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c Thoroughly Updated __ as per the Textbook and Board's Activity Sheet NAVNEET ENGLISH KUMARBHARATI DIGEST STANDARD X * Prose (With Language Study Activities) * Poems (With Appreciation) * Non-textual Passages } \\, (For Comprehension and Summary) A? Writing Skills Based on the Textbook and Board’s Activity Sheets NAVNEET ENGLISH KUMARBHARATI DIGEST STANDARD X + Saitent features : 1. Thoroughly revised as per the Board's Activity Sheets of March and November 2020. 2. Answers/Guidance for ‘Warming Up!" and ‘English Workshop’ Acivities in each poem/lesson. 3. Paraphrase of all the poems inelsided, 4. Division of poems/lessons into extracts/ passages for beiter understanding of Poem/lessons as well as, the activily-based paper pattern. Meanings of diffleult words below each passage extract. Lufd explanation of how to write the Appreciation of a Poem, Appreciation of all the poems in potnts format (for understanding) as well as paragraph format Language Study Activities in every prose lesson based on Q. 1, of the Activity Shot 8. A separate section of explanation of Language Study Topics. 10. A separate section of Non.textual Passages for Comprehension as well az Summary Writing 11. Separate Weiting Skills section based on the toptes given in the Activity Sheet forme. 12, Board's March 2020 Activity Sheet for practice with reference of answers. + 4 + Important Feature hes Tess ad the tnodel ase, scan the QR Code given a the ed of ach lesan By NAVNEET ‘Thoroughly Revised Edition : 2021 Navneer Epucarion Limrren Bhavani Shankar Road, Dadar (West), Mumbai ~ 400 028. rati Registration No, 2018MH100L4 E505 Phone : (022) 6662 6565 (Lioioning elas (S Marks) Speaking skills (5 Marks] #2 Assignments of 6 marks cach. (2) Written Examination : hey mat maw en ie meena Q. 1. (A) (i) Language Study : (Simple Activities) Te cacace merce suet ein Bet See (3) Punctuate the following. (Use of quotation marks, commas, apostrophe, captialization, full-stop, sagen wn BAIA 32 usb pabtaE Liha eS (8) Complete the word chain of nouns'verbs/adjectives. om RI Sanaa sacinamenenaen cece (it) Language Study : (Middle Level Activities) 04 Marks pc arse “nto tte cee ee a tones nang ae ee ee RS Pena nee a rere (2) Direct and Indirect narration : (Any kind of sentence fram Direct to Indirect) (3) Conversion of Tenses. Sean ene (B) Language Study : (Challenging Activities} 02 Marks (Teacher can choose any 2 challenging activtites from those listed below. Students are expected to attempt any 1 activity for 2 marks.) (1) Use of same given word as a noun as well as a verb in sentences (2) Change the Degree of Comparison, (8) Underline Pick out the Modal Amzllary and state its fmction. (4) Analyse the Sentence. (Simple, Complex, Compound) (5) Use the given two words into one meaningful sentence. (ote : Teachers can add some more activities in any of the above as per the requirement of their students.) SECTION IT: TEXTUAL PASSAGES. (Reading Skill, Vocabulary and Grammar) Q. 2. (A) and (B) Textual passages for Comprehension : (2 10 = 20 Marks) (A1/B1) Simple Factual Activity 02 Marks, (42/2) Complex Factual Actisity 02 Marica (A3/B3) Activity based on Vocabulary 02 Marks (A4/B4) Activity based on Contextual Grammar 02 Maris (A5/B5) Activity based on Personal Response, Expression, Creation and Imagination, 02 Marks, 0s uj romaSE SY os man (A1) Simple Facinal Activity 02 Maries (a2) Complex Factual Activity 02 Marks (Aa) Activity based on Poetic Device 01 Marke (B) Appreciation of Poem : 05 Marks (Students should write an appreciation of the glven poem with the help of given points in. paragraph format.) = TWe Yo Macks # Poet Yo Maric ‘© Rhyme Scheme 1 Mark ‘© Figures of Speech, OL Mark © Theme/Central Idea (AL least 2 (0 3 lines) 92 Mars SECTION TV : NON-TEXTUAL PASSAGES: Q. 4. (A) Non-textual passage for Comprehension : 10 Marks (Refer to the points given for textual passages.) (B) Summary of the pessage given in Q. 4 (A) 05 Marks © Sultabie ttle 01 Marie ‘© Central idearTheme 02 Mares ‘© Use of appropriate language 02 Marks Formal OR Informal # Sender's Address and Date 4 Marke Sender's Address and Date Recipfent’s Address Ye Mark Salutation © Subject Yo Marke ‘Main body * Main body 2 Marks Closing + Subseription/Closing Ys Marke Grammar © Grammar 1 Mark UNote : Dialogue writing and Intervlew questions are parts of Assignments under Internal Evaluation } Q. 6 (A) Information Transfer : * Read and present in a graphic form OR Observe the graphic and describe : (Pact Mle /LeaNet/Tabular form/Bar graph and Linear graph/Chart/Treediagram/ Flow chart/Note making/Dos and Don'ts, etc.) = Marking scheme + Verbal to Non-verbal OR —_ Non-verbal to verbal + TWe 01 Mark. © Tue © Covering all points 02 Marks © Use of given points, * Appropetate grapluc/layout 01 Mark. * Grammar + Seana oy 6 (B Views and Counerviews {i vices ea Gibesioes dag ws + Proper bain a ccc 5 wire vans ead pra « prening opean n ed und neal psi oth log er + Apathy ma sceng waa >) 8 Appropriate language 129 ae oR (ii) Drafting a Speech ~ Marking scheme : «© Appropriste begianiny/conchuston * Boxly — Use of given points and additional points, appropriate nse of language * Appropeiate sequence and flow of language # Use of Appropriate grammatical siructures SECTION VI: CREATIVE WRITING . 7. (A) Expansion of Provers/Maxims/Quotations/Slogans Marking scheme : © Title and proper beginning Elaboration of the idea/subjectheme Use of appropriate grammar aud vocabulary # Proper conelusion and layont 05 Marks Ys Mack Yo Mark 2% Marks Y% Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark. 02 Marks 1 Mark. DL Marl 05 Marks 01 Marie 1 Mark 02 Marks 01 Mark. 05 Marks 01 Marie 02 Marks 01 Marie 1 Mark. 05 Marks 1 Marie 02 Marks 1 Mark 01 Marie oR [News Report based on the given headline Marking scheme + 05 Marks © Tidefteadtine/Dateune OL Maric 1 Logical Sequence of events 02 Marks © Use of appropriate grammar and vocabulary 1 Mark © Conclusion and layout 01 Marie (B) Developing « Story OR Narrating an experience related to the given beginning/end : Marking scheme + 05 Marks © Tile and proper begluning 01 Mari ‘+ Elaboration of the ideveubjecttheme 02 Marics Use of appropriate grammar and vocabulary 01 Mark «© Proper conclusion and layout 01 Marke 7 Unit Three 2 Whee tenn we a eo 14 £ Ohare Scorpion 4 12 The Thies Stry 2° he ght 1 Met Einstein 123 1.3 On Wings of Courage v2 | 8:8. stephen Having asa 1A All the Worlds a Stage ve 8 | 4 The Wil to Win 148 15. Joan of Are 88 | 5 Usheatale Super Mom-Mary Kom. 180 1.6. The Alchemy of Nature LAT | 36. The Concert 189 Unit Two Unit Four 21 Animals 54) 4. AThing of Dematy a Joy Foe Ber u 167 22 Three Questions 5942. The Luncheon 12 23 Connecing the Dots ve 70 | 48. Worl Heritage 162 24 The Pulley 4A The