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Stanley's diary (Visiting room)


This day has finally come. That's right — the day when you and I will meet.

I was always thinking of you, here in this gloomy cell.

I never even knew your name or face until today.

But now I know.

I know you're the one I've been waiting for.

And haven't you been waiting for me, too?

That's why you came to rescue me.

Oh, how I love you, Heather.

I want to give you my prized doll I made to commemorate our meeting, the start
of this everlasting love.
Ah, I can already see your smiling face.

— Stanley Coleman
Stanley's diary (Room C4)

The Organization has me shut up in here.

They need to break my will, to make me forget about all that.

But I'll stay sane even if they throw me in here with lunatics.

How about if I stick this to the wall?

That would be worthless.
You can peel it off, can't you, with that junk those nasty wenches won't stop

If a thing has no meaning, there's no reason for it to exist at all.

Just as you exist for me.

But why haven't you taken my doll with you?

Ah, my gift must've embarrassed you.
How cute you are, Heather!

Stanley Coleman
Stanley's diary (East hall)
Stanley2 .png

You may not yet have realized your own true feelings.
But you sense them unconsciously.

And so you're trying to get closer to me.

That's a virtue, the path to Paradise.

If the door's locked, open it.

Use the password for the prison gates.
Doctor... I've forgotten his name.
Anyway, that quack has it posted.

He should be here, too.

I mean, 4 numbers would've been good enough, but he kept on going.

Isn't it a shame? I'm not there.

Aren't you irritated?
I long for you, but you're so cruel.
Still, I want you, Heather.

Stanley Coleman
Stanley's diary (Staircase)

I also like the rooftop.

It makes me want to fly.
You too?

Stanley Coleman
Stanley's diary (Room M4)

There was a tattooed guy on that rumpled bed.

Not any more, though.
That alarm clock and filthy bag are his.

Ah, but don't misunderstand.

I haven't done a thing.
I didn't hate him, though he was a liar.

Shall I write something of my own?

On my chest, since I can't cut it open to show you my heart.
"I Love Heather".

No, something a bit more forceful.

"I Love Heather" isn't enough for what I feel.
Oh, what tender emotion this image brings...

Stanley Coleman
Stanley's diary (S.T. Room)

Flowing freely, your ebony hair

Like the night sky,
scattering fragrance

My heart, clamoring in my chest

Like a storm, you trifle with it

Your pristine glance

Like a feast, when you smile

My thoughts disturbed, my breath

Like opium, it drives me mad

...Eric, a great poet who conveys

my feelings so well.
I shouldn't have let this place get to
me, should never have gone crazy.
But it's superbly enjoyable to
drown in my love for you

But why won't you accept

proof of my love?
Don't stand on ceremony, now.

After all, you and I exist as one.

What I give to you is the same as
what I give to me.

Stanley Coleman
Stanley's diary (Store Room 3F)

Heather, my most sacred lover.

I'm always watching you.
No matter where you are or what you may be doing,
I have never lost sight of you.
I know you feel intensely lonely.
Yet with a single key to this door, those feelings won't stand in the way any

We haven't been able to see each other for so long.

Be patient — it's just a little longer.
I'll be patient, too, even though I long to hold you in these hands of mine.

The key is behind the shelves in the underground garage.

Why there?
Ask that idiot doctor.

There's not a single person here who's right in the head.

Not just in this hospital — I mean in all of Silent Hill.
Except me.

Stanley Coleman
Stanley's diary (Room S7)

Goodbye, Heather.
I'm sorry I wasn't able to respond to your love.

It's all over.

Leonard despises me — because I made fun of it, saying it would come to this.

If it weren't for his meddling, I would have been able to meet you in just a
little while.
Then I could have taken you to my world.

A world for us alone, more beautiful than this one.

And I had been waiting for this day, for today. The day I'd see you, the day
you'd save me.

Heather, watch out for him.

Leonard is no ordinary guy.

Farewell. I loved you.

Heather, my goddess.
Heather, my lover.
Heather, my
"Burn the one who knows no death
Pure, adored by those above
No prayers within, just simple love

And now the pining hunter

The flames longing for his rebirth
A distant breath within the earth

Burn up that heavy body of his

Make it wind, dancing in the sky
That bottomless gut now a cloud,
now a sigh

The sweet blood on his laughing lips

Now calls him to the gates of Hell
There burns evermore that soulless shell

Four bodies return to ashes

Thus the door is opened
Thus the door is opened"

1 Song of the Sparrow

"Who killed Cock Robin?
'The Sparrow,' they said
'He wants them all dead
To him, honey-sweet is
their sobbin'"

2 Song of the Owl

"The Owl who forgot the sky
Resigned to his poor earthbound state
Hungry or full didn't matter at all
He ate and he ate and he ate"

3 Song of the Thrush

"The grass the Thrush so loved to eat
Gave him sweet happiness
He sank ever deeper and finally fell
To destruction and fatal distress"

4 Song of Cock Robin

"Cock Robin, who hid the key away
Is ash in the oven, all right
The place he held is empty now
And the doors remain shut tight"

5 Song of the Lark

"The Lark's child lost all his words
And walled himself up all away
Heart and mouth both locked up tight
In a cage where none want to stay"
6 Song of the Dove
"The Dove's hope died; he chose his path
His flapping wings fell still
Drenched in scarlet here they lay
His cheeks pale white and chill"

7 Song of the Linnet

"He seeks out her soul by his own
black ambition
Frightening her out of her wits
Whispering love songs into her ear
What cruel Linnet wants, he gets"

8 Song of the Rook

"The black Rook is the praying sort
Who hears the gods in the skies
His whispered petitions go on
without end
And glassy and dim are his eyes"

9 Song of the Wren

"The Wren, with pure heart as
yet unrefined
Makes us laugh with his feeble
But still we all know he shall
never grow old
And he knows not how much
he is lacking"

0 Song of the Kite

"The Kite, hot, crazy, and panting mad
Sweet shackles that tease and excite
Death itself would drive him wild
Red blood that turns milky white"
"Pure eyes, blue like a glassy bead —
You are always looking at me
and I am always looking at you.

Ah, you're too meek —

beautiful, unspoiled:
thus I'm so sad, I suffer —
and so happy, it hurts.

I want to hurt you

and destroy myself
What you would think
if you knew how I felt.

Would you simply smile,

not saying a word?
Even curses from your mouth
would be as beautiful as pearls.

I place my left hand on your

face as though we were to kiss.
Then I suddenly shove my thumb
deep into your eyesocket.
Abruptly, decisively,
like drilling a hole.

And what would it feel like?

Like jelly?
Trembling with ecstasy, I obscenely
mix it around and around: I must
taste the warmth of your blood.

How would you scream?

Would you shriek "It hurts!
It hurts!" as cinnabar-red tears
stream from your crushed eye?

You can't know the maddening

hunger I've felt in the midst of
our kisses, so many of them
I've lost count.

As though drinking in your cries,

I bring my hopes to fruition:
biting your tongue, shredding it,
biting at your lips as if tasting
your lipstick.

Oh, what euphoric heights I would

reach, having my desires fulfilled
like a greedy, gluttonous cur.
I longed, too, for your cherry-tinted
cheeks, tasty enough to bewitch my
I would surely be healed,
and would cry like a child.

And how is your tender ear?

It brushes against my cheek;
I want it to creep up to my lips so
I can sink my teeth into its flesh.

Your left ear, always hearing words

whispered sweet as pie —
I want it to hear my true feelings.
I never lied, no...
but I did have my secrets.

Ah, but what must you think of me?

