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1. Try to avoid comparing yourself to others.

2. Do something nice for yourself.
3. Accept and love yourself.
4. Spend time outside.
5. Take it slowly and one at a time.
6. Accept compliments.
7. Build positive relationship.
8. Exercise
9. Accept compliments.
10. Write a list of things you like about yourself.

Analyze which of those tips are more likely to backfire.

I think among the 10 tips listed the number 1 is most likely to backfire. Try to avoid comparing
yourself to others, although this is one of the best way to boost your self-esteem yet it is not that
something you can achieve over night. There will come a time that you really will get jealous to
someone when you feel like they are much better than you because even though you don’t compare
yourself to other, there are possible factors that will trigger you to do so. For example, your family or
friends are comparing you to someone, from that point you will doubt yourself. We, humans are born
imperfect and I think most of us are aware for this, we make mistake, we have flaws, insecurities. If I will
given a chance to revise this tip I will change it to, use comparison as a motivation instead of feeling
envious of other people’s accomplishments, think about how they were able to achieve them. Then,
see how you can replicate them. Being inspired by someone you know to be kinder or more open-
minded can lead you to be a better person.


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