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Tuyển tập đề thi Olympic 30 tháng 4, lần thứ XXIV – 2018 @quanbuivan @kennethnelson @locdangchill


Choose the best options (A, B, C, or D) that best complete the following sentences.
1. We are not known _____ at all, and as we grow, we feel a progressive lack of individual personality.
A. gruelingly B. severally C. expensively D. brusquely
2. He has fled to the mountains of Galicia, _____ he cannot possibly escape on horseback over the border.
A. meanwhile B. heretofore C. whence D. indefinitely
3. Given that Haiti is vulnerable to hurricanes and earthquakes, it would be _____ to establish building codes
and other disaster response initiatives.
A. prudent B. tiny C. profound D. stern
4. While her mother sat at the window, striving to read, the child, who was in one of her moods of
obstreperous gaiety, began playing a grand game.
A. boisterous B. tentative C. creative D. precarious
5. The setup is intimate: audience members surround the stage on three sides.
A. formal B. unusual C. mutual D. cozy
6. This very morning, she announces, she has managed to procure what might be the last two crates of
peaches in France.
A. obscure B. conceal C. consume D. obtain
7. In their eyes, I saw not only excitement for the equity we offered, but the _____ belief that they would be
entrusted to do their jobs with my counsel, if they sought it, but without unwanted meddling.
A. modest B. positive C. earnest D. mutual
8. Her ivory brow _____ in delicate lines.
A. furrows B. duplicates C. ambles D. mutters
9. The fashion of the last Louis but one, of the line that was never to break – the 14th Louis – was _____ in
their rich furniture; but, it was diversified by many objects that were illustrations of old pages in the history of
A. varied B. conspicuous C. invisible D. negative
10. A man of stainless reputation, his deeds and words have almost invariably been on the side of _____
A. balefulness B. succession C. righteousness D. resemblance
1. Last weekend, ………. nothing to watch on television, we sang karaoke together.
A. there being B. there having C. having had D. being
2. The upper branches o f the tallest trees produce more leaves ………. other branches.
A. than do B. than have C. than they do D. than it does
3. He drove at full speed lest he ………. late for the appointment.
A. was B. would be C. be D. shouldn’t be
4. You ………. the questions in the order they asked. You mixed them up in the wrong way.
A. had to B. must have answered
C. didn’t need to answer D. should have answered
5. We would sooner Mr. Manh ………. US the urgent information the other night.
A. sent B. would have sent C. had sent D. send
6. Ms. Phi is ranked the best student ………. she has made a point of studying hard.

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Tuyển tập đề thi Olympic 30 tháng 4, lần thứ XXIV – 2018 @quanbuivan @kennethnelson @locdangchill
A. hence B. in that C. unless D. let alone
7. Not only the Smiths but also their next-door neighbor ………. more trees in the neighborhood thus far.
A. was planting B. plant C. have planted D. has planted
8. It was right in the middle o f the school yard ………. I saw a strange alien.
A. where B. which C. that D. which
9. That is (an) ……….
A. yellow useful Dutch gold alarm clock
B. useful yellow Dutch gold clock alarm
C. useful yellow gold Dutch alarm clock
D. useful yellow Dutch gold alarm clock
10. I won’t ………. those children making a noise in my house!
A. allow B have C. let D. tell
1. Luckily, the rain ……….. so we were able to play the match.
A. gave out B. got away C. went away D. held off
2. I don't like the way that Jack is always trying to ……….. trouble between US.
A. dish out B. rub up C. stir up D. spark out
3. I am ……….. with work at the moment.
A. snowed under B. piled up C. messed up D. knocked off
4. This scandal has ……….. criticism raining down on Mr Deby from all sides.
A. taken B. got C. brought D. made
5. I see a lot of people with this new hairstyle. It seems to be ………..
A. piling up B. bringing off C. coming off D. catching on
6. ‘Do you think Dennis took the money?’ - ‘I wouldn’t ……….. him.’
A. put it past B. think it through C. pass it over D. rub it up
7. Rather than take his time to think about the questions, the interviewee ……….. out the first answer that
came into his head.
A. blundered B. blurted C. bungled D. botched
8. Whenever there's some fresh scandal about the royal family, the public are always eager to ……….. it up.
A. flap B. swish C. lap D. gulp
9. She's one of those people who are always ………… and asking questions about other people’s private
A. poking around B. digging up C. prying out D. spying on
10. The blue sundress set …………. her long blonde hair.
A. up B. off C. forth D. in