Do you hate me? Are you afraid?
As though inviting you to the agony
at the play's end, if you wish, you
could destroy me — I wouldn't care.

As you wish, you may destroy me

— I wouldn't care."
A young seventeen year old girl named Heather Mason is walking
through a smoke filled area. The sign above her says "Lakeside
Amusement Park". She has a frightened and confused expression
on her face.*

Heather: Where am I?

*We hear eerie growling noises. Heather looks at the knife

in her hand.*

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(B. Heather is hit by a roller coaster)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather fights her way through the amusement park and

reaches some roller coaster rails. She hears a distant
loud rumbling noise. Before she has time to react a roller
coaster drives into her.*


- - - - - - - - - - - - -
A. Heather meets Douglas
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather wakes up in a silent cafe. It was all just a


Heather: What a nightmare.

*She slowly gets up and walks out of the cafe. She goes to
a nearby payphone and calls her Father, Harry Mason.*

Heather: Dad? It's me. Yeah. Sorry I didn't call sooner.

Yeah, I guess I was. Anyway I'm coming home now. Oh, I
didn't get that thing you asked me to. Okay. Okay, I will. I
love you too dad.

*She hangs up the phone. A middle aged man named Douglas Cartland
steps out. Heather looks at him and then walks away from him. He
follows her.*

Douglas: Heather. I need to speak with you. My name is Douglas

Cartland. I'm a detective.

Heather: A detective? Really? Well nice talking to ya.

*She continues walking. Again, Douglas follows.*

Douglas: Hold on. There's someone who wants to meet you.

Just let me have an hour, no half an hour of your time.

*She stops and turns round to face him.*

Heather: My Daddy always told me not to talk to strangers.

Douglas: This is very important. It's about your birth.

Heather: I'm not interested.

*She keeps walking. He follows her.*

Heather: Are you still following me? Do I have to scream?

Douglas: Sorry. I'll wait here.

*Heather enters the ladies bathroom.*

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B. Heather encounters her first monster
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather enters a small, seemingly empty clothes shop.

She spots a discarded handgun on the floor. She cautiously
picks it up. She turns her head round and looks on in horror
at a monster eating a dead human. The monster looks grotesque.
Its general body shape is slightly human looking but its head is
like a long cylinder. The monster stops eating the corpse and
starts walking towards Heather. Heather holds her gun and aims
it at the creature.*

Heather: Stay back!

*It walks closer. She backs away.*

Heather: Get the hell away from me!

*She fires the gun seven times at the monster but then there
is nothing more than a click coming out of the gun. She has
run out of ammo. Heather frantically presses the trigger but
nothing happens. Just in time, the monster dies.*

Heather: What the hell is this thing?

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
C. Heather meets Claudia
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather enters a long corridor. There is a young woman

standing at the end with long blonde hair and wearing a long
black dress. Her name is Claudia Wolf.*

Heather: Hey wait, what's going on? Where is everybody?

Those weird monsters...

Claudia: They've come to witness the Beginning. The rebirth

of Paradise, despoiled by mankind.

Heather: What are you talking about?

Claudia: Don't you know? Your power is needed.

Heather: How should I know?

Claudia: I am Claudia.

Heather: So what!

Claudia: Remember me, and your true self as well, also that
which you must become. The one who will lead us to Paradise
with blood stained hands.

Heather: Claudia? Right? Did you do all this?

Claudia: It was the hand of God.

*Heathers head starts throbbing. She holds her head and
collapses to the ground. Claudia walks away. She has a smile
on her face.*

Heather: Wait!

*After a while, the throbbing stops and Heather gets up*

Heather: I don't get it...

Heather: What does she want me to remember?

- - - - - - - - -

D. Elevator Ride
- - - - - - - - -

*Heather cautiously enters the elevator. Inside it is surrounded

by a sort of fence. It seems to be empty. Suddenly Heather spots
a monster on the other side of the fence. She gives a yelp of fright
and covers her mouth with her hand.

Heather: Is this a dream?

Heather: It's got to be!

*The elevator door slams shut and the elevator starts to


Heather: Not even a kid could believe in this.

Heather: But when am I gonna wake up?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E. Heather battles Splitworm
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather climbs down a very long rusty ladder. She

finds herself in a small dirty room at the bottom of
the mall. There are six holes. Some of them are covered
by grates. She hears a clanging noise from one of the
walls. She goes to investigate. The floor starts to
shake. She turns round and a huge worm like creature
smashes out of one of the grates. Heather prepares to
battle the Splitworm. After she kills the Splitworm the
hellish nightmare mall disappears and the mall turns
normal again, like it was when Heather phoned her Dad.

Heather: What?

Heather: It's the shopping mall just like before.

Heather: Am I back?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
F. Heather meets Douglas again
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather heads for the stairs leading down to the subway.*

Douglas: Heather!

Heather: It's you...

Douglas: What just happened?

Heather: You must be one of them!

Douglas: What did I do?

Douglas: And what do you mean by "one of them"?

Heather: You're in on this with that Claudia, aren't you?

Douglas: Claudia... What about her?

Douglas: She asked me to find you. That's all.

Heather: So you are one of them!

Douglas: Claudia did all that?

Douglas: Look I was just hired to find you.

Douglas: I'm not on anybodies side.

Douglas: I don't know anything about this.

Douglas: Why don't you start by telling me what happened here?

Douglas: And that monster, what the hell was that?

Heather: I don't know anymore than you do.

Heather: All I know is that something really screwy is going

on and I've got a weird feeling it's got something to do with me.

Heather: Maybe I'm just an innocent bystander but I can't feel

sorry for you, 'cause you dragged me into this.

Heather: If you hadn't found me...

Douglas: What are you talking about?

Douglas: What's so special about you anyway?

Heather: If I knew that I wouldn't be so confused would I?

Heather: But I know there's something...

Heather: Something I've been running from and forgot for

a long time.

Heather: How did I remember that?

Douglas: What's wrong?

Heather: Nothing.

*Heather walks back towards the subway stairs*

Douglas: Where are you going?

Heather: I'm taking the subway home.

Douglas: What should I do?

Heather: Hell if I know.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(A. Heather is pushed off the track by.. something?)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather walks down Platform 4. She stops and looks down

at the tracks. We see through the eyes of "something"
running towards her. It runs into her back and she falls onto
the tracks.*

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B. Heather dodges the moving train
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather jumps off the tracks onto the platform just in time to avoid
being hit by the train. It suddenly stops and the doors open. Heather
seems pretty spooked by this.*

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C. Heather enters the train
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather cautiously enters the empty train. Once she enters, the door
close behind her and the train starts moving. She panics and starts
banging on the door but it won't budge.*

- - - - - - - - - -
D. The train stops
- - - - - - - - - -

*After killing a few monsters on the way, Heather makes it to the

last carriage. The train comes to a sudden stop and she falls over.
The door opens.*


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A. Heather enters the nightmare world
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather turns the tap on the bath. Nothing happens.*

Heather: I knew it.

*The bath starts filling up with blood. Heather's head starts

throbbing again. The walls, floor and ceiling become stained
with blood. Heather is entering the nightmare world again. She
starts screaming and collapses on the floor. The screen goes black.

????: It's being invaded by the Otherworld. By a world of someone's

nightmarish delusions come to life.

*Heather gets up and looks around her.*

Heather: Oh no. Not again...

*Heather kicks the bath in anger.*

Heather: Did she do this too?

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
B. Heather meets Vincent
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather enters a small room in the mental clinic. There is a

man sitting on a chair at a desk.

Vincent: Heather... That's what you're called now? Isn't it?

