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The weight of it all

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Gen
Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy (Video Game)
Relationship: Ominis Gaunt & Original Male Character(s), Sebastian Sallow &
Original Male Character(s), Ominis Gaunt & Sebastian Sallow, Poppy
Sweeting/Original Male Character(s)
Character: Original Male Character(s), Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow, Poppy
Sweeting, Natsai Onai, Aesop Sharp, Matilda Weasley, Mirabel Garlick,
Eleazar Fig, Abraham Ronen, Chiyo Kogawa, Mudiwa Onai, Dinah
Additional Tags: Injury, Recovery, Angst, Friendship, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, poor
regulus, worried friends, slight romance, later on, Promise, but not the
focus of the story, Friendship all the way, Bromance
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-03-07 Completed: 2023-05-04 Words: 10,800
Chapters: 7/7

The weight of it all

by Moonpuffsie


Sebastian was in the Slytherin common room when quakes was felt through the entire
castle. Everyone was told to stay put and to not leave the common room. But they were
missing a certain new fifth year. Sebastian knowing instantly that his friend probably was
at the heart of it all decided to sneak out to find him. He had to make sure that he was ok,
he owed him that much.

Regulus was tired, mentally and physically. He didn't know how long he had sat there alone
with his dead mentor. He couldn't move. The weight of the last months had hit him like a
pack of galloping Hippogriphs. He didn't know what to do.

Inspired from my playthrough in Hogwarts Legacies. Sebastian POV and Regulus (Original
character) POV.


See the end of the work for notes

Chapter 1

Sebastian POV

Sebastian was in the Slytherin Common room when he felt it happen. It began with the chandeliers
quietly trembling to feeling like the entire castle was being moved by an earthquake. He was stood
by Ominis, once again begging his blond friend to talk to him. He had apologized countless of
times already, swore that he would never touch anything that had to do with the dark arts again.
That he would spend every minute of the rest of his life to make it up to them all. Him and Regulus
for staying by him all this time, even when it had been painful. And to Anne, who he had only hurt
more in his quest to rid her of her pain.

The quakes had taken Ominis by surprise causing him to stumble slightly. Sebastian quickly
grabbed his elbow, steadying him.

“What in Merlin’s name was that?”. Sebastian looked around the common room, every single
person in the room had stopped what they were doing, having mixed looks of confusion and fright
plastered onto their faces. Those kinds of quakes don’t just happen at Hogwarts.

“I- I do not know? For the entire castle to shake like this, something must be going –“. Ominis was
interrupted by a prefect storming into the common room gaining everyone’s attention.

The prefect herself looked uncertain before addressing the crowd. “Professor Sharp has given strict
orders for everyone to stay put in the common room until further notice!”

The silence only lasted for a couple of seconds. Another quake shook the speech back in the

“What is going on?”

“Are we in danger?”

“Where are the teachers?”

“Why can’t we leave?”

The poor prefect was bombarded with questions she had no answers to. Sebastian allowed himself
to feel sorry for her for about two seconds before turning his attention back at Ominis. “You
alright?” He asked, still holding onto his elbow.

“I – Yes, yes I’m fine, thank you”. Sebastian nodded knowing his friend could sense it then let go
of his elbow. He looked around the common room, brows furrowing the longer he looked around.

“We were all told to stay here, and to not leave, but –“. Ominis began, tone serious, he had noticed
exactly what Sebastian had.

“Regulus is not here”. Sebastian finished. “Whatever’s happening… I am sure he is in the heart of
it all”. Sebastian bit his lip, looking thoughtfully at the floor, he couldn’t stay here while his friend
most certainly was in trouble or soon to be in trouble. This had to have something to do with
Ranrok. It had to, he could feel it.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, looking up at Ominis who also had conflicted feelings about it all.
They were not on the best of terms right now, but they were still best friends. Ominis knew what
was going on in Sebastian’s head, sometimes better than Sebastian himself. “I know what your
thinking, and while I am hesitant to let you leave, I’ll cover for you”. Sebastian didn’t think his
eyebrows could be more raised than they were at that moment. Ominis had offered to cover for
him. Now, even after everything, even when not knowing fully what was going on.

Regulus had not told Ominis everything about his ancient magic and his adventures beyond the
castle walls, but Ominis was not stupid, he knew something was up. He had asked Sebastian about
it on more than one occasion, when Regulus didn’t show up for class or the times he didn’t come
home before the brink of dawn. Sebastian had been vague in his answers, having sworn to guard
this secret. But Ominis knew when he lied or wasn’t completely forthcoming, still, he didn’t pry,
trusting he would be included if or when it became necessary. “Just - please Sebastian, be careful”.
Ominis reluctantly let go of his shoulder, not really wanting Sebastian to throw himself into danger
yet again.

“Thank you Ominis, I promise I’ll be careful, and I’ll make sure to fetch a certain fifth year”. His
tone was light. Trying his best to cover his nervousness with humour, like he always did. Truth be
told, he didn’t know what he would be met with. Maybe it was nothing at all, and his mind was just
overreacting. Or maybe his nervousness was warranted. He desperately hoped for the first option.
Maybe the giant sea monster just decided to throw some rocks on the castle? That is a possible
explanation, right?

“I will catch up as soon as I can”. Ominis added just before Sebastian cast the disillusionment
charm on himself. “Wait – Ominis”. Ominis raised his hand, not letting Sebastian continue. “You
are not the only one who owes Regulus. Not only that, both of you are my dear friends, I will not
allow you to face dangers alone, not if I can help it. Now, go. I will catch up, hopefully sooner
rather than later”. The determination on Ominis’s face was admirable. This was different than their
previous adventure, the adventure that had almost led to him losing himself, the adventure that had
caused so much grief to the people he held most dear. This was different. And they both knew it.

“All right, we will be alright”. Sebastian did something he never saw himself doing. He gave
Ominis a hug. It was a short hug. Short but necessary. It was a promise of some sort. A promise
that they would figure this out, they were not going at it alone, they would be alright.

Sebastian looked around making sure no one paid them any attention before casting the
disillusionment charm on himself, disappearing from sight. Managing fairly easily to leave the
common room, as everyone was officially in panic mode.
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Sebastian POV

He had to begrudgingly admit that he was out of his dept. He had no idea where to start looking for
Regulus. Obviously at the source of the quakes, but where in Merlin’s name were this all
happening from?

He hadn’t bothered using the disillusionment charm on himself for long after leaving the common
room. The hallways were vacant of both teachers and students, only the occasional ghost passed by
him. The ghosts did tell him to get back to his common room before telling on him. He simply told
them to go ahead, but he had somewhere to be, so he had no time for chit chat.

Regulus had mentioned to him in passing a couple of times, something about a map room. That
was all well and good if he knew the location of said map room.

