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Soil Dean Cussen Bruff N.S.

Electrical Upgrade and Associated Works

2223_DAR Form-MEP


Designer Company: Project Soil Dean Cussen, Bruff N.S, Limerick Designer: Kevin Frost Date 16-Mar-23
Procad Engineering Ref no 2223 Checker: Jerry Martin No: 1
Project Stage: Design
No. Key Construction hazards (or risks) identified Evaluations, Design decisions made (or alternative actions)
Existing services in the building are to be disconnected and confirmed as disconnected by licensed
persons only.
Whenever possible “live” work is to be avoided. Whenever “live” work is required a safe system of
work by use of a Strict Permit to work system will be introduced using a lock-out/tag-out system.
Access to live conductors shall be controlled and appropriate signs are to be in place. Live work is
1. Existing/New Electrical Services only to be carried out by authorised competent electricians under the direct supervision of the
nominated supervisor.
A careful inspection should be carried out to ensure that all services are properly identified and
disconnected before commencing any work. Ensure all required electrical circuit protection devices
are correctly installed and adequately sized. Warning Tape On Underground Cables.
New works in the project scope require connection to existing services.
2. Fire escape routes & final exits are not to be Existing emergency escape routes to remain in place as part of the main building fire escape plan..
Works are to be carried out on the grounds of a fully operational school. If works are undertaken
during normal business hours, it is essential contractor is cognisant of any school staff who may be
3. School staff interacting with the construction site interacting closely with the site. At all times the site should be fenced & secure such that
unauthorised access to the building site is prevented. Appropriate signage should be in place
advising of the construction site and identifying alternative safe routes around the site.
There will be manual handling of components, materials, and equipment. The contractor must
4. Manual Handling highlight to construction personnel the risk of incorrect manual handling and provide guidelines
and safe methods of manual handling to all persons on site.
Manual Handling will result in muscle injury. Provide mechanical devices or lifting equipment as an
Unloading and storage of pipes and other material option to prevent manual handling. Keep all the materials close to the installation point to mitigate
manual handling. Manual handling is required only for acceptable loads Encourage team lift
whenever possible.

©Procad Engineering – All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 3

Soil Dean Cussen Bruff N.S.
Electrical Upgrade and Associated Works
2223_DAR Form-MEP


Designer Company: Project Soil Dean Cussen, Bruff N.S, Limerick Designer: Kevin Frost Date 16-Mar-23
Procad Engineering Ref no 2223 Checker: Jerry Martin No: 2
Project Stage: Design
No. Key Construction hazards (or risks) identified Evaluations, Design decisions made (or alternative actions)

Good housekeeping is to be observed and all trip hazards are to be removed. The site to be inspected
6. Slips/Trips
regularly by the site supervisor to ensure conformance.
Ensure that no other work is being carried out in the vicinity during this activity. All site employees
involved use the appropriate personal protective equipment, i.e. gas masks, heat-resistant gloves,
welding masks, high visibility vests, hard hats, protector footwear, dust masks, safety glasses and
7. Welding/Cutting of Metal Elements protective ear muffs if required. Spark-proof barriers are to be placed around the site of work with
warning signs erected.
Ensure operators have completed all statutory training such as Safe Pass, Abrasive Wheel etc.
Signage to advise on rules.
Removal of accumulated rubbish/combustible material.
8. Fire Method statement required. Works to be carried out outside of standard working hours in liaison
with PSDP and client.
Firefighting equipment is to be provided.

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Soil Dean Cussen Bruff N.S.
Electrical Upgrade and Associated Works
2223_DAR Form-MEP

Notes re providing information Item nos. (from above) Remarks

a) For client's designer
b) Hazards particular risks
c) Other particular risks 1-8 inclusive To be accounted for by all contractors carrying out works at the site

d) re assumed construction methods

e) for safety file
f) in-house: b/f to future stages
Other parties please take note: These are designer's risk evaluations of design options carried out in-house for the purpose of our complying with designers' duties under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work
(Construction) Regulations 2013. The evaluations relate only to those aspects/elements of the project which we are responsible for designing under the terms of our appointment by the client. Other parties
should not rely on these evaluations for their own purposes; in particular contractors, who must deal with and control all risks arising during construction. Contractors must carry out their own definitive risk
assessments ab initio for that purpose.

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