Heather: And who are you?

Vincent: The name's Vincent. Don't forget it Ok?

Vincent: I'm on your side.

Heather: So you say...

Heather: But how do I know you're not with her?

Vincent: Her? You mean Claudia?

*Vincent gets out of his chair.*

Vincent: Please! Don't lump me together with her.

Vincent: She was totally brainwashed by that crazy old hag.

Vincent: I guess "crazy old hag" is a bit harsh. She is your

mother after all...

Heather: My mother? What do you mean?

Vincent: You don't remember?

Vincent: So Harry didn't tell you anything.

Vincent: I guess he hid the truth to keep you on his

side, eh?

Vincent: That figures. He's a pretty sneaky guy.

Heather: Don't talk about my dad like that!

Vincent: Sorry, I apologize. Please, calm down.

Heather: How do you know my father anyway?

Vincent: I know everything.

Vincent: I know about your past too.

Heather: Then tell me what's going on.

Vincent: You don't know even that?

Heather: That's why I'm asking.

Heather: If you know something then tell me how I can

put an end to this.

Vincent: Not yet.

Vincent: Why not enjoy yourself a bit longer?

Heather: Enjoy? I feel like I'm going crazy.

Heather: Doesn't this place get to you at all?

Vincent: Oh it gets to me alright.

Vincent: I find it most fascinating.

*Heather walks to the door*

Vincent: Wait! I'm not finished talking!

Heather: I knew you were on her side.

Vincent: How do you figure!?

Heather: There's something wrong with you too.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C. Heather reads the storybook
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather reads the torn pages from a storybook.*

Heather: Tu fui, ego eris.

Heather: Weird writing.

*A monster wails nearby*

Heather: What was that?


- - - - - - - - - - - -
A. Heather's discovery
- - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather enters her apartment. She yawns and walks

towards her father's armchair which is facing away
from her*

Heather: Dad, I'm home.

Heather: Listen.... Something really crazy is going on.

Heather: I think we should... Dad?

*Nobody answers. Heather walks round to the front of the

chair and looks at her father. He is covered in blood.
He is dead. Heather gasps, and collapses in her grief.
She starts sobbing on his bloody knees.*

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B. Heather confronts Claudia
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather notices a trail of blood leading up the stairs to

the roof. She follows it. Claudia is waiting for her at
the top.*

Heather: Did you do this?

Claudia: You're late.

Heather: But why!? Why!?

Claudia: Revenge for 17 years ago for one thing. If not for
him our dream would have come true!

Claudia: And then, he took you away from us.

Heather: I'll get you for this!

Claudia: There is another reason: to fill your heart with hatred.

Claudia: It must be this way. One day you will understand.

Heather: No! I'll never understand!

Claudia: You must try to remember me, and your true self
as well.

Claudia: You will birth a God and build an eternal Paradise.

*Heather points her gun at Claudia. Claudia shakes her head.*

Claudia: Besides, he killed your father. I merely gave

the order.

*A hideous monster called "Missionary" emerges from the darkness.*

Claudia: So, what will you do?

*Claudia heads for the door.*

Claudia: I'll be waiting, where all begins.

Claudia: In the town of Silent Hill.

*Claudia shuts the door behind her.*

- - - - - - - - - -
C. Heather's sorrow
- - - - - - - - - -

*After defeating the monster, Heather walks back downstairs.

Douglas is there, looking at Harry's corpse. He looks at

Douglas: I don't know what to say...

Heather: Then don't say anything.

Heather: I'm fine, so just get out of here, and leave me

alone already.

Douglas: Calm down, I just...

Heather: Calm down? How am I supposed to do that?

Heather: My father is dead! He's murdered!

Heather: Get out! This is all your fault!

Heather: If it weren't for you....

Douglas: I'm sorry.

Heather: Then go!

Douglas: If it'll make you feel better, I will.

*Heather folds her arms.*

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D. "I'm going to Silent Hill"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Harry and Douglas are in Harry's bedroom. He's been laid on

the bed, covered by a duvet. There's flowers laid on top of him.*

Douglas: Is he okay like this?

Heather: What else can we do? There's no one here to give him a
decent burial.

*There is a silent moment.*

Heather: I'm sorry Dad.

Douglas: What'll you do now?

Heather: I'm going to Silent Hill.

Douglas: What's in Silent Hill?

Heather: I don't know.

Douglas: Do you think it's safe?

Heather: Of course it isn't!

Heather: I don't know what kind of hell is waiting for me there, but
I've got no other choice.

Heather: I don't care about God or Paradise... If that's what she

believes in then fine.

Heather: But she won't get away with what she did.

Heather: When I find her, I'll kill her myself.

Douglas: Revenge doesn't solve anything.

Heather: Maybe not, but that's what I'm going to do.

Douglas: I'll give you a ride.

Heather: I don't need your help.

Douglas: Yeah but it's too far to walk.

Douglas: Besides I'm party responsible for this.

Douglas: I'll bring the car around back. Come by when you've
finished saying goodbye.

*Douglas walks to the door.*

Heather: You know, you might die too.

Douglas: That's fine.

Douglas: No one's going to cry over my grave anyway.

*Douglas leaves.*


- - - - - - - - - -
A. Harry's gift
- - - - - - - - - -

*Heather walks down the apartment steps. Douglas is waiting

for her by the car.*

Douglas: I just met a guy named Vincent...

Heather: Vincent?

Douglas: He's a friend of yours right?

Heather: I'm not sure.

Douglas: He said when we get to Silent Hill to look for a guy

named Leonard.

Douglas: And he gave me this map.

*Douglas gives the Silent Hill map to Heather*

Douglas: What do you want to do?

Heather: We can't trust him, but we've got no other choice.

*Douglas takes something out of the car and hands it to her.

Douglas: Take this too.

Heather: What's this?

Douglas: Your father was holding it.

*It is a white notepad with blood stains on it. It has "To

my Dear Daughter" written on it.*

- - - - - - - - - -
B. The car journey
- - - - - - - - - -

*Douglas and Heather are in the car. Douglas is driving.*

Douglas: It started raining.

Douglas: Are you sleeping?

Heather: I'm awake.

Douglas: You cold?

*Heather doesn't answer.*

Douglas: What's the deal with Silent Hill anyway?

Douglas: It used to be a nice, quiet little town, but now...

Heather: You've been there?

Douglas: Once. On a missing persons case.

Douglas: I never did find him.

Douglas: I'll tell ya, that's one screwed up town.

Douglas: In my line of work, you hear a lot of nasty rumors.

Heather: I was born and raised there.

Douglas: Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.

Heather: No offence taken.

Douglas: Anyway, I thought you grew up in Portland?

*Heather touches her forehead.*

Douglas: What's wrong?

Douglas: You feeling sick?

Heather: My head is pounding. Like the worst hangover ever.

Douglas: Maybe you're carsick.

Heather: No. I'm just trying to remember.

Heather: My childhood.

Heather: Something terrible happened in Silent Hill 17 years ago.

Heather: A woman named Dahlia, she tried to summon the ancient god
of the town.

Heather: She offered up her very own daughter.

Douglas: That's crazy.

Heather: Maybe so, but it worked. The girl gave birth to a god.

Douglas: Huh?

Heather: You see, that girl had special powers.

Douglas: Powers?

Heather: Her classmates called her a witch.

Heather: She could make things happen with her mind.

Heather: She could kill people just by wishing for it.

Heather: But in the end that god was killed by a single person.

Heather: My father, Harry Mason.

Heather: I guess it wasn't much of a god if it could be killed

by a human being.

