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2 4 Mikey can't stand going food shopping 2 Ella doesn't really ike watching horror films, 3 Jade enjoys sending videos to her friends, 4 Morgan likes playing basketball with his friends after school 5 Philippa doesn’t mind staying home alone. 6 Harry hates listening to rack and pop music, T Maris tired of living on her own, 8 Jordan doesn’t enjoy shopping with his sisters. 3 1e 2b 3a 4d 5c 4 Lindoing 2about paying 3.on having 4 at catching Sofwalking 5 1 Whiting lettersis a very old-fashioned thing to do now. 2 Ilike seeing my friends at the weekends av 4 Weenjoy spending time together because 5 Welike doing homework or studying o°+'| ev VocaBuLaRY 2 Lunkind 2unpleasant 3 unlucky 4. Sdisappeared Guninteresting Tunhoy, Sunfriended 2 Adisagree Zinteresting lucky A¥isike 5 \9/op py kind LISTENING 1-2tickall except ‘when the article shouldbe finished! 3 social media updates 3.quaities situation S conversations 6 275 BP ty0u enjoy writing, our competition could befor you We'd like you to write an article for our website about friendship and online relationships between friends in Particular. We're interested in reading articles about how social medias making a difference to friendships, tn your article, we'd tke you to include answers to the following. What does the word ‘Fiend’ mean to you? Do you know all ofthe friends you've made onthe internet Personally? Why are you interested in reading the updates ‘F500 people on their pages? Do they have anything Particularly interesting to sy? Do you want to read their ‘comments on what you've posted on your ovn page? We'd like you to tellus about a really great friend you have. Don'ttellus about their weak points - we've al ot those! ~ ‘but about the qualities they've got which make them such a 00d frend, We'd aso like you to compare the riendships you have with online friends and friends you seein real if, Tellus about a situationin which a friend — online or rea’ - helped you We don'tneed every detail just a description of what your friend di and why they are special to you. Metals totrow about the thing you cht abou with friends. Do you have diferent conversations wth online lends tothe ones you se every day? In what wayare they Aiferent? Are the activities you do together diferent, too? WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY AND AUDIOSCRIPTS 269 Ltomado 2lood lightning 4 earthquake Ssnowstorm L blowing 2shook 3poured 4 fell 5ises Lflood 2tornado 3blow 4lightning Spour 6 rise 4 Lflood 2tomade 3 blowing 4rose 5 lightning S pouring Students’ own answers adjective comparative) 2verb (past simple) 3 verb (pastsimple) 4 verb (infinitive) § verb 6 verb (past participle) 1C 2D 3A 48 5C 6A A destroyed 2high 3 repairs 4 frightening GRAMMAR, 1 Awasn't 2blew 3damaged Adestroyed Srose Gcreated 7didn'thit 8 ell 1did,do 2bought 3 did, help 4knows 5 works wanted 7don'tplay 8 don’t think 1 Did you have breakfast today? 2 How did you come/getto school this morning? 3 Did you arive/get hereon time? 44 What did you do when you got tofarrived at school? 1 Adrian used to liven Canada, 2 Heused to have a pair of snow boots. +3 Hedidn’tuse to walk to school. 4 He used to speak French in his lasses. 5 Heused to goon holiday tothe lakes, 6 He didn't use toga shingin winter 7 Heused towearalotof warm clothes. 8 Heused to dream about the snow! 1 Sheused to do boxing, 2 She didn't use to eat geen vegetabes. 3 She used to play with a toy train set. 4 She used to climb trees. 