleged but it was not proven. It
e. Relative by consanguinity or affinity within the was not proven beyond reasonable doubt because there
was no evidence as to the age of the girl at the time of the
third civil degree; or
act of rape.
f. The common-law spouse of the parent of the
victim. Insofar as the relationship is concerned, it was also not
proven, according to the Supreme Court. The relationship
In this case, the crime committed will be qualified rape and alleged in the information was a common-law relationship,
the penalty is death. whereas, the relationship proven before the court is a
stepfather-stepdaughter relationship because both of them
For this kind of qualified rape to be committed, the stated that a wedding ceremony occurred. Therefore, the
Supreme Court said there must be proof beyond relationship alleged is different from the relationship
reasonable doubt of the twin qualifying circumstances proven. Hence, relationship was not proven beyond
of – reasonable doubt. The Supreme Court then downgraded
the crime from qualified rape to only simple rape.
1. Minority of the victim; and
RULING: The prosecution mentioned "AAA's" Certificate
2. Relationship of the victim and the offender.
of Live Birth. Also attached to the Folder of Exhibits marked
The victim must be under 18 years of age, and the accused as Exhibit "B" is "AAA's" Certificate of Live Birth showing
must be her parent, ascendant, step-parent, guardian, that "AAA" was born on October 31, 1991. However, upon
relative by consanguinity or affinity within the third civil closer scrutiny, we note that the said Certificate of Live
degree, or the common-law spouse of the victim’s parent. Birth was never presented or offered during the trial of the
G.R. No. 191362 | 9 October 2013 The prosecution likewise miserably failed to establish
"AAA's" relationship with the appellant. Although the
Q: X, the accused, was charged with the crime of Information alleged that appellant is the common-law
qualified rape. The Information alleges that the victim husband of "AAA's" mother, "AAA"' referred to appellant as
is a minor under 18 years old, and the said accused her step-father.
was the common-law spouse of the victim’s mother.
The charge was qualified rape. During the hearing of The terms "common-law husband" and "step-father" have
the case, however, when the girl was asked of her age different legal connotations. For appellant to be a step-
at the time of the rape, and her birthday, and she said father to "AAA," he must be legally married to "AAA's"
she did not know. Because of this, the judge ordered mother.
the prosecution to present the birth certification of the
girl. Suffice it to state that qualifying circumstances must be
proved beyond reasonable doubt just like the crime itself.
When the girl, on cross-examination, was asked how In this case, the prosecution utterly failed to prove beyond
she was related to the accused, she said the accused reasonable doubt the qualifying circumstances of minority
is her “papa.” When asked, “When you say papa, what and relationship. As such, appellant should only be
does it mean?” and she said the accused is the convicted of the crime of simple rape, the penalty for which
husband of her mother. “Was there a marriage? Was is reclusion perpetua.
there a wedding ceremony?” The girl said “yes.”
G.R. No. 247754 | 7 October 2020

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mother went to the port of Manila and fetched the man.
Q: X was charged with qualified rape. Allegedly, the Since the man has nowhere to stay in Manila, the man
victim was a minor. The Information alleges that the stayed in the house of the boy and his mother.
said accused is “regarded by the victim as her
stepfather.” That was the statement in the information While the boy was sleeping, suddenly, the boy felt pain and
filed by the fiscal. Should the accused be convicted of was awakened. The boy saw that the penis of the said man
qualified rape? was inserted inside his anal orifice. The penis of the man
was inserted inside his anus. The boy cried. The man
A: NO. The Supreme Court said in this case that, although removed his penis from the anus of the boy, and thereafter,
prosecution was able to prove the minority of the girl, fondled the penis of the boy before allowing the boy to
it failed to prove the alleged relationship between the leave.
girl and the accused. The use of the phrase “regarded by
the victim as stepfather” in the information does not render The boy went to his mother. The mother came to the sala
the element of relationship as unambiguous; rather, the and told Ricalde to get out of their house. They went to the
phrase “regarded by the victim as her stepfather” rendered DSWD and to the police. A case of rape by sexual assault
the element of relationship ambiguous. was filed against Ricalde. Is Ricalde liable of rape by
sexual assault?
The phrase "regarded by the victim as her stepfather"
is not a categorical declaration of the true relationship A: YES. All the elements of rape by sexual assault are
between the victim and the accused. Hence, the said present –
accused cannot be convicted of qualified rape under Art.
266-B. 1. The offender is Ricalde and the offended party is
the boy;
RULING: The Information used the phrase "regarded by
the victim as her stepfather", which rendered the element 2. The said offender inserted his penis into the anal
of relationship ambiguous. The term "regarded by the orifice of the said young boy; and
victim as her stepfather" is not a categorical declaration of
the true relationship between XXX and AAA. Based on this
3. Since the boy is only 10 years old and under 16
averment, it is unclear whether XXX was indeed legally
AAA's stepfather, or whether he was only regarded by her years old, therefore, it is rape by sexual assault.
as a stepfather but without the existence of any legitimate
relationship between them. The Information, thus, failed to On direct testimony, the boy was able to state that he saw
distinctly state the element of relationship. the penis inserted inside his anus. But, on cross-
examination by the counsel of the accused, the boy said
In any event, the relationship of XXX being AAA's that this time, he is not sure if the said penis fully
stepfather was not duly proven. penetrated his anal orifice.

Evidently, with respect to qualified rape, the relationship The Supreme Court said it is immaterial. By analogy, in
between a stepfather and a stepdaughter assumes the case of rape by sexual assault, the moment the said
existence of a legitimate relationship, that is, the stepfather penis touches the anal orifice, there is already rape by
should be legally married to the stepdaughter's mother. sexual assault. It is not necessary that there be full or
complete penetration of the anal orifice by the said penis
XXX's admission that he is the stepfather of AAA cannot of the accused.
be considered as conclusive evidence to prove the
relationship because the marriage contract remains to be Q: The Court, in this case, convicted Ricalde by rape
the best evidence to prove the fact of marriage between with sexual assault in relation to R.A. No. 7610. What
XXX and BBB. Said admission did not dispense with the is the purpose? Why is it necessary for the court to
burden of the prosecution to adduce in evidence the state that it must be in relation to R.A. No. 7610?
marriage contract itself.
A: The reason is, if the conviction is only for rape by sexual
assault, the penalty is only prision mayor. But, if it is rape
ANTI-CHILD ABUSE LAW (R.A. NO. 7610) by sexual assault in relation to R.A. No. 7610, the
penalty would be reclusion temporal in its medium
G.R. No. 211002 | 21 January 2015
Therefore, so as to increase the imposable penalty, it must
FACTS: In People v. Ricalde, the boy was 10 years old be in relation to R.A. No. 7610, considering that the said
and he has a textmate. The said textmate was invited by offended party is a minor.
the boy to go to Manila. He was said to be a very distant
relative. When the said man arrived at the port of Manila, CHILD PROSTITUTION AND OTHER SEXUAL ABUSE
the boy asked her mother to fetch the man. And so, the

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Section 5. Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse. – Sec. 5(b) has been amended by R.A. No. 11648. The
Children, whether male or female, who for money, profit, or amendment is only qualification. Under Sec. 5(b), those
any other consideration or due to the coercion or influence who commit the act of sexual intercourse or lascivious
of any adult, syndicate or group, indulge in sexual conduct with a child exploited in prostitution and other
intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to be sexual abuse are liable –
children exploited in prostitution and other sexual abuse.
1. Provided, that when the victim is under sixteen
The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium period to (16) years old, the perpetrators shall be
reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon the following: prosecuted for rape or acts of lasciviousness
under the RPC,
(a) Those who engage in or promote, facilitate or induce
child prostitution which include, but are not limited to, the 2. Provided further, that the penalty for lascivious
following: conduct when the victim is under sixteen (16)
years of age shall be reclusion temporal in its
(1) Acting as a procurer of a child prostitute; medium period.
(2) Inducing a person to be a client of a child prostitute by
means of written or oral advertisements or other similar So, the amendment brought about by R.A. No. 11648 is on
means; the age of the victim. Before, it was under 12 years, now it
(3) Taking advantage of influence or relationship to procure is under 16 years of age.
a child as prostitute;
(4) Threatening or using violence towards a child to ATTEMPT TO COMMIT CHILD PROSTITUTION
engage him as a prostitute; or
(5) Giving monetary consideration goods or other Section 6. Attempt To Commit Child Prostitution. – There
pecuniary benefit to a child with intent to engage such child is an attempt to commit child prostitution under Section 5,
in prostitution. paragraph (a) hereof when any person who, not being a
relative of a child, is found alone with the said child inside
(b) Those who commit the act of sexual intercourse or the room or cubicle of a house, an inn, hotel, motel,
lascivious conduct with a child exploited in prostitution or pension house, apartelle or other similar establishments,
subjected to other sexual abuse: Provided, That when the vessel, vehicle or any other hidden or secluded area under
victim is under sixteen (16) years of age, the perpetrators circumstances which would lead a reasonable person to
shall be prosecuted under Article 335, paragraph 2, for believe that the child is about to be exploited in prostitution
rape and Article 336 of Act No. 3815, as amended, and other sexual abuse.
otherwise known as "The Revised Penal Code", for rape,
or lascivious conduct, as the case may be: Provided, That There is also an attempt to commit child prostitution, under
the penalty for lascivious conduct when the victim is under paragraph (b) of Section 5 hereof when any person is
sixteen (16) years of age shall be reclusion temporal in its receiving services from a child in a sauna parlor or bath,
medium period; and massage clinic, health club and other similar
establishments. A penalty lower by two (2) degrees than
(c) Those who derive profit or advantage therefrom, that prescribed for the consummated felony under Section
whether as manager or owner of the establishment where 5 hereof shall be imposed upon the principals of the
the prostitution takes place, or of the sauna, disco, bar, attempt to commit the crime of child prostitution under this
resort, place of entertainment or establishment serving as Act, or, in the proper case, under the Revised Penal Code.
a cover or which engages in prostitution in addition to the
activity for which the license has been issued to said Under Sec. 6 of R.A. No. 7610, there is an attempt to
establishment. (As amended by R.A. No. 11648, 04 March commit child prostitution when –
1. Any person who is not a relative of the said child
Under Sec. 5 of R.A. No. 7610, the Anti-Child Abuse Law,
children, whether male or female, who for money, profit, or 2. is found alone with the said child inside the room
any other consideration or due to the coercion or influence or cubicle of a house, an inn, hotel, motel, pension
of any adult, syndicate or group, indulge in sexual house, apartelle or other similar establishments,
intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to be vessel, vehicle or any other hidden or secluded
children exploited in prostitution and other sexual abuse. area
Under Sec. 5(b), the law provides that those who commit 3. under circumstances which would lead a
the act of sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct with a reasonable person to believe that the child is
child exploited in prostitution or subjected to other sexual about to be exploited in prostitution and other
abuse shall be punished. sexual abuse.

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OTHER ACTS OF NEGLECT, ABUSE, CRUELTY OR For purposes of this Act, the penalty for the commission of
EXPLOITATION AND OTHER CONDITIONS acts punishable under Articles 248, 249, 262, paragraph 2,
PREJUDICIAL TO THE CHILD'S DEVELOPMENT and 263, paragraph 1 of Act No. 3815, as amended, the
Revised Penal Code, for the crimes of murder, homicide,
Section 10. Other Acts of Neglect, Abuse, Cruelty or other intentional mutilation, and serious physical injuries,
Exploitation and Other Conditions Prejudicial to the Child's respectively, shall be reclusion perpetua when the victim is
Development. – under twelve (12) years of age. The penalty for the
commission of acts punishable under Article 337, 339, 340
(a) Any person who shall commit any other acts of child and 341 of Act No. 3815, as amended, the Revised Penal
abuse, cruelty or exploitation or to be responsible for other Code, for the crimes of qualified seduction, acts of
conditions prejudicial to the child's development including lasciviousness with the consent of the offended party,
those covered by Article 59 of Presidential Decree No. 603, corruption of minors, and white slave trade, respectively,
as amended, but not covered by the Revised Penal Code, shall be one (1) degree higher than that imposed by law
as amended, shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor in its when the victim is under twelve (12) years age.
minimum period.
The victim of the acts committed under this section shall
(b) Any person who shall keep or have in his company a be entrusted to the care of the Department of Social
minor sixteen (16) years of age or under or who is ten (10) Welfare and Development. (As amended by R.A. No.
years or more his junior in any public or private place, hotel, 11648)
motel, beer joint, discotheque, cabaret, pension house,
sauna or massage parlor, beach, and/or other tourist or Sec. 10(b) of R.A. No. 7610 has been amended by R.A.
similar places shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor in its 11648.
maximum period and a fine of not less that Fifty thousand
pesos (P50,000.00): Provided, That this provision shall not Based on the amendment brought about by R.A. No.
apply to any person who is related within fourth degree of 11648 on Sec. 10 of R.A. No. 7610, the law now punishes
consanguinity or affinity or any blood recognized by law, any person who shall keep or have in his company a
local custom and tradition or acts in the performance of a minor 16 years of age or under or who is 10 years or
social, moral or legal duty. more his junior in any public or private place, hotel, motel,
beer joint, discotheque, cabaret, pension house, sauna or
(c) Any person who shall induce, deliver or offer a minor to massage parlor, beach, and/or other tourist or similar
any one prohibited by this Act to keep or have in his places shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor in its
company a minor as provided in the preceding paragraph maximum period and a fine of not less than Fifty thousand
shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor in its medium pesos (P50,000.00).
period and a fine of not less than Forty thousand pesos
(P40,000); Provided, however, That should the perpetrator XPN: When the parties are related within the fourth degree
be an ascendant, stepparent or guardian of the minor, the of consanguinity or affinity or any blood recognized by law,
penalty to be imposed shall be prision mayor in its local custom and tradition or acts in the performance of a
maximum period, a fine of not less than Fifty thousand social, moral or legal duty.
pesos (P50,000), and the loss of parental authority over
the minor. Q: X is 22 years old. He was sitting on a bench at
Luneta Park, a public place. While X was there alone,
(d) Any person, owner, manager or one entrusted with the here comes Y, a 17-year-old sampaguita vendor. Y sat
operation of any public or private place of accommodation, beside X and he offered X her sampaguita. More than
whether for occupancy, food, drink or otherwise, including that, Y offered to X herself at the price of P1,000. While
residential places, who allows any person to take along Y was talking to X, the police arrived. The police
with him to such place or places any minor herein arrested X and charged X under Sec. 10(b) of R.A. No.
described shall be imposed a penalty of prision mayor in 7610. Is X liable as charged?
its medium period and a fine of not less than Fifty thousand
pesos (P50,000), and the loss of the license to operate A: NO, X is not liable as charged. Under Sec. 10(b) of
such a place or establishment. R.A. No. 7610, as amended by R.A. No. 11648, what the
law punishes is any person who shall keep or have in his
(e) Any person who shall use, coerce, force or intimidate a company a minor sixteen (16) years old or under or who is
street child or any other child to; ten (10) years or more his junior in any public or private
(1) Beg or use begging as a means of living; place, hotel, motel, etc.
(2) Act as conduit or middlemen in drug trafficking or
pushing; or In this case, X is not liable because, first, the said girl Y
(3) Conduct any illegal activities, shall suffer the penalty of was neither kept nor in the company of X. Rather, it was
prision correccional in its medium period to reclusion Y who approached X, who was just sitting at Luneta Park
perpetua. and then talked to X.

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Another reason is, Y is neither 16 years old nor 10 years The son of the neighbor told his parents what
the junior of X. Y is 17 years old and only 5 years younger happened. The parents were mad at the mother. The
than X. Therefore, X cannot be held liable by R.A. No. said mother slapped their 12-year-old son and
7610. thereafter pushed him down on the ground. By reason
thereof, the said parents of the 12-year-old boy filed a
Q: In the same problem, when X, 22 years old, was case of violation of R.A. No. 7610 against the said
seated there, Y went to him and offered her mother for allegedly physically abusing their 12-year-
sampaguita and herself. X accepted the offer of Y and old son by slapping his face and pushing him down to
brought Y in a motel and had sexual intercourse with the ground. Is the woman liable as charged for
her, and thereafter paid her the price of P1,000, the violation of R.A. No. 7610?
amount asked by Y. Is X liable under R.A. No. 7610?
A: Starting with the case of Bongalon v. People (2013),
A: YES. X is liable under Sec. 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610. All and thereafter in the cases of Jabalde v. People (2016),
the elements of Sec. (b) are present – Calaoagan v. People (2019) and henceforth, the Supreme
Court said the laying of hands against a child, when
1. First, X commits the act of sexual intercourse, done at the spur of the moment and in anger, cannot
be deemed as an act of child abuse under Sec. 10(a) of
2. Next, the said act was performed with Y who is a R.A. No. 7610 absent the essential element of intent to
child exploited in prostitution or subjected to other debase, degrade, or demean the intrinsic worth and
sexual abuse, and dignity of the said child as a human being.
3. Lastly, Y is below 18 years old. In this case, the mother saw her son being bullied. It
happened at the spur of the moment. She was filled with
In this case, Y is a child exploited in prostitution and other
anger. At that precise moment, when she slapped the
sexual abuse because she indulges in sexual intercourse
neighbor’s son, when she pushed the neighbor’s son, it
or lascivious conduct for money, profit, or any other
cannot be said that she has the intent to debase, degrade,
consideration. She was the one who asked for P1,000,
or demean the intrinsic worth and dignity of the said 12-
selling her body to X. Therefore, when X gave in, X became
year-old neighbor’s son. It happened at the spur of the
criminally liable under Sec. 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610.
moment and it only shows the mother’s care and love and
concern for the safety of her own child who was only 7
Section 10. Other Acts of Neglect, Abuse, Cruelty or years old.
Exploitation and Other Conditions Prejudicial to the Child's
Development. –
Therefore, in this case, the said mother cannot be held
liable for child abuse under R.A. No. 7610.
(a) Any person who shall commit any other acts of child
abuse, cruelty or exploitation or to be responsible for other Instead, the said mother should be held liable only for
conditions prejudicial to the child's development including slight physical injuries.
those covered by Article 59 of Presidential Decree No. 603,
as amended, but not covered by the Revised Penal Code, BONGALON v. PEOPLE
as amended, shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor in its G.R. No. 169533 | 20 March 2013
minimum period.
FACTS: Jayson and Roldan, his older brother, both
Q: The mother arrived home from work. It was about minors, joined the evening procession for the Santo Niño
5:30 to 6:00 p.m. She was walking a few distance away at Oro Site in Legazpi City. When the procession passed
from the house. She could vividly see her 7-year-old in front of the petitioner Bongalon’s house, the latter's
son. Her son was slapped by the 12-year-old son of the daughter Mary Ann Rose, also a minor, threw stones at
neighbor. She saw her son fall on the ground. The Jayson and called him "sissy". Bongalon confronted
mother was shocked. She was running, and at that Jayson and Roldan and called them names like "strangers"
particular moment, the 12-year-old son of the neighbor and "animals".
collared her 7-year-old son and thereafter boxed the
chest of her son twice. Her son was crying. Bongalon then struck Jayson at the back with his hand,
and slapped Jayson on the face. He then went to the
The mother came rushing. When the mother came to brothers' house and challenged Rolando, their father, to a
the scene, she immediately held the shirt of the 12- fight, but Rolando did not come out of the house to take on
year-old boy, slapped the boy two times, and pushed Bongalon.
the said son of the neighbor. She told the son of the
neighbor, “You are so big for my son. Why did you do RULING: Bongalon’s acts did not constitute child abuse.
this to my son?” And the mother carried her 7-year-old
child inside the house in order to give some The records did not establish beyond reasonable doubt
medication for the injuries sustained by the boy. that his laying of hands on Jayson had been intended to

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debase the "intrinsic worth and dignity" of Jayson as a otherwise, the accused cannot be convicted under Sec. 10
human being, or that he had thereby intended to humiliate (a) of R.A. No. 7610.
or embarrass Jayson.
Verily, as the prosecution in this case failed to specify any
The records showed the laying of hands on Jayson to have intent to debase, degrade, or demean the intrinsic worth of
been done at the spur of the moment and in anger, AAA and BBB, petitioner cannot be held criminally liable
indicative of his being then overwhelmed by his fatherly under Sec. 10 (a) of R.A. No. 7610.
concern for the personal safety of his own minor daughters
who had just suffered harm at the hands of Jayson and Nonetheless, even if BBB was still a minor, the Court
Roldan. With the loss of his self-control, he lacked that affirms that petitioner is guilty of the crime of slight physical
specific intent to debase, degrade or demean the intrinsic injuries in Criminal Case No. 4878-R because the
worth and dignity of a child as a human being that was so prosecution failed to prove the specific intent to debase,
essential in the crime of child abuse. degrade or demean the intrinsic worth of the child.
Petitioner's act of hitting BBB resulted in the latter's injuries
Considering that Jayson's physical injury required five to requiring medical attendance for one (1) to nine (9) days,
seven days of medical attention, the petitioner was liable which is within the definition of slight physical injuries.
for slight physical injuries.
G.R. No. 222974 | 20 March 2019

FACTS: At around 12:00 midnight on October 31, 2004, Q: X and Y had been living together for two years. They
they were on their way home to Barangay Poblacion, have been cohabiting for two years. They were renting
Rosales, Pangasinan, when they encountered petitioner an apartment. It used to be a happy cohabitation until
Calaoagan accompanied by two persons. Calaoagan, X told Y, “I want out of the relationship.” X went into
seemingly annoyed by AAA and BBB, brought AAA near the room and packed her things. She wanted to get out
the church and hit AAA's right shoulder with a stone. BBB of the said apartment that the both of them were
followed petitioner and AAA, which prompted petitioner to renting. After X packed her clothing, Y was there
punch BBB on the right cheek. standing at the door of the apartment. Y told X, “You
cannot leave. We made a pact that we will be together
Meanwhile, Calaoagan alleged that he and his two until the end. I cannot allow you to leave. You have to
companions passed by a group of persons which included fulfill your promise that you will not leave.” However,
AAA and BBB. The group shouted "Hoy!" at them, which X was firm. She said, “I want out of the relationship. I
impelled him to shout back "Hoy!" at the group. Thereafter, no longer love you.”
AAA and BBB's group started hurling stones at him and his
companions, which made them run to petitioner's house. Upon hearing those words, Y became very mad. Y
slapped X two times and thereafter pushed her. Y even
RULING: The Court finds that the prosecution did not tried to strangle the neck of X. X fell and was crying
present any iota of evidence to show petitioner's intent to aloud. When her luggage had fallen and her clothing
debase, degrade, or demean the intrinsic worth of the child was out, she picked them up, placed them again inside
victim. The records do not show that petitioner's act of the luggage and thereafter, for the second time, tried
hitting the victims had been intended to place the latter in to leave the house. However, Y was still at the doorstep
an embarrassing, shameful, and demeaning situation. and Y pushed her so hard she fell again on the floor
There was no indication that petitioner had any specific and while X was down on the floor, Y kept on hurting
intent to humiliate and degrade AAA and BBB. her.

On the contrary, the Court finds that petitioner inflicted the Because of the pain, X shouted aloud. Upon hearing
injuries in the heat of argument. AAA and BBB claim that these loud shouts of Y, X left the place. The moment Y
it was petitioner's group that first annoyed the former's left, X hurriedly packed up her things and got out of
group; while petitioner claims that it was AAA and BBB's the said apartment. X filed a case for violation of R.A.
group that initiated the shouting match. Nevertheless, it is No. 9262 against Y before the Office of the Public
clear that the altercation between AAA, BBB, and petitioner Prosecutor. When Y filed the counter-affidavit, Y
only occurred when their groups met on the street without stated that R.A. No. 9262 will not lie against her
any prior confrontation. because she too is a woman. Theirs is a lesbian
relationship. According to her, R.A. No. 9262 will only
As observed in the cases of Bongalon, Jabalde, and lie against a man, but not against a woman like her.
Escolano, when the infliction of physical injuries against a R.A. No. 9262 does not apply to lesbian relationships.
minor is done at the spur of the moment, it is imperative for Is Y’s argument meritorious?
the prosecution to prove a specific intent to debase,
degrade, or demean the intrinsic worth of the child;

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A: Y’s argument has no merit. Under R.A. No. 9262,
Violation Against Women and their Children, refers to any First, Section 9 of R.A. No. 9262 which expressly allows
act or series of act committed by any person against: parents or guardians of the offended party to file a petition
for protection order does not qualify which parent of the
1. A woman who is: victim may apply. Therefore, even a father, as a parent, is
not disqualified from filing such petition of protection order
a. his wife; in favor of his aggrieved child.
b. a former wife;
c. with whom that person has or had a sexual or Second, R.A. No. 9262 may cover a situation wherein the
dating relationship; mother committed violent and abusive acts against her
d. with whom he has a common child; or own child. The Supreme Court said, under Section 3(a)
which defines “violence against women and their children,”
2. her child whether legitimate or illegitimate within or in addition to that, the World Health Organization said,
without the family abode violence against children includes all forms of violence
against people under 18 years, whether perpetrated by
which resulting or slightly to resulting physical, sexual, parents, caregivers, peers, romantic partners, or strangers.
psychological harm or suffering, or economic abuse. In the Therefore, the Supreme Court said, very clearly, mothers
case of Garcia v. Drilon, the Supreme Court said, Violence may be the offenders under R.A. No. 9262.
Against Women and their Children may also be committed
against a woman with whom has or had sexual Prof: This is en banc. But, just like recent en banc cases,
relationship. The law used the phrase “any person against there are many dissenting opinions – even the Chief
a woman”. Supreme Court said, the use of the gender- Justice dissented. I agree with the dissent because VAWC
neutral word “any person,” encompasses even lesbian is in favor of the woman and the child. You can file against
relationships. Hence, there is no merit to the contention that woman any other case but it would not fall under R.A.
that R.A No. 9262 would apply only to a man as the culprit. No. 9262. But, en banc is en banc. Majority is majority. So,
yes, a father can apply on behalf of the child a Temporary
So, in the said case, the Supreme said, whether the Protection and Custody Order against the mother of the
offender is a man or a woman, it is immaterial. What is only child herself.
required is the relationship, the connection between the
said woman victim and the said offender accused. They Q: X and Y are married. Y learned that X was having an
must be related by marriage, former marriage, or in a extramarital affair with Z. Y filed a case of violation of
sexual or dating relationship, or with whom they had a Section 5(i), Psychological Violence under R.A. No.
child. 9262 against X. Is X liable as charged for violation of
Section 5(i) of R.A. No. 9262?
Q: X and Y are married. X is an American Citizen while
Y is the Filipino wife. They separated because Y, the A: YES. In the case Araza v. People, XXX v. People,
wife, was having an extramarital affair. So, the Supreme Court said, the accused husband is liable for
American husband left her. Their child was with the violation of Section 5(i) of R.A. No. 9262 for having an
said woman. Since then, Y has been verbally, extramarital affair thereby causing psychological violence,
physically, and psychologically abusing their emotional distress on the part of the said wife.
daughter. The said woman was into drugs. The said
American husband could not take it anymore. So, he Section 5(i) of R.A. No. 9262 penalizes psychological
filed a petition for the issuance of a Temporary and violence inflicted against the woman and their children.
Permanent Protection Order against Y.
SECTION 5. Acts of Violence Against Women and Their
Can a father apply for a Protection and Custody Order Children. - The crime of violence against women and their
under R.A. No. 9262 on behalf of his daughter against children is committed through any of the following acts:
the daughter’s very own mother? Can a woman be the
accused in R.A. No. 9262? Can the said protection (i) Causing mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule or
order be issued against the woman in R.A. No. 9262? humiliation to the woman or her child, including, but not
limited to, repeated verbal and emotional abuse, and
A: YES. The Supreme Court said YES in the case of denial of financial support or custody of minor children of
Knutson v. Judge Flores, en banc, G.R. No. 239215, July access to the woman's child/children.
12, 2022. (Recently uploaded last February 06, 2023)
Elements of Section 5(i) of R.A. No. 9262
In the said case, the Supreme Court said, R.A. No. 9262
allows the father of the offended party to apply for a 1. The offended party is a woman and/or her child;
Protection and Custody Order. So, the father is allowed to
apply on behalf of the offended child. The reasoning given 2. The woman is either –
by the Supreme Court in this en banc case are: a. The wife

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b. Former wife of the offender psychological pain, emotional distress, mental pain was
c. With whom the offender has or had a being felt by the said wife in the Philippines. Therefore,
sexual or dating relationship or Philippine Courts will have jurisdiction.
d. With whom the offender has a common
child; and Q: X and Y are husband and wife. They have been in a
long-time bf/gf relationship. Thereafter, they got
3. The offender causes on the woman and/or her married. Just six months from their marriage, the
child mental or emotional anguish; and husband has to go to Brunei for work. In order to go to
a foreign land, they needed P80,000.00 or more as
4. The anguish is caused through acts of placement fee. But they do not have the said money.
psychological violence. What they did, they borrowed money from one of their
sponsors – one of their ninang. The husband promised
And under Section 3(c) of R.A. No. 9262, the law defines that he will be sending money to the wife as payment
psychological violence as acts or omissions causing or for the said money that they borrowed.
likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the victim
such as but not limited to intimidation, harassment, When the husband was there in Brunei, he was able to
stalking, damage to property, public ridicule or humiliation, send money to the wife here in the Philippines. In fact,
repeated verbal abuse and mental infidelity. Therefore, the amount of money sent to the wife was more or less
marital infidelity is one of the acts or omissions punished P70,000.00. So, konting konti na lang mababayaran na
as producing psychological violence under Section 3(c) of yung utang. Then suddenly, the husband stopped
R.A. 9262. sending money to the wife in payment to the obligation
to the ninang. The husband stopped giving support to
So, in this case, the offender, the accused husband, for the wife. The wife felt embarrassed to their ninang. Not
having an extramarital affair with another woman, can be only that, according to the wife, she suffered mental
held liable of Section 5(i) of R.A. No. 9262. Psychological and emotional anguish. She was denied financial
violence is the means employed by the husband. The support due her. So, she felt embarrassed, humiliated
emotional anguish, mental suffering which are the effects from the people in the neighborhood. Hence, the said
brought about emotional distress on the part of the said wife filed a case for violation of Section 5(i) of R.A. No.
woman, the wife. 9262 against the said husband for bringing upon her
psychological violence.
Q: X and Y are husband and wife. X, the husband was
having an extramarital affair. However, the said In his testimony, the husband said that, yes at first, he
extramarital affair was happening in a foreign land, not has been sending money. However, he failed to do so
in the Philippines. The wife learned about it. The wife after because the place where he was working was
felt emotional pain, mental distress. She had sleepless razed by fire. He also met an accident and needed
nights and was always crying. So, she filed a money for hospitalization. He has not yet found a job.
complaint of violation of Section 5(i) of R.A. No. 9262 According to him, he is very dependent from other
against the husband in the Philippines even if the illicit people for monetary considerations. He really has no
relationship is happening in a foreign land. May a money to send to his wife here in the Philippines.
complaint for psychological violence under R.A. No.
9262 be filed in the Philippines? Is the said husband liable under Section 5(i) of R.A. No.
A: YES. In the case of AAA v. BBB, Supreme Court said,
even if the alleged extramarital affair causing the wife A: NO, the husband is not liable. Under Section 5(i) of
mental and emotional anguish is committed abroad – in a R.A. No. 9262, the law considers as violence against
foreign land – the Philippine Courts have jurisdiction. women and their children those acts which cause mental
Because what R.A. No. 9262 criminalizes is not the marital and emotional anguish, public ridicule, or humiliation to the
infidelity per se, but the psychological violence causing woman or her child.
mental and emotional suffering on the wife who is in the
Philippines. In the case of Acharon v. People, en banc, the Supreme
Court said, Acharon is not liable for violation of Section 5(i),
Further, the SC said, if you will look at Section 7 of R.A. Psychological Abuse. Likewise, he cannot be held liable
No. 9262, the acts of violence against women and their for Section 5(e), Economic Abuse of R.A. No 9262. Section
children may manifest as transitory or continuing 5(i) and Section 5(e) are acts mala in se and not acts mala
crimes. Therefore, since they are transitory or continuing prohibita even if R.A. No. 9262 is a violation of special
crimes, even if the marital affair was happening abroad, the penal law. Since Section 5(i) (Psychological Violence) and

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Section 5(e) (Economic Abuse) are acts mala in se, there Philippines, he could not send any money because he too
must be concurrence of both, the actus reus and mens rea is financially dependent on his siblings.
to constitute a crime. It is not enough for a woman to
experience mental and emotional anguish for her partner FIRST ISSUE: Is Calingasan liable for violation of
to deny her financial support that is legally due her. Section 5(i) of R.A. No. 9262?

