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FOODSTUFF SCIENCE This Constitute Journal Article That Works Through All Kind About Flesh and Its Composition, To Clearer Writer Will Ask Out To Share Knowledge and Science About Flesh GROUP II [2 OCTOBER 2011]


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1. Flesh definition FDA: Tendon (muscle) already been skinned with every consideration, come from cow, ham, sheep or goat already enough mature and healthy at the moment slaughter, consisting of muscles on frame, tongue, diaphragm, heart, and oesophagus, but excluding muscles on lip, nose / snout, and ear RI's Commerce Department: Tendon (muscle) one that clings on framework, but lips sectioned tendon, nose, and ear, one that indigenous animal healthy one while is cut Flesh is defined as all animal tissue and all yielding product that network processing one fits for to be eaten and not evoke health trouble for what does eat it (Soeparno 1998). Data of Ranch General directorate (2006) point out that beef production at Sumatra Island experience ascension of to year beef Production at NAD'S Province on year 2006 empatbesar's positioning inputs at Sumatra island (Table 1). Data on duty Aceh 's Regency Ranch Outgrows year 2001 point out well-nigh beef productions 1.000 tons and in year 2005 beef production experiences step-up to become 1.700 ton with production thread three big at NAD'S Province. Lawrie (1991) defining flesh as something that originates from animal comprises spleen, kidney, brain and other network that eaten. Can Soeparno (1998) word situation more dapat 's flesh physical is agglomerated as (1 ) withered fresh flesh or without pelayuan, (2 ) withered then refrigerent flesh (cold flesh), (3 ) yang 's fleshes is withered, iced, then is frosted (freezing flesh), (4 ) flesh cook, (5 ) smoke fleshes, and (6 ) made fleshes. Soeparno (1998) declare for that karkas laps over on lebih 's reducing six hundred muscle type that variably size and its form, dan 's nerve formation its blood stockpiling and about juxtaposition it on sectioned bone and intent and its

power type. Karkas is cow can be seen on Image 1. Flesh's health constitutes a part one necessary for food health and always subject became about problem which get special interest in suplier flesh for consumer.

2. Flesh composition Flesh who can be consumed is indigenous flesh animal that healthy. While is slaughter and marketing lies in manajemen house officer cuts animal and most free of sacrilege mikroorganisme. physically, criterion or good flesh marking is red colored fresh, smelly aromatic, having chewy consistency and if depressed not too a lot of issues liquid. Flesh as source of animal's protein has to assess life (biological value) one that tall, contain 19% proteins, 5% fats, 70% waters, 3,5% substances non proteins and 2,5% minerals and another materials (Forrest et al. 1992). Flesh composition terminologicals Lawrie (1991) comprise of 75% waters, 18% proteins, 3,5% is fat and 3,5% substance substance non soluble proteins. In common, composition is flesh chemical comprise of 70% waters, 20% proteins, 9% fats and 1% ashes. Total ini on the turn if animal fatted one will down air 's percentage and protein and increases fat percentage (et al's romance. 1994). Flesh constitutes main source to get amino 's acid essential. Principal essential amino acid in fresh muscle is alanin, glisin, acid glutamat, and histidin. Beef contains leusin's amino acid, lisin, and valin is superordinate than hamming or sheep. Pemanasan can regard flesh protein content. Beef that dipanaskan on temperature 70oC will experience lisin's amount cut back becomes 90 percents, meanwhile instillation on temperature 160oC will down total lisin until 50 percents. Fumigation and salting also few reduce asam 's rate amino (Lawrie 1991). Fat content on flesh determines because of flesh quality fat determines taste goal and flesh aroma. Real diversity in fat composition exists among type breedinging to crunch doesnt breed and breed crunches to flourish is because mark sense hidrogenasi by rumen 's microorganism (Soeparno 1998). Lawrie (1991) declaring for rich cow fat that asam will stearat, acid palmitat and oleat. 's acid flesh Protein consisting of simple protein and protein most conjugation.

Base its origin protein gets to be differentiated deep 3 groups which is protein sarkoplasma, protein miofibril , and network protein ties-up. Protein sarkoplasma is water leach protein because generally get to be extracted by water and larutan is dilute salt. miofibril's protein comprise of aktin and miosin, and a small number troponin and aktinin. Network protein ties-up this have leach character in larutan salt. Network protein ties-up to constitute protein fraction that don't leach, consist for collagen protein, elastin, and retikulin (Muchtadi & Sugiono 1992).

