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Purpose: In this experiment we examine the free fall of bodies in the

gravitational field, find the value of the gravitational acceleration, and at
the same time prove Gallileo's conclusion that all objects fall equally.
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Data processing:
According to Newton's law of universal gravitation, an object of mass m
is always pulled down by the Earth with a force of magnitude:
where G = 6.67.10^-11 Nm^2/kg^2-gravity constant, M - Earth mass, r-
distance from center of Earth. Given the parameter of Earth's radius, we
can rewrite it as:


with R – radius of the Earth, h – height of the object to the ground. If we

consider only the space near the Earth’s surface, h<<R should be
neglected, and the gravitational expression becomes equal to:


The above expression does not contain an altitude parameter, or in other

words, under the influence of gravity, all objects experience the same
acceleration towards the center of the Earth:



Table 1: Experimental data

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Kẻ Bảng 1

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