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Rule of Rose

Introduction ....................................................... [00'AA]

Characters ...................................................... [00'A1]
Notes ........................................................... [00'A2]

Script ............................................................. [01'00]

March 1930: "The Little Princess" ............................... [01'01]
April 1930: "The Unlucky Clover Field" .......................... [01'02]
May 1930: "Sir Peter" ........................................... [01'03]
July 1930: "Bird of Happiness" .................................. [01'04]
August 1930: "Mermaid Princess" ................................. [01'05]
September 1930: "The Goat Sisters" .............................. [01'06]
June 1929: "The Gingerbread House" .............................. [01'07]
October 1930: "Rag Princess Sews" ............................... [01'08]
November 1930: "The Funeral" .................................... [01'09]
December 1930: "Stray Dog and the Lying Princess" ............... [01'10]
January 1930: "Once Upon a Time..." ............................. [01'11]

Addenda ............................................................ [02'00]

Opening Scene ................................................... [02'01]
Song Lyrics ..................................................... [02'02]
"The Little Princess" ........................................... [02'03]
Bucket Knight Clues ............................................. [02'04]
January Exploration ............................................. [02'05]
"Game Over" Scene ............................................... [02'06]

Closing ............................................................ [00'BB]

Version History ................................................. [00'B1]
Credits ......................................................... [00'B2]
Contributions ................................................... [00'B3]
Legal Disclaimer ................................................ [00'B4]

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$#$# [00'AA] --- Introduction --- [00'AA] #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [00'A1] --- Characters --- [00'A1] #$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Jennifer #$ (initial social rank: "beggar")

The poor, unlucky girl whose parents died aboard an airship. She was taken in by
Gregory Wilson, who rescued her from the downed craft.

$# Brown #$

A dog that Jennifer found aboard the airship. She also met him previously near
the Rose Garden Orphanage, but he was a puppy then.

$# Wendy #$ (The lonely Princess)

A girl who exchanged letters with Jennifer after she was taken in by Gregory.

When Jennifer found Brown, Wendy had to, for the first time, "share" Jennifer;
a fact which quickly instilled her with jealously. Using her placement in the
nearby orphanage as the "Princess of the Red Rose" of the Aristocrat Club, she
ordered that the dog be slaughtered (as seen in March).

Wendy is also the "Joshua" that appears to Jennifer throughout the game; the
same boy who, at the beginning of April, so easily announced that disobedience
will result in death. She did those things to her as punishment for her interest
in Brown.

$# Diana #$

The strong-willed Princess, ranked Duchess; the highest social placement in the
Aristocracy under the Princess of the Red Rose.

$# Eleanor #$

The cold Princess, ranked Baroness. She carries around an often-empty birdcage.

$# Meg (Margaret) #$

The wise-looking Princess, ranked Countess. In September, she wrote a love

letter to Diana, which went ill-received.

$# Amanda #$

The small-hearted Princess. Prior to Jennifer's arrival, Amanda held the lowest
social ranking: Miserable. Initially thankful to Jennifer for lessening the
ill treatment she receives, Amanda expressed remorse for following the Aristo-
crat Club's orders at the end of April. However, as time goes on and Jennifer
succeeds Amanda's ranking, a newfound hatred grows within her. By the time
October arrives, Amanda's taken to bludgeoning a doll in Jennifer's likeness.

$# Other Princes and Princesses #$

The tearful Princess. She's very young, and as her title suggests, is easily
brought to tears over the slightest of things. Something she says when she
cries is "Oh, daddy, don't go!!"

The frightened princess. A certain scene in November suggests that Mr. Hoffman
engaged in sexual activities with her against her will.

The impetuous Princess.

The sloppy Prince. He and Xavier often play with makeshift swords.

The gluttonous Prince. He and Nicholas often play with makeshift swords.

The mischievous Prince. He has an obsession with trains that is rumored to be
connected to his birth in some manner.

$# Mr. Hoffman #$

The Headmaster of the Rose Garden Orphanage. He didn't much mind caring for the
orphanage, and rather took a liking to the children; Clara especially.
But with Jennifer's arrival, he finally found a child whom he utterly abhorred
and eventually fled the place.

$# Gregory M. Wilson #$

A man who farmed peas and carrots for a living, as indicated in his journal.
Gregory had a son, Joshua, who died for an unstated reason. Joshua's death
greatly disturbed Gregory, making him emotionally instable and consequently
deranged. When he rescued Jennifer from the crashed airship, said derangement
led him to treat her like his deceased son, and even to call her by his name.

Gregory is in fact Stray Dog, who Wendy tells the Aristocrat Club will come
and eat any disobedient children. They believed her, but lost faith after the
incident with her and Jennifer in November. Then in December, when Wendy
appeared, they went to laugh at her... But she came with Stray Dog and, just as
she said, all the naughty children were gobbled up.

Two possibilities exist for what happened next. Wendy gave Jennifer the gun
that Gregory had (the "dangerous thing" she referred to in June that had to be
taken away for Gregory's "own sake"). Depending on what the player chooses,
Jennifer can either kill Gregory herself, or hand him the gun when he apologizes
and let him commit suicide. In the latter case, he seems to reach a realization
before pulling the trigger, but it will forever remain with him alone.

$# Martha Carol #$

The Queen of Cleaning, as dubbed by the Aristocrat Club. She is later beaten
severely by two Horrible Imps for being suspected as a witch.

She had written letters to the police, pleading that something be done about
Gregory Wilson's behavior; Martha had seen Wendy training him like a dog.
Obviously skeptical, the police ignored her until her fifth letter, at which
point they replied, stating that, due to Gregory having a son like the one
she described, insufficient information was present to pursue further
investigation of the matter.

$# Sir Peter the Rabbit #$

A rabbit that Wendy acquired not long after Jennifer met Brown. Jennifer remarks
in January that she wondered if Wendy really cared for it at all.

$# Sir Joshua the Bear #$

A teddy bear who sits beside the doll with the red dress in the Aristocrat Club.
It was Jennifer's when she lived with Gregory, but she traded it to Wendy for
her rose broach in June.

$# Joshua Wilson #$

Gregory's child, who died for (an) unknown reason(s). He very much liked
airships, airplanes and the like, as evidenced by the toys in his room.

Regarding Joshua's death, I'd like to offer the following speculation...

In the lavatory in Gregory's house, there's a calendar which, at the bottom,

reads, "BRITISH AIRSHIP WORKS". If we assume that this calendar is related to
the airship of Rule of Rose's focus and bear in mind the fanfare with which
said airship was celebrated with, the presence of free hand-out items, such as
calendars, is certainly not surprising. However, one possibility for how Gregory
came about the calendar that is particularly noteworthy, not for its likelihood
but for its impact on the story, is that he may have worked aboard the airship.

One might say that this contradicts him being a pea/carrot farmer. Before I can
respond to that notion, I need to bring up something else. Since no later than
the 10th of November, 1928, Jennifer had lived in Gregory's home (this fact is
evidenced by the date of Wendy's earliest letter to Jennifer). It was in June of
1929 (note the year) that Gregory wrote in his journal about "Joshua". Clearly
then, the "Joshua" of whom he spoke was in fact Jennifer. Thusly, the frequent
occurrence of "Joshua" taking ill could be one of two things: (A) Jennifer took
ill easily at that time, or (B) Joshua was sickly and Gregory attributed that
aspect of him to Jennifer as he did Joshua's identity itself.

So, if we assume that Joshua was indeed very ill, perhaps nearing death, and
also keep in mind the aforementioned fact that Joshua loved airships... It's
certainly a possibility that Gregory wanted to let Joshua fly aboard an airship
to make his final days as happy as they could be. But, as he would not have been
able to afford such, he opted to attain a job on the craft and take Joshua along
with him that way.

Of course, it could just be that Joshua died of illness. However, if the former
speculation is what really happened, it would more easily allow for Gregory to
find and rescue Jennifer than if he hadn't been on the airship.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [00'A2] --- Notes --- [00'A2] #$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Key: Scenes #$
* - Text = Descriptions of character actions, etcetera.

$# "Chapter Title" scenes #$

At the beginning of each chapter when its name is given to the player, an
animation plays featuring drawings that resemble those of children.

$# *s in Storybooks and Item Descriptions #$

I've used * to denote something I'm adding in. In the case of storybooks, it's
a description of the pictures; in the case of item descriptions, it's anything
I might have to add that isn't included in the in-game text.

$# Storybook "pages" #$

I've referred to each set of two pages as a single page; this is because the
game itself displays subtitled text for every such set. When an individual
page need be specified, I've used such a descriptor as "Page 01.5".

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$#$# [01'00] --- Script --- [01'00] #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [01'01] --- March 1930: --- [01'01] #$#
#$#$# "The Little Princess" #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Startup #$

Gregory : Once upon a time, there was a precious little girl. Her friend,
the Princess of the Red Rose...

Narration : ...was always at her side. Then one day, her mummy and daddy died
suddenly, and the poor little girl was sent away to a strange house.
* - In the middle of the night, a bus drives along a tree-surrounded road.
Jennifer sits in the back, asleep; a young boy, Joshua, sits near the front,
closely reading a storybook titled "The Little Princess."

A moth flies by the light-bulb on the ceiling. Joshua approaches Jennifer.

Joshua : Jennifer. Jennifer! Play with me, Jennifer!

* - Jennifer wakes up and looks at Joshua.

Joshua : Read the story! Please, read the story!

* - With his head bowed, he hands the book to Jennifer.

Joshua : What happens next?

* - She takes the storybook. He opens it up to the first page for her.

Jennifer : What's this?

* - The camera shows the back of the bus driver for a moment. The vehicle
abruptly comes to a halt; the boy runs outside.

Jennifer : Wait!

* - She looks out the window at the boy.

Jennifer : Please!

* - She runs outside the bus. Joshua flees into the shadows.

Jennifer : Where are you going?!

* - The bus closes its doors.

Jennifer : Oh!?

* - It drives away, despite her pleas, leaving her amid the darkness.

$# Chapter Title #$

A girl stands at a bus stop, holding the hand of a little doll.

$# Following the title... #$

* - Jennifer looks at the book Joshua handed her. It reads:

Page 01 : Once upon a time, there was a precious little girl.
* The little girl sits in a chair.
Page 02 : Her friend, the Princess of the Red Road, was always by her side.
* The Princess walks with the little girl.
Page 03 : Then one day, here mummy and daddy died suddenly. The Princess,
too, disappeared, leaving the girl all alone.
* An airship is seen crashing.
Page 04 : And the poor little was sent away to a strange house.
* A man drags Jennifer into his home.

* - The rest of the book's pages are blank. Jennifer closes the storybook.

Narration : Suddenly, the girl was all alone... ...And so, the story begins.
A mysterious, unthinkable, filthy tale. However, the young girl,
Jennifer, had no choice but to surrender to the unsettling
predicament... Oh, what an unlucky girl...

$# Strange Hill – Fork in the road #$

Narration : As the girl approached the sign, she heard a dog's bark. It sounded
strangely familiar to her, and beckoned her to come...

$# Strange Hill – East #$

[Examine: Shed door]

<game> : There's an old padlock on the door. ...However, it's not locked.

$# Rickety Shed #$

* - A pool of blood lies under a cloth in the room.

[Examine: Dog collar on floor]

* - item1 = Boarding Pass; item 2 = Dog Collar

<game> : A slip of paper is tied to the dog collar.

<item1> : It's a slip of paper with "BOARDING PASS" and a picture of a fish
on it.
* On the paper's side is "RED CRAYON ARISTOCRATS"
<item2> : The name "Brown" is on the dog collar.
[After examining the Dog Collar]
* - A female child laughs sinisterly, but there's no one to be seen. The dog
that Jennifer had heard barking before now whimpers once, though it, too,
is not in sight.

[Examine: Headless Bucket Knight]

<game> : About Saving
You can save your progress by talking to the Bucket Knights located
throughout the game.

$# Strange Hill – East #$

* - When leaving the shed, Jennifer sees Joshua running away.

$# Front Gate #$

* - Joshua runs passed the gate and closes it.

Narration : ...Following the boy up the road, she came upon a huge, old mansion.
For some reason, this place seems familiar to the unlucky girl...

[Examine: Front gate]

* - Two children with bags over their heads stand over a sack on the ground.
One of them, Diana, mercilessly bludgeons it with a club.

Joshua watches from the door for a moment before entering the mansion.

Narration : Children with bags over their heads are beating something with a
stick... The unlucky girl was frightened and backed away from the

$# Fence Road #$

* - Children look over the brick fence as Jennifer runs behind the building.

[Examine: Sign near back door]


<game> : About Using Items

At certain locations, you can use items to interact with your
surroundings. From the Menu Screen, choose an item and select "USE."

* - Jennifer uses the Boarding Pass, and the door in the brick fence opens.
The boy (Xavier) who was standing by it, flees.

[Examine: Chalk writings/drawings on side of house]

<writings>: "Legend of Stray Dog"
Stray Dog gives us sweets.
* Sweets and candies fall out of Stray Dog's mouth.

$# Front Gate #$

* - The sack that Diana was beating on before now scoots into the house.
The door whips shut behind it.

Blood lies splattered on the ground.

$# Hallway #$

* - No lights are turned on inside the house, despite the time of day. Not long
after Jennifer enters, the door shuts behind her and the lock turns. A boy
outside laughs.

Further into the house, Joshua runs up to the second floor.

Narration : The unlucky girl felt the chilling gaze of many eyes upon her...
Yet, she was all alone.

* - On the second floor, Joshua runs passed door.

$# Filth Room #$

* - A doll is bound by rope to a pillar in the middle of the room.

[Examine: Doll]
<game> : ...There's a creepy doll tied to the pillar.

* - The doll's head droops. A boy laughs.

[Examine: Photo on desk]
<game> : It's a faded group photo taken in front of the mansion.

$# Hallway #$

* - Joshua runs into another door. Jennifer follows him to the Rear Stairway
and to the third floor.

$# Attic Storage #$

* - Inside one of the rooms...

$# Aristocrat Club #$

* - With candles surrounding him, Joshua sits on one of two chairs atop several
boxes at the far end of the room.

Narration : When the unlucky girl approached the boy, he said:

Joshua : "My, aren't you a slow poke, like always. Here, read me the rest of
the story. You know, the book I handed you."

* - Jennifer opens the book.

Page 04 : And the little girl was sent away to a strange house. At her new
home, the Aristocrat Club lived by the Rule of Rose. But the girl
found herself very much alone.

* - After Jennifer closes the book...

PA System : We will now begin the funeral. All those attending, please gather
around at this time.

* - In the Inner Court, Diana, Eleanor, Meg and one other girl stand by a mound.

Children : Ashes to ashes... Dust to dust...

Ashes to ashes... Dust to dust...

Joshua : Come on, Jennifer. The funeral is about to begin.

It's a funeral for your dear friend.

Narration : Before she realized it, the boy was gone... and the girl was left in

* - A dog barks and whimpers pleadingly over and over again outside.

$# Inner Court #$

Narration : When the girl went out to the yard, she found a shovel standing
before a grave.

* - Jennifer walks to the grave.

Narration : The unlucky girl sensed that something very dear to her was buried
here. As if possessed, she began to dig furiously...

* - Diana scoops some water into a pitcher.

Jennifer hits a box – a makeshift coffin – with the shovel. She tosses the
instrument away and digs with her hands.

Meg scoops some water into a pitcher.

Jennifer sits for a moment, breathing heavily; she's uncovered the box.

Eleanor scoops some water into a cup.

Jennifer pulls up the piece of wood placed over the box and peeks inside;
she gasps as she sees the sack from before resting within.

The three girls, along with Amanda, approach Jennifer from behind.

Diana : Just look at you! You're filthy!

* - The four girls pour water on Jennifer. She starts to cry.

A gong rings in the distance, and an announcement begins over the PA System.

Woman : Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on our flight.
Attention all passengers: We will be taking off in a short while.
Please take all large luggage to Section 8 of the Freight Storage
Compartment. Thank you.

* - The girls push Jennifer into the coffin.

Girls : Dust... Dust... Ashes... Ashes...

* - They place the lid down over the box.

Jennifer : No! No! Please!

* - She writhes within the box, attempting to get out, but to no avail.
The children begin to carry the coffin to a new destination.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [01'02] --- April 1930: --- [01'02] #$#
#$#$# "The Unlucky Clover Field" #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Chapter Title #$

Three-leaf clovers sprout around the coffin; the little girl, unmoving, and the
sack, moving, are inside.

$# Filth Room - Scene #$ (Note: This is NOT the previous Filth Room)

* - Jennifer is bound by rope to a pillar in the center of the room, similar to

the doll from before.

She raises her head, emerging from unconsciousness. As her senses come to
her, she tries to squirm out of the rope. After Jennifer pursues her futile
efforts for a time...

Narration : When the girl awoke, she found herself in a strange room. It was a
cold, lonely, stinky room.

* - From the PA System...

Joshua : Good morning, Jennifer. How do you feel? Let's have a little chat,
shall we?

[Yes]: Hmm. Good girl.

[No] : Hmm. So that's how you feel, is it?

Jennifer, you know you've been a bad, bad girl. And, bad girls need
to be punished, don't they?

[Yes]: Hmm. You're a brave girl.

[No] : A bad, bad girl who's not sorry, hmm?

Anyway, I'll be the one giving the orders around here, okay?

[Yes]: Hmm. Clever girl.

[No] : Hmm. Silly girl. You still don't understand? Well, you will
before long!

Now, I'm going to give you your first order. Every month, you need
to find a gift and bring it to the Aristocrat Club.

If you don't, I'll kill you.

Is there anything about this that you don't understand?

