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Thoroughly Updated | as per the Textbook and Board's Activity Sheet NAVNEET ~~ SCIENCE AND »\ TECHNOLOGY ] A y | CPART-1) DIGEST STANDARD A ‘Thoroughly revised edition as per the Latest Pattern of Activity Sheet NAVNEET SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DIGEST STANDARD X Salient features : 41, Acompletely revised béok for understating? latést pattem of Board's activity sheets. 2, Chapter Outline/Imporcant Points given at the beginning of each chapter. 3, Model answors given for all textual questions as well as additional questions of each chapter. 44, Model answers to HOTS questions asked under ‘Use your brain power”, ‘Think about it!’ ete. 5, Inclusion of activity based questions given under “Try This’ 6, Inclusion of answers to ‘Can you tell?” and ‘Can you recall" given in each chapter. 7, Inclusion of numerical problems based on the chapters in physics 8, Memory maps at the end of each chapter for the rapid revision of each chapter. 9, Scientifically correct and labelled diagrams, wherever necessary. 19, Inclusive of Board's Activity Sheot of March 2020 for ready reference and practice. 4 + Important eature: In this “Dies, Charervie Tess have ren elven For these Tess sd ie me amor, scan the QR Code given the end of ca eh By NAVNEET | Thoroughly Revised Edition : 2021 ‘Balbharati Registration No, 2018M110014 Navneet Epucarion Limrren = 240.00 E05as iT Na? Navyter Eoucanioy Liwrrep (Vail ue at: wnenaimeetcon ‘4 Nameet Bhavan, Bharant Shankar Road, Dadar (Wea), Mumba -400 028, Phome (0221 6669 6565 (email pulcaonsnawmect on Namneot Bhavan, 1302, Shukrawar Peth, ‘Bajiao Road, Near Sanas Plaza, Pune~411 002, Phoue : (020) 2443 1007 (cea apa peat] 163, Opp. Shivaji Setence College, Congress Nagar Nagpur-a40 012. Phone : (0712) 242 1522 ‘ema enayecten| wal Mdedbee 132. Kashere Waal, Opp, Old CDS, Nashik-422 001, Phone (0252) 259 6950 ‘Saal: np rashlemaret con Chapterwise weightage [Rey ‘Name of the lesson/Chaptor i i 1 2. | Perlodic Classification of Elements I | Chemical renetions and equations I Gravitation eects of electric curent Heat Refraction of light Lenses Metallurgy 0 ‘Carbon compounds ‘Space Missions ale siziz|als ole 2 alg ‘Total marks giz \s\s|a|s\a|s/alslale Science and Technology Part-1 : Question Paper Pattern Time +2 hours ‘Total Marks : 40 Instruction : ( All questions are computsory. Gi) Use ofa calculator is not allowed. (iti) The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks. Gv) In case of MOQS (Q. No. 1¢A)) only the first attempt will be evaluaied and will be given ered. (©) For each MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C), (D) with subquestion number is to be written as an For Bg. : (i) (A), (i) B), (ii) © (vi) Scientifically correct, labelled diagrams should be clrawn wherever necessary. ‘@. 1 (A) 5 Multiple choice questions of | mark each (Textbook based questions) nr) (Note: There will be no internal option for this question. You are expected to write ‘only the correct alphabet for the appropriate alternative.) @. 1 (B) 5 Questions of mag Uy took ausstions) 5 8 (Note : All questions wa tS Spee) } Different types of questions = = JZ (1) Find the odd tman out : To identify odd component/picture ftom the given ones, (© Correlations: By observing the correlation inthe frst par, complete the second pai (@) Match the cotumns/pairs, (4) Write true or false, (6) Write the name/molecuilar formula : This question may also include a picture’ Figure fo be named. (6) Flow chart with a blank to te filled. This question will also not have any internal option. ‘+ Any other type of question may be asked (@. 2 (A) 8 Scientific reason questions of2 marks each (Attempt any 2) (Minimum 1 question from chemistry and 1 from physies) 4 6 @.2(B)5 Questions of 2 marks each (Attempt any 9) (Minimum 2 question fiom 6 10 chemistry and 2 from physics) Different types of questions : () Solve the numerical problem. (@) Write laws/decinttions/prinetples anc explain with examples. (@) Write a short note : Write a note on the concept understood from a given figure/ picture, (@ Welte chemical ceactions, (6) Complete the flow chart. (6) Distinguish between / Give difference between : 4 points of differences to be written. (@ Write properties/characteristics/uses/advantages/effects: A minimum of 4 statements to be writien, @ Give examples ‘+ Any other type of question may be asked. Q. 8.8 Questions of 3 marks each (Attempt any 5) (4 questions from chemistry and 4 18 2 from physics) Difforont typos of questions : GQ) Give explanation using the given statements, (2) Suggest remedies/measures (3) Bxplanation of diagrams. (4) Complete the table/chart. (8) Explain with tho help of examples. (6) Solve the numerical problem. (7) Complete the diayrars, ~ | ] 4. 1 29 (8) Answer questions based IL (9) Write answers with explanations, (10) Write laws, theories and explain. (11) Complete the paragraph. ‘+ Any other type of question may be asked, @. 42 Questions of 5 marks (Attempt any 1) (1 question from chemistry and 1 from 5 10 physics) Different types of questions (1) Draw a figure and give explanation @)To correct the incorrect diagram. (3) Classify with detailed explanation (8) Read the given paragraph and answer the questians (6) Complete the given incomplete table/chart and give explanation (8) Answer the questions in detail (@) Draw a concept dizeram based on the given item and explain ‘+ Any other type of question may be asked, *+ Now activity shect pattern No. (Chapter Name L Gravitation Periodic Classification of Elements 2 a ‘Chemical reactions and equations Effects of electrle current Heat Refraction of light Lenses Metallurgy Carbon compounds Space Missions Board's Activity Shi (Al ight eoerved. Ne purl of tile book mey te copied adapted brid or tanslatd lord i ay wolieva stom, computor syston,pologaphic orothersystom or tansmited nan frmor by ny moar witout a pier writen permission ofthe copylght holders ms. Naynest Educator Lind. Any broach wit ental foga con art rosecution witout turter neice. Published by: Navneet Education Limtod, Oana, Gujrat 220 Nawnest Education Like. Carta, Gujrat Rev, (5421) r Jammer | CHAPTER OUTLINE 1 Gravitation 1.5 Acceleration due to the gravitational force 1.2 Circular motion and centripetal force ot the earth 1.3 Kepler’s laws 1.6 Free fall 1.4 Newion’s universal law of gravitation 1.7 Escape velocity | IMPORTANT POINTS | 1.1 Gravitation : ‘Can you recall? (Textbook page | (1) What are the effects of a force acting on an object? (Note: a byte abet) ‘Ans. (i) A force can set a boly in motion. For example, ifa ball at rest on the floor is pushed, ferolison the floor. (tt) A foree can stop amo body. For example, a moving )bigyele an, brought to rest by application of brakes (ii) force acting on a body can change the speed of the body. For example, when brakes are applied toa moving Dleydle Its speed decreases due to the friction between the brake shoot and the rim ofthe tyre, (i) A force can change the direction of motion of the body. For example, in uniform circular motion ofa body, the direction of motion ofthe body Keeps on changing due to the applied force (¥) A force can change the speed as well at the direction of motion of the body. For example, whon @ ball bowled by @ bowlor ie hit by a baisman, there occurs a change in the speed as well asthe direction of motion ofthe ball. (vi) A force can change the shape and size of the body on which it acts. For example, when @ rabber ball fe prossed, it gots deformed and hence no longer remains spherical. Also, there can be & decrease in its volume. (2) What types of frees are you fair wan? ‘Ass. Tho grvational force totweon the earth and the moon, the electromagnetic force between tne charged particles in motion the sac in hn al a deamon fan arm: (9) What do