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Dr. Gabriel Obed Fosu

Department of Mathematics
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Google Scholar:
ResearchGate ID:

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Lecture Outline

1 Introduction To Triple Integration

2 Triple Integrals Over General Region

3 Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates

4 Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates

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Introduction To Triple Integration

Triple Integrals

Here we consider the volume of a surface over the box x, y and z. where the box is
defined as;
Q = {(x, y, z)|a ≤ x ≤ b, c ≤ y ≤ d and e ≤ z ≤ f }
Recall that for the given function f (x, y, z) to be integrable over the region Q , it must be
continuous over Q

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Introduction To Triple Integration


For any function f (x, y, z) defined on the rectangular box Q , we define the triple integral of
’ f ’ over Q by ; Ñ n
f (x, y, z)dV = lim f (u i , v i , w i )∆Vi
||p||→0 i =1

provided the limit exists and is the same for every choice of evaluation points (u i , v i , w i ) in
Q for i = 1, 2, 3 . . . n when this is possible, then we say that f is integrable over Q

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Introduction To Triple Integration


(a) (b)

Figure 1
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Introduction To Triple Integration


Fubini’s Theorem
Suppose that f (x, y, z) is continuous on the box Q defined by

Q = {(x, y, z)| a ≤ x ≤ b, c ≤ y ≤ d , and e ≤ z ≤ f }

Then, we can write the triple integral over Q as a triple iterated integral
Ñ ˆ f ˆ d ˆ b
f (x, y, z)dV = f (x, y, z)d xd yd z
e c a

Note that the iterated integral can be written in several ways.

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Introduction To Triple Integration

2xe y sin zd v, where Q is the rectangular box defined by
Evaluate the triple integral

Q = {(x, y, z)|1 ≤ x ≤ 2, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ z ≤ π}

Ñ ˆ πˆ 1ˆ 2
2xe y sin zd v = 2xe y sin zd xd yd z
0 0 1
ˆ πˆ 1 ¯x=2
= e y sin zx 2 ¯ d yd z
ˆ π
¯ y=1
=3 e y sin z ¯ d z
0 y=0

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Introduction To Triple Integration


= 3(e 1 − 1)(− cos z)¯
= 3(e − 1)(− cos π + cos 0)
= 6(e − 1)

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Introduction To Triple Integration

Evaluate the ff integral Ñ
8x y zdV, Q = [2, 3] × [1, 2] × [0, 1]

Ñ ˆ 2ˆ 3ˆ 1
8x y zdV = 8x y zd zd xd y
1 2 0
ˆ 2ˆ 3 ¯z=1
= 4x y z 2 ¯ d xd y
1 2 z=0
ˆ 2ˆ 3
= 4x yd xd y
1 2

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Introduction To Triple Integration


ˆ 2 ¯x=3
= 2x 2 y ¯ d y
1 x=2
ˆ 2
= 10yd y
= [5y 2 ]21 = 15

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Introduction To Triple Integration

x y z 2 dV where Q is the rectangular box given by Q =
Evaluate the triple integral
{(x, y, z)|0 ≤ x ≤ 1, −1 ≤ y ≤ 2, 0 ≤ z ≤ 3}

Ñ ˆ 3ˆ 2 ˆ 1
x y z 2 dV = x y z 2 d xd yd z
0 −1 0
ˆ 3ˆ 2h 2
x y z 2 ix=1
= d yd z
0 −1 2 x=0
ˆ 3ˆ 2
y z2
= d yd z
0 −1 2
ˆ 3 h 2 2 i y=2
y z
= dz
0 4 y=−1
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Introduction To Triple Integration


ˆ 3
3z 2
= dz
0 4
h z 3 iz=3
4 z=0

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Triple Integrals Over General Region

Triple Integrals Over General Region

Here we define the volume (triple integral) over a general bounded region Q in three
dimensional space (a solid)

Type 1 Region: A solid region Q is said to be of type 1 if it lies between the graphs of two
continuous functions of x and y , that is
Q = {(x, y, z)|(x, y) ∈ D, u 1 (x, y) ≤ z ≤ u 2 (x, y)}
where D is the projection onto the xy plane as in the fig below

Figure 2
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Triple Integrals Over General Region