1. The luxurious office accentuated the manager’s position ………….. It enhanced his power and his sense of
his own worth. And it made other people feel small.
A. on the pecking pole B. in the nibbling line
C. at the nipping post D. in the packing order
2. ‘Have you tried to read the guarantee?’ - ‘There’s so much legal …………. that it’s impossible to
A. mumbo jumbo B. bongo bongo C. abracadabra D. okey-dokey
3. When several companies showed interest in buying the film rights to his novel, he knew he had ………...
A. upped the ante B. scooped the bag C. caught the fat one D. hit the jackpot.
4. I can't go out wearing something like that. I’d be the ………….. of the neighborhood.
A. make-me-laugh B. laughing stock C. laughter maker D. laughing gas
5. I grew up in this old house, so I know every …………. of it.
A. hook and sinker B. lock, stock and barrel C. step and stop D. nook and cranny
6. A large group of teenagers were ………….. around the entrance to the zoo.

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Tuyển tập đề thi Olympic 30 tháng 4, lần thứ XXIV – 2018 @quanbuivan @kennethnelson @locdangchill
A. mulling B. mudding C. mauling D. milling
7. The pally was already …….. by the time we arrived. Everyone was singing and dancing.
A. in full swing B. up in the air C. over the moon D. under the cloud
8. They have serious problems .That’s why their relationship is on the ………..
A. cliffs B. rocks C. stones D. grass
9. What she told me was a ……… of lies.
A. pack B. load C. herd D. flock
10. Janet will see you if you use the computer without permission. She has eyes like a .….
A. bird B. goose C. hawk D. fox
Read the following passages carefully and answer the question below them.
Reading passage 1:

As he revisits the fractured antihero of two previous novels, James Sallis talks to Chris
Wiegand about writing crime fiction focusing on character rather than plot.
"I felt like I was stumbling, groping around in the dark. Didn't know where I was going in the next
paragraph; didn't know what I was doing in the next chapter. But 1 somehow found my way." Speaking softly
and slowly, with the slightest Deep South twang, James Sallis is on the line from Phoenix to discuss his new
novel, Salt River. It's the shortest of his increasingly slim tales to date, but took the longest to write. Sallis
says he's relying more on improvisation and abandoning "the certainties with which I began writing". As Sallis
recalls this struggle for direction, he sounds like his lost-as-hell antihero, Turner. He introduced the existential
detective in Cypress Grove, where he fulfils a self imposed exile in a one-horse town outside Memphis. A
sequel, Cripple Creek, followed. Now Salt River completes the Turner trilogy.
Sallis presents Turner as a man defined and haunted by what he no longer is: a soldier, a cop and a
convict. Episodes from his former lives are scattered through the books as flashbacks. "Turner is a man
whose life has gone through abrupt changes," Sallis explains. "I felt that the novels' structures should reflect
the seeming discontinuities of his life." It's a technique that is at odds with the thumbnail sketches favoured
by crime writers intent on establishing a novel's cast quickly before cracking on with the plot.
If he takes his time when it comes to characterisation - we don't learn Turner's first name until midway
through the second book - Sallis also has a laidback approach to story. The barely-there storylines in Salt
River almost evaporate on the page. You don't get lost in his plots, they tend to lose themselves. "Plots are a
contrivance - our lives are plotless - yet they're necessary, I think, to literary form," explains Sallis. "My way
of dealing with this has been to move the plot offstage a bit, to write around it." Is this why, when I think of
Sallis's books, I'm hit by smells of home-brewed coffee and wild magnolia rather than anything that actually
"Those are the parts of the world that we own, what comes back to us about times in our own lives
when we think of the past," he insists. "All too often I'm reading this great book with a solid setting, characters
that walk right into my own life, then somewhere around the fifth or sixth chapter the plot kicks in – and all
that falls into the background. I want all that stuff that surround, to remain in the foreground."
He does that "surround" very well, evoking the grit and wit of rural southern life with ease. (Sallis grew
up in Helena, a small town on the banks of the Mississippi.) He has an ear for sleepy, porch-front wisdom,
with his characters often swapping homilies to the sound of cicadae on long summer nights. " Were there
books in the house when he was young? "We're from lower-class, southern stock." he says. "My dad was
fairly typical, hard-working, blue-collar – hunting on weekends, fixing lawnmowers ... My brother and I
developed this love for books. The first things I read were science fiction."
So were the first things Sallis wrote. He began to sell stories to magazines then made a life-changing
move to London in his early 20s to edit groundbreaking sci-fi magazine Ne,w Worlds with Michael Moorcock

