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sunseeny anaurTar AIGeRTAS -RGENTTNAL ASSTRALTAL Approved For Release ai '16R00100038002256, : Omeepntaae 2 uly 4 oo ‘Membership Claim Union of Working Youth of Albania 109,000 (1956) (Commmist youth league, CTL) ‘Union of Dencarntie Youth of Aleria ‘Wery small (1957 ertinate) (Cri, Outlawed.) 5,000 (1948 claim) aon of Tslamte Stutente (Ai¢ers) (WX affiliate 2s of 1951) Young Vouen's Organization of Argentina (Okt) aka Grgentsation of Toung Cirle of Arpention CiefseeSEREN SEES Belt HS) G57) Federation of Covmumist Youth of Argentina (FIC) ‘oprecented at 4th 37° Congress, Hiev,1°5?) Federation of Taraelite Youth Tnatttetfone of Asgentina re-Commonist grosp thet jotned Or ta 1951) (Represented at 4th i?iT Comers Ftew,1957) Committee for the Rights of Youth (aka Wttonal Conctasion far the Fights of Tovth) (CYL that sought WOT affiliation tn July 1953) Gapresented at th UPIT Congres, ev, 1957 Forular Ouiture Group (ought affiliation at 3rd WFDT Congress, 1953. Hot Tepresentated at Ath WFIT Con-rees.) Comiasion for Democratic Litertion (Sought affiliation at 3rd KFDY Congress, 1953. Not Terresentod at AA PUY © nerese, Youth Chotr of Sante Fa Govght afftntion in July 1989,2rd MFI Congress Mot Ferrasented at Ath WPIY Canefeca, 1057.) Photo Conatssion of Sante Pe (Sought aff) tation tn July 1953, Sed WFDT Congress. Not Terresented at 4th VEST Concrees, 1957.) ‘Bureka Youth League 1,000 (1956 estinate) (CHL, Represented at 10! VFIT Conpreas, 1957) Aasoetation of uatralsan Dangers CCOLTORAL FROGEAM PAPTAL ‘ero-Commantst grovp. that foleed “POT tm eM ser acest 1056 a0 5 Datla) mage concerned ony with Wits Cultural Progran.! ted at 2th \POE Congress, Blew, Aurast 1957.) (Queensland Youth Charter Conntttes (ProComeuatat proup that fotned 01 tn. August 1951) Sostaliot Verkers Youth (MDT eftiiiate an of 1951) ‘Sptnay Technics} College Coton 2,000 (1948 alata) (orasr 10S affiliate and UFOY affiliate as of 1951, ep rro-Communtut 4m erfeatation, Mo resent information.) Good Compantone Christion Soetal Order Study Croup (WFOY aP42tete ax of 1951, No recent inforsation.) Awstrelian Student Labor Federstion 14060 (2950 alain) (Wormer 105 affiliate and WUT affiliate as of 1951, No recent irformation.ttas Deen nro-Comaumiat, ) Approved For Release ; CIA-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 Approved For Release : 1A-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 ‘AUSTRIAL Tree Austrian Touth (POE) {5,000 = 10,000 (1956 estimate {CIE represented at th WFDT Congress a Kiev, August 1957.) Denoe-atie Ansooiation of Kustria "Caildren's 16,700 (1953-54 estimate) Oountry - Young Guard" (ara Kinderland) (OTL that Joined WOE at 4th WDE Gongrest Key, August 1957.) Sootaltst Working Youth (FOE affiliate as of 1951. Ho reoent informtion.) Sports Uatom for Model Flanes and Gliders {Pro-Communiat union that joined WPDE in 1953) Pree Austrian Stutents (POST) 3,000 (1948 aimta) (ere TUS affiliate and « WUT affiliate as of 1951, Comunistafront.) wm (formerly called 400 (1956 ostinato) fe Touth of > 10,000 (1948 alain) (OTL represented at th WF Oongress, Kiev, 1957) (Outlavedgdvined ¥FOX in 1951.) rear Plomars Union of Belgium (CTL that Joined MFDY in 1953) Crecente ee ior tow £8 HPD Congres Porestara Progress (Sport Club) ‘(rre-Conmanist: group that Joined WFD in 1955 and wee represented at ith WOT Congress, 1957.) (ote: This alub fe also Keown as "the Progress Basketball Club®) 1 irate (Fre-Coumuntat grouping of young writers that, | Seog WE atrCitetton tm Ty 1953.B0 roeeet inforsstion, ) 1 Group | Fre-Commanist group of young artists that sought | WELT affilie tion 4m July 1953, Ho recent informtion.) BOLIVIA: Commmnist Youth of Boltria 2,000 (2955 alain) | (Outlaved, CTL that vas represented at Ath FON Congresa, Kiev, August 1957.) Confederation of Polivian University Students (CUB) 10,000 (1956 elain) | ‘Gotned WFDI in 1950, There ts opposition cogeo MOEER to continued TOS (ant probably WFit) affiliation in the CUB, It fs COSHC-affilinted.) Genta Barbara (Fro-Conmmtat group that joined WIE in 1953. Ho resent infersntion,) Tom Tetata (ata Yoterstton of Pirtsta Touth of via (Pro-Commmist group that Joined WFIE in 1949, ‘No recent infermtion. ) Central Institute of Yocational Schools (GUE affiliate xe of 1951, Wo recent information.) Federation of Stutents of Professional Tastitutes 17,000 (1950 elain) (Joined KFTE in 1919, Be recent information.) (Alec former TIB affiliate.) Approved For Release SAPRBPTs.00815R001000380022-5 Approved For Release : CLATRPWrRBaaR455001000360022-5 | wos | RAZTLG ‘Union of Communist Youth under 5,000 (1956 estimate) (Outlaved, CYL thet vas represented at kth WFDT Conpress, Kiev, dugust 1957.) wetsopolitan Seeontary stdente Assoetation (Pro-Cowmunist group that Joiued WFDY in 1951.) Tergeltte Touth of Beas th "A Yor" (Pro-Communist group that joined WFDT in 1951, i No represented at 4th UFY Congress, 1957.) Assootetion of Parroupttbe Yost (Fro-Communist group that joined WFIT in 1951, | No recent information.) | — (aa masta Toots Federation (Pro-Counun'st group that joined WFIT in 1953.) (sae not