[Yes]: Yes?!
[No] : No?!

Hmm. Oh well, it's doesn't really matter what you say. You see,
Jennifer, there are really only two kinds of people in the world:
those who take orders, and those who give them. And from now on,
I'll be giving the orders.

Not fair?

Well, dear Jennifer, nothing's fair here. You will follow my orders,
or else, for I am the Prince, and the Prince rules!

This is YOUR life, but you'll play by MY rules!

Let the games begin, dear Jen-ni-fer!

* - Joshua laughs madly. He presses a button, lowering some scissors from above
to cut the ropes binding Jennifer's hands.

Narration : And so... The rope was cut: snip-snip... and the girl joined the
Aristocrat Club.


$# Filth Room - Gameplay #$

[Examine: Box]
<game> : There's a big wooden box covered with dirt and grass. The sack
inside it is covered in animal hair...

[Examine: Blackboard under Bucket Knight]

<game> : The blackboard is badly smudged and unreadable.

[Examine: Headless Bucket Knight]

Narration : As the girl examined the headless scarecrow, it pleaded:

B. Knight : "Lass, please help me find my head. Once I am whole again, I'll
return the favor."
[Examine: Bucket Knight's head]
Narration : When the girl examined the bucket, it pleaded:

Bucket : "Lass, please put be back atop my body back on top of the headless
scarecrow behind you. If you do, I'll help you in return."

* - Jennifer complies with the Bucket's request. Afterward...

Narration : As the girl placed the bucket in its proper place, it spoke.

B. Knight : I am the Bucket Knight, keeper of promises. ...Yet, time can be so

cruel, for I have aged and cannot remember the past. You know what
I refer to and I know that you know. ...However, you do not know at
the moment, nor can you remember. Let us recall our memories
together in order to remember our promise.

<game> : Story Hints

When you aren't sure how to proceed, talk to the Bucket Knight and
select "Ask for clues" in order to receive a hint about what to do

[Examine: Rubbish Bin]

Narration : As the girl looked at the rubbish bin, it spoke to her.

R. Bin : "My belly is as dark as night and as deep as the abyss. Anything in
the world that is dropped will be collected inside it."

<game> : About Stocking Items

Any item you collect can be stored in this rubbish bin. If you can't
find a bin, just select an item from the Menu Screen and select
"Drop," and the item will be stored here. There's no need to worry
about losing it.

$# Sector 8 Cargo Bay #$

[Examine: Note by door]

<game> : Place all wastepaper in the rubbish bin.
Take laundry to the Filth Room.

$# First Class Guest Sector #$
* - Jennifer approaches a door at the end of the middle hall. A box has been
attached to the front of it.

Narration : The girl has found a strange door, but where does it lead?

* - Meg and another girl spy on Jennifer as she examines the door.

["Check the box"]

<game> : A strange box is attached to the door. Things can be placed inside

["Read the poster"]


["Open the door"]

* - Jennifer tries to open it, but it won't budge.

["Make an offering"]
* - <Jennifer has nothing to offer at this point in the game>

[After ceasing to examine the door]

Narration : As the unlucky girl stood helplessly, the door spoke.

Door : Give me a beautiful butterfly, one per person. Is that clear?

No gift, no entry. Is that clear?

...Give me a butterfly.
...Give me a butterfly.

Find one, and you shall be invited to join the Aristocrat Club...

* - As Jennifer turns from the door, she sees Meg and Susan run down the hall.

[After running to either far side of the room]

Narration : Looking through the window, the unlucky girl saw that she was above
the clouds. The airship slowly swam through the sky, carrying the
helpless girl inside...
$# Sector 8 Cargo Bay #$

* - A green butterfly lies on the ground. Amanda looks at it from behind some
random items.

It starts flying again; Amanda gives chase.

[After heading in the direction of Amanda]

* - Thomas peers out from the door, staying low to the ground. He quickly shuts
it as Jennifer approaches.

$# Sector 9 Turbine Area #$

* - In the center of the room, an adult dog is hanging from the ceiling by rope,
with its back to the floor.

$# Port Livestock Room #$

[Examine: Wendy]
* - Wendy's tending to Sir Peter, a rabbit.

Narration : The unlucky girl met Wendy, the lonely Princess. The Princess saw
that the girl was confused, so she smiled gently and said:

Wendy : You're the new girl, aren't you? I'm Wendy. It's nice to meet you.

$# Starboard Livestock Room #$

[Examine: Eleanor]
Narration : The unlucky girl met Eleanor, the Princess as cold as ice.
Inside the acrid room, the Princess shot an icy glare and said:

Eleanor : Yes, she is a pain.

$# Sector 10 Crew Cabin #$

[After approaching the center of the room]

* - Amanda runs along the other side of the room and to a door.

[Examine: Diana]
Narration : The unlucky girl met Diana, the strong-willed Princess. As she
gathered her courage to speak to the Princess, the Princess cursed:

Diana : She's such a pain.

$# 3rd Passenger Corridor #$

[Examine: Martha]
Narration : The unlucky girl met Martha, the Queen of cleaning. The Queen
glared at Jennifer as if she were filthier than dirt itself.

Martha : Filthy wretch.

$# Guest Room Hall #$

* - Olivia is kneeling by a dead butterfly, crying.

[Examine: Olivia]
Narration : The unlucky girl met Olivia, the tearful Princess. As the Princess
cried on, the girl gathered her courage and spoke to her.

...The tearful Princess just cried on and on.

[Examine: Dead butterfly]

<game> : A green butterfly is on the ground. Take the butterfly?

* - The player is presented with the option to either take it or leave it.
Regardless of what is chosen...

Olivia slams a fork through the butterfly's wings. Jennifer backs up out of
surprise. The tearful Princess starts to walk away.

Olivia : You deserve to be gobbled up.

[Examine: Desert Fork & Green Butterfly]

<game> : It's a fork with sharp prongs.
<game> : About Equipping Items
Some items can be equipped as weapons. Just check to see if the
"Equip" option is available when you select an item on the Menu

<game> : It's a dead, green butterfly. Its wings are tattered and mostly
fallen off.

<author's note>
There are four doors in the room, each with a clover drawing on it. The first
door has a one-leaf clover design, the second a two-leaf clover, and so forth.

$# Sector 8 Cargo Bay #$

* - As Jennifer approaches the center of the room, she seems a Horrible Imp
clutching its knees and crying. But when it sees Jennifer nearing it,
it stops crying and stands up, commencing the first battle of the game.

<game> : Battle
Sometimes, enemies will jump out and impede Jennifer's progress.

Hold down the R1 button to ready for combat, and press the X button
to attack. You will inflict greater damage if you have a weapon

Getting hit or grabbed by enemies will deplete your health. To
shake them off, quickly move the left analog stick back and forth.
If you keep taking damage, you'll slow down and eventually collapse,
and the game will end. So, remember to replenish your health by
using recovery items after taking damage.

$# Sector 8 Stairway #$

Narration : A child reading aloud could be heard faintly... The unlucky girl

* - The child is referring to the clover doors in Guest Room Hall.

Child : Once upon a time... there was an... unlucky girl. All she want-
All she wanted was to be happy. So, she went to the clo-clover

She found a one-leaf clover... but she dropped it on the road.

She found a two-leaf clover... but it slip-but it slipped into the
sh-shadows... shadows.

She found a three-leaf clover... but a witch hid it away.

She wanted to find a four-leaf clover... but she was too unlucky.

$# First Class Guest Sector #$

[When offering the dead green butterfly]

Narration : The gift box door said to the unlucky girl:

Door : "You call this a beautiful butterfly? Are you blind? Give me a
beautiful, beautiful butterfly, and then you will be invited to
join the Aristocrat Club..."

* - A box slides out from under the door, containing the refused offering.
Not expecting anything to be coming from inside the door, Jennifer gasps.

Meg and Susan run through the other side of the room, giggling. They drop
something the ground.

[Examine: One-Leaf Key]

<game> : Key
A one-leaf clover adorns one end of it.

$# Sector 8 Stairway #$

* - Jennifer gasps; a man - Gregory - has suddenly appeared, holding a book.

Narration : In front of the unlucky girl stood a man in a brown coat that she
had never seen before. The man quietly handed her a storybook...

$# Storybook: "The Clover Field" #$

Page 01 : Once upon a time, there was an unlucky girl.

* The girl stands in the middle of a field.
Page 02 : All she wanted was to be happy. So she went to a clover field.
* The girl walks about.
Page 03 : She found a one-leaf clover, but she dropped it on the road.
* The girl comes to a small patch of clovers (four).
Page 04 : She found a two-leaf clover, but it slipped into the shadows.
* More clover appear. The girl starts to move away.
Page 05 : She found a three leaf clover, but a witch hid it away.
* Suddenly, dozens of clovers spring up. The girl runs away.
Page 06 : She wanted to find a four-leaf clover, but she was too unlucky.
* The clovers fill the entire page. The girl can no longer be seen.

* - The remaining pages are blank.

$# Sector 8 Stairway #$

* - Gregory has disappeared.

$# Sector 8 Cargo Bay #$

* - As Jennifer approaches the far end of the Bay, Joshua runs out of a nearby
door and moves down the hall.

$# Broom Closet #$

* - Using a looking device, Jennifer can see the scissors in the Filth Room,
back at their resting place atop the pillar. She presses a switch to lower
the scissors down to the floor.

$# Filth Room #$

[Examine: Rusty Scissors]

Narration : As the unlucky girl examined the scissors, they suddenly spoke:

Scissors : "No thanks necessary... No thanks necessary...

You might have been better off being bound than being free to feel
pain. So scary!"

<item> : The scissors that cut the rope. They're rather rusty.

$# Sector 9 Turbine Area #$
[Examine: Dog hung from ceiling]
Narration : The dog was all alone, tied up and hung from the ceiling. With no
means to cut the ropes and free him, the unlucky girl could only
stand and watch the poor creature struggle...

[Use: Rusty Scissors]

Narration : The unlucky girl cut the ropes with scissors and freed the dog.
Free from captivity, the dog seemed quite happy. However, the dog
stood there and wouldn't move. It looked up at the girl as if
wanting something, waiting for her reaction.

[Use: Dog Collar]

* - Jennifer notices that "Brown" is written on the collar. She says the name,
unsure of what affect it might have, but the dog responds happily.

Indeed; this is Brown. For the first time, Jennifer smiles, embracing Brown
and stroking him affectionately.

$# "Find" Tutorial #$

Giving commands to Brown

Command: Come
Press the [Circle] button to order Brown to come to Jennifer.

Command: Stay
Press the [Square] button to order Brown to stay.

Command: Find
Brown can track down items by following their scent. Have Brown track down an
item by smelling the box on the shelf, for starters.

* - Jennifer takes the "Biscuit Tin".

To use the "Find" command, open the Menu Screen and select an appropriate item.
Then, close the Menu Screen and press the [Triangle] button. During this
tutorial, the Biscuit Tin cannot be dropped.

* - Brown finds a Biscuit.

When "Find" is used correctly, you'll discover hidden items like this.
* - Jennifer takes the Biscuit.

A Biscuit has been found. We now know that the scent of a Biscuit Tin is linked
to a Biscuit. When you select the Biscuit Tin from the Menu Screen, you'll see
"Biscuit" listed under FIND TARGET. There might be more Biscuits nearby. Press
the [Triangle] button to use "Find" again.

* - Brown finds another Biscuit. Jennifer takes it.

As long as hidden items are nearby, you can continue to use the "Find" command.
Press the [Triangle] button again to find another item.

* - Brown tries to find another Biscuit, but can't smell any scents.

It seems there are no other items in the area that can be found with the Biscuit
Tin. If Brown can't find anything, you'll be able to tell by his gestures.
Also, if a search fails in one area, try another. Keep an eye on the FIND TARGET
list as well as Brown's gestures. This concludes the "Find" tutorial.

$# 3rd Passenger Corridor #$

* - Martha falls from the top of the stairs; she reaches out to Jennifer with a
quivering hand as a look of fear adorns her face. She's suddenly whipped
back up the stairs by two Horrible Imps, slammed against each and every
metal step and pounded with brooms as she's dragged through the hall and
into a small room. Moments after the door shuts, a thud sounds from inside.

Her hat rests on the floor above the stairs.

$# Guest Room Hall #$

[Examine: Martha's Hat]

<game> : The hat worn by Martha, who was accused of being a witch.

$# 2nd Passenger Corridor #$

[Approach: Nicholas]
Narration : The unlucky girl met Nicholas, the sloppy Prince. With a look of
annoyance, the Prince clicked his tongue and mumbled at her.

Nicholas : Why you...! Go away! Go away! ...I'm a shadow, a shadow.

[Examine: One-Leaf Key]
<game> : It's a key with a single leaf. It seems to be incomplete.

* - Nicholas runs away. Jennifer attaches the Copper Leaf to the Key.

Narration : When the Copper Leaf was attached to the key...

<game> : the One-Leaf Key became a Two-Leaf Key.

$# Room 9 #$

* - The room is pitch-dark; literally nothing can be seen inside.

[Examine: Dirty Rag]

<game> : Dirty Rag
...It smells rank.

Narration : In the dark room, the unknown occupant spoke in a shrill voice.

Martha : ...I was a mighty witch. Yet now, I am but a powerless wretch.
Rubbish and dust. ...My precious, precious key. I hid it secretly.
...I hid it in a pure and dirty place. I hid it secretly. Your eyes
cannot find it. You are truly a poor, unlucky girl...

$# Sector 11 Maintenance #$

* - Brown pulls down a cloth on the wall, revealing a small room behind it.
The Three-Leaf Key is inside.

<game> : Key
The end is shaped like a three-leaf clover.

$# 1st Passenger Corridor #$

* - Jennifer peaks into Room 11. Amanda is examining a display case containing
six slots for insects; one of them is occupied by a butterfly.

$# Room 11 #$
* - As Jennifer enters the room, Amanda ducks down and grips the case tightly.

[Examine: Amanda]
Narration : The unlucky girl met Amanda, the small-hearted Princess. The
Princess's round face loomed large as she spoke to the girl.

Amanda : I found this butterfly! It's mine! I won't give it to you!

I won't lose to you!

$# 1st Passenger Corridor #$

* - Jennifer leaves Room 11. Shortly thereafter, Amanda also exists, smiling
gleefully as she holds the butterfly in her hands. Seeing Jennifer, Amanda
gasps, but her shocked expression quickly turns back to smile as she takes
the butterfly and tauntingly holds it up.

Suddenly, she's again surprised, and takes off running.

$# Room 11 #$

[Examine: Butterfly Case]

<game> : An empty insect case in which a butterfly used to be displayed.

$# 1st Passenger Corridor #$

* - A blue butterfly has appeared at one end of the corridor. It starts to fly
away; Jennifer follows it.

$# Guest Room Hall #$

[Examine: Butterfly]
Narration : The girl found a beautiful blue butterfly. The butterfly would
surely make a satisfactory gift.

* - One of the doors opens, showing the Horrible Imps still beating Martha,
though hardly as vigorously as they had been.

Narration : All she needs to do is catch it and take it to the gift box.
Imps : Place all wastepaper in the rubbish bin and laundry in the Filth

* - The butterfly nears the light-bulb on the ceiling.

Horrible Imps begin to emerge from all doors in the room.

Imps : Stray Dog gives us sweets...

Stray Dog kidnaps kids...
Stray Dog comes at night...
Children who don't clean up will be punished...
Hello, boys and girls,
it's time for some cleaning.

* - The butterfly touches the light-bulb; it falls to the floor.

[Examine: Blue Butterfly]

<item> : Blue Butterfly
It's very beautiful.

$# First Class Guest Sector #$

* - Amanda offers her butterfly; the door opens. She hesitates, peeking inside
the door before setting foot in the room, but upon seeing Jennifer approach,
she quickly dashes inside and shuts the door.

[After offering the Blue Butterfly]

??? : I don't know...
Diana : Oh, why not?
??? : What? No~!
Nicholas : It's her first time.
Xavier : Yeah; she's new.
??? : So... pass?

* - The door opens. Jennifer hesitates like Amanda, but Joshua suddenly appears
and kicks her into the room.

$# Aristocrat Club #$

* - Jennifer falls onto a red carpet, lined with dozens of candles. She looks up
at the children of the Aristocracy.

Meg : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Aristocrat Club. Thank you all
for gathering here today.

* - Diana smirks; Eleanor holds her birdcage; Amanda quivers.

In one of two chairs at the highest point at the back of the room, sits a
doll wearing a red dress.

Diana walks over to Jennifer. She curtseys, then kneels down before the
already-kneeling Jennifer. Diana places her hands at the sides of Jennifer's
face, looking directly at her.

Diana : You're a disgrace.

* - She shakes Jennifer back and forth.

Diana : Nothing! Worse than nothing! You're gift is worth NOTHING!

* - She tosses Jennifer onto the floor.

Diana sneers at Jennifer, but then smiles as an idea comes to mind.

Diana : Aman-da!

* - Amanda walks to Diana, still quivering. Diana wraps her arm around Amanda,
holding her close.

Diana : There, there, there.

* - Meg starts clapping. The other children follow.

Children : A-man-da! A-man-da! A-man-da! ...

* - Amanda is handed a stick; a rat is bound to it. She positions to rod to

shove the rat in Jennifer's face. Though initially seeming apprehensive,
Amanda soon warms up and smiles as Jennifer becomes increasingly distraught.

Soon, the poor girl passes out from the shock of it all.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [01'03] --- May 1930: --- [01'03] #$#
#$#$# "Sir Peter" #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Aristocrat Club #$

* - Jennifer starts to regain consciousness.

