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kw Reading and Use of English Part 1 For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best its each gap, There is ‘an example atthe beginning 0). Mark your answers en the separate answer sheet Example: 0 Alb B place C wie D part 7 eee: Pets can improve your life “The (0)... of anil in helsing people recover om a range of health and emotional problems has lng been (1). recognised. Now a survey reparta in the Joumal of Personality anc! Social Psychology appears to show that avming a pe can (2)... heathy individuals, too. A number of experiments, (8) by two universities ln the United States indiate that pt owners are gonerally happier, healthier, fitter, more confident and beter able to “ ‘vith everyday asus than non-ouners “The researchers discovered that indviuals have ust as (6). _aroationship with the key peoplein ther ies, in o ‘words fay and rience, a they have win the pets. And anough ney fund 0 (7) ra pe “choose emotional elatonships wih pats over rlationshios wth other people, a study of university students showed that conning @ pet helped ther () ‘over the break-up of relationship wth «partner 325 | Tests ng and Use of Enih Part mainly bonett caries cope addtional sional ost >>> >a mee B deeply B conducted B hance put © inty © prot © ovemed © teat © ms © citeent © evidence © take B wisely D contreute D operated D suvve D acta D atornive D example Do Tests Vo ky Reading and Use of English Part 2 For quectons 9-16, read the text below and think ofthe word which bet fis each gap, Use only one word ingach gap. There isan example atthe beginning (0) pores (0) (elo [ae Slee] Eating at university According (0) ‘a recent study, 59 pee cent of university studonts miss lunch each week, and 65 can't Tothered having bxeskfast. Eating regular meas, it seems is very (10) ‘one ofthe average students top ports, yet the same study shows that well (1) haf of those questioned wish they'd feat now 1 cook at schoo! Having a good cat can make setting nto ie at university much easier. That's 12) ‘takes such good sense to learn how to prepare afew meals, even (13) thoy are only basic things Ike soup oF eg9 on toast It there's shared Kitchen, its good idea to tke tua cooking tor everyone, (14) than making meals one ator the ther (19) ean ead o tensions when people ae feeling hungry. Sharing the cooking means there's & ‘arny of meals, nobody has to cook every day, and (16), ie mare it saves money s28 | Testa ing and Use ot Engsh Part 2 acl a Reading and Use of English Part 3 For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals atthe end of some of the lines to ‘orm a word that fis in the gap in the same line. There is an example atthe beginning (0). \rite your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet, cxomove: [0] [ATP[PlETAIRIAINICIE [ Preparing for an interview Before you go to an interview, thnk about your (0)... When you make YOU (17) onsen of lathes, avoid anything too casual but don't goto the ‘other extreme of wearing tam that are so frmal you foal (8) in ‘Make aure youknow the exact (19)... he building whore the intrview \wiltake place, There's nothing worse than (20) trying to fins the ight lace asthe time for ito begin rapidly approaches. (Once you reach the fms offices, remember thatthe intiew stats there. You never know who you might mest in ts, coridos or walting rooms, so try to make 1a good (2) on everyone, When you goint the intarvlew room, show you have (22) Inyourset, and strike an appropriate balance between formality and (25). Bear in mind that people tend to make a 24) about someone they have mat nina few minutes, Reacing and Use of Engen Part 3 APPEAR choose coMFORT Locare DESPAIR IMPRESS: ‘CONFIDENT: FRIEND JUDGE Testa | 329 ieee. Reading and Use of English Part 4 For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that ithas a simlar meaning tothe fist sentence, ting the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0), Example: (0 | think it would be a good idea to call a meeting. FAVOUR I 2 ‘ameeting “The gap can be filed by the words ‘am in favour of caling’ so you waite panos [p[anmomorcune | ‘ite only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. 25 Wohavont seen each other fortwo years. BEEN Ws Wo lt saw esch ote 26. "You cian’ tll me the wuth, Emilo' said Carmen. ACCUSED carmen her the th 21 | really think you ought to ave on time forthe meeting LATE 1 strongly @cVs0 onan fhe Meeting. 28 Even though we played badly we won the match spre ‘We won the match nen badly 29 The thing tme to Singapore ls ix hours, ry ® to Singepore. 120 | dda realise that the beech was so far rom the campsite sucH | did't reali that. Jong way from the beach tothe campst. 320 | Testa Reading and Us of Elish Pst 4 KD Reading and Use of English Part 5 ‘You are going to read an article about the actor Daniel Radcliffe, who played the role of Harry Potter in the fms. For questions 31-86, choose the answer (A. B, C or D) which you think fits bast according tothe text. Daniel Radcliffe ise meee Darel Radelif athe offices of is age, just before he taker to the stage Foran evening performance of The Cipple Oflishmaen He's wearing ight jeans, flanses, ands a super ball of energy. He is excracrdinaily police, sim, well ured out. you's never sen him before, You might assume he was children's television prearter. fu ac the age of just 24 he has 16 moves behing him fight of hem Hany Potcerblockbusters. I feels a iP he's been with us forever The funny hing pare from the Facial hair, he does’ aly lok any different fromm the schoolboy wizard who made his sreen debut in 2001 Yer over the past haldozen years, it stems he has dane everything he could to cetingueh hil fen Maryn the pares he as chosen to pay. Radcliffe dsagress with this saying pick ims based on seripts and decors and pars. 