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© National Strength and Conditioning Association

Volume 28, Number 4, pages 42–51

Keywords: biomechanics; electromyography; kinetics; kinematics

Resisted Sprint Training for the

Acceleration Phase of Sprinting
John Cronin
Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia, and Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
Keir T. Hansen
New Zealand Warriors Rugby League Club, Auckland, New Zealand

ball, netball, and basketball, maximum tant consideration in developing sports

summary velocity is not always attained, and re- speed. This contention that muscular
peated short sprints are more common. force is important to acceleration phase
First, the biomechanical differences As such, the ability to develop velocity performance was supported by Mann et
in as short a time as possible (accelera- al. (29), who stated that the ability to
between the acceleration phase and tion) may be of most importance to per- perform well in sprints over short dis-
the maximum velocity phase of formance in many sporting activities. tances is dependent on the ability to
Furthermore, it is thought that accelera- produce large amounts of force at cru-
sprinting are considered. Second, tion and maximum velocity are relative- cial times.
ly separate and specific qualities (9, 44).
research on the various resisted Therefore, it is the development of the Methods used to enhance force output
sprinting techniques is examined, acceleration phase of sprinting that for improving acceleration phase perfor-
would seem to be of greatest benefit to mance include various forms of weight
linking these techniques to the bio- many sports people and is the subse- training, plyometric training, and assist-
quent focus of this article. ed and resisted sprinting techniques.
mechanics of the acceleration This article will focus on resisted sprint-
phase. Some suggestions are made An athlete’s ability to accelerate his or ing, which involves the athlete sprinting
her body mass during sprinting is de- with added load, or utilizing other forms
regarding the application of these pendent upon a number of factors. of resistance such as hills and stairs. In
These factors include technique and an attempt to provide velocity and
findings to the training of athletes. the force production capability of the movement pattern specificity during
body, in particular the lower limb mus- power training for the acceleration
printing has previously been de- culature. However, technical consider- phase of sprinting, a variety of methods

S scribed as consisting of a series of

phases: an acceleration phase from
0 to 10 m, a transition phase, and then a
ations may have less importance for ac-
celeration phase performance than for a
typical sprint event. That is, in many
are used to provide resistance while
sprinting. These methods include limb
loading, uphill running, weighted vests,
maximum velocity phase from 36 to 100 sports the athletes have to accelerate and resisted towing (13). The use of
m during a 100-m sprint (7). Mero et al. from lying prone or a crouch, from these resisted sprinting techniques is
(34) described the acceleration phase as moving sideways or backwards, from common both in athletics and in a vari-
being in the first 30–50 m, followed by a landing on 1 leg and pivoting sideways, ety of sports. However, there is very lit-
maximum velocity phase and a phase of from catching a ball to chasing a kick tle experimental evidence that describes
deceleration. However, for many sport- and so on. Therefore, the force capabil- the merits of resisted sprinting or the
ing activities such as soccer, rugby, foot- ity of muscle may be the more impor- different adaptations that may occur