Narration : When the unlucky girl awoke, she was back in the strange room. The
boy in white clothes looked down with knowing eyes and spoke to her.

* - Joshua sits atop one of the two highest chairs, next to the seat which the
doll in the red dress occupied previously.

Joshua : Well? Do you remember now what a bad girl you were? You haven't
gotten your memory back yet, have you? Well, you've really done
many, many bad things. You'll just have to remember them little by
little! And when you fully remember what a bad girl you were, this
game will end. Now, take your stupid dog and continue with our game,
dear Jennifer.

* - Joshua laughs.

$# Chapter Title #$

A man with a cane and large top-hat sways back and forth below a wooden arch.
Suddenly, a rope is pulled and the man is lifted into the air. He wriggles
vigorously as the rope grips tightly around his throat.

The once-energetic man now hangs silently.

$# Filth Room #$

* - Jennifer awakens, as does Brown.

[Examine: 'Floral Letter' on ground]

* - The door slides open just a tad as Jennifer opens the envelope.

<item> : I'm so sorry, Jennifer. Meet me where you can see the sky.
Your friend, Amanda.

* - Amanda quietly shuts the door.

$# Sector 8 Cargo Bay #$

* - Nicholas and Xavier are dueling each other with brooms as makeshift swords.

[Examine: Nicholas]
Narration : The girl tried to talk to the sloppy Prince, but he wouldn't

[Examine: Xavier]
Narration : The girl tried to get his attention, but the gluttonous Prince
ignored her...

$# Salon #$

* - A red bird is flying about the room.

[Examine: Eleanor]
Narration : The cold Princess is staring intently at the red bird.

$# Library #$

[Examine: Meg]
Narration : The wise-looking Princess spoke nonchalantly with satisfaction in
her eyes.

Meg : In today's search for Sir Peter, the two absentees are Jennifer
and Amanda. This will be reported to the Princess. You will be
duly punished.

$# Sick Bay #$

* - Seeing that the door's locked, Jennifer looks in through the keyhole.

Three Horrible Imps surround Mr. Hoffman, who's been bound to his chair.
He randomly shouts "Little brats!", "Useless brat!", and says "Hmm... Yes."
as he turns to the Imp by his right side.

$# Sickroom #$

[Examine: Wendy]
* - Wendy lies in bed.

Narration : The lonely Princess spoke nervously while suppressing her cough.
Wendy : Mr. Bunny is gone.

[Examine: Wendy, 2nd time]

Wendy : Mr. Bunny was taken by the Aristocrats... Please save him.

$# Sector 7 Cargo Bay #$

[Examine: Olivia]
* - Olivia's looking at the chalkboard. Shortly after Jennifer approaches her,
she kneels down and starts crying.

Narration : As the tearful Princess stood in front of an equation on the

chalkboard, she said,

Olivia : Mr. Hoffman is really scary when he's mad... *sob* *sob*

[Examine: Chalkboard]
<game> : There's a math equation on the chalkboard.
...Was someone giving a lecture?


1 + 2 = [blank] [Checkmark] 3-2=1 [Checkmark]

4 + 8 = 12 [Checkmark] 10 - 5 = 5 [Checkmark]
10 + 12 = 22 [Checkmark] 3 + (-13) = 21 [Checkmark]

[Examine: Thomas]
Narration : From the other side of the fence, the mischievous Prince taunted,

Thomas : Heheheh... Have you been a bad girl? I'll tell Mr. Hoffman on you!

$# Sector 6 Maintenance #$

* - A nearby lift ascends, carrying Amanda inside. Jennifer boards the lift
after it returns, and goes to the upper level.

At the upper level, Jennifer climbs a ladder.

$# <airship - exterior, top> #$

Narration : It was a dark, starless night.

* - At the far end of the area, Amanda is sitting by a small light, looking
away from Jennifer.

Narration : ...Looking closely, you can see someone moving in the faint light.

Amanda : I'm sorry, Jennifer, I'm sorry... I didn't want to do that. I was
just so scared...

* - Crying, Amanda turns around, coming to her feet only to trip moments later.
She crawls to Jennifer on her hands and knees.

Amanda : Jennifer~~!! Jennifer~~!!

* - She grips Jennifer's leg.

Amanda : I did what I had to do, didn't I?

* - She starts to stand up again, still holding Jennifer.

Amanda : I had no choice. They would have hurt us both, wouldn't they?

* - Jennifer falls over as Amanda tugs on her.

Amanda : I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. When it's my turn, don't think you have to
hold back!

* - Amanda brings Jennifer's hand to her face, curling it into a fist.

Amanda : Do it like it this...

* - She moves Jennifer's hand about her face as if she were punching her.

Amanda : And this! And this! And this! Oh! And like this! And like this!!

* - Amanda continues the motion, crying all the more. As Jennifer retracts
her hand, Amanda smiles a tad, perhaps thinking that the previous display
lessened her sin in Jennifer's eyes.

Amanda : We're still friends, aren't we? I know we're still friends,
Jennifer! I trust you!

* - She crawls over Jennifer, moving to the near end of the area. Jennifer rolls
off her back and looks to Amanda, who turns to leave.

From a hole in the exterior of the airship, Diana observed the scene.
She quietly sinks back down into the ship.
$# Working Class Luggage #$

[Examine: Amanda]
Amanda : Jennifer, I have a wonderful gift just for you! It's almost ready,
so please wait a little longer. Tee hee hee...

$# Sector 8 Cargo Bay #$

* - As Jennifer leaves Working Class Luggage, a piece of paper is tossed at her.

She picks it up and reads it.

<item> : Amanda and Jennifer, report to the gift box at once.

* - Amanda exits WCL.

Narration : Nervously, the small-hearted Princess rolled her shoulders and said,

Amanda : Too bad, but the gift will have to wait. For now, let's wish
ourselves luck, Jennifer! Hee hee.

$# Sector 8 Stairway #$

[Examine: Susan]
Narration : The impetuous Princess bustled about, complaining.

Susan : Peter smells like poo! He's so stinky, I don't want to touch him!
Stinky, stinky, go away!

$# Library #$

[Examine: Meg]
Narration : With an icy stare, the wise-looking Princess spoke to the girl.

Meg : Sir Peter has run away. Jennifer and Amanda, you are to find him

[Examine: Amanda]
Narration : Crawling on all fours, the small-hearted Princess said,

Amanda : Peter must be around here somewhere. I'm sure of it! Hee hee...
$# First Class Guest Sector #$

[Examine: Gift box, "Read the Poster"]


[Examine: Gift Box, "Check the Box"]

<game> : The box is crushed... Did Peter escape, and is he responsible?

$# Sector 8 Cargo Bay #$

* - In the hall, a rabbit - Sir Peter - starts dashing off. Jennifer follows it
to the Filth Room. As she opens the door, however, Gregory steps out.

Gregory : Joshua... I've written a new story for you.

* - He walks away.

$# Filth Room #$

* - Blood-red drawings of a window and a fish are now on the walls.

[Examine: Peter's Droppings]

<item> : The bag contains the same black pellets that are spread across the

[Examine: 'Sir Peter' storybook]

Cover : * The man with the cane and top-hat from the chapter title is seen.
Page 01 : Sir Peter, Sir Peter, went out for a stroll.
Page 02 : Sir Peter, Sir Peter, put in a cage, had to hold it in.
Page 03 : Sir Peter, Sir Peter, needs to go right now, doesn't want to sin.
* Sir Peter flees the cage, heading towards someone in the nearby
door who holds some sort of item.
Page 04 : Sir Peter, Sir Peter, bagged and whisked away, before he found a
toilet. Good-bye, Peter. Good-bye.
* Two Horrible Imps sweep Sir Peter into a bag with their brooms.

* - The remaining pages are blank. Sir Peter (the rabbit) appears after Jennifer
closes the book; it takes off running.
$# Backup Parts Room #$

* - Sit Peter runs out from under the table and exits the room as Jennifer
enters it.

[Examine: Airship Map]

<item> : It's a map with doodles all over it.

* - The game proceeds to offer an explanation about maps, but due to the color
of the text (white) and the presence of light making parts of the map under
the text appear "shiny," I am unable to read the majority of it.

$# Sector 10 Crew Cabin #$

* - As Jennifer examines Sir Peter under the table, it runs away and numerous
Horrible Imps drop from above.

$# Middle Class Luggage #$

* - A box on one of the shelves is moving. As Jennifer examines it, Sir Peter
breaks out and starts running.

$# Sector 7 Cargo Bay #$

* - Blood is splattered across the ground. Jennifer peers around a corner to see
three Horrible Imps attacking a small, bloody sack. As they see Jennifer,
they walk away, passed the other corner.

They "speak" to Mr. Hoffman, who's still bound by rope.

Hoffman : Mm-hmm. Oh! Oh... Yes...

* - They say something rather attention-grabbing to Mr. Hoffman. He begins to

approach Jennifer, waving a weapon around.

Hoffman : Why you...! Little rat! Jenn-ifer! Did you make a mess again?
This is unforgivable... You dirty, dirty girl... Fool!
* - As the light hits him, it can be seen that he's still bound by rope.
Peculiarly, he isn't bound _to_ anything; the rope simply slows his

$# After the fight with Hoffman #$

* - Hoffman falls to the ground, screaming. As blood seeps out of his body,
the Horrible Imps approach. One carries him away while the other two begin
to clean.

Jennifer takes the "Warm Bag" off the ground.

$# First Class Guest Sector #$

* - Amanda is kneeling on the ground.

Narration : The small-hearted Princess spoke with her eyes on the bag in the
girl's hands.

Amanda : We did it! We make a great team! Hand me Peter! I'll give him to
them for us.

* - As Jennifer starts to hand Amanda the "Warm Bag," it begins to move. She
drops it out of surprise; Sir Peter dashes out of it and to the Aristocrat
Club's room. Amanda follows it.

$# Forest #$

* - Somehow, everyone has now appeared in a forest.

Narration : The forest seemed strangely familiar. In the dense woods under the
stars, a sacrificial ceremony was under way... Desperately fighting
fear, the girl slowly approached the strange sight.

Children : "Monday's pea was a sight to see."

"Tuesday's pea almost made it free."
"Wednesday's pea didn't think to flee."
"Stray Dog will have his peas..."

* - Jennifer watches the scene from behind a bush. Amanda stops her from moving
any closer.

Amanda : Lower classes, like you and me, can't go up really close. We have
to pray from a distance.
* - The sack containing Sir Peter is raised up by a rope.

Shadows of the pole with a rat atop it and Eleanor's birdcage are shown, to
represent the presence of Diana and Eleanor, respectively.

Meg : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Aristocrat Club. I wish to

thank you for gathering here today.

* - Diana, Meg and Eleanor turn to Jennifer.

Diana : Jen-ni-fer~~!

* - Jennifer comes to her feet and hesitantly approaches Diana. As she walks,
she trips.

Meg : May I have your attention... This is a message from the Princess of
the Rose.

* - The doll with the red dress is again shown atop one of the two chairs.

Meg : The message reads: "Jennifer, your efforts this month deserve
special recognition. You managed to find Peter, and will be amply

* - Amanda reacts to the "rewarded" bit.

Meg : Thus concludes the message from the Princess.

Diana : Splendid work, Jennifer.

* - The social rank chart is shown; the camera steadily lowers.

Diana : You are no longer a wretched peon. Amanda, on the other hand, has
been de-mo-ted.

* - Jennifer is now placed at "Irritating," above Amanda at "Miserable".

Diana : Aman-da~~!

* - Amanda appears terribly frightened.

Diana hands Jennifer the rat-tipped pole. Thinking that she's to be the
one it's used on, Jennifer raises her hands, but Diana places it in
Jennifer's grip for her.

Diana : It's time, Jennifer.

* - The children begin chanting and clapping.

Children : Jen-ni-fer! Jen-ni-fer! Jen-ni-fer!

* - Terrified, Amanda backs up, but she trips over some rope.
Jennifer tries to reach the pole to Amanda, but hesitates and pulls it back.
Diana kicks Jennifer forward, forcing her to shove it into Amanda.

As the pole is pushed into her face, Amanda promptly loses consciousness.

Jennifer retracts the pole. As she gains an unfortunate glance at the rat's
worm-ridden flesh, she too passes out.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [01'04] --- July 1930: --- [01'04] #$#
#$#$# "The Bird of Happiness" #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Before the chapter begins... #$

* - Jennifer lies unconscious in the Aristocrat Club's room. Joshua is seated

above her in one of the two highest chairs, as usual.

Joshua : Are you awake? So, Jennifer, now do you know what a bad girl you

...Hmm. Is that so? You still don't understand. Well then, I'll
have you read these books...

* - Three storybooks lie below Joshua. A girl is a white dress momentarily

appears in the shadows.

Joshua : Hurry, hurry! Read another story, Jennifer!

* - Joshua laughs.

<author's note>
The leftmost book is July (Bird of Happiness)
The middle book is September (Goat Sisters)
The rightmost book is August (Mermaid Princess)

These chapters can be played in any order. In this transcript, they will be
listed in month-order, thus Bird of Happiness comes first.

$# "The Bird" storybook #$

Page 01 : Once, a girl found a box.

Page 02 : The Bird of Happiness was inside.
* Several smaller boxes reside within the original box.
Page 03 : The bird would take her to Forever Land, or so she hoped.
Each box was smaller than the last.
Page 04 : In a cramped, dark space, she finally found her little bird.
Page 05 : But it was far too little, and far too late.
* A large gush of blood seeps from the box.
Page 06 : The bird was long dead. It had met a bloody fate.
The End

* - The remaining page has been mostly torn off.

$# Chapter Title #$

A girl dances happily as she holds the Bird of Happiness on a sort of leash.
However, it tries to fly away. She holds the thread tightly, but to no avail;
it succeeds in its endeavor and leaves the girl.

$# Salon #$

* - Jennifer has now appeared in the Salon.

Narration : As the unlucky girl closed the storybook, she noticed that the cold
Princess had entered the room.

* - Eleanor - wearing a slip-on dress instead of her usual outfit - opens and
closes her empty birdcage's door. Red feathers litter the ground.

Narration : The Princess said softly,

* - Eleanor takes hold of the open circle atop the cage.

Eleanor : ...The red bird.

Have you found what you're looking for? Something dear to you...?

* - Eleanor walks away, carrying the birdcage with her.

$# First Class Guest Sector #$

* - Diana and Meg are talking in the hall.

Narration : The strong-willed Princess and the wise-looking Princess were

talking... The unlucky girl listened in.
Meg : She doesn't seem to be skittish at all, Diana.

Diana : You're right, Meg. We had better push her a little harder.
We'll discuss the detail later.

Meg : Okay. Let's meet at our secret place.

* - Diana and Meg run out of the hall. One of them drops a red feather as they

[Examine: Red Feather]

<item> : A crimson bird feather.

$# Sector 8 Cargo Bay #$

* - There are drawings of a red bird along the walls, leading to a certain area.

$# 3rd Passenger Corridor #$

Narration : ...There are bird feathers on the floor. The feathers form a trail
that begs to be followed.

$# 2nd Passenger Corridor #$

* - Literally thousands of red feathers have fallen to the ground; more continue
to drop from above.

$# Women's Lavatory #$

* - In the second stall from the right, a red bird is drawn holding a fork and
spoon. Above it is a large spot of what appears to be blood.

Jennifer : Is that blood on it...?

* - Hearing others approaching, Jennifer ushers Brown into the stall. After she
herself is also inside, she shuts the door.
Diana and Meg enter the lavatory.

Diana : Over here! Shhh... Shhh...

* - Giggling, they enter the first stall. This is their "secret place."

Diana : You know what? You know what?

Meg : What?

Diana : I don't like her. I'll never get along with her. No chance!
Not ever!

Meg : She's such a pain!

Diana : Just terrible!

* - They giggle.

Meg : I can't stand the sight of her.

* - Diana nods in agreement.

Diana : Yes, she had it coming.

Meg : Yes, she deserved it.

Diana : Are we too cruel?

* - They both giggle.

Meg : Heavens, no!

Diana : You're right; it's her own fault!

* - They both leave the lavatory.

$# 2nd Passenger Corridor #$

* - Diana and Meg block Jennifer's path.

Narration : The strong-willed Princess said,

Diana : Eavesdropping, eh, Jennifer? What a bad girl.

Narration : The wise-looking Princess said,

Meg : I know what you're doing... You're looking for the bird of
happiness, aren't you? It's in a room nearby, but I don't remember
the room number...
Diana : The bird will die if we don't hurry, and that will make Eleanor cry.

Meg : No, I bet she'll be furious. She's going to go insane.

Diana : Then, let's make a wager... on whether she'll cry or get angry...

Meg : It's a bet!

[Examine: Diana]
Diana : *sigh* You still haven't found it? It'll die if you don't find it

[Examine: Meg]
Meg : ...If you'd use your head, you'd have found it by now. You're such a

$# Room 26 #$

[Examine: Land Sketch]

<item> : Land of the Birds
Population 834

[Examine: Box]
<game> : There's a box labeled "Land".

[Torn Diet Chart]

<item> : Birdie Town Mayor's Diet Chart. Part of it has been torn off.

$# Shower #$

[Diet Chart]
<item> : Birdie Town Mayor's Diet Chart. This morning's weight: 124 kg.

$# Room 26 #$
[Examine: Box]
<game> : There's a box labeled "Village".

[Examine: Sketch Piece]

<item> : Daddy is ??
Mummy is ??

...The rest has been torn off.

$# 2nd Passenger Corridor #$

[Examine: Eleanor]
* - She seems to be looking at a drawing of an orange bird on the wall, under
which is written "55".