you tnaw about the Parphiona farce? Diletta haven: nro it acts between any two objects in the universe. * Can you recall? (Textbook page 1) | @. What are Newton's laws of motion? Ans. (1) Newton's first law of motion : An object continues to remain at rest or in a state of aniform motion along @ straight Hine unless an external unbalanced force acts on it, (2) Newton's second law of motion: The rate of change of momentum is proportional to the applied force and the change of momentum oceurs in the direction of the force, (@) Newton's third law of motion : Every action force has an equal (in magnitude) and opposite (in direction) reaction farce which ects simultaneously. |. cRaveranion 7 1.2 Circular motion and centripetal foree : imu) “« Try this (Textbook page 2) Tie a sone o one end of @ string, Take the other end in your hand and rotate the string so that the stone moves along a cirele as shown in figure 1 (@. Are you apslying any foree on |) ‘he stone? im whic direction is this forco | acting? How will you stop this force fom acting? What will be the effect on the son Ans. As long as we by are holding the string, Mg. 1.1:A stone tied we are pulling the tons {850K moving cowards us, Le, towards Sieve ‘ho contr of tho ciclo Resa and are applying a force towards it, The force stops acting i we vleas the string, Is tie ease, ‘the stone will fly off along a straight line which isthe tangent tothe circle athe postion ofthe stone when the string isreleased, because that is ‘he elrsction of its Yelcity st that imtant of time | Figure 1.1 (b)]. Thus, a force acts on any object moving wong a circle and i arected ‘owards the centre of the eiee. This fx called ‘the centripetal force. ‘Centripetal’ means conto cocking i. the objoct tris to go towards the contre of the cirle because ofthis farce. 1.3 Kepler's laws Do you know? (Textbook page 3) An ellipse is the curve oblained when a cane is cut by an inclined plane. It has two focal points. The sun of the distances (0 the two focal points from avery point on the curve is constant, F, and F, are two focal points ofthe ellipse shown in figure 12, If A, Band C are three points on the cllipee then, AF, + AF: ~ BF, +BF, = CK, + CRs, ae = SS sng. 1.2: An eupse Kepler’s laws of planetary motion : (1) The orbit of a planet Is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the fori.(2) The lino joining the planot and the ‘Sun sweeps equal areas in equal intervals of time. (8) The square of the period of revolution ofaplanet around the Sun tsdireetly proportional to the cube of the mean distance of the planet trom te Sun, 1M Sey tng ado ssn = (82) (fara TA Newtan’s universal law of gravitation + every object inte Universe attracts every other object with a definite foreo. This force is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the two object and inversely proportional to the ‘square of the distance between them. ‘he earth's gravitational force ‘The gravitational force on any object due to the dart iain aurtie tivaran ea canto tho earth. the abject son the onrth’s surface, in the usual notation, ror, 7 ‘The value of G was first experimentally ‘measured by Henry Cavendish, In SI units its value ia 6.672% 10-7 Nan? ke 1.5 Acceleration due to the gravitational force of the earth : ‘The acceleration produced in a body due to the earth’s gravitational force 1s called the 8 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (at 1) DIGEST STD. x acceleration due to gravity or the earth's gravitational acceleration and its magnitude is denoted by g, It is directed towards the earth's centre. = 2M! torr > R(radins ofthe earth It depends on the location of the body. Change in the value of g with height above the earth’s surface (Textbook page 9) ‘Try this (Textbook page 11) @. Take a small stone. Hold it in your hand. What are the forces acting on the stone? Now release the stone. What do you observe? What are the forces acting on the stone after you release it? Ans. (1) The force exerted by the person holding the stone, the force exerted by air and the earth’s gravitational force, (2) The stone falls to the ground. (8) The forces exerted by air and the earth’s gravitattonal foree, + Use your brain power! (Textbook page 5) ) ir ‘Height £ eae “cm (an/st) artes othe oars Cn ba (ore oun vost we [ea atin bleh RR by a man-made balloon me a elt of type weather satellite. “ me Height of a communication a salle aero 9 | 0285 Mass : The mass of an object-is the amount of- ‘matter present in it. Its ST unit is ke, Weight : The weight of an object is defined as the foree with which theearth attracts the object. ts magnitude is mg and SI unit is the newton a. @. 15 there a gravitational force between two objects kent on a table or between you and your friend sitting next to you? If yes, why don’t the two move towards each othor? Ans, Yes. Two objects Kept on a table do not ‘move fowards pach other because thors is a force of friction between each object and the table. Similarly, because there is a force of friction between our body and the floor, we (myself and ay fiend) do not move towards each other. Tie you lnowt (aiboak ae) ) (Textbook page 9) Colloquially we use weight for both mass and weight and measure the weight in kilogram which Js the unit of mass, But in selentine Janguage when we say that Rajeev's weight is To kg, we are talking about Rajeev"s mass, What ve mean Is that Rajeov's welght is equal to the gravitational force on 15 kg mass. As Rajeev's sais 75k, his woighton the earth is F—mg ~ 15x 98=735 N. The weight of 1 kg mass is 198=88 N. Our weighing machines tell us ‘the mass. The two-pan scale balance in a shop compares two weights, Le. two masses, High and low tides occur regulary in the sea, ‘The level of sea water at any given location along sea shore increases and decreases twice a day at regular intervals. High and low tides occur at different times at different places. The level of water in the sea changes becauso of tho gravitational force exerted by the moon. Water directly under the moon gots pulled towards the moon and the level of water there goes up causing high tide at that place. At two places on the earth at 90° from the place of high tide, the level of water Js minimum and low tides occur there as shown in figure 1.3 s.cRaveranion rT ap! rp cen XN y es SS — le ig 1 Taw and gh 1.6 Free fall : Whenever an object moves undee the influence of gravity alone, it is said to be falling freely. Fora freely falling object, with u = Oande =g, 2gs (in the usual wehaveu=et,5= haf and notation). For an object thrown upward, as the object ‘moves upward, the direction of acceleration is opposite t that of the velocity. Hence, the acceleration is negative, with -# * Do you know? (Textbook il The value of ¢ is the same top Abies given pace onthe earth. Thus, any two obec, Epa ar aes dn Ue ee ‘ake properties, when dropped from the same height and falling freely will reach the earth at the same time. Galileo is said to have performed an experiment around 1600 In tho Tallan city of Pisa, He dropped two spheres of different masses from the leaning tower of Pisa to demonstrate that both spheres reached the ground at the same time, Se oi i ta the same time trom height, they do not reach tha sorth at id same line, ‘Ths fealhar experiences a buoyant force and a frictional et dae a and thea apa and as the sround slowly Iter than the heawy stone The Duoyan! and fetonal Pores on the stone are much les than the weld of the stone and do not aect the speed of the sere much, | Recently, scientists performed this experiment in vacuum and shoved that the feather and itt deed reach the sar at th ee tims er yout com Wah = ANCSENA (20m VR FOr = tgs (Tom the arth surat, the Doay cvocconos tho earths gravitational traction. It will then move to infinity and come to rest there. ‘Tho gravitational potontia! nergy