42 August 2006 • Strength and Conditioning Journal

with the utilization of different resisted
techniques. That is, it could be that limb
loading, uphill running, weighted vests,
and resisted towing provide different
training stimuli and hence produce dif-
ferent adaptations. Therefore, each
technique may need to be linked to the
specific needs of an athlete in relation to
the requirements of the athlete’s sport.
This paper addresses this premise
through a review of the literature. First,
the biomechanical differences between
the acceleration phase and the maxi-
mum velocity phase of sprinting are
considered. Second, research on the var-
ious resisted sprinting techniques is ex-
amined, linking these techniques to the
biomechanics of the acceleration phase.
Thereafter, loading parameters are dis-
cussed and recommendations are made
Figure 1. Step length and step frequency during the acceleration phase of sprinting.
regarding the application of these find-
ings to the training of athletes.
the stance phase, and the swing phase is strike to a position posterior to the point
Biomechanics of the from ipsilateral foot strike to ipsilateral of foot strike. Seagrave (39), based on
Acceleration Phase toe-off (12). The acceleration phase of coaching observations, has suggested
A brief comparison of biomechanical re- sprinting is characterized by a relatively that during the initial stages of the accel-
search associated with the acceleration long stance phase as the runner endeav- eration phase the body should be at an
and maximum velocity phases of sprint- ors to generate velocity (27). The stance angle of approximately 45° to the sur-
ing would provide a useful introduction phase comprises 2 distinct components, face of the ground. As the sprinter’s ve-
to an examination of the effects of resist- braking and propulsion. The relative locity increases, the body becomes more
ed training techniques. A full treatise of contributions of braking and propulsion upright (16).
this area is outside the scope of this arti- to the stance phase differ during the ac-
cle, but if interested the reader is direct- celeration phase of sprinting compared An athlete’s sprinting technique is deter-
ed to articles by Mero et al. (34) and to the maximum velocity phase. During mined by the angles of the trunk, thigh,
Williams (43). This section will focus on the acceleration phase, the stance phase knee, and ankle. There is considerable
kinematic aspects of the stance phase of is largely made up of a propulsive com- variation in the literature regarding
sprinting during the acceleration and ponent, with minimal braking forces at thigh angle (angle between the thigh
maximum speed phases. Thereafter, ki- foot strike. However, in the maximum segment and a vertical line from the
netic and electromyographic (EMG) velocity phase, braking constitutes up to ground) during sprint running. Frish-
characteristics of sprinting will be 43% of the stance phase (33). Mero (31) berg (16) reported a foot strike thigh
briefly introduced. The discussion is found that when the athlete was acceler- angle of 29.9° at 50 m from a sprint
limited to the stance phase of sprinting. ating, the braking phase constituted only start. In contrast, Letzelter and col-
12.9% of the stance phase, and the re- leagues (25) reported a mean thigh angle
Kinematics mainder was associated with propulsion. of 22.6° at 30 m from a sprint start. The
Sprint velocity is a product of step length literature is inconclusive as to whether
and step frequency (11, 19, 27, 34). Step With respect to sprinting technique, the thigh angle varies considerably between
length and step frequency are both in- acceleration phase has been found to the acceleration and maximum velocity
creased to enhance velocity during the differ significantly from the maximum phases of sprinting. Williams (43) in re-
acceleration phase (see Figure 1) of velocity phase of sprinting. Mero and viewing the literature reported foot-
sprinting (34). Each step comprises a colleagues (34) reported that during the strike thigh angles ranging from 20.8° to
stance phase and a swing phase. The time first few strides in sprinting, the body’s 30° and stated that thigh angle did not
that the foot is in contact with the center of gravity undergoes a posterior seem to change appreciably with in-
ground during the stride cycle is termed shift, from an anterior position at foot creasing running speed. There is also