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at the fag-end of the 60s. Working alongside Moorcock opened Sallis's eyes to hard-boiled crime fiction:
"Mike introduced me to books by Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett, which I had never found here in
the States oddly enough." When Sallis began to write his own crime novels, critics distinguished him as a
supposed rare breed - the "literary crime writer". Sallis finds the tag "useless and foolish" but his novels have
an undeniable intellectual ism that remains rare in the genre.
Sallis gives me the skinny on the next novel: "The major characters are a contract killer who is dying
of cancer, a 12-year-old whose parents have disappeared and who goes on living by himself in the family
house, and a pair of detectives, with the point of view shifting among them chapter to chapter."
`Long-Legged Fly and Cypress Grove started out as standalones, so who knows if this will launch
another series. As Sallis says: "I never know I'm jumping in the river, I always think I'm just sticking my feet
1. What does James Sallis suggest about his latest novel in the first paragraph?
A. He adapted it as he went along.
B. The main character is based on himself.
C. It caused him to doubt his writing ability.
D. He struggled to portray the main character.
2. In the second paragraph, Sallis implies that his novels differ from those of many other crime writers
in that _____
A. the events in the storylines are not in chronological order.
B. he prefers his characters to feature prominently throughout,
C. his storylines are based mainly on flashbacks.
D. the plots are rather slow to develop.
3. In paragraph three, the writer wonders if his reaction to Sallis' novels are due to the fact that …………
A. the plot is not the central focus. C. the writing style is very descriptive.
B. the storylines are hard to follow. D. the storylines milTor human experience.
4. What does “all that” refer to?
A. the intricacies of a plotline
B. aspects of a novel that a reader than identify with
C. detailed descriptions of characters
D. the elements of a novel that set the scene
5. According to the fourth paragraph, one way in which Sallis' upbringing is reflected in his books is
through _____
A. his poetic writing style.
B. the themes he explores.
C. a focus on characters from the lower class.
D. some of the dialogue between characters.
6. What do we learn about Sallis in the sixth paragraph?
A. He was heavily influenced by collaboration with other writers.
B. He doesn't see himself as an exceptionally good crime writer,
C. He is dismissive of the way he is defined as a writer.
D. He wanted to take an established writing style a step further.
7. In the final paragraph, what does Sallis conclude about his writing projects?
A. He always starts with the basis of a novel and then sees how it develops.
B. He doesn't envisage them being ambitious projects at the start.
C. He enjoys not knowing what direction they will eventually take.
D. He doesn't base his expectations on previous results.
8. The word “at odds with” is closest in meaning to _____
A. at variance with B. consistent with C. averse to D. in tandem with
9. The word “contrivance” is closest in meaning to _____
A. need B. deception C. loss D. an artificial product
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Tuyển tập đề thi Olympic 30 tháng 4, lần thứ XXIV – 2018 @quanbuivan @kennethnelson @locdangchill
10. The word “skinny” is closest in meaning to _____
A. lesser-known information B. the bottom line
C. little information D. the thread

Reading passage 2:

Graphic novels: a fresh angle on literature

Has the graphic novel - a fictional story presented in comic-strip form at - finally become intellectually
Graphic novels have just landed with an almighty kersplat. Ten days ago, two such works were
shortlisted for the Shakespeare Book Awards for the first time in the history of the prize, in two different
categories. This was no publicity stunt: neither panel knew what the other had done. This is, surely, the
moment when the graphic book finally made its entrance into the respectable club room of high literature.
Hang on, though: can you compare a graphic novel with the literary kind? Wouldn’t that be like comparing a
painting with a music video? Or is it time we started seeing them as comparable mediums for storytelling? If
so, what next?
Robert Macfarlane, the chairman of another major literary award, says he has no objection in principle
to a graphic novel being submitted for the prize. In fact, he has taught one, Art Spiegelman's Maus, alongside
the works of Russian writer Tolstoy and Don Quixote (by the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes) at the
University of Cambridge, where he works in the English Faculty. ‘The idea of outlawing the graphic novel
doesn’t make any sense to me,’ he says. ‘I don’t segregate it from the novel. The novel is always eating up
other languages, media and forms.' Graphic fiction, he says, is ‘another version of the novel's long flirtation
with the visual’. This is, he declares, ‘a golden age for the graphic novel.’
And he’s right. We are seeing a boom in graphic novels. Since Maus was
awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1992, they have gone on to devour every literary genre going. But so far, graphic
novels have politely stood aside and let conventional books win the big prizes. Now they want the vote.
Fighting for the graphic novelists’ cause, astonishingly, are some hefty prize-winning writers. The English
novelist and poet A.s. Byatt is passionately in favour of graphic novels competing with regular ones. Byatt,
who is a huge fan óf Spiegelman’s Maus, thinks that French-Iranian artist Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel
Persepolis stands ‘head and shoulders above most novels being produced. It’s more interesting and more
moving. It’s able to be serious because it can carry itself along on this unserious form. It allowed her to be
witty about things that are terrible. And that’s why it’s a major work of art’.
The genius of the graphic novel, as the English writer Philip Pullman explains, is that it can bring into
play so many levels of narrative by layering them on top of each other. Take American Alison Bechdel’s
brilliant Are You My Mother? - in a single page, she can depict a memory o f being with her mother in her
childhood, dialogue between herself and her mother as they chat on the phone in the present, plus an image
o f herself toiling at her desk, trying to write her memoir. And what Bechdel and her mum are saying on the
phone links to the diaries of the early 20th-century writer Virginia Woolf, which Bechdel also brings to visual
life. Try doing that with words - it would take a chapter. Bechdel does it in a few panels. That, in the end, is
precisely what keeps graphic literature so distinct from prose narrative.
Graphic novels and traditional novels demand, to be sure, the same amounts of time, intellect and
artistry from the authors. But that doesn’t mean they’re the same thing. A few years on, will you be clicking the
buy button on a graphic novel as happily as you’d pick up a work by a traditional novelist? Even Bechdel
confesses that her reading habits are still struggling out of the past. ‘Honestly, I would be slightly more
inclined to pick up a non-graphic work ,’ she says. ‘At this point, there’s not a huge number of graphic novels
that are about topics that interest me. But that, too, is changing. We’re becoming more visually literate.

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There’s some reason for these graphic novels creeping into the canon. We’re reading differently from how we
used to 200 years ago.’
1. What does the writer say about the nomination of two graphic novels for the Shakespeare Book
A. It revealed the closed-mindedness of the literary establishment.
B. It was the result of confusion among members o f the panel,
C. It generated debate about the true purpose o f the prize.
D. It was not deliberately calculated to attract people’ attention.
2. The word ‘panel’ in the text refers to
A. The novelists B. The specialists C. The voters D. The graphic designers
3. What does Robert Macfarlane suggest about graphic novels?
A. Their long-term success has now been assured.
B. Their banning from literature courses has backfired.
C. They are a logical step in the development of fiction.
D. They tend to be less innovative than traditional novels.
4. The word ‘segregate’ is closest in meaning to _____
A. exclude B. disengage C. disaffiliate D. victimize
5. In the third paragraph, the writer suggests that, in the past, writers of graphic novels ………..
A. lacked the support of influential figures.
B. were systematically discriminated against.
C. tended to accept their inferior social standing.
D. underappreciated the importance of literary awards.
6. The word ‘hefty’ is closest in meaning to
A. cumbersome B. prominent C. immense D. vigorous
7. What does Byatt suggest when the novelist and poet says Persepolis stands ‘head and shoulders
above most novels being produced’?
A. The work is far superior to most novels being produced.
B. The quality of the graphic novel challenges all the 1 iterary norms.
C. The author of the graphic novel has gone great lengths to finish the work.
D. The work is being published in inordinate numbers.
8. The writer discusses Alison Bechdel’s book to make the point that graphic novels _____
A. can have just as much narrative depth as traditional novels.
B. are able to. incorporate a surprising range of different novels.
C. can represent the workings of memory in sophisticated ways.
D. enable writers to deal with different aspects o f a story at once.
9. Bechdel is quoted in the last paragraph to make the point that _____
A. interest in graphic novels reflects a more general trend.
B. many readers lack the skills to fully appreciate graphic novels.
C. it is difficult to persuade people to take graphic novels seriously.
D. graphic novels are far outnumbered by quality traditional novels.
10. In this article, the writer is _____
A. analyzing the preoccupations of graphic novelists.
B. outlining the origins of graphic novels.
C. describing the working practices of graphic novelists.
D. evaluating the merits of graphic novels.
Choose the most appropriate words to fill in the blanks.