of an object at a height A from the earth’s surface vim __ matt. Reh 1.7 Eseape velocity : tix. Roh ‘The total energy of a body revolving around the earth = Kinetic energy + potential energy Gta ieee onthe lant Mt (2) Centripetal acceleration of the planet, v _ (2/7) _ar'r ror me (2) The period of revolution of the planet, Qar oe ra ° Tat ee scape velocity (additional information) (2) The formula for escape velocity given in the textbook, does not take into account the ceffoct of atmosphere. In practice, the body ‘becomes very hot due to friction with air and ‘may even burn. (2) Even when a body is projected obliquely from the earth's surface, with = tise » Mt will ‘overcome the earth’s gravitational influence and ‘move to infinity. wo SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY fat 1) DIGEST STD. x ir Seep eeT rextoe eros) ‘+ Weightlessness in space Space travellers as well as objects in the spacecraft appear to be floating. Though the spacecraft Is at a height from the surface of the earth, the value of ¢ there is not zero. In the space station the value of g 1s only 11% Jess than its valve on the surface of the earth. ‘Thus, the height of a spacecraft is not the reason for their weightlossness, Tholr weightlessness is caused by their boing in the state of free fall. Though the spacecraft is not falling on the earth because of its velocity along the orbit, the only force acting om it Js the gravitational force of the earth and therefore it is in a free fall. As the velocity of ‘ee fal! does not depend on the properties of an object, the volocity of free fall is the same for the spacecraft, the travellers and the objects in the craft. Thus, ifa traveller releases an object eagle tg era ven sty ih oe tober ent vil pyar be dag: LE ‘Do you know’? (Textbook page 10) * Gravitational waves Waves are created on the surface of water When we dropa stone into It, Sinilarly you must have seen the weves generated on a string when its both ends are held in hand and it is shaken. Light is also a wave called the electromagnetic wave, Gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, microwave and radio waves are all electromagnetic waves with different frequencies, Astronomical objects emit these waves and we receive them using our instruments. All our knowledge about the universe has been obtained through these waves, Gravitational waves are a very different type of waves. They have been called the waves on the fabric of space-time. Einstein predicted their ‘existence in 1916, These waves are very weak and it is very difficult to dotact them. Scientists have constructed extremely —_sonsitive instraments to detect the gravitational waves ‘emitted by astronomical sources. Among these, AMIGO Quaser Interferometric Gravitational wave Observatory) is the prominent one. Exactly after ‘hundred years of their prediction, scientists otocted thoso waves coming from an astronomical source. Indian scientists have contributed significantly in this discovery. Thi discovery has opened a new path to obt ‘information about the Universe. @. @ Fil in the dlanks with appropriate words and write the completed sentences : ‘Note: This trpe of question ls not incued in tho Ite Board ‘question paper pattern. But thls (pe 4s very Important in study ofthe subject, Hence, tis Include inthe Digest. ) Tho ratio Sensy'onamyI8 equal tO... (@) The value of the acceleration due to gravity 4 we move from the equator toa poe, QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: (8) If the earth shrinks to half of its radius, its ‘mass remaining the same, the weight of an object on the earth will become... times. (4) The SL unit of weight is the (6) The CGS unit of welght Is the (6) The weight of a body is_____ at the poles. (7) Outside the earth, the weight of a body varies as... (@ Due to the _..... force, the earth attracts all objects towards It [Note (@) The questions marked with aa astrik (©) ae textual quod.) HOTS (lighér Order Thniing Skil Quastions) |. cRaveranion a () The accoloration due to gravity does not depend on the... of the body. (20) According to Kepler's first law, the orbit of a lanot is _____ with the Sun at one of the QD According to Kepler's second law, the line Jolning the planet and the Sun ...... In equal intorvals of time. (2) According to Kepler’s third law T#-cr%, where Meron (18) Fora freely falling object we can write Newton's ‘second equation of motion as Ans, (The ratte Bexty/Sma 18 egal to 6 (approximately) (2) The value of the acceleration due to gravity increases as we move from the equator to a pole, @) If the earth shrinks to half of its radius, its mass remaining the same, the emer (Explanation : OM co 1A ME at Wa 1 28 a Wemge Mm a eh “Wy 41 () Tho SI unit of woight is tho newton. (© Tho CGS unit of woight is the dyne. (@) The weight of a boty is maximum at the poles. (P Outside the earth, the weight of a body varies asL/(R +e (®) Dueto the gravitational force, the earth attracts al objects towards it. (®) The acceleration due to gravity does not depend ‘on the mass of the bedy. 2 1S wo none in planet is an ellipse, with the Sun at one of the fe (41) According to Kepler's second law, the line Joining the planet and the Sun sweeps equal arvas in oqual intervals of timo, (12) According to Kepler's third law cc r*, where n=3. (23) For freely falling object weean write Newton's sovond equation of motion as s=3 a @, @ () Write the proper answer in the square. 6 a CIt Fie 4a) Ahthis re x (Pig. 14 (ACD), Wig 14 (AGI =| ©. @ @®) Write the proper answer in the square, torch 19) Fig. 14 08) erm, 7s (Hg. 14 BUD), then [Pig. 14 (B)(ii] F=[_) Gmm, Fe ‘ad ue SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (at 1) DIGEST STD. x ac @.@ Choose the correct alternative and feos W)/ausoy ort acd Variceal alphabet ; (1 mark each) Q. @ State whether the following statements ae True or False: (Ifa statement is false, correct it and rewrite it.) (1 mark each) Moin © bad saciedn, oly Be apa ‘onresponding othe anamer ta over? MCQ should be waitin. xs (0.90. ‘Rots | Shalasts chau wil vier tie piven eatin ‘uo or fale. Thre lo no nesd to correct afloe talons aed evita (2) The gravitational force between two particles separated by a distance r varios 9s... i r © i oo, Or OF We 2) In the usual notation, the acceleration due to eravity at a height A trom the surface of the earth is () g - OM. = 8B O8- Tash om Oe- () g= GM (R+ ©e-_ (@) g=GM(R+ bY () The SI unit of the universal constant of gravitation is (@) Nomtihge © miss owt | A @) kami - (@) The escape velocity of « body trom the earth's surface, Yc @ /& oo of w/e (©) How much willa person with 72N weight oa the ‘earth, weigh on the moon’? MUN W)%N OAN MBN (6) What will be the weight of a person on the earth, ‘who weighs 9N on the moon? @3N @6N EN WAN Ans, 1 ou a@s 0 a Ge (3) (a) N-m/ke 20M (3) (a) Nome? oof @ O@RN © @ aN. ) If the separation between two particles is doubled, the gravitational force between the particlos becomes half the initial fore. @) The CGS unit of the universal constant of gravitation fe tho dyno-ein?/ gram? @) At the centre of the earth, the value of the acceleration due to gravity becomes zero. (@) The weight ofa body is minimum at the poles. (© Mass is a vector quantity. (6) Weight is a vector quantity. ( g has maximum value at the equator. (@) Outside the earth, ¢ varies as 1/(R+h)® (©) The value of G changes from place to place, (40) ThS'value of ¢ decreases with depth below the Jeatth's surface. (11) The escape velocity of a body dos not depend on the mass of the body. (22) The mass of a body is the amount of matter present in it, (43) The value of g increases with altitude, Ans. (1) False, (1f the separation between two particles {is doubled, tho gravitational forco betwoen the particles becomes + times the initial force) © True, (@) True, @) False, (The weight of a body is maximum at the poles.) (5) Failse, (Mass is scalar quantity.) () True, (©) False. (g has maximom value at the poles) @) True, ©) Falso, (‘The value of G is the same throughout the universe.) 