SC: NO. The Supreme Court cited Acharon. In the case of

In order for the said man to be criminally liable under
Acharon v. People, en banc, the Supreme Court clarified
Section 5(i) in so far as it deals denial of financial support, that failure or inability to provide financial support per se is
there must be evidence on record that, the accused not a criminal act punished under Section 5(i) of R.A. No.
willfully and consciously withheld financial support 9262. What Section 5(i) punishes is the act of inflicting
legally due to the said woman for the purpose of inflicting psychological violence against women and their children
upon her mental and emotional anguish. In other words, by willfully and consciously denying them the legal support
there must be the concurrence of the mens rea and actus due them.
reus. The actus reus is the willful denial of support and
means rea is the intention, why did he willfully deny In this case, Supreme Court said, Calingasan cannot be
support? Because his intention is to inflict mental and held liable because he was able to prove that while in
emotional anguish to the said wife. Canada, he was charged with sexual assault, imprisoned,
and lost his job. Definitely, he doesn’t have the money.
In this case, the man, Acharon, was able to prove that he Calingasan did not deliberately denied his wife and his son
financial support for the purpose of causing them mental
did not willfully and consciously withheld financial support
and emotional anguish. He failed to give support due to
legally due to the wife for the purpose of inflicting mental circumstances beyond his control.
and emotional anguish upon her. It just so happened
because he too, runs out of funds while he was in a foreign SECOND ISSUE: If Calingasan is not liable under
land. Therefore, SC said, Acharon is not liable under R.A. Section 5(i) of R.A. No. 9262, can he be held liable
No. 9262. under Section 5(e) for Economic Abuse?

CALINGASAN v. PEOPLE SC: NO. In the case of Melgar v. People, and Reyes v.
G.R. No. 239313 | 15 February 2022 People, the Supreme Court applied the variance doctrine
that an accused can be convicted of Section 5(e) instead
The case of Acharon v. People, en banc (2021) was of Section 5(i) as long as the denial or deprivation of
repeated in the case of Calingasan v. People (2022). financial support by the accused has been established by
the prosecution. According to the Supreme Court, Section
In this case, X and Y are husband and wife. They were 5(e) specifically penalizes the deprivation of financial
both seafarers. They got married in Manila. After a year, support by itself even in the absence of psychological
the wife gave birth to a son. Their marriage was marred violence. So, in these two cases of Melgar v. People and
with frequent quarrels until the husband could not take it Reyes v. People, the SC said, Section 5(e) is necessarily
anymore. The husband left the conjugal house. The included in Section 5(i) when it comes to denial of support.
husband resigned from his work as a seafarer and left the Therefore, if the husband cannot be convicted under
Philippines and migrated to Canada together with his Section 5(i), then he can be convicted under Section 5(e)
family. The wife and the child were here in the Philippines. based on the variance doctrine.

At first, Y had been giving support to the son. However, he Supreme Court, however said that, these decision in
stopped giving support some time in 2009. According to Melgar v. People and Reyes v. People, has already been
the wife, her husband in Canada found another woman. abandoned by the Supreme Court in the case of Acharon
Because of that, because of the willful denial of financial v. People. In the case of Acharon and Calingasan, the SC
support legally due her, she and her child had been clarified that Section 5(e) and Section 5 (i) of R.A. No. 9262
suffering from mental and emotional anguish. So, she filed penalized two distinct crimes. Section 5(i) punishes the
a case for violation of Section 5(i) under R.A. No. 9262 willful infliction of psychological violence upon the woman
against the husband. and her child by denying them the financial support legally
due them. On the other hand, Section 5(e) penalizes the
The defense of the husband is that, he stopped giving deprivation of financial support for the purpose of
support because while in Canada, he was convicted of controlling or restricting the woman of her child’s
sexual assault. He was incarcerated – placed behind bars. movement or conduct. Therefore, Section 5(i) and
When he was released from prison, he lost his job and Section 5(e) punishes different acts. Hence, the
could not find any. According to him, until now, until the variance doctrine cannot and will not apply. In this
time he has no job, he merely depended on his family, his case, the SC again acquitted Calingasan.
siblings in Canada for support. Hence, according to him,
although he wanted to give support to his child in the ANTI-HAZING LAW

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customer for you.” Since X was in need of money, X
R.A. No. 8049, as amended by R.A. No. 11053 totally agreed.
banned or prohibited hazing in the Philippines. What is only
allowed would be initiation rites without any form of The next day, Y went back to X and told the latter that
violence involved. he already found a customer for her. X dressed up and
thereafter, Y brought X to the said customer. X had
In the case of Dungo v. People, Supreme Court said, the sexual intercourse with the said customer and
crime of hazing is malum prohibitum and not mala in se. thereafter, the said customer gave X P2,000.00. The
The act of hazing itself is not inherently immoral or wrong moment X accepted the P2,000.00 from the customer,
but the law deems the same to be an act against public X gave the share of Y P600.00. What crime is
policy and public morals and therefore, it must be committed by Y?
prohibited. Therefore, criminal intent is immaterial in the
crime of hazing. Good faith is immaterial. Therefore, you A: In the case of Brozoto v. People, G.R. No. 233420, April
cannot raise as defense in the crime of hazing that the 28, 2021, the Supreme Court said, Y committed two crimes
offenders had no intention to commit so grave a wrong as – Qualified Trafficking in Persons under R.A. No. 9208,
that committed. as amended and Violation of Section 5(a) of R.A. No.
Y is liable for Qualified Trafficking in Persons under R.A.
No. 9208, as amended because the gravamen of the crime
Q: X was caught by the police in the act of offering of trafficking is the act of recruiting or using, with or without
sexual services of two girls. Both girls were 17 years consent, a fellow human being for purposes of sexual
old. X was offering them to the customers for exploitation. In this case, Y recruited X for the purpose of
P2,000.00 each. These two girls consented to the illicit prostitution and it is qualified because X is a minor.
transaction because they need money to feed their
families. When X was caught, X is now prosecuted for Y is also liable for violation of Section 5(a) of R.A. No. 7610
the crime of qualified trafficking in persons under R.A. because Y acted as a procurer of a child prostitute. Y
No. 9208, as amended. exploited X in prostitution when he procured and found a
customer to engage in a sexual intercourse with X for a fee
However, X countered that she cannot be held and for which Y was given a share in the amount of
criminally liable for qualified trafficking in persons P600.00. Therefore, the said accused is liable for two
under R.A. No. 9208. She should be acquitted of the crimes.
crime charged because according to her, these two
minors were not caught in the act of engaging sexual Q: X is 24 years old while Y is 14 years old. Y has a
intercourse with their customers. Therefore, crush on X, the 24-year-old man. X learned that this girl
according to her, she cannot be held liable for has a crush on him. So, he began sending her
qualified trafficking in persons, Is X’s argument messages on Facebook Messenger. Then X courted Y.
meritorious? Y answered X and they become lovers/sweethearts.
A: NO, X argument has no merit. Under Section 4(e) of The relationship between X and Y was discovered by
R.A. No. 9208, as amended, the law punishes the act of the mother. The mother disapproved because her
maintaining or hiring a person to engage in prostitution or daughter was too young. The mother hot very mad of
pornography. Therefore, the exploitation of minors either this relationship and told her daughter to stop seeing
through prosecution or through pornography is what is the said man. The mother has the habit of looking at
explicitly prohibited. The crime of trafficking in persons is the social media account of her daughter. Until one
consummated even if there is no sexual intercourse time the mother read the conversation between her
ongoing between the said minor trafficked and the daughter and X. The said man was coaching Y to send
customer. The mere act of transaction already him photos of her breasts and vagina to which Y did.
consummates the crime. The two minors’ acquiescence, When X asked her to undress herself and to take
approval, or consent to the illicit transaction is not even photos of her breasts and vagina, Y did and sent these
considered as a circumstance which will lower the penalty photos to X.
because they are minors, they cannot give their own.
When the mother discovered these, X was charged
Q: X is 14 years old. X had a misunderstanding with with violation of Section 10(a) of R.A. No. 7610 and
her mother. Medyo napagalitan ng nanay. So, she ran Child Pornography in relation to R.A. No. 10175 or the
from home. X stayed in the house of her friend. While Cybercrime Act. Is X liable as charged?
X was staying, living in the house of her friend, X met
Y. Y asked X, “You are beautiful. Do you want to earn A: In this case of Cadajas v. People, G.R. No. 247348,
money? You can earn easy money by having sexual November 16, 2021, the RTC acquitted Cadajas for
intercourse with customers. I can find customers for
you. You can have money if you will allow me to find a

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violation of R.A. No. 7610 but convicted him of Child
Pornography in relation the Anti-Cyber Crime Act.

The Supreme Court convicted Cadajas as charged. SC

said, based on the photographs and conversations in the
Facebook Messenger account, it was evident that Cadajas
obtained these photos from the girl by inducing the girl to
send her these photos of her private parts.

The photos and conversations in the FB Messenger

account were obtained and used as evidence against
Cadajas. These, according to the SC, cannot be
considered as fruit of the poisonous tree because fruits of
the poisonous tree will only apply if the persons who
obtained it are police officers or agents of the State. Here,
they were obtained by the mother. Hence, SC said,
Cadajas’ right to privacy has not been violated.

The photos were obtained because Cadajas himself gave

his password to his girlfriend Y. Considering that he was
the one who gave the password to his girlfriend, his act in
effect, Cadajas’ authorized the girl to access the same.
Therefore, he waived his right to privacy.

Supreme Court said, he is liable for Child Pornography

defined and penalized under R.A. No. 9775, as amended
because child pornography is classified as a crime mala in
se and not mala prohibita. The intent of Cadajas to abuse
the girl and engage in child pornography by inducing her to
exhibit her breast and vagina is evident. SC said, Cadajas,
being 24 years old, is one with mental maturity and should
have known that it is not only illegal but inherently wrong
for the minor to show him her private parts. Therefore,
Cadajas is liable for violation of the Child Pornography Act.

Since the same was done through the use of a computer

system, the penalty for Child Pornography shall be one
degree higher if it is in relation to the Anti Cyber Crime Act.
And since the penalty for Child Pornography under R.A.
No. 9775 is reclusion temporal in its maximum period and
a fine of P1 Million – P2 Million, the penalty to be imposed
on Cadajas would be the indivisible penalty of reclusion

It is always a degree higher if it is done through the
computer system.

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detained or threats to kill him have been
TITLE NINE: made; or
d. if the person kidnapped or detained is a
female, a public officer, or a minor.
The offender in Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention
Q: Can a public officer commit the crime?
A: YES. In the case of People v. Borja, the SC said yes. A
Article 267. Kidnapping and serious illegal detention. - Any
private individual who shall kidnap or detain another, or in public officer who detains a person for the purpose of
any other manner deprive him of his liberty, shall suffer the extorting ransom cannot be said to be acting in an official
penalty of reclusion perpetua to death: capacity. Public officials may be prosecuted under Article
267 of the RPC Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention
1. If the kidnapping or detention shall have lasted more if they act in their private capacity. The offender is a private
than three days. person or a public officer acting in his private capacity.

2. If it shall have been committed simulating public The following circumstances will make the said illegal
authority. detention serious in nature:

3. If any serious physical injuries shall have been inflicted 1. when the kidnapping or detention shall have lasted
upon the person kidnapped or detained; or if threats to kill
for more than 3 days;
him shall have been made.

4. If the person kidnapped or detained shall be a minor, 2. if it is committed by simulating public authority;
except when the accused is any of the parents, female or
a public officer. Example: pretending to be a public officer,
pretending to be a police officer, pretending to be
The penalty shall be death penalty where the kidnapping PDEA agents.
or detention was committed for the purpose of extorting
ransom from the victim or any other person, even if none 3. if any serious physical injuries have been inflicted
of the circumstances above-mentioned were present in the on the person kidnapped or detained or threats to
commission of the offense. kill him have been made; or

When the victim is killed or dies as a consequence of the 4. if the person kidnapped or detained is a female, a
detention or is raped, or is subjected to torture or
public officer, or a minor.
dehumanizing acts, the maximum penalty shall be
The moment the person kidnapped or detained is a female,
a public officer, or a minor, it is always and always serious
Elements of Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention
illegal detention.
1. The offender is a private individual;
You remove all of these circumstances, the crime
2. He kidnaps or detains another or in any other committed is Slight Illegal Detention under Article 268.
manner depriving him of his liberty;
3. The said kidnapping or detention is without legal
1. When the kidnapping or detention is for the
ground; and
purpose of extorting ransom from the victim or any
other person; or
4. The said kidnapping or detention is attended by
any of the following circumstances – 2. When the victim is killed or dies as a consequence
a. when the kidnapping or detention shall of the kidnapping or detention or raped or is
have lasted for more than 3 days; subjected to torture or dehumanizing acts.
b. if it is committed by simulating public
authority; The maximum penalty prescribed by law shall be the one
c. if any serious physical injuries have been imposed, that is DEATH PENALTY.
inflicted on the person kidnapped or

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Ransom refers to any consideration given in exchange for
the liberty of a person. It can be money or anything. The Q: X was kidnapped. The accused kidnapped X.
amount is immaterial. Even if it is only P10.00. If without Thereafter, the accused was asking the family for
the said P10.00, the victim held captive will not be ransom. However, even before ransom was paid, the
released, then the P10.00 will be considered as ransom. accused already killed the victim.
There is no such thing as miniscule amount insofar as
ransom is concerned. For as long as it is dependent on the What crime is committed by the said accused?
release of a person held captive it is considered as
ransom. A: The said accused is liable for kidnapping for ransom.

Under Article 267 last par., we have Composite Crimes or It is kidnapping for ransom because he detained X for the
Single Indivisible Offense. This is brought about by the purpose of extorting ransom from the parents. It is not
amendment made by R.A. No. 7659 or the Heinous Crimes necessary that ransom be paid. It suffices that the purpose
Law. Under the last paragraph of Article 267, when the said of the offender is to extort ransom from the victim or the
victim is killed or dies as a consequence of the kidnapping family. He killed the victim.
or detention or raped or is subjected to torture or
dehumanizing acts, maximum penalty, death shall be the PEOPLE v. DIONALDO
one imposed. G.R. No. 207949 July 23, 2014 Perlas Bernabe J:

When the victim is killed or dies as a consequence of the FACTS: At around 8 o'clock in the morning of May 16,
kidnapping or detention, we have the Special Complex 2003, Roderick Navarro dropped his brother Edwin
Crime or the Single Indivisible Offense or the Composite Navarro off at the Health Is Wealth Gym in Caloocan City.
Crime of Kidnapping with Homicide or Kidnapping and Thirty minutes later, he received a text message from
Serious Illegal Detention with Homicide or Kidnapping another brother who told him that Edwin had been
with Murder or Kidnapping with Serious Illegal kidnapped. Three (3) men, later identified as Armando,
Detention with Murder. Renato, and Mariano, forcibly dragged a bloodied Edwin
down the stairway of the gym and pushed him inside a dark
When the said victim is killed or dies as a consequence of green Toyota car. Upon receiving the message, Roderick
the kidnapping or detention, or is raped, or subjected to immediately reported the incident to the police. On the
torture or dehumanizing acts, the maximum penalty will be same day, he received a phone call from Edwin’s
imposed. kidnappers who threatened to kill Edwin if he should report
the matter to the police. The next day, Roderick received
When the victim is killed or dies as a consequence of the another call from the kidnappers, who demanded the
detention, we have the special complex crime/single payment of ransom money in the amount of
indivisible offense/composite crime of: ₱15,000,000.00. Roderick told them he had no such
money, as he only had ₱50,000.00. Eventually, the
1. Kidnapping with homicide or kidnapping and kidnappers agreed to release Edwin in exchange for the
serious illegal detention with homicide; or amount of ₱110,000.00.

2. Kidnapping with murder or kidnapping and Meanwhile, a team had been organized to investigate the
serious illegal detention with murder. kidnapping of Edwin. An employee at the Health Is Wealth
Gym confessed to PO3 Acebuche that he was part of the
If the victim is raped, it is kidnapping and serious illegal plan to kidnap Edwin, as in fact he was the one who tipped
detention with rape. the accused off on the condition that he will be given a
share in the ransom money. Rodolfo gave information on
These are considered as special complex crimes the whereabouts of his cohorts, leading to their arrest. In
(composite crimes). It is the law, through the amendment the early morning of the following day or on June 13, 2003,
brought by R.A. 7659 that combined these crimes and the PACER team found the dead body of Edwin at
brought about the penalty described which is death. Batangas, which Roderick identified.

However, in order for these special complex crimes Thus, accused-appellants as well as Virgilio were charged
(composite crimes or single indivisible offenses) to arise, it in an Information for the special complex crime of
is necessary that the very victim of the kidnapping or Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention.
detention must be the victim of the killing or rape, as the
case may be. ISSUE: Are accused-appellants are guilty of the crime of
Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention.
- If it is another person who is not the victim of
kidnapping or the detention, then the said act of HELD: YES. The appeal is devoid of merit, but the
killing or rape shall constitute a separate and Supreme Court ruled that the crime the appellants
distinct charge. committed does not merely constitute Kidnapping and

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Serious Illegal Detention, but that of the special complex It is Qualified Direct Assault with Homicide because the
crime of Kidnapping for ransom with homicide. This is in police officer is an agent of a person in authority and he
view of the victim’s (i.e., Edwin’s) death, which was (a) was assaulted by Y at the time of the performance of his
specifically charged in the Information, and (b) clearly official functions.
established during the trial of this case. Notably, while this
matter was not among the issues raised before the Court, Thus, there will be two separate and distinct charges to be
the same should nonetheless be considered in accordance filed against Y.
with the settled rule that in a criminal case, an appeal, as
in this case, throws open the entire case wide open for Q: The accused kidnapped three children and their
review, and the appellate court can correct errors, though yaya. The purpose of the accused was to extort
unassigned, that may be found in the appealed judgment. ransom from the family—the parents of the three
children. Upon payment of the ransom, the children
CASE DISCUSSION: PEOPLE V. DIONALDO were released. However, the accused was arrested.

In the case of People v. Dionaldo [G.R. No. 207949, July The accused was charged with the crime of
23, 2014], the Supreme Court said that the proper Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention for Ransom.
nomenclature of the crime is Kidnapping for Ransom
with Homicide. The purpose was to extort ransom, and Is the charge correct?
the victim was killed.
A: NO. The charge is wrong. The proper charge should be
If the victim is a woman, the proper nomenclature is four counts of Kidnapping and Serious Illegal
Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention for Ransom Detention for Ransom.
with Homicide.
The victims were three children and their yaya. It was
It is not necessary that ransom be paid or that ransom be ransom because the purpose of the accused was to extort
communicated, because it suffices that the purpose of the ransom from the parents of the victims. It must be four
kidnapping is to extort ransom from the victim or any counts because there are four victims of the kidnapping for
member of his family. the purpose of extorting ransom.

Q: X was kidnapped by Y. He was brought to Y’s PEOPLE V. ARANETA

hideout. Y called the family, asking for ransom. G.R. No. 250980 March 15, 2022 INTING, J.:
However, even before the ransom came, Y shot X
because there were police around the area— FACTS: Accused-appellant was charged with Kidnapping
apparently, when Y called X’s family, the family for Ransom under Article 267 of the RPC, together with his
contacted the police officers, and the police officers co-accused. It was alleged in the information that they had
were able to determine the place where Y brought X. kidnapped Vinz Sermonia (11 years old), Klevwelt
Sermonia (11 years old), Genritz Sermonia (9 years old)
When Y saw the police officers, he began fighting with and Eulalia Cuevas and thereafter demanded ransom
each of one of them. One of the police officers, in an money in exchange for the release of the four kidnapped
attempt to enter the hideout, was shot by Y. The police victims to the damage and prejudice of the victims who
officer died before the other police officers were able were rescued by the parents of the three children.
to arrest Y.
After trial, the RTC found all of the accused, except for
What crime/crimes is/are committed by Y? Navanes, guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the offense
charged in the Information. The RTC ruled that the criminal
A: Insofar as victim X is concerned, the crime committed is and civil liability of Navanes had been extinguished by his
kidnapping for ransom with homicide. The purpose of death after arraignment and prior to the promulgation of the
Y is to extort ransom from the family of X. In the course of Judgment. The CA likewise denied their appeal.
his detention, Y killed the victim.
Accused-appellant Araneta filed an appeal before the SC.
Insofar as the police officer who was killed is concerned, it However, the SC subsequently received a letter from CTS
shall constitute a separate and distinct charge. It shall not Supt Albert C. Manalo that accused-appellant died on
be absorbed because the police officer who was shot by Y March 10, 2021.
is not the victim of the kidnapping. For the special complex
crime to arise, it is necessary that the victim of the killing ISSUES:
must be the very victim of the kidnapping. Here, the police
officer was not the victim in the kidnapping and therefore, 1) Did accused-appellant’s death pending appeal
his killing will give rise to a separate and distinct charge of extinguish his criminal and civil liability arising from the
Qualified Direct Assault with Homicide. criminal liability (YES)
2) Was there any defect in the Information?(YES)

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In this case, the obvious intent of the man was to detain
HELD: the woman. This intent was shown by the fact that he
forcibly took the woman, boarded her in a jeepney, and
1) YES. This is pursuant to Art. 89 of the RPC. they went from one place to another. The obvious intent
Nevertheless, SC ruled that there are pertinent matters was to detain the woman for the number of times that he
in the case, other than the effects of accused- held her in captive. In doing so, he raped the woman.
appellant's death pending appeal, which require the
Court's discussion. Therefore, it will only be one single indivisible offense of
Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention with rape, and
2) YES. There should only be one (1) offense in one (1) not Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention along with
Information; however, the defect in the Information may different counts of rape.
be waived by the accused by his failure to question it.
For the guidance of the bench and the bar, the Court Q: The mother was doing her laundry. She could see
deemed it proper to discuss the defect in the her six-year old daughter playing together with other
Information involved in the case. Notably, the accused children. Thereafter, someone went to the daughter by
were charged in one (1) Information with the the name of W. W told the girl, “Do you want to come
kidnapping of the Sermonia children and Eulalia with me? I have candies and chocolates with me.” The
Cuevas (Cuevas). The Information in effect provides six year old girl went with W. W brought the girl in his
that the accused conspired to commit four (4) counts of house and had carnal knowledge with her for two
Kidnapping for Ransom. times. Thereafter, W gave her chocolates and candies.

The rule is that there should be only one (1) offense in one Meanwhile, the mother was looking for her daughter.
(1) Information. Otherwise, the Information would be She called on her husband, “Nawawala ang anak
defective such that the accused may move for the quashal natin.” They went to the police, they looked for her
of the Information and raise such defect. However, if the everywhere but they could not find the girl. They slept.
accused fails to file a motion to quash the Information, he The mother was crying.
is deemed to have waived the right to question the defect.
In the early morning, loud knocks were heard on their
CASE DISCUSSION: ARANETA V. PEOPLE door. When they opened the door, it was their
daughter. The girl was crying and there were blood
In the case of Araneta v. People [G.R. No. 250980, March stains on her clothing. The girl narrated what W did to
15, 2022], the Supreme Court said that the proper charges her. The mother went to the police station, and
should be four counts of Kidnapping and Serious Illegal thereafter the said man W was arrested.
Detention for Ransom.
W was charged with the special complex crime of
Q: X was attending a party. She then felt the need to Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention with Rape.
buy candies. X went out, and she bought candies. She
was already walking back to the party; however, before Is the charge correct?
she was able to enter the place, Y stopped his jeepney
and placed his strong arms against the neck of X. At A: NO. It should be two counts of Qualified Rape. The
knifepoint, he told X to go with him. X had no recourse victim of the rape is under seven years of age, under Art.
but to go to the jeepney where she was tied by Y. 266-B.

They went from one place to another. In every place, Y In a case, the Supreme Court said that obviously, the intent
would have carnal knowledge with X. X was raped 27 of the man is not to detain the girl. The intent of the man is
times. to rape her. Since the victim is under seven (7) years of
age, it is qualified under Art. 266-B. Since the man raped
When Y was arrested, he was charged with Kidnapping her twice, it will be two counts of Qualified Rape and not
and Serious Illegal Detention and 27 counts of rape. the special complex crime of Kidnapping and Serious
Illegal Detention with Rape.
Are the charges correct?
A: NO. The charge should only be one. It should be What you should determine is the intent of the accused.
Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention with Rape.
In this case, obviously the intent of the accused is to rape
Since it is a special complex crime, regardless of the the girl. He allowed the girl to go home the following
number of times the victim had been raped, there is only morning. No intent to detain—the intent was only to rape
one single indivisible offense of kidnapping and serious the girl. Hence, it is two counts of qualified rape under Art.
illegal detention with rape. 266-B penalized by death. But since there is no death
penalty, it must be reduced to reclusion perpetua.

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1. The offender voluntarily releases the person so
ARTICLE 268. SLIGHT ILLEGAL DETENTION kidnapped or detained within three days from the
commencement of the detention;
Article 268. Slight illegal detention. - The penalty of
reclusion temporal shall be imposed upon any private 2. Without having attained the purpose intended; and
individual who shall commit the crimes described in the
next preceding article without the attendance of any of 3. Before the institution of the criminal proceedings
circumstances enumerated therein. against him.

The same penalty shall be incurred by anyone who shall Note:

furnish the place for the perpetration of the crime. The penalty is lower by one degree. All the requisites
mentioned must concur.
If the offender shall voluntarily release the person so
kidnapped or detained within three days from the If these three are present, the release of the kidnapped
commencement of the detention, without having attained victim in slight illegal detention is a privileged mitigating
the purpose intended, and before the institution of criminal circumstance.
proceedings against him, the penalty shall be prision
mayor in its minimum and medium periods and a fine not [Articles 269-274 were skipped during lecture. The
exceeding seven hundred pesos. following are lifted from previous notes.]

Elements of Slight Illegal Detention ARTICLE 269. UNLAWFUL ARREST

1. The offender is a private individual. Article 269. Unlawful arrest. - The penalty of arresto
mayor and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos shall be
2. He kidnaps or detains another, or in any other imposed upon any person who, in any case other than
manner deprives him of his liberty. those authorized by law, or without reasonable ground
therefor, shall arrest or detain another for the purpose of
3. The act of kidnapping or detention is illegal. delivering him to the proper authorities.

4. The crime is committed without the attendance of Elements of Unlawful Arrest

any of the circumstances enumerated in Art. 267.
1. Offender arrests or detains another person.
It has the same elements as Kidnapping and Serious
Illegal Detention except that the elements or 2. The purpose of the offender is to deliver him to
circumstances that make the illegal detention serious are proper authorities.
absent. Thus:
3. The arrest or detention is not authorized by law or
a. It did not last for more than three (3) days. there is no reasonable ground therefor.

b. It is not committed by simulating public authority. Note:

No period of detention is fixed by law in Art. 269, but
c. It does not bring about serious physical injuries or the motive of the offender is controlling:
threats on the part of the victim.
1. If his purpose is to deliver him to the proper
d. The victim is not a female, a public officer, or a authorities and file a case against him without
minor. legal ground – Unlawful Arrest.

In case of Slight Illegal Detention under Art. 268, if the 2. If his intent is to detain – Arbitrary Detention.
kidnapper immediately released the kidnapped victim
voluntarily and spontaneously, such immediate release will ARTICLE 270. KIDNAPPING AND FAILURE
be considered as a privileged mitigating circumstance. The TO RETURN A MINOR
penalty will be lowered from reclusion temporal to prision
mayor. Article 270. Kidnapping and failure to return a minor. - The
penalty of reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon any
Requisites for Privileged Mitigating Circumstance to person who, being entrusted with the custody of a minor
apply person, shall deliberately fail to restore the latter to his
parents or guardians.
Before the immediate release of the victim may mitigate
the criminal liability of the offender, it is necessary that: Elements of Kidnapping and Failure to Return a Minor

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1. Offender is entrusted with the custody of a minor QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCE
person (whether over or under 7 years but less
than 21 years of age); If the purpose of the offender is to assign the offended
party to some immoral traffic (prostitution), the penalty is
2. He deliberately fails to restore the minor to his higher.
parents or guardians.
HOME Article 273. Exploitation of child labor. - The penalty of
prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods
Article 271. Inducing a minor to abandon his home. - The and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos shall be imposed upon
penalty of prision correccional and a fine not exceeding anyone who, under the pretext of reimbursing himself of a
seven hundred pesos shall be imposed upon anyone who debt incurred by an ascendant, guardian or person
shall induce a minor to abandon the home of his parent or entrusted with the custody of a minor, shall, against the
guardians or the persons entrusted with his custody. latter's will, retain him in his service.

If the person committing any of the crimes covered by the Elements of Exploiting Child Labor
two preceding articles shall be the father or the mother of
the minor, the penalty shall be arresto mayor or a fine not 1. Offender retains a minor in his service.
exceeding three hundred pesos, or both.
2. It is against the will of the minor.
Elements of Inducing a Minor to Abandon His Home
3. It is under the pretext of reimbursing himself of a
1. A minor is living in the home of his parents or debt incurred by an ascendant, guardian or any
guardian or persons entrusted with his custody. person entrusted with the custody of the child.

2. Offender induces said minor to abandon such ARTICLE 274. SERVICES RENDERED UNDER

Note: Article 274. Services rendered under compulsion in

The crime will arise even if the child has not yet left the payment of debt. - The penalty of arresto mayor in its
house of the parents or guardians. Mere inducement maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum
with intent to cause damage will suffice. period shall be imposed upon any person who, in order to
require or enforce the payment of a debt, shall compel the
Penalty for Parents in Arts. 270 and 271 debtor to work for him, against his will, as household
servant or farm laborer.
If the crimes in Arts. 270 (Kidnapping and Failure to Return
a Minor) and 271 (Inducing a Minor to Abandon his Home) Elements of Services Rendered Under Compulsion in
are committed by the father or mother of the minor, the Payment of Debt
penalty is only arresto mayor.
1. Offender compels a debtor to work for him, either
ARTICLE 272. SLAVERY as household servant or farm laborer.

Article 272. Slavery. - The penalty of prision mayor and a 2. It is against the debtor’s will.
fine of not exceeding 10,000 pesos shall be imposed upon
anyone who shall purchase, sell, kidnap or detain a human 3. The purpose is to require or enforce payment of a
being for the purpose of enslaving him. debt.

If the crime be committed for the purpose of assigning the ARTICLE 275. ABANDONMENT OF PERSON IN
offended party to some immoral traffic, the penalty shall be DANGER AND ABANDONMENT
imposed in its maximum period. OF ONE'S OWN VICTIM

Elements of Slavery Article 275. Abandonment of person in danger and

abandonment of one's own victim. - The penalty of arresto
1. The offender purchases, sells, kidnaps or detains mayor shall be imposed upon:
a human being.
1. Anyone who shall fail to render assistance to any person
2. The purpose of the offender is to enslave such whom he shall find in an uninhabited place wounded or in
human being. danger of dying, when he can render such assistance

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without detriment to himself, unless such omission shall accused who found the victim inadvertently. That is the
constitute a more serious offense. situation. He saw the victim, he did not help the victim.