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Tuyển tập đề thi Olympic 30 tháng 4, lần thứ XXIV – 2018 @quanbuivan @kennethnelson @locdangchill
Guided cloze 1:


Brazil has a good track (1)_____ in research in many areas of science and technology. It is in the field
of bio-energy, however, that the country (2)_____ to make Its biggest contribution. Brazil is the world’s largest
producer of sugar and since 1975 has been fermenting sugar-cane juice (3)_____ a substance called ethanol,
which can be used as motor fuel. For many years, the programme (4)_____ in virtual isolation from the rest of
the world, using fairly low-tech methods. Recently, however, the government has been investing (5)_____ in
research aimed at improving all stages in the process from sugar-cane biology to engine efficiency.
Whilst the motivation for the investment is largely (6)_____ by energy needs rather than environmental
concerns, the fuel's green (7)_____ are now also being emphasized. Net emissions of carbon dioxide from a
car (8)_____ on sugar ethanol are just 20 percent of those from a petrol-fuelled vehicle. (9)_____, the bio-
energy programme aims to achieve a significant increase in supply without a corresponding rise in the
amount of farmland (10) _____ to sugar cane.
1. A. record B. story C. reputation D. success
2. A. stands B. sets C. rests D. ranks
3. A. into B. in C. out of D. on
4. A. took place B. held forth C. carried on D. kept up
5. A. highly B. strongly C. vastly D. heavily
6. A. driven B. stemming C. drawn D. arising
7. A. endorsements B. credentials C. testaments D. referrals
8. A. performing B. working C. running D. burning
9. A. Nonetheless B. Furthermore C. Otherwise D. Instead
10. A. occupied B. applied C. consigned D. devoted

Guided cloze 2:
Hand-made history: the BAYEUX TAPESTRY
If a picture is worth a thousand words, the seventy-three scenes of the Bayeux Tapestry speak
volumes. The tapestry narrates, in pictorial (1)_____, William Duke of Normandy’s invasion and conquest of
England in AD 1066, when he defeated the Saxon forces o f King Harold at Hastings. Historians believe that
the work was (2)_____ in England, probably around AD 1092, and that it was commissioned by Odo, Bishop
of Bayern, William’s half brother, who ensured his fame by figuring (3)_____ in the tapestry’s later (4)_____.
Legends connecting it with William ’s wife Mathilda have been (5)_____
The Bayeux tapestry is not, (6)_____ speaking, a tapestry, in which designs are woven into the fabric,
but rather a crewel form of embroidery, the pictures being made by stitching woolen threads into a
background of plain linen. The threads, in (7)_____ of red, yellow, blue and green, must turned have been jew
el bright, but have (8)_____ light brown with age. Moreover, one end of the now 20 inch (50 cm ) broad and
231 feet ( 70 m) long cloth is missing.
You can view the Bayeux Tapestry in the Willian the Conqueror Centre, Bayeux, Norm andy, France. An
enduring (9)_____of the times, it is as valuable a (10)_____ of evidence for the Norman Conquest as
photographs or films are today.
1. A. fashion B. type C. design D. form
2. A. originated B. invented C. created D. manufacuted
3. A. prominently B. strongly C. powerfully D. sufficiently
4. A. views B. scenes C. frames D. pictures
5. A. disowned B. dispersed C. disgraced D. discounted
6. A. normally B. strictly C. truly D. sincerely
7. A. colours B. shadows C. shades D. varieties