5 she didn't useto speak English 6 Sheused to go to bed early 17 She didn't use ta have lots of homework. {8 She didn't useto play computer games 4 Imetherat school when {was nine years ol 2 went tothe restaurant lat Saturday with my fiend av 4 We used to study together 5 We used to gobiking a lot together, butwe don't see ‘each other often now. ev ‘VOCABULARY 1 Laway down Sout 4down Sout 6up 12 Afelldown 2bumt down 3 blowaway A cleared up S putout 6came out HOM MUUU deer eeNeeeuuuwecee UNIT 5 You made itt VOCABULARY 1 1d 2c 3¢ 4g Sa 6b Ti Bh 9f 2 1a 2 3c Ab 5c 6a 3 1decorate customise, desig, sew 2 ixlmend, designs! designed, recycle, fiximend. 3 recycle, create, sew, decorate. 4 designed, rebuilding, customising, recycled Students’ own answers 1A 20 36 48 SE Afiguce 2 vary 3eventually 4stuck Skeen GRAMMAR 1 Awascycling 2didn’thhave 3trying 4missed Srealised 6went 2 Awanted 2wastesting called 3 were (you) doing, waswatching 4 took, uploaded 5understood 632%, visited. 7was walking, drove 8 won, heard 3 were chatting 2received 3couldn't 4 decided Swasn'tworking 6was Tmanaged 8 were sending Stang, 4. Lwas Sarah doing (while we/you were chatting) 2did you hear 3.did Sarah do. 4 came back into the oom 51was it/everything fine '5 1 Last year, lent toa place in Mexico name twas amazing, 2 Lwas talking to fiend, when Joe came vee me. ay ay '5 When we saw our friendsin the park they were playing football. ‘VOCABULARY 1 LFirst 2then 3Next 4suddenly $Finally 6 Later 2 1First 2Next 3then 4 Suddenly Finally 6later WRITING 11-2 Students’ own answers 3 The frst endings better because it ties in withthe beginning ofthe story, which mentions both Jennifer and her sister. 2 Students own answers UNIT 6 Take care of yoursett ‘VOCABULARY 1 cough injure 3yawn Aache Sburn 6bleed ‘Trecover 8 cut 2 Ablow 2breathe 3 beats 4bumn Sblink Bache Trecover Binjured 9cough 10bleeding 3 Laching 2blink 3toyawn /yanning Ainjure Srecover 6 bleeding Tcoughing, 8breathe 3 aT an ap 47 st eT 7F oF ‘unpleasant 2 cutdown on 3 check (you) over ‘condition 5 workout [WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY AND AUDIOSCRIPTS 271 | Labeay @ 4shouldn’t after dinner: until ater dinner to the nurse. because they are sick. rain without an umbrella, all afternoon. Maybe playa match. lalmost atschool today. for amoment. ing home from schoo! river was shaking the bus station and ve never fallen asleep J things ike that. street That's not totaketo the ake Great idea! ‘Areyou the nurse? That's right. can see you've burnt yourself - what happened? | was preparing lunch and touched the pan by accident | put my hand under cold water for ten minutes, butt stil really hurts OK... Let me give you a cream to put on it. Use plenty ofitand then cover the burn to protect. It's not a bad burn, soit should get better quite quickly. You don't have to see a doctor, but fit gets worse, come and see me again. OK, thanks, ‘Shall we goforarun this afternoon? Tm not sure fel likeit. My head's aching from too much studying! Maybe | could go for a short run. Sha ‘we do something easy lke go through the forest? Usually go along the river, but its too far fr me to Fe actually found a new route you might like. It ‘goes across the farm fields. You get great views of ‘countryside anditisnttoo long, Hike the sound ofthat. OK, ll get my trainers 0 My heart's beating really quichy and | haven't done anything today. Maybe you ought tot down and try to rela. Ist ‘something you've eaten? What did you have for, breakfast? Nothing. haven't had breakfast yet -soitisn’t because of drinking coffe. had some chocolate Yesterday, but nt very much ~just one or two small pieces. You didhave alot of cola at that party, though. And you were fall of energy, dancing all afternoon! That's tue. That's probably the reason! Have youjust got back fom school? its quite late, No, ve been out wth my fiends. We had a gamein the park. (Oh did you try the new basketball court? | heard i's really E009, ‘We wanted to, but there were alrzady some people on it,so wewent tothe football eld instead, When we rived we realised we'd lef ourball at home, so we fired a tennis court and some rackets and tried tohave ‘match, Noone was very good att, though! 