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9119123, 2:58 PM OIL RESERVOIRS PERFORMANCE PETROBLOGGER.COM Qe MRSS ‘BLOG SOBRE LA INDUSTRIA DEL PETROLEO Y GAS NATURAL OIL RESERVOIRS PERFORMANCE Each reservoir is composed of a unique combination of geometric form, geologial rock properties, uid characterises, and primary dre mechanism. although ‘no two reservoirs are identical in all agpects, they ‘can be grouped according to the primary recovery mechanism by which they produce. has been anism has certain typical racers in tems of observed performance at each drive mec + casorati + Water Production, ora proper understanding of reservoir behavior and predicting future performance it is necessary t0 hhave knowledge of the diving mechanisms that control the behavior of lds within reservoirs. ‘The overall performance of el reservoirs i largely determined by the nature of the energy, le ‘ving mechanism, avaiable for moving the ol to the welliore, There are baskally six driving ‘mecnanims that prove the natural energy necessary fro recovery + Rock and gu Expansion ve. + Depletion Dove + GxowtyOranage ore + combination Drive ROCK AND LIQUIO EXPANSION DRIVE When an oll reservoir initially exists at a pressure higher than Its bubble point pressure, the reservoirs called an “undersaturated ol reservoir." At pressures above the bubble point pressure, ‘rude oll, connate water, and rock are the only materials present. the reservoir pressure Gecines, the rock and fds expand due to thelr individual compressiltes. The reservoir rock compress the result of to factors Expansion ofthe navi rck gris. Both ofthese factors are the resus ofa decrease of fud pressure within the pore spaces, and beth tend to reduce the pore volume through the reduction ofthe porosy As the expansion of he Pid and reduction in the pore volume occur with decreasing reservoir pressure, the crude cl ana water wil be forced ‘out ofthe pore space fo the wellbore. Because quis and rocks are ony slightly compressible, the reservoir wil experience 2 rapid pressure decline. The all reservoir under ths drving mechanism characerizd by 2 constant gas-ollrato that i equalto the gos solely atthe bubble pint pressure ‘This ving mechanism is considered the least efficent drving force and usally results nthe recovery of onlyasmallpercentage of the total oin-place nips ingenieriadepetroleo,comiol-reservors-performing! Precio dal Petrélen $92.68 avi20 130% footy 18 9119723, 258 PM OIL RESERVOIRS PERFORMANCE DEPLETION DRIVE MECHANISM ‘his ecvng for ay ago be reffered toby the flowing various terme * Seluton Gas Orie * Dissoved Gos Orv rer Gos one In this typeof reservoir the principal source of energy is result of gas liberation from the crude and the subsequent expansion ofthe solution gas as the reserve pressure is reduced {As pressure fls below the bubble point pressure, gas bubbles are Iberated within the microscope pore spaces. These bubbles expand and force the crue cil fut of the pore space. Cole (1969) suggests that a ‘depletion drve reservoir can be identifies by the folowing characteris ronuc ressre behavior, The reservoir presse decines rapa and continuously, This reservoir pressure behavior i atibutes to the fac that no extraneous ‘vids or gs aps are avaloble to pronge a replacement ofthe gos ancl withdrawal. ote production Te absence ofa water dive means there willbe lite oF no mater production with ‘he ol during the entie producing He ofthe reservoir. A depletion dive reserva is choracterized by 3 raplaly increasing as-ol aio fom alwel, regardless of ther syucural postion. After the reservoir pressure hasbeen reduced Below the buble point pressure, gas evolves from slution thoughout the reservar, Once the gas saturaton exceeds the critical gas saturation, free gas begins to flow toward the wellbore and the gas-ol ratio Ineesses The 29 will ao begin a vertical movement due ‘e raviatlonal ores, which may resultn the formavon fa secondary gas cap. Vera prmeabiy an important factor ine formation of secondary gs cap. Unique ol recovery: Ot prosucton by depleton drive is usually the least efcen recovery method. Ths ie. rect resuk ofthe formation of gas saturation throughout the reser. Ultimate oll recovery {rom depletion drive reservoirs may vary from less than 5% to about 30%, Te ow recovery from this type of reservoir suggests that large quantves of oil remain in the reser and, therefore, ‘depletion drive reservoirs are considered the bext candidates for secondary recovery applications. GAS CAP DRIVE ntps:iwawingenieriadepetotee.convol-reservoirs-perorming! PETROBLOGGER 218 9119723, 258 PM OIL RESERVOIRS