“What’s it with everyone being so cryptic about every damn thi- “. A particular powerful quake
nearly took the feet from right under him. He stumbled forward, bracing himself on a nearby wall.

Dammit. He vowed to himself there and then to always be open and honest, and also force his
friends to be the same. If they have all been honest with each other then he would know the
location of the map chamber, perhaps his friends would have been able to stop him from going to
far as well.

“Be safe Regulus”. He whispered to himself as he forced himself to keep running. To where, he did
not know at the moment, but every step forward would be one step closer. Hopefully.

He was lost in his own thoughts as he ran through the castle halls. He had been worried about
Regulus before the entire castle felt like it was falling apart. He had heard a rumour earlier that
day, that Rookwood had confronted him in Hogsmead. Knowing Regulus and the situations he
constantly found himself in, the rumours were true. The rumours also stated that Rookwood was
now dead. Meaning Regulus had been forced to kill him. He had tried finding his friend ever since
he heard the whispers, but Regulus had been no where to be found.

He was rudely and suddenly dragged away from his own thoughts when he rounded a corner and
was met with the sight of three goblins running towards him. A yelp of surprise left his mouth as a
streak of red magic came flying towards him. He managed to put up a shield around himself before
the red hot magic was able to hit him straight in the face, effectively blocking it.

“Follow the goblins, all right, got it”. A cheeky grin replaced his surprised face, he had been
itching to get out his frustration. He would also never turn down a fight.

It was strange, fighting by himself. He had gotten used to Regulus tagging along whenever he was
outside the castle walls. He had to admit, he was having difficulties as he was used to someone
having his back, shielding him when necessary. But it was manageable, only earning a few scrapes,
nothing a Wiggenweld Potion couldn’t fix.

When the goblins were out of his way he kept going, through a door, and through a corridor he had
never been to before. A feat in itself, finding a place where he had not explored during his four
previous years.
He burst through a double door and witnessed Professor Kogawa and Professor Garlick completely
obliterate a couple of goblins. The duo abruptly turned around at the intrusion, wands pointed
straight at him. His hands shot up as if surrendering, praying that he would not be shot through a
wall by two of his teachers. They quickly noticed, however, that he was in fact not an enemy and
lowered their wands, focusing on the entrance before them. Clearly double checking that the threat,
for the moment, was gone.

“Mr. Sallow what in Merlin’s name are you doing here?!”. Never had he seen his professors in
such a state. Both wore faces that mixed between worry and unmistakably anger. Professor
Kogawa had at one point gotten half her cape burned off and Professor Garlick was covered in so
much dust it looked like she had just climbed out of a chimney.

“I – I’m looking for Regulus. I also met three goblins in the hall just outside, I took care of them”.
The pair looked at each other, brows furrowed, they had obviously not been aware that they had let
some of them slip by.

“Thank you for your assistance Mr. Sallow, but you must - “.

“I’m looking for Regulus, and with all due respect, I am not leaving without him”. He felt quite
rude interrupting professor Garlick, but they didn’t have the luxury of time. “Have you seen him?”
He continued, trying to press some answers out of them.

It was Kogawa that surprisingly relented to his pleading gaze. “We have been posted here to stop
any goblins or other foes from entering the castle, by orders from Professor Weasley. She received
an urgent owl from Professor Fig asking for help, that Ranrok would soon be able to breach
through Hogwarts defences. From what we understood… Regulus is down there with Professor
Fig”. He tried to will his brain to process the information as quickly as possible. At least Regulus
was not alone. But he was far from safe.

“Mr. Sallow, you need to get to safety, we got this covered”. He looked up at his two professors.
They didn’t understand, he had to get down there. The thought of losing someone else, it made him
sick. He couldn’t turn back. Not now. Would he be of any actual help in fighting Ranrok? Probably
not. But the least he could do was be there.

“No can do I’m afraid… I have someplace to be”. He smiled at them. A genuine smile. He had no
issue suffering the detention or being expelled. Not for this. Before he had the time to rush forward
like he had planned, a new wave of goblins came rushing from the entrance while, yet another
quake nearly made them all collapse to the floor. This was his chance. He rushed past his
professors and the goblins.

“Mr. Sallow! Get back here!” Professor Kogawa yelled after him. He only waved. “I trust you to
handle this!” he shouted back as he descended down the stairs, going deeper and deeper beneath
the castle.


He had been extremely lucky. Like felix felicis lucky. He had managed to avoid the goblins nearby
and was making quick progress. His heart was in his throat, adrenaline through the roof. There was
fighting up ahead, sounds of shouting and magic rippling through the air gave him immediate
goosebumps. When he finally arrived, he froze. There were goblin bodies everywhere, almost like
a blanket on the floor. The sight was disturbing. He was so distracted by the sight before him that
he did not notice the goblin running towards him, knife raised, ready to strike.

“Glacius! Diffindo!”. He managed to turn around just in time to witness the goblin being
absolutely pulverised by the spell combination. The spell combination that came from non-other
than. “Ominis?!”. If his mouth was capable to hit the floor, it would have. “How did you…?”

“I said I would catch up with you as soon as I could did I not?”.

“I mean yeah – yeah… but also… you took down that goblin so quickly! When did you learn how
to do that?”.

“Regulus taught me… A couple of weeks ago”. Ominis smiled at the memory. Sebastian had to
admit that he felt low key betrayed that his two closest friends had practiced spell combinations
without him. Only slightly though. He could forgive them this time. “Well, that was badass, and
I’m jealous he hasn’t showed me… But also, why didn’t Kogawa and Garlick stop you?”.

“You are not the only one who knows how to use a disillusionment charm”. Ominis muttered
quietly, like he was embarrassed he had used the charm at all.

“So, you have learned a thing or two from me as well then.” It was not a question, it was a
statement, a statement he was pretty proud of, the tone of his voice having a teasing edge as he said

Ominis chuckled “I guess so” as he came to stand by him, his eyes gazing at what was in front of
them. He couldn’t see it, but he could sense it, smell it, feel it. These loyalists deserved what they
got, but still, it was nearly to much to witness. The light conversation, the hint of mischief and
teasing being buried under the tension.

“Mr. Sallow! Mr. Gaunt! What on earth do you think you are doing down here?!”. They both
flinch at the loud voice that cut through the air. The voice belonged to professor Weasley who
stormed towards them. Both Sebastian and Ominis were about to answer, when she just raised her
hand, stopping them. “Never mind, I know why you are here, but nevertheless you shouldn’t be.
Me, professor Heckat, Ronen, Onai and Sharp got the situation under control, the remaining
loyalists dealt with. So, what you need to do is – “.

A loud rumble. The ground shaking. Dust and dirt falling from the walls and ceiling of the cavern.
It continued, for what felt like forever but were only mere seconds. They were all holding their
breaths. He noticed professor Weasley approach them, most likely getting ready to apparate them
out of there if necessary.

But then it simply just stopped.