10) True. (11) Tene (2) Tene. | (4s) False, (‘The value of g decreases with altitude.) s.cRaveranion 43 +@, @ Study the entries in the following table and rewrite them putting the connected items in a single row 1 1 am Mass m/s? | Zero at the oontre of “the earth, Weight [ke Measure of inertia Acceleration | Nem?/Kg# | Same in the entire | due to gravity | universe Gravitational |N | Depends on height constant ‘Ans. I 7 ] | Mass | Measure of inertia Weigitt N [Depends on height ‘Acceleration /m/s* | Zero at the centre of due to grat | the earth Gravuauonal |Nem!/kg*/Same in the entire constant | universe @ Match the following : at (2) Escape velocity @ (© Gravitational acceleration —¢b) iE: VR (2) Gravitational acceleration ;-OM (rR) Ans, (I) Escape velocity Q. @ Answer the following questions ‘*(1) What is centripetal force? oR Define centripetal force. ‘Ans. In uniform elrcular motion of a bedy, the force acting on the body is directed towards the cent tte sone cn force. (2) Give one example of centripetal force. Ans, ‘Tho moon revolves around tho sarth due to ‘the gravitational force exerted on it by the earth. "This force is directed towards the centro ofthe earth, ‘and is thus a centripetal force, (3) Name the foree responsible for the motion of a planet around the Sun. Ans. A planet revolves around the Sun due to the gravitational force exerted on it by the Sun, (4) Write the three laws given by Kepler. How did they help Newton to arrive at the inverse square law of gravity? oR Explain with a diagram : Keplor’s three laws. ‘Hence show that gravitational forve, = 3, (in the usual notation), Ans. Keplet’s first law : The orbit of a planet is an ellipse with the Sun atone ofthe foci ig. 5 "The orbit ofa planet moving around the Sun (Gchematic dagraen) Figure 15 shows the elliptical orbit of a planet revolving around the Sun (). Koplor's second law : ‘The line joining the planet and the Sun sweeps ‘equal areas In equal Intervals of time, A+B, C +Dand B +P are the displacements of the planet in equal intervals of time. ‘The straight Les AS, CS and ES sweep equal areas in equal intervals of time. ‘Ares ASB = area CSD = area ESF. ry SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (at 1) DIGEST STD. x Kopler’s third law ‘The square of the period of revolution of a planet around the Sun is directly proportional to the cube of the mean distance of the planet from the Sun. ‘Thus, ifr Is the average distance of the planet from the Sun and T's its period of revolution, then, Tec Phe, T= constant =. For simplicity we shall assume the orbit to be a circle. In Pig. 1.6, 'S denotes the position of the Sun, P denotes the position ofa planet 5. 6: crealar at a given instant and r denotes motion ofa planet the radius of the orbit (= the ‘rum the Sua distance of the planet from the Sun). Here, the speed of the planet is uniform. It is circumference of the circle period of revolution of the planet aa r eA 1 ‘Ufmis the mass of the planet, thé centripetal fore enero on the planet by tho Sun (= gravitational focce), P= + _m(anr/ Taste aster r Tr s cern opi i aw, nom nr sm p= s2nr 0m eg Gs si. Han 2 onan na tat ++ Use your brain power! (Testbook page 4) @. If area ESF tn figure 1.5 45 equal to area ASB, what will you infor about EF? ‘Ans. ‘The time taken by the planet to move from E to F equals the time taken by tho planet to move from A to B. |. cRaveranion nis tainiedans wast ll planet around the Sun (S) has been shown. AB ‘and CD are the distances covered by the planet in equal time, Lines AS ad CS sweep equal areas in equal intervals of time. Henee, areas ASB. and CSD are equal. (@ Which laws do we understand from the above description? 5 Write the ' law regarding, area swept. a1. chortle diagram) (© Write the law 1? in your words, ‘Ans. (a) From the given understand Kepler's three laws. () Kepler's law of areas: The line joining the planet and the Sun sweeps equal areas in equal intervals of time. (@ ‘Kepler's law of periods : The square of the perjod of revolution of a planet arouné tie Sun is directly proportional to the cube of the mean distance of the planet from the Sun. (© Observe the given flzure (Fig. 1.7) and state which three laws we understand from it. (3 marks) OR Observe the given figure showing the orbit of a planet moving around the Sun and write the three laws related to it, (9 marks) (March '20) Ans. See the answer to @.7(4). (7 Explain the term gravitational force. ‘What Is gravitation? ‘Ans. ‘There oxists a forco of attraction betweon ‘any two particles of matter in the universe such ‘that the force depends only on the masses of the pparticloe and the separation between thom, It ia celled the gravitational force and the mutual attraction is called gravitation. '*(8) Let the period of revolution of a planet at a distance R from a star be 7. Prove that if it was at a distance of 2K from the star, its period of revolution will be /@7. doseription we 45 25 Ans 7=—2%_ 32, where T=perio’ of Vom revolution of a planet around the Sun, M= mass of tho Sun, G~ gravitational constant and r— radius of the orbit assumed to be circular = distance of the planet from the Sun, Forr=R. T=. an N= VGH Vor r=2%, 7 ae Vou Tan h/8= JT ©) State Newton’ gravitation. Express it in mathematical form. ‘Ans. Newton's universal law of gravitation : Every object in the Universe aitracts every other object with a definite force, This force is directly proportional tothe product ofthe masses ofthe two objects and inversely proportional fhe Square of tho distance botweon them. it ‘Mathematical form : Consider two objects of ‘masses mand mz We assume that the objects are very small soheres of uniform density and the distance r between thelr centres Is very large ccmpared to the radi of the sphares (Fig. 10. 2 Ty= 25_(2R)¥8 0 2 RM y gt 7, 28 Vow universal law of ig. 18: Gravitational foree between two objets ‘The magnitude (#) of the gravitational force of attraction between the objects is directly proportional to mymy and Inversely proportional tor? Ba 2 Fa GMM, 2 whore G is tho constant of proportionality, called the universal gravitational constant. Note: in the exibook. tho word objet body is used. ‘Newtons lw of gravitation alin te perteloe| (10) @) Why is the constant of wtnsall called a universal constant? Gi) Newton's Iw of gravitation is called the universal law of gravitation. Why? ‘Ans, (1) The value of the constant of gravitation does not change with the nature, mass or the size of ‘the material particles. It does not vary with the Aistanco botwoon the two particles, It is also independent of the nature of the medium between the two particles. Hence, itis called a universal constant, (i) As the law of gravitation given by Newton is applicable throughout the universe and to all particles, I is called universal law. [Note : The centze af rai of ua object ste pon nae or ‘ussite the ovject at whieh the tor muss of the obeet can be ‘asmmed to be caneenirated to study the effect of an apptied force. The centre of mass of spherical object baving uniform density is at its geometrical centre, The cenire of mass of an object having unifrm density ts at its coniold. If the two bodies o sphorcal and of wnifonn density, tho gravitaconal ‘oe becween them Is always along the line Joining the eonces rite ata the distance beeen the cence I taken 7. Whon the bodes aro not sphecieal or have irregular shape of have nonuniform density, the fore Js along tho ne Joining thoireontres of muss andr 5 taken to bo the distanee ‘anes hte ero of, } (11) State any one characteristic of gravitational force. ‘Ans, Gravitational force between two particles ‘does not depend on the medium between them, (22) If the distance between two bodies is increased by a factor of 5, (i) by what factor will the gravitational force change if the masses are kept constant? (ii) by what factor will the mass of one of them have to be altered, keeping, the other mass the same, to maintain the same gravitational force between the two bodies? ‘Ans. If the distance between two bodies is Increased by a factor of 5, () thegravitational force between the bodies will decrease by a factor of 25 If the masses of the bodies are kept constant. (4) the mass of one of them will have to be Increased by a factor of 25, keeping the mass of the 16 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY fat 1) DIGEST STD. x other body the same, to maintain the same gravitational force between the two bodies. PNote : Gravitation force Foc 2 net Fx mm} = 23) (i) Determine the SI unit of the universal constant of gravitation from the formula for the gravitational force between two particles. Hence, state the CGS unit of the constant of gravitation. Gi) Define G_~—_ (universal gravitational constant). Ans, (i) According to Newton's lawoferavitation, the gravitational force between two particles is Fag mm, 2 where m, and m, are the masses of the two particles, ris the distance between them and G is the universal constant of gravitation. otf mas ‘The SI unit of force is the newton (N), that of Astaneo fo th metro (m) ana gf mae ho kilogram (kg). O04 14 Nm? ‘The SI unit of G is N™™* 1 SI unit of G is The CGS unt of Gis PE ay reo ™™ - GF". we take mm, mj=m,=vnit mass and r=unit distance, numerically, G =F, .e., G (universal gravitational censtant) representa the magnitude of the gravitational force of attraction between two unit masses, separated by a unit distance. Use your brain powert (Textbook page 4) Q, Show that in SI units, the anit of G 1s the nowtomm? kes *, See the answer to @. 7 (18) (1) above. (4) State the importance of Newton's ‘universal law of gravitation. Ans. The importance of Newion’s universal law of gravitation : |.cRaveranion ‘This Law explains successfully, Le, with ol accuracy, (2) the force that binds the objects on the earth to the earth (2) themotion oF te moon and artificial sateites around the earth (@) the motion of the planets, asteroids, comets, te, around the Sun (4) the tides ofthe sea due to the moon and the Sun. (45) Compare the gravitational force on a body of mass 1 kg due to the earth with the force on the same body due to another body of mass 1 kg at a distance of 1 m from the first body. (Mass of the earth = 6 10% kg, radius of the earth = 6400 ixm) ‘Ans. In the fst case, m=! kB, ‘m= 6 10% kg and r ~ 6400 lam ~ 8.4 108 m Gravitational foree on the body, fe _ Gtainy Gx ke x bx 10% kg Tor ax i08me 6x10" bg? In the second case, m, ~1 ke, kg and. Gravitational force on the body, Lk oR ‘Thus, F< Fs (16) Explain the term the earth’sgravitational Fores. OR ‘Write a short note on the earth's gravitational Fores. ‘Ans. The earth attracts every object towards it because of the gravitational force, As the earth’s ro centre of mass Is at its centre, the gravitational force exerted by the earth on an object is directed towards the carth’s centre. Hence, an object releaced from apoint above the earth's surface falls vertically downward towards the earth, Ifan object is thrown vertically upward, its velocity goes on decreasing duo to the earth's gravitational force on the object. ‘At one sing, the velocity of the body beeomas zero fan later the body falls back to the earth, (17) Take two balls of different masses, go to ‘the top of a building, drop them simultaneously and observe what happens to the balls, ‘Ans. The balls reach the ground slmost at the same time. (48) Take two similar pages from your notebook. Crumple one paper and allow this and the other paper to fall on the ground simultaneously. What do you observe? Ans. The crumpled paper reaches the ground before the other one, 4 (19) Take a feather and a paper: Allow them to fall to the ground simaltancously. Which will reach the ground earlier? Why? ‘Ans. There Is no unioue answer. It depends on the feather and paper. Upthrust due to air and force due to fiction with alr play very Important roles here, The aceeloration of a body depends on the resultant of the earth’s gravitational force on the ‘body and the upthrust and the force of friction due toair. Use your brain (Textbook page 7) (1) According to Newton’s law of gravitation, every object attracts every other object. ‘Thus, if taeearth attracts an apple towards itself, the apple also attracts the earth towards itself with the same force. Way then doos the apple fall towards the earth, but the earth does not move towards the apple? c ‘Ans. ‘The earth and the apple move towards each other, but the magnitude of the displacement of the earth is negligible relative to that of the apple. Also the observer is located on the earth. {Noto The mass of the earth is fae erator than that sn npplo Hanco, the magnitude ofthe sosleration of the ‘tf segliile relative to dal of he pe) (2) The gravitational force due to the earth also acts on the moon because of which Mt revolves around the earth, Similar situation exists for the artificial satellites orbiting the earth, The moon and the artificial satellites orbit the earth. The earth attracts them towards itself but unlike the falling apple, they do not fall on the earth, why? Ans. This is because of the velocity of the ‘moon and the satellites along their orbits. If this velocity was not there, they would have fallen on “the Garth. '#(20) What is the acceleration due to gravity? or Define acceleration due to gravity. ‘Ans. The acceleration produced in a bedy due to the gravitational foree of the earth is called the acceleration due to gravity. UNote: Om the ears sure, the vadue o dhe acceteration doe fo gravity 1s almost uniform Ifa boty falls from a lbw altutothe value ofthe acceleration due to gravy is amas he sane.) (21) vom Newton’ law of gravitation, derive the formula for the acceleration due to gravity. Ans, Suppose that a body of mess m is released from a distance r from the centre (0) of the earth (Fig. 19). Lat M be the mass of the earth. According to Newton's law of gravitation, the magnitude of the ‘earth's gravitational foree acting on the body is Mm. roo Mm ‘where G is the universal constant of gravitation. we SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (at 1) DIGEST STD. x ig. 1.8: Gravtsational force exerteg oma tody by the earth ‘Phe acceleration produced by this force, ne oM = ‘This is the formula for the acceleration due to gravity or the gravitational acceleration due to the earth, This acceleration is directed towards the earth's contre. I?h denotes the altitude, y= R4-h, where R is the radius of the earth, * GM c (| aa 6414 Fora body on the earth's surface, h=0 e [Note Whon wo consider the gravitational teraction betweon the curt and a body on the stzfae of dhe earth oF at ‘some height above the surtie ofthe earth, for many pritical urpeses wee can essums thet dhe earth bebaves a i its masa Were ‘concentrate the earth'scentre. Theprootis wotexpeeted here} ‘Think about it (Textbook page 6) (1) What would happen ir there were no gravity? Ans. (1) There would be no gravitational attraction botwoon any two particles and heneo 10 formation of the solar system, galaxy, ete. (2) What would happen if the value of @ was twice as large? Ans. ‘The gravitational force between any «wo particles would become double, also the value of 4 would become double, ir ¢ Can you tell? (Textbook page 8) . What would be the value of gon the surface of the earth if its mass was twice as large and its radius half of what it is now? ans. g= SM (¢ marks) (March 19) om, om, ai and g,-—S R RS (cap=2ne ana m= Be wan B ‘Thus, the value of g on the surface