Height of te ickeuows 191 25. Lets March 1-80 | 4.5 The OM Man and The Gen: Book Revew 195 25 "ais aa aay. 0 | 46 The th of te Mag 201 tanguage Study 210 ¢Non-Teatual (Unseen) Passages (For Comprehension and Summary Writing) 224 + Weng Skis 308 * Board's Activity Sheet : March 2020, =» 240 ablihod by Wasnt EAvsaton Linked, Carat, Gaara om ow 263.21) by Navneet Edusaton Lied, Cara, Guar 6 © G. 1. Guess the proverb hidden in the pictures on page 1 of the textbook : (The ansusers are given directly.) ‘Ans. (1) The pen fs mightier than the sword. (2) Birds of a feather flock together. (8) Time is money. (4) Every cloud has a stiver lining. Q. 2. Read and enjoy the poem given on page 1 of the textbook and underline the words having inconsistency in spellings and pronunciation. ‘Ams. (1) verse ~ worse (2) comps ~ corpse (8) Suzy, busy, dizzy (4) head — heat (5) heart, beard, heard (6) dies ~ diet (7) lord - word (8) plague ~ vague ~ argue (0) blood — flood — food (20) mould ~ should - would (13) river — rival (12) tomb ~ bomb ~ comb (28) dott ~ ott (14) some ~ home (15) monkey ~ donkey (20) clerk — jerk (17) asp ~ grasp — wasp (18) fork — work (29) enough ~ though ~ through ~ plough ~ ecugh (20) biceough ~ cup, G. 3. Create another new headline using the words from the following headlines : (The words used are underlined.) combalietods bbc aheincnss conons water relenee of for winter crope {never played forthe money MANY MILLENIALS HAVE NEVER SPOKEN TO THEIR NEIGHBOURS : SHOWS STUDY. New headline : LOCAL CROPS BOOST CAREER OPTIONS FOR MANY MILLENIALS (Note : students fo do this activtly making many groups in class) Q. 4. Some Figures of speech are hidden in the grid horizontally, vertically, diagonally and in reverse ‘order, Trace them out with your pencil : Ans. @ixit[1[/ Tin £[s[1|s)(n) ‘N@w ly) vy) x w[m] fo |e] £[RO{x) ¥/ mw o[R[O] NP ob Gunmmnono @ [a WEN lao] R)| | ofp} vir] Na\o[n[y¥]s lr G[v/Ple/R) B\O\E |e) alt Tie o[p aR A{P\elo llr tlz/Flale|y @| ave lo N | ELK] P| UyS)|N) eee UNIT ONE 15 WHERE THE MIND IS WITHOUT FEAR. (Textbook page 2) Introduction : This famous poom by Rabindranath Tagore was written when India was under the British Rule. The poem is written in the form of a prayer (0 the Almighty asking for freesdom for the country, Tagore ‘also sppesls to God for soctel, educational and economic freedom for the people af India. ‘The poem was ‘originally composed in Bengall. Tagore won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913, and this poem appeared {his Nobel Prize winning anthology ‘Gitanjat | warmina uer | Q. 1. Pair up with your partner and match the terms with their given meanings : (The answers are given direotly. ‘Ans. (1) Humanism — A rationalise outlook towards humans rather than a divine or supernataral (2) Patrowsm ~ Quality of being patriot: ‘vigorous suppor for one's country. (3) Inernationaliam ~ Staié or snternatonal U (4) Uberalism ~ Holding iberal views. (6) Envtronmentalism —Concern about and action aimed at protecting the environment @. 2, Taking the help of a dictionary/the internet, quess and write the type of poem against Ste Ata, se description : Ans. (1A long siory-poem, often sythteal - ple (2) A short story poem with & message (8) A poom of 14 lines (2) A sengiike poem (3) A poem with no uniformity of rhyme, rhythm, ete = free verse (6) A poem set in a picturesque, rustic background = idyll (7) 8 sad poem. lamenting the death of « loved one ~ dey (8) A Sine short funny poem with rhyme scheme zabba limerick (0) A pom written, just to ereate humour ~ humorous, ‘PARAPHRASE Rabindranath Tagore wishes his country to get true freedom, and he describes what this ‘heaven of freedom’ is He begins by saying that the minds of his countrymen should be free fom any fear and thest hheads should be held high in dignity. Knowledge should be fee, and everyone should be allowed to acquire knowledge. Feople should be untied, and the world should not be broken up inte small and re ‘There should be no division among ‘based on rellgon, caste, creed, colour. such discrimination, notonly in sccetes but Between the countries of the world as well. ‘The poet wants a country where people speak he truth sincerely, with the words coming from the depts of their hearts. Everyone should work hard to reach their goal, and they should continsously ‘strive lowards perfection. He then compares logical lumking or reason to a clear seam, and warns us {w slop from straying into the dull desert sand of harmful rituals and customs of the past. (Here the ‘poet means to say’ that the reasoning ability of people should nel be lost or overshadowed by superstitious beliefs and prejudices te, his countrymen should be led by rational thinking and not by any old betiels that are harmful) fm lines 9 and 10, the poet wants the minds of hus countrymen to be led forward by the Almighiy 0 that they broaden their outlook, thoughts and actions. [We should be generous tn thought and open-minded.) Im the last hae the poet addresses God as “my Father’ and asks Him to awaken his the poet’) country into a heaven of freedom, where the people's fontlook and autitude get broadened and bring forth good thoughts, good words and god actions. 8 ENGLISH HUMARBHARATI DIGEST : STANDARD X RET ‘ano POETIC REVICE! Peete ricer eer acer errr Cesena) gna eRe TS activities AL. Simple Factual Activities : rt ing a Sind cacao pec sod match the oprenioas wth th meting: Che eraters ae glen dest) fom (1) The beni eld gh A person wn data nl hea pace fa tere boner eternal (3) Koowi ce Educate ie Ban ote eee 63 bint send ew foro pcm sof easyer rca an epee (7 lear scam of ese” Cl Ming, (8 Bed Lain Dro rind ea oh terse mong icn e neste eecdaes “mrimacime: 6/1] A | (The answers are given direetly and underlined.) ‘Ans, (1) Students should keep themeelves aloot from old harmful traditions. (2) When knowledge is free everyone will be erate, (8) ICs the soctal daty of every student of the ‘modern world (0 uproot marrow-mindedness from societies. (4) Students must develop broad outlook and attitudes. (5) In the world of sycophancy, students must have selF-respect ‘POEM (Textbook page 3) Where the mind is without fear and the head is held gh ‘Where knowledge is free Where the world has not heen broken up into fragments By narrow domestic walls ‘Whore worda come out from the dopth of truth Where tireless striving stretches its ams towards perfection 1.1 WHERE THE MIND IS WITHOUT FEAR... manner Inio the dreary desert sand of dead habit Where the mind is ted forward by Thee Into ever-widentng thought and action Inio that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my. country awake, ‘lovsery : feagments - snl peces or parts. anrrow omestse walls division on the bass Of reign, casi, case, race and colour tn societies and between countries of