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8. A. once B. then C. before D. earlier
9. A. witness B. confirmation C. testimony D. proof
10. A. segment B. part C. piece D. portion

Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word.
Open cloze 1:
Iris scanning can seem very futuristic, but at the heart of the system is a simple CCD camera. It uses
both visible and near-infrared light to (1)_____ a clear, high-contrast picture of a person's iris. With near-
infrared light, a person's pupil is very black, making (2)_____ easy for the computer to isolate the pupil and
When you (3)_____ into an iris scanner, either the camera focuses automatically or you use a mirror or
audible feedback from the system to make sure that you are positioned correctly. Usually, your eye is 3 to 10
inches (4)_____ the camera.
Iris scanners are becoming more common in high-security applications because people's eyes are so
unique (the chance of (5)_____ one iris code for another is 1 in 10 to the 78th power). They can allow more
than 200 points of reference for (6)_____, as opposed to 60 or 70 points in fingerprints.
The iris is a visible (7)_____ protected structure, and it does not usually change over time, becoming
ideal for biometric identification. Most of the time, people's eyes also remain unchanged (8)_____ eye
surgery, and blind people can use iris scanners so (9)_____ as their eyes have irises. Eyeglasses and contact
(10)_____ typically do not interfere or cause inaccurate readings.

Open cloze 2:
In less than three months' time - on 14 June, to be precise - the 21st FIFA World Cup™ kicks (1)_____
at Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium, as the hosts take on Saudi Arabia.
That leaves US plenty of time to enjoy a countdown. (2)_____ now and the start of the World Cup, we
will take a closer look at a different statistic from the history of the tournament each day.
When Brazil took possession of the Jules Rimet Trophy (3)_____ winning their third title at the 1970
FIFA World Cup™ in Mexico, FIFA commissioned a new Trophy for the tenth global finals in 1974. Artists from
seven countries submitted a total of 53 (4)_____ for the new cup, with Italian sculptor Silvia Gazzaniga’s work
ultimately (5)_____ the vote.
“The lines spring out (6)_____ the base, rising in spirals, stretching out to receive the world," said
Gazzaniga, (7)_____ his creation. "From the remarkable dynamic tensions of the compact body of the
sculpture rise the figures of two athletes at the stirring (8)_____ of victory.”
The FIFA World Cup Trophy remains in FIFA's possession at all times and cannot be won outright by a
The current Trophy is 36.8cm high, crafted from solid 18-carat gold and weighs exactly 6.175kg. The
base contains two (9)_____ of semi-precious malachite, while the underside of the Trophy is engraved
(10)_____ the name of every FIFA World Cup™ winner since 1974.

Word formation 1: Supply the correct forms of the words given.
1. The cottage has no _____ access but can be reached by a short walk across the moor. (VEHICLE)
2. He climbed out, leaving the car _____ on its roof. (END)
3. Physicians must exercise caution when prescribing _____ (DEPRESS)
4. He pointed out that e-books were not only cheaper, because of the lack of wear and tear and thefts, but
they also offered great opportunities for older _____ readers. (HOUSE)
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5. One of the United Nations’ earliest successes was to promote a largely peaceful process of _____
6. After several threatening calls, we decided to go _____ (DIRECT)
7. At least in theory, this should make the region increasingly attractive to foreign investment from
further_____ (FIELD)
8. ‘Villa’ was something of a _____ the place was no more than an old farmhouse. (NAME)
9. Mickey Mouse made his screen debut on November 18, 1928 and has been a _____ ever since. (CROWD)
10. A baby leopard has been pictured suckling a lioness in the wild, in the first ever documented example of
_____ parenting of its kind. (SPECIES)