Eleanor : That's not the right color... It's a RED bird...

$# Room 15 #$

[Examine: Torn Sketch]

<item> : Daddy + Mummy + Daughter = ?

...The rest has been torn off.

$# Stairway #$

[Examine: Susan]
* - Susan is standing on a chair around the middle of the stairway, which is
quite probably a few hundred feet in height.

Susan : ...Why won't the birdie fly to me? ...Why does it have to be you?
Stay away! I said stay away!

$# Central Stairway C #$

[Examine: Torn Sketch]

<item> : Daddy + Mummy + Daughter = ?
$# Room 26 #$

[Examine: Box]
<game> : There's a box labeled "Family".

[Examine: News Article]

<item> : July 21, 1930
Daily Flamingo

Husband "Borrows" 60 Pounds from Wife's 365-Pound Bank Account.

$# Room 9 #$

* - A woman (Martha?) lies on the floor, bound, and with a sack covering her
head and torso. The woman is still seemingly alive.

A newspaper article is tied to her.

[Examine: News article tied to woman on floor]

Article : July 1930
Daily Flamingo

Husband "Borrows" yet Another 30 Pounds from Wife's Bank Account

$# Room 26 #$

[Examine: Box]
<game> : There's a box labeled "Couple".

[Examine: Box (labeled "Alone")]

* - Jennifer looks into the box. Inside are Eleanor's usual clothes; as she
unfolds them, Jennifer finds the Bird of Happiness... dead.

Eleanor enters the room. After a moment...

Jennifer : It wasn't me; honest!

* - Diana and Meg peer into the room.

Eleanor approaches Jennifer, picks up the bird and tosses it into the cage.

Suddenly back in the Rose Garden Orphanage, Eleanor carries the cage up to
the third floor and to the Aristocrat Club's room's door. She places the
bird inside the gift box.

Diana and Meg shrug at their voided bet; Eleanor reacted with neither
anger or sadness.

Eleanor enters the Aristocrat Club's room, still carrying the empty cage.
Diana and Meg follow; the door shuts itself with Jennifer still outside.

$# Salon #$

* - Jennifer awakens and stands up.

[Examine: Paper under Eleanor's clothing on couch]

<game> : A slip of paper is beneath the clothing.

<item> : "The moral: everlasting happiness"

* - Jennifer places the paper into the "Bird of Happiness" storybook; the
missing last page has been retrieved.

Page 07 : The moral: everlasting happiness is a joke.

[After completing the storybook]

* - Jennifer goes to write something on the chalkboard under the Bucket Knight,
who calls itself the keeper of promises.

Narration : The unlucky girl remembered the promise she made to her dear
friend... and so she wrote it on the chalkboard, so she'd never
forget it, ever again...

Chalkboard: everlasting

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [01'05] --- August 1930: --- [01'05] #$#
#$#$# "Mermaid Princess" #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Before the chapter begins... #$

* - Jennifer lies unconscious in the Aristocrat Club's room. Joshua is seated

above her in one of the two highest chairs, as usual.

Joshua : Good morning, Jennifer! Do you remember anything new?

...Hmmm, I see. You remember one of them. But, that's still not
enough. You're such a silly girl!

* - Three storybooks lie below Joshua. A girl is a white dress momentarily

appears in the shadows.

Joshua : Hurry, hurry! Read the story, Jennifer!

* - Joshua laughs.

$# Storybook: "Mermaid Princess" #$

Page 01 : A long time ago, the Mermaid Princess fell in love with a human
Page 02 : But for years, her love went unrequited.
Page 03 : Before long, she was old and decrepit,
Page 04 : all alone even on the day of her death.
Page 05 : The poor, poor Princess of the Sea Kingdom.
Page 06 : Who'd ever want to become an ugly woman like her?

* - The remaining page has been mostly torn off.

$# Chapter Title #$

Several mermaids float in the ocean.

$# VIP Room #$

* - Jennifer has now appeared in the VIP Room.

Narration : When the unlucky girl closed the storybook, the strong-willed
Princess was in the room,

* - Diana is raising and lowering a stick, appearing somewhat nervous.

Narration : and said softly,

* - Diana sighs.

Meg : Rats... The fish is gone. Mr. Hoffman will be furious.

...You should be looking for your own precious thing.

* - Diana walks passed Jennifer.

$# First Class Guest Sector #$

[Approach: Gift box and Olivia]

Olivia : ...? No way! There's no such thing!


$# Sector 8 Stairway #$

* - Eleanor and Meg are conversing below the stairs.

Narration : The cold Princess and the wise-looking Princess were talking...
The unlucky girl listened in.

Meg : Diana was quite upset... Don't you think that was too much?

Eleanor : ...We had to do it. Besides, there's no such thing as mermaids.

Don't you agree, Meg?

Meg : ...You're right. That was the only thing we could do.

[Examine: Eleanor and Meg]

Narration : Then, the wise-looking Princess asked,

Meg : How about you, Jennifer? Do you believe in mermaids?

Narration : The cold Princess said,

Eleanor : ...They're such beautiful and pure creatures.

Meg : You're looking for a mermaid too, aren't you? Then, you'd better

Eleanor : ...Diana might find it before you.

* - Eleanor and Meg depart.

[Examine: Fish Scale]
<item> : It's a fish scale, shiny and blue.

$# Sector 6 Maintenance #$

* - Mr. Hoffman leads Clara through a door.

$# Sector 2 Maintenance #$

[Examine: Paper]
<item> : Play "Bottom of the Sea"

$# Lower Vertical Tail #$

[Examine: Fish Head]

<item> : It's a fish's head that's been chopped off its body.

$# Sector 1 Wire Controller #$

[Approach: Diana]
Diana : ...The fish has got to be this way. I just know it.

* - Diana walks to a nearby room.

$# Central Stairway A #$

[Examine: Doll Legs]

<item> : The top half of the doll is missing.

[Examine: Mermaid's Room's door]

* - Jennifer slides the door open just a tad and peeks in.

Inside, Mr. Hoffman stands over a bed.

$# Mermaid's Room #$

* - Hoffman is no longer present.

Brown barks as Jennifer draws near the bed. A rope, gripping the figure
beneath the sheets, reaches up to the ceiling and connects to two pulleys.

A female child laughs and locks the door. The pulleys spin and lift the
figure out from the bed; it's the mermaid, who peculiarly has feet
protruding from her fin.

The mermaid princess shrieks as she's hung from the ceiling. Her face bears
somewhat of a resemblance to Clara.

$# After the fight #$

* - The mermaid princess writhes in pain as the final blow is administered.

The rope snaps; the mermaid princess reverts to the form of a doll and
falls onto the bed.

The doll's upper portion is that of a normal doll, but the bottom half
is that of an actual fish, bound to the doll portion by rope; the fish's
head has been severed.

Jennifer picks up the mermaid doll. Mr. Hoffman enters the room, speaking
to Diana.

Hoffman : What in blazes...!? Just WHO did this!? Who made this mess!?

* - Diana cries.

Hoffman places his hand atop her head and kneels down a bit.

Hoffman : Was it you?

* - He rubs Diana's head.

Hoffman : Go on, tell me.

* - He holds her shoulders.

Hoffman : Answer me, Diana.

* - He positions himself in front of her and rubs her arms.

Hoffman : No new mummy and daddy will ever want you, if you look like that.
* - He continues caressing her.

Hoffman : Now, now, I won't be angry. Just answer me. It was you, wasn't it?
You were in charge, after all.

* - Meg and Eleanor look at the scene from behind a curtain.

Hoffman shrugs at Diana's unresponsiveness as she continues weeping. He

looks to Jennifer, perhaps suspecting her as the cause of the mess, but
nonetheless leaves.

And the split second he does so, Diana stops crying and brushes herself off
with her hands.

Diana : Yuck! How disgusting!

* - She shoots Jennifer a glare.

Diana : Oh, now I see. It was you. It was your fault that I got into
trouble. Give it here!

* - Diana snatches the mermaid princess doll from Jennifer and tosses it into
the empty aquarium. She dips a rag in the water and approaches Jennifer.

Diana : Oh, my! I see a stain. I've got to clean it up or Mr. Hoffman will
be angry with me.

* - Jennifer backs up, but trips over something. Diana falls over her as she
goes to 'clean' Jennifer.

$# VIP Room #$

* - Jennifer awakens, havening been lying on the floor, and stands up.

[Examine: Mermaid Princess doll in aquarium]

<item> : Mermaid Doll
A slip of paper is peeking out of its tummy.

Paper : I am yours, even in death.

* - Jennifer places the paper into the "Mermaid Princess" storybook; the
missing last page has been retrieved.

Page 07 : "I am yours, even in death."

[After completing the storybook]
* - Jennifer goes to write something on the chalkboard under the Bucket Knight,
who calls itself the keeper of promises.

Narration : The unlucky girl remembered the promise she made to her dear
friend... and so she wrote it on the chalkboard, so she'd never
forget it, ever again...

Chalkboard: everlasting

I am yours

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [01'06] --- September 1930: --- [01'06] #$#
#$#$# "The Goat Sisters" #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Before the chapter begins... #$

* - Jennifer lies unconscious in the Aristocrat Club's room. Joshua is seated

above her in one of the two highest chairs, as usual.

Joshua : How was it, Jennifer? Do you remember now?

...Hmm. I see you remember the second one. But that's not all of it.
You really are a silly girl!

* - Three storybooks lie below Joshua. A girl is a white dress momentarily

appears in the shadows.

Joshua : Hurry, hurry! Read another story, Jennifer!

* - Joshua laughs.

$# Storybook: "The Goat Sisters" #$

Cover : * Two goats are tied to a single pole.

Page 01 : Little sister wrote a letter, bah bah.
Page 02 : Big sister munched it up, bah bah.
Page 03 : Little sister studied her notes, bah bah.
Page 04 : Big sister tore them to shreds, bah bah.
Page 05 : Little sister wanted to read big sister the letter, so she fetched
it from her sister's stomach.
Page 06 : But with big sister dead in a pool of amber blood, who is there to
read the letter to? Bah bah.
* - The remaining page has been mostly torn off.

$# Chapter Title #$

The goats grab the little girl's arms by their mouths and tug on her, neither
one wishing to share her with the other.

In the end, the right sister is left with a mere arm.

$# Sector 15 Meg's Lab #$

* - Jennifer has now appeared in Sector 15.

Narration : When the unlucky girl closed the storybook, the wise-looking
Princess was in the room.

* - Meg sits in a nearby chair.

Narration : The Princess said softly,

* - Meg stands up.

Meg : ...It's not here, either. If someone else finds it...

There must be something very important to you... Why don't you go

find it?

* - Meg walks away, continuing to think about what she's looking for.

[Examine: "Meg's Pencil" on chair]

<item> : The name "Meg" is written on the pencil.

[Examine: Onion bag]

<game> : There's a strange sack here. Something is rustling around inside

$# Sector 14 Storage #$

[Examine: Aristocrat Page]

<item> : The Red Crayon Pledge

* I pledge allegiance to the Prince and Princess.

* I promise to love thy neighbor.
* I shall offer a monthly tribute.
* I shall punish the unfaithful.

$# Sector 13 Lift #$

* - Meg walks through the area.

Meg : ...I can't find it anywhere.

[Examine: Stray Dog List]

<item> : Stray Dog's Notes
The following are notes on the monster Stray Dog, as described to
us by the beautiful Princess of the Rose.

He's big, strong, scarred, loyal, talkative, cleanly, and he kidnaps

children who don't do their chores.

Current Tasks
Stray Dog investigation: 1F Restroom
Gather notes from rumors scribbled on walls: assigned to Susan

[Examine: Nicholas]
Narration : The sloppy Prince paused from his sword practice and said,

Nicholas : ...What's Miss Meg looking for? A gift? Probably not. Miss Diana
already found the goat. Anyway, I've gotta train to improve my
speed. I'm preparing for a duel! Heh heh heh.

So, don't bother me.

$# Freezing Compartment #$

* - Brown knocks over a rope-bound snowman; something falls out of its body.

[Examine: Love Letter]

<item> : O Diana, Diana!
.......I love you with all my heart.
* - A child locks the door; a Goat Imp crawls out from under it. After it is
defeated, the door unlocks.

$# Sector 14 Storage #$

* - Diana and Eleanor are talking near a black goat.

Narration : The strong-willed Princess and the cold Princess were talking...
The unlucky girl listened quietly.

Diana : ...That's why I don't like her. She follows me everywhere... It's
pathetic. What do you think, Eleanor?

Eleanor : She was writing you a love letter.

Diana : I already got it, and ripped it in half.

Eleanor : Oh...

Diana : I tried to make the goat eat it, but it wouldn't even look at it.

Eleanor : I see...

Diana : Well... What should I do with the rest of the letter?

[Examine: Diana]
Diana : Perfect timing, Jennifer. I have a job for you. Part of this letter
was torn off and is missing. I need you to go find it.

<item> : O, Diana, Diana! Wherefore art thou...?

<game> : It seems to be a letter meant for Diana, but it is torn and
impossible to read.

[Examine: "Meg's Notebook" on ground]

Cover : Margaret's Little Notebook
Page 01 : Chapters
* The Prince and the Princess
* Aristocrat Club Manners
* Meg's Invention Corner
* Findings on the Land of the Imps
Page 02.0 : The Prince and the Princess
* A picture of the doll with the red dress and Sir Joshua the Bear
are shown.
Page 02.5 : Aristocrat Manners
Lesson 1: Curtseying
* A picture of a girl curtseying is shown; arrows point to parts of
her body and text explains the posture, but said text is too
tiny to read.
Page 03 : Aristocrat Manners
Lesson 2: Hosting
-Words of the Princess of the Red Rose-
Jennifer... Your efforts this month deserve special recognition.
You managed to find Peter and will be amply rewarded.
Page 04 : Meg's Invention Corner
Torture Chair - Spinning Chair
Page 05.0 : Torture Bag
Song for an Onion Onion Bag
Page 05.5 : Secrets of the Land of...
Page 06 : Playroom
Following the popularity of airships, the orphanage built several...

* - The rest of Page 05.5 and Page 06 have been torn off.

[Examine: Goat]
Narration : As the unlucky girl stared at the black goat, it let out a
desperate cry...

$# 3rd Passenger Corridor #$

* - Meg walks around at the bottom of the stairs.

Meg : Where could it have gone...?

$# Aristocrat Luggage #$

* - A child locks the door. Jennifer is forced to combat two Goat Imps. The
Imp with red horns holds a giant pair of scissors; the Imp with white
horns holds a pitchfork.

After they are defeated, Jennifer examines the large clock in the room.
As she opens the door to where the pendulum is, a white goat falls out.

The clock strikes midnight.

Brown finds a slip of paper by the goat and brings it to Jennifer. She
places it next to the other half of the love letter; the two fit together.

Eleanor and Diana enter the room. Eleanor points a finger at Jennifer.
Eleanor : There you are!

Diana : There~~ you~ are~~~!

* - Meg walks into the room outside. Diana and Eleanor motion for her to come.

She enters the room; turning, she cocks her glasses a bit. Upon realizing
that the torn letter is of her own composition...

Meg : Why do YOU have it!?

* - She runs up to Jennifer and snatches the letter away. Meg goes to Diana,
placing her head on Diana's chest as tears begin to fall.

Diana affectionately strokes Meg's hair.

Meg : How could she? How could she do that to me? What did I ever do
to her? I can't get along with girls like her...

* - After a moment without speaking, Meg turns to Jennifer.

Meg : It's into the onion bag for her...

$# Rose Garden Orphanage - Backyard #$

* - At night, the Princes and Princess have all lined up; each holds an insect.
They approach the onion bag one by one, dropping theirs into the 'funnel'
on it.

Meg drops a praying mantis.

Diana drops a spider.
Eleanor drops an ant-covered cookie.

The other children deposit an insect as well, but theirs can't be seen.

$# Sector 15 Meg's Lab #$

* - Jennifer awakens, havening been lying on the floor, and stands up.

[Examine: Paper on floor]

Narration : A ragged goat doll is lying on the floor... A piece of paper is
underneath is.

<item> : Even "true love" is quickly shredded by ...

* - Jennifer places the paper into the "The Goat Sisters" storybook; the
missing last page has been retrieved.

Page 07 : Even "true love" is quickly shredded by conflict.

[After completing the storybook]

* - Jennifer goes to write something on the chalkboard under the Bucket Knight,
who calls itself the keeper of promises.

Narration : The unlucky girl remembered the promise she made to her dear
friend... and so she wrote it on the chalkboard, so she'd never
forget it, ever again...

Chalkboard: everlasting
true love
I am yours

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [01'07] --- June 1929: --- [01'07] #$#
#$#$# "The Gingerbread House" #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Before the chapter begins... #$

* - Jennifer awakens in the Aristocrat's Club; Joshua has disappeared. She makes
her way to the door and peeks outside. As she turns around to take another
look at the room, a hand reaches out behind her and cuffs her mouth.

$# Chapter Title #$

The little girl stands atop a ladder and looks into the highest window on the
Gingerbread House. But soon, she loses her balance and falls.

$# Rose Way #$

* - In the midst of dozens of roses, Gregory stands over an unconscious

Jennifer. He leaves as she begins to wake.

Narration : When the unlucky girl awoke, she was in a rose garden.
...The place was strange, but familiar.

Looking around, the girl noticed that her faithful companion was
missing. The lonely, unlucky girl became very sad...

$# Gingerbread House - Garden #$

* - There are three mounds in the dirt; a shovel rests nearby.

$# <inside the house> #$

Certain doors trigger flashes of memory for Jennifer; she recalls seeing Gregory
inside the room that those particular doors lead too.