the world, tireless striving - contimous efforts and hard work. stretches. tts arms~atemp's made at achieving goal dreary desert sand of dead habit - od ‘woditosal rusle, customs and euperattiens that are harm everwidening -coatinuously broaeaing ones Ovullook, neaven of freedom conditon of ota eetom of good thoughts, good words and gond deeds. A2, Complex Factual Activities (a) Explain the foulowing = (@) what the poet prays to the Almighty for = Ans, The poet prays to the Almighty asking Him to awaken hie (the poet's) country into a hewen of freedom, where the people are all truly free and total ‘freedom of good thoughts, good words and good actions exists, while respecting those of others, (0) what ‘reason’ and ‘dead habit’ are compared ‘Ans, “Reason 1s compared to a clear stream, and ‘dead habit’ fs compared to the dreary desert sand. (©) what the poet wishes for : ‘Ans. The poot wishes that his country awakens Into a heaven of freedom, where the people are all luuly free and tolal freedom of good daoughts, good ‘words and good setions exists. (@) how the world 1s broken into fragments : Ans, The world ls broken into fragments by divisions on the basis of religion, caste, class, race ‘and colour in societies all over the world. (e) what ‘tireless striving’ should be for: ‘Ans, Ticless striving’ should be to atin one's pals as well as to achieve perfection, (8 the meaning of ‘Where words come out from the depth of truth’: ‘Ans. It means when people speak truthfully and ‘with complete stacerity of heart. (g) who ‘Thee’ is in the poem and what the we nad an pom yt compte WS poet appeals to “Thiec’ to do: ‘Ans. “Thee in this poem is God. The poet wishes God to awaken his country into a heaven of freedom, ‘where the people are all truly free and (otal freedom. ‘of good thoughts, good words and shod actions exists “(2) Complete the wed. oR ‘What qualities does the poct wish to inculcate in Ils countrymen? (The answers are given directly and underlined.) teu: | ayguy.|[ sisaom | Set t f ‘The qualities the poet wants to eet is be ~ ear road ninldies|| sng pitty *{8) Write your own rerponse to the following questions, and justify where needed : (a) Te the poem a prayer for Indin alone? ‘Ans. ‘The poem is a prayer {OF India alGhne, bit 1€ {8 also relevant for countries all over’ the- world — (b) What should the words we speak reflec? Ans. The words we speak should reflect our sincerty and truthfulness {e) What should people keep on widening? How can it be done? ‘Ans, People should keep on widening teir atitade and outlook This can be done by getting rid of prejudices, trwelling to different places and through eduction. (d) From what darkness of night should ovr nation awaken? ‘Ane. Our nation should awali rom tbe darnoss of prejudices, division of socieiy, old. tracional rituals and customs that are harmful discrimination tn imparing Knowledge, mnsinceriy, untruhfulness, fear and lack of serespect. (e) What attributes of Rabindranath ‘Tagore does the poem (prayer) reflect? ‘Ane. The poem reflects Rabindranath Tagore’: patriotism and love for his countrymen, his cleas- thinking his bread outlook, his seen aide ane his emphasis on hard work. 10 | lable after the discussion in pairs. (the answers are given direcily.) Ans, Concepts in | Present | ‘Expectediideal ‘the poem | situation situation (1) mind | Mind is full of [Fearless mind. fear. (2) head — [Head is bowed | Head is held down, high, (9) knowledge |Knowiedge is | Knowledge ts free the privilege of a |and available to select minority. all. (4) words [Words are [Words are insincere. tutu and simeere. (S) habit [Old taditional [There is reason rituals and [and clarity of jeasioms that | thought. are harmful are followed. (thought (Thoughts and | Thoughts and And action |actions are [actions are determined by & |determined by & narrow-minded |broad outlook. attinude *{5) Complete the following sentences using your own Interpretation (The answers are given directly and undertined.) Ans, (1) When the mind is without fear and the head is, Uunbowed, we enjey complete sreedomn, (2) When knowledge is free, every citizen enjoys Ie right to Iearn and obtain knowledge. (3) We ean prevent social injustice when we pall own discriminatory walls of caste, class, religion, ete. (4) Constant efor’ snd strife leads to achieving ‘our goals and 1 perfection, (5) Logical thinking and reasoning can put a stop lo the following of old wradivons and customs that are harmful (©) Tagore appeals to God to make mis country a heaven where people have good thoughis, say good ‘words and do good actions. ENGLISH UMARBHARATI DIGEST STANDARD X AS. Activities based on Poetic Devices : *(1) Find out tines trom the poem 48 a proof for the following (a) Tagore wishes for a untion where people are truthful, ‘Ans, Line : Where words come out ftom the depth of trath, (h) The poet would like everyone to work hard to reach their goal and in the long run to reach perfection. ‘Ane. Line ; Where Ureless striving stretches its arms towards perfection. (c) The poot wishes that everyone in hia country holds his head high in dignity. ‘Ans. Line: Where the mind be neal 1s hela high (a) The poet dreams of a nation where knowledge should be free tall. ‘Ans. Line ; Where knowledge Is tree. (e) The poom is a ‘prayer. ‘Ans, Lines: (} Where the mind isle forward by Thee ; ; (1 Toto tha Heaven oF fee, my Falter, fet my country awake. . - *12) What effect docs the repetition of the word ‘where’ atthe beginning of each line achieve? ‘Ans. The repetition of the word “where” at the Deglaning ofenen line denotes the increasing intensity of hope snd tsi the poet pits fn his vision (9) Find examples of lliteration trom the without fear and poem. ‘Ags. (1) Where the mind is without fear and the head ts held high, Repetition of the sound of w’ and 'y (2) Where the world has not been broken up into fragments, Repeuuon of the Sound of w, (3) Where words come out from the depth of truth, Repetition of the sound of w’. (4) Where tireless striving stretches ts arms {towards perfection. Repetition of the sound of‘ andl 's) (5) Into the dreary desert sand of dead babit Repetition of the sound of‘ (4) Find examples of Personification from a oem. Ans, (I) ‘Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection Here “tireless striving has been given the human qually of stretching its arms, (2) ‘Dreary desert sand of dead habit. Here “habit bas been glven the quality of death and sand has been called ‘dreary’. *(5) Find examples of Metaphor from the poem. ‘Ans, (1) ‘Clear stream of reason’. Here reason bas been implicitly compared to a clear stream, (2) ‘Dreary desert sand of dead habit. Here old bhabits have been implicitly compared to dreary desert sand. (6) Find the figures of speech in the Hine = “nto that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake, ‘Ans. Synecdeche : Country’ stands for the people Of the country. Apostrophe : The poet is addressing the Almighty. (7) Comment on the shyme scheme of the Poem, ‘Ans.