The triple integral is evaluated as
Ñ Ï hˆ u 2 (x,y) i
f (x, y, z)dV = f (x, y, z)d z d A
u 1 (x,y)

If the projection D of Q onto the xy plane is a type 1 plane region as in the fig below

Figure 3

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Triple Integrals Over General Region

Q = {(x, y, z)|a ≤ x ≤ b, g 1 (x) ≤ y ≤ g 2 (x), u 1 (x, y) ≤ z ≤ u 2 (x, y)}
The integral therefore becomes;
Ñ ˆ b ˆ g 2 (x) ˆ u 2 (x,y)
f (x, y, z)dV = f (x, y, z)d zd yd x
a g 1 (x) u 1 (x,y)

If on the otherhand, D is a type 2 plane region as in the fig below

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Triple Integrals Over General Region


Q = {(x, y, z)|c ≤ y ≤ d , h 1 (y) ≤ x ≤ h 2 (y), u 1 (x, y) ≤ z ≤ u 2 (x, y)}
The integral becomes;
Ñ ˆ d ˆ h 2 (y) ˆ u 2 (x,y)
f (x, y, z)dV = f (x, y, z)d zd xd y
c h 1 (y) u 1 (x,y)

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Triple Integrals Over General Region

Type II :A solid region Q is of type II if it is the form
Q = {(x, y, z)|(y, z) ∈ D, u 1 (y, z) ≤ x ≤ u 2 (y, z)}

Figure 5

The integral is evaluated as;

Ñ Ï hˆ u 2 (y,z) i
f (x, y, z)dV = f (x, y, z)d x d A
u 1 (y,z)
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Triple Integrals Over General Region

Type 3 : A type III region is of the form
Q = {(x, y, z)|(x, z) ∈ D, u 1 (x, z) ≤ y ≤ u 2 (x, z)}

Figure 6

The integral is now evaluated as

Ñ Ï hˆ u 2 (x,z) i
f (x, y, z)dV = f (x, y, z)d y d A
u 1 (x,z)
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Triple Integrals Over General Region

Evaluate zd v where Q is the solid tetrahedron by the four planes x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, and
x +y +z =1

The graphs are given as below

Figure 7

The region there will be defined as ;

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Triple Integrals Over General Region

Q = {(x, y, z)|0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1 − x, 0 ≤ z ≤ 1 − x − y}
The integral is then evaluated as :
Ñ ˆ 1ˆ 1−x ˆ 1−x−y
zdV = zd zd yd x
0 0 0
ˆ 1ˆ 1−x h 2 iz=1−x−y
= d yd x
0 0 2 z=0
ˆ 1 ˆ 1−x
= (1 − x − y)2 d yd x
2 0 0
1 1 h (1 − x − y)3 i y=1−x
= − dx
2 0 3 y=0
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Triple Integrals Over General Region

Example 2
Determine the volume of the region that lies behind the plane x + y + z = 8 and in front of
the region in the yz - plane that is bounded by z = 32 y and z = 34 y

The graphs are plotted as ;

Figure 8

The region will be defined as;

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Triple Integrals Over General Region

The integral is then evaluated as;
Ñ Ï hˆ 8−y−z i
dV = dx d A
ˆ 4ˆ 3p
= 8 − y − zd zd y
0 y
4 3p
1 ¯¯z= 2 y
= (8z − y z − z 2 )¯ 3 d y
0 2 z= 4 y
ˆ 4
57 3 3 33
= y − y 2 + y 2d y
12y 2 −
0 8 2 32
3 57 3 5 11 ¯¯ y=4
= 8y 2 − y 3 − y 2 + y 3 ¯
16 5 32 y=0
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Triple Integrals Over General Region

Example 3
Evaluate 6x ydV , where Q is the tetrahedron bounded by the planes x = 0, y = 0, z = 0
and 2x + y + z = 4

The graph are given as;

(a) (b)

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Triple Integrals Over General Region

The integral is evaluated as ;
Ñ Ï hˆ 4−2x−y i
6x ydV = 6x yd z d A
ˆ 2ˆ 4−2x ˆ 4−2x−y
= 6x yd zd yd x
0 0 0
ˆ 2ˆ 4−2x ¯z=4−2x−y
= 6x y z ¯ d yd x
0 0 z=0
ˆ 2 ³ 4x y 2 2 2
2x y x y 3 ´¯¯ y=4−2x
= 6 − − ¯ dx
0 2 2 3 y=0
ˆ 2
= (12x(4 − 2x))2 − 6x 2 (4 − 2x) − 2x(4 − 2x)3 d x
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Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates

Cylindrical Coordinates
Cylindrical coordinate system is an extension of polar coordinates into three dimensions.
All that we do is add a z on as the third coordinate. The r and θ are the same as with
polar coordinates.