$# <boarded-up room> #$

<author's note>
The door is boarded up; access is gained via window.

[After entering]
Narration : Climbing through the window, the girl found herself in a room full
of floating toys. ...They wait for their master, even as they decay.

[Examine: Toys]
01 : ...A creepy, old toy figure stares up at the sky.
02 : Eerie toy soldiers patiently await their commander's return.
02 : There are toy airships and airplanes... Toy pilots... Whoever's room
this was, he must've loved all things that can fly.

[Examine: Newspaper]
<game> : A newspaper is one the floor.

<item> : 21 June 1929

Another Unexplained Disappearance

There has been another mysterious disappearance of a child recently.

Following missing children reports on the 7 and 14th, police are now
investigating this case as both a possible kidnapping and a missing
person. Local residents are advised now to allow children outside
unsupervised and to take caution around any suspicious individuals.

$# Lavatory #$

[Examine: Calendar]
<game> : June 1929
There are strange symbols on certain days of the calendar.
* At the bottom, the calendar reads "BRITISH AIRSHIP WORKS"

$# Study #$

[Examine: Greg's Diary]

Sunday, June 1. Clear Skies.

Today, I weeded the fields. Work went well.

Monday, June 2. Clear Skies.

Today, I weeded the fields. Work went well.

Tuesday, June 3. Cloudy.

Weeding again. Tomorrow, I'm thinking of taking my son Joshua with me out to
the fields.

Wednesday, June 4. Clear Skies.

Today, I weeded the fields. Work went well.

Thursday, June 5. Rain in the afternoon.

Weeded the field again. Joshua isn't feeling well, so I worked in the fields
alone, as always.

Friday, June 6. Clear Skies.

Today, I weeded the fields. Work went well.

Saturday, June 7. Rainy.

Weeding again. Tomorrow morning, I'll go into town to sell peas, so tonight I
must make preparations. It is a busy day indeed.

Sunday, June 8. Clear Skies.

I went to market and sold peas and carrots. I had hoped to be able to feed
Joshua something nutritious, but sales were not good, so I was not able to
buy much.

Monday, June 9. Clear Skies.

Today, I weeded the fields. Work went well.

Tuesday, June 10. Clear skies.

Joshua has been misbehaving. He went and ate sweets out of the cupboard without

Wednesday, June 10. Cloudy.

Weeding the fields again. It was cold today. I'll have to give Joshua a blanket
so he won't be cold.

Wednesday, June 12. Cloudy.

Joshua is under the weather. He had a slight fever, so I fed him some hot pea

Friday, June 13. Clear skies.

Today, I weeded the fields. Work went well.

Saturday, June 14. Cloudy.

Planted peas in the ground.

Sunday, June 15. Rainy.

I spent the day in my room drawing a picture book for Joshua. I'm sure he'll
enjoy this one.

Monday, June 16. Cloudy.

Today, I cleaned out the barn. Joshua told me he liked my latest story.
Nothing pleases me more than to see my son happy.

Tuesday, June 17. Cloudy.

Barn cleaning again. I've been neglecting the fields, so they're in a bit of a
mess. I must drive the insects and mice away.

Wednesday, June 18. Clear skies.

I did weeding today. The weather was beautiful. A great day to work the fields.

Thursday, June 19. Clear skies.

More weeding. I wanted to take Joshua out with me to the fields, but his coughs
were getting worse, so I had him stay in bed.

Friday, June 20. Clear skies.

Today, I weeded the fields.

Saturday, June 21. Clear skies.

Planted peas in the ground.

Sunday, June 22. Cloudy.

I thought of a good idea for a story. I'm going to take a day off from the
fields and concentrate on refining it.

Monday, June 23. Clear skies.

I did weeding today. Joshua told me he liked my latest story. There's nothing
I like more than seeing his beaming, happy face.

Tuesday, June 24. Clear skies.

Weeding again. It feels great to work the fields on such a fine day.

Wednesday, June 25. Clear skies.

Today, I weeded the fields. Work went well.

Thursday, June 26. Clear skies.

Today, I weeded the fields. Work went well.

Friday, June 27. Clear skies.

Today, I weeded the fields. Work went well.

$# Basement #$

* - As Jennifer stands outside the door, she hears Gregory recite the following.

Stray Dog walks the streets each day,

Collecting the peas as he walks to and fro;
Big peas, little peas, every which kind of pea.

Come Monday, he finds a pea.

Come Tuesday, he bags the pea.
Come Wednesday, he shows the pea to his son.
Come Thursday, the pea kicks and screams.
Come Friday, he grinds up the pea.
Come Saturday, he buries the pea outside; the pea is in the ground,
And by Sunday, it can't be found.
Good night, young pea... Good night, young pea.

$# Cellar #$

Gregory : Ah... Welcome home. It's almost bedtime for you.

* - Gregory walks to the door.

Gregory : Good night, Joshua...

* - He closes and locks the door.

[Examine: Bed]
* - Jennifer pulls the covers aside.

<game> : A boy's shirt, pants, and shoes have been neatly laid out on the
bed... ...... For some reason, Jennifer felt a sudden pain in her

[Examine: Article]
<game> : A newspaper clipping is pinned up.

<item> : 23 June 1929

Luxury Airship Missing!

England's largest luxury airship, which just set out on its virgin
flight -- a flight celebrated across the country with great fanfare
-- was reported today to have gone off course and is currently
missing. It is speculated that the vessel diverted from its course
to avoid a low pressure system approaching from the south, but its
whereabouts are still unknown.

Due to the heavy thunder and rain that have blanketed the area since
yesterday, the search for the airship has faced many difficulties.

$# Cellar - Examine: Letters #$ (separated for organization)

...A bundle of letters were hidden under the bed sheets.

10 November
To Mr. Joshua, the bear in distress.
My name is Wendy. I always watch you from the sky. Mr. Joshua, why are you
trapped down there?

27 November From W to J
My Prince in need of rescue,

It was a pleasure to meet you, my dear Prince. What a wonderful encounter!

Yes... I only wish there was a world for just you and I: the Prince and the

Don't worry. I'll set you free.

9 January From W to J
...Oh my poor, kind Prince.

You're worried because that man sometimes seems crazy, right? Well, don't worry.
I know where he hides that awful thing of his. So, let's run away, together.
You can leave it all to me. Everything will be all right.

20 January From W to J
My Prince,

Please don't worry. I'll do anything for you. Just... pledge your love for me.
That's all I ask.

27 January From W to J
Thank you, my eternal Prince.

Tomorrow night, I shall unlock your shackles. Let us live together forever.

true love,
i am yours

$# Cellar #$

[Examine: Cabinet]
* - Each time Jennifer shakes the cabinet, a teddy bear on top of it slides
closer to the edge. After the third time, it falls off.
[Examine: Teddy Bear]
<item> : An adorable teddy bear with a green ribbon tied around its neck.

[After retrieving the teddy bear]

Narration : Right then, the trapped, unlucky girl heard a gentle voice.

* - Wendy peeks in from the window high on the wall; it's level to the ground.

Wendy : I came, just like I promised. It looks like he went somewhere.

Stay right there. I'll help you out.

* - After a while, Wendy unlocks the door.

Wendy : Jennifer, I unlocked the door. I'll keep a lookout, so come right

$# Hallway #$

Wendy : Let's run away before the man comes back. Before we go, we should
find that dangerous thing and take it with us. It's for his own

$# Study #$

* - Wendy is holding the "dangerous thing" within a bag. The thing is almost
certainly Gregory's pistol.

Wendy : I'm fine now. Let us go, shall we?

$# Rose Way #$

* - Back at the rose garden...

Wendy : I'm so glad... Now, we can always be together!

Say, I had a favor I wanted to ask. Will you trade your teddy bear
with my broach?

* - Jennifer give Wendy the bear. She then extends the broach.
Wendy : Hee hee... I'm so happy! We should give him a name.

How about... "Joshua"

Joshua... Yes, that's a wonderful name.

I'll cherish him as much as I cherish you.

...So, let's renew our pact.

* - They take each other's hand.

true love.
I am yours.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [01'08] --- October 1930: --- [01'08] #$#
#$#$# "Rag Princess Sews" #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

* - While Jennifer lies unconscious, Joshua reaches down and touches her hand.
He flees as she awakens.

Joshua : You should go back and hang around with Amanda where you belong.

$# Chapter Title #$

A girl works at a sewing machine. Her hand gets punctured by the needle; the
wheel continues to spin and she's pulled through the machine, becoming
flattened by cloth.

$# First Class Guest Sector #$

* - Jennifer looks at the poster on the gift-box door.

Poster : This is an emergency.

Joshua the bear is missing. Search teams are on the lookout.
The person who finds him will receive a red crayon and will be
invited to join the Aristocrat Club.

Red Crayon Aristocrats

* - As Jennifer finishes reading the notice, Brown returns to her. She hugs him.

$# Dressing Room #$

Narration : When you opened the door, you were greeted with a wonderful scent.

Yes... It was the fresh scent of the first snow of winter.

A cool and crisp scent drifts about the room.

$# Salon #$

* - An orange bird is flying about the room.

[Examine: Eleanor]
Narration : The cold Princess said,

Eleanor : ...The thief will be punished.

$# Sick Bay #$

* - One of the doors has been barricaded with wood; most of the other things
in the room have been bound with rope for unknown reasons.

In particular, the bed is interesting. Its upper part (where one's head
would lay) has been heavily bound with rope, while there's a fair amount of
space between each length of rope further down.

Due to the angle and distance of the camera, it can't quite be seen if
anyone is lying under the bound sheets; however, a something white appears
to be protruding from the bottom of the sheets. Perhaps it's a leg.

$# Sickroom #$

[Examine: Bed]
Narration : The lonely Princess is sleeping quietly. Traces of tears shimmer
around her eyes.

$# Library #$

[Examine: Meg]
Narration : The wise-looking Princess said,

Meg : The Princess was very fond of Sir Joshua the Bear, so her highness
is rather displeased by this incident.

...The culprit who stole Sir Joshua will be severely punished.

$# Sector 8 Stairway #$

[Examine: Susan]
Susan : Why would someone steal something so precious to the Princess? Why?

$# Sector 8 Cargo Bay #$

* - Gregory is standing in front of the door to Working Class Luggage. A book

rests on the ground below him.

Gregory : I'm sure Joshua will like this story I wrote for him...

* - After Gregory leaves, Jennifer examines the storybook.

$# Storybook: "Rag Princess" #$

Page 01 : Once upon a time, there was a girl who sewed rags, day in, day out.
The stench of the rags seeped into her clothes.
Page 02 : Her stepsisters wore beautiful dresses and went to the ball.
The girl stayed at home and her jealousy festered.
Page 03 : One day, a fairy godmother came, cast a spell on the girl, and said,
"Sew yourself an ash-grew dress. Then, you can go to the ball like
your stepsisters!"
* The fairy godmother bears a resemblance to a teddy bear, though
only her face can be seen.
Page 04 : The girl patched together the sooty rags, and that's how she became
the Rag Princess. A very stinky Princess indeed. She stunk up the
whole town, in fact.
* Horrible Imps clean the town.
Page 05 : No girl who stunk so would be allowed into the ball.
I'll make that girl wear this awful dress myself!
Page 06 : And thus, the Rag Princess and the girl in the rag dress became
play pals.
$# Working Class Luggage #$

* - Amanda is sewing something together with her machine. She takes long,
elongated breathes, appearing quite exhausted.

There's a moderately-sized thing behind the machine that's covered up.

Jennifer goes to Amanda, which surprises her; she was so focused on her
sewing that she didn't notice the presence of another person.

However, with her surprise subsided, she becomes angry and shoves Jennifer
away. She shakes her head, then rests it on folded arms on the machine.

$# Sector 8 Cargo Bay #$

* - Amanda talks to Jennifer from behind the steel lattice.

Amanda : You don't suspect me of stealing it, do you?

...I know who really took Joshua the bear. It's... umm... Wendy!
She's always sick in bed! It's got to be her!

$# Sickroom #$

* - Wendy lies on the floor. Jennifer quickly goes to her.

Narration : The lonely Princess pleaded tearfully,

Wendy : Oh... Diana and the others came to me just a minute ago, and...
they accused me, saying I'm the one who took Joshua the Bear...
How could they think that?

* - Jennifer helps Wendy back into bed.

Wendy : Thank you...

After promising to take care of him... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

$# Sector 8 Cargo Bay #$
* - Inside the Working Class Luggage, thick curtains have been placed around the
steel lattice, thus blocking view from the outside, save for the door.

$# Working Class Luggage #$

* - Amanda has abandoned her post; Diana sits in the chair instead.

The covered-up thing has disappeared.

[Examine: Diana]
Narration : The strong-willed Princess tipped her nose up and spoke with an
arrogant expression.

Diana : Jennifer, do you know where Amanda went off to?

...Oh well. I doubt you'll be much help, but run along and join the
search for Joshua the bear.

Hurry up and go!

[Examine: Sewing Kit]

* - As Jennifer opens the box, the tail of a teddy bear falls out.

[Examine: Bear's Tail]

<item> : It's a small fur ball which seems to belong to a stuffed animal.

$# Sector 8 Cargo Bay #$

[Examine: Nicholas]
Narration : The sloppy Prince said,

Nicholas : My sword broke while we were playing knights in shining armor...

You don't have a nice stick we can use, do you?

[Examine: Xavier]
Narration : The gluttonous Prince said,

Xavier : The stick I was playing knight with broke in half. I wonder where I
can find a good stick around here...

$# Sector 7 Cargo Bay #$

* - Amanda is pulling a doll in Jennifer's likeness along the ground.

There's a "Glass Case Key" in this room; using it unlocks the case containing
Amanda's diary. Said document is transcribed below.

$# Working Class Luggage - Amanda's Diary #$

[Examine: Glass Case]

<game> : There's a small diary with a floral pattern on its cover inside the
glass case.

[Sunday, March 2]
I don't know what's wrong with me.
Was it something I did?
Last month I failed.
What will happen to me this month?
Mr. Hoffman said that a new girl is coming soon.
Will I even lose to her and be all miserable?
I'm scared. I hate to think of what's in store for me.

[Sunday. March 20]

Things are going wonderfully!
Today they called me out to the backyard.
As long as that girl is here,
I won't ever be last! What a relief!

[Sunday, April 4]
Maybe there really is something wrong with me.
What have I done wrong?
I tattled on Mr. Hoffman as they told me to do, but I failed again.
I'm still lower class, even after that girl came.
I'm scared. I don't know what to do.
[Sunday, April 18]
I'm as happy as can be today!
They showed me the symbol of the Aristocrats.
If I can get a red crayon,
I, too, will be one of them!
But, that girl will NEVER get a crayon.
She's far too uncouth. In any case,
I'll never be last again. I'm sure of it.

[Sunday, June 1]
Those awful things got into my mouth!
She'll be sorry the next chance I get.
But why me again? What have I done?

[Sunday, July 27]

Oh my! I've got to sew the rags...

[Sunday, August 31]

Oh my! I've got to sew the rags...

[Sunday, September 28]

Oh my! I've got to sew the rags...

[Sunday, October 6]
After all that time I spent sewing it!
Basil, Fanny, George, Hector, Ida, Leo, Paul!
Why must they always bother me so?
Oh, woe is me!

[Sunday, October 12]

Oh, why can't they all just go to hell!
Basil, have a nap on the railroad tracks!
Fanny, take a dive off the roof!
George, I'll hang you upside down!
Hector, get run over by a carriage!
Ida, I have some fancy poison jam for you!
Leo, walk across an open manhole.
Paul, get smothered under a great rug!
And lastly, that girl!
The Aristocrats will have their way with her!
Oh, how very delightful life is!

[Sunday, October 19]

That wretched girl will do my dirty work.
I'll work her to the bone!
Oh, I feel wonderful today!

[Page after October 19]

I'm so worried...
I don't know what's going to happen...

[Remaining pages]
* (I'm not particularly sure what's going on in parts of this, but I'm going to
make my best attempt at being accurate.)

Drawings of Amanda are on the pages. Over time, she grows wings and tries to
fly into the sky, but reaches so high up that all the air disappears and she
suffocates. As she impacts the ground, her body breaks apart.

The following pages depict swirling lines and the absence of Amanda's corpse.

$# Sector 6 Maintenance #$ (continuing on from Sector 7 Cargo Bay)

* - Amanda is standing inside the lift, still holding onto the Jennifer doll.
As the real Jennifer approaches the lift, it ascends.

Suddenly, the power shuts off, leaving the entire airship in darkness.

$# Sector 8 Cargo Bay #$

* - Xavier has disappeared.

[Examine: Nicholas]
Nicholas : That Xavier... He said he found a good stick and then ran off.
Since then, it's been dark in here. Blimey, what on Earth did he do?
I mean, all he does is eat snacks all day. He's such a pain.

$# Sector 11 Maintenance #$

* - Jennifer peeks in one of the door. Inside, Xavier is tugging at a lever for
the first generator; he pulls it off and runs away.

$# Generator Room #$

[Examine: Generator 1]
<game> : Generator 1 has stopped... The power lever has been snatched off...

[Examine: Generator 2]
<game> : Generator 2 is operating smoothly.

$# Pantry #$

[Examine: Generator Lever]

<item> : It seems to be a steel lever from some kind of machinery.

$# Generator Room #$

* - Jennifer returns the lever to Generator 1 and pulls it. The power turns on.

$# Sector 6 Maintenance #$

[Examine: Notice]
Caution: backup power will be activated in the event of a power failure.
To restore power after a failure, restart generator 1 in Sector 11.