Heather: But I think Claudia is trying to do the same thing again.

Heather: And I've been chosen as the sacrifice.

Douglas: You've got some kind of power in you too?

Heather: After the god died, the girl reappeared.

Heather: She was holding a baby in her arms.

Heather: Before she died, she gave the baby to my father.

Heather: He loved me just like I was his very own daughter.

Heather: Even though he didn't know who or what I was.

Heather: It was so sudden...

Heather: I never had a chance... to tell you...

Heather: To tell you... how happy you made me.

- - - - - - - - - -
B. Mission briefing
- - - - - - - - - -

*Heather are Douglas are in a Silent Hill Motel.

Heather is sitting on a bed*

Douglas: I'm gonna head for that Leonard guy's house.

Douglas: You check out the hospital.

Douglas: You got that map, right?

Heather: Yeah.

Douglas: You gonna be okay alone?

Heather: I'm not a child, you know.

Heather: Are you sure it's not you who's afraid

to be alone?

Douglas: You're right. I am afraid.

Douglas: I'm 50 something years old and I never

seen nothing like this.

Dream: I still feel like I'm dreaming.

Heather: More like a nightmare I'd say.

Douglas: Yeah. I want to wake up and have a

smoke already.
Douglas: Meet me back here when you're finished
looking around the hospital, Ok?

Heather: Rodger.

*Douglas leaves. Heather stands up.*


- - - - - - - - - - - - -
A. Phone call from Leonard
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather approaches a ringing telephone. She slowly

picks up the receiver.*

Heather: Hello...?

Leonard: Claudia?

Heather: No, I'm...

Leonard: Don't lie to me, Claudia.

Leonard: You're always trying to run from your


Leonard: Have you come to apologize?

Leonard: Or maybe you still don't realize how foolish

you've been?

Heather: Listen to me already!

Heather: I'm not Claudia!

Leonard: You're not Claudia?

Heather: My name is Heather.

Leonard: Heather...?

Heather: Who are you?

Leonard: Leonard Wolf.

Leonard: I'm sorry. I thought you were my daughter.

Heather: Claudia is your daughter?

Leonard: Oh so you know her do you?

Leonard: Are you one of her followers?

Heather: No. Never.

Heather: When I find her, I...

Leonard: I cam feel the hatred.

Heather: What?
Leonard: Behind your words... the anger.

Leonard: You plan to kill her don't you?

Heather: I'm sorry.

Heather: But she... she killed my father.

Leonard: She's a fool, but she's still my daughter.

Leonard: I was going to forgive her if she changed her ways.

Leonard: But I see it's too late.

Leonard: Heather, will you help me?

Heather: Help you?

Leonard: I'm locked up in here.

Leonard: And I must stop Claudia.

Heather: Where are you now?

Leonard: I'm not sure myself, but the door is at the

end of the hall on the second floor.

Leonard: I think I can be of help to you.

Leonard: I have a seal. Please.

Heather: A seal?

*Leonard hangs up the phone. Heather puts the receiver down.*

Heather: The end of the hall on the second floor?

- - - - - - - - - - - -
B. Mysterious recording
- - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather sees a recording of some kind of video footage on the wall.

There is a nurse on the screen.*

Nurse: Still has an unusually high fever...

Nurse: Eyes don't open... getting a pulse.

Nurse: But just barely breathing.

Nurse: Why! What is keeping that child alive?

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
(C. The birthday message)
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather enters the woman's locker room. There is a

telephone ringing. She opens up a locker and there
is a pay phone inside. Heather picks up the receiver.*

????: Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you.

????: Happy birthday dear...

????: Oh, I forgot your name.

Heather: Who are you!?

????: Oh, okay thanks.

????: Happy birthday dear "Hooaryou".

????: Happy birthday to you.

????: Happy 31st birthday!

Heather: Is this Leonard?

????: That's the murderers name, not my name.

????: I'm not your beloved Stanley either.

????: He's underground now. His new name is #7.

????: But don't worry about that now. It's time to celebrate
your birthday!

Heather: You've got me mistaken for some someone else. Today's

not my...

????: I'm not mistaken. Today is your 24th birthday.

????: And I have a present for you.

????: Which do you prefer? To give pain or to receive it?

????: You can have the one you hate the most.

????: Happy birthday to you.

*The person hangs up. Heather puts the phone down.*

Heather: But you're wrong.

Heather: It's not my birthday.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
D. Heather meets Leonard
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather climbs down a long ladder into the sewers. It's

filled with water which is about knee-height.

Leonard: Heather?

Heather: Yeah?

*Leonard is nowhere to be seen.*

Heather: Leonard? Where are you?

Leonard: Thank you. Now I can finally leave here.

Leonard: Now Claudia's ridiculous dream is over.

Leonard: Well, I guess it's time to dispose of her.

Leonard: The "salvation of all mankind". Ha!

Leonard: Why must be reward even the unbelievers?

Heather: What are you talking about?

Leonard: About our plans of course.

Leonard: It's true that God is merciful.

Leonard: But first one must be chosen.

Leonard: Only those who hearken to the voice of God

will be given the keys to Paradise.

Leonard: Don't you think so, Heather?

Heather: Yeah, sure.

Heather: Go ahead and think whatever you want.

Leonard: What do you mean by that?

Heather: I mean that I don't think the way you guys


Heather: I don't want any part of that kinda paradise.

Leonard: You're an unbeliever? You deceived me!?

Heather: I didn't deceive you. We were both just wrong

about each other.

Heather: I thought you were a normal person.

Leonard: Heretic! You plan to destroy God!

Heather: I told you. I wasn't trying to trick anyone. What is this

seal thing, anyway?

Leonard: Don't play innocent with me. You can't fool me anymore.

Leonard: The seal is mine. God has appointed me to

be its guardian.

Leonard: The only thing you'll get from me is a

gruesome death!

*Leonard rises out of the monster. He's not human at all. He is

a monster.*

Heather: Leonard, is that you?

Leonard: Death to all who turn their backs on God!

Heather: Is every person here a mental case?

Heather: Well I guess you're not a person anyway.

*Heather fights Leonard. After doing enough damage to him Leonard

dies and falls into the water. Suddenly Heather finds herself
lying on the floor of Room C4 in the hospital. Everything
is normal again. She stands up.*
Heather: Leonard's not here anymore.

Heather: I guess I should head back to the hotel


Heather: I hope Douglas is okay.

*Heather starts walking and steps on something. It skids across the

floor. Heather picks it up.

Heather: What's this?

*Heather receives a talisman.*


- - - - - - - -
A. Meanwhile...
- - - - - - - -

*Claudia and Vincent are in the Motel.*

Claudia: Why did you send her to my father?

Vincent: Was that wrong?

Claudia: It's your fault that he...

Vincent: But surely it's a good thing. It means that he was one of
God's beloved, no?

Claudia: Those who mock God will never receive salvation.

Claudia: You'll go to Hell, Vincent...

Claudia: You'll never feel the joy of God's everlasting paradise.

Vincent: You think that God is going to save you? Ha!

Claudia: What do you know anyway!?

Vincent: I know about the pleasures of this world.

Vincent: And I want to find my happiness while I'm still here.

Vincent: You hated your father, didn't you?

Vincent: I saw the way he hit you, kicked you and made you cry.

Vincent: The memory of his cruelty his forever burned into my mind.

Claudia: Yes, yes. And that's why we need God!

Vincent: What you call "faith" is nothing more than a child crying
out for love.

Claudia: You don't understand. None of you do.