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Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates

1 The conversions for x and y are the same conversions that we used back when we
were looking at polar coordinates. So, if we have a point in cylindrical coordinates the
Cartesian coordinates can be found by using the following conversions.
x = r cos θ
y = r sin θ
2 The third equation is just an acknowledgement that the z-coordinate of a point in
Cartesian and polar coordinates is the same.
3 Likewise, if we have a point in Cartesian coordinates the cylindrical coordinates can
be found by using the following conversions.
r= x2 + y 2 OR r 2 = x2 + y 2
θ = tan−1

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Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates

³ ´
Convert the point (r, θ, z) = 4, 5π
6 , 3 to rectangular coordinates


5π ³ p3 ´ p
x = 4 cos =4 = −2 3
6 µ 2¶
5π 1
y = 4 sin =4 =2
6 2
z =3
Therefore the rectangular coordinates are:
(x, y, z) = (−2 3, 2, 3)

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Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates

Evaluating Triple Integrals With Cylindrical Coordinates

1 The cylindrical coordinate system is an extension of the polar form in double integral
into three dimension.
2 Suppose that Q is a Type 1 region whose projection D on the xy-plane is described in
polar coordinates as

Q = {(x, y, z)|(x, y) ∈ D, u 1 (x, y) ≤ z ≤ u 2 (x, y)}

where D is given in polar coordinates as

D = {(r, θ)|α ≤ θ ≤ β, h 1 (θ) ≤ r ≤ h 2 (θ)}

the volume of the cylindrical system is evaluated as

Ñ Ï h ˆ u2 (x,y) i
f (x, y, z)dV = f (x, y, z)d z d A
u 1 (x,y)

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Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates

Evaluating Triple Integrals With Cylindrical Coordinates

This evaluated in the polar form will be expressed as :

Ñ ˆ β ˆ h 2 (θ) ˆ u 2 (r cos θ,r sin θ)
f (x, y, z)dV = f (r cos θ, r sin θ, z)r d zd r d θ
α h 1 (θ) u 1 (r cos θ,r sin θ)

The equation above is the formula for the triple integral in cylindrical coordinates

Note the polar coordinates: D = {(r, θ)|α ≤ θ ≤ β, h1 (θ) ≤ r ≤ h2 (θ)}

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Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates

Evaluate ydV where Q is the region that lies below the plane z = x + 2 and above the
x y -plane and between the cylinder x 2 + y 2 = 1 and x 2 + y 2 = 4

We must first convert from cartesian to polar
0 ≤ z ≤ x + 2 =⇒ 0 ≤ z ≤ r cos θ + 2
The region D is also defined as
0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, 1≤r ≤2
The triple integral is then evaluated as :
Ñ ˆ 2π ˆ 2 ˆ r cos θ+2
ydV = (r sin θ)r d zd r d θ
0 1 0

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Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates


ˆ 2π ˆ 2
= r 2 sin θ(r cos θ + 2)d r d θ
0 1
ˆ 2π ˆ 2
1 3
= r sin(2θ) + 2r 2 sin θd r d θ
0 1 2
ˆ 2π
15 14
= sin(2θ) + sin θd θ
0 8 3
³ −15 14 ´¯2π
= cos(2θ) − cos θ ¯
8 3 0

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Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates

Evaluate using the cylindrical coordinate system
ˆ 2ˆ
4−x 2 ˆ 2
p p (x 2 + y 2 )d zd yd x
−2 − 4−x 2 x 2 +y 2

Here the region is given as ;
p p q
Q = {(x, y, z)| − 2 ≤ x ≤ 2, − 4 − x 2 ≤ y ≤ 4 − x 2 , x 2 + y 2 ≤ z ≤ 2}

we convert this into polar form as

Q = {(r, θ, z)|0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, 0 ≤ r ≤ 2, r ≤ z ≤ 2}