Fleshes Chemical composition

3. Flesh types There is some types flesh which generically been utilized at nearly all the world part. We can study drink plus each flesh type. A. Chicken Chicken Flesh chicken constitute savory option alternatively flesh tingles. Benefit of chicken flesh covers: a. Rich protein source. In 100 chicken grams were contained 60 percents of sufficiency point daily for protein. b. Niasin high (B3's vitamin) and B6's vitamin. Niasin is of important to keep in good health skin and nerve system. Niasin and B6's vitamin also needful in fat metabolism, carbohydrate and protein in body. c. Mineral source and pretty good selenium. Selenium constitutes essential component of some metabolite band, including tiroid's hormone metabolite, antioksidan's defense system, and body invulnerability. d. Can be presented in various dish type.

Chicken eating fries overacting can increase acute coroner syndrome risk, increasing signifikan's ala cholesterol, and increases coronary risk. Draw the line self You to eat chicken, minimal two-time deep one week.

B. Fish Fish constitute foods that really nutritive and additional tremendous one for You healthy diet. Top fishes out to cover: a. Containing high-grade protein with amount that adequately of all essential amino acid, and fat low. b. Rich will essential fat acid omega 3 one give protections to heart diseases and brain. c. Cod is either one umpteen natural alimentary source vitamin D. Latterly been found merkury on some types water fish is chilled. Tall rate found deep big fish which usually eats anchovy. Merkuri can wreck brain developing.

C. Goat This is flesh type tingles that consumed at world sectioned sort. Mutton excess is: a. Rich will high-grade protein and iron substance. Consume mutton will also increase iron substance absorption nonheme of vegetation food. Mutton also rich will zinc. b. Its cholesterol content is tall and have no fiber. Flesh already at production commercially also contains antibiotic, hormone, and toxin.

D. Cow Selection reputed beef the most popular one of all red flesh. Its excess: Beef without fat contains 60 percents of sufficiency point daily for protein just in 100 grams. a. B12'S vitamin source and B6's vitamin source. Vitamin B12 is just be found deep hewani's product and very important for cell metabolite, looking after healthy afferent system and deep red blood cell production body. b. Beef without fat has zinc (zinc) six times higher instead of another flesh. Zinc helps to prevent damage on veined wall that gets contribution to veined narrowing. aterosklerosis. c. Iron substance source that good and contains selenium and phosphorus.

Minus: Beef contains tall saturated fat and reputed increase cancer risk. Beef that doesn't be cooked aright can also invite disease. For best option, choose free organic beef hormone and antibiotic. Besides chooses a part flesh without fat.

E. Ham Even at fleshes Moslem state this was prohibitted, but at there are many hamming state so popular. Its excess: a. Hamming wallow in money vitamin B6, B12, tiamin, niasin, riboflavin and Pantothenic Acid. Hamming constitutes iron substance source that easy permeated body than iron substance of another flesh source another vegetarian. b. Ham also have tall mineral content phosphorus, selenium, sodium, zinc, potassium and copper. c. Its flesh also good to curry, eye, afferent system, bone and performans mental.

d. Minus: High intrauterine fat saturated. To reduce its fat, clear flesh of all its fat. Lack for another, ham also tall sodium so not suggested for person with high blood pressure (hypertension)

4. Flesh quality Quality constitutes product attribute affiliate that assessed by organoleptik's ala and utilized by consumer to choose product. On olahan's flesh and product flesh, flesh quality determined by nutrient composition quality (ratio among flesh non fat with fat) and palatabilitasnya what does range performance, texture (juiciness and euphony) and flavor. visual's ala, flesh quality is assessed of color, marbling and water bind energy (water holding capacity, WHC)-the. Flesh is assessed quality wheter regarding have color and marbling uniformly on the whole flesh abatamen and with dry surface performance because character of WHC that good. In the presence marbling not even regard performance but also increases juiciness, euphony and flavor is made product flesh. In the meantime, waters bond energy besides regard performance will also regard juiciness of making product the flesh. a. Color Perception to flesh color, raw or was cooked, regarding consumer decision in choose a made flesh and product. Flesh is with colour deviate as been looked on low qualified flesh. Mioglobin constitutes flesh main pigment and its concentration will regard flesh ruddles intensity. The difference rate miglobin causes distinctive flesh colour intensity. Factor that regard to titrate mioglobin is species, gender, age and animal physical activity. It words why red more beef of hamming and red more hamming of chicken flesh; or why male animal flesh, old animal and or red more thigh flesh of animal female, young animal and / or chest flesh. Flesh color also been regarded by handle condition and laid up. Pack type, and temperature and a long time storage can regard flesh color. It because of

