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Purpose: In this experiment, we investigate the relationship between angular

acceleration, moment of force and moment of inertia of an object in rotation,
thereby re-solving the basic equation of dynamics of the solid.


Vẽ hình 1

Data processing:
The basic equation of rotational dynamics of a rigid body describes the
dependence of angular acceleration on the moment of applied force and the
moment of inertia:

Công thức (10.1)

Xích ma t is the total torque of the force acting on the object. Torque is defined as
the product of the applied force multiplied by the lever arm:

Công thức (10.2)

I is the moment of inertia, which characterizes the level of inertia of the object in
rotation, defined by the formula:

Công thức (10.3)

where r is the distance from each mass element dm to the axis of rotation.

In this experiment we will test equation (10.1) by checking the change of angular
acceleration a when changing the force moment T and when changing the
moment of inertia I.
The object of investigation is a rotating disk, which is subjected to a torque force
from the weight side through the pulley, and its acceleration is measured by an
optical sensor. Thus, the force torque is easily calculated through the formula:

Công thức (10.4)

where m - mass, g - acceleration of free fall, ro - lever arm, is also the radius of the
pulley on the disc. Torque M can be changed by adding or subtracting weights, or
by shifting the pulley.

The moment of inertia I is changed by adding or subtracting the number of metal

discs placed on top of the main rotating disc. Each disc has a definite moment of
inertia value. The moment of inertia of the object under investigation is equal to
the sum of the moments of inertia of the component disks:

Công thức

After applying a torque force, from rest the object will rotate by an angle (phi)
after a time t:

Công thức

Thus, the acceleration measurement is carried out indirectly by measuring the

rotation angle and rotation time:

Công thức (10.5)

The angle of rotation (phi) here is the area between the two optical sensors E and
F. When the rotating disc brings the flag across the E sensor, the counter will start
the timer. When the flag exceeds sensor F, the counter stops and outputs time t.
Data Sheet Part I

Arm of a lever: ro=

Rotation: phi=

Rotary disc structure:

Kẻ bảng 1: dữ liệu phần I

Data Sheet Part II

Mass of the object: m=

Rotation: phi=

Rotary disc structure:

Kẻ bảng 2: dữ liệu phần II

Data Sheet Part III

Arm of a lever: ro=

Mass of the object: m=

Torque (Mô ment lực):

Rotation: phi=

Kẻ bảng 3: dữ liệu phần III

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