of the earth ‘would be eight times the present value. (22) What is the aeceleration due to gravity ata height & (=radius of the earth) from the surface of the earth? (g= 9.8 m/s?) "Aids! ASAE! “Aad to. gravity at avlght/h (radius ofthe earth) from the surface earth 245 n/t =n nism teh] (22) Explain the factors affecting the value ofg. Ans, The value ofthe acesleration du to gravity, g, changes from place to place on the earth. It also varios with the altitude and depth below the earth's surface. The factors affecting the value of g are the shape of the earth, altitude and depth below the earth's surface, (@) The earth is not perfectly spherical. Tt is somewhat flat at the poles and bulging at the ‘equator. At the surface of the earth, the value of g is, ‘maximum (9.832 m/s!) at the poles as the polar radius is minimum, while itis minimam (9.78 m/s?) atthe equatoras the equatorial radius is maximum. (2) As the height (/1) above the earth's surface increases, the value of g decreases. It varies as —1_, where R is radius of the earth. a s.cRaveranion a9 (@ In the interior of the earth, on the average, the value of gis less than that at the earth's surface, As the depth below the earth’s surface increases, the value of g decreases and finally it becomes zero a the centre of the earth, (24) If. g—GM!r%, then where will the value of g be high, at Goa Beach or on the top of the ‘Mount Everest? Ang. The value of g will be high at Goa Beach, ‘Think about it (Textbook page 9) (4) Wil the direction of the gravitational force change as we go inside the earth? Ans. No. (2) What will be the value of g at the centre of the earth? ‘Ans. Zoro (25) Explain why the value of x 1s zero at the centre of the earth. (ors) a RATA’ Does the value of g change while going deep Inside the earth? Why? tors) ‘Ans. Tho value of ¢ changes while going deep do the earth. 1tgooson decreasing as wo go from the earth's surface towards the earth's conte We shall treat the earth as a sphere of unform density f we considera particle of mass m at point P al a distance (Ad) ftom the earth's centre, wheco Ris the radius of theearth and ds the depth below the earth's surface, the aravitational free on the particle due tothe wart i hisapter hat ‘she oi. Inside the earth ir Gnu : SIM, whose Ms the mass of the srhere ofradlus (Ra. Density = mass volume Mass — volamo « donsity Senay ay mes cnnr -MG ED mnt Decause dhe outer spherical shell Is not effective (Fig. 110). In this caso, the acceleration due to seravity 1s _F__@ M(R-a_ GMa Ror RT ‘where Mis the mass of the earth. ‘Thus, ¢ decreases ‘as d increases, It is less than that at the earth's é : sara (OH) ate carts centred = 8 #0 (26) Explain why the value of g changes if we go inside the earth. (2 marks) (July *19) ‘Ang. The value of — Is nleulaed sing the formu ¢ OM, whore 0 the usversat constant of gravitation, M isthe mas of the earth and is the ditane ofan chet from the ons conte, ‘However, the part of the earth which exerts the fuviitlonn farce on the object decreases a2 r deronto. The mas (ofthis ar sss han ‘As wo move tomar he carts conto, eerense, Wat MT dcr ort tat.Th cried eect sg (R—€, whore ds the dstance ofthe object from the earth's surface, As d, the depth, inereases, g decreases, i.e., ¢ changes. At the earth's centre, dar (27) Why does an object released from the ‘hand, fall on the earth? Ans. Whon an objoct is hold in tho hand, the ‘gravitational force acting on the object due to the ‘earth is balanced by the person holding the object When the object is released from the hand, it falls on the earth due to the earth's gravitational force. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (at 1) DIGEST STD. x (28) Does the value of g depend on the mass of the falling body? Why? ‘Ase oe Got eed onthe ote ies ot The reason Is the gravitational force on a body due tot arises poate nasa ety as stn, he hon ty inversely proportional to the mass of the body. (29) Define mass. State its SI and CGS units. Ans, Tho mass ofa body is the amount of mattor present in it. Its SI unit is the kilogram (kg) and Ce uns he ea Ut rn (0) Define weit. tte Hs Stand C35 ts Ans. The weight of a body is defined as the force win whieh th arth tat Hen te pew ad CS ue ee I nso teint SA We wh va te sin oot thnaiamatepanaa uicmacepae Tees th ae) bow ee stein. It eeamas ero al tho earths contre. At ahs habove sno Aretin, That en body en the cats eurtce te W- the ear surface, W= and st 8 depth ¢ below the Rem ait santos, == pa an agi at Alrecdon (towards the oaths cont) Its «vector quantity.) (GD As per the request of one of his friends from tho equator, Rahul buys 100 grams of silver at the north pole, He hands it over to his friend at the equator. Will the friend agree with the weight of the silver bought? If not, why? Ans. The weight of a body is given by W= mg, whore m is the mass of the body and g is the acceleration due to gravity. g varies from place to place, The value of g al the equator is ess than that at the north pole (as well as the south pole). Hence, the welgnt of the sliver bought ar the north pole would be lase when the silver is weighed at a eoustor. Therefore, Rabul's friend will disegree tout the weight ofthe silver, {Note:The mass ein inlopendon of the alo Rabat ‘ends vill agree aout the mas of he ier] (G2) Ifthe value of g suddenly becomes twice ts value, it will become two times more difficult to pall a heavy object along the floor. Why? ‘Ans, ‘To pull an object along the Moor, tt 1s necessary to do work against the foree of friction between the object and the surface ofthe floor. This {or00 of friction i proportional tothe weight, mg, of the object Ifthe value of g becomes twice its value, the weight of the object and hence the force of friction will become double, Therefore, it will become two times more dificult to pall & heavy object along the Noor. (83) What is the difference between mass and welght of an object? WIN the mass and welght of an‘Object on the earth be the same as thelr values on Mars? Why? ‘Ans. The mass of an object is the amount of ‘matter present in it, Its same everywhere in the Universe and is never zero. Its a sealar quantity a, Tho weight of an object isthe force with which the earth (or any other planet/ ‘moon tar) attracts it It is directed towards the centre of the earth. The weight of an object Is ferent at diferent places on the earth. It is zero at the earth's contre, It isa veetor quantity and its SI unit is the newton (N), ‘The magnitude of ‘weight —me. ‘The mass of an object will be the same on the earth and Mars, but the weight wil! not be the same because the value of son Mars is different from that ‘on the earth, and its SI unit |.cRaveranion a ‘# Use your brain power! (Textbook page 10) () Will your weight remain constant as you go above the surface of the earth? Ans. No. As we go shove the surface of the earth, our weight will go on decreasing, (2) Suppose you are standing on a tall ladder. If your distance from the centre of the earth is 2, what will be your weight? _@Mm _ GMm _ Mm Ans. Weight, W-= S20" Cte Gv _1 (GM (2) __Welght on the surface of the earth a #(31) What is Froe fall? on Define free fall, ‘Ans, Whenever an object _moves under the influence of the fores of gravity alone, i is sald to be falling freely f | (25) Bxplain the term free fall and state the corresponding kinematical equations of motion in the usual notation. ‘Ans. When # body falls in alr, there are three forces acting on the body (1) the gravitational force due to the earth, acting downward (2) the force of Duoyaney (upthrust) dus to air, acting apaard (@) the force que to metion with air (called air resistance), acting upward (being always in the direction opposite to that ofthe velocity of the body). Under certain conditions, the farea of buoyancy due to sir and friction with air cen be