2. Anyone who shall fail to help or render assistance to In this case, it was the family who brought the victim to the
another whom he has accidentally wounded or injured. numerous hospitals. Abandonment of persons will not
apply because it is necessary that it was the accused who
3. Anyone who, having found an abandoned child under chanced upon the victim in an uninhabited place, in
seven years of age, shall fail to deliver said child to the danger, wounded and dying and he failed to render
authorities or to his family, or shall fail to take him to a safe assistance when he can render it without detriment to
place. himself.

ACTS PUNISHED Q: One early morning, X was jogging. There was a

woman in the sea crying for help. She was drowning.
I. Failing to render assistance to any person two X was a celebrated swimmer, a medalist in swimming.
whom the offender found in an uninhabited place Upon seeing the woman whom he knew to be living in
wounded or in danger of dying when he can render the shore, X ignored her. He continued jogging and
such assistance without detriment to himself, hurriedly left.
unless such omission shall constitute a more
serious offense. Meanwhile, fishermen in the area saw the woman. She
was already floating, dying. The fishermen took her
Elements and gave her first aid and with God’s grace, she
1. The person wounded or dying is found in
an uninhabited place. Is X liable for abandonment of persons in danger
under Art. 275?
2. The giving of help would not be
detrimental to himself. A: YES. The said woman was dying, drowning, asking for
help. It is in an uninhabited place as it happened in the wee
3. He failed to render help. hours of the morning and no one was there. He is a
medalist and a celebrated swimmer. He can render his
II. Failing to render help or assistance to another assistance but he failed to give help.
whom the offender has accidentally wounded or
injured. Therefore, he can be held liable for abandonment of
persons in danger under Art. 275.
III. Failing to deliver a child under seven (7) years of
age whom the offender has found abandoned, to Q: X came from a party. He was tipsy as he had some
the authorities or to his family, or failing to take him liquor. He was feeling sleepy. He was driving
to a safe place. recklessly. He did not see the woman crossing the
pedestrian lane. He hit and bumped the said woman,
Q: In bar review during pandemic, a question was who died. He alighted from his car. Instead of giving
raised to me. X is suffering from covid. She could not help/administering first aid/bringing to the hospital
breathe. The family brought X from one hospital to the woman because he saw people rushing towards
another. 19 hospitals, she was refused admission as her, he left the scene, increasing his speed. He was
all were in full capacity and there were no more beds afraid he’d be ganged up by the people.
where X can be placed.
Later, he was arrested based on the testimony of the
The family was able to make a call to Juan. They found people who were able to take his plate number. He was
Juan in Pampanga. While they were on their way to charged with the Office of the Public Prosecutor of two
Pampanga through the NLEX, X died on the car. crimes: (1) Reckless Imprudence resulting in Homicide
under Art. 365; and (2) Violation of Art. 275-
The family was very mad. The family filed a case for Abandonment of Persons In Danger.
Abandoment of Persons in Danger against the 19
hospitals who refused admission to X. Will both cases prosper?

Can they be charged? A: YES. Reckless imprudence is a culpable felony.

Abandonment of persons in danger is an intentional felony.
A: NO. The first circumstance would not apply. The first After he killed the woman by means of his reckless
circumstance is failing to render assistance to any person imprudence because of negligence, he deliberately failed
two whom the offender found in an uninhabited place to administer the first aid which was within his means to
wounded or in danger of dying. It is necessary that it is the give. Because of that, he can be held liable for intentionally

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and deliberately failing to render assistance to the woman
whom he accidentally injured. What crime is committed by the said mother?

Both crimes can prosper according to the Supreme Court A: The crime committed is Abandoning a Minor under Art.
because one is based on negligence and the other is 276.
based on intent.
The mother is in custody of the child and she deliberately
Illustration of Art. 275, Third Act or and consciously abandoned her child without the intent
to kill. Obviously, there was no intent to kill because she
You found a child abandoned under seven (7) years of could have killed the said child, but she did not-- she placed
age. Any person has the obligation to bring the said child her child inside a garbage can in the restroom of an aircraft.
to a safe place. If the child cannot be brought to the parents There was no intent to kill; therefore, the crime committed
or public authorities, at least, you have to bring the child to is Abandoning a Minor under Art. 276.
a safe place. Otherwise, the said person can be held liable
under Art. 275 for such act of failing to bring a child to a ARTICLE 277. ABANDONMENT OF MINOR BY
[Arts. 276- 279 were skipped during lecture.]
Article 277. Abandonment of minor by person entrusted
ARTICLE 276. ABANDONING A MINOR with his custody; indifference of parents. - The penalty
of arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos shall
Article 276. Abandoning a minor. - The penalty of arresto be imposed upon anyone who, having charge of the
mayor and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos shall be rearing or education of a minor, shall deliver said minor to
imposed upon any one who shall abandon a child under a public institution or other persons, without the consent of
seven years of age, the custody of which is incumbent the one who entrusted such child to his care or in the
upon him. absence of the latter, without the consent of the proper
When the death of the minor shall result from such
abandonment, the culprit shall be punished by prision The same penalty shall be imposed upon the parents who
correccional in its medium and maximum periods; but if the shall neglect their children by not giving them the education
life of the minor shall have been in danger only, the penalty which their station in life require and financial conditions
shall be prision correccional in its minimum and medium permit.
The provisions contained in the two preceding paragraphs
shall not prevent the imposition of the penalty provided for 1. Abandonment of a child by a person entrusted with
the act committed, when the same shall constitute a more his custody
serious offense.
It is committed by any person who, having
Elements of Abandoning a Minor entrusted with the living and education of a minor,
shall deliver a minor to a public institution or other
1. Offender has the custody of the child. persons without the consent of the person who
2. Child is under 7 years of age. entrusted such minor to the care of the offender or,
3. He abandons such child. in his absence, without the consent of the proper
4. He has no intent to kill the child when the latter is authorities.
2. Indifference of parents
Abandoning a minor is committed by any person who has
been entrusted with the custody of a child under 7 years of It is committed by any parent who neglects any of
age and he abandons the said child permanently, his children by not giving them the education which
deliberately, and consciously with no intent to kill the said their station in life requires and financial capability
child. permits.

The penalty will be qualified if death resulted from the said ARTICLE 278. EXPLOITATION OF MINORS
abandonment or when the safety of the child has been
placed in danger. Article 278. Exploitation of minors. - The penalty of prision
correccional in its minimum and medium periods and a fine
Q: A OFW mother left her newly born child inside a not exceeding 500 pesos shall be imposed upon:
garbage bin of an aircraft/airplane. Later, she has
been arrested.

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1. Any person who shall cause any boy or girl under sixteen entrusted in any capacity with the care if such
years of age to perform any dangerous feat of balancing, child.
physical strength, or contortion.
5. Including any child under 16 years of age to
2. Any person who, being an acrobat, gymnast, rope- abandon the home of its ascendants, guardians,
walker, diver, wild-animal tamer or circus manager or curators or teachers to follow any person entrusted
engaged in a similar calling, shall employ in exhibitions of in any of the callings mentioned in paragraph 2 or
these kinds children under sixteen years of age who are to accompany any habitual vagrant or beggar, the
not his children or descendants. offender being any person.

3. Any person engaged in any of the callings enumerated These acts are considered as exploitation of minors
in the next paragraph preceding who shall employ any because these acts endanger the life and safety, the
descendant of his under twelve years of age in such growth and development of the minors. (Usually, these
dangerous exhibitions. involve circus.)

4. Any ascendant, guardian, teacher or person entrusted Note:

in any capacity with the care of a child under sixteen years If the delivery of the said child is on the basis of a
of age, who shall deliver such child gratuitously to any consideration, compensation or money, the penalty will
person following any of the callings enumerated in be QUALIFIED.
paragraph 2 hereof, or to any habitual vagrant or beggar.
If the delivery shall have been made in consideration of any Mere act of delivering the child gratuitously under 16
price, compensation, or promise, the penalty shall in every years of age means that the crime is already
case be imposed in its maximum period. committed.

In either case, the guardian or curator convicted shall also ARTICLE 280. QUALIFIED TRESPASS TO
be removed from office as guardian or curator; and in the DWELLING
case of the parents of the child, they may be deprived,
temporarily or perpetually, in the discretion of the court, of Article 280. Qualified trespass to dwelling. - Any private
their parental authority. person who shall enter the dwelling of another against the
latter's will shall be punished by arresto mayor and a fine
5. Any person who shall induce any child under sixteen not exceeding 1,000 pesos.
years of age to abandon the home of its ascendants,
guardians, curators, or teachers to follow any person If the offense be committed by means of violence or
engaged in any of the callings mentioned in paragraph 2 intimidation, the penalty shall be prision correccional in its
hereof, or to accompany any habitual vagrant or beggar. medium and maximum periods and a fine not exceeding
1,000 pesos.
The provisions of this article shall not be applicable to any
1. Causing any boy or girl under 16 to engage in any person who shall enter another's dwelling for the purpose
dangerous feat of balancing, physical strength or of preventing some serious harm to himself, the occupants
contortion, the offender being any person. of the dwelling or a third person, nor shall it be applicable
to any person who shall enter a dwelling for the purpose of
2. Employing children under 16 years of age who are rendering some service to humanity or justice, nor to
not the children or descendants of the offender in anyone who shall enter cafes, taverns, inn and other public
exhibitions of acrobat, gymnast, rope walker, houses, while the same are open.
diver, or wild animal tamer, the offender being an
acrobat, etc., or circus manager or person Elements of Qualified Trespass to Dwelling
engaged in any of said callings.
1. Offender is a private individual.
3. Employing any descendants under 12 years of age 2. He enters the dwelling of another.
in dangerous exhibitions enumerated on the next 3. Such entry is against the latter’s will.
preceding paragraph, the offender being engaged
in any of the said callings. QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCE

4. Delivering a child under 16 years of age If the offense is committed by means of violence or
gratuitously to any person if any of the callings intimidation, it is qualified trespass to dwelling.
enumerated in paragraph 2, or to any habitual
vagrant or beggar, the offender being an Re: First element
ascendant, guardian, teacher, or a person

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In case of trespass to dwelling, the offender is a private
person. As we have studied, if the offender is a public 2. The entrance is made while either of them is
officer, the crime committed is Violation of Domicile uninhabited.
under Art. 128.
3. The prohibition to enter must be manifest, yet the
Note, that trespass to dwelling may be committed by a offender enters.
public officer if the said public officer was acting in his
private capacity. Thus, if the public officer is acting in his 4. The trespasser has not secured the permission of
private capacity and he enters the dwelling of another the owner of the caretaker thereof.
against the owner’s will, he may be held liable for trespass
Re: Third element
When you say “entry”, it must be done against the will of DWELLING PROPERTY
the owner. There is either a prohibition or opposition to The offender is a private
enter, which can be express or implied: person, or a public officer The offender is any
acting in his private person.
1. Express – there is a sign board that says “Do not capacity.
enter.” The place entered into is The place entered into is
2. Implied – door is closed. inhabited. uninhabited.
The prohibition to enter
CASES TO WHICH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS The prohibition to enter is
must be manifest or
ARTICLE ARE NOT APPLICABLE express or implied.
The offender enters
Even if a person enters the dwelling of another against the closed premises or fenced
latter’s will, there is no trespass to dwelling if the entry is The offender enters the
estate without securing
done under any of the following circumstances: dwelling against the will of
the permission of the
the owner.
owner or caretaker
1. If the entry to another’s dwelling is made for the thereof.
purpose of preventing some serious harm to
himself, the occupants of the dwelling or a third ARTICLE 282. GRAVE THREATS
Article 282. Grave threats. - Any person who shall
2. If the purpose of the entry is to render service to threaten another with the infliction upon the person, honor
humanity or justice. or property of the latter or of his family of any wrong
amounting to a crime, shall suffer:
3. If the place where the entrance is made is a café,
tavern, inn and other public houses while the same 1. The penalty next lower in degree than that prescribed by
are open. law for the crime be threatened to commit, if the offender
shall have made the threat demanding money or imposing
In these instances, there is no act of trespassing. any other condition, even though not unlawful, and said
offender shall have attained his purpose. If the offender
ARTICLE 281. OTHER FORMS OF TRESPASS shall not have attained his purpose, the penalty lower by
two degrees shall be imposed.
Article 281. Other forms of trespass. - The penalty
of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos, or If the threat be made in writing or through a middleman, the
both, shall be imposed upon any person who shall enter penalty shall be imposed in its maximum period.
the closed premises or the fenced estate of another, while
either or them are uninhabited, if the prohibition to enter be 2. The penalty of arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding
manifest and the trespasser has not secured the 500 pesos, if the threat shall not have been made subject
permission of the owner or the caretaker thereof. to a condition.

This is also known as Trespass to Property. ACTS PUNISHED

Elements of Other Forms of Trespass/ Trespass to 1. By threatening another with the infliction upon his
Property person, honor or property or that of his family of
any wrong amounting to a crime coupled with the
1. The offender enters the closed premises or the demand of money or the imposition of any other
fenced estate of another.

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condition, even though not unlawful, the offender 4. The offender has attained his purpose or, that he
having attained his purpose. has not attained his purpose.

Elements The crime is Light Threats when the offender threatens to

commit a wrong to another which does not amount to a
a. The offender threatens another person crime but is always coupled with the demand of money or
with the infliction upon the latter’s person, imposition of any other condition, whether lawful or
honor or property or upon that of the unlawful.
latter’s family, of any wrong.
b. That such wrong amounts to a crime. The wrong threatened to The wrong threatened to
be committed always be committed will not
c. That there is a demand for money or that amounts to a crime. amount to a crime.
any other condition is imposed, even The threat may or may not It is always subject to a
though not unlawful. be subject to a demand of demand of money or the
money or imposition of imposition of any other
d. That the offender attains his purpose. any other condition. condition.

2. By threatening another with the infliction upon his Essence of Threat

person, honor or property or that of his family of
any wrong amounting to a crime, coupled with the The essence of grave threats or light threats is intimidation,
demand of money or the imposition of any a future harm or future wrong. It is not immediate, but in
condition, the offender not having attained his the future. This is why under Art. 282, grave threats can be
purpose. committed not only personally but also in writing or through
a middleman/third person.
3. By threatening another with the infliction upon his
person, honor or property or that of his family of If threat is committed in writing or through a middle
any wrong amounting to a crime, the threat not man under Art. 282
being subject to a demand of money or the
imposition of a condition. Under Art. 282, if the threat is committed in writing or
through a middle man, the penalty is qualified because the
Elements wrong threatened to be committed is not now; not
impending to happen, but in the future.
a. The offender threatens another person
with the infliction upon the latter’s person, If a person is charged with grave threats or light threats,
honor or property or upon that of the we have the so-called bond for good behavior:
latter’s family, of any wrong.
Article 284. Bond for good behavior. - In all cases falling
b. That such wrong amounts to a crime. within the two next preceding articles, the person making
the threats may also be required to give bail not to molest
c. That such threat is not subject to a the person threatened, or if he shall fail to give such bail,
condition. he shall be sentenced to destierro.
ARTICLE 283. LIGHT THREATS The judge will require the person to post a bond for good
behavior to ensure that he will not make good the threats
Article 283. Light threats. - Any threat to commit a wrong he made to the intended victim. If he failed to do so, he will
not constituting a crime, made in the manner expressed in be sentenced to destierro.
subdivision 1 of the next preceding article, shall be
punished by arresto mayor. ARTICLE 285. OTHER LIGHT THREATS

Elements of Light Threats Article 285. Other light threats. - The penalty of arresto
menor in its minimum period or a fine not exceeding 200
1. Offender makes a threat to commit a wrong. pesos shall be imposed upon:
2. The wrong does not constitute a crime. 1. Any person who, without being included in the provisions
of the next preceding article, shall threaten another with a
3. There is demand for money or that other condition weapon or draw such weapon in a quarrel, unless it be in
is imposed, even though not unlawful. lawful self-defense.

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2. Any person who, in the heat of anger, shall orally
threaten another with some harm (not)* constituting a Q: X and Y are living in apartments right next to each
crime, and who by subsequent acts show that he did not other. The three children of X—A, B, and C were
persist in the idea involved in his threat, provided that the bullying the child of Y, W. They were throwing upon
circumstances of the offense shall not bring it within the the girl sachets of ketchup. Because of that, W, the
provisions of Article 282 of this Code. daughter of Y, went inside. She was crying. She told Y
that those three children were bullying her.
3. Any person who shall orally threaten to do another any
harm not constituting a felony. Y was mad. She got out. When she saw the three
children, the three children still threw ketchup sachets
*Note: The word “not” is enclosed in parenthesis because towards her. No respect at all. Y, very mad, told the
the inclusion of that word in par. 2, Art. 285 is a mistake. children, “Ipapakagat ko kayo sa aso ko.” Thereafter,
(Reyes, Criminal Law Book II, [2008]) she went inside.

ACTS PUNISHED The three children of X – A, B, and C – informed their

parents of Y’s statements against them. As a result, Y
1. By threatening another with a weapon or drawing was charged with Violation of R.A. 7610 because
such weapon in the course of a quarrel, unless it allegedly, the statements made by her on the children
be done in lawful self-defense. debase, degrade, and demean the intrinsic worth and
the dignity of the minor children as human beings.
2. By orally threatening another in the heat of anger
with some harm amounting to a crime but without Is she liable as charged?
the offender persisting in the idea involved in his
threat. A: NO.

3. By orally threatening another to do some wrong In the case of Escolano v. People, the SC said that
which does not constitute a felony. Escolano (who is Y in the problem given) is not liable for
Violation of R.A. 7610. The SC said that the act of the
Note: accused in shouting invectives against the children does
Other Light Threats is only a light felony. The penalty is not constitute child abuse under R.A. 7610. Based on the
only arresto menor. facts, there is no intent on the part of the said woman to
debase, demean or degrade the intrinsic worth and dignity
Q: X called Y. X told Y, “Sige. Sige. Ituloy mo yang of the three children as human beings. Rather, those acts
gagawin mong yan. Ituloy mo yan at papatayin kita.” of shouting invectives can be considered as an act done
Thereafter, X banged down the phone. Y, startled at the by the woman in the heat of anger. It cannot be considered
statement given to him by Y, was afraid. Y was mad, as child abuse. In fact, the said woman only stated those
so he filed a case for Grave Threats against X. words because her intent was to stop the children from
their unruly behavior. She did not even persist as she did
Is X liable for Grave Threats? not let the dog bite the children.

A: YES. X is liable for Grave Threats. Thus, SC said that it is not violation of R.A. 7610, but
rather violation of Art. 285—Other Light Threats, by
Under Art. 282, Grave Threats is committed by any person orally threatening another in the heat of anger with some
who shall threaten another with the infliction upon his harm amounting to a crime without the offender persisting
person, honor, or property or that of his family of any wrong in the idea involved in the threats. She did not persist in the
amounting to a crime. idea of releasing the dogs and having them bite the
children. Hence, it is only Other Light Threats.
The Supreme Court has said in a case that the crime of
Grave Threats is consummated as soon as the threats ESCOLANO v. PEOPLE
come to the knowledge of the person being threatened. G.R. No. 226991 December 10, 2018

In this case, the moment Y came to know of X’s threats, FACTS: Private Complainants A, B and C, all minors, got
the moment that X communicated his threats to Y, even three ketchup sachets from their refrigerator and threw it at
though via phone call, the crime of Grave Threats is accused's daughter, but hit accused instead. Accused
already consummated. threatened to release her dogs to bite said children,
something the complainants reported to their mother, D.
Therefore, Y can charge X of Grave Threats and X can be When D confronted the accused, the latter hurled
convicted of Grave Threats because it is consummated as expletives, went inside her house and allegedly came out
soon as the threats come to the knowledge of the person with a bolo, telling D, "Basta bumaba kayo dito lahat,
threatened. papatayin ko kayo lahat. Tatagain ko kayo."

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An Information was filed thereafter, charging accused for Article 286. Grave coercions. - The penalty of arresto
violating R.A. 7610, for making hacking gestures with a mayor and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos shall be
Bolo and uttering insults and invectives at private imposed upon any person who, without authority of law,
complainants which "debases, demeans and degrades the shall, by means of violence, prevent another from doing
intrinsic worth and dignity of the said minors as human something not prohibited by law, or compel him to do
beings." something against his will, whether it be right or wrong.

The RTC convicted the accused of said crime, and upon If the coercion be committed for the purpose of compelling
appeal. The CA affirmed the RTC’s decision. another to perform any religious act or to prevent him from
so doing, the penalty next higher in degree shall be
ISSUE: Does the acts of the accused constitute Child imposed.
Abuse under R.A. 7610?
There are two kinds of coercion:
HELD: NO. Accused had no intention to debase the
intrinsic worth and dignity of the private complainant. It was 1. Preventive coercion – when the offender, by
rather an act carelessly done out of anger. means of violence, threat or intimidation, prevents
another from doing an act not prohibited by law.
1. Accused’s utterances against complainants were He prevents another from doing a lawful act.
made because there was provocation from the
latter, when they were throwing ketchup sachets at 2. Compulsive coercion – when the offender compels
accused's daughter. Evidently, her statements and another to do an act against his will, whether it be
the threat to "ipahabol" and "ipakagat sa aso" were right or wrong, by means of violence, threat or
all said out of frustration or annoyance. Accused intimidation.
merely intended that the children stop their unruly
behavior. No one can compel another to anything, to do any act,
regardless if it is right or wrong, if it is against the will of
2. The prosecution failed to present any iota of that other person. No one can place the law in his hands.
evidence to prove her intention to debase, Even if it is a lawful act, you cannot force a person to do it.
degrade or demean the child victims. The record Otherwise, you are liable for grave coercion.
does not show that her act of threatening the
complainants was intended to place the latter in an GRAVE THREATS V. GRAVE COERCION
embarrassing and shameful situation before the
The wrong threatened to The wrong threatened to
3. When complainants threw ketchup sachets at be committed is in the be committed is direct,
accused, it was only at that moment that she future. personal, immediate and
hurled invectives against them. After accused had imminent.
uttered those words, it was not shown that she
continued her slurs. It was only when D confronted
accused that the latter uttered profanities, It can be committed in It cannot be committed in
particularly, ''putang ina mo" and made hacking writing or through a writing or through a middle
gestures with a bolo. It must also be emphasized middle man. man. It must always be
that the alleged hacking gestures and the personal.
expression "'putang ina mo" were not specifically
directed to the children; rather, these were made QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES
against D, their mother.
1. If the coercion is committed in violation of the
The circumstances surrounding the incident proved that exercise of the right of suffrage.
accused's act of uttering invectives against the minors A,
B, and C was done in the heat of anger. Only the crime of 2. If the coercion is committed to compel another to
other light threats were committed in the present case. perform any religious act.
COERCION 3. If the coercion is committed to prevent another
from performing any religious act.
If the wrong threatened to be committed on the offended
party is immediate, personal and impending to happen, ARTICLE 287. LIGHT COERCIONS
the crime committed is coercion.
Article 287. Light coercions. - Any person who, by means
ARTICLE 286. GRAVE COERCIONS of violence, shall seize anything belonging to his debtor for

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the purpose of applying the same to the payment of the market stall. She considered the act of the Mayor as a
debt, shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in its political harassment, given that her husband was then a
minimum period and a fine equivalent to the value of the candidate for councilor under the ticket of the opposition;
thing, but in no case less than 75 pesos. and that she was a leader of the opposing party.

Any other coercions or unjust vexations shall be punished ISSUE: Whether or not the party accused is guilty of the
by arresto menor or a fine ranging from 5 pesos to 200 crime of unjust vexation.
pesos, or both.
HELD: YES, except for Seniforo Perido. Although
Elements of Light Coercions Verutiao was not at her stall when it was unlocked, and the
contents thereof taken from the stall and brought to the
1. The offender must be a creditor. police station, the crime of unjust vexation was
2. He seizes anything belonging to his debtor. nevertheless committed. For the crime to exist, it is not
3. The seizure of the thing be accomplished by necessary that the offended party be present when the
means of violence or a display of material force crime was committed by said petitioners. It is enough that
producing intimidation. the private complainant was embarrassed, annoyed,
4. The purpose of the offender is to apply the same irritated, or disturbed when she learned of the overt acts of
to the payment of the debt. the petitioners. Indeed, by their collective acts, petitioners
evicted Verutiao from her stall and prevented her from
Under 2nd paragraph of Art. 287: selling therein, hence, losing income from the business.
Verutiao was deprived of her possession of the stall from
Unjust Vexation – any human conduct, although not January 21, 1997.
capable of producing harm or material injury, that annoys
or vexes an innocent person. CASE DISCUSSION: MADERAZO V. PEOPLE

MADERAZO v. PEOPLE In Maderazo v. People, Medaria Verutiao was renting a

G.R. No. 165065 September 26, 2006 Callejo, Sr. stall in the public market. She failed to pay the rent. At the
time, Mayor Maderazo went to the public market. Verutiao
FACTS: Medaria Verutiao had been the lessee of a stall in was not there. Mayor made inspection, and he saw
the Biliran public market with a monthly rental of P200.00. Verutiao’s stall. Since Verutiao, based on the mayor’s list,
She was allowed to finish the construction of the market has not yet paid rentals, Mayor Maderazo ordered the said
stall with the permission of the Municipal Mayor and stall of Verutiao to be padlocked. He and his body guards
Treasurer. Municipal Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1984, left.
provides that, to facilitate the development of the public
market, in the absence of adequate government finance, Thereafter, Mayor Maderazo returned with his bodyguards
construction by private parties of buildings and other and ordered the body guards to re-open the stall of
structures for commercial purposes may be allowed and Verutiao that they had already padlocked. After opening it,
the expenses thereof shall be reimbursed to the builder by the mayor told his bodyguards to bring all of its contents to
applying 50% to the monthly rentals when occupied for the police station.
business. She spent P24,267.00 for the construction of the
market stall, however, she was not reimbursed by the When Verutiao learned about this, she was very mad.
Municipality. After the construction, she then opened the What crime is committed by Mayor Maderazo? The SC
stall for business. She paid the rent for the whole year of said that Mayor Maderazo is liable for unjust vexation, a
1992 but did not pay the rentals in 1993. In 1995, the form of light coercion under Art. 287.
Municipality partially paid her P10,000.00 other total
expenses in the construction of the market stall. However, The SC said that although Verutiao was not in her stall,
considering that she had not been fully reimbursed of her unjust vexation was still committed because she was
expenses for the construction of the stall, she did not pay embarrassed, annoyed, irritated, and disturbed when she
her rent. learned of the acts done by the Mayor. Mayor Maderazo
had no right, without judicial intervention or order, to oust
Subsequently, she and her husband received a letter-order Verutiao from her stall and had all her merchandise be
from Mayor Melchor Maderazo, directing her to vacate the transported and placed to the police station. In doing so,
stall within twenty-four (24) hours because of her failure to the said woman suffered damages because she lost her
pay the rentals for the stall and that the lease contract had merchandise. The mayor, no matter how high his position
been cancelled. Mayor Maderazo padlocked the leased was, had no right to take the law into his hands and deprive
premises. The locks were opened on the authority of the the woman of possession of her stall.
Mayor. The contents of the market stall were inventoried
by Victor Maderazo and taken to the police station for - You go through the normal procedure. You file the
safekeeping. While these were being undertaken, Verutiao proper ejectment case. You cannot force the said
was in her farm about 4 to 5 kilometers away from the person to leave the place without an order coming

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from the court. You cannot place the law into your
hands. Otherwise, you will be criminally liable. c. Such employee or laborer does not
expressly request that he be paid by
[Arts. 288-292 were not discussed during lecture.] means of tokens or objects.


Article 288. Other similar coercions; (Compulsory Article 289. Formation, maintenance and prohibition of
purchase of merchandise and payment of wages by means combination of capital or labor through violence or
of tokens.) - The penalty of arresto mayor or a fine ranging threats. - The penalty of arresto mayor and a fine not
from 200 to 500 pesos, or both, shall be imposed upon any exceeding 300 pesos shall be imposed upon any person
person, agent or officer, of any association or corporation who, for the purpose of organizing, maintaining or
who shall force or compel, directly or indirectly, or shall preventing coalitions or capital or labor, strike of laborers
knowingly permit any laborer or employee employed by or lock-out of employees, shall employ violence or threats
him or by such firm or corporation to be forced or in such a degree as to compel or force the laborers or
compelled, to purchase merchandise or commodities of employers in the free and legal exercise of their industry or
any kind. work, if the act shall not constitute a more serious offense
in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
The same penalties shall be imposed upon any person
who shall pay the wages due a laborer or employee Elements of Formation, Maintenance and Prohibition
employed by him, by means of tokens or objects other than of Combination of Capital or Labor through Violence
the legal tender currency of the laborer or employee. or Threats

Other similar coercions is committed: 1. The offender employs violence or threats, in such
a degree as to compel or force laborers or
1. By forcing or compelling directly or indirectly or employers in the free and legal exercise of their
knowingly permitting the forcing or compelling any industry or work.
employee or laborer to buy merchandise or
commodities from the said employer. 2. The purpose is to organize, maintain or prevent
coalitions of capital or labor, strike of laborers or
Elements lockout of employers.

a. The offender is any person, agent or ARTICLE 290. DISCOVERING SECRETS THROUGH
officer of any association or corporation. SEIZURE OF CORRESPONDENCE

b. He or such firm or corporation has Article 290. Discovering secrets through seizure of
employed laborers or employees. correspondence. - The penalty of prision correccional in its
minimum and medium periods and a fine not exceeding
c. He forces or compels, directly or indirectly, 500 pesos shall be imposed upon any private individual
or knowingly permits to be forced or who in order to discover the secrets of another, shall seize
compelled, any of his or its laborers or his papers or letters and reveal the contents thereof.
employees to purchase merchandise or
commodities of any kind from him or from If the offender shall not reveal such secrets, the penalty
said firm or corporation. shall be arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 500
2. By paying the wages due to the laborer or The provision shall not be applicable to parents, guardians,
employees by any tokens or object other than the or persons entrusted with the custody of minors with
legal tender currency of the Philippines unless to respect to the papers or letters of the children or minors
be requested by the said employee or laborer. placed under their care or study, nor to spouses with
respect to the papers or letters of either of them.
Elements of Discovering Secrets through Seizure of
a. The offender pays the wages due a Correspondence
laborer or employee employed by him by
means of tokens or objects. 1. Offender is a private individual or even a public
officer not in the exercise of his official function.
b. Those tokens or objects are other than the
legal tender or currency of the Philippines. 2. He seizes the papers or letters of another.

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1. The offender is a person in charge, employee or
3. The purpose is to discover the secrets of such workman of a manufacturing or industrial
another person. establishment.

4. The offender is informed of the contents of the 2. The manufacturing or industrial establishment has
papers or letters seized. a secret of the industry which the offender has
Qualifying Circumstance
3. The offender reveals such secrets.
When the offender reveals the contents of such paper or
letters to another person, the penalty is qualified. 4. That prejudice is caused by the owner.

When Art. 290 is not applicable Note:

Prejudice is an essential element under this Article.
Art. 290 is not applicable to parents, guardians or persons
entrusted with the custody of minors placed under their Art. 292 does not state the time of the revelation of the
care and custody, nor to spouses with respect to the industrial secrets. Therefore, the employee or workman
papers or letters of either of them. who revealed the secrets of the industry of his
employer, after having been dismissed or separated
Note: from the establishment, may be held liable under this
This Article does not require that the offended party be Article. What is important is that he was an employee
prejudiced. or workman of the manufacturing or industrial
establishment when he learned the secrets.
Revealing the secrets is not an element of the offense.