officially represented at {thW0T Congress, ‘Kiev, August 1957, Claimed to have working relations PO'beeSiiien youth ermnataetions of til Sous ie July 1953.) Santoo Union of Deaceretie Text (Pro—Conmmint uni-m affiliated with beth TUS and WDE.) Touts Yoderatton of Gadana (Sought WPOY affiliation in July 1953. Bo recent inf ormation,) Youth taken of Parana (Sought affiliation 4m July 1953, Ho resent date.) | Youth Federation of sao Paulo | (Sought efttlistion, tn Tuly 1933, a8 von tine | Glaimed to inelude "more than 100 affiliated elubs in the ayerts sector of the capital sao Fusle elowe's Ro ‘recent information, )* Tooth Federetton of utana (Sought affilietion in July 1953, No resent date.) Touth Federation of Aienoertna (Sought affiliation in July 1953. No recent data.) | ‘ovth Federation of Pormabucana (Sought affiliation in Buly 1953. No resent date.) Youth Count of Onstoon (WPOY affiliate as of 1951. fo recent data.) ‘Bi ITISH GUIANA: People's Youth Movement several bundred (1957 estinat (Outiaved, CYL, May de identden) vith Young Teojle'e,doetien, People's Frepressive Perty sca Wid affiliate represented at the (ts UPI Congress, Kiev, hugest 1957.) Flomere Yous laege (Pro-Communist group that joined WFD in 1953.) Denerars Youth Rally (Pro-Commumist group that joined MPO in 1953.) ‘BULGARIAs Dimitrov Gaion of People's Youth 1,900,000 (2956 claim) (GEL, Charter seuber of WIM.) “Se Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 ‘Approved For Release : ClAMpRAgspOe15RO01000960022-5 wor AtcBarma Touth League tuner 10,000 (956 entinate) (Goummtat-front represented at £0 WFO Gongrean, Mer, Angurt 1957.) *21-Darm Teteration of Students Taton (42750) 4,000 (1956 elatn) (tre-comenieteronp couscoed Seimriiy of SREDETY Nea Tas Bet SARS! TARE, J? 2959 Feoplete Youth of Darn (Commmntst-front that Joined WPIY in 1953 and vas represented at the 4th XFIY Congress, Kiev, Aumst 1957. Fart of the Borsa Workers and Feasante Party.) BYBLORUSSIAN camontas cmmnocns camapas Yano of MIX affiliate not avatiatle EEL CATE srtsere, mt avatzate, Beias Folloving Caxbodtan pro-Comamist grours in France bave been TUS-affiliated and my, therefore, also be verking with WPOts Cambodian Union of Students Studying in France Gotned TS tn August 1953 but ak Listed as an T05 affiliate tn official report of ‘Sth TUS Compress, Septenber 1958.) ay be Adentioal vith Aescetation of Huser Studente in France (Represented as an “observer” at th WOE Gongrese, Kiev, August 1957 and at Sth TUS Congress, Feiing, ‘eptember 1958, Cameroon Youth Peace Comittoe (Fro-Commumtst group that joined WUT fn 1951, Nov outlawed, ) Rural Youth of (aka Moa ‘Rural Youth) Re EI TS Kiev, august 1957.) Cameroon Lasgue igaiast Tritalina (Pro-Co-muniet group represented at 4th VF. Congress, Kiev, August 1987.) Sectadist Youth League of Canada (formerly known as Hotton] Federation of labor Tout) (Rrotocummntat group vho 1s nov represented at. WFDE Headauarters by Floyd WILIISTOR.Bepresented at 4th WFIY Conese.) ‘Youth Friendship Langue (renamed “Youth Priendshir Conference") GFL that joined KFIT in 1954, Represented at Ati WIDY Congress.) Ruoeten-Cenadtan Youth Organtzstion Goined FUT tn 1954, Conedien Carpath®-Rusoion Youth Organteation 300 (1955 alate) (Goined WFOT in 1954, Pro-Comuntat.) Youth Section of the tnseeistion of Uatted 300 (2955 elate) Ukrainian Cenadians {Fro-Gommmniat proup that Joined VFO in 1955, Rerresented at Ath WIN Congrecs, Kiev, sug, 1957.) Canadian South Slevie Youth Petoration 1,000 (1948 etatn) orf SRAER RUSSIA TERLESEY) (urcratet tated tn 2952) Canadian “FOE Comittee Youth Diviaton, Tatted Jevish teople's Organisation Notion? Comtttan of Stodente of the Tabor Promrasatve JoPRBTeaS SefA-ROPTE-00015R00 10003800225 Of Tugcelav Youth in Canada (WPDY afft"tate in 1951) ean” | caRTemEaNy oma 1A-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 Approved For Releas Sd ay pps “Gonita bide ieeee ae ) All. Communist Youth League Federation (akn 871 (1954 entimate) EuicSaland Congrece ‘of Soemsntse Tose (on at 4th MPOY Congr Augeet 1957) fe lana Prenton Party Tout Lengua Goined WR in 19), Represeebed wt Qh VE Songrone, Hevy hogest 1057 aad ow Unit Tertive eh a ris wee comet tees, United Federation of Geylonese Youth (aka Ceylon Fodepation of emootaele Pons) (Goined WDE im 1951. Tta Student Sestion ined Ton dn 295 but whtasree tn one to erate the Gaylon Satverniy teseaes Peles tion ‘to affiliate with TUB as "ssscetate menter*,) ‘The Cameroon Youth of Chad Goined WaT 4m 1957.) Fedieal Youth of Chile (ationalistic ergantration that sought WIE affiliation in July 1953 and was represented at Ath WDY Congress as a full meuber.. Comnmist Youth of Chile 8,000 (2948 atatm) (Outlaved, CYL that vas represented at ith WPUY Congress, Kiev, August 1957.) Youth Comfasion of the Metional Federation of Butlding Vorkers (Jotmed 10K in 1953 and was represented at. ‘#0 WUT Congress, Kiev, 1987.) (Saipetre) Youth Comisaton of the Trade taion of Uflerieve of Pedro de Velvidie (aka Pedro de Valdivia) (Joined MFDT tn 1953 and Fepeeoeated at 3357 ‘Ate WOT Congrese) tre ‘Youth Comission of the Trade Uaton of Norkers of Marta Elena (Goteed VFDY 4n 1953 and represented at 1957 ith WIT Conerees) ‘Youth Comisston of the tiners Trade Union of Lote (Gotned "FOE 4m 1953 and aggted at 1997 Ath wrt Congreas) ‘Youth Comission of the Vorkera/Trade Union of Polpateo (fotned WIE 4m 1953 and represented at 1987 4th WFLY Congress) Youth Comission of the Miners Trade Union ef Sehvager sat 428 MPO Gooprese, Her, Angust 1957 ae an affiliate, Youth Commission of the Yorkers Trade Union of Liryuan (oined WOE tn 1953 and represented at Ath WE Congress, 1957) Wational Federation of Feris Tradesmen (otned WOE An 1953.) ‘Touth Seetion of the Miners Uatcn of Cereal (Joined VPDT tn 1953) Youth Seetion of Metalwarkers Unit's of Ingelese (Jotned WIE tn 1953) Youth Section of Chilean Klestrietty Comeay Employees Uaton (Jotued \FOE in 1953.) ‘Youth Seetion of the Putlding Workers Federation (Joined WOY in 1953) National Youth Gountsaton of the Confederstion of Chilean Workers Fablo Vidalen Chote (sought UPUT afftiiation tn July 1953) wos Kew, Approved For Releast 78-00815R001000380022-5 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 crmiay comers concos OSTA RICA orem: OnEcHeSLev ARIAL ‘A11-Ghina Federation of Denoaratie Youth 2: (GIL, Charter WIT neaber Mt kth WIT Congres Notes Young Pioneer Corps, far youth 9 and 15 yeare of ave, olained 25 nfition members in’ 1936, A11Ghine Stadente Feders tion 403,000 (May 1999 claim) {Or aettiinted rena 1951, Bente erie ee Communist Youth (ake Union of Communist Youth 500 (1953 extimate) © Geta eo An 190 5 z sot ee ements Ath WOE Congress, Kiev, August 1957 Gutiaved, ) Denoeratio Youth Federation Gotnsd WOE tn 1950, “Ts Coummist-inflvanced group.) Seetaaiet Youth of cotatia oe denttrta as WIT afft2iate someting age, No resent date, ering Youth of the Congo (Goumatet istic} (GIL that! Joined WOT tn 1950, Sot represented at Ath MIT Conereas.) Democratic Youth of Costa Rica #0 (1956 estimate) (Coummiat-tnfluenced group that Joined WIE tn 1950 and represented at th WUT Congress, Kiev, Aug. 1987.) Benana Workers Union (amr atriitate os of 1951, Ho recent information.) Soetaiiet Youth (35) (CLL represented at Ath WIT Congress, Kier, Aurust, 1957.) Ascociation of Puptla of the Norm] School of Nabane (Wo recent inforaation,) Onemeratiys, rmmmtantion of Youth of Grprus (aka Refrm 5,000 (1948 alain) Organization of Youth of Oypras, ADH) (CU rerrecented at 4th UIE Congrese, Ter, Aug.1957,) Orgentuatin of Oyprict Youth ta London (Comunist—infleenced group that Joined MPIE at 4th 1» Kev, August 1957, Union of Orechosevak Youth (65x) 12,100,000 (1955 elain) ‘eri, or Garter faaker cee Youth Union of Dahomey (ake Dahomey Youth ‘Unton) Goteed wor te 1956 a0 « . sctiisation based eaiy on WP ieian rea Sport Prograne. Rerresented at thr aeta Congress, Kiev, August 1957,) Mey be Adention2 vith Tabor Youth Unton of Dahomey (ake Dahomey Uatoa of Working Youth) (Communint~influeneed group.) Approved For Release L -n0preansise001000800725 Approved For Release ; CIA-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 ~~ wet ‘pmount Comments Youth of Denmer (D0) (GUL represented at 4th LFIE Congress, Kiev, Auguat 1957.) (Gomme tatiumeed grevp Yat Jotoad VPus tn 1950, mats ‘on Mot officially represented at 4th WIT Congress.) ‘Typographioal Apprentices Club (Gommn'st-tnfiuenced group that Joined WIE tn 1950, Not officially represented at ith WDE Congress.) Taniah Youth Ghote (Wotned WOT An 1954, Hot offietalty represented at An WOW Congress, Danish Comittee for the WFOE (armr-atesis inted as of 1951, Coumniat-trent,) Dencoratio Youth Federntion (BYU) (ot officially represented at th WFD Congress.) ‘DOMINIOAN FEPUBLIC! Demseratie Youth tte (Ottiaialty represented at th VPDY Congress, Kiev, Angust 1957, Ie probably « paper organisation, ‘BouADERs Communist Youth of Rowader 2004200 (2956 eat.) (GIL represented at Ath WPDE Congress, Kiev,1957.) Federation of Eeusdar Uaiversity Stutente (FEU) 16,000 (1956 elatn) (Gommunist-influenoed body that joined WFIX in 1950,” COSEC MEMEER Tt 4s aloo TS-affilieted, as wall as a nenbor of OoskC.” There de {tien to FEU'e effitiation vith TES (and, possihly, to UPDE). (laticnalist-influenoed body that Joined FUT tn 1949, Represented at Ath WOT Congress, Kev, 1957.) Dencaratic Youth of 1 Ore Gotned SFE in 1951/ Communtet-influeneed group.) ‘FINLAND ‘Vaion of Demseratic Youth of Finland (8DNL) 9,600 (1956 claim) (CEL, Represented at 4th UFDY Congress, 1957.) Demperatic Union of Picneers of Finland (SDPL) 5,238 (1957 eattnate) (CYL, Represented at 4th SFUY Congress, 1997.) Sostalist seademte Association (ake Losdeny of 100 (1956 estinate) Soctaliat Students and Acadaute Soaialist Soetety) (Comsuntat-influaneed grow, Represented at Ath WOT Congress, Kiev, August 1957.) murs, Tries of Commmtat Youth of France (foraeriy the 100,000 (1956 aida) Union of Repuifean Youth af France| (GrL founded ty Freneh Comminint at ite uth in July 1956, The Hational Counadi of the French Communist Youth tion guides the activities of the folloving three Communist youth organtea tions | atti llated with the Mire | Young Commmist League of Frases (for boys) 3,000 (1957 etetn) Vaton of Girls of