PERFORMANCE {Gas cap drive reservoirs can be identified by the prosence ofa gas cap with litle or no water ‘rive, Due tothe ability ofthe gas cap to expand, these reservoirs are characterized by a slow decline in the reservoir pressure ‘he natural energy avalable to produce the crude il comes frm the following wo 3001685 *Sxpansion ofthe gas copes. + Expansion of the solution gs as berate. Cole (1968) and lark (1965) presented a comprehensive review ofthe characteristic trends associates with gas ap chive reseroits, These charactenstie tends are summarized below reser pressure, The reservoir falls slowly and continuously. Pressure tends tobe maintained ata higher level than in 2 depletion drive reservoir. The degree of pressure maintenance depends upon the volume of gas in he gas cap compared tothe alvelume Water production: Absent or nelle mater prosucton 60-l rte: the Gas-0 Rati ses concinuously in upstructre wel. As the expanding gas cap reaches the producing Intervals of upstrucure wells the gasol ratio from the affected wells wil increase to hig vats. imate recovery Ol recovery by 42s cap expansions actually 2 fontl drive displacing mechanism hich, therefore, yields considerably larger recovery efficiency than tht of depletion dive reservoirs Thisorger recovery effiency' ase atrbuted othe fot that no gas saturations being frmea throughout ‘hereseroiratthesametime The utimate ol recovery foma gas cap drive reservoir wil vary depending largely onthe flowing sx important parameters: 1. Se ofthe origina! gs cop 2. vertical permeabity 2. oN veces. 4. Degree of conservation ofthe gs. 5. Production rate 6. bip ange Wel Behavior: Because of the effects of gs cap expansion on maintaining reservoir pressure and the effec of decreased quid colar weight 2 ti produced out the well gas cap dive reservoirs tend to ‘low longer than depletion sive reservoirs. WATER DRIVE MECHANISM Many reservoirs are bounded on a portion or all of their peripheries by water-bearing rocks called aquifers. The aquifers may be so lage compared to the reservoir they adjoin a to appear Infinite fr all practical purposes, ard they may range down to those so smal as tobe nee in hel eects on the reservoir performance ‘The aquifer itself may be entirely bounded by - Impermeable rock so that the reservoir and ‘aquifer together form a closed (volumetric) unit = (onthe ether hand, shereservirmay ourropatene cor more places wereit may bereplenishes by surtace 1s comman to speak of edge water bottom water eee in escusing water infix into 2 reseroir, Bottom PRODUCTION DATAFOR AWATER DRIVE water occurs irecty beneath the cil and edge water occurs of she farks ofthe structure a the edge ofthe oll Regardless ofthe soure of water, the water drive s the result of water moving inc the pore spaces original occupea by ol, replacing the ol and dsplocing ito the producing wel. ntps:iwawingenieriadepetotee.convol-reservoirs-perorming! 38 9119723, 258 PM OIL RESERVOIRS PERFORMANCE GRAVITY DRAINAGE DRIVE ‘the mechanism of gravity drainage occurs In petroleum reservoirs as a result of aifferencesin densives ofthe reservoir fui, The effects of gravitational forces can be simply Mustrated by placing & ‘quantiy of crude oll and a quantity of water in a jar and aglating the contents. ter apt3tion, {he ar spaced a rest, and tne more dense fd (normally water wl sete tothe bottom of the jr vie the tess dense Mui rarmally oi wilret ontop ofthe denser ‘uid The lds have separated 352 result ofthe gravatonl forces actng on ther. The lus In petroleum reservoirs have all ben subjected to ‘the forces of gravity 35 evidenced ay ne relative a) postons ofthe Mud Le. ga5.on op oll uncering aes ‘the gos, and water underlying ol commromanaceone Due to the tong periods of time invaved inthe petroleum accumilation and migration process, is generally assumes that the reservoir fue are in equilibrium. I the reseror iss are in equliaram then the gasot and alawater contacts Should Be essential horzonat Although Ws citcuk to determine precey the reservoir fd contacts, the best avaiable ota indeats that, in ‘most reser, the id contacts acl ave esse hrzontal. Gravity segregation ofl is probably present to some degree inal petroleum reservoirs, but it may contribute substantially to i production in some reservoir. ‘COMBINATION DRIVE MECHANISM The deving mechanism mest commonly encourtered is one in which both water and free gas are avaiable in some degree to displace the ol toward the producing wells. The most common type of drive encountered, therfore, is @ combination drive mechanism. Two

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