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Phase 1

Roll out maker 1 & 2 function for countries and


exclude MY, ID and SG

Roll out admin maker & admin checker

Roll out checker function but limited to ESG Reporting

team only
Roll out report generation function
Single & double layer approval level

Roll out UAM structure

Available features
1/ Maker 1 & 2
- allowed to key in data according to the scope
- allowed to select premise from the listing

- disable the country & entity field

- allowed to attached the relevant invoice/bill

- allowed to check on the status of transaction i.e.
pending review, rejected &/ verified
- allowed to do online submission for all scopes except
- allowed download the report (limited to the assigned
scope and premises)
- no email notification receievd upon rejected transaction

2/ Checker
- allowed to download the attachements

- allowed to view the inputted consumptions

- allowed to verified or rejected the data
- allowed to put in rejection remarks for maker's
- allowed to download the report (limited to the assigned
scope and premises)
- allowed to save the attachments in local drive
- checker was assign limited to entity-country only
- no email notification received upon maker's submission

3/ Admin
- allowed to generate full report

- allowed to manage user

- allowed to manage premises

- allowed to view notification

- disallowed to delete the rejected transaction

- disallowed to generate report on system's user &

**Focus to roll out to MBB MY, SG & ID, checker, user
& master user
Phase 2
Roll out the maker 3 (allowed report upload function)
and End User (view dashboard, generate report & call
out supporting docs)
- to allowed all ID (except user) to download/view the
supporting documents
- remain the generation of report for all status (all user)

- enhance the UAM structure to include Regional-level

- to introduce audit trail **TBC

- to introduce email notification to maker for rejected &
checker submitted transaction

'- trigger email reminder (up to 3 reminder) for long

overdue unattended transaction

- to flexible change the conversion factor

- to reclass dubai as MIB
- to reclass Labuan as country

- to rename MKE as MIBB

Available features
1/ Maker 3
- allowed report upload
- report uploaded must tie back with the respective RC

- platform report to distinguish the maker 1/2 input with

maker 3 input
- to create approval flow for report upload process
2/ Maker 1, 2 & 3

- to allowed user to confirm on NA or no refill

2/ Checker
- to unlimit the checker assignment yg allowing the
entity & regional level

3/ Admin
- to allowed verified data to return as pending review /
rejected (error in verifying data)
- allowed deletion of rejected transaction at admin page

- build new report to generate active users & premises

- build new report to generate system's EF & CF

- to reword the notification msg e.g. Rejected > Create >
Premise or User > [Premise name / user name]

- to add in filter function under manage user page

4/ User / common staff

- allowed to view & generate dashboard
- allowed to generate report for verified data only

5/ Master user (e.g. auditor / consultant)

- allowed to view & generate dashboard
- allowed to generate report for verified data only
- allowed to generate/recall supporting documents
**Focus to build in emission calculator & reporting
Phase 3
Roll out dashboard reporting as per PCEO format

Build in emission calculator (on verified data only)

factor in the emission factor but to allow flexibility due

to rapid change in EF
Proposed timeline

Phase 2
Activity Month
Kick off Jun'22 Note:
BRD preparation Jun'22 this is a high level timeline planning,
IT Feasibility study Jun'22 subject to change based on IT advise on
actual mandays required for each phase.
Assess budget requirement Jun'22
Development Jun - Aug'22
UAT Sep'22
Rectification of UAT logged issue Sep'22
UAT Retest Sep'22
User Training Oct'22
Production & Go Live Oct'22 / Nov'22

Phase 3
Activity Month
BRD preparation Aug'22
IT Feasibility study Sep'22
Assess budget requirement Sep'22
Development Oct - Nov'22
UAT Dec'22
Rectification of UAT logged issue Dec'22
UAT Retest Dec'22
Production & Go Live Jan'23
User Training Jan'23
ne planning,
on IT advise on
d for each phase.
**Enhanceemnt on structure level**
Current structure
Entity Country Premise
e.g. MKE Malaysia Ipoh branch

Phase 2 improvement
Entity Country Region* Premise
e.g. MKE Malaysia N/A Ipoh branch
e.g. Maybank Malaysia FT KL Main
*only applicable to some entity/country i.e. MY & ID

**Enhancement on Checker**
e.g. Current structure
Entity Country Maker Checker 1 Checker 2
MKE TH maker A Checker 1A Checker 2A
MKE USA maker B Checker 1B Checker 2B
MKE UK maker C Checker 1C Checker 2C

e.g. Phase 2 improvement

Case 1 Entity Country Maker Checker 1 Checker 2
MKE TH maker A Checker 1A Checker 2A
MKE USA maker B Checker 1B Checker 2A
MKE UK maker C Checker 1C Checker 2A

Case 2 Entity Country Maker Checker 1 Checker 2

MBB MY FT maker A Checker 1A Checker 2A
MBB MY JM maker B Checker 1B Checker 2B
MBB MY PKP maker C Checker 1C Checker 2C

Case 3 Entity Country Maker Checker 1 Checker 2

MBB Shanghai maker A Checker 1A Checker 2A
MBB Beijing maker B Checker 1A Checker 2A
MBB Shenzen maker C Checker 1A Checker 2A

Case 4 Entity Country Maker Checker 1 Checker 2

MBB Shanghai maker A Checker 1A Checker 2A
MBB Beijing maker B Checker 1A Checker 2B
MBB Shenzen maker C Checker 1A Checker 2C

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