- - - - - - - - - - -
B. Vincent's message
- - - - - - - - - - -
*Heather walks into the motel. Vincent is there but Claudia is gone.*

Heather: Where's Douglas?

Vincent: He went out.

Vincent: But he left a message for you.

Heather: Was there someone else here just now?

Vincent: No, no, just me.

Vincent: Don't you want to know what the message is?

Heather: Yeah, what did he say?

Vincent: "The church is on the other side of the


Heather: Church...? I wonder what he meant by that.

Vincent: You don't understand?

Vincent: That's where Claudia is.

Vincent: Across the lake, on the north side.

Vincent: If you're going you'd better go through the amusement park.

Vincent: It's probably the only way in now.

Vincent: Go northwest on Nathan Avenue. It's a bit far but closer

than heaven.

Heather: Is that is for the message?

Vincent: Uh huh.

Heather: Thanks.

*Heather heads for the door and then stops.*

Heather: Douglas really said that?

Vincent: What's wrong, you don't trust me?


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A. Heather enters the Park again!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather enters the amusement park. Suddenly her head starts throbbing,
much worse than before. Once it stops she looks around her. She says
"Oh hell!" (though text for it doesn't appear on screen) as she
realizes that it's the same Amusement Park from her dream.*

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B. Heather is nearly hit by a roller coaster
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*Heather fights her way through the amusement park and
reaches some roller coaster rails. She hears a distant
loud rumbling noise. Just before she is hit she jumps
off the tracks.*

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C. Douglas confronts Claudia
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Douglas walks towards Claudia. They are in a different

area of the park from where Heather was.*

Claudia: I hired you to find the girl and you performed


Claudia: What is it now?

Douglas: You lied to me about Heather, lady.

Douglas: I don't like being used.

Claudia: Lie? What lie?

Douglas: That Heather was kidnapped from you.

Claudia: But it's true. She was originally one of us.

Claudia: That man, Harry Mason stole her away and kept her hidden from

Douglas: Yeah, but she says she was happy.

Claudia: She was brainwashed by him, deceived.

Claudia: Because her true self had not yet awoken.

Claudia: She carries God within her.

Claudia: But when Alessa, mother of God truly awakens...

Douglas: Yeah, what's gonna happen?

Claudia: She will usher in the eternal Paradise.

Douglas: What kind of place is that?

Claudia: A place with no pain.

Claudia: No hunger, no sickness, no old age.

Claudia: There will be no greed or war and all will live by God's
grace alone.

Douglas: No this, no that, no nothin'.

Douglas: A paradise for castrated sheep, maybe. Sounds pretty


Claudia: I pity you. You still don't understand.

*Douglas points his gun at Claudia.*

Claudia: You're going to kill me? Is it really so easy for you?

Douglas: I've done it before.

Claudia: Then I truly do pity you.

- - - - - - - - - -
D. Heather wakes up
- - - - - - - - - -

*Heather wakes up from her unconscious state. She's on top of

a ticket booth. She scrambles off it and jumps onto the

- - - - - - - - - - -
E. The haunted house
- - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather goes through the front door of the haunted house.*

Narrator: Welcome to the Borely Haunted Mansion!

Narrator: We're so glad you came.

Narrator: Please come inside and look around.

Narrator: When you feel you are ready, then go through the

*Heather goes through the door.*

Man: Help... Help...

Narrator: Do you hear those voices?

Narrator: A family of four was sliced into bloody pieces in

this room.

Narrator: Ah, the cries of the children...

Narrator: The murderer was caught.

Narrator: Do you know why he said he killed his family?

Narrator: "Because I felt I had to!"

Narrator: Anyway, I'm lying.

Narrator: It's all just a joke.

Narrator: I wanted to scare you, that's all.

Narrator: The truth is that only one person died, by


*Heather walks through the next door. She walks across the
room and a screaming corpse suddenly falls from the ceiling.*

Narrator: That's Danny.

Narrator: A quiet young man, but quite friendly, as you can


Narrator: He was so eager to meet you.

Narrator: His hometown is New Orleans.

Narrator: But he came here after first losing his way.

Narrator: Oh, maybe you might know?

Narrator: Where is the path to heaven?

*Heather walks through the next door.*

Narrator: This mansion is quite old.

Narrator: So please watch your step.

Narrator: Sometimes the floor suddenly gives way.

Narrator: And beneath the floor, there's nothing.

*Heather walks across the room and the spike covered

ceiling suddenly falls down. It stops just above
Heather's head.*

Narrator: I'm so sorry.

Narrator: This place is just falling apart.

Narrator: The mechanism is broken, you see.

Narrator: It wasn't supposed to stop there, I assure


*Heather approaches the exit.*

Narrator: There's the exit.

Narrator: I hope you enjoyed your tour.

Narrator: Please come back anytime.

Narrator: Or if you'd prefer, we could come and

visit you instead.

*Heather goes through the exit.*

Narrator: That was supposed to be the exit.

Narrator: But it seems that no one wants you to


Narrator: Everyone really likes you. They want

you to stay with them forever.

Narrator: I have to agree with them.

Narrator: Don't be afraid. Dying is much easier

than living.

*Heather is chased through the hallway, by some

red smoke. If it touches her, she dies. She runs
through two rooms and eventually escapes through
a door.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
F. Heather finds Douglas
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather runs up to Douglas. He's slumped down

on the ground and had blood on his face.*

Heather: Douglas!

Douglas: You're late.

Heather: Are you hurt?

Douglas: I can't move my right leg. I think it's


Heather: I'll call an ambulance!

Douglas: Wait, I don't think one'll come.

Douglas: Don't worry, I'm used to it.

Heather: You... you old fool! Getting yourself hurt

like that...

Douglas: Sorry.

Heather: What'll I do if you die?

Douglas: What'll we do if this god thing gets born?

Heather: C'mon. How powerful can a god from a dump

like this be?

Heather: I'm sure it'll be no big deal.

Douglas: But anyway something's gonna happen.

Heather: Who knows? Maybe we'd all be better off if

it did.

Douglas: But if this is how a god of mercy acts, I

don't want to see any more of him.

Douglas: That's reason enough for risking my life,

don't you think?

Douglas: Plus, I'm just an old fool, right?

Heather: You think you're superman or something?

Douglas: Y'know I always wanted to be him.

Douglas: Besides...

Heather: Yeah?

Douglas: I want to help you out.

Heather: You don't have to feel responsible. I know it's

not your fault.

*Heather starts walking away.*

Douglas: You... you remind me of my son.

Heather: You said nobody was going to cry for


Douglas: Dead people don't cry.

Douglas: Stupid kid got himself shot robbing a bank.

Heather: But why?

Douglas: Maybe cause his pop was a penniless good-for-nothing.

Douglas: Who knows? Anyway, now I guess I'll never find out.

Douglas: Sorry, I shouldn't be say you remind me of a guy

like him.

Heather: Well, maybe if you'd compared me to your daughter...

Heather: Listen, I'll take care of the rest. You stay here
and I'll be back when it's over.

Douglas: You'll be ok by yourself?

Heather: Hey, no problem.

Heather: Besides, my dads not around anymore so only I can

do this.

*Heather starts walking away. Douglas points his gun at


Heather: What are you doing?

Douglas: Maybe killing you here is the only way to end this

Heather: Yeah, you might be right.

*Heather walks away*

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(G. Heather finds Douglas # 2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Douglas: What is it?

Heather: I just came by to make sure you were still alive.

Douglas: Sorry. I'd come with you if I wasn't hurt.

Heather: Yeah, well I guess that's the problem with the old
guy, huh?

Heather: I'll handle things. You just rest.