And the quiet that followed was deafening.

Sebastian looked over at Ominis who already had his face pointed towards him. There it was
again. The look of determination. It was no secret that Regulus had managed to twist and turn his
way into both their lives. And Sebastian knew, from experience, that there was no friend more
loyal than Ominis. And after everything they went through together this year. The bond that they
had forged. Even when angry or frustrated with each other. It couldn’t be broken.

It was like their brains were in perfect sync. At the exact same time they took of running deeper
into the repository. They heard professor Weasley shouting for them both to stop. But they both
graciously ignored her.
Chapter End Notes

Next chapter will be in Regulus's POV.

Hopefully I will be able to write it tomorrow. :)
Regulus POV
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

He was on his knees. It never quite registered to him when he had collapsed onto the cold wet
floor. He had done it. Ranrok was defeated and the power Isadora had tried so hard to unleash was
once again contained. Yet he felt no relief. No happiness. Instead, he felt empty. It was like the
spark, the energy, the fiery flame that was once within him had been completely extinguished.
Both his mind and his body had become numb to the pain, the only thing he could feel was
exhaustion, clawing at his very soul, his very being.

He had emerged victorious, but it didn’t feel like it. It felt like he had lost.

One of his hands was wrapped around his mentor’s wrist, it had been for some time. Honestly, he
was hoping for a miracle, maybe the pulse would return, and the colour and warmth of Fig’s skin
would return as well. Fig would look up at him, laugh in relief, ask him if he was alright, and then
they would leave the chamber like they had entered, together. That was entirely possible, right?
After everything, that didn’t seem so farfetched.


If only.

He didn’t know how long he sat there in the silence. Unmoving.

When did it all go so wrong? Why did all of this have to happen in the first place? Hell, he even felt
sorry for Ranrok. Whose hate and mistrust for witches and wizards were not completely
unwarranted. If only there had been a little more kindness and understanding in this world, maybe
Ranrok wouldn’t need to have felt the way he did. Not that Regulus excused his actions, no way.
Ranrok had killed and hurt so many innocents, including Miriam, that could never be forgiven. But
he understood the hate. The anger.

And Isadora. She came from a place of love and caring. She genuinely wanted to be good, to do
good. To help not only her father, but the world. And she believed she was in the right. But the
power had corrupted her mind, making her unable to see the consequences, unable to see the
damage she was creating. Unable to fathom that the magic was, in fact, out of her control. The
removal of pain not being as easy as it first seemed. It was too complicated. To unpredictable. To
remove one emotion, and leave the rest was simply not possible. Without emotions, only an empty
shell of flesh and bones would remain. She wasn’t able to see that. Isadora could only see the
removal of the pain, not the rest.

But he understood her as well. Oh yes. Regulus understood how she could lose to the power that
was presented to her. He had felt it to. Only mere minutes ago. The power had almost managed to
consume him. It was like tiny whispers in his mind, like an echoing shadow, begging him,
demanding him to claim the power before him. What he could do with that power. It would be his
to command. It would serve him, and only him. No one would be able to compare.

He had nearly relented. Until Fig had saved him.

“You are stronger than you know”.

Fig’s voice had gotten through to him. Not only that, but Fig had kept the magic at bay while
Regulus composed himself, finding his resolve to keep fighting, to not give in to the temptation.

Regulus glanced down at his mentor’s pale face. Eyes shut. The corner of his mouth slightly curled
up. He had died smiling. He had died relieved.

It felt like a dam breaking inside of Regulus and he suddenly had trouble breathing. It was like all
the events of the last months hit him all at once like a pack of galloping hippogryphs. It was almost
too much. It was becoming painful.

He already missed the emptiness he had felt mere moments ago. Right now, he would prefer not
having any emotions at all. The Cruciatus curse almost felt better than what he was experiencing at
that moment.

Tears were now freely escaping his eyes. Regulus knew it was futile to even try to make them stop.
Since entering the wizarding world, he hadn’t cried, not once. The tears that were slowly cowering
his mentors still chest were for all that had happened this year, for all the people he felt like he had
let down.

“I am so sorry”. He cried into his mentor’s chest. Clutching at his bloodied robes. “S- so sorry”.

If he had been stronger, Fig wouldn’t have needed to die. If he had acted quicker, he could have
shielded Lodgok. If he had paid attention, Natty wouldn’t have needed to take the hit of the
Cruciatus curse, meant for him. If he had been more concerned with Sebastian’s obsession with
curing Anne, he could have saved Sebastian from himself. All the pain that could have been
avoided. Sebastian wouldn’t need to feel guilty, Anne wouldn’t need to feel devastated, Ominis
wouldn’t need to feel lost, and Solomon would still be alive. If he had been a better version of
himself, he would be able to wipe that sad smile away from Poppy’s face. The smile she got every
time she talked about her past. The smile she gave him every time he avoided answering her
questions about what he was doing away from Hogwarts, when she told him that she understood if
he didn’t want to talk to her about it.

In that moment, he wished he would have died with his mentor. Not that he wished for death, he
enjoyed living, most of the time, but he would do anything to escape the hurt. It felt like a physical
pain, like being stabbed in the heart repeatedly. Like being held under water, lungs desperately
aching for air, but you mind knowing that if you take a breath you’ll die. The pounding in his head,
like a Graphorn trying to break free.

Regulus was for the lack of other words; completely, utterly, entirely, undoubtably done.

He was so lost in his own despair that he did not hear nor notice rushing footsteps and loud voices
rushing towards him. Someone dropped down beside him and he felt warm hands on his shoulders.
They felt extra warm in contrast to his own. His consciousness tried to break through the haze it
had created for itself, it was then he noticed that there were two people, one on either side of him.
One of them still had a hand on his shoulder while the other one had a hand placed on his back. It
was a comforting presence.

“You need to let go of him buddy…” The voice was low, wobbly, and full of hurt. Oh no. Had he
hurt someone else?

His whole body trembled with exhaustion and pain as he willed himself to look up at the two
presences that had joined him in his misery.


They looked absolutely devastated. Both of their eyes filled with tears that they did not allowed to
be shed yet. It was Sebastian that had spoken to him. It was his voice that nearly broke, that
sounded like it was in pain. This broke Regulus even more. Sebastian had been in more than
enough pain. So had Ominis. That his state was the reason for their current pain. He felt ashamed.

“I- I am sorry”. Regulus looked away from them. He had done so good, being the happy, chill,
calm and collected friend. He had really tried his best this year. “S-sorry”.

Sebastian carefully, Oh so carefully, pulled him away from Fig and into a side hug, placing
Regulus’s head on his shoulder. “The hell are you sorry for, don’t be stupid…”. Sebastian nearly
whispered while holding him steady, Ominis on his other side holding onto his hand, continuing
being a grounding presence. “Breathe Regulus”. Ominis added. Regulus only shook his head in
response to them both. He had every reason to be sorry, and he wanted to breathe, he just couldn’t.