France (\FF) 3,000 (1956 elain) Cimmuniat Union of Stutents of France 390004688 (2950 lata) | ‘Hates 421 of the atove vere represented at, Approved For ROT yem@ivieitiARZ8.00915R001000380022-5 | 4% MPI Gongrese, Kiev, dug, 1957, Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 } ‘FRANCES ‘Franes-U5SR University Cirele (Communi t-{nfluenced group that joined WOT \ tn 1950 | Tourten and Work (Towrtone ot Travat?) ‘Over 2,000,000 (1956 eiata) ‘(Commun t-influemoed body that ‘TOURTST PROGRAM PARTIAL WOT im 1956. Rerresented at 4th UPDT MEGETSETP Gongrace, Kiev, Augest 1937.) Werk and Culture (Trevatl et Culture) CULTURAL PROGRAM PARTIAL Goined WO in dmqust 1955 and vas MOGIRSH TY eprepemted at Ath MDT Congress, 1957.) ‘anecGolentaist Youth Som tion of (Commanipt-iafleeneed group Unt Jeteed irr ss, International Youth Friendship (kntttes ASSOCTATE MEXDERSHTP TH FBT ‘Int-rmationales) (Conzenist-Adiflueneed orzants ation ‘that requested "asscatate nesberahip" status dn WOT tn late 1955. Represented at dth WFDE Congress, Kiev, Anguat 1957.) Union of the Valiant (Boys and Girls) (CEL, Represented at th WFOT Oongrera.) Workera Spart and Qymmastic Federation (FOOT) 290,000 ta 1,000 sport lube Tepresented (or, ‘Ath MEDY Congress.) (1958 satimnte) ‘frmeantan Youth in France (aka French Armenian Youth) (Communtst-tntiveneed group. Represented at ‘Ath WPDE Congress, 1957, ) Union of French Pioneera (on. ) Fronah Section of International Philatelic League Youth Seetion of the 0.6.7, (lot represented at th WPTY Congress, 1957.) | Grumeld Union of Polish Youth (lot represented at 4th NIT Conrrecs, 1957. Yo recent information.) "Pree Greek” Damoersti Duion of Youth (urot-atritinted about whom no fxfarnation kom here in recent years.) Uaitied (Spanish) Seetaitst Youth (80) Uaion of Spanish Stedente (Youth of Catalonia (Speta) ef the Repohiionn Restataney Walon of Catalonta Move four groups Sdeutified as IE affiliates 12 late 1940's, Ho recent information evailable concerning, thea, Bah at 4th WFIE Congress, ) of Progressive Christians affiliate as of 1951, No resent informtion,) Frenah Comatttes of the WOE Yap rqUUTRZAL_AMOAs (ase Lent aiptabeenlig wy Yretten?) como Wang Yocth othe (beSantat infitwneed) CHAD: Cameroon Youth of Ohad (Joined WFIT in 1997) ‘MIDDLE CONCOL Conge Youth Union (Commmist-~influenced) Joined WIN in 1956 EAMG STARTS wig th of (ake Young Vorkers ap OH Camere, pie inet 1957.) Approved For Releas® ; C1R-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 woo renner sane Sudanese Oxi tora] Uaton (Joined TOE tn 1956 me ax assoctate’ CULTURAL FROCRAM YAP TTAL oe partial neaber, only In terms of amare? W's Culteral Prorran. Wot officially Terrenented 4t {th VDF Congress, Tev, Beguat 1957.) YRENG: VEST APRICAY Listed alphabetically Wy territery. See Dehowey, Guinea, Mixer, Ivdry Court, Senegal and French Satan, cavers Gaadte Young Prorle's Assgeiation (1n Boplend) (lo recent inforas tion.) CHOUAT (EAST): Free Gernan Youth (707) 1,733,000 (1956 elaia) (CEL, WOE harter Hesber. Fepresonted at 4th WW Congrees.) GERVUET (WET): Free Corwen Youth (757) : Lee Se ar a as eh Sok oe Sener Se ‘“Indeyendent Grou:* from Mect Cereany since 1951.) OREAT B TTATNE See "atte Mtapdom” cama Youth Orpantaatio: of Meatang (aka Yaabang Tooth Aegectstion) | (Gotned WFO tm August 1955, A Hattonaliat- Anflosmeed organtsa'ioe thet wae mek offietally ‘represented at the £0 UTUY Gongreas in Fev, 57.) Wanen Youth sssoetaticn 35 OPRPRIST tS RLARASTE SPIT HML 00 verov.) \ taderedd Youth Association (Joined in 1953, A Communist-1nfluemoed organization hat ds represested cn the UFiT Ementive Comittee by Heed Bizsiy who alee tz the Vass. Yovth hesootatt-n, Bitss, a weli-iaren Conventst vio sae sapelied fron the Goavection Peopleve Party {a 1959 breast of Bis Goa waist coweetions, 30.0 teechel, jowrmist and Yaber lender tn ‘Takerets.) HER, no recent tatormation ts evatiahle abovt the folleving troupe witen have inthe part been dacertbed as -FUE crritstee Youth Organisation Connttten (formerly exlied the Gold Coast Youth Organization) Youth Conference (secre) 2,000 (1948 etets) canons Youth Seeticn of the Party of the "Demccratic Unton of ‘the Taft* (zDA) (4 Communist-influenoed organization thet joined WOE im hogust 1956, Tepresented at th WIDE Congress, Hier, Angust 1°57.) MeLlente Confederation of Denceratic Tovth (eke Unt ted Yanheliento Touth Organisation) (EFOR) (GEL tanned since 1946, Sti11 functions Glantostinely unter rane EPCK, Ho reomt Inforeation.’ Approved For Releas: iy RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 Approved For Release : GuanmourEs CUATEMALA® cunear GUIANA (BRITISH) Barts HoMR se MDT ora VA RBH? SROC1000980022-6 witlo ‘Youth Union of Guadeloupe (ske Uaton of Youth) (otaed 75% 1m August 1954, Represented at At: WPI Congresa, Kiev, Auguat 1957.) ‘The “Select League of Students and Alun of re Fateiotde Marking Youth (formerly known 28 Desceratio Youth Atltanee ) Gotned “FOF tn seust 1952, Represented at 4th UPON Conrreas.) aer=Tt {A poune erttate that Joined WUT tn 1951) (No recent tafernstio>.) Dmeoratic University Traut of Cuntemle (Gotned LTSY in 1953, Ho reeent information, ) Partate Youth Gotned -FOY in 1953, Me recent tnforestion,) PEPE, ceemerstis tally (3504) (A mAionalist-inflvenced youth organisation that desided to Jota uFIT in March 1999, The JNDA io the ‘moot fanfluential youth union im Culnen,) Youth Unton of Cutnen (Gotned WFUT in 192, Me resent information Uaton of Cufnean Students in Frence (Gotned WH at ite 4th Congrece, Kiev, Aucust 2957, Oerieiel SIE report of thie eonrress itets this ercur an having attended the 4) Congress as "obeervers’,) See BI ITTSH GUIANA Youth League of Ratt? (replaced the Young frogrecstves of Fort au Prinee and Progressive Youth of Jeyente, ‘both of which groups had jotmed WIT in 195),) (Communintinfluenced orgak'sation thet ves mab ‘Heted a5 having been represented at the 4th MFT Congrens, Kiev, svguet 1957.) Hane of VPUT afrttiate mot avaiiable ‘bo Allfanoe of Densoratie Touth of Honduras, Conun‘st-tnfloeneed gro:y: that supverte Worl, settvities and programa.) Sommmist Yovtt Union (KIS) (replaced the Uaion of 40,000 (1957 alain) Morving Youth, SZ, aft-r the B02 vas dlaselved £00,(0 (DISz 1956 sa arent of the hhmparian Revelt) late re revolt.) The felloving orguntzetions are, tn turn, RENT affiliated with Sze rien Reveluttonery Unicn of Young ork re Seclon ton of cnitea Tanase Sosth Takted Organtaation cf Moagarian Undveresty end College Stodants Taten of Rangarian Honeors 7004600 (2949 alate) Towfh, section of, the *Tagebesnt Trade Uaton Gotned HFOE tm Aurust 1954) Approved For Releaseye@gsB33878-00815R001000380022-5 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 | ae wea roman, Soataite’ Youth Federation of Tosland Ht ‘Conmmist-influenced organization thet joined eis in 1981, represented at Ath WOT Oomgrose, \ Hew, bugvet 1957. ‘Teelaséie Apprentices Unica I (etned KFOT in 1952, Represw ted at 1057 th ‘UFDT Congress. ) Toelandic Youth Comittee for International (eke Intarationel Teelandie Touth Gomittoe} GC Gormmtst-tront thet wan represented at the Ath MEIN Cougrers, ) i he following Welandio organisations have also been described us WIN affiliates in the past, Wo recent : fptoreedipp comerning thetr MMELETEEEETERCTERDY atetue Unton of Radical Students (alee mesber of Tevlendte Youth Conmitter) Federation of Communist Yosth(alse" " * SSH): ‘Union of Seataliat Stutents tn Tealand reotas AjcIndta Students Federction 120,000 (3956 elain) Sireestng ee fa Ft Costes He ee. 297 ‘and 5th TUS Congress, Fragon, Sept, 1958)" ‘ke Binghe Youth Federation of Caleutta (ake Tal feate Toba Sangha) (Comets t-influenced organization that joined EZ tm gua 1055 an tae raorecentad at Oe 4th WTO Congresa, ‘Vila Denoerstis Youth Federation (Crissn) (Communtst-Anflomeed group that joined VIM ta Awcvst 1956 and was reprecented ot the 4th KFDE Congress, lev, 1957.) Potgratton of Talian stant toctatten Jn Great Prttate, Ireland and Burope (FEDIND) (ise sourht TOS affilistion In tugust 1955, ihe represented at Ath WPIX Congress, Elev, Augtst 1957 es WUE affiliate and attented TIS Congress, Peking, ‘September 1958 as an ‘observor".) tte Detar Toague (Gommmist-Influenced group thet vas represented at Lth WFIT Congresa, 1°57.) ‘WYeIatia Youth League (Commmint-influenced group that Joined VOT in 1051 and vas rerresented at 4th MFIY Congreas.) ‘daficra Democratic Youth Federation 45,0°C (1948 alete) (Commaniet-foflvanced group thet vas represented at 4th VFOT Congress, Kiev, August 1957.) Bihar Federation of Denoerstie Youth (ake Mber ‘State Damoeratic Youth league) (Gommntst-infloenced group that Joined Fir tn 1953 and vas represented at {th WIN Congress.) All-Indian Student lrogressive Eice (Bombay) Gotaed WFO fn 2951. k Goummist-infienseed group.) Sontag City Tovth League Toszecayt inttusese group that joined DT tn 19HE, Hot represented £0 1th UBT Congress.) Denceratic Youth Pedersticn of Delhi Commmist-tnfluenced group that joined +702 in 1952,) Approved For Relgase pepRPP78-00816R001000380022-5, 1A-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 Approved For Release : ee wwon_-12 rota organ’ Zorth Toterntion ~ La. ababak ah (Gomzoni t-tnfivenced group thet jot 1951, Hot represented At ARhFOT Congre «, ALL tentows Youth League Gotmed oI in 1085.) AUL-Dikal Students Federstion (Cri:a) Gotned «FO danetine prior to 1952. Tederation of Indian Yeuth (FIX) (Comumtat-front thet decided tm April-hey 1959 Bid timetere nvoteerrns garam t 2 Wot Congress tn "obwerver! eapetags formed'ty the Commaist Party of india} Ghandernagers Denoeritic Youth Lesxue Goined 70% fa 1953.) Garbeta Dmosrstic Youth Langue Gotned EDT Sn 1953.) Jui Art Theatre (Joined WIE in suguet 1955 end vas represented yan “observer” at 1th UPON Conerene,) jore Demeratic Youth Learue Goined ¥PDr sm 1953,) oY in Deugors tie Youth League of India (Sought WFIT affiitation ta July 1953, Be resent Anfermation concerning xtates.) Wort Bengal Dencorstio Tout Faderation (lo resent information.) TeDORES IAs People's Touth (Femada Nakint, 1) Joyeoe (2057 einin} (GEL that Joined Wor in 1950, Tepresented at 50,000 (1956 clade} 4th Wt Congress.) ‘The three folloving orguatcaticas sought Wi | effilietion in July 1953, but further taforeatton