happening it mioglobin's oxidation state change that cause flesh discoloration. While is fresh flesh to be cut, therefore startup color that visually is ruddle violet from mioglobin. After a few moments most flat with oxygen is aired, therefore fresh flesh surface that on the turn color becomes vermillion because happening it oksigenasi mioglobin becomes oksimioglobin. Flesh surface that experience contact with air for so long, will tan colored, since oksimioglobin most oxidation becomes metmioglobin. Although this discoloration normal along flesh odor is still typical fresh flesh, but betokening that flesh have rather long time most expose with air so advisable soon curdled if indirect cooked. If tan colored flesh and its odor no longer typical fresh flesh, therefore this condition points out that that flesh was kept at refrigerasi to so long time. Odor deviation constitute that sign flesh was beginning damaged (rotting) and ought to unconsumed. Pack type will regard fresh flesh color. tenderloin's flesh cow, one that is packed deep vacuum pack will have violet ruddles. Its cause is devoid oxygen at deep vacuum pack. If flesh is issued from vacuum and contact pack with air, fleshes surface color will be temporary vermillion red colored regular interior violet because oxygen can't get penetration goes to flesh-made part. Herein looked that violet ruddles and red constitute fresh flesh nature color. Beef that is milled and is packed deep container which closed by film that its oxygen permeability good, generally color vermillion. Flesh mills those are on inner red violet colored. If flesh at inner it contacked by airs, therefore color it on the turn as vermillion. Flesh brew on temperature upon 80oC causes denatured pigment and changed flesh color as chocolate brown who constitute fleshes typical color cooked. On flesh processing utilize nitrit's salt (kuring's process), e.g. on sausage and cornet, nitrit's reaction with mioglobin results nitrosomioglobin that while is heated (cooked) on temperature upon 65oC will result stable pink color.

b. Juiciness

Juiciness or juicy's image flesh product regarded by total defensible water for constant lies in the flesh cooked afters; and saliva's production (spit) upon mastication. Waters bond energy (WHC) flesh will regard how big defensible water at deep product temporary titrates fat marbling will help to stimulate saliva's forming. WHC is flesh ability to keep water content (at liberty)the upon get pressure from outside, as process of instillation, hulling or pressure. Flesh is with characteristic WHC that good usually will result product with good juiciness character. Denaturation is flesh protein because decrease pH flesh many slaughter afters times, will cause descent of WHC flesh. Accordingly, flesh can't keep flesh water up to brew and product process that resulting will feel dry (its water is lost up to processing) and vapid (flavor's component water leach is discarded with secretory water). Softing process (aging) canned meat increases WHC flesh so juicinessnya can be increased. WHC can changed because brew and cause influence on juiciness product. Brew temperature step-up increases denaturation protein so WHC decreased and juicy's character product also dwindling. Marbling is popular terminology for fat intramusculer. visual's ala, marbling most sees as fat item turn white that spread within flesh. On Image 1 gets to be seen by marbling's condition beef. Juiciness increases while marbling's rate increases. Marbling that melting upon brew and its release up to together mastication by halves flesh free water will increase flesh juice sensation. Indirectly, fat also ascendant on juiciness by constrains flesh water sublimate up to brew. Of research also said marks sense correlation among titrates marbling with delicacy (palatabilitas) flesh as a whole. If marbling's fat content less than 3%, palatabilitas decrease and consumers unaccepted flesh. Tall marbling content (more than 7.3%) apparently also give negative perception concerning with stepup consumes fat and its relationship with coroner heart disease, fatness and cancer.