Article 291. Revealing secrets with abuse of office. - The

penalty of arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 500
pesos shall be imposed upon any manager, employee, or
servant who, in such capacity, shall learn the secrets of his
principal or master and shall reveal such secrets.

Elements of Revealing Secrets with Abuse of Office

1. The offender is a manager, employee, or servant.

2. He learns the secrets of his principal or master in

such capacity.

3. He reveals such secrets.

Damage is not necessary under this Article.



Article 292. Revelation of industrial secrets. - The penalty

of prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods
and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos shall be imposed upon
the person in charge, employee or workman of any
manufacturing or industrial establishment who, to the
prejudice of the owner thereof, shall reveal the secrets of
the industry of the latter.

Elements of Revelation of Industrial Secrets

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able to evade the thrust. Thereafter, B and C both of
them punched and kicked police officer X. Police
officer X wanting to defend himself, took out his
CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY service pistol and fired at the feet of A, B and C,
because of that A, B, and C ˆ, A, B, and C quickly fled
ARTICLE 293. WHO ARE GUILTY OF ROBBERY pagbabarilin yung paa nila di naman pinataaman yung
ground pinatama dun sa paa. A, B, and C quickly fled.
Article 293. Who are guilty of robbery. - Any person who, In fleeing, in getting out of the scene, A, B, and C left
with intent to gain, shall take any personal property their knives and the bag of police officer X that they
belonging to another, by means of violence or intimidation are taking, so naiwan yung bag. A case of robbery was
of any person, or using force upon anything shall be guilty filed against A, B, and C and they were charged of as
of robbery. as conspirators for the crime of robbery.
When they were prosecuted for robbery, A, B, and C
Elements of Robbery
argued that they cannot be liable for robbery they
should be acquitted because the element of robbery is
1. That there be unlawful taking.
animus lucrandi or intent to gain is absent. According
2. The thing taken is a personal property belonging to them, they failed to take the bag, they left the bag,
therefore it shows there is no intent to gain, there is no
to another.
animus lucrandi. Is the defense meritorious? or/are A,
B, and C liable as conspirators for the crime of
3. The act of taking is done with intent to gain.
4. The act of taking is done with either violence A: A, B, and C are liable as conspirators for the crime
against or intimidation of persons or by means of of robbery. All elements of robbery are present. First,
force upon things. there is unlawful taking of the bag of police officer X. The
bag belongs to officer X, obviously the act of taking was
It is necessary, for the crime of robbery to arise, that the done with intent to gain, and the taking was done by them,
thing unlawfully taken is a personal property belonging to because they were able to complete the act of taking
another person. The law requires that there must be intent because they punched him and one even thrust a knife at
to gain. If the thing the offender has taken is his own him.
property, not belonging to another, it cannot be said that
he was ignited by intent to gain. The argument raised by the three accused has no merit.
The moment A, B, and, C unlawfully took the bag of police
Note: officer X the moment they had already taken the said bag,
It is necessary that the subject of the unlawful taking the crime of robbery is already consummated, and it is
must belong to another person because the law immaterial that X for the said police officer was able to
requires that there was, on the part of the offender, subsequently recover the bag forcibly taken from him when
intent to gain. the three robbers fled in fear and they dropped the bag.
The said circumstance that they left the bag out of fear
There are two ways of committing robbery: does not preclude the presence of intent to gain/animus
lucrandi. The said animus lucrandi/intent to gain is
1. Violence Against or Intimidation of Persons under presumed from the forceful taking of the bag. Therefore,
Art. 294. they are liable for the crime of robbery.
There are two kinds of robbery, robbery with violence
2. Force upon Things under Art. 299 and Art. 302.
against or intimidation of persons, intimidation of any
person under Article 294, and the other is one robbery by
Q: Police Officer X alighted from the bus. The moment
use of force upon things.
he alighted, he was approached by three men – A, B,
and C. The three men declared a hold-up, a robbery.
Thereafter, one of the men, B, immediately snatched
and took away the bag of Police Officer X. To defend
himself, police officer X informed, told the truth to A,
B, and C according to policer officer X “Police ako”. Article 294. Robbery with violence against or intimidation
So police officer X informed A, B, and C, that he is a of persons; Penalties. - Any person guilty of robbery with
police officer. Nevertheless, A, B, and C did not sign. the use of violence against or intimidation of any person
The statement of police officer x that he is a police shall suffer:
officer did not stop A, B, and C, and A, B, and C even
told police offierXX “Anong police police, walang 1. The penalty of reclusion perpetua to death, when by
police police sa amin.” and then thereafter they tried reason or on occasion of the robbery, the crime of
to stab police officer X. However police officer X was homicide shall have been committed.

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2. The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium period 6. When in the course of its execution, the offender
to reclusion perpetua when the robbery shall have been shall have inflicted upon any person not
accompanied by rape or intentional mutilation, or if by responsible for the commission of the robbery any
reason or on occasion of such robbery, any of the physical of the physical injuries in consequence of which
injuries penalized in subdivision 1 of Article 263 shall have the person injured becomes deformed or loses any
been inflicted; Provided, however, that when the robbery other member of his body or loses the use thereof
accompanied with rape is committed with a use of a deadly or becomes ill or incapacitated for the performance
weapon or by two or more persons, the penalty shall be of the work in which he is habitually engaged for
reclusion perpetua to death (As amended by PD No. 767). more than 90 days or the person injured becomes
ill or incapacitated for labor for more than 30 days.
3. The penalty of reclusion temporal, when by reason or on
occasion of the robbery, any of the physical injuries 7. If violence employed by the offender does not
penalized in subdivision 2 of the article mentioned in the cause any of the serious physical injuries defined
next preceding paragraph, shall have been inflicted. in Article 263, or if the offender employs
intimidation only.
4. The penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period to
reclusion temporal in its medium period, if the violence or ACTS PUNISHED:
intimidation employed in the commission of the robbery
shall have been carried to a degree clearly unnecessary 1. Robbery with Homicide;
for the commission of the crime, or when the course of its 2. Robbery with Rape,
execution, the offender shall have inflicted upon any 3. Robbery with Intentional Mutilation,
person not responsible for its commission any of the 4. Robbery with Arson
physical injuries covered by subdivisions 3 and 4 of said 5. Robbery with Serious Physical Injuries
Article 23. 6. Robbery with Unnecessary Violence, and
7. Simple Robbery.
5. The penalty of prision correccional in its maximum
period to prision mayor in its medium period in other cases. These are the acts punishes robbery with violence against
(As amended by R. A. 18). or intimidation of persons under Article 294.

Under Article 294, robbery with violence against or When by reason or an occasion of robbery, the crime of
intimidation of any persons may be committed, we have homicide is committed, we have the special complex crime
different acts punishes robbery with violence against or of robbery with homicide. In the special complex crime of
intimidation of persons. robbery with homicide, the original criminal design of the
offenders to commit robbery, and the said act of killing may
The following acts constitute robbery with violence against take place before, during, or after the commission of
or intimidation of persons: robbery. The intent to rob must precede the taking of
human. For as long as the original criminal intent is to rob,
1. When by reason or on occasion of the robbery, the the homicide or killing may take place before, during, or
crime of homicide is committed. after the robbery. It is immaterial that death supervene by
mere accident because the use of the word homicide is in
2. When robbery is accompanied by rape or its generic sense. Homicide includes all kinds of killing,
intentional mutilation or arson. murder, parricide, even accidental death. The use of the
word homicide is in its generic sense.
3. When by reason or on occasion of such robbery,
any of the physical injuries resulting in insanity, It is also immaterial if the victim of the homicide is one of
imbecility, impotency or blindness is inflicted. the robbers. The felony would still be robbery with
homicide. Insofar as the special complex crime of robbery
4. When by reason or on occasion of robbery, any of with homicide is concerned, the principle behind the
the physical injuries resulting in the loss of the use special complex of robbery with homicide would apply also
of speech or the power to hear or to smell, or the to the special complex of robbery with rape, robbery with
loss of an eye, a hand, foot, an arm, or a leg or the intentional mutilation, robbery with arson, robbery with
loss of the use of any such member or incapacity serious physical injuries, for as long as the original criminal
to go to work in which the injured person is thereto intent of the offender is to rob, the rape, the intentional
habitually engaged is inflicted. mutilation, the arson, the infliction of serious physical
injuries may be committed immediately prior to, during, or
5. If violence or intimidation employed in the after the commission, for as long as the original criminal
commission of the robbery is carried to a degree intent was to rob. So, they just have the same principle,
clearly unnecessary for the commission of the that’s why it is a special complex crime.

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In the special complex crime of robbery with rape,
regardless of the number of times the victim had been Q: Let us add facts, so, she was going home. X is going
raped, there is only one single indivisible offense of home. The man appeared, “holdup ito, your bag, or
robbery with rape. Regardless of the number of victim’s your life?, the woman gave her bag, however, the said
rape, there is only one single indivisible offense of robbery man placed his arms around the woman and brought
with rape. her in a secluded place, and there, the said man raped
X. After the rape, the man was about to leave but the
Note: man realized “may ilaw, nakita niya ang mukha ko”.
It is important for you to know the sequence of events, The man was afraid since X saw his face, X would
the sequence of robbery with violence against, or definitely report it to the authorities. To prevent X from
intimidation of persons under Art. 294. reporting him to the authorities before leaving, the
said man repeatedly stabbed X until X died. Thereafter,
You have to know that the sequence are: the man left with the bag of X. What crime/s is/are
committed by the said man?
1. Robbery with Homicide;
2. Robbery with Rape; A: The man is liable for the special complex crime of
3. Robbery with Intentional Mutilation Robbery with Homicide. The original criminal intent was
4. Robbery with Arson; to rob. During the act of robbery, by reason of the occasion
5. Robbery with Serious Physical Injuries; thereof, what did he do? He raped the woman, and then he
6. Robbery with Unnecessary Violence; and killed the woman. Although the act of rape was committed
7. Simple Robbery ahead the act of killing, since based on the sequence
under Art. 294, robbery with homicide is ahead of robbery
Why is it necessary for you to know these sequence? with rape, the crime to be charged is Robbery with
Because if in the commission of the crime of robbery, there Homicide, and the act of rape is simple absorbed in the
is killing, there is rape, there is infliction of serious physical special complex crime of Robbery with Homicide.
injuries, you do not charge robbery with rape, you do not
robbery with homicide, rape, and serious physical injuries. Q: X was on her way home. While she was on her way
The crime to be charged is only the special complex crime home to the eskinita, a man appeared. The man
of robbery with homicide because it is the first in sequence, immediately covered her mouth, and after covering her
the first in hierarchy under Art. 294. The said act of rape, mouth, the man brought her to a secluded place,
the said act of inflicting serious physical injuries are merely punched her a number of times and then pinned her
absorbed in the said special complex crime. So what is down, and the man had carnal knowledge. X was
material would be the sequence under Art. 294, and not crying. The man stood up. When the man was about to
the sequence of the acts committed by the said offender. leave, because of the light, the man saw the jewelry of
the said woman, and the man immediately grabbed the
Q: X was on his way home after work from office. To necklace. Thereafter, as the man was taking off the
get home, she will be passing by this little bit dark watch, X tried to prevent the man, and so she was
eskinita. As she was walking towards home, a man crying and trying to push the man in order to prevent
appeared by the name of Y. The man was holding an the said man from getting her watch. Because of this,
ice pick and told X, “Holdup to. Your bag or your life?”, the man got mad because of the fight being put up by
and X gave the bag. After X gave her bag to said X. The man repeatedly stabbed X until X died.
holdaper, X was about to ran away, however, the Thereafter, he was able to get the watch and the other
holdaper immediately got hold of her neck. The personal belongings. What crime/s is/are committed
holdaper placed his strong arms on the neck, by the said accused?
thereafter covered her mouth with another hand, and
then thereafter she was drugged inside a vacant A: What was the original criminal intent? To rape. He
house. The said woman was punched a number of covered the mouth, punched the woman, brought the
times, pinned down, undressed, and had carnal woman to a secluded place, undressed the woman, and
knowledge. After the man had carnal knowledge of had carnal knowledge of her. Therefore, the original
her, the man took on his clothings and then thereafter criminal intent was to Rape. After the rape, what did he do?
left together with the bag of X. What crime is He saw the jewelries. He wanted the jewelries. Upon
committed by the man? seeing the jewelries, he was already taking the watch, the
woman put up a fight, refused her watch to be taken, and
A: The man is liable for special complex crime of so she stabbed the said woman. Therefore, we have the
Robbery with Rape. The original criminal intent was to rob special complex crime of Robbery with Homicide.
obviously. “Give me your bag, your bag or your life?”, (Rape ata dapat pero iba lang nasabi ni Prosec.)
Obviously the intent was to rob, and by reason on the
occasion thereof, what did he do? He raped the said These are two separate and distinct charges. The act of
woman. Therefore, the crime committed is the special rape which was the original criminal intent cannot be
complex crime of Robbery with Rape. absorbed by the special complex crime of robbery with

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homicide because the original criminal intent was to rape, and consciously adopted the use and means he will use in
and as an afterthought, upon seeing the jewelries, he order to kill Y. He waited for Y. The moment Y arrived, he
wanted the jewelries, in order to take it, he has to kill the repeatedly stabbed him. Therefore, there was treachery,
woman, and so we have another crime, the special and treachery can be appreciated even in the special
complex crime of Robbery with Homicide. complex crime of robbery with homicide.

Q: X was on her way home. A man appeared. The man Although robbery with homicide is classified as a crime
covered her mouth, punched her, brought her in a against property under Title 10, treachery can be
secluded place, and committed carnal knowledge. appreciated as a generic aggravating circumstance if the
After the carnal knowledge, the man realized that when victim of the homicide is killed treacherously. The
he was about to leave, X saw his face. He might be aggravating circumstance of treachery shall be
reported. The man before leaving, stabbed the woman appreciated ONLY insofar as the killing/homicide is
to death. After killing X, the man was about to leave but concerned; hence, it is merely a generic aggravating
saw the bag of X beside her. The man took the bag, circumstance because there's no such crime as robbery
and thereafter left. What crime(s) is/are there with murder. It is only robbery with homicide with the
committed by the said man? generic aggravating circumstance of treachery if the killing
is done treacherously.
A: The man is liable for the special complex crime of
rape with homicide and separate and distinct crime of Q: Police officer X was on his mobile patrol. In front of
theft. him was a jeepney. “Parang may nangyayari sa
jeepney na iyan ah, parang nagkakagulo sa jeepney na
The original criminal intent is to rape. The man punched iyan”. True enough. On the said jeepney, three men, A,
the woman, pinned the woman down, undressed the B, and C boarded the said jeepney and upon boarding
woman, and had carnal knowledge of the said woman. the said jeepney, A, B, and C, announced that this is
After the rape, afraid that he will be reported, he killed the a holdup. “Give us your valuables, give us your cash”
woman. Therefore, we have the special complex crime A, B, and C at knifepoint were telling the passengers
of rape with homicide under Article 266-B. of said jeepney to give to them their valuables, and
indeed they gave to them their valuables.
After the rape, as an afterthought, he saw the bag and took
the bag. Therefore, there is a separate and distinct However, one of the hold uppers immediately saw
charge of theft. It is not robbery, but theft, because at the police officer X and told the driver to stop. When the
time that he took the bag, he has already killed the woman, drive stopped and after A, B, and C alighted, but there
because afraid that the woman would report the said act, were already Police officer X. Police officer X tried to
therefore, we have two crimes, rape with homicide, a arrest them. However, since C refused to be arrested,
special complex crime, and a separate and distinct C pulled out a home-made gun. Police officer X saw it,
charge for the crime of theft. he was about to be shot, so he he tried to grapple for
the possession of the firearm. While police officer
Q: X entered the house of Y wanting to rob. Upon grappled for the possession of the said gun, in the
seeing the wife of Y, he asked Y “Where’s your?” process, the gun fired. As a result, one of the robbers,
husband?”. The wife said “My husband is not here.” C died. The moment C died, police officer X arrested
And so what the said man did, X tied the wife. After the two other robbers. The two other robbers, A and B,
tying the wife, X ransacked the house, took valuables were charged with a special complex crime of robbery
inside the house. Thereafter, he heard someone with homicide.
arriving, “That is your husband, that is Y”, the wife said
“No”. What X did, he hid behind the door, he was A and B argued they cannot be charged and held liable
armed with a knife and stood still, waiting for Y to get for the special complex crime of robbery with
inside. The moment Y got inside, X repeatedly stabbed homicide. According to A and B, they have nothing to
him, until Y died. What crime(s) is/are committed by X? do with the killing of our fellow robber C. “He is our
friend. It was the police officer who fired a shot at him
A: X is liable for the special complex crime of robbery when they grappled for the possession of the gun. It
with homicide. cannot be said that we are the one who killed our
friend”. Therefore if ever they are held liable, they
What was X’s original intent? To rob. In the course of the contend that they should only be liable for the crime of
said robbery, he was to kill Y. Therefore, we have the robbery and not the special complex crime of robbery
special complex crime of robbery with homicide. with homicide. Is the argument of A and B
Is there treachery? Can you appreciate treachery in this
special complex crime of robbery with homicide? Yes, A: No, the argument of A and B has no merit.
treachery exists in this case. The moment X heard that
Y is about to enter, he hid behind the door. He deliberately

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The crime committed by A and B would be the special an offender to become liable for the special complex
complex crime of robbery with homicide. In the case of crime of attempted robbery with homicide, it is
Casabuena v. People, the Supreme Court said that the law necessary that he must be guilty of such offenses OF
provides, under Article 294, any person guilty of robbery BOTH attempted robbery and homicide.
with the use of violence against or intimidation OF ANY
PERSON shall suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua to In this case, A & B have nothing to do with the killing of
death when by reason or on occasion of the said robbery, their fellow robber. It was in the course of the struggle with
the crime of homicide shall have been committed. The the police officer that the said robber died. Therefore, they
Supreme Court said that the use of the phrase “any can only be held liable for attempted robbery, NOT with a
person” is all-inclusive, including any one of the special complex crime of attempted robbery with homicide.
robbers themselves. Therefore, it is immaterial who is Article 297 has a different wordings/phrases from Article
killed. Whether a robber himself is one of those killed, still, 294.
it is the special complex of crime of robbery with homicide
because of the all-inclusive phrase “any person”. Q: What if the passengers were on the said jeepney,
and while the passengers were on the said jeepney,
Q: What if, same problem, so there was this jeepney. here comes five men A, B, C, D, and E. Five men
Police officer X was patrolling, and he was staying boarded the said jeepney and said “holdup ito”, and
behind the said jeepney, and Police officer X noticed they were pointing their knives. The passengers gave
“Parang may holdapan dun ah, maingay.” True their valuables to the hold uppers. After the
enough because A, B, and C flagged down the passengers gave their valuables to the said hold
jeepney, and the moment A, B, and C boarded the said uppers, the hold uppers immediately jumped outside
jeepney, A, B, and C, at knifepoint announced “This is the said jeepney but they were later arrested (A, B, C,
a holdup. Give us your valuables.” However, before D and E) What crime are they liable of?
any of the passengers were able to give the valuables,
one of the hold uppers C immediately announce to A A: The said men are liable for the crime of robbery in
and B “May pulis, may pulis”, And so, they were all in band. When more than three armed malefactors shall
panic, they were all afraid. Because of that, they told have acted together in the commission of a robbery, it is
the driver to stopped. When the driver stopped, A and robbery in band under Article 296. In this case, since we
B alighted without taking anything from the have five armed men, based on the facts, they were armed
passengers. with knives in the commission of the crime of robbery,
therefore, they are liable for the crime of robbery in band.
However, he moment they alighted, police officer X
was there and tried to arrest them but of them C tried Q: There is this canteen. X, a cashier, and Y, one the
to put up a fight, C pulled out his gun, tried to fire at helpers in the said canteen. X told Y “You go to the
police officer X. They grappled for the possession of market. You buy some vegetables.” When Y left, the
the gun. In the course thereof, the gun fired, killing C, cashier was the only one in the said canteen.
one of the hold uppers. Police officer X arrested A and
B. Thereafter, A and B were charged with the special Here comes A and B. A, and B ordered food. While X
complex crime of attempted robbery with homicide, was preparing the food, A approached X and poked a
under Article 297. knife while B closed the door of the canteen.
Thereafter, B took the cash from the drawer. Thereafter
A and B argued that they couldn't be charged with a A forcibly brought X inside the bathroom and raped
special complex crime of attempted robbery with her. After A had raped the said woman X, B followed
homicide because according to them, they are not the and raped X by means of force. After both A and B
ones liable for the death of their friend C, it was that raped X, on their way out of the canteen, they saw the
police officer. They have nothing to do with the death, bags of X and Y placed on a table, and took the bags
with the killing of their friend. Therefore, if ever they of X and Y.
should be liable, it should only be for attempted
robbery and not for the special complex crime of When A and B were arrested, they were charged with
attempted robbery with homicide under Article 297. Is two crimes. They were charged with a special complex
the argument of A and B correct? Is it meritorious? crime of robbery with rape, and the crime of theft. Are
they liable, separate, and distinct for the crime of theft
A: Yes, the argument raised by A and B is meritorious. for taking the bags on their way out OR is it absorbed
The reason is Article 297 has a different wordings from in the special complex crime of robbery with rape?
Article 294. Under Article 297, the law provides that when
by reason or on occasion of an attempted or frustrated A: In this case, A and B shall be liable as conspirators
robbery, a homicide is committed, the person guilty of such for the special complex crime of robbery with rape. It
offenses shall be punished by a reclusion temporal in its is evident based on the facts that the main objective of A
maximum period to reclusion perpetua. Again, the law and B is to rob the canteen, and they accomplished that by
says, “the person guilty of such offenses.” Therefore, for poking a knife at X to threaten her. The robbery was

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accompanied by rape because it's an afterthought. A and ARTICLE 297. ATTEMPTED AND FRUSTRATED
B took turns in raping X inside the said restroom and on ROBBERY COMMITTED UNDER CERTAIN
their way out, they also took the bags of X and Y. A and CIRCUMSTANCES.
B's act of taking the said bag of X and Y on their way out
will not constitute a separate and distinct charge of simple Article 297. Attempted and frustrated robbery committed
theft. This act of taking the bag is but constituent acts under certain circumstances. - When by reason or on
of the special complex crime of robbery with rape occasion of an attempted or frustrated robbery a homicide
because they are brought about by the same criminal is committed, the person guilty of such offenses shall be
resolution which is to rob the canteen. Therefore, the punished by reclusion temporal in its maximum period to
crime committed is only the crime of robbery with rape. reclusion perpetua, unless the homicide committed shall
deserve a higher penalty under the provisions of this Code.
The Supreme Court said that the crime of robbery with
rape is a continued crime. Therefore, although there is a ARTICLE 298. EXECUTION OF DEEDS BY MEANS OF
series of acts, only one crime is committed and that is the VIOLENCE OR INTIMIDATION
special complex crime of robbery with rape. A and B's act
of taking the bag of X and Y is only a consequence of the Article 298. Execution of deeds by means of violence or
original intent which is to rob the eatery. intimidation. - Any person who, with intent to defraud
another, by means of violence or intimidation, shall compel
ARTICLE 295. ROBBERY WITH PHYSICAL INJURIES, him to sign, execute or deliver any public instrument or
COMMITTED IN AN UNINHABITED PLACE AND BY A documents, shall be held guilty of robbery and punished by
BAND, OR WITH THE USE OF FIREARM ON A the penalties respectively prescribed in this Chapter.
Article 295. Robbery with physical injuries, committed in AND ROBBERY BY USE OF FORCE UPON THINGS
an uninhabited place and by a band, or with the use of COMMITTED IN A PRIVATE BUILDING OR IN AN
firearm on a street, road or alley. - If the offenses UNINHABITED PLACE.
mentioned in subdivisions three, four, and five of the next
preceding article shall have been committed in an The other kind of robbery is under Art. 299, robbery by the
uninhabited place or by a band, or by attacking a moving use of force upon things, and under Art. 302. Robbery by
train, street car, motor vehicle or airship, or by entering the the use of force upon things under Art. 299, we have
passenger's compartments in a train or, in any manner, robbery in a public building, in an inhabited house, or
taking the passengers thereof by surprise in the respective robbery in an edifice devoted to worship.
conveyances, or on a street, road, highway, or alley, and
the intimidation is made with the use of a firearm, the ARTICLE 299. ROBBERY IN AN INHABITED HOUSE
offender shall be punished by the maximum period of the OR PUBLIC BUILDING OR EDIFICE DEVOTED TO
proper penalties. WORSHIP
In the same cases, the penalty next higher in degree shall Article 299. Robbery in an inhabited house or public
be imposed upon the leader of the band. building or edifice devoted to worship. - Any armed person
who shall commit robbery in an inhabited house or public
ARTICLE 296. DEFINITION OF A BAND AND building or edifice devoted to religious worship, shall be
PENALTY INCURRED BY THE MEMBERS THEREOF punished by reclusion temporal, if the value of the property
taken shall exceed 250 pesos, and if:
Article 296. Definition of a band and penalty incurred by
the members thereof. - When more than three armed (a) The malefactors shall enter the house or building in
malefactors take part in the commission of a robbery, it which the robbery was committed, by any of the following
shall be deemed to have been committed by a band. When means:
any of the arms used in the commission of the offense be
an unlicensed firearm, the penalty to be imposed upon all 1. Through a opening not intended for entrance or egress.
the malefactors shall be the maximum of the
corresponding penalty provided by law, without prejudice 2. By breaking any wall, roof, or floor or breaking any door
of the criminal liability for illegal possession of such or window.
unlicensed firearms.
3. By using false keys, picklocks or similar tools.
Any member of a band who is present at the commission
of a robbery by the band, shall be punished as principal of 4. By using any fictitious name or pretending the exercise
any of the assaults committed by the band, unless it be of public authority.
shown that he attempted to prevent the same.
Or if -

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paragraph, even if closed, contiguous to the building and
(b) The robbery be committed under any of the following having direct connection therewith.
The term "public building" includes every building owned
1. By the breaking of doors, wardrobes, chests, or any by the Government or belonging to a private person not
other kind of locked or sealed furniture or included used or rented by the Government, although
receptacle; temporarily unoccupied by the same.

2. By taking such furniture or objects to be broken or forced ARTICLE 302. ROBBERY IN AN UNINHABITED
open outside the place of the robbery. PLACE OR IN A PRIVATE BUILDING

When the offenders do not carry arms, and the value of the Article 302. Robbery is an uninhabited place or in a private
property taken exceeds 250 pesos, the penalty next lower building. - Any robbery committed in an uninhabited place
in degree shall be imposed. or in a building other than those mentioned in the first
paragraph of Article 299, if the value of the property taken
The same rule shall be applied when the offenders are exceeds 250 pesos, shall be punished by prision
armed, but the value of the property taken does not exceed correccional if any of the following circumstances is
250 pesos. present:

When said offenders do not carry arms and the value of 1. If the entrance has been effected through any opening
the property taken does not exceed 250 pesos, they shall not intended for entrance or egress.
suffer the penalty prescribed in the two next preceding
paragraphs, in its minimum period. 2. If any wall, roof, floor or outside door or window has been
If the robbery be committed in one of the dependencies of
an inhabited house, public building, or building dedicated 3. If the entrance has been effected through the use of
to religious worship, the penalties next lower in degree false keys, picklocks or other similar tools.
than those prescribed in this article shall be imposed.
4. If any dorm, wardrobe, chest or by sealed or closed
ARTICLE 300. ROBBERY IN AN UNINHABITED furniture or receptacle has been broken.
5. If any closed or sealed receptacle, as mentioned in the
Article 300. Robbery in an uninhabited place and by a preceding paragraph, has been removed even if the same
band.- The robbery mentioned in the next preceding to broken open elsewhere.
article, if committed in an uninhabited place and by a band,
shall be punished by the maximum period of the penalty When the value of the property taken does not exceed 250
provided therefor. pesos, the penalty next lower in degree shall be imposed.

ARTICLE 301. WHAT IS AN INHABITED HOUSE, In the cases specified in Articles 294, 295, 297, 299, 300,
PUBLIC BUILDING OR BUILDING DEDICATED TO and 302 of this Code, when the property taken is mail
RELIGIOUS WORSHIP AND THEIR DEPENDENCIES matter or large cattle, the offender shall suffer the penalties
next higher in degree than those provided in said articles.
Article 301. What is an inhabited house, public building or
building dedicated to religious worship and their Under Article 302, it is robbery by use of force of upon
dependencies. - Inhabited house means any shelter, ship things committed in a private building or in an uninhabited
or vessel constituting the dwelling of one or more persons, place.
even though the inhabitants thereof shall temporarily be
absent therefrom when the robbery is committed. Both three acts of robbery by use of force of upon things
are the same, whether it is under Article 299 or Article 302.
All interior courts, corrals, waterhouses, granaries, barns, They only differ in the place where the crime is committed.
coach-houses, stables or other departments or inclosed Under Article 299, it is in an inhabited house, inhabited
places contiguous to the building or edifice, having an place, public building, or edifice devoted to worship. Under
interior entrance connected therewith, and which form part Article 302, it is in a private building, or it is in an
of the whole, shall be deemed dependencies of an uninhabited home.
inhabited house, public building or building dedicated to
religious worship. Whether it is under Article 299 or Article 302, the following
acts are punished by robbery by use of force upon
Orchards and other lands used for cultivation or production things:
are not included in the terms of the next preceding

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I. Whenever the offenders have entered the passing through an opening that was not intended for
premises of another where personal property were entrance or egress, by passing through an opened
taken through an opening not intended for window.
entrance or egress by breaking any wall, roof,
floor, or window; By using picklocks, false keys, or A picklock was seen in his possession. A picklock is an
other similar means; By using a fictitious name or object which is designed to be used for robbery, for the act
pretending the exercise of public authority. of taking. As he could not give any lawful justification,
therefore, he should also be charged and be liable for
II. When the offender entered the premises of illegal possession of picklocks under Article 302.
another without unlawful entry. Once inside, they
employed violence by breaking any closed or Q: Same problem. X was in need of money. X saw the
sealed receptacle, door, wardrobe, or chest in house of Y. Upon seeing the house of Y, he decided to
order to get the things inside with the intent to go around “Oh, it’s so close” He tried to get inside, he
keep. doesn’t know how to get inside. Then, he took out his
picklock and used the said picklock to open the front
III. When the offender was able to gain entry without door. With the use of the said picklock, he was able to
use of force upon things or was able to enter gain entry inside the house and took the valuables, the
without unlawful entry. Once inside, he did not gadgets, cell phones, laptops, and then he went out by
employ force in breaking any closed or sealed passing through the main door. He was arrested by the
receptacle. Instead, he took the closed or sealed police. His bag was confiscated, the gadgets that he
receptacle outside where force has to be had taken from the house of Y were seen as well as the
employed in order to take the things inside the said picklock that he used in gaining entry. After
closed or sealed receptacle or chest. investigation, the police officers filed two cases
against him. The police officers filed a case of violation
These are the three ways of committing robbery by use of of Article 299, robbery by use of force upon things, and
force upon things whether under Article 299 or Article 302. a case of violation of Article 204, illegal possession of
Supreme Court said, outside this, it is theft not robbery. picklocks. Are the charges correct?