He didn’t have time to think or say anything else as he heard the muttering of a spell, he believed it
was. One he hadn’t heard before. It came from behind them, it sounded like professor Weasley,
was she here too? The spell enveloped him like a secure blanket. Coaching him to fall asleep.

Who was he to refuse that escape.

Chapter End Notes

Next part will be Sebastian POV again. :)

Sebastian POV
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

He felt Regulus’s body tense for a second before going completely limp. He had heard professor
Weasley muttering some spell, but he didn’t know what it would do, so Regulus passing out came
with little to no warning.

Sebastian quickly rearranged Regulus’s body so he would be lying down on the floor, his head in
Sebastian’s lap. Even unconscious, he wanted his friend to be as comfortable as possible. Turning
around, he faced the sad face of professor Weasley. She looked broken where she stood, somehow
older, more fragile. The healthy glow on her face she usually had were more or less gone.

“Why did you-?” Ominis began quietly, understanding that their professor had just forced Regulus
to sleep.

“He needed it.” She simply answered back, and Sebastian nodded in agreement. Never had he seen
his friend in such a state. Never had he thought that he would. Regulus seemed bigger than life
itself at times. Always in control of any situation. Always a witty comment to make any dire
situation seem humorous. I’ve been a fool. Sebastian scolded himself. Regulus was, like all of
them, only human.

And he had just apologized. For what? Saving them all from certain death? Sebastian mentally
noted to himself that they had to talk. All of them. The amount of trauma from the last couple of
months were to much in itself, and now this. This would knock anyone of off their feet.

“What should we do…?” Ominis still held on to Regulus’s hand as he asked the question, he was
feeling for a pulse, to reassure himself that his friend was still with them.

Sebastian looked at professor Weasley, waiting for her answer. She was the only one here with
them after all. She didn’t answer right away, instead looking around the room, brows furrowing.

Sebastian did the same. It was the first time since entering the room that he really looked. The
place was, to put it simply, wrecked. You could see the aftermath of the fight. The scorch marks on
the walls and ceiling. Stone that had crumbled to the floor. Large craters from explosions and
Merlin knows what else. And then there was the giant, swirling circle of what he could only
assume was the power the keepers had tried to keep contained. The ancient magic that Regulus had
told him about. It seemed so – innocent. But he had learned to trust what Regulus said about it, that
it was dangerous, unpredictable, and should be handled with care, if at all. Even if Sebastian
wanted to use the power, he couldn’t.

“The castles defences are down for the moment. I will apparate Regulus to the hospital wing, then
I will bring the two of you to Slytherin common ro-“.

“No, we’ll stay with him – please.” Ominis interrupted her, voice firm, demanding, but at the same
time pleading. Sebastian could relate.

Professor Weasley regarded them for just a second before humming in agreement. They must look
like a mess. Regulus, seemingly more or less unharmed, but passed out on the floor, head in his
lap. He himself felt exhausted from the running and dodging enemies through the castle and the
maze of a cavern. And then there was Ominis beside him, still holding onto Regulus’s hand, in
what looked like a death grip.

Sebastian knew that he and Ominis felt a strong sense of loyalty and friendship towards Regulus.
Just at he knew that Regulus felt the same for them. They had known each other for less than a
year, but in that time, they had become brothers, family. They had agreed that whatever the future
held, they would have to face it together, as a team. They could count on and rely on each other.
Therefor, it hurt that he and Ominis wasn’t able to be there for Regulus during his fight. The fight
that could have cost Regulus his life. That cost professors Fig’s life.

He shuddered. His thoughts not exactly doing him any favours.

Professor Weasley came up to them and held one hand on Sebastian’s shoulder and one hand on
Ominis’s shoulder. “Do not let go of him”.

“As if we would…” Were the only words he managed to say before the world turned around itself.
He didn’t know what was up and down, right or left. Then it stopped. As suddenly as it had begun.
And he wanted to throw up. A startled scream shook him back to reality. Deep breaths Sebastian,
deep breaths, you can do it. He dared glance at Ominis who looked positively green, eyes closed,
doing what Sebastian was currently trying to do. Breathe.

The hospital wing was empty, except for Nurse Blainey, who was the one they had startled half to
death by their sudden appearance. The startled nurse was only that, startled. Sebastian saw her
quick change in demeanour. Seeing them all on the floor, dirty and dishevelled, one of them passed
out cold, serious nurse mode was quickly turned on.

“Wingardium Leviosa”. Regulus was slowly lifted from the floor away from him and Ominis, they
both still on the floor. He watched as nurse Blainey gently levitated Regulus down onto one of the
soft hospital beds. Then a thought hit him.

“Professor Weasley… What about Professor Fig…?” The sadness in Professor Weasley’s eyes
almost made him regret asking.

“I will - take care of him now that Regulus and the two of you are safe”. She lifted her wand and
was about to apparate away before she stopped herself.

“Mr. Sallow… Mr. Gaunt… What the two of you decided to do was incredibly stupid and
dangerous… As well as brave. Well done”. She then disappeared.


“It’s already been a day, why won’t he just wake up?” Ominis sat quietly by the bed while
Sebastian was pacing back and forth, the frustration in his voice evident.

“Nurse Blainey said it was to be expected… He was – is, beyond exhausted. Give him time”.
Ominis looked towards Sebastian, voice calm and steady.

He let out a huff and sat down on a chair on the other side of the bed. He knew Regulus was
exhausted. Not only that but he was also pretty beat up. Broken ribs, bruised spleen and cuts and
bruises all over his body. He knew Regulus needed rest, but Sebastian also needed for him to wake
up. It was selfish. But he needed to know. Not from any doctors or professors, even from Ominis.
He needed to know from Regulus himself that he was alright.
It was quiet for a while. Both of them in deep thoughts. What if’s playing in their heads. The entire
school knew. Some of it, at least. It had been a battle, goblins and Ranrok got past Hogwarts’
defences, Professor Fig had died. That was the incredibly vague story the entire student horde had
been told. But everyone knew, even if they weren’t told. People knew Regulus had been there.
First, because Regulus was nowhere to be found before the attack or after. Second, because both
Ominis and himself had to briefly go back to the Slytherin common room to clean themselves up
when they were bombarded with questions.

“Where have you been?”

“What has happened?”

“Are you guys ok?”

“Is Regulus not with you?”

They hadn’t answered a single question, and that was answers enough in itself. Sebastian had given
Imelda one look. One sad, frustrated, tired look. And she had chastised everyone present, telling
them to back of before she made them. Both Sebastian and Ominis eternally grateful that the girl
was feared by most, mostly because of her competitive side, and that she was a friend willing to
back them up if necessary.

They had returned to the hospital wing in under an hour, wanting to stay put, to make sure that their
brother was alright.