c. Euphony

Euphony is flesh really regard consumer perception in assess flesh quality. soft image involves three following aspects: easy tooth penetration goes to fleshmade, easy flesh mastication becomes smaller abatamen and total residuums (rest) one that drops behind after mastication. Species, age and animal gender will determine its flesh texture. Flesh is with textured easier ground one soft is compared with that its texture crude. This is why beef needs long time overhead time for softing than hamming, sheep or chicken. Fibers size step-up muscle at the height age cause flesh texture of elderly animal wills be rougher and euphony that will decrease. Of ala gender common knowledge that male animal flesh have rougher texture of female animal flesh. Flesh (muscle) one that a lot of moving, e.g. flesh at sectioned leg, will have rougher texture and as reducing softing in comparison with flesh (muscle) one that lays in a part rare one to be moved, e.g. flesh of back part. Step-up foots up network gird upon flesh-made will down euphony temporary existence flesh fat marbling will increase the euphony. Dilution process (aging) are one of the ways that common being done for softing flesh. Softing did by keeps flesh at deep refrigerator that its temperature is conducted, up to 2 4 weeks, one that give chance on enzyme that is at fleshmade to hang up flesh protein (miofibryle) and bind so flesh network becomes more soft. At boga's service, the softing process this flesh gets to be done by adds protease's enzyme goes to flesh-made. Brew can increase or downs euphony flesh, cling to temperature and brew time. Brew temperature regards hard miofibrilar's protein temporary a long time brew regards to process collagen extenuation (protein at deep network ties-up). Up to brew, denaturation and purse is happening miofibrilar protein on temperature 40 45oC and ever increasing on 60oC's temperature cause flesh violence increases. On the contrary, collagen protein that is at in bond network will experience resolving as gelatine and increases softing flesh on brew upon 65oC's temperature. Therefore, to get a soft flesh, fleshes characteristic looking at which will be cooked. Advisable flesh brew is done on internal temperature that doesn't overestimate, with laconic time if flesh just slightly contain bind and time network that more so long if bind network overbids.

d. Flavor Flavor is flesh is resulted from component sort combine that stimulated reseptor sniffing and taste that is at mouth and nose channel. flavor's patronising compound flesh especially resolving result components proteins (peptida and amino acid), the odor component that reduce water and sugar leach. The difference type and fat composition causes to slightly mark sense flavor's difference flesh of animal that variably at the moment cooked flesh. Maillards reaction that constitutes to react among hidroliced flesh protein, peptida and amino acid with sugared reducted gets essential role in results flavor flesh cooks. aw's factor, pH, temperature and warm-up time will regard type and flavor's component intensity flesh cooks that resulting. This reaction happens optimum on aw's gyration 0.5 0.8, tall pH with temperature among 100C (flavor is flesh poaches) and 180C (flavor is flesh fries). The difference trick cooks will result flavor that different. For example, on cooked flesh with brew tech is dry, flavor just is formed at fleshes surface part brew tech temporary nab to enable flavor's forming reaction happens to get to a part flesh-made. In the presence other component up to fumigation process is flesh will also result flesh product with flavor that typical. Marbling's fat also ascendant to flavor. Flesh with marbling contemns besides looked dry also have flavor that weaker than flesh with marbling that more a lot of. Research points out that 8 9% marbling's fats at in steak will result flavor that temporary good fat step-up upon 9% will give a great taste greasy. 5. Flesh benefit Red flesh (beef, buffalo, goat, sheep) oft is looked on as culprit of all its appearance kind various disease. To amount to reporting shows that red flesh gets to cause cancer and severally elapses at USA there is reporting which declare for

that woman that maintained beef consumed by use of growth hormone will result boy that totals decreased sperm.

Thing that often happens is protrusion usufruct sensational research without names one how much flesh which consumed by that instance causative. To consume negative influence flesh tingles maybe will emerge if we consum in number that huge one exceeds normal capacity person consumption. Research as it oftentimes forgets that if we consume whatever in superfluity of course it will have negative side effect. In guidances Islamic teaching live: Stop eating before you are full . really relevant with it. Practically flesh tingles to constitute elements best source nutrition essential and a variety vitamin which indispensable by our body. There are many of this mineral is undiscovered on digits and vegetable. Flesh reding to contain tall protein and micro nutrient which really essential for our health. We oft ignore that effect evoked health problem reducing the consument flesh tingles. There are many young and stripling woman that experiences decreasing acute iron substance reducing effect the consuming flesh. To consume impact flesh tingles really be determined by how to consume it as part of our food, cling to flesh proportion in its alimentary and also flesh type tingles that consumed. According to nutritionist, poised food contain red flesh that adequately, carbohidrat, vegetable, fruits, and milk and a variety result the made in proportion that poised.

Energy content, Fat and Protein Protein that contained by indispensable red flesh for growth and really determine body ability pet its condition and fixs happening damage. In each 100 gr flesh contains 20 24 g proteins. Red flesh already been cooked contain protein 27 35 g proteins per 100 gr fleshes. In height flesh protein already been cooked it in reference to a loss water rate, so its more nutrient is concentrated. In common becoming few fat which contained by red flesh, therefore protein rate excelsior it. Energy content, fat and type sort protein flesh (per 100g). Fat content on flesh constitutes main energy source. Fat on this flesh in reference to taste and palatabilitas is food that our consumption, but then needs to be remembered that this fat is advisable consumed at sufficiently only. Fat contains sort combine acid fat, which is saturated fat acid (saturated fatty acids SFA), acid fat is not saturated single (monounsaturated fatty acids MUFA) and acid frail not saturated double (polyunsaturated fatty acids? PUFA). Fat sour type this different one have impact that variably on cholesterol level in our blood. Fat Sour content Proportion MUFA'S frail acid, PUFA and flesh-made SFA red is hung from fat that contained by that flesh. Becoming few its fat, therefore content PUFA will SFA'S excelsior and content will get low. Despitefully flesh tingles also contain length chain n 3 PUFA that heart health benefit us, particularly divides person already experience coronary. Proportion PUFA flesh-made red really being regarded by ration that given unto by breed. For example at Northern Europe, Australia and New Zealand where plays favorites breed largely be herded, PUFA'S content its flesh overbids, Breed that given by digit oil in a general way contain n 3 PUFA superordinates on its flesh.