Q: X needed money. X saw this house and the window A: The charges are wrong. The crime to be charged is
was open. According to X, he can easily enter and rob only one crime, which is the violation of Article 299,
the said house as the window was opened. What X did, robbery by use of force upon things.
he looked around, since the window was open, he
climbed the house and entered the house passing He entered an inhabited place, the dwelling of one, and the
through the window. Thereafter, he was able to get entry is done by using picklocks, false keys, or other similar
inside. At the sala of the house, he immediately saw means. The way to gain unlawful entry is by means of the
gadgets (laptops, cellphones), and so X took all the picklock. Since the picklock was the very means he
laptops, the different cellphones and placed it inside used to gain entry, it will not constitute a separate and
his backpack. Thereafter, X left. However, X was distinct charge. It is simply absorbed under Article
arrested by the police and taken to the police station. 299, robbery by use of force upon things under the first
At the police station, he was frisked. The backpack act: unlawful entry by using a picklock. Therefore, the
was taken. When the police officers opened the said fact that he was found in possession of the picklock is
backpack, they saw the cellphones, the laptops. The simply absorbed.
police officer also a picklock among the laptops, the
cellphones. Q: A, B, C & D, all armed, entered the house of E by
breaking the doorknob in front of the house. Once
After the investigation, the police officer filed two inside, A told D to get out of the house to serve as
cases against the said person of X. They filed a case lookout. A, B, & C started ransacking the house. After
of robbery by use of force upon things under Article A, B, & C were almost done ransacking the house, E,
299. They also filed a case of illegal possession of the owner of the house, arrived. When A saw E, the
picklocks under Article 204. Are the charges correct? owner of the house, A punched him. Thereafter, they
If you were the public prosecutor, would you indict X left. The owner of the house suffered slight physical
as charged by the police? injuries. What crime(s) is/are committed by A, B, C, &
A: The charges are correct. There is robbery by use of
force upon things under Article 299 because X entered A: A, B, C, & D, are liable for the complex crime of
the dwelling of Y through an opening that was not intended robbery in an inhabited house by a band and under
for entrance or egress - through the window. The said Article 299, complex with robbery, with violence
window is not intended for entrance or egress. Therefore, against or intimidation of persons under Article 294,
X is liable for violation of Article 299, first act, the entry was paragraph 5.
done unlawfully. Robbery by use of unlawful entry, by

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In the case of Napolis v. C.A., which is cited by the A: They committed the crime of brigandage or highway
Supreme Court in the case of Fransdilla v. People, the robbery under PD 532.
Supreme Court said that you have to complex Article 294,
paragraph 5, with Article 299, if both elements of the Q: What if A, B, C, D, and E learned that W won in the
crimes are present. lotto. They also heard some rumors that W will be
going to the bank tomorrow to withdraw money and he
In the problem given, A, B, C, and D were all armed, and will be buying something. Thereafter, A, B, C, D, and E
they entered the house of E by breaking the doorknob at formed this group, they hired a van, and they waited
the front door, and then they took valuables. This is outside the house of W. The moment W got out of his
robbery by use of force upon things under Article 299. house and boarded an owner type jeepney driven by
However, after they ransacked the house, when the owner his brother. They passed along the highway and went
arrived, one of the robbers, A, inflicted slight physical to the bank, unknown to them, they were being
injuries on the owner of the house. That act constituted followed by A, B, C, D, and E. After they withdrew
simple robbery under Article 294, paragraph 5. Therefore, money from the bank, on their way back to the house
you complex it. passing by the highway, A, B, C, D, and E overtook
their car and thereafter, at knife point, they took the
Note: money withdrawn from the bank. What crime is
It is not a special complex crime, it is a complex crime committed by A, B, C, D, and E?
under Article 48.
A: A, B, C, D, and E are liable for brigandage or highway
In the case of Napolis v. C.A., and in the case of Fransdilla robbery under Article 306.
v. People, the Supreme Court said when the elements of
both provisions of Article 294, paragraph 5, simple robbery, Q: Where lies the difference between Highway
and Article 299, robbery by use of force upon things is Robbery or Brigandage under Article 306 versus
present, the crime is a complex crime, which calls for the Highway Robbery or Brigandage under PD 532.?
imposition of the penalty for the most serious offense in its
maximum period, and that is violation of Article 299. ARTICLE 306 P.D. 532
The mere formation of the There must be an actual
As a rule, Article 294 is graver, more serious than Article band of robbers, for any of commission of the crime of
299 because in Article 294, there is killing/homicide, the purposes mentioned, robbery along a Philippine
intentional mutilation, arson, serious physical injuries, will already give rise to a highway for the crime to
except in paragraph 5. Paragraph 5, it is only through crime. arise.
intimidation and slight or less serious physical injuries, it is Requires that there must No requisite as to the
known as simple robbery. be at least 4 armed number of men or
malefactors. perpetrators of the crime.
Article 294, as a rule, absorbs Article 299. However, not if Even one man can commit
what accompanies Article 299 is only simple robbery. highway robbery on a
Because if what accompanies Article 299 is only simple Philippine highway.
robbery, Article 299 has a graver penalty of reclusion The offenders have a The offenders committed
temporal. Therefore, in order to impose on the accused the particular, predetermined, the highway robbery
graver penalty, the most serious offense, the penalty for or preconceived victim. indiscriminately against
the most serious offense, Supreme Court said, you have any persons who would
to complex, simple robbery, Article 294 paragraph 5, with, pass by the Philippine
Article 299, robbery by use of force upon things. highway. There is no
preconceived victim.
Q: A, B, C, D, and E formed this band of robbers and Any person who aids, Any person who aids,
their intent was to commit robbery along the highways abets, or protects the abets, or protects the
of Pampanga. Every day they would position brigands or takes brigands or takes
themselves along the highways of Pampanga, they possession of the possession of the
would flag down vehicles. and then they will rob. One proceeds of brigandage proceeds of brigandage
time, A, B, C, D, and E positioned themselves and they are liable under Article shall be liable as
saw a bus along the highways of Pampanga. They 307. accomplices under PD
flagged down the bus and after entering the bus they 532.
announced a holdup. They took all the valuables of the
passengers and even the earnings of the bus driver In the first problem, A, B, C, D, and E formed this band of
and conductor of the bus, they took everything. robbers for the purpose of committing highway robbery and
Thereafter, they left. But A, B, C, D, and E were indeed they committed robbery indiscriminately on any
arrested. What crime did they commit? person passing on the highway of Pampanga. No
predetermined or particular victim.

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In the second problem, A, B, C, D, and E has a particular
victim. They formed that group only for purpose of robbing In the case of People vs. Dela Cruz, the court ruled that
the said man who won in the lotto. Not to commit highway when the complainant herself merely testified that the
robbery indiscriminately. Therefore, they are liable under offender snatched her shoulder bag, without saying that
Article 306, RPC for Highway Robbery or Brigandage. such offender used violence, intimidation, or force in
snatching her shoulder bag, the snatching of the shoulder
Q: X flagged down a jeepney and boarded the same. X bag constitutes the crime of theft, not robbery. In the case
sat next to a woman who was wearing a necklace. The of Ablaza v. People, the Court clarified that for the requisite
moment the jeepney stopped at the red light, X of violence to obtain in cases of simple robbery, the victim
grabbed the necklace of the woman and thereafter must have sustained less serious physical injuries or slight
jumped out of the jeepney. X was arrested and was physical injuries in the occasion of the robbery.
charged with the crime of Simple Robbery under
Article 294 (5) - If violence or intimidation employed in ARTICLE 308. THEFT
the commission of the robbery is carried to a degree
clearly unnecessary for the commission of the crime. Article 308. Who are liable for theft. - Theft is committed
Is X liable as charged? by any person who, with intent to gain but without violence
against or intimidation of persons nor force upon things,
A: In the case of Del Rosario v. People, the Supreme Court shall take personal property of another without the latter's
said NO. The Supreme Court said that the distinguishing consent.
element between Robbery and Theft is the use of violence
or intimidation as a means of taking a person’s property. If Theft is likewise committed by:
it is present, the crime is Robbery. If it is absent, the crime
is Theft. 1. Any person who, having found lost property, shall fail to
deliver the same to the local authorities or to its owner;
In this case the accused grabbed the necklace of the
woman. The Supreme Court said that the fact the necklace 2. Any person who, after having maliciously damaged the
was grabbed and the fact that the information filed against property of another, shall remove or make use of the fruits
the accused stated that the necklace was grabbed does or object of the damage caused by him; and
not automatically mean that force attended the act of
taking. 3. Any person who shall enter an inclosed estate or a field
where trespass is forbidden or which belongs to another
The Supreme Court said, “grabbed” means to take or seize and without the consent of its owner, shall hunt or fish upon
by a sudden motion or grasp, to take hastily. It does not the same or shall gather cereals, or other forest or farm
suggest of violence or physical force in the act of taking. It products.
only refers to the suddenness of the act of taking or
suddenness of the act of seizing. But it cannot be equated Just like robbery, theft is committed by any person who,
with employment of violence or force. Therefore, absent shall unlawfully take the personal property of another
any showing that the said victim sustained less serious or without the consent of the owner, with intent to gain.
slight physical injuries, then it will only be the kind of Theft However, in case of robbery there is the presence of
and not Simple Robbery under Article 294 (5). violence against or intimidation of persons or use of force
upon things, while in theft there is no violence against or
DEL ROSARIO v. PEOPLE intimidation of persons or use of force upon things.
G.R. No. 235739 | 22 July 22 2019
In case of Theft there is NO:
FACTS: Charlotte and Kim flagged down a jeepney going
to G-Mall. Roxan and Edwin also boarded the same 1. Violence employed;
jeepney. Upon reaching Quirino Street, Kim saw Edwin 2. Intimidation employed;
giving a signal to Roxan. Thereafter, Roxan snatched the 3. Force employed;
necklace of Charlotte, disembarked from the jeepney, and
ran away. Edwin also disembarked. Charlotte shouted. Theft under Article 308 may also be committed by some
Later on, they learned that Roxan was apprehended. other persons.

ISSUE: Is the crime of Robbery committed? THEFT IS LIKEWISE COMMITTED BY:

HELD: NO, the crime committed by Edwin was theft. 1. Any person who, having found lost property,
The distinguishing element between the crimes of robbery shall fail to deliver the same to the local authorities
and theft is the use of violence or intimidation as a means or to the owner thereof;
of taking the property belonging to another; the element is
present in the crime of robbery and absent in the crime of
2. Any person who, after having maliciously
theft. damaged the property of another, shall remove or

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make use of the fruits or objects of the damage
caused by him; and FACTS: Dawson Word lost his bundle of money of around
$4,550 and P27,000 when he alighted from his vehicle
3. Any person who shall enter the fenced or upon arriving home. The following morning, a bakery
enclosed estate or field of another where trespass worker noticed a bundle of money lying on the ground near
is forbidden or which belongs to another and, Word’s car.
without the consent of its owner, shall hunt or fish
upon the same or shall gather fruits, cereals, or Meanwhile, one of Pante’s co-accused who was riding his
any other forest or farm products. bike outside also noticed the bundle of money and picked
it up.
NOTE: The definition is almost the same as robbery. The
difference lies in the case of robbery where there is That same morning, Word realized that his money was
violence or intimidation of persons and use of force upon missing. He did not find the same despite a thorough
things, while in theft, there is no violence, intimidation search. With the help of his landlord, Word learned that
against persons or force upon things. Pante’s minor co-accused picked up the bundled money
near his car. Word then sought the help of the police in the
Q: X alighted from the jeepney. He was opening the gate recovery of his money. Upon investigation, it was found
of the house; he saw a wallet. He picked up the wallet and that Pante’s minor co-accused was indeed the finder of the
it seemed bulky. He opened the wallet and saw that it money.
contained many paper bills. He brought the said wallet
inside the house and called his wife. Together with his wife, The police headed to the residence of the minor and found
X opened the wallet and discovered that it contained the bundle of money. The accused minor likewise admitted
P10,000.00. The wife said that she has been long praying finding the same and sharing the money with his cousin,
for money and told X not to return the wallet. X did not also a minor, and to Pante.
return the said wallet even if they saw the ID of the owner
inside the wallet. The owner of the wallet was an employee Portion of the money and the things bought with Word’s
of a BPI bank in another town. Despite knowledge of the money were returned to Word. And all the persons who
BPI ID, the address of the company, X kept the wallet and shared the money were all prosecuted for the crime of theft
the money to himself. What crime is committed by X? against Word.

A: X is liable for the crime of Theft under Article 308. ISSUE: Is Pante liable for Theft?
He found this lost property and is obligated by law to return
the same to the owner or at least to the authorities. Failing HELD: YES. Under Article 308, par. 2 (1) of the RPC
to do so, he becomes liable for theft. (Revised Penal Code), theft is also committed by one’s
failure to deliver lost property to its owner or local
Q: What if in the same problem, X instead of getting authorities. In this kind of theft, it is essential to prove: 1)
inside the house, flagged down a jeepney. Because X the finding of lost property; 2) the failure of the finder to
is an honest man, he went to the nearest police station. deliver the same to the local authorities or its owner.
He told the officers that he found the wallet at the gate
of his house. He opened the wallet but did not get In the case at bar, both the trial court and the appellate
anything and he saw the name of the owner of the said court found that the prosecution witnesses were able to
wallet. The owner of the wallet is an employee of BPI prove that Word lost his bundled money after alighting from
but it is located in another town. X further said that his car, and such fact was corroborated by the prosecution
since the BPI branch was located far from their town, witness who testified that he positively saw the accused
he cannot personally return the wallet, he is minor pick up the bundle of money under Word’s car.
surrendering the wallet to the police officer. After
surrendering the wallet, X left the police station. Once Anent Pante’s argument that he cannot be convicted for
the police officer opened the wallet, he saw the theft because he is not the finder of the lost property, the
P10,000.00 peso bills and the company ID which SC was not persuaded.
contained the address of the company and place of
work of the owner of the wallet. The police officer The question of whether criminal appropriation of found
became interested in the wallet and its contents. Thus, property can be committed by a person other than the one
he did not return the wallet and instead he took the by whom the property is first found has been lengthily
contents of the wallet for his personal benefit. What discussed and answered in an older case which in sum
crime is committed by police officer? states: “One who receives property from the finder thereof
assumes, in legal contemplation, by voluntary substitution,
A: He is liable for Theft under Article 308. as to the property and the owner, the relation occupied by
the finder, placing himself in the finder’s stead. In such a
PEOPLE v. PANTE case, whether the person taking the property is guilty must
G.R. No. 218969 | 18 January 2021

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be determined on the same principles that govern in the use of the fruits of the object of the damage caused by him.
case of the actual finder.” Hence, X is liable for the crime of theft.

In fine, a “finder” under Article 308, par. 2 (1) of the RPC is ARTICLE 309. PENALTIES
not only limited to the actual finder of the lost property,
since the gist of the offense is the furtive taking and Article 309. Penalties. - Any person guilty of theft shall be
misappropriation of the property found. punished by:

The rationale for the “finder in law” concept is not difficult 1. The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum and medium
to fathom. It is precisely to protect the owner of the lost periods, if the value of the thing stolen is more than 12,000
property in the event the lost property is transferred from pesos but does not exceed 22,000 pesos, but if the value
one individual to another and to prevent the “finder in law” of the thing stolen exceeds the latter amount the penalty
from escaping liability by claiming that he was not the shall be the maximum period of the one prescribed in this
actual finder thereof but was merely entrusted custody paragraph, and one year for each additional ten thousand
thereof by someone who had no intention to appropriate pesos, but the total of the penalty which may be imposed
the same. shall not exceed twenty years. In such cases, and in
connection with the accessory penalties which may be
CASE DISCUSSION: PEOPLE v. PANTE imposed and for the purpose of the other provisions of this
Code, the penalty shall be termed prision mayor or
The Supreme court said, the word “finder” under Article reclusion temporal, as the case may be.
308 (1), RPC is NOT limited to actual finder of the lost
property, because the gist of the offense, is the furtive 2. The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and
taking and the misappropriation of the thing found. maximum periods, if the value of the thing stolen is more
than 6,000 pesos but does not exceed 12,000 pesos.
In the said case of Pante v. People, the word, a foreigner
is counting his money inside his car, he alighted from his 3. The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and
car, his dollars fell out, and then he left. The said dollars medium periods, if the value of the property stolen is more
were found by the miners working for Pante. They saw it than 200 pesos but does not exceed 6,000 pesos.
and brought the money to Pante, who told the boys not to
return it but to divide it among themselves. Pante used his 4. Arresto mayor in its medium period to prision
share to buy appliances. But later, what they did was correccional in its minimum period, if the value of the
discovered. Pante was charge with the crime of theft. His property stolen is over 50 pesos but does not exceed 200
defense was that he was not the actual finder. pesos.

The Supreme Court said, although the accused was not 5. Arresto mayor to its full extent, if such value is over 5
the actual finder, it cannot be disputed that this accused pesos but does not exceed 50 pesos.
knew that the said money does not belong to the said two
miner workers of him. The said money was only found on 6. Arresto mayor in its minimum and medium periods, if
the street. such value does not exceed 5 pesos.

In the problem, the said police officer, although he was not 7. Arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos, if the
the actual finder, it was X who was the actual finder, he theft is committed under the circumstances enumerated in
knew that the said wallet was only found by the said paragraph 3 of the next preceding article and the value of
person. Therefore, since the said wallet was surrendered the thing stolen does not exceed 5 pesos. If such value
to him, he has the obligation to return the wallet to the exceeds said amount, the provision of any of the five
owner thereof. Although he was not the actual finder, preceding subdivisions shall be made applicable.
he is considered to be the finder in law. The moment
the said wallet was given to him. He is now under obligation 8. Arresto menor in its minimum period or a fine not
to return the wallet to the owner. When he failed to deliver exceeding 50 pesos, when the value of the thing stolen is
the wallet to the actual owner, then he failed to return the not over 5 pesos, and the offender shall have acted under
lost property to its rightful owner. Then he is the one liable the impulse of hunger, poverty, or the difficulty of earning
for theft under Article 308. a livelihood for the support of himself or his family.

Q: X was very mad at the dog of Y. One midnight, X ARTICLE 310. QUALIFIED THEFT
killed the dog of Y. After killing the dog of Y, he
brought it to his house and he cooked it, savoring it as Article 310. Qualified theft. - The crime of theft shall be
pulutan. What crime is committed by X? punished by the penalties next higher by two degrees than
those respectively specified in the next preceding article, if
A: X is liable for theft. After having caused damage on the committed by a domestic servant, or with grave abuse of
property of Y, the owner of the dog, he removed and made confidence, or if the property stolen is motor vehicle, mail

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matter or large cattle or consists of coconuts taken from house.” So, because of that, X got an idea. She told her
the premises of the plantation or fish taken from a fishpond boyfriend to go to the house and when he arrived, the
or fishery, or if property is taken on the occasion of fire, security guard refused entry of the boyfriend based on the
earthquake, typhoon, volcanic erruption, or any other instruction of owner Y. X came out and talked to the guard,
calamity, vehicular accident or civil disturbance. (As and the guard let the boyfriend in. The three of them talked
amended by R.A. 120 and B.P. Blg. 71. May 1, 1980). with one another. Thereafter when X entered the house,
she allowed the boyfriend and the security guard to enter.
QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES Whilst inside, the three of them took all valuables inside the
house. Since X knew the key to the vault, she took the key
1. When theft is committed by a domestic servant; and took everything inside the vault. They divided it among
the three of them. What crime or crimes are committed
2. When the theft committed with grave abuse of by X, her boyfriend, and the security guard?
A: X is liable for Qualified Theft being the domestic
servant of the owner Y and Z. Just the mere fact that she
3. When the thing or property taken is a (a) motor is the domestic servant, theft is already in its qualified form.
vehicle, (b) mail matter, or (c) large cattle;
X’s boyfriend is liable for Simple Theft under Article 308.
4. When the thing or property taken consists of The act committed by the boyfriend is not attended by any
coconuts taken from the premises of the of the qualifying circumstances under Article 310.
The security guard hired by Y and Z to guard the house
5. When the property stolen is taken from a and who was given instruction to not let anyone inside,
fishpond or fishery; would be liable for Qualified Theft under the second act.
The act of taking by the security guard is done with grave
6. When property is stolen on the occasion of fire, abuse of confidence.
earthquake, typhoon, volcanic eruption, or any
other calamity, vehicular accident, or civil The Supreme Court said that in case of Theft, there is
disturbance. grave abuse of confidence in the act of taking when the
offender and the said offended party who is the owner of
Any of these circumstances will qualify the crime of theft. the property, has a relationship of guardianship,
Just one of these circumstances will qualify for the crime dependency, and vigilance between them.
of theft.
In this case there is a relationship of guardianship,
The Supreme Court said, domestic servant is separated dependency, and vigilance between the owners Y and Z
from grave abuse of confidence by the disjunctive word and the security guard. The guard was hired by the couple
OR. Therefore, the moment the person who took the to protect their house, to ensure that there will be no
personal property of another is a domestic servant, it is robbery or theft. However, he was one who took the
immediately qualified theft. There is no need to prove personal things inside. There was grave abuse of
that in the act of taking there is grave abuse of confidence. confidence. He violated the trust reposed on him on
Because domestic servant is separated from the word the things he is supposed to guard. Therefore, it is
grave of abuse of confidence by the disjunctive word OR. Qualified Theft.
Therefore, they are separate and distinct.
The accused, X is the domestic servant in the house of Y
and Z. Y and Z have to go out for 2 days. They have to go If the thing taken is a motor vehicle, then the crime
to Baguio to attend some meetings. X, who has been with committed is carnapping. It is a violation of R.A. No. 10883.
them for more than 2 years and whom they trusted, told X
that they would be gone for 2 days and not to accept PEOPLE v. CARIÑO
anyone inside. When X was alone inside the house, X G.R. No. 232624 | 9 July 2018
received a phone call from her mother, who told her that
her father was in the hospital and needed an operation and In the case of People v. Cariño, the Supreme Court said,
needed a big amount of money. The mother was telling X carnapping is the robbery or theft of a motorized vehicle.
that she should bring to their house all her savings. But X The taking of the motor vehicle is deemed complete the
said she has not much savings and upon looking at her moment the offender gains possession of the said motor
bag, she only has a few peso bills. X called her boyfriend vehicle, even if he has no opportunity to dispose of the
and asked him if she could borrow money. The boyfriend same. Intent to gain or animus lucrandi, being an
said he doesn’t have money; he does not have work so internal state of the mind, is presumed from the unlawful
how could he have money. The boyfriend told X, “You want taking of the motor vehicle. The Supreme Court said, in
money? There is money in the house, everything is in the case of carnapping, actual gain is irrelevant, what is

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material is intent to gain. The term “gain” is not limited to all the elements of carnapping are present. Z is liable for
pecuniary benefit, it also includes benefit which may arise, carnapping.
which may be derived, which may be expected from the
use of the said motor vehicle taken. Therefore, the mere Q: Z argued that he returned the vehicle. He only used
use of the motor vehicle, which is taken without the owner’s the sports car from Friday to Sunday. Therefore, there
consent, without asking permission from the owner already was no intent to gain. Is Z correct?
constitutes the crime of theft, because there is already
intent to gain. A: NO. Intent to gain is NOT limited to pecuniary benefit. It
includes any benefit which may be derived or expected
Q: X and Y has to go to Japan to attend a meeting for from the act of taking. The mere use of the motor vehicle
a period of 1 week. It was Friday. Before leaving, X and for a road trip already gave gain on the part of Z. Therefore,
Y called their helpers and drivers. X and Y told Z, the his act is attended with intent to gain. All the elements of
driver assigned for their children, “Z, you have to make carnapping are present. Z is liable for carnapping under
sure that you are going to bring our children to school, R.A. No. 10883.
wait for them, and bring them back to the house. Never
fail in your task.” Z replied, “Yes.” Thereafter, X and Y PENALTIES UNDER R.A. NO. 10883
left. That Friday Z brought the children to school and
after school hours brought back the children to the Under R.A. No. 10883, if the act of carnapping is
house. When Z was already parking the van in the committed without the consent of the owner, but without
garage, Z took notice of a new car brought by his boss, violence against or intimidation of persons, the penalty is
X. Z looked inside the car, it was a new sports car. 20 years and 1 day to 30 years.
When Z held the door, to his surprise, he noticed that
it was not locked. Z saw the ignition key inside the car. If the act of taking or carnapping is done with violence or
Z sat in the said car and with the use of the said intimidation of persons, or by force upon things, the penalty
ignition key, he moved the said car out of the garage, is 30 years and 1 day to 40 years.
he called his girlfriend and told her that for the
weekend, they would be having a road trip. Z used the If on the occasion of the said act of carnapping, the owner,
newly bought sports car of his master X and went on the driver, or the occupant of the motor vehicle is killed or
a road trip with his girlfriend from Friday evening to dies or is raped, the penalty is life imprisonment. Despite
Sunday night. Come Sunday night, after bringing his the killing or the rape committed against the owner, driver,
girlfriend back home to her house, Z brought back the or occupant of the motor vehicle, the crime committed is
car to the garage. A week thereafter, the owner of the carnapping under R.A. No. 10883, but the penalty is life
car X came back. Upon entering the garage, he was so imprisonment (maximum penalty). Hence, it becomes a
shocked. He has never used his newly bought sports non-bailable offense.
car, yet, the tires were already full of mud and dirt. He
inquired and realized what Z did, he took the car for a UNTALAN v. PEOPLE
road trip and returned it Sunday night. X filed a case
for carnapping under R.A. No. 10883 against Z. Is Z
liable as charged? FACTS: Justice Oswaldo Agcaoili owned a Toyota Hiace.
When he woke up, his Hiace was no longer in the garage.
A: YES, Z is liable as charged. All the elements for Thus, Justice Agcaoili reported that his car was missing.
carnapping under R.A. No. 10883 are present. The police officers looked for the said car. Until the police
officers went to the house of Untalan, the former driver of
First, that there be actual taking of motor vehicle. Here, Z Justice Agcaoili, located in Cavite. The police officers
took the motor vehicle of X, the new sports car. found the Toyota Hiace parked in the house of Untalan. A
case was filed against Untalan for carnapping. Is Untalan
Second, the said motor vehicle must belong to another guilty as charged?
person. Here, the motor vehicle belongs to the master, X.
RULING: YES. All the elements of carnapping are
Third, the act of taking the motor vehicle must be done with present.
intent to gain. In this case, the act of taking the motor
vehicle was done with intent to gain, there is animus First, it is undisputed that the said car, the Toyota Hiace,
lucrandi. It is an internal act, the intent to gain is presumed belongs to CA Justice Oswaldo Agcaoili. He reported it to
from the unlawful taking of the said motor vehicle. the police as missing from his garage where it was parked
the night before.
Last element, the said taking is done without the consent
of the owner or by violence or intimidation or use of force Second, Untalan, the former driver of Justice Agcaoili, was
upon things. Here, the said act of taking the motor vehicle found in possession of the said subject vehicle in Bacoor,
was done without the consent of the master X. Therefore, Cavite by the police operatives. They found the vehicle 3
days after it was reported as missing and Untalan could not

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give any explanation or justification why the car was found
in his house. There are four articles on Estafa:

Third, Untalan had intent to gain which is presumed from a. Article 315 involving Estafa or Swindling;
the unlawful taking of the said motor vehicle. The Supreme b. Article 316 for other forms of swindling;
Court said, actual gain is immaterial, it is irrelevant. What c. Article 317 swindling of a minor;
is important is that the act of taking was done with intent to d. Article 318 for other deceits.
gain and the said intent to gain of Untalan is presumed
from the taking of the motor vehicle without permission of Whatever be the kind of Estafa, there are two general
Justice Agcaoili. elements present.

Lastly, the said taking was done without the consent of Two General Elements Of Estafa:
Justice Agcaoili, the complainant. Therefore, all the
elements are present. 1. That the offender defrauded another by abuse
of confidence or by means of deceit;
2. That damage or prejudice which is capable of
pecuniary estimation is caused to the offended
If the thing taken is large cattle, the crime committed is party or to a third person.
Cattle Rustling under P.D. 533 or the Anti-Cattle Rustling
Law. As to the first element, it does not necessarily mean that
there must always be deceit. In lieu of deceit, Estafa can
CATTLE RUSTLING be committed by means of abuse of confidence.
The act of taking any large cattle by any means, method, As to the second element, it is necessary that there must
or scheme, without the consent of the owner, caretaker, or be damage or prejudice caused to the offended party or to
overseer thereof, with or without intent to gain, with or a third person. Moreover, it is necessary that the said
without violence against or intimidation of persons or use damage or prejudice is capable of pecuniary estimation
of force upon things. If the thing taken is large cattle, the because the penalty is dependent on the amount of the
act committed is a violation of P.D. 533, the Anti-Cattle damage caused.
Rustling Law.
Whatever be the kind of Estafa, there must always be the
The Supreme Court said that cattle rustling is NOT malum presence of these two elements.
prohibitum. Although cattle rustling is punished by P.D.
533, a special law, it is a crime malum in se because it is ARTICLE 315. SWINDLING OR ESTAFA AS AMENDED
an amendment to Article 310 and Article 309 of the BY R.A. NO. 10591
RPC. Under Sec. 10 of P.D. 533, it is expressly provided
that P.D. 533 amends Art. 309 and 310 of the RPC such There are three kinds of Estafa under Article 315.
that when the thing taken is large cattle, it is cattle rustling,
this is an amendment to Article 310 or Qualified Theft. THREE KINDS OF ESTAFA UNDER ARTICLE 315
If in the act of committing cattle rustling, the offender kills I. Estafa with Unfaithfulness or Abuse of
or inflicts injuries on the owner, caretaker, or overseer, the Authority - Article 315 (1);
said killing or infliction of force and injury will simply
be absorbed by violation of P.D. 533 because cattle II. Estafa by Means of False Pretenses or
rustling is committed with violence against or intimidation Fraudulent Acts Executed Prior to or
against persons. The act of killing is within the meaning of Simultaneously with the Commission of the
violence employed in the said act of taking. Crime - Article 315 (2);
Cattle rustling also includes the killing of a large cattle or III. Estafa Through Fraudulent Means - Article
taking it as a meat or hide without the consent of the owner 315 (3).
or raiser. (Culled from PN 2020)
If the thing was taken on occasion of calamities,
1. With unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence, namely:
earthquake, fire, typhoon, volcanic eruption, even during a
vehicular accident or any civil disturbance, the act
(a) By altering the substance, quantity, or quality or
committed is qualified.
anything of value which the offender shall deliver by virtue

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of an obligation to do so, even though such obligation be
based on an immoral or illegal consideration. Elements of Article 315(1)(b)

(b) By misappropriating or converting, to the prejudice of 1. That money, goods, or other personal
another, money, goods, or any other personal property property be received by the offender in
received by the offender in trust or on commission, or for trust, or on commission, or for
administration, or under any other obligation involving the administration, or under any other
duty to make delivery of or to return the same, even though obligation involving the duty to make
such obligation be totally or partially guaranteed by a bond; delivery of or to return the same;
or by denying having received such money, goods, or other
property. 2. That there be misappropriation or
conversion of the said money, goods, or
(c) By taking undue advantage of the signature of the personal property by the person who
offended party in blank, and by writing any document received it;
above such signature in blank, to the prejudice of the
offended party or of any third person. 3. That such misappropriation or conversion
resulted to the prejudice of the offended

a) By altering the substance, quantity, or quality or 4. That there be demand for the return of the
anything of value which the offender shall deliver said money, good, or personal property.
by virtue of an obligation to do so, even though
such obligation be based on an immoral or illegal As to the first element, for Estafa to arise under
consideration. Article 315 (1)(b) it is necessary that when the
offended party gave the said money, goods, or
Elements of Article 315(1)(a) personal property to the offender, and when the
offender received the said money, goods, or
1. That the offender has an onerous personal property from the offended party, what
obligation to deliver something of value, was received by him and what was delivered by
even though such obligation is based on him was not only the physical or material
an immoral or illegal consideration. possession of the said property but both the
physical and material possession and juridical
2. The said offender alters its substance, its possession of the said property.
quantity, or its quality.
Juridical Possession is a possession in the
3. Damage or prejudice is caused to the concept of an owner. If only the actual or material
offended party. possession is transferred to him, upon receipt of
the said money, goods, or other personal property
For as long as the offender has the onerous and the same is misappropriated by him, the crime
obligation to deliver something of value to another committed is Theft or Qualified Theft and NOT
person, he should not alter its quantity, its quality, Estafa.
or its substance. Any alteration would bring about
a violation of Estafa under Article 315 (1)(a). For Estafa to arise it is necessary that both physical or
material possession and juridical possession has been
Note that under Article 315 (1)(a), it can either be received by the offender upon receipt of the money, goods,
based on legal or illegal consideration. The law or other personal property.
does not take into consideration that it must
always be legal. Even if the consideration is Q: X went to Y and told him, “Y I lost my job and I heard
immoral or illegal, still, estafa is committed if there that you are allowing your jewelry to be sold on
is an alteration or substitution. commission basis. Would you entrust me to sell your
jewelry? You know me to be a good person, we used
b) By misappropriating or converting, to the prejudice to work for the same company.” After much
of another, money, goods, or any other personal consideration, Y agreed and entrusted some of his
property received by the offender in trust or on jewelry and allowed X to sell it on commission basis.
commission, or for administration, or under any X chose the jewelries and Y listed the jewelries X had
other obligation involving the duty to make delivery chosen. Y said, “All of these cost P300,000.00. You can
of or to return the same, even though such sell these on a commission basis. You can decide on
obligation be totally or partially guaranteed by a how much you would charge as commission over the
bond; or by denying having received such money, cost of the jewelries as long as you will return the
goods, or other personal property. jewelries if unsold or give me the cost of the same

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(sale). Based on our agreement you may sell these
jewelries on commission basis for a period of 30 days. In this case, it is evident that X already misappropriated the
After 30 days, you have to return to me the jewelry you said jewelry. Therefore, demand is not even necessary.
have failed to sell, and you have to remit to me the Under Article 315-1(b), demand is immaterial whether it is
proceeds and cost of the jewelry minus your in writing, via phone call, or personal. There is no requisite
commission.” Thereafter, Y gave the chosen jewelry to that is should be in a formal written demand.
Q: X was the principal in an elementary school. He was
After a month lapsed, Y was waiting for X to return the asked by the head of school, aside from being the
jewelry unsold or to remit the proceeds of the sale, but principal, to receive the matriculation fees paid by the
no X arrived in the house. Thus, Y gave X a call saying, students. He was entrusted to receive these
“The 30th day was yesterday, where are the jewelries? matriculation fees. Thus, the parents were paying to
Where are the proceeds from the sale of the jewelry?” the said principal. Thereafter, the principal failed to go
X replied, “Yes, I was about to go to your house to work. When he failed to go the work, the
yesterday and today, but I have an important visitor. management of the school tried to conduct an audit on
Expect me to be there tomorrow. I have already sold the money that he has received and it was discovered
all the jewelry. I would be giving to you the exact that he did not remit to the school all the matriculation
amount of P300,000.00 having subtracted my fees that he received and collected from the parents
commission from the total sales.” Y said that he would and the students. Although the said offender is
be waiting for X. The following day, Y waited for the obligated and instructed to forward all payments to the
arrival of X, but he did not arrive. Y gave X another call, school, he failed to do so and went on leave of
but X would no longer pick up the phone. Y sent absence. Because of that, he was charged with the
messages through text messages and social media crime of Estafa under Article 315-1(b). Is the charge
accounts, but X did not reply. correct?