-The poem is written in free verse without ‘any thyme scheme. APPRECIATION OF POEM Introduction : Writing an appreciation’ of something ‘means analyzing and glving an opinion about a plece of erature (generally a poem), sensitively and {nicliigenly, You should not only have read the work completely but also have understood 1 thoroughly Here we are going to discuss the appreciation of & poom which should address (1) its eomtent and (2) ts form, ‘White discussing content, you should deseribe What the poem is abot, that Is. (a) the central {dea of the poem (b) if there 18 an inner or tmpltedt ‘meaning or message (¢) the spectal features, etc ‘While discussing form, you should address. Merary techniques like the (a) structure and tone () te rtyme scheme (e) the figures oF speech, ete, You can also discuss what you have liked or not lUked, and what tias impressed or not impressed you. ‘The appreciation of @ poem is usually weiten in the form of a paragraph/paragraphs, 1.1 WHERE THE MIND IS WITHOUT FEAR... a Points to be considered while waiting the Appreciation of « Poem : ‘The Appreciation of a poem consists of: (2) the tate of tne poem and (2) the mame of the poet whio has waitten it I the name of the poet 's not mentioned, one can ‘write anonymous. (8) the ehyme scheme of the poem, A thyme scheme is the pattern of endings of) 4 line's of a poem or a song, For example, ifthe last word of the frst line rhymes withthe last word ff the second line, both are given the same letter, ‘saya, Any other last word of any other tine siyming with these (wo will also be given the same leter (a), ‘The other lines with dliferent rhyming words at ‘he end, which do not rhyme with () will be given afferent letters: Example: ‘Ont of the might that covers tie, ss waren moked 4. T thank whatever gods may be (a) For my unconquerable soul. (b) In this stanza me rhymes with be, 80 both are ‘given the letter 0, ‘Similarly, pole rhymes with soul, but not with ‘me oF be, so both are given the net letter b, ‘Rhyme scheme of the above stanza ts aba, (4) One figure of speech with explanation, Choose one which you can explain well. You may ‘also mention the other figures of speceh. (6) The theme/central idea Le. the main ides ‘of the poem, This can be written in atleast 2-3 lines ‘This will be the end of the appreciation. Read the poem. Write an appreciation of the poem with the help of the given points ‘Note : The potnt format given in Appreciation af Poem (| for easy urelerstanding. However, it isto be writien in the form af paragraph in the examinaalen, a Point Format Wor understanding) ‘The title of the poem: Where the mind is without fear ‘The poet : Rabindranath Tagore Rhyme scheme : Written in free verse without any rhyme scheme or metre, Figures of epeceh : Personificalion, Repetition, Metaphor, Alliteration, ete, ‘Theme/Central idea : This ts a peayer to God. Tagore asks God to awaken his country into a heaven of freedom, where there is total freedom of| good thoughts. good words and good actions. [ Paragraph Format | ‘Te poem Where the mind is wou a” by Rabindranath Tagore ‘Te poem writen i eevee wttoic any pine seteme oF consent mitre. There are many Nes cr apeech eg Repeuton, Meio, Alteran, ae An Important Ree of meet is Persnieaton- Wiese sing srelces 1s arms towards [320 trmng eelclng ts arms (each oa ‘The poem laa pape to God, Tagore armen God as ‘ay Falter and asks Him w awaten A enmity td heen of ror, where es Ie tol eedom of ood touphis, good words and good ee oe be fc mn fear, where Knowledge Would be fee to ‘naval nd pope fom al castes ond liane would be ante, warring sas | °Q. Imagine you have to deliver a speech on ‘Independence Day’ or “Republle Day* in the school assembly. Prepare a speech on ‘My ‘dream Iadia/The India T dream off India of My dreams’ (Use te steps given om textbook pege 6.) Ans. ‘My Dream India ‘Respected Principal, eachers and my dear iriends, Today. 15th August, 1s the day India won her freedom. No doubt, al thal ume the cltizens of hee ENGLISH HUMARBHARATI DIGEST STANDARD X India had many dreams for thelr country, some of which would have certainly come true. 1, Rohan Medta, often think about my ‘dream’ India too, and I would Uke to tel you something about it In the India of my dreams, there would be no poverty. Every Indian would be able to lve a comfortable life. Every single person would be literate and the pursull and acquisition of kaowledge would be open to all, irrespeciive of caste, creed or religion, Conuption cals away a comnlry, and ia my dream India there would be no corrupt people. Truth and ssincerily would reign. The Iarge population will arn ut to be an advaniage rather than a handicap. We will be using renewable energy sources more and more, Every man, woman and child would be able to hold up his oF her head with dignity and self-respect. India will be a Super power’; but unlike the current ‘Super powers! India will always lead a helping hand to the developing nations, There would be no need to have fa police force because there would be ao crime and nape meprearmeccnpnel edocs toa necaieggieee me ono “ACTIVITY ©. Work in groups of six students and compose Your poem regarding ‘Ideal School”. Begin your lines with the word ‘Where’. ‘Ans, Ideal School ‘An ‘Ideal School is one... Where fun, games and studies go hand in hand, ‘Where teachers come from all over the land, Where no punishment a given to one, nor any blame, ‘Where motivation and encouragement isthe name of the game, {Stucents can write thet own poems.) FURTHER READING (1) Read the short story written by Rabindranath ‘Tagore “The Kabuliwaia/The Home Coming’. (2) Visit the Internet and collect more information “shout Rabindranath Tagorc's fe and work, Oey ae ca happy and cont The ny dem nlf rl] at eee 1.1: WHERE THE MIND 1S WITHOUT FAR... id you stuly the lessosheptr ros she Navneet Digest? Nov, stove the test ease elidleaning Scan hinQR Code forth tat nd ited answers 13 Introduction : This is a simple and heartwarming story about a smalliime the! and the man he robs, what Q. 1, (a) In the incident given on page 7 of the textbook, which words/phrases can be replaced. by the following ones? Words/Phrases Ans. (1) became aware ‘realized (at) always. invariably (uu) very upset and helpless desperate lo) cheating foul means (v) without working for it unearned (vil @ sudden change 1a turning point (it) gainjachieve acquire (b) Summarize the incident in 6 to 8 lines making Lokesh the narrator: > 1A | ‘hows cwen:elwgynacinen’ ae se ‘eats and cxaminations, However, 1 have to accept that 1 tewnrlbly ude fale mene bo gia thé Mis marke Once, on the day ofthe Hisiory examination, Parhan became deqperate as he had come prepared fa Maths instead of History. 