August 2006 • Strength and Conditioning Journal 43

variation in the literature regarding op- ed during the longer stance phase while there was still a significant body lean
timal thigh angle at toe-off. Mann and accelerating (31). Horizontal propulsive during the acceleration phase, there was
Herman (27) stated that more efficient forces during the first ground contact less reliance on the stretch-shorten cycle
sprinters terminated the nonproductive have been reported to be 46% greater (SSC) and the knee extensors were the
latter part of the stance phase and began than those observed once maximum ve- main accelerators.
recovery more quickly, whereas Hay locity is achieved. Vertical propulsive
(19) believed that the thigh should move forces have been shown to be similar Resisted Sprinting
through as great a range as possible and during the acceleration phase and the The preceding literature review has sug-
that failure of the thigh to do so was a maximum velocity phase of sprinting gested some significant differences be-
common fault in sprinting. (31). Braking forces during the acceler- tween the acceleration and maximum
ation phase have been reported to be speed phases of sprinting. During the
Knee flexion at foot strike has been re- relatively small, –153 N horizontally, acceleration phase, there is a longer
ported to range between 10° (4) and 30° and a net force of 148 N vertically (31), stance phase, greater knee and trunk
(20, 28). Following foot strike, the knee compared with – 445 N horizontally flexion at foot strike, greater propulsive
flexes further to absorb the energy associ- and 1,707 N vertically during the maxi- forces, and possibly greater EMG activi-
ated with the ground reaction forces gen- mum velocity phase of sprinting (34). ty in the knee extensors. It follows that
erated at foot strike. This flexion follow- Plamondon and Roy (37) found that ver- these factors should be taken into con-
ing foot strike was reported by Jacobs and tical braking forces decreased between sideration when choosing the mode of
colleagues (20) to be on average approxi- steps 1 and 12, whereas horizontal brak- training for the acceleration phase of
mately 15°. Mann and Herman (27) re- ing forces increased up to the 12th stride, sprinting. As such, resisted sprint train-
ported a mean foot strike knee angle of where they started to plateau. ing has become a popular training
13° 180 m into a 200-m race. This is in method, with many sports teams and
contrast to Jacobs and colleagues (20) EMG Activity track athletes to develop acceleration. It
and Paradisis and Cooke (36) who re- Limited research has been undertaken on is thought that such techniques increase
ported mean foot-strike knee angles of the sequencing and degree of muscle ac- neural activation and hence muscular
30° and 35° respectively during the accel- tivation across the acceleration and max- force output of the leg, resulting in an
eration phase. This suggests that knee imum speed phases of sprinting. It has increase in stride length over time (5, 6,
flexion at foot strike is greater during the been suggested that the hamstrings play 14) However, whether this is actually
acceleration phase when compared to an important role during the propulsive the case has not been empirically
maximum velocity sprinting. A lack of phase of stance, extending the thigh (22, proven. It may be that each of these re-
literature regarding ankle kinematics 32, 42). Mero and Komi (32) suggested sisted techniques provides a different
during sprinting makes comparisons be- that knee extensor activity during the training stimulus and therefore each
tween the acceleration and maximum-ve- propulsive phase of stance during maxi- may be better suited for training differ-
locity phases difficult. mum velocity sprinting was limited. ent phases of sprinting. This contention
However, the propulsive role of the knee is discussed in the ensuing sections.
Researchers comparing slow and fast extensors during the acceleration phase
field sport athletes over the first 3 steps may be greater (15). Wieman and Tidow Limb Loading
of a 15-m sprint found that the fast (42) found that during the first few steps Limb loading involves the attachment of
group had significantly (p < 0.05) lower of sprinting, the vastus lateralis showed weights to the extremities of the athlete
(approximately 11–13%) left and right significantly greater activation during in order to provide overload while
foot contact times, increased stride fre- the stance phase compared to activity sprinting. The loads are typically placed
quency (approximately 9%), and lower observed at maximum velocity. This in- at the ends of the distal segments and
knee extension angles (approximately 11°; crease in vastus lateralis activation was thus are likely to increase the moment of
35). It was concluded that those players accompanied by a significant decrease in inertia considerably (19) and subse-
who were relatively fast during the accel- hamstring activation during the stance quently increase the muscle activity re-
eration phase achieved this by reduced phase. Harland and Steele (18) also re- quired during motion. Two studies have
knee extension angles and ground con- ported an increase in EMG activity of examined the effects of limb loading.
tact times, which increased stride fre- the vastus medialis during the sprint Ropret et al. (38) studied the effect of
quency. start. These findings suggest that the arm and leg loading on sprinting veloci-
quadriceps are relatively more important ty, step length, and step frequency. Arm
Kinetics for the acceleration phase as compared to loading up to a maximum of 0.66 kg did
Larger propulsive forces (526 N hori- the maximum velocity phase. Delecluse not have a significant effect on the ath-
zontally and 431 N vertically) are exert- and colleagues (8) stated that although lete’s sprinting velocity, step length, or