Y is mad so he filed a case for Estafa under Article 315- A: NO, the charge is wrong. The proper charge should
1(b) – Estafa through Misappropriation or Conversion be is Qualified Theft. It is not estafa under Article 315-1(b).
against X. X’s defense was that Y’s case will not lie
against him because he did not receive any formal In this case, X aside from being principal, was merely
written demand from Y. Is X liable for the crime of designated as the temporary custodian of the said school
Estafa? matriculation fees. What was given to X was only the
physical and material possession of the said school
A: X is liable for the crime of estafa under Article 315- matriculation fees. He was the one who collected the said
1(b) because all the elements are present. fees and he was obligated to remit it to the school
authorities. Therefore, being the temporary custodian,
First, Y delivered the said jewelry to X. When Y delivered what he acquires is only the physical or material
the said jewelries to X for sale on commission basis, what possession of the said unremitted funds and not the
Y transferred to X was not only the material or physical juridical possession of the said unremitted funds. Hence,
possession of the said jewelry but also the juridical the crime committed is not Estafa, the crime committed is
possession of the said jewelry. For a period of one (1) Qualified Theft.
month, X has a better right over the said jewelries than that
of the owner Y. Therefore, what has been transferred to Q: The mother went to a store that sells secondhand
him was juridical possession. laptops. The store owner saw her and asked her what
he can do for her. The mother told him that she needs
Second, X misappropriated the said jewelry. He failed to two (2) secondhand laptops. The storeowner showed
return the said jewelry and the proceeds of the sale. here around and told her that they have a policy in their
store that she can choose the laptop that she wants
Third, this prejudiced Y in the amount of P300,000. The and bring it home for trial purposes. However, she has
first three (3) elements were present but the contention of to return it within seven (7) days if she is not buying it.
X is that the fourth element is not present as there was no If she fails to return it within seven (7) days, then it
demand. He did not receive any demand letter. means she is buying it and she needs to pay the price.
Thus, the mother chose two (2) laptops, and she
The Supreme Court said that under Article 315-1(b), brought them home. The seven-day trial period lapsed
demand may come in any form. It is not required under and she did not return the laptops. The owner of the
Article 315-1(b) that demand be a formal written demand. store called her and asked where are the laptops or the
Demand may come in any form. In fact, according to the money. The mother said that she is going to give the
Supreme Court, demand is not necessary if there is a clear laptops back. However, days passed, the laptops were
and convincing evidence that the accused already not returned and no money were paid. Because of this,
misappropriated, appropriated, or converted the said the owner of the store filed a case of Estafa under
money, goods, or personal property. Article 315-1(b) – Estafa through Misappropriation or

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Conversion against the said mother. Is the said woman
liable as charged? (b) By altering the quality, fineness or weight of anything
pertaining to his art or business.
A: NO, the woman is not liable. The first element is
absent. (c) By pretending to have bribed any Government
employee, without prejudice to the action for calumny
Under the first element, it is necessary that when the said which the offended party may deem proper to bring against
laptop was transferred to the mother, what has been the offender. In this case, the offender shall be punished
transferred would be the juridical possession of the said by the maximum period of the penalty.
property. Hence, she has the obligation to remit, to give
back, and to return the said laptop to owner of the store. (d) By post-dating a check, or issuing a check in payment
of an obligation when the offender therein were not
Based on their agreement, if the laptop was returned within sufficient to cover the amount of the check. The failure of
seven (7) days, she is not buying it; if the laptop was not the drawer of the check to deposit the amount necessary
returned after seven (7) days, it means that she is buying to cover his check within three (3) days from receipt of
it and she has to pay it. Seven (7) days have lapse and notice from the bank and/or the payee or holder that said
she did not return the laptop. Therefore, what has been check has been dishonored for lack of insufficiency of
transferred to her is not only the juridical and material funds shall be prima facie evidence of deceit constituting
possession of the laptop but ownership of the laptop. She false pretense or fraudulent act. (As amended by R.A.
was already deemed to have bought the laptop based on 4885, approved June 17, 1967.)
the agreement. Therefore, the obligation of the mother to
return the laptop is not criminal in nature but civil in nature (e) By obtaining any food, refreshment or accommodation
to pay for the value of the said laptop because what was at a hotel, inn, restaurant, boarding house, lodging house,
transferred to her was already the ownership of the laptop or apartment house and the like without paying therefor,
upon the lapse of seven (7) days. with intent to defraud the proprietor or manager thereof, or
by obtaining credit at hotel, inn, restaurant, boarding
c) By taking undue advantage of the signature of the house, lodging house, or apartment house by the use of
offended party in blank, and by writing any any false pretense, or by abandoning or surreptitiously
document above such signature in blank, to the removing any part of his baggage from a hotel, inn,
prejudice of the offended party or of any third restaurant, boarding house, lodging house or apartment
person. house after obtaining credit, food, refreshment or
accommodation therein without paying for his food,
Elements of Article 315(1)(c) refreshment or accommodation.

1. The paper with the signature of the In order for estafa to arise, it is necessary that the act of
offended party is in blank; false pretense must be simultaneous with the act of
deprivation. Were it not for the false pretense on the part
2. Offended party delivered it to the offender; of the offender, the offended party would not have parted
with his money, goods, or other personal property. Thus, it
3. Above the signature of the offended party, is necessary that the false pretense must be in
a document is written by the offender concomitance or simultaneous with the act of deprivation.
without authority to do so; Otherwise, estafa is not committed.

4. The document so written creates a liability FIVE PUNISHABLE ACTS:

of, or causes damage to, the offended
party or any third person. a) By using fictitious name, or falsely pretending to
possess power, influence, qualifications, property,
II. ESTAFA BY MEANS OF FALSE PRETENSES OR credit, agency, business or imaginary
FRAUDULENT ACTS EXECUTED PRIOR TO OR transactions, or by means of other similar deceits.
FRAUD (ART. 315 [2]) That is the false pretense that must be in
concomitance with the act of deprivation.
2. By means of any of the following false pretenses or
fraudulent acts executed prior to or simultaneously with the
commission of the fraud: Q: X learned that A, B, and C wanted to work in a
foreign land. So, X went to the boarding house of A, B,
(a) By using fictitious name, or falsely pretending to and C and represented to them that he has a
possess power, influence, qualifications, property, credit, recruitment and placement agency that can bring them
agency, business or imaginary transactions, or by means to work in Canada. Because of the good words coming
of other similar deceits. from X, A, B, and C believed. X said that it is only
possible if all of them will give the amount of Php
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50,000 pesos as placement fee, inclusive of cooperatives, "samahang nayon(s)", or farmers'
everything. According to X, A, B, and C will not do associations, or of funds solicited by
anything, everything will be handed to them and the corporations/associations from the general public.
only thing that X will say to them was the date of their
departure from the Philippines. Since A, B, and C
Q: A, B, C, D, and E graduated from college and they
believed X, they gave him Php 50,000 each. However,
X did not come back to the said boarding house and all come from wealthy family and wanted to put up an
A, B, and C never left the Philippines. What crime/s investment corporation. A, B, C, D, and E combined
may be filed against X? their funds and they put up their investment
corporation. But for the company to grow and stay,
they needed investors. Thus, they tried to look for
A: X may be charged of Estafa by means of False
investors. They went to this Barangay wherein they
Pretense under Article 315-2(a) and he may also be
know that many people have already retired. With the
charged with Illegal Recruitment in Large Scale.
help of the Barangay Captain, they said that they
X is liable of Estafa by means of False Pretense under needed an audience to invite the people to invest in
Article 315-2(a) because were it not for his false their newly formed corporation. The Barangay Captain
representation that he has the placement and recruitment obliged to their request and the Barangay Captain
gathered their constituents.
agency that can bring A, B, and C to work in Canada, A, B,
and C would not have parted with their Php 50,000. The
false pretense was simultaneous with the act of defrauding On that day, A, B, C, D, and E went in the covered court
A, B, and C. Therefore, X will be liable for Estafa by means and discussed their newly formed investment
of False Pretense under Article 315-2(a). corporation to the constituents of the Barangay
Captain. They guaranteed them immediate return of
the amount of investment and 50% net profits/interest
X is liable for Illegal Recruitment in Large Scale. In Illegal
Recruitment in Large Scale, if illegal recruitment is on the amount invested, telling the people that no bank
committed against three (3) or more persons, the offender on earth can give them such interest, only them
shall be liable for Illegal Recruitment in Large Scale. because they have the funds. Because of their good
words, 21 constituents of the Barangay Chairman
Q: In the same problem, when X did not anymore invested in the said corporation. They were given
return to the boarding house, A, B, and C tried to certificate of investments, and after being given such,
search and went to the POEA website and found that these people were also given postdated cheques,
representing their 50% proceeds of the investment.
X’s recruitment and placement agency is legal and that
X indeed has a legitimate recruitment and placement
agency. They were asking themselves how come he However, on the maturity date of the said cheques,
did not return to fulfill his promise to them that they these 21 people deposited their cheques to the bank
will be able to go and work in Canada. A, B, and C filed but were dishonored. They sent the notice of dishonor
a case of Estafa by means of False Pretense against X. to A, B, C, D, and E, but the said notice of dishonor was
Is X liable as charged despite the fact that he has returned to sender because of wrong address. What
indeed a legitimate, valid, and registered recruitment crime/s should be filed against A, B, C, D, and E?
and placement agency?
A: A, B, C, D, and E should be charged with 21 counts
A: YES, X is still liable. It is immaterial whether X has a of syndicated estafa. All the elements of syndicated
valid and legitimate recruitment and placement agency. estafa are present.
The fact is were it not for his false pretense or
representation that he can bring A, B, and C to work in First element, that the offender committed any of the acts
of Estafa under Article 315 or Article 316. In this case, A,
Canada, the three persons would not have parted with their
B, C, D, and E committed estafa under Article 315-2(a) -
hard-earned Php50,000. It is immaterial whether his
recruitment agency is licensed or registered. Estafa by means of False Pretense. Were it not for their
good words and promises, the 21 people would not have
SYNDICATED ESTAFA parted with their money. Therefore, the false pretense was
in concomitance with the act of deprivation.
Elements of Syndicated Estafa
Second element, the offender must be a syndicate
1. Any act of Estafa under Article 315 or 316 is consisting of five (5) or more persons. They are five
persons, the law deems that they are a syndicate.
2. It is committed by group of five (5) persons acting Third element, the deprivation must consist in the
as a syndicate; misappropriation of money contributed by
3. The defraudation consists in the misappropriation stockholders/members of corporation, rural bank, farmer’s
of money contributed by the stockholders or association, or money solicited by corporation or
members of the corporation, rural banks, association from the general public. In this case, these

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money were solicited from the general public, the 21 funds in the bank or his funds deposited therein
persons. were not sufficient to cover the amount of the
Q: In the same problem, A, B, C, D, and E formed this
corporation. They used their funds, they formed their Elements of Article 315(2)(d)
investment corporation, and the next target is they
have to have their investors. They could not find any, 1. That a check has been drawn or
they tried to look in the internet, until they found this postdated in payment of an obligation
person in the name of W. W just won in the lotto and contracted at the time of the issuance of
everyone on social media knew it because he posted the check;
his video saying that he won in the lotto. A, B, C, D,
and E knew their target. They went to the house of W 2. That the said check has no sufficient
and enticed W to invest in their corporation. W was funds; and
enticed and so he invested. Since W won Php 200
million, W invested Php 50 million. True enough, the 3. The said check was dishonored, and the
postdated cheques representing the 50% proceeds of payee sustains damage.
of the Php 50 milion were issued. Because of that, W
In order to constitute Estafa under Article 315-2(d),
was enticed to invest more so he increased his
it is necessary that the act of postdating, the act of
investment to Php 100 million. Again, the postdated
cheques representing the 50% proceeds of the Php 50 issuing a check in payment of an obligation must
million was a good check. W craved for more and he be the efficient cause of the deprivation. It should
invested his entire lotto winnings amounting to Php be either prior to or simultaneous with the act of
200 million. When he deposited the cheques deprivation. The false pretense in the issuance of
representing the profits, the cheque bounced. He sent the check must be either prior to or simultaneous
notice of dishonor to A, B, C, D, and E. However, the with the act of deprivation. Otherwise, Estafa
said notice of dishonor was returned to the sender. He under Article 315-2(d) will not lie against the said
then filed a case of Syndicated Estafa against A, B, C, accused.
D, and E. Are A, B, C, D, and E liable for syndicated
estafa? Q: X bought materials from Y. Y said that he can only
sell materials on cash basis. X said that he has no
A: NO. A, B, C, D, and E are not liable for syndicated estafa cash. Thus, Y said that he cannot sell to him. But X was
because the thrd element of such crime is absent. persistent and told Y that although he has no cash, he
has a postdated check and gave Y his word that the
The first element is present, the offenders committed any check will be funded on its maturity date. Y believed
of the acts of estafa under Article 315 and Article 316, is the words of X so he took the postdated check and
present. In this case, A, B, C, D, and E committed estafa gave X the materials needed. On the maturity date of
under Article 315-2(a). the check, when Y deposited the check, the check
bounced. Y sent a notice of dishonor to X. Despite
Second element, the offender must be consisting of five (5) receipt of the notice of dishonor, X didn’t make good
or more persons, which in this case is present. of the check. Despite the lapse of three (3) banking
days, X did not make good of the check. What case/s
The third element, that the said money or deprivation must may Y file against X?
consist in misappropriation solicited by the corporation or
association from the general public, is absent. A: Y can file the cases of Estafa by Postdating a Check
under Article 315-2(d) and violation of B.P. 22. There is
In Hao v. People, the Supreme Court said that one victim, Estafa by postdating a check under Article 315-2(d)
one offended party is not a representative of the general because the said act of false pretense in issuing a check
public. Therefore, the Supreme Court downgraded the which has no funds is prior to or simultaneous with the act
crime to Estafa under Article 315-2(a) - Estafa by means of deprivation. Were it not for X’s assurance to Y that the
of False Pretense. It is not syndicated estafa because if the check will be funded, Y will not get the check and give the
victim is only one, the Supreme Court said that such victim materials to X. Therefore, Estafa by Postdating a Check
does not represent the general public. under Article 315-2(d) is committed.

b) By altering the quality, fitness, or weight of Likewise, a violation of B.P. 22 is committed. The said
anything pertaining to his art or business. postdated checks was issued to Y and the said check
bounced and was dishonored when it was deposited.
c) By pretending to have bribed a Government Therefore, X is liable for violation of B.P. 22.
Q: X obtained a loan from Y. X issued a postdated
d) By postdating a check or issuing a check in check. After a month, when Y deposited the check, the
payment of an obligation when the offender had no check bounced. Y sent a notice of dishonor to X,
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despite the lapse of three (3) days, despite the lapse of
five (5) banking days, X failed to make good of the While notice of dishonor is not an element of the said
check. What crime is committed by X? What case/s crimes, it is material because it is only upon receipt of the
may Y file against X? same that the drawer is given the chance to make good on
the check. If the drawer made good on the check within 3
A: Y can only file one case against X and that is or 5 days, as the case may be, the drawer is not liable for
violation of B.P. 22. This time, there is no estafa by Estafa or BP 22.
postdating a check because if a check was issued in
payment of a pre-existing obligation, it cannot be said that BOUNCING CHECKS LAW (B.P. 22)
the false pretense in the issuance of the check is
simultaneous with the act of deprivation. Estafa by
Postdating a check will not apply if the check is issued in ACTS PUNISHED
payment of a pre-existing obligation because the false
pretense is no longer simultaneous with the act of I. Making or drawing and issuance of a check knowing
deprivation. at the time of the issue that the offender does not
have sufficient funds in the bank.
The drawer of the check knew that at the time of
ESTAFA BY the issuance of the check, he has no funds in the
POSTDATING A B.P. 22 bank.
II. The failing to give sufficient funds are credit with
The check was issued Liability occurred even in
concurrently, reciprocally payment of a pre-existing the drawee bank such that when the check presented
in payment of the obligation. within the period of 90 days from the date appearing
exchanged consideration. on the check, it was dishonored by the bank.
Damage and deceit are Damage and deceit are
At the time of the issuance of the check, the drawer
essential elements. immaterial.
has funds in the bank, however, the crime will arise
Crime against property. Crime against public
interest. because he failed to make good the check or he
The drawer is given three The drawer of the check is failed to keep such sufficient funds to the said
(3) days from the receipt given five (5) banking drawee bank within the period of 90 days such that
of notice of dishonor to days to make good of the when the check was deposited within 90 days, it
make good of the check. check. was dishonored by the drawee bank.
Malum in se Malum prohibitum
Q: X went to Y. X has an obligation to Y so he issued a
In case of Estafa under Article 315-1(b) – Estafa through postdated check in favor of Y. Y opened his drawer and
Misappropriation or Conversion, demand may come in any Y placed the check inside. Y is a busy man so he forgot
about the check. 152 days thereafter, he remembered
form – formal written demand, oral demand, phone
demand, messages demand. that he has a check stashed in his drawer. Y
immediately took the check and went to the bank to
deposit the check. However, the check was
However, in case of violation of B.P. 22, there must be
dishonored by the drawee bank, it was account closed.
evidence that accused received a formal written demand
coming from the said private offended party. It is necessary Because of this, Y sent a notice of dishonor to X. X
for the accused to receive a formal written demand coming received it and didn’t mind it. Y sent a second notice
from the private complaint because it is upon receipt by the of dishonor to X and a written formal demand letter. X
didn’t mind it and said that Y cannot file a case of
drawer of the check of the said formal written demand
violation of B.P. 22 against him because if ever he
saying that his check has been dishonored that the 5 days
closes the account, if ever the check bounced, it is
begin to run. It is from the date of receipt that he is given
five (5) banking days by the law within which to make good because of Y. X said that he kept the funds for a period
a check. If he failed to make good a check, five (5) of 90 days, but Y deposited it beyond 90 days.
banking days from the time he received this notice of Therefore, the fault is on Y. Is the argument of X
dishonor, then he becomes liable for violation of B.P. meritorious?
22. If within the five (5) banking days, he made
A: No, the argument of X is not meritorious. Even if Y
arrangements in order to pay the check, violation of B.P.
22 will not lie against him. failed to deposit the check within 90 days, for as long as
the check was deposited within 180 days before the check
becomes a stale check and the check bounced because of
DEMAND: Unlike in Art. 315 1(b) where demand may be
in any form, demand in estafa by postdating a check and insufficient funds, because of account closed, the drawer
in BP 22, demand, notice of dishonor, must always be in can still be liable for violation of B.P. 22. The 90-day period
writing. in the law is only for the prima facie presumption of
insufficiency of funds. If the check was deposited within 90

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days and the check bounced, the law presumes the drawer to issue another administrative circular, the SC-A.C. No.
of the check knows that he has no funds in the bank. 13-2001 in order to clarify SC-A.C. No. 12-2000.

There is that prima facie presumption of knowledge of SC-A.C. No. 13-2001

insufficiency of funds. But the prosecution can prove that
knowledge of insufficiency of funds through other means The SC made the following clarifications:
or form, even if the check was deposited beyond 90 days
for as long it is not yet a stale check and it bounced, there 1. The SC-A.C. No. 12-2000 does not remove
is still violation of BP 22. imprisonment as an alternative penalty for
violation of BP 22. Therefore, imprisonment is still
PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF KNOWLEDGE OF a penalty for violation of BP 22.

The making, drawing, and issuance of a check payment of 2. What SC-A.C. No. 12-2000 only establishes is a
which is refused by the drawee because of insufficient rule of preference on the imposition of the penalty
funds in or credit with such bank, when presented within such that if the offender acted in good faith or
ninety (90) days from the date of the check, shall constitute under mere mistake of fact without any taint of
prima facie knowledge of insufficiency of funds. negligence, the appropriate penalty is fine in lieu
of imprisonment.
Therefore, for the prima facie of knowledge of
insufficiency of funds to arise, the following are the
elements or the requisites: 3. The SC said if the penalty imposed by the court is
fine only, and the said offender or drawer of the
1. The check must be deposited within 90 days check is insolvent to pay the fine, then there is no
from the date appearing on the check; legal obstacle for the imposition of subsidiary
imprisonment under Art. 39 of Book I of RPC.
2. That the drawer of the check received a notice
of dishonor either from the bank or from the In case of violation of BP 22, the Supreme Court issued
payee or holder of the check; Administrative Circulars 12-2000 and 13-2001 because
when the SC first issued it, the MTC Judges for cases
3. The drawer of the check failed to make good involving violation of B.P. 22, regardless of the amount,
of the check within 5 banking days. thought that they can no longer impose penalty of
imprisonment, that they can only impose the penalty of
No prima facie knowledge of insufficiency of funds
1. The drawer of the check received a notice of
Thus, the SC issued the next circular, SAC-AC. 13-2001.
dishonor within five (5) days, he deposited the According to the SC, the said circulars does not intend to
amount in the bank to cover the check, there will erase imprisonment as an alternative penalty in case of
arise no prima facie evidence of knowledge of violation of BP 22. Imprisonment remains to be a
insufficiency of funds; penalty in violation of BP 22.
2. Within five (5) banking days, he went to the bank What they are saying is that in the administrative circular,
and made arrangement for the amount necessary there is a rule of preference in the imposition of penalty
to cover the check. such that when the drawer of the check acted in good faith,
under clear mistake of fact, instead of imprisonment, the
PENALTIES, SC-A.C. No. 12-2000 judge may impose a fine. The SC established that there
is only a rule of preference in the imposition of penalty
It is stated in SC-A.C. No. 12-2000 that in lieu of
but imprisonment remains to be a penalty in case of
imprisonment, the penalty to be imposed in violation of BP violation of BP 22. Fair enough, the SC does not have the
22 should only be fine, that is, if based on the facts and power to erase imprisonment as a penalty. Only congress
circumstances of the offense and the offender, the check has that power, not the SC.
was issued in good faith or under mere mistake of fact
without any taint of negligence. SC said that the e) By obtaining any food, refreshment or
appropriate penalty should be fine in lieu of imprisonment.
accommodation at a hotel, inn, restaurant,
Because of this SC-AC No. 12-2000, many MTC judges boarding house, lodging house, or apartment
thought that imprisonment is no longer a penalty for house and the like without paying therefor, with
violation of BP 22. They thought that now, the penalty for intent to defraud the proprietor or manager thereof,
violation of BP 22 is only fine. Because of this OR by obtaining credit at a hotel, inn, restaurant,
misunderstanding on the part of MTC judges, the SC has boarding house, lodging house, or apartment
house by the use of any false pretense, OR by

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abandoning or surreptitiously removing any part of rendered or labor performed by him, when in fact he did
his baggage from a hotel, inn, restaurant, boarding not actually perform such services or labor.
house, lodging house or apartment house after
obtaining credit, food, refreshment or 6. Any person who, while being a surety in a bond given in
accommodation therein without paying for his a criminal or civil action, without express authority from the
food, refreshment or accommodation. court or before the cancellation of his bond or before being
relieved from the obligation contracted by him, shall sell,
III. ESTAFA THROUGH FRAUDULENT MEANS (ART. mortgage, or, in any other manner, encumber the real
315 [3]) property or properties with which he guaranteed the
fulfillment of such obligation.
3. Through any of the following fraudulent means:
(a) By inducing another, by means of deceit, to sign any BY THE FOLLOWING:
a) Any person who, pretending to be owner of any
(b) By resorting to some fraudulent practice to insure real property, shall convey, sell, encumber or
success in a gambling game. mortgage the same.

(c) By removing, concealing or destroying, in whole or in b) Any person, who, knowing that real property is
part, any court record, office files, document or any other
encumbered, shall dispose of the same, although
such encumbrance be not recorded.
c) The owner of any personal property who shall
a) By inducing another, by means of deceit, to sign wrongfully take it from its lawful possessor, to the
any document; prejudice of the latter or any third person.

b) By resorting to some fraudulent practice to insure

d) Any person who, to the prejudice of another, shall
success in a gambling game; and
execute any fictitious contract.
c) By removing, concealing, or destroying, in whole
or in part, any court record, office files, document, e) Any person who shall accept any compensation
or any other papers. given him under the belief that it was in payment
of services rendered or labor performed by him,
when in fact he did not actually perform such
services or labor.
Article 316. Other forms of swindling. - The penalty of
arresto mayor in its minimum and medium period and a
fine of not less than the value of the damage caused and f) Any person who, while being a surety in a bond
not more than three times such value, shall be imposed given in a criminal or civil action, without express
upon: authority from the court or before the cancellation
of his bond or before being relieved from the
1. Any person who, pretending to be owner of any real obligation contracted by him, shall sell, mortgage,
property, shall convey, sell, encumber or mortgage the or, in any other manner, encumber the real
same. property or properties with which he guaranteed
the fulfillment of such obligation.
2. Any person, who, knowing that real property is
encumbered, shall dispose of the same, although such ARTICLE 317. SWINDLING A MINOR
encumbrance be not recorded.
Article 317. Swindling a minor. - Any person who taking
3. The owner of any personal property who shall wrongfully advantage of the inexperience or emotions or feelings of a
take it from its lawful possessor, to the prejudice of the minor, to his detriment, shall induce him to assume any
latter or any third person. obligation or to give any release or execute a transfer of
any property right in consideration of some loan of money,
4. Any person who, to the prejudice of another, shall credit or other personal property, whether the loan clearly
execute any fictitious contract. appears in the document or is shown in any other form,
shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor and a fine of a sum
5. Any person who shall accept any compensation given ranging from 10 to 50 per cent of the value of the obligation
him under the belief that it was in payment of services contracted by the minor.

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ARTICLE 318. OTHER DECEITS The classification of Arson into destructive and simple
arson is based on the character and location of the
Article 318. Other deceits. - The penalty of arresto mayor property burned regardless of the value of the property.
and a fine of not less than the amount of the damage Whatever the kind of arson, there are two general
caused and not more than twice such amount shall be elements of arson.
imposed upon any person who shall defraud or damage
another by any other deceit not mentioned in the preceding General Elements of Arson:
articles of this chapter.
1. Corpus delicti, which is a fire by reason of criminal
Any person who, for profit or gain, shall interpret dreams, agency.
make forecasts, tell fortunes, or take advantage of the
credulity of the public in any other similar manner, shall 2. The identity of the accused as the one responsible
suffer the penalty of arresto mayor or a fine not exceeding for the fire.
200 pesos.
G.R. No. 170470 | 26 September 2006
Who is liable?
The Supreme Court said there is no complex crime of
a) Any person who, for profit or gain, shall interpret
arson with homicide even if in the course of burning the
dreams, make forecasts, tell fortunes, or take
house, property, dwelling, building of another, someone is
advantage of the credulity of the public in any other killed. The reason given by the Supreme Court is that
similar manner; Article 320 of the Revised Penal Code, with respect to
destructive arson, and PD 1613, with respect to simple
b) If the offender commits any act of swindling, any arson, provide only one penalty for the commission of
act of deprivation not punishable under Art. 315, arson whether considered as destructive or simple when
316 and 317, it is punishable under Art. 318 – death results. According to the Supreme Court, arson is
Other Deceits. itself the end and the death is simply a consequence.
Therefore, there is no complex crime of arson with
Under Article 320 in case of destructive arson, the law
Article 319. Removal, sale or pledge of mortgaged provides that if as a consequence of the commission of
property. - The penalty or arresto mayor or a fine any of the acts constituting arson, death results,
amounting to twice the value of the property shall be the mandatory penalty of death shall be imposed.
imposed upon:
On the other hand, under Sec. 5 of PD 1613, simple arson,
1. Any person who shall knowingly remove any personal the law provides that if by reason of or on the occasion of
property mortgaged under the Chattel Mortgage Law to the arson death results, the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua
any province or city other than the one in which it was to death shall be imposed.
located at the time of the execution of the mortgage,
without the written consent of the mortgagee, or his Therefore, very clear, whether it is destructive arson or
executors, administrators or assigns. simple arson, if death results by reason of the destructive
arson or simple arson, a complex crime will not arise, the
2. Any mortgagor who shall sell or pledge personal said death is simply absorbed, its effect is only to increase
property already pledged, or any part thereof, under the the imposable penalty. Reason is arson is itself the end
terms of the Chattel Mortgage Law, without the consent of and death is simply the consequence.
the mortgagee written on the back of the mortgage and
noted on the record hereof in the office of the Register of If a crime results by means of fire, you have to know
Deeds of the province where such property is located. the intent of the offender. If the house is burned because
the offender intended to destroy the property of another,
ARTICLE 320. DESTRUCTIVE ARSON and in the course thereof someone is killed inside without
the knowledge of the offender, the crime committed is
Arson is the malicious destruction of the property by means arson – simple arson, destructive arson and the fact of
of fire. death is simply absorbed.