1 offered to let im copy fromm my answer sheet but Farhan refused, saving that he did eb nea aps area ey et healing was for coward, This was the turing potnt tn my lf, and irom that day I gave up ehesting and learnt (o Work hard for wnaleter 1 wanted Regin with :1 was always alee READING SKILLS, VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR (ote: Some Wi-question from the textbook are converted tno acuotyrbased questions.) Q. 1. Read the following passage and do the activities : Al. Simple Factual Activities : (1) Choose the correct alternatives from the ‘given options and rewrite the sentences : “ (The ansivers are giuen directy and underlined.) epreating, casually, fate, weltoited) (1) 1 fotlowed easuaty. (2) Ani alked about the well-oiled wrestlers, (6) 1 give bis xy most appealing site (4) A lide Mattery helps in making frends (2) Complete the following + (The ansivers are gwen direct and underlined.) (1) The narralor ta qulle successful a sealing. (2) The T in me story refers to te narrator, who called himse'f Hart Singh, (8) Anil Kept Hart as cook because He waniéa someone to cook for him. He perhaps also felt sorry for Hart PASSAGE — 1 (Teatbook pages @, 0) 0-898 soll a thier when I met Anil, And though | oo. bend. ‘Anil was watching @ wrestling mateh when 1 approached fim, He was about 25 —a tall, lean fellow — and he looked easy-going, kind and almple enough for my purpose. 1 hadnt tad much iuck of late and thought I might be able to get into the young man’s confidence. “You look a bit of & wrestler yourself” | said, A tile latery helps in makeing friends. "So do you," he replied, which put me off for a ‘moment because at that time I was raiher thin. "Well." I sald modestly. “T do wrestle a bit.” ‘What's your name?" “Hari Singh,” I lied. 1 took a new name every ‘month. ‘That Kept me shead of the police and my. former employers. After this introduction, Anil talked about the well-oiled wrestlers who were granting, ling and throwing cach otter about. I didn’ have much to Say. Anil walked avray. | followed casually. “Hello again” he sald, 1 gave him my most appealing smile. “I want to Work for you,” I said, ENGLISH HUMARBHARAT DIGEST STANDARD X “Bui Teaatt pay you? {thought that over for a minute. Perhaps I had ‘mishudged my man. asked, "Can you feed me?" “can you cook?” “Lean cook,” | Hed again. “if you ean conte, then may be f can feed you.” “Glossary : Nattery ~ insincere praise, modestly ~| ‘in ahumble way, without boasting. granting ~making} low, rowgh, guttural sounds. appealing ~ attractive 10 4 way in order to get attention. ote Tiere we have given the complete passage, Henceforth, only the beqinnine and ending twords of the passage will be given. Students may, refer tothe textbook for the complewe passages. ‘A2, Complex Factual Activities : *(2) Complete the web diagrams : (The answers are given directly.) ‘Ans. (1) kine simple a cats Cosi] ee — shrewd *(2) Give reasons : ‘The narrator changed his name every month. ‘Ans. The narrator was a thiel. He changed his name every month to fool the police and his former employers. AS. Activities based on Vocabulary : (1) Find similar meanings from the passage for the following : (The answers are given directly and underttned.) (2) endearing appealing (2) miscalculated-misjudged (9) humbly-modestly (4) awhul-terrible 12: THE THIEFS STORY ae below, in the sentences that follow : (Pattery. appealing, by fits and starts, dashed ‘0, undetected, spirits rase) (2) Do not stoop to_ Just to gain something from someone. (2) When the baby saw its mother, it gave an smile ‘Ans. (1) Do not stoop 10 flattery just to gain ‘something from someone (2) When the baby saw lls mother, 1 gave an sppeating smile, A4, Do as directed : (2) Feat pay you. (Rewrite making t affirmative.) ‘Ans. 1am unabie to pay you. {@) “Lwwant to work for you,” I sald. (Change into indirect spec.) ‘Ans, 1 said that | wanted to work for him. *(Q) Think and write in your own words : Why did Anil employ Hari ae a cook, even ‘tiexigh he could not afford to pay him? ‘Ans. Anil wanted someone to cool for him. He ‘RIC tat perhaps Hari could cook for him, and sn | roturn he could feed him, as he could not afford to pay him, Ani! was also kind-hearted and probably felt sorry for Hari, (2) "We chould learn from our own mistakes.’ Explain, ‘Ang. First ofall, we should secept snd understand at we have made a mistake. Then we shouid analyse ‘and find out what went wrong Everyone makes ‘nistaikes, but we sbould learn our lesson from them. ‘Only then will we be able o progress and become good human beings, However, learning from the mistakes of others is probably @ better option, 2, Read the following passage and do the activities : Al. Simple Factual Activity : Write whether the following sentences are ‘True oF False : (The answers are given direcily and undertined.) Ans. *(2) In the beginning, Anil taught Harl to ‘cook and write iis name, ‘Trwe 1s (2) Anil writes for magazines for a living. ‘True (3) Hart tked working for Aull. ‘True (4) Anil kept a small bundle of notes in a cupboard. False ‘PASSAGE - 2 (Textbook page 8) “He took me to under the mattress. Glossary: by/in fits and starts (phr) ~ ‘not steadily. tuek ~ to push into a small space. A2. Complex Factual Activities : *(2) Complete the following : (The answers are given diveetly and undertined) (1) Hart was grateful because Anil was teaching him (© read, write and add numbers, and all this ‘would be useful to him in his life (@) Hari continued making mouey by cheating ‘nll while buying the day's supplies. “@) Describe the favours Ani did for the narrator. ‘Ans. Anil (ook Hart (his oom and (old him that hie could sleep en the balcony. Even though the x hat Hart cooked dai night was exrtble, An al | hhim to lve with him. He later taught Hari to cook and write his name. He also ignored the fact that Hart made 2 little money by cheating im white buying the day's supplies *(8) What proves that the narrator stil practised. aecett? ‘Ans. The narrator cheated his employer Anil While buying the days supplies. This proves that he sill practised decet. AS. Activities based on Vocabulary *(1) Find from the pesaage the collocations for ‘the following : (1) dog. (2) sentences ‘Ans. (1) stray dog. (2) whole sentences *(2) Insert the appropriate sword/phrase given ‘below, in the sentence that follows (attery, appealing, by fts and starts, dashed (0, undetected, spirts rose) ‘Tho artist completes his paintings by ‘Ans. The artist completes his paintings by fis and stars. 16 smc *(1) Frame a Wh-question to get the underlined anewer : (Change the fret person pronoun ta second ‘person pronoun if necessary.) 