44 August 2006 • Strength and Conditioning Journal

step frequency. In contrast, leg loading gested, based on their training experi- of such training has not been investi-
at 0.6, 1.2, and 1.8 kg had a significant ence, the use of steeper inclines to im- gated.
effect on performance. A load of 1.8 kg prove the start and acceleration phases
significantly reduced sprinting velocity. of sprinting (8–10° in 2.5–3.5 seconds) Weighted Vests
Step length remained the same, so the and progressively reduced inclines for The use of weighted vests while sprint-
decrease in velocity was attributed to a longer sprint training. ing is another method of providing resis-
decrease in step frequency. tance during training (see Figure 2). Vest
Kunz and Kaufman (24) examined the sprinting with loads of 15 and 20% of
Similar findings were reported by Mar- biomechanics of uphill running. They body mass has increased sprint times at
tin (30), who compared the effects of compared running on a 3° grade as op- 10 m (7.5 and 10%, respectively) and at
loading the foot by adding lead to spe- posed to running on a flat surface. The 30 m (9.3 and 11.7%, respectively) (17).
cially developed running shoes and inclined run resulted in a decrease in ve- It was suggested that the athletes had
loading the thighs by wearing lead- locity of 1 m·s–1, no change in step fre- less additional force to overcome in the
weighted bike pants during treadmill quency, a decrease in step length, and an early stages of the sprint during vest
running. It was found that foot loading increase in trunk-thigh angle. Kunz and sprinting, but that as they developed ve-
and thigh loading lengthened step Kaufman (24) concluded that uphill locity, the need to control the additional
length, increased recovery time of the running might result in longitudinal mass around the trunk resulted in de-
contralateral limb, and increased swing adaptations, increasing step length, and creased performance. The increase in
phase duration. However, this effect was shortening the stance phase during sprint times was attributed to decreased
statistically significant with ankle joint sprinting on a flat surface. step length and step frequency and to in-
loading only. Therefore, this study illus- creased stance times. However, the joint
trated how the increased inertial forces Paradisis and Cooke (36) also com- kinematics was similar between loaded
associated with distal loading resulted in pared the kinematics and kinetics of and unloaded conditions.
a greater effect on running technique, sprinting on a flat surface to sprinting
especially in terms of decreasing step fre- up a 3° slope. It was found that velocity A series of longitudinal studies have in-
quency. was significantly decreased (3%) when vestigated the practice of applying extra
sprinting uphill compared to sprinting mass to the body of elite athletes for pro-
From these studies it would seem that on a flat surface. The researchers ob- longed periods of time (1–3). The first
loading of the distal segment of the served that the decrease in velocity was in this series of investigations (3) at-
lower limb at the ankle joints decreased primarily attributable to a decrease in tempted to create a “hypergravity” situa-
velocity and that the mechanism of ve- step length, which decreased by 5.2% tion by loading the athlete for a 3-week
locity decrease was likely to have been (p < 0.05). These researchers also found period with a vest that equated to 13%
through a decrease in step frequency, significant changes in body position of the athlete’s body mass. The load was
whereas step length remained relatively between sprinting uphill and on a flat worn from morning to evening, includ-
unaffected. To the authors’ knowledge, surface. Trunk flexion was significantly ing training sessions. Training included
there are to date no training studies ex- increased, and the shank angle (the jump training and weight training that
amining the long-term adaptations angle between the lower leg and the did not deviate from normal training for
using this training technique. running surface) was reduced at both the 3-week trial period other than by the
foot strike and toe-off. Thigh-to-thigh additional load of the weighted vest.
Uphill Running angle (the angle between the right and Following training, a significant in-
Some practitioners have suggested that left thigh segments) was significantly crease in lower limb explosive power
uphill running will place increased load decreased at foot strike and knee angle measured during squat jumps and drop
on the thigh extensor muscles as athletes was significantly decreased at toe-off. A jumps (approximately 10%) was found.
try to maximize step length (13). Be- significant decrease in landing distance Furthermore, a significant right shift of
cause thigh extensor activity is thought (the distance between a vertical line the force-velocity curve measured dur-
to be important in the propulsive phase through the athlete’s center of gravity ing squat jumping was observed. It was
of sprinting, the associated gain in and the point of foot strike) was also concluded that the high-gravity condi-
strength is thought to increase the ath- noted. Paradisis and Cooke (36) sug- tions influenced the muscle mechanics
lete’s step length when sprinting on a flat gested that these kinematic changes re- of even well-trained athletes.
surface. Dintiman et al. (10), based on sulted in an increase in the contribu-
observations, suggested that the hill in- tion of the propulsive phase to the Bosco (1) examined the force-velocity
cline should be at a grade that does not stance phase during uphill sprinting. relationship of the lower limb muscula-
compromise running form. They sug- Once more, the long-term application ture in 5 international-level male