ignored compared to the gravitational force ofthe earth. In that case (near the earth's surface) the body falls with almost uniform acceleration (g). Whenever body moves under the influence of the force of igmvity alone, it is eid to bo falling freoly, Strictly speaking this is true only if the body falls in ‘The kinematical equations of motion, in the usual notation, are vamtat emus tg and otautya gs A If the initial velocity (u) of the body is zero, vague Hettand v= 268 (26) During a free fall, will a heavier object accelerate more than a lighter one? ‘Ans. No. The two objects will have the same acceleration, (7) What are the factors on which the maximum hoight attained by a body thrown, val velocity of the body, the acceleration due to gravity at that place, the buoyant force and fletlonal force due to al. (88) If you had to caleulate the mass of the earth, how would you do it? ‘Ans. If the acosleration due to gravity (g), the constant of gravitation (G) and the radius of the ‘earth (R) are known, the mass of the earth (iM) can om Deealeaated using the formula g SH, I ans cunsd uace @ Acconting to Newton's law of gravitation, the earth's gravitational force 4s higher on an object of larger mass. Why doosn't that object fall down with higher velocity as compared to an object with lower mass? cum Ans. P—ma and F~ re + Ascteaton, a ~ OM mais tndopend oF the mass (rm) of the object, Hence, an object of larger mass and an object of lower mass fall down with the same velocity. (89) What is gravitational potential energy? on Dofine gravitational potential energy. Write the formula for it, 2 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY fat 1) DIGEST STD. x Ans. The energy stored In a body due to the son aterm to mans antes nll sravitational force between the body and the earth is called the gravitational potential enecgy. Gravitational potential energy of a body of mass where Gravitational constant, M=mass of the earth, R=rallus of the earth, 1h ~ height of the body from the surface of the earth, [Note : As the bay fs bound ts the earth ne to the ears evdational aes dhe gravitational polenta enargy oC tbe body ‘nner. det in ion kite nary aun to eee sores “oc ea a onal camer nnn poole Deming eee (41) Explain the term escape velocity. OR Write a short note on escape velocity. ‘Ans. In general. when a body is thrown vertically ‘upward from the earth’s surface, Its velocity goes fon docroasing and after some time the body falls back to the ground. Ifits initial velocity is increased, tho moximum boight attainod by it is more, but it does fall back to the ground. If the initial velocity is increased continuously, for a particular initial ‘velocity, the body can overcome the earth's gravitational force and move to infinity and ome to rest there. This volocity is called the oscape volocity. (42) Using the law of conservation of energy, obtain the expression for the escape velocity. ‘Ans, Here, we shall not consider the effects of air. Suppose & body of mass m is thrown vertically ‘upward from the surface of the eaurdh, Let the initial velocity of the body be the escape valocity (px) |.cRaveranion ‘energy &, = kinetic energy + potential energy oi ns + ( Gay where G-= universal 2 B ‘gravitational constant, M.— mass of tho carth and R= radius of the earth. ‘Thus, Ey =! mot, Om, 2 BR When the body moves to infinity and comes to rest there, its tozal energy, om % Bat coor (— Onl) 020-0 According to the law of conservation of energy, BE 2 E mthgg Gt a R Ty, 6M 2 R 20M R “his isthe required expression. (43) Express escape velocity in terms of g and R, am Ans. Eacaze veloc, te = POH Now, (44) Express eseape velocity in terms of G, R and p (the earth’s density). Ans. nsage vot a= FE ‘The earth's density, s a __ [26 G3) Be v R 26 WA al =28 | 2 Gp a kp Q. @ Pill in the blanks and complete the following paragraph. (Words given: ‘upward, friction, negligible, downward, gravitational, buoyancy, very large, alectrio, When a body falls in air, there are throe forces acting on the body :(2) the gravitational force due to the earth, acting .... 2) the force of .... de to air, acting .... (8) the force duo to... with air, acting in the direetion opposite to that ofthe velocity or the boay. Under certain conditions, the force of buoyancy due to air and friction with air can be ........ compared {o the --forve ofthe earth In that case (near the earth's surface) the body falls with almost uniform acceleration (g). Whenever a body moves under the influence of the force of gravity alone, it is said to be filling roely, Strictly speaking, this is true only if the body falls in vacuum. ‘Ans, Wards to be writen (i the propel ordet) downward, buoyancy, upward, friction, negligible, gravitational. @. © Give scientitie reasons () Ifa feather and a stone are released from the top of a building simultaneously, the stone ‘roaches the ground oarlior than the foather. Ans. (1) The motion of a body falling in air is accelerated due to the earth’s gravitational force on. the body. The force due to buoyancy of alr acts an the body in the upward direction. Thus, it opposes the downward motion of the body. As the body falls, the friction with air opposes its motion. (2 This opposition due to air depends on the size, shape, density and velocity of the body. It is greater {Jor @ feather than for a stone, Hence, the stone has greater downward accoloration than the feather, ‘Therefore, the stone reaches the ground earlier than tho feather though they aro released simultansously from the same height. airless tiptoe lace to place though Its mass 1s constant. (March "20) Ans, (1) The mass (m) ofan object is the amount of matter present in it. Its a measure of the inertia of the object. Hence, itis constant. @) The woight of an object is the force with ‘which the earth atiracts the body towards the centre of the earth. Weight, W=mg. As the value of the acceleration due to gravity (g) changes from glace to place, the weight of an object changes from place to place, (@) The weight of @ body is different on different planets, Ans. (1) The weight of a body of mass m on the surface of a planet of mass M and radius R Is Gn : a tho uel notation RS » @) For agiven body, its mass is constant. @ is the calretinin! nate be fret sen ac eich ha he tio (M/R4)is not the same, Hence, the weight of a body isdifferent on different planets. (4) With a specific initial velocity, we can jump higher on the moon than on the earth. dn oe salon ne to rv om fn sno ait of ton he rth Hon, ith we specific initial velocity, we can jump higher on the ‘moon than on the earth. This can be seen from the equation ha ititg, @ @ Distinguit between Q) mass and weight (2) universal gravitational constant and gravitational acceleration of the earth. ‘Ans, o Mass Weight 1, The mass of a body is|1. The weight of a body the amount of matter isthe force with which the earth attracts it present in it, 24 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY at 1) DIGEST : STD. 2 Ithas magnitude, but] 2. Ithasboth magnitude not direction. and direotion. 8. It does not change 3. It changes from place from place to place, | to place. 4 Itcan never be zero, |4. It is zero at the centre oftheearth, lls SI unit is the 5. lis SI unit is the kilogram. newton. 1 The universal 1. The gravitational ravitationalconstant | acceleration of the numotically equals) earth isthe tte force of attraction acceleration produced etween two unit in a body due to the asses separated by a gravitational force of unit distance. the earth. 2 lis value remains 2. Ite value changes constant throughout toplace.: the universe 64724 & It has magnitude but 3. It has bothmagnitude not direction. ‘and direction, 4 Its STunit is 4. Its Sl unit is m/s, Nam?/kg! @.