on their status aot available: PERI (Founda Republik Rakjat Indonesia) - Feorle'e Youth of the Kepublie of Indonesia i APY (lngkatan remade Feubangu Indoceate) = Auxtlery Youth Gorpe of the Merublic of Indonesia FTA (Fwmute Tare ASr Indonente) - Youth o° the | Tndoneaten Patheriand i ‘Tee folloving iaations have been previcualy | devaribed as WOT affilinton, but recent Informe tion | eoncerning their atates nat available: Memes staretstelgater Tadonata) ~ taken of 300,000 (2955 Tndoncatan Stutent Tovth ro) fat th W710 Congress tn ‘observer* capacity.) | Union of Deuobilized Stodente (Ferhtnpunen Poladjar- Feladjar Denobiliann - 1PFD) = | (Chinese) University ‘taseate Uaton (Ta Heweh Hsueh ‘Sheng Pus, TRASH) i oe Teigh Touts Srganteation 1,800 ~ 2,00 (2956 ead) | (Cutiaved CIE, Sot Liated as heving Doon represented at 1th iT Congress, ) ' Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00815R001000380022-5 =—5ese0 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 — F wor, TRANS People's Youth Organizetion (ake People's 5,000 (1948) Toasts n combed a8 th WPT : af-rrent represented 4 Congreso: retell supsrossed.) ‘Teheran University Students Unton 2,800 (2956 alain) | ‘(Getned WIT tn 1951, A GIL that te alec TiB-efftiinted.” Ie probably appressed, bot van Fepresentad at 1th wi Flew, hacast 1957 and a Sth 100 Congrene, Povingy Septenber ° Cuntural Crgsateation of tmmmatan Touth - Miahogedt | Gotaed urn tn 1959 end vas representad | 8 4% PDT Compress. If tdention! vith | Chrogresetves" is peobably a euppreased om. Denceratio Youth League of Tren ‘Gotned vFTY in 1951, ov probol | aupprease:, Yo recent information, ECDC Teheran Djeven Sports Club Gotned Wit im August 1954, to recent | ‘iafornation.) | Soopdtmating Comittee of Sports Organist tone © (gut OT AfELLation An July 19832 Ho recent inforaction concerning ite UIT states, iy be haontioel with, tke Teteren Djeves Spare Club thet id affiliate with WPOY tr tuguat 1954.) mug Democratic Youth Union of Iraq (Iraqi Union of | Demoeratie Touth) (GIL that Joined WF2t in 1953, 18 acuprisoe ‘the following organizations which had affiliated vite OPOY prior to 1953 cenaral stodente Daton 4,000 (1956 elats) Ges sertitate — Represented, eee Soe Wangan, Torttg, Se 1958.) mgue tn Datenee of Yommm Deneeratie Youth Crpmnisation, Dnoere tte Touth tion of req represented. SER tron Congrens, Elev, Lageat 1957. LA Young Workers Longue of Northern Treland (Represented at 4th VOT Congress, Kiev, ingnat 1997.) Folloving orgunizaticns have deen deseribed as \@ Dn affitiates in the rast. Recent inforantion concerning their status mot available: Tatarsational Stafent Federation Denoeratie Youth Hovew mt of Ireland Soctaltst Youth of Ireland (Dublin) 40 (19/8 elained atrongth) Oey nov be definet) | ‘Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 | ~— Approved For Rola, Sayer 7-001 }$R001000380022-5 ors, Tee Teel Comments Te Mevecunt 1,000 (2948 eta!a) (CEL, Represented at 4th ¥”! Congrean, Kiev, hucust 1957.) Comittee of “onist Maseering Youth: Yorenent and Ara Youth (Aka Arab loner ‘Youth of Isreel) Hationaliet-influenced group, Farresented at Ath HITE Congrees, Elev, faust 1957 00 in affiliated organizetion,) Vatlace Youth Front {oine WPI in 1953, to recent information.) ‘The foTloving tuo organizations sought (FI acfiliation in July 1953, but their current | states te not knew Youre Sure | Yowth Group in the name of "Titeheg Sedeh* | (lative Ioeira M1 Sen *Ttahek Sado, alee ative Hateatr al-Shem "Titeben Sade") ‘The folloving orguxite tions have been desartbed an \7IT affiliates jn the pact, Recent information Concerning thelr statar not availabler Cowell of Jevish Youth Organizations 30,000 (1948 lain) Gerumlen) (gy de {tention vith | Jewish Youth Couneit) Demosratic Youth Federation (ake Young Dewoerstie Croup of Tereel) | Main Federation of Jevish Verhers! Youth gpectel Ueited Moveasot (Betmon Hamshedat) | Mashoncr Mateatr | Hemechanot Maclin - Camp of the Inaigrante ‘TYALYs: Federation of Italian Oownnist Youth 355,000 (1957 elaim) (CTL. Represented at ith PIS Congress, | 392,000 G98 | Sievy begeet 2957s initials are Bagi.) Sostalict Youth Novenent (PST Youth) 70,000 (1955 alain) ‘Wouth Seation of the (Nennd) Soeialiat Party, FST, herrosented at 4th #477 Coopreen, Hey, furuat 1957 and on the | for Tih VOT tae ignored er ‘Direetorate!s. request that there be participation Cae Retina ER ‘Siape teen tortice to the Lofy than Sts parent SA ita, rodent manly na tiooe! tsb-tnrioenoed.) Plooears Ascetation of Italy (aks tasestation 350,000 (1953 catia: of Tealian Heneers| (GEL. Represented at Ath S711 Congress, Kiev, ‘Avgost 1957.) {evi Oowtenton of to COTE (Tealtan Ooafederntion 500,000 (1953 of Tal ‘(Gils Represented at 1957 4th MOT Congress, Youth Coentavion of the Itali-n Cooperative League (aim Youth Gowelasion ef Cooperatives of Italy) ‘reprovented at 4th PIF Congress as an affiltate,) of EP Ba Hele te Hada Gimeno ME TEAR CSREEE "Represented at 4th 1T Oonrreesy 1957.) Approved For Release -GIA-ROP78-00915R001000380022-5 Soe Approved For Release : mar ORY const soureas TAP Appré 1A-ROP78-00915R001000380022-5 woré Cultwal