August 2006 • Strength and Conditioning Journal 45

jumpers over a 13-month period. Dur-
ing the first 12 months of training, in
which the athletes did not wear vests, no
improvements in the measured variables
were found. However, after 3 weeks of a
simulated hypergravity situation in
which the athlete wore 11% of his body
mass, a significant shift of the force-ve-
locity curve to the right was observed
during loaded squat jump assessment.
The utilization of the weighted vest also
resulted in an increase in average drop
jump performance from 0.48 m to 0.55
m (p < 0.001). Bosco (1) did not exam-
ine whether the mechanisms behind the
improvements found were neural or
muscular. However, it was noted that
after the high-gravity conditioning, exe-
cution time for the SSC during drop
jumping and 15-second jumps was de-
creased, and force development was im-
proved. Both of these tests assessed fast
SSC movements as found during sprint
running. Bosco suggested that this im-
provement in fast SSC performance
might be a result of increased stiffness of
the leg extensor musculature (1).

Another study by Bosco and colleagues

(2) further investigated the effects of
vest training by using sprinters perform-
ing jump and sprint training with a load
of 7–8% of their body mass. As in previ-
ous studies, the athletes wore the extra
load for 3 weeks from morning until
evening, including during training
times. Normal training volumes were
otherwise unchanged. As found in pre-
vious studies, the force-velocity curve
was observed to shift to the right. There-
fore, the ability of those subjects who
wore vests to produce greater force at
higher velocities dramatically improved
with this form of conditioning. No sig-
nificant changes were found in the con-
trol group.

Bosco and colleagues (2) did not study

factors related to sprint mechanics or
sprint performance. However, it is possi-
ble that a vest worn during sprinting
might increase the vertical force at each
Figure 2. Example of vest that can have 1-kg lead weights added or subtracted. ground contact, thereby increasing the

46 August 2006 • Strength and Conditioning Journal

Figure 3. Example of sled towing device.

eccentric load on the extensor muscles creased loads also caused increased Kafer and colleagues (23) studied the ef-
during the braking phase. This effect upper-body lean and increased thigh fects of resisted and assisted training on
may serve to increase the muscles’ capac- angle at both the beginning and the end sprint times over 20-, 40-, and 60-m dis-
ity to store elastic energy and improve of the stance phase. This increased thigh tances. A weighted sled was used to pro-
power output (13, 39). angle reflects the increased need for vide resistance, and a bungee cord (rubber
force production during the prolonged rope) to provide assistance. The training
Resisted Towing stance phase. Unfortunately, this study groups included an assisted group, a re-
The towing of weighted devices such as did not quantify towing loads relative to sisted group, a group combining the 2
sleds (Figure 3) and tires is the most body mass or provide anthropometric techniques, and a control group perform-
common method of providing towing data on the subjects. It is therefore diffi- ing unloaded sprint training. The resisted
resistance for the enhancement of sprint cult to relate the results found to previ- group recorded an average improvement
performance, although the use of para- ously recommended loading guidelines. of 0.08 seconds (p < 0.01) and 0.35 sec-
chutes has also been documented (40). onds (p < 0.01) in sprint times over 20-
Faccioni (13), again based on coaching Lockie et al. (26) studied the effect of and 60-m distances respectively. The
observations, suggested that using tow- sled towing on acceleration-phase combined group was significantly faster
ing as a form of resistance may increase sprinting kinematics in field-sport ath- posttraining over both 40 m (0.19 sec-
the load on the athlete’s torso and there- letes. Athletes towed weighted sleds with onds) and 60 m (0.34 seconds). The con-
fore may require more stabilization. loads equaling 12.6 and 32.2% of their trol group and the assisted group dis-
This training stimulus may increase body mass over a 15-m distance. Sled played significant improvements between
pelvic stabilization, which may have a towing resulted in a decrease in stride pretraining and posttraining only over 60
positive effect on sprint performance. length of 10 and 24% for the 12.6 and m (0.08 and 0.27 seconds, respectively).
32.2% loads respectively. Stride fre- It was suggested that the generic improve-
Letzelter et al. (25) studied the acute ef- quency was significantly decreased com- ments in 60-m sprint performance were
fect that different loads had on perfor- pared to baseline with both towing attributable to the subjects’ being rugby
mance variables with a group of female loads, but there was no significant dif- union players, who were unfamiliar with
sprinters during sled towing. They ference between the 2 towing loads. The running the longer distances that are re-
found that a 2.5-kg load resulted in an duration of the stance phase was also sig- quired only occasionally in their sport.
8% decrease in performance over 30 m, nificantly increased during the towing Between group comparisons showed that
and 10 kg resulted in a 22% decrease in conditions. Trunk flexion and hip range only the combined resisted-assisted group
sprint performance. Step length was af- of motion were also significantly in- was significantly faster (p < 0.05) than the
fected to a far greater extent than step creased compared to baseline with both control group posttraining. The mecha-
frequency by the increased resistance. As towing loads. Knee joint range of mo- nisms behind improvements in perfor-
the load increased, decreasing step tion was increased for load 1 only on mance were not investigated. It was sug-
length accounted for a greater propor- stride 1 of the sprint. The authors con- gested, however, that a possible reason for
tion of decreasing velocity. The variable cluded that the heavier load led to a the improvement was that the increased
affected most by increasing resistance greater disruption of running kinemat- resistance from the sled resulted in in-
was stance phase duration, which in- ics, and recommended training with creased force production to develop and
creased significantly with all loads. In- lighter loads. maintain velocity. The researchers specu-