TWO KINDS OF ARSON: If, however, the intent of the offender is to kill the victim
who is inside his house, in order to kill him, he burned the
1. Destructive arson; or house, the crime committed is murder because the killing
is done by means of fire.
2. Simple Arson under PD 1613.

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The SC cited the third example, if the offender killed the In this case, X’s intent to burn the said store is evident by
victim, and after killing the victim the said offender brought his act of throwing the kuwitis and thereafter, throwing it on
the deceased body of the victim inside the house and set the firecrackers on display at the store. Obviously, X
the house on fire to conceal the said act of killing, there are intended to burn the store, resulting to the death of its
two crimes committed: one is murder for having killed the owner. Thus, the crime committed is destructive arson.
victim and the other one is arson for burning the house
after placing the deceased victim in order to conceal the Q: X went to the rest house of Y, his mortal enemy. X
crime. wanted to get even with Y. To get even with Y, he
decided to burn down the rest house of Y. X poured
These are the three examples given by the SC in the case gasoline on the walls of the rest house of Y. However,
People vs. Malngan wherein the SC said that it depends when X was about to light the match, Z, the caretaker
on the intent of the said offender as to what is the crime arrived. Hence, X, upon seeing Z, immediately fled. He
committed. failed to burn the rest house.

PEOPLE v. SORIA X was charged with frustrated arson. Is the charge

G.R. No. 248372 | 27 August 2020 correct?

In People vs. Soria (2020), penned by our very own former A: NO. A charge of frustrated arson is improper because
CJ Diosdado Peralta, when the house was burned and a the crime of arson has no frustrated stage – it is either
helper who was sleeping inside was burned to death, the consummated or attempted.
accused is liable for arson with homicide. But he did not
state the reason why it is arson with homicide. He just Arson is consummated when any part of the property has
stated in the end the accused is liable for arson with been burned. Arson is attempted when the burning was
homicide but there is no explanation why it is arson with stopped or prevented due to some cause or accident other
homicide. So I will still stay in the En Banc case of People than the offender’s spontaneous desistance.
vs. Malngan that the crime committed is arson, only that
the penalty is increased, the said death is simply absorbed, In this case, X was stopped from burning the rest house of
the effect is only to increase the imposable penalty. Y by the arrival of Z, the caretaker. Therefore, the crime
committed by X is attempted arson, and NOT frustrated
PEOPLE v. PUGAL arson.
G.R. No. 229103 | 15 March 2021
Q: There is this grocery store licensed to sell
firecrackers and pyrotechnics. The sons of the owner, Article 327. Who are liable for malicious mischief. - Any
brothers A and B were manning the store, and person who shall deliberately cause the property of
suddenly here comes X and Y. X and Y arrived on another any damage not falling within the terms of the next
board a motorcycle. When X and Y arrived, X remained preceding chapter shall be guilty of malicious mischief.
seated on the motorcycle, while Y went inside the
store. X, who remained outside seated on the Under Art. 327, any person who shall deliberately cause
motorcycle, lighted the fuse of a mother rocket or the property of another any damage not constituting arson
kwitis. Tereafter, X threw the said kwitis on the other shall be guilty of malicious mischief.
firecrackers at display on the said store. Because of
that, the said store exploded. The said store was Malicious mischief is a crime which requires deliberate
totally raged by fire and the owner by the name of C intent because the law says “deliberately cause”.
was killed inside . Therefore, there must be a deliberate intent on the part of
the offended party to damage the property of another. If
What crime/s is/are committed by X? there is no deliberate intent, then the crime committed
cannot be malicious mischief.
A: In the case of People v. Pugal 2021, the Supreme court
said that the crime committed is Destructive Arson. Elements of Malicious Mischief

SC: Under Art. 320 of the RPC, as amended by RA 7659, 1. That another property was damaged;
the law punishes as destructive arson the malicious 2. That the damage was deliberately caused;
burning of things, whether public or private, including a 3. That the damage does not constitute the crime of
storehouse or factory of inflammable or explosive materials arson.
by any person.
Just like mutilation, malicious mischief requires deliberate
In arson, the corpus delicti is proof of the fire’s occurrence intent.
and the offender’s criminal intent.

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MISCHIEF If the damage shall result in any derailment of cars,
collision or other accident, the penalty of prision mayor
Article 328. Special cases of malicious mischief. - Any shall be imposed, without prejudice to the criminal liability
person who shall cause damage to obstruct the of the offender for the other consequences of his criminal
performance of public functions, or using any poisonous or act.
corrosive substance; or spreading any infection or
contagion among cattle; or who cause damage to the For the purpose of the provisions of the article, the electric
property of the National Museum or National Library, or to wires, traction cables, signal system and other things
any archive or registry, waterworks, road, promenade, or pertaining to railways, shall be deemed to constitute an
any other thing used in common by the public, shall be integral part of a railway system.
1. By prision correccional in its minimum and medium
periods, if the value of the damage caused exceeds 1,000 Article 331. Destroying or damaging statues, public
pesos; monuments or paintings. - Any person who shall destroy or
damage statues or any other useful or ornamental public
2. By arresto mayor, if such value does not exceed the monument shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in its
abovementioned amount but it is over 200 pesos; and medium period to prision correccional in its minimum
3. By arresto menor, in such value does not exceed 200
pesos. Any person who shall destroy or damage any useful or
ornamental painting of a public nature shall suffer the
ACTS PUNISHED penalty of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200
pesos, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the
1. Causing damage to obstruct the performance of discretion of the court.
public functions;
2. Using any poisonous or corrosive substance; ARTICLE 332. PERSONS EXEMPT
3. Spreading any infection or contagion among FROM CRIMINAL LIABILITY
4. Causing damage to the property of the National Article 332. Persons exempt from criminal liability. - No
Museum or National Library, or to any archive or criminal, but only civil liability, shall result from the
registry, waterworks, road, promenade, or any commission of the crime of theft, swindling or malicious
other thing used in common by the public. mischief committed or caused mutually by the following
1. Spouses, ascendants and descendants, or relatives by
Article 329. Other mischiefs. - The mischiefs not included affinity in the same line.
in the next preceding article shall be punished:
2. The widowed spouse with respect to the property which
1. By arresto mayor in its medium and maximum periods, belonged to the deceased spouse before the same shall
if the value of the damage caused exceeds 1,000 pesos; have passed into the possession of another; and

2. By arresto mayor in its minimum and medium periods, if 3. Brothers and sisters and brothers-in-law and sisters-in-
such value is over 200 pesos but does not exceed 1,000 law, if living together.
pesos; and
The exemption established by this article shall not be
3. By arresto menor or fine of not less than the value of the applicable to strangers participating in the commission of
damage caused and not more than 200 pesos, if the the crime.
amount involved does not exceed 200 pesos or cannot be
estimated. Q: X was charged with the complex crime of Estafa
through Falsification of Public Document. Before
ARTICLE 330. DAMAGE AND OBSTRUCTION TO arraignment, X moved for the dismissal of the case.
MEANS OF COMMUNICATION According to X, the private complainant in this case,
Y, is his very own father. Further, his relationship with
Article 330. Damage and obstruction to means of the private complainant, being his very own father, is
communication. - The penalty of prision correccional in its an absolutory cause under Art. 332 in the crime of
medium and maximum periods shall be imposed upon any estafa. Therefore, X moved that the crime of estafa
person who shall damage any railway, telegraph or through falsification of public document filed against
telephone lines. him by his very own father be dismissed.

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If a stranger conspired with the relatives, the said
If you were the judge, would you grant or deny X’s stranger will not be absolved because relationship is
motion to dismiss? personal to the relative.

A: The said motion to dismiss must be denied. X’s When you say spouses, it does not only mean those who
argument has no merit. are legally married. It includes mistresses, concubines,
and paramours.
Art. 332 provides for absolutory cause in the crimes of
theft, swindling, and malicious mischief. However, Art. 332 When you say ascendants and descendants, it even
limits the responsibility of the offender to civil liability only includes step-parents because according to the law, the
in these crimes and free him from criminal liability if they purpose is to ensure harmony in the family.
are related to each other. So, no criminal liability, but only
civil liability shall result from the commission of the crimes
of theft, swindling, and malicious mischief by and among

1. Spouses, ascendants and descendants, or

relatives by affinity in the same line.

2. The widowed spouse with respect to the property

which belonged to the deceased spouse before
the same shall have passed into the possession of
another; and

3. Brothers and sisters and brothers-in-law and

sisters-in-law, if living together.

Relationship is an absolutory cause in theft, swindling, and

malicious mischief. Therefore, the said offender-relative
only obtains civil liability and he is free from criminal

However, in the case of Intestate Estate of Manolita

Gonzales vda. De Carungcong vs. People, the Supreme
Court said that it is settled that the coverage of Art. 332 is
strictly and exclusively limited to the felonies stated therein
– theft, swindling, and malicious mischief. It does NOT
apply if these crimes are complexed with another
crime such as in this case, estafa through falsification of
public document.

Applying the same in the present case, since the case filed
by the father against the son is estafa through falsification
of public document, since estafa is already complexed with
falsification of public documents which is a crime against
public interest, then the absolutory cause under Art. 332
will no longer lie in his favor.

The purpose of Art. 332 providing an absolutory cause
is to ensure harmony in the family.

Q: What about Qualified Theft, will the absolutory

cause under Art. 332 apply?

A: YES. It is not complexed; it is only qualified by

circumstances under Art. 310. But still, it is not complexed.
It is still theft, only in its qualified form.

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between a married woman and another man not being her

ARTICLE 333. ADULTERY Article 334. Concubinage. - Any husband who shall keep
a mistress in the conjugal dwelling, or shall have sexual
Article 333. Who are guilty of adultery. - Adultery is intercourse, under scandalous circumstances, with a
committed by any married woman who shall have sexual woman who is not his wife, or shall cohabit with her in any
intercourse with a man not her husband and by the man other place, shall be punished by prision correccional in its
who has carnal knowledge of her knowing her to be minimum and medium periods.
married, even if the marriage be subsequently declared
void. The concubine shall suffer the penalty of destierro.

Adultery shall be punished by prision correccional in its Elements of Concubinage

medium and maximum periods.
1. That the offender must be a married man;
If the person guilty of adultery committed this offense while
being abandoned without justification by the offended 2. That he committed any of the following acts:
spouse, the penalty next lower in degree than that provided a. Keeping mistress in the conjugal dwelling;
in the next preceding paragraph shall be imposed. b. Having sexual intercourse, under
scandalous circumstances, with a woman
In adultery, the offended party is the husband. The who is not his wife; or
offenders are the legally married woman and her c. Cohabiting with her in any other place.
3. As regards the woman, she must know him to be
Only the legal husband can file the case because married.
adultery is a private crime. Therefore, it cannot be
prosecuted by the state de oficio. There must be a In case of concubinage, the offended party is the wife. The
complaint coming from the complainant, the legal husband. offenders are the husband and the concubine.

Q: What if the paramour did not know that the woman Only the wife can file the case because it is private crime.
with who he had sexual intercourse is a married The state cannot de oficio prosecute the offenders. There
woman? Will it absolve him from criminal liability? must be a complaint coming from the private offended
Does it mean that he shall no longer be charged in party, the wife.
Just like in the case of adultery, it the concubine lacks
A: NO, he should be charged in court. Otherwise, the knowledge that this man is a married man, that is a matter
case will not prosper. which must be proven in court. But the said concubine
must be included in the charge, and she has to prove by
In filing the case, the husband must include the paramour evidence that she lacks knowledge that this man is a
of the wife. If it is only the wife, the case will not prosper married man. If she is able to prove by clear and convincing
because there must be two in the crime of adultery. Thus, evidence that she is innocent, then she shall be acquitted
the husband must include both his wife and her paramour. of the crime charged, and only the husband must be held
If it so happened that the other man that the woman is a
married woman, it is a matter of defense on the part of the Note:
said man. It must be proven in court that he lacks The penalty for a concubine is destierro only, not
knowledge that this woman is a married woman. If he is imprisonment.
able to prove that he lacks knowledge that this woman is
married, then he will be acquitted of the crime of adultery ARTICLE 335. RAPE
and only the said legally married woman will be convicted
of adultery. [Rape is amended by RA 2632 and RA 4111, and is now
included under Title VIII Crimes against Persons]
Adultery is a formal crime
Adultery is a formal crime; it has no attempted and
frustrated stages. It is punished only in the consummated Two Kinds of Acts of Lasciviousness
stage. Adultery is consummated upon the carnal union

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1. Acts of Lasciviousness under Circumstances of 1. Qualified Seduction
Rape (Art. 336) 2. Simple Seduction
2. Acts of Lasciviousness under Circumstances of
Seduction (Art. 339) Article 337. Qualified seduction. - The seduction of a
minor, sixteen and over but under eighteen years of age,
ARTICLE 336. ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS committed by any person in public authority, priest, home-
servant, domestic, guardian, teacher, or any person who,
Article 336. Acts of lasciviousness. - Any person who shall in any capacity, shall be entrusted with the education or
commit any act of lasciviousness upon other persons of custody of the minor seduced, shall be punished by prision
either sex, under any of the circumstances mentioned in correccional in its minimum and medium periods.
the preceding article, shall be punished by prision
correccional. The penalty next higher in degree shall be imposed upon
any person who shall seduce his sister or descendant,
Elements of Acts of Lasciviousness under the whether or not she be a virgin or over eighteen years of
Circumstance of Rape age.

1. Offender commits any act of lasciviousness or Under the provisions of this Chapter, seduction is
lewdness. committed when the offender have carnal knowledge of
any of the persons and under the circumstances described
2. Acts of lasciviousness is committed against a therein.
person of either sex.
In Art. 337, the amendment is on the age of the victim. The
3. It is done under any of the following victim now is sixteen (16) and over but under eighteen (18)
circumstances: years of age. Before RA 11648, the minor was over twelve
(12) but not under eighteen (18).
a. By using force or intimidation;
b. When the offended party is deprived of Article 338. Simple seduction. - The seduction of a minor,
reason or otherwise unconscious; sixteen and over but under eighteen years of age,
c. By means of fraudulent machination or committed by means of deceit, shall be punished by
grave abuse of authority; or arresto mayor.
d. When the offended party is under 16 years
of age or is demented. The amendment is again on the age of the victim.

Under this article, the offender can be any person. Elements of Seduction

ARTICLE 339. ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS WITH THE 1. That the offended party is a minor who is sixteen
CONSENT OF THE OFFENDED PARTY (16) and over but under eighteen (18) years.

Article 339. Acts of lasciviousness with the consent of the 2. That the offender had sexual intercourse with the
offended party. - The penalty of arresto mayor shall be minor.
imposed to punish any other acts of lasciviousness
committed by the same persons and the same 3. That the minor who is sixteen (16) and over but
circumstances as those provided in Articles 337 and 338. under eighteen (18) years allowed the carnal
In this case, the victim is always a woman because the
victim in seduction is always a woman. 4. That there was:

The acts of lasciviousness must be committed under a. Abuse of authority, abuse of confidence,
circumstances of: or abuse of relationship, in case of
qualified seduction; or
1. Abuse of authority
2. Abuse of confidence b. Means of deceit, in case of simple
3. By means of deceit seduction.

Which are the manners of committing seduction. Whether it is qualified seduction or simple seduction, for
the crime to arise, there must be the element of sexual
SEDUCTION, as amended by RA 11648 intercourse or carnal knowledge. Without sexual
intercourse or carnal knowledge, there is no crime of
Two Kinds of Seduction seduction.

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It is only seduction, and not rape, because in cases of
qualified seduction and simple seduction, the carnal Article 342. Forcible abduction. - The abduction of any
knowledge was allowed by the minor. woman against her will and with lewd designs shall be
punished by reclusion temporal.
In case of qualified seduction, the sexual intercourse was
allowed by the minor because there was: The same penalty shall be imposed in every case, if the
female abducted be under twelve years of age.
1. Abuse of authority;
2. Abuse of confidence; or Forcible abduction is the abduction, the carrying away, the
3. Abuse of relationship taking away of a woman against her will. At the outset,
there is lewd design on the part of the man.
In the case of simple seduction, the said woman allowed it
because of deceit. Elements of Forcible Abduction

Under Art. 338 simple seduction, deceit usually comes in 1. Person abducted is any woman, regardless of her
the form of a broken promise of marriage. age, civil status, or reputation.
2. Abduction is against her will.
The man wanted to have carnal knowledge with this 3. Abduction is with lewd designs.
girl who is 17 years old. The man promised to marry
the girl if she would have carnal knowledge with him. Sexual intercourse is NOT an element
In just a few months, the girl will be 18 years old. So,
the girl gave herself to the said man. If in the crime of seduction, sexual intercourse or carnal
knowledge is an element, without which seduction will not
She was deceived by the said man. Despite the fact arise, in the crime of forcible abduction as well as
that she was already 18, the said marriage never took consented abduction, carnal knowledge or sexual
place. intercourse is not an element.

The crime committed is Simple Seduction. Since it is not an element, therefore, if after abducting the
said woman, the said offender would have carnal
In qualified seduction or simple seduction, the sexual knowledge of the said woman, a crime of rape will result.
intercourse is allowed by the minor. The minor must be
sixteen (16) and over but under eighteen (18) years Q: X has a long-time crush on Y. He courted Y but he
because if it is under sixteen (16), even if it is allowed by was turned down. X is a jeepney driver. About 6:00 in
the minor, the man is liable for rape already. the afternoon, his jeepney passed by the route of the
house of Y. He saw Y in the doorstep of the house. X
If the minor is sixteen (16) and over but under eighteen immediately parked his jeepney, rushed towards the
(18), it will be seduction if there is no force employed. If house of Y, and forcibly carried away Y against her
there was force employed, then it is still rape. will. At the outset, there was lewd design on the part
of X.
X brought Y inside a secluded place in the middle of
Article 340. Corruption of minors. - Any person who shall the farm. There, he tied Y and thereafter, gave her food
promote or facilitate the prostitution or corruption of to eat. That very same night, X began touching Y until
persons underage to satisfy the lust of another, shall be he was undressing her. X had carnal knowledge of Y,
punished by prision mayor, and if the culprit is a pubic and she was trying to put up a fight. However, X
officer or employee, including those in government-owned successfully had carnal knowledge of Y against her
or controlled corporations, he shall also suffer the penalty will, by means of force and violence.
of temporary absolute disqualification.
The next day, again the man had carnal knowledge of
ARTICLE 341. WHITE SLAVE TRADE the said woman. On the third day, again, the man had
carnal knowledge of the woman. On the fourth day,
Article 341. White slave trade. - The penalty of prision again, the man had carnal knowledge of the said
mayor in its medium and maximum period shall be woman.
imposed upon any person who, in any manner, or under
any pretext, shall engage in the business or shall profit by Every time the said man would leave, the woman
prostitution or shall enlist the services of any other for the would try to escape until finally, she was successful of
purpose of prostitution (As amended by Batas Pambansa getting out of the said place. He narrated to the police
Blg. 186.) what happened to her. Thereafter, the said accused
was arrested and charged with a number of crimes,

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Forcible Abduction under Art. 342 and 4 counts of
Rape. Q: While X was doing the grocery, here comes Y, the
enemy of her husband. Y passed by onboard his van.
If you were the public prosecutor, would you indict X Y saw X and said, “Asawa yun ng aking kalaban ah.”
as charged by the police? So, Y parked his vehicle and rushed towards X. He
carried away X, brought her inside his van, and
A: NO, you have to file only four cases: 1) complex crime brought her in a room inside his house.
of forcible abduction with rape; 2) 2nd act of rape on
the 2nd day; 3) 3rd act of rape on the 3rd day; and 4) 4th He intended to detain X for a month so that his enemy
act of rape on the 4th day. will look for his wife. He wanted to get even – to give
his enemy sleepless nights looking for the wife.
If by reason of the forcible abduction, after abducting the
said woman, the said offender would have raped or would On the second day of captivity, Y become so
have carnal knowledge of the woman against her will, by interested with X that he had carnal knowledge with
means of force, threat, and intimidation, the said first act of the wife, X. The following day, again, Y had carnal
rape will be complexed with the crime of forcible abduction knowledge of X, as well as the day after that, until X
because the said forcible abduction is a necessary means was able to escape.
to commit the first act of rape.
What crime/s should be filed against Y?
The succeeding acts of rape will no longer be complexed.
It will already constitute separate and distinct charges. A: Y should be charged of only one crime and that is, the
single and indivisible offense, the composite crime, the
So, in this case, the first act of rape will be complexed with special complex crime of Kidnapping and Serious Illegal
forcible abduction, and the succeeding different acts of Detention with Rape.
rape will constitute separate crimes of rape.
It is kidnapping and serious illegal detention with rape
Q: Same problem. X saw Y and upon seeing the said because in this case, at the outset, the intent of the
girl, X abducted, carried away the girl against her will. offender is to detain the said woman so that the husband
At the outset, there was lewd designs. He placed the of the woman, his enemy will have sleepless nights looking
girl in a secluded place in the middle of the farm. for the wife.

That very same night, he tried to molest the girl. He Even if the offender committed multiple acts of rape, it will
tried to have carnal knowledge of the said girl. The girl simply be absorbed by the said indivisible and single
fought very hard until she was able to grab a piece of offense.
wood. She used the wood to hit the man and thereafter,
she jumped outside. Q: Same problem. After Y abducted X intending to
detain X for a month to get even at the husband of X,
She went to the police and narrated her story. Two he got so interested on X. he tried to have carnal
cases were filed against the man, forcible abduction knowledge of X, but the latter put up a fight. She was
under Art. 342 and attempted rape. Are the charges able to grab a piece of wood which she used against
correct? Y. She hit Y and she was able to run away and escape.

A: NO. It should only be forcible abduction. If in the act The police filed two case: kidnapping and serious
of forcible abduction, the offender tried to have carnal illegal detention and the other is attempted rape. Are
knowledge of the said victim, but it was not consummated the charges correct?
act of rape, the said attempted act to rape the victim is
merely absorbed by the crime of forcible abduction. This is A: YES. To bring about the special complex crime of
because attempted rape is simply a manifestation of the kidnapping and serious illegal detention with rape, rape
lewd design element of forcible abduction. Hence, if rape must be consummated. If rape is merely attempted, it will
is not consummated, it is simply absorbed by forcible constitute a separate and distinct charge.
abduction. There cannot be a separate and distinct
charge. Moreso, there cannot be a complex crime. FORCIBLE ABDUCTION WITH RAPE v. KIDNAPPING
Article 343. Consented abduction. - The abduction of a SERIOUS ILLEGAL
virgin over twelve years and under eighteen years of age, DETENTION WITH RAPE
carried out with her consent and with lewd designs, shall It is a complex crime under It is a special complex
be punished by the penalty of prision correccional in its Art. 48. The forcible crime. It is the law which
minimum and medium periods. abduction is a necessary

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means to commit the act of combines the crime under
rape. Art. 267. 3. In every case to support the offspring.
At the outset, there was At the outset, the intent of
lewd design on the part of the offender is to detain The adulterer and the concubine in the case provided for
the offender. the woman kidnapped. in Articles 333 and 334 may also be sentenced, in the
If there are multiple acts of All acts of multiple rapes same proceeding or in a separate civil proceeding, to
rape done on the victim, will be absorbed by the indemnify for damages caused to the offended spouse.
the first act of rape is single indivisible offense of
complexed with forcible kidnapping and serious Article 346. Liability of ascendants, guardians, teachers,
abduction; and the illegal detention with rape. or other persons entrusted with the custody of the offended
succeeding acts of rape party. - The ascendants, guardians, curators, teachers and
will constitute different any person who, by abuse of authority or confidential
counts of rape. relationships, shall cooperate as accomplices in the
Rape must be Rape must be perpetration of the crimes embraced in chapters, second,
consummated. If rape is consummated. If rape is third and fourth, of this title, shall be punished as principals.
merely attempted, it is merely attempted, it will
simply absorbed by constitute a separate and Teachers or other persons in any other capacity entrusted
forcible abduction distinct charge. with the education and guidance of youth, shall also suffer
because it is simply a the penalty of temporary special disqualification in its
manifestation of the lewd maximum period to perpetual special disqualification.
design element of forcible
abduction. Any person falling within the terms of this article, and any
other person guilty of corruption of minors for the benefit of
PROVISIONS RELATIVE TO PRECEDING CHAPTERS another, shall be punished by special disqualification from
OF TITLE ELEVEN filling the office of guardian.

Article 344. Prosecution of the crimes of adultery,

concubinage, seduction, abduction, rape and acts of
lasciviousness. - The crimes of adultery and concubinage
shall not be prosecuted except upon a complaint filed by
the offended spouse.

The offended party cannot institute criminal prosecution

without including both the guilty parties, if they are both
alive, nor, in any case, if he shall have consented or
pardoned the offenders.

The offenses of seduction, abduction, rape or acts of

lasciviousness, shall not be prosecuted except upon a
complaint filed by the offended party or her parents,
grandparents, or guardian, nor, in any case, if the offender
has been expressly pardoned by the above named
persons, as the case may be.

In cases of seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness

and rape, the marriage of the offender with the offended
party shall extinguish the criminal action or remit the
penalty already imposed upon him. The provisions of this
paragraph shall also be applicable to the co-principals,
accomplices and accessories after the fact of the above-
mentioned crimes.

Article 345. Civil liability of persons guilty of crimes against

chastity. - Person guilty of rape, seduction or abduction,
shall also be sentenced:

1. To indemnify the offended woman.

2. To acknowledge the offspring, unless the law should

prevent him from so doing.

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Article 349. Bigamy. - The penalty of prision mayor shall
TITLE TWELVE: be imposed upon any person who shall contract a second
or subsequent marriage before the former marriage has
CRIMES AGAINST been legally dissolved, or before the absent spouse has
THE CIVIL STATUS OF PERSONS been declared presumptively dead by means of a
judgment rendered in the proper proceedings.
Article 347. Simulation of births, substitution of one child
for another and concealment or abandonment of a 1. A legally married spouse contracts a second or
legitimate child. - The simulation of births and the subsequent marriage with another without the first
substitution of one child for another shall be punished by marriage being legally dissolved.
prision mayor and a fine of not exceeding 1,000 pesos.
2. When the said legally married spouse contracts a
The same penalties shall be imposed upon any person second or subsequent marriage before the absent
who shall conceal or abandon any legitimate child with spouse has been presumed dead.
intent to cause such child to lose its civil status.
Elements of Bigamy
Any physician or surgeon or public officer who, in violation
of the duties of his profession or office, shall cooperate in 1. That the offender is legally married;
the execution of any of the crimes mentioned in the two 2. That the first marriage has not been legally
next preceding paragraphs, shall suffer the penalties dissolved, or the absent spouse has not yet been
therein prescribed and also the penalty of temporary presumed dead by a judicial proceeding;
special disqualification. 3. The offender contracts a second or subsequent
marriage; and
ACTS PUNISHED 4. The second or subsequent marriage has all the
requisites for the validity of a marriage.
I. Simulation of births
Q: X and Y are married. It was a happy marriage for five
Simulation of birth- takes place when the woman (5) years until the said wife discovered that his
pretends to be pregnant when in fact she is not husband was having an affair. Not only that, she
and on the day of the delivery, takes the child of realized that the said husband is already married to
another as her own. another woman, Z.

• If the simulation is done in the birth After finding evidence as to the fact of marriage
certificate, the crime committed is between Y and Z, the wife filed a case for bigamy
simulation of birth. against the said husband. In the said case of bigamy
• If the simulation is done in any other against the said husband, the husband said that he
document aside from birth certificate, the cannot be held liable for bigamy.
crime committed is falsification of a
public or private document as the case According to the husband, the first marriage was null
may be. and void. According to the husband, his marriage with
X is null and void because of want of marriage license.
II. Substitution of a child with another
If you were the judge and the defense of the accused
III. Concealing or abandoning any legitimate child was that he was able to prove that the marriage was
with intent to cause such child to lose its civil null and void, should you convict or acquit the said
status. accused?

ARTICLE 348. USURPATION OF CIVIL STATUS A: If you were the judge, you should render a judgment of
acquittal based on the case of Pulido v. People.
Article 348. Usurpation of civil status. - The penalty of
prision mayor shall be imposed upon any person who shall In the case of Pulido v. People, en banc, the Supreme
usurp the civil status of another, should he do so for the Court declared that proof that the first marriage is a void ab
purpose of defrauding the offended part or his heirs; initio marriage is a valid defense in a criminal prosecution
otherwise, the penalty of prision correccional in its medium for bigamy even without obtaining a judicial declaration of
and maximum periods shall be imposed. absolute nullity of marriage.

There is no need to present or to prove in said court that

the said first marriage has been legally dissolved.