1 aad tea i the moro. ‘Ans, When did you make tea? (2) Pick out the Anite verbs from the following sentences and write thelr tense : (1) Anil gave toa stay dog and told me tobe oft. ‘Ans, gue, (old ~ simple past tense (2) Ie seems he wrote for magazines ~a queer way to make a living ‘Ans, seems ~ simple present (ense; wrote ~ simple past tense (3) Add a question tag: ‘Anil kept worrying about his-next cheque. ‘Ane. Ant Kept worrying about his next cheque, dat he? ‘AB. Personal Response : ‘Anil knew he wae being robbed ; yet he ald not ‘say anything. What would you have done in Anil’s soe ‘Ans. Cheating and robbing small amounts can ead to Digger Wells IFT were Al, the moaient knew that Twas being robbed. I would have warned hin. 1f he cheated again, I would certainly have told him to be ofl Q. 3. Read the following passage and do the activities : Al. Simple Factual Activity : (The answers are given directly and underlined) (1) The narrator was thinking of catching the 10.30 express to Lucknow (2) When Anil was sleeping peacefully, his face wis low ain ike (8) The narraor slid his hands under the mattress to search for the notes (4) The narrator thought that i he didn't take the money, Ani! would only waste io his fends ENGLISH HUMARBHARATI DIGEST : STANDARD X Thad been working Az. Complex Factual Activities : (2) Comptete ine wed : (2) Thad not done anything in my line of work. ‘Ans. It means thet Hart had not siolen anything for PASSAGE ~3 (Textbook pages 9, 10) -- 8 week or two. “Glossary: wallaed (here) showing no cigs of ay worry cr ansdety. Hive Uke an erick Arab ~ lve i his. (2) Is time I did some real werk ‘Ans. I means that Hari thought thet i¢ was tine he le big amon. J some ime \ Explain the underlying meaning in the given statements : ' ' (3) Fm out of practice. ‘Ans. It means that Harl thought he was losing bis lala! robbing by not putting them to use, (4) T could live like an of/-rich Arab for a week or ‘Ans. It means thal Hart felt that he could tive in usury for some time. (2) Explain how Harl justified his intention of stealing the money. (A) quickly, moctly, meaey, peacofully (money ts a noun; the others are adverbs) Ane. Hart thought that he was out of practice and aa Activities based on Contextual Grammar : tat 1€vas time that he stole some big amount. Ke also fet that It was alright to take-the money for Ani id not pay hm w slay, Hart re jus ct by eonineing himself that Ani otherwise, would have ‘wasted that money on his frends AS. Activities based on Vocabulary : (1) Find trom te passage the collocation for ‘the following: 21) man (2)... opportunity ‘Ans. (1) greedy man (2) every opportunity (2) Write the adjective forms of the following words: (2) opportunity 2) pleasure (3) sleep (4) situation ‘Ans. (1) opportune (2) pleasant (3) sleepyisieepless (4) stuuational (8) Cross the odd man out (The answer words are crossed out directly and explanation ts given in brackets under each group.) (2) blanket, magazine. maintain, mattress. (maintain ts a verb; the others are nouns) (2) rob, take, ttm. search, (lame ts a noun: the others are verbs) (3) queer, small, greedy. pledsute (pleasure ts @ noun: the oiners are adjectives) 12. THE THIEFS STORY *(2) Frame a Wh-question to get the underlined ‘newer : [Change the first person pronoun to second be youn iF necessary.) 1 drow them out, withont a sound, ‘Ans, How did you draw wea out? (2) Anil was the most trusting person 1 had ever met, (Rewrite using ‘never:) ‘Ans, [had never met a more tristing person than Anil (8) Thad not done anything in my Line of works (Rewrite without ‘nat? ‘Ans. Thad yei to do something in my line of work. (4) Rewrite the following sentences by adding {tue correct tall tag from those given in the brackets : (does he?. didn’t he?. tsn't tt. wasn't he?. doesn't ne?, is 17) (1) Anil was sleeping peacefully (2) He doesn't even notice he's beea robbed. (8) Ie difficult to rob a carslese man. ‘Ans. (1) Anil was sleeping peacefully, wasn't he? (2) He doesn't even notice he's been robbed, does he? (8) 1s auineult to rod a careless man, isnt? 7 AS. Personal Response : (1) What could have caused the scars on Hart's face? ‘Ans. Harl was a thlef, He probably had got into {fighta while robbing poople, He could also bave boca bad company and got into fights with his companions, and someone might have injured him with a knife or any other sharp object, This could have led (o sears fon his face. (2) What will you do if you are robbed by someone you know very well? Ans. If I am robbed by someone I know very well, I will Uxstly darash out the matter with the tier franialy. Twill then cut off my friendship with him/her and take care to keep my belongings under locke and key. Iwill also keep a close watch on his/her actions, Q. 4. Read the following passage and do the activities : Al. Simple Factual Activity : che the rev cca fs pw orton O44 (1) Te bueno pres ne iit voinot sche in oped. (2) Pas wanted toa not il a at 5 He 18) On dlcoerng ie thet, ‘at wood alo for the eof his money/the loss of trust. the Joss of trust (4) Hari had never bought/ahoays bought a tieket in his life never bought PASSAGE ~ 4 (Teatbook pages 10, 11) ‘When I reached A2. Complex Factual Activity : Give reasons : (1) Hari hesitated to board the train, ‘Ans. Hari unconsciously felt that if he left Ani, he would lose something precious. That is why he hhestated to hoard the train which would take him away from Ani aicanncscimul than help. ‘Ans, Hari was a thi In bis line of work, friends would probably ty to borrow from him oF give assay his whereabouts tothe police. Or perhaps they would create trouble for himn to save themseives. Hence he felt that friends were move trouble. AS, Activities bared om Vocabulary : *(1) Find from the passage the collocetions for the folowing + (1) eke. @) _stowly (3) __eriene ‘Ans, (1) ticket office (2) walked slowly (3) ght driate “(@) Insert the appropriate wordiphrase given below, inthe sentence that follows : Waiter. appealing. by Js and starts, dashed to, undetected, spi rose) 1 the schoo! gate wien I heard the sehool-elt ring ‘Ans, I dashed to the school gate when I heard the schoo-bell ring *(8) Pick out 3 examples of code-mixing from the passage: ‘Ans, Examples of code-micing are + bazaar, main pala ‘Ad, Activities based on Contextual Grammar : (1) Frame Wh-questions to get the underlined answers: (Change te frst person pronoun to second person promo whenever necessary.) (1) I had mace a study of men's faces (2) The poor man showed acerpiance ‘ans, (1) Waat had you mace? (2) Who showed necepnnee? (2) Rewrite tne following sentences as (a) compound sentences (b) simple sentences (When I reaened the station 1 did not stop at the ticket offi ‘ns. (a) Compound sentence 1 reached the station but (did not stop atthe vicket offic. (©) simple sentence: Ia