*Heather starts walking away. She stops and turns round.*

Heather: Don't die on me, okay?

- - - - - - - - -
H. Merry-Go-Round
- - - - - - - - -

*After killing all of the horses on the Merry-Go-Round

the ground shakes and become stained with blood. The
horses stop moving. Heather's entering the otherworld
again. Heather turns round and a hideous knife-wielding
figure approaches her. It is the memory of Alessa. She
points the knife at Heather. She and Heather do battle.*


- - - - - - - - - - - - -
A. Heather meets Claudia
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

*Heather enters the church. Claudia is standing at the

altar. She turns round and looks at Heather.*

Claudia: How did you get here?

Claudia: It was Vincent, wasn't it? He led you here.

Claudia: When will he cease his meddling?

Claudia: But it's just as well. Luring you here also

serves my purposes.

*Heather points her gun at Claudia.*

Heather: Checkmate.

Claudia: Not yet.

Claudia: The time is not yet at hand.

Claudia: The time when all will be forgiven their


Claudia: When the paradise we have long dreamed for

will arrive.

Claudia: After the Judgment and Atonement, an

eternity of bliss.

Claudia: Oh, Alessa, the world you wanted is nearly


Heather: That's now what I want.

Claudia: Not you. Alessa. Your true self.

Heather: But I am Alessa.

Heather: My little Claudia. My dear, sweet sister.

Claudia: Alessa? Is it you? Oh, how I've missed you!

Heather: I don't need another world.

Heather: It's fine the way it is.

Claudia: But you said it yourself. The world must

first be cleansed with fire.

Heather: But that's not what I want now.

Claudia: Alessa, don't you want happiness?

Claudia: Have you become blind to all the hopeless

suffering in the world?

Claudia: We need... we all need God's salvation.

Heather: Listen. Suffering is a fact of life.

Heather: Either you learn to deal with that or you

go under.

*Heather's head starts to throb a little.*

Heather: You can stay in your little dream world,

but you can't keep hurting other people.

Heather: Besides, I'll never forgive you for

hurting my father.

Claudia: I wish only for the salvation of mankind.

Claudia: But for that to happen, the world must

first be remade.

Claudia: And for that we need God.

Heather: You self-righteous witch! No one asked you

to help!

*Heather's head starts throbbing even more. She falls

down onto her knees.*

Claudia: You despise me, don't you?

Heather: You're damned right I do!

Claudia: That's good.

*Claudia leaves.*

- - - - - - - -
(B. Confession)
- - - - - - - -

*Heather enters the confession booth. There is a woman

crying in the booth next to her. Heather listens to what
she's saying through the hole in the wall.*

Woman: Dear God, please forgive me.

Woman: I know I'll be put to death for the sings I've


Woman: And I'll go to my death gladly. And with a peaceful


Woman: But please grant me just a small piece of your

everlasting mercy.
Woman: Let me see my child once within your Golden

Woman: Send me not to Hell, but to Purgatory.

Woman: Allow me to atone for my sins there.

Woman: I'll stand within the very Flames of Redemption

no matter how they burn me.

Woman: Forgive my wicked act of revenge.

Woman: And deliver the soul of my poor murdered daughter.

Woman: Please also care for the soul of the girl whose
life I have taken.

Woman: God, I'm a child, trembling with fear as I stare

at death.

Woman: Soothe my tortured soul with your infinite mercy.

Please forgive me.

-If you select the bottom top choice when given the option
the following dialogue takes place.-

Heather: I forgive you.

*The woman says "Thank you, Lord" (but text for it does not
appear). The sobbing stops.*

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
C. Heather meets Vincent
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

*After Heather picks up the tarot card in the library,

Vincent walks in. He's carrying a book.*

Vincent: Hiya, Heather.

Heather: You show up everywhere don't you?

Vincent: You make me sound like some kind of unwanted


Heather: Well, who are you anyway?

Vincent: Haven't you realized that yet?

Heather: Yeah, you're on Claudia's side.

Vincent: I told you not to put me in the same category

as that madwoman.

Heather: Well you're pretty loony yourself.

Vincent: It's true that we believe in the same god,

but I'm quite sane.

Heather: So why did you help me out then?

Heather: Was that also part of trying to resurrect god?

Vincent: It's not uncommon for people to worship the same

god and still disagree.

Heather: "God"? Are you sure you don't mean "Devil"?

Vincent: Whichever you like.

Vincent: The point is that now I really am on your side.

Vincent: I don't want God to be born.

Vincent: It wouldn't be convenient.

Vincent: Much too unpredictable.

Heather: So you've been using me to stop Claudia, is that


Heather: Do your own dirty work.

Vincent: My dirty work? I think we both have our own

interests at mind.

Vincent: You hate her too, don't you?

Vincent: You're the only one who can get it done.

Vincent: I don't have powers like you two.

Vincent: Besides, I always hated getting all hot and


Heather: Oh, really?

Vincent: I'm just looking out for myself. Everyone

does it.

Vincent: Don't stand there looking so smug.

Vincent: You're the worst person in this room.

Vincent: You come here and enjoy spilling their

blood and listening to them cry out.

Vincent: You feel excited when you step on them,

snuffing out their lives.

Heather: Are you talking about the monsters?

Vincent: Monsters...?

Vincent: They look like monsters to you?

*Heather gasps.*

Vincent: Don't worry, it's just a joke.

*Vincent starts to walk away.*

Vincent: By the way, I forgot to ask you.

Did you get the seal of Metatron?

Heather: What's that?

Vincent: You don't have it!? Leonard was carrying


Heather: You mean this thing?

*Heather takes out the talisman she got earlier.*

Vincent: Yes, that's it. As long as we have that,

we're fine.

*Vincent walks towards Heather.*

Vincent: Here, take this.

*Vincent gives her the book he was carrying. It's

called "Otherworld Laws". Vincent leaves.*

- - - - - - - - - -
D. The Cassette Tape
- - - - - - - - - -

*Heather puts the tape into the machine. It starts

to play.*

Vincent: Do you know about what happened here 17

years ago?

Vincent: You've been here a long time, you must have

heard some details.

Woman: A group of pagans, blinded by earthly desires,

spit in the very face of God.

Woman: They tried to use the seal of Metatron to

prevent God's awakening.

Woman: But God drove the unbelievers away and threw

them into the Abyss.

Woman: But due to their wickedness, God was unable

to be born properly.

Woman: And so she has slumbered ever since, in the

womb of the Holy Mother.

Woman: Until the time of the Awakening...

Woman: That's all that I know.

Vincent: That's it, huh...

Vincent: Well, thanks.

Woman: Father Vincent.

Woman: I heard that the Holy Mother has been found.

Is this true?

Vincent: Alessa has been found?

Vincent: Did Claudia say that?

Woman: Yes.

Vincent: Then it must be true. Her Sight rarely

fails her.

Woman: Bless the Lord!

Vincent: Maybe it's because of her great faith.

Vincent: But I could never be like her. I wouldn't

want to.

Woman: Nor I.

Woman: The truth is, Sister Claudia frightens me

a little.

Vincent: Well now, let's both show our faith by

forgetting bout this little talk, okay?

Woman: Yes.

Woman: But does that mean that this land will

finally be the Home of Eternal Paradise?

Vincent: If God wills it Sister, if God wills it.

- - - - - - - - - -
E. Claudia's Wrath
- - - - - - - - - -

*Claudia and Vincent are standing in a small room.

They are in the middle of a conversation.*

Vincent: What do I want?

Vincent: Well for the two of you to die. That would

be nice.