“I hope he awakens soon”. Ominis sighed.

“Me too Ominis… Me too”.

Chapter End Notes

Did not post the chapter this weekend because I was busy completing the game (for
the third time ehehehehe) Managed to 100% complete it, finding every field page,
every demiguise, every chest, I was so proud of myself
I struggled a bit with writing this chapter, I tried, hopefully it works!
I will post the next chapter by thursday (hopefully). I still have plenty of ideas where
this little story can go, so I don't know how many chapters I will end up with. We'll

Anyways, I hope everyone had a good weekend and that Monday wasn't soul crushing
on us all.
Regulus POV
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

There is nothing quite like it. Lying in the grass during a summers day, looking up and admiring
that endless blue sky. It’s like all of your troubles and worries just melts away, and you’re left with
this overwhelming sense of peace and calm. The sun on your skin, the gentle rustling of leaves, it’s
quite the serene feeling.

And then there is the feeling of awe you get, looking up at the sky that is oh so endless. Like you’re
just a tiny speck of dust in this incredible thing we call our universe. It’s humbling. But in a way
that’s good. You let go of your worries so that you can be present in the moment, soaking in the
reality. Being embraced by the grass and sky, sinking deeper and deeper into a state of total

One could only remain dreaming for so long.

Regulus watched and felt the soft, green grass turn to ash beneath him. The sun disappearing
behind the horizon, leaving only darkness and cold. The endless sky, once so comforting, so full of
promise and hope, left only silence and emptiness.

Then he was not alone in what he would describe as a now post-apocalyptic world. Professor Fig
stood before him. Pale skinned. Eyes soulless.

“Your fault”. Professor Fig spoke. Words certain and full of accusation. “I am dead because of

Regulus froze. Unable to answer. Unable to think. Unable to react.

He was stuck in his own mind. Stuck in a re-occurring nightmare that felt like would never end. He
slept. But without rest.

All he wanted was rest.


“I don’t… he… slept… so long…”.


“Why… wake up?”



“I… don’t… it…”

He could only hear bits of conversation here and there, not fully grasping who were talking or what
they were talking about.

This continued for some time. Regulus being able to hear voices but not being able to convey to the
people in the room that he could, in fact, hear them. Not that it mattered, him not really managing
to puzzle the bits of words and sentences together to form a coherent conversation.

It got better though. Every time he “awoke” from a nightmare he could hear voices, they sounded
comforting, as they could tell that he was having a bad dream.


Was it a dream? Or was it a reality? He couldn’t tell at this point.

Who was there with him? That’s the thought that occupied him while his mind was trying to work
itself out as his body kept betraying him, refusing to cooperate. The last thing he remember was
being in the repository. Sabastian and Ominis were there. They saw… everything. Two of his
dearest friends had witnessed his not so gracious breakdown. Well, what’s done is done. He would
handle it when he woke up…if he woke up, that is. And then there was, professor Weasley? She
had said something, something that made reality slip away. At the time he had been grateful he had
escaped, but with the not so pleasant dreams he was having… It felt like he was in a “lose lose”
situation, he just could not win.


“Defence against the dark arts kind of sucks without my duelling partner, you better wake up soon
you hear me? And for your information, there are only so many times I can get away with sneaking
in here at night you know… What I do for you”.

The first time he heard a full sentence, he could feel someone sitting on the bed beside him. Voice
calm with an edge of… something. Something Regulus couldn’t quite decipher. Not yet anyways.


“I must confess, potions have become rather difficult without your help… They made us go to
class; you can’t sit in here all the time, despite it all you are still students and have a
responsibility; they told us… Rubish…”

The second time he felt a gentle presence. It was a warm, soothing, grounding presence. Like the
first time, he knew it was one of his friends talking to him. He wanted to talk back. To answer that
he was rather clever at potions. Because he was. And he wanted to rub it in his friend’s face. To
have harmless banter, like before.

“My friend… It was not so long ago you sat beside me in the hospital wing… I hope- I hope it
wasn’t as hard for you as it is for me now… Rest easy, everything will be alright, you are well
taken care of”.

The third time someone was holding his hand. The person’s hand was warm, voice tender, a strong
undeniable presence. This – this was also his friend. They have all been worried about him – are
worried about him. He doesn’t want them to worry. Wake up Regulus. You have to wake up. But
alas, he couldn’t.


“I- I went to see the puffskeins today… One of them tried to hit me with its tongue, but I just
managed to avoid it. You would be proud of the finesse I showed by that dodge. And no matter
what anyone else says, I did not fall on my face, ok?”. A small laugh and a sharp intake of air
followed. Like the person didn’t know whether to actually laugh out loud or to cry.

“I like to think that our adventure with the poachers made me a little more prepared for the more
unpredictable side of beasts”. Regulus could hear the person sniffle, the sound making his heart
ache. He was more aware than he had been in… how long has it been?

“So, I managed to handle the oh so vicious tongue of a puffskein, meaning I am capable, alright? I
am capable…” What was the person on about? He was already a confused mess, this – whatever
this was, didn’t really help.

“So, why couldn’t you have asked for my help…” Rustling of paper followed by a couple of


“You promised me that if you needed help you would ask me… So why didn’t you? Why didn’t
you ask anyone?” The voice broke at the last word, the sniffles turning into quiet, barely contained

It dawned on him then.


The person sitting next to him. The person crying, was not just a person at all. It was Poppy. The
rambling of puffskeins, all Poppy. If his heart ached before he didn’t know how to describe this
feeling. He had made her worry. Made her cry.

“You could have died… y -you…” A loud sob escaped her mouth. A sound that, believe it or not,
made him open his eyes. For the first time in Merlin knows how long. The light that hit his eyes
were blinding for the first few seconds, but he quickly adapted to it. Regulus slowly managed to
turn his head towards the broken sounds beside him. There she was, looking like an absolute mess.
Her robes were dirty, probably from playing with the puffskeins. Her hair that always was neat and
tidy, poked out from random places. She was covering her face with her hands, but he could see
how red her cheeks were. Even when looking like an absolute mess, she was still the prettiest
human being he could have laid his eyes on.

He just observed her for a moment, her not having noticed him being awake yet. She was sitting
close to his bed so he willed himself to lift his hand, being more difficult than he would like to
admit, and stretch it towards her. He carefully laid his hand on her knee.

To say that he startled her would be an understatement. She quite literally jumped, chair scraping
on the floor before falling down with a heavy thud.

Then silence.

Regulus’s hand left in the air from where Poppy’s knee once was. Hooded, tired eyes finding hers.
She stood there, eyes as big as saucers, both of her hands laid together over her heart.

He let his hand fall down, a small smirk finding its way onto his lips.

“You okey?” His voice came out barely above a whisper. He licked his lips, swallowing a couple
of times. His throat was dry and uncomfortable.