111 2a 3) Ac Sg 6f 7k 8h 9e 101 124 2b 2 1musie videos 2ive music 3 festival 4 guitarst Sales 6D) Teoncerthall 8 sound technician 45 2b) guitarist Bcelebitles sound technician Zproduction é studio Tes 8 musician ‘4 Amusician 2guitarist 3.lip music channel ‘Bestival 6concerthal Wevidduuda dee euweeelee A UNIT 8 Amazing architecture ‘VOCABULARY 1 1 fresh 2unusual 3 cosy 4 traditional 5 modern historic 7 brand new Bclassic 9 spectacular 10 original GiPretc ria N Olele[elrle ; Ric € (Cita mM lelelelel< oe iG}@ lob EIR VEO I} R FOR DUN AA |W Meloielakereyoye elu Alm) ci z 1/1 e (Ff) R |S Ul Fle | OVS Lal who jie V5, Noel 2 [a aA we FAT TMeKealetedwte fe tered 2 cosy 2unusval 3spectacular 4 modern Scontemporary 6brandnew Ttracitional #1 Shistoric 10tylish 3 Aoriginal 2spectacular 3 unusual 4 acti ‘Smodern 6 cosy ‘They want to decorate their bedrooms. 16 2H 3c 4F 5A GRAMMAR 1. fresher, freshest bigger, biggest; wider, widest; cosie ‘more cosy, cosiest/most cosy; more orginal, most frignal; more historic, mast historic 2 Aastallas 2theleast comfortable 3 not as good as “theleast exciting Slesslively 6 the least acceptable 31 Thecityis ess expensive than the holiday resort. The holiday resort is more expensive than the city, 2 Thetheme parkisthe least expensive, 3 Thetheme parkisashistoricas the holiday resort 4 Thecityis the mosthistorc 5 Thecityisthe least exciting 6 The theme parkis more exiting than the holiday resort, The holiday esortis (ess exciting than the theme park 4-4 Simaller cies are nicer than very big ones av +3 Ournew flatisfarthexfurther from thecity centre than the ol one, ‘4 The best thing've ever done s design my own bedroom: sv ‘VOCABULARY 115 2N 35 4N 5S 6S 2 incredibly 2very Sextremely 4 absolutely incredibly 6really WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY AND AUDIOSCRIPTS 273 ‘Anyway, 'm going to sleep for a week now! I can’t believe how much we managed to do in one weekend. know! Brillant! M: Areyou going to help on the project at the weekend — hhelp dig in the fields tofind stuff? F:Ithinkso. Whereis itagain? M: Near the church. They think there are some ancient remains there. What, ike walls of houses? Well, they think there could be an old village there. That'd be more interesting than finding old plates and bowls like we did last time, Definitely! twas pretty good finding those coins that time-the town museum was really happy about that. Maybe wellfind some more! M: Maybe, butit would be nice to see something different this time. M: My uncle's just built thisawesome house by the sea. He said we can go and stay forthe weekend, ifwe want. Yeah? What's so goad about it? Its super-contemporary. Like there's tis wal of zlass doors, which completely open up, so you're kind of inside and outside at the same time! ‘Sounds fantastic! It must have amazing views 3° {preferred the countryside, where he lived before butyou'lloveit. Itisn't as big ashi old house, bu itdoesn't mater. I's just rally interesting the bedrooms are downstairs and the living rooms are upstairs! Really2! UNIT 9 