Christmas Storyor Skit ASled Ride

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The Sled Ride

By Christina Shaffer

The day had finally arrived. This was the day that Frosty had been looking
forward to for weeks. Today was the first day of Christmas vacation. There were
too many wonderful things to do to just sit around staring out the window. There
were snow ball battles to fight and igloos to build and sledding races to win.
Now, to wake up his brother, Jack…

Frosty and Jack raced across the frozen ground. Icicle Hill was just around the
corner. The sounds of laughter and excitement could already be heard. The
brothers couldn’t wait to join in the fun. Everyone in the area knew that the Frost
brothers were the fastest sled riders around.

The sleds were flying down Icicle Hill at lightening speed. Frosty and Jack
zigzagged right and raced left, easily passing by their competitors. The finish line
was in sight! They were going to win!

Suddenly Jack screamed, “Look out!” as a small rabbit hopped into their path.
Frosty jerked the sled into a hard left turn, sending the Frost brothers and their
sled barreling over the side of the hill and straight toward the fog of Snow Cloud
Mountain. Trees and bushes flew by as Frosty weaved across the frozen ground.
Before Frosty had time to stop, they were crashing into the side of a barn,
sending him and Jack tumbling into the snow.

“Well, hello, there, my friends.”

Frosty and Jack scrambled to their feet, trying to figure out to whom the strange
voice belonged. They were huddled together, wondering if they should run,
when a reindeer stepped in front of them.

“Sorry to startle you. Seems you must be a little lost. My name is Briar. How may
I be of service?”

The brothers glanced at each other as Frosty told of their sledding mishap. “Do
you think you can help us get back home?”

“Well, my frozen friends, I don’t recall where Icicle Hill might be, but maybe my
friends know. Come with me.”

Written by Christina Shaffer 2007 1


Frosty and Jack followed Briar toward the barn entrance, amazed at meeting a
real reindeer and wondering if he happened to know Rudolph.

“Briar,” asked Frosty, “are there a lot of reindeer?”

Briar laughed and nodded his head as they walked along. “Oh, yes. Our
families have grown very large. Most folks think that the only reindeer are the
ones that ride with the Claus, but there are really quite many of us around.”

“Oh, so I bet you don’t know Rudolph,” Frosty said, disappointed.

“I do actually,” replied Briar. “He’s my cousin. In fact, he comes to Snow Cloud

Mountain quite often. Too bad he isn’t here now. My friends and I couldn’t help
you find Icicle Hill, but Rudolph knows how to get everywhere. But, maybe the
Elves can help. We’re almost to Yuletide Village.”

Frosty and Jack smiled, practically running toward the small houses and sounds
of cheer that lie just up the road. To meet reindeer and elves in the same day!
Just wait until their friends at home heard about this adventure! That is, if they
could figure out how to get home…

Briar introduced the Frost brothers to Patch, a friendly and excitable elf.

“Icicle Hill… hmmm,” mumbled Patch, “I don’t believe I have ever heard of such
a place. I sure would like to go sledding with you though!” Patch bounced up
and down, hoping for a sled ride immediately.

“I’m sorry, Patch,” said Frosty, “but our sled was broken when we crashed into
Briar’s barn. Maybe another time?”

Patch sighed and nodded her head. “Too bad.” Briar, Jack, and Frosty turned
to leave when Patch suddenly exclaimed, “Wait! I know! If you follow this path,
you’ll come to another village – not like Yuletide Village with elves, but one with
people. I bet they can help you get home!”

Frosty and Jack looked at one another and shrugged. It was worth a try at
least. Briar needed to get home and Patch needed to work on more toys for
Santa’s big delivery. It looked like they were on their own. They set out quickly
on their way toward this people village, a place called (name of your town),
remembering Patch’s advice to only speak to the children – the grown-ups
might be frightened by talking snowmen.

The village had been easy to find. In fact, the first home had such fun music,
that Frosty and Jack couldn’t resist stopping to listen. The little boy that they had
Written by Christina Shaffer 2007 2

talked to was very nice, but had not heard of Icicle Hill either. The brothers were
beginning to wonder if they were ever going to find their way back home.

Jack knocked on another door, hoping this time that someone could finally help
them. A girl opened the door, cheerfully shouting, “Happy Hanukkah!” Frosty
smiled and politely asked if she could give them directions. She shook her head
sadly, pointing further down the road. “Maybe the neighbors can help you,”
she suggested.

“Oh, my,” thought Frosty, walking up to another door. “I hope someone knows
where Icicle Hill can be found!” Just as he started to knock, he saw someone
through the front window. It was a little boy playing a drum. Frosty and Jack
did not want to be rude and interrupt, so they quietly went on their way further
down the road.

There was only one more house left on this road. The brothers wondered what
they would do if the people living here could not help them. Frosty raised his
mitten-clad hand to knock when the door suddenly opened.

“Merry Christmas!” exclaimed a little girl. “Oh! Snowmen! This is a great day!”

Jack and Frosty shook their heads, confused at the girl’s reaction. “We were
wondering if you could help us find Icicle Hill? We seem to be lost.”

The girl thought about it for a moment and finally shook her head no. Frosty and
Jack thanked her for her kindness and started to leave when they heard what
sounded like jingling bells and hoof beats. The girl happily squealed as she
shouted, “Its Santa! I hear his reindeer! Do you see Rudolph?”

Frosty and Jack shouted, “Rudolph!” and ran back toward the house. Briar had
said that Rudolph could help them get home! They had to talk to him!

Frosty leaned his head back and thought about the day. He had started off on
a normal sled ride with Jack and ended up meeting Briar, the reindeer, who led
them to Patch, an elf, who then pointed them toward a village with real people,
and now he was riding in Santa’s sleigh. This was the best sled ride ever!
Rudolph had promised to get them home safely.

Stepping out of Santa’s sleigh onto the frozen ground of Icicle Hill, Frosty and
Jack waved goodbye as Santa shouted, “Merry Christmas and good night!”

Written by Christina Shaffer 2007 3

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