“Am I… Am I…” She looked at him incredulously, like she couldn’t believe what he just asked.
Regulus didn’t have more time to think about his sore throat or the look on Poppy’s face before his
vision was obstructed by brown hair. He let out a nearly silent, painful gasp as she nearly crushed
his chest. She ignored that sound.

“You idiot!” She cried into his neck. “Am I ok? What is wrong with you? You self-sacrificing

“Ouch, double idiot, am- am I in that much t- trouble”. He muttered into her hair while his arm
snaked around her, carefully hugging her now trembling form. She laughed a bit at his words,
which was a relief, if he had to listen to the nonstop sobs any longer he… he wouldn’t know what
to do.

“Yes, yes you are in that much trouble. You worried us sick… You – you were asleep for a over a
week.” He found the strength to give her body a tiny squeeze. It was the only thing he in his
current state was able to do to comfort her.

“A week, huh”. He closed his eyes. It felt like longer, but at the same time shorter. It was all very

“Me, Natty, Sebastian and Ominis… We managed to convince Professor Weasley and Headmaster
Black that we could take turns in being with you… Originally they wanted us all to only be here
during visiting hours but we couldn’t… we couldn’t”.

He understood what she was trying to say. They couldn’t bear the thought of him potentially
waking up alone.

She pushed herself up so her head hovered above his. Her eyes were blood shot and there were tear
stains all the way down her face. Regulus brought his other hand up to her cheek, wincing a bit at
the sting he felt moving around. But he composed himself quickly, starting to brush away her tears
with his thumb.

“It’s ok, I am ok now”.

“But you are really not, are you?” She whispered, looking deep into his eyes, into his very soul, as
she was looking for something specific. She shook her head and let out a deep breath. “You
know… I didn’t know… Not until the day after… After it all happened. I heard whispers and
rumours going around, but no one really knew what was going on”. She laid her hand on top of his,
the hand that was still carefully brushing away silent tears escaping her eyes.

“We were all informed that an attack had happened, but it had been handled… Your absence
was… very noticeable… Sebastian and Ominis were also gone, and rumours said that they had
returned to their common room for just a minute before leaving again… But no one had seen you…
Not before or after… Everyone asked for you, but the professors were painstakingly vague and
cryptic”. She let out a huff, eyes squinting, the memory of not receiving answers not sitting right
with her.

“I teamed up with Natty to try and find you, and we decided to come here to the hospital wing…
But when we came, they wouldn’t let us in, that’s when we knew… Thankfully Ominis heard us
and managed to convince nurse Blainey to let us pass… He then told us what had happened while
leading us to you… and then- and then we were here… and you – you looked dead, Regulus”. She
squeezed his hand. While she had told him, she never looked away from him, and he didn’t look
away from her. He had listened carefully. Sensing that she had to, needed to get it all out. And he
also needed to hear it.

He had caused so much pain. He felt like he didn’t deserve all of their worry, or their friendship
and loyalty towards him. “I’m sorry, Poppy”. His eyes were getting heavier by the minute. He
wanted to hold onto consciousness, but he was slowly losing the fight. Body and mind still
exhausted from the ordeal.

She shook her head. “You said the same thing to Sebastian”. Voice low, sorrowful. “But Regulus, I
fear you are apologizing for the wrong reasons…” She guided his hand from her cheek to his
chest, holding onto it tightly.

His eyes were fully closed now, his mind slowly drifting away once again. Maybe that’s why he
said what he did.

“I never wanted any of you to be hurt or feel pain because of me… Least of you all you Poppy…
My Poppy…” He mumbled before drifting completely away, not seeing the smile slowly forming
on the brunettes face.

Chapter End Notes

Hopefully the chapter came together alright! Sometimes I am blind to obvious writing
mistakes I myself make, but it is what it is!

Next chapter will be Sebastian POV again! :)

Sebastian POV
Chapter Notes

I feel like this could be a good ending. :)

I may add on some chapters, maybe more conversations after the hospital wing and so
on in the future though! I need to see what inspiration hits me.
But for now I think I will call myself happy about it!

Thanks for reading this far, hope you liked it! :)

One good thing about the hospital wing is most definitely the chairs. Yes, the chairs. They look
kind of basic, but one would be surprised by how comfortable they actually were to sit in. And
Sebastian would know. He had no idea how many hours he had spent in the hospital wing for the
last week, but the chairs did the sitting around and waiting a bit more bearable.

It was night-time, after curfew, and once again he had decided to visit Regulus. He had met Poppy
in the hallways on his way to Slytherin common room. Her eyes had been red, meaning she had
clearly been crying, but the smile on her face indicated that it was happy tears. And it was, the
moment she laid her eyes on him, she sprinted up and eagerly told him that Regulus had been
awake and talking. He had immediately felt the crushing weight, the invisible force around his
heart lighten up, a relieved sigh had escaped his mouth. Even though they were all told that
Regulus would be fine. It – it was difficult to believe it when he had just laid there, unmoving, like
– like a corpse. They had all been terrified for him.

Poppy had seen his next move before he had even taken a step. She had taken hold of his elbow.

“Curfew is in less than ten minutes, you don’t want detention.”

He had appreciated her being worried, but not even a raging troll would stop him from seeing his
best friend. Who has been asleep for the last week, after saving everyone at Hogwarts, after saving
the wizarding world, after watching professor Fig die, after nearly dying himself… He had to see

And now he was back in the comfortable hospital chair doing his transfiguration homework. He
had been for the last two hours. Absolutely a miracle that no one had come by and thrown him out
by now. Or maybe Nurse Blainey already were aware that he was here, but was sick of dealing
with him, that was also a possibility.

“This is so unfair Regulus”. He throws his head back, chair now balancing on two legs, covering
his eyes with his elbow while letting out a loud yawn. “You wake up for Poppy but not for me?
Like, I know you fancy her and all, but still, rude”.

A sigh, followed by his lips curling up into a tiny smile.

“I am glad though. Was afraid you’d never wake up”.

“Who’s the drama queen now?”

All four chair legs back on the floor with a loud thud. Sebastian almost chocked on his own
breathing before looking down at an amused Regulus. At Sebastian’s reaction Regulus covered his
mouth, coffing out, clearly trying to hide his chuckles. Sebastian looked at him for a moment, his
shock slowly turning into relief. The last week had been an emotional roller coaster for all of them.
But this moment. It felt like the beginning of the end. Maybe, just maybe, they would be ok.

Sebastian leaned forward, resting his head in the palm of his hands.

“Was about damn time Regulus, for a moment I thought you would only grace Poppy with your oh
so charming presence. And she was… charmed that is”. He smirked watching his friend’s cheeks
turn slightly pink. Regulus coffed. “I – I don’t know what you’re talking about”.

“Is he awake? Now? When? How long? Is he ok?” The questions rambled out of Sebastian’s mouth
quicker than he could regulate them. Regulus was awake, after a whole week, Merlin he was
actually awake.