Youth Chympindes Goind WOT tm 1953, Tt to Go nuntat-influenced erranisation.) ‘Ttalian Undo of Fovular Sport (UF) £70,000 (1953 setine) (GIL, Represented at 4th “FIT Gomrrese,) ‘The following organts. tone have been ASentdfind as SDT aftt\tatee tm the cent, ‘Their current atatua ta not knownt Tout Proat a ‘1 million (1948 claim) badly mow part of the FOCI, Hellas Fol of Source Seat, Matiomal tssoetetion of Partieane of 760,000 (1°48 elate) Ttaly (aka League of Former Fartien Afrioan Youth Leas of the Ivory Cost Gofmrd FIT im Anruat 1955, tee ‘Fepresented at 1th VFOY Compress, 2997, itev.) Janaten Touth Mevenent (Joined Fir in 1993, Represented ot 4 WOT Congress, Kiev, 1957.) Denoerntie Youth Lencue of (eka Japanese 30,000 (1956 estinace) Deoaratie Youth ise eth Sgpra) 20,000 (3953 alatn) Gab 2 rgggeg tet at ct Win Congre Centred Gharue (skn Centra? hotr of Japan) 300,000 (1957 ) Gotned LPT tn August 1955. i GIL that AOver ane with wan represented at th WPI Concreas, 1°57.) (1955 alata) "Getned Tr ot Tes 0 Congreve, Fim at Ste (8 Congreve, hageet setlcal ltt Seront of 10 Comrie Tithe Tororo i Seutral Gherus acd Betional Goose of thotre te eeperste eftiliatene Acwoctation EMIX vadataunt—Ket Gotned SPIT tn August 1955 cad vas Feprenanted at Ath “Or Congress.) ‘Tepan var Dead Stutente Menerial Soote: (GEL that joined <7I7 4m dnguat 1953. Leagoe of Torvan Onagerntie Patriotie Youth ta dapan (Gia Leegae of Temoerstic sntriotie fasecn Towth tn JapenS (ommatst infused gro.p that Jotaed Fir sn togust 1655.) | eae Touth Fatherland Proat, 59,000 (2959 e1atn) | Commigtetufisenced crop that Jotned :70r sn 1980 - i TMtomt Zetgaicn of staat eat-eneatng 27,00 tn 10 gaiaticns for = Beainis Snes tn 80 “Rear S, ATI, seine tn 0, ted. Eepresented ty an Yobsarver™ (ire!) 1959 elsia) | 8 ABO Coenen, heey tng. 197 oad fssegates” at 501 Benton, Me, sept, 1958.) | Japan Youth League Counei! fer Pease Out bural Asseeintion of Jay Youth (Jotned VFO in August 1998., Japanese Tovth Congres (ideation! vith oO ROAR ENBOSPEROGTEDOSSO022-5 frm ttemeg fae OT wena (WORTH) HORE: (GOUTH)s unmeworras MADAGASCAR MaALATAL MaRTEIGUES Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 se wa? Degoeratio Youth and Stuients Gotmed VFI in 1982. Tagetive CFL, "Dancertie Youth of Jordan” iteted ‘boon represented at th JIE Congress, Kiev, kucust 1957 fa “afftite ‘enpaotty.) Damoo ate Youth (Geocen Migs 14500,000 (1956 alas Grrengayon Toneaseng) “* _1i300,000 (2948 lad (Gelnea \wor'ts May 1047, CTL, Representa at dah Wor Congrese, knguat 2957, Elev) Terean Youth Longue in Japan (Goined WFOT in kurust 1955, Cowsunist-tnfivenced.) South Horaan Deuogritic Youth Assoetation (aintent Coven Seinen Done! Chose!) (Qanned since 1917-48.) Conere). stadente Unica of Lebanon 950 (1956 elatn) (GIL that sought ¥PIE affi1ietion im Judy 1953. Tt fe an unrepresentative group sd a NOT to be confused vith the MOS of Labanca, oural Statents Uaica of Labuncm ts also TWBaffiliated, It ves repreceatod at both Ath WFOE Congress and Sth IUS Goneress.) Denooratio Youth and Ste‘ente of Lebanon (eka Lebanese Desoesatte Touth anditu‘ente) Goined Wir tn 1952, Tt te 2 Commmtet= influenced argantzaticn, as not officially represented at ith WIT ‘Conzress.) Dencafatie Youth of Lawabourg (JUL, alsc known as 440 (1958 eatin Youth of the Festival Comdttes and’ Luxenbourg, 400 (1956 * ) ‘Youth Nevenent for Peace and Friendship) (4 Sommontot rons. Kepr-sewted ot ta 7m and Friendship, listed ae an affiliate.) Deuoeretic Youth ‘ssceiation of Madagasear (Gotned WUT in 1956, A Communist influenced group that was also represented at Ath WFIT Congress.) Ney Denoe atte Youth League 25,000 (1948 elata) (CTL, outiavd ant nay nev be defunct.) Rafetette Toth Le oonmntat-tofloeneed organisation, Yov outlawed.) Youth Section, United Malayan fations tasootation Gleter Aosercing to Ath WFDY Congress report, « paw Hetions Assoatation of MORE Malaya’ ‘bean represunted in “observer” capacity.) Union of Republioan Youth of Martintque (aka Republican Youth Uhica of Mertinicua) (Joined WIT tn 1981.) Drama Art Coster (ake Dracatio Art Center, Martinique) Gotned KOT ta Angas’ 1955.) Merjonel Federation of Technion! Ovedenta (FHET) nr M0 Loam I Gotnea recently come wer WFUE-APFILLATID som-Concemist contre ) and reomtly Gfeaffilisted 15,560 (1996, from the TIS and my heve tite sintlar etepe vith ate) Sree ges 1997 a Pyrat ob 30 fe 2 7, ae reprisented a Congress, Taxing, Sept, 1958 as an affitiate. Bas Bartegalased often, ea DRE reownply figettteted Approveeemet cleat aciaeeartanahe15R0010903800208° a (GIL represented at 1ta WPIE Oongresa, Kiev, hug.57.) feet Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001000380022-5 a wre Cette “eemmintinrioced, Sa'toanrtat at 7» 0 (1957 cate) 4th wor Ms, Flew, dug. 19575 ner tad recently fren OPK,) Progressive TereaLite Youth fetwinflumneed @roup that Joined | ror im 192 Demsaratie Touthof the Valle del Yaqui Fegicn Gotned \7OE im August 1955.) Mextoan Dance Grovp Gotned weDY in Logust 1956.) "Jove Marts” Srert Club ARTA. OEE SKIP Gotned UIT tn August. 