not stop at the Weket cifice on reaching the siation/After reaching the station, {did not stop atthe ticket omce. 4) When the wan had gone, U forme mse standing alone on the deserted platform, 1s ENGLISH HUMARBHARATI DIGEST STANDARD X ‘Ans. (a) Compound sentence: The tain had gene and found myselfstanding alone on the deserted platiorm {) Simple sentence ‘The train having gone. 1 found myself standing stone on the desexted platform. AS. Personal Response : *What is face-reading? Can you reed faces? ‘Ans. Facereading 1s observing the expressions and emotions on the faces of people and interpreting (em correctly. Fam observant and read Mees quite wel. Tam trying to improve this aby Q. 5. Read the following passage and do the activities : AL. Simple Pactual Activities : (1) Fi sn the blanks with the correct options from the brackets : (he answers wre given dleelly and underlncd) (1) Hari felt veey nervous when he returned to the room that nt. (nenous/exctted) (2) Har slipped tne notes under the edge of the imatiress. (bed/matiress} (9) Marts east sank wheny/Te Uasil Ug his theft had been wered. (undetceted discovered) (4) Aol) wor soley when Rint iced eng room. (awake/asteep) (2) Rearrange the sentences in the order of (1) He erept to the head of the bed (2) He clipped the notes under the mattress, (3) He openea tne door quiewy (4) He went eck to the room. ‘Ans. (4) He weit back to the £000 (8) He opened the door quietly. (1) He crept to the head of the bed (2) He suppea the notes under the mattress. A2. Complex Factual Activities : *(1) Complete the following : (The answer ts underlined directly.) 412. THE THEFS STORY Har! felt nervous because he wanted to retura A money, but he was afraid that Anil i doing it *(2) Deseribe Haris regrets as he pondered over his then, ‘Ans. As he pondered over his theft, Hart regretted that henceforth he cowld not cook Anite mesle, nan (o the bazaar or learn (0 write whole sentences any rmoce. He regretted that he would not become a big rman, clever and respected. *(8) Does Anil realise that he hes been robbed? ‘Ans. Yos, An realises that he hus been robbed *(4) ‘And the smile came by itself without any fort" Say why. oR “Explain why Harl gave # genuine appealing smile. ‘Ans, Hart regretted what he had done, He went back to Anil in order to get an education. He realised that Anil knew about the thet. He was relieved and happy that Anll had decided to igaore what had happened and to teach him to write whole sentences. Ani's response brought forth a change of heart in ¥ar1)S6, Instead of is usual affected sme, a genuine appealing smile came upon Har!'s face. (5) What tact ad Anil used to change Hasi's ‘ishonest ways? ‘Ans. Anil kad iguored Hart's attempts at robbing him, He had ten encouraged Har: by saying that they would start writing sentences, for be knew that {ie was what Hart wished for wholeheartedly. Aa provided motivation for Hart to change his ways AS. Activities based on Vocabulary : (1) Find trom the passage the callocations for the following : *(1) spirits _(2) appealing _ ‘Ans. (1) spirits ose (2) appealing way (2) Insert the appropriate wordpphrase given below. in the sentence that follows : (rauery, appealing, by fs and starts, dashed to, undetected, spirits rose) (1) The erime went for 11 years, (2) Aller the death of my pet dog, my when dad pt me a new pup ‘Ans. (1) The crime went undetected for 11 years. (2) After the death of my pet dog. my sple when dad got me anew pup. catch him AA. Acivities based on Contextual Grammar : “{2) Frame a Wh.question to get the underlined answer : (Change the first person pronoun to second person pronoun if necessary) 1 hurried back to the room, ‘Ans. To which place did you hurry? (2) Rewrite wetng the modal ausiliary ‘might’ (1) He would probably have giver me two or three rupocs to go to the cinema ‘Ans. He might have given me (wo or three rupees (ogo ( the cinema. (2) Whole sentences. 1 knew, could one day’ bring sme more than afew hundred rupees. ‘Ans. Whole sentences, I knew, might one day Dring me more than a few hundred rupees. AS. Personal Response : +1) Why didn’t Anil hand Hari over to the police? What effect would it have on Hari? ‘Ans. Anil was probably (oo kind-hearled to hand Hari over to the police. He might also, have thought that he could Gy lo make an honest’man of Hat, IF hhe had handed Hari over to the-poliee, Hari would probably have been very bitter and angry, and would have continued in his dishonest ways. Not handing hin over to the police had a postive elect on Hart, and may have changed the way he lived his Ie (2) Do you feel AuiT's way of handling a tater like Hart was effective? Justify your answer. ‘Ans. Yes, AniIS wa of handling a thie lke Hart was efective, Anil knew that Har! was not a hardened fo seasoned thief, He had realized that Hart really wished to Tearn (0 write’ whole eestencee, get an education and become a big man, So by forgiving him fand giving him the motivation to learn, he changed Var, Handing him over 0 the police would have Danced Harta thief for Wife end the sudden reform might never have been posse. *{9) When de people give fake smiles? ‘Ans. People give fake smiles when they are not happy with the sttzation they are in, oF they reslize that the other person is trying to cheat them or they want to get something. wnecnnca AO Sean ae ga eaiagaatae sen — LANGUAGE STUDY ACTIVITIES (based on vocabulary and grammar) Notes AS per the latest actiiy sheet formal, 9 simple acitites, 3 medium level acthities and 2 challenging iitoities will be asked. Students are expected 10 attempt any 4 simple acttti, any 2 modium level ewes and any 1 chalierging actly. However, we have glven more acttuttes for belter study of language study section. {A) Al. Do as directed (Simple Activities) (Q) Use the following phrase in your own ‘sentence : 2 touch of sadness (2) Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentence : ‘My hand find the edge of the mattress. (3) Find out two hidden words from the given word:: publisher (4) Plek out an infinitive from the lesson and ‘use it In your own sentence. (5) Identify the type of sentence : “can you cook?” "{6) Complete the compound words from the story # (Any too will be asked in the activity sheet.) @ of (4) ty easy iv) tower (2) Write the present and past participles of rob. (6) Punctuate : after all he doesnt pay me (March '20) |v) moon, Ans, (2) There was a touch of sadness in the face of ‘the beautiful woman, (2) My hand found the edge of the mattress. (8) publisher publish, brush, (blush, plush, slurp). (4) | wanted to get a good hook fram the ihrary. (5) Imterrogative semence. 