Testes ow VOCABULARY 1 Leisplay Zexperiment 3 connection 4 Invention Splugin satelite 7fuel 8charge Spump 10power 2 Apump 2fuel aconnection #plugin Sdlspiay Gpower satelite B experiment 9 invention a0 charging 3 Apower 2dlsplay 3satelite 4 fuel Spump ‘Students’ own answers 18 203A 4c 5B offroad 2vehicles Bincredible tricks) § realistic GRAMMAR, 2 Ahelll 2we'regoingto 3willreplace 4l'mmecting ‘Stimgoingtotell 6 We're uploading 2 AF'lbestudying 2hollbe doing 31lbe writing 4ujwellbeswimming 51 besending 2-1 te presenting "re going to present 2uille happening will happen 3 illdevelop/willbe developing. ill find S.illinvent /willbeinventing 6 wil be looking at Trillourchiéren communicate. Bill webe ling | UNUUONUU Uda deeeeuuuuullele MAAN 2 Actops Bhumans Cjungle Dyaintowst Freaines Flandscape 2 Lcrops 2 population Iendangered A saintuest Shabitat Ghunting Plandscape Wervioninent 3 rainforest 2humans 3 population A vieatues } Shabitat Gencangered Thunting @lanterape 8c1ops ' People collect rubbish from the beach G 1B 2A 30 40 BA 6 1p 2¢ fee strongly about 2 community ¥ affecting “Aleadingto 5 take action GRAMMAR 1.1 HHI bought a boat, | would salt to another county 2 Ii salted, | would vst alot of eiferent conti 23 If isited different places, | would ake «lol of ph 4 If 1t00k photos, | would put th 5 Hf putthem on my blog, everyone woul -6-/ fon my b | amazing tip. | 6 ifthey iked them, | would be very plows 2 te 2h 3c Al 5g 6b Td Bo 3 Awould enjoy 2willhelp. Swill fall 4 il soe 8)! Gwould be Twould have 8 wil mss 4 Aheworkshard 2itdoesn't rain tomorow 3 you listen tothe teacher we don't start prow ou" ‘own food § we do more to protect our environment '5.1 Iremembered that ft didn't do my work, they would ‘ot lt me goon the schoo! ti. 2 Next weekend | have nothing todo, so you vant you ‘ean come to visit me, av 4 Myparents would be very happy if you accepted the invitation, af ag 4e 5b 6c To first 2atonce atleast 4at present Sat long Ens UsTENING 1 Students’ own answers 23 eked: te number of peopl tev, rnorests people ‘hanging photos, features of goad oto aapan ar at sr ét BWezen; What agreat iden for an exhibition - using photos . {oto how our planets chanane! : Rave ove even fi as i DSY day essanusace oak at he te tretomaphs wernt hey eso Prev eant top think about the scenes Ho r Fea cae thay were tee as we went in ———wopooK ANSWER KEY AND AUDIOSCRIPTS WRITING 1. Students’ own answers 2 biology 2 She had studied really hard. ‘3 They turned their phones oft. 4 Her phone had rung. 3 Adusty, dirty 2 secretly, quietly 3brand new, magnificently 4nervously, quickly 4 Students’ own answers 5 Students’ own answers UNIT 12. Getting around ‘VOCABULARY 1 Aland 2tour 3 checkin 4sail § unpack 2 1b 22 3c 40 5d 3 1c 2b 3a 4c 5b Ga Tb 8c 9b 10a adverts for holiday activities Boogie! 2Cool Club 3Onthe-sofa 4 Outand about SLandsports GRemix 7Flocko 8 Tasty Ahometo 2fascinating 3test 4be sure to S appearance GRAMMAR 1.1 Hfyougo to France, you should buy a tourist guide 2 Look at the/that/this sign! We have to remove our shoes. 3 Inced to buy more paint before the shop closes 4 Wedon't ned to/needn't take lunch tomorrow. 5 You shouldn't take photos of strangers. 6 We don't have to go anywhere tomorrow. 