The integral is evaluated as:

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Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates


ˆ 2ˆ
4−x 2 ˆ 2 Ñ
2 2
p p (x + y )d zd yd x = (x 2 + y 2 )dV
−2 − 4−x 2 x 2 +y 2
ˆ 2π ˆ 2 ˆ 2
= r 2 r d zd r d θ
0 0 r
ˆ 2π ˆ 2
= dθ r 3 (2 − r )d r
0 0
h1 1 i2
= 2π r4− r5
2 5 0
= π

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Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates

Convert p p
ˆ 1ˆ 1−y 2 ˆ x 2 +y 2
x y zd zd xd y
−1 0 x 2 +y 2

into an integral in cylindrical coordinates


Here we are given that

−1 ≤ y ≤ 1
0 ≤ x ≤ 1 − y2
x2 + y 2 ≤ z ≤ x2 + y 2
we convert into polar as
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Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates

π π
− ≤θ≤
2 2
0≤r ≤1
r2 ≤ z ≤r
Therefore the integral is set up as:
ˆ p
1 ˆ 1−y 2 ˆ x 2 +y 2 ˆ π/2 ˆ 1 ˆ r
x y zd zd xd y = (r cos θ)(r sin θ)zr d zd r d θ
−1 0 x 2 +y 2 −π/2 0 r2
ˆ π/2 ˆ 1 ˆ r
= zr 3 cos θ sin θd zd r d θ
−π/2 0 r2
ˆ π/2 ˆ 1 ˆ r
= sin(2θ)zr 3 d zd r d θ
−π/2 0 r2 2

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Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates

Spherical Coordinates
In spherical coordinates system, each point is represented by an ordered triple: the
first coordinate is a distance, and the second and third coordinate are angles
The system is similar to the latitude-longitude system used to identify points in the
surface earth

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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates

1 In a spherical coordinate system, a point P in space is represented by an ordered

triple pair (ρ, θ, φ)
2 ρ is the distance between P and the origin , P ≥ 0
3 θ is the same angle used in polar/cylindrical coordinates
4 φ is the angle between the positive z − axi s and the line segment OP . NB 0 ≤ φ ≤ π

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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates

We know that the angle between the z-axis and ρ is ϕ and with a little geometry we also
know that the angle between ρ and the vertical side of the right triangle is also ϕ.
Then, with a little right triangle trig we get,

z = ρ cos ϕ
r = ρ sin ϕ

and these are exactly the formulas that we were looking for. So, given a point in spherical
coordinates the cylindrical coordinates of the point will be,

r = ρ sin ϕ (1)
θ=θ (2)
z = ρ cos ϕ (3)

Note as well from the Pythagorean theorem we also get,

ρ2 = r 2 + z 2 (4)

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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates

Next, let’s find the Cartesian coordinates of the same point. To do this we’ll start with the
cylindrical conversion formulas from the previous section.
x = r cos θ
y = r sin θ
Now all that we need to do is use the formulas from above for r and z to get,

x = ρ sin ϕ cos θ (5)

y = ρ sin ϕ sin θ (6)
z = ρ cos ϕ (7)

Also note that since we know that r 2 = x 2 + y 2 we get,

ρ2 = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 (8)
Converting points from Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates into spherical coordinates is
usually done with the same conversion formulas.
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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates

Find the rectangular coordinates for the point described by 8, π4 , π3 in spherical coordinates
¡ ¢


Note 8, π4 , π3 = (ρ, θ, ϕ)
¡ ¢

Ãp !µ ¶
π π 3 1 p
x = ρ sin ϕ cos θ = 8 sin cos = 8 =2 2
4 3 2 2
Ãp !Ãp !
π π 2 3 p
y = ρ sin ϕ sin θ = 8 sin sin = 8 =2 6
4 3 2 2
Ãp !
π 2 p
z = ρ cos ϕ = 8 cos = 8 =4 2
4 2

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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates

Triple Integrals In Spherical Coordinates

Spherical coordinates system make it easy in studying surfaces of the form x 2 + y 2 + z 2

