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The Payroll Management System is a collection of procedures that aid in the administration of

payroll, bonuses, deductions, taxes, and other related elements of the net pay of all employees
within an organization. The main objective of this study is to ensure employees receive accurate
compensation and other financial activities on time. It will allow personnel to track and keep data
with the support of this system. Additionally, it seeks to simplify and automate microtasks to free
up personnel's time and effort for macrotasks.


This research has its scope and limitations with respect to the personal data of employees at CTU
Barili. The study will cover a range of features, including but not limited to the ability to add and
modify employee details, delete employee documents, generate and store employee payslips,
and update employee information such as salary, deduction, overtime,taxes, and time tracking.
To ensure the security of the system, a log-in and log-out procedure will also be implemented.

here are the scopes and limitations of a web-based payroll system:

a web-based payroll system's scope:

1. Accessibility: The in-charge personnel can use an internet connection to access the system
inside the workplace.
2. Efficiency and Automation: The web-based payroll system will offer automatic data from timely
updates and the requirement for accuracy in processing employee paychecks. The personnel's
ability to be flexible in their work tasks is made possible by the system's fundamental efficacy.
3. The payroll process calculation: Based on time and attendance management, the system can
automatically generate and compute employees' payslips, which may include deductions, taxes,
and salaries.

Limitations organizations will face include:

1. the poor state of the internet connection. In order to avoid impeding the process or other
essential operations, an automated payroll system will require an internet connection.
2. management of security. Data breaches and other risks are possible when managing employee
information through a web-based payroll system. To reduce risk, the firm must pick reliable
amenities and cater to services.
3. Provider's dependability. For upkeep, upgrades, and support, the system is dependent on the
service provider. Technical difficulties experienced by the provider could affect the payroll process
and cause delays or disruptions.


For the purposes of guaranteeing that employees are paid appropriately in a timely manner.
Payroll Management may help avoid overpayments and underpayments by monitoring the
records of staff hours, compensation, and taxes.

Who will benefit from this suggested system is as follows:

1. "The Administration." Due to its automated nature and quick turnaround time for
processing employee payslips, the web-based payroll system is essential for the staff members
who oversee it. The assistance of this program will also enable them to concentrate on
macrotasks. Furthermore, the system's usability and accessibility will aid in avoiding any potential
delays and disruptions brought on by technical difficulties.
2. Employees. These individuals stand to gain from the system for the reason that it ensures
the accuracy of their financial transactions based on how well they do on a daily basis at work. It
will offer them the essential assistance they require. They will be encouraged to work and
complete the assigned assignment due to this automated and timely paycheck processing.
Maintaining the system's viability can enhance workplace morale and productivity.
3. Future Researcher. Future researchers will be able to assess their understanding of this
study and develop their abilities to conduct relevant studies in the future with the aid of this
study. These results will guide them in developing a new core idea for pursuing and conducting
related research. It will allow them to look for another crucial element in the future that can
improve this research and add additional essential information that can be acquired through
accurate data.


Payroll calculations, deduction administration, and report generation are all manual activities that
take a lot of time, are prone to mistakes, and are hard to monitor. A lot of paperwork is needed
under the conventional method, which also makes it more likely that errors during data entry will
occur and prevents real-time access to important data.

This campus's payroll system requires manual organization, which requires processing time and
introduces the possibility of mistakes. The goal of this project was to enhance the manual payroll
system at the Barili Campus of Cebu Technological University.

The research specifically aimed to respond to these questions:

1. In what ways will the manual payroll process be enhance?

2. What advantages will the system's development have in terms of results compared to a
manual system?
3. Who will gain from using this computerized payroll system?
4. How important is it to create a web-based payroll system that satisfies organizational
5. What are the shortcomings or restrictions of the current payroll system that make the
creation of a web-based solution necessary?
The type of research methodology that will be used in this study is a combination of quantitative
and qualitative research, which begins with a review of relevant processes and the gathering of
appropriate information. A student from Cebu Technological University will conduct the survey. In
order to get the necessary information for the study, the researcher will interview important
individuals. A sample from a particular group that is associated according to the data will be given
a survey. In order to collect, analyze, classify, and tabulate data, surveys are used to ask people
about their knowledge.


Data for the study will be gathered via a test questionnaire. The guide for assessing and gathering
information from respondents will be the research instrument.


Cebu Technological University's faculty staff will be the study's respondents. A faculty has a total
of 61 employees, and the study's responses will make up 30 of those employees.

The effects of using the system are shown in the picture below, along with the factors that
contributed to its development. The manual, file-based nature of the existing approach makes it
possible for data entry errors to occur. Due to their ability to simplify microtasks and allow
organizations to concentrate on larger tasks, automated systems are essential. The system's
requirements for use in production will be demonstrated by this operation. The system's
development and use have certain causes and effects.