“Yes, we talked for a little while…” Poppy had brough her hands up to her chin, leaning her head
slightly on them. “We were talking, but I saw how tired he was, and just like that he fell asleep…
But he is alright”. She beamed up at him, the relief clear on her face as well as her voice.

“What were you talking about? What did he say?” Sebastian had thought it to be innocent
questions, but clearly, he was mistaken. Poppy’s eyes grew, her cheeks and ears turning red.

“W- what? Nothing! I mean not nothing, we talked, and he – he said something. But – But it’s not –
it’s nothing!” Sebastian could not hide his amusement. Merlin, what had Regulus said to get poor
Poppy so worked up.

A barely concealed chuckle “I see…”

“I said it was nothing!” Her desperation said otherwise.

“Did you confess your undying love or something?” Sebastian raised his eyebrows, head tilting
slightly in question.

“What? No! I don’t…” Regulus had managed to sit up, leaning his back on the headrest.

“Then what? Come ooooon, tell meeeeee”. He whined, mostly for dramatic effect, this was
entertainment he had been missing for some time.

“I just… I just called her…” Regulus was looking away from him.

“Called heeeeeer?” He tried leaning in so Regulus would meet his eyes.

“My – My Poppy?” Regulus looked at him again. His words spoken as a question.

“That’s adorable”. Sebastian should have seen it coming. But he had underestimated his friends
embarrassment in this scenario. The pillow met his head with surprisingly strong force, making
him stagger for a second. The pillow hit him again and again and again, and he could not contain
his laughter at that point. “Sorry! Sorry!” He wheezed while trying to swat away the oncoming
pillow attacks. The pillow attacks seized. Sebastian’s laughter had been contagious. Sebastian was
leaning back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling while trying to compose himself, while Regulus
was leaned forward clutching his stomach from the laughter.

Sebastian had missed this. So much has happened. For a moment he didn’t know if he would ever
laugh like this with his friend again. The laughter slowly died down and they both sat in
comfortable silence, lost in their own thoughts.

“You are ok? Right…?” The question came out just above a whisper, Sebastian’s eyes still focused
on the ceiling.

“I will be.” Head falling down, their eyes locked. He had expected the “I am ok” charade, which
would have been an obvious lie. The words he did spoke, carried some weight. The fact that
Regulus was in fact not ok. But at the same time the relief that he would admit as much.

“I am sorry”. The words fell from Sebastian’s lips. Evidently Regulus had not expected something
like that, as his eyes grew and mouth opening slightly. “I am sorry I wasn’t there for you, both
when fighting Rookwood and then Ranrok, I truly wish I was with you”. It felt good to get it out.
Sebastian was truly sorry, and he knew Ominis was too. Neither of them could change the past, but
they could try their damn hardest to get a brighter future together.

“What are you talking about Sebastian? If anyone should be sorry it’s me”. He could hear the
strain in Regulus’s voice, almost making Sebastian regret bringing this up at all. But he had a plan,
a recipe he had come up with on how he would approach this, and it was necessary. For himself
and for Regulus.

“Sorry for…? Saving Hogwarts? Saving the wizarding world? Being selfless? Being brave? The
list goes on Regulus, and you know, I think most people will forgive you…”

“No Sebastian… No, I – I let you guys down, I let everyone down, it was my fault”. Regulus was
playing around with his hands while he talked, it was what he always did, what Sebastian as well as
Ominis also did, when his anxiety was spiking.

“Ok, it’s my turn to be confused… What in Merlin’s name are you talking about? Let us down?
When? Where?”

Regulus raised his eyebrows, like he couldn’t understand why Sebastian was confused. “Lodgok,
Professor Fig, Ominis, Anne, Natty, Poppy, You… I let you down”. He said it so matter of factly,
that Sebastian didn’t quite know how to respond. “If I were stronger, faster, better…”

“You can’t be serious? Right?” The shock Sebastian felt was quickly being replaced by frustration.
“As I have already mentioned, you quite literally saved everyone at Hogwarts and prevented a war!
You are only human Regulus, Merlin’s beard, no one else could have done what you did! No one!
Had you not been here we would have all been dead. Dead!”

He took a breath, closing his eyes. “Ranrok killed Lodgok and Professor Fig. Harlow cursed Natty.
Poppy’s and Ominis’s past is what it is, no changing it. No one could have stopped – stopped me,
from doing what I did… And you had no way in helping Anne. Stop Regulus. You have to stop
blaming yourself for things that are out of your control.”


“If I hear you say sorry one more time, I swear to everything that is holy out there that I will tell
Ominis”. Threat made, and undeniable clear at that.

“You wouldn’t… You know what never mind, I know you would”. Regulus laid back down in
defeat. “But Sebastian, I – I can’t help but feel this way, like – like I could have done more. I can’t
just make it all go away”.

“I know”. He reached for Regulus’s bandaged hand, carefully wrapping both hands around it. “But
we are all in this together. We agreed, remember? Whatever the future had in store for us, we
would face it together. You don’t have to shoulder all of this alone”.

Regulus turned away from him, his breath coming out shaky. “Alright”. Voice wobbly. Sebastian
smiled softly at his friend, squeezing their joint hands reassuringly.

Regulus POV
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It has already been a couple of weeks since the defeat of Ranrok and OWLs were quickly and
steadily approaching. A few days ago, Professor Fig’s memorial was held in the great hall, it was a
nice ceremony, even the headmaster managed to say a few nice words. Ultimately it was professor
Weasley’s kind words that echoed throughout the great hall, words that held so much power, hope,
and sorrow, all at once, there wasn’t a person in the entire hall whose eyes weren’t glossed over.

Professors Fig’s memorial was the first time Regulus made an appearance after that whole ordeal,
the first time he was allowed to leave the hospital wing in fact. People had looked at him.
Confused, relieved, sad, happy faces was what he was met with. It was quite confusing; he didn’t
know what default emotion to place on his face. He could see that people had questions, but every
single one gave him space, and he was eternally grateful for that. The night was not about him, it
was about honouring professor Fig’s memory. He had sat between Sebastian and Ominis the entire
time, his two friends had somewhat assigned themselves with being his bodyguards, not that
Regulus thought it was necessary, but he appreciated it, nonetheless.

When the ceremony came to a close and students and teachers alike began to trickle out the hall,
he was surprised to find a curly red headed Gryffindor nearly tackling him. Regulus managed to
keep himself on his feet, stopping himself and the Gryffindor from both go tumbling to the floor.

“Garreth? You good?” Regulus patted his back. He had friends in all the houses outside Slytherin.
Besides Natty and Poppy, he would count Garreth, the almost too enthusiastic Gryffindor and Amit
the almost too intellectual Ravenclaw as the ones he had bonded with the most.