2 abande 2aandb sande bande Sband< 3 need tofhave to. 2 need to/have t/should Bshouldn't 4don'tneedidon'thave Sneed to/should 6 don't need to/needn't/don't have to 4 Adon'thaveto 2shouldn’t 3need to/have to/should ‘havetofneedto/should 5 1made 2let 3let 4make Sletting 6makes/made 6 1 Youdon'tneed todont have to bring any food, but please bring a football tothe pene. av 3 You shouldnt stata computer all day becauseit's bad foryoureyes, ae ‘VOCABULARY 1 ic 2f 3¢ 4g 54 60 7b 2 Lonfoot 2ondisplay 3onboard 4onmy own Sonsale 6on purpose Ton time LUSTENING 1 Atouristourguide 2 university degree 3 English ang atleast one other language 4 fun-loving, ively anc Fesponsible person, who loves travelling §30%h March 2 Tieked:0, 45 zhome(}stay term 3sportscentre 4 party Snacks ‘entey QP si everyone, myname’ isa andt'm rom an organisation ® Caled teen Travel. Im hereto talkto you about the fanguabeexchonge prosrammes we run. Walauenhtti{22222eeecennn-_- ‘3 Mybest friend iscalled Julia, 4 The food was tasted horrible, but ateit. 5 {saw a school that was made of wood. ey ‘VOCABULARY 1 Lin advance 2in future 3in general 4.n particular Sintheend 6in fact 7in detail 2 Lin advance 2in detail 3in particular 4 In the end Singeneral 6infact Tin future WRITING 1. Students! own answers 2 positive: awesome, amazing, one advantage negative: disappointing, limited, not worth... the disadvantage s..,t00 expensive 3 Students’ own answers 1. Lfrying 2stirring 3 boiling 4roasting S burning barbecuing. 2 taste, stir 2barbecue, roast 3bite, taste 4 boil Sburn, bake 6 steam, boll 7 fy, roast. 8 gril, 3 taste 2roast 3stir Aboil Sbiting 6 burn 7 Bbarbecue 4 Fry 2boil 3stir, burn, taste bite 5 freere Oarecipeon a food abel 1a text message Zasaetynoticejlabel 3anemail 4a postcard Satext message 1A 20 3c 48 5A cloth 2pour 3 prevent 4 add 5 attend (GRAMMAR 1 Awhich 2whose 3who Awhich Swhose 6 hich 2. 1 whose husband makes wonderful meals 2 whose methods are actually quite hard +3 which s closed on Sundays 4 which my grandmother always made for me '5 which had bought the day before {6 whohhas just gone to university 32,3 and 6 have non-defining relative clauses: 2 My Auntie Maria, who lives in Spain, isa awyer. 3 We're staying tthe La Vida resort, which Mum's friend recommended tous. 6 Darcie showed mea photo ofhersister, who isa ballet dancer 4 Awho 2where awhich Awhich Swho 6whose Tthat/which 8 that/which 5 41 There! met Jack, whois avery funny boy 2 We can visit $30 Paulo, hich has ot of reat restaurants. ay 14 Some new friends, who were sitting around the table, were very friendly. '5 thavea fiend who is called Manuel WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY AND AUDIOSCRIPTS 277 | biscuits next «I believe they're more dificult to do, but worth the effort! F:Itsmushroom season again! Can't wait to make that orgeous mushroom pasta we love! Mi Iknow ~ yummy! The supermarkets have got loads there doesn't seem to be a particularly large variety, though. like some of those litle yellow ones you sometimes put in omelettes - know the ones | mean? Oh, yeah - they grow in the woods outside town. ‘They'll have loads at the market. Why don't we go down and get some, then? I don't feel like going and picking them myself, Good idea, 1'm making dinner for everyone tonight. Cool what are you going to do?! did pizzas lastnight, so don't do that again! wasn't going to. make asauce -we can have it with ppasta. What’ that sauce called that you like? t's got ‘those ttle fish and black olvesin it, with tomatoe: F: Can't remember - but look. These onions look like th need using up. You could cut up some peppers as v M:_ fldo what was planning, but put those onions in 00, UNIT 15 \ ity or country ‘VOCABULARY 2 Le 2g 3b 4a Sh Gc TI ad 2 Abulldings 2spaces 3.conditioning 4 lights architecture 3 Loirconditioning 2 openspaces streetlights “Armodern architecture S historic buildings 4 pollution, bugs, modern architecture, historic buildings 