$# <???> #$

* - As Jennifer climbs up the ladder in the Upper Deck that leads to the topmost
of the airship's exterior... she finds herself in, of all things, a field.

Between two trees that form a shape quite like the vertical part of the
airship that was on its exterior, Amanda is bludgeoning something.

As Amanda notices Jennifer's presence, she turns to her, smiling gleefully.

Yet she quickly acts surprised and tries to hide her club behind her back.

With few other options to change how the scene comes across, she curtseys.
She then approaches Jennifer.

Amanda : Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine, really. I'm not upset at all.

* - Amanda gently takes Jennifer's hand, but Jennifer pulls it back.

Amanda : Oh, Jennifer... You know what? I've got something special...

* - She reaches down to a rock and takes something that had been pushed almost
under it.

It's Sir Joshua the bear. Along with ripped fur, his left eye now dangles
from its socket.

Amanda : Look! Isn't he cute? Here, it's yours!

* - She hands it to Jennifer.

Amanda : Give it as a gift, and you'll be Ms. Popular again!

* - Amanda giggles. She returns to the thing in the alcove between the trees
and begins beating it again.

This time, however, Jennifer can see it; a doll in Jennifer's own likeness.

And then, likely with images in her mind of being treated as is the doll,
Jennifer passes out.

$# Upper Deck #$

* - Jennifer awakens below the ladder leading to the airship's top exterior.
Joshua (the boy) takes Joshua (the bear) from beside Jennifer.

Both Joshuas descend to the Middle Deck via the lift.

$# Central Stairway B #$

* - When approaching Joshua for the first time...

Joshua : You're finally here, Jennifer!

...Do you want the doll back? Sorry, but I'm rather fond of it.
Too bad it's missing its tail.

Well then, take care...

* - He laughs and runs off.

$# First Class Guest Sector #$

* - Jennifer makes her way to this room, where Joshua the Bear has peculiarly
been left on the middle of the floor.

[Examine: Joshua the Bear]

<game> : You find a beat-up teddy bear that's missing its tail.

* - Susan walks out of the Aristocrat Club's room; she walks down the hall,
paying little notice to Jennifer. That is, until she sees Joshua the Bear.
Surprised, she dashes back into the Aristocrat's room.

Jennifer makes her way to the door and places Joshua the bear inside.

As Jennifer hesitantly enters the door, two children pull her inside.

$# Aristocrat Club #$

* - Diana waves her hand through the shadows.

Diana : Come here, Jennifer. Let's have a little talk.

* - Jennifer approaches the end of the room, where all the other children have

Amanda whispers to Diana.

Amanda : She's the one who stole it.

* - Diana walks to a chair in front of Jennifer and stands atop it.

Meg : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Aristocrat Club.

A word from the Princess:

Jennifer has brought a wonderful gift to the Aristocrat Club.

* - The doll with the red dress is bound to her chair by rope.

Diana : Now, you can have your very own red crayon.

* - Diana rubs Jennifer's head.

The other children begin to stand up and clap.

Children : Hats off to you. Hats off to you. Hats off to you.

* - Their congratulations done, the children quickly take leave of the room.

Dozens of Horrible Imps suddenly appear.

Imps : A bright red crayon, just for you! Lots and lots of them.

* - In vain, Jennifer struggles to flee, but they bind her limbs with rope
and pull her into the darkness.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [01'09] --- November 1930: --- [01'09] #$#
#$#$# "The Funeral" #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Chapter Title #$

In a coffin, a sack wriggles around. The creature inside eventually suffocates.

$# Rose Garden Orphanage #$

* - Mr. Hoffman speaks over the P.A. system.

Hoffman : Hello, boys and girls. How are we today?

Wastepaper should go in the rubbish, and washing should go into the

Filth Room. It's time to spring clean our home!

* - Within the Filth Room, Jennifer is bound to the central pillar by rope.
A wad of several red crayons have been shoved in her mouth, and her clothes
are covered in red drawings.
Hoffman : Everyone, bring your brushes and dustpans, and gather around.
Do I make myself clear, children?

* - Jennifer regains consciousness. She spits the crayons out.

She calls for Brown, who’s sleeping behind her. Eventually, he awakes and
loosens the ropes, allowing Jennifer to undo them completely.

Narration : The unlucky girl realized that this was the old mansion...
Unfortunately for her, despite the beautiful sunset, this day was
the unluckiest of days. Only the girl's silent companion saw her
as she suffered in fear.

...And so this day began.

$# Filth Room #$

[Examine: Red Crayon]

<game> : You recall the girls saying that a red crayon is the mark of an

$# Hallway #$ 1F

* - Hoffman is standing near three of the children, who are cleaning. Upon
seeing Jennifer, they all stat to leave; Eleanor, in fact, walks right
passed Jennifer.

Hoffman : So, young lady... You decided to play hooky again? Come to my office
later. Don't you forget.

Narration : ...When the strict teacher left the room, the girl was all alone.

$# Headmaster's Room #$

[Examine: Hoffman]
* - Hoffman turns from his papers.

Hoffman : You dirty wretch. Why are you always trying to get out of work?
Can't you do your job like all the other children?

$# <author's note> #$
Peculiarly, on the second floor of the foyer, a table has been pushed up against
the railing. On it, a chair is holding a ladder in place; said ladder extends
over the railing. The camera does not allow the rest of the ladder to be seen.

$# Speaking with the residents #$

[Nicholas - 1F, Hallway]

Narration : The sloppy Prince glanced away from the girl as if tiring of an
old toy. No matter how kindly she smiled, she was all alone.
What a poor, unlucky girl.

[Xavier - 1F, Hallway]

Narration : The sloppy Prince glanced away from the girl as if served cold soup
for supper. No matter how hard she cried, she was all alone.
What a poor, unlucky girl.

[Olivia - 1F, Kitchen]

* - Olivia is trying to reach a pan on the counter. She begins to cry when she
is unable to take hold of it.

Narration : Even though the girl tried to comfort her, the tearful Princess
cried even more. In the end, the girl was all alone.
What a fragile, unlucky girl.

[Diana - 2F, Dormitory]

Narration : No matter what the unlucky girl said to her, the strong-willed
Princess would only gaze lethargically. Asleep or awake, the
girl was alone.
What a sad, unlucky girl.

[Eleanor - 2F, Balcony]

Narration : No matter what the unlucky girl said to her, the cold Princess
simply stared up into the sky... The poor, unlucky girl realized
that she was all alone.

[Meg & Susan - 2F, Library]

* - Meg and Susan are cleaning and sorting some of the books. As Jennifer
approaches them, however, Meg motions for Susan to come.

Meg : Look, look.

* - They both start to examine a book, quietly speaking to each other about it.

Narration : The two Princesses didn't let the unlucky girl join their
conversation. Wherever she went, she was all alone.
What a lonely, unlucky girl.

[Clara - 2F, Sick Bay]

Narration : The frightened Princess would not face the unlucky girl for some
reason. Today, the day after, and on, she was all alone.
What an unhappy, unlucky girl.

* - As Jennifer goes to leave the room, Hoffman opens the door.

Hoffman : Clara!

* - She seems to be forcing herself not to cry as she slowly walks to Hoffman.
She pauses at the door, but Hoffman takes her shoulder and leads her inside.
He shuts and locks the door.

When Jennifer peeks in through the keyhole...

In a surprisingly soft and non-cantankerous tone, Hoffman says to Clara,

who's kneeling on the ground in front of him and wiping the floor,

Hoffman : Look, there's some dust over here. Give it a wipe.

[Thomas - 2F, Play Area]

* - The Prince is playing with a toy train.

Narration : The arrival station of the mischievous Prince's train did not have
the girl's name on it. Left behind, she was all alone.
What an unfortunate girl.

[Martha - 2F, 2nd Floor Lavatory]

* - Martha is cleaning one of the toilets. As Jennifer approaches her...

Martha : Filthy wretch.

Narration : The unlucky girl spoke to the cleaning Queen. ...Yet, her reply was
the same as always.

Martha : Dirty wretch.

Narration : Everyday and all the time, she was all alone.
What a woeful, unlucky girl.
[Amanda - 2F, Sewing Room]
Narration : The behavior of the small-hearted Princess concentrating on her
chores seemed forced and unnatural. The unlucky girl became sad...
And then, she was alone again. What a hapless, unlucky girl.

$# Thrown papers #$

<author's note>
After talking to a child (no matter which one), a new crumpled paper is thrown
at Jennifer by the other children (although they don't appear on-screen).

Nicholas & Xavier, and Meg & Susan are grouped together.

[Message displayed prior to reading the papers]

...Jennifer picked up a crumpled piece of paper that was thrown at her.
...It reads:

[01] : "LIAR!"
[02] : "POOR MR. JOSHUA!"
[07] : "COME TO THE HALL!"

$# Hallway #$ (1F, foyer)

* - Jennifer walks up to one last piece of paper lying on the floor. As she
takes it, an announcement begins over the PA system.

Hoffman : Boys and girls, cleaning time is over. Wastepaper should go in the
rubbish bin, and washing should go into the Filth Room. Are the
rooms all spic-and-span? Are all the halls sparkling clean?
It's almost time for bed Diana, Eleanor, Xavier, Meg, Susan,
Nicholas, Thomas, Clara, Olivia...

* - Amanda doesn't seem terribly surprised by the exclusion of her name.

Hoffman : Be thankful for this wondrous day, and let us pray for an even
better day tomorrow.

Get ready for bed, and may you have a good night's rest.

* - Nightfall quickly arrives. As Jennifer unfolds the crumpled paper, more

notes start to fall.



* - When Jennifer looks up from the announcement, she sees that the walls have
been lined with copies of the note; hundreds upon hundreds litter the walls
as even more fall from above.

$# Inner Court #$

* - Hundreds of Horrible Imps peer out from the windows on all sides of the
court, and on all levels of the building.

Within the court, Wendy has appeared. She strokes Brown.

Wendy : So this is your new friend, huh? It's so filthy, but adorable.

Oh, yes. Jennifer, there will be an Aristocrat Club meeting after

this. Today will be the most wonderful day. I hope you enjoy it.

* - On top of a crate in the court, the "The Funeral" storybook rests.

$# Storybook: "The Funeral" #$

Page 01 : Once upon a time, a girl found a hole in the ground in the yard.
Page 02 : The Little People came out and told her the news.
Page 03 : Today is the day of your funeral. If you don't like it, then you
must sacrifice your friend.
Page 04 : Who wants to be buried alive?
Page 05 : So the girl did what she had to, and buried her best friend.
Page 06 : Well, I wouldn't want to be her best friend!

* - The remaining pages are blank.

$# Inner Court #$

* - Wendy and Brown have disappeared.

Narration : When the girl finished reading the storybook, the dreadful Imps
had all vanished. ...And even her dearest friend is nowhere to
be found.

$# Rear Stairway #$

Narration : Then, the girl thought she heard the cries of her friend, calling
for help.

* - As Jennifer climbs the stairs to second floor...

Narration : ...This time, the girl was certain it was her friend, calling for
help from above.

* - At the third floor, Jennifer examines a beaten-up dog doll...

Narration : It's... not the girl's dear friend.

"What happened to him? Was he...?"
Because of the frightening images in her head, the poor girl was a
nervous wreck.

$# Attic Storage #$

Narration : ...The girl could hear her friend calling for help from behind the

[Examine: Beaten dog doll]

Narration : It was not the girl's dear friend this time either.
"Something terrible has happened to him..."
Because of the frightening images in her head, the poor girl was a
nervous wreck.

[Examine: Poster on Aristocrat Club's room's door]

$# Aristocrat Club #$

* - A Horrible Imp ties a rope around Brown's neck. It pulls Brown along as two
other Imps sweep up the bloody mess.

Jennifer enters the room. She sees a dismembered doll in the likeness of a
dog lying on the ground. She falls to her knees.

A girl laughs. Jennifer looks up at the Aristocrats.

The girl, seated in the place of the doll with the red dress and herself
wearing a dress of the same color, steps down off her chair. She blocks her
face from view with a newspaper-bouquet of roses.

The girl lowers the flowers, revealing her identity: Wendy.

While Jennifer stares up from the ground in shock, Amanda scuttles over and
whispers in her ear.

Amanda : Your friend is in the bag. It's too late now.

* - Gasping, Jennifer looks over at the blood-soaked sack in the corner.

Wendy smirks.

With a rapidly growing mix of sadness and anger, Jennifer clenches her
hand into a fist. She stands up.

Suddenly, she's reverted from the form of an adult and become a child.

Jennifer : My friend... Give me back my friend!

* - She slaps Wendy; the Princess falls.

Jennifer continues to beat Wendy.

Jennifer : Liar! Go away! Just go away!!

* - She moves over Wendy, looking at her directly.

Jennifer : I'll never forgive you; not ever!

* - The other children watch the scene in utter silence.

Jennifer : And as for the rest of you, how could you believe all those lies?!
"Aristocrats"?! You're just the opposite!!

I hate you! And I hate you! And you!!

And I hate myself the very most, for playing YOUR stupid games and
not having the strength to stand up to you!

It's all just hideous!

* - She rips the broach from her chest and tosses it away.

Crying, Wendy stands up and runs away; what an unsightly Princess.

Joshua the Bear looks on from its throne.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [01'10] --- December 1930: --- [01'10] #$#
#$#$# "Stray Dog and the Lying Princess" #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Chapter Title #$

An adult man stands in the rain; their face is covered by their umbrella.

The wind eventually dogs the umbrella away; the man's face is that of a dog.

$# <outside> #$

* - Gregory stands outside the orphanage gate.

$# Filth Room #$

* - Jennifer, back in her adult form, awakens. Her clothing has been cleaned
since the crayon incident before.

The "Stray Dog" storybook rests on the bed behind her.

$# Storybook: "Stray Dog" #$

Page 01 : Once upon a time, there was a little girl who told lies.
* The girl rests in bed.
Page 02 : She liked to scare the other girls by screaming,
"Stray Dog is coming, Stray Dog is coming!"
Page 03 : But soon, everyone stopped being scared. They hated the way that
she lied.
Page 04 : One day, the girl came home, screaming,
"Stray Dog is coming, really!"
Page 05 : Everyone thought it was just another lie.
Page 06 : Except this time, it was no lie at all, and so they were all
gobbled up.

The End.

* - The remaining pages are blank.

$# Hallway #$ 2F, foyer

* - Amanda and Susan are speaking.

Susan : What? Really?

Amanda : Really!

Susan : How!? Ouch!

* - As Jennifer approaches them, they curtsey and run downstairs.

When Jennifer approaches Olivia, who's crying, she completely controls

herself, stops weeping, and curtseys. She follows Amanda and Susan.

$# Hallway #$ 1F, foyer

* - Amanda motions for Jennifer to come.

Amanda : Jennifer, Jennifer! Over here!

* - Jennifer enters the door behind Amanda, as instructed. Amanda quickly

shoves her into another room.

$# Classroom #$

* - Susan and Olivia curtsey, then move out of the way. Further into the room,
Jennifer meets Diana, Eleanor and Meg, all of whom curtsey, then take
their seats.

Diana : Greetings. Princess... Please forgive all that I've done.

Meg : Greetings, Princess Jennifer. Thank you very much for coming to our
new Aristocrat Club.

Eleanor : Greetings, Princess Jennifer. From now on, you'll be our new

Meg : Now, Princess... Please think up a new game.

Eleanor : Please lead us.

Diana : We are yours to command, Princess.

* - Amanda kneels on the ground.

Amanda : Princess, go ahead! Guide us! We need you! We don't know what to do!

* - Susan looks out the window.

Susan : Look! Look, it's Wendy. It's Wendy.

* - Diana looks at Meg and shrugs.

All the children leave to "greet" Wendy.

[Examine: Chalkboard]

$# Hallway #$ 1F, foyer

* - The children scream outside; a dog barks.

All goes quiet.

Suddenly, the front door creaks open; Joshua stand beside Gregory, who
kneels on the ground as if a dog.

Joshua lets go of Gregory's leash. He points to Jennifer.

Joshua : Go...

* - Gregory starts to crawl across the ground.

Gregory : Once upon a time... there was a precious little girl.

* - Joshua steps outside and closes the door.

$# Halfway through the fight with Gregory #$

* - Brown jumps down from above to aid Jennifer.

$# After the fight with Gregory... #$

* - Gregory collapses.

$# Front Gate #$

* - The clothes of all the children lie about the ground. Jennifer turns to
Joshua, standing in the door behind her.

Joshua : Because you wouldn't love me... Because you were so stubborn...
I brought you here.

* - Joshua removes his wig; it's actually Wendy.

Wendy : Because you fell in love with Brown... Because you didn’t realize
it was me... I brought Stray Dog here...

But, I... I...

* - Wendy holds out a pistol.

Wendy : Please, stop him with this... Only you and your beloved dog can
stop him...

I'm sorry...

* - Gregory slowly pulls Wendy back into the house. After a moment, he exits.

<game> : Jennifer found

Gregory's Gun

$# Outcome A #$

* - Having been fatally wounded, Gregory falls to his knees. Silently, he

struggles to keep from slipping away, but in the end... what can be done?

Brown barks over and over. Darkness covers the entire screen.

Text : ...And, that is how the girl wound up all alone again.
* - Joshua laughs madly in the background.

Text : ...She couldn't keep her promise, nor could she save anyone.

What a pitiful, unlucky girl.

* - The credits roll.

$# Outcome B #$

* - As Gregory kneels down and apologizes, Jennifer hands him his gun.

Gregory : I'm sorry, Joshua...

* - He raises the gun to his head.

Gregory : Oh! Hmm... Yes.

* - He smiles and closes his eyes.

...And then pulls the trigger.