“I know you were busy taking down Victor Rookwood himself in Hogsmead, and then literally five
minutes later you take down Ranrok and save not only Hogwarts but the entire wizarding world
from a war and stuff, but can you please – just, give a heads up next time?” Garreth had spoken
without pause and Regulus couldn’t help the small chuckle escaping him. Garreth had taken a
small step back, but still holding onto Regulus’s shoulders keeping him at arms length.

“Glad I can entertain you – but seriously, you gave everyone a heart attack, we are just kids and
we all already have grey hair.” Garreth had been worried, he couldn’t help it. He knew his friend
would be ok, it was Regulus, so of course.

“I promise that next time I’m going to fight an enemy hell bent on destroying the wizarding world,
I’ll let you know.” Regulus had a serious tint in his eyes, but the smirk planted on his lips was
playful. The redhead could just about make everyone smile, no matter the situation. Hell, Regulus
could have sworn that he even saw a smile escape Imelda after a classic Garreth joke one time.

“That is all I ask. And I am really glad you are ok.” Garreth wanted to ask more questions about
everything. He wanted to ask why Regulus was at the battle of Hogwarts in the first place, why
Rookwood had confronted him, what was his role in all of this. But he refrained. He was a prier at
times, never denied that. But Garreth knew when to be quiet. If Regulus wanted to tell him or
anyone else he would do it at his own pace and in his own time. For now Garreth was more than
happy knowing that his friend was alright.

In the days that followed Regulus also told professor Wesley everything that had happened with
Professor Fig and the ancient magic throughout the year. He didn’t really want to tell her, but at
that point it was a necessity. She had seen the ancient magic, the only one too have seen it, besides
Sebastian and Ominis, and she no doubt had questions. And Regulus had answers. He was now a
keeper, and he would be for as long as he lived. They had agreed to keep it on the downlow for
now, but eventually the rest of the staff, even perhaps the ministry would have to be notified.
Regulus didn’t quite like the sound of the ministry knowing, having difficulties to be able to trust
them. After everything… A story for another time.

Regulus now lied on the ground in the courtyard. Eyes closed, the sun warming his skin, the gentle
wind cooling him down, it was perfect. Natty and Poppy sat on a bench beside him, discussing the
upcoming defence against the dark arts lesson. Apparently, they would face a boggart, a creature
that turns into what you most fear. He remembers helping out mister moon with his demiguise fear,
a fear that was outed because of a boggart. He wonder what the boggart would turn to when he
stood before it.

“The incantation is ridiculous, right?” Poppy asked while scribbling down some notes in her book.

“That is correct, you must also imagine what you fear as something funny.” Natty answered,
looking over Poppy’s shoulder into her notebook, presumably to check that the notes were correct.

Regulus kind of zoned in and out of the conversation. Not like he never prepared for a class or did
any homework, but he always learned best by doing. The year had been filled with everything from
goblins intent on killing him, to trolls wanting to crush him, to dark magic, creatures also intent on
killing him… Really, just a bunch of stuff wanting to kill him. But he had never faltered. The only
time he froze was when Rookwood uttered the words that Anne heard before she was cursed. He
had yet to tell Sebastian that detail. He wanted to wait, maybe, just maybe, he could find
something concrete that would at least ease Anne’s suffering. He would tell Ominis when he had
the chance, not wanting to hide the revelation completely.

“What do you think Regulus?” Hearing his name, he was snapped out of his daydream. He opened
his eyes and looked over at Poppy. “What do I think of what?” Natty playfully rolled her eyes and
Poppy let out a somewhat frustrated sigh.

“You haven’t listened to the conversation at all have you?” Poppy looked at him, stern eyes.

“You look at me the way Professor Sharp did that one time I forgot my potions book.” Regulus
laughed, pointing his head towards the sky again. He knew she was stressed out about the next
defence against the dark arts lesson, a lot of people were. He understood, your worst fear would be
showcased to the rest of the class, that in itself was stressful. But your fear is your own. One
person’s fear of a dementor isn’t worse than another person’s fear of a puffskein. It is what it is.

“You need to be prepared as well, you know!” Poppy huffed, annoyed that her friend, despite it all,
still had an almost to careless attitude. Don’t misunderstand, she really liked his attitude, most of
the time. And she knew that a boggart in the classroom would not be dangerous – but still. She
hated to admit it, but she was scared. Not of her own boggart, but of what would appear in front of
Regulus. After the defeat of Ranrok, and all the rumours began circulating, she felt like she didn’t
know him as good as she thought she did. They adventured together, defeated poachers, rescued
beasts, allied with centaurs, found the snidgets. But that was just a tiny part of his year. What else
had he been faced with? What was his story before coming to Hogwarts? She was annoyed at
herself for never really asking. He had once again become a mystery to her. And she was scared.
After everything – what was going to be his biggest fear.

“I know, we will all be fine.” He smiled, again that carefree smile as he closed his eyes again,
soaking up the sun as much as he could.
“Ever the fearless one.” Natty laughed while placing a comforting hand on Poppy’s shoulder, as if
silently asking her to calm down and that you heard him, we will be fine.

Poppy rolled her eyes because she didn’t know what else she could do at that moment. Forcing
Regulus to listen when he didn’t want to? Poppy honestly thought that would be impossible for
anyone, even Merlin himself.

Regulus was back in his own little world, and he once again ignored the small talk from Poppy and
Natty. The feeling of the sun just felt so good, everything else became second priority. The only
thing that could top this would be basking in the sun, flying on Highwing over the lake. Maybe he
should take her out for a little trip, maybe to the coast…

“Regulus – Do you have a moment?”

Welp, guess that trip had to wait.

Regulus sat up slowly, not wanting the world to tip after lying down for such a long time. “Ominis,
what can I do for you?” Ominis were just above him, wand pointed towards him, the red tint at the
end as if the sentient wand was looking at Regulus itself.

“I would just like to discuss a couple of things, if you have time.” Ominis took a step back as
Regulus stood up and brushed of grass and some dirt from his pants.

“I got time, let’s go.” Regulus knew that since Ominis made no move to elaborate, what needed to
be discussed would best be discussed in private.

They both waved goodbye to Natty and Poppy as they began walking towards the castle entrance.
“Undercroft or Room of Requirement?” Regulus asked as he held the door open to his friend.

“Room of Requirement would be nice.”

Chapter End Notes

Back at it again :)
Updates will be quite irregular, just giving a heads up.

If you had read "the unknown consequence", Sebastian and Ominis are shown the
room of requirement (I'm thinking about adding to that story as well when/if time
allows it).

End Notes

I have so many scenarios in my head that seem so awesome, but it's much simpler to just
imagine it all than to actually write it down! I did try my best though. I am always open to
how I can improve my writing, so please don't hesitate to give me pointers. :)
The chapters are perhaps a bit short, but the second one will most likely be released in a
couple of hours. :)

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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