4 tty (iv) eloek tower (¥) moonlight. rupee (ii) easy-going ENGLISH HUMARBHARATI DIGEST : STANDARD X (7) present participle-robbing: past partieiple- robbed, (8) Afterall, he doesn't pay me. A2. Do as directed (Medium Level Activities) + (1) Use the following word and its homophone in two separate sentences : knew {@) 1 tool a new name every month, (Change the volce beginning ‘A new ..) (3) 1 had been working for Anit for almost a month, (Rewrite using the present perfect tense of the verb.) (March 20) (4) “Well I sale modesily. “I do wrestle a bit” (Rewrite tn reported speech.) Ans. (1) (1) The boy knew the poem very well. (i) The Jacket was new and expensive en (4) | modestly said that I did wrestle a bit. a wa emg ee ranas —— seen Ae sa cme cas eanmoniewmretn oe sompe ene Se WRITING SKILLS ‘Note Some ofthe textual questions gtoen here may not be part of the acitoty sheet fermat, However we have given answers to them for betier undersianding ofthe lesson. Some mau be useful for internal exauation, Q. 1. Read the story caretully and complete the table : (The answvers are given directly.) “Total no. of cn Names| Ages 9 ‘Guatitics 2 Ant /25 tally ean, witha clear, for magazines ; kind, simple, easy-going, unlined face writing books pleasant, forging tactfal Hari [15 thin, with many sears |stealing and cheating cunning, shrewd, insincere, | the face people [antruthfl, ambidoas, grateful , 2, Write o character sketch of Hast Singh with the help of the following points, using the paragraph format [Mari Singh's background is dishonesty “His aspirations His courage (o change bimaclt ‘Ane, Hart Singh waa fiteen years old, but already fan experienced and faltly successful thief: He used to change his name frequently 50 as 10 hoodwink is former employers and the police, He even cheated Anil When he went to buy the dally supply of groceries. However, he wished lo get an education 0 that he could become a big and respeesed man, who would be able to actueve a tot. 12. THE THIEFS STORY He stele a large sum of money from Anil, but regreited 1 when he realized that in dotng so he had lost his only chance of getting an education, He was courageous enowga to return the money, even though he Jew that he might be caught In the process. However, his desixe to change himself is so great that it motivates him and gives him courage to retuen to Anil. Q. 8. Prepare a short character sketch of Anil. ‘Ans, Anil was a kind, simple and easy-going young man. He was tall and lean in stature and interested in sports like wresiling, He was not very rich, and cold not afford to employ Hari asa cook. He had the patience and goodness ta not only teach Hari Lo cook Dut also (o read, wiile and add numbers. Though he mew that Hari was making a profit out of the grocery purchase, he ignored dus fact Anil was a writer who wrote for magazines and made money in Mts and slaris, He was a very trusting person. Even when he camed @ lerge amount of ‘money, he kept the money under his mattress and not under lock and Key. He was generous and paid Hart when he got some money, even though he knew that Hart had tried 10 steal the money from hum. He was forgiving, for he forgave Hart the thefi and continued to be good to him, @. 4. Imagine that Anil eatehes Hari red-handed ‘when Hari is stealing the money from under the ‘mattress. Compose a short dialogue between ‘the two, which reflects Ani's shock and Hari's repeated apologies. ‘Ans. Anil: Who's that? Har? What are you doing? ‘Hari: Um_nothing: 1 was just seeing if your money was sale. Anil: You mean you were trying to steal my money. rama and run aay! Yes U's Had: Tm soery, An. fm sorry ‘Al: How can you stale the hand tha feeds you? 1 thought you would have improved! Dun’ you wot to read and write propery? Do wate? a 1 did not think abouts. Ym sory, rally sory. ‘An Als, 1 overlook hl, providing you promise sme never to steal agaln, from me or from anyone ele ari: Yes, yes, 1 promise, Will you really forgve me and continue to teach me? Anil: Yes. I hope you keep your word. Hast: Thank you. Pt keep my wor. promis. Sorry once again. Read : Short stories and antiologes by Ruskin Bon 141 22 99 OL Da yor stuly the lower: fom he [TEPER [Navneet Digest? Now, soe the tet 10 ensure sel leaming Scan hin QR Cede forthe test nd tts model ase, “ENOLISH KUMAREHARATI DIGEST : STANDARD x ‘Tntroduction This i a bref biography of Alr Force Marshal Arjan Singh, an icon of I history and a war hero. WARMING UPI @. 1. Discuss with your group and put the ranks of the officers in the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force in the appropriate boxes : Commander, Brigadier, Wing-Commander, Viee- Admiral, Squadron-Leader, Major, Colonel, Field Marshal, Air Marshal, Admiral of Fleet, Lieutenant- General, Flying Officer, Commodore, Rear Admiral, Ae-Commodore ‘Ais Forse Brigadier, Commander. | Wing Major, Colom, Commander, eta Marshal, Squacron- Lieutenant lee Air General 1) wed riibg | Rear Admiral | Offer: Air Commodore Q- 2. Homophones/Homographs {A) Make sentences to bring out the difference between: (The answers are given directly and underlined.) (1) (a) wear +The lle girl wanted to wear a pink silly dress, (b) ware : The stiver ware laid out on the King's table was exquisite (2) (a) here :“You must sit here,” sald the man to is quest. (b) hear : The children could hear the sound of the planes quite clearly. (9) (@) there “I had kept my bag Were sald te ‘woman tothe policeman. (b) thete 1 Toe gris pleked up thelr bags and ‘went home. (4) (a) coll: The prisoner at in the dark ell without talking. (h) sell: The hawker wanted to sell all his wares Deture evening. 1.9; ON WINGS OF COURAGE i's malltary) (8) Write what the underlined homogrephs in the following sentences mean : (The answers are given drecty and undertined.) (1) (@) A dear is an omnivorous animal bear ~ a large, heavy animal (©) She could not bear the injustice bear ~ to wlerate (2) (a) A dat isthe only bird whieh Is a mammal bat mamma that Mes (6) His bat broke as it struck the ball. bata wooden implement used for hing ie ballin many games. (©) (0) He bad to pay a Mae for breaking the Waffle sil. (Nov. *20) fine - penaliy © [by Use tne cloth ‘or the baby's clothes. ) fie ~ deltete, sot (4) (@) We enjoyed a Tot at the temple fr. {alr —a gathering of salle and amusements for public entertainment (2) She has a fatr complexion. fats ght, not dark [READING SKILLS, VOCABULARY ‘AND GRAMMAR (Note ; Somme Wh-questions from the textbook are converted (nto actet-bnsed questions. Q. 1. Read the following passage and do the activities : Al. Simple Factual Activities (0) Name the following : (The answers are given directly and undertined,) (1) Former Vice Chief of IAF : Kapil Kak (2) Two army generals honoured with the rank of Field Marshal :() i Jamshedt ‘Manekshaw (i) K.M. Cartappa (8) The only officer (o attain the highest post of ‘Air Force Marshal : Arjan Sing ‘Sam Hormu

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