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Provided, the said accused can prove that the said first After careful scrutiny of law and jurisprudence, it is now
marriage is void ab initio. time to abandon its earlier ruling. The Supreme Court, now,
holds that void ab initio marriage is a valid defense in a
PULIDO v. PEOPLE prosecution for bigamy even without a judicial declaration
G.R. No. 220149 | 27 July 2021 of absolute nullity. Hence, a judicial declaration of absolute
nullity of either the first or second marriage obtained by the
FACTS: Luisito Pulido was then 16 years old when he accused is a valid defense in bigamy.
married his teacher, Nora, 22 years old. It was only a civil
wedding ceremony in Cavite. They lived happily. However, A judicial declaration of absolute nullity is no longer
come 2007, Luisito stopped going home. Nora tried to necessary to prove a void ab initio marriage and
investigate and discovered that her husband, Luisito, has subsequent marriages in bigamy.
entered into a marriage with another woman, Rowena.
Upon further investigation by Nora, she discovered, based In the latter part of the decision, the Supreme Court wanted
on the marriage certificate, that the wedding ceremony to make itself clear so, it made a summary.
between her Luisito and Rowena took place in front of a
priest, a reverend. Although at the time of the second To summarize, the parties are not required to obtain a
marriage he was married to Nora, he stated in the marriage judicial declaration of absolute nullity of void marriage in
certificate that he was single. the first and second marriage in order to raise it as a
defense in a bigamy case. The rule applies in all marriages
Nora filed a case of bigamy against both Luisito and celebrated whether under the New Civil Code or under the
Rowena. Family Code. Art. 40 of the Family Code did not amend Art.
349 of the Revised Penal Code. Thus, it did not deny the
In the said case, Luisito argued that he cannot be held accused the right to collaterally attack the validity of a void
liable for bigamy because both his first and second ab initio marriage in a criminal prosecution for bigamy.
marriages, with Nora and Rowena, are null and void. Right there in the bigamy case, he can prove and.
According to him, his marriage with Nora was null and void Collaterally attack the said marriage.
because there was no valid marriage license. According to
him, his marriage to Rowena is null and void because there However, this applies only in a void ab initio marriage. If
was no wedding ceremony. The truth, according to him, the first marriage is merely voidable, the accused cannot
was that there was no marriage solemnized by the priest. interpose an annulment decree as a defense in the criminal
There was no marriage ceremony. prosecution for bigamy because the voidable first marriage
is considered valid and subsisting when the second
On the other hand, Rowena argued that she cannot be marriage was contracted. The crime of bigamy is therefore,
held liable for bigamy because at the time she married consummated when the second marriage was celebrated
Luisito, she did not know that Luisito is a married man. She during the subsistence of the voidable first marriage.
only came to know that Luisito is a married man in 2007,
when Nora filed the case. Thus, according to her, she is Q: Would your answer be the same, would you acquit
innocent as at the time she married Luisito, she lacks the accused, would you apply the Pulido ruling if the
knowledge that this man is a married man. marriage was said to be null and void by reason of
psychological incapacity?
After trial on the merits, the trial court convicted Luisito of
bigamy, but acquitted Rowena. A: NO. In the case of Tenebro v. CA, en banc, the
Supreme Court said that subsequent judicial declaration of
RULING: Luisito is acquitted. nullity of marriage on the ground of psychological
incapacity does not retroact to the date of the celebration
For the longest time, without the first marriage being legally of the marriage insofar as the Philippine penal laws are
dissolved (without the judicial declaration of the absolute concerned. Therefore, an individual who conducts a
nullity of the first marriage), the said second marriage is a second or a subsequent marriage during the subsistence
bigamous marriage. That has always been the decision of of a valid marriage is liable for bigamy, notwithstanding the
the Supreme Court because according to the Supreme declaration that the said marriage is void ab initio on the
Court, the law does not leave it to the parties to decide ground of psychological incapacity.
whether the first marriage is null and void. Only the court
can declare it. Q: X and Y were married in Davao based on the
religious rights of Iglesia ni Cristo. After X and Y got
SC: It is the opportune to revisit and reexamine an earlier married in 1988, they had 2 children. In 2005, X told the
ruling that a judicial declaration of absolute nullity of wife, Y, “I have to go to Tagum to find a job.” So, X
marriage issued by a trial court is required before a prior went to Tagum and left his family in Davao. Until later,
void ab initio marriage may be considered as a valid Y discovered that her husband X was cohabiting with
defense in a prosecution for bigamy. Z in Tagum. Based on further investigation, Y learned
that X and Z were married in 2005 before a judge. So

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angry, so hurt, Y filed a case of bigamy against X and and Y even if he knew that X and Y are both men and
Z. In the said bigamy case, the defense of X and Z is under our laws, marriage between two men or two
that, although it is true that they got married while X’s women is not yet allowed. What crime or crimes is/are
marriage with Y was still subsisting, they cannot be committed by X and Y, and minister Z?
held liable because they both converted to Islam prior
to their marriage. Their defense is that both of them are A: X and Y are liable for illegal marriage, whereas
already Muslim. minister Z is liable for performance of illegal marriage
ceremony under Art. 352.
After trial on the merits, the RTC convicted X and Z of
bigamy; thereafter, the CA affirmed the conviction of Illegal marriage is committed when the contracting
bigamy. What is the Supreme Court’s ruling? Are X parties know that they lack the essential elements for
and Z guilty of bigamy or are X and Z, as parties to a a valid marriage, and yet they still entered the
civil marriage who converted to Islam and marriage.
subsequently married under the Muslim Code,
exempted from criminal liability? Here, X and Y knew that they are both men, and under
Philippine jurisdiction, it is not yet allowed now. Although
A: In the case of Malaki v. People, the Supreme Court there are proposals in the Congress, it is not yet enacted
upheld the finding of guilt of X and Z. into law. Therefore, such marriage is not yet valid in
Philippine jurisdiction.
As a general rule, married Muslims cannot marry
another. As an exception, the male Muslim may do so if As to minister Z, it is settled that a minister authorized to
1) he can deal with the women with equal solemnize marriages but performs an illegal wedding
companionship and just treatment as enjoined by the ceremony, can be held liable under Art. 352.
Islamic Code; and 2) if the wife consented to the second
marriage OR in case the wife refuses to give consent, the
Shari’ah Court gives permission.

It does not automatically mean that when you are a

Muslim, you can already marry another, as it is in violation
of our civil laws. However, a Muslim man may do so if he
can prove that he can treat all his wives equally, in
companionship, and in everything. It is also important that
the wife consented; or if she refuses, there is the consent
coming from the Shari’ah Court.

In this case, the Supreme Court said the wife was the one
who filed the case against the said husband and second
wife. Therefore, the said wife did not consent. It stated that
the consent of the first wife or the permission of the
Shari’ah Court is condition sine qua non to the
subsequent marriage. The wife’s knowledge of the
impending subsequent marriage is essential and may
not be waived.

Here, Y, the wife, lacks knowledge. In fact, she was the

one who filed the case because she was so hurt.
Therefore, both the accused X and Z are liable for the
crime of bigamy.



Article 352. Performance of illegal marriage ceremony. —

Priests or ministers of any religious denomination or sect,
or civil authorities who shall perform or authorize any illegal
marriage ceremony shall be punished in accordance with
the provisions of the Marriage Law.

Q: X and Y got married. The solemnizing officer was

minister Z. Minister Z solemnized the marriage of X

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of general circulation in Cebu. Lastimosa has a regular
opinion column in The Freeman titled ‘ARANGKADA’. In
the said column, he published an article titled “SI DOLING
was that he cannot be held liable for libel since the last
THREE KINDS OF DEFAMATION element of identifiability is absent. ‘Doling’ does not refer
to Gov. Gwendolyn; rather, that the article was merely a
1. Written Defamation (Libel) work of fiction in a third-person narrative form.
2. Oral Defamation (Slander)
3. Defamation through Actions (Slander by Deed) The RTC of Cebu convicted Lastimosa; thereafter, the CA
affirmed the conviction.
RULING: The Supreme Court acquitted Lastimosa of
Article 353. Definition of libel. — A libel is public and the crime of libel.
malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real
or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status, or According to the said court, the first element is present.
circumstance tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or The imputation in the article titled ‘SI DOLING KAWATAN’
contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the is defamatory. In the said article, the character of ‘Doling’
memory of one who is dead. is someone described as a cruel and arrogant person, and
a thief. Therefore, it pertains to a crime.
Elements of Libel
The second element is also present because the law itself
1. There must be a defamatory imputation of a crime, presumes the presence of malice due to its defamatory
vice, or defect, whether real or imaginary; nature.

2. The said imputation must be malicious; The third element is also present. There was the element
of publicity since Lastimosa does not deny writing and
3. There must be publicity of the said defamatory publishing the said article in the newspaper The Freeman.
imputation; and
However, the fourth and last element of libel is absent. The
4. The victim must be identified. element of identifiability of the person defamed is absent.
As a rule, to maintain a libel suit, it is essential that the
First element. Insofar as the defamatory imputation is victim, the person defamed, is identifiable, although it
concerned, it is immaterial whether it is real or not, for as is not necessary that he be named. Here, the element of
long as there is the intent to defame. identifiability of the person defamed can be easily complied
with when the writing in question names the said person.
Under the second element, it is important that there is However, if the said writing does not name the person, it is
malice. necessary that the third person can identify him as the one
being defamed; he must be able to pinpoint him as the
Third element, it is important that it is published. The subject of the defamatory article or statement.
element of publicity is satisfied the moment a third
person has read the said libelous article or has heard In this case, the Supreme Court said that Gov. Gwendolyn
the said libelous statement. The basis is: Has a third was not explicitly referred to in the article as ‘Doling
person read the libelous article or heard the libelous Kawatan’. The element of identifiability of the person
statement, even if the offended party has not yet defamed was based solely on the witness’ testimony.
read/heard it? According to the witness, when he read the article, in his
belief, Gov. Gwendolyn was the subject based on the
The last element requires that the victim must be auditory similarities between ‘Doling’ and ‘Gwendolyn’.
identifiable. However, it is not required that the victim be However, the same witness also testified that he lacks
named, or be identified in detail. It suffices that any knowledge that the other descriptions therein of ‘Doling’
person reading the said malicious article can pinpoint pertains to Gov. Gwendolyn.
him. If a third person can pinpoint the offended party as
the subject of the said defamatory statement, then the As ruled by the Supreme Court, the similarities in how
identity element is satisfied. ‘Doling’ and ‘Gwendolyn’ sound when pronounced cannot,
in itself and standing alone, be made the basis for
LASTIMOSA v. PEOPLE establishing the link between the character ‘Doling’ in the
G.R. No. 233577 | 05 December 2022 article and Gov. Gwendolyn. Therefore, Lastimosa was
acquitted of the crime of libel because of the absence of
FACTS: Governor Gwendolyn Garcia of Cebu filed a case the fourth element on the identifiability of the person
of libel against Leo Lastimosa, a columnist in a newspaper defamed.

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2. Conditional or Qualified Privilege
ARTICLE 354. REQUIREMENT FOR PUBLICITY Communication – the offender or author can be
charged; however, the burden to prove malice
Article 354. Requirement for publicity. — Every lies on the said private complainant or the
defamatory imputation is presumed to be malicious, even person allegedly defamed. If the said person and
if it be true, if no good intention and justifiable motive for the prosecution failed to prove malice on the part
making it I shown, except in the following cases: of the author, then it would be an acquittal. This
time, the law would not presume malice. This is
1. A private communication made by any person to another known as malice in fact. It is malice which must
in the performance of any legal, moral, or social duty; and be proven by the prosecution beyond reasonable
doubt; failure to do so, it would be an acquittal.
2. A fair and true report, made in good faith, without any
comments or remarks, of any judicial, legislative, or other TWO KINDS OF MALICE
official proceedings which are not of confidential nature, or
of any statement, report or speech delivered in said 1. Malice in law – presumed by law for every
proceedings, or of any other act performed by public defamatory statement;
officers in the exercise of their functions.
2. Malice in fact – cannot be presumed by law;
The material element in libel is malice. rather, it must be proven by the private
complainant and the prosecution beyond
Under Art. 354, every defamatory imputation is presumed reasonable doubt.
by law to have malice, to be malicious. This is known as
malice in law. It is the law that presumes the presence of TULFO v. PEOPLE
malice, even if it is true, if there is no good intention, no G.R. No. 187113 | 11 January 2021
justifiable motive on the part of the author of the article or
statement. An exception to this is the so-called privilege FACTS: Raffy Tulfo has a column in Abante Tonite titled
communications. ‘Shoot to Kill’ where he covers stories. In one article, he
was allegedly maligning Atty. Carlos So of the Bureau of
EXAMPLES OF PRIVILEGE COMMUNICATIONS Customs, as he said: “Itong si Atty. Carlos na ‘to ay may
modus operandi sa NAIA. Pinapabantayan niya, pinapa-
1. A private communication made by any person to alerto niya, ang lahat ng kargamentong dumadating,
another in the performance of any legal, moral, or pumapasok sa NAIA, ng mga broker. Bago mailabas ng
social duty; and mga broker, hihingan muna niya ng malaking lagay. Isa
siyang buwaya sa NAIA, itong si Atty. Carlos So ng Bureau
2. A fair and true report made in good faith without of Customs. Dahil dito, nag strike ang mga broker sa laki
any comments or remarks of any judicial, ng hinihingi ni Atty. Carlos So bago mailabas ang mga
legislative, or other official proceedings, which are kargamento.” In essence, that was the statement of Tulfo
not of confidential nature, or of any statement, in his column.
report or speech delivered in said proceedings, or
of any other act performed by public officers in the Atty. So then filed a case of libel against Tulfo. The defense
exercise of their official functions. of Tulfo that he cannot be held liable for libel since it is
considered as a qualified privilege communication as it
KINDS OF PRIVILEGE COMMUNICATIONS pertains to the performance of the official function of a
public officer.
1. Absolute Privilege Communication – one which
is totally not actionable, such that, totally you HELD: The Supreme Court acquitted Tulfo.
cannot file a case of libel against a person if there
is absolute privilege communication. Based on the said articles, it is evident that they are within
the purview of qualified privilege communications. These
Ex. 1) A witness on the witness stand stating articles, columns, relate to Atty. So’s exercise of his official
libelous accusations against another person, such functions at the Bureau of Customs. These are matters of
witness cannot be prosecuted for libel as it is an public interest which the citizenry ought to know, and which
absolute privilege communication made during a are subject to closer scrutiny by the members of the media,
judicial proceeding. 2) A lawyer answering a as they are the sentinels of the public.
pleading for a case. In the said case, he stated
some libelous statements pertaining to the The Supreme Court also said that Tulfo reported on the
contract, to the case. It is an absolute privilege alleged illegal activities of Atty. So in the exercise of his
communication; thus, the said lawyer cannot be public functions. The comments he made in the said
charged with the crime of libel. column were done in the exercise of his freedom of
expression and freedom of the press.

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Q: X sent a defamatory letter to Y. Y said, “My Online libel is just like libel under Art. 355; only, it is
goodness! This letter contains many malicious committed, instead of through radio, phonograph, or
imputations against me.” Y was very mad. He then writing, among others, through a computer system or any
filed a case of libel against X. During the prosecution other similar means which may be devised in the future.
for libel, to show proof of the malicious imputations in
the said letter, Y presented a machine copy of the said DISINI v. SECRETARY OF JUSTICE
letter. Y did not present the original copy of the said G.R. No. 203335 | 18 February 2014
letter. Can there be conviction for libel?
FACTS: The Philippine Congress enacted R.A. 10175 or
A: NO. In the case of Maglasang v. People, it was ruled known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 which
that the best evidence rule (now original document seeks to protect individuals from crimes or unlawful acts
rule) is necessary in the crime of libel. Proof of the letter that can be committed through the internet. While it is
is necessary to bring about a conviction for libel based on admitted that the use of the internet or cyberspace gives
the best evidence rule. The said rule requires that the access to research, advertisements, business, inquiries,
original letter where the said libelous statements are stated and connection with a greater number of audiences, it is
must be presented as evidence in court. Photocopies are also an instrument to commit crimes which the law itself is
not acceptable. trying to prevent and regulate.

MAGLASANG v. PEOPLE Petitioners in these consolidated cases, contended that

G.R. No. 248616 | 12 January 2021 this law violated certain constitutional rights thus praying
that it be declared void and unconstitutional.
The Temporary Restraining Order issued on October 9,
In this case, the Supreme Court said that the best evidence 2012, is extended for 120 days, pending resolution of the
rule, now the original document rule, applies in cases of case.
libel. The purpose is to ensure that the exact contents of a
writing are brought before the court to protect any ISSUE: Whether or not several provisions of the
misleading inferences resulting from intentional or Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 violated freedom of
unintentional introduction of certain portions of a larger set expression and privacy
of writings.
HELD: YES. Out of the 21 sections in the Cybercrime Law
Mere photocopies will not suffice to bring about a challenged by the petitioners, the Supreme Court
conviction of a crime of libel. It is necessary that one must declared three (3) provisions void for being
present the said original copy of the letter allegedly unconstitutional, to wit Secs. 4(c)(3), Sec. 12, and Sec. 19.
containing the malicious statements.
The Court in Sec. 4(c)(3) placed great weight in the
ARTICLE 355. LIBEL MEANS BY WRITING OR protection of commercial speech; it ruled that unsolicited
SIMILAR MEANS advertisements are legitimate forms of expression. It ruled
that there is no basis to the claim that the presence of
Article 355. Libel means by writing or similar means. — A unsolicited commercial communications or spam tend to
libel committed by means of writing, printing, lithography, slow down the efficiency of computers, as well as its
engraving, radio, phonograph, painting, theatrical storage and is considered as a nuisance to the users.
exhibition, cinematographic exhibition, or any similar Commercial speech is afforded protection in this case,
means, shall be punished by prision correccional in its further stating that people have the right to read one's
minimum and medium periods or a fine ranging from 200 email, and the denial of such constitutes violation of
to 6,000 pesos, or both, in addition to the civil action which freedom of expression.
may be brought by the offended party.
It is noted that these messages form part of the freedom of
The penalty for libel is prision correccional in its speech, and were never considered as nuisance, some
minimum and medium period. people may even be interested in the ads, as long as the
people have the right of option whether to open the mail or


Under Sec. 4(c) of R.A. 10175 or the Anti-Cybercrime JUSTICE
Law, cyber libel or online libel is the unlawful or
prohibited acts of libel as defined under Art. 355 of the The Supreme Court ruled that online libel is
Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed through a constitutional only with respect to the original author
computer system or any other similar means which of the post; however, it is void with respect to others
may be devised in the future.
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who simply received it, reacted to it, or liked it. nagtataka ako. Sa totoo lang, gustong-gusto ko nang
Therefore, all those who received, reacted to it, or liked or makarating ang Ressa case sa Supreme Court. Gustung-
even shared it, are not liable. gusto ko nang mag decide ang Supreme Court sa Ressa
case para, once and for all, malaman na kung ano ba ang
Q: X posted on Facebook, “Si Y ay magnanakaw. tunay na prescriptive period ng online libel. Maliwanag sa
Madaming nakulimbat.” Maraming nag comment, nag decision ng Supreme Court sa Disini v. Secretary of
like, at nag share. Who can be charged with cyber Justice and other decisions na online libel is nothing new,
libel? it is just like ordinary libel under Art. 355. How come they
are insisting that there is a different prescriptive period,
A: Only X can be charged with cyber libel. All those who when, under Art. 90 of the Revised Penal Code, the law
liked, commented, or shared cannot be held liable. It is only expressly provides that libel and similar offenses
constitutional with respect to the original author of the said prescribe in one year.
post, but void with respect to others who simply received,
read, and/or reacted to it. Hindi ako Maka-Ressa ha kaya lang ang ginigiit ko ay mali
talaga yung prescriptive period (of cyber libel) kasi para sa
Q: What court has jurisdiction over libel cases? akin one year. For me, ordinary libel and online libel are
just one and the same; therefore, both should prescribe in
A: It is the Regional Trial Court (RTC). The RTC shall one year. However, the RTC judge that convicted Ressa,
have jurisdiction over any violations of libel, whether as well as the CA, used Art. 90 because the penalty now
ordinary libel or online libel. Under Art. 260 of the Revised is prision mayor, which is already considered as an
Penal Code and Sec. 21 of R.A. 10175. Thus, whether it is afflictive penalty, then the prescriptive period would
online libel or ordinary libel, it is only the RTC that will have already be 15 years. I really want the case to be already
jurisdiction over cases involving libel. ruled by the Supreme Court as I am insisting it is only one
year. It could be 15 years, but still, I still insist.
Q: X wrote an article against a high-ranking PNP
general, Y, accusing the latter of amassing huge
wealth by engaging in kidnap for ransom activities. ARTICLE 356. THREATENING TO PUBLISH AND
The said article was published in a leading newspaper, OFFER TO PRESENT SUCH PUBLICATION FOR A
Manila Bulletin, as well as in its online news platform. COMPENSATION
When Y and his family read it, he felt maligned, and his
family as well felt embarrassed. Y wanted to file cases Article 356. Threatening to publish and offer to present
against X, and so he filed two cases against X: 1) libel such publication for a compensation. — The penalty of
under Art. 355 of the Revised Penal Code because it arresto mayor or a fine from 200 to 2,000 pesos, or both,
was published on Manila Bulletin; 2) and cyber libel shall be imposed upon any person who threatens another
under R.A. 10175 because it was also published to publish a libel concerning him or the parents, spouse,
online. Will both cases prosper? Can X be prosecuted child, or other members of the family of the latter or upon
for both crimes of libel — online label and ordinary anyone who shall offer to prevent the publication of such
libel — based on the same facts and circumstances? libel for a compensation or money consideration.

A: The Supreme ruled in the negative. If said libelous ARTICLE 357. PROHIBITED PUBLICATION OF ACTS
material published in print is again posted online or REFERRED TO IN THE COURSE OF OFFICIAL
vice versa, that identical material cannot be subject of PROCEEDINGS
two separate libel cases. The two crimes — one a
violation of Art. 355 of the Code, and the other, a violation Article 357. Prohibited publication of acts referred to in the
of Sec. 4(c)(4) R.A. 10175 — involved the same elements. course of official proceedings. — The penalty of arresto
In fact, they are one and the same offense. mayor or a fine from 20 to 2,000 pesos, or both, shall be
imposed upon any reporter, editor, or manager, or a
Online libel is not a new crime as it is already punished newspaper, daily, or magazine, who shall publish facts
under Art. 355. It merely establishes the computer connected with the private life of another and offensive to
system as another means of publication. Therefore, the honor, virtue, and reputation of said person, even
charging the offender under both laws would be though said publication be made in connection with or
against the principle of double jeopardy. under the pretext that it is necessary in the narration of any
judicial or administrative proceedings wherein such facts
According to the Supreme Court, it is clear that online libel have been mentioned.
is just the same as ordinary libel under Art. 355. The
difference only lies in the fact that there is a different mode ARTICLE 358. SLANDER
of committing it which is through a computer system.
Article 358. Slander. — Oral defamation shall be punished
Prof’s opinion: Kung ganun, bakit nila ginigiit na ang
by arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision
prescriptive period for libel ay hindi one year? Kaya correccional in its minimum period if it is of a serious and

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insulting nature; otherwise, the penalty shall be arresto province or city where he held office at the time of the
menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos. commission of the offense or where the libelous article is
printed and first published and in case one of the offended
The other kind of defamation is oral defamation. parties is a private individual, the action shall be filed in the
Court of First Instance of the province or city where he
1. Grave Slander – it is insulting and serious in actually resides at the time of the commission of the
nature; or offense or where the libelous matter is printed and first
published: Provided, further, That the civil action shall be
2. Simple Slander filed in the same court where the criminal action is filed and
vice versa: Provided, furthermore, That the court where the
The same is true in case of slander by actions or slander criminal action or civil action for damages is first filed, shall
by deed. acquire jurisdiction to the exclusion of other courts: And,
provided, finally, That this amendment shall not apply to
ARTICLE 359. SLANDER BY DEED cases of written defamations, the civil and/or criminal
actions which have been filed in court at the time of the
Article 359. Slander by deed. — The penalty of arresto effectivity of this law.
mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its
minimum period or a fine ranging from 200 to 1,000 pesos Preliminary investigation of criminal action for written
shall be imposed upon any person who shall perform any defamations as provided for in the chapter shall be
act not included and punished in this title, which shall cast conducted by the provincial or city fiscal of the province or
dishonor, discredit, or contempt upon another person. If city, or by the municipal court of the city or capital of the
said act is not of a serious nature, the penalty shall be province where such action may be instituted in
arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos. accordance with the provisions of this article.

Slander by deed refers to the commission of acts with the No criminal action for defamation which consists in the
intent to blemish the credit and reputation of another imputation of a crime which cannot be prosecuted de oficio
person. It does not refer to the use of words. shall be brought except at the instance of and upon
complaint expressly filed by the offended party. (As
1. Grave Slander by Deed – it is serious and amended by R.A. 1289, approved June 15, 1955, R.A.
insulting in nature; 4363, approved June 19, 1965).

2. Simple Slander by Deed ARTICLE 361. PROOF OF THE TRUTH

ARTICLE 360. PERSONS RESPONSIBLE Article 361. Proof of the truth. — In every criminal
prosecution for libel, the truth may be given in evidence to
Article 360. Persons responsible. — Any person who shall the court and if it appears that the matter charged as
publish, exhibit, or cause the publication or exhibition of libelous is true, and, moreover, that it was published with
any defamation in writing or by similar means, shall be good motives and for justifiable ends, the defendants shall
responsible for the same. be acquitted.

The author or editor of a book or pamphlet, or the editor or Proof of the truth of an imputation of an act or omission not
business manager of a daily newspaper, magazine or constituting a crime shall not be admitted, unless the
serial publication, shall be responsible for the defamations imputation shall have been made against Government
contained therein to the same extent as if he were the employees with respect to facts related to the discharge of
author thereof. their official duties.

The criminal and civil action for damages in cases of In such cases if the defendant proves the truth of the
written defamations as provided for in this chapter, shall be imputation made by him, he shall be acquitted.
filed simultaneously or separately with the court of first
instance of the province or city where the libelous article is ARTICLE 362. LIBELOUS REMARKS
printed and first published or where any of the offended
parties actually resides at the time of the commission of the Article 362. Libelous remarks. — Libelous remarks or
offense: Provided, however, That where one of the comments connected with the matter privileged under the
offended parties is a public officer whose office is in the provisions of Article 354, if made with malice, shall not
City of Manila at the time of the commission of the offense, exempt the author thereof nor the editor or managing editor
the action shall be filed in the Court of First Instance of the of a newspaper from criminal liability.
City of Manila, or of the city or province where the libelous
article is printed and first published, and in case such ARTICLE 363. INCRIMINATING INNOCENT PERSON
public officer does not hold office in the City of Manila, the
action shall be filed in the Court of First Instance of the

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Article 363. Incriminating innocent person. — Any person
who, by any act not constituting perjury, shall directly
incriminate or impute to an innocent person the
commission of a crime, shall be punished by arresto

Elements of Incriminating Innocent Person

1. The offender performs an act;

2. The said he directly incriminates or imputes to an

innocent person the commission of a crime; and

3. The said act does not constitute perjury.

It is necessary that it must not be made on an affidavit,

because if it is through an affidavit, it will be perjury.


Article 364. Intriguing against honor. — The penalty of

arresto menor or fine not exceeding 200 pesos shall be
imposed for any intrigue which has for its principal purpose
to blemish the honor or reputation of a person.

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or occupation, degree of intelligence, physical condition
and other circumstances regarding persons, time and
Simple imprudence consists in the lack of precaution
ARTICLE 365. IMPRUDENCE AND NEGLIGENCE displayed in those cases in which the damage impending
to be caused is not immediate nor the danger clearly
Article 365. Imprudence and negligence. — Any person manifest.
who, by reckless imprudence, shall commit any act which,
had it been intentional, would constitute a grave felony, The penalty next higher in degree to those provided for in
shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum this article shall be imposed upon the offender who fails to
period to prision correccional in its medium period; if it lend on the spot to the injured parties such help as may be
would have constituted a less grave felony, the penalty of in this hand to give. (As amended by R.A. 1790, approved
arresto mayor in its minimum and medium periods shall be June 21, 1957).
imposed; if it would have constituted a light felony, the
penalty of arresto menor in its maximum period shall be Q: Are reckless imprudence, simple imprudence,
imposed. simple negligence crimes by themselves or are they
merely means of committing a felony?
Any person who, by simple imprudence or negligence,
shall commit an act which would otherwise constitute a A: As ruled in Ivler v. Modesto, the Supreme Court said
grave felony, shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in its that they are crimes by themselves. It is settled that they
medium and maximum periods; if it would have constituted are crimes by themselves and not merely means of
a less serious felony, the penalty of arresto mayor in its committing a felony.
minimum period shall be imposed.
When the execution of the act covered by this article shall G.R. No. 172716 | 17 November 2010
have only resulted in damage to the property of another,
the offender shall be punished by a fine ranging from an FACTS: Jason Ivler committed a hit-and-run against
amount equal to the value of said damages to three times another car. The husband in the other car died, but the wife
such value, but which shall in no case be less than twenty- survived, sustaining only slight physical injuries. Ivler then
five pesos. was arrested by the police. After investigation, two cases
were filed against him: 1) reckless imprudence resulting in
A fine not exceeding two hundred pesos and censure shall slight physical injuries sustained by the wife; and 2)
be imposed upon any person who, by simple imprudence reckless imprudence resulting in homicide and damage to
or negligence, shall cause some wrong which, if done property because of the death of the husband and the total
maliciously, would have constituted a light felony. damage caused on the car.

In the imposition of these penalties, the court shall exercise Since the wife is alive, the charge of reckless imprudence
their sound discretion, without regard to the rules resulting in slight physical injuries is only for inquest
prescribed in Article sixty-four. purposes. As such, there is no need for preliminary
investigation. On that very day, the case for reckless
The provisions contained in this article shall not be imprudence resulting in slight physical injuries was filed
applicable: before the MeTC. The other case on the reckless
imprudence resulting in homicide and damage to property
1. When the penalty provided for the offense is equal to or requires preliminary investigation because the husband
lower than those provided in the first two paragraphs of this died and there was a need to assess the value of the
article, in which case the court shall impose the penalty damages to the car. Ivler was then at the fiscal’s office for,
next lower in degree than that which should be imposed in more or less, 60 days.
the period which they may deem proper to apply.
Meanwhile, the case for reckless imprudence resulting in
2. When, by imprudence or negligence and with violation slight physical injuries filed before the MeTC was set for
of the Automobile Law, to death of a person shall be arraignment. During arraignment, Ivler, as per the advice
caused, in which case the defendant shall be punished by of his counsel, pleaded guilty. Thereafter, the judge
prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods. convicted him as charged.

Reckless imprudence consists in voluntary, but without After a month or two, here comes the other case for
malice, doing or falling to do an act from which material reckless imprudence resulting in homicide and damage to
damage results by reason of inexcusable lack of property filed before the same court against Ivler. The
precaution on the part of the person performing of failing to counsel of Ivler filed a motion to quash on the ground of
perform such act, taking into consideration his employment double jeopardy. According to him, double jeopardy arises

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because Ivler has already been prosecuted and convicted overturn the other en banc decisions. But now, Morales is
for the crime of reckless imprudence resulting in slight affirming Ivler.
physical injuries. Therefore, he can no longer be
prosecuted and convicted of another crime arising from the Q: X attended a party. He was now on his way home.
very same reckless imprudence; otherwise, double While X was driving recklessly along the highway, his
jeopardy arises. The said motion to quash was denied by Toyota Hiace hit a Chevrolet car which entered the
the lower court and it went up to the Supreme Court. intersection. As a result, Y who was driving the
Chevrolet car sustained serious physical injuries,
HELD: The Supreme Court dismissed the case. It is while his three friends, A, B, and C, suffered slight
settled in jurisprudence that reckless imprudence, simple physical injuries. The car was damaged and the
imprudence, and simple negligence are crimes by amount of damages was 150,000 pesos. What is the
themselves; they are not merely means of committing a proper charge against X?
A: Based on the decision of the Supreme Court in Morales
Here, since Ivler has already been convicted of reckless v. People en banc affirming Ivler v. Modesto, the proper
imprudence resulting in slight physical injuries, he can no charge against X is reckless imprudence resulting in
longer be prosecuted and convicted of another crime multiple physical injuries and damage to property due
arising from the very same reckless imprudence; to the serious physical injuries sustained by Y and the
otherwise, the double jeopardy rule will be violated. You slight physical injuries sustained by his friends, A, B, and
cannot prosecute another person for two crimes based on C, as well as the damage to the car.
the same imprudence, negligence. Kailangan pagsamahin
sa isang reckless imprudence case. The Ivler doctrine which was affirmed by the Supreme
Court in Morales states that Art. 48 on the complexity of
However, after that, there had been other Supreme Court crimes does not apply to quasi-offenses such as reckless
decisions saying that reckless imprudence, simple imprudence. There shall be no splitting of charges under
imprudence, or simple negligence are only means of Art. 365. Only one information shall be filed regardless of
committing a felony. But here comes the en banc case of number or severity of the consequences of the imprudent
Morales v. People: or negligent act.

G.R. No. 240337 | 04 January 2022

FACTS: The two vehicles in this case collided with one

another. The accused then was charged with reckless
imprudence resulting in multiple physical injuries and
damage to property.

HELD: The Supreme Court ruled that the accused is

liable for reckless imprudence resulting in multiple
physical injuries and damage to property.

In Ivler v. Modesto, it was emphasized that simple and

reckless imprudence are distinct, specific crimes,
separately defined and penalized under the penal laws.
Just like in Ivler, the Supreme Court then declared that Art.
48 on the complexity of crimes is not applicable in
quasi-offenses. As such, the said court forbids the
complexing of a single quasi-crime by breaking it resulting
in separate offenses. The rule is now laid down: There can
be no splitting of charges under Art. 365. Only one
information shall be filed, regardless of the number or
severity of the consequences of the imprudent or
negligent act.


The Supreme Court affirmed its decision in Ivler v.

Modesto. It ruled that, finally, it is now time to affirm the
Ivler case. Although it was a better decision, it cannot

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