Jennifer stands still for a moment. Brown beckons her to come; as she
follows him, a bright light engulfs them both.

This leads to January.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [01'11] --- December 1930: --- [01'11] #$#
#$#$# "Once Upon a Time..." #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Chapter Title #$

Two girls are tied to two chairs. They both struggle to get free; the girl on
the left falls over, still bound to the chair.

$# <author's note> #$

For transcriptions of other text in this chapter, see section [2'05], titled
"January Exploration".
$# Filth Room #$

* - Jennifer awakens on the bed, again in the form of a child.

Next to her on the bed is a storybook.

$# Storybook: "Once Upon a..." #$ (all pictures; no text)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ (one line-break = one change of page)

A girl curiously examines a chair. She leaves the chair.

She jumps on the chair. She leans on the chair.
She sits in the chair; her friend sits beside her. They take the other's hand.
The little girl binds her friend to the chair with rope,
Then she binds herself.
The girls struggle furiously to escape. A dog observes.
The girl falls over.
The girl disappears, as do her friend's ropes.
A dog watches from the window.

$# Front Gate #$

* - Wendy makes a fish symbol on the ground; feathers lie about.

As Jennifer approaches her, Wendy stands up. Wendy curtseys and kisses
Jennifer on the cheek; Jennifer curtseys and kisses Wendy's forehead.

Wendy goes back to the ground.

[Approach: Gate]
* - Jennifer starts to exit the gate. Wendy stands up and runs to her, but the
gates close before she is able to make it. She looks solemnly at Jennifer.

$# Bus Stop #$

* - Gregory sits on the bench, drawing in a storybook.

Gregory : Hello, little girl. Do you have a story you can share with me?
A happy one, that is. Please tell me if you do.
...My son is waiting.

[Gregory, 2nd+ time]

Gregory : The girl... and her friend... ......It's no good.

$# Strange Hill - East #$

* - Jennifer examines the lock on the door.

Jennifer : ...Please wait for me. I'll be there.

$# Rickety Shed #$

* - Jennifer kneels down and tends to Brown; he's in the form of a puppy.

Afterward, Jennifer writes on the chalkboard beneath the Bucket Knight.

Jennifer : My dear friend...

I never want to lose you again.
I'll protect you... forever and ever until I die...

Chalkboard: everlasting
true love
I am yours

* - Jennifer returns the Bucket Knight's head to its body; the Four-Leaf Clover
key falls out of it.

Jennifer goes to Brown and hugs him. She brings out a collar; Brown yelps
as she places it, but he calms down.

Next, she ties a rope around the pillar and connects it to the collar.
Brown looks up at her.

She curtseys, and then turns to leave. Brown chases after her, but the rope
snaps him back.

Smiling at Brown, Jennifer closes the shed door.

I'll protect you...

forever and ever until I die...

* - The credits roll.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$#$# [02'00] --- Addenda --- [02'00] #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [02'01] --- Opening Scene --- [02'01] #$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# <author's note> #$

This scene plays prior to the Main Menu. Basically, if you want to see it,
simply don't touch anything after you've turned the game on; it will start

$# Scene #$

Set against a blank background, roses form, petal by petal. As they complete
themselves, a park fill in the darkness; Jennifer sleeps on a bench. As she
seemingly awakens, Brown walks over to her. Though initially apprehensive,
she reaches out to pet him. Her attention is taken away from Brown, however,
as Wendy and Joshua play with each other amid numerous roses.

Jennifer smiles. She turns back to Brown, but he's disappeared.

The shadow of an airship passes overhead. The scene suddenly changes from the
vibrant park to a bleak field, in the middle of which stands the Rose Garden
Orphanage as another airship flies over it.

[Scene shift]
Jennifer, Eleanor and Meg curtsey to Jennifer in the Aristocrat Club.

[Scene shift]
Brown moves about a hallway. He comes to the door to a small room.

Inside, Meg kneels before Diana and offers up a rose. Diana seems to accept it,
wrapping her hands around Meg's; but as she holds Meg's hands, one of the rose's
thorns is presses into one of the latter girl's fingers.

Diana sits, unmoving, as Meg examines her finger. Yet, she smiles and tilts her
head as an idea comes to mind.

She takes Meg's hand into her own and brings it to her mouth, caressing the
pricked area with her tongue.

Eleanor stands outside the room.

[Scene shift]
Brown finds what looks like a blood stain on the floor. He goes into the next
room, where Amanda is smearing lipstick on herself. Though the result is uneven
and overdone, Amanda appears satisfied and smirks.

Brown enters the room and sniffs a shoe, oddly lying by itself.

[Scene shift]
Diana, Eleanor and Meg all lie by a piece of paper, coloring it.

Later, in the same room, they all hammer something in unison.

[Scene shift]
In the woods, they continue to hammer on a large crate. Diana raises her hammer
higher, and slams it down with more force than before.

[Scene shift]
Brown licks Jennifer to wake her up in the Filth Room.

[Scene shift]
Elsewhere in the airship, Gregory looks at Jennifer from the shadows, sinking
back into a door as he observes.

Jennifer hands something out to Brown for him to get a whiff of its scent;
she then follows him as he tracks it, eventually locating a key.

[Scene shift]
Jennifer hesitantly enters a lavatory, armed with a revolver. She approaches a
closed stall; she begins to push open the unlocked door, but Brown starts to
bark at something outside. Jennifer turns to him...

...And from the door, a man grabs her. As she's pulled into the darkness,
numerous Horrible Imps bind her with rope and all drag her down.

[Scene shift]
Assorted scenes show in the following order:
* Jennifer in the forest with Diana, Eleanor and Meg.
* Diana lifting up Jennifer's head in the Aristocrat Club.
* Jennifer falling into the crate in the Inner Court.
* One of the children drawing on Jennifer with a red crayon.
* Diana holding Meg's finger in her mouth.
* Eleanor fastening a rope around her usual clothes, in which lies the Bird of
Happiness. Blood soaks the clothes as they tighten.
* One of the children presses they're foot onto Jennifer's face as she lies
on the ground.
* Water is poured on Jennifer.
* A rat is shoved into Jennifer's face.

[Scene shift]
Amidst a heavy rain in the park, Jennifer hugs Brown tightly.

As the airship passes overhead, it bears fins in the likeness of a fish, and
moves its rear fin back and forth as if propelling itself through water.

[Scene shift]
In the rose garden, bathed in sunlight, Wendy and Joshua sit on the ground.

"My name is Joshua. I will serve you, Princess."

Holding hands, they lean forward and gently lay their foreheads together.

"Just, kiss me, please."

They both smile, gazing into the other's eyes.

The background fades away again, returning the scene to darkness. All but one
rose fades away, petal by petal... and then the last is gone.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [02'02] --- Song Lyrics --- [02'02] #$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

A love suicide ~The theme of RULE of ROSE~

Say, where is my shame, when I call your name?

So please, don't set me free; I'm as heavy as can be.
I will do you harm; I will break my arm;
I'm a victim... of your charm.

I want to be dead; when I am, I lament.

I can be so mean; you can beat me.
I would like to shame you; I would like to blame you...
...just because of my love to you.

Oh, love itself is... just as innocent as roses in May.

I know nothing can... drive it away.

Oh, love itself is... just as brief as a candle in the wind.

And it's greedy... just like sin.

Alone... but sane...

I am a... love... suicide...

'Cause love itself is... just as brief as a candle in the wind.

And it's pure white... just like sin.


Alone... but sane...

I am a... love... suicide...

'Cause love itself is... just as innocent as roses in May.

And it's pure white... just like sin.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [02'03] --- "The Little Princess" --- [02'03] #$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

Page 01 : Once upon a time, there was a precious little girl.

* The little girl sits in a chair.
Page 02 : Her friend, the Princess of the Red Road, was always by her side.
* The Princess walks with the little girl.
Page 03 : Then one day, here mummy and daddy died suddenly. The Princess,
too, disappeared, leaving the girl all alone.
* An airship is seen crashing.
Page 04 : And the poor little was sent away to a strange house.
* A man drags Jennifer into his home.

Page 04.0 : And the little girl was sent away to a strange house.
* A man drags Jennifer into his home.
Page 04.5 : At her new home, the Aristocrat Club lived by the Rule of Rose.
But the girl found herself very much alone,
Page 05.0 : until she discovered a new friend. The girl and her companion
obeyed the Rule of Rose.
* The girl stands near a dog.
Page 05.5 : For in the Aristocrat Club, the Rule of Rose was absolute, as was
the word of the Princess of the Red Rose.
Page 06 : The girl obeyed the Rule of Rose, but the Countess refused to like
The girl obeyed the Rule of Rose, but the Baroness punished her
The girl obeyed the Rule of Rose, but the Duchess taunted her anew.
Page 07 : And yet the girl and her friend were still faithful to the Rule of
Rose. The Princess of the Red Rose found this all very dull. And so,
she issued a Rule of Rose for the final time.
Page 08 : The girl was to sacrifice her very special friend. And when she did,
she became a Princess.
Page 09 : A lonely little girl burdened by the Rule of Rose. The woeful
Princess put her memories under lock and key, forever and ever.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [02'04] --- Bucket Knight Clues --- [02'04] #$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Initial Meeting #$ (Filth Room)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# April

[Examine: Headless Bucket Knight]

Narration : As the girl examined the headless scarecrow, it pleaded:

B. Knight : "Lass, please help me find my head. Once I am whole again, I'll
return the favor."

[Examine: Bucket Knight's head]

Narration : When the girl examined the bucket, it pleaded:

Bucket : "Lass, please put be back atop my body back on top of the headless
scarecrow behind you. If you do, I'll help you in return."

* - Jennifer complies with the Bucket's request. Afterward...

Narration : As the girl placed the bucket in its proper place, it spoke.

B. Knight : I am the Bucket Knight, keeper of promises. ...Yet, time can be so

cruel, for I have aged and cannot remember the past. You know what
I refer to and I know that you know. ...However, you do not know at
the moment, nor can you remember. Let us recall our memories
together in order to remember our promise.

$# Clue 01 #$ (After meeting the Knight)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# April

...If memory serves me correctly, the order you've been given is the reason you
are here. It may be unpleasant, yet you have no choice but to follow it. A
tribute to the Aristocrat Club... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 02 #$ (After finding the Aristocrat Club's offering box)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# April
...If memory serves me correctly, you are in search of a butterfly. A butterfly
you are in search of. The green butterfly is the one you wish to follow.
Offer the butterfly to the Aristocrats... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 03 #$ (After offering the dead, green butterfly)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# April

...If memory serves me correctly, the green butterfly you offered was too
filthy, and was rejected. Your beloved friend is tied up and hanging by a rope.
Cut the rope and remember... Remember the name of your friend. Remember your
bond with him... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 04 #$ (After meeting Brown)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# April

...If memory serves me correctly, you search for a butterfly, but have not yet
found it... However, do not fear, for you have reclaimed your faithful
companion. Butterflies and keys... Everything is linked, no matter how far
apart. Your friend has a keen nose... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 05 #$ (After acquiring the Blue Butterfly)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# April

...If memory serves me correctly, the butterfly you hold in your hands in the
most beautiful blue... Yet, how wretched and troublesome are the things that
hinder you. If I were a few years younger, I could be of service to you...
Offer that butterfly no matter what... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 05 #$ (Start of May)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# May

...If memory serves me correctly, when you awoke, the fun had ended and the day
was done. However, you're still just a beggar. The letter you received... That's
your only clue.

$# Clue 06 #$ (After meeting with Amanda)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# May

...If memory serves me correctly, between you and the small-hearted Princess,
the time has come to decide who shall be at the bottom of the ranks. Find and
catch Sir Peter the rabbit... That's your only clue.
$# Clue 07 #$ (After fighting Mr. Hoffman)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# May

...If memory serves me correctly, there are obstacles in your path: the spooky
things, the filthy teacher... Get past them and find the sack, for that shall
be your trophy... Find the sack and offer it alone... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 08 #$ (After beginning the chapter)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# July

...If memory serves me correctly, you've met the cold Princess and seen the
empty cage she carries... She seeks what you seek. I know what it is...
Yet, you forget. Remember your forgotten promise... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 09 #$ (After finding the Bird of Happiness)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# July

...If memory serves me correctly, you've finally found a piece of your previous
oath... Now, weave together the memories that shall serve as your beacon of
light. Your beacon of light...

$# Clue 10 #$ (After beginning the chapter)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# August

...If memory serves me correctly, you've met the strong-willed Princess, as

intense as still waters... She seeks what you seek. I know what it is...
Yet, you forget. Remember your forgotten promise... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 11 #$ (After defeating the Mermaid Princess)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# August

...If memory serves me correctly, you've finally found a piece of your previous
oath... Now, weave together the memories that shall serve as your beacon of
light. Your beacon of light...

$# Clue 12 #$ (After beginning the chapter)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# September

...If memory serves me correctly, you've met a wise Princess, a spring of

inventions... She seeks what you seek. I know what it is... Yet, you forget.
Remember your forgotten promise... That's your only clue.
$# Clue 13 #$ (After the "onion bag" event)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# September

...If memory serves me correctly, you've finally found a piece of your previous
oath... Now, weave together the memories that shall serve as your beacon of
light. Your beacon of light...

$# Clue 14 #$ (After beginning the chapter)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# June

...If memory serves me correctly, you coming here is a result of a trick played
on you by your memories. Or is it the mistake of a sad Princess who cannot come
to terms with tragedy. The meeting of the Prince and Princess... That was the
cause of it all. Listen to and accept the Princess's feelings... That's your
only clue.

<author's note>
The second sentence indeed ends with a ".", not a "?".

$# Clue 15 #$ (After Wendy retrieves Gregory's Gun, the "dangerous thing")
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# June

...If memory serves me correctly, you've gained your freedom and deepened your
bond with the Princess... However, the feelings of the man you betrayed linger.
With his instrument of justice stolen, you've denied him even death. Will you
betray even the Princess? It all depends on what you do now... Remember your
oath to the Princess... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 16 #$ (After beginning the chapter)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# October

...If memory serves me correctly, you must find the precious doll. Why someone
would steal it, no one knows... Meet with the small-hearted Princess... That's
your only clue.

$# Clue 17 #$ (After Amanda leaves her room and you speak to Diana in it)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# October

...If memory serves me correctly, you must find the precious doll. The Princess
who holds a grudge against you has vanished... Events are growing even more
bizarre... Find the small-hearted Princess... That's your only clue.
$# Clue 18 #$ (After the power goes out)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# October

...If memory serves me correctly, you must find the precious doll. Yet, the box
will not budge, and the light has been turned off. Restore the lights... That's
your only clue.

$# Clue 19 #$ (After locating Generator 1)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# October

...If memory serves me correctly, you must find the precious doll. First,
restore the power and light the way... ...However, the power source is missing
a steel handle... Chase the strange shadow you met earlier. Find the missing
piece... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 20 #$ (After restoring the power)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# October

...If memory serves me correctly, you must find the precious doll. The light is
lit and the path is clear. Nothing stands in your way. Meet with the small-
hearted Princess... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 21 #$ (After meeting with Amanda in the field)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# October

...If memory serves me correctly, you have finally found the precious doll.
Whether it be lost of found, your faithful companion will always be able to
track it down. With it in your possession, you need only offer it. Offer it
and be welcomed into the Aristocrats... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 22 #$ (After beginning the chapter)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# November

...If memory serves me correctly, you are now an Aristocrat. ...To see if you've
truly been accepted, walk around and see for yourself... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 23 #$ (After meeting with Hoffman)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# November

...If memory serves me correctly, you didn't care if you were scolded for being
late. Everyone else was good: you were the only bad one. That's your role here.
Everyone lives happily together, except you... No one cares about you.
Watch them all and see for yourself... That's your only clue.

$# Clue 24 #$ (After talking to all the children)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# November

...If memory serves me correctly, you know everyone here, yet no one takes heed
of you. Only your friend's tired eyes watch you in the night... What do those
eyes see? Why do they look so sad...? Go where you've been told... That's
your only clue.

$# Clue 25 #$ (After nightfall arrives)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# November

...If memory serves me correctly, you are the gift of the month, the final
offering... How will you escape...? Where will you run to? Run as fast as you
can, for now... That's your only clue

$# Clue 26 #$ (After beginning the chapter)
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# December

...If memory serves me correctly, you've conquered falsehood, but not yet
discovered the truth. Your friend has committed deeper transgressions...
No one can stop it now. Do not be ruled by falsehood... That's your only clue.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [02'05] --- January Exploration --- [02'05] #$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

$# Filth Room #$ 2F

When I came here, this suitcase was the only luggage I had. ...I lost everything
in the accident. My mother, my father, my possessions, and even my memories...

Tied to this pillar, unable to move, I was all alone. It took a while, but I
finally freed myself. I was always the slow poke... But, that won't happen
again. I'll never let myself be tied up again.
I spent so much time in this room... Who knows how many times I woke up here?
The nights were lonely and cold, but you'd always greet me in the morning.
...Only you greeted me warmly. Thank you so.

[Rubbish Bin]
It's the detested rubbish bin. No one ever suspected that something precious
was hidden inside it. Nor did they know that it was the only place where I
could keep my things safe.

It feels as if something very dear to me was here. Someone or something that
always looked after me... helped me...

...This letter looks familiar. Yes, it's one of the secret letters that Wendy
and I traded.

25 March From W to J
My dear Jennifer,
There is nothing to fear. I am always by your side. I will never betray you.
We made an oath, remember?

25 July From W to J
My dear Jennifer,
I'm so relieved that you are well again! Is that why I couldn't find you
yesterday morning? It's no use trying to fool me! I can see right through
your pranks.
Anyway, thanks in advance. Tee hee hee.