Word formation 2: Fill in the blank with an appropriate form of one of the words given to make a meaningful

regulate value back feed cognitive

except provide direct decide know

Children’s educational environment contributes to the IQ score and the way intelligence is used. For
example, a very close positive relationship was found when children’s IQ scores were compared with their
home educational (1)_____.The higher the children’s IQ scores, especially over IQ 130, the better the quality
of their educational (2)_____, measured in terms of reported verbal interactions with parents, number of
books and activities in their home etc. Because IQ tests are (3)_____ influenced by what the child has
learned, they are to some extent measures of current achievement based on age-norms; that is, how well the
children have learned to manipulate their knowledge and (4)_____ within the terms of the test. But IQ tests
can neither identify the processes of learning and thinking nor predict creativity.
Excellence does not emerge without appropriate help. To reach a(n) (5)_____ high standard in any
area very able children need the means to learn, which includes material to work with and focused
challenging tuition -and the encouragement to follow their dream. There appears to be a qualitative difference
in the way the intellectually highly able think, compared with more average-ability or older pupils, for whom
external regulation by the teacher often compensates for lack of internal regulation. To be at their most
effective in their (6)_____ strategies, all children can be helped to identify their own ways of learning -
(7)_____ - which will include strategies of planning, monitoring, (8)_____, and choosing what to learn. Yet, in
order to learn by themselves, the gifted do need support from their teachers. Conversely, teachers who have
the tendency to (9)_____ can diminish their gifted pupils’ learning autonomy. Although (10)_____ can produce
extremely high examination results, these are not always followed by equally impressive life successes.


Identify 8 mistakes in this passage and suggest corrections.

1 Over the last century the world has become increasingly smaller. Not geographically,
2 of course, but in the sense that media, technology and the
3 opening of borders has enabled the world’s citizens to view, share and gain
4 access to a much wider range of cultures, societies and world viewpoints.
5 It stands to reasons that in order to absorb, configure and finally form
6 opinions about this information-laden planet, children must be supplied with
7 certain tools. Including in this list of “tools” are: education, social skills,
8 cultural awareness and the acquisition of languages, the most important of
9 these being the later. Until recently, a child who had the ability to speak
10 more than one language would have been considered a very rare entity.
11 This one-language phenomenon could be contributed to a combination of
12 factors, in which the monolingual environment in which a child was raised
13 played a strong role, so did the limited, biased education of the past.
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Tuyển tập đề thi Olympic 30 tháng 4, lần thứ XXIV – 2018 @quanbuivan @kennethnelson @locdangchill
14 Nowadays, the situation has undergone an almost opposite reversal. In
15 the majority of North Americ an and European countries, most children are
16 given the opportunity to learn a second or even third language.
17 In some cases, learning a foreign language is a compulsory subject in the state
18 school syllabus while in others, children are born into bilingual parents,
19 who may teach the children two languages. Bringing up one’s child bilingually
20 is not a decision to be taken slightly. Both parents must consider long and
21 hard the implications involved in raising a child in two-language home.


Rewrite the following sentences using the words given..
1. It’s believed that the school prestige has improved immensely in the last few decades. (MEASURE)
=> The school prestige ____________________________________________________________________
2. If I were him, I would return home no later than 11 o’clock.
=> It is advised that _________________________________________________________________ latest.
3. It was rash of Jimmy to react so aggressively that his wife felt heartbroken. (IMPULSE)
=> Had Jim my __________________________________________________________________________
4. Tony regretted criticising his friend’s business plan so strongly. (POURED)
=> If ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. Harry didn’t realize who the lady was until she moved forward into the light. (DAW)
=> Not _________________________________________________________________________________
6. The whole affair has been a set of misfortunes from the beginning. (CHAPTER)
=> From start ____________________________________________________________________________
7. You were so pessimistic about what happened. (VIEWED)
=> You should _______________________________________________________________________light.
8. Come what may, you should look on the bright side. (CHIN)
=> No matter what ________________________________________________________________________
9. Nobody is sure if the scheme will be allowed to go ahead. (GREEN)
=> It is still in _______________________________________________________________________or not.
10. This patient’s condition is rather worrying if you look at his medical history.
=> Given _______________________________________________________________________________

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