'm ne inerested in making fms Ive sen before than originality. That's al t's governed by, there's no ‘master plan to distance myself from Pct. Se says he doesn’ want to sound ungrateil know tha Peters going to be with me forthe res of my if, s0 £0 ty te stop people alking about shar any moreis stupid. W's Justa fac of your fe so you can’ st annoyed by i You have to sceept the fact that you ware involved in this increcibiy cool thing and Beef you might noc always be happy withthe work you did on it the opportunity ichas given you Reading and Use of English Part 5 Was he aware how much Hany would change his life when he was offered the part? No, knew! ‘wae spring on forthe fst two, that four books had come out. Warmer, the An company, genuinely didn't know a that stage they vere going to make more than one fi. Iic flopped, then they certainly wren going ta put up all that money agin’ Did he ever consider fereting hi optout clause? By he third film | thought ifthere'sa time eo ger out, ies now there's stil enough time for another actor to come in and establish himsel For ‘ile thought, i do all of ther, wil beable €o move But im the end decided | was having way 10 mich fn ‘And actualy there aren't many gret parts out tere for teenage boys, certainly not as goed as Harry Pater. Nowadays, ofcourse, he isinere bly wealthy ask whether he sometimes woris people might socialise with hi purely because of that. He laughs, and says people are going to be sadly csappoineed they Deen hin forhislaveh spending. ‘ayone who i my end knows thas don't spend mney. So they can hang around wth te as much a they lie and they stil rent gong to get anthing with working out who to gust. Tm a fairy goad judge of character, and Ihave a small but very close circle offends Trmnot looking to recruit new fends, chough 'm actually very apen with people. Lhad a sinilar conversation wth ‘yslf when | was about 17, the fst ime somebody had realy betrayed that ust, ane Isai to myself you have ‘option: you either Become etal insular and shu dow and net le arysody into your life ever, F You cs continue tobe open and amiable nhen you mest people and rusting, and occasionally get hur, ind Ilo think hat a a2 \Wnat do wefan about Daniel nthe fist paragraph? Hei now warking in TV programmes for chlor. Hie appearance has changed considerably since his chidhaod. He is curently acting in the theatre. oom> ‘what dows Daniel say about his Curent work? [A He tkes to make changes tothe fm eorists hes givon BB. He sometimes has to accept oles he would rater rect. © He finds it dificult play ols that are not Har. D_ He denies he chooses ros as unike Hany as possible, What does Dane! aopear tobe ctcsing nthe til paragraph? [A Some of his acting in the Harry Potter fms. 1B The overall quality ofthe Hary Potter fms, © The effet of plying Harry Potter on his care Atle ota to him about Hany Potter \Whon Daniel was stashed fo play Hany Potter A. he though the frst fm would be made on alow bucget Be thought that only two Harry Poter books would be published. © hehad no idea how many fms in tho sores thore would be. 1 acnly wanted to bein the ts fm in the sere. ‘Why cid Davie! eventually decide tobe in very fm’? |A. He thought nobody ase could lay the role of Har. He was enoying making the fms so much, © Ho never considered doing any othor kind of work He knew t woul eventually lead to ferent roles. | How does Danie foo! about fiendship? [A He bateves he knows how to choose tends wel B- He would tke to have mare friends than he has now. © Ho ins it cificut to trust people these days. 1D He tkes to be generous to those he close to. | esta Reading and Use of English Part S itor) Reading and Use of English Part 6 ‘You are going to read an article about the effects of electronic devices on human ineraction. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the santences A-G the one which fits each cap (87-42), “There's one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Hee 10st the abitty to focus on a single task? oaiet Goleman thnks 20. Hers, he bestselling science writer argues that we have becorne a species distracted by modern tecnogy ‘The ite gis head only came upto her mothers waist as she hugged her mum, and hel on fecely as they rode ferry oa holiday iad. Tho mother, though didn't respond to her oF even seem to notice: she was absorbed in hor tablet computer all the whi Something similar happened few mints later aL was geting nto a shored taxi van with nine students who that right were journeying toa weekend getaway: Within 2 ‘minute of aking thee seats in the ark va, di Highs came ona every one of them checked a phone or abl, ut mally there was seme. ‘The indiference of thet methor, andthe silence ameng the students, ar symptoms of how technology eapures our attention and disrupts our connections Teenagers, the