August 2006 • Strength and Conditioning Journal 47

Table 1
Summary of Biomechanical Characteristics, Relative Importance of Muscle Groups,
and Exercises for (A) Acceleration and (B) Maximal Velocity

(A) Biomechanical characteristics Muscles Exercises

Trunk position Forward lean Gluteals**** Gym-based exercises

Thigh angle at footstrike 20.8–30° Quadriceps**** Front hack squat

Knee angle at footstrike 30–35° Hamstrings** Half squat

Stride length Shorter Power clean

Stride frequency Submaximum Snatch

Stance phase Plyometrics

Braking Shorter (approximately 12%)

Propulsion Longer

Swing phase Shorter Deep jump squats

Resisted assisted techniques

Sled towing

(B) Biomechanical characteristics Muscles Exercises

Trunk position Upright Gluteals*** Gym-based exercises

Thigh angle 20.8–30° Quadriceps** Quarter squat

Knee 13–15° Hamstrings**** Power clean from blocks

Stride length Longer Snatch from blocks

Stride frequency Maximum Plyometrics

Stance phase Jump squats

Braking Longer (approximately 43%) Power skips

Propulsion Shorter Bounding

Swing phase Longer Resisted assisted techniques

Vest running

Assisted towing

* denotes the relative importance of that muscle group during each phase of sprinting.The greater the number of stars, the more important that
muscle group is to that phase.

lated that this effect would increase the In terms of the loading parameters, towing evidence was anecdotal and not scientifi-
load associated with the SSC, increasing loads of less than 10% of body mass have cally substantiated. Seagrave (39) believed
muscle stiffness and vertical force at each been recommended, but this is based on that the load should be determined by the
ground contact. Further research examin- practical observations rather than research extent to which performance is affected. If
ing mechanical adaptations with resisted (5, 25, 39). Kafer and colleagues (23) sug- performance variables decrease by more
towing is required in order to examine gested that a load less than 15% of the ath- than 10%, the load being used is too great
mechanisms behind any improvements in lete’s body mass will not affect the sprint- and will have a detrimental effect on
sprinting performance. er’s technique, but they also stated that the sprinting technique (5, 39).