1956 an ‘SPORTS PROMUM ONLY ‘an “ansoctate meub er" ocnceraed, only vith WFDE's sporte program.) t “Iasere Cardenas" Sports Club won ‘Geined Hi in Lupuet 1986.) Screid IDOLE como ‘Youth Taica (aka Unten of Congo Youth) WFO in August 1936, Comamist- influenced Beprevented at 4th WUT Congress.) womoltAr Mongolian Revolutionary Youth Lergue % 956 sot tnnte} (ga, ver) peice Tisceo Osis *** (GIL represented at th WF ss Kiev, August 1957.) mencoo0s Daten of Morveesn Youth (aka Hatione! Orica Of Merocoan Denceretio Youth- ULM) 40-60 (1956 ontimate) (CXL, Hot Listed as having been offitelly ‘represented at Ath PIX Congress, 1957.) Taton of Moroccan Stuients in France (Joined ‘Dr im August 1954, Paling Cowes. ‘Heating. Union of Horocean Youth, Stafent Seetion 120 (2950 etats) (This nay be part of Teton af Wrecean Youth and not a separate affilints.) Adhirt Abdeliah (Casablanca) | mats Youth League (Commmist-tnfluenced group that Jo! AYOX an 1953 and ves recresented at Ath WFTE Congrere,) | Youth lengueChbetrarati | ted at Ath WLI Congress and Listed a2 © eaparnte affiliate from Repel Youth Leagua,) Nepal Hations IFederetion of Stutenta (aka A1]—Nepal 25,000 (2956 ‘Students Federation) olein) Gietionalist-inflvenced group that Jotaed WrZY Saoaretere te green serra Seaeryeey Pacing, Sept, 1958 as Sa2 Sones aa 2 Heticon) Touth Federetton Gotnrd WIE in gust 1957 at the Ath Vor | Songreae in Bev. Gamera) Netherlands Youth Union (AKJV) 4,500 (1955 est. (GIL, Hopravented at th Wit Congress.) 125600 flocs isla) | ination of Trogressive student Youth (OF\J) 600 (1955 est.) | Approved For RSteaee 7s, SOSTBH00 10003800905 (1548 lain) MENORLUNDS, thes Approved For Release : GA- SRF FE 008 1sRO0TO0NSE0022-5 one TRE wm—19 ‘WEY TRALANDS Oe Tealaet) ry Tout, Langue 1,000 9R cate i Ter, | (haremeesh nas ofa ‘ New Zealand Stutent Labour Federation GGemmenintctefivenend sep that Joined WOOT 1m 1950 and was represented at 1th ven 2957, Yoraar TUS affiliate that tastioally Giscteiiiate in 1956 to permit TUS to try te aaquire « more natiovelly represeatetive affiliate.) Wr, Coprdtanting Oowlttee for the XFIT, rcaractas Youth of the sootalict Party (eka Seetalist Youth) GR ie rele EY ia PeYishasd® a ta hagtat SSE tnd vas represented sah WOT Conerean, ICEL Youth Feace Congreve GFotnea ta Angee 2955.) Youth Congress of Higeria and Camerocms Commmint Youth Organtact fom 2,000 (1956 enttonte (GEL represented at Ath WFIT Gongress.) 17,000 (2548 alata) Phoweers 400-700 (1997 eat? (Gi sat otned wor tn kaput 2954 at ‘Faking Oounet] Meeting and represented. at (th WPT Congress, ev, tug. 1957.) ‘The following tve organisations have bean deseribed as UIT affiliates in the pamty ‘Their current status sot known, for Youth Cooperstion (13) Gofentagwn fer Ungdeossamer ia) Rorvegian Comittee of the WFar PARTSTAMe Bast Pakistan Youth Geined ¥FOT Am August 1954 at Feking Counei? Meeting, 4 Commmist-front group.) Pakistan Toderstion of Desceraite Stadeats 2,000 (1948 elttn) (Conmuntet-influenced group.) Pakistan Federation of Demoeratie Youth 1,000 (1950 clatn) Panwa Yopglar Fevetettonry Toots (om) (OrL.) Pevsacate Feteration of Comantst Youth of Paraguay (730) CF Sat inetuaan wowing youth, students peasante. Officially represented at 4th WFDE Congress, Kiev, hug, 1957.) Panu Perevian Communist Toth (CTL thet joined UT tn 1990, FRTLIPFDG Tabs 90 OFFICIAL WOE AYTLLATIS and mee at Ath WPDY Congress, Kiev, August 1 Garter The folloving two ovgantzstions have bees ‘amed but may be operating clamtentinaly and my have some contacts vith Wis Comamiat Youth League Approved For Release CR ABWM-oOgrERD SIRI SBOD-s SEGRET Approved For Release : Cia- RE RRgIAS 5RO01000380022-5 wor—20 POLAND Union of Seetalist Youth (Ms) 190,000 (1957 alate) (Joined VIX at Ath WHT Congres, 1,020,000 (2948 elein) ‘Hav, August 19597.02L.) ner Youth Union (am) on 220,700 Gate 205, alain) (CTL that Joined PIT at Lth WOT Conerean, 700-300, Eire, herent 19972) Sh) Union of Polish Sooute (HHP) 1,500,000 (1957 estinnte) (CL thet Joined KFLY tm 1957 WIT 300,000 (2948 elein) Exeeutive Count ttes Weating, East Berlin and represented at 4th ‘FTE Congress, Kev, Aug.1957.) PORTUGAL Democratic Unity Youth Movement (MUDJ) 900 (1986 estinate) (GIL that joined WFDY in Angust 1954, Feting Counc!) Meeting aod represented at 4th DY Comzress, Kev, Aug,1957.) BRUNTON ‘Students Union of Remion (aka Assn, of 240 (1950 claim) ‘Stuients of Reunion) Goined WFC tm August 1957 at Ath WFO Congress. Formerly affiliated with 108 and tay bave tactics! ly GaafTilinted ia 1946 in nosordance vith TUs dtreetive,) ROWARTAL Valen of Students Aesoctations $0,000 (2997 oda Gotned WIT at Fourth WY Congress, 70,000 (1936 alain! Kiev, Aogust 1957, 4 CYL PUS-affiliated.) Rumanian Onion of Working Touth (UT) 1,200,000 (1957 elaim) (CYL represented at 4th WFDY Conrress.) SAN MAFTNO: Youth Comission of the Socialist Party of the Republic of San MMTMEE Merino (aka San Marino Socialist Youth Crgantad ton) (Communist-tnflueneed group that joined WPHE in Augent 1955.) SCOTLANDS See United Kingdom SERBOALA Federation of African Demooratie Youth - Senegal Transh (UDA ~ Fascontlennt dee Jeunessos Denoeratiques) ABER AT

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