Vincent: Then I could relax.

Claudia: When did you stop believing in God?

Claudia: Gold lives. Just look around you.

Vincent: But I do believe in Her. In my own way.

Vincent: I fear Her. And I adore Her.

Vincent: But I haven't lost my mind like you.

Vincent: You think that this is the work of God?

Vincent: Isn't this nothing more than your own

personal nightmare?

Vincent: Just like Alessa 17 years ago.

Vincent: If this really is the work of God,

I'd say she had lousy taste.

Claudia: You mock God!? Traitor.

Claudia: You will go to Hell.

Vincent: Not that again!

Vincent: Who do you think you are? Claiming

to know God's will!?

Claudia: Go home, Vincent.

Vincent: Home? This church is my home.

Vincent: I built it with my power. The power

of money that you that you view with such scorn.

Vincent: Although, I do admit this atrocious scenery

is all yours.

Claudia: If you continue to get in my way...

Vincent: Then you'll kill me?

*Heather enters the room, Vincent turns round and looks

at her.*

Vincent: Well, the guest of honor has arrived. Let's get

this party started.

Vincent: Heather, go ahead and kill this crazy bitch.

Vincent: This demon who claims to speak for God.

Vincent: The time has come. You can kill her now.

Claudia: You'll go to Hell!

*Claudia stabs Vincent in the back with a long dagger.

He collapses onto the floor but he's still alive.
Heather runs forward.*

Heather: What did you do?

Claudia: Oh, nothing important.

Heather: You're not going to run? I guess this is the end.

Claudia: No, the beginning. As Vincent said: The time has


Claudia: Alessa, I'm saddened that you didn't agree to this

on your own.

Claudia: But I thank you for nurturing God with all the hate
in your heart.

Claudia: It's time for Mankind to be released from the shackles

of sin that bind them.

Heather: But a God born from hate can never create a perfect

Claudia: Happy people can be so cruel.

Claudia: Is it so hard to believe that sympathy could be born

from pain and suffering?
Claudia: Why do you reject God's mercy?

Claudia: Why do you cling to this corrupt world? You know

that only God can save us.

Heather: And save you too? Happy ending?

Heather: I'd rather go to Hell.

Claudia: No, I don't expect to be saved.

Claudia: That's fine.

Claudia: Alessa, my dearest...

Claudia: For the pain I've caused you, I deserve no mercy.

Claudia: Even if it was to save mankind, it was too deep

a sin.

Claudia: It was hubris for me to try to hasten the day of

Her arrival.

Claudia: Sacrifices were made, and those are my sins.

Vincent: If you feel so guilty about it, why don't you

go to Hell!

Vincent: Heather, use the seal.

Claudia: Vincent?

*Heather takes out the seal.*

Claudia: The Seal of Metatron!

Vincent: Now your stupid dream is over!

Claudia: Oh, that's just a piece of junk.

Claudia: What do you think you can do with that?

Claudia: Do you really think it can kill God?

Claudia: I'm sorry to see you fell for my father's


Vincent: What!?

Claudia: You're pathetic.

*Claudia plunges the dagger into Vincent's heart.

She stands up and clasps her hands together, in a
praying position.*

Claudia: But God loves even you.

*She walks towards Heather.*

Claudia: Now Alessa, there's nowhere else to run.

*Heather's head starts to throb incredibly. Her

skin turns red amd she collapses on the floor,

Claudia: Just accept it, Alessa.

Claudia: The pain will dissapear.

Claudia: Oh, I've been waiting so long for this.

Claudia: Even as a child I saw the coming of this


Claudia: I knew that I would be a witness to it,

Judgment Day!

*Claudia looks at Heather in delight but then...*

Claudia: Alessa!

*Heather's skin turns back to normal. The throbbing

stops. She stands back up.*

Heather: Shut your stinking mouth, bitch!

- - - - - - - -
(F. The End...)
- - - - - - - -

*In her anger, Heather tries to attack Claudia. Her

skin turns red again and she collapses in pain.*

Heather: Aah!

Claudia: Alessa...

Claudia: Oh God...

Claudia: Bring us salvation.


- - - - -
G. Birth
- - - - -

*Heather looks at her pendant. There is a little red

tablet sitting in it. Claudia looks confused.*

Heather: Dad...

Claudia: What are you doing?

*Heather puts the tablet in her mouth. Her skin turns

red again and she falls to the ground. She starts to

Claudia: She's nearly here.

*Claudia realises that something is wrong.*

Claudia: What is it?

Claudia: Alessa, what have you done, what did you swallow!?
*Heather keeps vomiting and a worm-type creature comes out
of her mouth. She walks back.*

Heather: Looks like God didn't make it.

*Heather walks up to the worm as if she's about to step on

it. Claudia shoves her out of the way.*

Claudia: Stop!

*She holds the worm in her hands.*

Claudia: God is...!

Heather: Claudia...

*Claudia starts eating the worm. Heather covers her eyes.*

Claudia: Alessa, you cannot kill God.

*Her skin starts turning red, as Heather's did.*

Claudia: I will... I will birth God...

Claudia: If you can't do it Alessa, I will...

*Claudia stumbles around the room in agony. She walks towards

the big hole and falls through it. Heather jumps in after her.*

- - - -
H. God
- - - -

*Heather lands at the bottom. She stands up. Claudia's corpse

is lying before her.*

Heather: You can't be dead, I was going to kill you!

*Heather looks at the foul beast before her.*

Heather: This is God...?


- - - - -
A. Normal
- - - - -

*Heather does battle with the God. After hurting it enough it

falls to the ground and dies. She walks up to it and starts
kicking it. She then starts walking away slowly.*

Heather: Is this the end?

Heather: I guess it's time to roll the credits.

*She starts crying.*

Heather: Dad...

*She collapses on the ground and sobs. After a while she gets up
and walks a few steps. She turns around.*

*The scene changes to the Amusement Park. We see Heather's feet

walking. She approaches Douglas who is sitting on a bench.*

Douglas: Heather!

Douglas: Is it really over?

Heather: Not yet.

*Heather is holding her knife.*

Heather: You're still alive.

*Douglas is horrified. She walks towards him and then starts


Heather: Just a joke.

*She starts giggling.*

Douglas: You've got terrible taste.

Heather: I'm sorry.

Douglas: Heather. Did you...

Heather: You don't have to call me that. I'm not hiding anymore.

Douglas: You want me to use your real name? What was it again...

Heather: Cheryl.

Heather: The name my father gave me.

Douglas: You gonna let your hair colour go back too?

Heather: I don't know. Don't you think blondes have more fun?

- - - - - -
B. Possesed
- - - - - -

*Heather does battle with the God. After hurting it enough it

falls to the ground and dies. She walks up to it and starts
kicking it. She then starts walking away slowly.*

Heather: Is this the end?

Heather: I guess it's time to roll the credits.

*She starts crying.*

Heather: Dad...

*She collapses on the ground and sobs. After a while she gets up
and walks a few steps. She turns around.*

*We see a pool of blood. Heather is standing in the Amusement

Park holding her knife. It is covered in blood. We see
a leg. The camera moves up the body and reveals Douglas's
dead body. Heather keeps starting at him.*
- - - - - - - - -
C. Revenge (UFO)
- - - - - - - - -

*Heather enters her apartment. She's in a cartoon


Heather I'm home, Dad. Listen.... Something crazy

is going on.

*Harry is sitting at the table. There's an alien

sitting next to him drinking tea.*

Harry: (With squeaky voice) Cheryl, you're back. What


Heather: Well, it's like this....

*Time passes.*

Heather: And that's about it.