2valleys, wildlife, open spaces, streetlights 3 ruins facilities, season, airconditioning. FB y M F He livesin the countryside. He has ust been tovsit his cousin who lives inthe city 10 26 3c 48 56 ‘GRAMMAR 2 1a,the/a 2The, 3 Tajthe,the 8 the, the 2 Mymumisawaitress ina restaurant in athe city about 20 km from aur home, Shehas worked atthe restaurant {for 15 years, but she wants to bea teacher. At the ‘moment, she s studying at the) university in our town, ‘She never complains about ll the work she has todo, When she finishes university, we're going to visit the USA. ‘Then thik shel decide onthe next course she wants tod 3 The country of New Zealandis in the south-western Pacific Ocean. The country ismade up ofthe islands, and itis called anisland country tis situated about 1500 km feast of Australia and about 1000 km Southof the Pacific’ islands of New Caledonia, Fi and Tonga tis along way from anywhere! People in New Zealand speak the English and Maori, The ‘optal of New Zealand is the Wellington, New Zealand is athe Sthea 6- (Widnnivuaeee III 19994 aaa 3 = 3 3 3 3 9 3 > 9 famous for many things, including its beautiful scenery, which s made up ofthe mountains, the beaches and the ‘oleanoes. There are many species of bird thatcan only ‘befound in New Zealand including birds which cannot fy. Do you know anything else about this country, whichis, ‘ofar from anywhere? Wit tous a countieseloves® ‘ravetteens uk 4 Lthe 2a 3An athe SThe 6a 7- 5 1b 2a 3b 4a Sb ‘VOCABULARY 2 Ashow 2stay 3catch 4end Smove 2 catch up Amoved in 3stayin Aendedup ‘showed (me) around 6 move out warring 1 Adespite 2finally 3actualy 4however Sfinaly EDespite THowever S actually 2 Yes, he does. 13 Students! own answers UUNIT 16 ics, camera acon: VOCABULARY 2 Aperformance 2direct 3role 4recording Sdiector animated Tcome out 8 appear 9 musical 0 soundtrack a oun [acne = ad Petommestortng oak cece ees ned Sounds 13 Adirector 2role 2appeared Amusical 5 recording {performances ‘wimated {course 2technical theatre sills Sblogdesign 4fashion/sbjle couse gamescreaton 10 2A 3E 4H 58 3 explore 2practcal 3material special effects Sediting GRAMMAR, 4X Jackesaid thathe was directing anew film 2 Amy sald her new film had just come out. '3 The newspapers sald the young actor had given an amazing performance. 4 He sad they would show two films each day '5 The actorsaid that he could answer more questions Iter 46 He said he aleahad some surprise gitsto hand out 12-1 She-aid that inher fre time she did arial yor. 2 She sid that she was lerning two foreign languages atthe moment including Chinese. 13 Shesai (that) she hoped she could visit me the faliowing yea. 4 She said that) she had visited an Englshspeai country before. ame 5 She said tht she could ply tree musical instruments including the pana 6 She said that) she would send mea short video of her band soon, 3 You said (that) we were having sausages and potatoes for dinner tonight 2 Yousaid (tha) you had borrowed a book from the library last week 3 You sid (that) he loved. 4 You said (that) she'd pick you up after the dance class ‘on Saturday, 5 You sai that) she (Georgia/our frend Georgia) had acted in a short fim. 66 Youssid (that) he had uploaded it Five weeks ago! 4 told my friend about a wildlife programme [d seen on 1. 