Increased risk of errors

Lack of data security

Reduced efficiency and scalability


Efficiency and Accuracy

Scalability and Flexibility
Enhanced Data Security
Time and Cost Savings:
Requirements Modeling
Input-Process-Output Diagram

The relationship between the inputs, processes, and outputs in a system or process can be seen
and understood using an IPO diagram. It assists in analyzing and enhancing the efficacy, reliability,
and efficiency of various operations, supporting improved decision-making and problem-solving.

System development and innovation will be based on the model that is depicted below. This is
required for the project to be carried out in a way that will improve each stage and be helpful in
system improvement.

Employee Details
Attendance Records
Leave Request
Bank Account Details
Tax Regulations

Calculate Payroll
Calculate Taxes
Generate Payroll Summary
Generate Reports
Store Data Securely

Tax Reports
Direct Deposits
Payroll Reports
Data Storage

The major actor in this use case diagram is the Payroll System, which stands for the actual web-
based payroll system.One way to illustrate the steps in a payroll system's processes is with a use
case diagram for the payroll management system. It represents the alleged organization and
operation of the system. There are two main use cases for the system: Manage Employees: This
use case comprises operations pertaining to managing employees. Users have the ability to
examine employee data, modify employee information, and add new employees.
Generate Payslip: In this use case, employees' payslips are generated. Users can create a payslip
for any employee they choose.
A different use case is also present: Calculate payroll. The computation of employee payroll is
represented by this use case. The system completes it as a step in the process; the user does not
deal with it directly.

Risk Analysis
Identification of potential hazards and evaluation of their potential effects on the functioning,
security, and availability of a web-based payroll system constitute risk analysis. Unauthorized
access: The payroll system may be susceptible to hacking, data breaches, or unauthorized access
by people attempting to manipulate or steal sensitive employee information. Data leakage: There
is a chance that private payroll data will be disclosed as a result of system flaws like unreliable
services or lax encryption techniques. Malware and viruses: The payroll system may be subject to
malware or computer viruses that could jeopardize its integrity and functionality.
It is advised to evaluate the possibility and impact of each risk that has been detected in order to
complete a thorough risk analysis. You should also put in place the proper security measures,
such as strict access limits, encryption, regular system backups, and monitoring systems that can
identify and reduce potential threats. Additionally, regular security audits and updates must to be
carried out to address any potential new vulnerabilities.


Technology- the application of knowledge for achieving practical goals in

a reproducibleway.

Payroll-the list of employees of some company that is entitled to receive payments as

well as other work benefits and the amounts that each should receive.

Employee- a term for workers and managers working for a company, organizationor

Innovation-the practical implementation of ideas that result in the introduction of

new goods or services or improvement in offering goods or services.
Administration-the act or process of administeringsomething

Database-is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored

electronically in a computer system.

Tax-a compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed on

a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a governmentalorganization in order to
fund government spending, public expenditures, or as a way to regulate externalities.

Salary-a form of periodic payment from an employer to an employee, which may be

specified in an employment contract.

Asset-a resource with economic valuethat an individual, corporation, or

country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide a future



a division of an organization concerned with personnel

Information-knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction

Privacy-the quality or state of being apart from company or observation

Manual-Done by, used by, or operated with the hands.

Record-to cause (sound, visual images, data, etc.) to be registered on

something (such as a disc or magnetic tape) in reproducible form

Accessibility-the process of creating products that are usable by the widest possible
range of people, operating within the widest possible range of situations.

Automate-: to run or operate (something, such as a factory or system) by

using machines, computers, etc., instead of people to do the work


An investment or project's potential costs and benefits are assessed systematically using a cost-
benefit analysis (CBA). The following elements should be taken into account for the cost-benefit
analysis of a proposed web-based payroll system:
Savings in time and money: A web-based payroll system may automate several payroll
procedures, including figuring employee salaries, deductions, and withholding taxes. Through
automation, payroll processing may be done more quickly and more affordably.
Accuracy and Compliance: Payroll systems can aid in ensuring precise computations and lowering
the chance of mistakes in tasks related to payroll, such as calculating salaries, tax deductions, and
other associated chores. As a result, there may be less likelihood of fines or legal troubles and
more observation of labor and tax laws.
Data Security: Putting in place a web-based system can give you improved data security features,
like encrypted connections, safe storage, and accessibility controls. As a result, the risk of
incidents involving data can be decreased while protecting critical employee information.


Updating the system, doing routine maintenance, and receiving assistance with technology may
all be necessary. Take into account the costs of software upgrades, bug repairs, server upkeep,
and other technological necessities.
Infrastructure and the internet: A web-based system depends on an adequate internet
connection. Make that the proposed approach has adequate internet speed and facilities which
may come at extra costs.
This analysis will aid in your decision-making regarding the viability and potential benefits of
putting the suggested web-based payroll system into practice.

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