Harry: (With squeaky voice) Oh, my poor little Cheryl.

I can't believe that!

Harry: (With squeaky voice) I'm going to Silent Hill

and I'm gonna bust some heads!

Heather: Oh, Dad! You're the coolest.

*The view changes to a cartoony Silent Hill. Some UFOs

come and shoot lasers at the town. It blows up and
the UFOs fly away again.*


- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -

Blue sky to forever,

The green grass blows in the wind, dancing
It would be much better a sight with you, with me,
If you hadn't met me, I'd be fine on my own, baby,
I never felt so lonely, then you came along,

So now what should I do, I'm strung out, addicted to you,

My body it aches, now that you're gone,
My supply fell through,

You gladly gave me everything you had and more,

You craved my happiness,
When you make me feel joy it makes you smile,
But now I feel your stress,
Love was never meant to be such a crazy affair, no

And who has time for tears,

Never thought I'd sit around and cry for your love,
'till now.

Thanks go to Gobicamel for very kindly letting me copy

the "You're not here" lyrics from his excellent SH3 FAQ!
- - - - -
- - - - -

A letter to my future self:

Am I still happy ,I began?

Have I grown up pretty?

Is Daddy still a good man?
Am I still friends with Carlene?
I'm sure that I'm still laughing.

Aren't I, aren't I?

Hey there to my future self,

if you forget how to smile,
I have this to tell you,
remember it once in a while.

Ten years ago your past self

prayed for your happiness.
Please, don't lose hope.
Oh, what a pair, me and you
put here to feel joy,
nothing blue.

Sad times and bad times, see them through.

Soon we will know if it's for real
what we both feel.


Though I can't know for sure

how things worked out for us,
no matter how hard it gets,
you have to realize:
we weren't put on this earth
to suffer and cry.
We were made for being happy.
So be happy. For me.
For you.


Oh what a pair, me and you.

Put here to feel joy,
nothing blue.

Sad times and bad times, see them through.

Soon we will know if it's for real
what we both feel.

We were put here on this earth,

put here to feel joy...

Repeat 4x.

- - - - - -
- - - - - -

He spoke of tortured souls,

so outrageous the toll,
You can lose all you have.
He refused to give in
to the town that takes all

Survive, you must have the will.

This movie doesn't end the way we want all the time

Then he shouts at the moon,

"She's gone" and fear has overcome.

He was walking the mile,

he was walking alone...

So outrageous the toll,

You can lose all you have.
He refused to give in
to the town that takes all

Survive, you must have the will.

This movie doesn't end the way we want all the time

Then he shouts at the moon,

"She's gone" and fear has overcome.

He was walking the mile,

he was walking alone...

Four and twenty dead birds,

they bleed upon the nest.

There was no time for reasons,

they had no sign of a threat.

Now it's too late, too late for me

this town will eventually take me.

Too late, too late for me

This town will win.


Through this fog they came,

dark creatures, singing their terrible song.
The rest of the bar laughed at him,
only I felt movement when he did.
They found him dead the very next day.
No more stories from him,
I heard them say.
We blamed bad luck for his fate.
Only I felt terror, so great ...


She and he will know,

that someday all things will end

That misty night, that dismal moon

the dead, search for their kin.

While angels sleep in endless dark,

the dead seek out sin...

Credit goes to Chesh the cat for e-mailing me the lyrics for
LETTER FROM THE LOST DAYS and HOMETOWN. He says he's not 100%
sure if they're right though. So if there are any errors then
please let me know.

- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -

I want a cup that overflows with love although it's

not enough to fill my heart.
I want barrel full of love although I know it's not
enough to fill my heart.
I want a river full of love but then I know the holes
will still remain.
I need an ocean full of love although I know the holes
will still remain.

And the Swiss cheese heart knows, all the kindness can
fill its holes.
And love will dry my tears, as pain disappears, yeah.
I need a miracle and not someone's charity
One drop of love from him and my heart's in ecstasy

The heart that he's sending me is most likely ending

I need a miracle and not someone's charity now.
Fill up my heart with love, oh you'd be amazed at how,
Little I need from him to feel complete here and now,

Stirring within me are these feelings I can't ignore,

I need a miracle and that's what I'm hoping for.
I need a miracle and not someone's charity,
One drop of love from him and my heart's in ecstasy,

The heart that he's sending me is most likely ending

I need a miracle and not someone's charity now.
Anybody's love but his, will never fill this place
within me now
You've got to give me what I need to free my heart
from misery.

Thank you to yakumichan for sending me the I

WANT LOVE lyrics.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Come on, kiddies! Gather around!

Now, tell me everyone...
Aren't you all sick and tired of that 'ol
UFO ending?
That's right, be honest!
Honesty helps you grow big and strong.
Okay, you fine youngers, let's all sing the
Silent Hill song!
Ready? And a -one, and a -two and a -one,

Everybody sing the Silent Hill song

Come on friends - let's sing along
We'll start with Claudia!
You don't all have to sing!

She's oh so nice, and I'm glad
She gives us candy
And money to spend
Just be sure you don't get her mad

Everybody sing the Silent Hill song

Come on friends - let's sing along

Next up is Vincent!
Here we go!

Vincent, Vincent
He's such a good boy, it's true
He walks old ladies
Across the street
But he's selfish and willfull, too

Everybody sing the Silent Hill song

Come on friends - let's sing along

Now onto Douglas!

He's not really a true-blue P.I.
He gets up awful early
And smells of the sea
Because he sells fish on the sly

Everybody sing the Silent Hill song

Come on friends - let's sing along

Last but not least, Heather!

Divorced with 2 kids of her own
It's hard to raise 'em and still go to work
A young mom who goes it alone

Everybody sing the Silent Hill song

Come on friends - let's sing along
Everybody sing the Silent Hill song
Come on friends - let's sing along

*THE END appears on the screen. We hear a machine

gun firing and all of the singers scream in


Ok, so this is a bit of a silly title, but basically this

section is full of little bits of info regarding the
script that you may not know. Here are a few.

#1 - In part 4A. we hear someone say "It's being invaded

by the Otherworld. By a world of someone's nightmarish
delusions come to life." This is in fact quoting Harry
Mason. He said it in the first Silent Hill.
Credit goes to Chesh the Cat for telling me that.
#2 - The spell that Heather reads from the storybook in
Part 4C., "Tu fui, ego eris." is Latin for "I was once
you; you will become me." A reference to the whole
Heather=Alessa business, perhaps?
Thank you to Richard for pointing this out to me.

That's all for this, just now but if you know any more
"Bits and Bobs" like the ones above then please send
me an e-mail.


There are a few people who I want to thank, who helped

me in some way to put the FAQ on the site or informed
me of some things I may have missed.

CWall - For giving me advice when I went to seek help

at the FAQ contributors board at Gamefaqs.

Gobicamel - For letting me copy the YOU'RE NOT HERE lyrics

from his FAQ. (And for being so nice about it.)

Chesh the cat - For giving me info about a quote in

lyrics. Check out his excellent FAQ for SH3 at Gamefaqs.
Wonderful if you're stuck on one of the puzzles.

Yakumichan - For giving me the lyrics to I WANT LOVE and for

informing me of a missing bit in YOU'RE NOT HERE

Richard - For telling me that English meaning of Tui fui, ego


CJayC - For accepting this FAQ. Thank you!

Trees - Who were needed to make the necessary paper

I needed while writing this out.

The shop WH Smith - For making high quality pens which without,
I could never have written this all out. :-)
And of course Konami - For making a game that I loved
so much I copied out all of the dialogue.

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