2 Shetold me that she loved itvery much av 4 Lashed her to send me the photo she had tk 5 He aid that hewould help us expand o about things that were taking place aro VocasuLaRy 11d 2c 30 42 5b 2 1s2id 2explained 3 demanded/insis Sinsistedldemanded 6 suggested LISTENING 1 acting, filming 21¢ 28 38 4A SA GS a Fr Aeyou entering the video clip competition a schoo HM: Yeah. The teachersaid ast years topiewas the environment - she hasnt given us one tis ime, though She said we can do what we like have yo otany ideas? need to make my mind up soon F:_Areyou going touse any special effects or anything a yous? Mz No-I'dliketomake it ook tke an old black and white ‘movie, though know how todo that aerlast Weck’: lesson, F:Cool-and what about musi? Really oe lms wer silent, with @ musie soundtrack M:_ know, butt'm going to writeaserptinstead of having Me Ourdrama teachers brillant! Hes tau techniques, never thought! be able to conv people waserying! F;Hashal He doesnt like it when you can't do something Immediately, shough, doeshe? IM: You think ne expects us to get things righ ‘Maightavay you mean? Idan" know about that we Go get time topractire, And we havelosdsf fun his Sense of amour great F; True but dothink we could do more of 2 ange of thingsin class far we've done loads of aughing nd eying techniques and not much le WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY AND AUDIOSCRIPTS 279 UNIT 17 Getting the message VocaBULARY 1 Lapologise 2remind 3warn 4joke 5 wonder G disagree 7 complain 8 promise 2 Lapologised 2complaining 3 joked 4 remind Sdisagreed 6 wondering 7 promised 8 warned 3 reminded 2wondered 3 werejoking/joked ‘apologised Swarned_ 6 complain/complained Tedsagree 8 promised 4 L'mwarning. 2promise 3 apologise 4 wonder Oanemail 1an advert fora competition 2anannouncement/local advert 3asocial media update 4anote San email 1A 2B 3C 4A 5C open 2deaf 3talent 4range GRAMMAR 1.1 Billy wanted to know what time his mum was collecting him. 2. Mum asked me what | wanted for breakfast +3 Dad wanted to know ifwe had finished chatting on phone. ‘4 The teenagers asked the man which floor the cinem= wason. '5 Ms March wondered if had picked up her parce froin the post office. 2 aifwhether twas /wewere 2ifwhether| had sent my ‘unt 3ifwhether had listened to her 4iffwhether| ‘would hand in Sifwhether would watch a film on my Giffwhether''d ike to goto 7iffwhether | wanted to go 3 Awhenithad happened 2how ithad happened Bifhewasbadly hurt 4 where he was now 4 1 They were new in our area and | wanted to know who they were 2 By chance, he wasin the parkand | asked him ithe ‘would like to play. 3 You wanted to know how the new house was ‘4 Lasked her if could take someone with me to the appointment. ‘VOCABULARY Lavery 2fairly 3 reasonably 4quite 2 1 Itwas quite noisy in the restaurant, so couldn't hear the musicians. 2 I didn’t have any lunch, s0 was feeling pretty hungry by3.00. +3 Onthe whole, Dad kept reasonably calm when !told him the news. ‘4 Xanthe did quite well at school, but not as wel as her brother, WRITING 4 opinion 2say 3think 4may 2. Students’ own answers 13 Students’ own answers “4 Students’ own answers nendduuuna ewe Ea L Ls L Li % iA a i S e Infisfans and ing S Besides Fi Doyouthinkbeing a celebrity is ferento being M: The dictionary definition of celebrity is famous Person! 'm not sure that’s how people see, though, Imagine a TV newsreader. Everyone knows their face, but are they interestedin their private lives? Do they get followed by journalists? Nat usually I's sports stars and actors and musicians thatthe public celebrate - ‘and want tobe like, Do you think celebrities can help sacety? Without doubt. Besides being entertaining - which erneed tohelp us relax, they're also able to draw attention to problems, such as those ofthe enviconment. For me, that's the mast postive thing they can do with their fame. They can also encourage people to build