Ruminansia's breeding flesh (cow, buffalo, sheep and goat) wallow in money will another fat acid as e.g. Conjulated Linoleic Acid (CLA). Fat sour content it also really been regarded by ration that is given. Irish origin flesh and Australian contains CLA 2 3 time overbids from USA'S origin flesh, since its breed in a general way are herded year-around. CLA'S benefit in a general way in reference to cancer prevention and blood fat content and regards frail and muscle balance us. Ruminansia's breeding flesh also contains trans fatty acid (TFA) in number that little bepengaruh's one on titrates cholesterol and alimentary tradition ala that our consumption is recommended not contains is more than 2% TFA this. According to British Nutrition Foundation, TFA who contained by flesh and ruminansia's breed milk may have no affecting negative one on obstetric fat blood. Latterly, with gets its amends program breed glorification, breeding cut technology and technological food processing, fat content on decreased flesh drastically. In old time 15 karkas's obstetric the last years cows have decrease as big as 15%, as big as 10 sheep percent and ham as big as 30%. Fleshes micro nutrient tingle In 100 g beefs or sheep those are dished wallow in money will B12'S vitamin and niasin's source, B6's vitamin, Zinc and posfor. Flesh that variably have conten vitamin B (tiamin, riboflavin, acid panthotenat and folat) one that different. Despitefully, red flesh also contain Vitamin e although in number that few, Vitamin e it constitutes vitamin that leach in fat. In cut process a large part fat is discarded, so vitamin content e it its amount little. Flesh also contain trace element as substance of iron (fe) and zinc (Zn). Lack for iron substance constitute instance that really common not only happens states that amends, but then happening also at state already go forward, particularly on young age woman. It can be settled by consuming flesh tingles in number which suffice. The importance for Zn which is contained flesh-made germane with enzymes various activity. Red flesh also constitute mineral source as magnesium, copper, cobalt, posfor, chronium, nickel and selenium that very usefull divides our

body. This mineral content really depends on the way breed preserve and earth type that is utilized as area of ranch.

6. Meat safe You need to know fresh flesh bate to be kept at chiller or laid up cold just 2 3 days on temperature under 4oC and if wants to keep it more long time, insert in freezer or laid up frost. At freezer on 18oC's temperature until 23,5oC, flesh can withstand until 3 months. There are several that requisite fresh constant flesh and safe at o afters is kept at freezer: a. Flesh shall in condition fresh. So you can flesh what do by far fresh, come to pieces among one wants to be cooked by that day and one wants to be kept, don't delay time to keep. b. Don't keep flesh in size big, better dices flesh before be kept that rolled out more coagulation. c. Wrapped up flesh with thick plastic pack, packed by that meeting flesh doesn't experience dehydration. Flesh that dehydration will experience discoloration as chocolate black, will deviation happening perceive if at o, and hard. d. If wants to be utilized, thaw (thawing) flesh. There is 3 thawing tricks, which is at carries over chiller up to 12 24 hours, let in spatial temperature, and places at washbowl while is streaming crane water in a state still done up plastic. e. Flesh already at thawing may not be backed to freezer because bacteria which originally asleep falls asleep to rebuild and beginning wrecks flesh. Better flesh already comes out shortly at o depleted, if even wants to be kept inserts to chiller, that even just last 2 days only.

LITERATURE SOURCH 1. Http://tipsoke. Com / makes the point to keep that flesh fresh regular is not perishable. Html 2. Http://www. Anneahira. Com / is meat safe. Htm 3. Http://forumnova. Tabloidnova. Com / showthread. Php? T=5488 4. Http://www. Resepkomplit. Com / is tips keeps saji's ready flesh. Html 5. Http://creasoft. Wordpress. Com / 2008 / 05 / 08 / characteristic fleshes /

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