48 August 2006 • Strength and Conditioning Journal

Frictional forces contribute to the resis- kinematic, kinetic, and EMG re- mum velocity adaptation. Nonethe-
tance experienced by the athlete when sponses. The acceleration phase, for less, such training may also have an ap-
towing a sled. It is difficult to quantify example, is characterized by a longer plication to the training of the acceler-
these frictional forces. The magnitude of stance phase, a large proportion of ation phase of sprinting by increasing
the frictional force (coefficient of fric- which is propulsion. During the ac- eccentric strength and muscle stiffness
tion) is dependent on the mass on the celeration phase, there is greater and therefore decreasing the duration
sled and on the characteristics of the trunk flexion, greater knee flexion at of the stance phase. It is not clear
ground surface and the sled. It is relative- foot strike, and greater recruitment of whether this type of overload or the
ly independent of the total surface area the knee extensor musculature. Tak- greater horizontal overload provided
and is also independent at velocities be- ing into consideration the principle by resisted towing results in greater in-
tween 0.01 and several m·s–1(21, 41). For of specificity in strength and power creases in acceleration phase perfor-
training purposes, the load on the sled training, it follows that those modes mance. Likewise, the optimal load to
and the surface over which it is moving of training that replicate these char- be used during resisted sprinting has
will be the variables that can be most easi- acteristics should be utilized. It is not been determined. That is, it may
ly manipulated to change the frictional clear that different resistance training be that greater resistance should be
force and hence the resistance against methods overload the body in a dif- used for training the acceleration phase
which the athlete is working. Therefore, ferent manner, and therefore the and light loads for increasing the maxi-
when assigning load during sled towing, training effect provided by each of mum velocity phase. However, the
coaches not only must be conscious of the resisted training techniques re- practitioner should be aware that there
how much mass they are adding to the sults in a specific adaptation. is a risk that too much load may result
sled, but also must be aware of the char- in technique adjustments that could
acteristics of the surface on which they One method of providing this speci- compromise the athlete’s sprinting
are towing. For example, towing on grass ficity in resistance training is to add technique.
is likely to result in a different coefficient load to the athlete while sprinting. The
of kinetic friction from towing on a track. adjustments in sprinting technique Resisted sprinting provides a highly spe-
Furthermore, James (21) has shown that made during towing and uphill run- cific and convenient method of training
the coefficient of kinetic friction was less ning seem to replicate the acceleration muscular power for the acceleration
for wet steel than for dry steel. The same phase more closely than do other re- phase of sprinting. Table 1 attempts to
is likely to be the case for a track surface sisted techniques. Both these tech- summarize some of the information into
with a decrease in frictional force when niques increase trunk lean, stance du- a format that may assist the training of
towing on a wet track. ration, and the need for horizontal athletes. However, the reader needs to be
force production during the propulsive mindful that most evidence in this area is
It is possible that during resisted sprint- phase of stance. Hill sprinting will also anecdotal, with very few randomized
ing, different loads could be used for increase the need for horizontal controlled designs validating the most
training the different phases of the propulsive forces, although the need to desirable mode of resistance training, the
sprint. It has been suggested that greater counter the grade may also result in an mechanisms behind improvements in the
resistance should be used for training increased need for vertical propulsion. acceleration phase, the possible negative
the acceleration phase and light loads for The specific need for increased propul- effect on technique, and the optimal
increasing the maximum velocity phase sive forces may make modes of resis- training loads. Answers to these ques-
(7, 10, 40). Increased loads that increase tance such as resisted towing and hill tions are necessary if resisted sprinting is
forward body lean and increase stance sprinting more appropriate for train- to be utilized effectively by coaches and
phase duration may be beneficial to the ing the acceleration phase of sprinting, athletes. ♦
acceleration phase of sprinting. Howev- in which propulsive force production
er, there is a lack of information on the comprises a large proportion of the References
kinematic, kinetic, and EMG differ- stance phase. 1. B OSCO , C. Adaptive response of
ences between loading parameters and human skeletal muscle to simulated
their effects. Therefore, these thoughts Weighted vests provide overload in a hypergravity condition. Acta Physiol.
are also based on anecdotal evidence. different manner, by increasing the Scand. 124:507–513. 1985.
vertical load during foot strike, in- 2. BOSCO, C., H. RUSKO, AND J. HIRVO-
Practical Applications for creasing the braking forces, and per- NEN. The effect of extra-load condi-
Resisted Sprinting haps overloading the SSC to better ef- tioning on muscle performance in ath-
As described previously, different fect. As such, weighted-vest training letes. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 18:415–
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August 2006 • Strength and Conditioning Journal 49

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John Cronin is an Associate Professor at

Edith Cowan University and has worked
as a consultant for many sports organiza-
tions and athletes.


Keir T. Hansen has been the head trainer

of the New Zealand Warriors Rugby
League team for the last four years.

August 2006 • Strength and Conditioning Journal 51

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