Future of humanity are atthe centre nthe early years of this daca thei text mestage monthly count rose o 5417, double the number just a few years ear: | 38 ‘The average Amorican teen now gets and sends more han & hundred texts ay, about 10 every waking hour. ve seen «kid texting while e rode his bike Digitl interaction comes ata coin Face time with real people, dough which we ler to understand non ‘verbal communication suchas body language. The new eneration of natives in this digital world may be skill on the Keybourd, bt they can be hopeless when it comes 4 reading behaviou face-to-face, in el tie. [8 ‘Today's children are growing up ina new reality, one where they are connecting mre with machines and less with people than has ever been tre in human history. ‘Then there are the costs of attention decline mong adults. In Mexico, an advertising representative fora lrg radio Reacng and Use of English Part 6 network complains, “A few years ago you could make w fivesinute video fr sour presentation at an advertising agers, Today you have to Keep itt minute and a hat [ 40 Faced with problems like this, some workplaces have banned laptops, mabile phones, and ther Alig ool daring mestngs. A college professor who teaches fm tls me he reading a biography of one of his heroes, the legendary Pench Aliectr Prangois Taff. But he finds,“ cant read more than evo popes at aime. [4A |__| think I'm losing my aby to matnain concentra on anything Serius. [ter not chacking her mobile fora while, a publishing ‘executive confesses she gts a nervous fetng. You miss that moment ef excitement you get when there’ a fet. You [now it's mt right to check your phone when you're with someone, but its an addition. So se and her husband have an agreement: ‘When we get home fom work we put But now we try 10 get cur pons row ol Ger oesk ate ed tests | 439 ee ‘ATs’ why they are unaware they upset ethers by stooping to read a toxin the mide of a conversation. 1B ryou dont, everyone starts checking for messages. © After that the tamptaton to go online and soe if have any new ema becomes impossible ores. DA few words were occasionaly muttred while they texted or lke through social mecia pages. 6 te infront of me | got anuous: fe just got 10 cheek it In extreme cases, some slep all day and ple these ‘games alright, arly stopping even to eat. ‘Meanwhile, studies show, the average te they ‘spent aking on the phone cropped siniianty. Reading and Use of English Part 6 ky Reading and Use of English Part 7 You aro going to road an article in which six students talk about their university, For questions 49-52, ‘’choose from the students (ACF). The students may be chosen more than once. Merk your answers en the separate answer sheet. Which student 's studying ata university that was not het rst choloe? 2 has found it easier to make rend at univers than they had expected? i} wishes they had mare time to take partin social actives? @ chose ther university party because a eative had recommended i? 46 ‘complains about the traveling te from thei ez ‘accommodaton tothe city cente? aii ‘warts to continue stucying atthe same university afterthey ET) oraduste? ae praise the approach to teaching at hol present university? [Iggy decided to study atthe university bosause ofits location? a sought the opinions of curent stasens before choosing a = ste ng a riers Ie finding etudert ite les expensive than they hac expected? eat | 495 My university ‘Sx firs-yeor students say what life is ike at their universities. A obra Erdogan ‘There's club here for just about every sport or social activity you ean think of, and they re agrect way toget to know olter students Te ‘wondered whether might feel lonely hore swith my family 20 far wey, but [needn't have ‘worriod, There's a group ol us who geton really woll, and two are already talking about doing reacarch hore once they've finished thelr first degrees. Tate my aim too. B Ben Robertson ‘Thad to take out loan to cover my costs a5 ‘sudent here, but Iquickly found there were al Lines of expenses Thad thought of such as, the cott of getting into town and back from the student village, where live. The buses aren't ‘cheap and it takes ages to get there, too, ut T didn't check that when Those tis university. ‘That's something [could have cone que ecxhy online, but unfortunately Ldidn', Actually: the ‘main reason leame here waa tobe with my friends, who applied atthe sume time as Idi © Antke Mishra {Mound it relatively easy to estilo in her, jst as 1 hough would, really done some research onthe various places offering the course L svanted to do, and what I found particularly ‘helpful were the online comments by peopls ‘actualy stadying in each one, Actually, his one had aisraye appealed to meas my cunt did crtessarch degree here and said it was a (good place to live and atudy, though unlike her 1 thin kT move onto another university once Ive graduated. Tost 4 D Lotte Peeters Bofore came here, people had keon telling me Tafind it hard to ive on my government gant, bu that hat relly boen the case becsuso during my free time I'm nea alwarysin the halls of residence with the cthor students. There's so mach todo there that it doesn't mettor that they're quite along way from the university ‘whichis ight inthe centre of town. In fat, Lect

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