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After many years of researching, Sophie Altman, professor of english in
the french high school Wix School in London, has now invented a new
software in order to spot cheaters more easily in class. According to her,
« It would definitely change and ease many teachers lives ! »

Three years ago, Mrs Altman started they will feel relieved !» She says.
analyzing student’s behaviors while According to her, this robot will soon
they are cheating and she compared it become many teachers’s favorite
with one’s that are not cheating. She accessory !
noticed some elements over the past
three years and decided to do
something with these finds.
But how did she create a software that
would recognize all of these
behaviors ? Mrs Altman simply
installed a little robot on her desk that
records the students during the
assessment. She put a special software
that would detect all the behaviors that, Of course we can wonder if this robot
according to her, might be a sign of is 100 % reliable and if it really works.
cheating (repeating the same Indeed, it might not detect every
movements, looking at another one’s student that is cheating, after all,
paper several times, looking under the students have so many different ways to
table, staring at someting else than the cheat nowadays ! Moreover, we can
paper for a long time….) The teacher wonder how students feel about
can see the record in a screen, and it.According to Kyle and Ava, two
when the robot detects one of these students in Mrs Altman class, this new
behaviors, it will emit a sound to catch robot put them under more stress than
the teacher’s attention on the screen. before. « I’m quite stressed and I
Then, the robot will put a red sign on always fear that the robot will think I’m
the screen, at the place where he cheating any time I’m stretching or
detected the behavior. After that, the looking down while thinking » says
teacher will decide if the student is Kyle. Today, we can assume that this
actually cheating or not. « It’s very new software isn’t perfect but is still an
convenient for teachers who have to important helpful breakthrough
work during an assessment, they won’t
have to keep an eye on every students,

Solène Simon, The Daily Telegraph, April 2020

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