@ solve the following —_examples/ numerical problems (G= 867 xO Nag, g = 98 m/s!) (1 The time taken by the earth to complete fone revolution around the Sun is 2.158 « 107 s ‘The distance between the earth and the Sun is, 1.5 + 1011 m, Find the spoed of revolution of the earth, Solution : Data: = 8.150 «10°, r=15 x10! m,o=? pa 2At 2x82 1.6 10% m F 3.156% 10" = 2.987 x 10" m/s = 29.87 km/s ‘This is tho spood of rovolution of tho earth. mien dd ao ts moe uniform circular motion around the Sun, find the centripetal acceleration of the earth. [Speed of the earth = 3 x 10% m/s, distance between the earth and the Sun = 1.510"! m] ‘Solution : Data: 7 =8 10 m/s, r=1.5 «102m Centripetal forer CCentripetal acceleration of the earth, vt _ Gx 108 mist F 18% 10m 6410-9 mis? Itis directed towards the centre of the Sun. (8) What will be the gravitational force on 60 kg man on the Moon, Mars and Jupiter? Are they te same? Why? -M (oon) ~ 7.96 10% kg, R (Moon) ~ 1.74 «10m, (M (Mars) =6.4 «10% kg, R (Mars)=8.95 «10% m, -M (Jupiter) — 1.9 » 10" kg. R (Jupiter) ~ 7.15 » 107 m, G= 6.675 10-" Nom? kg? ‘Solution 1) Data: my = 60 kg, my = 796 10 kg, R=1i4x 0%m, P= Orn, P= omy = BT 10-1 N mag» 60 eg» 7.36 220 he G7 x 10 my 0729 On the moon’s surface, the gravitational force on the man due to the moon =97.29 N. @) Data: m, ~ 00 kg, my ~ 64 « 10 kg, R=3.95 x10! m, P=? pte RB S07 10°" Nem 5 kg 64 x 10 ke (3.96 x10" my =m2N On the surface of Mars, the gravitational force on the man due to Mars = 222.2 N. s.cRaveranion 25 ( Data: m, ~ 60 kg, my ~ 1.9 1077 kg, R=115x10'm, P=? Gmym, FGM Re 8.67 «10 Noni! x 60 kg x 19 10 kg (75 10" my =1487N On the surface of Jupiter, the gravitational force on the man due to Juplter = 1487 N. ‘Phus, the forees on the man are not the same because the ratio (M/-H*) isnot thesame tn the case ofthe meon, Mars and Jupiter. *(@) The masses of the earth and moon are 6» 10% kg and 7.4 » 10% kg, respectively. The aistance between them 1s 3.81 10° km. Calenlate the gravitational foree of attraction between the two. Use G=6.7 x 10 Nun’ kg Solstion : Dita: my =8 102g, my = TA x 10® kg, 7 = 3.84 x 10° km =3.84 x 10° m, Ons ma0 Nate PE? | 1 p-OmMy 0 8.7 10° Nam? kg# «6 x 108 kg x74 x 10 eg (exw = 84x 6XT4 X10 x ory 109 N S84 x 384 x 10% “This ts (the magnitude of) the gravitational force btwoen the earth and the moon, @® (®) Mahendra and Virat are sitting at a distance of 1 metre from each other. Their masses are 75 kg and 80 kg respectively. What is the gravitational force between them? G=6.67 x 10> Nam?/ke", Solution:Givon : r-—1m, 7m, —75 ka. mz — 00 ke and G-= 6.67 x 10-"" Nem#/kg# 002 x 10-71N ‘Tho gravitational forco botwoon Mahondra and Virat is 4.002 10-7. niiewiectiinneninice masses 1 kg and 100 kg respectively. ‘Their contres axe separated by 100 m. () Find the gravitational force between them. (ii) Find the gravitational force on A due to tho earth. (iii) Suppose A and B are initially at rest and A ‘can move frvely towards B. What will be the velocity of A one second after it starts moving towards B? How will this volocity change with time? How much time will A take to move towards B by 1 em? dv) If A begins to fall, starting from rest, due to the earth's downward ull, what will be its velocity after one second? ‘How much time will it take to fall through 1 em? [Meany 6 « 10 gy Rear) ~ 6400 kom} Solution: Data:m =1 ke, m2 = 100 ke. 100 m, M =6 x 10 kg, R = 6400 km = 6400 x 10" m, f=18,s=lem=1x10-7m, G=8.67 «10-8 Nam*/kg* Feat via 2 = 2 a2 ba? p. Gian “@) Fy St 6.87 x 10-4 Nem?/ke! x 1 kg 5100 kee 00m = 6.67 «10-8 N Gram Re G) ha m?/ke 1 Ky «6 10" ke (C400 » 108 ma 977 N. Bar 10-8 2.2 x 34 x64 x 10 ‘This is far greater than (il) Imnoeing variation of acceleration with distance, viet; tated 4 Fh fp SOT x 10 FN my Tke = 6.67 «10-9 m/s ‘This velocity is directed ftom A to B. As the soparation botwoon A and B docroases, tho acceleration of A and the velocity of A will increase. Ignoring variation of acceleration with distance, xis syoutsbat—os2 Figs 2 2m ams i A 26 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY fat 1) DIGEST STD. x 3 <3 se 2 2x1 kg x 10-tm a7 x10» = 1.782 x 108s dv) up at ret Fee ™ STUN 1 5=9.77 m/s (downward Live>> bal 1 1 ah, saute bat04} gy 1F g pnt een am a, 2m, 2x10 #m x1 ef Patt, 2810 Pm THE _ 9295 st hy ‘ON 04588 h>>4) (@ Two spheres of uniform density have masses 10 kg and 40 kg. The distance between the centres of the spheres is 200 m. Find the gravitational force botwoen thom. Solution : Data : my = 10 ke, m,=40 ks, P20 m, 6 = 687% 10" Namie Gray 6 ! ae O15 few Nig! x 10 Ks 40 ew my Sar 10M EN 6p ag N +10 ‘The gravitational force between the two 7 10-9 N, spheres, (®) Find the gravitational force between a man of mase 50 kg and a car of mass 1500 kg. separated by 10 m. Solution : Data : m, =50 ke, ma = 1500 kg, 110m, = 667 10°" Nmni/igl, P=? Gmym P- 2 10-1 Nem?/leg! = 60 ke x 1500 Ie ome 0025 10 N ‘The gravitational force between the man and the car = 5.0025 x 10° N. |.cRaveranion Use your beain power! (Textbook page 6) @, Assuming the acceleration in Example 2 above remains constant, how long will ‘Mahendra take to move 1 em towards Virat? Ans. Here, u=0 » seut+tatao42 J Sets Fal = 045 aft a fil genae i ~ JoaTis x10 # ~ /3.715 x18 © 1995 § = 92 minutes 15 seconds. 2x 1x 10m (9) Find the magnitude of the gravitational | force between the Sun and the earth. (Mass of the spare" G~6.67 «10! N.m*/kg?) Solution : Data : m,=2 x 10% kg, 3 61 <0 Nmiig®, F =? regmm 8.67 10-8 Na? / gx 3 10% hg x 0x 10 bg } (510° mF | = BOTR288 19 N= 9557107 N j TS x15 P8551 x102N |The magnitude of the gravitational force Detween the Sun and the earth = 3.587 x 10% N. 2(10) ‘The mass of the earth is 6 «102 kg. The distance between the earth and the Sun is, 1.5 © 1011 m. If the gravitational force betweon the two is 3.5 x 10 N, what is the mass of the Sun? (Use @ = 6.7 10-1 Nom? 4) | Solution : Data: m)=6 x 104g, 5x 10" m, F=3.5 x 10" N, G=6.7< 10-8 Nem ke-4, m=? Gms re 27 Fe 86x WN x as x10! my" Gi "Tx 1 Wank x OA snus x35 10 érxexie 1.86 «10% ig (anaes of he Sam), GX) Find the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth. } (AT= 6 10% kg, R= 6400 km) Solution : Data : f= 6 x 10 kg. R= 6400 km ~ 64 x 10m, G=8.7 < 10-" Neni/kg, g =? ' ie pol 667_x 10-1! Nem*/kg! « 6 < 10% ke ‘ Saxony } 667 <6 m/s! = 9:77 m/s* ar i ‘The magnitude of the accoloration due to gravity at the surface of the earth = 9.77 m/s*, #(12) The radius of planet Ais half the ra of planet B. If the mass Aiden Lae ‘be the mass of B so that the value of g on B is half that of its value on A? @ marks) Solution : Data: Ry = Ro/2. n= 5 fs. Ma =? OM, RR OM y= Maan le eae) Mp4 ig 8 #(13) An object takes 5 s to reach the ground from a height of 5 m on a planet, What is the value of g on the planet? (2 marks) (Nov. "20) Solution : Data: =Om/s, s=5m,{=5s,¢=? jet 28 ir 1 — sm=lexGst-lyexssx5s gexGar-te = 5 m/st=04 m/S* (on the planet), (14) ‘The mass ofa planet is 9 times the mass of the earth. Tis diameter is 25600 km and the carth’s diameter is 12600 km. Find the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the planet. Lg (earth) = 9.8 m/s*] M, (planet) _. ‘M, (earth) D, (earthy = 12000 km 2800 xm ‘Solution : Data : AR, (oarth) — = 6400 am 64 10°m D, (planet) —25300 Iam *. Ry (lant) ~ 29 — 2600 em =125 x10" m (earth) - 98 m/e, (planet) =? on cM, GM, Ft Gh a SE -, #2 _(Ms)\ (RY a ah) (ae) Vay ig ag, (2a a -2,(%) ‘The acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the planet = 7.35 m/s? (25) If the aeceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth is 9.8 m/s, what will be the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of a planet whose mass and radius both are two times the corresponding quantities for the earth? Solution : Data : ge = 98 m/s* R Re, B=? om Re Acceleration dus to gravity, = SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (at 1) DIGEST STD. x

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