theirovn sl Istherea celebrity you particularly respect? No one person Lots of celebrities visit sick children, have ther selfies taken with fans... That's using what they've got to do great things, eveifit takes time ‘and effort. Many celebrities give to charity, too - that's ‘easy when you ear millions though! And there are those who are very private. Im not sure that's fair on theirfans~ they're the anes wha help them make ‘money. Filly, would you ike to bea celebrity?” When you become a celebrity, your ifesn"t your 0 ny more. you'eabig star, you wll ct ollowe peoplewill write nasty things about you on social ‘media, That'd be awl. And there's pressure to keep being good at what you do you just have tobe confident, suppose. Ita be nice to have money to give to friends and family -though that’snot enough for me tosay'yes'toyour question, UNIT 19° The wort of work 1 update 2deliver 3run calculate Sorganise Garrange Tmanage Bdevelop 9 produce 10 install Andeal with 32 handle 2 Auns, manages 2 deal with, manage handled, dealt with update, install S produce, update 3 Adeal 2deliver 3calelate insta 5 develop organise Tmanage ‘Students own answers 10 26 3C 4A SF dining 2smoothly 3strength salon Scurrenty ‘GRAMMAR, 1 1as,because 2although, whereas Beathatican,inorderto’ 4vhile, whereas Sas, because Gin oderto, sothat| could 2 1 Lenjoyed the party although 2 ...sothat the teacher can explain the rules to you. 3 Athough your work willbe manly inthe shop, 4 lim not going to havea starter as 5... a8 have football practice. WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY AND AUDIOSCRIPTS 281 | ee eee ‘GRAMMAR 1.1 Stephanie wrote a letter tothe newspaper. 2 Mum bought a book of poetry for me. 3 The boys gave a ig box of chocolates to their father 4 Alina and Margie showed their holiday photos to their friends. '5 The grandparents told astory to their grandchildren everynight. 2-1 Mybest friend told me a secret. 2 My parents gave me a surprise present. 3 Mum showed her new dress tous. 4 I bought myselfa pair of expensive shoes. '5 Mark sent a book o his parents. 66 The teacher wrote a etter tothe parents. 3-1 Herfriends had sent her birthday wishes /had sent birthday wishes to her 2 Her parents gave her a huge box / gave a huge box to her. 13 Her grandmother had sent her the envelope / hal sent the envelope to her. 4 Her mother told her the try told the story the, 5 They tooka photo and sentitt Grandma 441 They rough mes smal preset 2 Josh gave Lucy a party invitation 4 rDigy sent an erat is students 1 Jason took some owerstothe git 5 Wile showedher ends the piture 6 The class gave aprizeto the by. 5-1 twantt introduce you te allay ends 2 ltl her ally secrets. av 1 when se atved at school al her lassmates sang "Happy briny fo you and gave toher ott pe 5 Topeter we baked some ckesforour ends VOCABULARY 1 tin 2on Sout 4for Sin into Ton aout 2 abeleved 2got 2hesp Aioin 560 LISTENING 4 Ticked: what the business, how they hate de forte Product what the producti and tei Mend opinions 2 Lseting 2lkes Snore Alek Same 3 Lfutjieinabag, Zeverone at schol and oth’ putnts 3 They inthe ony paper cups, so sed Pare stea A Theyhover(detided yet but could be ‘Bagofir or rutin abog 4 1A 2A 3440 54 65 Deraig: So, Kathy, what do you thnk about sting up our - own business? atiyt fmnatsure Doyouthnkthatour homemade fest 200? rig: Everyone ot schools ther and you std that, Your parents loved them. think we have a great sea, and no one ese has done it A ult juice in bag! avlvlvlelelvie aa maama SI ITLL ANAN rem e ]

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