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Roles (角色) Name of character (Actor)

Main character Bobby (Robbie)
Victim Edward (Shen Jie or Yu Feng)
Bully Jafar (Eukent)
Big boss of bully Jacqueline (Xyn Lynn)
Teacher Ms Ronnie (Konie)

Scene 1
This scene takes place at the common area in lvl 5 (hallway/走廊)

Edward (wearing his bag) walked out of the lift and was pulled by Jafar to Year
10 Da Vinci.
Then, Jafar pushed Edward to the floor.

Jafar: Time to pay up! Where is my lunch money?

Edward: What are you talking about? I don’t have any money!

Jafar: Don’t lie to me and give me the money!

Edward: I already told you, I have nothing to give you and your “boss”.

Jafar: Wowwww you think you are “atas” ah? I’ll show you-

Jafar started hitting Edward and finding his wallet in his bag when he finally found
it and took out all the money and threw the wallet on the floor.
Scene 2
Bobby walked out of the lift all happy, spinning and throwing his bag around
because it’s very light.

Bobby: Oh, today is going to be such a wonderful day! The sun’s shining
and the birds are singing. I HOPE NO ONE GETS BULLIED.

Bobby walked into his class (10 Da Vinci) and saw Edward on the floor, holding
his now bruised face as Jafar walked out of the class, laughing.

Bobby was VERY worried and went to help him out.

Bobby: Are you alright, Edward?

Edward: Do you think I am okay?! (in pain)

Bobby: Dude, Jafar did this to you?! Come on, get yourself to sick bay. I’m
going to talk to Ms Ronnie.

Edward nodded and limped out of the class with the help of his friend
(background character), holding his eye.
Scene 3
Bobby ran to the teacher’s desk in the office.

Bobby: Teacher! Just now, I saw Jafar bullying Edward for his money!

Ms Ronnie: Really? Alright, I will go and confront Jafar now. Thank you for
telling me.

Jafar was called to visit Ms Ronnie, and sat down (rudely)

Ms Ronnie: Can you sit properly?

Ms Ronnie: Jafar, did you take Edward’s money and bully him in the

Jafar: NO, of course not. I’m such a good student, you don’t know?

Just then, Jacqueline walked in and stood next to Jafar and asked,

Jacqueline: Oi, let’s go. What are you doing?

Ms Ronnie glared at Jacqueline and said,

Ms Ronnie: Hello? Do you not see me here? Am I invisible to you?

Jacqueline: Haha, sorry, didn’t see you there. Jafar, we need to go now.

Ms Ronnie: What’s so important that you have to leave now?

Jacqueline and Jafar looked at each other

Jacqueline and Jafar: Uhhhhhhh…

Scene 4
Bobby and Edward went to see what’s happening in the office, and Edward
recognised the 2 people.

Edward: It’s them!!! They took my money!

Jacqueline: You have no proof, stop your nonsense!!

Jafar: Yeah! We didn’t take any money from you!

Jacqueline moved around aggressively and just then, money papers and cents of
all kinds fell out of her pocket all at once.

(EVERYONE SHOCK: all npc, Bobby, Edward, Ms Ronnie)

Ms Ronnie: What is the meaning of this?! Why are you taking money from
people without their consent? And you Jafar, violence is NOT
the answer ah. Now, give back all the money to Edward.

Jacqueline and Jafar v/s teacher

winner= teacher

Jacqueline and Jafar: Sorry loh.

Ms Ronnie was not satisfied with just an apology, so she ordered them to sweep
the floor for the whole week.


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