24 August From W to J
Thank you for introducing me to Brown. ...But, such a filthy dog is not a good
match for you and me. Just give it to Nicholas or something, and let's be
content with just the two of us.

10 September From W to J
My stubborn Jennifer,
Is Brown that important to you? It's just a dog. A filthy animal. Please stop
sharing your wonderful smile with that thing... Please smile only at me.
1 October From W to J
Jennifer the Heartless,
Why didn't you come? I waited and waited for you. Why can't I see you every
morning? I think only of you... Are you avoiding me?

Wendy... You were always so lonely. Poor, lonely Wendy...

I wonder if my letters ever reached her...

$# Hallway #$ 2F (from Filth Room)

Everyone would put their dirty laundry here, and it was my job to wash it.
How ironic... The one they called "filthy" washing their filthy clothes.
It all seems so silly now...

$# 2nd Floor Lavatory #$ 2F

[Bucket Knight]
Bucket Knight... A makeshift knight that Nicholas and Xavier used for sword
practice. Though they may have forgotten about it, I've always remembered.
For, I yearned for a loyal knight to come to my rescue.

[First stall]
* - An eye is drawn on the underside of the toilet seat.
"We're watching you." ...That's what the picture meant, but it was still scary.

$# Hallway #$ 2F (foyer)

[Blank frame]
There used to be a picture here, of everyone at the orphanage. It was a picture
filled with hope, taken the day I was brought here. I was afraid someone would
try to steal this precious memory from me... so I took the picture down and kept
it safe.

$# Hallway #$ 2F (near Dormitory)

[Skull drawing on ground]

There are doodles everywhere. No matter how many we cleaned, more would show up
the next day.

$# Dormitory #$

[Books on table]
The night was quiet, dark, and scary. Yet, it was a mysterious time that aroused
excitement. Some nights, we'd stay awake in secret, hiding from the teacher,
and draw pictures by lamplight. It made us feel very much like adults--something
not possible during the day.

[Mermaid Princess doll]

A mermaid doll... What a proud and pure creature. Diana yearned to become a
beautiful lady, like a mermaid, but as she grew older, she realized that she was
straying further and further from her ideal self. Poor Diana... She was trapped
by her own ideals...

$# Sewing Room #$

[Sewing machine]
Amanda was fond of using the sewing machine. When she got absorbed in something,
she'd think of nothing else, especially sewing, which was always on her mind.
If we ran out of cloth or thread, she's just sew rags with an empty needle, over
and over again... And then, she'd smile at the tattered rag with satisfaction.

$# Library #$ 2F

[Goat doll]
Its a stuffed goat... The white goat Mary. The black goat Sally. When Meg found
the letter to Diana torn apart, she was deeply wounded and cried in Diana's
arms, even though she was the one who ripped it up... And, when Meg's notebook
was found all scattered about, Diana made fun of her, saying, "Mary and Sally
must've ate it." Poor Meg...She was bound by the shackles of foolish devotion...

[Airship picture]
The future that people dreamt of never came and was soon forgotten. From the
blue skies of hope, it sank into the depths of oblivion. The new life born
from it was an existence devoid of hope. It slowly wriggles its large body
and stares at the sky with a remorseful look... That's its only purpose.
$# Sick Bay #$ 2F

[Pitcher on dresser]
Clara was a quiet person. To me, she looked like just another student at the
orphanage... except when she spoke to Mr. Hoffman or Martha. Then, she looked
scary. I wonder if I'll be like Clara when I'm older... Will I enjoy those

$# Sickroom #$ 2F

Peter the rabbit... He was the pet that Wendy suddenly decided to take care of.
It was about the same time that I started looking after Brown... I wonder if
Wendy really loved Peter... Was she sad when she had to give him up...?

[Letter on desk]
...This letter looks familiar. Yes, it's one of the secret letters that Wendy
and I traded.

16 November
Dear Wendy, my visitor in the window,
Thank you so much for writing to me. The man calls me Joshua, but my name is
Jennifer. I've been in this room ever since he saved me. He's a nice person...
but he won't let me leave.

10 December From J to W
Thank you Wendy.
I want to fly away from this room and run with you in the fields... but the man
is so lonely, so sad. I can't just leave him alone.

14 January From J to W
Thank you Wendy, my kind and fair Princess.
Is there something that I can do for you?

24 January From J to W
I, Jennifer, pledge to the fair Princess Wendy:

True love
I am yours
20 March From J to W
I'm here now, but I'm kind of afraid. Everything is new to me. I'm worried if
I'll get along with everyone.

22 July From J to W
Dear Wendy,
I have great news. I found something wonderful! I look forward to every morning
now, and I hope you will too.

13 August From J to W
How are you, Wendy? You haven't said anything to me since I showed you the
surprise... Do you like my cute little puppy Brown? Let's take care of him

20 August From J to W
My dear We3ndy,
This little guy is just so adorable. When I call his name, he comes bounding to
me. I know you'll like him too.

24 September From J to W
How are you doing, Wendy? Are you alright?
We'll always be friends, and Brown can be our friend too. I know you don't
understand, but I can't just abandon him.

6 October From J to W
You've got it all wrong, Wendy. This isn't how it's supposed to be.
I never expected you to react this way. All I wanted was for us to live happily
ever after together.

31 January From W to J
My dear Prince,
Yes, you are my Prince. A Prince and a Princess must be together, after all,
Jennifer, you are my eternal companion. Just promise to stay by my side, and
save your smiles for me. That's all I ask. We don't need a filthy dog! We can't
let anyone come between us.

28 November From W to J
You still have that filthy dog? I'll never forgive you. Have you forgotten your
oath, the rule of rose? Good-bye, Jennifer. You will regret choosing that dog
over me.

$# Balcony #$ 2F

[Empty birdcage in chair]

The red bird in the cage... The doll Eleanor treasured. "If only we could fly
like birds and go wherever we wished," she whispered softly. Yet, no matter how
much Eleanor wished, she'll never be able to just fly away from the orphanage.
Poor Eleanor... She was burdened by her own frozen heart...

$# Play Area #$ 2F

[Train tracks]
Thomas was always playing with his trains... They were his only friends. There
were no final stops on his railroad, for that would be devastating to him.
It's rumored that his obsession had something to do with his birth, but Thomas
never spoke about it to anyone.

$# Hallway #$ 1F (foyer)

[Vase on desk]
There used to be beautiful roses here, picked by Wendy from the rose garden.
...But, as with all things, they wilted away with the passage of time.

[Plant in corner]
Miss Martha used to scold Nicholas for forgetting to water the plants, and then
she'd turn her wrath on me, snapping, "What are you laughing at, young lady!?"

It's a small locker, but it was just for me. My name was even on it. They made
me feel welcome. I was so happy... I'd move my shoes in and out, over and over

[Painting of Hoffman]
One day, Mr. Hoffman suddenly disappeared. Clara and Miss Martha soon followed,
leaving me and the other orphans alone...

[Umbrella stand]
We never used umbrellas. On snowy days, we'd go out for snowball fights.
On rainy days, we'd go out and play in the rain, and get soaking wet.
Every time, Xavier would trip and et himself all muddy, and we'd laugh.
It was so much fun.

$# Hallway #$ 1F (near Classroom)

[Hanger with a bucket over it and a shirt hanging from it]

A silent scarecrow... It stands there quietly, not meddling in the affairs of
others. It sways in the breeze, like me... a cowardly girl who was unable to
assert her true feelings...

$# Classroom #$ 1F

On cold winter days, we all used to gather here and talk... I, of course,
couldn't join in, so I sat off to the side. Even so, it felt so warm...

I learned many things at this orphanage... The alphabet... words... how to clean
and do laundry... But, the most important thing I learned... was the lesson I
received in exchange for my dear friend's life... I finally came to understand
myself. My beliefs and the will to stand up for them... I don't want to lose
those ever again.

* The chalkboard has a part of a lesson concerning democracy.

[Grade Chart and Time Table on wall]

A brat, a know-it-all, an introvert, a crybaby, and an elitist... I know
misfortunate, because I tolerated them all. I thought I was the only grown-up,
but we were all just kids, myself included. But, what does it really mean to
be a grown-up? Will I ever become one?

The map of this country... That day we flew from England... These memories were
buried deep inside of me... The airship... and the accident... Thereafter, the
story of my life became a tale of misfortune. Even when the others played
"airship," I couldn't bear to join them, so I was left out.

$# Bathroom #$ 1F

[Reflection of Jennifer in mirror]

Jennifer, are you happy now, considering how bad it was for you, back then?
...That tragedy you wanted to forget. Now that you remember everything, how do
you feel? ...... Is the answer inside you? Think carefully, Jennifer.

$# Washhouse #$ 1F

I came to this room every day to do laundry... The water was so cold, and the
soap would sting my eyes, but I didn't hate it, because clean laundry is so

$# Kitchen #$ 1F

...If Miss Martha had disappeared, there would've been no one to cook.
...If Clara had disappeared, there would've been no one to tend to our wounds.
...If Mr. Hoffman had disappeared, there would've been no one to teach us.
You can't live life eating snacks all day, with no exercise or studying.
If you look at it that way, even the Aristocrat Club needed adults around...
Our world is so small...

$# Martha's Room #$ 1F

[Letters on bed]
There are a couple of letters here.

It's a letter from the police...

20 October 1930
RE: Mr. Gregory Wilson

Dear Ma'am, Please forgive the delay in our response. In your letter, you
reported suspicious activity on the part of Mr. Gregory Wilson. After
investigating the matter, we have come to the following conclusion.
There is little to indicate that the said individual is connected to the recent
kidnappings. Mr. Wilson is father to a son who closely matches your description
in your letter. Therefore, we have determined that there is insufficient
evidence to warrant further investigation.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter.

Anthony Dolittle
Cardington Police

It's a letter from Martha...

24 November
Officer Dolittle,

My name is Martha Carol, and I work at the Rose Garden Orphanage. In the past
month, I have sent six letters to your attention, but have yet to receive a
response. Have my letters reached you? I ask that you please investigate this
matter at once for the safety of our children.

Yesterday, I saw them together again... Mr. Wilson and Wendy, a child at our
orphanage. I am very concerned for her safety. The two of them have been acting
quite strangely. Oh, it's terribly odd... By strangely, I mean..

Mr. Wilson walking on all fours and nodding... and Wendy appears to be scolding
him... I don't know how to explain it, except that it resembled dog training
gone wrong. Ooo... it gives me the shivers just thinking about it. Please come
investigate this matter as--

The letter ends there.

Perhaps if the matter had been addressed publicly, thins wouldn't have turned
out as they did. Adults are so selfish...

$# Cafeteria #$ 1F

[Fork on table]
Olivia, the one who cried all the time, stopped crying completely when all the
adults were gone. With no teacher to give her attention and no cleaning lady
to scold her, there was no point in crying anymore. ...Poor Olivia.

$# Inner Court #$ 1F
It all started here, when I dug up the mound... I sensed that something precious
to be was buried here... and I couldn't stop myself... The old me... the one who
didn't understand herself... I lost my friend because of her. If... If I could
go back... I'd try to save him... ...but what has happened can never be undone.
I'll never break a promise again...

$# Women's Lavatory #$ 1F

[Second stall, Bird of Happiness drawing]

...Red bird drawings. A red crayon and... a red broach... A red rose and red
blood... Red is the most beautiful color, yet it comes at a price. It is my
most favorite color and my most hated color...

$# Reception Room #$ 1F

It was a cold, winter night... I had been scolded as usual, and called into the
headmaster's room. I didn't like being scolded, but I didn't mind it so much
when it was in front of the fireplace, which was warm and cozy...

The record player is brand new. Playing a record would fill the room with sweet

[Vase on table]
All of us loved red roses. Even the name of the orphanage was befitting of an
Aristocrat... It wasn't until I swore the oath of the rose that I learned roses
have thorns.

This is Mr. Hoffman's prized collection of fine dishes. We would sometimes sneak
them out and play house with them in the attic, but that's our little secret.

[Portrait of Hoffman]
This is a picture of Mr. Hoffman when he was young. He was so proud when he
showed it to us... He never caught the one who doodled on it, though. But, I
know who did it. I saw Thomas trying to move the ladder on the day it happened.
$# Headmaster's Room #$ 1F

* - Jennifer speaks to the fish.
I know you're in a very stinky place, because that rag Diana put to my face
smelled just awful. But, no matter how clever or fast you are, there's no
escaping. You're like a mermaid in captivity... adapting to a new reality.
Leaving your home behind... ...did you find happiness?

[PA System]
Mr. Hoffman loved to broadcast over the PA system... ...while we were cleaning,
while we were eating, and even after we were in bed. He always announced our
names in the order of his favorites. We'd all try our best to win his approval
and be the first one to be called. But, he never called my name, not once.
I thought it was all rather silly, anyway.

The book is open...

2 March 1930
Recently, the children have been engaging in odd activities and spreading
disturbing rumors--rumors about creatures that come after children who don't
clean up and stray dogs that kidnap small tots... It's all very bizarre.

16 August 1930
Today, I was busy catching up on my work, when Clara came by to offer me a hand.
I guess my teaching paid off. I was grateful for her kindness. In the wee hours
of the morning, she was still working, so I gently took her to bed.

I can hardly believe it. My little Clara, bless her heart, is already 16 years

She tells me she wants to stay in the orphanage and help with the daily chores.
Maybe I should seriously consider the offer. Tomorrow, I'll discuss it with

...... At the time, it seemed so frightening... Were those scary things that
attacked me just figments of my imagination...?

24 August 1930
This is simply inexcusable! My precious koi is gone. The children must be
responsible. I won't stand for this. Where is Diana? What's she been up to?
My opinion of her will suffer because of this.

...The diary continues, but the last page is particularly interesting.

...It's Mr. Hoffman's last entry before he disappeared.

11 November 1930
I'm leaving the orphanage.

Clara's here to look after things, and the children are quickly growing up.
I've done right and fulfilled my duty.

...Bloody hell! All the trouble started when that wretched child arrived...
I've done nothing to deserve this!

...That's the end of the diary. We never saw Mr. Hoffman again.

$# Headmaster's Closet #$ 1F

That day, Mr. Hoffman disappeared, like he was running away from something.
He had tried too hard to be someone he wasn't. The expectations were too much
for him... and he wanted to escape those restrictions. However, children and
adults live in the same world, and we must both play by society's rules.

$# Closet Room #$ 1F

Amanda was always more sensitive about her looks than anyone else. One day, she
was given a severe scolding by Miss Martha. That's because Miss Martha's
lipstick had gone missing. The lipstick was never found, but I know Amanda took
it. I've seen here applying it late at night...

On Halloween, we all dressed up in costumes... Everyone else wore bags over
their heads, and stared at me through tiny holes... Their blank faces and
muffled voices... It scared me like you wouldn't believe... "It is really you
under there?" I asked, fearing it was someone else. But, no one would answer
$# Cell of Remorse #$ 1B

<there doesn't appear to be anything to examine>

$# Cell of Pleasure #$ 1B

There's a working film projector here. Any films you have can be played on it.

$# Cell of Bliss #$ 1F

[Horrible Imp dolls surrounding teddy bear]

The spooky things... The scary creatures that everyone talked about... They'll
come and clean if you don't, sweeping bad children away like dust... Well, they
actually came and attacked me... I knew what they really were... but that wasn't
the problem. The real problem was my weak heart. My weakness was what drew them

$# Cell of Repentance #$ 1B

<there doesn't appear to be anything to examine>

$# Cell of Solitude #$ 1B

One time, Diana was absorbed in deep thought here. She was the prettiest, the
most mature of the Aristocrats. She wanted so much to be an adult... and yet she
was also afraid of growing up too fast.
$# Front Gate #$ Outside

[Writing on gate]
The Rose Garden Orphanage... That day, I was escorted from the scene by Officer
Dolittle. At first, it was reported that there were no survivors... Then, word
got out that, miraculously, I had escaped the tragedy... When the rumor spread
that I was also the sole survivor of a horrific airship accident in which the
passengers were all presumed to be dead, the media went into a frenzy. And so,
the tragic murder of all the residents of a rural orphanage were instantly
bumped from the front cover of the daily newspaper to an obscure corner...
I'm sorry, everyone. You don't deserve to be forgotten... But, I'll remember
you. Thank you all for the precious memories...

$# Bus Stop #$ Outside

That bus that brought me here... Should I try to take it the other way...?
...No, that's not right. There are still things I have to do here.
Wait for me, Brown...

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [02'06] --- "Game Over" Scene --- [02'06] #$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

Little princess, little princess,

precious little princess.
The little girl was as beautiful as a princess,
But she was always all alone.
The girl found her grave.
Today is the day of her funeral.

...And everyone lived happily ever after...


#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$#$# [00'BB] --- Closing --- [00'BB] #$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [00'B1] --- Version History --- [00'B1] #$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

[v01 - 09/26/2006]
* Initial version.

[v02 - 10/02/2006]
* Updated "'Game Over' Scene" section.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [00'B2] --- Credits --- [00'B2] #$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

[ FullMetal_Ninja ]
* Identified text in the "Game Over" scene which I was unable to read.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#
#$# [00'B3] --- Contributions --- [00'B3] #$#
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ $#$#$#$#$#$#$#

If submitted information qualifies for inclusion in this document, then the

contributor's name will be added to the Credits section. If the contributor has
no specific alias in mind to which the credit may be attributed, then the first
part of their email address shall be used instead.
(e.g. "" would be credited as "Name")

However, if the contributor would prefer to remain anonymous, or to simply not

be mentioned at all, then they may note such in their email and appropriate
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