The triple integral with the spherical coordinate is given as
f (ρ, φ, θ)dV = f (ρ, φ, θ)ρ 2 sin φd ρ d φ d θ

dV = ρ 2 sin φd ρ d φ d θ

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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates

cos x 2 + y 2 + z 2 2 dV where Q is the unit ball x 2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 1
Ð ¡
Evaluate the triple integral


1 We first determine the region Q

2 Since Q is a unit ball then ;

ρ(the radical distance from the origin) ranges from 0 to 1

3 Again φ ranges from 0 to π

4 Length, θ ranges from 0 to 2π
5 Therefore: ρ ∈ [0, 1], ϕ ∈ [0, π], θ ∈ [0, 2π]

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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates

The integral is thus evaluated as :
Ñ ˆ 2π ˆ π ˆ 1
¢3/2 ¡ ¢3/2 2
cos x 2 + y 2 + z 2 cos ρ 2 ρ sin φd ρd φd θ
dV =
0 o 0
ˆ 2π ˆ π ˆ 1
cos ρ 3 (3ρ 2 ) sin φd ρd φd θ
¡ ¢
3 0 0 0
ˆ 2π ˆ π
1 ¡ ¢¯¯ρ=1
= sin ρ 3 ¯ sin φd φd θ
3 0 0 ρ=0
ˆ 2π ¯φ=π
sin 1
=− cos φ¯ dθ
3 0 φ=0
ˆ 2π
sin 1
=− (cos π − cos 0)d θ
3 0
= (sin 1)(2π) = 3.525
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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates

16zdV where Q is the upper half of the sphere x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1

Since we are taking the upper half of the sphere, the limits for the variables are :
0 ≤ ρ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, 0 ≤ φ ≤
The integral then is :
Ñ ˆ π ˆ 2π ˆ 1
16zdV = ρ 2 sin φ(16ρ cos φ)d ρd θd φ
0 0 0
ˆ π/2 ˆ 2π ˆ 1
8ρ 3 sin 2φ d ρd θd φ
¡ ¢
0 0 0

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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates


ˆ π/2 ˆ 2π
2 sin 2φ d θd φ
¡ ¢
0 0
ˆ π/2
4π sin 2φ d φ
¡ ¢
= −2π cos(2π)¯
= 4π

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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates

ˆ 3 ˆ p9−y 2 ˆ p18−x 2 −y 2
p x 2 + y 2 + z 2 d zd xd y
0 0 x 2 +y 2

using spherical coordinates

The limits in the cartesian plane is
0≤y ≤3
0 ≤ x ≤ 9 − y2
q q
x 2 + y 2 ≤ z ≤ 18 − x 2 − y 2
The range of x indicates that we have a portion of the right half of a disk of radius 3
centered at the origin
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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates

Since y is restricted to be positive, we have the quarter disk in the first quadrant.
Therefore D is in the first quadrant of the region Q that is the first octant, thus
The lower bound is z = x 2 + y 2 (upper half cone) and the upper bound is z =
18 − x 2 − y 2 ( the upper half of a sphere)
From the upper half we have q
z = 18 − x 2 − y 2

x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 18
0 ≤ ρ ≤ 18
thus p
0≤ρ≤3 2
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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates

Now for φ , we substitute equation of the cone into the sphere as :

x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 18
( x 2 + y 2 )2 + z 2 = 18
z 2 + z 2 = 18
z =3

Since we have that

z = ρ cos θ
where ρ = 3 2 and z = 3 p
3 = 3 2 cos φ
1 π
cos φ = p =⇒ φ =
2 4
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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates


therefore the integral becomes
ˆ 3 ˆ p9−y 2 ˆ p18−x 2 −y 2
p x 2 + y 2 + z 2 d zd xd y
0 0 x 2 +y 2

ˆ π/4 ˆ π/2 ˆ 3 2

V= ρ 4 sin φd ρd θd φ
0 0 0

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Triple Integrals with Spherical Coordinates


1 Evaluate the following triple integrals

ˆ 3ˆ 4 ˆ 0
(4x 2 y − z 3 )d zd yd x
2 −1 1

2 Evaluate the triple integral Ñ

¡ ¢
(z sin(x) cos y )dV


B = (x, y, z) | 0 ≤ x ≤ π,
© ª
≤ y ≤ 2π, 1 ≤ z ≤ 3

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